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on tap hk 1 tanh 9(new)

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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Học Kỳ I
Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9
I> Listening :
- Listen ,then answer the questions .
- Listen ,then fill in the blanks.
- Listen ,then say “True or False” .
- Listen, then matching
II> Reading :
- Read ,then answer the questions .
- Read ,then fill in the gaps.
- Read ,then say “True or False”.
- Read ,then rearrange the dialogue
III> Language focus:
1,Choose the best answer
2,Wish sentence : 1,Present wish : S + wish(es) + past subjunctive .
(be:were / V+ed /V
2,Future wish: S +wish(es) +Future in the past
(S+would +V )
3,Tenses : Present simple , past simple , past progressive , present progressive , future simple ,
present perfect .
4,Passive form : 6 tenses .+ modal verb
-,present simple : S+ am /is /are +PP
-Present progressive : S + am /is /are +being +PP
-,Present perfect : S+ have /has +been +PP
-,Past simple : S+ were/was +PP
-,Past progressive : S+ were /was +being +PP
-Future simple : S +will /shall +be +PP
-Modal verbs : S +modal verb +be +PP

5,Preposition of time : in , on , at , between , till ,until, after ,before...........
6, Adverb clause of result : Main clause +so +clause
7, Reported speech / reported questions .
8, Tag-question : Statement Tag-question
( +)affirmative (-) negative
(-) negative (+) affirmative
9, Gerund after some verbs : S +love /like /ẹnjoy / hate /dislike +V-ing
10, Modal could with wish .
11 ,S +used to +bare-inf…..
12, S+be /get used to +V-ing…..
IV> Writing :
- Write complete passage (5 to 7 sentences)
- -Write complete letter (using the given words)
- Retell a trip to the countryside .
- Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning
- Write complete sentences (using the given words )

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