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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>Date of preparation: ………</b> <b>Period 37</b>
<b>Unit 6. PLACES</b>

<b>Lesson 5. C 3,4</b>

<b>I. AIMS: Học sinh miêu tả được vị trí của các cửa hàng, cửa hiệu trong một khu </b>

<b>1. Knowledge.</b>

<b>* Vocabulary: - Từ vựng về giới từ chỉ địa điểm: between, opposite.</b>

- Từ vựng về các cửa hàng, cửa hiệu: photocopy store, bakery, theater, drugstore,
police station, story store, book store.

<b> * Grammar / Structures: Ôn tập câu hỏi "Where" với các cửa hàng, cửa hiệu.</b>
<b>2. Skills: Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing</b>

<b>3. Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each </b>
other in English. Besides, the lesson can help ss work harder and get moral sense.

<b>1. Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo.</b>
<b>2. Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks.</b>

<b>1. Organization(1’).</b>

<b>Lớp</b> <b>Ngày giảng</b> <b>Vắng</b>


<b>2. Old lesson: (5’) One student describes a house, another draws it on the board. </b>
<b>3. New lesson(37’). </b>


<b>I. Chatting(3’).</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

 drug store (n): cửa hàng thuốc tây
 toystore (n): cửa hàng đồ chơi
 movie theater (n): rạp chiếu phim
 police station (n): đồn công an
 bakery (n): tiệm bánh

 between (prep.) ở giữa
 opposite (prep.) đối diện

- Introduces the words by explaining the
meaning, using the situation

- Checks S’s reading in individual &
corrects the mistakes

- Checks the meaning & the

-Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words
<b>2. Check vocabulary(5’): Slap The </b>

<b>3. Presentation text: C3 - P70(7’).</b>

- Ss Listen to the disc and look at the text

- Introduces the text & helps Ss to read in
groups & in pairs

- Check S’s reading & Corrects S’s
pronunciation & mistakes

<b>* Give forms: S + to be + prep +</b>

<b>III. PRACTICE (10’): Picture drill. </b>
<b>C4 a) - P70.</b>

- Run through the picture of a street

- Introduces the example exchange &
Helps Ss to practice

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in
individual. Correcting the mistakes
- Giving the meaning & the

- Copying the words

- Reading the text in groups & in pairs
- Corrects the pronunciation &


<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

- Reads the first model for example
- - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next
- Practices with Ss & checks S’s
practicing in groups & in pairs

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments
<b>* Guessing game: C4 b) - P71. </b>

- Asks Ss to write a place in the picture
on page 70 on a piece of paper

- Asks Ss to make Yes/ No – questions to
guess the place in the paper & change the


1. It’s opposite the bakery.

2. it’s between the bakery & the

3. It’s next to the bakery.
4. It’s opposite the bookstore.

5. It’s next to the movie theater.
- Comments the game


 It’s opposite the movie theater.
What is it?

 It’s is the police station.
 Yes, that’s right.

<b>IV. PRODUCTION (4’): Survey: C5 </b>

- Making Yes/ No – questions to guess
the place in the paper & change the

- Working in pairs to interview each
other about the places near their house
& take note the information & fill in
the table

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- Gives the requirement & asks Ss to
work in pairs to interview each other
about the places near their house & take
note the information & fill in the table
- Asks Ss to report the information
- Corrects & comments

<b>Example exchange:</b>

<b> S1: Where are the [...] ? </b>
S2: It’s opposite the...

It’s between the ...and the...
<b>4. Consolidation(1’).</b>

<b>5. Homework (1’).</b>

- Study model sentence & the questions.

- Consolidate all the model sentences & the grammars & redo the exercise
in the student’s book to prepare for the forty-five minute test.




Tổ duyệt

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>Date of preparation: ………..</b> <b> Period 38</b>

<b>I. AIMS : to consolidate the knowledge that students have learnt from Unit 4 to </b>

Unit 6.

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: from Unit 4 to Unit 6.

- Grammar / Structures: from Unit 4 to Unit 6.
<b>2. Skills: Listening, Reading and Writing.</b>

<b>Nội dung</b> <b>Nhận</b>





<b>I. LISTENING.</b>
<b>1. Lắng nghe và</b>

<b>điền từ vào ô</b>


<b>1,5 = 10%</b>

<b>2. Lắng nghe và</b>
<b>trả lời câu hỏi</b>


<b>1,0 = 15%</b>


<b>Tìm từ có phần</b>
<b>gạch chân đọc</b>
<b>khác với các từ</b>
<b>khác trong cùng</b>

<b>một câu.</b>




<b>0,5 = 5%</b>

<b>III. </b>

<b>LANGUAGE </b>

Y/N Qs
Plural noun




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<b>1. Khoanh tròn </b>
<b>đáp án đúng.</b>

<b>III. READING.</b>

<b>1. Đọc đoạn văn</b>
<b>sau và trả lời</b>
<b>các câu hỏi bên</b>



<b>1,5 = 15%</b>

<b>2. Điền từ cho</b>
<b>săn vào chỗ</b>
<b>trống thích hợp.</b>


<b>1,0 = 10%</b>
<b>V. WRITING.</b>

<b>1. Sắp xếp các</b>
<b>từ để được câu</b>

<b>2. Viết lại câu</b>
<b>cho nghĩa không</b>




<b>1,5 = 15%</b>

<b>1,0 = 10%</b>

<b>Tổng</b> <b>Số câu</b>

<b>Số điểm</b>






<b>1. Teacher: Test sheets(printed) </b>
<b>2. Students: review Unit 4 to Unit 6.</b>


<b>Lớp</b> <b>Ngày giảng</b> <b>Vắng</b>


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<b>3. Content.</b>

<i>Trường THCS Mạo Khê 1</i>

Full name: ………
Class: 6A

<b>Written test no.2</b>

<b>Part A. LISTENING(2.5pts).</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Listen and complete the passage below(1.5pts).</b>

Hi. I'm Ba. I get up at six. I take a shower. I eat a(1) …………. breakfast. I go to
school at a quarter to(2) ……….. . I have classes from seven to a quarter past
eleven. At half past eleven, I have(3)………. . In the afternoon, I play(4)…….… .
I go home at five(5)…….…….. . In the evening, I watch television.

I do(6)……… homework. I go to bed at ten o'clock.
<b>II.</b> <b>Listen and answer the questions(1pt).</b>

a. What time do his classes start?

b. Does he have lunch at 11.30?

c. What does he do in the afternoon?

d. Does he go to bed at 9 o’clock?

<b>Part B. USE OF ENGLISH(2.5pts). </b>

<b>I. Odd one out(0.5pt).</b>

<b>1. A. city</b> <b>B. time</b> <b>C. big</b> <b>D. history</b>

<b>2. A. lake</b> <b>B. bakery</b> <b>C. after</b> <b>D. day</b>

<b>II. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following </b>
<b>sentences(2pts). </b>

1. Is your school big? - …

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. Yes, it does. D. Yes, it doesn’t.
2. How many … are there in your school?

A. classroom B. classrooms C. class D. room
3. How do you write “ 9th<sub>” in English?</sub>

A. nine B. nineth C. nin D. ninth

4. She … breakfast at 6.30.

A. have B. haves C. has D. takes

<b>5. What time is it? – 4.30.</b>

A. thirty four B. four thirty C. half past four D. B and C are correct
6. Do you play sports? - …

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

7. What subject does he like?

A. Badminton B. book C. milk D. Math

8. There is a rice paddy … of my school.

A. left B. front C. behind d. next

<b>Part C. READING(2.5pts).</b>

<b>I. Reading the passage and answer the questions below(1.25pts). </b>

Hi, I’m Trang. I live in a very big city with my parents. Our house is between a
bakery and a restaurant. On the street, there is a bookstore, a drugstore and a toy
store. In the neighborhood, there is a factory, a school, a movie theater and a police

station. My father works in the factory and my mother works in the school.

1. Where does Trang live?

2. Is there a bakery next to her house?

3. Is there a temple in the neighborhood?

4. Where does her father work?

5. Does her mother work in a hospital?

<b>II. Fill in each blank with one suitable from the box to complete the</b>

left – is – are – garden – behind
Look at the house,

There is a flower(1)……….. in front of the house.
(2)……… the house, there are a lot of trees.

Behind the trees, there(3) ……….. high mountains.
There(4) ………. a lake to the right of the house.
To the(5)……… of the house, there is a yard.

<b>Part D. WRITING(2.5pts).</b>

<b>I. Order the words to make the right sentences(1.5pts). </b>

1. There are/ students/ in/ my school/ six hundred.

2. floors/ does/ how many/ your school/ have?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

3. Linda/ take/ what time/ a shower/ does?


<b>II. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings(1pt).</b>

1. I usually get up at six fifteen.

I ……….………
2. There is a lake to the right of his house. There is a river to the left of his house.
His house ……….………


<b>A. LISTENING.</b>
<b>1. (0,25/ sentence).</b>

(1)big (2) seven/7 (3) lunch (4) games (5)o’clock (6) my
<b>2. Answer the questions (0,25/ sentence).</b>

a. His classes start at seven o’clock.

b. Yes, he does.

c. He plays games in the afternoon.
d. No, he doesn’t.

<b>I. (0,25 / sentence).</b>
1. B 2. C
<b>II. (0,25/ sentence).</b>

1. A, 2. B, 3. D, 4. C, 5. D, 6. B, 7. D, 8. C
<b>C. READING.</b>

<b>1. (0,25/ sentence).</b>

1. Trang lives in a very big city.
2. Yes, there is.

3. No, there isn’t.

4. Her father works in a factory.
5. No, she doesn’t.

<b>2. (0,25/ sentence).</b>

(1) garden (2) behind (3) are (4) is (5) left
<b>IV. WRITING(.</b>

<b>1. (0,5/ sentence).</b>

1. There are six hundred students in my school.
2. How many floors does your school have?
3. What time does Linda take a shower?
<b>2. (0,5/ sentence).</b>

1. I usually get up at a quarter past six.

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Hi. I'm Ba. I get up at six. I take a shower. I eat a big breakfast. I go to school at a
quarter to seven. I have classes from seven to a quarter past eleven. At half past
eleven, I have lunch . In the afternoon, I play games . I go home at five( o’clock. In
the evening, I watch television. I do my homework. I go to bed at ten o'clock.

<b>Date of preparation: ………</b> <b>Period 39</b>

<b>Unit 7. YOUR HOUSE</b>
<b>Lesson 1. A1,2</b>

<b>I. AIMS: Học sinh hỏi đáp để miêu tả v ề một ngơi nhà và cảnh vật xung quanh, có </b>
sử dụng tính từ miêu tả.

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

<b>* Vocabulary: </b> Ơn tập tính từ chỉ kích cỡ: big , small
Dạy mới : old , new, beautiful, vegetable garden.

Ôn tập các từ chỉ cảnh vật xung quanh ngôi nhà : yard, flower, tree, lake, river, rice

<b> * Grammar / Structures: </b> Câu hỏi dạng đảo với động từ “ to be” :
Is it ….? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Is there a / an … ? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
Are there any …? Yes , there are. / No, there aren’t
<b>2. Skills: Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing.</b>

<b>3. Attitude: It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each </b>
other in English. Besides, the lesson can help ss work harder and get moral sense.

<b>1. Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo.</b>
<b>2. Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks.</b>

<b>III. METHOD: T/ F Prediction, Transformation writing.</b>

<b>1. Organization(1’).</b>

<b>Lớp</b> <b>Ngày giảng</b> <b>Vắng</b>


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<b>I. Warm up(3’).</b>

Show a picture and ask ss to describe it
<b>II. PRE-LISTENING(5’): A2.</b>

<b>* True / False statement </b>


- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to
work in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the
keys & Comments

- Get feedback

<b>* Presentation dialogue: A1-P72.</b>
- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the
dialogue between Minh and Hoa & get
the details

- Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue &
check the prediction & Corrects

<b>* Vocabulary(4’).(pics)</b>

 garden (n): khu vườn
 vegetable (n): rau
 photo (n):bức ảnh
- - Elicits the words

- Models (3 times), then helps ss to
repeat (2 times)

- Checks S’s stress and meanings
- Checks the meaning & the

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words
<b>*True / False statement prediction(4’)</b>

- Working in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false

- Comparing & Giving the keys

Yes No

…big ? √

…small ? √

…a yard ? √

…a well ? √

…flowers √

… trees? √

- Listening to the dialogue & getting the

- Listening to the dialogue & checking
the prediction

- Repeating the words in chorus & in

- Correcting the mistakes

- Listen to the words

- Repeat the words in chorus & in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to
work in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys &


1. The house is in the country.
2. There is a river near the house.

3. There’re trees to the left of the house.
4. There’re two gardens.

<b> ey </b>

1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T;

<b>* Presentation text: A2-P73(5’)</b>

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the
letter & get the details

- Asks Ss to give the main idea of the

- Corrects comments

<b>* Comprehension questions: A2/P73.</b>

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to
work in pairs to match the questions to
the answers

- Helps Ss to correct & comments

a. Is there a flowers garden in front of
the house ?

b. Is the house beautiful ?

c. Is there a flowers garden behind the

d. Is there a lake to the right of the

e. Is Nga in the city ?


<b>* Transformation writing:</b>

- Working in pairs to predict which the
statements is true or false

- Comparing & Giving the keys
- Reading the letter & get the details.
- Giving the main idea of the letter.
- Working in pairs to match the
questions to the answers.

- Giving the answer keys.
- Correcting the answer keys

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to
work in individual to change the

underlined information to describe their
own house & then draw a picture of it as
a photo

- Asks Ss to give their information &

<b>My house</b>

<i>There’s a flowers garden in front of the</i>
<i>house. There’s a vegetable garden</i>
<i>behind the house. To the left of the</i>
<i>house, there’s a lake. To the right of the</i>
<i>house, there are tall trees. Here is a</i>

<b>4. Consolidation(1’).</b>
<b>5. Homework (1’).</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary and finish their writing.
- Study the vocabulary & the content of the letter.


Tổ duyệt



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