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Anh 7 - Tuần 15

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Date of preparation: ……….. Period 40

<b>Lesson 1. A1.</b>

<b>I/ Objectives: By the end of this period, Ss will be able to talk about Ss’ work as well as to talk </b>
about holidays and vacations and pratice comparatives with “fewer/ more” to talk about a

student’s work.

<b>1/Knowledge: fewer, more.</b>

<b>2/ Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.</b>

<b>3/ Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in </b>
English. Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense.


<b>1/ Teacher: UDCNTT, stereo.</b>
<b>2/ Students: books.</b>

<b>III/ METHOD: Chatting, Pre – question, Comprehension questions, Pelmanism.</b>

<b>1/ Organization(1’).</b>

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Ss</b>


<b>2/ New lesson(41’).</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students activities</b>
<b>I/ Warm up(4’): Chatting.</b>

- Ask Ss some questions

<i>1. What time do your classes start?</i>
<i>2. What time do they finish?</i>

<i>3. How many hours do you do your homework </i>
<i>a day?</i>

<b>II/ Pre – Reading(15’).</b>
<b>1/ Vocabulary(5’).</b>
- an hour (example)
- (to) last (translation)
- hard (example)
- quite (translation)
- Elicit the new words
- Model 2 times

- Record the new words
- Check the meanings

<b>2/ Checking vocabulary(3’): ROR.</b>
- Ask Ss to repeat the words in chorus

- Ss listen and answer

- Listen and guess the words
- Listen and repeat

- Answer the T and copy down

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- Rub out word by word

- Ask some Ss rewrite the words on the board
- Get feedback

<b>3/ Pre – questions(5’).</b>
- Show the picture

<i>- Set the scene: Hoa and her uncle are talking </i>
<i>about Hoa’s day</i>

- Have Ss predict the answers without reading
the books

- Collect Ss’ideas
<b>* Pre – questions:</b>

<i> What time do Hoa’s classes start and finish?</i>
<b>III/ While – Reading(15’).</b>

<b>1/ Checking the prediction(5’).</b>

- Have Ss read the dialogue to check their

- Have Ss compare
- Get feedback

<b>* Key: They start at 7.00 and finish at 11.15.</b>
<b>2/ Comprehension questions(10’).</b>

- Runthrough the questions

- Ask Ss to read the text again to answer the

- Have Ss compare
- Get feedback
<b>* Key:</b>

a. They start at 7.00 and finish at 11.15.
b. My classes start earlier.

c. Hoa does her homework 2 hours a day.
d. She’ll go and see her parents on their farm.
e-g: Ss’ answers

<b>IV/ Post – Reading(7’): Pelmanism.</b>
- Show the cards

- Guide Ss to choose the right pair of words
- Help Ss to play

<b>- Correct with the T</b>

- Look at the picture

- Listen to the T
- Individual work

- Answer the T

- Individual work
- Pair work

- Answer the T

- Ss read aloud one by one
- Individual work

- Pair work
- Answer the T

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early – earlier
late – later
few – fewer
hard - harder

much/ many – more

<b>4/Consolidation(2’): Ss retell the content of the lesson.</b>

- Learn by heart the vocabulary.
- Do exercises in the Workbook.

- Prepare for the new lesson.


Date of preparation: ……….. Period 41

<b>Lesson 2. A2 - 3.</b>

<b>I/ Objectives: By the end of this period, Ss will be able to write a letter and know some special</b>
days in the year.

<b>1/Knowledge: some special days.</b>

<b>2/ Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.</b>

<b>3/ Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in </b>
English. Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense.


<b>1/ Teacher: UDCNTT, stereo.</b>
<b>2/ Students: books.</b>

<b>III/ METHOD: Chatting, WnW, T/ F statements prediction, Comprehension question, Listen </b>
and number.

<b>1/ Organization(1’).</b>

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Ss</b>


<b>2/ Checking the old lesson(4’).</b>

- T asks some Ss to write the new words on the board.
- T corrects the mistakes and gives marks.

<b>3/ New lesson(37’).</b>

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<b>I/ Warm up(3’): Chatting.</b>
- Ask Ss some questions

<i>1. What time do your classes start?</i>
<i>2. What time do they finish?</i>

<i>3. What do you do in your free time?</i>
<i>4. What will you do on this vacation?</i>
<b>II/ Pre – Reading(14’).</b>

<b>1/ Vocabulary(5’).</b>
- 4 of July

- New year’s Eve (picture)
- Independence day (picture)

- Christmas (picture)

- Thanksgiving (picture)
- Easter (picture)

- Elicit the new words
- Model 2 times

- Record the new words
- Check the meanings

<b>2/ Checking vocabulary(4’): W n W?</b>
<b>- Draw the circles on the board</b>

- Ask Ss to retell the new words

- Ask Ss to repeat the words in chorus

- Rub out word by word but leave the circles
- Go on until all the circles are empty

- Ask Ss to go to the board and rewrite the words
in their correct circles

- Check and correct

<b>3/ True or false statement prediction(5’).</b>
- Set the scene:

- Run through the statements

- Have Ss guess True or False for each statement
without reading the books

- Collect Ss’ideas
<b>* Statements:</b>

a. Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than
American students.

b. American students have the longest vacation in
the winter.

c. They don’t have a Tet holiday.

d. Their most important vacation is New Year’s

- Ss listen and answer

- Listen and guess the words
- Listen and repeat

- Answer the T and copy down

- Answer the T

- Practice pronouncing
- Keep practicing
- Do the task

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e. They usually spend their time with their
families on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
<b>III/ While – Reading(15’).</b>

<b>1/ Checking the prediction(5’).</b>

- Have Ss read the text to check their prediction
and correct false sentences

- Have Ss compare
- Get feedback

<b>* Key: a – T, b – F, c – T, d – F, e – T.</b>

b. American students have the longest vacation in
the summer.

d. Their most important vacation are Easter, 4th<sub> of </sub>

July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
<b>2/ Grid(10’).</b>

- Ask Ss to fill in the table with the suitable words
- Have Ss do the task

- Have Ss compare
- Get feedback

<b>Vacations</b> <b> VNese ss</b> <b> American</b>

- the longest
- Tet holiday
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
- Independence

- Easter

- New Year’s Day

in the
Lunar day
in the

July 4th

January 1st

<b>III/ Post - Reading(5’): Listen and number.</b>
- Run through the picture

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and number the
picture as they hear

- Have Ss listen twice
- Have Ss compare
- Get feedback

- Individual work
- Pair work

- Answer the T

- Listen to the T
- Individual work
- Pair work

<b>- Answer the T</b>

- Answer the T
- Listen to the T
- Individual work

- Pair work

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a. Thanksgiving - 2
b. Independence Day - 3
c. New year’s Eve - 4
d. Christmas - 1

<i><b>Tape transcription: Tim enjoys all the public </b></i>
<i>holidays. At Christmas, he always gets a lot of </i>

<i>Thanksgiving is an important celebration and </i>
<i>there is always turkey and a lot of good food.</i>
<i>In Tim’s hometown, there is always a large </i>
<i>firework display on Independence Day. </i>

<i>Tim likes New Year because he can stay up until </i>
<i>midnight and celebrate with his parents.</i>

<b>4/Consolidation(2’): Ss retell the content of the lesson.</b>

- Learn by heart the vocabulary.
- Do exercises in the Workbook.
- Prepare for the new lesson.



Date of preparation: ……….. Period 42

<b>Lesson 3. A4.</b>

<b>I/ Objectives: By the end of this period, Ss will be able to discuss schedules and routines and </b>
read for details about a typical student’s life.

<b>1/Knowledge: Present simple tense, comparison.</b>
<b>2/ Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.</b>

<b>3/ Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in </b>
English. Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense.


<b>1/ Teacher: UDCNTT, stereo.</b>
<b>2/ Students: books.</b>

<b>III/ METHOD: Brainstorming, WnW, Gapfill Prediction, Comprehension question, </b>

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<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Ss</b>


<b>2/ Checking the old lesson(3’).</b>

- T asks some Ss to write the new words on the board.
- T corrects the mistakes and gives marks.

<b>3/ New lesson(37’).</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students activities</b>
<b>I/ Warm up(3’): Brain storming.</b>

<b> </b>

- Draw the box on the board
- Ask Ss to add their ideas
<b>- Get feedback</b>

<b>II/ Pre – Reading(14’).</b>
<b>1/ Vocabulary(5’).</b>

- definitely = surely(translation)

- (to) review (translation)
- typical (translation)

- (to) be keen on = intelligent(translation)
- lazy (antonym# hard)

- Elicit the new words
- Model 2 times

- Record the new words
- Check the meanings

<b>2/ Checking vocabulary(5’): W n W?</b>
<b>- Draw the circles on the board</b>

- Ask Ss to retell the new words

- Ask Ss to repeat the words in chorus

- Rub out word by word but leave the circles
- Go on until all the circles are empty

- Ask Ss to go to the board and rewrite the words in
their correct circles

- Check and correct

<b>3/ Gap fill Prediction(4’).</b>
- Set the scene


- Listen and guess the

- Listen and repeat

- Answer the T and copy

- Answer the T

- Practice pronouncing
- Keep practicing
- Do the task

- Listen to the T
- Individual work
<b>public holidays</b>

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- Have Ss fill in the sentences without reading the

- Collect Ss’ideas

<b>a. Hoa goes to school … days a week.</b>
<b>b. She has … periods a day.</b>

<b>c. She works … hours a week.</b>

<b>d. She has about … hours of homework every week.</b>
<b>III/ While – Reading(15’).</b>

<b>1. Checking the prediction(10’).</b>

- Have Ss read the text to check their prediction

- Have Ss compare

- Get feedback
<b>Key: </b>

<b>a. Hoa goes to school six days a week.</b>
<b>b. She has five periods a day.</b>

<b>c. She works twenty hours a week.</b>

<b>d. She has about twelve hours of homework every </b>

<b>2/ Comprehension questions(10’).</b>
- Run through the questions

- Ask Ss to read the text again to answer the

- Have Ss compare
- Get feedback

a. Because they only work a few hours a day and
have long vacations.

b. She works twenty hours a week. Yes, it is.
c. ( Students’ answer)

d. No, he doesn’t.

<b>IV/ Post – Reading(5’): Discussion.</b>

- Have Ss work in group to discuss the questions:
<i>1/ What do you think of a student’s life?</i>

<i>2/ Do you think students are lazy?</i>
<i>- Get feedback</i>

- Answer the T

- Individual work
- Pair work

- Answer the T

- Ss read aloud one by one
- Individual work

- Pair work
- Answer the T

- Group work

- Present the ideas

<b>4/Consolidation(2’): Ss retell the content of the lesson.</b>

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