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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Date of preparing:

Unit 13

<b>Period 86 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS 1,2</b>

1. Knowledge: ss know how to use passive form ( S + be + PP ).
2. Skill: Practice in writing and speaking skill.

3. Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to do some exerises.
<b>II.Teaching aids: book & poster, computer, projector, ipads</b>

<b>III.Method: PPP </b>
<i><b> 1.Organization</b></i>

Class Date of teaching Absent ss
<i><b> 2.Warmer ( 4’ )</b></i>



2. write

<i><b> 3.New lesson</b></i>

<b>* Presentation ( 7' )</b>
+Dialogue built

Ba Lan
Ba: What a nice bike! Is it new?

Lan: Yes. My mother bought it yesterday.

Ba:It was bought by your mother.On what

Lan: It was given to me as a birthday present.

? How to form passive form from active
one? What is it used for? Give passive form
in other tenses?

<b>-</b> <b>Simple present: S + is/ am/ are + PP</b>
<b>-</b> <b>Simple past: S + was/ were + PP</b>
<b>-</b> <b>Simple future: S + will be + PP</b>

<b>-</b> <b>Present perfect: S + have/ has been + PP</b>

<b>-</b> <b>Present continuous:S+is/am/are </b>

<b>*Practice ( 20' )</b>
+ Wordcue drill

<b>I.Passive voice</b>

<b> S + be + PP </b>

Active: Lan writes a letter.

Passive: A letter is written by

<b> S PP </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>-</b> we/ decorate/ tree

<b>-</b> they/ perform/ Christmas songs
<b>-</b> Lan/ give / a test

<b>-</b> cat/ eat/ all the fish
<b>-</b> Mai/ break/ cup

-T run through exer 1P.128 & model

-Ss work in pairs to complete the sentences
using the passive forms of the verbs

- Pairs compare - > T ask ss to write on bb,
ask others to correct


-T run through exer 2P.128 ( picture &
words )& model

-Ss work in pairs to complete the

- Pairs compare - > T ask ss to write on bb,
ask others to correct

<b>*Further practice ( 12' )</b>

- T run through the sentences & model. Ss
change them into oassive voice individually
-> compare with partners

- T get feedback from ss

<i>1. The rice was seperated from the husk.</i>
<i>2. A fire was made by the boys by the camp</i>
<i>3. This house was built more than ...</i>

<i>4. Millions of tons of rice is exported by Vn</i>
<i>5. Trees are usually planted after ...</i>
<i>6. How many festivals are celebrated ...?</i>
<i>7. His book was published in 1996</i>

<i>8. How many motorbikes are imported ...?</i>
<i>9.Our desks will be repaired ...</i>

<i>10. This report can be written ...</i>

Example exchange:
S1: We decorate the tree

S2: Yes. The tree is decorated ( by
us )

Exer 1 P.128

a.were performed d.will be

b.was decorated, put e.was

c.is made f.was

Exer 2 P.128

1.jumbled ( bÞ làm lộn xộn )



4.scattered ( bị rải rắc, bắn tung
toÐ )


<i><b>*Change these sentences into </b></i>
<i><b>passive voice</b></i>

1.They seperated the rice from the

-> ...

2. The boys made a fire by their

-> ...

3. They built this house more than
one hundred years ago.

-> ...

4. Vietnam exports millions of
tons of rice

-> ...

5. We usually plant trees after Tet

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

celebrate in your community?
-> ...

7. They published his book in
1996 -> ...

8. How many motorbikes does
Vietnam import a year?

-> ...

9. They will repair our desks this

-> ...

10. He can write this report
-> ...

<i><b> 4.Summary ( 1’ )</b></i>

What do we have today? Give the details?
<i><b> 5.Homework ( 1’ )</b></i>

Do all exer again


Date of preparing:

<b>Unit 13</b>

<b>Period 87 Lesson 7: LANGUAGE FOCUS 3,4</b>

1. Knowledge: ss are able to practice in compound words, reported speech.
2. Skill: Practice in writing and speaking skill.

3. Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to do some exerises.
<b>II.Teaching aids: book & poster, computer, projector</b>

<b>III.Method: PPP </b>
<i><b> 1.Organization</b></i>

Class Date of teaching Absent ss
<i><b> 2.Warmer ( 3’ )</b></i>

+Jumbled words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<i><b> 3. New lesson</b></i>

<b>*Presentation 1: Compound Nouns (</b>
<b>5’ )</b>

<b>+Dialogue built </b>

<i>S1: How do you call a test in which </i>

<i>participants have to cook rice?</i>

<i>S2: Yes. It's a rice-cooking contest. </i>
<b>*Practice 1 ( 10' )</b>


- T use example in exer 3 to model
? Give the way to form compound

- T do the exer individually then
compare with partners

- T ask ss to read aloud their exer,
others correct

<b>*Presentation 2 ( 5' )</b>
+Rub out & remember Dial

- T use picture P.130 to set the scene
- T model, ss repeat -> T follow steps
<i>Mrs. Thu: Hello. Who's that?</i>

<i>Plumber: Hi. I'm a plumber.</i>
<i>Lan: Who is that, grandmom?</i>

<i>Mrs. Thu: He said he was a plumber.</i>
? What tense do we use in reported

( past simple ) How do we report a

( lùi lại một thì so với câu trực tiÕp )
<b>*Practice 2 ( 10' )</b>


- T run through exer 4 P.130 & model
- Ss work individually to report what
the man told Mrs Thu - > compare
with partners

- T ask ss to write on bb, ask others to

<b>*Production ( 10' )</b>

- Ss work in 2 teams

1st<sub> half: T1: give directed speech</sub>

T2: Change into reported one
2nd<sub> half: T2: explain words</sub>

<b>I.Compound Nouns</b>
Exer 3 P. 130


It is a test in which participants have to cook

N ( major ) V


- > It is a rice-cooking contest
a. It’s a fire-making contest
b. …….bull-fighting festival
c. …….car-making industry
d. …….flower-arranging contest
e. …….rice-exporting country
f. …….clothes-washing machine
<b>II.Reported speech</b>

Exer 4 P.130

<i><b>E.g: “ I’m a plumber”</b></i>

<i><b> - > He said he was a plumber</b></i>

b.He said he could fix the faucets
c. He said the pipes were broken
d. He said new pipes were very


e. He said I had to pay him then
<b>e.g: 1st<sub> half </sub></b>

T1: I'm a student -> T2: He said he
was a student.

<b> 2nd<sub> half</sub></b>

T2: It is a country which exports alot
of rice

T1: a rice-exporting country

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

T1: make compound words
<i><b> 4.Summary ( 1’ )</b></i>

What do we have today? Give the details?
<i><b> 5.Homework ( 1’ ) Do all exer again</b></i>

<b>*Evaluation </b>


<b>Unit 14:</b>

Wonders of the world


By the end of the unit, ss will
<b>-</b> Look for information

<b>-</b> Realize & correct mistakes, write a completed letter to a friend
<b>-</b> Grammar: + passive form

+ indirected questions

+ Question words before “ to + infinitives”
+Verbs + to + infinitives

<b>II.Teaching aids: book, posters, pictures, tape & cassette…</b>

P88 U14L1: Getting started- Listen &

P89 U14L2: Speak & Listen
P90 U14L3: Read

P91 U14L4: Write

P92 U14L5: Language Focus 1,4
P93 U14L6: Language Focus 2,3

Date of preparing:

Unit 14

<b>Period 88 Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED- LISTEN & </b>
<b>READ </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b> 2. Skill: practice the comprehension reading skill,writing and speaking skill.</b>
<b> 3. Attitude:Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading </b>
for detalis, doing some exercises and use reported speech

<b>II.Teaching aids: book, tape & cassette, computer, projector, ipads</b>
<b>III.Method: Mix/ PWP</b>

<i><b> 1.Organization</b></i>

Class Date of teaching Absent ss
<i><b> 2.Warmer ( 4’ )</b></i>


<b>-</b> T hang 3 pictures and ask ? What is it?
Match the pic with the right words?
<b>-</b> Ss work individually then compare with


<b>-</b> T get feedback from ss

? What do you know about these wonders? Do
you know any other famous wonders in the world?

Name them?

- T introduce some wonders: Taj Mahal, Mount
Everest, Angkor Wat & Angkor Thom…

<b>I.Getting started</b>
a.The Pyramids

b.Sydney Opera House

<i><b> 3.New lesson</b></i>

* Pre-listening & reading ( 10’ )


<b>-</b> T follow steps of teaching

+Rub out & remember
<b>-</b> T follow steps of ROR

Nga Hoa Nhi
-T give 2 qts, ss predict the


<b>* While-listening & reading </b>
<b>( 19’ )</b>

<b>II.Listen & Read</b>

question ( n ) câu hỏi

guessing game ( n ) trị chơi đốn chữ
famous ( adj ) nổi tiếng

sound ( v ) nghe ( có vẻ )
clue ( v ) gợi ý

find out ( v ) tìm ra


a.What is the name of the game?
Guessing game

b.What are the rules of the game?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>


-Ss listen to the tape to correct
their prediction

-Ss listen & read the dial to
answer the preqts

-T ask, ss answer

-T run through exer 2 P.132

-Ss read the dial again to find out
information then fill in the gaps
in groups of 3 - > compare with
other groups

-T get feedback, ask ss to correct
+Presentation Grammar

? Read the dial again & find out
sentence Nga said she didn’t
know how to play the game?
-T model, ss repeat

? What is it in Vnese? Sentence
stress? Form? Use? ( nói ai đó
biết/ khơng biết làm gì )

+Wordcue drill

- T follow steps of the drill
Where/ play foodball
When/ have a new teacher
How/ go to school

What/ do now

<b>* Post-listening & reading </b>
<b>( 10’ )</b>

+Guessing game

- T hang a picture of a wonder in
Vn & give a clue “ It’s in


- Ss use “ Yes/ No qts” to ask
- Ss play the game in groups of 3
( based on the dial )

- T go round to help & monitor

you can - > win the game )

Exer 2 P.132

1.game 5.America
2.place 6.Golden
3.clue 7.right

4.Vietnam 8.was

“ I don’t know how to play it”

S +(don’t/doesn’t) know +wh + to + V-inf

Example exchange:

I don’t know where to play football

E.g: Halong Bay
Clue: It’s in Vn

S1: Is it in the North? South?

<i><b> 4.Summary ( 1’ )</b></i>

Name of the wonders in the text & rules of guessing game?
<i><b> 5.Homework ( 1’ )</b></i>



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