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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 5- Tuần 3

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Date of preparing: 15.9.2017 Week 3. Period 9

<b>Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you?</b>

<b>Lesson 2: Part 1, 2,3</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>


- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer the questions about frequency
- Structure: How often do you ….? I…. everyday/ once a week..

- Vocabulary: surf the internet, look for, information, project, every day, once/twice … a
week, study with partner

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

<i><b>3. Attitude:</b></i>

- Educate ss how to do their routine following the schedule
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: Student’s book, recording ,flashcard, puppets, poster

<i>2. Students’</i>: books, workbooks.

<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work
<b>IV. Procedures : </b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

Class Date of teaching Absent students

5A 18.9.2017

5B 18.9.2017

5C 18.9.2017

<b>2. Warm up (5’)</b>

<i><b>Sing the song: This is the way we do things.</b></i>

<b>3. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
<b>1. Look, listen and repeat (10’)</b>

- Asking the students open the book<i>.- Open the books</i>.
- T tells ss to ask and answer questions about what
someone’s nationality.

- T asks ss to look at the 3 pictures to discuss the
contexts in which the language is used.

+ T asks: Who are they? Where are they? What are they
talking about?

+ <i>SS: Nam and Linda, in the library, about how often </i>

<i>someone do st.</i>

- T plays the CD a 2 times for ss to listen and repeat.
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the
characters speaking.

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- T plays the CD again for ss to listen and say along.
<b>2. Point and say (10’)</b>

<b>- T asks ss practise asking and answering questions </b>
about frequency.

- T asks ss to look at the pictures to understand how the
language is used in different contexts. T points to the
pictures and elicits adv of frequency . T asks ss to say
the phrases chorally an individually. Then T tells them
to practise asking and answering where s/he is from in
pairs, using prompts in the bubbles.

- Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the

- Call a few pairs to act out in front of the class. Check
as a class and correct pronunciation, if necessary.

<b>3. Let’s talk(10’)</b>

<b>* Make sure pupils understand the task.</b>

- Ask ss to work in pairs, using prompts bellow.

- Go through the task with the rest of the characters in
the same way. Focus on pronunciation and fluency.
- Teacher monitors the activity and offer help when

*Select a few groups to perform the task in front of the

<b> 4.Consolidation (4’)</b>

- Role-play to drill the pattern sentence. Pupil can
perform with their names or spell name of family
members at home

<b> 5. Home link: (1’)</b>

<b>2. Point and say </b>
<b>* Vocab:</b>

+ surf the internet: lướt web
+ look for: tìm kiếm

+ information: thơng tin
+ project: dự án

+ every day: hàng ngày
+ once/twice … a week: 1/ 2
lần trong tuần

+ study with a partner: học
bài cùng với bạn

<i>*Rub out and rem</i>

<b>* Structure: </b>

Q<i>: How often do you ….? A: </i>

<i>I…. everyday/ once a week..</i>

<b>3. Let’s talk</b>

* Model the task with the
whole class:

<i> +What do you do in the </i>
<i>morning?…. I always…</i>

<i>+ How often do you …? Once</i>
<i>a week…</i>



Date of preparing: 17.9.2017 Week 3. Period 10

<b>Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you?</b>

<b>Lesson 2: Part 4, 5,6</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>


- After the lesson, the student will be able to develop skills listening, writing, speaking and
know how to play the game: crosswords.

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- Vocabulary: Review

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

<i><b>3. Attitude:</b></i>

- Educate ss how to do their routine following the schedule
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: Student’s book, recording ,flashcard, puppets, poster

<i>2. Students’</i>: books, workbooks.

<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work
<b>IV. Procedures : </b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

Class Date of teaching Absent students

5A 20.9.2017

5B 20.9.2017

5C 19.9.2017

<b>2. Warm up (5’)</b>

<i>Work in pairs practising asking and answering about frequency</i>

<b>3. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
<b>4. Listen and number (10’)</b>

* Ask the students open the book on page 15.

- Get pupils to look at the pictures and tell the purpose
of listening.

- Listen and number in each picture.

- Elicit pupils’ answers e.g. <i>What do you see in the </i>
<i>pictures of letters a,b,c,d ? Who are they? What are they</i>
<i>doing? </i>

<i>+Ss: a:Mai goes shopping, b: nam reads a book, c: </i>
<i>Linda works on project, d: Quang plays game.</i>

- Using English and Vietnamese when necessary.

- Ask pupils should make guesses based on the pictures
and contextual clues as they listen.

* Play the recording three times: the first for pupils to
listen all the way through and the second for them to do
the task. Pause after each part for them to tick the


- Ask pupils share guess answers before listening and
correct answers after listening in pairs and report their
answers to the class.

- Teacher writes the whole answers from students on the
board then replay the recording the third to check their
correct answers.

<b>4. Listen and number </b>


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- Give some question. Why you choose that answer.
- Teacher remark and correct.

*After listening: Asking students look at the pictures
and retell the content of the listening lesson. Aim is to
check their understanding and consolidate language

<b>5. Write about your daily routines. (10’)</b>

- T tells ss to answer questions about themselves.
+ Ss answer:

- Ask ss to look at the quesions in 3 mins. Then ask
them to write answers. After that, let them read aloud.
- T gives 7 mins to do the task independently. Go
around and offer help, if necessary.

<b>6. Let’s play.</b>

Play in two teams to do crosswords puzzles in the book.
- After finishing, ask some ss to perform in front of the

<b>7. Consolidation:(4’)</b>

- Ask ss to learn by heart new sentences again.
<b>8. Home link: (1’)</b>

- Do ex in work book.

<b>5. Write about your daily </b>
<b>routines. </b>

<i>Model: I get up, have </i>
<i>breakfast and go to school </i>
<i>in the morning….</i>

<b>6. Let’s play.</b>


Date of preparing: 17.9.2017 Week 3. Period 11

<b>Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you?</b>

<b>Lesson 3: Part 1, 2, 3</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>


- After the lesson, the student will be able to speak stress of words correctly: ’always,
’usually, ’often, ’sometimes

- Structure: Review
- Vocabulary: Review

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

<i><b>3. Attitude:</b></i>

- Educate ss how to do their routine following the schedule
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: Student’s book, recording ,flashcard, puppets, poster

<i>2. Students’</i>: books, workbooks.

<b>III. Methods:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>IV. Procedures : </b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

Class Date of teaching Absent students

5A 21.9.2017

5B 21.9.2017

5C 20.9.2017

<b>2. Warm up (5’)</b>

<i>Review let’s talk on p14</i>

<b>3. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
<b>1. Listen and repeat (10’)</b>

-T tell ss to practise saying the stress of woirds ’always,
’usually, ’often, ’sometimes

- First, T writes words on the board. Play the recording
and ask pps to repeat some times. T plays the CD a few
times and let pps say the words and sentences, ss pay
attention to the target letters.

- T asks ss to repeat choral and individual of the sounds,
words and sentences until ss feel confident.

- T asks some pps to perform in front of the class. Check
as a class and correct the pronunciation, if necessary.
<b>2. Listen and circle. Then say aloud. (10’)</b>

-T tell ss to listen to sentences about what someone
often does and circle the correct word

- Play the CD 2 times. Ask ss to listen to the CD and
tick the correct pictures. Tel them not to worry if they

cannot understand everyword, and that they should
focus on the name of the country in each pic.

- Ask ss tp share their answers with their partners before
checking as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help
when necessary.

-Ask some ss say aloud in front of the class
<b>3. Let’s chant (10’)</b>

<b>Chant:What do you do in the morning?</b>

- Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the chant
<b>What do you do in the morning? on the board.</b>
- Discuss the pictures with pupils. Point to each child
and elicit their answers to identify him/ her.

* Play the recording twice: once for pupils to listen all
the way through and once for them to do the task. Pause
after each line for them to repeat a few times.

+ Ss repeat

*Replay the recording for class to chant along.

<b>1. Listen and repeat </b>



<b>2. Listen and circle. Then </b>
<b>say aloud. </b>


1a, 2b,3a,4b

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+ Ss chant along

- Divide the class into groups. Each group chants a line
without music.- Chant in groups.

- Group work

- Call on a group to chant in front of the class- Chant
before class.

* Suggest pupils replace the names in the chant with
their two friends then chant.

<b>4. Consolidation:(5’)</b>

- Chanting again and replacing the names in the chant to

<b>5. Home link: (1’)</b>

- Learn by heart the chant.


Date of preparing: 18.9.2017 Week 3. Period 12

<b>Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you?</b>

<b>Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6,7</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>


- After the lesson, the student will be able to improve skills.
- Structure: Review

- Vocabulary: Review

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

<i><b>3. Attitude:</b></i>

- Educate ss how to do their routine following the schedule
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: Student’s book, recording ,flashcard, puppets, poster

<i>2. Students’</i>: books, workbooks.

<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work
<b>IV. Procedures : </b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

Class Date of teaching Absent students

5A 22.9.2017

5B 22.9.2017

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<b>2. Warm up (5’)</b>

Chant: What do you do in the morning?
<b>3. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>4. Read and answer (10’)</b>

<b>*Get pupils to look at the passage and tell the purpose of</b>
the task.

+ Ss answer:

<b>* Make sure pupils understand the task.</b>

- Have a brief discussion about the sentences and
instruction, and elicit pupils’ answers: <i>What is the </i>
<i>passage about? the pass is about Hoa’s day.</i>

<i>-</i> Introduce, explain and reteach in the box if necessary
and write the new words on the board

<i>-</i> Ask the students scan all sentences before writing.
* Individual reading or read oneself. Pupils read and
answers questions bellow.

<b>* Set time and move around the classroom to monitor </b>
the activity.

- Ask the students share their result follow pairs.
- Let some students write their answer on the board.
Others look and give comments.

- Teacher correct and explain if it’s necessary

- Ask the whole class read again to drill pronunciation,
phonic. Correct false about pronunciation, phonic.
* Consolidation

- Give some questions to check their comprehension.
- Ask some student retell the reading by speaking or
writing at home.

<b>5. Write about your day.</b>

- T tells ss to fill the gaps with the answer of their own

+Ss write their answer:

- Ask ss to look at the uncompleted prag in 2 mins. First,
T give ss some mins to look at meaning of sentences.
Then ask them to fill appropriate answer of the day to
complete the sentences.

- T gives 7 mins to do the task independently. Go
around and offer help, if necessary.

<b>6. Project (10’).</b>
- make an interview
- Work in pairs.

<b>- Teacher models the first.</b>

<b>* Make sure pupils understand the task.</b>
- Ask Ss do pairs work or group.

<b>4. Read and answer </b>

1. She gets up early and
usually goes jogging.

2. She usually does her
homework. Then she often
plays badminton and
sometimes cooks dinner.
3. She watches English for
kids. (once a week)

4. She goes shopping twice a

<b>5. Write about your day.</b>

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<b>* Set time and move around the classroom to monitor </b>
the activity.

- Ask the students share their result follow pairs.
- Call on some students read their cards in front of the

<b>7. Colour the stats:(5’)</b>
<b>8. Home link: (1’)</b>
- Do ex in work book.


