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Unit 11: A CHECK-UP( A1)

Feb. 2nd. 2021

<b>Copy to your LESSON NOTEBOOK</b>


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<b>Copy to your LESSON NOTEBOOK</b> />

New words :

<b>1. M</b>


<b>dical check-up(n ):</b>

<b>cuộc kiểm tra sức khỏe</b>

<b>2. Medical r</b>


<b>cord (n): </b>

<b>Hồ sơ khám bệnh</b>



<b><sub>rd (v): ghi chép</sub></b>

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<b>Copy to your LESSON NOTEBOOK</b> />

New words :

<b>3. Take one’s t</b>


<b>mperature (v)</b>

<b>đo thân nhiệt</b>

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<b>Copy to your LESSON NOTEBOOK</b> />

New words :

<b>4. M</b>


<b>sure (v): đo</b>

<b>5. Height (n) : chiều cao</b>

<b><sub>High (a)</sub></b>

<b>6. Scales (n) cái cân</b>

<b>7. Weight (n): trọng lượng</b>

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<b>Copy to your LESSON NOTEBOOK</b>

<b>How tall were you?</b> How + adj. + be+ S?

<b>What was your height?</b> What + be + sở hữu + noun
<i>(không dùng cho đồ vật)</i>

<b>What was the height of you?</b> What + be the + noun + of + O?

tall/ high height long  length
heavy  weight deep  depth
wide  width old  age

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<b>Open your Exercise Book- unit 11- Transformation</b>

<b>Câu 3. Lâm Vy 7.5. Gõ vào chat cho cô Hoặc share màn hình Word</b>

<b>1. You should wash your hands before meals.</b>

<b>You ought ________________________________________</b>
<b>2.Hoa oughtn’t to stay up late </b>

<b>Hoa _____________________________________________</b>
<b>3. My father stopped drinking wine two years ago.</b>

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<b>Open your Exercise Book- HS SỬA BÀI VÀO NHÉ. </b>
<b>Bạn nào xong giơ tay</b>

<b>1. You should wash your hands before meals.</b>
<b>You ought to wash your hands before meals.</b>

<b>2.Hoa oughtn’t to stay up late. </b>

<b>Hoa</b> <b>shouldn’t stay up late. / Hoa should go to bed early</b>
<b>3. My father stopped</b> <b>drinking wine two years ago.</b>

<b>My father gave up drinking wine two years ago.</b>

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<b>Copy into your Homework Notebook</b>

<b>C4. Hiếu Bảo 7.5 C5.Tuấn 7.1 C6.Đức Hoàng 7.3</b>

<b>4. What was her weight last year?</b>

<b>How ______________________________________________?</b>
<b>5. What is the depth of the swimming- pool?</b>

<b>How _____________________________________________?</b>
<b>6. How heavy is he?</b>

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<b>4. What was her weight last year?</b>

<b>How heavy was she last year?</b>

<b>HOW+ ADJ + BE+ SUBJECT..?</b>

<b>5. What is the depth of the swimming- pool?</b>
<b>How deep is the swimming-pool?</b>

<b>6. How heavy is he?</b>

<b>What is his weight?/ What is the weight of him?</b>

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<b>Copy into your Homework Notebook</b>

<b>7. Smoking cigarettes is harmful.</b>

<b>It’s _____________________________________</b>
<b>8. Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?</b>

<b>Let’s __________________________________</b>
<b>What about ____________________________</b>
<b>Why not _______________________________</b>

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<b>Copy into your Homework Notebook</b>

<b>7. Smoking cigarettes is harmful.</b>
<b>It’s harmful to smoke cigarettes.</b>

<b>8. Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?</b>
<b>Let’s go out for dinner tonight.</b>

<b>What about going out for dinner tonight?</b>

<b>Why not go out for dinner tonight?</b>

<b>I suggest going out for dinner tonight?</b>

<b>V-ing + be + adj. </b>

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<b>Copy into your Homework Notebook</b>

<b>9. She does aerobics in two hours.</b>

<b>It ___________________________________________</b>

<b>She ______________________________________________</b>
<b>10. She did aerobics in two hours yesterday.</b>

<b>It ___________________________________________</b>

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<b>Copy into your Homework Notebook</b>

<b>9. She does aerobics in two hours.</b>

<b>It takes her two hours to do aerobics.</b>

<b>She spends two hour doing aerobics.</b>

<b>10. She did aerobics in two hours yesterday.</b>

<b>It took her two hours to do aerobics yesterday.</b>

<b>She spent two hour doing aerobics yesterday.</b>

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<b>Copy into your Homework Notebook</b>

<b>Open your book, read part A1 and order the sentences:</b>

The nurse weighed Hoa.

Hoa returned to the waiting room.

Hoa left the waiting room.

The nurse called Hoa’s name.

The nurse measured Hoa.

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<b>Copy into your Homework Notebook</b>

<b>Open your book, read part A1 and order the sentences:</b>


The nurse weighed Hoa.


Hoa returned to the waiting room.


Hoa left the waiting room.


The nurse called Hoa’s name.


The nurse measured Hoa.

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Learn by heart the vocabulary

Prepare for unit 11 section B1


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