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unit 4 at school tiếng anh 7 sách cũ trần thị hoa thư viện giáo án điện tử

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<i>Date of planning: 11/ 10 /2017</i>

<i>Class: ENGLISH 7</i>

<i>Period: 19</i>


<i><sub> Week: 07</sub></i>


<b>I/ AIMS:</b>

<b>1)The knowledge, attitudes, skills:</b>

<b>a)Knowledge</b>: Review all knowledge in Unit 1,2,3 and then do exercises of them.

<b>b) Attitude</b>: Understand carefully the grammar and structures that they have learnt and know
the way to do erxercises of those grammar notes.

<b>c) Skills</b>: - Focus on speaking and writing skills.

<i><b>2) Ability to form and develop:</b></i>

- Self-learning capability.

- The capacity problem solving and creativity.

- The capacity to cooperate.



<b>1) Teacher:</b>

<b>a) Language content</b>:

-Vocabulary:Review all vocabulary in Unit 1,2,3.
- Phonetic: review.

-Grammar notes and structures:

+ Present simple tense + Adjectives
+ Future simple tense + Occupations

+ Ordinal numbers + Is there a….? / Are there any….?
+ Prepositions of position + Question words

<b>b) Teaching aids</b>:

- Lesson plan, textbook, chalk, ruler, extra board.

- Pictures and posters of “Language focus 1” on pages 38, 39, 40, 41.

<b>2) Students:</b>

Textbook, workbook, notebook, studying at home.


<b> 1)Warm –up: ( 3 mins)</b>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

-T.calls on some ss write the comparatives and
superlatives of adjectives.


-T.checks,gives feedback and marks.

Adjective Comparative Superlative


<b>2) New lesson: ( 39 mins )</b>

<b>Activity 1: ( 6 mins)</b>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about how to use “ present simple tense”</i>
T.has ss retell structures and usage of present

simple. then introduces again.
Ss.retell and notice to take note.

-T.instructs ss work in pairs to complete the
passages by using the verbs in the brackets.
Ss.retell and pairwork to complete.

<b>1/ Present simple simple tense.</b>

+ Tobe :S+ is/ am/ are (not) + O
.Be + s +o?

+ Vesbs:. S+V(s, es) +O.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

-T.calls on some ss complete on the board, then

checks, gives feedback &correct answers.

Ss.complete on the board & notice to correct

<i><b>The correct answers.</b></i>

<i> a) is -lives -are -goes.</i>
<i> b) are -eat- rides –catches</i>
<b>Activity 2: ( 5 mins)</b>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about how to use “ Future simple tense”</i>
-T.has ss retell structures and usage of future

simple tense,then introduces again.
Ss.retell and notice to correct.

-T.has ss work in pairs,write the things Nam will do /
will not do tomorrow by looking the dialy agenda.

Ss.pairwork to write.

-T.calls on some ss write on the board.
Ss.write on the board.

-T.checks, gives feedback & correct answers.
Ss.notice and take note.

<b>2/ Future simple tense</b>.

-S +will (not) + v+o.

Will + s +v +o?

*Notes:; will not =(won’t)

<i>Future simple tense is used to express the action</i>
<i>will happen in the future.</i>

*The correct answers.

-<i>Nam will do homework , but he won’t tidy the yard.</i>

<i>-He will see a movie,but he won’t watch TV.</i>
<i>-He will write to his grandmother but he won’t.</i>
<b>Activity 3: </b><i>( 4 mins)</i>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about how to use “ ordinal numbers”</i>
-T.has ss retell the formation and the usage of

ordinal number.

-T.explains exercise 3,then instructs ss work
in groups ,look at the information in the box
to write the correct ordinal numbers.

Ss.groupwork to write.

-T.calls on some ss write on the board,then
checks ,gives feedback and correct answers.
Ss.write and notice to correct

<b>3/ Ordinal numbers</b>:

Form: Cardinal numbers+th = ordinal.
<i>*Notes: first, second third ,fifth…</i>

<i>Usage: use to show the dates of month and position.</i>
*The correct answers:

Fourth(4) , fifth(5) , sixth(6)
Third (3) , Second(2), seventh(7)
First (1).

<b>Activity 4: </b><i>( 6 mins)</i>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about how to use “prepostions”</i>

-T.introduces some prepositions of position
again ,has ss work in pairs to look at the pictures
and write the sentences about the position of the
cat .

Ss.notice, pairwork to write.

-T.calls on some ss write the board,then
correct mistakes.

Ss. write , and notice to correct & take notes.

<b>4/ Prepositions</b>:

-prepositions: on, in, infront of, under…
-use to show position of the things.
<i>The correct answers:</i>
Where is my cat?

a. It’s under the table.
b. It’s infront of the chair.
c. It’s behind the TV.

d. It’s next to the bookshelf.
e. It’s on the couch.

<b>Activity 5: </b><i>( 5 mins)</i>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about how to use “comparative and </i>
<i>superlative” to compare.</i>

-T.has ss retell structures of comparative and
superlative with adjectives.

Ss. retell.

<b>5/ Adjectives</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

-T.has ss work in groups of three to use

the pictures and the words in the box to

write the dialogues.

Ss.groupwork to wite.

-T.calls on some groups practice the
dialogues loudly and write on the board.
Ss.practice loudly and write.

-T.checks, gives feedback & correct the answers.
Ss. notice and takenotes.

-S1+be+more long adj+than+S2.

-S+be+the short adj -est.
-S+be+the most long adj.

<b>The correct dialogues</b>:

a.A is a cheap toy, B is cheaper, C is the cheapest.

b.A is an expensive dress, B is more expensive, but
C is the most expensive.

c. A is a good student, B is better, C is the best.
d. A is strong, B is stronger, C is the strongest.

<b>Activity 6: </b><i>( 5 mins)</i>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about talking about occupations.</i>
-T. explains exercise 6 then instructs ss work

in pairs to read the information of some
people, then write these people’s job titles.
Ss.notice, pairwork to read & write.

-T. calls on some ss write on the board, then
gives correct answers.

Ss. write and notice to correcr &take notes.

<b>6/ Occupations:</b>

<b>The correct answers</b>:
b.She is a doctor/ a nurse.

c.She is a teacher.
d.He is a farmer.

<b>Activity 7: ( 4 mins)</b>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about “ is there a...?/ Are there any..?”</i>
-T. instructs ss work in pairs, look at the

picture then compl,ete the sentences by using
structures “is there a….?/ are there any…..?”.
Ss. pair work to look at and complete.

-T.calls on some ss complete on the board,
then checks , gives feedback.

Ss.complete, then notice to take notes.

<b>7/ Is there a……? /Are there any……?</b>

a. Are…any? -Yes,there are.
b.Are…any? -No, there are’nt.
c. Is….a ? -No,there is’nt.
d.Are …any ? -Yes,there are.

<b>Activity 8: </b><i>( 4 mins)</i>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about how to use “ question words”</i>
-T.introduces some question words again then

has ss work in pairs, look at the information
in “police record” to write the question and
the answers base on example.

Ss.notice, pairwork to write.

-T.calls on some pairs ask and answer, then corrects.

Ss. ask and answer , then notice to correct.

<b>8/Question words: what, where, how…</b>

2.How old is he?
-He is 25 years old.
3.Where does he live?

- He lives at 34 Ng.Bieu Street, Hai Phong.
4.What does he do?

- He is an office Manager

<b>3) Consolidation: ( 3 mins )</b>

-T.has ss retell the structures and grammar

notes that they’ve learned.

Ss. retell.

-T.checks,gives feedback.

Ss.notice and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

-T. Has Ss prepare for “ Review” from

unit 1 – 3.

Ss. Notice.

<b>IV/ FEEDBACK:</b>


<i>---Date of planning: 11/ 10 /2017</i>

<i>Class: ENGLISH 7</i>

<i>Period: 20</i>


<i><sub> Week: 07</sub></i>


<b>I/ AIMS:</b>

<b>1)The knowledge, attitudes, skills:</b>

<b>a) Knowledge</b>


- Review the grammar notes and vocabulary in unit 1,2,3 .

- Review some skills of learning English.

<b> b) Attitude</b>


- Know some parts and kind of exercises in the test.

- Have the system of knowledge that they have learnt, practice some skills

fluently by doing some kind of exercises about them and know some parts in the test.

<b>c) Skills</b>

: - Focus on reading and writing skills.

<i><b>2) Ability to form and develop:</b></i>

- Self-learning capability.

- The capacity problem solving and creativity.

- The capacity to cooperate.



<b>1) Teacher:</b>

<b>a) Language content:</b>

-Vocabulary:Review vocabulary in Unit 1,2,3.

- Phonetic: review.

- Grammar notes: Review:

+ Adverb of time,indefinite quantifier,comparatives.

+ Future simple tense.

+ Exclamations

<b>b) Teaching aids</b>

:Lesson plan,textbook,chalk,ruler,posters.

<b>2) Students:</b>

Textbook, workbook, notebook, studying at home.


<b>1)Warm –up: ( 4 mins)</b>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b>


-T.has ss retell some grammar notes that they

have studied.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

-T.checks and gives feedback.


<b> 2) New lesson</b>


<i> ( 37 mins )</i>

<b>Activity 1: </b><i>( 16 mins)</i>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about “Structure of the test”</i>
-T.introduces the structure of the test.


-T.introduces some kind of exercises in each part
of the test.

Ss.notice and take notes.

<b>I/ Structure of the test.</b>

<b>A. listening comphrehension:</b>
<b>B.Vocabulary and grammar:</b>

-Mutilp choice.

-Rewrite the sentences.

-Use the correct form of the verbs to complete
the sentences.

<b>C. Reading:</b>

-True or false? correct the false statements.
-Answer the questions.

-Arrange the events.
-Mutilp choice


-Rewrite the sentences.

<b>Activity 2: </b><i>( 21 mins)</i>

<i>* Objective: To establish and develop the ability to learn about reviewing grammar notes.</i>
-T.has ss review the structures and the usage of

some grammar notes.

-T.introduces again.
Ss.notice and take note.

<b>II/Review grammar notes</b>:
1.Adverbs of time:still

2.Indefinite quatifier:many.

-Comparative with short adjectives and long

S1+be+short adj-er + than +S2.
S1+be+more long adj+than+S2.
-Superlative with short and long adjectives:

S+be+the+short adj-est +(N).

S+be+the most long adj+(N).


5.Exclamations: What+a/an+adjective+N!
6.Present simple tense:


8.Is there a…..?/Are there any…?

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<b>3) Consolidation: ( 4 mins )</b>

-T.has ss match the questions with the
correct answers.


-T.checks and gives feedback.
Ss.notice and take note.

-T. Has Ss prepare for “the test


Ss. Notice.

<i>* Match the questions with the correct answers</i>:

1.Will you be free tomorrow?
2.What does he do?

3.Where does he work?
4.How are you?

a.He works in a factory.
b.Yes,I will.

c.I’m very well, thank you.

d.He is a farmer.

<b>IV/ FEEDBACK:</b>


<i>---Date of planning: 11/ 10 /2017</i>

<i>Class: ENGLISH 7</i>

<i>Period: 21</i>


<i><sub> Week: 07</sub></i>


<b>I/ AIMS:</b>

<b>1)The knowledge, attitudes, skills:</b>


: all knowledge, new words, and structures from unit 1 to unit 3.

<b>b) Attitude</b>


<b> </b>

- Being earnest in doing homework and love doing English homework.

- Systematize all knowledge from unit 1 to unit 3.

- Help the teacher check students’ knowledge from unit 1 to unit 3.

- Know how to do some kinds of those grammar notes and structures they’ve

studied from unit 1 to unit 3.

<b>c) Skills</b>

: - Focus on reading and writing skills.

<b>2) Ability to form and develop:</b>

- The capacity problem solving and creativity.

<b>II/ PREPARATIONS</b>:<b> </b>

<b>1) Teacher: </b>

Planning, testing papers.

<b>2) Students: - </b>

Review carefully from unit 1 to unit 3.

<b>3) The matrix of the testing: </b>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng thấp</b> <b>Vận dụng cao</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Listening</b>

<b>comphrehension</b> - Nghe và biết cáchchọn câu trả lời đúng
theo thông tin bài thoại

- Nghe và biết cách chọn
các thông tin đúng hay
sai từ bài nghe

<i>Số câu: 8c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 2đ</i>

<i>Số câu: 4c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 1đ</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<i>Tỉ lệ %: 20 %</i>

<b>I. Vocabulary</b>
<b>and grammar</b>

- Biết cách sử dụng
các đúng của từ
vựng, dạng câu ở thì
hiện tại đơn, thì
tương lai đơn , các
cấu trúc đã học từ
bài 1 - 3

- Biết cách chia dạng
đúng của động từ với
thì hiện tại đơn, tương
lai đơn, hiện tại tiếp

<i>Số câu: 12c</i>

<i>Số điểm: 4đ</i>
<i>Tỉ lệ %: 40 %</i>

<i>Số câu: 8c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 2đ</i>

<i>Số câu: 4c</i>
<i>Số điểm:2đ</i>

<b>II. Reading </b> - Biết cách tìm thông

tin đúng từ bài đọc

- Biết cách trả lời các
câu hỏi về bài đọc.

<i>Số câu: 8c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 2đ</i>
<i>Tỉ lệ %: 20%</i>

<i>Số câu: 4c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 1đ</i>

<i>Số câu: 4c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 1đ</i>

<b>III. writing</b> - Biết cách viết

đoạn văn dựa
vào các từ gợi ý

đã cho.

<i>Số câu: 8c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 2đ</i>
<i>Tỉ lệ %: 20 %</i>

<i>Số câu: 8c</i>
<i>Số điểm: 2đ</i>

<b>TS câu: 36 c</b>
<b>TS điểm: 10đ</b>
<b>Tỉ lệ %:</b>

<b>Số câu: 16c</b>
<b>Số điểm: 4đ</b>
<b>TL: 40 %</b>

<b>Số câu: 8c</b>
<b>Số điểm: 2đ</b>
<b>TL: 20 %</b>

<b>Số câu: 4c</b>
<b>Số điểm: 2đ</b>
<b>TL: 20 % </b>

<b>Số câu: 8c</b>
<b>Số điểm: 2đ</b>
<b>TL: 20 % </b>
<b>Định hướng năng lực hình thành:</b>

<i>1. Năng lực chung:</i> Biết cách sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, tương lai đơn, cấu trúc ngữ pháp, kĩ
năng làm bài lựa chọn, phát triển các kĩ năng đọc và viết.

<i>2. Năng lực chuyên biệt:</i> - Biết cách sử dụng các từ vựng, các thì, các dạng dạng câu và điểm ngữ pháp đã học
như các thì đã học và các mẫu câu về tên, tuổi, gia đình, mơn học, thì hiện tại đơn, tương lai đơn ..

<b>4) The 45 min – testing:</b>

<b>A. Listening comphrehension: </b>( 2.0 pts )

<i><b>I. Listen and choose the best anwer: </b></i>( 1.0 pt)
1. What’s her name?

A. Her name’s Ba. C. Her name’s Hoa.
B. Her name’s Lan. D. Her name’s An.
2. How old is she now?

A. she is 12 years old. C. she is 32 years old.

B. she is 22 years old. D. she is 42 years old. .

3. When is her birthday?

A. on Saturday, May 25th C. on Sunday, May 25th.
B. on Saturday, May 15th. D. on Sunday, May 15th.
4. What time will the party start?

A. at 2 o’clock B. at 3 o’clock C. at 4 o’clock D. at 5 o’clock

<i><b>II. Listen and tick (v) the True (T) or False (F) by checking the box: </b>( 1.0 pt)</i>

<b>T</b> <b>F</b>

1. She will be 13 on her next birthday.
2. Lan’s address is at number 23, 51st<sub> street.</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

4. The party will end at ten o’clock in the morning.

<b>B. Vocabulary and grammar:</b><i> ( 4.0 pts )</i>

<i><b>I. Circle the best letter ( A, B or C ) to complete the sentences</b>: (2.0 pts)</i>
1. Minh ...….TV every night.

( A. watches B. watch C. to watch D. watching)
2. What ……….beautiful day!

( A. a B. an C. the D. Ø )
3. He………to the post office tomorrow.

( A.go B. goes C. will go D. to go)
4. ………….is it from your house to school? It’s one kilometer.

( A. How far? B. how much? C. How many? D. how old?)
5. Ba is ...than Tuan. ( A. tall B. taller C. more taller D. the tallest )
6. My father takes care ...sick children. ( A. of B. with C. at D. on)
7. Her date of birth is ...November fourth.

( A. at B. on C.in D. of )
8. this dress is the ...expensive than that skirt.

( A. best B. more C. most D. many )

<i><b> 2. Complete the sentences, put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense: </b>( 2.0 pts )</i>
a. They ……… ……...………. ( play ) with their parents now.
b. She ………...….. ( not, play ) tennis in the afternoon.
c. Her parents never ……….………...………. ( drink ) coffee.
d. He ………...………. ( visit ) his grandparents next Sunday.
<b>C. Reading comphrehesion: Read the following passage and answer the questions below: (2.0 pts) </b>

Trung is a student in class 7A. His full name is Pham quoc Trung. He’s 13 years old now,
but he will be 14 on his next birthday on Sunday, May 25th<sub>. Trung lives with his parents at 24</sub>

Nguyen Trai street. Trung’s house isn’t large but it’s very comfortable. It has a bright living room,
two lovely bedrooms and a large, modern bathroom and kitchen. There is a small yard in front of
his house. Trung’s mother grows flowers in the yard. According to Trung, his house is the nicest

<b>I. Answer the questions: </b>

1. what does Trung do? <sub></sub>...
2. Where does he live? <sub></sub>………...………...
3. What’s his family name? <sub></sub>...
4. How old will he be on his next birthday? <sub></sub>………...

<b>II. Read and select the correct opinion by circling the best answer:</b>

1. Trung’s job is a student in class 8A.
2. His address is at 24 Nguyen Trai street.
3. There are five rooms in his house.

4. Trung’s house is very big.
5. He is 13 now.

6. His mother grows some flowers in the yard.

<i><b>D. Writing</b>: </i>Write a passage about Nga, using the information in the box (2.0 pts )

- Name: Nguyen Thi Nga. - Telephone number: 8 626 019.
- Age: 13 - Address: 24 Nguyen Du, HCM city.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

Her name is……..………...

<b>5) The key of the testing:</b>

<i><b>A. Listening comphrehension: </b>( Mỗi ý đúng được 0,25 điểm )</i>

<b>* Tape discription:</b>

<i> Lan is 12. She will be 13 on Sunday, May 25th<sub>. She will have a party for her birthday. She will</sub></i>

<i>invite some of her friends. She lives at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet street. The party will be at her home. It</i>
<i>will start at five o’clock in the evening and finish at nine. </i>

<i><b>I. Listen and choose the best anwer: </b></i>

1. What’s her name?
<i>B. Her name’s Lan.</i>
2. How old is she now?

<i>A. she is 12 years old.</i>
3. When is her birthday?

<i>C. on Sunday, May 25th.</i>
4. What time will the party start?

<i>D. at 5 o’clock</i>

<i><b>II. Listen and tick (v) the True (T) or False (F) by checking the box: </b></i>

<b>T</b> <b>F</b>

1. She will be 13 on her next birthday. <b>v</b>

2. Lan’s address is at number 23, 51st<sub> street.</sub> <b><sub>v</sub></b>

3. Her birthday party will start at her home. <b>v</b>

4. The party will end at ten o’clock in the morning. <b>v</b>
<b>B. Vocabulary and grammar:</b><i> ( 4.0 pts )</i>

<i><b>I. Circle the best letter ( A, B or C ) to complete the sentences</b>: (2.0 pts) </i>
<i>( Mỗi ý đúng được 0,25 điểm )</i>

1. - A. watches 5. - B. taller
2. - B. an 6. - A. of

3. - C. will go 7. - D. on
4. - A. How far? 8. - C. most

<i><b>II. Complete the sentences, put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense: </b>( 2.0 pts )</i>
a. They …………<i><b>are playing</b></i>..………. ( play ) with their parents now.

b. She …………<i><b>doesn’t play</b></i>...….. ( not, play ) tennis in the afternoon.
c. Her parents never ………<i><b>drink</b></i>………. ( drink ) coffee.

d. He ………<i><b>will visit</b></i>…………. ( visit ) his grandparents next Sunday.
<b>C. Reading comphrehesion: (2.0 pts) </b><i>( Mỗi ý đúng được 0,25 điểm )</i>

<b>I. Answer the questions: </b>

1. what does Trung do? <sub></sub><i>he is a student.</i>

2. Where does he live? <sub></sub><i>He lives at 24 Nguyen trai street.</i>

3. What’s his family name? <sub></sub><i>His family name is Pham/ It’s Pham.</i>

4. How old will he be on his next birthday? <sub></sub><i>he will be 14 on his next birthday</i>

<b>II. Read and select the correct opinion by circling the best answer:</b>

2. His address is at 24 Nguyen Trai street.
3. There are five rooms in his house.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<i>Đất Mũi, ngày ...tháng... năm 2017.</i>







6. His mother grows some flowers in the yard.

<b>D. Writing</b>: <i>(2.0 pts ) ( Tùy theo ý và số lượng câu của học sinh, yêu cầu đúng chính tả, ngữ pháp,</i>
<i>mỗi ý đúng được từ 0,25 điểm. )</i>

- Name: Nguyen Thi Nga. - Telephone number: 8 626 019.
- Age: 13 - Address: 24 Nguyen Du, HCM city.

- Date of birth: June 8th - Family: mother, father and two younger sisters.
- Class: 7A. - Friends: Lan, Thanh.

Her name is <i>Nga</i>……..………


1) Calling-rolls:

2) Testing:

<i>( 45 mins )</i>

3) Collecting the test: ( ….testing students, …. absent students)

4) Homework:

<b>IV/ FEEDBACK:</b>


