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Gián án unit 15 langue focus

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Welcome to our class

A, listen and repeat
/nt/ /nd/ /n0/ /ns/ /nz/
went end month chance phones
rent remind seventh Florence learns
tenant warned tenth glance Barnes
didn’t friend thirdteenth tense tonnes
B, practise reading aloud this dialogue.
A: Florence, Mr. Barnes went on tenth of last month.
B: Oh, I have warned you, haven’t I? Did he pay the rent?
A: Only to the seventh.
B: Only to the seventh?
A: yes, and we may have no chance to see him again. Is he your friend?
B: No, Mr.Barnes is not my friend and if he phones, remind him that he
must pay the rent to the end of the month.
A: Don’t be so tense. We’ll have a new tenant on the thirdteenth of this

Grammar and vocabulary
1. could/ be able to:
Eg: - He was an athlete ,so he could run fast?
- His leg was hurt but he was able to run fast ?

Structures: S + could + V( bare inf)
S + was/ were able to + V (bare inf)
* uses: => Could: din t 1 kh nng chung trong quỏ kh.
=> was/ were able to: dùng để diễn tả một nỗ lực thành công trong
quá khứ.

1, It took them a long time but they _________________find his house .
2, Sue was a good student so she __________________pass the exam
3, It was too dark in the room. I ____________________ see anything .
4, I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn't have any
but I____________________ get some in the next shop.
5, My grandfather was a professor He____________________help me do
those difficult exercises.
6, I had forgotten to bring my camera so I_______________________
take any photographs.
was able to
couldn’t /wasn’t able to
were able to
couldn't/wasn't able to
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences, using could, couldn't or
was (not)/ were(not) able to.

2. Tag questions:
Eg: It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?

You haven’t done your homework, have you?
Structure: khẳng định, phủ định ?
phủ định, khẳng định ?

- Let’s + V(bare), shall we ?

- (Please +) V(bare) , will you ? (câu mệnh lệnh)
- I am ……, aren’t I ?
- This / That (is ……), (isn’t) it ?
- These / Those (are ……), (aren’t) they ?
- There is / are ……, isn’t / aren’t there ?
- Nobody / No one + V(khẳng định) …, auxi / modal (kh¼ng ®inh)
they ?
- Everthing/something/anything... , .............it?
- Everybody/ everyone/ someone/ ..., ................they?
- S + never / rarely / seldom / no longer…,VERB (khẳng định(+)
+ S ?
Special Cases

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