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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 2: Personal Experiences - Trường THPT Nguyễn Đáng

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date:July Week: 3. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 2 : Personal Experiences Lesson 1 : Reading – Period 7. * Aims: help Ss be able to read and understand the information about the most embarrassing experience - Lexical items: make a fuss, sneaky, glanced, embarrassing, idols. - Teaching aids: posters, pictures. - Skills: reading for gist and for specific information. * Method and technique: pairwork, groupwork, discussion , network. * Procedure: Time. 5’. Content. Teacher’s activities. Students’activities. I. Warm – up: Network - T asks Ss to fill in - Ss work in pairs. the network. Feelings. 10’. - T gathers the ideas and asks Ss some questions to lead Ss - Ss listen and answer to the topic of the the teacher’s questions. unit : “Personal experiences”.. Question: How would you feel if you made a stupid mistake? II. New lesson: 1. Pre – Reading: * Question : What is happening in each - T asks Ss to look at picture ? the picture and guess what is happening in each of them. - T gives feedback and leads Ss to the topic of the lesson . * Task 1: 1. glanced: liếc nhanh, nhìn - T sets the scene. - T asks Ss to do Task qua. 1. 2. making a fuss: làm ầm ỉ lên. 3. embarrassing (adj): lúng túng. - T goes around the class to help Ss if 4. idol(s) (n) : thần tượng. 5. sneaky (adj): vụng trộm, lén necessary. lút. - T corrects and guides Ss to read these words. 2. While reading: Lop11.com. - Ss look at the picture and answer the question.. - Ss work in groups of three . - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class. - Ss listen and repeat..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG Time. 10’. 10’. 8’. 2’. Content. * Task 2: 1D 2B 3F 4E 5A 6C. Teacher’s activities. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN Students’activities. - T asks Ss to read the text and put the pictures of the events in the order they - Ss work in pairs. - Ss scan the passage happened. and do task 2. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class . - T corrects.. * Task 3: Lucky numbers : 2 Questions : 5 Potluck : 1 1. A red floppy cotton hat 2. So that she could buy the hat for herself. 3. A wad of dollar notes exacthy like the ones her father had give her before. 4. Because she didn’t like to make a fuss. 5. She bought the hat with it.. - T runs through task 3 and asks Ss to read - Ss work in groups of the text again and 4. answer the questions. - Ss read the passage again and answer the questions. - Ss compare their answers . - T divides the class into 2 groups (A & B) - Ss work in groups. to play the game - Ss choose the numbers and answer the “Lucky numbers”. - T corrects and gives questions. marks. 3. Post – reading : Discussion. - Tasks Ss to discuss 1. How did the girl in the story feel the 2 questions. - Ss work in groups when she discovered that the money - Ss discuss, then report she had taken from the boy’s bag was to the class. not hers? - T gives feedback. 2. What do you think the girl had to do after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers? III. Homework: - T asks Ss to - Ss do their homework. summarise the story. - Ss prepare lesson 2: Speaking.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date :July Week : 3. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 2:Personal Experiences Lesson 2 : Speaking – Period 8. * Aims: help Ss be able to talk about one of their past experiences and how it affected them. - Lexical items : words / phrases used to talk about past experiences - Teaching aids : pictures , posters - Skills : speaking * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork ,matching , ordering * Procedure : Time. 5’. Content. Teacher’s activities. Students’activities. - T asks Ss to do the matching.. - Ss work in groups of 4. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class.. I. Warm – up: Matching A ( pictures). a. b. c. d.. B happy angry bored frightened. - T corrects.. 15’. P1 b P2 a P3 c P4 d Questions: 1. Have you had some personal experiences? 2. How do you feel when you meet a famous film star? 3. How do you feel if you fail your exam? II. New lesson: 1. Task 1: Matching (poster) 1d 2c 3a 4b 5e. 2. Task 2: Ordering A: Have you ever spoken English to a native speaker? B: Yes, I talked to an English girl last summer A: How did you meet her? B: I was walking along Trang Tien street when an English girl came up to me and asked me the way to Hoan Kiem Lake. I told her, then we started talking about the lake. A: What did you tald about?. - T asks Ss these questions . - T gives feedback and leads Ss to the topic of the lesson. - T asks Ss to match A and B. - T goes around the class to help Ss if neccessary. - T gives feedback - T has Ss put the sentences in the conversation in the correct order.. -Ss listen and answer the teacher’s questions .. - S work in pairs. - Ss report the results to the class. - Ss work in groups of 4 - Ss compare their answers and then report the results to the class.. - T corrects. - T asks Ss to. Lop11.com. - Ss practise in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG Time. 17’. Content. Teacher’s activities. B: Everything about the lake: its name, the great tuitles in it, etc. A: How did the experience affect you? B: Well, it made me more interested in learing English. 3. Task 3 : Useful structures ( poster ) - Have you ever ……….? - How did it happen ? - When did it happen ? - How did the experience affect you ?. 2’ II. Homework:. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN Students’activities. practise the conversation.. - Some Ss are called to read aloud the conversation.. - T has Ss underline the structures used to talk about the past experiences.. - Ss work in pairs.. - T corrects and then asks Ss to practise talking about their past experiences, using the structures and the ideas in task 1 to make similar conversations. - T goes around the class to help Ss if necessary . - T gives feedback on Ss’ presentation. -T asks Ss to write a paragraph about their past experiences.. Lop11.com. - Ss report the results to the class.. - Ss work in pairs.. - Ss present their conversation to the class. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare lesson 3: Listening..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date :July Week : 3. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 2:Personal Experiences Lesson 3 : Listening – Period 9. * Aims : help Ss listen to get specific information about unforgetable experiences - Lexical items : memorable , scream , gas stove , escape , terrified , replaced , embraced , protected , minor, appreciate - Teaching aids : posters , picture , cassette tape ,textbook - Skills : listening for gist and specific information * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork , Kim’s game * Procedure : Time. Content. Teacher’s activities. 5’. I. Warm- up : Kim’s game memorable scream gas stove escape terrified replaced embraced protected minor appreciate II. New lesson : 1. Pre- listening : * Questions: 1. What can you see in the picture ? 2. Who are they ? 3. Where are they? 4. What are they doing ?. - T guides Ss to play the game. - After the game , T guides Ss to read these words and then explains the meanings.. 7’. 10’. 2. While- listening : * Task 1 : 1.T 2. F ( thirty years ago ) 3. F ( the fire started in the kitchen) 4. F ( Christina was slepping ) 5. T. Ss’ activities. - Ss work in groups.. - Ss listen , repeat and copy down.. - T shows the picture and asks Ss these questions. - Ss look at the picture and answer the questions.. - T gives feedback and then leads Ss to the topic of the lesson. - T sets the scene : Christina is being interwiewed about the most unforgetable experience in her life. Listen to the interwiew and then decide whether the statements are true or false. - T runs through task 1 and asks Ss to guess the - Ss read the statements and guess answers. the answers . - T writes what Ss guess on the board. - T plays the tape (twice - Ss listen and check or more ). their answers. - Ss compare their answers ( in pairs ). Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG Time Content. 13’. * Task 2 : 1. small 2. everything 3. family 4.replaced 5.took 6. appreciate. 8’. 3. Post- listening : Discussion Christina says that family is more important than things . Do you agree or disagree with her ? Why ?. 2’. III. Homework :. Teacher’s activities. - T corrects. - T sets the scene. - T runs through task 2 and then plays the tape again ( twice or more ).. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN Ss’ activities. - Ss report the results to the class.. - Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the missing information. - Ss compare their answers. - T corrects. - Ss report the results - T asks Ss to discuss the to the class. question. - Ss work in groups. - Ss present to the - T gives feedback. class. - T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about what they have just - Ss do their discussed. homework. -Ss prepare lesson 4: Writing.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date :July Week : 4. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 2:Personal Experiences Lesson 4 : Writing – Period 10. * Aims : help Ss be able to write a personal letter about a past experience. - Lexical items : words / phrases related to personal experiences. - Teaching aids : posters , textbook - Skills: writing a personal letter about a past experience * Method and technique : pairwork ,groupwork , gap-fill * Procedure : Time. Content. 5’. I. Warm- up: Gap-fill embarassed , angry , sad, frightened 1. He was very………when he heard that his aunt died. 2. He was very ………..when he saw those big dogs running toward him. 3. He was very …………when he sent her a birthday present on the wrong day. 4. He was very………when someone stole his money. 1.sad 2.frightened 3.embarssed 4.angry Question: When did you last feel sad / angry frightened / embarassed ? II. New lesson : 1. Pre-Writing : * Task 1 : Dear Helen, Last night I had a scary dream. I was walking along an empty street late last night. Suddenly a lion appeared at the end of the street. He ran toward me with his big mouth open and sharp teeth. He roared and jumped upon me. I sreamed loudly and awoke. I’m still frightened now. By the way, how are you ? Do you still have a nightmare as before ? I think we have similar problems now. Write to me as soon as possible. Your friend , Daisy. 10’. Teacher’s activities. - T asks Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable words.. Ss’ activities. -Ss work in pairs. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class.. - T corrects and asks Ss some questions to lead Ss to the topic of the lesson.. - T asks Ss to read the letter carefully and complete the chart.. - Ss work in pairs.. - Ss report the results to the class. - T corrects and then tells Ss how to write a letter about past experience. - T underlines the verbs and asks Ss to use the past simple in their writings.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG Time Content. Name of experience When it happened Where it happened How it happened How the experience affected the writer 9’. Teacher’s activities. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5). * Task 2 : Name of experience When it happened Where it happened How it happened How the experience affected the writer. 12’. 7’. 2’. 2. While-writing :. 3. Post-writing : Correction. III. Homework :. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN Ss’ activities. - T asks Ss to fill in the table some information about their past experiences.. - Ss work individually and then exchange their ideas.. - T divides the class into 6 groups. - T asks Ss to write a letter about their past experience, using the information above. - T goes around the class to give help.. - Ss work in groups.. - T guides Ss how to correct the mistakes. - T chooses 2 or 3 letters to correct and give marks. - T tells Ss to rewrite the letter.. Lop11.com. - Ss exchange their letters to correct the mistakes. - Ss look at the blackboard and give feedback. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare lesson 5 : Language Focus..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 2 : Personal Experiences. Date :July Week : 4. Lesson 5 : Language Focus – Period 11 * Aims : help Ss distinguish the sounds : /m/ , /n/ , /m/ and know how to use the present simple indicating past time and review the past simple, past progressive and past perfect. - Teaching aids : posters , textbook * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork , Bingo * Procedure : Time. 5’. Content. Teacher’s activities. Ss’activities. I.Warm – up : Bingo - T explains the game. may make summer home small. 6’. nose nine money seven snow. wrong running bringing sing morning. II. New lesson : 1.Pronunciation : /m/, /n/, /m/ * Practise reading aloud these sentences.. - Ss work in groups. - After the game , T asks Ss to listen and repeat. - T guides Ss to pronounce /m/, /n/, /m/. - T models. - T goes around the class to give help. - T gives feedback.. 10’. 10’. 2. Grammar : Examples: 1. He goes for a walk every night. Tom is working now. They haven’t finished their work yet. We were having lunch when we heard the news. When the police arrived, the car had gone. Exercise 1 : 1.invites 7. contains 2. sets 8. has baked 3.gets 9.is 4.waves 10. is shining 5.promises 11. are singing 6. carries 12.is. - Ss listen and repeat.. - T asks Ss to underline the verbs in each sentence and and asks them what tenses they are. - T gives feedback and revises the tenses.. - Ss practise reading individually. - Ss read aloud the sentences.. - Ss read the examples and give their answers. - Ss listen and copy down.. - T runs through exercise 1 and asks Ss - Ss work in groups of four. to do it . - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG Time. Content. Teacher’s activities. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN Ss’activities. - T corrects. 12’. 2’. Exercise 2 , 3: Lucky numbers Questions : 16 Lucky numbers: 3 Potluck : 3 Exercise 2 1. broke / was playing 2. wrote / was 3. was working / broke 4. started / wre walking 5. told / were having 6. didn’t listen / was thinking 7. phoned / didn’t answer / were (you ) doing 8. was not wearing / didn’t notice / was driving Exercise 2 1. had eaten / arrived 2. found / had taken 3. got / had closed 4. got / had left 5. got / had arrived 6. paid / had phoned 7. went / said / hadn’t arrived 8. had looked / asked / cost III. Homework:. - T runs through exercise 2 and 3. - T asks Ss to supply the correct verb tenses. - T goes around the class to give help.. - Ss work individually and compare their answers .. - T divides the class into 2 groups and guides them to play the game “Lucky numbers”. - T corrects and gives marks.. - T asks Ss to redo the exercises.. Lop11.com. - Ss work in groups. - Ss choose the numbers and answer the questions.. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare for the test..

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