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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 11 đến period: 17

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period: 11. UNIT 3: A PARTY. A: READING I. Aims: to get Ss to: - help students to correct false information. - help students scan for specific information. II. Teaching aids. - pictures, books, (colored) chalks, songs, cassette III. Teaching steps 1. Greeting + checking attendances 2. Check up: some new words 3. New lesson Time T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES BEFORE YOU READ - Work in pairs. - ask Ss to work in pairs, look at the - look at the pictures pictures and answer some questions 5’ 1. Who are these people? - ask and answer the questions 2. What are they doing? 3. How do they feel? Notes: - silver anniversary = silver wedding( 25th) - golden anniversary= golden - write some new words wedding(50th) - Diamond wedding: leã kæ nieäm kim cöông. WHILE YOU READ Some new words and expressions: 10’ 1.anniversary /junivocseri /(n) 2. celebrate/ jselibreit /(v): leã kæ nieäm - repeat the words after the teacher ex: He will hold a party to celebrate his girl’s birthday on Saturday. - repeat the words 3.candle/jkundel /(n) 4.blow out/ bleu /(blew): thoåi taét - give the meanings ex: someone opened the door and the candle blew out. 5.present(n) = a gift 6.A adult / judrlt / = a grown- up -discuss the context 7.couple/jkrpl / (n) - read silently TASK 1 5’ - scan the passage - requires students to scan the passage - read the context of Task 1 carefully - requires students to read the context of - reread the passage task 1 - work with a partner, put a check (v) in - requires students to reread the passage the right box. again - asks students to put a check (v) in the 1 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 10’. 10’. right box( sgk) - asks Ss to give answer -corrects the mistakes and gives feedback TASK 2 - requires students to read these sentences with a partner, one word in each sentence is wrong. - asks Ss to read the passage again in 5 minutes and correct each sentence by the new sentence on the line - asks Ss to give answers - corrects and explains AFTER YOU READ - asks Ss to work in groups of 4, compare how Vietnamese people and American people celebrate their birthdays and wedding anniversaries. HOME WORK - Learnt by heart the lesson - Read the passage again - Prepare the next part: SPEAKING. Period 12. - read the sentences - read the passage again in silently - choose the mistakes and correct the sentences - check the answer with a partner - give answers - take notes. - work in groups of 4 - compare -for reasons. -. listen take notes. UNIT 3: A PARTY B: SPEAKING. I. Aims -to help students to talk about parties and how to plan parties - make a plan for a birthday party and talk about a party that they’ve recently participated in. II. Teaching aids. - Blackboard, (colored) chalks, pictures, E 11 III. Teaching steps: 1. Greeting + checking attendances. 2. Check up: new words 3. New lesson: SPEAKING Time T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES TASK 1 - asks Ss to read the following personality then compare with your partner’s 5’ - read the questions carefully and answers. - asks Ss to read and choose the - compare them with their partner’s information. - read your answers and explain the - compare the answer with a partner. reason why you choose them. - asks Ss to give answers 2 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - explains TASK 2 - asks Ss to work in groups of 4, and make - work in groups. - practice in pairs. a plan for your birthday party. 15’ - ask and answer the questions. -guides and explains to Ss -asks Ss to look at example from the book - make suggestions to ask. - ask their friends for suggestions -gives Ss to ask their friends for - listen suggestions from the book. - take notes - corrects the mistakes. TASK 3 (consolidation) - asks Ss to work in groups of 4, talk about - work in groups of 4, talk about a party - read the suggestion carefully. a party that you have recently participate - discuss and talk about the party in group. in. 15’ - guides Ss to use the following suggestion - tell a party that they have recently participated in - asks Ss to discuss and talk about the - one by one tell your stories party - listen - asks Ss try your best to talk some more - take notes ideas besides the suggestions. - corrects the mistakes HOME WORK: - Try to tell story again - complete the following dialogue 1. …….. ? My birthday is on May 14th. 2………..? I often have my birthday party at a small restaurant 3………..? I only invite my relative and close friends 4………..? The party often lasts about 3 hours.. Period: 13. UNIT 3: A PARTY C: LISTENING. I/ Aims: - to help students to listen and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False ( F) - to guide students to listen and answer the questions. II/ Teaching aids: - pictures, books, chalks, cassette, III/ Teaching steps 1. Greeting + Checking attendances 2. Check up: ask and answer the dialogue 3. New lesson: Time T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES BEFORE YOU LISTEN 10’ - work in pairs, ask and answer - asks Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions from the book. - explains and corrects * listen and repeat: 3 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 10’. 10’. 10’. - asks ss to listen and repeat the words and expressions from the book. - organise(v)/jngenaiz /= hold, have(a party) - collect(sb) = pick (sb) up: đón ai - tidy up = clean up: saïch seõ - turn = reach the age: sang, đến tuổi - colorful: nhieàu maøu saéc - delicious/dijlifes/(a): ngon, tuyệt vời - a flower vase: bình hoa - asks ss to give the meaning of the words - corrects the mistakes WHILE YOU LISTEN TASK 1 - asks Ss to read the statements carefully before listening. - helps Ss to know the meanings of the difficult words and phrases - reads the passage twice, asks ss to decide whether they are T or F - asks ss to work in pairs and compare the answers - asks Ss to give answers and give reasons - gives feedback TASK 2 - asks Ss to read the questions in task 2. - Ss give the meanings of the questions - asks Ss to listen the passage again and answer the questions - asks Ss to work in pairs and check the answers with a partner. - goes round to helps Ss - asks Ss to give answers - corrects and give feedback - asks some pairs to practice. AFTER YOU LISTEN - Asks Ss to work in groups of 4, discuss and talk about Mai’s birthday party. - corrects and check the mistakes HOME WORK - learn by heart the words - talk about Mai’s birthday party by yourself -prepare the next part: WRITING. 4 Lop11.com. - look at the words from the book - listen - repeat - write some words from the tape scripts - give the meaning -take notes. - read the statements carefully - give the meanings - listen and decide whether they are T or F. - compare the answers - give answers - listen and take notes. - read the questions from the book. - give the meanings - listen and answer - compare with partner - give answer - practice the questions - listen - take notes. -. the leader of each group talks about their reports take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Period 14. UNIT 3: A PARTY D: WRITING. I.Aims: - to help students understand and write a letter of invitation II. Teaching aids: - (colored) chalks, books, notebooks, pictures III. Teaching steps: 1. Checking attendance 2. Check up: new words from the part listening 3. New lesson: Time T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES TASK 1 - Work in pairs. -requires Ss to work in pairs, ask and - ask and answer the questions answer the questions from the book - listen and take notes - introduces a letter of invitation. TASK 2 - read each word . - asks Ss to read and give the meanings - read the letter carefully. the words in the box. - complete the letter of invitation - asks Ss to read the letter and complete with the words/ phrases in the it. box. - asks Ss to work in pairs and check the -work in pairs and check the answers answers - correct again - asks Ss to give answers - other ss to correct the mistakes - gives feedback and explain TASK 3 - asks Ss to read and give the meanings of - read and give the meanings - work in pairs and answers the guidelines - write a letter of invitation follow the - asks Ss to work in pairs and answer the guidelines questions - rearrange the ideas into the suitable 1. Because of my birthday/ saying order goodbye… th - write a complete letter 2. at home at 6 pm on October 19 - change the letter to your partner to 3. about 20 people correct 4. singing, dancing, playing games. - write the letter on the blackboard 5. cakes, biscuits, soft drinks….. - listen - asks Ss to write the letter(15minutes) - take notes - goes round to help students to write - calls student to write the on the B - corrects the mistakes HOMEWORK - listen - reread the letter again - take notes - prepare the next part “ Language Focus”. 5 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Period: 15. UNIT 3: A PARTY E: LANGUAGE FOCUS. I. Aims: - to guide students to pronounce / l / / r / /h / - to review students to use infinitive , gerund, passive infinitive. II. Teaching aids: - E11, (colored) chalks, some more exercises III. Teaching steps: 1. Check up students ‘attendances. 2. Check up students’ letter. 3. New lesson: Time T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ /l/, /r/, /h/ PRONUNCIATION * listen and repeat - listen carefully. - asks Ss to listen the cassette the sounds - repeat from the book - repeat individually - explains the difference between the - repeat sounds - asks Ss to listen and repeat carefully. - listen carefully. - listens and corrects their pronunciation * practice these sentences - repeat - models the sentences - repeat individually - asks Ss to practice in pairs - corrects if it is necessary GRAMMAR I/ to infinitive and gerund Ss give some examples 1. to infinitive - be used after verbs: want, intend, decide, -ex: she promised to go to with me expect, hope, mean, offer, promise… - be used after adjectives: -ex: he admitted steadying the money glad, happy, ready, kind, … 10’ - be used after: enough, too, ask, get, tell… - ex: I couldn’t resist buying a new dress on sale 2. gerund: - be used after verbs: enjoy, avoid, dislike, risk, mention, miss……. EXERCISE 1: Infinitive and gerund - asks Ss to complete the sentences with -look at some verbs on the book Gerund or Infinitive -complete the sentences with some verbs 1. be forced+ to –v( buoäc phaûi laøm gì) -give the meaning of the sentences 2. dislike+ V-ing( khoâng thích) 3. risk+ v-ing (lieàu, phieâu löu) 4. slip out: buoäc mieäng noùi ra mean+ to-v(coù yù ñònh) 5.keep+ V-ing (tieáp tuïc laøm gì) 6. demand+ to-V( yêu cầu, đòi). 6 Lop11.com. work in pairs and correct the mistakes listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 5’. 10’. 10’. 5’. 7. appreciate+ V-ing( coi troïng, caûm kích) 8. miss+ V-ing( bỏ lỡ, không làm) II/ Passive infinitive and gerund 1. Passive infinitive - gives Ss an example: ex: I didn’t expect to be invited to his party. * Structure: TO BE + PP 2. Passive gerund - ex: At that time, scientists began discovering Pluto and its satellites.  At that time, Pluto and its Satellites began being discovered by scientists  structure: BEING + PP EXERCISE 2: asks Ss choose the correct answer 1. seem + to-v( to be + pp): dường như 2. want + to- v( to be + pp): muốn 3. agree +to-V 4. application: mẫu ñôn consider: xem xeùt 5. expect + to –v( to be +pp): hi vọng 6. supposed+ to-v( to be+ pp): dự kiến 7. offer+ to-v: sẳn loøng EXERCISE 3: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1. instead of +V-ing: thay vì (B) 2. hope + to- V (D) 3. mind +V-ing(A) 4. refuse + to-V(C) - got into trouble: gặp rắc rối 5. mention + V-ing: (B) 6. enjoy + V-ing (A) 7. count on + V-ing (B) 8. forgive: tha thứ upset: buồn loøng 4.CONSOLIDATION: Repeat the verbs 5. HOME WORK : learnt the verbs -prepare the next part: TEST YOURSELF A. 7 Lop11.com. -. take notes. -. look at the example do example give the structure take notes listen to the explain. -. look at the example. -. write the structure write on their notebook. -. read the sentence carefully and choose the correct answer work in pairs and check the answer read the answer correct the mistakes. -. -. work in pairs, read the sentences carefully choose the correct answer read the answers correct their mistakes take notes. -listen - take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Period16 TEST YOURSELF A I. Aims: - to review 4 skills: listening, reading, writing, grammar. - to summarize the content they have learnt in 3 units. II. Teaching aids: - tape, cassette, work book, guide book……. III. Teaching procedures 1. Greeting+ checking attendance 2. check up: 3. New lesson Time T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES I. LISTENING * key words: 10’ - write some key words -keep in touch: giữ liên lạc - give the meanings of the words - the same length of time: cùng thời gian - get(people) together: quy tụ mọi người laïi - these day: daïo naøy -pub= bar: quán rượu -read the questions - asks Ss to listen and answer the -listen questions. -check the answer - asks Ss to read the questions before -work in pairs and answer listening - explains Ss some new words. -give answer - reads the passage twice -asks Ss to work in pairs and answer the qs -take notes - asks Ss to give answers - corrects the mistakes II. READING - asks Ss to read the passage about a birthday party then answer the questions * key words: -write some words on the board - ordinary/jndineri/(a): bình thường 10’ -give the meaning - thrill: boàn choàn - virtually(adv):= nearly: haàu nhö - listen - prominently/jprmminentli/: noåi baät - wrap: goùi, boïc - repeat -brand- new: mới tinh - grin: cười toe toét - hug: oâm ghì chaët -read the passage -reads and asks Ss to repeat the words - read the questions carefully -gives the meanings -asks Ss to read the words and corrects -asks Ss to read the passage carefully and - answer the questions answer the questions 8 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 10’. 15’. -asks Ss to work in pairs and check the answer - asks Ss to practice - corrects the mistakes III. GRAMMAR a. Complete using the To- inf, bare- Inf, the perfect inf * structure: TO+ HAVE + PP 1. hesitate+ To-V: do dự 2. why+ bare-inf: taïi sao 3. would prefer+ To-V: öa, thích hôn 4. pleasure+ To-V: thaät vui 5. to be honest: noùi thaät tình 6. claim+ To-V: tuyeân boá 7.must+ bare-inf 8. could have + pp: suy đoán(có thể làm gì) 9. fail to do st: không làm được gì 10. persuaded+ To –V: thuyeát phuïc b. Complete the sentences with the appropriate expressions in the box. * key words: - lost contact with: maát lieân laïc - rely on= count on, depend on - remain: vẫn, không có gì thay đổi - to be in touch with: lieân laic -argument/jggjument/(n): tranh luaän - regularly/ jregjuleli/(adv)= frequently IV. WRITING - write about your birthday party( or one of your friend’s), the following questions might help you (from the book) -helps Ss to discuss the ideas to write about a birthday party. - asks Ss to work in groups of 4 and write to it - corrects the mistakes HOME WORK - Asks Ss to learn the lesson - Prepare the English test 1. 9 Lop11.com. - check the answer with a partner - practice -listen -take notes. -look at the sentences - complete the verbs by using to-v, bareinf, perfect inf - listen to explain - work in pairs and complete - take notes. - read and give the meanings of the words in the box. - read the sentences and complete it - work in pairs and check the answers - give answer - listen - take notes. -read the following questions carefully - discuss the questions - work in groups of 4 and write the letter - exchange the letter - write on the board -listen -take notes - listen - take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Period 17 ONE PERIOD TEST No 1 I. Aims: - to help Ss to check their knowledge after studying 3 units - to practice 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. II. Contents. 10 Lop11.com.

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