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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 7: World population - Lesson: Reading

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Giaùo aùn Tieáng Anh 11 (chuaån). UNIT 7. THPT Lai Vung I. WORLD POPULATION. Lesson : READING Period : ________  Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get general and information about the world population.  Lexical items : words or phrases used in the lesson.  Teaching aids : textbook, pictures, posters.  Procedures: Time Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5ms I. Warm up: - Show the two pictures on the - Look at the pictures board (pictures from textbook) @. Questions: - Ask Ss some questions - Listen and answer. 1. Where can you find these scenes? 2. What can you see in them? Expected answers: 3. Are they living in good conditions? 4. Can you state the reasons why they are 1/ In the country/ town/ market place,… poor? 2/ a family with many children/ many people at the market place,… 3/ No (they are poor people) 3/ Having a lot of children -> not qualified -> out of work, ….. 8ms. 5ms. 15ms. @. Unit 3: WORLD POPULATION (Reading) II. Pre-reading: + Vocabulary : - increase (v) > < decrease (v) - limit (v) hạn chế, giới hạn - figure (n) con soá - birth-control method: p.p hạn chế sinh đẻ - family planning: k.hoạch hóa g.đình - overpopulation (n) sự đông dân quá mức - Third World (n) Thế giới thứ ba - available (adj) coù saún * Checking : R & R + Pre-question: True or False: 1. The world’s p_ will no longer increase. 2. There is enough water for all the people in the world. 3. It is difficult for women in Third World to limit the size of their families. III. While-reading: @. Give the answer to the Pre-question. - Introduce.. - Follow the steps presenting vocabulary.. - Listen.. for - Listen and take part in presenting vocabulary.. - Copy down. - Do as the teacher tells. - Show the poster. - Ask Ss to do.. - Guess and give the answer T or F. - Ask Ss to open their books - Read the text and check and read silently. the answer T/F - Get feedback & correct 1/ F 2/ F 3/ T. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Giaùo aùn Tieáng Anh 11 (chuaån). THPT Lai Vung I. @. Answer the following questions 1. What was the population of the world in 10,000 BC., 1750, 1850, ….? 2. How many people is the world expected to have by the year 2015? 3. Can the Earth have enough resources to support its population? 4. Do most Third World women want to have a lot of children? 5. Why can’t women in the world limit the size of their families?. 10ms. -Get feedback & correct: Expected answers : 1. (the figures in textbook) 2. … 7 billion. 3. Some scientists say it can, others say it can’t. 4. no, they don’t. 5.because they know of no safe - Copy down. way to have fewer children.. IV. Post-reading : - Work in pairs and give A. Discussion: Find out 5 world largest - Ask Ss to work in pairs the answer countries in population. Where are they? Which is the richest / poorest country? B. Fill each blank with a suitable word from the box (Task 1) - Give assignment instruct Ss - Look at the text book limit, figures, method, although, control, to do the first 4 sentences. and do (pair work) increase, international, resources 1. ______ most journalists studied journalism in college, some older writers never attended a university. 2. Can you explain the _____ for changing salt water to fresh water? 3. The number of injuries from automobile accidents ______ every year. 4. Some countries are poor because they have very few ______.. 2ms. - Ask Ss to answer the - Work in pairs to five the questions. answers.. V. Homework: - Do at home: Task 1 (cont.) - Prepare the next part of the lesson.. - correct: 1/ although 2/ method 3/ increase 4/ resources - Copy. - Ask Ss to do the rest at home - Listen. (sentences: 4,5,6,7,8 page: 82). Lop11.com.

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