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Giáo án English 10 - Unit 7: The Mas Media - E.Language Focus - Năm học 2012-2013

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Pre : 22.11.2012 Tea: 29.11+05.12.2012. Unit 7 :. THE MAS MEDIA E. LANGUAGE FOCUS. Week: 15-16 Syllable Period: 43-44. I. Objectives: 1. Education aim: Help students pronounce three double vowel sounds /ei/, /ai/ and / ɔi/. - Revise the present perfect (with a future meaning) and the way to use the adverb clauses of concession: "because of" and " in spite of”. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: The present perfect. - Language: The way to use the adverb clauses of concession: "because of" and " in spite of”. II. Method: Mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Some pictures. IV. Procedure: 1 / Class organization: (Greeting and checking the attendance) Attendance: 10: ................................................................... 2 / Oral test: - Let 2 students go to the board and answer the questions - Correct their mistakes. 3 / New lesson: Contents. Teacher’s & students’ activities. I. WARM UP: speed reading She sells sea shells on the sea shore.. - Ask sts to read the sentences as quickly as possible. Then comments.. II. PRONUNCIATION Presentation: / ei/, / ai/ and / ɔi/ Instructs the way to pronounce:. - Demonstrates the sounds / ei/, / ai/ and / ɔi/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly - Helps Ss to distinguish these two sounds.. - /eɪ/ has two sounds: e and ɪ - First make the sound e. Now make it longer eee. Then add I. This is very short eeeI. - / aɪ/ has two sounds: a and ɪ. - First practice the sound a. This is a long sound and then adds I. This is very short aaaI - / ɔɪ / has two sounds: ɔ and ɪ - First practice the sound /ɔ/. Now make it longer ɔɔɔ Then add I. This is very short ɔɔɔi Practice * Practise these sentences: - T asks sts to practice 6 sentences and say where /ei/, /ai/ and /ɔi/ are. - Plays the tape and ask them to repeat. - Calls on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly in front of the class. - Asks Ss to work in pairs and practice the sentences. - Introduces peer correction - Goes around the class and provide help if necessary. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> III. GRAMMAR Presentation * The Present Perfect: Form: have/has + Past participle - The present perfect with “for, since” + For: a period of time + Since: a point of time in the past - Simple past with “ago” a period of time + ago Because of. - Reviews the form and the use of the present perfect tense - Sts take some examples.. + noun / noun phrase. Because Since + clause For Ex: + She can’t go to school because of the heavy rain  She can’t go to school because it rain heavily Though Although Even though Even if. (chỉ nguyên nhân). + clause. Despite + noun / noun phrase In spite of (Cụm trạng ngữ chỉ sự thừa nhận: Là mệnh đề chỉ sự tương phản của 2 hành động trong câu) Practice Exercise 1: Complete a letter with verbs in the Present perfect tense. 1. have been 5. have had 2. has lived 6. have taken 3. have met 7. have watched 4. have done Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with for, since or ago. 1. since 4. for 7. ago 2. ago 5. since 8. ago 3. for 6. for 9. since 10. since. (concession - chỉ sự nhượng bộ). - Explain the aims of the exercise. - Ask students to work in pair. - Goes round and helps. - Ask students to go to the black board and correct the mistakes if necessary. - Correct students' mistakes. - Complete the following sentences using For, since and ago. - Ask student work alone then work in pair. - Get students to read the example carefully before doing the exercise. - Give some other examples. - Ask students to work in pair. - Goes round and helps. - Call some good students to the blackboard to correct. - Correct students' mistakes.. Exercise 3: Complete the sentences using the information in the box. 1. c, f 4. h, j 2. b, d 5. i, g 3. a, e. IV. CONSOLIDATION (5’) - T goes over the Present Perfect tense and the use of “because of” and “In spite of”. Lop10.com.

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