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Giáo án English 10 - Unit 8: The story of my village - D.Writing - Năm học 2012-2013

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Pre : 01.01.2013 Tea: 03.01.2013. Unit 8 : THE. STORY OF MY VILLAGE D. WRITING. Week: 1 Syllable Period: 54. I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - learn & use words and phrases to give direction. - write a letter to give directions. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS: 1. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Giving directions. - Language: Words relate to give directions. 2. Skills: Telling the way. III. METHOD: Mainly communicative. IV. TEACHING AIDS: Some pictures. V. PROCEDURE: 1 / Class organization: 2 / Oral test: (7’) - Let 2 students go to the board and answer the questions - Correct their mistakes. 3 / New lesson: Teacher’s & students’ activities - Ask sts close the book and ask them some questions. - lead in the lesson.. - Set the scene. Contents I. WARM UP: (5’) 1. What's your address?/Where do you live? 2. Class! Do you know the place where she live? - Could you show me how to get there? II. PRE- WRITING: (8’) Task 1: (page 87 ) Jim has decided to come to Ann's place for his holidav. Ann writes him a letter giving directions to her house. Now let's work in pairs, read the letter and study the map carefully to find Ann's house on the map.. - Explain the aim of the task. - Ask sts to read the letter in 3 minutes. - Explain the new word and grammar. - Emphatics the way to give directions Note: Ss may draw the directions on the map while discussing. -Hangs the map on the board and ask Ss to draw the directions on the big map. -Explains and checks in front of the class as a whole. Keep Ss in pairs. Ask them to read the letter again and underline the words and phrases Ss can use to give directions.. Task 2: Read the letter again and underline the words and phrases Ss can use to give directions: + come/ get out of... + turn right/ left... + keep (on) walking… + go over… + walk past + take the 1st /2nd turning on the right/ left... + It’s the one with .... + opposite + next to + go along + go ahead Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> => Ann’s house is H. It’s on Parker Avenue. - Asks Ss to write the letter independently and go around the class, provide help when necessary. - Asks Ss compare their writing with a friend. Introduce peer correction.. - T asks Ss to write their letter on the board and gives comments then corrects. - Ss present theirs letters on the board and correct their mistakes.. - T reminds Ss their homework. - Ss listen and memorize.. III. WHILE-WRITING: (15’) Task 3: (page 88) Your house is A on the map. Write a letter to Jim, telling him the way to your house from Roston Railway Station. Model of a giving directions letter: - Opening: Dear …, - Body: giving directions - Closing: Looking forward to seeing you soon./ I hope to see you soon. Love/ Best Wishes, Signature IV. POST-WRITING: (8’) * Feedback and give suggested answers: Dear Jim, I'm very happy to hear that you will come here for lhe summer holiday. I'm writing to tell you how to gel to my house from the Roston Railway Station. Now when you come out of the station, turn right. Keep walking for about 5 minutes, you will see a small bridge ahead. Go over the bridge, go along the street past the medical centre and the car park then take the second turning on the left. Walk past the Souvenir shop and you will see my house. It's on the right, next to the shop. You can't miss it. I enclose the map so that you can follow my directions easily. Lookingforward to seeing you soon. Love, Kiet * Homework (2’) - Write a letter to invite your friend to come to your house. In you letter give directions to your house from the station. - Learn by heart words/ phrases used to give directions - Prepare for Language focus. Comments & supplements: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Lop10.com.

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