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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 8: Celebrations - Lesson 1 đến lesson 5

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date : Week :. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 8 : Celebrations Lesson 1 : Reading –Period. * Aims : help Ss be able to read and understand the text about Tet in Vietnam - Lexical items : words / phrases related to Tet - Teaching aids : textbook , picture , poster - Skills : reading for gist and specific information * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork , flower game , network * Procedure : Time Content Teacher’s activities 5’ I. Warm-up : Flower game - T guides Ss to play the game. CELEBRATIONS. Ss’ activities. - Ss work in groups.. - After the game , T leads Ss to the topic of the unit . 6’. 5’. 8’. II. New lesson : 1. Pre-reading : (picture) * Questions : 1. What time of the year is it ? 2. What do you see in the picture ? 3. What activities do you enjoy doing most at Tet ?. * Task 1 : Matching A 1. grand 2. banner 3. sugared apples 4. agrarian 5. pray 6. excitement. 1. b 2.a 3. e 4. f 2. While-reading : * Task 2 : 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F. - T gives feedback and leads Ss to the topic of the lesson. - T asks Ss to do the matching.. B a.biđu ngđ,ngđn cđ b. quan trđng c.sđ nao nđc, phđn khđi d. cđu nguyđn e. táo rim đđđng f. thuđc vđ nông thôn 5. d. - T shows the picture and asks Ss some questions.. - T corrects and guides Ss to read these words.. - Ss look at the picture and answer the questions.. - Ss work in groups of four. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class. - Ss listen and repeat.. 6. c - T runs through task 2 and then asks Ss to guess the - Ss read the answers. statements and guess the Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. 5. T 6. F. 12’. 7’. 2’. - T asks Ss to read the passage carefully and check their answers. - T goes around the class to give help.. * Task 3 : 1. It’s sometime between 19 January and 20 February. 2. For months. 3. They are decorated with coloured lights and red banners. 4. They buy gifts , clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods. 5. It’s made from sticky rice , green beans and fatty pork. 6. It is candied fruit such as sugared apples , plums or tomatoes. 7. Visiting friends and other family members , exchanging wishes , going to pagoda , playing games , etc. 3. Post-reading : * Cues : - how you prepared for Tet - how you decorated your house - who you visited - what special foods you ate - what activities you enjoyed doing most during Tet III. Homework :. Lop11.com. - T corrects. - T runs through task 3 and asks Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions.. - T corrects.. - T asks Ss to tell each other about their last Tet holiday, focusing on the cues. - T gives feedback. - T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about their last Tet holiday.. answers.. - Ss work in pairs. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class. - Ss work in pairs. - Ss read the passage again and answer the questions. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss write the answers on the board.. - Ss work in groups. - Ss present to the class.. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare lesson 2: Speaking..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date : Week :. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 8 : Celebrations Lesson 2 : Speaking – Period. * Aims : help Ss be able to talk about the holidays and celebrations - Lexical items : words / phrases related to celebrations and holidays - Teaching aids : textbook , posters , picture - Skills : speaking * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork , matching * Procedure : Time Content Teacher’s activities 5’ I. Warm-up : Matching - T asks Ss to do the matching. A B (pictures) a. Teacher’s Day b.Mid-Autumn Festival c. Women’s Day 1.a. 9’. 10’. 19’. , 2. c , 3. b. II. New lesson : 1. Task 1 : Mai : Do you know that Tet holiday is next month ? Anna : What is Tet ? Mai : It’s the time when Vietnamese people celebrate the beginning of spring. It’s also the start of the lunar new year. Anna : When is it exactly ? Mai : Well , this year it’s on the 9th of February. Anna : What do you usually do at Tet? Mai : Well , we eat a lot of special foods , we dress up and visit friends and relatives , and we also play some traditional games. Anna: Oh , that sounds really interesting. 2. Task 2 : 1. c C , 2. a A. - T gives feedback and then leads Ss to the topic of the lesson. - T sets the scene : Mai is talking with Anna , her new English friend , about Tet holiday in Vietnam. Practise reading the dialogue. - T models. - T goes around the class to give help. - T gives feedback. -T runs through task 2 and then asks Ss to do the matching.. , 3. b B. 3. Task 3 :. - T corrects. - T asks Ss to ask Lop11.com. Ss’ activities. - Ss work in groups of four. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class.. - Ss practise reading the dialogue in pairs.. - Some Ss are called to read aloud the dialogue.. - Ss work in pairs. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. 2’. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. and answer about the holidays above, using the dialogue in task 1 as the model. - T guides Ss to use substitution drill. - T goes around the class to give help.. III. Homework :. - T gives feedback. - T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about Tet holiday.. Lop11.com. - Ss work in pairs. - Ss present to the class.. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare lesson 3: Listening..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date : Week :. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 8 : Celebrations Lesson 3 : Listening – Period. * Aims : help Ss be able to hear and understand the information about how the New Year is celebrated in Japan - Lexical items : words / phrases related to the New Year - Teaching aids : textbook ,posters , - Skills : listening for gist and specific information * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork , Kim’s game * Procedure : Time Content Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities 5’ I. Warm-up : Kim’s game - T guides Ss to play the game. - Ss work in groups. similarrities housewives - After the game , T longevity constancy guides Ss to read kimono shrine these words and pine trees represent explains the - Ss listen and meanings. II. New lesson : repeat. 8’ 1. Pre-listening : Net work - T asks Ss to guess what activities the Japanese often do on their New Year’s - Ss work in pairs. Days. Activities - Ss report the - T gives feedback results to the class. and then leads Ss to the topic of the lesson.. 10’. 2. While-listening : * Task 1 : 1 2 3 10 11. 4. 6. 8. - T sets the scene : You will hear 2 people talking about how the New Year is celebrated in Japan.Listen and tick () the things you hear. - T runs through task 1 and asks Ss to guess the answers. - T writes what Ss guess on the board. - T plays the tape ( 2 times or more ).. Lop11.com. - Ss read the sentences and then guess the answers. - Ss listen and check.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. 13’. 7’. 2’. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. * Task 2 : 1. Because they want to get rid of the dirt of the old year and welcome the New Year. 2.From television or the radio. 3. Kimonos or special dress. 4. No. New Year Day is mostly celebrated among family only.. 3. Post-listening : * preparations * foods and clothes * activities on New Year’s Eve * people to celebrate with. III. Homework :. - T corrects. - T runs through task 2 and then asks Ss to guess the answers based on the previous listening. - T writes what Ss guess on the board. - T plays the tape again ( 2 times or more ). - T corrects. - T asks Ss to compare the following aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one. - T gives feedback. - T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about the Japanese New Year.. Lop11.com. their answers. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class.. - Ss read the questions and guess the answers.. - Ss listen and check their answers. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss write the answers on the board.. - Ss work in pairs.. - Ss present to the class.. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare lesson 4: Writing..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date : Week :. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 8 : Celebrations Lesson 4 : Writing – Period. * Aims : help Ss be able to describe a celebration - Lexical items : words / phrases used to describe a celebration - Teaching aids : textbook , posters - Skills : writing * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork , matching * Procedure : Time Content Teacher’s activities 6’ I. Warm-up : (picture) - T shows the picture and asks * Questions : 1. What celebration is it ? Ss these questions. 2. Who are they ? 3. What are they doing ? - T gives feedback and leads Ss to the topic of the II. New lesson : lesson. 8’ 1. Pre-writing : - T asks Ss to Celebrations/ Time purpose activities Like/ fill in the table. festivals Dislike (why) National Independence - T goes around Day the class to give Mid-Autumn help. Festival - T gives Teacher’s feedback and Day guides Ss to use Women’s Day these main points to write the description. 19’ 2. While-writing : - T asks Ss to * name of the festival write a * time of the festival description of * purpose of the festival one of the * main activities of the festival popular * your feeling about the festival ( whether you like it or celebrations in not and the reasons ) Vietnam. - T goes around the class to give Lop11.com. Ss’ activities. - Ss look at the picture and answer the questions.. - Ss work in groups of four. - Ss share their ideas. - Ss report the results to the class.. - Ss work in groups of 8..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. 3.Post-writing : Correction. help. - T guides Ss how to correct the mistakes. - T chooses 2 or 3 writings to correct and give marks. - T asks Ss to rewrite the description.. 10’. III. Homework : 2’. Lop11.com. - Ss exchange their writings to correct the mistakes.. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare lesson 5 : Language Focus..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. Date : Week :. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. Unit 8 : Celebrations Lesson 5 : Language Focus – Period. * Aims : help Ss be able to pronounce / fl/ , /fr/ , /0r/ and use pronouns such as one(s) , someone , no one , anyone , everyone and vocabulary about holidays and celebrations. - Teaching aids : textbook , posters * Method and technique : pairwork , groupwork , Bingo * Procedure : Time Content Techer’s activities Ss’ activities 5’ I. Warm-up : Bingo - T guides Ss to play the game. fly fry thrive - Ss work flower frozen threaten individually. flu fruit through overflow afraid overthrow - After the game , T guides Ss to pronounce /fl/ , /fr/, /0r/ and read these - Ss listen and words. repeat. II. New lesson : 6’ 1. Pronunciation : / fl/ , /fr/ , /0r/ * Practise reading aloud this dialogue. - T models .. - T goes around the class to give help.. - T gives feedback. 8’. 8’. 2. Grammar : Examples : 1. Everyone wants to go home early. 2. Is there anyone in the house ? 3. Listen ! Someone is knocking at the door. 4. No one likes snakes , do they ? 5. They let me choose a pencil , and I took the red one. Exercise 1 : 1. anyone 2. someone 3. anyone 4. someone 5. no one 6. everyone. - Ss practise reading the dialogue in pairs.. - Some Ss are called to read aloud the dialogue.. - T gives examples and then explains the meaning and the uage. - Ss listen , answer the questions and copy down.. - T guides Ss to do the exercises.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN ĐÁNG. GV: NGUYEÃN THÒ TUYEÁT LAN. 7. no one 9’. 7’. 2’. Exercise 2 : 1. Of the three bags I like the blue one. 2. Mai is making a fruit cake . Huong is making one , too. 3. I like reading books , especially the ones about the natural world. 4. I don’t have a computer , and my father doesn’t want me to have one. 5. They let me choose a pencil , and I took the red one. 6. There are several celebrations in Vietnam , but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet. 7. We told each other both happy stories and sad ones about our lives. Exercise 3: 1. traditional 2. grand 3. gifts 4. celebrating 5. polite 6. good luck 7. excitement III. Homework :. - T goes around the class to give help.. - Ss work in groups of four. - Ss compare their answers. - Ss report the results to the class.. - T corrects .. - T asks Ss to redo the exercises. - Ss do their homework. - Ss prepare for the first term examination.. Lop11.com.

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