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Cao Ba Quat secondary school Revision for the first Semester
*Unit 1 :
I/ The Simple Present Tense (Thì hiện tại đơn):
1.Form : to be
- Affirmative : S + V
S + am/is/are……..

- Negative : S + do/does + not + V S+ am/is/are + not…
- Interrogative : Do/Does + S + V.....? Am/Is/Are + S…..?
2.Use :
a.Diễn tả hành động hoặc thói quen ở hiện tại (every,often,usually,sometimes,always….)
b.Diễn tả một chân lí,một sự thật lúc nào cũng đúng.(The sun rises in the east)
II/ The Simple Past Tense : (Thì quá khứ đơn) : diễn tả hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ.
1.Form : to be
- Affirmative : S + V
S + was/were…..
- Negative : S + did + not + V S + was/were + not…
- Interrogative : Did + S + V…..? Was/Were + S …..?
2.Use : diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ xác định rõ thời gian(last,yesterday,ago,in the
past,in 2000…)
3/ (not) adjective + enough + to_infinitive : (không) đủ….để
*Unit 2 :
1/ Be going to + V
: diễn tả dự định ở tương lai gần.
2/ Adverbs of place : Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn.

Inside : ở trong ,Outside : ở ngoài, here : ở đây, there : ở đó, upstairs : trên lầu,
downstairs : dưới lầu.
*Unit 3 :
1/Reflexive pronouns : Đại từ phản thân
I  myself You  yourself He  himself She  herself
It  itself We ourselves You yourselves They themselves
2/Modal verbs : động từ khiếm khuyết ( can,may,could,should,must,have to )
S + modal verb + V
*Unit 4 :
1/Prepositions of time :
In + tháng,năm, buổi,mùa. (Ex : in May,in 1990…)
On + thứ ,ngày (Ex : On Monday, on January 9…)
At + giờ (Ex : at 6 o’clock..)
School year : 2010 – 2011 Huynh Duc Danh 1
Cao Ba Quat secondary school Revision for the first Semester
After/Before+ giờ : sau/trước (Ex : after 5,before 9)
Between …and…: giữa ..và…. (Ex : between 8:30 and 9:15)
2/Used to + V
: đã thường diễn tả thói quen ở quá khứ, chấm dứt ở hiện tại.
*Form :
- Afiirmative : S + used to + Vo…
- Negative : S + didn’t + use to + Vo…
- Interrogative : Did + S + use to + Vo…?
*Unit 5 :

1/Adverbs of manner : Trạng từ chỉ thể cách (Softly,well,fast,badly,hard)
Adj + ly = Adv
Ex : He is a good soccer // He plays soccer well
Ex : She is a quick English learner.// She learns English quickly.
2/ In order to/ So as to + V : để (chỉ mục đích)
3/ Reported speech : Câu tường thuật
*Request : câu yêu cầu,đề nghị.
S + asked/told + O +(not) to_Vo
*Advice : lời khuyên (should)
S + said + S + should + V
*Unit 6 :
1/Gerunds : (danh động từ) : V_ing
S + like,love,enjoy,hate,dislike, + V_ing
2/Modal verbs (Động từ khiếm khuyết) : May,Can,Could…thường sử dụng trong câu yêu
cầu hoặc đề nghị
S + modal verbs + Vo
Asking for favors Responding to favors
Can/Could you help me,please?
Could you do me a favor ?
I need a favor
Can/Could you…?
Certainly/of course/sure
No problem
What can I do for you
How can I help you /
I’m sorry.I’m really busy
Offering assistance Responding to assistance
May I help you ?
Do you need any help ?

Let me help you.
Yes/No.Thank you.
Yes.That’s very kind of you
No.Thank you.I’m fine.
School year : 2010 – 2011 Huynh Duc Danh 2
Cao Ba Quat secondary school Revision for the first Semester
*Unit 7 :
I/The Present Perfect (HTHT):
- Affirmative : S + have/has +V
- Negative : S + have/has + not + V
- Interrogative : Have/Has + S + V
*since : kể từ (chỉ điểm thời gian) *for : khoảng (thời gian)
- Thì HTHT diễn tả hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ nhưng vẫn còn kéo dài đến hiện tại.
* Các trạng từ của thì HTHT : since,for,yet,already,recently,just,ever,never.
I.Comparison of equality : So sánh bằng
(not) as….as (không) bằng, (not) the same as : (không) giống, different from : khác
as + adj/adv + as (bằng /như)
Ex : I’m as tall as Nam (Tôi cao bằng Nam)
John works as hard as his father.(John làm việc chăm chỉ như cha của anh ấy)
not as/so + adj/adv + as(không bằng/như)
Ex : This watch is not so/as expensive as mine.(=my watch)
(Đồng hồ này không đắt như của tôi)
She does not sing as/so well as her sister.(Cô ấy hát không hay bằng chị của cô ấy)

*Unit 8 :
I/The Present progressive Tense : Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
1. Form :
- Affirmative : S + am/is/are + V-ing…
- Negative : S + am/is/are + not + V-ing…
- Interrogative : Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing…?
2. Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra trong lúc nói (now,at the moment,at present,at this time…)
Ex : We are studying English now.
3. Note :Ta dùng thì HTTD với động từ “get” hoặc “become” để diễn đạt 1 sự thay đổi.
Ex : The weather is getting/becoming colder.(Thời tiết ngày càng lạnh hơn).
S + am/is/are + getting/becoming + short adj _er
more + long adj
II/Comparative (So sánh hơn)
*Short adj (tính từ ngắn ) là tính từ có 1 vần or 2 vần nhưng tận cùng là y (tall,long,fat
Ex : Lan is taller than Hoa.
Ex : The roads in the city is busier than the roads in the country.
*Short adj(tính từ ngắn) + ER + THAN
School year : 2010 – 2011 Huynh Duc Danh 3
Cao Ba Quat secondary school Revision for the first Semester
*Long adj(tính từ dài) : là tính từ có 2 vần trở lên (modern,beautiful…)
Ex : This house is more modern than that one.
*MORE + long adj + THAN
2/Superlative (So sánh nhất)
Ex : Lan is the tallest students in her class
Ex : This is the most expensive dress in the shop.
*THE + short adj + EST
* THE + MOST + long adj
*Tính từ / trạng từ bất qui tắc :

Adj / Adv Comparative Superlative
good/well(tốt) better the best
bad/badly(xấu,dở) worse the worst
far(xa) farther/further the farthest/the furthest
little(ít) less the least
many/much(nhiều) more the most
*Tính từ/trạng từ tận cùng là “e” Ex : large larger largest
*Tính từ tận cùng là “y” Ex : easy easier easiest
*Tính từ /trạng từ tận cùng là phụ âm đứng trước là một nguyên âm (hot/hotter/hottest)
* Choose the answer for each sentence :
1/She enjoys…………….jokes(tell/tells/told/telling)
2/He prefers watching to…………soccer(play/plays/playing/played)
3/He fail the exam…………he was lazy.(if/because/why/when)
4/The Earth………..around the sun(go/goes/will go/has gone)
5/Put all dangerous objects out…………….the achildren’s reach.(of/up/off/to)
6/Alexander Graham Bell…………….on March 3(born/was born/is born/has born)
7/My friends usually enjoy my sense of…………..(jokes/funny/humorous/humor)
8/Lan……….her chores every day(makes/does/done/works)
9/The sun…………in the east(is rising/will rise/rises/has risen)
10/You look very………….today(happy/happily/happiness/happiest)
11/My sister……………French for 2 years.(studied/studies/had studied/has studied)
12/Hos’s room is…………..than Minh’s.(larger/large/largest/more large)
13/Your stamps are different…………….hers(to/of/from/as)
14/Your shirt is…………..expensive as mine.(so/not/as/same)
15/Can you help me…………this homework ?(doing/do/does/did)
16/It’s very kind…………you to pick me up(for/off/of/to)
17/She told me…………..thes cakes to her house.(take/taking/to take/takes)
18/I prefer the city……….the country(than/to/over/as)
19/My mother is too tired……………..tonight(cook/cooking/to cook/cooks)

School year : 2010 – 2011 Huynh Duc Danh 4
Cao Ba Quat secondary school Revision for the first Semester
20/Let me………….you(help/to help/helping/helps)
21/He learned how………..a computer(use/using/to use/ to using)
22/The little boy is not………….to lift the suitcase(enough strong/strong enough/too
strong/so strong)
23/My father used to………….swimming in summer.(go/goes/went/going)
24/I often play soccer……………Sunday afternoon.(in/at/on/for)
25/Last night I watched the movie “romeo abd Juliet”.At last they killed……………..
26/We must be there………….7.30 and 8.15(at/before/between/after)
27/Vietnamese language is different…………English language.(as/like/from/with)
28/Jane is………..beautifuf than her sister(as/like/the most/more)
29/London is…………capital city in Europe.(large/larger/most large/the largest)
30/She told me………….you that present(give/to give/giving/given)
31/She wasn’t old enough…………..in my class(be/ being/to be/been)
32/I uesd to………..in that company(work/working/worked/works)
33/Jane sings very………….(well/good/bad/soft)
34/Tim should……………..more time on Spanish pronunciation(spend/spending/spends)
35/His parents are always proud…………….him(about/of/on/with)
36/After a month,Hoa got used to…………..in her new school(study/studying/studies)
37/………….you carry this bag for me ?(May/should/Could/Shall)
38/Their mother told them…………so much noise.(not to make/not making/ not make)
14/He does morning exercise…………improve his health(so as for/in order to/ in order)
15/My mother told me to study……………..(hardly/good/bad/hard)
16/Ba is lucky…………..to have a lot of friends.(that/so/as/enough)
17/Her birthday is……………May 5(on/at/in/to)
18/They are going to…………him for dinner tonight(invite/inviting/invited)
19/Nam has lived here………many years(since/for/from/at)
20/Tim has loved sports……….he was a chlid(since/for/when/as)

11/Which sentense is correct ?
A.My mother is very tired to cook tonight
B.My mother is enough tired to cook tonight
C.My mother is too tired to cook tonight
D.My mother is too tired not to cook tonight
School year : 2010 – 2011 Huynh Duc Danh 5

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