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on thi dai hoc 50 on thi dai hoc 50 chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết ở vị trí khác 1 a contents b patient c predict d mature 2 a consider b tolerant c tropical d colorful 3 a argument b employee c

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<i><b> </b></i>

<b>ON THI DAI HOC 50</b>

<i><b>Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết ở vị trí khác: </b></i>

<b>1. A. contents </b> B. patient C. predict D. mature
<b>2. A. consider </b> B. tolerant C. tropical D. colorful
<b>3. A. argument </b> B. employee C. recognize D. difference
<b>4. A. chemical </b> B. alcohol C. document D. determine
<b>5. A. contaminate B. artificial C. intelligent D. encouragement</b>
<i><b>Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences:</b></i>
<b>6: She’d rather watch television, ______?</b>

<b> A. wouldn’t she</b> <b> B. didn’t she</b> <b> C. hadn’t she D. doesn’t she</b>
<b>7: If you give me a hand, then I shall be able to finish the work more quickly.</b>

<b> A. do me a favour</b> <b> B. take my fingers</b>

<b> C. stand by me</b> <b> D. pick me up</b>

<b>8: There has been a sharp _____ in the number of burglaries in this area recently.</b>

<b> A. increase</b> <b> B. surge</b> <b> C. result</b> <b> D. advance</b>

<b>9: She wants to go shopping, but she has hardly ______.</b>

<b> A. no money</b> <b> B. some money</b> <b> C. little money</b> <b> D. any money</b>
<b>10: General ______ learning a foreign language is interesting, but not easy.</b>

<b> A. spoken</b> <b> B. speaking</b> <b> C. speak</b> <b> D. speaks</b>

<b>12: Staying in a hotel costs ______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.</b>

<b> A. twice as much as</b> <b> B. as much twice as</b>

<b> C. twice more than</b> <b> D. as much as twice</b>

<b>13: ______ had the curtain been raised than the light went out.</b>

<b> A. Only when</b> <b> B. Scarcely</b> <b> C. Hardly D. No sooner</b>
<b>14: </b> Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.”

Maria: “______.”

<b> A. I don’t</b> <b> B. I’m, too</b> <b> C. Neither do I</b> <b> D. So am I</b>
<b>15: The change in timetable will ______ many students having to catch an earlier bus</b>

<b> A. mean</b> <b> B. lead</b> <b> C. result</b> <b> D. cause</b>

<b>16: Man’s use of colours ______ back to the time when men first used red and yellow clays to paint their</b>

<b> A. had dated</b> <b> B. dating</b> <b> C. dated</b> <b> D. dates</b>

<b>17: They were fortune ______ from the fire before the building collapsed.</b>

<b> A. to rescue</b> <b> B. to have rescued</b> <b> C. to have been rescued</b> <b> D. rescuing</b>
<b>18: Jim ______ care of himself. He left home when he was 16 and has been on his own since then.</b>

<b> A. used to take</b> <b> B. is used to take</b>

<b> C. is used to taking</b> <b> D. used to be taken</b>

<b>19: If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach ______.</b>

<b> A. won’t be existing</b> <b> B. doesn’t exist</b>

<b> C. isn’t going to exist</b> <b> D. isn’t existing</b>

<b>20: These days women are not expected to stay at home ______ their mothers did in the past.</b>

<b> A. such as</b> <b> B. like</b> <b> C. as if</b> <b> D. as</b>

<b>21: Due to the storm, the flight to New York was ______ for some hours.</b>

<b> A. cancelled</b> <b> B. delayed</b> <b> C. stopped</b> <b> D. given up</b>
<b>22: </b> A: “When is Mr. Fields planning to retire?”

B: “Soon, I think. He ______ here for a long time. He will probably retire either next year or the
year after that.”

<b> A. had been working</b> <b> B. is working</b>

<b> C. has been working</b> <b> D. worked</b>

<b>23: They have made no ______ at all in our talk about a common agricultural policy.</b>

<b> A. gain</b> <b> B. progress</b> <b> C. profit</b> <b> D. success</b>

<b>24: She is not a teenager any more. She looks quite ______ now.</b>

<b> A. grown-up</b> <b> B. overgrown</b> <b> C. outgrown D. grown through</b>

<b>25: ______ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the inspiration for</b>
two of his most popular novels.

<b> A. He remembered</b> <b> B. Remembering</b>

<b> C. It was the memories</b> <b> D. Memories</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b> A. unreasonable</b> <b> B. reason</b> <b> C. reasonable D. reasonably</b>
<b>27: John has been looking for his car, ______ is light blue</b>

<b> A. whose its colour</b> <b> B. the colour of which</b>

<b> C. of which colour</b> <b> D. which colour</b>

<b>28: We would contact your nearest relative ______ any accident occurring.</b>

<b> A. in place of</b> <b> B. in spite of</b>

<b> C. on account of(vì lí do)</b> <b> D. in the event of</b>
<b>29: Let’s begin our discussion now, ______?</b>

<b> A. will we</b> <b> B. don’t we</b> <b> C. won’t we</b> <b> D. shall we</b>
<b>30: ______ you read the instructions carefully, you will understand what to do.</b>

<b> A. Provided</b> <b> B. As much as</b> <b> C. As well as</b> <b> D. As far as</b>
<b>31: Ben would have studied medicine if he ______ to a medical school.</b>

<b> A. was admitted</b> <b> B. had been admitted</b>

<b> C. had admitted</b> <b> D. would be able to enter</b>

<b>32: ______ having a well-paid job, she never has any money.</b>
<b>A. Let alone</b> <b> B. Despite </b> <b> C. For</b> <b> D. Even though</b>

<i><b>Identify one underlined part that is incorrect in each of the following sentences by circling the </b></i>
<i><b>corresponding letter A, B, C, or D :</b></i>

<b>33: </b> Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent and calm.

<b>34: </b> Since erecting in 1886, the Statue of Liberty has served as a symbol of freedom.

<b>35: </b> Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been

forced to alter their eating habits.

<i><b>Đọc bài văn, chọn đáp án điền vào chỗ trống: </b></i>

Radio, telegraph, television and other inventions brought (36)………for newspapers. (37)……….. the
development of magazines and other means of communication. However, newspapers quickly (38)
………. of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the speed and (39)…………of
their own operations. Today more newspapers are (40)………….. and read than ever before.

Newspapers are sold at prices (41)……….. to cover the cost of production. The main source of income
for (42)…………..newspapers is commercial advertising. The ability (43)………… advertising
depends on a newspapers value to advertisers. This (44)…………in terms of circulation(sự lưu
thông). Circulation depends on the work of the circulation department and on the services or

entertainment offered in a newspapers (45)……. But for the most part, circulation depends on a
newspapers value to readers as a source of information about the community, nation, and world.
<b>36. A. facilities </b> B. usefulness C. preparation D. competition

<b>37. A. So had </b> B. Therefore had C. So did D. Therefore did
<b>38. A. made use B. took the place C. got the control D. did an action </b>
<b>39. A. convenience B. importance</b> C. necessity D. efficiency
<b>40. A. printed </b> B. issued C. published D. advertised
<b>41. A. that are failed B. that fail</b> C. have failed D. fail
<b>42. A. the most B. most of</b> C. most D. almost
<b>43. A. to sell </b> B. to buy C. for selling D. for buying
<b>44. A. headlines B. tittles</b> C. papers D. articles
<b>45. A. critics </b> B. ordinary people C. advertisers D. readers
<i><b>Circle one option A, B, C, or D that best rewrites each of the following sentences:</b></i>
<b>46: The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.</b>

<b> A. The bank manager was forced to hand over the money by the robbers.</b>
<b> B. The bank manager was allowed to hand over the money by the robbers.</b>
<b> C. The bank manager was made hand over the money by the robbers.</b>
<b> D. The robbers helped the bank manager to hand over the money.</b>

<b>47: It was only because his wife helped him that he was able to finish his book.</b>
<b> A. Without his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.</b>

<b> B. If it weren’t for his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.</b>
<b> C. If only he had been able to finish his book.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>48: “Sorry, Madam. Looking after the garden is not my duty.”</b>
<b> A. He apologized for not looking after the garden.</b>

<b> B. He not promised to look after the garden.</b>

<b> C. He said that he was not responsible for looking after the garden.</b>
<b> D. He asked if looking after the garden was his duty.</b>

<b>49: Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution.</b>
<b> A. Forests are said to be destroyed by scientists.</b>

<b> B. Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests.</b>
<b> C. Scientists are blamed for destroying forests.</b>

<b> D. Scientists say there’s much air pollution in the forests.</b>

<b>50: Much as he loved her, he couldn’t forgive her for what she had done.</b>
<b> A. He didn’t forgive her for what she had done despite loving her very much.</b>
<b> B. He loved her so much, that’s why he forgave her for what she had done.</b>
<b> C. He didn’t forgive her for what she had done as he loved her very much.</b>
<b> D. She loved him very much, so he forgave her for what she had done.</b>

<b>Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng ( a hoặc b , c, d) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ 51 đến 60</b>

Human have long been fascinated by outer space, and have wondered if there are intelligent

life- form ( 51)….., which we might be able to contact. Naturally, we’ve all seen space ( 52)…….on

our TV and cinema screens, but “ aliens(ng ngoài hành tinh)” like these owe more to the convenience

of using ( 53)…..actors to play the parts than to any ( 54)…..form of scientific investigation.

However, many ( 55)…..space searchers are now beginning to turn their attention to the

question of what alien life might ( 56)…..look like. One early result is Arnold the Alien, designed by

biologist, Dougal Dixon. This strange being, ( 57)………human, has its eyes, ears and limbs(chi) in

group of three ( 58)….of pairs, but ( 59)….its odd(kì quặc) appearance, its behavior is not different

( 60)…..our own .

51. a. somewhere

<b>b. elsewhere</b>

c. anywhere

d. wherever


<b>a. creatures</b>

b. things

c. lives

d. objects

53. a. man

b. mankind

<b>c. human</b>

d. beings

54. a. true

b. truthful

c. right

<b>d. real</b>

55. a. good

b. well

<b>c. serious</b>

d. better

56. a. much

b. formally

c. very

<b>d. actually</b>

57. a. likely

<b>b. unlike</b>

c. unlikely

d. like


<b>a. instead</b>

b. because

c. due

d. despite

59. a. in spite

b. although

<b>c. despite</b>

d. regardless

60. a. to

<b>b. from</b>

c. in

d. about

<b>Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng ( a hoặc b , c, d) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ 61 đến </b>


Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in ( 61)… Many species

of animals are threatened, and could easily become ( 62)...if we do not make an effort to ( 63)

….them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are ( 64)….for their fur or for other

valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught ( 65)., and sold as pets. For

many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat – the place where they live- is ( 66)… More

( 67)..is used for farms, for houses and industry , and there are fewer spaces than there once were.

Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better ( 68)…., but these chemicals pollute the

environment and ( 69)….wildlife. The most successful animals on earth- human beings- will soon be

the only one ( 70)…, unless we can solve this problem.


<b>. a. danger</b>

b. threat

c. problem

d. vanishing

62. a. disappeared

b. vanished

c. empty

<b>d. extinct</b>

63. a. harm

b. defend

<b>c. protect</b>

d. serve


<b>a. hunted</b>

b. chased

c. game

d. extinct

65. a. lively

<b>b. alive</b>

c. for life

d. foe living

66. a. exhausting

b. departing

c. escaping

<b>d. disappearing</b>

67. a. earth

b. soil

<b>c. land</b>

d. area

68. a. products

b. fields

c. herbs

<b>d. crops</b>

69. a. spoil

<b>b. harm</b>

c. wound

d. wrong

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<b>Chọn phương án ( a hoặc b, c , d) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa để trở thành </b>

<b>câu đúng</b>

71. Although

<b>( A)</b>

the bad traffic(B), I managed to arrive( C) at (D) the meeting on time.

72. The ( A) president went fishing ( B) after ( C) he has finished

<b>( D)</b>

his work.

73. My father along with (A) his friend

<b>are (B)</b>

drinking tea (C) in the (D) living room.

74. He has

<b> less ( A)</b>

friends in his( B) class now than( C) he had last year (D) .

75. I remember (A) that I have something ( B) new ( C)

<b>to told ( D)</b>


<i><b>Chọn câu được viết tốt nhất với các từ cho sẵn: </b></i>

<b>76. worlds oceans / vast / cope / present levels / pollution</b>

A. The worlds oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution.
B. The worlds oceans are too vast to cope with the present levels of pollution.

C. The worlds oceans are very vast although they can cope with the present levels of pollution.
D. The worlds oceans are vast so that they can cope with the present levels of pollution.
<b>77. robots / use / slaves , therefore , / free / people / do / more of the things / want.</b>

A. Robots used slaves, therefore, people freeing them to do more of the things they want.
B. Robots would be used like slaves, therefore, free people can do more of the things they want.
C. Robots would be used as slaves, therefore, freeing people to do more of the things they want.
D. Robots use is like slaves, therefore, free people do for them more of the things they want.
<b>78. way / protect / all the wildlife / must / find/ many species / in danger of extiction</b>

A. A way to protect all the wildlife must find as many species are in danger of extinction.

B. A way is protected for all the wildlife, finding any species which are in danger of extinction.
C. A way protects all the wildlife that are found among many species in danger of extinction.
D. A way of protecting all the wildlife must be found as many species are in danger of extinction.
<b>79. persons choice / occupation / probably / most important / ever have / made</b>

A. A persons choice of occupation is probably the most important one that ever has to be made.
B. A persons choice about occupation is probably most important one to have ever made.
C. A persons choice from occupation is probably the most important one ever has to be made.

D. A persons choice among occupation is probably most important ever having made.

<b>80. my opinion / unfair / women / more duties / husbands </b>

A. According to my opinion it is unfair when women have more duties than their husbands.
B. In my opinion it is unfair that women have more duties than their husbands.

C. My opinion is unfair for women to have more duties than their husbands.

D. My opinion, which seems to be unfair, is that women should have more duties than their

<b>Chọn phương án đúng ( a hoặc b , c ,d) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau </b>


80. Direct: “I want to go on holiday but I don’t know where to go.”


a. Tom said that he wanted to go on holiday but he doesn’t know where to go

b. Tom told that he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go

<b>c. Tom said that he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go</b>

d. Tom said that I wanted to go on holiday but I didn’t know where to go.

81. The lesson to teach today tells about the use of English.

<b>a. The lesson which is taught today tells about the use of English</b>

b. The lesson which teaches today tells about the use of English

c. The lesson which is teaching today tells about the use of English

d. The lesson of which teaches today tells about the use of English.

82. Would you please do it for me?

a. Would you please doing it for me?

b. Would you please to do it for me?

<b>c. Would you mind doing it for me?</b>

d. Would you mind to do it for me?

83. They gave a great deal of thought to their work.

a. They think a lot about their work

<b>b. They thought a lot about their work</b>

c. They gave a great deal of think about their work

d. They think a lot their work.

84. He found a job nowhere after he had graduated from college.

a. Nowhere he found a job after he had graduated from the college

b. Nowhere he finds a job after he had graduated from college.

c. Nowhere does he finds a job after he had graduated from college.


