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Week 4- Lesson plan 4

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<b>Date of preparing: 24/9/2020 </b>

<b>WEEK 4 </b>

<b> </b>

<b>PERIOD 13</b>

<b> </b>


<b>LESSON 1-( PART 1-2)</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>By the end of the lesson, Pupils will be able to ask and answer
questions about the days of the week.

Vocabulary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
- Sentence patterns: - What day is it today? - It is Monday.

<b>2. Skills: </b>-Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<b>3.Attitude:</b>- In this lesson, studious and obedient students and love their
hometown, family and friends

Requirements: students with disability can speak

1. Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, CD. softbook
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


<b> -</b>Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)

+ Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss
<b>IV.PROCEDURES: </b>Time: 40’<b> </b>

<b> 1 . Organization</b>: (2’ )
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>


<b>2.Warm up:5’</b>
- Say chattings.

<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>Activity 1: 15’</b>

<b>1.Look, listen and repeat</b>

Have ss look at the picture & identify the
characters and what they are doing.

- Introduce the dialogue: They are going to listen
to children & Miss Hien talking about days of the

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat </b>

4 pictures and names of
characters that they have

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- Play the CD for the ss.

- Play again, have ss listen and repeat, focus on
some words.

- Present the way to ask questions about days of
the week.

- Have ss read the dialogue.
- Check some groups.

*Students with disability can read

<b>Activity 2: 15’</b>
<b>2. Point and say</b>

Ask Ss t look at the pictures a, b,c and d on page
18 to name people in each picture. Ask Ss to
guess and complete the speech bubbles.
Elicit new words

<b>-</b> Teach vocabulary:

<i>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday</i>
<i>Friday Saturday Sunday</i>

- Let’s Ss to read new words several times

Check vocab: what & where

Play game: <i>What and where</i> ( Whole class)

- Pupils guess and complete the speech bubbles.
- Look and find out the model sentences

Do as an example with picture a.
T What day is it today?
-> It’s …

.Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and

answering questions <i>What day is it today? - It is </i>

<i>Monday. </i>Point to each picture and elicit the
meaning of new words. Point to the first picture
and elicit the word to fill the gap. Put the question
and answer on the board and have Ps repeat them
a few times.

Do choral and individual repetition, using the
pictures in the book.

Get Ps to work in pairs ask and answer partner

what day is it today. Check as a class

*Students with disability can practice

<b>Work in pairs . Ask your partners what day is </b>
<b>it today.</b>

- Tell pupils that they are going to practise asking
questions about the days of the week, using What

<b>2. Point and say:</b>
<b>a.Vocabulary: </b>

Monday: thứ 2
Tuesday: thứ 3

Wednesday : thứ 4
Thursday: thứ 5

Friday : thứ 6
Saturday: thứ 7
Sunday: chủ nhật
Day: ngày

Check vocab: <i>What and </i>


<b>b Sentence pattern: </b>

<i>What day is it today? - It is</i>

<b>Work in pairs . Ask your </b>
<b>partners what day is it </b>

What day
is it?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

day is it? And answering with the name of a
specific day.

Have them play a guessing game in pairs. Ask
each pair to write each day of the week on the slip
of paper and put the paper slips face down on the
desk. Pupils 1 draws a slip of paper without
looking at it. Pupil 2 asks What day is it? Pupil 1
should guess and say a day, and then look at the
paper, he/she scores one mark and continues to
draw another slip. If the answer does not match
the day on the paper, Pupil 2 has a turn. The pupil
scoring the most marks will be the winner.

<b>4.Consolidation: 2’</b>

<b>-</b> Consolidate the content of the lesson

<b>5. Homework ( 1’)</b>

<b>-</b> Remember structure – vocabulary

<b>-</b> Do homework: 1-2



<b>Date of preparing: 24/9/2020 </b>

<b>WEEK 4 </b>

<b> </b>

<b>PERIOD 14</b>

<b> </b>


<b>LESSON 1-( PART 3-4-5)</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>.After the lesson students can ask and answer questions about days
of a week

Sentence Partners:<i> </i>What day is it today? - It is Monday.

Vocabulary: Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday, day

<b>2. Skills: </b>-Develop Ss listening- writing skills

<b>3.Attitude:</b>- In this lesson, studious and obedient students and love their

hometown, family and friends

Requirements: students with disability can write

1. Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, CD, softbook
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


<b> -</b>Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)

It’s Tuesday It’s


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+ Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss
<b>IV.PROCEDURES: Time: 40’ </b>

<b>1 . Organization</b>: (2’ )
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>



<b>2.Warm up:5’</b>

Matching column A and column B

Column A Column B

1. Thứ 7
2. Thứ 5
3. Thứ 2
4. Thứ 6
5. Thứ 3

<i>a. Monday,</i>
<i>b. Tuesday</i>
<i>c. Thursday</i>
<i>d. Friday</i>
<i>e. Saturday</i>


<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>Activity 3: 10’</b>

<b>3. Listen and tick.</b>

Tell Ps that they are going to listen and tick the
correct boxes. Give a few seconds for Ps to look

at the pictures. Check comprehension and give

Play the recording three times for Ps to listen, do
the task and check their answers.

Get Ps to swap and check their answers before
checking as class.

*Students with disability can practice

<b>Activity 4: 10’</b>
<b>4. Look and write.</b>

Tell Ps that they are going to look the table, read
the text and fill the gaps. Give Ps a few seconds to
read the text in silence. Check comprehension and
give feedback

Get Ps time to do the task. Go around to offer
help, if necessary.

Get Ps to swap and check their answers before

<b>3. Listen and tick.</b>.
1. a b c
2. a b c
3. a b c


1.b 2.a 3.c

<b>4. Look and write.</b>

1.Today is ______. I play
football today.

2.Today is ______. I watch
TV today.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

checking as a class. Write the correct answers on
the board for Ps to copy down their notebooks.
Call some Ps to read the text and sentences aloud
*Students with disability can write

<b>Activity 5: 10’</b>
<b>5. Let’s sing.</b>

Tell Ps that they are going to sing the <i>We have </i>

<i>English today</i>

Read each line and check comprehension. Sing
each line and have Ps repeat it. When Ps are
familiar with the tune, ask them to sing and do the

Ask groups of Ps to sit face to face and practice
singing and doing the actions.

Call a group of five to sing the song and do the

Have the whole sing the song and do the actions
*Students with disability can sing


<i>1.Monday 2.Tuesday </i>
<i> 3. Saturday 4.Sunday</i>

<b>5. Let’<sub>s sing: </sub></b>

The song : We have English

What day is it today?
It’s Monday

We have English to day
Do you have English on

No, We have English on
Tuesdays, Thursday and

<b>4.Consolidation: 2’</b>

<b>-</b> Consolidate the content of the lesson

<b>-</b> Learn by heart the song

<b>5. Homework ( 1’)</b>

Do exercises in the workbook. Prepare for the next lesson



<b>Date of preparing: 24/9/2020 </b>

<b>WEEK 4 </b>

<b> PERIOD 15</b>
<b> </b>


<b>LESSON 2 - ( PART 1-2-3)</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>After the lesson students can ask and answer questions about

weekly activities.

Sentence Partners:<i> </i>What do you do on…….? - I help my parents at home.

- Vocabulary: go to the zoo, help my parents, play the guitar, go swimming, visit

<b>2. Skills: </b>-Develop Ss : Listening - Speaking <b>s</b>kills

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Requirements: students with disability can listen

1. Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, CD, softbook
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


<b> -</b>Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)
+ Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss
<b>IV.PROCEDURES: Time: 40’ </b>

<b>1 . Organization</b>: (2’ )
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>


<b>2.Warm up:5’</b>

- Slap the board

- Read in chorus

<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>Activity 1: 10’</b>

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat. </b>

Whole class. Books open. Turn to Page 20 of the
Student Book. Have Ss look at the pictures.

- T tells them they are going to listen to the

- Elicit the names of characters in the first picture
and expalin what they say.

- T plays the recording all the way through for Ss
to listen.

- Play the recording again for Ss listen and repeat.
- Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to
the characters speaking.

- Play the recording for Ss to listen and say along.
- T makes a few questions to check


*Students with disability can practice

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

3 pictures and names of
characters that they have

learnt in <i>Tieng Anh 3</i>

<b>Tuesday</b> <b>Wednesday</b>


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<b>Activity 2: 10’</b>
<b>2. Point and say:</b>

Have ss look at the picture and identify the
activities and days of the week

<b>-</b> Teach vocabulary:

<i>go to the zoo help my parents</i>
<i> play the guitar go swimming</i>
<i> visit</i>

Check vocab: what & where

Play game: <i>What and where</i> ( Whole class)

Tell ss that they are going to practice saying and
responding to goodbye.

- Draw their attention to the pictures to understand
how the language is used in different context.

- Do picture a as a model.

What do you do on…….?

I help my parents at home

- Point to the first picture and get one St to say

Say: “ You are going to practice answering the
question What do you do on…….?

I help my parents at home

- Do picture a as a model.

- Have Ss work in pairs to practice.

- Repeat the procedure with the next picture

- Ask ss to work in pair,poiting to the characters

- Call on a few pairs to act out in front of the class

and correct pronunciation, if necessarry

*Students with disability can practice

<b>Activity 3: 10’</b>
<b>3.Let's talk</b>

T guides Ss to answer.

- Say: “ You are going to practice answering the
question “What day is it today?

<i>What do you do on Monday/ Tuesday....?</i>

Tell the class that they are going to practise more
with their friends using their own names.

- Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and elicit the
language that the characters might use.

- Elicit the words to fill the gaps. Put the
sentences on the board and do choral and
individual repetition.

- Get Ss to work in pairs. Go around to offer help,

<b>2. Point and say:</b>

go to the zoo: đi tới sỏ thú

help my parents: giúp đỡ bố

play the guitar: chơi đàn

go swimming: đi bơi
visit: thăm hỏi

<b>b Sentence pattern</b>:
What do you do on…….?
I help my parents at home.

<b>3. Let's talk</b>
- Talk in pairs

<i>What day is it today?</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

if necessary.

Have Ss work in pairs to practice

- Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front
of the class.

*Students with disability can practice

<b>4.Consolidation: 2’</b>

<b>-</b> Consolidate the content of the lesson

<b>-</b> Learn by heart the song

<b>5. Homework ( 1’)</b>

Do exercises in the workbook. Prepare for the next lesson



<b>Date of preparing: 24/9/2020 </b>

<b>WEEK 4 </b>

<b> PERIOD 16</b>
<b> </b>


<b>LESSON 2 - ( PART 4-5-6)</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>After the lesson students can ask and answer questions about
weekly activities.

- Sentence Partners:<i> </i>What do you do on…….? - I help my parents at home.

- Vocabulary: go to the zoo, help my parents, play the guitar, go swimming, visit

<b>2. Skills: </b>-Develop Ss listening and writing skills.

<b>3.Attitude:</b>- In this lesson, studious and obedient students and love their
hometown, family and friends.

Requirements: students with disability can listen

1. Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, CD, softbook
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


<b> -</b>Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)
+ Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss
<b>IV.PROCEDURES: Time: 40’ </b>

<b>1 . Organization</b>: (2’ )
- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>

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<b>2.Warm up:5’</b>

Reorder some words

1. etdyaus 2. maydno
3. dsauny 4. dyaifr


<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>Activity 4: 10’</b>

<b>4.Listen and number</b>

- Ask Pupils to look at the pictures a, b, c

and d on Page 21 of the Student Book.
- Help them to identify wweekly activities
in each picture.

- Tell pupils that they are going to listen to
four dialogues and number the correct

- Play the recording through for pupils to

- Play the recording again for pupils to
listen and do the task.

- Play the recording once more for pupils to

check their answers.

- Ask pupils to exchage their answers with
their partners before reporting them to the

- Announce the answers to the class.
Provide explanation(s) when necessary
*Students with disability can practice

<b>Activity 5: 10’</b>
<b>5.Look and write</b>

Tell Ps that they are going to look, read the
text and fill the suitable words into the
gaps. Give Ps a few seconds to read the text
in silence. Check comprehension and give

Get Ps time to do the task. Go around offer
help, if necessary.

Get Ps to swap and check their answers
before checking as a class. Write the correct

<b>4. Listen and number</b>



<i>1.c 2. b 3d 4a</i>

<b>5.Look and write</b>

Today is (1)___ I (2) _____ in the
morning. I (3) _____ in the

afternoon. Tomorrow is (4) _____ I
do not (5) _____ on Saturday . I go
to the zoo


<i>1. Friday 2. go to school 3. go </i>

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answers on the board for Ps to copy down
their notebooks.

Call some Ps to read questions and answers
*Students with disability can write

.<b>Activity 6: 10’</b>
<b>6. Let’<sub>s play: </sub></b>

- Explain how the game <i>Slap the board</i> is

played: Ps have to divide into two groups.
Put the nine words on the board. Ask three

Ps to come to the front. Say one of the
words on the board. The P who fastest lo
slap the correct word to gets one point. The
one who gets the most points at the end of
the game will win. To make it more

challenging, you may say words that are not
on the board (Ps should not slap the board)
Put the scores of individual Ps on the board
and Praise the group winner with the class
*Students with disability can practice

<b>6. Let’<sub>s play</sub></b>

<i><b> Slap the board </b></i>

<b>Tuesday</b> <b>Friday</b> <b>Today</b>

<b>Monday</b> <b>Wednesday</b> <b>Thursday</b>

<b>Saturday</b> <b>Sunday</b> <b>tomorrow</b>

<b>4.Consolidation: 2’</b>

<b>-</b>Consolidate the content of the lesson

<b>5. Homework :1</b>

<b>- </b>Prepare for the next lesson

- Do homework:




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