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Bài soạn tiếng Anh lớp 11 Bài 4 Volunteer Work

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<b>READING </b>

- volunteer (v) + to V1 tình nguyện làm …
- volunteer (n) tình nguyện viên

- voluntary (a) tình nguyện

- voluntarily (adv) một cách tình nguyện
- take care of = look after chăm sóc

- orphanage (n) trại trẻ mồ cơi

- the aged (n) người già

- clean up dọn sạch

- move the lawn cắt cỏ

- disadvantaged (a) bất lợi, thiệt thòi

- handicapped (a) tàn tật

- overcome sb’s difficulties vượt qua khó khăn

- suffer from gánh chịu …

- war (n) chiến tranh

- natural disaster thiên tai

- remote (a) xa xôi, hẻo lánh

- mountainous (a) núi non

- provide education for children dạy trẻ học

- comfort (v) xoa dịu

- comfortable (a) thoải mái

- organize (v) tổ chức

- organization (n) tổ chức

- place of interest danh lam, thắng cảnh

- happy (a) hạnh phúc, vui vẻ

- happiness (n) sự hạnh phúc

<b>After you read: </b>

<i> There are many reasons for people to do volunteer work. </i>

<i>- They feel sympathetic to the disadvantaged, the aged and the handicapped, so they want to do </i>
<i>something to help them. </i>

<i>- Some people try to redeem their sins and past wrong doings by doing charity. </i>

<i>- Some people have much time free from work, so they find a more useful way to kill their time by </i>
<i>helping people </i>


- excursion (n) chuyến chơi ngắn

- the sick (n) người bệnh

- the Green Saturday Movement phong trào thứ bảy xanh

- join s.th tham gia vào …

- war invalid (n) thương binh

- martyr (n) liệt sỹ

- direct the traffic chỉ dẫn giao thông

- intersection (n) giao lộ

- cross the road băng qua đường


- support s.th ủng hộ …

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- regularly (adv) thường xuyên

- raise money gây quỹ

- donation (n) sự tài trợ

- donate (v) tài trợ

- fund-raising acyivity hoạt động gây quỹ

- Organisation for Educational Development tổ chức phát triển giáo dục

- cooperate (v) hợp tác

- cooperation (n) sự hợp tác

- coordinate (v) kết hợp

- attend s.th tham gia …

- set up = establish thiết lập

- require sb + to V1 yêu cầu ai làm gì

- annually (adv) hàng năm

- aim + to V1 mục đích …

- performance (n) tiết mục biểu diễn

- perform (v) biểu diễn

<i><b>Tape script </b></i>

Spring School is an informal school. It provides classes to advantaged children in HCM City. Around 30
street children live and study at the school and about 250 children with special difficulties from District 1
regularly attend classes.

The Organisation for educational development co-operated with Spring School to set up English classes in
1998. Dane, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up a year later. Children from these classes
participate in fundraising performances. They raise money to continue their English and Performance Arts

Spring School requires volunteers to help organise their fundraising dinner held annually in June. This is
an exciting night in which children dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in HCM City. They
also need foreign volunteers to contact sponsors and help to expand the school activities. Volunteers are required
from February until July to help organise these events.

It is hoped that more schools like Spring School will soon be found in other cities in Vietnam.
<b>WRITING </b>

- gratitude (n) lòng biết ơn

- donor (n) nhà tài trợ

- donated amount số tiền tài trợ

- receipt (n) hóa đơn

- repair (v) sửa chữa

- block of flats dãy nhà

- issue a receipt phát hành giấy biên nhận

- assist (v) giúp đỡ

- assistance (n) sự giúp đỡ

- acknowledge (v) thừa nhận

- express sb’s gratitude bày tỏ lòng biết ơn
<b>Suggested writing </b>

Phu Dong Thien Vuong Street
Da lat

The People’s Committee of 8 Ward
Da Lat

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It is our honour to receive a donation of one million dong from your organization. The money will surely
help us to build our school library. We will certainly issue a receipt as soon as possible.

I would like to express our deepest thanks for the donation from your organization and hope to et more
assistance and cooperation from you in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Thuy Hang

Secretary of School Building Fund


<b>1. Gerund and present participle </b>

<b>a/ Gerund: V-ing được dùng như danh từ, có những chức năng sau: </b>
<b>- Chủ ngữ </b>

Ex: Swimming is difficult.
- Bổ ngữ

Ex: My hobby is collecting stamps.
- Túc từ ( sau 1 số động từ - unit 3)
Ex: I enjoy cooking.

- Sau giới từ

Ex: He is fond of playing football.

<b>b/ Present participle: V-ing vẫn mang chức năng của động từ, được dùng như sau: </b>
- Trong các thì tiếp diễn

Ex: I am reading a book.

- Dùng như tính từ để miêu tả danh từ
Ex: the singing boy

- Thay thế cho mệnh đề quan hệ

Ex: The man who is standing in the yard is my brother.

--> The man standing in the yard is my brother.

- Giản lược mệnh đề khi có cùng chủ ngữ

Ex: Since he left school, he's worked in a restaurant.
--> Leaving school, he's worked in a restaurant.
- Cấu trúc: spend/ waste + time / money + V-ing
Ex; He spent all the money buying books.

- Verbs of perception + O + V-ing ( see, hear, feel, notice, watch...)
Ex: We heard someone talking in the room.

- catch, find, keep, leave + O + V-ing

Ex: The detective caught him stealing the watch.

<b>2. Perfect gerund and perfect participle ( danh động từ hoàn thành và phân từ hoàn thành) </b>

<b> a/ Perfect gerund: Having + past participle: </b>dùng thay thế cho gerund khi sự việc liên quan đến quá
<b>khứ. </b>

<i> The boy was accused of having stolen/ stealing her money. </i>
<i><b> She apologized for having broken / breaking my vase. </b></i>

<b> b/ Perfect participle: Having + past participle : </b>dùng thay thế cho present participle
<i> Having finished all my exercises, I went to bed. </i>

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<b>I. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với dạng đúng của động từ và cho biết </b>
<b>chúng là Gerund hay Present Participle. </b>

1. ( Feel) ……….. hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
2. My boss spends two hours a day ( travel) …….to work

3. ( Swim) ………. is my favourite sport.

4. One of life’s pleasure is ( have) ……….breakfast in bed.
5. ( Whistle) ………. to himself, he walked down the road.
6. In spite of ( miss) ……… the train , we arrived on time.
7. They found the money ……….( lye) on the ground.
8. He was trapped in a (burn)……….. house.

9. I’m tired of …………( work) eight hours a day.
10. She always puts off (go) ………… to the dentist.

<b>II. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với dạng đúng của động từ là Gerund </b>
<b>,Present Participle, perfect participle. </b>

1. She admitted ( kill) ………..her husband.
2. I regret ( write) ………… her that letter.

3. I enjoy ( play)…… tennis with my friends.

4. Martin denied (see) …….. the accused man on the day of the crime.

5. ( Tell) …….. me that she would never speak to me again , she picked up her stuff and stormed out of
the house.

6. – Will you enter for the next eloquence contest?

- (Win) ……… twice , I don’t want to try again. Let’s give chances to other.

7. ( Improve ) ……. her English Pia’s promotion prospects are much better.

<b>III. Viết lại những câu sau bằng cách thay thế phần in nghiêng với </b>
<b>PerfecParticiple mà nghĩa ko đổi. </b>

1. We switched off the lights before we went to bed.
-> Having switched off the lights, we went to bed.

2. The boy asked his mother’s permission and then went out to play.

3. As he had drunk too much, he didn’t drive home himself.

4. We have done two tests today, so we are exhausted.

5. She filled the washing machine and switched it on.

6. She had been to disco the night before and she overslept in the morning.

7. We had worked in the garden all day and were sunburned in the evening.

8. She had not slept for two days and therefore she wasn’t able to concentrate.

9. Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn’t recognize him.

10. I had not ridden a horse for a long time and I found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.
11. Zoe had practiced a lot, so she was sure of her winning in the competition.

<b>IV. Viết lại các câu sau mà nghĩa không đổi. </b>

1. Nam won a scholarship. We are excited about that fact.

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-> When ………
3. The volunteers couldn’t mow the old lady’s lawns because of the rain.
-> The rain prevented ………
4. David did his homework and the went to bed.

-> After having ……… ………
5. It is easy for anyone to learn how to cook.

-> Learning.
<b>VII. Viết lại các câu sau dïng After and Before. </b>
1. I told him off. Then I realized I was wrong.

-> After I had told him off, I realized I was wrong.
2. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.

-> Before……….
3. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Maths.
-> After………..
4. She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed.

-> After………

5. He bought a radio. First he checked the price.
-> After………

6. They argued. Then they fought.

-> After………
7. She went out for a walk. Then she had a fatal accident.
-> Before………
8. She decided to go away. First she faced the matter.
-> After……….

9. We read the book, then we wrote the assignment.
-> Before………..
10. She watched the film, then she wrote a report.
-> After………

<b>VIII. Viết lại các câu sau dùng Gerund Phrase ( cụm danh động từ) </b>
<i>1. A good way of keeping fit is to swim everyday. </i>

<i>-> Swimming everyday is a good way of keeping fit. </i>
2. It takes a long time to learn a foreign language.
3. Grow your own food. It’s less expensive.

4. It is uncomfortable to sit in one place for so long.

5. You are not allowed to smoke here.


