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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>


<b>Period 1st</b>

<b>a. Ordinary verbs.</b>

(+) S + V or S + V-s/es…
(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V-infinitive…
(?) Do/ Does + S + V-infinitive…?

Trong câu thường có usually, often, sometimes, always, never, every, ta dùng
thì hiện tại đơn.

<b>b. To be.</b>

(+) S + am/ is/ are…

(-) S + am not/ isn’t/ aren’t…
(?) Am/ Is/ Are + S…?

(+) S + am/ is/ are + V-ing…

(-) S + am not/ isn’t/ aren’t + V-ing…
(?) Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing…?

Trong câu thường có now, at the moment, at present…ta chia thì hiện tại tiếp


<i><b>1/ How many + countable noun + do/ does + S + want/ need?</b></i>
<i><b>2/ How much + uncountable noun + do/ does + S + want?</b></i>
<i><b>3/ What time + do/ does + S + V-infinitive…?</b></i>

<i><b>4/ How old + be + S? Hỏi tuổi S + be + tuổi</b></i>
<i><b>5/ What is this/ that?  It’s a/ an + noun.</b></i>

<i><b>6/ What are these/ those?  They are + plural noun.</b></i>

<i><b>7/ Who/ What/ Where/ When + do/ does + S + V-infinitive…?</b></i>
<i><b>8/ How + do/ does + S + V-infinitive…?  S + V - …. by ….</b></i>
<i><b>9/ S + can/ must + V-infinitive…</b></i>

<i><b>10/ What is the weather like in the + season?  It is + adjective.</b></i>
<i><b>11/</b></i> <i><b>(+) </b></i> <i><b>S + should + V-infinitive…</b></i>

<i><b>(-)</b></i> <i><b>S + shouldn’t + V-infinitive…</b></i>
<i><b>(?)</b></i> <i><b>Should + S + V-infinitive…?</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i><b>13/ Adverbs of Frequency:</b></i><b>S + adverbs + Verb…</b>

<i><b>14/ Prepositions</b></i>: near, in, next to, on, in front of, behind, to the left of, to the
<i>right of, between… and, opposite.</i>

<i><b>15/ Possessive:</b></i> ‘s - sở hữu cách.
Ex: Lan’s shirt  The shirt of Lan.
<i><b>16/ Adjectives: Comparatives and superlatives.</b></i>

<b>a. Irregular adjectives</b> <b>Comparatives</b> <b>Superlatives</b>
good/ well better than the best

little less the least

far farther/ further the farthest/ furthest

many/ much more the most

bad/ badly worse the worst

<b>b. Short adjectives</b>

big bigger than the biggest

tall taller than the tallest

cheap cheaper the cheapest

friendly friendlier the friendliest
<b>c. Long adjectives</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>


Yes, I



My name's


<b>Unit One:</b>

<b>Back to school</b>
<b>Period 2nd</b>
<b>LESSON 1: A1, A3 - A5 </b>page 10 - 12 - 13.

<b>Aims:</b>Practice in greeting each other.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce and
greet with “nice to meet you”, “how is everything?”, “just fine/ not bad/ pretty

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books, cassette.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Slap the board.</b></i> T-whole class

- Write the phrases all over the board, each phrase in
the circle.

- Call on two teams of five students to the front of
the class.

- Call out the questions or statements, and two
students run forward to slap the suitable answer on
the board. The student slapping the correct answer
first gets on mark.

- Go on until all the words slapped.
<i><b>* The teacher’s questions.</b></i>

1/ What’s your name?
2/ How are you today?
3/ What class are you in?
4/ Goodbye.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to see you.
- Just fine.

- Not bad.
- Pretty good.

<b>Presentation II. Reading Comprehension.</b> Individual work
- Ask students to listen the dialogue A1 on page 10.

- Ask ss to answer the questions on page 11.
a. What is the new girl’s name?

- Her name is Hoa.
b. What class is she in?

- She is in class 7A.
c. Who is also in class 7A?
- Nam is also in class 7A.

- Get students to practice asking and answering the

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Practice the dialogue.</b> Pair work

- Get students to repeat the dialogue chorally. Whole class
- Let them to practice the dialogue in group of three

(A1a) and in pairs (A1b).

Group work

<b>II. Matching.</b> Pair work

Ask students to match the phrase in column A with
its meaning in column B.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. Pretty good. a. Không tốt lắm.
2. How is everything? b. Tôi cũng vậy.
3. Nice to see you. c. Khá tốt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

1–c ; 2–d ; 3–e ; 4–b ; 5–f ; 6–a

<b>III. Gap filling.</b>

- Ask ss to complete 2 dialogues 4a, b on page 12, 13. Individual work
- Have students work on their own first then compare

with their partners.
- Give feedback.

- Have ss practice speaking the dialogues in pairs. Pair work
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

<b>* Dialogue 4a.</b>

Mr.Tan : Hello, Lien. How are you?
Miss Lien: Pretty good, thank you.
How about you, Tan?
Mr.Tan : Not bad, but I’m very busy.
Miss Lien: Me, too.

<b>* Dialogue 4b.</b>

Nam: Good afternoon, Nga. How is everything?
Nga : OK, thanks. How are you today, Nam?
Nam: Just fine, thanks.

Nga : I’m going to the lunch room.
Nam: Yes. So am I.

<b>Production</b> <i><b>* Listening Comprehension</b></i> T-whole class
- Show students four pictures on page 13.

- Ask students about the situation of each picture by
giving some questions.

 Who are they in this picture?
 Where are they?

 What are they doing?

- Have them listen to the four dialogues and ask them
write the letters of the dialogues in the order they

- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Answer keys</b>: c) b) d) a)</i>
<b>* Tape transcript.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

Mr.Tan : Good evening, Ba. How are you?
Ba : Fine, thanks.

Mr.Tan : Are you going home now?
Ba : Yes. My dinner will be ready.
2 – b

Nga : Good morning, Miss Lien.
Miss Lien : Nice to meet you.

Nga : Nice to meet you, too.

Miss Lien : Class will begin soon. You must hurry.

Nga : OK.

3 – d

Miss Lien : Good morning, Tan.
Mr. Tan : Good morning, Lien.

Miss Lien : Do you have the time, please?
Mr. Tan : Yes. It’s 6.30.

Miss Lien : Thank you.
4 – a

Nga : Good afternoon, Ba.

Ba : Good afternoon. How are you, Nga?
Nga : I am fine, thanks. How about you?
Ba : Not bad.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>Unit One:</b>

<b>back to school</b>

<b>Period 3rd</b>
<b>LESSON 2: A2 </b>page 11.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a text for details and revising simple present tense.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the

text and revise the simple present, comparison, a lot of, many.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books, poster.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Word square.</b></i> Team work

- Stick the poster on the board.

- Ask students to find out 11 words in the word

- Divide the class into two teams, students from each
team go to the board and circle the words they have
found, then write them down in the column of their

- The team which has more right words will win the

<i><b>* Answer key.</b></i>

 <sub>school, big, uncle, new, old</sub>
 <sub>Parents</sub>

 <sub>Aunt, friend</sub>

 <sub>Student, happy, live</sub>

<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- different from (adj): khác với

- unhappy (adj): không vui vẻ











































<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

(synonym/ antonym)
- still (adv): vẫn, vẫn còn

- miss (v): nhớ tiếc, cảm thấy nhớ

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary:</b> What and where</i>

- Draw circles and write every new word in each circle.

- Ask students to repeat the words chorally, then rub
out word by word but leave the circles.

- Go on until all the circles are empty.

- Get students to go to the board and write the words
in the correct circles.

<b>II. True – False statements prediction.</b>

<i><b>* Set the scene: </b>Hoa is a new student in class 7A. </i>

Now, work in pairs and guess about Hoa. Pair work
- Hang the poster of statement on the board and ask

students to guess which statements are true and
which are false.

a. Hoa is from Hue.

b. She lives with her parents in Hanoi now.
c. She has a lot of friends in Hanoi.

d. She misses her friends in Hue.
e. She is happy now.

- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking prediction</b>

- Ask students to read the text A2 on page 11 and

check their prediction. Individualwork
Have students correct false statements.



<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>II. Comprehension questions.</b>

- Have students work in pairs to answer the questions
on page 11.

Pair work
a. Where is Hoa from?

b. Who is she staying with?

c. Does she have a lot of friends in Hanoi?
d. How is her new school different from her
old school?

e. Why is Hoa unhappy?
- Give feedback.

- Call on some students to ask and answer the
questions. Teacher checks and writes the answer
on the board if necessary.

- Have students work in closed pairs.

<i><b>* Answer keys</b>.</i> Pair work

a. Hoa is from Hue.

b. She is staying with her aunt and uncle.
c. No, she doesn’t.

d. Her new school is bigger than her old school.
e. Because she misses her parents and her
friends in Hue.

<i><b>* Transformation writing.</b></i>

- Ask students to write the text again and change the

subject “Hoa” to “I”. Individualwork








<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

- Give feedback and revise the simple present tense.
<b>Post reading</b> <i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

“I am a new student is class 7A. I am from Hue and
my parents still live there. I live with my uncle and
aunt in Hanoi.

I have lots of friends in Hue. But I don’t have any
friends in Hanoi. Many things are different. My new
school is bigger than my old school. My new school
has a lot of students. My old school doesn’t have
many students.

I am unhappy. I miss my parents and my friends.”
<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write a short paragraph about 80

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>Unit One:</b>

<b>back to school</b>

<b>Period 4th</b>
<b>LESSON 3: B1-3 </b>page 15 - 16.

<b>Aims:</b>Asking for and giving personal information.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for and
give personal information (name, age, address…)

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books, poster, cards.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Nought and Crosses </b></i>(Revision) Group work

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Draw a nine square grid on the board (numbered
from 1 to 9).

- The teams will take turn to choose the number and
make a question and answer using the words n the
square. If their answer is correct, put a X or O in that

- The first team that has three Xs or three Os in a line
on the grid wins the game.

- Ask students to use the questions:
 How old………?
 Where do you live?

 What’s your name?

and use the information in the square to answer.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

1/ How old are you? – I am 13.
2/ Where do you live?

– I live at 54 Quang Trung Street.

1/ you

2/ 54 Quang

Trung Street

3/ Hoa

4/ Her mother


5/ your father


6/ Le Loi


7/ 19 Hung

Vuong Street

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

3/ What’s your name? – My name is Hoa.
4/ What’s her mother name?

– Her mother’s name is Linh.
5/ How old is your father? – He is 41.

6/ Where do you live? – I live on Le Loi Street.
7/ Where do you live?

– I live at 19 Hung Vuong Street.

8/ What’s your name? – My name is Nam.
9/ How old is your grandmother? – She is 60.

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
- family name (n): họ


- middle name (n): tên lót

- address (n): địa chỉ

<i><b>* Checking</b>: Rub out and Remember.</i>
- Write the new words on the board.

- Rub out of word in English and point to the
Vietnamese translation and ask “what’ this in
English?” when all the English words are rubbed

- Go through the Vietnamese list and get students to
come to the board and write the English words again.
<b>II. Presentation dialogue.</b>

- Get students to read the dialogue B1 on page 15 and

answer some questions. Individualwork
- Give feedback.

a. Who is Hoa talking to?

(to Miss Lien)

b. What is Hoa’s family name?

c. What is her middle name?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

(12 Tran Hung Dao Street)

- Get students to practice asking and answering in

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Drill (word cue drill).</b> Pair work

<b>* Cues</b> T-whole class

Ex: Nam / Nguyen

15 / 32 Nguyen Du Street
<b>* Exchange.</b>

What’s his name?
His name is Nam.

What’s his family name?
His family name is Nguyen.
How old is he?

He is 15.

Where does he live?

He lives at 32 Nguyen Du Street.
1. Hoa / Le / 12 / Danang.

2. Minh / Tran / 13 / 20 Hung Vuong Street.
3. Thuy / Bui / 14 / 37 Le Huan Street.
4. Mai / Pham / 15 Ly Thuong Kiet Street.
- Get students to practice asking and answering in

<b>II. Completing the dialogue.</b>

- Have students to work in pairs to complete the
dialogue B2 on page 16 using the question words:
<i>who, where, what.</i>

- Give feedback and ask students to write in their

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>
Nga: Who is that?
Lan: That’s Nam.

Nam: No. Who is the girl talking to Miss Lien.
Lan: Her name’s Hoa. She’s a new student.
Nga: What class is she in?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

Nga: Where does she live?

Lan: She lives on Tran Hung Dao Street with
her aunt and uncle.

Nga: Where do her parents live?
Lan: They live in Hue.

Nga: She is tall. How old is she?
Lan: She’s 13.

<b>Production</b> <i><b>* Complete the form.</b></i> Pair work

- Have students complete the form B3 on page 16
- Ask some students to make the questions.
Ex: Name: What’s your name?
Age: How old are you?
Grade: What grade are you in?
School: Which school do you go to?
Home address: Where do you live?

What’s your address?

- Get them to ask their partners and fill in the form.
- Give feedback. Call some students to introduce
their partners before the class.

Ex: My partner / friend is Le Van Huy. He is 13

years old. He is in grade 7 and he goes to Nguyen Du
School. He lives at 30 Le Loi Street.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>Unit One:</b>

<b>back to school</b>

<b>Period 5th</b>
<b>LESSON 4: B4, 5 </b>page 16 - 17.

<b>Aims:</b>Using “how far” questions and answers with “kilometers/ meters” to
talk about distances.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about distances
with “How far”.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books, poster, cassettes.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>Wordsquare</b></i> T-whole class

- Stick the poster on the board. Team work
- Get Ss to find out 11 words in the wordsquare.

- Divide the class into two teams, Ss from each
team go to the board circle the words they’ve
found, then write them down the column of their

- The team which has more right words will win the

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

 <sub>why, when, on, to, from</sub>
 <sub>what, where, at, by</sub>

 who, how

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
- How far…? Bao xa

- distance (n): khoảng cách (explanation)
- kilometer (n): km

 Copy down.

 Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.





















<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b>II. Presentation the dialogue.</b>

- Get Ss to read the dialogue B4 on page 16.

- Ask Ss to answer some questions to make sure that
they understand the dialogue.


a. Where does Hoa live?
b. Is it far from school?
c. How does she get there?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions. Pair work
- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Answers.</b></i>

a. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
b. No, it isn’t.

c. She gets there by bike.

- Have Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. Pair work
- Ask Ss to find out the questions about the distance

in the dialogue.

<b>Model sentences</b>

<b>Use:</b> Hỏi từ địa điểm này đến địa điểm khác bao xa.

- Ask and answer the distance from one place to

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Picture cue drill.</b> T-whole class

- Use the pictures on page 17 to get Ss to drill.

a. The market/ 2 kms.
b. The post office/ 700 ms.
c. School/ 1 km.

d. The movie theater/ 3 kms.
e. The bus stop/ 500 ms.
T models: Cue 1, 2.

S1: How far is it from your house to school?

S2: About one kilometer.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

- Ask Ss to make Cue 3, 4, 5.

Open pairs.
Closed pairs.

<b>Post</b> Noughts and Crosses.

Team O Team X

Ex: How far is it from your house to the park?
It’s about 1km.

<b>Homework</b> - Learn the structure by heart.

- Make 5 sentences with “How far…”.




Park/ 1m



<sub>Street/ 1km</sub>

Le Loi






Dong Ba

Market/ 2







<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>Unit One:</b>

<b>back to school</b>

<b>Period 6th</b>

<b>LESSON 5: B6, 7 </b>page 18.

<b>Aims:</b>By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and talk about the
distances with “How far…”.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books, poster, cassettes.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>Chatting.</b></i> T-whole class

1/ Where do you live? Team work

2/ Where is your nearest post office?
3/ Is your house near or far from school?
4/ How far is it from your house to school?
<i><b>* Listening.</b></i>

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 18. T-whole class
- Ask Ss some questions about the positions of some


 Where does Lan’s house?

 Where is the market/ the post office/ the

 Is Lan’s house near/ far from school?

- Have Ss listen to the tape and find out the distances

 From school to Lan’s house.

 From Lan’s house to the post office.
 From Lan’s.

 From the movie theater to the post office.
<i><b>Answer keys.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<i><b>Tape transcript:</b></i>

Lan: My English book is still at home.

Hoa: How far is it from school to your house, Lan?
Lan: It’s about 300 meters I can go home at recess
Hoa: I need some stamps. Where is the post office,


Lan: It’s not far from my house. Come with me.
Hoa: How far is it from your house?

Lan: Only 700ms.

Lan: Let’s go to the movies.

Hoa: OK. Where is the movie theater?
Lan: It’s in the center of Hanoi.

Hoa: How far is it from school?

Lan: It’s three kms. We can take the bus number 2

Hoa: Oh! My letter is in my pocket.
Lan: We can post it after the movie.

Hoa: How far is it from the movie theater to the post

Lan: About 2kms.

<b>Production</b> <b>Survey.</b> Pairwork

- Ask Ss to work in pairs.

- Let them write the form into a piece of paper of
their notebooks.

- Have Ss ask their partners and then change the role.
Ss ask and fill in the form at the same time.

- Ask Ss to make sure Ss know the questions.
 What is your name?

 Where do you live?







<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

 How do you go to school?

 How far is it from your house to school?
- Ask Ss to report orally about their friends after


“My friend’s name is Lien. She lives at

20 Nguyen Du Street. It’s about 3kms from her
house to her school. She often goes to school by

- Ask Ss to write about their friends, using the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>Unit Two:</b>

<b>Personal information</b>

<b>Period 7th</b>

<b>LESSON 1: A1 - 3 </b>page 19 - 20.

<b>Aims:</b>Practice in asking for and giving telephone numbers.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for and
give telephone numbers.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books, some pieces of paper.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Number transmitting:</b></i> Group work

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Choose six volunteers from each team.
- The volunteers stand into two lines.

- Show the first student (in each line) a number.
- He/she whispers the number to the next person in
his/her line.

- The second student whispers to the third and so

- The last student shouts out the number, if it is the
same as the number the teacher shows that team will
wins the match.

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
- to call (somebody) (v): gọi ai


- telephone directory (n): danh bạ điện thoại

- soon (adv): sớm, chẳng bao lâu
<i><b>* Checking</b>: What and where.</i>

- Draw circles and write every new word in each

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

- Go on all the circles are empty.

- Get students to go to the board and write the words
in the correct circles.

<b>II. Presentation dialogue.</b> T-whole class
- Ask students to listen to the dialogue A3 on page 20

and pick out the target language.
<i><b>* Model sentences:</b></i>

What’s your telephone number?

<i><b>* Form:</b></i>

<b>What’s + your + telephone number?</b>
<b> his</b>

<b> her</b>

<b>(Telephone number)</b>
<i><b>* Use:</b></i>

Ask and answer about somebody’s telephone

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Word cue drill.</b>

<b>* Exchange</b>: What’s his/ her telephone number?

- Ask students to look at the telephone directory to
ask and answer the telephone number.

Pair work
a. Dao Van Anh d. Dinh Thi Bang

b. Pham Viet Anh e. Vu Thanh Bat
c. Phan Thanh Ba f. Bui Ngoc Bich
<b>II. Noughts and Cross.</b>

- Divide the class into two teams. Group work
- Draw a nine square grid on the board (numbered

from 2 to nine).

- The team will take turn to choose the number and make
a question and answer using the words in the square. If






<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

their answer is correct, put a X or O in that box.

- The first team that has three Xs or three Os in a line
on the grid wins the game.

<b>- Ask students to use the questions.</b>
 What is your name?

 Where do you live?

 What’s your telephone number?

- Ask students to report orally about their friends

after they fill in the form.

<b>Example: </b>

“My friend’s name is Hai. He lives at 32 Nguyen
Trai. His telephone number is 827123”.

<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write about their friends, using the

information in the form. Individualwork




Duy Ai/


6 Nguyen

Cong Tru

Viet Anh




13 Hang


Ngoc Bich

34 Tran





<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<b>Unit Two:</b>

<b>Personal information</b>

<b>Period 8th</b>

<b>LESSON 2: A4 - 5 </b>page 21.

<b>Aims:</b>“Wh” questions with WILL to talk about sure event in the future.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about sure
events in the future using WILL.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Jumbled words (revision)</b></i> T-whole class

 refe  free
 omorotrw  tomorrow
 vomeis  movies
 rehatte  theatre
 ese  see
 etem  meet
 trast  start
 fishin  finish

- Divide the class into two teams. Group work
- Ask students from two teams to go to the board and

write the correct words.

- The team that is faster with more correct words will
win the game.

<b>Presentation I. Presentation dialogue.</b> Individual work
- Get students to read the dialogue A4 on page 21

- Ask them to scan the dialogue and answer the
questions quickly. They can use short answer
because students haven’t learnt “WILL” yet.
<i>* Questions and answers.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

Phong and Tam.
b. What will they do?
See a movie.

c. What time will they meet?
At 6:45.

d. Where will they meet?
In front of the movie theatre.
- Have st

s practice asking and answering in pairs.

<b>II. Target language.</b> T-whole class

- Give students the model sentences.
Where will we meet?

We will meet in front of the movie theatre.
<i><b>* Form.</b></i>

<b>WILL + INFINITIVE without to</b>
+ Affirmative + Negative

<i><b>+ Question</b></i>

<i><b>+ Contractions</b></i>

will = ‘ll will not = won’t
+ We can use WILL with all persons.

We can use SHALL instead of WILL with I and



IYouHeShewill not

workIt won’tWeThey







<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>


+ The negative of shall is shall not = shan’t.
<i><b>* Use.</b></i>

- We can use WILL to predict the future.
- We also use WILL when we decide to do
something at the moment of speaking.

- We also use WILL in these ways: offers, requests,
<i>refusals, promises and threats.</i>

<b>I. Substitution drill.</b> T-whole class

- Give students the substitution drill in “wh”
questions only.

<b>Teacher says</b> <b>Students say</b>
Where will we meet? Where will we meet?

You Where will you meet?

He Where will he meet?

What time What time will we meet?

Go What time will we go?

How How will we go?

What / see What will we see?
Where / she / go Where will she go?

<b>II. Word cue drill.</b>
<i><b>* Cues.</b></i>

a. Where/ they/ meet?
In the street.

b. What time/ movie/ start?
At 7:00.

c. What/ they/ see?
A movie.

d. How/ she/ go?
By bike.
<i><b>* Exchange.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

c. What will they see?
They’ll see a movie.

d. How will she go to school?
She’ll go to school by bike.
- Get students to work in pairs.
- Give feedback.

<b>Production</b> <i><b>* Listening.</b></i> Pair work

- Set the scene: Lan calls Nga. She wants Nga to go
<i>with her. Listen to the dialogue and write the answers</i>
by filling the form.

- Ask students to write the form into their notebooks

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a/ 8545545 b/ A movie
c/ Lan’s house d/ Bus
<i><b>* Tape transcript.</b></i>

Nga: Hello. This is 8545545.
Lan: Hello. Is this Nga?

Nga: Yes. Who is calling please?

Lan: It’s Lan. Do you want to go to see a movie?
Nga: Sure. Where will we meet?

Lan: At my house.

Nga: How will we get there?
Lan: We can take a bus.
Nga: OK, fine. Bye.
Lan: Bye.

<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write a paragraph about Nga and
Lan using WILL.


“Nga’s telephone number is 8545545. She calls Lan

and she wants Lan to go to the movie theatre with

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<b>Unit Two:</b>

<b>Personal information</b>

<b>Period 9th</b>

<b>LESSON 3: A6 - 7 </b>page 22 - 23.

<b>Aims:</b>Further practice in future tense with WILL.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice more
in future tense with WILL.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Text books.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Lucky numbers.</b></i> T-whole class

- Write 10 numbers on the board, from 1 to 10.
- Tell students each number is for a question but 4 of
them are lucky numbers. If students choose a lucky
number, they do not need to answer any questions
but they get 2 points and they can choose another

- Divide the class into two teams. The teams take
turn to choose the numbers.

- Tell students that they have to make questions
about personal information when teacher gives them
a word as a cue.

<b>Ex:</b> Teacher: from

Student: Where are you from?
1/ Name (What’s your name?)
2/ Lucky number

3/ live (Where do you live?)
4/ telephone number

(What’s your telephone number?)
5/ Lucky number

6/ old (How old are you?)
7/ Lucky number

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

10/ from (Where are you from?)

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- speak (v): nói


- talk to so about sth: nói với ai về điều gì

- be back (v): trở lại, trở về

- who’s calling?: Ai đang gọi thế?

- Can I speak to…? Tôi có thể nói chuyện với…
được chứ?

- I’ll call again: Tôi sẽ gọi lại
<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: Matching.</i>

<b>II. Presentation dialogue.</b> Pair work

- Show students the picture on page 29.

- Give students some questions and ask them to read the
dialogue A6 on page 22 then answer the questions
<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Comprehension questions</b>

a. Who is calling?
(Phong is calling)

b. Who is answering the phone?

(Han – Lan’s sister is answering the phone)
c. Who are they talking about?

(They are talking about Lan)

d. Where is she at the moment?
(She is out)

e. When will she be back?
(She’ll be back at about 6:00)
f. When will Phong call her again?
(He’ll call her again after 6)
- Give feedback.

- Have students work in pairs to practice asking and

Pair work
<b>II. Answer given.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

come to my party?)
- Get students to repeat.

- Give students some answers and ask them to give
questions so that they can practice more in the future
simple tense.

<i><b>* Answer.</b></i>

a. At five thirty.

b. We’ll eat cakes and sweets.
c. Till 7 or half past 7.

d. We’ll meet in the street.

- Ask students to work in pairs to give questions for
these answers.

<i><b>* Questions.</b></i>

a. When will the party be/ start?
b. What will we eat?

c. How long will the party last?
d. Where will we meet?

- Get students to practice asking and answering the

<b>Production</b> <b>* Map dialogue</b> T-whole class

- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board.
- Present the dialogue and have students repeat
sentence by sentence.

- Call on students to demonstrate the dialogue.

- Ask students to practice the dialogue, open pairs 
closed pairs.

Pair work
<i><b>* Example exchange:</b></i>





……..Is that Ba?





free tomorrow




……..the stadium


A foofball match

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Ba: Hello. This is 8437689.
Nam: Hello. Is that Ba?

Ba: Yes. Ba is speaking. Who’s calling?

Nam: This is Nam. Will you be free tomorrow

Ba: Yes, I will. What will you do tomorrow

Nam: I’ll go to the stadium.
Ba: What will you watch?

Nam: A football match. Would you like to go with

Ba: Yes. When will it start?

Nam: At 4:30. We’ll meet at 4:15.
Ba: Where will we meet?

Nam: In front of the stadium.
Ba: OK. See you tomorrow, Bye.
Nam: Bye.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

<b>Unit Two:</b>

<b>Personal information</b>

<b>Period 10th</b>

<b>LESSON 4: B1 - 3, 9 </b>page 24 - 28.

<b>Aims:</b>Practice in talking about dates of the year.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about
dates of the year.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, cards.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Pelmanism.</b></i> T-whole class

- Prepare twelve cards with numbers on one side and
ordinal numbers on the other.

- Stick the cards on the board so that the students can
only see the numbers.

- Divide the class into two teams and ask each team
to choose two numbers at the same time.

- Turn over the cards and see if they match.

- Eg: first – 1st<sub>. If not turn the cards face down again </sub>
and ask the other team to choose numbers.

- Continue until all the cards are turned over.

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
 twelfth : 12th

 twentieth : 20th

 twenty – first : 21st
 twenty – second : 22nd
 thirtieth : 30th

 thirty – third : 33rd T-whole class
 forty – fifth : 35th

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary:</b></i> Jumbled words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

board (or use the poster).

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask students from each team to go to the board and
write the correct words.

- The team which is faster with more correct words
wins the game.

 tieirthhth  thirtieth

 sirft  first

 wenttieht  twentieth

 netniy – encosd  ninety – second T-whole class
 yortf – fhtif  forty – fifth

 fewtlth  twelfth
<b>II. Matching.</b>

- Have students guess and match the months of the

- Write the months of the years on the left side and
the Vietnamese equivalent on the right side.

- Ask students to go to the board and match the
months with their Vietnamese translation.

January Tháng 5

February Tháng 6

March Tháng 1

April Tháng 3

May Tháng 7

June Tháng 2

July Tháng 9 Individual work

August Tháng 11

September Tháng 4

October Tháng 12

November Tháng 8

December Tháng 10

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Listening.</b> Pair work

- Let students listen to the tape and write the dates
they hear.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

with their partners.
- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Answer keys and tape transcript</b></i> T-whole class
1/ The first of July.

2/ The nineteenth of May.
3/ The sixth of October.
4/ The fourteenth of January.
5/ The seventeenth of January.
6/ The thirty first of August.
<b>II. Reading comprehension.</b>

<b>1/ Pre-questions.</b> T-whole class

- Ask students some questions to focus on the topic
of the paragraph.

 How many months are there in a year?
 How many days are there in September?
 How many days are there in August?

 How many days are there in February?
<b>2/ Listen and read.</b>

- Let students listen to the tape, play with words for
fun and read it at the same time then check their

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i> Pair work

 There are 12 months in a year.
 There are thirty days in September.
 There are thirty-one days in August.
 There are 28 or 29 days in February.

<b>3/ Complete the grid: The days in a month.</b> Individual work

- Students read the paragraph on page 28, work in
pairs to fill in the three columns.

<b>Production</b> <i><b>* Survey.</b></i>

- Ask students to write the form in their notebook
<b>28 </b><b> 29 days</b> <b>30 days</b> <b>31 days</b>


April, June,

January, March,
May, July,


<b>Name</b> <b>Birthday</b>

1. Mai July 19th

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

- Ask students the way to ask about their friends’

<i><b>* Exchange:</b></i> When is your birthday
(or what’s your date of birth?)

- Get students to ask their friends about their date of
birth and fill in the form. Each student has to ask
three friends. Then ask them to tell the class about
their friends’ birthdays.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<b>Unit Two:</b>

<b>Personal information</b>

<b>Period 11st</b>

<b>LESSON 5: B4 - 5 </b>page 25 - 26.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a dialogue about Hoa to understand the detail and talking

about personal information.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the
text and talk about personal information.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Slap the board.</b></i> T-whole class

- Write the months of the year all over the board.

- Call on two students from two teams to the front of
the class.

- Ask them to stand at an equal distance from the

- Call out the Vietnamese translation, the two
students run forward and slap the English words on
the board.

- The student slapping the right word first is the
winner and gets a point for his/her team.

- Continue until students have slapped all the words.

<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class

- worry (v): lo âu, lo lắng

 worried (adj)
- nervous (adj)

- soon (adj): chẳng mấy chốc







<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Word square.</b></i>

<b>II. Open prediction.</b>

- Show the students the student Registration Form on
page 26.

- Ask them to guess and fill in the registration form
about Hoa.

Pair work
- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking.</b>

- Ask students to read the dialogue B4 on page 25 and
check their prediction.

- Get students to work in pairs.
- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

<b>II. Comprehension questions.</b>

- Have students read the dialogue again and answer

the questions in pairs. Pair work

- Give feedback.

- Ask students to practice asking and answering the

<i>* Questions and answers:</i>
a/ How old is Hoa now?
She is 13.

b/ How old will she be on her next birthday?
She’ll be 14.

c/ When is her birthday?




























<b>Student Registration Form</b>


Date of birth: June 8


<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

It is on June 8th<sub>.</sub>

d/ Who does Hoa live with?

She lives with her uncle and aunt.
e/ Why is Hoa worried?

Because she doesn’t have any friend in Hanoi.
<b>Post reading I. Question words</b>

- Ask students to look at the Police Record on page
41 then write the questions and the answers in their

Individual work

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>
1/ What’s his name?

His name is Pham Trung Hung.
2/ How old is he?

He is 25.

3/ Where does he live?

He lives at 34 Nguyen Bieu Street, Hai Phong.
4/ What’s his job?

He is an Office manager.
<b>II. Writing.</b>

- Get students to write something about themselves
(B4, page 25).

 your age now.

 your age next birthday.
 Your address.

 Who you live with

- Get students to write individual and then compare
with their partners.

- Call on some students to introduce themselves
before the class.

Eg: “I’m Hoa. I’m 13 years old now and I’ll

be 14 on my next birthday – Jule 8th<sub>, I live with my </sub>
parents and my sister at 25 Nguyen Du Street”.
<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write about one of their best

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>Unit Two:</b>

<b>Personal information</b>

<b>Period 12nd</b>

<b>LESSON 6: B6 - 8 </b>page 26 - 28.

<b>Aims:</b>Writing an invitation to a party.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an
invitation to a party.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Lucky numbers</b></i> T-whole class

- Write 10 numbers on the board from 1 to 10.
- Tell students each number is for a question

but 4 of them are lucky numbers. If students choose a

lucky number, they do not need to answer any

questions but they get 2 points and they can choose
another number. If their answer is correct they will
get one point.

- Divide the class into two teams. The teams take
turn to choose the numbers.

- Tell students that they have to make questions and
answer (2 students from each team) about personal
information when teacher gives them a word as a

Ex: Teacher: from

Student: Where are you from?
1/ Name (What’s your name?)
2/ Lucky number.

3/ live (Where do you live?)

4/ live with (Who do you live with?)
5/ Lucky number.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

8/ telephone number

(What’s your telephone number?)
9/ Lucky number.

10/ far (How far is it from your house to school?)

<b>Pre-writing</b> <b>I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- have a party (v): có/ tổ chức 1 buổi tiệc

- invite (v): mời

- an invitation card (n): thiệp mời

- join (v): tham gia
- leave (v): rời khỏi
(picture/ translation)

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember.</b></i>
- Get students to copy the words into their notebooks.
- Get students to repeat chorally before and after you
rub out each word. When all the English words are
rubbed out, ask students to call out the English

- If there’s time, get students to come to the board
and write the English words again.

<b>II. Reading Comprehension.</b>

- Have students read the text B6 on page 26. Pair work
- Ask students to work in pairs to answer the


- Give feedback.
<i><b>* Questions.</b></i>

a/ How old is Lan now?

b/ How old will she be on her next birthday?

c/ When’s her birthday?
(May 25th<sub>)</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

e/ What’s her address?

(24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street)
f/ How long will the party last?
(from 5pm. To 9pm.)

<b>While writing I. Fill in the invitation card</b>

<i><b>* Set the scene:</b></i> Lan is going to have a birthday
<i>party at her house. She wants to invite you to her </i>
<i>birthday party. You have to help her to complete the </i>
invitation card to Lan’s party using the information
from the answers.



<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

I am having a birthday party on May 25th<sub>. The party </sub>
will be at my house at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street
from 5pm. to 9pm.

I hope you will come and join the fune.

……… Tel: 8674758
<b>II. Writing.</b>

- Ask students to imagine they will be a guest at
Lan’s birthday party.

- Give students the questions B7 on page 27.
- Ask students to work in pair to answer the

Pair work
- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Possible answers</b></i>

a/ What will you give Lan?

(a book/ a doll/ some flowers…)

b/ How will you get to her house?
(by bus, by bicycle, on foot…)
c/ What game will you play?

(sing songs/ play chess/ chat/ watch film…)
d/ What will you eat?

(cakes/ sweets/ fruit…)
e/ What will you drink?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>


- Ask students to join the answers (in full sentences)

to form a paragraph. Individualwork
<i><b>* Possible answers</b></i>

“I’ll go to Lan’s house to join in her birthday party.
I’ll give her a beautiful doll as a birthday present. I’ll
take a bus to Lan’s house because it’s about 3kms
from my house to hers. In the party, we’ll chat to one
another and we’ll watch an interesting film on video.
We’ll also sing some songs. We’ll eat fruit and cakes
and drink some coke. I think we will leave her home
at 9pm.”

<i><b>* Correction</b></i>

- Choose some paragraphs to correct before class
(using projector if possible).

T-whole class
<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write an invitation to their birthday

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>Unit Three:</b>

<b>At home</b>

<b>Period 13rd</b>
<b>LESSON 1: A1,3 </b>page 29 - 31.

<b>Aims:</b><i>“There’s…, there are…” to describe rooms and homes.</i>

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe
rooms and homes.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Shark attack.</b></i> T-whole class

- Cut out a shark (or a crocodile) and a school boy or
girl on card.

- Draw some steps on the board, and the sea around
the steps.

- Stick the boy/girl on top of the steps, and the shark
is in the sea.

- Draw 10 gaps for the word TELEVISION.

- Get students in teams (or ask them as a whole class)
to guess the letter in each gap. If their guess is right,
they’ll get one mark. If their guess is wrong, the
boy/girl has to step down.

- The game can continue with some more words.


<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b>
- tub (n): bồn tắm


- batroom (n): phòng tắm

(definition: a room with a tub on it)
- sink (n): chậu rửa, lavabô

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

- washing machine (n): máy giặt

- dishwasher (n): máy rửa chén bát

(definition: a machine used for washing dishes)
- dryer (n): máy sấy


- refrigerator (n): tủ lạnh

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Matching</b></i> Group work

- Write the new words on the left side of the board.
- Stick the pictures (of the new words) on the right
side of the board.

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Get students from each team to go to the board and
match the pictures with the suitable words.

- The team which is faster and matches more words
will win the game.

<b>II. Revision of “There’s…, there are…”</b> T-whole class
- When we say that something exists, we normally

begin the sentence with

<b>THERE + BE + subject</b>
- We use this structure with definite subject.
(eg: a man, some letters, anybody)

- If the subject is plural, BE takes a plural form:
<b>THERE ARE</b>

- Compare with it is/ they are: We use THERE + BE to
say something exits, we use THEY/ IT + BE to give
more details.

Eg: There’s a letter for you. It’s from Hanoi.
There are some biscuits in the kitchen.
They’re in the cupboard.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<b>There isn’t…There aren’t…</b>

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. True/ False repletion drill</b> T-whole class
- Show the picture on page 31.

- Ask students to tell the names of things in the

 a window with curtains.
 2 pictures

 a television
 some chairs
 some armchairs
 a table

 some books
 a cat with a ball
 a vase of flowers
 2 lamps

- Ask students to look at the picture and listen to the
teacher at the same time. If teacher’s sentences are
correct, they have to repeat. Students have to keep
silent if teacher’s sentences are false.

<b>Teacher</b> <b>Students</b>

 There’s a television (repeat)
 There are some chairs (repeat)
 There’s a sink (silent)
 There’s a vase of flowers (repeat)
 There’s a refrigerator (silent)
 There are two pictures (repeat)
 There are four armchairs (silent)
 There’s a washing machine (silent)
 There are some books (repeat)

<b>II. Revision of prepositions</b> T-whole class
- Use two things: a box and a book to show the

students the prepositions: on, in, under, near, next to,
<i>behind, in front of…</i>

- Ask students to use the exchanges A3b on

page 31 to practice asking and answering.
<b>* Exchange 1:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
Where is it?

<b>* Exchange 2:</b>

Are there any…….? Are there any…….?
Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
Where are they?

They are on……….

- Get students to work in closed pairs.

<b>practice</b> <b>I. Chain game.</b>

- Divide the class into groups of 8/6. The students sit

face to face. Group work

- The first student (in each group) say a sentence.
Eg: In the kitchen, there’s a refrigerator and a
washing machine.

- The second student repeats the first student’s and
adds one thing.

Eg: In the kitchen, there’s a refrigerator, a washing
machine ad an electric stove.

- The game continues until the last student.
<b>II. Gap filling.</b>

- Ask students to complete the dialogue Language

Focus 7 on page 41. Pair work

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a/ Are there any books?
Yes, there are.

b/ Are there any armchairs?
No, there aren’t.

c/ Are there any flowers?
Yes, there are.

- Get students work in pairs.

<b>Homework</b> - Have students write a paragraph describing the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>Unit Three:</b>

<b>At home</b>

<b>Period 14th</b>
<b>LESSON 2: A1 - 2b </b>page 31.

<b>Aims:</b>Giving compliment with “what + a/ an + adj + noun”.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give
compliments using the structure “what + a/ an + adj + noun”.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters, cards.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Wordsquare.</b></i> T-whole class

- Stick the poster on the board.

- Ask students to find 13 nouns of things in the

- Get students to work in pairs to find out the words.
- Divide the class into two teams, students from each
team go to the board and circle the words they have
found then write them down in the column of their

- The game that has more words will win the game.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

 shower, living room, kitchen,


 bookshelf, dryer, couch

 lamp, sink, desk, stove, armchair

 bench






































































<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b>

- amazing (adj): đáng ngạc nhiên

- delicious (adj): ngon lành

- bringt (adj): sáng sủa

- interesting (adj): thú vị, tuyệt

- comfortable (adj): dễ chịu, tiện nghi

- modern (adj): hiện đại

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary:</b></i> Slap the board.
- Put the new words all over the blackboard.

- Call two students or two teams of students to the
front of the class. Make sure they stand at an equal
distance from the board.

- Call out one of the new words in Vietnamese loudly
the two students must run forward and slap the word
on the board. The one who first slaps the correct
word is the winner.

- If the students play in teams, the winning team gets
one mark. Then ask two more students to come
forwards and the game continues until all the words
are slapped.

<b>II. Presentation dialogue.</b> Individual work

- Ask students to read the dialogue A1 on

page 29 – 30 and collect the exclamation sentence
<i><b>* Model sentences.</b></i>

What a beautiful bathroom.






<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

What an amazing kitchen.
<i>* Form: </i><b>what + a/ an + adj + noun</b>

<i>* Use: </i><b>to pay a compliment or to make a </b>

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Word cue drill</b> T-whole class

- Prepare the cards with cues on them.
<b>* Cues.</b>

a/ kitchen/ amazing
b/ armchairs/ comfortable
c/ living room/ bright
d/ dinner/ delicious
e/ books/ interesting
f/ her house/ convenient

- Model the exchange and ask students to make

exchanges using the given cues. Pair work
<i><b>* Exchange: </b></i>

Student 1: The kitchen is amazing.

Student 2: Yes. What an amazing kitchen.
b/ The armchairs are comfortable.

Yes. What comfortable armchairs!
c/ The living room is bright.

Yes. What a bring living room.
d/ The dinner is delicious.

What a delicious dinner!
e/ The books are interesting.
Yes. What interesting books!
f/ Her house is convenient.
Yes. What a convenient house!


<b>I. Mapped dialogue</b> Pair work

- Present the dialogue using symbols, cues, visual…
and have students make sentences.

- Call on some pair of students to demonstrate the

dialogue before class (open pairs).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>


<i>* Mapped dialogue</i>

<i><b>* Example dialogue.</b></i>
S1: This is my house.
S2: What a beautiful house!
S1: And this is my bedroom.

S2: It’s very nice. Where is the kitchen?
S1: It’s over there.

S2: Oh. What a modern kitchen!
S1: Yes. It’s very convenient.

<b>II. Writing.</b> Individual work

- Ask students to write a compliment, using the
structure <b>what + a/an + adj + noun!</b> With the cues
in A2b on page 31.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a/ What a great party!
b/ What a bringt room!

c/ What an interesting movie!
d/ What a lovely house!

e/ What a delicious dinner!
f/ What a beautiful day!



<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

- Give feedback.

<b>Homework</b>- Ask students to write the compliments A2b on page 31

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

<b>Unit Three:</b>

<b>At home</b>

<b>Period 15th</b>
<b>LESSON 3: A2a </b>page 30.

<b>Aims:</b>Making complaint with <b>“What + a/an + adj + noun”</b>.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make
complaint using the structure <b>“What + a/an + adj + noun”</b>.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters, cards.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Jumble words.</b></i> T-whole class

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask students from two teams to go to the board and
write the correct words.

- The team that writes more correct words first will
win the game.

 tirbgh  bright
 coiliusde  delicious
 terintesing  interesting
 venveiontn  convenient

 deomnr  modern

 ratocblemof  comfortable

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- awful (adj): dễ sợ, kinh khủng

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>





<i>* <b>Checking vocabulary:</b> What and where.</i>

- Write the words on the board, put one word in each

- Have students repeat the words in choral.
- Rub out word by word but leave the circle.
- Go on until all the words are rubbed out.
- Point to each empty circle and ask students to
repeat chorally the English words.

- Ask students to go to the board and write the words
again in their correct circles.

<b>II. Presentation.</b>

- Use the picture on page 30 to elicit the exclamation

T-whole class
<b>Model sentence: What an expensive dress!</b>

<i>* Form: </i><b>What + (a/an) + adj + noun!</b>

<i>* Use: To pay a compliment or to make a complaint.</i>
<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Word cue drill</b>

- Prepare the cards with cues on them.

- Model the exchange and ask students to repeat.
- Ask students to use the cues to make exclamation

- Get them to work in pairs. Pair work
<i><b>* Cues</b></i>

a. awful restaurant
b. wet day

c. boring party
d. bad movie
e. expensive shoes
<i><b>* Exchange</b></i>

a. The restaurant is awful.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

b. It is wet today.

Yes. What a wet day!
c. The party is boring.
Yes. What a boring party!
d. The movie is bad.

What a bad movie!
e. The shoes are expensive.
Yes. What expensive shoes!

<b>Further Practice</b> <i><b>* Nought and Crosses.</b></i> Group work

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Draw a nine – square grid on the board (number
from 1 to 9).

- The team will take turn to choose the number and
make a statement and complaint using the words in
the square. If their sentence is correct, put a X or O
in that box.

- The first team that has three Xs or three Os in a line
on the grid will win the game.

<i><b>* Suggested answers:</b></i>
1/ The dinner is awful.

Yes. What an awful dinner!
2/ The movie is bad.

Yes. What a bad movie!
3/ The restaurant is expensive.

Yes. What an expensive restaurant!
4/ The shirt is dirty.

Yes. What a dirty shirt!
5/ The boy is lazy.

Yes. What a lazy boy!
















<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

6/ The books are boring.
Yes. What boring books.
7/ The house is small.
Yes. What a small house!
8/ The shoes are expensive.
Yes. What expensive shoes!
9/ The bedroom is wet.

Yes. What a wet bedroom.

<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to make complaints with the cues in

the game. Individualwork

<i><b>* Suggested answers</b></i>
1/ The dinner is delicious.
Yes. What a delicious dinner!
2/ The movie a good.

Yes. What a good movie!

3/ The restaurant is cheap.
Yes. What a cheap restaurant!
4/ The shirt is nice.

Yes. What a nice shirt!
5/ The boy is clever.
Yes. What a clever boy!
6/ The books are interesting.
Yes. What interesting books.
7/ The house is nice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<b>Unit Three:</b>

<b>At home</b>

<b>Period 16th</b>
<b>LESSON 4: B1 - 3 </b>page 33 - 35.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a dialogue about occupation for details.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the
dialogue for details and ask for the job.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Shark attack.</b></i> T-whole class

- Cut out a shark and a schoolgirl on card.

- Draw some steps on the board, and the sea around
the steps.

- Stick the girl on top of the steps, and the shark is in
the sea.

- Draw 11 gaps for the word COMFORTABLE.
- Get students in teams (or ask them as a whole class)
to guess the letter in each gap. If their guess is right,
they’ll get one mark. If their guess is not right, the
girl has to step down.

- The game can continue with some more words.


<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- raise (v): nuôi

- grow (v): trồng

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

- cattle (n): gia súc

(explanation: farm animals such as oxen, bulls,
cows and calves)

- newspaper (n): báo ngày

- journalist (n): nhà báo

(explanation: a person engaged in newspaper work)
<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: Rub out and Remember.</i>
- Rub out the new words one at a time.

- Ask students to repeat the words before and after
you rub out each word.

- When all the words are rubbed out, go through the
Vietnamese list and get students to call out the
English words.

- If there’s time, get students to come to the board
and write the English words again.

<i><b>* Matching</b></i>

- Ask students to work in pairs to match the
haft-sentences B3 on page 35.

Pair work
- Call on some students to call out the complete


 A farmer works on a farm.

 A doctor takes care of sick people.
 A journalist works for a newspaper.
 A teacher teaches in a school.

<b>II. True/ False statements prediction</b> Individual work
- Give a poster of 5 statements on the board.

- Ask students to keep their books closed, read the
statements on the poster and guess which statements
is true and which is false.

<i><b>* Set the scene: </b></i>This is a dialogue between Lan and
Hoa. They’re talking about Lan’ parents’ job

- Get students to read the statements and work with

their partners in 3 minutes. Pair work
- Give feedback.

1/ Hoa’s father is a worker.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

3/ They don’t like their work.
4/ Hoa has a younger brother.

5/ He/ she is 8.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking prediction</b> T-whole class
- Get students to read the dialogue B1 on page 33 and

check their prediction.

- Ask students to correct if the statements are not

<b>II. Filling the form</b>

- Have students read B2 on page 34 to know more
about Lan’s family and then work in pairs to fill in
the form.

Pair work

<b>III. Practice asking and answering.</b>

- Have students look at the form and practice asking
and answering about jobs.

Pair work
- Get students to use the structure: What’s… job?

Ex: What’s Hoa’s father’s job?

(Help students distinguish three <b>‘s</b> in the question)
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

1/ What’s Hoa’s father’s job?
He’s farmer.

2/ What’s her mother’s job?

She’s housewife and help on the farm.
3/ What’s her sister’s job?








Hoa’ father is a







They love their




Father’s job Farmer











<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

She’s student.

4/ What’s Lan’s father’s job? He’s a doctor.
5/ What’s her mother’s job?

She’s a teacher.

6/ What’s her brother’s job?
He’s a journalist.

<b>Production</b> <i><b>* Survey</b></i> T-whole class

- Ask students to write the form in their notebooks.

- Run through the questions.

1/ How old is (your family) member?
2/ What’ his/her job?

3/ Where does he/she work?

- Get students to ask their partners and write the
information in the form.

- Give feedback and ask students to tell the class
about their partner’s family members.


T: Mai, who is your partner?
S: It’s Nam.

T: Yes. How old is Nam’ father?
S: (answer)

T: What’s his job?
S: (answer)

T: Where does he work?
S: (answer)

<b>Homework</b> - Write their family members’ jobs/ ages/ place of

work in their notebooks. Individualwork







<b>Place of</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

<b>Unit Three:</b>

<b>At home</b>

<b>Period 17th</b>
<b>LESSON 5: B4-5 </b>page 35 - 36.

<b>Aims:</b>Further practice in comparative and superlative.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use comparative and
superlative with long adjectives and irregular adjectives.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Kim’s game.</b></i>

- Prepare a poster with 12 adjectives on it.
- Divide the class into 2 teams.

- Stick the poster on the board and ask Ss to try to
remember the adjs on the poster (for 30 seconds).
- Take away the poster and get Ss from two teams to
go to the board and write as many adjs as they can

- Tell them the team writing the most right adjs is the

- Stick the poster again to give feedback.

small good big

cheap modern beautiful

interesting expensive delicious

comfortable bad new

- Have Ss arrange the adjectives into long adjs, short
adjs, and irregular adjs.

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- apartment (n): căn hộ

- suitable (a): thích hợp

- furnished (a): được trang bị đồ đạc
- lovely (a): đáng yêu, dễ thương
(synonym) = beautiful, attractive
- of course: dĩ nhiên = certainly

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

 <b>Check vocabulary</b>: Slap the board.
<b>II. Presentation dialogue.</b>

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue between John and Nhat Pair work
- Get Ss to work in pairs to find out all the

comparatives and superlatives in the dialogue.

- Give feedback.

- Have Ss read the dialogue again and answer the
questions on page 36.

- Give feedback.

- Ask some Ss to ask and answer the questions.
- Get the whole class to work in closed pairs.
<b>III. Revision of comparatives and superlatives</b>
<i><b>1. Short adj:</b></i> a/ Comparatives.

<b>short adj + ER + than</b>
b/ Superatives.

<b>short adj + EST</b>
<i><b>2. Long adjective.</b></i>

a/ Comparatives.

<b>more + long adj + THAN</b>
b/ Superatives.

<b>the most + long adj + ADJ</b>
<i><b>3. Irregular adjectives.</b></i>

<b>Comparatives</b> <b>Superlatives</b>
good  better the best

bad  worse the worst

many/ much  more the most

far  farther/ further the farthest/ furthest

<i><b>* Listening and checking prediction</b></i> Individual work
- Let Ss listen to tapes 2 times.

- Give feedback.

Listen. Complete these forms for the three people on
the tape.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<i><b>* Recalling.</b></i>

- Get Ss to look at the grid and talk about Tom,
Susan and Bill.

Group work
- Call on three Ss to play the roles of Tom, Susan and


- Ask them to introduce about themselves.
<b>Homework</b> <sub>- Get Ss to write a short paragraph about their </sub>

mothers, fathers and sisters/ brothers.

<b>Name Ag</b>



<b>Place of</b>






at high


<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<b>Period 18th</b>

P.38 – 41

<b>Aims:</b>Further practice in the Will future and prepositions, ordinal numbers.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice more in the
WILL future and prepositions and ordinal numbers.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Guessing the occupations</b></i>

- Give the definition and ask students to find out the
words (occupations) as quickly as possible.

- Give one mark for the student who finds out the
word fastest.

1. A person who fight fire. (fireman)

2. A person who lives in the countryside and work on
the farm. (farmer)

3. A person who teaches students. (teacher)
4. A person who drives taxi. (taxi driver)

5. A person who takes cares of sick people. (doctor /

6. A person who works in a factory. (workers)
7. A person who learns in a school or a University.

8. A person who writes for a newpaper or a
magazine. (journalist)

<b>Activity 1</b> <b><sub>I. Future simple telephone number</sub></b> T-whole class
<i>* Form</i>

* Use

* <i><b>We can use WILL to predict the future.</b></i>
* <i><b>We also use WILL when we decide to do </b></i>
<i><b>something at the moment of speaking.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<i><b>* Practice:</b></i>

Show the poster of things Nam will do tomorrow
(on page 38)

- Get students to use WILL for <sub></sub> and WON’T for X.
- Ask students to work in pairs to talk about what
Nam will do and what Nam won’t do tomorrow.
- Give feedback.

- Ask students to write sentences in their notebooks.
* <i><b>Answer key</b></i>

* Tomorrow Nam will go to the post office but he
won’t call Ba.

* Tomorrow Nam will do his homework, but he
won’t tidy the yard.

* Tomorrow he will go to see a movie, but he won’t
watch TV.

* Tomorrow Nam won’t meet Minh but he will write
a letter to his grandmother.

<b>Activity 2</b> <b><sub>II. Prepositions</sub></b> Group work

- Ask students to look at the pictures Language
Focus 4 on page 39 in 30 seconds and try to

remember the positions of the cat.

- Divide tha class into two teams.

- Get students from two teams to go to the board and
write about the positions of the cat, using the

prepositions: <i><b>on, in front, under, behind, next to. </b></i>
- The team writes more correct sentences will win
the game.

* Answer keys

a. The cat is under the table.
b. The cat is in front of the chair.
c. The cat is behind the television set.
d. The cat is on the couch.

- Ask students to ask and answer about the positions
of the cat.

S1: Where’s my cat?
S2: It’s under the table.

<b>Activity 3</b> <b><sub>III. Ordinal numbers</sub></b> Individual

1. Bingo

- Ask students to write down on their notebooks five

numbers (from 1 to 20)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

- Call out each number in a loud voice.

- Students listen to the teacher carefully, if anyone
has the same numbers, they cross them out. The first
person crossing out all five numbers shouts “Bingo”
and wins the game.

<b>* Suggested list of ordinal numbers</b>


2. Write the correct ordinal numbers Pairwork
- Ask students to look at the table on page 38 and

write the correct ordinal numbers.

- Get some students to look at the table and report the
result of the tournament.


The soccer team Thang Long gets thirty-six points
and it is the first.

Hong Ha team gets thirty-four points. It is the

Thang Loi team gets twenty-six points and comes the

Tien Phong team with twenty-three points comes the

And the seventh position is Phuong Dong team with
nineteen points.


Write 5 things that you will do and 5 things that you
won’t do next week.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b>Unit Four:</b>

<b>At school</b>

<b>Period 21st</b>
<b>LESSON 1: A1, 2, 4 </b>page 42 - 43.

<b>Aims:</b>Simple Present tense and school vocabulary to tell the time.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to tell the time,
using Simple Present tense and school vocabulary.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Noughts and Crosses:</b></i> Questions and answers

about the time.

T-whole time
- Divide the class into two teams.

- Draw a nine square grid on the board.

- Each square is numbered (from 1 to 9) and there’s a
time in it.

- The team will take turn to choose the number and
make a question and answer about the time. If they
are correct, put a X (or O) in that box.

- The first team that has three Xs or Os in a line on
the grid will win the game.

<i><b>* Exchange</b></i>

What time is it?
It’s five twenty five.

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- Physics (n): môn Vật Lý


- Physical education (n): môn thể dục (giáo dục thể


- Geography (n): môn Địa Lý







<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>


- History (n): môn Lịch Sử

<i>* Checking vocabulary: What and where.</i>

- Write the words on the board, put one word in each

- Have students repeat the words in chorus, then rub
out word by word but leave the circle.

- Go on until all the words are rubbed out.
- Point to each circles and ask students to repeat
chorally the English words.

- Ask students to go to the board and write the words
again in their correct circles.

<b>Practice</b> <b><sub>I. Presenting the exchange</sub></b> T-whole class
- Take one of six pictures on page 43 to elicit the

<i><b>* Exchange.</b></i>

S1: What is Lan studying?
S2: She is studying physics.

S1: What time does Lan have her Physics class?
S2: She has her Physics class at 8.40.

<b>II. Picture cue drill</b>

- Use the six pictures on page 43 for drill.

- Model the first picture and ask students to repeat
chorally, then call some students to repeat


- Get students to practice asking and answering
following the model sentences.

<i><b>* Answer</b></i>




<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

1. Lan (example exchange)
2. Binh

What is Binh studying?
He’s studying Geography.

What time does Binh have his Geography class?
Ha has his Geography class at 1.50.

3. Hung

What is Hung studying?
He’s studying English.

What time does Hung have his English class?

He has his English class at 4.45.

4. Loan

What is Loan studying?
She’s studying Music.

What time does she have her Music class?
She has her Music class at 3.30.

5. Hoa

What is Loan studying?
She’s studying Math.

What time does she have her Math class?
She has her Math class at 10.10.

6. Mi

What is Mi studying?

She’s studying Physical education.

What time does she have her Physical education class?
She has her Physical education class at 8.15.

<b>Production</b> <i><b><sub>* Mapped dialogue</sub></b></i> Pair work

- Present the dialogue, using symbols, cues, visuals

and have students make sentences.

- Call on some pairs of students to demonstrate the
dialogue before class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

You : What time is it?
Your friend : It’s 2.30.

You : What time do you get up?
Your friend : At 6.30.

You : What time do your classes?
Your friend : At 7.00.

You : What time do your classes?
Your friend : At 11.15.

You : What time do you have lunch?
Your friend : At about 12.10.

You : What time do you go to bed?
Your friend : At about 11.00.

You : Oh, too late.

<b>Homework</b> <sub>- Ask students write the answers of the questions on </sub>
page 42 in their notebooks.


a/ I get up at….

b/ My classes start at…
c/ They finish at…
d/ I have lunch at…
e/ I go to bed at…

What time…?9.00What time… get up?6.30What
time… classes start?7.00What time… finish?
11.15What time… lunch?12.10What time… bed?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

<b>Unit Four:</b>

<b>At school</b>

<b>Period 22nd</b>
<b>LESSON 2: A3, 5 </b>page 43 - 44.

<b>Aims:</b>Listen to a dialogue to understand the details and get further practice
in school vocabulary.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice
listening with school vocabulary.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, poster.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Wordsquare.</b></i> T-whole time

- Stick the poster on the board.

- Have students to find out 12 words dealing with

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Get students from two team go to the board and
circle the words they have found then write them
down in the column of their team.

- The team that has more correct words will win the

 <sub>pictures, history, match, classes</sub>
 <sub>study, start, sixth</sub>

 English









































































<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>


Physics, Physical education

<b>Pre-listening I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- schedule (n): chương trình, thời khóa biểu


- important (adj): quan trọng

- favourite (adj): yêu thích nhất
(definition: be most liked)
- fun (n/adj): vui nhộn, niềm vui

<i>* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember</i>
- Rub out the new words one at a time.

- Ask students to repeat chorally the words before
and after you rub out each word.

- When all the words are rubbed out, go through the

Vietnamese list and get students to call out the
English words.

- If there’s time, get students to come to the board
and write the English words again.

<b>II. Open prediction</b>

-<b> Set the scene: </b><i>This is the schedule on Friday and </i>
<i>Saturday of the students in class 7A. You have to </i>
guess and complete it – the subject and the time –
before listening.

Pair work

- Ask students to draw the table on page 43 in their

- Get students to work in pairs and complete the

- Give feedback.

<b>While listening I. Listening and checking</b> Individual work
- Have students listen to the tape twice and compare

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<i><b>* Type transcript.</b></i>

Good morning, everybody. There are some small
changes to your schedule this Friday and Saturday.

Please write the correct subjects and time in your
books. One Friday, English is at 7am. As usual, then
Geography is at 7.50. The next class is Music at 8.40.
We start again at 9.40 with Physics and our last
lesson of the day is History. On Saturday afternoon,
the first class is Physical education at one o’clock
and the second class is Math. We have another
period of English at 3.40 and Physics is at half past
four. Any questions? No? Good. Let’s continue with
today’s class.

<b>Post listening I. Reading Comprehension</b> Pair work
- Ask students to read the dialogue between Hoa and

Thu (A5 – page 44).

- Get students to work in pairs and answer the

a/ When does Thu have English classes?
b/ What classes does Thu have on Thursday?
c/ What is Thu’s favourite subject? Why?
d/ What is Hoa’s favourite subject? Why?
- Give feedback.

- Ask students practice asking and answering.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a/ Thu has English classes on Wednesday and

b/ Thu has Math, Geography, Physical education
and Music on Thursday.

c/ History is Thu’s favourite subject. Because it is
interesting and important.











Music Physi


<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

d/ Math is Hoa’s favourite subject. Because it is
difficult but fun.

<b>II. Writing</b>

- Get students write their schedule in their notebooks. Individual
- Have them ask and answer about their schedule

with their partners.

<i><b>* Suggested questions.</b></i>

a/ When do we have Math/ English/ Literature?
b/ What time do we have our first English class?
c/ What classes do we have on Monday/ Tuesday/
Wednesday/ Thursday…?

d/ What time do we have our last Math class?
e/ What’s your favourite subject? Why?
f/ Are you good at English/ Math…?

<b>Homework</b> <sub>- Write about their subjects at school, about the </sub>
subject they like best, or they hate best.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

<b>Unit Four:</b>

<b>At school</b>

<b>Period 23rd</b>
<b>LESSON 3: A6 </b>page 44 - 45.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a text about the schools in the U.S.A to understand
the details.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a text for

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, poster.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Categories.</b></i> T-whole time

- Ask students to find out the nouns beginning with
the letters that the teacher gives.

- Divide the class into two groups.

- Give four letters at the same time, students are to
find out four nouns beginning with the four letters


writes: a b c d


writes: apple book car dress

writes: g h i j


writes: glass hat ink jeans


writes: o p q r


writes: orange pen question room

writes: s t u v


writes: student teacher uniform vase

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>


- break (n): giờ nghỉ
(translation/ example)

- cafeteria (n): quán ăn tự phục vụ

- snack (n): món ăn nhẹ, món ăn nhanh

- different from (adj): khác với

- popular (adj): phổ biến

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: Slap the board.</i>

- Put the new words all over the board, each word in
the circle.

- Call two students or two teams to the front of the

- Ask students to stand at an equal distance from the

- Call out some of the new words in Vietnamese in
loud voice the two students must run forward and slap
the word on the board. The one who first slaps the
correct word is the winner. If the students play in team,
the winning team gets one mark.

- Ask two more students to come forward and the
game continues until all the words are slapped.

<b>II. True – False prediction</b> Pair work

- Give a poster of six statements (on page 45) on the

- Ask students to keep their books closed and read
the statements and guess which is true, which is

- Set the scene: These statements are about the

schools in the U.S.A. Read these statements and
guess which statement is true and which is false.





<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

a/ Students do not usually wear school uniform.
b/ There are classes on Saturday morning.
c/ Students don’t have a break in the afternoon.
d/ The school cafeteria sells food to students.
e/ The school cafeteria only opens at lunchtime.
f/ Basketball is an unpopular after-school activity

- Ask students to work in pairs to guess. Pair work
- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking prediction</b> Individual work
- Have students read the text A6 on page 44 and

check their prediction.

- Ask students to correct of the statements are false.
<i>* <b>Answer keys.</b></i>

<b>II. Filling the grids.</b>

- Get students to draw the grid in their notebooks
- Ask students to read the text again and fill in the
grid. Have them work in pairs.

- Give feedback.

Pair work

<i><b>* Writing.</b></i>

- Ask students to write a paragraph about schools in

- Get students to read the text again and work in





<b>In the</b>


There is school


Classes start at…



The school day

ends at…


3.30 or


<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>


- Go around and help students if necessary.

<b>Post reading</b> - Take some students’ writing to correct before class. Pair work
<i><b>* Suggested writing.</b></i>

Schools in Vietnam are little different from schools
in the U.S.A. Students in Vietnam have to wear
uniform. Classes in the morning start at 7.00 and
finish at 11.00. Classes in the afternoon start at 1.00
and finish at 5.00. There are classes on Saturday.
Students have lunch at home. There is one 15 minute
break in the morning and one in the afternoon. There
isn’t usually school cafeteria in Vietnam. The most
popular after school activities are badminton, soccer
or play video games.

<b>Homework</b> - Have students write the paragraph in their
notebooks (after teacher’s correction).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

<b>Unit Four:</b>

<b>At school</b>

<b>Period 24th</b>
<b>LESSON 4: B1 </b>page 47.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a dialogue for details and get further practice in library

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get further

practice in library vocabulary by reading a dialogue.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures, poster.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Jumbled words.</b></i> T-whole time

- Write the words with disordered letters on the
board (or use the poster).

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask students from each team to go to the board and
write the correct words.

- The team that is faster with more correct words will
win the game.

 liogoby  biology
 torishy  history
 hispisc  physics
 phygrageo  geography
 luralitere  literature
 spanweepr  newspaper
 zagamine  magazine
 tamh  math
<b>I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b>

- library (n): thư viện

(definition: a room or building containing a
collection of books)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

- dictionary (n): từ điển

- reference book (n): sách tham khảo

- reader (n): (độc giả), sách đọc thêm

- rack (n): kệ, giá (để sách báo)

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary:</b> What and where.</i>

- Write the words on the board, put one word in each

- Have students repeat the words in chorus, then rub
out word by word but leave the circle.

- Go on until all the words are rubbed out.
- Point to each circle and ask students to repeat
chorally the English words.

- Ask students to go to the board and write the words

again in their correct circles.

<b>II. Pre-questions.</b> Pair work

- Give students two questions and ask them to guess
the answers.

a. When is the library open?

b. What kinds of books are there in the library?
- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking.</b>

- Get students to read the dialogue B1 on page 47 and

check their answers. Individualwork
<i>* Answer keys.</i>

a. The library is open at 7 am.







<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

b. There are newspapers, magazines, readers, novels,
dictionaries, reference books and many kinds of
science books…

<b>II. Comprehension questions.</b>

- Have students read the questions on page 48 and

work in pairs to answer the questions. Pair work
- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a. Where are the magazines?
They are on the racks.
b. Where are the newspapers?
They are on the racks.
c. What books are on the left?

The math and science books are on the shelves on
the left.

d. What books are on the right?

The History and Geography books, dictionaries
and Literature in Vietnamese are on the shevels on
the right.

e. Where are the books in English?

The books in English are at the back of the library.
f. What time does the library open?

It opens at 7 am.

g. What time does it close?
It closes at 4.30 pm.

- Have students practice asking and answering. Pair work
<b>III. Grid.</b>

- Get students to draw the grid in their notebooks Individual work
- Encourage them to work individually and fill in the


- Give feedback.

Open time


Books on

the left

Math, science books

Books in


Readers, novels,

reference books,


Books on

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

<b>Post reading</b> <i><b>* Writing</b></i> Pair work
- Have students make a similar grid about their

school library. Example:

- Get students to word in pairs to write about their
school library using the information in the grid.
<i><b>* Example.</b></i>

My school library is not big but there are many
interesting books there. We can see books for
reference on the left such as science books, readers,
dictionaries… Many kinds of books in Vietnamese
such as novels, short stories, literature books. We can
see books for children, picture books, comics. We
also read short stories in English or English

newspapers or magazines. Our library opens at 7.30
and closed at 4.00. We all love our school very

- Take some writing and correct before class.

<b>Homework</b> - Get students copy down the paragraph they’ve just

written in their notebooks. Individual work

Open time


Books for


Text books, readers,

science books

Books for


Picture books, comics…

Books in


novels, literature books

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<b>Unit Four:</b>

<b>At school</b>

<b>Period 25th</b>
<b>LESSON 5: B2, 3, 4 </b>page 48 - 49.

<b>Aims:</b>Listen and read for details the position of books in the library and
know some more about the largest library in the world.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the
position of books in the library.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, cassette, posters, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Wordsquare.</b></i> T-Ss

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

 <sub>Chemistry, physics, reader, English</sub>
 <sub>Math, history, biology, newspaper</sub>


T: I have a wordsquare. It has 9 hidden words.
Discuss with your friends to find them.

Lead in: What do these words talk about?
- Subjects.

Yes. Today we learn how to find books in the library
through Unit 4: At school. Lesson 5. B3, 4 page 48 –









































































<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

<b>Pre-listening Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-Ss
- a rack (n): kệ đựng đồ (picture)

- in the middle (adv): ở giữa (picture)
- receive (v): nhận (example)

- contain (v): chứa đựng, bao gồm (translation)
- employce (n): nhân công (translation)

<i><b>Checking vocabulary:</b> What and where.</i>

- T sticks the poster of picture p.48 on the Bb.
- Ask Ss guess their listen and check.

T: Now, you’re going to listen to a text about the
position of books in the library. Before listening,
guess the position of books.

<b>While listening</b> - Have Ss listen to the tape and check. T-Ss
T: Now, listen and check your prediction.

<i>Answer keys.</i>
1/ Study center.
2/ Science and math.
3/ Geography, history.

4 + 5/ Newspaper and magazines.
6 + 7/ English.

8/ Librarian’s desk.
T gives feedback.

<b>Pre-reading</b> - Sticks the poster of T/F statement on Bb. T-Ss
- Ask Ss discuss with their friends.

T: Now, you’re going to read a text of the largest
library in the world. Before reading, guess if they are
true or false. Discuss with your friends then answer.
1/ The library of Congress is in NY.

2/ It receives copies of all English books.

3/ There are over 100 million books in this library.
4/ The shelves are about 400km long.

5/ 7.000 people are working in the library.

<b>While reading</b> <i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i> T-Ss

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

T: Now. Open your books, page 49. Read and check
your prediction.

- Have Ss read the text.
- T gives feedback.

<b>Lucky number</b> (Questions page 49).

T: Now. 2 groups. Let’s play the game Lucky
number. I have 8 numbers. You’ll get 1 mark for a
lucky number without answering and one mark for a
right answer. Now, choose the number.

1/ Lucky number.

2/ Where is Library of Congress?
3/ How many books does it have?
4/ Lucky number.

5/ How long are its shelves?
6/ How many people work there?
7/ Why is it so large?

8/ Lucky number.

- Open pairs – Closed pairs.
<b>* Answer keys:</b>

2/ It’s in Washington DC. The
3/ It has over 100 million books.
5/ It has about 1000 km of shelves.
6/ Over 5000 people work there.

7/ Because it receives copies of all American books.

<b>Post 10’</b> - Ask Ss to work in 4 groups T- ss

- Ask them to describe their school’s library.
T: Now. Work in 4 groups. Describe your library

- T gives feedback.

<b>Homework </b> - Learn the vocabulary by heart

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

<b>Unit Five:</b>

<b>Work and play</b>

<b>Period 26th</b>
<b>LESSON 1: A1 </b>page 51 - 52.

<b>Aims:</b>Talking about subjects at school, using simple present tense.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about
subjects at school.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Brainstorming:</b></i> T-Ss

- Asking students to think of the subjects they learn
at school.

- Get students to go to the board and write dowm the


<i><b>* Possible answers:</b></i>

- Geography - Literature

- Physics - Physical education
- English/French - Biography

- Music - Fine Arts
- Civic education - Chemistry

- Technology - (Elective subjects)

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
- learn (v): học

learn by heart (v): học thuộc lòng

Subjects at



<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

- use (v): dùng, sử dụng

- be interested in: quan tâm, yêu thích

- map (noun): bản đồ

- experiment (noun): cuộc thí nghiệm

Do experiment: làm thí nghiệm
<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: Matching.</i>

- Write the English words on the left and their

meanings in disorder (in Vietnamese) on the right of
the board.

- Ask students to go to the board and match the
English words with their Vietnamese meanings.
- Give feedback.

 learn yêu thích

 use khó

 difficult học
 do experriment khác
 interested in bản đồ

 different làm thí nghiệm

 map sử dụng

<b>I. Checking understanding.</b>

- Ask students to read the text A1 on page 51 and fill
in the grid.

- Get them to work in pairs.
- Give feedback.

- Give the exchange.

Teacher: What does Mai study in her computer
science class?

Student 1: She learns how to use a computer.


<b>What to do</b>

- Computer


- to learn how to use a


- Geography

- to study maps and

learn about different


<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Drill</b> Pair work
- Have students use the grid to make questions and

answer about what Mai does in her classes.

 What does Mai study in her Geography class?
She studies maps and learns about different

 What does Mai study in her Physics class?
She does some experiments.

 What does Mai study in her computer science

She learns how to use a computer.
<b>II. Questions and Answers</b>

- Give students some questions. Pair work
- Ask students to work in pairs to answer the


- Give feedback.
<b>* Questions:</b>

a/ What does Mai go to?

b/ How often does she go to school?
c/ What time do her classes begin?
d/ What time do they finish?
e/ What is her favorite class?

f/ Does Mai think Geography is difficult?

<b>* Answers.</b>

a/ Mai goes to Quang Trung school.
b/ She goes to school six days a week.
c/ Her classes begin at 7 o’clock.
d/ They finish at quarter past eleven.
e/ Her favorite class is computer science.
f/ Yes. She thinks geography is difficult.

- Have students practice asking and answering the

Pair work

<b>practice</b> <i><b>* Nought and Crosses.</b></i>

- Divide the class into two teams: Noughts (O) and

Crosses (X). Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

- Each square is numbered (from 1 to 9).

- The teams will take turn to choose the number and
have to make a question and an answer to that
question (Teacher gives the cue or the cue is written
in each square).

- If their answer is correct, put a X/O in that box.
- The first team has three Os or three Xs in a line on

the grid will win the game.

<i><b>* Suggested questions (Students’ answer)</b></i>
1/ What time do your classes begin?
2/ What time do your class finish?

3/ What do you study in geography class?
4/ What do you learn at school?

5/ What do you study in computer science class?
6/ When do you have English class?

7/ What do you study in language class?
8/ What do you study in physics class?
9/ What is your favorite class?

<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write a paragraphy about their

study at school, using the answer above. Individualwork


classes/ begin


classes/ finish





learn/ at






6/ When/



<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

<b>Unit Five:</b>

<b>Work and play</b>

<b>Period 27th</b>
<b>LESSON 2: A2 </b>page 52.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a text about Ba’s daily routine and practice in simple present

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more
about Ba’s daily routine.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Jumbled words.</b></i> T-whole class

- Write the words with disordered letters on the
board (or use the porter).

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask students from each team to go to the board and
write the correct words.

- The team which writes more correct words will win
the game.

 vaofrite  favorite
 hoholused  household
 ruiatg  guitar
 chaimen  machine
 reef meit  free time

 hitlg  light

 bectijus  subject

 realn  learn

<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
- enjoy (v): yêu thích, thưởng thức.

- repair (v): sửa chữa.

- fix (v): sửa chữa
(synonym: repair)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>


- electronics (noun): điện tử học

- art club (noun): câu lạc bộ nghệ thuật

- appliance (noun): thiết bị

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: Slap the board.</i>

- Put the new words all over the board, each word in
a circle.

- Call two students or two teams to the front of the

- Ask them to stand at an equal distance from the

- Call out one new word in Vietnamese an a loud
voice, the two students must run forward and slap the
English word on the blackboard. The one who slaps
the right word first is the winner.

- Ask two more students to come forward until all the
words are slapped.

<b>I. True or False statements prediction.</b> Pair work
- Stick the poster of five statements about Ba on the


- Set the scene: Ba is a student ta Quang Trung
school. He is in class 7A. These statements are about
Ba’s routines_at home and at school. All of you have
to read the statements and guess, which statement is
true and which is not true.

- Ask students to work in pair and begin to predict:
<i><b>* True – False statements:</b></i>

a/ Ba enjoys his school very much.
b/ His favorite subject is math.

c/ In electronics class, he learns to fix






art club

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

the appliance

d/ He doesn’t like fixing things.
e/ He watches TV in his free time.
- Give the feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and Checking.</b> Individual work
- Get students to read the text B2 on page 52 and

check their prediction.

- Ask them to correct the false statements.
- Call on some students to check and correct.
<i>* Answer keys.</i>

<b>II. Guessing the meaning of the new words.</b> Whole class
- Write the English words on the left and their

meanings in disorder (in Vietnamese) on the right of
the board.

- Ask students to go to the board and match the
English words with their correct Vietnamese

- Give feedback.

a. household appliances 1. một họa sĩ nổi tiếng
b. a drawing 2. chơi đàn guitar
c. a famous artist 3. các thiết bị gia đình

d. play the guitar 4. một bức họa

<b>III. Comprehension questions.</b> Pair work
- Get students to read the text again and answer the

question on page 53.
- Have them work in pair.
- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Questions and Answers.</b></i>

1. Which subject does Ba like best?










His favorite subject is






He is good at fixing


<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

(He likes electronics best)

2. Does Ba like other subjects at school?
Write the sentence that tell you this.

(Yes, he does. “He enjoys school very much”)
3. What does he learn to do in Electronics?
(He learns to repair household appliances)
4. How does this subject help Ba?

(It helps him to fix his own appliance)
5. Is Ba good at drawing?

(Yes, he is. “His drawings are very good”)

- Have students work in pairs, practicing asking and
answering the questions.

Pair work

<b>Post reading</b> <i><b><sub>* Survey.</sub></b></i> Group work

- Get students to draw the following table in their

- Give students the questions for 4 columns.
a/ What is your name?

b/ What is your favorite subject?
c/ What subject are you good at?
d/ What do you do in your free time?

- Have students ask their partners and fill in the form.
- Give the feedback.

<b>Homework</b> <sub>- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their </sub>
friends, using the information from the survey.






<b>d at</b>


<b>free time</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

<b>Unit Five:</b>


<b>Period 28th</b>

<b>LESSON 3: A4, 5 </b>page 54.

<b>Aims:</b>Listen to a monologue to understand the details and further practice in
school library by reading.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in
school library by listening.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Matching.</b></i> T-whole time

- Show five pictures on page 54 to the students.
- Ask them to write the suitable subject under each

- Give feedback and correct.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a/ Geography

b/ Physical education
c/ Computer Science
d/ Physics

e/ English/ Literature

<b>Pre-listening * Prediction</b> Pair work

- Set the scene: They are Ba and Hoa. They go to
<i>school on Satuday morning. All of you try to guess </i>
what subjects Ba and Hoa have on Saturday


- Ask students to write the correct letters’ next to the

- Give feedback.

<b>While listening * Listening and Checking.</b> Individual work
- Have students listen to the tape twice and check

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

Ba: d, a, e Hoa: c, b, e
<i><b>* Tape transcript.</b></i>

On Saturday morning, Ba and Hoa go to school. Some
of subjects they do on Saturday are the same, but
some of them are different. At seven o’clock, Ba has
Physics and Hoa has Computer science. These class
last for two period. At 8.40, Ba has Geography. Hoa
does not have Geography on Saturday. She has
Physical education instead. In the last period, they
have the same class. Hoa and Ba both have English

<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- essay (n): bài luận văn


- calculator (noun): máy tính số học

- event (noun): sự kiện

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Matching.</b></i>

- Ask students to do exercise A6 on page 55.

- Have students work in pairs to match each subjects

to the correct items. Pair work

1. Physical education a. piano, guitar,

2. Geography b. graphs, equation,

3. Music c. game, running
shoes, ball

4. Art d. map, globe, atlas
5. Math e. paint, pencils, paper
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

1.c ; 2.d ; 3.a ; 4.e ; 5.b

<i>* Notes: Teacher should teach these words passively</i>
- piano (noun): đàn dương cầm

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

- atlas (noun): sách bản đồ
- paint (verb): vẽ, sơn

<b>II. Open prediction.</b> Individual work

- Ask students to guess before reading.

- Set the scene: You will read a text about subjects at
school. Before reading, you have to guess the

subjects that appear in the text.
- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and Checking</b> Pair work

- Get students to read the text on page 54 and check
their prediction.

<i>* Answer keys.</i>

- Literature - Language
- History - Music
- Geography - Sports
- Physics - Art
<b>II. Comprehension questions.</b>

- Get the students to read the text again and answer
the questions.

- Give feedback and correct.

- Get students to practice asking and answering the
questions (in closed pairs).

<i>* Questions and Answers.</i> Pair work
a/ What do you study at school?

(At school, we study many things)
b/ What do you learn in Literature?

(In Literature, we learn about books and write

c/ Do you study past and present events in History

(Yes, we do)

d/ What subject helps you know different countries
and their people?


<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<b>Post reading * Noughts and Crosses.</b> Group work
- Divide the class into two teams: Noughts (O) and

Crosses (X).

- Draw a nine square grid on the board.
- Each square is numbered (from 1 to 9).

- The teams will take turn to choose the number and
have to make a question and an answer to that
question (Teacher gives the cue or the cue is written
in each square).

- If their answer is correct, put a X/O in that box.

- The first team has three Os or three Xs in a line on
the grid will win the game.

<i><b>* Possible answers.</b></i>

1/ What do you do in Literature class?
We learn about books and write essays.
2/ What do you do in Computer Science class?
We learn how to use a computer.

3/ What do you do in Language class?
We learn English.

4/ What do you do in History class?

We study past and present events in Vietnam.
5/ What do you do in Physics class?

We learn about how things work.

6/ What do you do in Physical education class?
We learn how to keep fit.

7/ What do you do in Electronics class?

We learn how to repair household appliances.
8/ What do you do in Art class?

We learn how to draw.

1/ literature

2/ computer


3/ language

4/ history

5/ Physics

6/ Physical

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

9/ What do you do in Geography class?

We study different countries and their people.
<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write about what they learn in each


<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

<b>Unit Five:</b>

<b>Work and play</b>

<b>Period 29th</b>
<b>LESSON 4: B1, 2 </b>page 56 - 57.

<b>Aims:</b>Listen and read for details recess ability vocabulary. Revision of the
present progressive tense.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about
activities at recess.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, cassette, pictures, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Game: Bingo</b></i> T-Ss

- Ask Ss to take out a piece of paper.

- Ask them to write 3 subjects they like on the paper.
- T reads: Music, Math, Literature, English, Physics,
Geography, History, Electronics, Computer Science.
- Who has 3 same subjects to what teacher said will
say “Bingo”.

T: Now, take out a piece of paper. Now write 3
subjects you like best. OK? I’ll call out subjects and
who has 3 same subjects to me will say loudly

<b>Pre-listening</b> <i><b>Lead-in:</b></i> T-Ss

T: After 2 periods is the recess. Today will learn some
activities at recess through Unit 5: Work and play.
Lesson 4, B1 – B2. Listening – page 56-57

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- ring (v): reo, rung (mime)
- recess (n): giờ ra chơi (example)
- chat (v): trò chuyện phiếm (translation)
- skip rope (v): nhảy dây (picture)
- play catch (v): chơi đuổi bắt (translation)
- play marble (v): bắn bi (picture)
- play blind man’s bluff (v): bịt

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: </b></i>Slap the board.
Set the scene:

T: Now, you’re going to listen to a tape about
activities at recess. Discuss with your friends what
activities students will do at recess.

<b>While teach</b> T: Now. Listen to the tape carefully. T-Ss
- Have Ss listen to the tape twice.

- Ask Ss to read the text then check.

T: Now, open your books page 56. Read the text then
check your predictions.

<i><b>Answer keys.</b></i>
* Meeting friends.

* Talking about last class
last movie
* Eating.

* Drinking.
* Chatting.

* Playing catch/ marbles.
* Skipping rope.

Revision of the present progressive tense:

T: Now how do you say “Một vài học sinh nam đang
chơi bắn bi?”

Ss: <b>Some boys are playing marbles.</b>

T: Good. This is the present progressive tense. Now,
who can give me the form?

Ss: <b>S + be + V-ing</b>

T: Very good. When do you use the present

Ss: Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra.
T: Very good.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

<b>Pre-listening</b> T: And now, you’re going to listen to the tape about
Lan, Ba, Kien and Mai. Before listening, guess what
exactly each people do.


- T sticks the poster of the name and activities on the

- Have Ss discuss with their friends and guess to

Mai playing catch

Kien playing marbles
Lan skipping rope

Ba playing blindman’s bluff
<b>While listening</b> T: Now. Listen carefully.

- Have Ss listen to the tape twice.
- Ask Ss to match again.

- T gives feedback.
<i><b>Answer keys.</b></i>

Mai – playing catch.

Kien – playing blind man’s bluff.
Lan – skipping rope.

Ba – playing marbles.

- Ask Ss to read the whole sentence, use the present

<b>- T uses pictures (a – f page 56) ask answer.</b>
<b>Post listening</b> <i><b>Survey</b></i>

- Divide class into 4 groups.

- Ask students to ask their friends to complete the
survey then report.

- T gives feedback.

<i><b>* Example exchange:</b></i>

S1: What do you usually do at recen?



- …

- …


<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

-S2: I usually…

<b>Homework</b> - Learn the vocabulary by heart.
- Prepare lesson 5, B3-4

<b>Unit Five:</b>

<b>Work and play</b>

<b>Period 30th</b>
<b>LESSON 5: B3, 4 </b>page 57 - 58.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading for details at recen activities at American school.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students can be self introduce and
introduce friend’ activities at recen.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Game: Kim’s game.</b></i> T-Ss

- T prepares a poster of activities at recen.
- Have Ss look in 10 seconds.

- Ask them to rewrite on the Bb.

- Divide class into 2 groups (King and Queen).

T: OK. I have a list of activities at recess here. You’ll
have 10 seconds to look and remember them. After
that, come to Bb and write. Which group has more
right words is the winner.

Key words: Eating, chatting, playing catch, playing
marbles, playing blind man’s bluff, drinking,
skipping rope.


T: Do you know what students in another country do
at recess?

Ss: ….

T: Do you know what American students do at their

Ss: ….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

<b>Pre-reading I. Vocabulary</b> T-Ss
- penpal (n): bạn qua thư (translation)

- junior high’ school (n): trường

THCS (example)

- score a goal (v): ghi bàn (translation)
- swap (v): trao đổi (mime)
- relax (v): nghỉ ngơi (translation)
Checking vocabulary: R.O.B.

T: Now. You’re going to read a text about American
students’ activities at recen. Before reading, guess
what American students do at their recen.

<b>While reading</b> - Have Ss read the text. T-Ss

- Check.

T: Now open your books, page 57. Read and check.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

- play basketball - Swap baseball cards
- listen to music - Eating

- read - Talking with friends

- Study

<b>* Matching</b>: T sticks the poster on the Bb.

T: Now read the text again then match these words
with their meaning.

1. energetic students a. bạn qua thư

2. penpal b. máy nghe nhạc bỏ túi
3. postable CD

players c. Những học sinh năng động
4. packets of candy d. Những gói kẹo
5. world wide e. khắp thế giới

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

<i><b>Answer keys.</b></i>

1 – c ; 2 – a ; 3 – b ; 4 – d ; 5 – e

T: Now, close your books. Discuss with your friends
to choose the best answer.

- T sticks the poster of multiple choice exercise on

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and guess the answer.
- Exercise page 58.

T: Now, read the text again and check.

<i><b>Answer keys.</b></i>

a – C ; b – A ; c – D ; d – D

<b>* Take a survey (B4)</b> Ss

- Hard out a paper each student.
- Ask them to complete the table.
- Work in group of 4 (or 5).
- T monitors.

<i><b>Example exchange.</b></i>

- What do you usually do at recen?

- Do you play soccer/ skip rope/ play catch…?

<b>Post reading Write it up.</b>

- Ask Ss to write the activity of their friend in the
whole sentences.

- Ask Ss to report.
- T gives feedback.

T: Now, with your survey, write the whole sentence
about what activity do your friends do.

For example: Her name is Phuong. She usually reads
at recess. Sometimes she skips rope and plays



<b>cer</b> <b>Catch</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

marbles with her friends.

<b>Homework</b> - Learn the vocabulary by heart.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

<b>Unit Six:</b>


<b>Period 31st</b>
<b>LESSON 1: A1 </b>page 60 - 61.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a dialogue about after school activities and get further
practice in present progressive tense.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more

about after school activities and get further practice in present progressive tense.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Chatting.</b></i> T-whole class

- Talk to students about what they do after school
What time do your classes finish?

Do you go home right after that?
What do you do then/ after school?
Do you watch TV?

Do you like listen to some music?
<i><b>* Brainstorming</b></i>

- Have student think about their after school

- Get them go to the board and write
Play soccer listen to music
After school activities

<i><b>* Possible answers.</b></i>
watch TV

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class

- practice (v): luyện tập

- invite (v): mời

- play volleyball (n): bóng chuyền

- together (adv): cùng với nhau
(definition: go/do with each other)
- maybe (adv): có lẽ

(synonym: perhaps)

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Jumbled words.</b></i>

- Prepare a poster of the new words with disordered

- Stick the poster on the board.
- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask Students from two teams to go to the board and
write the English words.

- The team that has more correct words will win the

1. carticpe practice

2. gotheert together
3. veinti invite

4. bayme maybe

5. yenjo enjoy

6. belllayvol volleyball

<b>II. True-False statements prediction</b> Pair work
- Stick the poster on the board. There are four

statements on the poster.

<b>- Set the scene:</b> These statements are about Ba, Hoa
and Minh. Read them and guess which statement is
true and which is false.

- Get students to work in pairs and guess.
- Give feedback.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

b/ Ba is learning to play guitar.

c/ Minh and his friends often do their homework

d/ Minh plays soccer for the school team.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking.</b> Individual work
- Ask Students to read the dialogue on page 60 and

check their prediction, and correct false statements.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

<b>II. Comprehension questions</b> Pair work

- Have students to work in pairs to answer the
questions on page 61.

- Call on some students to answer the questions and
correct their mistakes.

<i><b>* Questions and answers.</b></i>
a. What is Hoa doing?

She’s doing her math homework.
b. What are Minh and Hoa going to do?

They are going to get a cold drink in the cafeteria.
c. Where is Ba?

He’s in the music room.
d. What is he doing?

He’s learning to play the guitar.

e. What does Minh usually do after school?
He usually meets his friends and do their
homework together.

f. What sports does Hoa like doing?
She likes playing volleyball.

- Have students work in pairs to practice asking and









Hoa is doing her math





<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

<b>Post reading</b> <i><b>* Noughts and Crosses.</b></i> Group work
- Draw a nine-square grid on the board.

- The squares are numbered from 1 to 9 and write the
cues in each square.

- Divide the class into two teams. One team is
Noughts (O) and the other is crosses (X).

- Two teams choose the numbers in turns and use the
cues in the square to make a question and answer, if
their answer is correct, they will have a O or a X in
that square.

- The team which has 3 noughts or 3 crosses in a line
on the grid will win the game.

- Give students the example exchange and the game

S1: What is Lan doing?

S2: She’s doing her homework.

<i><b>* Possible answers.</b></i>
1. (Example exchange).
2. What are these boys doing?

They are playing computer games.
3. What is Minh doing?

He’s watching TV.
4. What are you doing?
He’s listening to music.
5. What are Hai and Hoa doing?
They are talking.

6. What are the girls doing?
They are skipping rope.

7. What is Nam doing?
He’s playing marbles.

1/ Lan do


2/ These boys

play computer


3/ Minh

watch TV

4/ You listen


5/ Hai and

Hoa talk

6/ The girls

skip rope

7/ Nam play


8/ Long and

Minh chat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

8. What are Long and Minh doing?

They are chatting.

<b>Homework</b> - Ask Students to write 5 sentences about what they
do after school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

<b>Unit Six:</b>


<b>Period 32nd</b>

<b>LESSON 2: A2 </b>page 61; Language Focus 5 page 71.

<b>Aims:</b>Simple present tense and adverbs of frequency to talk about after
school activities.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk after
school activities using simple present tense.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, poster.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Slap the board.</b></i> T-whole time

- Write the words in Vietnamese all over the board.
Each word is in a circle.

- Call on two students or two teams to the front of the

- Call out the English words and two students run
forward to slap the Vietnamese equivalent on the
board. The student slapping the correct word first
gets one mark.

- Go on until all the words are slapped.

<b>Presentation I. Revision of Adverbs of frequency</b> T-whole class
<b>* Matching.</b>

- Stick the poster on the board.
Chơi đá


Xem TV



<sub>Đi xem </sub>


chơi trò chơi

điện tử

đọc sách

1. often

: a


2. usually

: b




3. always

: c


4. sometimes : d





<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

- Ask students to work in pairs then go to the board
and match the adverbs of frequency with the suitable

- Get students write the adverbs in order of

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

3 – e always
2 – d usually

1 – b often

4 – c sometimes
5 – a never

<b>Practice</b> <b>II. Drill</b> Pair work

- Ask students to look at the 6 pictures on page 61
and write the activities under such picture.

1/ read/ study in the library.
2/ go swimming/ swim
3/ play video game

4/ go to the movies
5/ play soccer
6/ watch TV

- Have students use the pictures to drill.
- Give students the model sentences.
What do you usually do after school?
I usually go to swimming.

- ask students to ask and answer question, using
adverbs of frequency.

 Usually
 Sometimes
 Often
 Always
 Never
 <i><b>Answer keys</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

I sometimes go swimming.

 What do you usually do after school?
I often play video game

 What do you usually do after school?
I usually go to the cinema.

 What do you usually do after school?
I never play soccer.

 What do you usually do after school?
I always watch TV.


I. Matching <sub>Pair work</sub>

- Asker students to look at the table Language focus
5 on page 71 and macth the activities to tha adverbs
of frequency.

<i>* Answer keyss</i>

- Go cafeteria - never

- Ride bike to school - sometimes
- Practice guitar - often

- Do homework - usually
- Pay computer games - always

<b>II. Write it up</b> Individual work

- Have students write sentences about Ba.

- Asker students to work in pairs or individually
<i><b>* Possible answers</b></i>

1. Ba never goes to the cafeteri at lunchtime.

2. Ba sometimes rides his bike to school.
3. Ba often practices th guitar aften school.
4. Ba usually does his homework in the evening.
5. Ba always plays computer games.

- Call on some students to read aloud their sentences.
- Give feedback and correct focus on simple present
tense and tha position of activities of frequency.
<b>Homework</b> - Asker students to do the exercise A2 in the exercise

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

<b>Unit Six:</b>

<b>At school</b>

<b>Period 33rd</b>
<b>LESSON 3: A3,4 </b>page 62 - 63.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a text about past time activities and practice listening.

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know
more about pastime activitices of Nga, Ba and Nam...

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, realia, poster.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>*Guessing game</b></i> Whole class

- Asker students to take a small piece of paper and
write his/ her farvourite pastime on it. Remind them
to keep it secret.

- Call on a student to do to the board and ask the rest
of the class to guess his/ her favourite pastime by
asking yes - no questions.


+ Do you wacth tv after school?
+ Do you play chess?

+ Do you play soccer?
+ Do you play video games?
+ Do you listen to some music?

- The student who can guess the right activity will
get a point and take the place of the last chosen

<b>Pre-reading</b> <b>I. Pre teach vocabulary.</b> Whole class
- Sporty (adj): thích giỏi thể thao


- Comic (n): truyện tranh

- President (n): chủ tịch


<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

- Collect (v): thu thập, sưu tầm

(explanation: dring or gather together)
- Rehearse(v): diễn tập (kịch)


<b>* Checking vocabulary</b><i>: What and where</i>

- Write the words on the board, put one word in each

- Have students repeat the words in chorus then rub
out word by word but leave the circle.

- Go on until all the circles are empty.

- Get students to go to the board and write the words
again in the correct circles.

<b>II. True/ False statements</b> Pair work

- Stick the poster of six statements on the board.
- Get students to read the statements and predict
which students is true and which is false.

- Get students work in pairs and guess.

- Set the scene: Nga, Ba, Nam are classmates. These
statements are about their activities in their free time.
Read them and guess which is true, which is false.
<i><b>True/False statements</b></i>

a. Nga, Ba, Nam enjoy different activities after

b. They like sports very much.
c. Nga’s favorite pastime is jogging.
d. Ba likes collecting stamps.

e. Nam plays soccer after school.
f. Nam sometimes read comics.
- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking</b> Pair work

- Ask students to read the text A3 on page 62.

- Ask them to work in pairs and check their




<sub>anniversary </sub>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>


- Get students to correct the false statements.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

<b>II. Comprehension questions.</b> <sub>Pair work</sub>

- Get students to work in pairs to answer the
questions on page 62.

- Call on some students to answer the questions
before class.

- Give feedback and correct.

- Ask all students to practice asking and answering
the questions.

- Monitor and help students if necessary.
<i><b>* Questions and answers.</b></i>

a. What is Nga’s theatre group doing?

Nga’s theatre group is rehearsing a play for the
school anniversary celebration.

b. How does Ba get American stamps?

He gets American stamps from Liz - his American

c. When does the stamp collector’s club meet?
They meet on Wednesday afternoon.

d. How often does Nam play games?
He never plays games.

<b>Post reading I. Listening</b> Pair work

<i><b>1. Pre-listening</b></i>

- Ask students to look at A4 on page 63 and do the

- Get students to guess and match the names with the

- Give feedback.

<b>ss</b> <b>werAns</b> <b>Correction</b>

a. T <sub></sub>

b. F They don’t really like

c. F Nga’s favorite pastime is

d. T <sub></sub>

e. F Nam usually watch TV
after school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

<i><b>2. While listening.</b></i> Individual work
- Have students listen to the tape and check their


<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a. Mai – go to the school cafeteria.
b. Nam – rehearse a play.

c. Ba – go to the circus.
d. Lan – watch movie.

e. Khen – tidy the classroom.
<i><b>* Tape transcript</b></i>

Nga: Mai, should we go to the school cafeteria?
Mai: OK. That’s a great idea.

Nga: What about you, Nam?

Nam: Sorry. I have to rehearse for a play with the
drama group.

Nga: Ba, do you want to join us?

Ba: Oh, no. I am going to the circus tonight with
my family. Sorry.

Nga: How about you, Kien?

Kien: I’d love to, but I’m going to tidy the
classroom for Miss Lien this evening.

Nga: OK. Would you like to come with us to the
cafeteria, Lan?

Lan: Sorry. I’m going to the movie theatre. Have a
good time. Bye.

- Ask students to write a paragraph about after school
activities of Mai, Nam, Ba, Lan, Nga and Kien, using
“be + going to…”


<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

<b>Unit Six:</b>


<b>Period 34th</b>
<b>LESSON 4: B1 </b>page 64.

<b>Aims:</b>Making suggestions.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make
suggestions; using let’s… what about… why don’t.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, cards.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Brain storming</b></i> T-whole class

- Get students to think about their after school

- Get them to go to the board and write down the
activities they think.

<i><b>* Possible answers.</b></i>
tidy room

read comics
watch TV
go to the circus

go to the movie theatre
go to the zoo

go shopping
play video games
go the the cafeteria

after school activities

play scoccer


<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- assignment (n): bài tập được giao về nhà làm


- relax (v): thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi
(synonym: take a rest)

- come on (v): nhanh lên
(synonym: hurry up!)
- fun (n): niềm vui

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary:</b></i> Rub out and Remember
- Get students to copy the new words into their books
and then ask them to close the books.

- Get students to repeat chorally before and after you
rub out each word.

- When all the English words are rubbed out, ask
students to repeat again when teacher points to the
Vietnamese translation.

- If there’s time, get students to go to the board and
write the English words again.

<b>II. Presentation dialogue.</b> Pair work

- Ask students to read the dialogue on page 64 and

then answer the questions.

- Get students to work in pairs.

- Call on some students to answer before the class.
- Give feedback and correction.

<i><b>* Questions and answers.</b></i>
a. What does Nam want to do?
He wants to go to the movies.

b. Why doesn’t Lan want to go to the movies?

Because there aren’t any good movies on at the

c. What does Lan want to do?

She wants to go to her house to listen to some

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

e. What day is it? It is Saturday.
<i><b>* Model sentences.</b></i>

- Ask students to read the dialogue again and take out
the suggestions.

<i><b>Answers.</b></i> T-whole class

 What about going to the movies?

 Let’s go to my house.

 Why don’t you relax.
<i><b>* Form:</b></i>

 <b>Let’s + infinitive</b>
 <b>What about + V-ing</b>

 <b>Why don’t you/we + infinitive</b>

<b>Practice</b> <b>Suggestions</b> <b>Response</b> Whole class

Let’s go to my house Yes. Let’s.

What about going to the zoo? That’s a good idea.
Why don’t you relax? Sorry. I can’t.
<i><b>* Word cue drill.</b></i>

- Prepare 6 cards with cues on them.

- Use each card to drill the structure. Pair work
1. Let’s listen to some music.

Yes. Let’s.

2. What about watching TV?
I’m afraid I can’t.

3. Why don’t we read comics?
That’s a good idea.

4. What about going to the cafeteria?

. 

4. <sub></sub>

Let’s/ listen music What/ cefeteria

. 

5. <sub></sub>

What/ watch TV Why/ play soccer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

Sorry. I can’t.

5. Why don’t we play soccer?
OK. Great idea.

6. Let’s play computer games.
No. Let’s not.

- Ask students to work in pairs to practice giving
suggestions and response.

<i><b>* Mapped dialogue.</b></i>

- Present the dialogue, using symbols, cues,

- Have students make each sentence then form the

- Call on some pairs of students to demonstrate the
dialogue before the class.

- Have students work in pairs to practice the

Pair work

<i><b>* Example</b></i>

You: What should we do in the afternoon?
Your friend: What about going to the movies?
You: There aren’t any good movies at the


Your friend: Let’s go to Mai’s house and listen to
some music.

You: Her house is very far from here. And
we don’t have a bike.

Your friend: Why don’t we take a bus.

You: OK. That’s a

good idea.
<b>Homework</b>- Get students to write five suggestions.Individual work

<b>youyour friend</b>

What – do – afternoon?

moviesNo good moviesMai’s housetoo far.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

<b>Unit Six:</b>


<b>Period 35th</b>
<b>LESSON 5: B2 </b>page 65.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a text about American teenagers’ favorite leisure activities.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more
about American teenagers’ favorite leisure activities.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, cards, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Pelmanism</b></i> T-whole class

- Prepare six cards with numbers on one side and

some phrases on the other.

- Stick the cards on the board so that the students can
only see the numbers.

- Divide the class into two teams and ask them to
choose two numbers at the same time.

- Turn the cards over and see if they match. If they
are not match, turn the cards over again and ask the
next team to choose numbers.

- Continue until all the cards are turned over.

<b>Pre reading</b> <b>I. Pre teach</b>

- Teenager (n): Thiếu niên (13 đến 19 tuổi)
<b> (</b>example/definition)

- Musical instrument (n): nhạc cụ

- Model (n): Mẫu, mô hình

- Scout (n): Hướng đạo sinh

- Guide (n): Người hướng đạo, dẫn đường
- Coin (n): Tiền đồng

What about Why don’t Let’s
Collect stamps Going to the


<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>


- Organization (n): Tổ chức

<b>* Checking vocabulary</b><i>: Slap the board</i>

- Put the new words all over the board, each word in
the circle

- Call on two students from both sides of the class to
the front of the class.

- Ask students to stand at an equal distance from the

- Call out the Vietnamese and the students must run
forward and slap the English equivalent on the board.
- The student slapping the right first is the winner. If
the students play in team, the winning team gets one

- Continue until students have slapped all the

<b>II. Open prediction</b>

- Set the scene: There is a survey of 13 year – old
children about their favorite activities in their free
time. You should write 10 activities that you think
they are the most popular.

- Ask students to go to the board and write the

Play video games Watch TV

*<b> Possible Answers:</b>
 Go Shopping
 Listen To Music
 Read books
 Go camping
 Go to the movies









<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

 Go to the cafeteria
 Go to some clubs
 Collect things

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking</b> Pair work

<b>- </b>Ask students to open the books and read B2 on page

<b>- </b>Get students to work in pairs and check their

<b>* </b><i>Answer keys:</i>
Top ten activities

1. Eat in fast food restaurant.

2. Attend Youth organization such as scouts and

3. Learn to play a musical instrument such as the

4. Go shopping
5. Watch TV
6. Go to the movies
<b>7. </b>Listen to music

8. Collect things such as stamps or coins

9. Make models of things such as cars or planes.
10. Help old people with their shopping or cleaning.

<b>II. Comprehension Questions</b> Pair work

- Ask students some questions about Vietnamese
teenaers’ activities in their free time so that they can
see the different between two countries.

<b>* Questions</b>

a. What activities do Vietnamese and American
teengers do the same?

b. Name some youth organization that Vietnamese
teenagers can attend.

c. Which activity is the most popular?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

<i><b>* Answer keys</b></i>

a. They are watching TV, listening to some music,
going to the movies, helping the old people, going

b. They are Young Peers, some clubs for teenagers.
c. It is eating in fast food restaurant.

<b>Post reading</b> * <b>Discussion</b>

- Divide the class into group of 10

- Get students to discuss about what they like
doing in their free time.

- Each group has to make a list of their group’s
favorite leisure activities.

- Ask students to make an exhibition

- Get students to go around and read the posters of all
the groups.

- Have students give their ideas.
- Give feedback.

<b>Homework</b> -Ask students to write something about what they

want to do in their free time Individual work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>


<b>Period 36th</b>
<b>LESSON 6: B2 </b>page 66.

<b>Aims:</b>Further practice in making invitations with “Would you like… ”

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make

invitations with “Would you like… ”

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, cards, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Lucky numbers</b></i> T-whole class

- Write 10 numbers on the board, from 1 to 10

- Tell students each number is for a question but 4 of
them are lucky number. If students choose a lucky,
number, they do not need to answer any questions
but they get 2 points and they continue to choose
another number.

- Divide the class into two teams. The teams take
turns to choose the numbers.

- Tell students that they have answer the teacher’s

<b>* Questionnaires</b>

1. What do you like doing in your free time?
2. Lucky number

3. Name an organization for teenagers in

4. Name an organization for teenagers in Vietnam.
5. Lucky number.

6. Name 5 activities American like doing in their free

7. Which activity do teenagers in Vietnam really do?
8. Lucky number.

9. Lucky number.

10. Name 3 popular activities teenagers in Vietnam
like doing in their free time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

- join (v): Gia nhập, tham gia Synonym: take part in
- Invite (v): mời


- Wedding (n): đám cưới

- You’re welcome: Khơng có chi (lịch sự đáp lại một
lời cảm ơn).

- Pleasure (n): Niềm vui sướng, sự hài lòng

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Jumbled words</b></i>

- Wirte the words with discordered letters on the
board (or use a poster)

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask students from two teams to go to the board and
write the correct words.

- The team which writes more correct words first will
win the game.

1. Dendiwg <sub></sub> Wedding
2. Lemceow <sub></sub> Welcome
3. Lasurepe <sub></sub> Pleasure
4. Tivein <sub></sub> Invite
5. Noij <sub></sub> Join
6. Louwd <sub></sub> Would

<b>II. Presentation dialogue</b> T- Whole class
- Ask students to read the dialogue on page 66

- Give them some questions to make sure they
understand the dialogue

<i><b>* Questions and answers</b></i>
1. When’s Nga’s birthday?
(It’s on Sunday)

2. What does Nga want Lan to do?

(She want’s Lan to go to her house for lunch)
3. What does Nga want Nga to do after lunch?
(She wants to go to the movies)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

(No. Because she’s going to a wedding)

- Ask students a question to draw a model sentences.
 What does Nga say to invite Lan to her house

for lunch?

 How does Lan answer?
<i><b>* Model sentence</b></i>

Would you like to come to my house?
Yes, I’d love to

<b>* Form:</b>

<b>* Use: To invite someone</b>

<b>Practice</b> <b>Word cue drill</b> Pair work

Watch a

Rehearse a Join English
on TV <sub></sub> play <sub></sub> speaking club <sub></sub>
Listen to Go to circus Play computer

music <sub></sub> <sub></sub> games <sub></sub>

- Use the cards to ask students to drill

- Gets students to look at the cues and make

<i><b>* Example:</b></i>

1. Would you like to watch a movie on TV?
Yes, I’d love to

2. Would you like to rehearse a play?
I’m sorry. I have no time.

3. Would you like ti join English speaking club?
Yes, I’d love to.

4. Would you like to listen to music?
Sorry. I can’t

5. Would you like to go to the circus?
That’s a good idea. I’d love to

6. Would you like to play computer games?
I’m sorry. I have no time.

<b>Further</b> <b>Making suggestions</b> Individual work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>


- Ask students to look at their books on page 71
- Ask students to practice the dialogues

- Tell them the structure used to make suggstions
 Let’s…

 Should we …?

 Would you like to… ?

- Ask them to look at the table on page 71 and write
down possible dialogues

- Give feedback Pair work

- Ask students to working pairs to practice their

<b>* Possible dialogue</b>
1. Let’s go swimming.

2. Should we play table tennis?
I’m sorry. I can’t

3. Would you like to play basketball?
I’d love to

4. Let’s watch movies.

5. Should we play volleyball?
I’d love to

6. Would you like to play soccer?
I’m sorry. I can’t

7. Should we come to my house?
Sorry. I can’t

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>

<b>Unit Six:</b>


<b>Period 37th</b>

<b>SECTION</b>: Language Focus 2 (Page 68 – 69, 70 - 71)

<b>Aims:</b>Further practice in Present tense, time and school vocabulary.

<b>Objective :</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about
school vocabulary, tell the time and get further practice in Present Progress

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, poster.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Mathching</b></i> T-whole class

- Ask students to look at six pictures on page 70 and
match the subjects to the suitable pictures.

<i><b>* Answer keys</b></i>

a. Physical education
b. Chemistry/Physics
c. Math

d. Geography
e. English
f. History
<b>Activity 1</b> <b>* Lucky numbers</b>

- Write 12 numbers on the board, from 1 to 12

- Tell students each number is for a question but 4 of
them are lucky numbers. If students choose a lucky
number, they do not need to answer any

Questions but they get 2 points and choose another

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask the teams to take turns to choose the numbers.
<b>* Questionnaire</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

(Learn past and present events in Vietnam anf
around the world)

2. What subject helps you learn about books and

3. Lucky number.

4.Do you learn different countries in Geography class?

5. How often do you have English classes?
(Student’s answer)

6. What do you learn in physics?
(Learn about how things work)
7. Lucky number.

8. What do you learn in Physics?
(Learn how to use a computer)
9. Lucky number.

10. In what class do you need pencils, papers…?
11. Do you learn new songs in Music class?

12. Lucky number.

<b>Activity 2</b> <i><b>* Mime game</b></i> Whole class

- Have students revise the present progress tense
using recess activity vocabulary.

- Call on one student to mime one of recess activities
in front of the class and get another students to guess
by saying sentence.

Eg: She is (kipping rope)

- The students having correct sentence will take place
the last chosen student and mimes another activity
and the rest of the class continue to guess

- The game continues with sentences.
 He is playing marbles.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

- After the game, teacher gets students to complete
the paragraph Language Focus 1 on page 68 by using
the present progress tense.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

It is six thirty in the evening. Lan is doing her
homework. She is writing an English essay. Mr.
Thanh is reading a newspaper and Mrs. Quyen is
cooking dinner. Lien and Tien, Lan’s brother, are
playing soccer in the back yard. Liem is kicking the
ball and Tien is running after it.

<b>Activity 3</b> <i><b>* Review of This – That – These – Those</b></i> T-whole class
 They are articles.

 This, that: used with singular nouns.
 These, those: used with plural nouns.
+ This + noun: cái này

+ That… : cái kia

+ These… : những cái này
+ Those… : những cái kia

- Have students look at the pictures Language Focus
2 on page 68 and complete the dialogue between the
boy and his Mom.

Pair work

- Call on some students to complete the dialogue,
using this, that, these or those.

- Give feedback and correct.

- Ask students to practice the dialogue.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a. What time is it?
It’s nine forty.

b. What time does movie start?

It starts at seven fifteen.

c. Will you be home for dinner tonight?
No. I’ll be home at ten thirty.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

<b>Activity 5</b> <i><b>* Survey</b></i> Pair work
- Ask students to copy the grid in their notebooks

- Have students ask their friend and complete the

Example: What time do you get up, Lan?
I get up at six o’clock.

- Give feedback.

<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to review from Unit 4 to Unit 6 for the


<b>me</b> <b>getup</b>






<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

<b>Unit Seven:</b>


<b>Period 40th</b>

<b>LESSON 1: A1 </b>page 72 - 73.

<b>Aims:</b>Comparative with “Fewer, more” to talk about student’s work .

<b>Objective:</b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about
student’s work using comparative “fewer, more”.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, poster, cards.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Word square: </b></i> T-whole class

- Put the word square chart on the board.

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Have students go to the board and circle the worlds
they have found.

- Tell students that the team that circles more words
will win the game.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

 <sub>teenager, start, class, finish, work</sub>
 <sub>summer</sub>

vacation, homesick
 <sub>guide, school</sub>
<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b>

- an hour (n): 1 tiếng đồng hồ









































































<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

- last (v): kéo dài

- hard (adv): chăm chỉ, vất vả

- late (adv): trễ
(antonym: early)
- few (adj): ít

(definition: not many, a small number of…)

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary:</b></i> What and where. Whole class
- Write the new words on the board, each word in

each circle.

- Ask students to repeat the words chorally.
- Rub out word by word but leave the circles.
- Go on until all the circles are empty.

- Get students to go to the board and write the words
again in their correct circles.

<b>II. Comprehension questions.</b> Pair work

- Ask students to read the dialogue A1 on page 72
and work in pairs to answer the questions on p 73.

- Have students use short answer.

<i>* Questions and answers.</i>

a. What time do Hoa’s classes start?
Hoa’s classes start at 7.00

b. What time do they finish?

They finish at a quarter past eleven.

c. For how many hours a day does Hoa do her

Hoa does her homework for 12 hours a day.
d. What will Hoa do during her vacation?
She’ll go and see her parents on their farm.





an hour

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

<b>III. Presenting target language</b> T-whole class
- Ask students two questions in order to draw out the

target language.

1. Do your classes start earlier or later than Hoa’s?
2. Do you work fewer or more hour than Hoa?
<i>* Answer:</i>

1. My classes start earlier than Hoa’s.
2. I work fewer hours than Hoa.

<i><b>Form: S1 + V + adv. ER + (noun) + than + S2</b></i>
<b>Practice</b> <b><sub>I. Comparatives.</sub></b>

- Write some adverbs/ adjectives on the board.

- Ask students to go to the board and give their

 late – later
 early - earlier
 many - more
 few - fewer
 hard - harder

- Ask the whole class to repeat chorally.

<b>II. Word cue drill.</b> Pair work

- Give students the exchange.

S1: Hoa’s classes start later than our classes.
S2: Yes. Our classes start earlier than Hoa’s.

<i>* Cue’s</i>

a. The film/ finish/ late/ play
b. Hoa/ work/ many hours/ Lan

c. We/ learn/ much time/ those students
d. She/ have/ few books/ her friend

- Call some students to make complete sentences.
- Give feedback and correct.

- Ask students to work in pairs to practice the

<i><b>* Answer keys</b></i>

a. The film finishes later than the play.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

Yes. Lan works fewer hours than Hoa works.
c. We learn more time than those students.

Yes. Those students learn less time than we learn.
d. She has fewer books than her friend.

Yes. Her friend has more books than she has.

<i>* Noughts and Crosses</i> Group work
- Divide the class into two teams.

- Draw a nine – square grid on the board.

- There’s a cues in each square.

- The teams will take turns to choose the numbers
and make a sentence, using comparative with fewer,
more, later, earlier. If they make a correct sentence,
put a X or O in that square.

- The first team having 3 Xs or 3 Os in a line on the
grid will win the game.

school year
summer vacation
more hours
fewer hours
activities in
summer vacation
<i>* <b>Possible sentences.</b></i>

1. Vietnamese classes start earlier than American

2. Our school year starts later than Hoa’s.

3. Hoa’s summer vacation finishes earlier than ours.
4. I have fewer holidays than my brother.

5. My brother works more hours than I work.
6. She studies fewer hours than her sister.

7. Our classes finish earlier than American classes.
8. We have fewer activities in summer vacation than
those students.

9. Those boys have more holidays than we have.
<b>Homework</b> <sub>- Have students write 5 comparatives sentences, using</sub>

fewer, more, later, earlier.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

<b>Unit Seven:</b>


<b>Period 41st</b>

<b>LESSON 2: A2-3 </b>page 73 - 74.

<b>Aims:</b> Reading a letter about American students’ vacations and practice

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more
about American students’ vacation.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work arrangement</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Pelmanism</b></i> T-whole class

- Prepare 8 cards
with numbers (from
1 to 8) on one side
and adverbs with
their comparatives
on the other side.
- Stick the cards on
the board so that the
students can only
see the numbers.
- Divide the class
into two teams and
ask them to choose
two numbers.

- Turn the cards
over, if they match
eg: early – earlier,
that team gets one

- If not, turn the
cards over again and
ask the next team to

- Go on until all the
cards turned over.
The team that has
more marks will win
the game.





<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

<b>Pre-reading</b> <b>I.</b> <b>Pre-teach</b>

T-whole class
- celebrate (v): tổ

chức lễ kỷ niệm

- important (adj):
quan trọng


- spend (v): trải qua,
tiêu phí

- Easter (n): Lễ phục


- Thanksgiving (n):
Lễ tạ ơn


- Independence Day
(n): Ngày Quốc

(explanation: The
day is on September

<i><b>*</b></i> <i><b>Checking</b></i>

<i><b>vocabulary</b>: Rub out</i>
and Remember

Whole class

- Get students to
write down the
words into their
notebooks and then

ask them to close
their books

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

are rubbed out, ask
students to repeat
again so that they
can remember.
- If there’s time, get
students to come to
the board and write
the English words

<b>II. True False</b>


Pair work

- Give the poster of
five statements on
the board.

- Ask students to
keep their books
closed and read the
statements and
guess which
statements is true

and which is false.
<i><b>* Set in scene:</b></i>
These statements are
about American
students vacation
and holidays. Read
them and guess
which statements
are true.

<b>True – False</b>

a. Vietnamese
students have fewer
vacations than
American students.
b. American
students have the
longest vacation in
the winter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>

with their family on
Thanksgiving and
Christmas Day.
- Give feedback.
<b>While reading</b> <b>I. Reading and</b>


Pair work

- Have students read
the letter A2 on page
73 and check their

- Ask students to
correct if the
statement is false.

<b>Guess Check</b>

a T

b F

c T

d F

<b>II. Filling the grid</b> Individual work
- Draw the grid on

the board (or use a

- Ask students to
copy down into their


- Get students to
read the letter again
and complete the

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>






- longest



in the


in the

- Tet holiday





<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

<i><b>* Listening</b></i>

<b>Post reading</b> <b>1. Prediction</b> Pair work

- Ask students to
look at the pictures

A3 on

page 74 and guess
the names of the

- Give feedback.
<b>2. Listening and</b>

<b>checking</b> Individual work

- Get students to
listen to the tape and
check their

- Give feedback and

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>
a. Thanksgiving
b. Independence

c. New Year’s

d. Christmas
<b>3. Matching.</b>

- Ask students to

match the holidays
with their symbols.

Whole class

a. Thanksgiving 1. fireworks

b. Independence

Day 2. gifts

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>


d. Christmas 4. flowers, wine
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a – 3 ; b – 1 ;
c – 4 ; d – 2
<i><b>* Tape transcript.</b></i>
Tim enjoys all the
public holidays.
At Christmas, he
always gets a lot of
gifts. Thanksgiving
is an important
celebration and
there is always
turkey and lots of
good food. In Tim’s

hometown, there is
always a large
fireworks display on
Independence Day.
Tim likes New Year
because he can stay
up until midnight
and celebrate with
his parents.

<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to
write about what
they do in New
Year’s Day.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

<b>Unit Seven:</b>


<b>Period 42nd</b>

<b>LESSON 3: A4 </b>page 75.

<b>Aims:</b>Reading a text for details.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the
text about typical student’s work for details.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>


<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Brainstorming</b></i> T-whole class

- Get students to think about the holidays in a year.

<i>* Possible answers.</i>

 Thanksgiving
 Easter

 Women’s Day
 Children’s Day
 Christmas
 New Year’s Eve
 May Day

 Mid – autumn Festival
<i><b>* Guessing games.</b></i>

- Ask students to write his/her favorite holiday in a
small piece of paper and keep it secret.

- Get students to ask Yes – No questions to guess the
teacher’s favorite holiday.


 Is your favorite holiday Teachers’ Day? (No)
 Is your favorite holiday May Day? (No)

 Is your favorite holiday Independence Day?

Public holidays

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>


- Call the students who has the correct guess to the
front of the class and the game continues.

<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-whole class
- period (n): tiết học


- review (v): ôn tập, xem lại

- typical (adj): điển hình, tiêu biểu

- keen on (adj): giỏi, say mê, ham thích

- lazy (adj): lười biếng

(explanation: unwilling to work)
- definitely (adv): nhất định, chắc chắn
(synonym: certainly)

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: Slap the board</i> Whole class
- Put the new words all over the board, each word in

the circle.

- Call on two students or two teams of students to the
front of the class.

- Make sure they stand at an equal distance from the

- Call out one word in Vietnamese, the two students
must run forward and slap the English equivalent on
the board.

- The one who first slaps the correct word is the
winner. If the students play in team, the winning
team gets one mark.

- Go on until students have slapped all the words.

<b>II. Gap filling</b> Pair work

- Stick the poster of five sentences with gaps.






<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

- Ask students to work in pair and fill in the gaps.
a. Hoa goes to school _______ days a week.
b. She has _______ periods a day.

c. She works _______ hours a week.

d. She has about _______ hours of homework a

e. Before test, she works _______ hours a week.
- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking prediction.</b> Whole class
- Have students read the text A4 on page 75 and

check their guess.

- Call on some students to answer before the class.
- Give feedback and correct.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>
a. six

b. five
c. twenty
d. twelve
e. forty – five

<b>II. Comprehension questions</b>
- Give students five questions.

- Ask them to work in pairs to answer the questions. Pair work
<i><b>* Questions</b></i>

a. Why do some people think students have an
easy life?

b. Is Hoa a good student?

c. Does Hoa have to work at home?

d. Does Hoa work fewer hours than workers?
e. How many hours a week does she work before

- Give feedback and correct.

- Have students work in pairs to practice asking and

<i>* Answers</i>

a. Because they think students only work a few
hours a day and have long vacations.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

very hard.

c. Yes, she does.

d. No, she doesn’t. She works more
hours than workers.

e. Before test, she works about 45 hours a week.

<b>Post reading</b> <i><b>* Discussion</b></i> Group work

- Give students the topic and ask them to work in
group and discuss about the topic “What do you
<i>think of students’ life? Are they lazy? Is their life</i>

<b>Homework</b> - Ask students to write a paragraph (100 words)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>

<b>Unit Seven:</b>


<b>Period 43rd</b>

<b>LESSON 4: B1 </b>page 76 - 77.

<b>Aims:</b> Reading a text to understand the details and get further practice in
simple present tense.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a text
about Tim’s parents’ work and get further practice in simple present tense.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Slap the board (Revision)</b></i> T-whole class
- Write the words in Vietnamese that students

learned last time all over the board. Each word is in

- Call on two students from 2 teams to the front of
the class.

- Ask them to stand at an equal distance from the

- Call out an English word, the 2 students have to run
forward and slap the Vietnamese equivalent on the

- The student slapping the right word first is the
winner and gets a point.

- Continue until students have slapped all the words.

<b>Pre-reading I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- past time job (n): công việc bán thời gian


- repair (v): sửa chữa

- play golf (v): chơi gơn

điển hình

học chăm

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>


- mechanic (n): người thợ máy

(definition: the worker who repairs machines)
- shift (n): ca làm việc, buổi học


- homeless (n): nhớ nhà

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Jumbled words.</b></i>
 raipre  repair

 payl lofg  play golf
 nachicem  mechanic
 fisht  shift
 lomheess  homeless
 tarp meit  part time

- Divide the class into two teams. Team work
- Ask students from two teams to go to the board and

write down the correct words.

- The team that is faster with more correct words will
win the game.

<b>II. Ordering</b> Pair work

- Giving students four headless.
a. Mr. Jones’ work.

b. Tim’s introduction of his family.
c. Mr. Jones’ work.

- Set the scene: You will read a letter from Tim
Jones. He writes to Hoa to tell her about his family,
his parents’ work. Read four headlines and guess
which is the first, which is the second, the third, the

- Have students work in pairs and guess.
- Give feedback.

<b>While reading I. Reading and checking prediction</b> Pair work
- Get students to read the letter and check their guess.

- Call on some students to answer the questions.
- Give feedback.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>

 Paragraph 1: Tim’s introduction of his family.
 Paragraph 2: Mrs. Jones work.

 Paragraph 3: Mr. Jones’ work.
 Paragraph Mr. Jones’ vacation time
<b>II. Comprehension questions.</b>

- Get students to read the letter again and answer the

questions on page 77. Pair work

- Have students work in pairs to find out the answers.
<i><b>* Questions</b></i>

a. Where does Mrs. Jones work?

b. What does she do for homeless people?
c. What is Mr. Jones’s job?

d. How many hours a week does she usually

e. How do you know the Jones family likes

- Call on some students to answer before the class
- Give feedback and correct.

- Get students to write the answer in their notebooks.
- Ask students to work in pairs practicing asking and

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a. She works at home. But three mornings a week
she works part time at a local supermarket.

b. She (together with other women) cooks lunch
for homeless people once a week.

c. Mr. Jones is a mechanic. He repairs machines in
a factory.

d. He works about 40 hours a week.

e. The Jones family always goes to Florida on
vacation. They have a great time there.

<b>Post writing</b> <i><b>* Transformation writing</b></i> Group work

- Divide the class into group of three.
- Ask each group to write a letter to Hoa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

- Monitor and help students.

- Call on some students from some groups to read
aloud their letters.

- Give feedback and correct.
<i><b>* Suggested letter.</b></i>

Dear Hoa

I’m happy that you and your family are well. I’m
fine, too. Here is a photo of my parents, my brother,
Tam and me. Can you send me a photo of you?
Let me tell you more about my parents. My Mom is a
teacher. She teaches in a Secondary school. She
teaches Literature. She loves her students a lot.

My Dad is a doctor. He takes care of sick people in a
local hospital. He works six days a week for about 48
hours. Sometimes he has to work at night. He has
fewer days off than my Mom. He also has shorter
vacation than my Mom. However, when he has an
afternoon free, he plays tennis. He has two week
vacation a year and we always go to Dalat on
vacation. We all have a great time there.

Please write soon and tell me more about your

Best wishes

<b>Homework</b> - Get students to write a letter about their family in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>

<b>Unit Seven:</b>


<b>Period 44th</b>

<b>LESSON 5: B2, 3, 4 </b>page 77.

<b>Aims:</b>Practising comparative with “more/ less/ fewer”.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the
comparative with “more/ less/ fewer”.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures, posters.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work</b>

<b>Warmer</b> <i><b>* Brainstorming.</b></i>

- Divide class into 2 teams: King and Queen.

- Ask Ss to go to the board and write as many the
names of work of a farmer as they can.

- Team which has more correct words is the winner.

<b>King</b> <b>Queen</b>

<b>Pre-reading 1. Vocabulary</b>

- pig (n): con lợn (picture)
- rest (v): nghỉ ngơi (example)
- shed (n): chuồng (trâu, bò) (picture)
- coop (n): chuồng (gà) (picture)
- clean (v): lau chùi (mime)

<i>* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.</i>
<b>2. True/False statements.</b>

T: - Who’s this (Mr. Tuan)
- What is he doing?

 Yes, we are going to read a text about daily work
of Mr. Tuan.

Read the statements and guess if they are true or

The work of farmers The work of farmers

the shed

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=153>


1. Mr. Tuan usually starts work at 7.

2. He has breakfast, then he feeds the buffalo.
3. His main crop is rice.

4. Mr. Tuan rests and eats lunch from 11 to 1.
5. His work usually finishes at six.

<b>While reading 1. Check.</b>

- Have Ss open their books, page 77.
Read and check.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

1/ F. 6 o’clock 4/ F. From 12 to 1

2/ T 5/ T

3/ F. Vegetables
<b>2. Filling the grid.</b>

- T shows a poster about Mr. Jones and Mr. Tuan’s

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss about them.
- Give feedback.

- Ask Ss to read the text about Mr. Tuan and the
letter of Tuan again and check.

<b>3. Model sentences.</b>

Mr. Tuan works more hours than Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones works fewer hours than Mr. Tuan.
Mr. Jones has more vacation time than Mr. Tuan.
Mr. Tuan has less vacation time than Mr. Jones.
* Form:

S + Vs/es + more + N (time) + than + O

S + Vs/es + fewer + N (time) + than + O
S + have/has + more + N + than + O
S + have/has + less + N + than + O

Hours per

week Days off Vacationtime

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=154>

Usage: Dùng để so sánh nhiều hơn và ít hơn.
Meaning: ….

<b>3. Practice:</b> Word Cue Drill.

a. Mrs. Lan/ work/ hours/ Mrs. Lien.
b. Mr. Tam/ do exercise/ hours/ Mr. Tien.
c. Miss. Loan/ have/ days off/ Mrs. Hoa.
d. Mr. Ba/ have/ holiday/ Mr. Long.

 Part 1: T models the cue 1, 2.
 Part 2: Ss.

+ Open pairs.
+ Closed pairs.
<b>Pre-listening 1. Guess.</b>

- T asks Ss to open their books, page 78.

- Have Ss to work in pairs and discuss about the
information about Peter, Susan, Jane, Phong’s job.

- Give feedback.

- Then, ask Ss to listen twice and check.
<b>Post listening - Make a survey.</b>

- Give each student a piece of page. Ask Ss to work
in group of 4 and ask their partner about the
information of their father or mother’s job.

Then fill the grid on the paper.

- Who finishes first will read aloud his/her grid.



Hour per


<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=155>

<b>Unit Eight:</b>


<b>Period 45th</b>
<b>LESSON 1: A1, 3 </b>page 79 - 81.

<b>Aims:</b>Describing the position of a place.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “Where
is…?” question and preposition of places to describe the position of a place.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b>Work arrangement</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Jumbled words.</b></i> T-whole class
- Write the words

whose letters are in
a random order on
the board.

- Tell students that
these words are

- Divide the class
into 2 teams.

- Ask students from
two teams to go to
the board and write
the correct words.
- The team which
writes more correct
words first will win
the game.

1/ bkan bank

2/ nstoait station
3/ loiphats hospital

4/ tamrek market

5/ tohel hotel

6/ sopt focief post office
<b>Presentation</b> <b>I. Matching.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=156>

on page 79 and
match the name of
the places (they get
from jumbled
words) to pictures.
- Get students to
work in pairs and

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>
Picture a – National
Bank of Vietnam.
Picture b – Saint
Paul hospital

Picture c – Hotel
Picture d – The
central Post Office
Picture e – Hanoi
Railway station
Picture f – Dong
Xuan market

<b>II. Brainstorming</b> Whole class

- Have students

think of the
prepositions of
places that they’ve

- Ask students to go
to the board and
write down the
prepositions of
places they’ve

<i><b>* Possible answers.</b></i>
 on
 apposi


after school activities

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=157>

 in
 behind
 betwee

 near

<b>Practice</b> <b>I. Model sentences</b> T-whole class
- Show students the

street map on page

- Give them the
model sentences.

 Where is the

 The bank is
between the
hotel and the
restaurant. It’s
opposite the

<b>II. Drill</b> Pair work

- Ask students to
look at the street
map and practice

asking and

answering the
possitions of the


 Bank
 Police

 Shoe

 Book

 Restau

 Hotel
 Post

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=158>

 School
- Call on some pairs
of students to ask
and answer before
the class.

- Give feedback and

- Ask all students to
practice in pairs.
a/ Where is the

police station?
It is between the
post office and the

b/ Where is the shoe

It’s between the
restaurant and the

c/ Where is the

It’s opposite the
school. It’s next to
the souvenir shop.
d/ Where is the

It’s beside the
bank and the shoe

It’s opposite the
post office.

e/ Where is the

The hotel is
opposite the post

f/ Where is the post

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=159>

g/ Where is the

The school is
opposite the

It’s next to the
post office.

<b>Further practice</b> <i><b>* Writing.</b></i> Individual work
- Give the students

the map on page 96
and ask them to
write the location of
each store using the

 near
 beside/

next to
 opposi

 to the

 to the

 betwee

- Get students to
write individually,
then compare with
their partners.

- Call on some
students to talk
about the locations
of the stores.

- Give feedback and

Pair work
a/ Clothing store

- The clothing store

is on Hai Ba Trung
Street. It’s near the
shoe store to the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=160>

- The restaurant is
on Hue Street. It’s
next to the
bookstore to the

c/ Bookstore

- The bookstore is
on Hue Street. It’s
between the
restaurant and the
mini mart.

d/ Library

- The Library is on
Tay Ho Street. It’s
on opposite the

<b>Homework</b> - Get students to
write the position of
their home in their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=161>

<b>Unit Eight:</b>


<b>Period 46th</b>
<b>LESSON 2: A2 </b>page 80.

<b>Aims:</b>Asking for giving directions.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice asking
for and giving directions.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Guessing the words (Revision)</b></i> T-whole class
- Divide the class into two teams.

- Give the definitions and get students to find out the
words that teacher means.

- Give the team having the correct answer first one

1/ A place where you can buy everything.

2/ A place you can buy books.


3/ A place you can post letters.
(Post office)

4/ A place where you can come to eat.

5/ A place you can come to see the movies.
(Movie theatre)

6/ A place you can come to read books and borrow
books from. (Library)

7/ A place where you can buy clothes.
(Clothing store)

8/ A place where you can buy vegetables and fruits.
(Grocery stores)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=162>

- souvenir shop (n): cửa hàng bán đồ lưu niệm

- go straight ahead: đi thẳng

- take the first street: rẽ ở ngã rẽ thứ nhất

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary: Matching</b></i>

- Prepare four pictures, stick them on the left of the
board and write the words on the right.

- Ask students to match the pictures with the suitable

<b>II. Presentation dialogue</b> Whole class

- Get students to read the dialogue A2 on page 80
- Ask students some questions to make sure they
understand the dialogues.

 What does the tourist 1 want to ask Nga?
(the souvenir shop)

 What does the tourist 2 want?
(the way to the supermarket)

 How do they say to ask for the way?

a/ Could you tell me how to get to the souvenir

b/ Could you show me the way to the

<b>Practice</b> <i><b>* Picture Drill</b></i> Pair work

- Use the street map on page 81 for drill.

- Get students to practice asking and giving
directions to 5 places.

 restaurant
 hospital
 school
 bookstore
 movie theatre
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=163>

Go straight ahead; take the first street on the right.
The restaurant is next to the shoe store.

b/ Could you tell me how to get to the hospital?
Go straight ahead; take the second street on the
right. The hospital is opposite the restaurant.

c/ Could you tell me the way to the school?

Go straight ahead; take the second street on the
left. The school is next to the post office.

d/ Could you tell me how to get to the books store?
Go straight ahead; take the second street on the
left. The books store is opposite the school.

e/ Could you tell me how to get to the movie theatre?
Go straight ahead; the movie theatre is on the
right, next to the drugstore.

<b>Production</b> <i><b>* Listening</b></i> Individual work

- Ask students to look at the street map again, listen
carefully and write the places mentioned.

- Ask students to listen twice.

- Ask them to share with their partners.
- Give feedback.

- Let students to listen again to check.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a/ souvenir shop b/ shoe store
c/ hotel d/ drugstore
e/ hospital

<i><b>* Tape transcript</b></i>

Go straight ahead to the second street. Turn left.
What is on the right?

Go straight ahead. Turn right into the first street.
What is on the left next to the restaurant?

What is on your left?

Go to the second street. Turn right, what is opposite
the hotel?

What is on your right?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=164></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=165>

<b>Unit Eight:</b>


<b>Period 47th</b>
<b>LESSON 3: A4, 5 </b>page 82.

<b>Aims:</b>Talking about distances.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about
distances, using “How far…?”

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, poster, pictures.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Shark’s attack</b></i> T-whole class

- Cut out a shark (or a crocodile) and a schoolgirl
from card.

- Draw some steps, and the sea aroud the steps.
- Stick the cut out girl on top of the steps, and the
shark is in the sea.

- Draw 9 gaps for the word KILOMETER.

- Get students in teams (or ask them as a whole class)
for a letter in the alphabet. If their guess is right,
they’ll get one mark. If their guess is wrong, the girl
has to step down.

- The game continues until students find out the word
KILOMETER and the shark can’t eat the girl.

- Ask students to continue to guess the words.
 meter

 hour
 How far

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b> T-whole class
- a long way (n): 1 đoạn đường dài


- have a guess: đoán xem nào

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=166>

- coach (n): xe tải nhẹ, xe đò

- think (v): suy nghĩ

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary:</b></i> Rub out and remember

- Get students to copy the words in their notebooks.
- Ask students to repeat the word chorally.

- Rub out the new words one at a time.

- Ask students to repeat the words chorally before
and after you rub out each word, ask students to
repeat again.

- If there’s time, get students to come to the board
and write the English words again.

<b>II. Presentation dialogue</b> Whole class

- Have students read the dialogue A4 on page 82.
- Ask students some questions to make sure they
understand the dialogue.

<i><b>* Questions and answers.</b></i>
a/ Is it far from Hue to Hanoi?
(Yes, it is)

b/ How far is it?
(about 680 kms)

c/ How many hours do we spend traveling from Hue
to Hanoi by coach?

(18 hours)

d/ Is it nearer from Hue to Hanoi than from Hue to
Ho Chi Minh City?

(Yes, it is)

e/ What does Lan say to ask the distance from Hue to
Ho Chi Minh City?

(How far is it from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City?)
- Draw out the model sentences.

<i><b>* Model sentences</b></i> T-whole class

How far is it from Hue to Hanoi?
It’s about 680km.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=167>

<b>How far is it + from … + to …?</b>
<b>It’s about + …. km/m</b>

<i><b>* Use: </b></i>Asking and answering about distances.

<b>III. Drill</b> Individual work

<i><b>1. Matching.</b></i>

- Stick the poster on the board.

a/ Hanoi – Vinh 1/ 688 km
b/ Hanoi – Danang 2/ 1726 km

c/ Hanoi – Hue 3/ 791 km

d/ Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City 4/ 319 km
- Have students match the way to the correct

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

a – 4 ; b – 3 ; c – 1 ; d – 2

- Get students to work in pairs asking and answering
about distances.

Pair work
* Example:

S1: How far is it from Hanoi to Vinh?
S2: It’ about 319 km.

S1: How far is it from Hanoi to Hue?
S2: It’ about 688 km.

S1: How far is it from Hanoi to Danang?
S2: It’ about 791km.

S1: How far is it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City?
S2: It’ about 1726 km.

<b>Production</b> <i><b>* Mapped dialogue</b></i> Pair work

- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board.
- Elicit the exchanges from the students.

- Have some pairs practice each exchange before
going to another exchange.

- After finishing the dialogue, ask some pairs to
demonstrate the whole dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=168>

- Monitor and correct.

<i><b>* Example</b></i>

You: Could you tell me how to get to the

Your friend: Go straight ahead. Turn right into the
first street. The bookstore is between
the mini mart and the restaurant.
You: How far is it from here?

Your friend: It’s about 500m.
You: Thanks a lot.

Your friend: You’re

- Tell the students that they can change the


<b>Homework</b>- Ask students to write the complete dialogue in their
notebooks.Individual work

<b>youyour friend</b>Could you tell me….
bookstore?Straight/ right/ first

street.between mini mart/ restaurantHow
far …. ?500m<sub></sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=169>

<b>Unit Eight:</b>


<b>Period 48th</b>
<b>LESSON 4: B1 </b>page 83.

<b>Aims:</b>Practice asking and telling the price.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and tell the

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, realias, cards.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Chatting.</b></i> T-whole class

- Asking students some questions about distances

and locations of some places in their neighborhood.

 How do you go to school?

 How far is it from your home to school?
 Is there a market near your home?
 Have you ever gone to the post office?
 What for?

 Is it cheap or expensive to post a letter to Ho
Chi Minh City?

<b>Presentation I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b>
- envelop (n): bì thư

- stamp (n): tem

- send a letter (v): gửi một bức thư
(translation: mail/ post a letter)
- cost (v): chi phí, có giá là

- change (v): tiền lẻ, tiền thối lại

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=170>

- Write the new words on the board, put one word in
each circle.

- Ask students to repeat the words chorally.
- Rub out word by word but leave the circles.
- Go on until all the circles are empty.

- Get students to go to the board and write the words
again in their correct circles.

<b>II. Presentation dialogue</b>

- Get students to read the dialogue B1 on page 83.
- Ask students some questions to make sure they
understand the dialogue.

T-whole class
 Where is Liz?

(She is at the post office)
 Where does Liz want to buy?

(Some envelops)

 How much does she pay altogether?
(11.500 dongs)

 How much change does she receive?
(3.500 dongs)

 What does Liz say to ask about the price?
(How much is it?/ How much are those?)
- Draw out the model sentences.

 How much is it?
It’s 9.500 dongs.
 How much are those?

They are 2.000 dongs.
<i><b>* Form:</b></i>

<b>How much + be + noun/ pronoun</b>
<i><b>* Use:</b></i> Asking and telling the price.





<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=171>

<b>Practice</b> <b>* Word cue drill.</b> Whole class
- Prepare 5 cards with cues on them.

- Model the first exchange and then ask students to
practice asking and answering.

<i><b>* Cues.</b></i>

1. These stamps/ 5.000 dong.

2. The letter to America/ 9.500 dong.
3. This book/ 20.000 dong.

4. The letter to Ho Chi Minh City/ 800 dong.

5. Five envelops/ 1.000 dong.

<i><b>* Exchanges.</b></i>

1. How much are these stamps?
They are 5.000 dong.

2. How much is the letter to America?
It is 9.500 dong.

3. How much is this book?
It is 20.000 dong.

4. How much is the letter to Ho Chi Minh City?
It is 800 dong.

5. How much are five envelops?
They are 1.000 dong.

- Call on some students to demonstrate the

- Get the whole class to work in pairs. Pair work
<i><b>* Lucky Numbers.</b></i>

- Write 10 numbers on the board, from 1 to 10.

- Tell students each number is for a question but 4 of
them are lucky number. If students choose a lucky
number, they do not need to answer any questions

but they get 2 points and they can choose another

- Divide the class into two teams. The teams take
turns to choose the numbers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=172>

1. Lucky number.

2. Where is your nearest post office?
(It’s about 500m from my house).
3. What can you buy at the post office?
(stamps, envelops)

4. Lucky number.

5. How much is it to mail a letter in Vietnam?
(It’s 800 dong)

6. Have you ever sent a letter oversea?
(Students’ answer)

7. Lucky number.

8. Could you tell me how to get to……….?
(Students’ answer)

9. How much is it to mail a letter to America?
(It’s 9.500 dong)

10. Lucky number.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=173>

<b>Unit Eight:</b>


<b>Period 49th</b>
<b>LESSON 5: B2, 3, 4, 5 </b>page 84 - 85.

<b>Aims:</b> Listening for details to get further practice in “need/ would like” and
post office vocabulary.

<b>Objective:</b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “need/
would like” and post office vocabulary.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>Textbooks, pictures, card.


<b>Stage</b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>

<b>Warm-up</b> <i><b>* Shark’s attack.</b></i> T-Ss

- Cut out a shark and a girl from card.

- Draw some steps. Then, stick the cut out girl on the
top of the steps, the shark is in the sea.

- Draw 8 gaps for the word – Postcard.

- Have Ss try to guess the word. If their guess is
wrong, the girl has to step down. If their guess is

right, they get one mark. The game continues until Ss
find out the word.

Lead – in:

T: What does “postcard” mean?
Ss: (answer)

T: Yes, today we will learn more about things from
post office.

Unit 8 – Places.

Lesson 5. B2, 3, 4, 5 page 84, 85.

<b>Pre-listening I. Pre-teach vocabulary.</b> T-Ss

- local stamp (n): tem gửi thư trong nước (realia)
- writing pad (n): tập giấy viết thư (realia)
- overseas mail (n): thư gửi đi nước ngoài

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=174>

- phone card (n): thẻ điện thoại (realia)
<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: What and Where.</i>

<b>II. Open prediction.</b>
- Who’s this? (Nga)
- Who’s this? (Hoa)

- Yes, you’re going to listen to the conversation
between Nga and Hoa. Predict things Hoa wants

from the post office.

- Ss work in pairs to predict.
- Give feedback.

<b>While listening 1. Checking.</b> T-Ss

- Get Ss listen to the tape twice and check their

- Give feedback.
<i><b>* Answer key.</b></i>

some local stamps

Hoa needs some stamps of overseas mail.
a phone card

<b>2. Comprehension questions.</b> T-Ss

- Ask students to work in pair to answer the
questions B2 page 84.

<i><b>* Answer key.</b></i>

a. Hoa needs some local stamps, some stamps of
overseas mail, a phone card.

b. Because she has a pen pal in America.
c. Because she phone her parents.

<b>Pre-listening 1. Prediction</b>

- Have Ss open their books, page 85, B4. T-Ss
- Ask Ss to call out the names of the things in the

things what Hoa needs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=175>

books B4.

T: Mrs. Robinson are going to buy these things. Guess
what she buy first, second… and their prices.

- Have Ss work in pairs to discuss about the answers.
- Give feedback.

1. stamps 700 d/each

2. envelopes 1.500 d/each
3. a writing pad 2.500 d/each
4. a pen 1.000 d/each
5. a phone card 30.000 d/each

<b>While listening 1. Checking.</b> T-Ss

- Get students listen to the tape twice and check their

- Give feedback.
<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

1. envelopes
2. a pen

3. a writing pad
4. stamps
5. a phone card

- Have Ss listen again and check their guess about
the price.

<i><b>* Answer keys.</b></i>

1. envelops 2.000 d/each
2. a pen 1.500 d/each
3. a writing pad 3.000 d/each

4. stamps 500 d/each

5. a phone card 50.000 d/each
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions.

<b>Questions:</b> T-Ss

1/ What is the total cost?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=176>

from 60.000 dong?
Answer keys:
1/ 59.000 dong
2/ 1.000 dong.

<b>Post listening Mapped dialogue.</b>


<b>Answer keys:</b>

S1: I’d like some envelopes and some postcards.
S2: Here you are. Is that all?

S1: I need to send this letter to the USA.
How much is it?

S2: It’s 9.500 dong.

S1: And I need a 30.000 dong phone card.
How much is that altogether?

S2: That’s 45.000 dong.
S1: Thank you.

S2: You’re welcome.

<b>Homework</b> - Complete the dialogue, B3, page 84.
- Answer the questions, B5, page 85.
- Prepare Unit 9, lesson 1.

<b>LanClerk</b>- … some envelopes and some
postcardHere … Is … all?- … send…letter…

USA. How much…?9.500 dong- …

30.000dong phone card.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=177>

<b>Period 50th<sub>, 51</sub>st<sub>, 52</sub>nd</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=178>

<b>Period 53rd</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=179>

<b>Period 54th</b>



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