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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Prepare: 16/08/08
Teacher: 18/08/08

<b>THEME1</b> <b>FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period 1:</b> <b> Starter</b>

<b>I. Aims and Objectives:</b>

Understanding the statements carefully then matching the questions wuth the
answers. Choose the answers the same as you do.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,materials
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>

a. What did you do last summer vacation?
b. did you get a lot of letters last summer?

c. where did you go last summer? and what did you buy?
d. did you visit your old friends last summer?

<b>2. New lesson</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- summer vacation: kỳ nghỉ hè

- used to + V(inf): thường (Qk)

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

Then T asks Ss to read the column A & B then matching
 <i>Answer keys:</i>

1e 2c 3d 4b 5a

T asks Ss to circle the answers: a,b,c,d
Finally T asks Ss to work in pairs
S1: asks, S2: answers

Change roles
<b>3. Production:</b>

T asks Ss to change information in these sentences
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary
- Do exercises again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

Teacher: 25/08/08

<b>THEME1</b> <b>FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period 2:</b> <b> Reading</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

<b> Answer the questions and choose the best answers.</b>

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to answer the questions and choose
the best answers.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,materials
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>

a. What do you want to become in your future?
b. Which university do you want to study?
<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>a. pre reading:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- University (n) trường đại học

- department store (n) cửa hàng bán quần áo

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

<b>b. While reading:</b>

Read the text carefully . Then answer the questions
T corrects

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. They needed new clothes for school.

2. The saleman helped them find the right size.
3. Because they were not expensive.

4. The saleman did.
<b>c. Post reading:</b>

Ss read the text again and choose the best answers.
* Answer keys: 1A 2A 3C 4B
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary
- Do exercises again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Prepare: 29/08/08
Teacher: 01/08/08

<b>THEME1</b> <b>FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period 3:</b> <b> Speaking</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Practice the dialogue with a partner, answer the questions.

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to practice the dialogue with a
partner, answer the questions.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>a. pre speaking:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- advice (n) lời khuyên
- salary (n) lương
- to accept : chấp nhận

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

<b>b. While speaking:</b>

T introduce the content of the dialogue between Nam & Nga. Then T asks Ss
to practice

Comprehension questions:

Ss answer the questions, T corrects
 <i>Answer keys:</i>

1. She has a chance to get another job and she doesn’t know what to

2. yes,she does

3. Nam’d like to try to get that new job if Lan decides not to take it.
<b>c. Post speaking:</b>

T asks Ss to work in pairs/Gropus to talk about their family.
Ss complete the open dialogue then practice.

<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary
-Practice the dialogue again
- Prepare: Listening

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Teacher:08 /09/08

<b>THEME1</b> <b>FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period 4:</b> <b> Listening</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Complete the sentences,listening to teacher’s reading and complete the
dialogue, answer the questions.


By the end of this period, Ss will be able to complete the dialogue with a
partner, answer the questions.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>a. Pre listening:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- to make up one’s mind : quyết định
- to decide : quyết định

- decision : sự quyết định.

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

T asks Ss to complete the sentence in the section “ Before you listen”

T corrects the mistakes.

T asks ss to guess the words to fill in the blanks.
<b>b. While listening:</b>

- T asks Ss to listen to teacher’s reading and check their guessing
- T corrects:

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. about 2.some 3.people 4. how 5.can 6.a 7.read
8.of 9. sometimes 10.listen 11. my 12.about

After listening T asks Ss to answer the questions
<b>c. Post listening:</b>

Ss translate this text into VNese.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Prepare: 13/09/08
Teacher: 15/09/08

<b>THEME1</b> <b>FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period 5:</b> <b> Project</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Check SS’ knowledge about tense, grammar, vovcabulary.

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to do exercises well.
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

Language record:

T asks Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable words. Then read the sentences
T asks Ss to supply the correct form of verbs in brakets

Then turn these sentences into negative and questions
1 visited

She didn’t visit………..
Did she visit………?
2. are playing

The children aren’t playing…….
Are the children playing…………..?
3. bought

Lan didn’t buy…….

Did Lan buy……….?
4. was written

This book wasn’t written……..
Was this book written…….?
5. have lived

The Browns haven’t lived in HN……
Have the Browns lived in HN……….?
<b>3. Homework:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

Teacher: 22/09/08

<b>THEME1</b> <b>FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period 6:</b> <b>Test yourself</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

- Review wish sentences- Correct the mistakes- Change into negative.

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to do exercises well.
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works, group works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: Jumbled words</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>A. Wish sentences:</b>

T asks Ss to write wish sentences
T corrects

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

a. I wish I had a bike b. I wish I understood this lesson
c. I wish I lived next to the school. d. I wish I sang well.

<b>B. Correct the mistakes:</b>
T asks Ss to correct

1. Nga used to go to the zoo when she was a child.
2. I wish I had a second Dream now.

3. What did you use to do when you were a baby?
4. My father went to HCM city last year.

<b>C. Matching</b>

T asks Ss to match, then T corrects

1b 2c 3d 4e 5f 6a

<b>D. Change into negative</b>

T asks Ss to change, T corrects

1. My father didn’t buy………..
2. We couldn’t drive………..

3. Last week, my father didn’t take me……….
4. Two years ago, I wasn’t a good student.
<b>3. Homework:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

Prepare: 27/09/08
Teacher: 29/09/08

<b>THEME2</b> <b>CLOTHING</b>

<b>Period 7:</b> <b> Starter</b>

<b>I. Aims :</b>

Understanding the statements carefully then matching column A with
column to make full sentences.

Choose the best answers then read loudly before class.
<b>II Objectives: </b>

<b>By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to match column A with column to</b>
make full sentences.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,materials
<b>IV. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>V. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>2. New lesson</b>

T asks ss to read these statements then match
 <i>Answer keys:</i>

1c 2e 3a 4b 5d

T asks Ss to circle the answers: a,b,c,d

Ss work individually. After share with your partner
* Answer keys:

1 was made 2.made 3. wearing 4.has been modernized 5. to wear
6. with 7.to be repaired 8.will be built

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

Teacher: 06/10/08

<b>THEME2</b> <b>CLOTHING</b>

<b>Period 8:</b> <b> Reading</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

<b> Read the text and choose the best answers.</b>

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to choose the best answers.
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- posters,materials
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>a. pre reading:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- otherwise (adv) theo cách khác,khác
- straight away : ngay lập tức

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

<b>b. While reading:</b>

Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.
T corrects

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. wearing 2.keen on 3.alike 4.each other 5. how poor they were

6.give up 7.wear 8.what 9.a uniform of their own 10. London
school 11. in die than 13.more 14.from 15.may 16.ought
<b>c. Post reading:</b>

Ss read the text again and answer the questions
* Answer keys:

1. Children always objected to wearing school uniform

2. They found that the boys and the girls were dressed in jeans
3. because people would see straight away how poor they were.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary
- Do exercises again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

Prepare: 11/10/08
Teacher: 13/10/08

<b>THEME2</b> <b>CLOTHING</b>

<b>Period 9:</b> <b> Speaking</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Put the interchanges in the box in oder to have a meaning conversation
Practice the dialogue


By the end of this period, Ss will be able to practice the dialogue with a
partner fluently and exactly.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>a. pre speaking:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- jumper (n) áo ngồi (chui đầu)
- to wap : gói,bọc

- fitting room : phòng thử quần áo

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

T asks Ss to read the dialogue. then fill in the blanks ưith suitable sentences,
Ss gues and fill in.

<b>b. While speaking:</b>

T asks Ss to read the dialogue. then fill in the blanks ưith suitable sentences,
Ss gues and fill in.

T corrects

 <i>Answer keys:</i>

1D 2A 3B 4C 5E

Then Ss practice dialogue
<b>c. Post speaking:</b>

T asks Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue,change the informations
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary
-Practice the dialogue again
- Prepare: Listening

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

Teacher: 20/10/08

<b>THEME2</b> <b>CLOTHING</b>

<b>Period 10:</b> <b> Listening</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Complete the sentences,listening to teacher’s reading and complete the
dialogue, answer the questions.


By the end of this period, Ss will be able to complete the dialogue, then

answer the questions.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>a. Pre listening:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

-equal (adj) cân bằng
- weathy (adj) giàu có
- to encourage : khuyến khích

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

T asks Ss to read the open dialogue

T asks ss to guess the words to fill in the blanks.
<b>b. While listening:</b>

- T asks Ss to listen to teacher’s reading and check their guessing
- T corrects:

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. encourage 2. in 3.lables 4.equal 5. weathy

6.under 7. to 8. primary
<b>c. Post listening:</b>

Ss translate this text into VNese.
Ss answer the questions

<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary
-Answer the questions again
- Prepare: Project

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

Prepare: 25/10/08
Teacher: 27/10/08

<b>THEME2</b> <b>CLOTHING</b>

<b>Period 11:</b> <b> Project</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Help Ss change the sentences keep the first meaningTurn into passive voice,
Correct the mistakes.


By the end of this period, Ss will be able to do exercises well.
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentences means </b>
<b>nearly exactly the same as the first one.</b>

Ss do exercises, T corrects

a. They startedlearning El ten years ago.
b. She has given up smoking for night.
c. I last wrote to you a month ago.
d. I haven’t seen her for 3 years.

e. My brother will give me a cat for my fifteen birthday.
<b>Turn into passive</b>

Ss do exercoses, T corrects

a. This shirt was made from Hong Kong.

Two department stores have been built in the neighborhood this year.

c. I was made to wash the clothes by my mother.

d. His homework has been done for hours but it hasn’t been finished by him

<b>Find and correct the mistakes</b>
Ss do exercises, T corrects

a. cry- cries b. getting- get c. are knocking- is knocking
Supply the correct form of verbs

Ss do exercises, T corrects

a. have worked b.washing c.didn’t invite d.does she have e.made
<b>3. Homework:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

Teacher: 03/11/08

<b>THEME2</b> <b>CLOTHING</b>

<b>Period 12:</b> <b>Test yourself</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

- Review the passive voice: the simple present tense,the perfect present
tense. And supply the correct form of verbs.


By the end of this period, Ss will be able to do exercises well.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works, group works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: Jumbled words</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>A. Choose and circle the correct answer:</b>
Ss do exercises, T corrects

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1.b has written 2. a loved 3. d overseas 4.a unique
T asks Ss to write wish sentences

T corrects

<b>B. Supply the corect form of verbs:</b>
Ss do exercises, T corrects

<i>* Answer keys:</i>
1. interested
2. play-doing
3. haven’t been
4. invitation

<b>C. Change into passive</b>

Ss work individually and change, T corrects

1. Some books were bought at the bookshop last summer.
2. Who was that report written yesterday by?

3. He hasn’t been seen for a long time
4. I am not seen at school today

<b>D. Answer the questions</b>
Ss do at home

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

Prepare: 08/11/08
Teacher: 10/11/08


<b>Period 13:</b> <b> Starter</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Help Ss understand about the environment and protect it

Reading the statements then matching the questions with the answers

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to match the questions with the
answers correctly.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works, groupwork.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>

a. Do you like protecting the environment?

b. can you tell me some ways to protect the environment?
c. Do you always plant trees?

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

T asks ss to read the statements in column A to match with the statements
with column B.

Then T corrects

 <i>Answer keys:</i>

1f 2c 3e 4a 5b 6d

Choose the best answer and circle

Ss work individually then share with your partner.
T corrects

* Answer keys:

1.will 2b.there will be 3.c so

4b.in case 5a. can 6a because

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

Teacher: 17/11/08


<b>Period 14:</b> <b> Reading</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

<b> Read the text and tick the best option to answer the questions.</b>

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to understand the content of the
text and choose the best answers.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,materials
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>
<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>a. pre reading:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- to reduce : làm giảm
- to recycle : tái chế
- fertilizer (n) phân bón
- compost (n) phân tổng hợp

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

* T/F statements:
T writes on the poster
Ss guess

<b>b. While reading:</b>

Read the text carefully and check their guessing.
T corrects

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1F 2F 3T 4F 5T

<b>c. Post reading:</b>

Ss read the text again and then tell the ways to protect the environment
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Do exercises again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

Prepare: 22/11/08
Teacher: 24/11/08


<b>Period 15:</b> <b> Listening</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Help Ss know the way to protect the environment.Listen and decide which
sentence is T/F.Listen and fill in the blanks.


By the end of this period, Ss will be able to know the way to protect the
environment.Listen and decide which sentence is T/F.Listen and fill in the

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: Before you listening</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>a. Pre listening:</b>
<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- figure (n)con số

- to dump : đổ thành đống
- poisonous (adj) độc hại
- pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm
- energy (n) năng lượng
- to conserve: giữ gìn,bảo tồn
- to estimate : ước lượng

T uses the teaching of teaching vocabulary to teach these words
T checks vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

* T/F statements:
T writes on the poster
Ss guess

<b>b. While listening:</b>

- T asks Ss to listen to teacher’s reading and check their guessing
- T corrects:

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1F 2T 3F 4T 5F

T asks Ss to listen to teacher’s reading then fill in the blanks.
T corrects

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

Ss translate this text into VNese.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary
-Answer the questions again
- Prepare: speaking

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

Prepare: 30/11/08
Teacher: 01/12/08


<b>Period 16:</b> <b> Speaking</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Help Ss match the sentences in column A with those in column B to make
full sentences of meaning. Practice dialogue then answer the questions.

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to practice the dialogue with a
partner, answer the questions. And match the sentences in column A with
those in column B to make full sentences of meaning.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: Brainstorm</b> go to the zoo

Listen to music read

Go fishing
<b>2.New lesson</b>
<b>a. pre speaking:</b>

T asks Ss to read these sentences in the columns then matching. Ss work in
pairs. Then answer before class. T corrects

* Answer keys: 1d 2g 3c 4b 5f 6e 7a
<b>b. While speaking:</b>

T introduce the content of the dialogue and ask some Ss to present before
class. Then T asks Ss to answer the questions.T corrects

 <i>Answer keys:</i>

1. They want to drive out to the airport.2. yes,she does
3. He thinks It’s leisurely and more restful

<b>c. Post speaking:</b>

T asks Ss to work in pairs to change informations in dialogue then practice
before class.

<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Learn by heart vocabulary -Practice the dialogue again - Prepare: Project
What do you do in your

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

Teacher: 08/12/08


<b>Period 17:</b> <b> Project</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

Fill in each blank by a suitable words.
Change the adjectives into adverbs

Supply the verbs in parentheses correctly.

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to Fill in each blank by a suitable
words.Change the adjectives into adverbs.Supply the verbs in parentheses

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>
- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: chatting</b>

<b>2.New lesson</b>

<b>A. T asks Ss to fill in the blanks by a suitable word</b>
Ss do exercises, T corrects

a. well b. because c. will have d. good at

<b>B. Change the adjectives into adverb then use the adverbs to complete</b>
<b>the sentences</b>

<b>Adjectives</b> <b>Adverbs</b>

Good well

Late late

Slow slowly

Careful carefully

a. carefully b. well c.late d. slowly

<b>C. Supply the correct form of verbs:</b>
Ss do exercises, T corrects

1. will take 2. talks 3. are 4.didn’t go 5. rains 6. smells
<b>3. Homework:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

Prepare: 13/12/08
Teacher: 15/12/08

<b>THEME 3</b> <b>CLOTHING</b>

<b>Period 18:</b> <b>Test yourself</b>

<b>I. Aims </b>

- Review the simple present tense. And answer the questions.

By the end of this period, Ss will be able to do exercises well.
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- posters,textbook
<b>III. Ways of working:</b>

- Individual work, pair works, group works.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Warmer: Jumbled words</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>A. Match:</b>

Ss do exercises, T corrects
<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1.d 2. e 3. a 4.c 5.b
<b>B. Answer the questions:</b>
Ss do exercises, T corrects

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. from factories,the chemicalindustry and heavy industry
2. in the lake

3. Yes,they do
4. into the air

5. take care of our environment for ourselves.

Then T asks Ss to read the text and translate into VNese.

Finally, t asks ss to write a short passage about what we should do to protect
our environment.



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