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Giao an TA 7 chuan

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<i> Date of preparing: 12/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 18/08/2009</i>
<b>Week 1</b>

<b>Period 1</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>

After the lesson, sts ‘ll be able to review what they have learnt in English six
<b>II. Language content</b>

- Vocab : Review
- Structures : Review
<b>III. Teachng aids</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, a mini test
<b>IV. Procedures</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- T : Ask sts some questions to make the lesson interesting
Do you have a good holiday?

What did you do?

Are you happpy to come back?
- Sts : Answer the questions

- T : Guide and ask sts to do a mini test
- Sts : pay attention to and prepare to do

<b>2. A mini test</b>

a. Tell the tenses you have learnt, give some examples for each type?
b. Write the WH-questions you have learnt?

c. Name the school subjects in English?

d. Tell me how to ask the time, way, distance...?
- Sts : Do the test in 20 minutes

<b>3. Review</b>

- T : Correct the test and review the previous knowledge for sts
Ex : a. Tenses:

Present simple tense Present continous tense
Structures: Stuctures :

<b>(+) S + V (s/es) ... (+) S + be + V-ing …</b>
<b>(- ) S + Don’t/Doesn’t + V-inf ... (-) S + be not + V-ing ...</b>
<b>(?) Do/Does + S + V-inf ...? (?) Be + S + V-ing ...?</b>
b. WH-questions:

<b>(What, Where, When, Who, How, Which) + be + S?/ + Aux + S + V?</b>
c. Shool subjects:

math, literature, history, geography, physic, chemistry, biology, technology, English,
physical education, civic education, music

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

What time is it?

It’s + number + o’clock.
It’s + hours + minutes.

It’s + minutes + past + hours.
It’s + minutes + to + hours.
d.2: Asking the way

Could you tell me the way to...?/ Can you tell me where...?

It’s + prep of places .../Go straight ahead and then turn right/left and...
D3. Asking the distance

How far is it from somewhere to somewhere?
It’s (about) + distances.

- Sts : Pay attention to and copy down
<b>4. Consolidaytion</b>

- T : Repeat the content of the lesson
- Sts : Take note

<b>5. Homework</b>

- T : Ask sts to learn by hearrt the lesson at home and prepare next lesson
- Sts : Write on the exercise notebook.

<b>6. Adjustment</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<i> Date of preparing: 12/08/2009</i>

<i> Date of teaching: 18/08/2009</i>
<b>Week 1</b>

<b>Period 2</b>


<b>I. Objectives</b>

After the lesson, sts ‘ll be able to review and open how to introduce themselves and
greet others

<b>II. Language content</b>
- Vocab : review
- Structures :

Nice to meet you/ nice to see you ...
<b>III. Teaching aids</b>

- Textbook, lesson plan, tape, cassete...
IV. Procedures

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Ask some questions

What did you do during your summer holiday?

What do you say to your friends when you first meet
after the summer vocation?

T – Whole class

<b>2. Pre</b>

- Introduce the situation part 1

- Review the structures used to greet and introduce
Nice to see you/again.

Nice to meet you, too.
So am I

- Read and ask sts to repeat

- Ask them to listen and find the anwser for the

- Read three times

- Call some G to present
- Give the correct answers:
a. Her name is Hoa
b. Class 7 A

c. Nam

- Introduce the situation part 2

Questions: How many school are there?
Which is bigger?

- Ask them to read and answer the questions



<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>3. While</b>

- Ask sts to read for main ideas & answer
- Call some G to give the answers

- Ask the others to comment
- Correct:

a. She is from Hue

b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt
c. No, she doesn’t have any friends in Ha Noi
d. Her new school is bigger than her old school
e. Because she misses her parents and her friends
- Ask sts to work in P-present the text

- Call some P to present

- Correct & evaluate fluency & acuracy
- Focus sts on : P. S.T.

comparative of adjectives
structure “be different from”



<b>4. Post</b>

- Ask sts to work in G: talk about their formal school
using the structures

It has...

It’s bigger/smaller...
- Call some G to present
- correct:

Ex: My old school doesn’t have many sts

My new school is bigger than my old school


<b>5. Consolidation</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
<b>6. Homework</b>

Ask st to learn the lesson at home and prepare next lesson

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<i> Date of preparing: 13/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 21/08/2009</i>
<b>Week 1</b>

<b>Period 3</b>


<b>I. Objectives</b>

After the lesson, sts ‘ll be able to review how to greet people, farmiliar with some
structures of communication

<b>II. Language content</b>

- Vocab : just fine, not bad, so am I
- Structures : How is everything?
<b>III. Teaching aids</b>

- Textbook, lesson plan, pictures...
IV. Procedures

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “lucky numbers” with
structures to greet and introduce people and how to

T. Whole class

<b>2. Pre</b>

- Introduce the situation part 3. Repeat how to greet
and reply

- Read and ask sts to repeat

- Aks sts to work in P: Read and present the text
- Introduce the situation part 4, 5

- Explai some new words and structures
just fine;

not bad;
pretty good;


- Ask sts to listen and do exercise


<b>3. While</b>

- Read part 4 three times

- Call some G to give the answers
- Ask them to check up for each other
- Correct:

a.how are you – Pretty good

how about you – not bad – me, too

b. how is everything – Ok – how are you today
just fine – not bad

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

- Read part 5 three times

- Call some G to give the answers
- Ask the others to comment
- Correct:

c , b , d ,a


<b>4. Post</b>


- Ask sts to work in P: Practice the conversation
- Call some P to present

- Correct

- Ask them to present with out using the text book
- Correct mistakes and pronunciation

- Guide them to play game “play with words” part 6

In chorus
<b>5. Consolidation</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson: Structures of English communication; how to do
listening comprehension exercise of gap-filling and pictures matching

<b>6. Homework</b>

Give exercise, ask them to do at home, learn by heart the lesson and prepare next


<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<i> Date of preparing: 15/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 25/08/2009</i>
<b>Week 2</b>

<b>Period 4</b>

<b>B1,2-Names and Address</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

After the lesson, sts ‘ll be able to ask and answer about personal information; review
“WH – questions”

<b>II. Language content</b>

- Vocab : who, talk, middle name, family name...
- Structures : What is Hoa’s middle/family name? – It’s ...
Who is Hoa talking to?

<b>III. Teaching aids</b>

- Textbook, lesson plan, extra board...
IV. Procedures

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Actvities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “lucky numbers”
- Lead them to the new lesson



- Introduce the situation page 15
- Give new words

family name:
middle name:
first name:

- Read and ask sts to repeat

- Teach and review “WH- questions”
Who is that?

Where does she live?
How old is she?

Who is Hoa talking to?
- Read and ask them to repeat

- Ask sts to work in P: Ask and answer using “WH –

- Call some P to present
- Comment and correct


In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Ask sts to work in P; Read and present the text
- Call some P to present

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation
- Ask them to answer the questions
- Give the correct answers:

a. She is talking to Miss Lien
b. it’s Pham

c. It’ Thi

d. 12 Tran Hung Dao street

- Ask them to practice using the above questions and

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation


<b>4.Production</b> - Ask sts to do exercise 2

- Call some G to give the answers
- Correct:

Who – Who – Which
Where – Where – How

- Ask them to work in P using the “ WH – questions”
about themselves

- Call some P to Present
- Correct:

Ex: Where do you live?
I live in Yen Khoung
How old are you?
I’m 14 years old



<b>5. Consolidation</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson: “WH – questions” of name, age, address
<b>6. Homework</b>

Give exercise, ask them to do at home, learn by heart the lesson and prepare next


<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<i> Date of preparing: 16/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 25/08/2009</i>
<b>Week 2</b>

<b>Period 5</b>

<b>B3,4,5-Names and Address</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

After the lesson, sts ‘ll be able to ask and answer about the distance between two
places. Ask how people go to school/work

<b>II. Language content</b>

- Vocab : how far, about, metters, kilometters...

- Structures : How far is it from somewhere to somewhere?
How do/does S V?

<b>III. Teaching aids</b>

- Textbook, lesson plan, paper...
IV. Procedures

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “complete the form part 3”
Home address:...



- Introduce the situation part 4,5
- Teach new words

how far:
post office:
movie theatre:
bus stop:

- Read and ask sts to repeat
- Introduce the structures:
How far is it from... to ...?
It’s about...meters/kilometers.
How do/does S V?

Ex: How far is it from your house to school?
It’s about 5 kilometers.

How do you go to school?
I go to school on foot.
- Ask sts to give examples

T.Whole class

In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Ask sts to work in P using the above questions
- Call some P to present

- correct

P1: How far is it from your house to the market?
It’s about 2 kilometers

P2: How do you go to school?
I go to school on foot.

- Ask sts to practice:Present the text
- Correct mistake and pronunciation




- Ask sts to practice using the above structures and the
following suggestions

a.Your house → school(3 kilometers/ foot)
b. Your house → bus stop(5 kilometers/bike)

- Call some p to present

- Correct

a. How far is it from your house to school?
It’s about 5 kilometers

How do you go there?
I go on foot.

b. How far is it from your house to the bus stop?
It’s about 10 kilometers

How do you go there?
I go by bike.



<b>5. Consolidation</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson: ask about distance and transportation
<b>6. Homework</b>

Ask sts to answer the following questions about themselves

1. What is your name? 4. How far is it from your house to school?

2. How old are you? 5. How do you go to school?

3.Where do you live? 6. Who do you live with?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<i> Date of preparing: 20/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 28/08/2009</i>
<b>Week 2</b>

<b>Period 6</b>

<b>B6,7-Names and Address</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

After the lesson, sts ‘ll be able to ask and answer about the distance through the
listening text

<b>II. Language content</b>
- Vocab : review
- Structures : review
<b>III. Teaching aids</b>

- Textbook, lesson plan, extra board...
<b>IV. Procedures</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Ask questions to review the previous lesson
How far is it from your house to school?
How do you get there?

Where do you live?

What is your middle name?


<b>2. pre</b>

- Introduce the situation part 6
- Give new words and places
Lan’s house:

Post office:

- Repeat the structures to ask and answer about the

How far is it from somewhere to somewhere?
It’s about + distance

- Ask sts to listen and write the distance

T.Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>


- Read the first time and ask sts to get the main idea
- Read the second time and ask them to do exercise
- Read the third time and ask sts to check up

- Call some G to give the answers
- Ask sts to check up for each other
- Give the correct answers

a. school to Lan’s house: 300 meters
b. Lan’s house to post office: 700 meters
c. school to movie theatre : 3 kilometers
d. movie theatre to post office : 2 kilometers




- Ask sts to work in P: Ask and answer using the
above distance

Ex: School to Lan’s house(300 meters)
How far is it from Lan’s house to school?
It’s about 300 meters

- Call some P to present

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation

- Guide and ask them to do exercise 7 using the
following questions:

What’s your name?
Where do you live?

How do you go to school?

How far is it from your house to school?



<b>5. Consolidation</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson: the structure of asking and answering about the
distance between two places

<b>6. Homework</b>

Ask sts to learn the lesson at home,prepare next lesson and do the following exercise:
Write 5 questions and answers of the places you know.


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<i> Date of preparing: 25/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 01/09/2009</i>
<b>Week 3</b>

<b>Period 7</b>

<b> A1,2 – Telephone numbers</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

After the lesson, sts ‘ll be able to use and identify the cardinals from zero to nine. Ask
and anounce the telephone numbers.

<b>II. Language content</b>
- Vocab: telephone number

- Structures: What’s your telephone number?
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, paper
IV. Procedures

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Ask sts to practice: Ask and answer about names,
address, and number

- Correct and lead sts to the new lesson

T. Whole class

<b>2. Pre</b>

- Introduce the situation page 19
- Ex plain new words

telephone directory: danh bạ điện thoại
code: khu vực

- Teach them how to read the telephone numbers:
Interrupting after code

Repeat or double + number for two close similar

Ex: 8 211 800(eight, two one one, eight oh oh or
eight, two double one, eight double oh.)

Some other different ways

- Ask them to work in P: Read the telephone



<b>3. While</b>

- Ask sts to read the telephone directory page 19
- Call some P to present

- Correct and them to read the telephone numbers of
six people page 20

- Call some G to present and ask them to check for
each other

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

- Correct:

a. 8 251 654
d. 8 351 793
b. 8 250 514
e. 8 237 014
c. 8 251 936
f. 7 821 652


<b>4. Post</b>

- Guide sts to play game “lucky numbers”:

Each number is one telephone number, there are 3
lucky numbers. Sts choose the number. T reads for
them to write. Who gives the correct anwser will get
1 mark. Who chooses the lucky number will get 1
mark without answering the question. To sum up,
which group get more marks than the other does will
be the winner.

1. 8 736 541 6. 9 612 393
2. lucky number 7. 9 763 523
3. 8 674 423 8. lucky number
4. 8 680 336 9. 7 749 553
5. lucky number 10. 7 421 135
- Comment

G.W(2 teams)

<b>5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson: read the telephone numbers; ask and answer the
telephone numbers.

<b>6. Homework: Ask sts to learn the lesson at home, prepare next lesson and do the </b>
exercise: Write and learn by heart the numbers from one to one hundred.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<i> Date of preparing: 30/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 01/09/2009</i>
<b>Week 3</b>

<b>Period 8</b>

<b> A3,4– Telephone numbers</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Continue to identify and announce the telephone numbers. Use some structures in the

<b>II. Language content</b>
- Vocab:

free, meet
- Structures:

Will you be free ...?
What time will it ...?
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, paper
<b>IV. Procedures</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “slap the board” G.W

<b>2. Pre</b>

<b>listening</b> - Introduce the situation part 3

- Teach sts how to ask & give the telephone numbers
What’s your telephone numbers? 8 262 019

- Ask some sts to practice & complete the list page

- Introduce the content of the part 4
- Give some new words & structures
free :(a)

Let’s meet at ... :
Don’t be late :


8 565

8 684 273

8 658 222
8 797

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

What time will it start?

Will you be free tomorrow morning?
- Read and ask them to repeat

- Ask them to listen and answer the questions

In chorus

<b>3. While</b>

- Read the first time for sts to listen

- Read the second time for them to answer
- Read the third time for them to complete
- Call some P to give the answers

- Correct:

a. Phong and Tam

b. They will see a movie
c. They will meet at 6.45

d. They will meet infront of the theatre



<b>4. Post</b>

- Ask sts to work in pairs: Retelling the content of
the text in a short word

- Call some P to present
- Ask the other to comment

- Comment and correct the mistakes


<b>5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson: How to ask and give the telephone numbers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<i> Date of preparing:30/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 04/09/2009</i>
<b>Week 3</b>

<b>Period 9</b>

<b> A5,6,7– Telephone numbers</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Ask and answer about the telephone numbers. Arrange a meeting with a friend, use the

<b>II. Language content</b>
- Vocab:

- Structures:

Where will we meet?
Let’s meet at + time.
<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, extra board
<b>IV. Procedures</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Ask sts to listen and write the answers part 5
- Call some P to give the answers

- Correct:

a. 8 545 545
b. A movie
c. Lan’s house
d. Bus


<b>2. Pre</b>

- Introduce the situation and the content of the text
- Teach new words and structures

at the moment:
sorry (a):

Who’s calling?
all right:

I’ll call again:

- Read and ask sts to repeat

-Ask them to read the text and then answer the

T.Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>3. While</b>

- Ask sts to read the text for main idea

- Move around to control the class and help sts
- Ask them to read for detail and answer

- Call some P to give the answers
- Correct:

a. Phong is calling
b. Han is

c. About Lan

d. At about six o’clock
e. After six



<b>4. Post</b>

- Ask sts to practice the text
- Call some P to present

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation. Ask them to
retell the content of the text in a short word

- Move around to control the class and help sts
- Call some G to present

- Correct:

- Guide sts to play game “play with worsd” part 7,
page 23

- Comment



<b>5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson: How to ask and give the telephone numbers; how to
arrange the meeting; the situations of answering the telephone

<b>6. Homework: Ask sts to learn the lesson at home, do exercise and prepare next lesson</b>

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 01/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 07/09/2009</i>
<b>Week 4</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<b> B1,2,3: My birthday</b>

<b>I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about dates of year, </b>

<b>II. Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary: - ordinal numbers: first 31st
- months: January December

- Structuresn:: When is your birthday? It/<sub>s on May 1</sub>st<sub> </sub>
What is the date of birth? It/<sub>s May 1</sub>st

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, paper ...
IV. Procedures:

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>


<b>3. Practice:</b>

<i><b>- Giude sts to play game “Bingo”</b></i>

first tenth

second sixth

<i><b>- Set the scene: Use bingo</b></i>
<i><b>- Pre teach:</b></i>

<i>a. Ordinal numbers:</i>
- eleventh = 11th
- twelfth = 12th
- twentieth = 20th
- thirtieth = 30th
- thirty first = 31st

* Check understanding: Rub out and remember
<i>b. Months of the year: use a calendar</i>

- January, February, ... , December

* Check understanding: Use cards to check ( match)
T1 March

T2 July

T3 February
... ...

<i><b>1. B2 (P24): - Sts listen and write the dates</b></i>

<i><b>2. B3(P24): - Sts do the exercise in group. Tick the </b></i>
right order

1- January 2- February 3- March ...
* Questions:

- When is your birthday, Nga?

- Individual

- listen and

- whole class
- whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>


It/<sub>s on November 10</sub>th

- When is Uncle Ho/<sub>s birthday?</sub>
It/<sub>s on May 19</sub>th

<i><b>1. Make a survey: </b></i>

Name birthday

1. Lan

July 15th

Ex: When is your birthday, Lan?
It/<sub>s on July 15</sub>th

<i><b>2. Questions:</b></i>

- Which months have 30 days?
28 / 29 days?
31 days?
- Ss read B9 to find the answers

- work in
group. Each
table is one

T - S

<b>5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
<b>6. Homework:</b>

Ask sts to learn the lesson at home, prepare next lesson and do the exercise:A1,- A5,
B4 in the text book





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<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 31/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 07/09/2009</i>
<b>Week 4</b>

<b>Period 11 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION</b>
<b> B4,5 – My birthday </b>

<b>I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to listen to the dialogue for </b>
factual information

<b>II. Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary: date of birth, worry, nervous, won/<sub>t</sub>

- Structures: Future simple tense

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, extra board
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

<b>2. Pre</b>

: * Slap the board

- T. reads:

Teach/<sub>s Day ; Christmas Day ; Women</sub>/<sub>s Day</sub>

The 1st day of the new school year ; New Year/<sub>s Day</sub>
Uncle Ho/<sub>s birthday;Children</sub>/<sub>s Day; Independence </sub>

<i><b>1. Set the scene: ( use picture on P25 )</b></i>
<i><b>2. Pre teach:</b></i>

- date of birth

- to worry


T.whole class

- whole class
May 6th

May 19th

March 8th

September 2nd <sub>November 20</sub>th

January 1st

December 25th January 1st

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<b>3. While</b>

<b>4. Post</b>

- nervous

- won/<sub>t = wil not</sub>

* Check understanding: Rub out and remember

<i><b>3. Open prediction: </b></i>

- Sts predict and fill in the registration about Hoa
( B5- P26 )

1. Sts listen to the tape and check their prediction
2. Comprehension questions: ( from a - e P25 )
* Answers:

a. Hoa is 13 years old

b. She will be 14 on on her next birthday
c. Her birthday is on June eight

d. Hoa lives with her uncle and aunt

e. Hoa is worried because she does not have any

- Ask Sts to write about themselves ( B4 from f-h )

<b>- Call some sts to present</b>
- Correct:

Ex: a. I’m 13 years old

b. I will be 14 on my next birthday
c. My birthday is on May ten
d. I live with my parents

<b> ...</b>

- work in

- whole class



<b>5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
<b>6. Homework:</b>

Ask sts to learn the lesson at home, prepare next lesson and do the exercise:B2,3,4 page
10,11,12 in the text book



<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>




<i> Date of preparing: 31/08/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 12 /09/2009</i>

<b>Week 6</b>

<b>Period 12 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION</b>
B6,7,8,9: My birthday
<b> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:</b>

- to read a paragraph and understand the details
- to write an invitation to a party

<b> II. Language content : </b>

- Vocabulary: to have a party, to invite, an invitation card, fun, to join
- Structures: simple future tense

<b> III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, papers...
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content </b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play games”Lucky numbers”:

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

1. What/<sub>s your family name?</sub>
2. How old are you?

3. LN

4. What/<sub>s your address?</sub>

5. What/<sub> s your telephone number?</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<b>2. Pre writing </b>

<b>3. While </b>
<b>writing </b>

<b>4. Post writing</b>

6. What/<sub>s your date of birth?</sub>
7. Who do you live with?

8. How old will you be on your next

9. LN


<i><b>1. Set the scene: ( use pictures on P26 )</b></i>
<i><b>2. Pre teach:</b></i>

- to have a party

- to invite ( sb + to-V / to some where )
- an invitation card = giấy mời

* Check understanding: Rub out and

* Reading the dialogue

<i><b>3. Comprehension questions:</b></i>
How old is Lan now?

How old will she be on her next birthday?
When is her birthday?

Where will the party be?
What/<sub>s her address?</sub>

How long will the party last?
- Give the feedback

<i><b>1. Filling: - Ss fill in the gap (P27)</b></i>

<i><b>2. Answer questions: - Ss answer B7 (P27) </b></i>

in full sentences, then join them to form a

Ex:" I/<sub>m ... . I</sub>/<sub>ll go to Lan</sub>/<sub>s birthday party. </sub>
... "

- Ask Sts to write an invitation (B8)
<b>- Ask them to dof ifteen minute test:</b>

1. Write an invitation to your birthday party
on Sunday evening at 8.00 at your house(10
- Nguyen Khuyen street )

- T.Whole class

- whole class
- pairs work

- pairs work
- group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<b> 5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
6. Homework:

Ask sts to learn the lesson at home, prepare next lesson and do the exercise: Write
an invitation to your birthday party on Saturday evening at 7.00 at Sao Mai hotel
(15-Le Loi street)





<i> Date of preparing: 3/09/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 15 /09/2009</i>
<b> Week 5</b>

<b> Period 13 Unit 3: At Home</b>
<b> A1,2 – What a lovely home!</b>

<b>I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to express feelings and </b>
familiarize with structure : What + N !

<b> II. Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary: lovely, bright, favorite, convenient, tub, shower, sink ...
- Structures: What + N ! It has ...

<b> III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, pictures ...
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

- Call 2 sts to read the invitation birthday
- Ask the others to comment

- Correct and give marks

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<b> 2. </b>
<b>Presentation </b>

<b> </b>
<b> 3.</b>
<b> Practice</b>

- Introduce the situation page 29

How many room are there in your house?
What are they?

What are there in each room?
- Teach new words:

awful (a) : khủng khiếp, tồi tệ
comfortable (a) : thoải mái, dễ chịu
amazing (a) : đáng ngạc nhiên
convenient (a) : thoải mái, tiện lợi
modern (a) : hiện đại

refrigerator (n) : tủ lạnh
- Read and ask sts to repeat
- Introduce the exclaimations
What + a/an + A + N !

Ex: what an awful day!
What a lovelyb home !

- Introduce the usages and them to give examples
- Read the text and ask them to repeat

- Ask sts to read the text
- Call some P to present

- Ask the to answer the questions
- Call some sts to give the answers
- Give feedback:

a. The living room

b. Because it is bright and it has nice colors: pink
and white

c. A sink, a tub and a shower.

d. A washing machine, a dryer, a refrigerator, a
dishwasher, and an electric stove.

- Ask them to do exercise 2

- Call some G to give the answers
- Correct

- Ask sts to work in G : Retell the content of the


T.Whole class

In chorus

In chorus


<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<b> 4. </b>

text in a short word

- Call some G to give the answers

- Correct

- Ask them to write an exclamations and the
complements using the suggestions

- Call some sts to write on the board
- Give the feedback


<b> 5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
6. Homework:

Ask sts to learn the lesson at home and prepare next lesson









<i> Date of preparing: 7/09/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 15 /09/2009</i>
<b> Week 5</b>

<b> Period 14 Unit 3: At Home</b>
<b> A3,4 – What a lovely home!</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

- Vocabulary: items in a room

- Structures: Is there a ...?/ Are there any ...? / What + N !
<b> III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, papers ...
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

<b> 2. </b>
<b>Presentation </b>

<b> </b>

- Check up the previous lesson by calling some sts
to do exercise on the board

- Ask the others to comment
- Correct and give marks

- Introduce the situation page 31
- Teach new words and structures:
what is in the picture?

There is a ...
There are some ...
Is there a ...?
Are there any ...?

Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t
Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t
- Read and ask them to repeat

- Guide sts to practice using the picture page 31 and
the above structures

- Give the feedback:

Is there a telephone? Yes, there is

Are there any flowers? Yes, there are some
Is there a stereo? No, there isn’t

- Ask sts to work in P using the above structures
and picture

- Call some P to present
- Ask the others to comment
- Give the correct answers

Ex: P1 Is there a window in the room?



In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<b> 3.</b>
<b> Practice</b>

<b> 4. </b>

Yes, there is
Where is it?

It’s behind the TV

P2 : Are there any books in the room?

Yes, there are.

Where are they?
They are on the shelf

- Giude sts to play game “play with words”

- Giude the to play game “lucky numbers” with the
information of exclamations, complement and
picture part 3

Ex: 1. Is there a stereo in the room?
2. Are there any flowers?

3. Lucky number

4. What a lovely home!
5. What a great party!
6. ...
7. ...
8. ...
9. ...
10. ...


G.W(2 teams)

<b> 5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
6. Homework:

Ask sts to learn the lesson at home and prepare next lesson







<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<i> Date of preparing: 8/09/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 18 /09/2009</i>
<b> Week 5</b>

<b> Period 15 Unit 3: At Home</b>

<b> B1 – Hoa’s Family</b>

<b>I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to ask and anwser about </b>
jobs; familiarize with vocab describing work on a farm such as : farm, countryside,
raise, cattle ...

<b> II. Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary: farm, countryside, raise, cattle, grow ...

- Structures: What + do/does + S + do?/ What + do/does + S + work?
<b> III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, extra board ...
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

<b> 2. </b>
<b>Presentation </b>

- Check up:

Question 1: Describe the items in the classroom and
the position

Question 2 : Write and read 5 exclamation senteces
- Comment and give marks

- Introduce the situation page 33

Who are in the picture?
What are they doing?
What are their jobs?
Where do they work?

- Read the text for them to listen
- Teach new words and structures:
farm (n) :

countryside (n) :
raise (v) :

raise cattle :
raise vegetables :
house work :

What + do/does + S + do?
S + be + a/an + name of jobs.



<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b> </b>
<b> 3.</b>
<b> Practice</b>

<b> 4. </b>

- Read and ask the to repeat
- Ask them to give the examples:
- Read the text for sts to listen again

- Ask sts to work in P : Read and present the text
- Ask them to answer the questions “now answer”
- Call some G to give the answers

- Give the feedback:
a. He is a farmer

b. He works on his farm
c. She is a house wife

d. She does the housework and helps on the farm
e. Yes, they are

f. She is 18

- Ask them to practise using the above questions
and answers

- Call some P to present

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation
- Guide sts to play game “networks”

- Ask them to use the above networks and
structures to practise

- Correct if necessary

In chorus

In chorus



<b> 5. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson : Ask and answer about jobs, the feature of the
work on a farm

6. Homework:

Ask sts to : write the new words of the lesson, learn by heart the text about Hoa’s
parents and prepare next lesson

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>







<i> Date of preparing: 10/09/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 22 /09/2009</i>
<b> Week 6</b>

<b> Period 16 Unit 3: </b>

<b>At home</b>

B2,3,4 – Hoa’s Family

<b> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read a text about Lan</b>/<sub>s </sub>
family to understand the details; describe work of some jobs like doctor, teacher,

<b> II. Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary:<i><b> </b></i><b> doctor, teacher, journalist, take care of ...</b>
- Structures: The simple present tense

<b> III. Teaching aids:</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, paper ...
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>: * Brainstorming:</b>

- What kinds of jobs do you know?
<i><b>A. Pre reading</b></i>:

1. True - false prediction:
a. Lan/<sub>s father is an engineer</sub>

b. Lan/<sub>s mother is a teacher at a primary school</sub>
c. Lan has a younger brother

d. Her brother is a journalist
<i><b>B. While reading</b></i>:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

<b>2. New lesson</b>

1. Read and check the prediction

2. Comprehension questions: B2a- P34
<i><b>C. Post reading</b></i>:

1. survey: ( real answer )

name members of family

father mother brother sister


of work age/job/place of age/job/place of age/job/place of


*B4: Listen:
<i><b>A. Pre listening</b></i>:

- Ask sts to read the cards carefully and guide
them how to listen

2. Pre teach:

- a high school: Ex: Huynh Thuc Khang high

- a junior high school: Ex: Dang Thai Mai junior
high school

- a magazine = Tạp chí
3. Open prediction:

name age job place of


<i><b>B. While listening</b></i>:

- Listen to the tape and check their prediction
- Filling in the cards

- Recall: ss use the grid to talk about Tom, Susan
and Bill

Whole class



Whole class

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

<b> </b>
<b> 3.</b>

<b> </b>

<b> 4.</b>

<b> Home work</b>

Ex: Tom is 26 years old. He/<sub>s a teacher. He </sub>
teaches at a high school.

<i><b>C. Post listening:</b></i>
- Write it up

Repeat the content of the lesson

Ask sts to do exercises in the work book








<i> Date of preparing: 10/09/2009</i>
<i> Date of teaching: 22 /09/2009</i>
<b> Week 6 </b>

<b> Period 17 Unit 3: </b>

<b>At home</b>

B5,6 – Hoa’s Family
<b> I. Objectives: </b>

Review the comparatives and superlatives through the conversation and a letter
<b> II. Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary<i><b>: </b></i>good, better, the best, expensive, more expensive, the most

- Structures<i><b>: </b></i><b> The simple present tense </b>

The comparatives and superlatives
<b> III. Teaching aids</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, pictures...
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

* Picture comparing:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>2. </b>



20.000 30.000 40.000
<i>Set the scene: use picture on P36</i>

Questions: - Who are they?

- What are they talking about?
<i>. Pre teach:</i>

- apartment (n) = flat (use picture)
- empty(adj) <i>><</i> full

- good - better - the best
- furnished(adj) = phù hợp

* check understanding: rubout and remember

Guiding questions:

- What does John want to find in HaNoi

- How many apartments are they talking about?
* Read the text and answer the guiding


* Comprehension question (P36)

2. Form of the superlatives and comparatives
a. Short adj:

+ y = i + er + y = iest
b. Long adj:

c. Irregular adj:

+ good better + good  the best
+ bad  <sub> worse + bad </sub> <sub> the worst</sub>
( B6)

* Make a competition to know which group is
the fastest

(4 groups)
* The key:

1. beautiful 4. small

2. expensive 5. big

T.Whole class

Whole class

Whole class

T.Whole class



adj - er than the + adj-est + (n)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>4. Production</b>

3. cheapest 6. best

- Ask sts to do the following exercises
1. Complete the sentences: ( use the correct
form of the adj ) in brackets

a. Children in primary school are (young) than
children in grade 7

b. Fruit is (good) than candy

c. Houses in the city are (expensive) than
houses in the country

d. Mai is the (good) student in my class
e. What is the (hot) month of the year?
2. Answer the questions:

a. What is the longest river in the world?
b. Who is the best student in your class?

c. Which country is larger? Canada or Russia?
d. Where is the coldest place in the world?
- Give the answers if necessary



5. Consolidation: Repeat the content of the lesson

6. Homework: Ask sts to do exer in the work book and prepare next lesson





<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>


* Questions:

- How many tenses of the verbs do you know?
- What are they called?

<b>- Review the basic knowledge from U1 to U3</b>
<i>1. The simple tense:</i>

- form?
- uses?

<i>2. Future simple tense:</i>
- form?

- uses?

<i>3. Ordinal numbers: </i>
- Revision

<i>4. Prepositions:</i>
- Revision

<i>5. Comparative and superlatives:</i>
- Revision

<i>6. Occupations: </i>
- Revision

<i>8. Question words:</i>

- Guide and ask sts to do exercises in the text book
- Call some sts to do on the board

- Correct:

<i>Ex1. a. is / lives/ are/ goes</i>
b. are / eat/ rides/ catch

<i>Ex2: He’ll do his homework but he won’t tidy the </i>

He’ll see a movie, but he won’t watch TV
He’ll write to his grandmother, but he won’t
meet Minh

<i>Ex4: a. It’s under the table</i>
b. It’s in front of the chair
c. It’s behind the TV

d. It’s next to the bookcase
e. It’s on the couch

<i>Ex5: a. A is a cheap toy; - And B is cheaper; - </i>
But C is the cheapest

b. A is an expensive dress; - And B is more
expensive;- But C is the most expensive

<i>Ex6: a. He is a fireman</i>
b. She is a doctor
c. She is a teacher

T.Whole class

T.Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<i>Date of preparing: 10/09/2009</i>

<i> Date of teaching: 25 /09/2009 </i>
<b> Week 6 </b>

<b> Period 18 Unit 3: </b>

<b>At home</b>

Language focus

<b> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to review the knowledge</b>
from U1 to U3: the simple tense , the prepositions

<b> II. Language focus : </b>
- Vocabulary<i><b>: </b></i>

- Structures<i><b>: </b></i><b> The present simple</b>
The simple future

<b> III. Teaching aids</b>

- Text book, lesson plan, exercise book, extra board ...
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

4. Consolidation:

Repeat the content of the lesson
5. Homework:

Ask sts to do exer in the work book again and prepare next lesson





<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<i>5 / 10 / 2008</i>

<b>Period 19: KiÓm tra 1 tiÕt </b>
<i><b>I. Choose the correct answer ( 2m ) :</b></i>

1. Lan lives ... Le Thanh Tong street .

a. with her family in twenty five b. with at her family at twenty five

c. with her family on twenty five d. with family at twenty five

2. How far is it ... , Chi ?

a. from your house to your school b. . from your house to a school

c. from your house to school. d. from my house to my school

3. I feel thirsty so I ... now .

a. have a drink b. am going to have a drink

c. will have a drink d. will have drink

4. Who are you talking ... ?

a. in the phone b. from the phone c. on the phone d. at the phone

5. That apartment is ... of the three

a. a cheapest b. the more cheap c. the cheapest d. the cheaper
<i><b>II. Fill in the gap a suitable word ( 2m )</b></i><b> :</b>

1. We are living ... fifty Le Loi street

2. Huong/<sub>s school is much ... beautiful than Lan</sub>/<sub>s</sub>

3. How ... is it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh ?
4. I will ... thirteen on 25th<sub> August</sub>

5. David/<sub>s birthday party will be ... his home</sub>

<i><b>III. Make question for these sentences ( 2m )</b></i>

1. Mary will be fourteen on 13th<sub> July ( when )</sub>

2. There are 4 rooms in our new apartment ( How many )
3. They are talking about their learning English ( What )
4. His father works in the hospital ( where )


<i><b>IV. Put the correct tense for the verbs in brackets</b></i><b> :</b>

1.Mr John ... (be) a journalist. He ... (not write) for Lao Dong newspaper
a. ... b. ...

2. Don/<sub>t worry about the exam next week. You ... ( pass) </sub>

a. ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

a. ... b. ...
4. My friend can ... (speak) English very well.

<i><b>V. Rewrite the sentences (2m) :</b></i>

1. There will be a new school in our street next year

Our ...
2. An/<sub>s house is cheaper than Nga</sub>/<sub>s house</sub>

Nga/<sub>s house ...</sub>

3. Nobody in our class is better in English than Hoa

Hoa ...
4. Mr Bill will fly to Viet Nam next week

Mr John ...
<b>§Ị 2: </b>

<b>I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng: ( 2 điểm )</b>
1. Her new house is ... her old one

A. biger than B. as bigger than C. bigger than D. biggest
2. ... ? She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street.

A. Where does she live? B. Where she lives?
C. Where do she live? D. Where does she lives?
3. Is there a picture on the wall? ...

A. Yes, there be B. Yes, there is not C. Yes, there is D. No, there is
4. What does your father do? ...

A. He/<sub>s farmer B. He</sub>/<sub>s a farmer C. He does as a farmer D. He</sub>/<sub>s an </sub>


5. He works ... a hospital. He take care ... sick people
A. in - for B. in - of C. at - for D. for of
<b>II. Hãy để dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc: ( 2 điểm )</b>

1. He (walk) to school every day. ...
2. The weather (be) very hot tomorrow in Vinh ? ...
3. What your sister (do) now? - She (cook) dinner in the kitchen.
a. ... b. ...
4. My friend can (speak) English very well. ...

<b>III.. Sử dụng dạng tính từ so sánh của từ in nghiêng để hồn thành câu: (2điểm)</b>
1. <i><b>big</b></i> His house is ... in Vinh city

2. <i><b>warm</b></i> It/<sub>s ... today ... yesterday</sub>

3. <i><b>expensive</b></i> Is this dress ... ?

4<i><b>. good</b></i> Lan is ... student in our class .
5. <i><b>difficult </b></i> English is ... history
<b>IV. Đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân: (2điểm)</b>

1. She is a teacher

1. ...
2. There are four bedroom in my house.

2. ...
3. My mother works in hospital

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

4. I will be fourteen next birthday

4. ...

<b>V. Sắp xếp các từ xáo trộn sau thành câu đúng: (2 điểm</b>)
1. live / parents / I / my / with

2. on / work / does / the / a farm / country side / in / he ?
3. is / house / at 24 / street / Quang Trung / my .


<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

6<i> / 10 / 2008</i>

<b>TiÕt 20: Chữa bài</b>

<b>Đề 1:</b>

<i><b>I. Choose the correct answer ( 2m ):</b></i>
<i><b>1. D </b></i> <i><b>3. B 5.C</b></i>

<i><b>2. A</b></i> <i><b>4. C</b></i>

<i><b>II. Fill in the gap a suitable word ( 2m )</b></i>
<i><b>1. at</b></i> <i><b>2. more</b></i>

<i><b>3. for</b></i> <i><b>4. be</b></i>
<i><b>5. at</b></i>

<i><b>III. Make question for these sentences ( 2m )</b></i>
<i><b>1, When will Mary ba fourteen?</b></i>

<i><b>2, How many rooms are there in our new apartment?</b></i>
<i><b>3, What are they talking about?</b></i>

<i><b>4, Where does his father work?</b></i>

<i><b>IV. Put the correct tense for the verbs in brackets</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>
<i><b>1. is- doesn't 2. will pass</b></i>
<i><b>3. is- doing/ is cooking 4. speak.</b></i>
<i><b>V. Rewrite the sentences (2m)</b></i>

<i><b>1. Our street will have a new school next year.</b></i>
<i><b>2. Nga's house is more expensive than An's house</b></i>
<i><b>3. Hoa is the best in English in our class.</b></i>

<i><b>4.Bill will go to Vietnam by plane next week</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b>Đề 2:</b></i>

<b>I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng: ( 2 điểm )</b>

1C 2A 3C 4B 5B

<b>II. Hãy để dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc: ( 2 điểm )</b>
1. walks 2. will be
3. is...doing, is doing 4. speak

<b>III.. Sử dụng dạng tính từ so sánh của từ in nghiêng để hoàn thành câu: (2điểm)</b>
1. the biggest 2. warmer/than

3. the most expemsive 4. the best
5. more difficult

IV. Đặt câu hỏi cho<b> từ gạch chân: (2®iĨm)</b>
1. What is she?/ What does she do?

2. How many bedrooms are there in my house?
3. Where does your mother work?

4. How old will you be next birthday?

<b>V. Sắp xếp các từ xáo trộn sau thành câu đúng: (2 điểm ) </b>
1. I live with my parents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<i> Date of preparing: 21/12/2009</i>
<b>Week : 21</b>

<b>Period: 58</b>

<i><b> </b></i><b>Unit 9: AT HOME AND AWAY</b>
<b> Lesson 5 : B.1,2 </b>

<b> I . Objectives :</b>

Continue to practice the past simple tense; review the exclamation with the structure
What + N !

<b> II . Language content : </b>

Vocab: hair dresser, material, neighbor

<b> III . Teaching aids : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities </b>
<b>Warm up</b>

<b>Presentation </b>

<b>Practice </b>


<b> - Kim’s game:</b>

different, uncle, aunt, dress, buy, clever,

- Set the scene:

- Pre. teach: vocabulary

hair dresser (n) thợ cắt tóc nữ
material (n) vải

neighbor (n) người láng giềng
- True-False Prediction :

a. Hoa’s uncle cut her hair.
b. Hoa’s aunt is a dressmaker.
c. Hoa bought the dress.

d. Mrs Mai made the dress for Hoa.
- Rub Out and Remember

- Elicit – Model sentences

- Answer the Questions (P.93)

a. Hoa’s aunt is a

b. Mrs Mai is a

- Answer (B2 - P.93) a. No, she didn’t.
b. No, she didn’t.

c. Yes, she did.
- Word Cue Drill: a. Hoa/ buy/ dress? No

b. Her aunt/ make/ her dress?

c. (Did)/ her aunt/ cut/ hair?

- Find someone who:

Did you …. ? Name
… go to the movie last


… play games.
… see sharks.
… do homework.







Where did you buy it?

Did you buy it? Yes/ No.
I didn’t buy it.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>



<i> Date of preparing: 23/12/2009</i>
<b> Week : 21</b>

<b> Period: 59</b>

<i><b> </b></i><b>Unit 9: AT HOME AND AWAY</b>
<b> Lesson 6 : B.3,4 </b>

<b> I . Objectives</b>

Continue to practice the past simple tense with the new theme of “ neighbor’
<b> II . Language content : </b>

<i> Vocabulary: useful, cushion, to sew , to try sth on , to decide , to fit </i>
<i> Structures:</i>

<b> III . Teaching aids : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.</b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>


<b> Jumbled words:</b>

<b> ressd – dress, bghtou – bought, terialma –</b>
material, lowerfs - flowers

- Introduction: “ How is sewing? Is it useful?
Hoa thought sewing was a useful hobby. So
she decided to learn how to sew”

- Pre Teach: Vocab

to sew

<b> </b>G.W

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

<b>reading </b>

<b>Post reading </b>

to try sth on
to decide

to fit
- Ordering Prediction:

a. Hoa made a skirt .

b. Hoa bought some material.

c. She thought sewing was a useful hobby.
d. The skirt was green with white flowers on

e. She decided to learn how to sew.
f. Hoa tried the skirt on but it didn’t fit.

- Read the text

- Correct their prediction

- Comprehension Questions: (P. 93)
Answer Key:

a/ She learned how to use a sewing machine.
b/ She made a cushion for her armchair first.
c/ It was blue and white.

d/ Next, She made a skirt.

e/ It was green with white flowers on it.
f/ It looked very pretty.

g/ She tried it on but it didn’t fit.
h/ Hoa’s neighbor helped her.
i/ Finally, it fitted very well.

- Elicit – the regular verbs in the simple past:
Ex: Hoa watched Mrs Mai …


- Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past
tense: P.94

Answer key: watched/ bought/ cut/ used/
decided, was/ made, was, wasn’t/ hepled, fitted
- Learn vocabulary (P.94) by heart




<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>Home Work </b> Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home, do
exercise and prepare next lesson

T.Whole class



<i> Date of preparing: 24/12/2009</i>
<b> Week : 21</b>

<b> Period: 60</b>

<b>Language Focus 3</b>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b> I . Objectives</b>

Review and consolidate the past simple tense proficently; improve the skill of doing
exercise at the class and at home

<b> II . Language content : </b>

- Talking about prices with “How much …?”
- Writing the locations.

- Talking about distances.
- The Simple Past tense.
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

- Lesson plan, text book, poster, pictures, handouts.
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b> Warm up</b>

Noughts and Crosses:
violet dress

35.000 dong

blue hat
15.000 dong

green shirt

20.000 dong
red shirt

22.000 dong

green dress
30.000 dong

yellow hat
12.000 dong
English book

10.800 dong

this ruler
1.000 dong

6.000 dong
- Example Exchange:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b> </b>

<b> Practice</b>

S1: How much is the green dress?
S2: It’s 30.000 dong.

<b>- Repeat the content and the basis knowledge of</b>

the lesson 9

- Guide and ask them to do exercise in the text

- Do a model

- Correct if necessary

<b>2 . Look at the map, wrtie the location of</b>
<b>each store: (2a P.96)</b>

- The restaurant is on Hue street.
- It’s on the right of the bookstore.
- The bookstore is on Hue street.

- It’s between the restaurant and the mini-mart.
- The library is on Tay Ho street.

- It’s opposite the haidresser’s.

3 . Look at the table. Ask and answer the
<b>questions with a partner:(2b P.96) </b>

<b>From</b> <b>To</b> <b>Meter</b>

- shoe store
- clothing

- restaurant
- minimart
- library


shoe store

<b> - Example Exchange:</b>

<b> S1: How far is it from the shoe store to</b>
the minimart?

S2: It’s 500 meters

<b>4 .Write the past form of the verbs in the</b>
<b>table:( 3a)</b>

Verb Past form




<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>


<b>5. Complete the sentences. Use the worbs in</b>
<b>the box:( 3b) play send buy talk work</b>
I played volleyball last week.

Yesterday, I …to my grandfather.

Last December, Mom … me a new bike.
Dad … in Hue a few years ago.

I … a letter to my penpal last month.

<b>6. Look at Nga’s diary and Complete the</b>

- Nga: Everyday, I clean my room, … and …
- Minh: What did you do yesterday?

- Nga: I …, …, …, and …
- Minh: How about tomorrow?
- Nga: I …, …, …, and …

clean room
help mom
study English
watch tv

play volleyball
stay at hoa’s

Monday TODAY
clean room

help mom
study English

study English
clean room
help mom
see a movie

buy new shoes
<b>7. Write new sentences:</b>

Before: Now:

Before there were 2 eggs. Now there are more

Before there was 1 litter of milk.Now there is
less milk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

<b>practice</b> exercise book

- Correct if necessary

<b>Consolidation</b> Repeat the content of the lesson: Review the
simple past tense; structures with:

How much …?
How far …?


<b>Homework</b> Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home, do
exercise and prepare next lesson





<i> Date of preparing: 25/12/2009</i>
<b> Week : 22</b>

<b> Period: 61</b>

<i><b> Unit:10 HEALTH AND HYGIENE</b></i>
<b> Lesson 1 : A1,2 </b>

<b> I . Objectives</b>

Continue the P.S.T and Past simple tense; familiarize the the structures, words,
phrases of personal hygiene

<b> II . Language content</b>

<i>Vocabulary: harvest time, to take care of, hygiene, to iron , to wash the clothes, </i>
(to) be bad for + N , to stay up late

<i>Structures: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>
<b>Warm up</b>


<b> While </b>

<b> Post reading</b>

<b> ( Job guess)</b>

* She works in a hospital.
. She makes sick people well.
. What is her job?

* He lives in the countryside.
. He grows vegetables.

. What is his job?
- Pre Teach:

harvest time mùa gặt
to take care of chăm sóc
hygiene(n) vệ sinh
to iron ủi quần áo
to wash the clothes giặt quần áo
(to) be bad for + N có hại cho
to stay up late thức khuya
- Rub Out and Remember:

- Open Prediction:

. Why are Hoa’s parents busy?

. Who helps them on the farm.
. When will they go to Ha Noi?
. How is Hoa different now?

. What does Hoa’s mother want her to do?
<b> - Read the letter( P.99)</b>

- Correct the answer (Answer Key):
a/ Beacause it is almost harvest time.

b/ Hoa’s grandfather helps them on the farm.
c/ They will (hope to) go to Ha Noi soon, after
the harvest.

d/ Now Hoa is different. She gets up early and
does morning exercises everyday.

e/ Hoa’s mother wants her to: do her own
washing and ironing. Hoa’s mother doesn’t
want her to: eat to much candy, stay up late.
<b> * Write-it-up</b>

Write about what your mother wants you to do
and what she wants you not to do. Begin with:
My mother wants me to get up early. She …

G .W

T.Whole class




<b>Consolidation</b> <b><sub>Repeat the content of the lesson</sub></b> <sub>T.Whole class</sub>

<b>Homework</b> <sub>- Read the letter again.</sub>

- Do exercise A4 (P.102)
- See the irregular verbs:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>


<i><b> </b></i>

<i> Date of preparing: 27/12/2009</i>
<b> Week : 22</b>

<b> Period: 62</b>

<i><b> Unit10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE</b></i>

<b> A3,4</b>

<b> I . Objectives</b>

Sts will be able to talk and write what they do every day, review the theme of personal

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: Routines to talk about habitual actions </i>
<i> Structures: Review the usage of some tenses</i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, hand out.
<b> IV. Procedures</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm Up</b>

<b> (Matching)</b>

- to get up
- to brush teeth

- to eat breakfast
- to do homework
- to go to bed

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b> </b>


<b> </b>

<b> </b>


- to take a shower

- Introduce the situation part 3
- Vocabulary:

- Check up:

- Read Nam’s diary (P.101)

- Practise asking and answering about Nam’s
habitual actions based on example exchange:
. What time does Nam get up?

. He get up at 6.30

. What does Nam do at …?
. etc …

* Exercise

- Complete a diary entry like Nam’s:
- Practice: Example exchange:

S1: What do you do everyday?
S2: I get up, brush teeth, …
S1: What time do you get up?
S2: I get up at …

- Complete Hoa’s rely to her mother with
suitable verds (P.102)

- Correct if necessary

T.Whole class




<b>Consolidation</b> <sub>Repeat the content of the lesson</sub> <sub>T.Whole class</sub>

<b>Homework</b> - Learn new words by heart<sub>-Write 5 sentences about what you do</sub>
everyday. Begin with: Every morning, I get
up at 6 o’ clock. Then I …, …



<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 27/12/2009</i>
<b> Week : 22</b>

<b> Period: 63</b>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b> B1. A bad toothache</b>
<b>I . Objectives</b>

Familiarize with the way of asking and answering about toothache
<b>II . Language content : </b>

<i>Vocabulary:fill cavity, fix one’s tooth, scared, hurt ...</i>
<i>Structures: What’s ……?</i>

<b>III . Teaching aids :</b>

Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up </b>

- Jumbled words: toothae – toothache, haet –
hate, dentsit – dentist, flee – feel, wrryo – worry,

- Pre Teach: appointment (n) cuộc hẹn


<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b> Practice </b>


scared (a) sợ

drill (n) cái khoan
to fill trám

cavity (n) lỗ sâu răng
afterwards sau đó
to hurt làm đau
to hate

- Rub Out and Remember:
- T / F Prediction:

a. Minh has a toothache.

b. Hoa never goes to the dentist.
c. Minh likes to go to the dentist .
d. The dentist is kind.

e. Hoa’s tooth still hurts her.

f. Minh is not scared after talking with Hoa.
- Read the dialogue B 1 - P.103

- Check Ss’ prediction

- Correct the answer (Answer Key):
a. Minh has a toothache.

b. No, He doesn’t. Because He hate the sound of
the drill.

c. Because He had a toothache.
d. She filled the cavity in her teeth.
e. Because her tooth had a small cavity.
f. student’s answer

- Ask sts to make a similar text and present
- Correct if necessary





<b>Consolidation</b> <sub>Repeat the content of the lesson</sub> <sub>T.Whole </sub>


<b>Homework</b> <sub>Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,</sub>

doexercise and prepare next lesson



<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<i> Date of preparing: 07/1/2009</i>
<b> Week : 23</b>

<b> Period: 64</b>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b> B2,3. A bad toothache</b>
<b>I . Objectives</b>

Sts understand more about the personal hygiene.

<b>II . Language content : </b>

<i>Vocabulary:look after, good advice, scared, fill a cavity ...</i>
<i>Structures: </i>

<b>III . Teaching aids : </b>

Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activity</b>

<b> Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “Hang man”
- Comment


<b> Presentation</b>

- Introduce the situation part 2
- New words:

fill a cavity:


* Check up: Rub out and remember

- Ask sts to listen and answer the questions
- Correct if necessary;

Ex: a. Dr. Lai is a dentist

T.Whole class
In chorus


<b> Practice</b>

- Introduce the situation part 3
- Give some more new words
- Ask sts to listen and repeat

- Ask the to listen again and complete the story
- Call some sts to write on the board

- Correct:

nervous brush
smiles pleased

T.Whole class
In chorus

- Ask sts to retell the content of the text part 3
in a short word

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

<b> Production</b>

- Call some sts to present
- Correct

- Guide them to play game: “What and where”

- Comment


<b>Consolidation</b> <sub>- Repeat the content of the lesson</sub> <sub>T.Whole class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,

do exercise and prepare next lesson

T.Whole class
Adjustment:... ....


<i> Date of preparing: 08/1/2009</i>
<b> Week : 23</b>

<b> Period: 65</b>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b> B4,5. A bad toothache</b>
<b>I . Objectives</b>

Continue the theme of toothache, a situation between the doctors and patients
<b>II . Language content : </b>

<i>Vocabulary:nervous, serious …</i>
<i>Structures: </i>

<b>III . Teaching aids : </b>

Lesson plan, text book, poster, extra board.
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b> Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “Find someone who”
- Comment


- Introduce the situation part 4 T.Whole class

matter appointmen<sub>tt</sub>

scared toothache

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

<b> Presentation</b>

- New words:

* Check up:

- Guide sts to practice by a model example
- Call some P to present

- Correct

Ex: b. Minh is nervous. Why?

Because he’s seeing the dentist
c. The cavity is not serious. Why?
Because, it’s small.

In chorus


<b> Practice</b>

- Introduce the situation part 5

- Ask sts to write about the action of protecting
personal hygiene

- Call some sts to write on the board
- Correct if necessary

Ex: Do: Use a tube of toothbrush
See a dentist

Don’t: Eat sweets

Forget to brush teeth

T.Whole class



- Guide sts to play game “play with words” part
6 page 106

- Comment

- Ask them to talk and write more information
about keeping our teeth healthy

- Call some sts to write the answers on the board
- Correct if necessary

Ex: Brush teeth regularly
Don’t use an old toothbrush
Use a good toothbrush

Don’t eat much candy or cake

Go to the dentist when having a toothache


<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

Adjustment:... ....

<i> Date of preparing: 09/1/2009</i>

<b> Week : 23</b>
<b> Period: 66</b>

<b>Unit:11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY</b>
<b> A1: Check up</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Familiarize with the theme of health; structure “Would you + Vinf …?”
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: check up, medical records, measure …</i>
<i> Structures: “Would you + V</i>inf …?”

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b> Warm up </b>

<b> Pre.reading </b>

Dictation: mouth, stand, meter, doctor,
waiting room

- Introduction:( guiding questions)
Who are they? Where are they?
What do you think they are doing?
- Pre Teach: temperature( n ) nhiệt độ

nomal ( a ) bình thường
height ( n ) chiều cao
to measure đo

to weigh cân
scales ( n ) cái cân
* Check up: Slap the board:


In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

<b> While </b>
<b>reading </b>

<b>Post reading </b>

- Number the sentences: A1 – P.108

<b> - Read the dialogue: A1 – P.107</b>

- Correct the number of the sentences:
Answer Key:

a) 6 , b) 8 , c) 3 , d) 2 , e) 5 , f) 1 , g) 4 , h) 7
Elicit – The suggestions:

- Word Cue Drill: 1. stand/ here
2. get/ skales

3. come/ at seven o’clock



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole

<b>Home Work </b>

- Learn vocabulary by heart
- Read the dialogue( P.107 ) again
- List the verbs in the simple past tense




<i> Date of preparing: 10/1/2009</i>
<b> Week : 24</b>

<b> Period: 67</b>

<b>Unit:11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY</b>
<b> A2: Check up</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue to practice the theme of health
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: </i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b> Warm up</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board and the
others do on the papers

- Ask the others to comment
- Comment and give marks


<b> </b>
<b> Pre</b>
<b> listening</b>

- Introduce the situation part 2
- Questions;

Who are in the pictures?
What is Hoa doing?

- Teach new words and structures:
<i>How + tall/heavy + to be + S?</i>
- Example:

How tall are you?

- Ask sts to listen and fill the missing words
in the gaps

T.Whole class


<b> While</b>
<b> listening</b>

- Let sts listen to the tape 3 times to do and
check up the answers

- Call some sts to give the answers
- Correct if necessary

ask metter 45 centimetters
how will

your nurse
50 height
shorter think
me no
tall form


<b> Post</b>
<b> listening</b>

- Ask sts to close the book and answer the
questions about Hoa

Ex: Questions
How old is Hoa?

How tall is she when the nurse measure her?
Does she think she is taller?

How tall is she?

- Call some sts to give the answers
- Correct if necessary


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole class
<b>Home work</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<i> Date of preparing: 12/1/2009</i>
<b> Week : 24</b>

<b> Period: 68</b>

<b>Unit:11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY</b>
<b> A3: Check up</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the theme of health through completing the conversation
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: forenames, surename, male, female ... </i>

<i> Structures: How tall/heavy + be + S ?</i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b> Warm up</b>

- Ask questions to review the previous lesson
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks


<b> Presentation</b>

- Introduce the situation part 3
* Vocabulary:


* Check up : “ What and Where”
* Structures:

What is his weight?
How heavy is he?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

How tall is he?

- Guide sts to practice using the above

questions and information in column A and B


<b> Practice</b>

- Ask sts to work in P and fill in the missing

- Call some P to present
- Correct:

Ex: Which school does he go to?
He goes to Nguyen Du school.
What is his weight?

He is 41 kilos.

Which class is he in?
He is in class 7A.
Where does he live?

He lives at 66 Ham Long street.


<b> Production</b>

- Ask them to work in P using the above
questions about themselves

- Call some P to present
- Correct if necessary
Ex: What is your height?
I’m 1,60 meter.

- Guide sts to play game “Rub out and

- Comment



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,
do exercises in the exercise book and prepare
next lesson.




forenames <sub>surename</sub>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 14/1/2009</i>
<b> Week : 24</b>

<b> Period: 69</b>

<b>Unit:11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY</b>
<b>B1,2,3: What was wrong with you?</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the theme of health;familiarize with the structures, question words;

ask and answer about state of health.

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: flu, headache, sickness, stomachache ... </i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b> Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “networks”
- Comment


<b> Presentation</b>

- Introduce the situation part 1

- Guide sts to play game “find someone
who” ...

was absent from class for ...
* Vocabulary:

due to:
account for:

* Check up : “What and where”


In chorus

<b> Practice</b>

- Read the text twice
- Guide sts to play role
- Call some P to present

- Ask them to listen again and answer the

- Correct:

a. Because she had a flu.

b. She had a bad cold and a headache, too.

- Ask them to do exercise 2

- Call some sts to do on the board
- Correct if necessary


<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b> Production</b>

- Ask them to listen and do exercise 3
- Ask them to listen again and check up
- Call some sts to write on the board
- Correct:

Days lost through sickness in class 7A last

Cold Flu Stomachahce Headache Toothache

40 43 37 5 17

Total days lost: 112

- Ask sts to retell the content of the text 1 in a
short word

- Correct if necessary


In dividual
<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole

<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,

do exercise and prepare next lesson


<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 16/1/2009</i>
<b> Week : 25</b>

<b>Period: 70</b>

<b>Unit:11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEATHY</b>
<b>B4,5: What was wrong with you?</b>
<b> </b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Sts are provided with some vocab of a specific desease: common cold, symptom,
runny nose ...

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: common cold, sneeezing, cure, fever ... </i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

<b> Warm up </b>

<b> </b>

<b> Pre</b>
<b>reading </b>

<b> While </b>
<b>reading </b>

<b> Post</b>
<b> reading </b>

- Write the name of sickness: cold, flu, …
- Introduction:

* Vocabulary

disease : (n) bệnh tật
to cough : ho

to catch : mắc bệnh
to sneeze : nhảy mũi
symptom:(n) triệu
unpleasant # pleasant

runny nose: (n) sổ mũi nước
cure :(n) sự chửa trị

slight:(a) nhỏ nhẹ

medicine : (n) y khoa, thuốc
slight fever: (n) sốt nhẹ
to relieve : làm giảm

* Check up : “Rub Out and Remember”
- Brainstorm:

a. Why do we call the cold “common”?

b.What are the symptoms of the common cold ?
c. Is there a cure for the common cold?

d. Do cold cures work? What do they do?
e. How can you help prevent a cold?

- Read the passage B4 – P.112

- Comprehension Questions:
Answer Key:

a/ Because every year millions of people catch it
b/ They are: a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing,
an sneezing.

c/ No, there is no cure for the common cold.
d/ No, these medicines don’t cure a cold, but they
relieve the symptoms.

e/ We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing
exercise, keeping fit and staying healthy.

Practise asking and answering the questions, using
cues words:

a. Have/ a cold

b. What/ the symptoms?
c. There/ a cure/ for/ cold?


In chorus



<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

d. How/ you/ help/ prevent/ a cold?

<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole
<b>Homework </b> - Learn vocabulery by heart.

- Practise the passage again.

<b> </b>

<i> Date of preparing: 16/1/2009</i>
<b> Week 25</b>

<b> Period :71</b>

<b>45 MINUTE TEST </b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Sts will be express their knowledge and ability to learn English by doing the test well
<b>II. Themes/Topics:</b>

<b>III. Matrix (ma trận)</b>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>



<b>Reading</b> <b>5<sub> 2,5</sub></b> <b>5<sub> 2,5</sub></b>

<b>Language focus</b> <b>8<sub> 2</sub></b> <b>5<sub> 2,5</sub></b> <b>13<sub> 4,5</sub></b>

<b>Writing</b> <b>3<sub> 3</sub></b> <b>3<sub> 3</sub></b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<b> I. Write the correct form of the verbs (2,5) </b>
1. I (play) ______ volleyball last week.

2. Last December, Mom (buy) _____ me a new bike.
3. Dad (work) _____ in Hue a few years ago .

4. What you (do)____ yesterday ?

5. I (send)____ a letter to my pen pal last month.
<b> II. Choose the correct answer (2)</b>

1. He has lost some money __________ he is not sad.

a. but b. and c. or

2. He drinks __________ cup of coffee every morning.

a. a b. an c. the

3. Milk __________ good for us, So we can drink it regularly.

a. are b. has c. is

4. There __________ a typhoon in Hong Kong last week.

a. is b. was c.were

5. Mai, add __________ sugar to the glass, please.
a. some b. any c. a

6. I like to drink a lot of water. __________ do I.
a. So b. Neither c. Either

7. Why didn’t you go to school? __________ I had a bad toothache.
a. but b. because c. and

8. I am a student but Tung __________
a. isn’t b. am not c. didn’t

<b> III. Write “what did you eat and drink yesterday?”(3)</b>

For beakfast, I ate………I drank ………
For lunch, I………...
For dinner,………...
<b> VI. Read then answer the questions in a short word(2.5)</b>

Last week, I went to Sam Son with my family. It was wonderful. The sight was
beautiful. The people were very friendly, food was delicious but most things were
not cheap. In the afternoon, we visit Doc Cuoc pagoda and went swimming. I
bought a lot of souvernirs for my friends. We came back at 9.00 pm. I had a greet

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

<i> Date of preparing: 18/1/2009</i>
<b> Week 25</b>

<b> Period :72</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Sts will be able to recognize their mistakes so they have a suitable method to get a
better result.

<b>II. Procedures:</b>

- Give a general comment
- Point out some mistakes

- Ask sts to find out and correct for each ther
- do the model

- Give the key
<i>Question I:</i>

1. played 2. bought 3. worked 4. did – do 5. sent

<i>Question II:</i>

1.a 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a
<i>Question III:</i>

Depending on students
<i>Question IV:</i>

1. went to Sam Son.
2. Doc Cuoc pagoda.
3. Yes, they were.
4. souvernirs.
5. wonderful.
<b>III. Results:</b>

Lớp Sĩ số Giỏi Khá T.bình Yếu Kém

SL % SL % SL % SL % SL %

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>


<i> Date of preparing: 27/01/2010</i>
<b>Week 26</b>

<b>Period 73 </b>

<b>Unit 12: LET’S EAT</b>
<b>A1,2: What shall we eat?</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Familiarize with new topic “food stuff”; review the structure with Let’s
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: cucumber, spinach, papaya, pineapple, durian … </i>
<i> Structures: So/neither + auxiliary verb + S</i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, tape … </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “networks”
- Comment

<b>Presentation</b> - Introduce the situation part 1

- Vocabulary:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>


* Check up: “Rub out and remember”
* Structures:

So + auxiliary verb + S
Neither + Auxiliary verb + S

I’m a student. So is she

I’m not a student. Neither is she



- Read the text and ask them to repeat
- Guide them to play role

- Call some pair to present

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation
- Ask them to read again and answer the
questions “What did Hoa and her aunt buy at

the market?

- Call some G.leader to present
- Correct if necessary:


- Ask sts to practice part 2
- Correct if necesssry

In chorus


- Ask sts to repeat the content of the text in a
short word

- Move around to control the class and help sts
- Correct

- Guide them to play game “What and where”

- Comment:



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole <sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to practice the lesson at home, do <sub>exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>




<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>


<i> Date of preparing: 28/01/2010</i>
<b> Week 26</b>

<b> Period 74 </b>

<b>Unit 12: LET’S EAT</b>
<b>A3,4,5: What shall we eat?</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Sts know the procedures of preparingn a dish, recipe of doing some specific dishes
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: first, next, then, cook, boil, heat, slice … </i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “networks”
- Comment

<b>Presentation</b> - Introduce the situation part 3


Do you always cook meals?

What do you think of this work? Do you like

What do you have to do when you cook meals?
* Vocabulary:

slice: stir-fry:

boil: add:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>


* Check up: “What and where” G.W


- Let’s sts read the text for main idea
- Ask them to do exercise a,b

- Ask them to read for detail and check up
- Call some sts to give the answers

- Correct:

a. Cucumber salad with onions
Boiled spinach

Stir-fried beef with green pepers and onions

b. 2. slice 3. heat 4. stir-fry
5. add 6. boil 7. add



- Ask sts to do exercise 4 and practice in P
- Call some P to present

- Correct:

Ex: What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/
dinner yesterday?

I ate ... I drank ...

- Guide them to play game “Play with word”
- Comment:

Explain some more Vocabulary:
Healthy food:


Balanced meal:



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole <sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to practice the lesson at home, do <sub>exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<i> Date of preparing: 30/01/2010</i>
<b> Week 26</b>

<b> Period 75 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Talk about the diseases from the unpurified food as stomachache ...
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: wash well, dirt … </i>
<i> Structures: It must be/ It was probably ...</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Ask question to review the previous lesson
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks



- Introduce the situation part 1

* Where is Ba?

* Can you guess what’s wrong with him?
* Please, tell me What causes stomachache.
* Vocabulary:

<i>wash well:</i>
* Structures:
<i>It must be ...</i>
<i>It was probably ...</i>
<i>Make Sb Adj / Do st</i>

That dirt can make you sick.





- Read part 1 and ask sts to repeat
- Guide them to practice: role play
- Call some P to present

- Correct:

- Ask to listen again and do exercise: “now
complete the story”

- Call some sts to give the answers
- Correct if necessary:

1. doctor 7. more carefully
2. sick 8. vegetables
3. asked 9. make
4. had 10. she

5. spinach 11. medicine
6. wash

In chorus


<b>Production</b> - Ask sts to work in Groups: Answer the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<i>* Beside the stomachache, what are the food </i>

<i>* To avoid stomachache and other food </i>

<i>allergives/ related diseases, what should we do</i>
<i>and shouldn’t do?</i>

- Call some G. Leader to give the ansers
- Ask the others to comment

- Correct if necessary


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole <sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to practice the lesson at home, do <sub>exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>


<i> Date of preparing: 05/02/2010</i>
<b> Week 27</b>

<b> Period 76 </b>

<b>Unit 12: LET’S EAT</b>
<b>B2: Our food</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Sts will be able to study the importances of food to our life
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: balanced diet, fatty food, unhealthy food … </i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, picture… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Ask question to review the previous lesson
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks

<b>Pre-reading</b> - Introduce the situation part 2

* Questions:

What is your favorite food?

What do you always have for breakfast/ lunch/

Do you think your diet is balanced?
* Vocabulary:

unhealthy food:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

moderate amounts:

balanced diet:
fatty food:

body-building foof:

* Check up: “Rub out and remember”




- Ask sts to read the text for main ideas and
answer the questions

- Ask them to read for details and check up
- Call some G. leaders to write on the board
- Correct if necessary:

a. Sugar adds taste to food and it gives you

b. A balanced diet is not enough, all people
need exercise to keep a healthy life.



- Ask sts to answer some questions

1. What should we do to have a balanced diet?
2. What does a “balanced diet”mean? Explain
your answer?

3. Do you think your diet is balanced? Why?/
Why not?

- Correct if necessary

- Guide sts to play game “What and where”

- Comment



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole <sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to practice the lesson at home, do

exercise and prepare next lesson






<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 10/02/2010</i>
<b> Week 27</b>

<b> Period 77 </b>

<b>Unit 12: LET’S EAT</b>
<b>B3,4,5: Our food</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Develop the theme of “food stuff”, know how to write a menu of a healthy and
balenced meal.

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: protective, honey, energy-giving… </i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, picture… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “brainstorming”
- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 3,4
* Vocabulary:


- Guide and ask sts to look at the pie chat and
write a menu

- Call some sts to present before the class
- Correct if necessary:

Body-building: bread, fish, milk, chicken …
Energy-giving: honey, candy, cake …

Protective: pineapple, spinach …
Breakfast: milk, bread …

Lunch: chicken, eggs, spinach, pineapple …
Dinner: fish, beef, cabage, fruit …

In chorus

<b>Practice</b> - Ask them to listen and do exercise part 4
- Give the food stuff

rice beef

noodles juice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

fish water

vegetables fruits

- Ask them to listen again and check up
- Call some G. leaders to give the answers
- Correct if necessary:

Lan: b, d, f, g
Nga: a, d, g
Ba: c, a, e h
Hoa: b, e, g



- Guide sts to play game “Play with words”

- Comment

- Guide them to play game “rub out and

- Comment


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole <sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to practice the lesson at home, do <sub>exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 15/02/2010</i>
<b> Week 27</b>

<b> Period 78 </b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Review and consolidate the basic knowledge of the lesson 12
<b> II . Language content :</b>





<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

<i> Vocabulary: Review </i>
<i> Structures: Review</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>1. Warm up:</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board and the others do on the papers
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks
<b>2. Practice</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the basic knowledge of the lesson 12
- Write on the board

- Focus sts on:

Past simple tense
Indefinite quantifiers

Too and either

So and neither

- Guide sts to do exercise on the board by doing a model
Ex: 1. a. No, I didn’t. I watch TV.

b. No, I didn’t. I had dinner in a restaurant.

c. No, I didn’t. I went to the movie theatre yesterday.
<b>3. Ferther practice</b>

- Ask sts to do exercise on the board
- Call some sts to give the answers
- Ask the others to comment

- Give the correct answers

2a. B. a lot of tea D. a lot of salt
C. a little sugar E. too much coffee
2b. a little - a lot

a little
a lot of
too much
a little

4. I like mangoes. So do I

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

5. a. Peel the onions

b. Wash the cucumbers and the onions
c. Slice the cucumbers and the onions
d. Mix the slice

e. Add a little salt, sugar and vinegar to the mixture
f. Stir the mixture

g. Wait for 5 minutes and the salad is ready to serve.
- Reapeat the content of the lesson

<b>4. Homework</b>

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home, do exercise and prepare next lesson
Adjustment: ……….

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 03/02/2010</i>
<b> Week 28</b>

<b> Period 79 </b>

<b>A1,2: Sports</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Familiarize with new theme “sports”. Know some sports American sts like as
baseball, skateboarding ...

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: baseball, skateboarding, roller-skating, roller-blading ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “find someone who”
- Comment



- Introduce the situation page 129
- Questions:

What are favorite sports?

When do you always play these sports?

Make a list of the sports which you play in
your free time

- Feedback if necessary
* Vocabulary


* Check up: “What and where”


In chorus



- Ask sts to listen and do the exercise part

- Call some G.leaders to present
- Ask the others to comment
- Feedback:

1. baseball 6. football

2. skate-boarding 7. volleyball
3. roller-skating 8. tennis
4. roller-blading9. badminton
5. basketball 10. swimming

- Ask them to work in P using the questions a,
b part “questions”

- Call some P to present
- Correct

Do you like table tennis?
Yes, I do. I like football, too.



<b>Production</b> <i> </i>
- Ask sts to take a class survey using the table
page 130

- Call some sts to present
- Correct if necessary

- Guide them to play game “Rub out and






<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

- Comment

<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson <sub>class</sub>T.Whole
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,<sub>do exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<b> Adjustment: ……….</b>
<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 04/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 28</b>

<b> Period 80 </b>

<b>A3,5: Sports</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Sts will be able to use the adverbs of manner, understand the advantages of some

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: walking, safe, safety, quickly, slowly, skillful ...</i>
<i> Structures: Adjectives + ly = Adverbs </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, picture, tape, cassete… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “networks”
- Comment

<b>Presentation</b> - Introduce the situation part 3

- Teach them the form of adv of manner
from the adj

<i><b>Adjs + ly = Advs</b></i>


In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

Ex: Skillful → skillfully
Slow → slowly
Bad → badly
Quick → quickly
Safe → safely

- Teach them how to transform a sentence
into an other by changing Adj → Adv
Ex: He is a good soccer player

→ He plays soccer well



- Ask sts to listen and practice part 3
- Call some sts to present

- Feedback:

1. He is a skillful volleyball player
→ He plays volleyball skillfully
2. She is a slow swimer.

→ She swims slowly

3. She is a bad tennis player
→ She plays tennis badly
4. She is a quick runner
→ She runs quickly
5. She is a safe cyclist
→ She cycles safely

- Ask them to listen again and practice the


In chorus


- Introduce the situation part 5

- Ask them to change the Adjs in brackets
to Advs using the form:

<i><b>Adjs + ly = Advs</b></i>

- Call some sts to write on the board
- Feedback:

clear → clearly
careful → carefully
safe → safely

careless → carelessly
strict → strictly


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole<sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

<b> Adjustment: ……….</b>
<i> </i>

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 05/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 28</b>

<b> Period 81 </b>

<b>A4,6: Sports</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the usage of “the adverbs of manner”
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: walking competition, participant, ability, trip ...</i>
<i> Structures: Adjectives + ly = Adverbs </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board and the
others do on the papers

- Ask the others to comment
- Comment and give marks


<b>Pre </b>

- Introduce the situation part 4
- Questions:

What are they doing?

Do you always take a walk?
What are the benifits of walking?

Can you guess what the reading is about
basing on the title “Walking is fun”?

* Vocabulary

walking competition:

regular activities:

* Check up: “Rub out and remember


In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>


answer the questions

- Ask them to read for details and check up

- Call some G.leaders to write on the board
- Ask the others to comment

- Feedback:

a. He takes part in “Walking For Fun”

b. The writer’s school team won the first prize;
they were so happy and wanted to keep the

d. It’s 5 kilometers from school to the beach
e. Wednesday is the WTS day

f. members living near school often take part
in the WTS day


<b> reading</b>

- Ask sts to work in G - talk about the benifits
of walking

- Call some G.leaders to present
- Correct if necessary:

1. fun

2. easy

3. inexpensive
4. for everyone
5. healthy
6. ...

- Guide them to play game “play with words”
part 6


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole<sub>class</sub>

<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,
do exercise and prepare next lesson

<b> Adjustment: ………</b>
<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 06/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 29</b>

<b> Period 82 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

Review the usage of modal verbs: must, have to, ought to ...
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: paddle, have to, ought to, must ...</i>

<i> Structures: Would you like to do? I’d like tu, but I can’t ...</i>
It takes sb time to do something

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassete… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “find someone who”
- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 1
- Questions:

What are Ba and Nam doing?
Can you play tennis?

* Vocabulary:
ought to :
have to :
must :

may, might, could :
* Structures:

Modal verbs + Vinf ...
Would you like to ...?

It takes sb time to do something.


In chorus


- Reat part 1 and ask sts to repeat
- Guide them to practice in pairs
- Call some P to present

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation

- Ask them to listen again and answer the

- Call some sts to give the answers
- Feedback:

a. Nam must finish his homework before he
play table tennis

b. Nam will be ready in afew minutes
c. Ba will finish a question for Math
d. Ba has two paddles

In chorus


<b>Production</b> - Ask sts to practice the modal verbs by doing
exercise 2

- Call some P to present
- Correct:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

T: Come and play volleyball, Hung.
H: I’m sorry. I don’t think I can
T: That ‘s too bad. Why not?

H: Well, I should visit my grandmother
T: Can you play on Saturday?

H: Yes, I can

T: All right. See you at eight
H: Ok. Bye

T. Bye

<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole<sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,<sub>do exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<b> Adjustment: ………</b>
<i> Date of preparing: 07/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 29</b>

<b> Period 83 </b>

<b>B3(4,5): Come and play</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Know some new and dangerous sports like scuba-diving ..., use the modal verbs

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: ocean, pearl, diver, explore, scuba-diving ...</i>
<i> Structures: .</i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “jumble words”
- Comment


<b>Presentation</b> - Introduce the situation part 3
* Vocabulary:

world’s surface:
pearl diver:

special breathing equipment:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>


deep-see diving vessel
under water life:

- Ask sts to read the text quickly and tell the

main ideas after the first reading


- Let sts read the text for main ideas
- Questions:

What do you know about scuba-diving after
scanning the text?

- Call some sts to present

- Correct and ask them to read again and do
exercise T/F statements

- Call some G.leaders to give the answers
- Ask the others to comment

- Feedback:

False: Most of the world’s surface is water

False: Now, scuba-diving is a popular sport
because people can swim freely in the water
with the help of special breathing equipment
False: Jacques Cousteau invented a deep-see
diving vessel




- Ask sts to tell the content of the text in a
short word

- call some sts to present
- correct

- Ask them to do exercise 4
- Call some P to give the answers
- Feedback:

can can

must ought to/ should
must not can/should
should should/must



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole<sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,<sub>do exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

<b> Week 29</b>

<b> Period 84 </b>

<b>A1: Time for TV</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Familiarize with new topic: Freetime fun; structures of “Like and Prefer + to +
Vinf/ gerund

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: news, play chess ...</i>

<i> Structures: “Like and Prefer + to + V</i>inf/ gerund
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “find someone who”
- Comment



* Questions

How many people watch TV in their freetime?
What time do you always watch TV?

What is your favorite program?
- Introduce the situation part 1
Do they watch TV?

* Vocabulary:
news in English:

that sounds boring:
* Structure:

Prefer to do/doing st to do st else

Ex: She prefers to read books to newspapers


In chorus

<b>Practice</b> - Read part 1 and ask them to repeat

- Guide them to practice in Pairs: Role play

- Call some P to present

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation

- Ask sts to listen again and choose the best

- Call some sts to write on the board
- Feedback:

a. C eat dinner with her family

In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

b. A before

c. B her aunt and uncle don’t like

d. C likes spending time with her aunt and
uncle at night

e. D always


- Ask sts to repeat the content of the text in a
short word

- Call some sts to present
- Correct if necessary

- Ask them to give more examples about
structure with “prefer”

- Feedback:

Ex: I prefer playing football to watching TV
She prefers reading newspapers to chatting



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole<sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,<sub>do exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

<i> Date of preparing: 10/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 30</b>

<b> Period 85 </b>

<b>A2: Time for TV</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the actions in freetime through the advertisement, review the structures
of offering, requesting, suggesting ...

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: detective, pop concert, nightly, easy life ...</i>
<i> Structures: Would you like ...? Let’s ...</i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, tape, cessete… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Ask questions to review the previous lesson
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks



- Introduce the situation page 141
* Vocabulary:

Youth Cultural House:
Pop concert:


Detective movie:

* Check up: “Rub out and remember”
* Structures:

Would you like + to do?
How about ...?

What about ...?
Let’s ...

In chorus


<b>Practice</b> - Read page 141 and ask sts to repeat
- Guide them to practice: Play role
- Call some P to present

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

- Correct mistakes and pronunciation
- Guide them to practice using the above
structures and the advertisements

Ex: Would you like to go to the movie this

That sounds good.What would you like to see?
There is a detective movie on at the Fansland

- Call some P to present
- Correct if necessary



- Ask sts to repeat the content of the text in a
short word

-Move around to controll the class and help sts
- Call some sts to present

- Ask the others to comment
- Feedback

-Ask them to translate the text into Vietnamese
- Correct


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole<sub>class</sub>
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,<sub>do exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<b> Adjustment: ………</b>
<i> Date of preparing: 12/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 30</b>

<b> Period 86 </b>

<b>A3: Time for TV</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of TV, understand the development process of TV in Vietnam
-an aspect of culture in Vietnamese spiritual life

<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: gather, black and white program ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “hang man”
- Comment and give marks



- Introduce the situation part 3
* Vocabulary:

TV owner:
Any more:
No longer:

* Check up: “Rub out and remember”
- Ask sts to read the text and do exercise

In chorus



- Ask sts to read the text for main ideas
- Questions:

What’s the main idea of the passage?

What color were the TV programs 30 years

Where do people watch TV today?
Do they spend much time together?
- Ask sts to read for details and check up
- Feedback

- Ask them to do exercise part “now complete
the summary”

- Call some sts to give the answers
- Correct:

1. people 6. gather
2. not 7. they
3. TV 8. today
4. popular 9. have
5. evening 10. life




- Guide sts to play game “T/F repetition drill”

1. Most people in Vietnam had a TV set 30
years ago.

2. TV owners were not popular at that time.
3. People always gathered in the TV owner’s

- Call some P to present
- Correct if necessary


<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,<sub>do exercise and prepare next lesson</sub>

<b> Adjustment: ………</b>

<i> Date of preparing: 14/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 30</b>

<b> Period 87 </b>

<b>B1,2: What’s on?</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of TV, discuss what’s on TV, what programs they like
<b> II . Language content :</b>

<i> Vocabulary: cartoon, sports shows ...</i>
<i> Structures: Like + V </i>ing, Prefer + Ving
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, Extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> -Guide sts to play game “noughts and crosses”
- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 1

- Questions:

What program is on TV now?
Who are the characters?

Which cartoon is the character from?
* Vocabulary:


sports shows:
* Structures:

Like + V ing ...
Prefer + Ving ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>


- Read the text and ask them to repeat
- Guide them to work in P: Present the text
- Call some P to present

- Correct

- Ask them to listen again and answer the
questions part “now answer”

- Feedback:

a. No, because there aren’t any good programs
for teenagers

b. Ba watch sports shows, cartoon and movies
c. Nga likes to watch programs about

teenagers in other countries

In chorus



- Introduce the situation part 2
- Give sts some more new words
early news:

weather forecast:
The world Today
A Fistful of Dollars:

- Ask them to listen and write the time or the

- Call some P to give the answers
- Feedback

a. at five

b. at six

c. at ten past six
d. a quarter past six
e. at seven



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,

do exercise and prepare next lesson

<b> Adjustment: ………</b>
<i> Date of preparing: 15/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 31</b>

<b> Period 88 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

Talk about some popular TV programs many people like; sts are provided with
some vocabulary of TV about a modern society

<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: music, broad audience, contests, imports, series ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, Extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “networks”

- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 3
- Questions:

Do you recognize the characters in each

In which programs do these scenes usually

* Vocabulary:

* Check up: “Rub out and remember”


In chorus



- Read the text and ask sts to repeat
- Ask them to read again and answer the

- Ask them to read carefully and check up
- Call some G.leaders to give the answers
- Feedback:

a. They like to hear the lastes Pop music and
see the shows of their favorite artists

b. In contest programs, the contestants are sts,
workers or family members

In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

c. Imports usually include police and hospital


- Ask sts to repeat the content of the text in a
short word

- Call some sts to present
- Correct if necessary

- Guide them to do exercise 4
- Call some sts to give the answers
- Correct:

1. around 6. like

2. watch 7. station
3. listen 8. receive
4. series 9. cities
5. show 10. possible



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson T.Whole
<b>Homework</b> - Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at home,

do exercise and prepare next lesson

<b> Adjustment: ………</b>
<i> Date of preparing: 17/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 31</b>

<b> Period 89</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Sts will be able to use their knowledge from unit 12 to unit 14 and skills to do the
test well

<b>II. Theme/ Topics</b>
III. Matrix

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>

<b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b>

<b> Listening</b> <b>5</b>




<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

<b>2,5</b> <b>2,5</b>

<b>Language focus</b> <b>10</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b> <b>10</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b>

<b>Writing</b> <b>5</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b> <b>5</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b>

<b>Tổng</b> <b>10</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b> <b>5</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b> <b>5</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b> <b>5</b> <b><sub>2,5</sub></b> <b>25</b> <b><sub>10</sub></b>

<b>IV. Questions</b>

<b> Question I: Listen and then complete the following sentences</b>
1. What’s your favorite food? I like ...

2. She likes fish and ...
3. I’d like some ...
4. We need some ...
5. I hate ...

<b> Question II: Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true </b>
<i><b>or false ( T or F)</b></i>

For her lunch, Lan had beef with noodles and vegetables. She had juice, too. Ba
chooses fish anf rice and some fruit. He drank some water. Nga ate rice and
vegetables and drank juice. Hoa had noodles and some fruit. She had juice, too.
<b> Statements</b>

a. Lan had beef, noodles, vegetables and water.
b. Ba ate fish, rice and fruit.

c. He had some water, too.
d. Nga ate rice, fruit and juice.
e. Hoa had noodles, fruit and water.
<b> Question III</b>

<i><b> 1. Change the following adjectives into adverbs</b></i>
a. Good → ...

b. Quick →...
c. Safe →...
d. Skillful →...
e. Bad →...

<i><b> 2. Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning with the originals</b></i>
a. I’m a quick runner. → I ...
b. I like mangoes. → So...
c. She doesn’t like eggs. → Neither ...
d. He is a student. → I’m ...
e. He doesn’t like bananas. → I ...
<b> Question IV: Complete the passage using the given worsd</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

Most teenagers (1) ... the world (2) ...TV. Many(3) ...
to the radio. In a lot of countries, the most popular shows on TV are(4)... .
They(5)... ordinary characters and how they live.

<b>V. Marking scheme</b>

<i>Question I: 2,5 marks, 0,5 for each correct answer</i>
<i>Question II: 2,5 marks, 0,5 for each correct answer</i>
<i>Question III: </i>

1. 1,25 marks, 0,25 for each correct answer
2. 1,25 marks, 0,25 for each correct answer

<i>Question IV: 2,5 marks, 0,5 for each correct answer</i>

<b> Adjustment:</b>


<i> Date of preparing: 19/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 31</b>

<b> Period 90</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Sts recognize their mistakes in the test, co that they have a suitable method to get a
better result

<b>II. Procedures</b>

- Give a general comment
- Point out some basic mistakes

- Do the model and ask sts to correct mistakes for eacher other
- Give the keys

<i>Question I:</i>

1. chicken 2. vegetables 3. beef 4. fruit 5. durian
<i>Question II:</i>

a. F b. T c. T d. F e. F
<i>Question III :</i>

1. a. well b. quickly c. safely d. skillfully e. badly
2. a. I run quickly

b. So do I
c. Neither do I

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

e. I don’t like, either.
<i>Question IV:</i>

1. around 2. watch 3. listen 4. series 5. show
<b>III. Results:</b>

Lớp <sub>số</sub>Sĩ <sub>SL</sub>Giỏi<sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub> Khá<sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub>T. bình<sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub> Yếu<sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub>Kém<sub>%</sub>

7A1 32
7A2 27


<i> Date of preparing: 25/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 33</b>

<b> Period 94 </b>

<b>UNIT 15: GOING OUT</b>
<b>B3: In the city</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of the city, sts are provided with the pastimes, study and work

of sts in the city

<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: traffic, scared, expensive, socialize ...</i>
<i> Structures: Prefer/ like + to V, Like +V</i>ing …
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, Extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “networks”
- Comment

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

- Game True/False repetition drill
* Vocabulary:

help each other:

far too expensive:
eat out:

public library:
after all:

* Check up: “Rub out and remember”

* Structures:

Prefer/ like + to V, Like +Ving …

In chorus


<b>While reading</b>

- Ask sts to read the text for main idea
and make a list of things Hoa does in the

- Ask them to read again and check up
-Call some G.leaders to give the answers
- Feed back:

She visits friends

They listen to music and talk
They help each other with their

She plays table tennis and plays chess
with her friends

She socialize with her friends

She go to the library and borrow books



<b>Post reading</b>

- Ask sts to answer the following

1. What did Hoa and her friends usually
do when she went out?

2. Why did Hoa rarely go to see movies
or eat out in the evening?

3. What did she prefer to do?

- Call some sts to give the answers
- Correct if necessary


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at
home, do exercise and prepare next


<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 28/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 33</b>

<b> Period 95 </b>

<b>UNIT 15: GOING OUT</b>
<b>B4(5): In the city</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of the city, understand more about people’s life in the city
<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: play chess, see a movie ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, Extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board
and the others do on the papers

- Ask the others to comment
- Comment and give marks



- Introduce the situation part 4
* Questions:

What can you see in the picture?

What are the entertainments activities in
the picture?

* Vocabulary:
play table tennis:
see a movie:
play chess:
listen to music:

watch a soccer match:

* Check up: “What and where”

T.Whole class

In chorus

<b>While reading</b> - Read part 4 twice for sts to listen and

do exercise

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

- Read the third time for them to listen
and check up

- Call some sts to write the answers on
the board

- Feedback

Ba: b Hoa: a
Nam: c Nga: d
Lan: f An: e
- Let sts read again and repeat the
content of the text


In chorus

<b>Post reading</b>

- Ask sts to work in P: Ask and answer

about the entertainments activities last

- Call some P to present
- Correct if necessary:

Ex1: What did you do last night?
I played chess

Ex2: What did you do last night?
I saw a soccer match

Ex3: What did you do last night?
I listened to music

- Guide them to play game “play with
words” part 5

- Comment



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at
home, do exercise and prepare next

<i> </i>

<i> Date of preparing: 30/03/2010</i>
<b> Week 33</b>

<b> Period 96 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

<b>A1,2: Famous places in Asia</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Familiarize with the lively topic: the famous areas/places in Asia, South-East-Asia
like Bangkok, Hongkong, Yangon …

<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: Bangkok, Hongkong, Yangon ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassete… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “networks”
- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 1
* Questions:

Where is Bangkok?

What do you know about Thailand?
Besides Thailand, which countries and
their capitals in South East Asia do you

* Vocabulary:
Kuala Lumpur:

Phnome Penh:

* Check up: “What and where”

T.Whole class

In chorus

<b>Practice</b> - Read part 1 and ask sts to repeat

- Guide them to practice in P
- Call some P to present

- Ask them to listen again and do
exercise “matching”

- Call some sts to give the answers
- Ask the others to comment

- Feedback:

In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

a. D d. C
b. F e. E
c. B f. E


- Ask sts to do exercise 2
- Explain the words in the box
- Call some sts to give the answers
- Feedback:

Capital Country
Bangkok Thailand
Beijing China
Kuala Lampur Malaysia
Phnome Penh Cambodia
Vientiane Laos
Yangon Myanmar
Jakarta Indonesia

- Guide and ask sts to practice basing on
the text part 1 and the model

- Rorrect if necessary



<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at
home, do exercise and prepare next


<i> Date of preparing: 08/04/2010</i>
<b> Week 34</b>

<b> Period 97 </b>

<b>A3,4: Famous places in Asia</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of places in Asia, talk about the tenarary of a tourist by the
verbs: fly, stay overnight …, introduce the main feature of each place.

<b> II . Language content </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

<i> Structures: </i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassete… </b>
<i><b> IV. Procedures:</b></i>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “jumble works”
- Comment

T.Whole class


- Introduce the situation part 3
* Vocabulary:

- Guide and ask sts to listen and
complete the schedule

- Read part 3 twice

- Ask them to give the answers

- Read the third time for them to liste and
check up

- Correct:

Monday: Bang Kok and Singapore
Tuesday: Singapore

Wednesday: Jakarta
Thursday: Bali

Friday: Bali
Sunday: Back to HN

T.Whole class



- Introduce the situation part 4
* Give some more new words

Ancient monuments:
Puppet shows:


- Read part 4 and ask them to repeat
- Ask them to read and answer the

- Ask sts to read again and check up
- Call some sts to give the answers

- Feedback:

a. ancient monuments, show and resort
b. ………..

T.Whole class

In chorus

<b>Production</b> - Guide sts to play game “what and


<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

- Comment

<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at
home, do exercise and prepare next


Date of preparing: 10/04/2010
<b> Week 34</b>

<b> Period 98 </b>

<b>B1,2,3: Famous people</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Familiarize with new topic of famous people in VN and in the world like Vo
Nguyen Giap, Romario, Pele …

<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary:, quiz, general, lead, commander-in-chief ...</i>

<i> Structures: be famous for…….., be good at ………., be interested in ……..</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<i><b> IV. Procedures:</b></i>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>





<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “True/False
repetition drill”

- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 1

- Introdece about General Vo Nguyen

* Questions:

Do you know anything about this

Which victory is the picture about?
* Vocabulary:


* Structures:

be famous for……..
be good at ……….
be interested in ……

- Ask sts to listen and practice
- Call some P to play role

- Ask sts to listen again and do exercise
T/F statements

- Feedback

a. F b. F c. T d. F e. T f. F

T.Whole class



- Introduce the situation part 2

- Repeat the structure with “like” and

- Ask sts to work in P: do exercise a
- Call some sts to give the answers
- Correct

1. like 2. guess
3. prefer 4. favorite

- Guide sts to do exercise b: make up a
similar dialogue

- Correct if necessary

T.Whole class


<b>Production</b> - Ask sts to tell the main content of

General Vo Nguyen Giap in a short word
- Call some sts to give the answers

- Feedback:

+ Was born in 1911

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

+ People’s army of VN won the battle of
Dien Bien Phu

- Guide sts to read and do exercise part 3

at home

<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at
home, do exercise and prepare next

Date of preparing: 11/04/2010

<b> Week 34</b>

<b> Period 99 </b>

<b>B4: Famous people</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of famous people, sts are provided with some information of 2
famous people: Thomas Edison and Hans Christian Andersen

<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: invent, light bulb, power station, motion ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b> - Guide sts to play game “networks”
- Comment

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>


- Introduce the situation part 4
* Vocabulary:

invent: (v)

electric light bulb:
power station:
motion picture:

fairy tales:

* Check up: “what and where”

T.Whole class
In chorus



- Let sts read the text for main idea
- Ask them to read for detail

- Ask them to tell some information
about Edison

- Feedback:

+ Thomas Edison was born in 1847 and
died in 1931

+ he invented electric light bulb

+ His other inventions were gramophone
and motion pictures

+ ...
- Guide them to do exercise part B

- Correct

Ex: andersen was born in 1805 and died
in 1875



<b>Post </b>

- Guide sts to do an interview: One
person is the interviewer anf the other is
Mr. Edison

Ex: When was you born Mr. Edison?
I was born in 1847

- Move around to control the class and
help sts

- Call some P to present
- Ask the others to comment
- Correct if necessary


What did you invent?

I invented the electric light bulb
What were your other inventions?
They are gramophone and motion


<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at

home, do exercise and prepare next

Date of preparing: 12/04/2010
<b> Week 35</b>

<b> Period 100 </b>

<b>B5: Famous people</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of famous people, sts are provided with history of a great
person in VN as well as in the world: President Ho Chi Minh

<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: became president, communist party ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, cassete, tape… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “T/ F repetition

- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 5

- Introduce some information about
President Ho Chi Minh

- Give sts some new words and phrases
Founded Vietnamese communist Party
Formed Viet Minh Front

Became President:

Indochina Communist Party

T.Whole class

In chorus

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

Declare independence


- Read part 5 twice for sts to listen
- Read the third time and ask them to
check up

- Call some G. leaders to give the

- Ask the others to comment
- Feedback:

+ Left VN: 1911 - Sai Gon

+ Worked in hotel: 1900s - Lon Don
+ Went to an other country: 1917 - Paris
+ Formed Viet Minh Front: 1941 - VN
Became President: 1945 - VN

Died: 1969 - HN


<b>Post </b>

- Ask sts to listen again and tell the main
information about President Ho Chi

- Call some sts to present
- Correct if necessary:

Was born in 1890 in Nghe An
Left VN in 1911

Worked in hotel in 1900s in Lon Don
Went to an other country in 1917 in Paris
Founded Vietnamese Communist Party
in 1930

Became President in 1945




<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at
home, do exercise and prepare next

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

Date of preparing: 13/04/2010
<b> Week 35</b>

<b> Period 100 </b>

<b>B5: Famous people</b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Continue the topic of famous people, sts are provided with history of a great
person in VN as well as in the world: President Ho Chi Minh

<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: became president, communist party ...</i>
<i> Structures: </i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, cassete, tape… </b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Guide sts to play game “T/ F repetition

- Comment



- Introduce the situation part 5

- Introduce some information about
President Ho Chi Minh

- Give sts some new words and phrases
Founded Vietnamese communist Party
Formed Viet Minh Front

Became President:

Indochina Communist Party
Declare independence

T.Whole class

In chorus



- Read part 5 twice for sts to listen
- Read the third time and ask them to
check up

- Call some G. leaders to give the

- Ask the others to comment
- Feedback:

+ Left VN: 1911 - Sai Gon

+ Worked in hotel: 1900s - Lon Don

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

+ Went to an other country: 1917 - Paris
+ Formed Viet Minh Front: 1941 - VN
Became President: 1945 - VN

Died: 1969 - HN

<b>Post </b>


- Ask sts to listen again and tell the main
information about President Ho Chi

- Call some sts to present
- Correct if necessary:

Was born in 1890 in Nghe An
Left VN in 1911

Worked in hotel in 1900s in Lon Don
Went to an other country in 1917 in Paris
Founded Vietnamese Communist Party
in 1930

Became President in 1945




<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

- Ask sts to learn by heart the lesson at
home, do exercise and prepare next


Date of preparing: 14/04/2010
<b> Week 35</b>

<b> Period 101 </b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Review and consolidate the basis knowledge from unit 13 to unit 16 and the
adverbs of manner

<b> II . Language content </b>
<i> Vocabulary: Review </i>

<i> Structures: Review</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

<b>States</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board
and the others do on the paper

- Ask the others to comment
- Comment and give marks



- Ask sts to repeat the basis knowledge
from unit 13 to unit 16

- Repeat and focus sts on:
+ Adjectives and adverbs
+ Modal verbs: Ought to
+ Like / Prefer + Vinf ...

+ Modal verb: Should, May, Can
+ Express likes and dislikes
+ Tense

+ Why / because


T.Whole class


- Guide and ask sts to do exercises in the
text book

- Do a model

Ex: 1a. Dangerous → dangerously
(adj) → (adv)
slowly (adv)

skillfully (adv)
good (adj)

- Let sts to do exercise

- Call some sts to do on the board
- Ask the other to comment

- Feedback

1b. Qickly, slowly, good
dangerous, skillful

I’m sick. You should/ ought to go to the

I’m hot. You should take a bath

Present: a, b, f, g, i
Past: c, e, h

Future: d, j


T.Whole class


<b>Consolidation</b> - Repeat the content of the lesson

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>


Date of preparing: 14/04/2010
<b> Week 35</b>

<b> Period 102 </b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Review and consolidate the basis knowledge of the second term
<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: Review </i>
<i> Structures: Review</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>

<b> IV. Procedures:</b>
<b>1. Warm up:</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board and the others do on the paper
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks
<b>2. Review</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the basic knowledge they have learnt in the second term
- Repeat and focus sts on the following basic knowledge

+ Past simple tense S + did ...

S + didn’t + do ...
Did + S + do ....?

Yes, S did./ No, S didn’t
+ Why and because

+ I’d like; do
+ Too and either
+ So and neither
+ Imperatives

+ Adjectives and adverbs

+ Modal verbs: ought to, should, may
+ Like / prefer + to - infinitive

+ Like + gerund
<b>3. Consolidation</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

<b>4. Homework</b>

Give exercises, ask sts to do at home and prepare next lesson

Date of preparing: 15/04/2010
<b> Week 36</b>

<b> Period 103 </b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Review and consolidate the basis knowledge of the whole program (seventh form)
<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: Review </i>
<i> Structures: Review</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>

<b> IV. Procedures:</b>
<b>1. Warm up:</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board and the others do on the paper
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks
<b>2. Review</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the basic knowledge they have learnt in the 7 th form
- Repeat and focus sts on:

+ Tenses: Present simple tense
Present progressive tense
Past simple tense

Future simple tense

+ Modal: Suggestions, invitations

+ Modal: Polite refusal/ acceptance of invitations
+ Adjectives: Making comparisons

+ Prepositions of position

+ How far ...? / How much ...?
+ Compound nouns

+ Directions

+ Why and because

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

+ Too and either, so and neither

+ Modal verbs: Can, must, should, ought to, may
+ Like and dislike

+ Adverbs of frequency
<b>3. Consolidation</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
<b>4. Homework</b>

Give exercises, ask sts to do at home and prepare next lesson

Adjustment: ...

Date of preparing: 16/04/2010
<b> Week 36</b>

<b> Period 104 </b>

<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Review and consolidate the basis kinds of exercises relating to the semester test
<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: Review </i>
<i> Structures: Review</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, text book, extra board… </b>

<b> IV. Procedures:</b>
<b>1. Warm up:</b>

- Ask 2 sts to do exercise on the board and the others do on the paper
- Ask the others to comment

- Comment and give marks
<b>2. Review</b>

- Ask sts to name some kinds of exercise they have learnt and done
- Focus them on the following kinds of exercise

<i>* Matching: Match the information in the column A with the information in the </i>

column B ( you do it by using a ruler to draw or write the right number with the letter
<i>* Choose the best answer : You do it by circling the letter A, B, C or D; You must </i>
circling only one letter

<i>* T/ F statements: You have a passage, read it and decide whether the following </i>
statements are true or false, put T if you think the sentences are true and F if you think
they are false.

<i>* Gap-filling: You must find a suitable word to fill in the blanket. Write the answer </i>
after the number of the sentence, not necessary to repeat the whole sentence.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

Ex: I spent one hour going to school → It took me one hour to go to school.
<i>* Combine the sentences using the suggestions: You must use the suggestions to </i>
combine 2 sentences into one sentence

Ex: He passes the exam. He studies hard. (Because)
→ Because he studies hard, he passes the exam.
<b>3. Practice</b>

- Guide and ask sts to do some exercises

<i><b> Exercise 1: Write the correct form of the verbs </b></i>
1. I (play) ______ volleyball last week.

2. Last December, Mom (buy) _____ me a new bike.
3. Dad (work) _____ in Hue a few years ago .

4. What you (do)____ yesterday ?

5. I (send)____ a letter to my pen pal last month.

<i><b> Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer </b></i>

1. He has lost some money __________ he is not sad.

a. but b. and c. or

2. He drinks __________ cup of coffee every morning.

a. a b. an c. the

3. Milk __________ good for us, So we can drink it regularly.

a. are b. has c. is

4. There __________ a typhoon in Hong Kong last week.

a. is b. was c.were

5. Mai, add __________ sugar to the glass, please.
a. some b. any c. a

6. I like to drink a lot of water. __________ do I.
a. So b. Neither c. Either

7. Why didn’t you go to school? __________ I had a bad toothache.
a. but b. because c. and

8. I am a student but Tung __________
a. isn’t b. am not c. didn’t

<i><b> Exercise 3: Write “what did you eat and drink yesterday?”</b></i>

For beakfast, I ate………I drank ………
For lunch, I………...
For dinner,………...
<i><b>* Correct if necessary</b></i>

<b>4. Consolidation:</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
<b>5. Homework</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>


<i> Date of preparing: 16/04/2010</i>
<b> Week 36</b>

<b> Period: 105 SECOND SEMESTER TEST</b>

<b>ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ II NĂM HỌC : 2009-2010</b>
<b>Môn : Tiếng Anh - Lớp : 7</b>

<i>Thời gian làm bài : 45 phút</i>
<b>Ma Trận</b>

<b>Chủ Đề</b> <b>Nhận Biết</b> <b>Thông Hiểu</b> <b>Vận Dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>

<b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b>

<b>I. Listening</b>

<b> </b>
<b> 2,5</b>

<b> </b>

<b> 2,5</b>
<b>III.Language </b>


<b> </b>
<b> 5</b>

<b> </b>
<b> 5</b>
<b>IV. Writing</b>

<b> </b>
<b> 2,5</b>

<b> </b>

<b> 2,5</b>

<b> </b>
<b> 5</b>

<b> </b>
<b> 2,5</b>

<b> </b>
<b> 2,5</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

<b>Question I : Read the passage and then decide whether the following sentences are</b>
<b>true or false. Check the boxes</b>

Nam went to the doctor’s because he was ill. The dotor asked him some questions.
Nam said he ate some spinach the night before. The doctor said he must wash the
spinach carefully. Vegetables can be dirty. The dirt can make people sick. The doctor
gave him some medicine to make him feel better.

1. Nam went to the doctor’s because he had a headache.

2. Nam said he ate some oranges the night before.

3. “You must wash the spinach carefully” said the doctor.
4. The dirt can make people sick.

5. The doctor gave him some money.
<b>Question II. </b>

<b>1. Complete the following sentences with a suitable word</b>
1. What’s the ……… with you?

2. Children should ……… little time playing video games.
3. Lan likes watching “The …………..…… of the Cricket”

4. Eating sugar gives you energy and makes you feel ………hungry.
5. Most of the world’s serface is ………

<b>2. Choose the best answer by circling the letter A, B, C or D</b>
1. He …...… to school with his friend yesterday.

A. go B. gos C. goes D. went
2. The doctor says you ……….. spend little time playing video games.
A. should B. could C. would D. good
3. How ……. is it from Ha Noi to Hue?

A. long B. far. C. much D. many
4. Nam takes part in one club called “ Walking For Fun” or ……….
5. He is a good driver. He drives very ……….

A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly
6. The symptoms of the common cold are ………..

A. a runny nose B. a slight fever C. coughing and sneezing D. A,B and C
7. The person who teaches students is called a ………

A. doctor B. farmer C. journalist D. teacher
8. John received a letter ………… his aunt last week

A. from B. in C. to D. of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

10. An counts: one, two, three, …………. five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
A. three B. four C. five D. six
<b>III. Rewrite the following sentences using the suggestions</b>

1. He likes bananas. → So………..
2. She doesn’t like oranges. → I don’t ………..
3. She is a good tennis player. → She plays ………..
4. What about playing soccer? → Let’s ……….
5. Nam doesn’t live in Ha Noi. → Neither ……….
<b> </b>

<b> Question I : 2,5đ – 0,5 đ cho mỗi câu đúng</b>

1.F 2.F 3.T 4. T 5. F
<b> Question II: 5 đ</b>

<b> 1. 2,5đ – 0,5đ cho mỗi câu đúng</b>
1. matter

2. spend
3. Adventure
4. less

5. water

<b> 2. 2,5đ – 0,25 đ cho mỗi câu đúng</b>

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B
<b>Question III: 2,5đ – 0,5đ cho mỗi câu đúng </b>

1. So do I/ does she.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

3. She plays tennis well.
4. Let’s play soccer.

5. Neither do I/does she.
<i><b> * Tổng số câu: 25 </b></i>

<i><b> Thang điểm: 10</b></i>

<i><b> Điểm bài thi làm tròn đến 0,5</b></i>

Date of preparing: 19/04/2010
<b> Week 37</b>

<b> </b>


<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Review and consolidate the basis knowledge, correct the second semester test
<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: Review </i>
<i> Structures: Review</i>
<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, extra board, questions and answers of the 2</b>nd<sub> semester test… </sub>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

- Give a general comment
- Point out some basis mistakes

- Ask sts to find out the mistakes and correct for themselves
- Do the model

- Give the key

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

<b> Question II: 5 đ</b>

<b> 1. 2,5đ – 0,5đ cho mỗi câu đúng</b>

1. matter 2. spend 3. Adventure 4. less 5. water
<b> 2. 2,5đ – 0,25 đ cho mỗi câu đúng</b>

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B
<b>Question III: 2,5đ – 0,5đ cho mỗi câu đúng </b>

1. So do I/ does she.

2. I don’t like oranges, either.
3. She plays tennis well.

4. Let’s play soccer.

5. Neither do I/does she.
<b> V. Results </b>

Lớp <sub>số</sub>Sĩ <sub>SL</sub>Giỏi<sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub>Khá<sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub>TB <sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub>Yếu<sub>%</sub> <sub>SL</sub>Kém<sub>%</sub>

7A1 32
7A2 27

Date of preparing: 19/04/2010
<b> Week 37</b>

<b> </b>


<b>(This lesson is similar to 2 periods)</b>
<b> I . Objectives:</b>

Review and consolidate the basis knowledge
<b> II . Language content </b>

<i> Vocabulary: Review </i>
<i> Structures: Review</i>

<b> III . Teaching aids :</b>

<b> Lesson plan, extra board</b>
<b> IV. Procedures:</b>

<b> 1. Warm up</b>

- Repeat the content of the lesson
<b> 2. Review (Practice)</b>

- Guide and ask sts to do some following exercises
<i><b> First period</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

b. Quick →...
c. Safe →...
d. Skillful →...
e. Bad →...

<i><b> 2. Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning with the originals</b></i>
a. I’m a quick runner. → I ...
b. I like mangoes. → So...
c. She doesn’t like eggs. → Neither ...
d. He is a student. → I’m ...
e. He doesn’t like bananas. → I ...
<i><b> 3. Chọn từ thích hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau</b></i>

1. I dislike playing chess with Hoa. She never plays.( fair/ fairly )
2. ( First/Firstly ), Lan sliced the onion. Next she fried it in a little oil.
3. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very( quick/ quickly ).
4. Andrey is a.( skillful/ skillfully ) tennis player.

5. She fell and hurt herself quite..( bad/badly ).<b> </b>
<i><b> 4. </b><b>Viết câu sử dụng gợi ý</b></i>

1. Mathmatics / be / my favorite subject / school.

 ...
2. I need / buy some envelopes / phone card / post office.

 ...
<i><b> 5 .Ghép thông tin ở cột A với thông tin ở cột B sao cho hợp lí</b></i>


1. What is wrong with you ? A. yes

2. Why did you stay up late ? B. Well sometimes I forget.

3. Can’t you pull it out ? C. Because I had so much homework to do

4. How was it ? D. I have a very painful toothache.

5. How many times a day do you
brush your teeth ?

E. I don’t want to extract a tooth if I can
save it.

6. You look very bad. F. Well, I was a bit frightened

<i><b>Second Period</b></i>

<i><b> 6. Circle the best answer to complete the following sentences. </b></i>

1. Could you show me the way ... the railway station, please?

a. at b. to c. from. d. of

2. ... a nice dress!

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

3. We enjoy ... around the world.

a. travel b. to travel c. traveller d. travelling
4. What will you ... during your vacation?

a. does b. do c. doing d. doer

5. Vietnamese students have ...vacations than American ones

a. fewer b. longer c. most d. less

6. How ...is it from Hue to Da Nang?

a.long b. big c. far d. wide

<i><b> 7. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the phrases given</b></i>
1. Long’s father has more vacations than Tuan’s father

 Tuan’s father has ...
2. Why don’t we go to the cafeteria?

 What about ...
3. Hoa drinks more lemon juice than her sister.

 Hoa’s sister drinks ...
4. They will have a vacation that lasts three months.

 They will have a ...
<i><b> 8. Complete the following dialogue.</b></i>

Tourist: Excuse me. Could you (1)...me the way to the nearest department

Minh : Oh, yes. (2)... is one on this street. You just go (3)... ahead
about 500 meters. It’s (4)... your right.

Tourist: (5)...

Minh : You’re (6)...

<i><b> 9. Complete the passage, using the verbs in brackets </b></i>

Phong ( be ) a new student in my class. He ( be ) .. from Hai Phong and his
parents still ( live ) .. there. He ( live ) on Tay Son Street with his uncle and aunt. He
( not have ) many friends in Ha Noi now.

At the moment Phong ( call ) . his friends and ( invite ) . them to his birthday
party. The party ( be) . at his uncle’s home at 20 Tay Soon Street. It ( start ) . at seven
o’clock. His friends ( come ) ... to his party.

<i><b>10. Complete the passage , using the words or phrases in the box </b></i>
better best far more expensive bigger

lovely more beautiful most expensive apartment four

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>

the city center. The apartmens in Cau Giay District are (4) They are (5) .. because they
have three bedrooms. But they are (6) .

The (7) . apartments are in the city center. They are bigger, newer and (8) . They
usually have (9) .. bedrooms with large and modern bathroom and kitchen and of
course they are the (10) ...

<i><b>* Corect the exercises if necessary</b></i>
<b>3. Consolidation</b>

Repeat the content of the lesson
<b>4. Homework</b>



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