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Date of preparing : Monday, August 24 2009 Week : 1

Date of teaching : Tuesday, August 25


<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 1</b>

<i><b>Introduction and Revision</b></i>


By the end of the lesson, students will:
- Review all of the knowledge of grade 11
- Know how to study and learn English 12
<b>B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape</b>
<b>C .METHOD: mainly communicative</b>




<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



Greeting, introduce, get acquaintance with the students

-elicit all of the knowledge and language skills of grade 11
1.Verbs tenses ( present simple, past simple, past progressive,

past perfect……….)

<b>I. HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN (Simple Present)</b>

Cách dùng

1. Diễn tả một thói quen hoặc một việc thường xuyên xảy ra ở hiện

Ex: - We come to school on time everyday. (Chúng tôi đi học đúng
giờ mỗi ngày)

- My mother always gets up early. (Mẹ tôi luôn thức dậy sớm)
■ Dấu hiệu thì:

a. Cách dùng này thường có các trạng từ chỉ sự thường xun:

• rarely: ít khi • usually: thường


• sometimes: đơi khi • seldom: hiếm khi

• never: khơng bao giờ • always: ln ln

• often: thường • occasionally: thỉnh thoảng
• hardly ever: hiếm khi • everyday: hàng ngày
b. Các kết cấu đi với every như:

• every week: hàng tuần

• every month: hàng tháng

2. Diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý

Ex: - The Sun rises in the East. (Mặt trời mọc ở phương đông)
- The Earth moves around the sun. (Trái đất xoay quanh mặt

3. Diễn tả sự thật tương đối bền vững

Ex: - Your sister speaks English well. (Chị của bạn nói tiếng Anh

- Dick writes novel. (Dick viết tiểu thuyết)

- Children need love and affection. (Trẻ em cần tình yêu và sự
ấp ủ)

<b>II. HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN (Present Continuous)</b>

Hình thức Subject + am / is / are + V-ing
Cách dùng

1. Chỉ một sự việc đang xảy ra ở hiện tại, lúc ta đang nói

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Ex: - The farmers are working in the fields now.
(Các nông dân đang làm việc ngoài đồng)

- My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment. (Vào lúc
này mẹ tôi đang nấu ăn trong nhà bếp)

■ Dấu hiệu thì:

a. Trong câu thường có các phó từ:
• now: bây giờ

• at the moment: vào lúc này
• at present: vào lúc này

b. Trong câu bắt đầu bằng những từ gợi sự chú ý như:
• Look! Coi kìa

• Listen! Nghe kìa
• Hurry up! Nhanh lên

Ex: - Look! The boys are fighting. (Coi kìa, bọn
trẻ đang đánh nhau)

- Listen! They are speaking English. (Nghe kìa! Họ đang nói
tiếng Anh)

- Hurry up! The bus is coming. (Nhanh lên! Xe buýt đang tới rồi

c. Trong câu có cụm chủ vị có từ WHILE (Trong lúc)

Ex: - I’ll think it over while I’m having my
lunch. (Tôi sẽ suy nghĩ kỹ vấn đề này trong lúc tôi ăn trưa)
2. Diễn tả một việc được xếp đặt xảy ra trong tương lai.

Ex: - What are you doing this evening? (Chiều tối nay bạn định làm

- We are going to Paris on Friday. (Chúng tơi định đi Pari vào
thứ Sáu)

<b>III. HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH (Present Perfect)</b>

Hình thức : Subject + Has / Have + Past Participle
Cách dùng

1. Để diễn tả một việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ mà thời gian không
xác định rõ.

Ex: - He has lived in England before. (Trước
đây, anh ấy sống ở Anh quốc)

- We have gone to Dalat several times. (Chúng tôi đã đi Dalat
vài lần)

- She has already seen that film. (Cô ta đã xem phim đó rồi)
- He’s never been there. (Anh ta chưa từng ở đó)

- They haven’t finished their work yet. (Họ chưa làm xong việc)

- Have you ever spoken Russian before? (Trước đây có bao giờ
bạn từng nói tiếng Nga chưa?)

■ Dấu hiệu thì:
Trong câu thường có

• already: rồi, đã rồi • several times: vài lần
• never: chưa bao giờ • never ... before: trước đây chưa bao giờ
• yet: chưa • ever: đã bao giờ
• ever ... before: trước đây đã bao giờ

2. Để chỉ một việc đã bắt đầu xảy ra trong quá khứ và hiện đang còn
xảy ra.

Ex: - So far he has had no trouble. (Cho đến nay, anh ấy chưa gặp
rắc rối gì)

- He has lived here for five years. (Anh ta sống ở đây được năm
năm rồi)

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bệnh suốt hai tuần vừa qua)
■ Dấu hiệu thì:

Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian:

• so far: cho đến nay • up to now: cho đến nay
• up to the present: cho đến lúc này • since then: kể từ lúc đó
• since: kể từ khi • for: trong (khoảng thời gian)
• in / during the last + 1 khoảng thời gian

3. Để diễn tả một hành động mà thời gian nó chưa kết thúc.

Ex: - He has smoked ten cigarettes today. (Hôm nay anh ấy hút 10
điếu thuốc)

- I haven’t seen her this week. (Tuần này tôi không gặp cô ấy)
■ Dấu hiệu thì:

Trong câu thường có các phó từ như:
• today: hơm nay

• this week: tuần này
• this month: tháng này
• this term: học kỳ này
• this year: năm nay

4. Để chỉ một sự việc vừa mới xảy ra so với hiện tại
Ex: - I have seen him lately. (Gần đây tơi có gặp anh ấy)

- She’s just gone out. (Cô ta vừa mới đi khỏi)
■ Dấu hiệu thì:

Cách dùng này thường có các từ như:
• just: vừa mới

• recently: gần đây
IV. simple past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and
stops in the past. Duration is a longer action often indicated by
expressions such as : for two years , for five minutes, all day, all
year, etc .

E.g: I live in Brazil for years

10. The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which
stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as “used to ”.
To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add
expressions such as: always , often, usually, never, when I was a
chid, when I was youger etc.

E.g : They never went to school . They always skipped their

11 . The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or
generalizations which are no longer true . As in USE 4 above ,
this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression “used
to ”

E .g : She was shy as a child , but now she is very outgoing
<b>V.Past continuous :</b>

+ Form : Was / were + V-ing
+ Meaning : Past time

+ Use :

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E. g : I was watching TV when she called .
Last at 6 PM , I was eating dinner

* When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same
sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening
in the same time. The actions are parallel.

E.g: I was studying while he was making dinner.
<b>VI.Past perfect</b>


* The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred
before another action expressed in the Past Simple. It can also
show that something happened before a specific time in the past.
e.g :had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to

2.infinitive and gerund

T reviews the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund
and both. (in handouts

<b>Infinitive only</b>

Agree Arrange Ask Choose Decide Demand Deserve expect
Fail Hesitate Hope Intend Learn Manage Offer Plan Refuse
Seem Wait

<b>Gerund only</b>

Admit Avoid Deny Enjoy Keep

Verbs that are followed by prepositions

Begin Start Continue <i><b>Stop</b></i> Love Like Hate <i><b>Remember</b><b>Forget</b></i> <i><b>Try</b></i>

3.reported speech

reviews reported speech with infinitives:
+ Form: Verb + O + bare-infinitive

+ meaning and use: We usually use an infinitive structure to
report orders, requests, advice, suggestions, threats, warning,
promises, (dis)agreements, and so on. We don’t use “say” in this

E.g: I told the kids to be quite. The policeman told me not to park

Note: T might want to remind Ss that time and place references
often have to change in reported speech. E.g:


T elicits the from and use of coditional sentences (type 1, 2 and
3 ) from Ss . If necessary T may give Ss the following handout
Type 1.If + simple present will future

In these sentences , the times is the present or future and the
situation is real . They refer to a possible condition and its
probable result

Example :

+ If find her address , I’ll send her an invitation
Type2 If + simple past , would + infinitive

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tense in the if – clause is not a true past but a subjuntive , which
indicates unreality or improbability .

Example :

+ If I were 18 again I would go on a round – the –world – tour .
(I’m not 18 , in fact I’m 45 )

+ If I studied , I would pass the exams
Type 3 If +pat prefect , would have + P2

The time is past , and the condition cannot be fulfilled because the
action in the if – clause didn’t happen .

Exmple :

+ If I had found her address last week , I would have sent her an
invitation .

+ If I had studied , I would have passed the exams
5.Relative clauses

Relative Pronouns

Who whom which that whose
-Ask ss to retell Relative clause

+ Defining clause
+ Now- defining clause

-Ask ss to give examples then retell their functions
Eg:- I met Jane’s father, who works at the U..
- I met the man who helpead me yesterday
+ she is the woman about whom I told you
* Relative pronouns with prepositions


Of whom/ which ( + S + V)
About ( prohibit)

Reduce relative clauses
6.Cleft sentences

-Give 3 examples of 3ex 1,2,3 to introduce ss the new grammar

( Left sentences)

Ex1: The man gave her the book

->It was the man who gave him the book
( focusing on subject)

Ex2: The boy hit the dog in the grander
->It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden
( focusing on subject)

Ex3:She bought him a present at the shop

-> It was at the shop that she bought him a present
( focusing on subject)

-Through the examples, ask ss to give the way to use ceft
sentences them selves

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Was o that……..

-Give other examples then ask ss to practise
Home work

-give exercise by handouts

B. Introduce the Englisn 12 to students.
+ Introduce the Englisn 12 to students.:
- Guide students about the new book.
- Giude them:

+ How to learn each lesson

+ How to learn each section of the lesson.
+ How to study at the class

+ How to prepare the lesson at home…

Demand students to master: 1. The grammar of the test.
2. The main content of the English 12.

3. Master the learning methods.

Date of preparing : Monday, August 24th<sub> 2009 Week : 1</sub>

Date of teaching : Tuesday, August 25


<sub> 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 2</b>

<i><b>Written Test 45’</b></i>


By the end of the lesson, students will:
- Do the test well

<b>B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape</b>
<b>C. PROCEDURE:</b>

Method: mainly communicative

Họ và tên:...Lớp:...
WRITTEN TEST 45’: Tổng số câu đúng.../50
I. Ch n m t t mà ph n g ch chõn cú cỏch phỏt õm khỏc v i nh ng t cũn l iọ ộ ừ ầ ạ ớ ữ ừ ạ

1. a. may b. car c. day d. stay

2. a. advice b. age c. above d. affect
3. a. dry b. sunny c. rainy d. daily
4. a. heal b. head c. mean d. meal
5. a. big b. mild c. winter d. spring
II. Ch n m t đáp án thích h p nh t đ hoàn thành các câu sau ọ ộ ợ ấ ể

1. The music ………….. we are listening is very wonderful.
a. which b. to which c. with which d. who
2.They warned us against ………..that car.

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a. worked b. working c. work d. be worked
5. The kind of music ………….. my group plays is hard to describe.

a. that b. who c. whose d. whom

6. The ………….. tells us the days of the week and the months of the year.
a. calendar b. dictionary c. exercise book d. notebook
7. Both the boss and his colleagues ………….. robbed last night.

a. is b. are c. were d. was
8. Neither you nor I………….. here yesterday.

a. am b. are c. was d. were
9. He admitted ………. that vase.

a. broke b. breaking c. to break d. for breaking
10. He did well in ………….. Maths and history.

a. either b. or c. both d. and
11. It is the door that needs …………..

a. replacing b. replacement c. to replace d. replaced
12. It ………….. who saw the ghost.

a. is us b. was us c. was we d. were we
13. The book ………….. I give you is very interesting.
a. which b. that c.  d. all are correct

14. The man …………..the bank is a millionaire.

a. is entering b. entering c. to be entered d. enters
15. Tom was the last person …………..the classroom yesterday.
a. to leave b. leaving c. left d. leaves

III. Ch n m t đáp án thích h p đ đi n vào ch tr ng trong đo n v n sauọ ộ ợ ể ề ỗ ố ạ ă

Tet (New Year according to the lunar calendar) is Nam’s favourite festival. He (1) _______ new

clothes and eats a (2) _______ good food on that occasion.

On the first day of Tet, Nam and his family (3) _______ his grandparents. He (4) _______ them
and his grandparents beam (t i c i) with joy and they (5) _______ him tien mung tuoi (the lucky ươ ườ

Then his family has lunch (6) _______ his grandparents. Nam is very surprised (7) _______ the
delicious spread (b a n linh đình/ th nh so n) of food before him. “Nam, I made the spring rolls speciallyữ ă ị ạ
(8) _______ you. You must eat more”, says his grandmother lovingly. Of course Nam is very happy
because (9) _______ is his favourite food. After lunch, Nam and his sister (10) _______ their mother to
clear the table.

1. A. wear B. to wear C. wears D. wearing
2. A. many B. lots C. much D. lot of

3. A. visitB. to visit C. visiting D. visits
4. A. says B. greets C. seesD. asks
5. A. talk B. send C. receive D. give
6. A. to B. of C. with D. among
7. A. with B. at C. on D. in
8. A. for B. to C. with D. at
9. A. they B. he C. she D. it
10. A. to help B. helpC. helping D. helps

IV. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng nhất

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Last Sunday was definitely not a good day for me. It all started when I got into my car and
it refused to start. I immediately realized that I had left the lights on and the battery had gone flat. I
telephoned my friend George and he came round and helped me start the car. I then drove into town to
see a friend. I had arranged to meet him at six thirty, but by the time I got there, it was ten past seven and

my friend was not there. I waited for him for an hour despite the freezing weather, but he didn’t come.
When I returned to my car, I saw that someone had broken into it, probably looking for the radio. Luckily,
I never leave the radio in the car! There was nothing I could do but get into my car and drive home. Later
I spoke with my friend and discovered that he hag waited for only half an hour and left. He didn’t even
apologise for not waiting for me longer!

1. Why wasn’t the writer’s car started? – Because ………
A. the lights had gone wrong. B. the battery had gone flat.
C. it hadn’t been serviced. D. the battery had been stolen.
2. What was the weather like when the writer waited for his friend?

A. coldB. hot C. rainy D. foggy

3. In the writer’s opinion, what did the thief want to steal?

A. money B. camera C. radio D. wallet

4. What time did the writer’s friend leave after waiting for him?

A. 6:30 B. 7:00C. 7:10 D. 7:30

5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. A friend f the writer’s helped him start the car.
B. A friend f the writer’s lived in town.

C. The writer had waited his friend until 7:30.

D. the writer apologized for not waiting his friend for any longer.
V. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi

1. Can you pass me the magazine?

- Would you mind ………?
2. The party was so wonderful that we didn’t want to leave
- It was ……….

3. Tom said : “I’m feeling ill.”

- Tom said that……….
4. father doesn’t drink wine any more.

- My father used...
5. People drive very fast, that’s why there are so many accidents.

- If………..

Date of preparing : Thursday, August 25th<sub> 2009 Week : 1</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, August 26th<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 3</b>

<b>UNIT 1: HOME LIFE</b>

<b>A: READING</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will:
-understand more about home life.

-use vocabulary related to the topic of the lesson through exercise.

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<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm- up</b>


-Ask Ss to work in groups and tell about their family

1.how many people are their in your family?
2.what is your father’s job?

3.what’s your mother’s job?

-go round the class and control
-call on some Ss to present

-short introduction the types of family (show the

<b>Nuclear family</b>

Nuclear family consists of the father, the mother, and
the children

<b>Extended family</b>

Extended family consists of the grandparents, aunts,
uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and in- laws,
(relatives through marriage).


A single parent family consists of the children and
one parent either the father and the mother
+ In US, single parent families are popular

+ In Viet Nam , there are more and more the type
of single families

-A family in which both parents have been divorced,
each with their own children they remarry and bring
both sets chilren into the marriage

+ It consists of stepparents, stepsister, stepbrother,
halfbrother and half sister.

<i><b>Pairs work</b></i>

-have SS to look at the pictures in the textbook and
answer questions

1.Who do you think they are?
2.Where is the family?

3.What is each member doing?
4.Is the family happy? Why/why not?
5.Are there any pets? What are they?
6.What are they doing?

7.do you like having pets in your house?
8.What pets do you want to have?

Call some pairs to answer and give feedbacks.
- Introduce the text.

<b>Explain some new words:</b>

Group work



( In English or Vietnamese )
- Work in pairs.

* Suggestion:

- Parents and children.
- At home.

- The mother is helping the
daughter with her study, the father
is playing with the son.

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Introduce and explain the meaning of the new words
1. Caring(a): paying attention to the others

2. to run the household.
3. to be willing to do st.
4. household chores
5. responsibility(n):

 responsible to sb. For st.

6. mischievous(a)
7. obidient(a)
8. close-knit(a)
9. supportive(a) ~ of
10. frankly(adv)

11. secure(a)
12. confident(a)

 confidence(n)

-read aloud and ask Ss to repeat

-explain new words in Vietnamese if necessary
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape.

- Ask Ss to read the passage silently to understand
about it

<b>a. Task 1 : Choose the best answer</b>

- Get Ss to read the requirement of task1.
- T asks Ss to read through 5 sentences and T helps
them if necessary.

- Asks Ss to work in pairs and choose the answer.
- T gets Ss to share the answers with their groups.
- Call 2 Ss of 2 groups to write down the answers.
- T checks and give feedbacks:

- Let Ss explain some sentences if necessary
<b>b. Task 2 : Answer the questions:</b>

- Checks if Ss can answer the comprehension Qs
without reading the text again. If Ss cannot, T gets
them to read the Qs carefully and underline the key

words to do task.

- Gets S to check theirs answers and explain their

- T calls some Ss to read theirs answers and explain
their choices.

- T comments and gives feedbacks.

- Answer.

Listen to the tape.

- Read the passage silently.
- Find out new words.

Read the passages

- Listen to teacher’s reading.
- Read the text by self.
- Read the task.

- Read through 5 sentences.
- Work in pairs.

- Share the answer.

1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-B ;

- Work in pairs

1. Very busy. They have to work
long hours and sometimes they
have to work at night.

2. She is always the first one to get
up in the morning to make sure
that her children leave home for
school having eaten breakfast and
dressed in suitable clothes. She
always makes dinner ready before
her husband comes home.

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- Give some Ss handouts and asks them to fill in the
table the missing information from the reading text
(work in groups of 4).

?what is your mother/father/you responsibility in your

Work father mother children



- T checks and gives feedbacks.

- Let Ss compare the family described in the text with
your own family (basing on the handouts).

- T tells each group to choose a secretary to note
down all of others’ ideas.

- T asks the secretary to report their ideas.
- T comments and corrects Ss’ mistakes.

- Learn the new words by heart, read and
translate the text, do the tasks again.

- Prepare the section B (The Speaking part of Unit

dishes and takes out the garbage.
She also looks after the boys/her
younger brothers. The father
sometimes cooks/does some

cooking or mends things around
the house at weekends.

4. She attempts to win a place at

5. Because they are very closed –
knit and supportive of one another.
They often share their feelings
and whenever problems come up,
they discuss them frankly and find
solutions quickly.

Work in groups.
- Check.

- Work in groups.
- Report their ideas.
- Listen and comment.

Write down the homework

Date of preparing : Thursday, August 28th<sub> 2009 Week : 2</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, August 29th<sub> 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 4</b>

<b> </b>

<b> UNIT 1 home life</b>

<b> B. SPEAKING</b>


1. <i>Educational aim</i>:

- Help students ask and answer about household chores and family life.
2<i>. Knowledge:</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

3.<i> Skills</i>: Speaking and writing

<b>B. METHOD: Intergroup, mainly communicative </b>

<b>C. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook and some pictures of family</b>
<b>D.PROCEDURE: </b>

- Checking attendance:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm - up</b>

<b> Pre –</b>


<b>While –</b>


<b> I.Network</b>

- Ask Ss to find out as many as possible
words rel related to household chores.

- Call some Ss to write on the board.
- Give comments.

<b>Task 1: Read the following statements</b>
<b>and tick the ones that apply to you and</b>
<b>your family.</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, exchange the

-Walk around and help them

- Call some Ss to talk about their families in
front of the class, using the information in
task 1.

- Give feedback

<b>Task two:</b>

- Guide students how to practise.
- Ask students to work in pairs.

- Help the students with new structures.

Give some special expressions

* Could you tell me who….. ?

* By the way who in your family ……. ?
* What about your …. ?

- Walk around and help them.

- Call some pairs of student to stand up and
report before the class.

- Correct their mistakes.

<b>Expected words:</b>
- cleaning the floor
- cooking

- doing the washing up
- washing clothes
- tidying the kitchen
- ironing clothes

- hanging dry the clothes
- repairing/ mending things
- taking care of the baby
- taking out the garbage
- Work in pairs

- Present in front of the class


In my family both my father and mother go to
work. Almost all members of my family share
the household chores. Washing the dishes and
cleaning the house are what I often do help
my parents. We all like watching films on TV
when we have free time at weekends. The
person I often share my secrets with is my
sister. I always ask my parents for advice
before making an important decision.

- Work in pairs .
<b>Expected questions :</b>

1. Could you tell me who works in your

2. By the way who in your family does the
washing up?

3. What about your brother ? Does he share
the household chores?

4. What’s your responsibility in the family?
5. What exactly do you have to do?

6. How do you share the household chores?
7. What interests do your family members
share together?

8. What do your family members often do
together in your free time?

9. Who do you often share your secrets with?
10. Who do you often talk to before making
an important decision?

<b>Sample dialogue :</b>

<b> household </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>Post –</b>
<b>speaking </b>



<b>Task 3 : Ask about your partner’s family. </b>
- Ask Ss to study the table carefully.

- Have the Ss to work in pairs, asking about
the partner family life, noting down the
answers in the table.

-Call some pair to act out in front of the

- Give comments.

<b>Report the information</b>
- Have Ss to work in pair.

- Call some Ss to report in front of the class.
- Correct and give comments.

- More practice the main toppics at home.
- Prepare the section C (The Listening part
of Unit one).

A: - Hi,…Could you tell me a bit about your
family life ?

B: - Sure, no problem.

A: - Who works in your family?

B: - Both my parents. My father is an
engineer and my mother is a teacher. They
work 8 hours a day.

A: Do you help them with the household

B:- Of course. I help my mother in the kitchen
and wash the dishes.

A: -What about your father?

B: -He cleans the floor and sometimes when
my mom is out of on business he cooks for us.
A: - What interests do your family members
share closely?

B: - Watching films. We often watch films on
TV on Saturday evening when everybody is

A: - Who do you often share your secret with?
B: - Mother. I think she understand me well.
A: - So she is the person you often talk to
before making an important decision?

B:- No, in fact both my parents help a lot
when I have problems.

A: - You must be very happy in such a
family .Thanks for giving me time. Bye.
B: - Bye.

<b>Expected answer:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

Date of preparing : Thursday, August 28th<sub> 2009 Week : 2</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, August 29th<sub> 2009 Period : 3</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 5</b>

<b> </b>

<b> UNIT 1 home life</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

- develop listening skills: listening for main ideas and specific information

textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects

<b>C. </b>

<b> Method : mainly communicative</b>
<b>D. PROCEDURE: </b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm – up</b>

<b>Before </b>

<b>While </b>

<b> Jumbled word</b>

Rearrange the letters to make a meaningful word.

- Which word can go with “reunion”?
<b>* Describing the picture</b>

<b>- Ask students to work in pairs, look at and describe</b>
the picture (p16), using the cues:

1. What is happening in the picture?

2. How many pictures are there?/ who are they?
3. How are they feeling? / How do they look?
- Call some students to answers

- Give feedback and introduce the topic of the lesson:

 Lead- in: In today’s listening section, you’ll hear

the conversation between Paul and Andrea talking
about their family.

- introduce some new words to students by using
pictures or by using definitions in English

 Teacher asks students to repeat the words on the

black board.

 Teacher has students pay much attention to the

words and how they’re pronounced and tells students
that they’re given cues helping them to listen to the

text well..

* Vocabulary: Listen and repeat

- Play the tape and ask Ss to read after the tape

- Explain new words :

- leftovers / `left u v z/ th c n th aә ә ứ ă ừ
- spread ( v) out/spred/ tr i ra ả

1. to reserve: = to book sth in advance: đặt trước
2.coach (n): xe chở khách đường dài

3.to spread out: to cover a large area

4.leftovers: food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal

5.flight(n): a journey made by air, especially in a
plane: chuyeán bay

<b>Task 1 : </b><i><b>Listen to the conversation between Paul and</b></i>

-> Family reunion

Look at the pictures.

- Answer the teacher's questions.

+ They are having a big…..
+ many people..

+ Very happy

Students repeat individually and in

-Students listen to the tape carefully

- Read through the questions
- Work individually to do the task
- Compare the answers

1. T

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>



<b>After </b>



<i><b>Andrea and decide whether the statements are T or F</b></i>

<i><b>and then correct the false statements</b></i>

Ask students to read through the questions
- Play the tape two times

- Ask Ss to do individually then compare the answer
with a partner.

- Play the tape again, have students listen and check
the answers

- Call some Ss to give the answers
- Checks and gives feedback.

<b>Task 2: Note down two things that are different</b>
<b>about Paul’s and Andrea’s families.</b>

- Ask students to read through the questions.
- Let them do the task without listening again.
- Play the tape twice .

- Ask students to do Task 2 then compare the answer
with a partner.

- Play the tape again, have students listen and check
the answers

- Ask some students to read the answers
- Checks and gives feedback.

<b>Discussing </b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups, discuss the questions:
<i><b>The importance of family in a person's life</b></i>

- Ask some students to present their discussion in
front of the class.

- Give feedback

- Summarise main points.
- Write about family reunion.
- Prepare Part D

3. F ( It is about 180 kilometers
from they ….)

4. T ( There are 4 children in Paul’s

5. T ( There are too many people to
cook for, they end up going out to
dinner a lot.)

- Read through the questions.
- Work individually to do the task
- Try to do the task without listening

- Compare the answers

- Listen again and check the


<b>Paul</b> <b>Andrea</b>

His family members
are not very close.

His family is a
close - knit one.
The families often

eat the meal the
mother cooks at

The family often
goes out to eat
when they get

- Work in groups, discuss the

- Report their discussion

<b> Family is very important. It’s a </b>

place where people can share their
secrets and find solutions to

problems that arise. Only in family,
we can enjoy love and comforts.
We are sure to be welcome back
when we have disappointments or
failures in life.

Date of preparing : Thursday, August 31st<sub> 2009 Week : 2</sub>
Date of teaching :Friday, September 1st<sub> 2009 Period : 4</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 6</b>

<b> </b>

<b> UNIT 1 home life</b>

<b>D: WRITING</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

By the end of the lesson, students will:
- understand more about home life

- develop listening skills: listening for main ideas and specific information

textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C : METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm- up</b>



-Ask Ss to work in pairs and answers some

1. Do your parents often let you go out in the
evening ?

2. Are you allowed to use your family

3.Are you allowed to do the household chores?
-call on some pairs to present their answer in
front of the class


Lead in : In today’s lesson, you’re going to write
a letter about your family rules

<b>* groups work</b>

<b>Task 1: What rules do you have in your</b>

<b>+Have students revise the verbs </b>
* let sb + V

*allow sb + to V

*have to + V (obligation)
*permit sb + to V

- T delivers Ss handouts (Task 1 – Complete
tthe following sentences).

1. During the school year, I am not allowed

2. I have to………..
3. My parents allow me……….
4. My parents want me not………

- T asks some Ss to go to the BB to write down
their sentences

- T together with Ss finds out the mistakes and
corrects them

<b>Task 2: Write a letter to a pen pal about your</b>
<b>family rules. </b>

- T asks Ss to work in groups and use the ideas
they have written above to write a letter about

Pairs work

1. My parents don’t let me come
home late.

2. My father permits me to use the
family motorbike.

3. I have to do the household chores.

- Ss work in groups

1.During the school year, I am not
allowed to come home late / watch TV

2. I have to clean my house / do the

3. My parents allow me to watch TV /
go out with my friends on Saturday or

4. My parents want me not to stay up
late / chat with my friends on the

- Ss work in groups
Dear Mary,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>



their family rules.

T goes around to offer help

- T calls four representatives of four groups to
go to the BB to write down their letters

- T together with Ss finds out the mistakes and
corrects them

T gives feedback on Ss’ work

T points out some common mistakes made by Ss
when doing this writing task.

T asks Ss to make a conversation about the
content of their letter

T calls some Ss to practice the conversation in
the front of class

- T remarks generally Ss’ written work

- Rewrite at home.

- Prepare the section E (The Language focus
part of Unit one).

few. First, during the school year I’m
allowed to watch TV until I have
finished my homework. Sometimes
my parents let me go out with my
friends on Saturday or Sunday, but I
must come home early. Second, in my
family everybody has to do their share
of the household chores. And mine are
doing the washing and preparing
meals. Third, my parents want me not
to chat on the phone more than ten
minutes. How about your family rules?
I am very happy with my family. My
parents really love me and take good
care of me.


Work in pairs

A. Do your parents let you go out in
the evening?

B. Sometimes on Saturday or Sunday.
A. Are you allowed to watch TV?
B. ………….

Date of preparing : Thursday, September 6th<sub> 2009 Week : 3</sub>
Date of teaching :Friday, September 7th<sub> 2009 Period : 5</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 7</b>

<b>UNIT 1 home life</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


By the end of the lesson, students will:

- distinguish and pronounce correctly the ending sounds / s, z / .
- use correctly the Simple past, past continuous and present perfect

textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C . METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE: checking attendance</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm – up</b>




<b> - Tongue twisters.</b>

- Hang a poster on the B.B, Ask Ss to read the
tongue twisters as quickly as possible. If one read
3 times he wins.

<i><b> She sees Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.</b></i>

<i><b> Where she sits she shines, and where she shines </b></i>
<i><b>she sits. </b></i>

- Ask Ss to pick out the word containing the
ending sounds / s, z / and put in the correct
column. .

- Write on the B.B
+ Listen and repeat:

- Read and ask students to listen and compare the
difference betweet / z / and / s /.

- Let students listen again and to repeat.

- Write some words on board and ask students to

read them aloud.

+ Pratise these sentences:

- Read one before then read again and ask
students to repeat.

- Askk students to practise themselves.
- Walk around and help them

<b> Tense revision</b>
1. Tense revision :

- Hang a poster, Ask Ss to do the exercise .

<b>Poster : Use the correct tenses: simple past,</b>
<b>past continuous or present perfect.</b>

1. When you (buy) that car?
- I (buy) it 2 year ago.

2. At this time yesterday we (play) football.
3. At 7 p.m last Sunday we (visit) the zoo.
4. When I (have ) dinner, my friend (call).
5. I (already/see )Titanic

- Call a student to do on the B.B while the other
practice individually.

- Correct and give feedback.

Read the tongue twisters

 The way to read “s”

1. We read /s/ after some voiceless
such as / f, k, p, t, 8 /

2. We read /iz/ after some sounds
such as / s, z, 2, d2, ~ , t~ /

3. We read /z/ after the left such as /d.
e, r, le, n, m..../

<b> / s / / z /</b>
<b> sits sees</b>

+ Listen and repeat:
- Listen and practise.
+ Pratise these sentences:
- Listen and repeat.
- Preactise in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>



- Ask Ss to remark the uses of these tenses, give



<b>* Simple past is used to denote an action</b>
happening at a specific time in the past with no
relating to the present.

<b>* Past continuous is used to express action that</b>
was in progress at a specific time in the past; it is
also used to express action that was in progress
when something else happened.

<b>2, Practice: Exercises 1 (p.18) ; Ex 2( p.19)</b>
- Ask Ss to do exercises provided in the books.
- Have them do individually, and then compare
the answers with the partners.

- Call Ss to give the answers.
- Correct and give feedback

<b>* Additional exercise: Choose the best answers</b>
1. The man got out the car,…. round to the back
and opened the boot.

A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk
2. I saw Maggie at the party. She … in several

A. wears B. wore C. was wearing

D. has worn

3. After I had had lunch, I…. for my bag.
A. looked B. had looked C. have looked
D. look

- Redo the exercises at home.

- Prepare Unit 2 (The reading part of Unit 2).

4. was having ; called
5. have already seen
Take note


Do exercises

<b>Exercises 1 : Underline the most</b>

1. Have you seen
2. have you enjoyed
3. has been married
4. Did you give ; saw
5. didn’t listen

6. Have you two met

7. Did you meet

<b>Exercises 2 Which answer best fit</b>
<b>each …</b>

1. B 8. C
2. C 9. B
3. A 10. C
4. A 11. B
5. B 12. C
6. B 13. C
7. B 14. A
15. B

Date of preparing : Thursday, September 6th<sub> 2009 Week : 3</sub>
Date of teaching :Friday, September 7th<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>


<b>A: READING</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will:

- understand some more about the senses and personal experiences directly related to the sense.
- improve their reading skills


textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects

<b>C . METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE: - checking attendance</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm – up</b>

<b>Before </b>


<b>- Network</b>

Competition game – network.

- Prepares a hand out with a network of the word’
a Marriage” and asks Ss the Question

- What things make a marriage happy?

<b> Marriage</b>

- Teacher divides the class into 8 groups and gives
each group a hand out. Teacher asks Ss to complete
the network.

- The winner will be the group completing the
network in the shortest period of time.

- Ask students to look at the pictures and work in
pairs to ask and answer the questions.

?what can you see in the pictures?
What are the differences between them?
Call students to answer before the class

Lead to the lesson
<b>* Pair works:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the question:
+Which of the following factors is the most
important for a happy life? Why?

- Love a nice house / flat.
- Money, a good job.

- Parents,<sub> approval good health.</sub>

- T asks Ss to talk before the class and give the
reason why. The other can asks Questions.

<b>*Vocabulary: </b>

Give some main words to present using vocabulary

Group work

<b>Expected words:</b>
-romantic love
- understanding
- sharing

- partnership of equals

Pairs works

Free answers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<b>While </b>


technique to teach.

1.Phycical attractiveness:
2. Confide.(v): chia s , tâm sẽ ự
3. Partnership of equals:
4. Trust built on love:
5.diversity (n):tính đđa d ngạ
6.diversify (v):đ đa d ng hóaạ
7.diverse (adj):thay đ i , khác nhauổ

8.approval (n):s ch p thu nự ấ ậ

9.marriage (n):hôn nhân, sự kết hôn
-read aloud and ask Ss to repeat
-correct mistake

<b>-Ask Ss to read the text silently to do the tasks.</b>
Focus on the phrases physical attractiveness;
confiding; partnership of equals and trust built on

- Open the tape. T can ask 1 or 2 good student to
read the text aloud.

<b>*Task 1 Explain the meaning of the word/</b>
<b>phrases: </b>

- Ask Ss to read the sentences silently to understand
what to do.

If Ss have any problems, T might be able to help
them by giving the instruction.

- Give handouts Matching

1.Precede a. happen or exist before

2. Determine b. tell some – one about something
Very Private or secret


4. Sacrifice c. having a duty to do something.
5. Obliged d. find out

e. willingly stop having something
you want

-Goes around for help

- Call on Ss to read aloud what they do.
- Give feedback and correct answers.

-Get Ss to read the sentences in task loud what they
do the other can translate them into Vietnamese
pairs by pairs

<b>* Task 2 Answer the following questions:</b>

- Get Ss to read the whole text silently to answers
the question

- Ask them to work in pairs or groups asks and
answers the questions

- Call on some Ss to answer in front of the class.
- Give feedback

- T divides class into small groups of 6 or 8 and asks

Read the passage silently

Individual work/ group work and pair


1 – a; 2 – d; 3- b; 4 – e; 5- c

Pair work/ group work and whole class

1. They are Physical attractiveness;
Confiding ; Partnership of equals; trust
built on love.

2. The young Americans are much
concerned than the young Indians and
the Chinese with physical

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>




them to discuss the question: what are the

differences between a tradition Vietnamese family?
* Number of children.

*The house they like to have.
* The head of the family.
*Who works?

*Who takes care of the housework and children?
* The income….

T goes around to help Ss if they have any problem.
- T asks to talk before the class some pairs groups
- Learn the new words by heart, read and translate
the text, do the tasks again.

- Prepare the section B (The Speaking part of Unit

woman has to sacrifice more in a
marriage than a man.

4. The American wife trusts her
husband to do the right thing because
he loves her not because he has to do.

5. The main finding of the survey is
that young Asians are not as romantic
as their American counterparts

Pairs work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

Date of preparing : Tuesday, September 8th<sub> 2009 Week : 3</sub>
Date of teaching : Wednesday,September 9th<sub> 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 9</b>


<b>B: SPEAKING</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will:

- understand more about differences among cultures.

- discuss information that relates to the differences between Vietnamese and
American cultures

- to improve the students’ speaking skills

textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C .METHOD: Intergroup, mainly communicative, </b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<b> Warm - up</b>




Gives two tables and asks Ss to work in group of
three or four to complete the table

Give a picture

-Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer

1. What are they doing?

2. Can you guess where they are?

3. In Viet Nam, do people often kiss in
public? Why or Why not?

4. What about in America?

-lead to the new lesson. Today we will learn
about the differences between Vietnamese and
American cultures

<b>Task 1</b>

T asks Ss to open the book on page 22

- T asks Ss to read the sentences in the box in

Task 1 on page 22.

- T can explain some special expressions if

- T reads aloud and instructs Ss how to use these

Some special expressions

I think / feel / believe….. I don’t agree……
In my opinion …… It’s not true……..
For me….. That’s true /
wrong /….

- T ask Ss to express their point of view on the
following ideas, using the words or expressions in
the box.

● In Vietnam, there are three or vevn more
generation may live in a nhome.

● A happy marriage should be based on love.
● In some Asian countries, love is supposed to
follow marriage not precede it.

● In some countries, a man and a woman may
hold hands and kiss each other in public.
- T can make a sample conversation with a

Do the task

1. They are kissing

2. In the public / In the street
3. No, they don’t. It’s impolite.
4. It is very common.

Ss open the book and look at the
sentences in the box on page 22.
- Ss listen to the teacher and write
down the new expression in their

- Ss read after the teacher

- Students choose some of these ideas
and then use the expressions in the box
to express their points of view.

- Ss work in pairs.


<i><b>T</b>: I think a happy marriage should be </i>
<i>based on love.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>


<b>Home </b>

- T goes round the class and helps Ss if

- T can divide the class into the suitable groups
<b>Task 2</b>

- ask Ss to look at task 2 on page 23 and tells
them to read the typical features of the American
culture in pairs, and then discuss and find out the
corresponding features of the Vietnamese

- help Ss with the new words and the

- give Ss some expressions to help them practice
the conversation easily.

<i>Some expressions</i>
<i>Do you know that………?</i>
<i>It is said that……..</i>

<i>It is said that in the newspaper / on TV / radio </i>

-Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task
-Call on some pairs to give their ideas
- Correct and gives feedback

<b>Task 3: Talk about the similarities and </b>
<b>differences between Vietnamese and </b>
<b>American in cultures </b>

- Explain how to do the task 3

- Ask Ss to read the answer of task 2 again
before doing the task 3

- Ask Ss to work in group of four
- Call on some pairs to give their ideas
- Correct and give feedback

-Ask Ss to work the tasks again

- Ask Ss to write a short passage about the
differences and similarities in celebrating a
wedding ceremony in Vietnam and American
- Prepare part C

<i>terrible if there is not true love between </i>
<i>a husband and a wife.</i>

<i><b>T</b>: But in some Asian countries love is </i>
<i>supposed to follow marriage, not </i>
<i>precede it.</i>

<i><b>S</b>: For me, I don’t think it’s true (What </i>
<i>will happen if there is no true love even </i>
<i>after marriage). How can two people </i>
<i>who don’t love each other live happily </i>
<i>in the same house?</i>

Ss read task 2

- Ss write down some expressions in
their notebooks.


- three or sometime four generations
live under one roof

- Elders live with children and are
taken care of by their sons

- Asking about age, marriage and
income is acceptable.

- A Vietnamese greets the head of the
family or an older person first, then the
younger ones

- Groceries are bought everyday
- Tet(Lunar New Year) is the most

- Children often sleep with their parents
Take note

<i>There are differences and similarities </i>
<i>between Vietnamese and American </i>
<i>cultures. In America, there are two </i>
<i>generations live in the same house. In </i>
<i>Vietnam, two, three or even four </i>
<i>generations live under on roof. It’s </i>
<i>tradiotional for children to live near </i>
<i>and take care of their parents so old </i>
<i>people in Vietnam don’t live in nursing </i>
<i>home as Americans do. Americans don’t</i>
<i>want to be asked about age, marriage </i>
<i>and income while it is acceptable in </i>

Date of preparing : Monday, September 14th<sub> 2009 Week : 4</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday,September 15th<sub> 2009 Period : 3</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>




By the end of the lesson, students will:

- Listen and understand the conversation about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam.
- Listen and fill the missing information in the gaps

- Listen and answer the questions about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam
- Know some more new words about wedding ceremony.


textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C. METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>




<b> - </b><i><b>cross words</b></i>

-Give the cross words on the additional board.
- Read aloud each clue, gets students say
aloud the answers.

<b>*cross word:</b>





1. the woman that a man is married to
2. every marriages should be based on this
3. what do we call a woman on her wedding

4. the man that a woman is married to
-checks and correct.

-Ask Ss to guess the topic of the lesson today
-lead to the new lesson

- ask Ss to open the book.

- ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 24 and
discuss what is happening in each one.

- gives some guide questions:
1. What do you see in the pictures?
2. Who are they?

3. What are they doing?
-check correct answers

Ask students to discuss the two questions:

 Class work

Each student with a correct answer will be
given a present.

<b>suggested answers:</b>

1 W I F E
2 L O V E

3 B R I D E
4 H U S B A N D

5 S P R I N G
6 R I N G

7 G R O O M
5. people often choose this season to hold
wedding ceremonies.

6. to show that you are married, what do

you often wear?

7. what do we call a man on his wedding

Ss look at the pictures on page 24, work in
groups and then discuss what is happening
in each one.

- Ss answer the teacher’s questions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>



1.Have you ever attended a wedding

2.what do the bridge and the groom usually do
at the wedding ceremony?

T. introduces the new lesson: You will hear
two people talking about a wedding ceremony
in Vietnam. Listen and do some listening

* Vocabulary: Listen and Repeat

T. teach some new words first and then plays

the tape for students to listen and repeat.

<i>Altar: bàn thờ</i>

<i>Master of Ceremony:</i>
<i>Banquet: </i>

<i>Groom: chú rễ</i>
<i>Bride:cô dâu</i>

<i>Ancestor: ông bà tổ tiên</i>
<i>Tray: khay</i>

<i>Schedule: lịch </i>
<i>Blessing: cầu chúc</i>

<b>1.TASK 1</b>

- T explains Task 1 to the Ss

<i>You will hear two people talking about a</i>
<i>wedding ceremony in Vietnam. Listen to the</i>
<i>tape and fill in the blanks the missing</i>

Get Ss to read carefully five sentences before
listening the tape to do the task.

- Play the tapes twice

(T. can play the tape one more time if students
have difficulty.)

- Ask Ss to work individually, then compare
their answers with the other student.

- Call on some Ss to give their answers,
correct and give feedback.

<b>2. Task 2: </b><i><b>Answering </b></i>

-Ask Ss to read carefully the five questions
first, then let them try to answer before
listening again to do the task.

-Play the tape twice, one for doing the task,
one for giving feedbacks.

Call on some Ss to give their answers, correct
and give feedback.

-explains the task and asks Ss to work in

<i>3. They are bringing a lot of gifts</i>

<i>1.yes, I have</i>

<i>2. they usually …………..</i>

Ss write down the new words in the

- Ss repeat

- Read
- Listen

- Expected answer:
1. groom’s parents
2. red paper
3. altar

4. at the wedding banquet
5. wedding cards/ money

Ss read the questions in Task 2 carefully,
listen to the tape for three times and answer
the question

1. The most important thing the groom’s
family has to do on the wedding day is to go
to the bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped
in red paper.

2. They would pray, asking their ancestors’
permission to get married.

3. After they pray and ask their ancestors’
permission to get married.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>




groups to discuss the question: <i>What do</i>
<i>families often to do to prepare for a wedding</i>


- the importantance of wedding ceremony to
Vietnamese people

- the preparation for the wedding
- what groom and bride do on their

wedding day

- banquet ( place, food, drink….)
guests ( gifts, blessing, ….)

-call on some groups to present their answers
Write a short paragraph to introduces about
the wedding ceremonies in Vietnam

5. They stop by each table to thank their

- Ss read the question carefully and then
discuss in groups


<i>The wedding is very important to the bride</i>
<i>and the groom as well as the two families.</i>
<i>The wedding day is carefully chosenm by the</i>
<i>groom’s parents because they think that it</i>
<i>will affect the future life of the new couple.</i>
<i>Both families have to talk with each other to</i>
<i>decide the place, the number of the guests</i>
<i>and how to hold the banquet. Not oly the</i>
<i>bride and the groom but nearly all members</i>
<i>in the two families have to be sure in their</i>
<i>best clothes on that day. The altars od the</i>
<i>both families are cleaned and well</i>
<i>decorated. Then comes the cars and the</i>
<i>flowers. They have to be ordered in advance</i>
<i>so that everything will be available on that</i>
<i>day. Everybody is very busy but they all look</i>
<i>forward to that important day.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

Date of teaching : Tuesday,September 15 2009 Period : 4

<b>LESSON PLAN 11</b>


<b>C: WRITING</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will:

- Write a description about a symbol of the Vietnamese Culture: The Conical Leaf Hat

textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C. METHOD: Intergroup, mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm – up</b>


<b> -Paint some pictures on the board :</b>

P1 P2 P3 P4
-Asks Ss to look at the pictures and asks:
What’s this?

-Asks Ss some questions:

1. Where in Vietnam do people often wear
leaf hat?

2. Who wear it?
3. What form is it?

leads to the new lesson →<b>Describing the </b>
<b>conical leaf hat.</b>

Gives Ss some new words:
+ leaf (n) : lá cây

+ rim (n): vành

+ ribs (n) : gân ( lá cây)

+ strap (n) : dây ( da, lụa, vải )

Reads once time and then asks Ss to repeat

- Ask Ss to copy it down into their notebooks
<b>TASK 1</b>

- T can ask Ss to close the book and answer
some questions

1. Have you ever worn a conical leaf hat?
2. Have you ever seen a conical leaf hat?

3. If yes, what does it look like?

- Now T asks Ss to open the book on page 25,
look at Task 1

T explains Task 1:

You are going to write about the conical leaf

Look at the board

Look at the pictures and answer:
P1:A line/a slope

P2:A conical form
P3: A triangle
P4: A leaf hat
<b>Expected answers:</b>
1. Vietnam, Hue city
2. girls, women
3. Conical form

Listen and repeat again

- Ss listen to the teacher’s questions and
give the answers.

<i>The answer is optional</i>

- Ss look at the picture on page 25, work
in pairs and finish Task 1

<i>The answer</i>
<i> 1. leaf</i>
<i> 2. ribs</i>
<i> 3. rim</i>
<i> 4. strap</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>Post </b>

hat or “nãn l¸”, a symbol of Vietnamese culture.
Look at the picture below , write Vietnamese
equivalents for the English words

- T suggests useful expressions
<b>Useful expression</b>

<i>To be made from: được làm bằng </i>

- T gives some suggested questions

1. What is a symbol of Vietnamese girls and


2. What is considered as a part of the spirit of
Vietnamese nation?

3. What is it made from?
4. What does it look like?
5. What is the diameter?
6. How high is it?

6. How many ribs are shaped into a conical

7. What is it used for?
- Following questions:

1.How many parts are there in your writing?
2. What are they?

3. What do you include in the main body?
-Ask Ss to write a passage of about 150 words
about the conical leaf hat of Vietnam, using
the out line and information below.

-ask Ss to work individually

- T goes round the class to help Ss if necessary
-After that, asks Ss to exchange their writing

- Feedback to students’ writing

- Collects some of Ss’ works to give feedback
-Should draw Ss’ attentions to the

organization of description and the language
use , especially the verb tenses

- T asks Ss to write task page 19 in the
student’s workbook.

<i>1. The conical leaf hat is a symbol of </i>
<i>Vietnamese girls and women.</i>

<i>2. It is also considered as a part of the </i>
<i>spirit of Vietnamese nation.</i>

<i>3. It’s made from a special kind of </i>
<i>bamboo and young soft palm leaves.</i>
<i>4. It has a conical form.</i>

<i>5. The diameter is about 45 or 50 </i>
<i>centimeters and it is about 25 or 30 </i>
<i>centimeters high.</i>

<i>6. Either 16 or 18 ribs are shaped into a </i>
<i>conical form which is then covered with </i>
<i>palm leaves. The leaves are sewn into </i>

<i> Finally the hat is trimmed and painted </i>

<i>with a coat of attar oil.</i>

<i>7. The conical leaf hat is used to protect </i>
<i>people from the sun and the rain.</i>

<i>- Wearing this conical leaf hat in summer </i>
<i>sunny days, girls look more charming.</i>
<i>- The hat also helps to protect their </i>
<i>complexion and give them a cool feeling in</i>
<i>such hot weather.</i>

1. Three

2. Introduction – main body – conclusion
3. Materials – shape and size – process
<b>Sample writing :</b>

The conical leaf hat is one of the typical features
of the Vietnamese culture because it can not be
found anywhere else in the world. The leaf hat is
not only a symbol of Vietnamese girls and women
but not also become a part of the spirit of the
Vietnamese nation.

The conical leaf hat is made from a special kind
of bamboo and young and soft palm leaves. Either
16 or 18 ribs are shaped into a conical form which
is about 45 or 50 centimeters in diameter and
about 25 or 30 centimeters high. The conical form
is then covered with palm leaves which are sewn

into all ribs. Finally, the hat is trimmed and
painted with a coat of attar oil.

The conical leaf hat is used like an umbrella to
protect people from the sun and the rain. Beneath
the broad rims of the leaf hat, the girls and women
look more pretty and attractive. Unfortunately
they are now only used by pedestrians or those
who ride bicycles.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Date of teaching : Friday,September 15 2009 Period : 5

<b>LESSON PLAN 12</b>




By the end of the lesson, students will:

- Pronounce correctly the – ed endings sound of verb in the simple past tense.
- Review the usage of tenses.


textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C. METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm - up</b>


Hang a chart with 12 verbs (both regular verb and
irregular verb) with the form: infinitive without

For example

<i>see, need, go, laugh, teach , eat, miss, paint, close,</i>
<i>run , play, help</i>

Divide class into 4 groups.
- Read loudly 12 verbs 2 times.

-Ask Ss to rewrite all verbs which they hear.
-Call leader of each group to go to BB and write

-Check and choose the winner.

-Call some students read all verbs when adding
“ed” at the end of each verb.

- Ask Ss to give comment and note how to read


- leads-in new lesson.
<b>Activity 1:</b>

- T gives Ss the rules of pronouncing the verbs
ending in -ed

There are three ways

1. ed /d/ after voiced consonants and vowels.→
2. ed /t/ after [ → <b>k , p , s , , t∫ ∫ , f )</b>

3. ed /id/ after / t, d/→

- T asks Ss to look at the verbs on the board and
then write them into the right column

- T reads aloud and asks Ss to repeat

- T asks Ss to open the book and look at the
words on page 27

- look at

- listen
- listen
- rewrite
- answer
- listen

Ss change these verbs into past

<i>saw, needed, went, laughed, taught,</i>
<i>ate, missed, painted, closed, ran,</i>
<i>played, helped</i>

Ss write down the rules in the


/ t/ / d / / id /



<i>played</i> <i>neededpainted</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>



- T asks Ss to practice

<b>Activity 2:</b>

-Ask Ss to practise reading sentences in textbook
in pairs and then arrange the verbs into 3
kinds: /t/ - /d/ - /id/.

-Check and gives feedback.

-Play the tape (or read) and ask Ss repeat. (note
sentence stress

<b> tense revision</b>

-asksss to look back the examples above and
review the tense

I have learned English for 7 years
- I visited my friends.

- check and give feedback

<b>Exercise1: Use the correct form of the verbs…</b>
-Ask Ss to work individually carefully and then
work in pairs.

-Explains how to use tense if necessary.

- Call some Ss to answer and ask class to give

- Give feedback.

- calls some pairs read the conversation.
<i><b>* </b></i><b>Exercise 2: Multiple choices </b>

- Ask Ss to read exercise carefully.

-Explain the meaning of the difficult words
- Explain how to use tense of necessary.
-Ask Ss work in pairs

-Call on some Ss answer and asks class to give

-give feedback.

<b>Exercise 3: Complete the letter with the </b>
<b>correct form of the verbs in brackets</b>
Giude students how to do

- Do the first as an example.
- Ask students to to the exercise.
- Call the to to on board.

- Correct

- Review tenses
- / ? / Give handouts:

EX 1: Choose the best answer:

1. The wedding party …. at the Rex Hotel.
A. is B. is being C. will be D. are

2. By the end of next year Gorge …..English for 2

A. will have learned B. will learn
C. has learned D. would learn

- work in pairs

- remind.


1. Have you seen ; saw ; am going to

2. drank ; haven’t drunk ; drank
3. has written ; Did she write ; wrote
4. have been cooking ; cooked ;

- Practise the conversation
<b>Answers :</b>

1. C 5. C
2. A 6. A

3. C 7. C
4. A 8. A

1. moved
2. moved
3. have asked
4. have not stopped
5. study

6. will fail
7. could talk
-> A

-> A

-> B

-> He started teaching 20 years

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

3. We …. English this time last week.
A. learned B. were learning
C. have learned D. had learned
4. The child …. before the doctor arrived.
A. died B. had died

C. has died D. was dying
EX 2 : Rewrite this sentences

1. He has been teaching for 20 years.( He

2. How long have you studied English ?
( When)

3. They finished their work, then they drank in
the pub.( After…)

- Prepare Unit 3

-> After they had finished their
work, they drank in the pub.

<b>Extra exercises</b>

<i><b>Choose the best answer a, b, c or d</b></i>

1.You aren’t concentrating on your work. What ……….. about?
a. are you thinking b. were you thinking

c. did you think d. did you thought

2. My brother never ……….. the washing up.

a. do b. does c. makes d. make

3. Perhaps people don’t like ……….. tourists in their country.

a. so much b. too much c. so many d. a lot

4. ……….. four years in the Olympic Games, we see people from warring countries shake hands.

a. for b. in c. after d. every

5. I ……….. of learning how to fly a plane now.

a. am thinking b. think c. thought d. have thought

6. My car’s old but it never ………..

a. breaks down b. break down c. get down d. gets down
7. Lots of tulips ……….. grown in Holland.

a. is b. are c. have d. has

8. This room is used ……….. meetings.

a. for b. by c. to d. as

9. Sister Wendy not only loves God and art but also ……….. good food and wine.

a. hates b. dislikes c. enjoys d. prefers

10. I ……….. what you mean.

a. am not understand b. didn’t understand

c. don’t understand d. haven’t understood

11. About 1,000 people are ……….. in that factory.

a. employed b. worked c. lost their jobs d. redundant
12. Look ……….. that strange man over there! What’s he doing?

a. after b. for c. at d. up

13. They didn’t tell the policeman ……….. they had taken the money.

a. if b. that c. whether d. Ø

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

a. spent b. went c. had gone d. had spent
15. Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent ……….. a very young age.

a. in b. from c. at d. during

16. After his mother died, Scott ……….. home to seek his fortunate in St. Louis.

a. left b. was leaving c. had left d. has left

17. When I was in paris, I ……….. a lot of friends.

a. took b. made c. was making d. was taking

18. I ……….. wash my hair. It’s too dirty.

a. have to b. should c. will d. must

19. He ……….. take this medicine three times a day.

a. can b. has to c. must d. will

20. We aren’t ……….. to smoke and chew gum in class.

a. allowed b. managed c. able d. possible

21. I don’t think you ……….. take anything valuable.

a. have to b. should c. can d. must

22. The more I learn, the more I realize ……….. know.

a. how little I don’t c. how little I

c. how few I d. how few I don’t

23. Tom doesn’t like dancing, but Mike ………..

a. does b. did c. do d. doesn’t

24. Listen! Somebody ……….. for help.

a. are screaming b. scream c. is screaming d. has scream

25. I have a test tomorrow, so I ……….. sit up late tonight to study.

a. will have to b. can have to c. have d. have to

26. Ann agreed to stay behind, she was used to ……….. late.

a. work b. working c. worked d. works

27. Have you booked your holiday? – Yes, we have. We ……….. to Italy.

a. will go b. can go c. are going d. must go

28. I haven’t got enough money to pay for my ticket.
- It’s Ok. I ……….. you some.

a. will lend b. am lending c. am going to lend d. lend
29. I think it’s interesting ……….. in London.

a. to go shopping b. go shopping c. going shopping d. in going shopping
30. Have you got toothache again?

- Oh! It’s agony! But I ……….. the dentist this afternoon.

a. see b. am seeing c. will see d. have to see

31. None of them knows very much about the places they ………..

a. visit b. visited c. are visiting d. going to visit
32. Is it possible ……….. rooms with a sea view?

a. having b. have c. to have d. to having

33. She really annoys me. I can’t stand people ……….. her.

a. with b. like c. as d. the same

34. Why did I agree ……….. with you?

a. work b. working c. to work d. to working

35. We would like ……….. our holiday on the beach.

a. spend b. to spend c. spending d. to spending

36. I want ……….. more careful with your homework in future.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

37. I wasn’t allowed ……….. out unless my parents knew where I was going

a. to go b. going c. to going d. go

38. We don’t like living in ……….. towns.

a. young b. capital c. excited d. busy

39. We have been good friends ……….. we were at university.

a. as b. when c. while d. since

40. Nearly 30 people ……….. in the earthquake this morning.

a. have been injured b. were injured c. have injured d. injured
41. I really look forward ……….. you again.

a. meet b. meeting c. to meet d. to meeting

42. I first met my husband ……. 1995

a. for b. ago c. in d. since

43. I’ll give you a ring when I ……….. the time of the train.

a. know b. am knowing c. will know d. am know

44. If I ……….. the national lottery ticket, I would buy a bigger house.

a. win b. won c. get d. got

45. We live in the city. We wish we ……….. in the country.

a. are living b. live c. have lived d. lived

46. If I ……….. travel around the world, I would go to Hawaii.

a. can b. could c. may d. want

47. If the teacher ……….. me extra homework tonight, I will not go out with you.

a. makes b. gives c. helps d. lets

48. Do you know where ……….. my glasses?

a. I do put b. do I put c. have I put d. I have put
49. You won’t tell anyone about the truth, ………..?

a. will you b. won’t you c. you will d. you won’t

50. I have know idea ……….. the biggest office in the world is?

a. why b. what c. how d. when

51. I’m not sure how many babies ……….. every hour.

a. are born b. born c. were born d. will be born

52. You can use a word processor, ……….. you?

a. have b. don’t c. can’t d. can

53. I wonder how ……….. to celebrate his birthday.

a. he isgoing b. is he going c. he will d. will he
54. I don’t know where my husband gets the money ………..

a. to b. from c. at d. in

55. Our train ……….. at 7,00, doesn’t it?

a. has left b. have left c. leaves d. leave

56. He made me believe that they ……….. the district.

a. had left b. left c. will leave d. are leaving

57. John is not at home. He ……….. his doctor about his sore throat.

a. sees b. is seeing c. saw d. has seen

58. They were too late. The plane ……….. off ten minutes earlier.

a. took b. had taken c. has taken d. was taking

59. When the teacher speaks, we have to keep quiet, ……….. ?

a. don’t we b. musn’t we c. won’t we d.doesn’t he

60. Paper money ……….. for over 1,000 years.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

61. The weather has been bad this week. Next week it ……….. probably be even worse.

a. is b. will c. is going d. must

62. She finally decided ……….. her children alone in the house.

a. to not leave b. not to leavec. not leaving d. not leave

63. She ……….. her children to close all the windows. It’s raining hard outside.

a. said b. told c. ask d. remembered

64. We always ……….. lots of photos while we are on holiday.

a. make b. take c. catch d. do

65. Can you explain to me ……….. so many people think Dolphins are very clever.

a. why b. what c. how d. whether

66. We are really looking forward to ……….. home at the weekend.

a. to go b. gone c. going d. go

67. I’. ……….. exhausted after a hard day.

a. really b. very c. rather d. quite

68. “I have never been to America”, she ……….. to me.

a. told b. said c. asked d. begged

69. I thought the film ……….. interesting.

a. would be b. will be c. is d. has been

70. “I ……….. for the meal”, Mark asks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

Date of preparing : Monday, September 21st<sub> 2009 Week : 5</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday,September 22nd<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 13</b>


<b>A: READING</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will:

- read for specific information about <i>The ways of socialising.</i>

- be able to talk some back ground information of<i> The ways of socialising.</i>
- Give the Vietnamese equivalents to the following words and phrases.

- Decide which of the three options below is the best title for the passage and answer the questions
of the lesson.


textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C .Method: mainly communicative</b>

<b>C. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


5mns <b> </b> - Write the words whose letters are in a random <b> Jumbled words</b>
order on the board.

- Divide the class into two teams. Ss from two
teams go to the board and write the correct words.
- The team which writes correct words first will
be the winner.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>


1. osiacsilgin
2. fo

3. sawy

Answer : <i>1</i> socialising , <i>2</i> of , <i>3</i> ways

<b>-</b> Have Ss guess the phrase of words above
Ways of socialising

<b>- Lead in: T asks Ss to open the textbook on page </b>

T: <i>Today we are going to learn <b>Unit 3- Ways of </b></i>
<i><b>socialising- A: Reading</b></i>

- Ask students to look at the pictures, work in pairs
to ask and answer the questions

1. What are the people in the picture doing?
2. Can you guess what they say to each other?
3. What will you do / say if:

+ you want to get your teacher’s attention in

+ you need to ask someone a question, but they
are busy

talking to someone else?
-Go around to offer help.

-Call on some Ss to present their answers and
elicits comments from other Ss. Give feedback if

<b>* Teaching Vocabulary:</b>

- T asks Ss to skim the passage and underline the
new words.

- T explains the new words.

<i>1. attract (v) </i>
<i>2. assistance(n) </i>
<i>3. whistle (v)</i>
<i>4. clap (v)</i>
<i>5. attention (n)</i>
<i>6. acceptable (a)</i>

<i>7.Compliment: (n): (synonym)</i>
<i> 8.Decent: ( adj) (situation)</i>

<i> 9.Appropriate: ( adj) ( translation)</i>
<i> 10.Kidding(n) ( situation)</i>

<i> 11.Signal (n): ( example)</i>

<i> 12.Marvellous: ( adj): ( synonym)</i>

- Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalent (if

- Read a new word three times. Ss listen and
repeat after the teacher.

<b>Task 1 ( 5mns)</b>

- The team which writes correct
words first will be the winner

Pairs work

<i>1.In the pictures, people are shaking </i>
<i>hands and waving with each other.</i>
<i>2.they may be greeting each other</i>
<i>3. - If we want to get our teacher’s </i>
<i>attention in class, we can raise our </i>
<i>hands slightly.</i>

<i> - If we need to ask someone a </i>
<i>question, but they are busy talking to </i>
<i>someone else, we can…</i>

skim the passage and underline the
new words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>



T writes these words on the board:

<i>- verbal (a)</i>
<i>- non-verbal (a)</i>

<i>- attract someone’s attention</i>
<i>- impolite (a) # polite (a)</i>
<i>- rude(a) # polite</i>

<i>- informality (adv) # formality</i>
<i>- approach (v)</i>

<i>- a slight nod will do</i>

-Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalent to the
following words and phrases.

-Instruct Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at
the words to guess their meanings.

-Guess the meaning of the words based on the

context in the sentences.

-Check that Ss understand the word correctly.
-Call some students to give the answers.
- Ask others students to correct.

- Give the true answers..

<b>Task 2 (4mns)</b>

-Ask students to read the questions carefully.
- Ask students to read through the passage again.
- Devide the class into pairs to do .

- Call some students to give the answers.
- Ask others students to correct.

- Give the true answers..
<b>Task 3 ( 10mns)</b>

<b>Questions and answers </b>

Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer the
questions in the book basing on the information in
the reading passage.

- Ask Ss to read the text again and write down the
answers to the following questions.

- T moves around class to give help.

<b> -call on some pairs to present their answers in </b>
<b>front of the class</b>

<b>-give correct answers</b>
<b>* Discussion</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the meaning of
whisling and hand- clapping in Vietnamese culture.
- Move around to help Ss.

- Ask some pairs to act out their conversation.
- T gives feedback.

-asks Ss to learnt by heart the lesson

listen and repeat after the teacher.
Copy down

give the Vietnamese equivalent to the
following words and phrases.

read the passage quickly and stop at
the words to guess their meanings.
Present answers

<i>- verbal (a): bằng lời, hữu ngôn</i>
<i>- non-verbal (a); không bằng lời, phi </i>

<i>- attract someone’s attention: thu hut sù</i>
<i>chó ý cđa ai</i>

<i>- impolite (a) # polite (a): không lịch </i>

<i>- rude(a) # polite: thô tục, thô bạo</i>
<i>- informality (adv) # formality: thân </i>
<i>mật, không nghi thức</i>

<i>- approach (v): tiếp cận</i>

<i>- a slight nod will do: một cái gật đầu </i>
<i>nhẹ là đủ</i>

Work in pairs

read the passage more carefully &
choose the best title for it.


<i><b>A. ( Attracting Attention: Non- verbal </b></i>
<i><b>Cues) </b></i>

work in pairs and ask and answer the
questions in the book basing on the
information in the reading passage.

<b> 1. We can use either verbal or </b>
non- verbal communication.

2. Because they are strong actions
that can easily be seen

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- Review the points that have been covered in the
lesson and do the exercise in the exercise book.
- prepare the next part: Speaking


4.You can use a small friendly wave
to attract his or her attention.

5. Because it’s considered rude.

work in pairs to discuss the meaning
of whisling and hand- clapping in
Vietnamese culture.

Date of preparing : Monday, September 21st<sub> 2009 Week : 5</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday,September 22nd<sub> 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 14</b>


<b>B: SPEAKING</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will:

- practise speaking exactly and appropriately about the ways of socialising, based on the vocabulary
and structures that they have learnt in the lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>


textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C . METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>




<b>Guessing word:</b>
T: <i>What is it?</i>

Divide the class into two groups.

T says that he has a word in his mind and he going to
give some information about the word. Members of
each group will listen and may stop at any information
they hear to guess what the word is. Each group has
only two chances to gues the word. The first group to
tell exactly what the word is wins the game.

T gives information about the word.

<i>1. It’s a noun.</i>

<i>2. It has got ten letters.</i>

<i>3. It is an expression by word or action, or </i>

<i>4. It shows one respect, give and respond your </i>
<i>feeling about things which are beautiful, good, </i>
<i>or interesting, etc.</i>

<b>What is the word?</b>

T gives the correct answer.

Answer key: COMPLIMENT
<b>Task 1:</b>

- Introduces the task: <i>You are going to work in your </i>

<i>group to practise reading these dialogues, paying </i>
<i>attention to how people give and respond to </i>
<i>compliments in each situation.</i>

Elicit the new words by asking Ps.

- <i>compliments(n)</i>
- <i>hairstyle(n)</i>
- <i>terrific(a)</i>
- <i>kidding(a)</i>

Ask Ps to take notes and practise reading vocabulary.
Ask Ps to work in pairs, practise reading these
dialogues, paying attention to how people give and
respond to compliments in each situation.

T reads once. Ask Ps to listen.

Hang the table on the board. Ask Ps to look at the
information about compliments in the table.

Useful language:

<i><b>Give compliments</b></i> <i><b>Respond to</b></i>

- <i>beautiful</i> - <i>Thank you/ Thanks</i>

 Listen to the

Work in groups

Listen and find out the answers.

Work in pairs

- Look at the table on
the board.

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- <i>perfect</i>

- <i>I’ve never seen…</i>
- <i>terrific/ t6r1f1k /</i>
- <i>better</i>

<i>I think</i>

<b>-What a/an……you have/ </b>

have got!

<b>-How + adj/adv…………</b>
<b>-You really have………</b>
<b>-Your ……is/are…</b>

- <i>That’s a nice </i>

<i>I think</i>

I’m glad you like it.
Thank you. I think/
Thank you. That’s a
nice compliment.
You must
have got to
be kidding.

-Ask Ss to use the information in the table to suitable
information and play the roles in the dialogues to
practise the dialogues.

-Move around to give help
<i><b>Task 2: </b></i>7mns

-Read the cues once. Ask Ss to listen and look at the
information in the task.

-Explain the situations of each dialogues.
-Guide Ss to use suitable compliments in each
dialogues, using the cues.

-Ask Ss to work in pairs, practise giving compliments
to suit the responses.

Move around to give help.

-Call on some pairs to act out their conversation in
front of the class.

-Give comments on their conversations.

<b>Task 3</b>


-Read the cues once. Ask Ss to listen and look at the
information in the task.

-Explain the situations of each dialogues.
-Guide Ss to use suitable compliments in each
dialogues, using the cues.

Ask Ss to work in pairs, practise responding
compliments to suit the responses.

Move around to give help.

<b>-Call on some pairs to act out their conversation in </b>
front of the class.

-Give comments on their conversations.

<i><b>Task 4:</b></i>

-Before getting Ss to discuss, T reminds them of some
useful expressions for giving and responding

compliments in Task 1.

-Divide the class into small groups of 3 or 4 & gets

- Take notes.

use the information in the
table to suitable
information and play the
roles in the dialogues to
practise the dialogues.

- Work in pairs.

listen and look at the
information in the task.

- Some pairs perform.
Others listen to.

David: You really have a
beautiful dress. It is the most
beautiful dress I have seen.

Hung: Your motorbike is really
terrific. Then…

Michel: I Though your
badminton was a lot better ….
- Work in groups.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the teacher.
act out their conversation
in front of the class.

- Thank you, Phil. I think you
can do it as well as I do.
- Thank you, Peter. That’s a

nice compliment.

You must be kidding. I think it is

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<b>Home work</b>

them to discuss the task.

-Go around to check and offer help.

-After checking that all the groups have finished, T
calls on the representative of each group to report
their peer’ ideas. T check if other groups would have
the same or different ideas.

- Listen & take note of their errors. T provides

corrective feedback after that.

Work with your friends: Make compliments and
responses about something or performances of your
friends in class.

- study

- speaking English
- singing

- briefcase/ a new pen/ a nice hat/
-Prepare the next part.

Share with the other pairs.

Present the dialogues

Take note teacher’s feedback

 A nice pair of glasses:

A: Your pair of glasses are
really nice. I really like them.
B: Really, Peter. I just bought it

 A new and expensive watch;

A: You really have a new and
expensive watch, ……… How did
you get it?

B: Thank you, ……… My father
bought it for me on my

 A new cell phone:

A: Your new cell phone looks
great. I have never seen such a
nice one before.

B: Thanks. I finally found a
suitable one for me

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Date of teaching : Friday,September 25 2009 Period : 3

<b>LESSON PLAN 15</b>




By the end of the lesson, students will:
- Develop extensive listening skills.

- Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks..

textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects
<b>C .METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm Up</b>



<i><b>Jumbled words:</b></i>

Write the words whose letters are in a random

order on the board.

- Divide the class into two teams. Ss from two
teams go to the board and write the correct

- The team which writes correct words first
will be the winner.

aniotuergl  regulation

oenetlehp  telephone

lacl  call

acidev  advice.

T sets the scene: <i>You are going to listen to Linda</i>
<i>Cupple, a social worker, advises young people on</i>
<i>how to use the telephone in her family. Listen to </i>
<i>her talk and decide whether the statements are </i>
<i>true(T) or false (F).</i>

Ask Ps to look at the pictures in the textbook
and answer the questions.

Elicit the new words by asking questions, using
the techniques suggested above.


- <i>argument(n)</i>
- <i>regulation(n)</i>
- <i>absolute(a)</i>
- <i>maximum(n,a)</i>
- <i>install(v)</i>
- <i>chitchat(n)</i>
- <i>starling(a)</i>
<b>Listen and repeat:</b>

-Help Ss to pronounce the words in their book

-Play the tape and then ask Ss to repeat after the

Pairs work

Whole class

Listen to the teacher

look at the pictures in the textbook and
answer the questions.

Answer the teacher's questions.
+ They are greeting….

+ They are saying goodbye…

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>






tape in chorus and individually.
- T corrects errors, if any.

-Check that Ss know the meaning of these

<i><b>Task 1: 10mns</b></i>

-Get Ss to read through the statements to
understand them and underline the key words.
-Guide students the requests of the task.
- Let students listen twice time.

- Write on board from 1 to 6 and call some
students to come and write their answers.

- Let them listen on again and correct.
- Correct.

<i><b>Task 2</b></i>:10mns
Gap- fill

T: <i>Now listen to the rest of the listening text </i>
<i>again and work in pairs to write the missing </i>
<i>words. You will listen to the tape twice.</i>

Check if Ps can answer the questions in task 2
without listening again. Play the tape for them to
listen again but before doing this, T should
encourage Ps to read through all the questions,
identify the information they need to look for in
each question

Play the tape again for Ps to listen & answer the

Get Ps to check their answers with a partner.
Then T checks with the whole class.

Play the tape twice.

Call on some pairs to give the answers.
Go over the answers with the class.

-Before getting Ss to summarize Ms Linda
Cupple’s talk, T reminds them of some useful
languages Task 1,2.

<i>Suggested ideas:</i>

<b> - Length of time for each call</b>

- Time for calling

- Calling late at night
- Calling at weekend

-Divide the class into small groups of 3 or 4 &
gets them to summarise the listening passage.
-Go around to check and offer help.

Listen to the tape and read in chorus &

Individual work, pair work & whole

read through all the questions, identify
the information they need to look for in
each question ( question word: what,
where, when, how…)

listen and answer the questions

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F
6 T

Individual work, pair work & whole

read through all the questions, identify
the information they need to look for in
each question

check their answers with a partner
give the answers.


1. agreed 5. waking

2. to avoid 6. heart
3. particular 7. kindness
4. adults 8. to stick
Individual work, pair work & whole

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>


-After checking that all the groups have
finished, T calls on the representative of each
group to report their peer’ ideas. T check if
other groups would have the same or different

-Listen & take note of their errors. T provides

corrective feedback after that.

- Learn the new words by heart.

- Review the points that have been covered in
the lesson and do the exercise in the exercise

- Prepare the next part.

Date of preparing : Monday, September 28th<sub> 2009 Week : 6</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday,September 29th<sub> 2009 Period : 4</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 16</b>


<b>C: WRITING</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will:

-can use the words to build complete sentences in Task 1,

-put the jumbled sentences in their correct order and then rearrange them to write the complete
paragraphs in Task 2.


textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects

<b>C . METHOD: mainly communicative</b>

<b>D. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm –up</b>

5mns <b> </b>-give the table on the board and asks sts to <b>MATCHING </b>
match them in correct orders.

a.pointing at someone
b.being late for class
c.making mistakes
d.being into the

1. saying goodbye
3.saying“I’m sorry I’m
late ”

4. being rule and

-check mistakes

Pre-teach : Vocabulary

- abruptly / 6’br^ptl1 / (adv) bất ngờ , đột ngột

- (to) apologize

- discourtesy

- Gosh

- sorrow

- pleasant and thoughtful

Sts think what T asks , give their

Sts correct .

Key: a+4; b+3; c+2 ; d+ 1

Look at the board, listen to the teacher
and take notes

give the Vietnamese equivalent (if

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>




- Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalent (if

- Read a new word three times. Ps listen and repeat
after the T.

Task1 : Use the words to make sentences. Change
the form of the verb.( No addition or omission is


- introduce the aims of tasks in writing lesson.
In task 1,T asks sts to discuss how to use
suggested words in sentences.

- go around the class to help sts if necessary.
- ask sts to show their key.T gives key to check

-Ask Ps to work in pairs or in group to read and
discuss about the re-ordered paragraphs.

- Go around giving help

- Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs and
read aloud in front of the class.

- Ask Ps to read their answers.

- Listen to Ps and collect their mistakes for
indirect correction.

<b>Checking </b>

- T correct with Ps.

- T gives feedback on Ps’ work.

- T points out some common mistakes made by

- Ask Ps to give comments on the others’

Paragraph 2:

1. C 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. D

<i>1. The simplest way to apologize is to say “ I’m </i>

<i>2. Let’s take a common situation. Tom is late for </i>
<i>class and enters the classroom.</i>

<i>3. What does he do? The most polite actionis </i>
<i>usually to take a seat as quitely as possible and </i>
<i>apologize later.</i>

<i>4. But if the teacher stops and waits for him to </i>

<i>say something, he could apologize simply “ I’m </i>
<i>sorry I’m late”, ask permission to take his seat </i>
<i>and sit down.</i>

<i>5. Naturally, more than this is needed, but it is </i>
<i>not the time for it because it has already caused </i>
<i>some interruption and doesn’t need to make it </i>
<i>any longer.</i>

Sts listen, repeat and copy them.

Sts rewrite some words.

Sts know what they are going to learn.
Sts work in pairs and dis -cuss how to make
senten -ces with re -quired words.

Sts compare their key and show them.
Sts correct .


1.There are many ways to tell someone
goodbye, and most of them depend on the
situation at hand.

2.However, there is one rule that all
situations observe: We seldom say goodbye

3.In English it is necessary to prepare a
person for departure.

4.We lead into the farewell by saying
something pleasant and thoughtful like
“I’ve really enjoyed talking to you”
5.We might also say something relating to
the time like“Gosh, I can’t believe how late
it is ! I really must be going!”

work in pairs or in group to read and
discuss about the re-ordered


compare their answers in pairs and read
aloud in front of the class

give comments on the others’ writing
<i><b>Paragraph 1:</b></i>

1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D

<i>1. It is difficult to write rules that tell </i>
<i>exactly when you should apologize, but </i>
<i>it is not difficult to learn how.</i>

<i>2. If we have done something to hurt </i>
<i>someone’s feeling, we apologize.</i>
<i>3. An apology indicates that we realize </i>

<i>we’ve made a mistake, and we’re sorry </i>
<i>for it.</i>

<i>4. It’s a way of expressing our regret or </i>
<i>sorrow for something.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>




Ask Ps to work in pair to discuss the question:
<i><b>- In what ways people tell someone goodbye?</b></i>
- Go around giving help.

- Ask some Ps to give their answers.

- Listen to Ps and collect their mistakes for
indirect correction.

- Aks Ps to learnt by heart the lessson

- Review the points that have been covered in
the lesson and do the exercise in the exercise

- Prepare for the next part.

work in pair to discuss the question
give their answers.

Date of preparing : Monday, September 28th<sub> 2009 Week : 6</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday,September 29th<sub> 2009 Period : 5</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 17</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students can pronounce the stress in two- syllable words
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Remind of the ways of changing the reported speech.

<i><b>+</b></i> Students can do the tasks well

- Language: the ways of changing the reported speech
3. Skill: the stress in two- syllable words

<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: textbook, handout...</b>

<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


- Explain how to pronounce the stress in
two – syllable words.

* <i>If verbs, adj , adv, prepositions if the </i>
<i>second syllable which has long vowel or </i>
<i>double vowel( except ou )- the stress falls </i>
<i>the second syllable. But if the second </i>

1. Những tính từ or danh từ có 2 âm tiết
trọng âm sẽ nhấn ở âm đầu

Ex: student, table, happy, courage ....
2. Những động từ có 2 âm tiết trọng âm sẽ
nhấn ở âm tiết thứ 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>


<i>syllable which has short vowel or double </i>
<i>vowel or finishes by one consonant the </i>
<i>stress falls the first syllable.</i>

* <i>For nouns in which the second syllable </i>
<i>have short vowel the stress falls the first </i>
<i>syllable(` money ). If the second syllable </i>
<i>which has long vowel or double vowel the </i>

<i>stress falls the second syllable ( de’sign</i>)
- Ask students to read the words and
practise giving the correct stress.

- Call some students to read the words in
front of the class.

<i><b>Practising sentences: </b></i>

- Ask students to work in pairs and give the
correct stress of the words in the sentences
and then read the aloud the given sentences
- Call some students to read the sentences
in front of the class.

- Comment and read the sentences once to
the whole class.

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i> Presentation

a, - Ask students remind of the rules to
change the reported speech:

+ <i>Change the tenses of verbs</i>

+ <i>Change pronouns suitable with the </i>
<i>situations given.</i>

+ <i>Change the time as the sentences given</i> .
b, Practise doing exercise 1

- Let students read the situation and
change into the reported speech.

- Let students practise doing exercise and
each of them stands and speak out the
sentences they’ve done.

- Go around , listen and hepl them if

3.2. Những động từ có 2 âm tiết mà tận
cùng bằng EL, EN, ER, LE, ISH, OW, Y
thì trọng âm sẽ nhấn ở âm tiết thứ nhất
Ex: open, finish, borrow,

Listen to the teacher and write some rules
in the notebooks

- Ex : Polite/ai/, police/ i:/,between
- waving/ei/, pointing...

- student, signal...
- design, police...

- Listen to the teacher and work in pairs to
give the correct stress.

- Read the words in front of the class.
- Work in pairs to practise giving the

correct stress of the words in the sentences.
- Some students read in front of the class.
- Listen to the teacher

- Listen and remind of the ways to
exchange the reported speech.

- Listen to the teacher and note down in the

- Practise changing the sentences.

<i>2, Thuan said he worked for a big company.</i>
<i>3,Thuan said he was their marketing </i>

<i>4, Thuan sais the company had opened an </i>
<i>office in Ho Chi Minh city.</i>

<i>5,Thuan said it had been very successful.</i>
<i>6, Thuan said he had been chosen to run an </i>
<i>office in District 5.</i>

<i>7, Thuan asked me howlong I had been </i>
<i>learning English.</i>

<i>8, Thuan said he didn’t have much time to </i>
<i>enjoy himself.</i>

- Practise doing and speaking out

the sentences they’ve changed .
- Listen to the teacher’s correction
and write down their notebooks.

Work in pairs the dialogue between Lan
and Tuan firstly and try to find out the
tense of verbs, pronouns and time in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>


<b>Exercise 2</b>

,Ask students to read the dialoge between
Lan and Tuan , then they have to complete
<b> the conversation Tuan had with Tung by </b>
changing in reported speech.

- Let students work in pairs

b, Ask students to read the dialoge
between Tung and Tuan by using reported
speech to retell what Lan has told Tuan.

Go around and listen to students or help the
if they need.

-Ask students to revise the whole unit

- Ask students to do all the exercises.

- I, you, he ,she...

- Time indecates in the dialoge.
* Work in pairs:

- P1 : Lan
- P2 : Tuan

+ Each pair stands up and read the dialoge.
-Work in pairs and practise changing
reported speech.

1, She said <i>she didn’t want to talk</i>
<i>to you.</i>

2, She said she <i>was upset too</i>.
3, She said she <i>was not interested</i>..

4, Because you <i>had promised to go to the </i>

5, But you <i>hadn’t turned up</i> .

6, She said she <i>didn’t want to see you .</i>

7, She said <i>she didn’t believe you had tried.</i>

8, She said <i>she would talk to you later.</i>

9, She said <i>she had to go otherwise she </i>
<i>would be late for school.</i>

- Each student stands and speak out their
sentences they’ve made.

- Listen and write down their notebooks.

Date of preparing : Thursday, October 1st<sub> 2009 Week : 6</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday , October 2nd<sub> 2009 Period : 18</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 18</b>

<b>Test yourself A</b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: - According to the TEST students can revise all the language skills and
grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 1,2 and 3.

- Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests.
2. Knowledge: After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing
- Improve their knowledge through the test yourself

- Language: Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests
3. Skill: After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing
- Improve their knowledge through the test yourself

<b>B. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>D. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

5 mns

- Ask students something about the test
yourself A

* Have you prepared it at home?
* Have you got any difficulties?

- Asks students to read all the sentences

- Ask students to listen to the tape once.
- Ask students to listen again and speak out
the statements are true or false .

- Ask students to listen in the third time, the
work in groups to compare and discuss the
answers with each others to find the correct

<b>- Present the task: </b>

- Ask pupils to work in groups to compare
the answers they have already done to find
the correct ones.

- Give the correct answers to the class:
<i><b>1. </b>We can communicate not only through </i>
<i>words but also through body laguage.</i>
<i>2. They are our posture, facial expression, </i>

<i>3. If your posture is slumped and your head </i>
<i>is down , this could mean that you are sad or</i>
<i>lack cofidence.</i>

<i>4. A person who doesn’t look away is </i>
<i>expressinga chllenge. A personwho doesn’t </i>
<i>look at you is expressing lack of interestor is</i>
<i>shy. </i>

<i><b>5, </b>Because that person might be angry at </i>
<i>you or feel superior to you.</i>

<b>- Present the task: </b>

A, Practise circlingthe correct anwer (A,B,C
or D) to complete the letter.

- Ask students to work in groups to give the
correct form of verbs in the paasage.

* Give the correct form of verbs.

<i>1, C: have been.</i>
<i>2, D : will be</i>
<i>3,B : are having</i>

<i>4,A : could have put off</i>
<i>5,B : will have finished</i>
<i>6,D :have seen</i>

B, Let students finish each of of the

- Greeting

- Answer teacher’s questions

- Look at the book and listen to the task
- understand the task

- Read the questions
- Listen to the tape

- Listen again and say the statements are

true or false.

- Listen and discuss in groups to find the
correct answers:

1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-T.

- Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher
- Work in groups to discuss about the passage
- Finish the task

- Compare their results with the other groups,
and then with the keys

- Write the answers on the board

- Listen to the teacher and correct the

- Listen to the teacher

- Work in groups

- Compare the results with the other groups
- Show the answers in front of the class.
- Observe the keys and correct their anwres.

*Work in groups and practise writing the
sentences given in reported speech.

<i>1, Lan asked John what he had done </i>

<i>before working for that company.</i>

<i>2,Bill promised to come to see me the next </i>

<i>3, Tom apologized for not ringing me </i>

<i>4,Miss White thanked Peter for giving her </i>
<i>present. </i>

- Students work in groups and practise
writing about their families.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>



following sentences in such a way that it
has the same meaning as the original

<b>- Present the task: </b>

- Call the students to read the suggested
sentences in front of the class.

<i>+ Give the number of your family members, </i>

<i>their names, ages and jobs.</i>

<i>+ How do they share the housework?</i>
<i>+ How do they behave?</i>

<i>+What are their hobbies?</i>

<i>+ What do you like about each of them?</i>
<i>+ ...</i>

- Check their writings and help them correct
the mistakes if they’ve made.

- Asks students:

+ to study all the lessons again

+ to get ready for the 45 minute-test in
the next period

my father’s name is Tuan,he is
fourty-five years old and he is a doctor. My
mother is Lan, she is fourty years old and
she is a teacher , my sister is Huong and
she is a student in Hanoi, I am Hoang,
sixteen years old and I am a pupil of
grade 12. We are a close- knite family,
we often share the household. ...
- Give the writings by reading aloud.
- Read the letter carefully

- In groups or in pairs, write her a letter
- Compare the results with the other

- Correct mistakes

- Study all the lessons again

- Get the knowledge ready for the coming

Date of preparing : Monday, October 5th<sub> 2009 Week : 7</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 6th<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 20</b>


<b>A : READING</b>


1. <i>Educational aim</i>:

- Reading and guessing meaning in context.
- Scanning for specific information

- To introduce Ss to School Education System in England
2<i>. Knowledge:</i>

Understanding more about School Education System in England
3.<i> Skills</i>: Reading for gist and for specific information

<b>II. METHOD:Intergroup, mainly communicative </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
<b>Warm -up</b>







Hang man

<b> S C H O O L</b>


-Asks ss to close books

-Give instructions

-Divides class into 2 groups ,As ss to guess the

-Choose the winner

 lead to the lesson

- To explain the requirement of before you read.
- To show Ss to complete the task given

- To show Ss to guess what the meaning of
passage is .

- To read the passage twice .
- To introduce new words :

* Academic / `k6’dem1k/ (adj) of education in
school , universities , ect … ---The academic year
* Educate / ‘ed2$ke1t / (v) to teach sb over a
period of time at school , university


Ex : She was educated in France .

* Certificate / s6’tifik6t/ (n) an official written
or printed statement that may be used as proof
or evidence of certain facts.

* Curriculum / k6’r1kj$l6m/ (n) the subjects
included in a course of study or taught at a
particular school , college , ………..

- parallel / ‘p`r6lel / (adj) song song, tương đương
- core subject : môn học chính

- for short : ngắn gọn

- compusory / k6m’p^ls6r1 / (adj) ép buộc, bắt

- commence /k6’mens /(v)bắt đầu, mở đầu, đậu,đỗ
- tuition / tj$:’1~n / (n) sự dạy học


listen to the teacher

- work in groups and then and answer

To listen to the teacher .

- To ask pairs of to complete the task
given , choosing True or False :

(1) T (2) T (3) T
(4) F (5) T

- To listen to the teacher .

-năm học , toàn bộ thời gian trong một
năm khi việc giảng dạy được tiến hành ỡ
trường học .

- giấy chứng nhận, Bằng, Bằng cấp
Ex :an examination certificate (ie
proving that sb has passed an
examination .)

- chương trình giảng daïy

Ex : Is Spanish on the curriculum at your
school ?.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat
- read the new words by them selves.
- To have Ss read all new words in chorus .
Each word is read twice .

- To have Ss read the passage in silence .
- To listen to teacher .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>




- Reads the new words and ask Ss to repeat.(twice)
-Asks Ss to read by themselves..

- Asks Ss to read the passage and do the task

- To show Ss to complete the task given .

- To remind Ss to read the passage learned once
more before doing the task supplied.

- To help Ss to finish the task given , going around
whole class .

- To correct Ss’ pronunciation .

- To use answer key on page 46 , English 12
teacher’s book.

-To help Ss to complete the task given , going
around whole class .

- To correct Ss’ pronunciation .

- To explain its meaning .

- To show Ss to complete the task given .
- To help Ss to finish the task given , going
around whole class .

- To use cues supplied on page , English 12
teacher’s book .

- To show Ss to finish the task given .

- To explain the meaning of words supplied.

- To remind Ss to practise reading the passage
learned several times,

- Learn by heart the new words and prepare the
next period.

(1) State school
(2) Primary school
(3) Second school
(4) Compulsory

(5) The General Certificate of Second

(6) Curriculum

(7) The General Certificate Of

Education Advanced Level or The GCSA
“A Level”.

- To listen to the teacher .

- To have pairs of Ss answer the

supplied by oral drill .

- To write down answer key given into
their notebooks.

- To listen to the teacher .

-To have Ss complete the task supplied by
oral drill .

- To write down the answer key into their
notebooks .

To listn to the teacher .

- To wrie down those words into their
notebooks :

(1) IELTS : International English

Language Tests .

(2) TOEFL : Test Of English as a
Second Language .

(3) FCE : First Certificate English .
(4) KET : Key English Tests

(5) PET : Preliminary English Tests .
<b> </b>

Date of preparing : Monday, October 5th<sub> 2009 Week : 7</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 6th<sub> 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 21</b>


<b>B : SPEAKING</b>


1. <i>Educational aim</i>: - To practise Ss on speaking skill and reading skill .

- To show Ss to askl and answer the questions about the School Education System in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

3.<i> Skills</i>: Reading for gist and for specific information
<b>II. METHOD: Intergroup, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook and some pictures </b>
<b>IV.PROCEDURE: - Checking attendance: </b>

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

<b>Warm- up</b>

<b>Pre- speaking</b>

<b>While </b>


-T gets Ss to play the game “ clap the board “
- T puts some words they learned from the
previous lessons on the board. Two
representatives of the two teams come up to
the board, listen to the teacher giving the
words’ definitions and clap the correct word
on the board. The team that gets more correct
words will win the game ( the words
suggested :<i> ( curriculumn, core , tuition fees,</i>
<i>state school, primary education, secondary</i>

- T leads to the lesson
- Introduces new words
+ nursery school (n)

<i>+ kindergarten (n)</i>
<i>+ primary school (n)</i>
<i>+ lower secondary school</i>
<i>+ upper secondary school</i>
<i>- </i>Checks understanding.ROR
<b> </b>

<i><b>Activity 1.</b></i>

<i><b>Questions and answers</b></i>

<i>- </i>Lets Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions abut the school education system in
Vietnam based on the table .

- appoints two Ss to check the reading , the
vocabulary in the passage

<b> School Education System .</b>
- gives some remarks .

- Works with a student to model.

Calls some pairs to act out the conversation.
<i><b>Gives feedback and comments</b></i>

<i>Example :</i>

A: When do the children in Vietnam go to
primary school ?

B : When they are 6 years.

A: How long is the primary education?
A : 5 years, from grade 1 to grade 5.
<i><b>Activity 2: </b></i>

Puts Ss into groups to practise talking about

<i><b>Unit 4 </b></i>: SCHOOL EDUCATION

<i><b>Period2</b></i>: <i><b>Section : Speaking</b></i>

<b>New words: write on the books and</b>
<b>give the meaning of them.</b>

<b>Task 1 : Questions and answers</b>

A: When do the children in Vietnam go
to primary school ?

B : When they are 6 years.

A : How long is the primary education ?
A : 5 years, from grade 1 to grade 5.
- go to the board to write the new words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>



<b> Homework</b>

the school education system in Vietnam.
Using the information from <i><b>task 1</b></i>.

Calls on some pairs to act out their ideas
Gives feedback on what Ss have done and
make comments.

<b>Writing about the similarities and </b>

Devides the class into six groups.

Assigns three groups to write the similarities
between the school system in Vietnam and
England and the other three groups to write
about the differences

Calls on some groups to report their resuls to
the class.

Gives feedback and comments
<b> 5. Consolidation</b>

Confirms the content of the lesson.

<b> </b>

Asks Ss learn by heart new words

<b>education system in Vietnam.</b>
There are three levels of education in
Vietnam – pre-school, primary

education and secondary education.
Children often go to pre-school when
they are one year old which is optional.
Primary and lower secondary school
education are compulsory in Vietnam .
Children start to go to primary school at
the age of eleven. Children stay in lower
secondary school until the age of

fourteen when they finish lower

secondary school and then they have to
take an examination to go to upper
secondary school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 13 2009 Period : 3

<b>LESSON PLAN 22</b>


<b>C : LISTENING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students should know about someone’s background.
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students talk about someone’s background.
3. Skill: Listening for gist and for specific information

<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook</b>
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>





- Ask Ss some questions about their
studies at school.

1. What school subjects are you good at?

2. Which ones do you enjoy most/least in
your class? Explain why.

- Ask Ss to look at “Listen and repeat”
- Read and ask students to listen
- Let students listen again and repeat.
- Write some words on board and ask
students to read them aloud.

- Let they work in pairs
- Listen and correct mistakes
<b>Task 1 (10 minutes):</b>

- Ask students to read the questions

- Guide students the requests of the task.
- Let students listen twice.

- Write on board from 1 to 6 and call some
students to come and write their answers.
- Let them listen again and correct.

<b>Task 2 (10 minutes):</b>

- Teacher introduces the task “Listen
again and answer the questions”.

1. When did Gavin think he listed to the

teacher well?

2. How did Gavin find the exams?

3. Why couldn’t Gavin pass the exams

4. Why did Gavin say he didn’t think his
school days were the best time of his life?

- Listen to the teacher
- Answer the questions:

- Work in pairs

- Listen and understand the meanings of
those words.

- Read the questions quickly.
- Listen to the listening script.
- Answer the questions.

1. Jenny/ Gavin
2. Gavin
3. Jenny

5. Jenny/ Gavin

- Look at the task 2 and listen to the

- Read the questions and try to understand

- Listen to the tape script
- Give correct answers:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>



- Read or turn on the tape script again
once or twice

- Help students give the correct answers

- Teacher introduces the task “Work in
pairs. Talk about the results of your
current exams at school and what you will
do to prepare for the next exams”.

- Go round and help students
- Correct mistakes

- Ask students to rewrite a passage about

their school days in secondary school.
- Ask students to prepare the part Writing
at home

2. He found it very difficult.

3. Because they were difficult for him to do
in a short time.

4. Because he went away to boarding
school when he was quite young and he
didn’t like that. So school days weren’t the
best days of his life.

- Work in pairs. Talk about the results of
your current exams at school and what you
will do to prepare for the next exams
E.x. I didn’t do well in the last exam
period. I was content with my math,
physics and chemistry results but my
English result wasn’t very good. I made too
many mistakes so I barely passed it.

I think I have to spend more time studying
English to get higher grade in the coming

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

Date of preparing : Monday, October 12th<sub> 2009 Week : 8</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 13th<sub> 2009 Period : 4</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 24</b>


<b>D : WRITING</b>

<b> I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students learn how to understand the school education system in Vietnam
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students will be able to write the school education system in Vietnam
- Language

- New words: Words relating to school education systems
3. Skill :

<b>II. Method: Integrated mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbook, board markers</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm-up </b>


- Ask students some questions about
school education systems in Vietnam.

1. How many levels of educations are
there in your school system?

2. How long does it take to complete each

3. How many classes are there in each

4. When do children start Grade I?

- Lead Ss to the new lesson: “<i><b>write a</b></i>
<i><b>paragraph on the formal school education</b></i>
<i><b>system in Vietnam”</b></i>

- Teacher introduces the task: In about 150
words, write a paragraph on the formal
school education system in Vietnam, using
the information given in Speaking Tasks
on page 47. You may follow the
suggestions below:

- Work in pairs, discuss and find out the

1- 3

2- Primary: 5 years/

Lower secondary 4 years/ upper secondary

-3 years

- Understand the aim of the lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>



- Levels of education:

primary (5 years; start from the age of 6)
lower secondary (4 years)

upper secondary (3 years)

- Compulsory education: 9 years (primary
& lower secondary)

- The academic year: 35 weeks (9 months,
from September to May)

School terms: 2 terms: term 1 (Sept
-Dec.), term 2 (Jan. - May)

- Time of the national examination for
GCSE (early June)

- Guide Ss to write.
1. Topic Sentence

2. Supporting Details
3. Closing Sentence

- Walk round the class to give Ss

- Ask Ss to write

<i>- </i> Call on some Ss to read out their writing
in front of the class.

- Ask Ss to exchange their writings for
peer correction

- Correct mistakes.
<i><b>Suggested answer. </b></i>

<i>The formal school system in Vietnam</i>
<i>consists of two levels of education, primary</i>
<i>and secondary education. The children</i>
<i>start Grade/ Year 1 at the age of 6 and they</i>
<i>normally complete the primary education</i>
<i>at the age of 10. They move to lower</i>
<i>secondary school to study in Grade 6 when</i>
<i>they are eleven years old. They will finish</i>
<i>nine-year compulsory education when they</i>
<i>complete Grade 9 at the age of 14. The</i>
<i>children may go to upper secondary</i>
<i>schools if they pass all the subjects tested</i>
<i>at the end of Grade 9. They will stay there</i>

<i>until they complete Grade 12 at the age of</i>
<i>17. If they want to sit for the entrance exam</i>
<i>to universities or colleges they have to take</i>
<i>the national examination for GCSE which</i>
<i>takes place at the end of Mayor beginning</i>
<i>of June. The academic year in Vietnam</i>
<i>runs from September to May and is divided</i>
<i>into two terms. The first term ends in</i>
<i>January with a week holiday and the</i>


Topic Sentence

<i>The formal school system in Vietnam consists</i>
<i>of two levels of education, primary and</i>
<i>secondary education.</i>


Supporting Details


Closing Sentence

- Use main ideas in the outline to write a
paragraph on the formal school education
system in Vietnam

- Exchange their writings for peer correction
- Correct mistakes.

- Read the paragraph again
- Correct mistakes

- Rewrite the paragraph at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>




<i>second term finishes in May before a long</i>
<i>summer holiday comes.</i>

- Ask Ss to read the paragraph again.
- Give remarks on the writing

- Rewrite the paragraph at home.

- Prepare the section D (The Language
focus part of Unit 4).

Date of preparing : Monday, October 19th<sub> 2009 Week : 9</sub>

Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 20th<sub> 2009 Period : 5</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 25</b>



I. Objectives

To help the students to get some rules of the stress in three syllabe words
To help the students to use Passive voice.

<b>II. Teaching aids: Textbook, picture ...</b>
<b>III. Method : mainly communicative</b>
<b>IV. Procedure : </b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm- up</b>

- Write some three-syllable words on the
board, and then pronounce those words aloud.
- Pay attention to its stress.

- Ask Ss to read after

<i>1. algebra 2. carefully </i>
<i>3. politics</i> <i> 4.physical</i>
<i>5. computing 5. compulsory </i>

<i>6. September</i>

-<i>How do we pronounce these words?</i>

<i><b>Unit 4 : </b></i><b> SCHOOL EDUCATION</b>

<i><b>Period5</b></i>: <i><b>Section : Language focus</b></i>
- Listen to teacher

- Read aloud

- Pay attention to its stress.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>


<b> Grammar</b>

- Read again these words and lead to the lesson
<b>- Stress in three – syllable words.</b>

a. Give Ss some rules of word stress in
three-syllable words

<b>A. Nouns and adjectives of three syllable</b>

If the final syllable contains a short vowel, it is
unstressed, and the middle syllable contains a

long vowel or diphthong, or it ends with more
than one consonant, the middle syllable will be

Ex: disaster, potato, tomato.,important,

If the final syllable contains a short vowel and
the middle syllable contains ashort vowel and
end with not more than one consonant, both
final and middle syllables are unstressed and
the first syllable is stressed

Ex: quantity, cinema, emperor
<b>B.Verbs of three syllable </b>

- If the last syllable contains a short vowel and
ends with not more than one consonant that
syllable will be unstressed, and stressed will be
placed on the preceding syllable.

Ex: encounter , determine...

If the final syllable contains a long vowel or
diphthong or ends with more than one
consonant that syllable will be streesed.

Ex: entertain, interupt...

- Help students how to pronounce those words

correctly by reading first as model

b. Practice:

- Read the words first: clearly, correctly

- Listen and correct their pronunciation if it’s

- Let students read the sentences and work in

- Listen and remark each group

a) Review some grammar structures: Passive

S + to be + past participle
- Give some examples

- Ask Ss to make sentences with the structures.
b. Practice:

<b>* Exercise 1: (10m’)</b>

page 47 , Unit Four , English 12

Each word is read twice .

- Listen and repeat from 2-3 times
- Some of them stand and read words

- Practise in groups

- Some groups compare with their results
and read the words in sentences aloud

- To appoint Ss to finish the exercise
given by oral drill :

(1) is divided
(2) is separated
(3) is set

(4) is made up
(5) is paid
(6) are selected

- To write down answer key into their
notebook .

- To listen to the teacher .

- To appoint Ss to achieve the exercise
supplied by oral drill .Each sentence is
read twice .

- To write down answer key into their
notebook .

- To listen to the teacher .
_ To read the text in silence .

- To appoint Ss to finish the exercise by
oral drill .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>


- Introduce the task: Fill each blank with the
simple present passive form of the verb in

- Guide Ss to do

- Ask Ss to fill each blank with the simple
present passive form of the verb in brackets.
- Correct mistakes.

<b>* Exercise 2: (10m’)</b>

- Introduce the task: Rewrite the following
sentences using the passive voice.

- Guide Ss to do

- Ask Ss to rewrite the following sentences

using the passive voice.

- Correct mistakes.
<b>Exercise 3. (10m’)</b>

- Introduce the task: Fill in the spaces of
the following passage with the correct
tense in passive voice of the verbs in

- Guide Ss to do.

- Ask Ss to fill in the spaces of the
following passage with the correct tense
in passive voice of the verbs in

- Correct mistakes.

- Assign homework

Do exercise ‘part E-language focus in work

- Understand the task

- Fill each blank with the simple
present passive form of the verb
in brackets.

1. is separated

2. is set - must be followed
3. is made up

4. is paid
5. are selected

- Understand the task

- Rewrite the following sentences using
the passive voice.

Answers: Exercise 2

1. This school was built in 1997

2. This dictionary was published in 1870
3. A surprise party is going to be
organized by the students in my class
tomorrow morning

4. The kitchen is being painted now.
5. “Romeo and Juliet” was written by
Shakespeare in 1605

6. Shakespeare’s tragedies have been
translated into many languages.

7. A new primary school has just been
built in my village.

8. English will be spoken at the

9. The floor hasn't been cleaned (by
Jane) yet.

10. The house will be repainted…..

Exercise 3

1. Was built 2. were sold
3. has been made 4. can be bought
5. are used. 6. can be used
7. is stored 8. are done
9. must be told 10.can be done
- Do exercise ‘part E-language focus’ in
work book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

Date of preparing : Monday, October 19th<sub> 2009 Week : 9</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 20th<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 26</b>


<b>A :READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students should know about their first impressions of university life.
2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students know about higher education

- Language: verbs in past tense

- New words: Words related to higher education
<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

<b>Stages /Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>Pre-reading </b>

- Ask Ss some questions:

1. What are you going to do after you
finish high school?

2. Which university would you like to

3. Where will you live if you study at a
university far from your house?

- Get feedback

- Lead Ss to the new lesson: higher

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer
the following questions:

1. How do you say in English the names of
these universities?

2. What university would you like to apply
for and why?

- Get feedback.

- Give Ss suggested answers.

- Ask students to look through the passage
and read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new
words which appear in the passage

<b>Task 1 : (3 minutes)</b>

- Introduce the task: Complete the
following sentences, using the right forms
of the words in the box.

- Ask Ss to complete the following
sentences, using the right forms of the
words in the box.

- Go around class and help Ss if they need.
- Call on Ss to give their answers.

- Correct mistakes.

<b>Task 2: (4 minutes)</b>

- Introduce the task: Find out who:

a. attended a party on the first weekend at

b. didn't get on very well with the

c. was not used to meeting different
people every day at college.

d. liked having a chance to be creative.

- Work in pairs, discuss and answer the

- Stand up and tell the class the answers.
- Understand the aim of the lesson: Unit 5:

higher education

- Work in pairs, ask and answer the

1. Hue University

2. Hanoi University of Architecture
3. Hanoi University of Natural Science
4. I would like to apply for Hanoi University
of Natural Science.

- Read the text in silence.
- Find out new words.

- Understand the aim of the text.
- Do the tasks that follow.


- Study the task carefully.

- Choose the right word to fill in the

- Exchange their answers for peer

- Tell the class the answers.

1. campus

2. blamed
3. scariest
4. challenges
5. amazing.

- Look at the task, read the text again to
give the answers.

<i><b>Sarah:</b></i> 1- a. attended a party on the first
weekend at college.

2- e. was very excited about going to

<i><b>Ellen:</b></i> 3- b. didn't get on very well with the

4. c. was not used to meeting different
people every day at college.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b>Home work</b>

e. was very excited about going to college.
f. enjoyed the first year at college.

- Go around class and help Ss if they need.
- Call on Ss to give their answers.

- Correct mistakes.
<b>Task 3: (10minutes)</b>

- Introduce the task: Answer the following

1. What did Sarah do on the first

2. Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the

3. What problems did Ellen have with her

4. What did Brenden think about his first
year at college?

5. What does the social calendar of the
colleges provide him?

- Guide Ss to answer.

- Go round the class to help Ss if

- Call on some Ss to give their answers.
- Correct mistakes

- Ask students to read the passage again.
- Ask students to do Reading exercise of
Unit 5 in workbook and prepare Part B :
Speaking at home

6- f. enjoyed the first year at college.
- Understand the task.

- Read the text again, answer the
questions on the text.

1. She went out with her new friends,
walking around the campus.

2. Because at the party everyone was
busy playing some games and no one
seemed to noticed her.

3. Her roommate left the window open
when it was cold outside. She went to
bed early. She blamed Ellen for
making her sick.

4. Brenden thought the first year at
college was the best and most
challenging of his life.

5. It provides him plenty of
opportunities to meet
non-engineering students as well as other

engineers and many of them have
become his best friends.

-Do Reading exercise of Unit 5 in workbook
and prepare Part B : Speaking at home

Date of preparing : Thursday, October 22nd<sub> 2009 Week : 9</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday , October 23rd<sub> 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 27</b>


<b> B :SPEAKING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talking about the application
process to tertiary institutions in Vietnam

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know how to talk about school; make an interview and reporting on results
- Language: words related to higher education

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

<b>III. Teaching aids: textbook, board, rising questions, hand-outs</b>
<b>IV. Procedures: </b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>







what is my job?

-Call on an S to go to the board and ask
him/her to choose a job that he/she wants
to do in the future and mime a typical
activity which it involves.

-Ask the whole class to look at their
friend’s activity then ask him/her yes/no
question to guess his/her job

-Observe students playing game and stop
when there is a winner

- Teacher introduces the task1: Below
are the admission requirements for
tertiary institutions in some countries.
Work in groups. Tick () those which are

obligatory for you to be admitted to a
university in Vietnam.

1. an application form
2. an identity card
3. a reference letter

4. a copy of the originals of your school

5. a birth certificate

6. a copy of the record of your
performance at school scores of the
required entrance examination

- Call on some Ss to tell their answers.
- Listen and correct pronunciation

<b>Task 2</b>

- Teacher introduces the task “Work in
pairs. Ask and answer the questions
about the application process to tertiary
study in Vietnam using the following

- Guide Ss to practice:

E.g. A- When do you fill in and send the
application form?

B- In March

- Have Ss to ask and answer in pairs.
- Go around and provide help if

- Correct mistakes.

- One S goes to the board, chooses a job
that he/she wants to do in the future and
mime a typical activity which it involves.
-The S asks the others :

<i>- What is my job?</i>

-The others watch his/her activity and make
yes/no questions to guess the job

<b>Possible questions:</b>

<i>-Are you mending something?</i>
<i>-Are you typing?</i>

<i>-Do you work outside?</i>

-The S answers the questions using only yes

or no. The game is over if an S guess the

- Work in groups, tick () those which

are obligatory for you to be admitted to
a university in Vietnam.

- Stand up tell the class their answers.
- Others listen and compare with their


- Understand

- Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
questions about the application process to
tertiary study in Vietnam using the cues
<b>Expected pair work: </b>

<i>S1: When do you fill in and send the</i>
<i>application form?</i>

<i>S2: In March</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>




- Teacher introduces the task: Task 3.
Work in groups. Discuss the process
of applying to a tertiary institution in

- Guide Ss to discuss the process of
applying to a tertiary institution in

- Go around and provide help if

- Correct mistakes.
<b>Expected group work: </b>

<i>S1: I think the first process of applying to </i>
<i>a tertiary institution in Vietnam is to fill </i>
<i>in and send the application form.</i>

<i>S2: Yes, then we must take the GCSE </i>

<i>S3: Only when we pass the GCSE </i>
<i>examination, can we take the entrance </i>
<i>exam. It often takes place in July.</i>


- Ask students to write about the process
of applying to a tertiary institution in

<i>S2: in May</i>.

- Stand up, ask and answer about the
application process to tertiary study in

- Others listen and check the pronunciation.

- Understand the task.

- Work in groups. Discuss the process of
applying to a tertiary institution in

<i><b>Answer:</b> In order to be admitted to a</i>
<i>university in Vietnam, all students have to</i>
<i>following the process of applying. During</i>
<i>March, they have to fill in the application</i>
<i>form and send it to the university they</i>
<i>choose in March. After passing the GCSE</i>
<i>examination held in May, all students are</i>
<i>able to sit for the entrance examination in</i>
<i>July. Successful candidates will be sent a</i>
<i>letter of acceptance from the university. All</i>

<i>students have to do now is to prepare all</i>
<i>required papers to be officially accepted of</i>
<i>that university. </i>

- Do homework.
Prepare part C listening.

Date of preparing : Monday, October 26th<sub> 2009 Week : 9</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 27th<sub> 2009 Period : 3</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 28</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

- General knowledge: Students learn more about the problems they may have when studying in a new

- New words: Words related to higher education

3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements
<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, tape and cassette player</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages &time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


(7 mins)


20 mns

: interview

-Ask students form pairs and give them

-<i>Imagine that in each pair, one of you is a </i>
<i>Vietnamese student studying in a foreign </i>
<i>country; the other ask her/him problems </i>
<i>facing students when studying in a foreign </i>
<i>country </i>

- Ask students to look at the part: Before

- Read loudly the words:

Proportion; majority; tutorial; international;
available; appointment ;

Agricultural; rural; thoroughly.

- Walk round, listen and help students
- Ask students to repeat loudly the words
- Listen and check pronunciation

-Introduce the new words that will appear in
the listening task and elicit the meanings
-Read these words aloud and ask students to
read them in chorus and individually

<b>Task 1</b>

- Introduce the task: Listen to the
conversation between John and David
and circle the best option (A, B, C or D)
to complete the following sentences.
- Ask students to read the questions quickly.
- Guide students the requests of the task.
- Read the conversation twice

- call some students to give their answers.
- Read the conversation the third time for

Ss to correct.

Key: 1-C; 2-A; 3-C; 4-A; 5-B

- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Ask and answer
the question:

- Students form pairs and listen to T’s

-Work in pairs, asking and answering the
problems facing students when studying
in a foreign country

<b>Possible questions:</b>

<i>S1: What problem you have to face when </i>
<i>studying in America? </i>

<i>S2: there are many problems such as: </i>
<i>food, accommodation, living cost…</i>

-some pairs report their interviews; other
pairs listen and give comments

-Listen to T and guess the meanings of
these words

-Practise reading the words in chorus and

- Read loudly the words:

Proportion; majority; tutorial;

international; available; appointment ;
Agricultural; rural ;thoroughly.

- Understand those words.

- Read the questions quickly.
- Listen to the listening script.
- Answer the questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>



"Would you prefer to do an undergraduate
course abroad or in your country?” Explain
your choice.

- Guide Ss to do.

- Call some Ss to practice asking and
answering the question.


A. Would you like to do an undergraduate
course abroad or in your country?

B. I would like to do an undergraduate
course in my country.

A. Why?

B. Because my English is not very good and
I cannot afford tuition fees and
accommodation for studying oversea.

- Assign homework.

- Prepare the section C (The Writing part of
Unit 5).

- Work in pairs. Ask and answer the

"Would you prefer to do an
undergraduate course abroad or in your

- Stand up and speak out.

A. Would you like to do an undergraduate
course abroad or in your country?

B. I would like to do an undergraduate
course in my country.

A. Why?

B. Because my English is not very good
and I cannot afford tuition fees and
accommodation for studying oversea.
- Prepare the section C (The Writing part
of Unit 5).

Date of preparing : Monday, October 26th<sub> 2009 Week : 9</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 27th<sub> 2009 Period : 4</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 29</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>D :WRITING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students learn how to write a letter of request to UCAS to ask for the information
about the admission requirements to the university

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students will be able to write a letter of request
- New words: Words relating to higher education.

3. Skill :

<b>II. Method: Integrated mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: Textbook, board markers</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages &time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm- up</b>


-Ask students:

-<i>Do you want to study abroad? Why or why</i>

-Call some students to answer then give

- Teacher introduces the task: You want to
apply for an undergraduate programme in
a university in England. Write a letter of
request (about 150 words) to UCAS to ask
for the information about the admission
requirements to the university, using
information in the Reading and Speaking
section on page 52 & 56. You may follow
the outline below:

- Guide Ss to write outlines.

<i>a) Introduction: </i>

- State the reasons why you are writing,
your interest in tertiary study in England
(mention the name of the programme/the
universities/ ... )

<i>b) Request: </i>

- State what information you would like
them to provide: tuition fee,
accommodation, exams,

<i>Further information: </i>

- Say you would be happy to supply further
information about yourself such as your
English proficiency and record of
secondary education study, ...

<i>c) Conclusion: </i>

- End with a polite closing.

- Walk round the class to give Ss

-Listen to the T’s question

- Some students answer T’s question.
Students can exchange their opinions with

their friends

Possible answers :

<b>-Yes, I want to study abroad because the </b>
learning environment there is better than in

-No. I don’t want to study abroad because
the cost of studying and living there ix much
higher in Vietnam...

- Study the task carefully.
- Work in pairs to give outlines

<i>a) Introduction: </i>

- State the reasons why you are writing,
your interest in tertiary study in England
(mention the name of the programme/the
universities/ ... )

<i>b) Request: </i>

- State what information you would like
them to provide: tuition fee,
accommodation, exams,

<i>Further information: </i>

- Say you would be happy to supply further
information about yourself such as your
English proficiency and record of secondary
education study, ...

<i>c) Conclusion: </i>

- End with a polite closing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>


<b>Post- writing</b>


- Ask Ss to write

<i>- </i> Call on some Ss to read out their writing
in front of the class.

- Ask Ss to exchange their writings for peer

- Correct mistakes.
<i><b>Suggested answer. </b></i>

475/57 Le thanh Ton St. District 1

Ho Chi Minh City

March 15th<sub>, 2008</sub>
Dear sir/madam,

I’ve read a lot about tertiary study in the
UK and very impressed by the reputation
of many famous universities there. Now I
am tin last year of the high school and will
finish secondary education in 3 months. I
am very much interested in an
undergraduate course in economics in
Birmingham University. Could you please
send me some information about the
admission requirements, tuitions fees,
accommodation and details of the course? I
am ready to supply any information about
myself if necessary.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,

Hoang Thanh Nam.

- Ask Ss to read the letter again.
- Give remarks on the writing
- Rewrite the letter at home.

- Prepare the section D (The Language
focus part of Unit 4).

to ask for the information about the
admission requirements to the university
- Exchange their writings for peer

- Correct mistakes.

- Read the letter again
- Correct mistakes

- Rewrite the letter at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

Date of preparing : Monday, October 26th<sub> 2009 Week : 9</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday , October 27th<sub> 2009 Period : 5</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 30</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students know how to pronounce and mark the stress in words more than

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn some information to fill in a form
- New words: Words related to a form

3. Skills:

- Pronunciation: Stress in words more than three-syllable
- Grammar: Conditional sentences

<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: Text books, </b>

<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages &time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Pronun ciation</b>

- Write some more than three-syllable
words on the board, and then
pronounce those words aloud.

- Pay attention to its stress.
- Ask Ss to read after

o economics
o psychology
o philosophy
o engineering
o sociology

o mathematics
o geographical
o archeology

-<i>How do we pronounce these words?</i>

- Read again these words and lead to the

- Today, we learn how to pronounce more
than three-syllable words.

<b>I. Pronunciation</b>

a. Give Ss some rules of word stress in more

Listen to teacher
- Read aloud

- Pay attention to its stress.

- Understand the aim of the new lesson.
- Listen and repeat from 2-3 times
- Some of them stand and read words

- Practise in groups

- Some groups compare with their results
and read the words in sentences aloud

- The answers can be various

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

(10 mins)


than three-syllable words

- Help students how to pronounce those
words correctly by reading first as model
b. Practice:

- Read the words first: clearly, correctly
- Listen and correct their pronunciation if it’s

- Let students read the sentences and work
in groups

- Listen and remark each group
a) Review some grammar structures:
conditional sentences

- Give some examples

- Ask Ss to make sentences with the

b. Practice:

<b>* Exercise 1: (10m’)</b>

- Introduce the task: Complete the sentences
using conditional sentence type I.

- Guide Ss to do

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences using
conditional sentence type I.

- Correct mistakes.

<b>* Exercise 2: (10m’)</b>

- Introduce the task: Express these situations
using conditional sentence type II.

- Guide Ss to do

- Ask Ss to express these situations using
conditional sentence type II.

- Correct mistakes.

- Understand the task
<i><b>Answers: </b></i>

1. If you fail the GCSE examination, you

will not be allowed to take the entrance
examination to the university.

2. You won't be able to get into the
exanimation room if you are 10 minutes

3. If you don't send the application form
on time, you will not be able / allowed to
take the entrance exam.

4. If you don't have a reference letter,
you won't be able / allowed to submit
your application form.

5. Unless you show your identity card
you won't be able / allowed to get into
the examination room.

- Understand the task
- Do the exercise.
- Correct mistakes

1. She doesn't have a car. She doesn't go
out in the evening.

If she had a car, she would go out in the

2. Sarah doesn't study hard. She hates

If Sarah liked school, she would study

3. I can't do the test. It is too difficult.
I would/ could do the test if it was/were
not too difficult.

4. Peter doesn't read a lot. He can't find
the time.

Peter would read a lot if he found the
time/had more time.

5. I can't translate this. I don't speak

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>


<b>Exercise 3. (10m’)</b>

- Introduce the task: Complete the
sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.

- Guide Ss to do.

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences
with the correct form of the verbs in

- Correct mistakes.

- Assign homework

- Do exercise ‘part E-language focus
in work book.

Prepare Unit 6: FUTURE JOBS

If they weren't afraid of flying, they
would travel far a lot.

- Understand the task
- Do the exercise.
- Correct mistakes

1. If John had passed the GCSE
examination, he would have been
allowed to take the entrance
examination to the university.

2. If you had sent the application on
time, they might have called you for an
interview. I can't understand why you

3. If John had installed an alarm, the
thieves wouldn't have broken into his

4. I would have made a film with him if I
had been a famous director, but I was

5. If you had told me earlier I would
have given it to you.

6. We would have sent you a Christmas
card if we had had your address.

- Do exercise ‘part E-language focus’ in
work book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

Date of preparing :Monday, November 2nd<sub> 2009 Week : 11</sub>
Date of teacher :Tuesday, November 3rd<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 31</b>

<b>Unit 6: FUTURE JOBS</b>

<b>A :READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students should know about preparing for a job interview.
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know about future jobs
- New words: Words related to future jobs

3. Skills: - Guessing meaning from context
- Reading for specific information
<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book and pictures showing farmers’ daily routines, etc.</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages /time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


7 mins

- Ask Ss some questions:

1. Tell the class some jobs you know?

2. Which job would you like to be in the
future? Why?

- Get feedback

- Lead Ss to the new lesson: future jobs
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Tick () the

factors that they think would help them
succeed in a job interview.

- - Work in pairs, discuss and answer the

- Stand up and tell the class the answers.
- Understand the aim of the lesson: Unit

6: future jobs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>




• wearing casual clothes
• giving clear, honest answers
• feeling self-confident
• feeling nervous

• having a good sense of humour
• avoiding difficult questions
- Get feedback.

- Give Ss suggested answers.

- Ask students to look through the passage
and read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new
words which appear in the passage

<b>Task 1 : (7 minutes)</b>

- Introduce the task: These words are from
the passage. Look back to the text and circle
the best meanings A, B or C.

- Ask Ss to circle the best meanings A, B or

- Go around class and help Ss if they need.
- Call on Ss to give their answers.

- Correct mistakes.

<b>Task 2: (10minutes)</b>

- Introduce the task: Work in pairs. Decide
whether the following statements are true (T)
or false (F).

1. Try to reduce the feeling of pressure and
make a good impression on your interviewer.

2. Find out as much information as you can
about the job and the vacancy.

3. Bring with you a letter of application and
your resumes to the interview.

4. Take all your certificates and letters of
recommendation with you.

5. Remember to dress neatly and formally.
6. Your voice should be clear and polite.
7. Tell the interviewer about your

8. Remember to say goodbye to the
interviewer before leaving the interview.
- Go around class and help Ss if they need.
- Call on Ss to give their answers.

- Correct mistakes.

- Introduce the task: Work in groups. Discuss

that they think would help them succeed
in a job interview.


- avoiding difficult questions
- giving clear, honest answers

- feeling self-confident

- Read the text in silence.
- Find out new words.

- Understand the aim of the text.
- Do the tasks that follow.


- Study the task carefully.

- Choose the right option to finish the

- Exchange their answers for peer

- Tell the class the answers.
6. B

7. C
8. A
9. B

- Look at the task, read the text again to
give the answers.

- Understand the task.

- Read the text again, decide whether the
statements are true (T) or false (F).
- <i><b>Answers:</b></i> 1-F; 2-T; 3-F; 4-T; 5-T; 6-F;

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>


<b>Home work</b>

the question: Which pieces of advice given in
the passage do you find most useful and least
useful? Why? - Guide Ss to answer.

- Go round the class to help Ss if necessary.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers.
- Correct mistakes

- Ask students to read the passage again.
- Ask students to do Reading exercise of Unit
5 in workbook and prepare Part B : Speaking
at home

- Answer the following questions:

1. What do you prepare for a job

2. What should we do and shouldn’t do
before, during and after an

Do Reading exercise of Unit 5 in
workbook and prepare Part B :

Date of preparing :Monday, November 2nd<sub> 2009 Week : 11</sub>
Date of teacher :Tuesday, November 3rd<sub> 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 32</b>

<b>Unit 6: FUTURE JOBS</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students should know to giving opinions about jobs
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn about opinions about jobs
- Language: Talking about opinions about jobs.

- New words: words related to opinions about jobs
3. Skills: talking about opinions about jobs

<b>II. Method: integrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: pictures </b>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages &time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Pre-speaking </b>

<b>- Ask Ss some questions about jobs:</b>
1.Would you like to work as a teacher?
2.What do you think about teaching job?
- Get feedback.

- Lead Ss to new lesson.
<b>Task 1</b>

- Introduce the task: Work in pairs. Match a

job in A with at least two descriptions in B.

<i><b>A</b></i> <i><b>B</b></i>

- Listen to the questions.
- Discuss the question.

- Stand up, answer the questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

<b>While-speaking </b>


<b>Post-speaking </b>


- a doctor
- a farmer
- a tourist

- a writer

• take care of people's health
• create imaginary characters and

• find good and safe hotels for

• take people to places of interest
• construct irrigation systems
• apply new farming techniques
• help save people's lives
• tell stories through pictures
- Ask Ss to match a job in A with at least two
descriptions in B.

- Go around class and help Ss if they need.
- Call on Ss to give their answers.

- Correct mistakes.
<b>Task 2 </b>

- Introduce the task: Task2. Work in pairs. Discuss
which of the jobs in column A you would/would not
like to do. Explain why/why not? You can use the
cues in column B.


taxi driver

hotel receptionist
computer programmer

- Guide students how to practise.

- Ask students to work in pairs.

- Help the students with new structures.
- Walk around and help them.

- Call some student to stand up and report before
the class.

- Correct their mistakes
<i><b>Example: </b></i>

<i>I would like to work as a doctor. Working as a</i>
<i>doctor would be fascinating job because I would</i>
<i>have a chance to take care of people health. </i>

<b>Task 3</b>

-Teacher introduces the task: <i><b>Task3.</b></i> Work in
groups. Talk about a job you may do after you
finish school, using the following cues.

• Where you will work

- Match a job in A with at least two
descriptions in B.

<i><b>Example: </b></i>
A: a doctor

B: • take care of people's health

• help save people's lives
- In turn, stand up and practice.

- Understand the task

- Work in pairs. Discuss which of
the jobs in column A they
would/would not like to do.
Explain why/why not? use the cues
in column B.

<i><b>Example: </b></i>

<i>I would like to work as a doctor.</i>
<i>Working as a doctor would be</i>
<i>fascinating job because I would</i>
<i>have a chance to take care of</i>
<i>people health. </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>


• Who you will work with
• The salary you may get paid
• The working conditions
- Let them work in groups

- Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly
- Walk round and help them

- Listen and correct mistakes

- Assign homework.

- Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and do

job they may do after they
finish school.

<i><b>Example:</b></i> I would like to work as a
tourist guide. It would be a
challenging and fascinating job
because I would have a chance to
travel all over Vietnam and meet
many interesting people. If I work
for a foreign tourist company, I can
get high salary and improve my
English speaking and listening
skills. Also, I am a sociable and
confident person and I can work
hard for a long time so I want to
work far away from home to know
more about the world around me.

Date of preparing :Friday, November 6th<sub> 2009 Week : 11</sub>
Date of teacher :Saturday, November 7th<sub> 2009 Period : 3</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 33</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students should know about future jobs and recent changes in job market.
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn more about jobs
- New words: Words related to future jobs

3. Skills: - Filling in missing information

- Deciding on True or False statements
<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, tape and cassette player</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages &time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


5mns -Give Ss a question to discuss: <i><b>Which is</b></i>
<i><b>the most popular job in Vietnam?</b></i>

- Get feedback

- Lead Ss to new lesson.

<i><b>E.g.</b></i> Accountant nurse lawyer
teacher computer programmer….

- Discuss and answer the questions
- <i><b>E.g.</b></i> Accountant nurse lawyer

teacher computer programmer….

- Read loudly the words:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>




- Ask students to look at the part: Before

- Read loudly the words:

workforce manufacturing retail
service category goods
job market economy wholesale
- Walk round, listen and help students
- Ask students to repeat loudly the words
- Listen and check pronunciation
<b>Task 1</b>

- Introduce the task: Task 1. Listen to the
passage and fill in the missing words in
the boxes.

- Ask students to read the questions

- Guide students the requests of the task.
- Call some students to give their answers.
- Read the passage the third time for Ss

to correct.

1- manufacturing
2- service
3- transportation
4- finance
5- service
<b>Task 2</b>

- Introduce the task: Task 2. Listen again
and decide whether the statements are
true (T) or false (F).

1. American workers have changed from
manufacturing jobs to service jobs.

2. Manufacturing jobs are jobs in which

workers make something.

3. Personal services are one of the five
service jobs.

4. 70% of workers produced goods one
hundred years ago.

5. 80% of workers will work in the service
sector by the year 2020.

- Read the passage again.

- Ask Ss to decide whether the statements
are true (T) or false (F).

- Go round the class, give help to Ss if
they need.

- Call some Ss to give the answers.

- Read the passage the last time to check

service category goods
job market economy


- Understand those words.

- Read the questions quickly.
- Listen to the listening script.
- Answer the questions.


1- manufacturing
2- service
3- transportation
4- finance
5- service

- Read the statements quickly.
- Listen to the listening script.
- Answer the questions.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>



their answers.

<i>Suggested answers:</i>

1- T 2- T 3- T 4- F 5- F

- Work in groups. Summarize the passage
using the information in Tasks 1 and 2.
- Guide Ss to do.

- Call some Ss to summarize the

- Assign homework.

- Prepare the section D (The Writing part
of Unit 6).

read them in chorus and individually

- Work in groups. Summarize the passage
using the information in Tasks 1 and 2.

- Prepare the section D (The Writing part
of Unit 5).


Date of preparing :Monday, November 9th<sub> 2009 Week : 12</sub>
Date of teacher :Tuesday, November 10th<sub> 2009 Period : 4</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 34</b>


<b>D :WRITING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students learn how to understand a formal letter
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students will be able to write a formal letter of job application
- Language

- New words: Words relating to job application
3. Skill :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages &time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


- Raise a picture of a beauty spot ( Keo
Pagoda in Vu Thu Thai Binh) and ask Ss
some questions:

- 1. Where is it?

- 2. What is it famous for?

- 3. Do you want to work as a tourist
guide here?

- 4. What qualification do you need?
- Get feedback.

- Lead Ss to the new lesson: “<i><b>Writing a</b></i>
<i><b>formal letter of job application”</b></i>

- Teacher introduces the task: Task 1. Work
in pairs. Read the following advertisement
and fill in the notes.

<b>English-speaking Tour Guides Wanted</b>
<b>We are a travel company managing</b>
<b>holiday tours. We need English-speaking</b>
<b>local guides to accompany foreign visitors</b>
<b>on trips throughout Vietnam. If you have</b>
<b>a high school diploma, have experience as</b>
<b>a tour guide, a good manner, speak fluent</b>
<b>English and are willing to work hard for</b>
<b>long hours, please contact: The Manager,</b>
<b>Vinatour, 450 Nguyen Du Street, Hanoi.</b>
<b>Telephone No: 04 824 0139. </b>

• Type of job: ………

• Level of education needed: ………
• Work experience: ………
• Character and interests: ………

- Guide Ss to fill in the notes.

- Walk round the class to give Ss assistance.
- Teacher introduces the task: Task 2 Write
a letter to Vinatour, applying for the job
mentioned in the advertisement in Task 1.
Your letter should include the following

• Your name, address and date of writing
• Name and address of the company
• Greeting

• Introduction: say where you saw the
advertisement and why you are writing the
letter of application

• Body: mention your education, work

- Work in pairs, answer the questions.
- Understand the aim of the lesson.
- The new lesson: “<i><b>Writing a formal</b></i>
<i><b>letter of job application”</b></i>

- Work in pairs. Read the following
advertisement and fill in the notes.
<b>English-speaking Tour Guides Wanted</b>
<b>We are a travel company managing</b>
<b>holiday tours. We need </b>
<b>English-speaking local guides to accompany</b>

<b>foreign visitors on trips throughout</b>
<b>Vietnam. If you have a high school</b>


1. Tour guide

2. high school diploma

<b>3. experience as a tour guide,</b>
<b>fluent English</b>

<b>4. a good manner, willing to work</b>
<b>hard for long hours</b>

- Study the task carefully.
- Work in pairs to give outlines

- Base on the outline write a letter to
Vinatour, applying for the job mentioned
in the advertisement in Task 1.

- Exchange their writing for peer

- Read out the letter.
- Correct mistakes.

<i>Flat </i>3,324, <i>Ly Thuong Kiet Street,</i>

<i>Hanoi </i>

<i> 16, October, 2004. </i>
<i>Hanoi Vinatour </i>

<i>250, Nguyen Du Street, Hanoi </i>
<i>Dear Sir or Madam, </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

<b>Post- writing</b>


experience and your character / interests
• Conclusion: express your willingness to
work for the company and when you are
available for interview

• Closing

- Guide Ss to write outlines.
- Ask Ss to write

<i>- </i> Call on some Ss to read out their writing
in front of the class.

- Ask Ss to exchange their writings for peer

- Correct mistakes.
<i><b>Suggested answer. </b></i>

- Ask Ss to read the letter again.
- Give remarks on the writing

- Rewrite the letter at home.

- Prepare the section E (The Language
focus part of Unit 6).

<i>experienced English-speaking local</i>
<i>guides to accompany foreign visitors on</i>
<i>trips throughout Vietnam. </i>

<i>I think I meet all of the qualifications</i>
<i>that you specify. I was awarded High</i>
<i>School Certificate two years ago. After</i>
<i>leaving high school, I worked as an</i>
<i>accountant in a small travel agency for</i>
<i>one year, where I was given a training</i>
<i>course on tourism. Then I had one year</i>
<i>of experience as a tour guide so I know</i>
<i>many tourist areas in Vietnam arid have</i>
<i>a basic knowledge of Vietnamese culture,</i>
<i>history and geography. I speak English</i>
<i>fluently. In addition, I am a sociable and</i>
<i>confident person and can work hard for</i>
<i>long hours. I would like to work for you</i>
<i>and would appreciate the opportunity to</i>

<i>discuss this position with you in person. </i>

<i>I am looking forward to hearing</i>
<i>from you at your convenience.</i>

<i>Yours faithfully, </i>
<i>Nguyen Quoc Anh</i>

- Rewrite the letter at home.

- Prepare the section E (The Language
focus part of Unit 6).

Date of preparing :Monday, November 9th<sub> 2009 Week : 12</sub>
Date of teacher :Tuesday, November 10th<sub> 2009 Period : 5</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 35</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students know how to pronounce weak/strong forms of some conjunctions &

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn some information to fill in a form
- Language:

- New words: Words related to a form
3. Skills:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: Text books, </b>

<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stages &time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>




-Write some words on the board, and then
pronounce those words aloud.

-Pay attention to its weak/strong forms.
- Ask Ss to read after

- Ask Ss to look at this table.

- Read the words and their weak and
strong form.

- Ask Ss to read after.
- Call some Ss to read seats

- Help students how to pronounce those
words correctly by reading first as model
b. Practice: Practise reading these

1. What are you looking at?

2. I want to go but I don't know when.
3. She bought a book and two pens.
4. Thanks for coming.

5. Where is it from?
6. I'm from Hanoi.

7. She's the one I'm fond of.

8. First of all, I want to thank you for

9. The letter was to him, not from him.
10. I want to ask you a question.

- Read the words first: clearly, correctly
- Listen and correct their pronunciation if
it’s needed

- Let students read the sentences and work

in groups

- Listen and remark each group

a) Review some grammar structures:
Relative clauses

Whom; who; which; whoever;

- Give some examples

- Ask Ss to make sentences with the

b. Practice:

<b>* Exercise 1: (10m’)</b>

- Introduce the task: Exercise 1. Add who,
whoever, whose, whom or which to
complete the following sentences.

- Listen to teacher
- Read aloud

- Pay attention to its weak/ strong

- Understand the aim of the new lesson.

- Listen and repeat from 2-3 times
- Some of them stand and read words

- Practise in groups

- Some groups compare with their results
and read the words in sentences aloud

- The answers can be various

- Listen and give more questions in

- Read the sentences in chorus aloud

- Understand the task

- Fill each blank with the simple
present passive form of the verb
in brackets.

1. is separated

2. is set - must be followed
3. is made up

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>



- Guide Ss to do

- Ask Ss to fill each blank with who,
whoever, whose, whom or which.

- Correct mistakes.
Suggested answers:

1. whom 2. which 3. Whoever
4. which 5. Which 6. Who

7. Whose 8. who 9. which 10. whom
<b>* Exercise 2: (10m’)</b>

- Introduce the task: Exercise 2. Join the
following sentences in two ways.


1. Look at the man. He is teaching in the

a) Look at the man who is teaching in the

b) Look at the man teaching in the

- Guide Ss to do

- Ask Ss to rewrite the following sentences
using the passive voice.

- Correct mistakes.

1. I read a book that was written by a
friend of mine.

- I read a book written by a friend of mine.
2. A man who was carrying a lot of money
in a box got on the bus.

- A man carrying a lot of money in a box
got on the bus.

3. In the street there were several people
who were waiting for the shop to open.
- In the street there were several people
waiting for the shop to open.

4. Britain imports many cars which that
were made in Japan.

- Britain imports many cars made in Japan.
5. There are a lot of people in your office
who want to talk to you.

- There are a lot of people in your office

wanting to talk to you.

6. The cowboy who had been wounded by
an arrow fell off his horse.

- The cowboy wounded by an arrow fell off
ms horse.

7. Most of the people who were injured in
the crash recovered quickly.

- Most of the people injured in the crash
recovered quickly.

5. are selected

- Understand the task

- Rewrite the following sentences using
the passive voice.

Answers: Exercise 2

- Do exercise ‘part E-language focus’ in
work book.

- Prepare Unit 5: Higher education
1. I read a book that was written by a
friend of mine.

- I read a book written by a friend of

2. A man who was carrying a lot of
money in a box got on the bus.

- A man carrying a lot of money in a
box got on the bus.

3. In the street there were several
people who were waiting for the shop to

- In the street there were several people
waiting for the shop to open.

4. Britain imports many cars which that
were made in Japan.

- Britain imports many cars made in

5. There are a lot of people in your
office who want to talk to you.

- There are a lot of people in your
office wanting to talk to you.

6. The cowboy who had been wounded
by an arrow fell off his horse.

- The cowboy wounded by an arrow fell
off ms horse.

7. Most of the people who were injured
in the crash recovered quickly.

- Most of the people injured in the crash
recovered quickly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>


8. John, who wished he hadn't come to the
party, looked anxiously at his watch.
- John, wishing he hadn't come to the party,
looked anxiously at his watch.

9. The children who were playing football
in the schoolyard were my students.

- The children playing football in the
schoolyard were my students.

10. Vietnam exports a lot of rice which is
grown mainly in the south of the country.
- Vietnam exports a lot of rice grown
mainly in the south of the country.

- Assign homework

- Do exercise ‘part E-language focus in
work book.


- The children playing football in the
schoolyard were my students.

10. Vietnam exports a lot of rice which
is grown mainly in the south of the

- Vietnam exports a lot of rice grown
mainly in the south of the country.
-Listen to the pronunciation of the

-Listen and then repeat in chorus then

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

Date of preparing : Thursday, November 12th<sub> 2009 Week : 12</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, November 13th<sub> 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 36</b>


<b>I. Objectives: After this lesson, students will be able to:</b>

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing.
- Improve their knowledge through the test yourself.

<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative.</b>

<b>II. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassetteplayer, board, hand-outs…</b>
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stage/ Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>Reading </b>

- Greeting

- Ask students something about the test
yourself B

* Have you prepared it at home?
* Have you got any difficulties?
<b>Test yourself</b>

<b>I. (2.5 points) </b>

- Present the task: Listen and complete the
table below

- Tell students the topic of the table
- Get students to look through the table
- Explain the meaning of new words

- After that turn on the tape of the passage aloud

- Let students fill in the blanks with the
words they have just heard

- Go round the class to control the work
- Then turn on the tape of the passage the last
time for students to check their results

- Correct mistakes

<b>II. (2.5 points) </b>

- Present the task: Read the passgae and fill
in each blank with a suitable word from the

- Get students to work in groups, discuss
about the passage

- Go round the class to control the discussion

- Greeting

- Answer teacher’s questions

- Look at the book and listen to the task
- understand the task

- Listen to the tape carefully

- Fill in the blanks with the words
they’ve just heard

- Correct mistakes

1. sorts of things,
2. learn at all,

3. things for themselves, 4. make them

5. a certain age.

- Look at the textbook and listen to the
teacher then read the passage and fill in
each blank with a suitable word from
the box.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>




- State the best option
- Correct mistakes

<b>III. (2.5 points) </b>
- Recall the grammar.
- Giude students how to do
- Give them some newwords:
- Do the first as an example.
- Ask students to to the exercise.
- Call the to to on board.

- Go round the class to control the set’s

- State the keys
- Correct mistakes

<b>IV. (2.5 points) </b>

- Giude students how to write

- Give students some models and structures
to writes..

- Ask students to write.
- Call the to to on board.

- Go round the class to control the students’

- Correct mistakes
- Ask students:

+ to study all the lessons again

+ to get ready for the 45 minute-test in the
next period

- Finish the task

- Compare their results with the other
groups, and correct.


1. Final 6.Qualification
2. requirements 7.Grader
3. when 8.Equivalent
4. courses. 9. Count
5. subjects 10. Who
- Listen to the teacher

- Work in groups to complete the


- Compare the results with the other

- Correct mistakes

1. The widows have been cleaned
2. A super market is going to built
3. Lan is said to have won ....

4. If you listen carefully, you will know
what to do

5. If I had a car, I would

6. If we had brought a city map, we
wouldn’t have ...

- Listen to the teacher carefully.
- Work in groups or in pairs then write.
- Compare the results with the other

Dear ...

- Correct mistakes

- Study all the lessons again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

<b>Unit 7 : Economic reforms</b>

<b>A. Language skills</b>
<b>1. Reading:</b>

- To help students gain some knowledge about economic reforms in Vietnam.

- To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of

words in context.

Students learn words and phrases in terms of economics and policies.
<b>2. Speaking:</b>

- Students can ask and answer about a picture

- Students can ask and answer about the measures that the government and people of Fantasia have

done in carrying out economic reforms.

- Students learn more words and phrases in term of economy.

<b>3. . Listening:</b>

- Students can improve their listening skill : they can understand the passage and then they can

summarize the passage that they have listened to.

- Students learn more words and phrases in term of music

<b>4. Writing:</b>

- Students can write a report basing on the information given in the Table of Tango’ economic

development in two decades.
<b>B. Language focus</b>

<b>1. Pronunciation:</b>

- Students can pronounce correctly the sounds /s/ and /z/ and words pronounced with /s/ and /z/.

<b>2. Grammar:</b>

- Students know how to use “to infinitive” to talk about purposes.
- Students revise information questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

Date of preparing : Monday, November, 16th<sub> 2009 Week : 13</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, November 17th<sub> , 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 38</b>

<b>Unit 7</b>

<b> : </b>


<b>A. READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

- Students read and guess the meaning of words in contexts.

- They read and answer questions about the texts.

- They practice scanning for specific information in the texts.
2. Knowledge:

<b> </b><i>- General knowledge:</i> The changes brought about by the economic reforms.
<i>- Language: </i>Common knowledge of education, healthcare, agriculture,…

<i>- New words:</i> Words related to the topic (economic, medical and agricultural terms).
3. Skills:

- Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

-Picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts,…
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ ativities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

<b>Pre- reading</b>

- Greet Ss

- Ask students to look at the picture page
70 and ask Ss to answer some questions:

<i>1. What can you see in the picture?</i>
<i>2. Do you think that the people in this </i>
<i>picture lead a rich or poor life?</i>

<i>3. What, in your opinion, should be done </i>
<i>to improve the situation?</i>

- Call a pair to report their discussion
- Introduce the topic:

“<i><b>Economic reforms in Vietnam</b>”</i>

- Teach some new words: ask students
whether they know the words, if they do

-Greet teacher

- Listen to the teacher and think about the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

<b>While –</b>

not know them, explain in English then
ask them to give Vietnamese equivalents
to check their understanding

- <i>initiate(v): start sth</i>

- <i>shift(v): move or be moved from one </i>

<i>position or place to another</i>

- <i>sector(n): a part of the business </i>

<i>activity of a country</i>

- <i>priority(n): the state of being more </i>

<i>important than sb/sth or of coming </i>
<i>before sb/sth else</i>

- <i>intervention(n): the act of </i>

<i>intervening, especially a deliberate </i>
<i>entry into a situation or dispute in </i>
<i>order to influence events or prevent </i>
<i>undesirable consequences </i>

<i>subsequent(n): coming after or later</i>
<i>encourage(v): give hope, support or </i>
<i>confidence to sb</i>

- <i>inefficient(adj): not working or </i>

<i>producing results in the best way, so</i>

<i>that time or money is wasted</i>

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words

- Ask students to read the passage in

- Ask students to do Task 1: Give
Vietnamese equivalent words to ones
given in the passage

-Ask students to discuss the answers in

- Check Ss’ answer

- Write down the answers on the board
- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words

- Ask students to do task 2 in pairs
- Go around to supervise students if

- Ask representatives of pairs to give the
answers. If students’ answers are right,
repeat them, if not, give the right

- Give Vietnamese equivalents

- <i>initiate(v): bắt đầu, đề xớng</i>
- <i>shift(v): chuyển đổi</i>

- <i>sector(n): ngµnh, lÜnh vùc</i>
- <i>priority(n): qun u tiªn</i>

- <i>intervention(n): sù can thiƯp</i>

- <i>subsequent(n): tiÕp theo</i>

- <i>inefficient(adj): không hiệu quả</i>

<i>encourage(v): khuyn khớch, ng viờn</i>.
- Read the words

- Read the passage in silence
- Do task 1

- Discuss the answers in pairs.

<i>National </i>

<i>Congress:</i> <i>Đại hội toàn quốc</i>
<i>Renovation:</i> <i>đổi mới</i>


<i>Under-developed:</i> <i>Cha ph¸t triĨn / ph¸t triĨn thÊp</i>
<i>Dominate:</i> <i>Chi phối, thống trị</i>
<i>Stagnant:</i> <i>Trì trệ</i>

<i>Inflation:</i> <i>Lạm phát</i>
<i>Government </i>

<i>subsidies:</i> <i>Những sự bao cÊp cñachÝnh phñ</i>
<i>Government </i>

<i>commitment:</i> <i>Sù cam kÕt cña chÝnh phñ</i>
<i>Dissolve:</i> <i>Tan r· </i>

<i>Substantial:</i> <i>Lớn lao, đáng kể</i>

- Write down the answers and read the words
- Do task 2 in pairs

- Give the answers:

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
- Do task 3

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

<b>Post- reading</b>

- Ask students to do task 3 in groups
- Go around to supervise students if

- Ask representatives of groups to
answer the questions. If students’
answers are right, repeat them, if not,
give the right answers

- Ask students to do After you read in
pairs, scanning the text to find

information to complete the note.
- Go around to supervise them. Note
down the serious and common mistakes
- Call some pairs to read their note

<i>1. It was officially initiated in 1986 by our </i>
<i>Vietnam Communist Party.</i>

<i>2. Its aim was to restructure the economy of </i>
<i>Vietnam and to raise the living standards of </i>
<i>the people.</i>

<i>3. The measures the Government introduced to</i>
<i>implement Doi Moi were (as follows):</i>

- <i>eliminated government subsidies,</i>

<i>-shifted economic priority from heavy industry</i>

<i>to three major economic programs: </i>

<i>production of food, production of consumer </i>
<i>goods and production of exports,</i>

<i>-reduced state intervention in business,</i>
<i>- opened trade relations with all countries in </i>
<i>the world,</i>

<i>- encouraged foreign and domestic private </i>

<i>4. Since Doi Moi, Vietnam has undergone </i>
<i>substantial changes. They are:</i>

<i>- productivity and agricultural exports have </i>
<i>constantly increased,</i>

<i>- the farmers have enjoyed land use rights and </i>
<i>have had greater choice on How to use their </i>
<i>agriculture land,</i>

- <i>the workers have worked harder,</i>

<i>- the children, particularly those from ethnic </i>
<i>minorities have had more opportunities to </i>
<i>enjoy education and training.</i>

<i>5. We believe that with the strong commitment </i>
<i>of our Party and Government to Doi Moi, we </i>

<i>will attract more foreign capital investment </i>
<i>and build a better life for our people.</i>

- Do the Task in pairs
* Suggested answers:

<i>Before Doi Moi:</i>

<i>Economy: under-developed, dominated by </i>
<i>traditional agriculture</i>

<i>Country and people: poor</i>
<i>Production: stagnant</i>

<i>Shortage of schools, hospitals</i>

<i> Government’s renovation measures:</i>
<i>Eliminated government subsidies,</i>

<i>Opened trade relations with all countries in </i>
<i>the world,</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>


- Give feedback and correct some
serious or common mistakes

<i>production of food, production of consumer </i>

<i>goods and production of exports,</i>

<i>Reduced state intervention in business,</i>
<i>Encouraged foreign and domestic private </i>

<i>Since Doi Moi:</i>

<i>Productivity and agriculture exports: </i>

<i>Farmers: enjoyed land rights, had greater </i>
<i>choice to use their land </i>

<i>Workers: worked harder</i>

<i>Children: enjoyed education and training.</i>

- Listen to the feedback and correct their

Date of preparing : Monday, November, 16th<sub> 2009 Week : 13</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, November 17th<sub> , 2009 Period : 39</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 39</b>

<b>Unit 7 : ECONOMIC REFORMS</b>

<b>B. SPEAKING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

- Students work in pairs to describe the pictures.

- Students talk about measures and effects of the economic reforms in Fantasia.
<b>2. Knowledge: </b>

<i> - General knowledge: </i>Economic reforms.

<i>- Language:</i> + The way to make suggestions or predictions.
+ The tenses.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

- Discribing details in pictures.

- Talking about changes the new economic reform has brought about.
<b>II. Method:</b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Pictures, board, chalks, textbook, handouts.

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Pre-speaking </b>

<b>While-speaking </b>


-Tell a short story to prove that the
renovation measures has apparently
changed the social and people’s lives

<b>Task 1</b>

- Explain the requirements clearly in
English “<i>in your textbook, there are four</i>
<i>pictures. Now, what I would like you to do</i>
<i>is to look at them carefully and say what</i>
<i>they are about</i>”

- Ask students to work in pairs to discus
the three questions and find the answers.
- Correct the students’ work and give

<b>Task 2</b>

- Explain the requirements “<i>The country</i>
<i>of Fantasia started its overall reforms…</i>”.

- Divide the class into groups, asks each
group to discus a section:
Education Health care

- Guide the students how to speak by
giving them useful suggestions:

<i>+ They have………… so ……..</i>
<i>+ Due to the ………</i>

<i>+ Thanks to the………..</i>
<i>+ By applying……….</i>

- Walk round from group to group to give

Listen and give one’s own ideas or story if
being asked.

- Work in pairs to discus the three
questions and find the answers.

<i>A: What does each pair of picture tell you?</i>
<i>B: It tells us the contrast between the</i>

<i> and past situations.</i>

<i>A: What changes can you see in each pair</i>

<i>B: The new school and factory are much</i>

<i> and more beautiful than the old ones.</i>
<i>A: What do you think …..to achieve these…?</i>
<i>B: They must have taken some renovation</i>
<i> measures.</i>

- Correct the answers oneself.
Group 1: Education

<i>S1: The government of Fantasia has</i>
<i>changed the curriculum and textbooks.</i>
<i>S2: They also provided schools with more</i>
<i>equipment and facilities.</i>

<i>S3: They build more schools and raised the</i>
<i>teachers’ salaries.</i>

<i>S1: It is obvious that they……</i>

Group 2: Health care

<i>S1: Many hospitals have been built as well</i>
<i>as the doctors’ and nurses’ salaries have</i>
<i>been raised.</i>

<i>S2: Due to the government’s policy, many</i>
<i>more highly qualified doctors have worked</i>

<i>to improve the people’s health.</i>

Group 3: Agriculture

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<b>Post-speaking </b>


help if necessary.

- Encourage students to speak out what
they think even a phrase or a singular

<b>Task 3</b>

- Ask students to work individually to
summarize what they’ve discussed in
their own words.

- Move round to check the activities and
to make sure that students are working

- Ask one or two students to report in
front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks.

Name some measures we’ve made to
promote our economic system.

<i>and damps, irrigation and drainage</i>

<i>S2: They’ve also applied new and</i>
<i>advanced farming techniques, more</i>
<i>facilities and equipment.</i>

<i>S3: They use fertilizers, pesticides and</i>
<i>insecticides to protect their crops.</i>

<i>S1: The government of Fantasia has</i>
<i>changed the curriculum and textbooks.</i>
<i>They also provided schools with more</i>
<i>equipment and facilities. They build more</i>
<i>schools and raised the teachers’ salaries…</i>
<i>S2: Fantasia has applied appropriate</i>
<i>policy to encourage farmers to work more</i>
<i>efficiently, and they have built more dykes</i>
<i>and damps, irrigation and drainage</i>
<i>systems. They’ve also applied new and</i>
<i>advanced farming techniques, more</i>
<i>facilities and equipment. They use</i>
<i>fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides to</i>
<i>protect their crops.</i>

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down the homework to do at home.

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm - up</b>

Introduce the game
Give instruction

Check for students’ understanding

Divide class into 2 groups, let them play the

Check and dicide the winner

- Listen to the teacher and write the title
in their notebooks.

Listen to teacher

Play the game in two groups

1_education a.schools, teachers
2-health care b.hospitals, doctors
3- agriculture c.plants, rice, land
4- economy d.doing business
5- industry e.metals,factory










<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

- Introduce the lesson:

<i>Today, we learn Unit 7: Economic Reforms</i>,

<i>part B. Speaking</i>(Write on the board the title)

5 mins

- Ask students to look at Task 1
- Ask students to do Task 1

- While students discuss, walk around the
class to guide or supervise them and give
them help if necessary.

- Ask one pair to report what they have

- Give comments, correct the common
mistakes after they finish.

- Look at Task 1
- Do Task 1

- Work in pairs and discuss in about 2

<i>S1: What does each pair of pictures tell </i>

<i>S2: Picture 1a, 1b are about a school, </i>
<i>picture 2a, 2b are about a company</i>
<i>S1: What changes can you see in each </i>
<i>pair of pictures?</i>

<i>S2: The school in 1b is larger than it is in</i>
<i>1a; it consists of three two-floor </i>

<i>buildings. The factory in 2b is larger and</i>
<i>better equipped than it is in 2a.</i>

<i>S1: What do you think people have done </i>
<i>to change them?</i>

<i>S1: I think people have invest more </i>
<i>money in the school and the factory.</i>


28 mins

<b>Task 2</b>

- Introduce some new words (eliciting , give
the definitions in English then ask students to
translate them into Vietnamese to check their

 <i>disadvantaged(adj): in a bad social or </i>

<i>economic situation; poor</i>

 <i>method(n): a way of doing sth</i>

 <i>qualified(adj) having passed an exam or </i>

<i>having the knowledge, experience, etc. in </i>
<i>order to be able to do sth</i>

 <i>insurance(n): an arrangement with a </i>

<i>company in which you pay them regular </i>
<i>amounts of money and they agree to pay the </i>
<i>costs if, for example, you die or are ill, or if </i>
<i>you lose or damage sth</i>

 <i>irrigation(n): bringing a supply of water to a </i>

<i>dry area, especially in order to help crops to </i>

<i>grow </i>

 <i>drainage(n): a system used for making water,</i>

<i>etc. flow away from a place</i>

 <i>fertilizer(n): a natural or chemical substance </i>

<i>that is put on land or soil to make plants </i>
<i>grow better</i>

 <i>pesticide(n): a chemical substance that is </i>

<i>used for killing animals, especially insects, </i>
<i>that eat food crops</i>

- Listen to the teacher.

- Guess the meaning of the new words.

 <i>disadvantaged: thiƯt thßi</i>

<i>- method: Phơng pháp</i>

<i>qualified: dủ t cách, giỏi chuyên môn</i>

<i>insurance: bảo hiểm</i>

<i>- irrigation: viƯc tíi níc</i>
<i>- drainage: viƯc th¸o níc</i>

<i>- fertilizer: ph©n bãn</i>
<i>- pesticide: thuèc trõ s©u</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

<i>- insecticide(n): a substance that is used for </i>
<i>killing insects</i>

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
- Ask students to do Task 2 in groups

- Read the new words .
- Do Task 2 in groups

<i>The country of Fantasia started its overall </i>
<i>reform in the early 1970s. The reform has </i>
<i>brought about positive effects in many sectors</i>
<i>of the economy, particularly in education, </i>
<i>health care and agriculture. Work in groups, </i>
<i>suggesting What the government and the </i>
<i>people of Fantasia have done to improve their</i>
<i>economy in these sectors.</i>

<i>+ Which tense do we use When talking about </i>
<i>recent changes?</i>

- Call one student to repeat the instruction to
check whether they are clear about what they
have to do

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes.

<i>Present perfect tense</i>

- One student repeats the teacher’s

- The others listen to their friends to
make clear about what they have to do.
- Do Task 2


10 mins

2 mins

<b>Task 3</b>

- After about 3 minutes of discussion, call some
groups to report what they have done.

- Ask the others to listen to their friends

- <i>Listen to students attentively and pay attention </i>
<i>to the mistakes they have made</i>

- After students finish, give them comments:
correct some pronunciation mistakes they have

- Read aloud the words and ask the whole class
to repeat.

- Call 1 pair to role play in front of the whole

- Ask the others listen attentively to their friends’
dialogue and give comments or ask questions.
- Call another group if there is enough time.
- Give feedback and correct serious or common

<i>- Prepare a presentation about the development of</i>
<i>Vietnam after Doi Moi</i>

- Some groups report what they have

<i>S1: What have the government and the </i>
<i>people of Fantasia done to improve </i>

<i>S2: They have built more schools and have </i>
<i>equipped more equipment and facilities.</i>
<i>S3: They also give more scholarships to poor</i>

<i>of disadvantage students.</i>

- Repeat after the teacher.

- One pair to role play in front of the whole

- Listen attentively to their friends’ dialogue
and give comments or ask questions.

- Listen to the teacher and correct the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

Date of preparing : Monday, November, 23rd<sub> 2009 Week : 14</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, November 24th<sub> , 2009 Period : 3</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 40</b>

<b>Unit 7 : ECONOMIC REFORMS</b>

<b>C. LISTENING </b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

-Students know the harm of taking drug.
<b>2. Knowledge: </b>

<i>- General knowledge:</i> Listen for specific information.
<i>- Language:</i> The present simple tense.

<i>- New words:</i> Words related to to the topic.

<b>3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements.</b>
- Listening comprehension

<b>II. Method:</b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Tape, cassetteplayer, board, chalks, textbook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’ activities</b> <b>Learners’ activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

<b>Pre- listening</b>




<i>Key</i> : goverment, construct, stop, working,
motivate, island, Tango

 Introduction  Problem facing the

government of Tango island.

- Let students play crosswords to revise the
vocabulary in Reading lesson.

<i>- </i>Call some pairs to give the answers.
- Ask students to do task 1:<i> discuss the </i>
<i>question: Do you think that drug- taking </i>
<i>should be banned? Why and Why not?</i>
<i>- Ask one pair to report what they have </i>

- Introduce some new words (eliciting ,

- Listen to the teacher.
- Play the game.
- Do task 1 in pairs

S1: Do you <i>think that drug-taking should </i>
<i>be banned?</i>

<i>S2: Yes, I think so.</i>

<i>S1: Why so?</i>

<i>S2: Because taking drug is harmful to </i>
<i>people’s health.</i>

- Listen to the teacher.

- Guess the meaning of the new words.

- <i>rationally(adv): cã lÝ trÝ</i>

- <i>unfortunately(adv): không may mắn</i>
- <i>discourage(v): làm nản lòng</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

give the definitions in English then ask
students to translate them into Vietnamese
to check their understanding)

- <i>rationally(adv): contrary to or lacking </i>

<i>in reason or logic </i>

- <i>unfortunately(adv): not lucky</i>
- <i>discourage(v): stop sb doing sth, </i>

<i>especially by making him/her realize that it </i>
<i>would not be successful or a good idea</i>

- <i>ruin(v): damage sth so badly that it </i>

<i>loses all its value, pleasure, etc.</i>

- <i>measure(n): an action that is done for a </i>

<i>special reason</i>

- <i>drug- taker(n): a person who use drugs</i>
- <i>solution(n): a way of solving a problem,</i>

<i>dealing with a difficult situation, etc.</i>
<i>islander(n): a person who lives on a small </i>

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words

- <i>measure(n): giải pháp</i>
- <i>drug- taker(n): con nghiện</i>
- <i>solution(n): cách gi¶i quyÕt</i>

<i>- islander(n): ngời ở đảo</i>

- Read the new words



<i><b>Task 1</b></i>

- Ask students to listen to the passage the
first time

- Read the passage twice

- Ask some students to give their answers.
If their answers are right, repeat them; if
not give the correct answers.

- Listen to the passage and answer the

* Answers:

<i>1.</i> <i>F(in the Atlantic Ocean)</i>
<i>2.</i> <i>F(a plant which contained a </i>
<i>powerful drug)</i>

<i>3.T 4. T 5.F(on TV)</i>
<i>6.F(nobody took any notice)</i>
<i>7.T 8.T 9.. F(other countries)</i>

<i><b>Task 2</b></i>

- Ask them to listen again the second and
the third time to finish task 2:

- Ask students to discuss the answers to the
questions in pairs.

- Go around to supervise students if

- Eliciting the answers from students, if
their answers are right, repeat the answers,
if they are wrong, give them the answers:
- If most students do not catch the

information for the questions, let them
listen again to the passage once more.

<i>1. What did the people of Tango discover?</i>
<i>2. What did they do with the plant?</i>

- Listen again the third time to finish the

- Discuss the answers to the questions in

- Answer the questions, and correct the
wrong answers.

<i>1. They discovered a plant which </i>
<i>contained a powerful drug.</i>

<i>2. They grew it all over the island.</i>
<i>3. The negative effects the drug brought </i>
<i>about were:</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

<i>3. What negative effects did the drug bring</i>

<i>4. How many measures did the </i>
<i>Government take and what were they?</i>
<i>5. What did the Government of Tango </i>
<i>decide to do eventually?</i>


<i>- The whole population began to run short</i>
<i>of food.</i>

<i>4. The government took three measure: </i>
<i>introduced a law to make the drug illegal,</i>
<i>put the drug- takers into prison, and </i>
<i>exported the drug to other countries.</i>
<i>5. Eventually they decided to export the </i>
<i>drug to other countries.</i>

<b>Post- listening</b>

- Ask students to do After you read in
groups<i> _ discuss the question: Do you think </i>
<i>that the government of Tango’s decision to </i>

<i>export the drug to other countries was a </i>
<i>better solution? Why/ Why not?</i>

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes.

- Ask one group to report what they have

- Give comments after they finish
- Call another group if there is enough

- Give feedback and correct serious or
common mistakes.

- Do After you read in groups
- Suggested expression:

<i>In my opinion…</i>
<i>I think…</i>

<i>I believe…</i>
<i>I do not think…</i>
<i>From where I stand…</i>

- Report what they have discussed
- Listen to the teacher and correct the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>


1 2 3

1 D O M I N A T E

2 I N F L A T I O N I


3 S T A G N A N T

4 C O N S U M E R A

5 R E N O V A T I O N T


6 R E S O L V E

7 E D U C T I O N

Fill in the box with the words which means…

1. to become or to make sth become liquid

2. a soft silver-white metal that is often mixed with other metals

3. a large area of land in the countryside that is owned by one person or family


1. to be more powerful, important or noticeable than others
2. a general rise in prices; the rate at which prices rise

3. not flowing and therefore dirty and having an unpleasant smell
4. a person who buys things or uses services

5. bring something such as a building back to a former better state by means of repairs, redecoration ,
or remodeling

6. to find an answer to a problem

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>


1 2 3

1 D O M I N A T E
2 I N F L A T I O N I S
3 S T A G N A N T
4 C O N S U M E R A
5 R E N O V A T I O N T


6 R E S O L V E

7 E D U C T I O N

Date of preparing : Monday, November, 23rd <sub>2009 Week : 14</sub>

Date of teaching : Tuesday, November 24th<sub> , 2009 Period : 4</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 42</b>

<b>Unit 7 : ECONOMIC REFORMS</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

- Writing a report based on given information.
2. Knowledge:

<i>- General knowledge:</i> Writing a report on the economic development.
<i>- Language:</i> +The tenses.

+ Connectors (time expressions)
<i>- New words</i>: Words related to economic reforms.
<b>3. Skills: </b>

- Writing a report.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages/ Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm-up: </b>

<b>Pre- writing</b>

- Free talk about the changes in one’s home
village during the renovation process

- Write on the board the title of the lesson:
Unit 7: Economic reforms

Part D. Writing

- Ask students to look at the table page 76

<i>This table presents the achievements the </i>
<i>government and the people of Tango have </i>
<i>gained in some braches of the economy after </i>
<i>two decades of their economic reform.</i>

- Introduce some new words.( eliciting , give
the definitions in English then ask students to
translate them into Vietnamese to check their

 <i>Fishery: the catching, processing, or </i>

<i>selling of fish, including the industries </i>

<i>and occupations involved in these </i>
<i>activities </i>

 <i>Forestry: the science or skill of </i>

<i>planting and growing trees or </i>
<i>managing forests </i>

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.

Do as required.

Exchange the ideas with others.

- Write down in the notebooks the title.

- Look at the table page 76
- Listen to the teacher.

- Guess the meaning of the new words.

- <i>Fishery :ng nghiÖp</i>
<i> </i>

<i>- Forestry: l©m nghiƯp</i>

- Read the words

28 mins

<i><b>Task 1</b></i>

- Ask students to answer the questions in

- Go around to supervise them if necessary.
- Call some pairs to give the answers. If their
answers are right, repeat them; if not give the
correct answers.

- Answer the questions in pairs

* Give the answers:

<i>S1: What was the economic situation in </i>
<i>Tango before 1980?</i>

<i>S2: Before 1980, Tango was in ruins, </i>
<i>starvation was popular because of the </i>
<i>lack of rice and foods.</i>

<i>S1: What can you say about the </i>

<i>economic situation in Tango from 1980 </i>
<i>to 2000?</i>

<i>S2: From 1982 to 2000, Tango’s </i>
<i>economy has developed quickly.</i>
<i>S1:What do you think the government </i>
<i>and the people of Tango have done to </i>
<i>achieve these result?</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

<i><b>Task 2</b></i>

- Ask students to do Task 2 individually: <i>write</i>
<i>a report of 150 words on the economic </i>

<i>development of Tango. It must conclude </i>
<i>details such as:</i>

 <i>the economic situation of Tango before</i>


 <i>the measures taken by the government </i>

<i>and the people of Tango to overcome </i>
<i>the problems.</i>

 <i>the achievements (as presented in the </i>

<i>table) they have made as a result of the</i>

<i>What words do you often use to express </i>

<i>changes in economy?</i>

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes

- Show and correct some common mistakes.

- Do Task 2 individually.




- Write the description

- Listen to the teacher and correct the

<b>Post- writing</b>
10 mins


- Ask students to revise their description.
- Ask students to hand in their work to mark

- Asks Ss to prepare the next period
Language Focus

- Revise their description.
- Hand in their work

Date of preparing : Monday, November, 30th<sub> 2009 Week : 15</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, December 1st<sub> , 2009 Period : 5</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 43</b>

<b>Unit 7 : ECONOMIC REFORMS</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

- Strong form and weak form of auxiliaries. Adverbial clauses.
<b>2. Knowledge: </b>

<i>- General knowledge:</i> Combining the sentences.
<i>- Language:</i> Know how to use although, even though…

<i> - New words:</i> Words related to the exercises
<b>3. Skills: </b>

- Writing sentences with adverbial clauses of concession.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.

<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Board, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm - up</b>



- Introduce the lesson to the students.
- Explain the way to use strong form
(emphasis, positive, stressed cases ), weak
form (interrogative, unstressed cases)
- Help students to know the pronunciation.
- Practice:

<i>A: Can you speak English?</i>
<i>B: Yes, I can.</i>

<i>A: Must we go now?</i>
<i>B: I think we must.</i>
<i>A: Have you met Quang?</i>
<i>B: Yes, I have</i>

<i>A: Has she gone?</i>
<i>B: Yes, she has.</i>
<i>A: Shall we go now?</i>
<i>B: I think we ought to.</i>
<i>A: Will you come tomorrow?</i>
<i>B: Yes, I will.</i>

<i>A: Do you really have time for it?</i>
<i>B: Yes, I do.</i>

- Explain once again the “Clause of


Although S + V, S + V
Even though

Guide the students how to do the exercises.
Divide the class into groups, ask them to do
the exercises.

- Walk round to give help if necessary.
Correct the students’ work if necessary.

- Listen to the teacher.

Get the teacher’s explanation.

strong form weak form

<i>Can </i>/kæn/ /k6n/

<i>Could </i>/k$d/ /k6d/

<i>Must </i>/m^st/ /m6st/ (w)

<i>Have</i> /hæv/ /h6v/

<i>Has </i>/hæz/ /h6z/

<i>Do </i>/du/ before consonant /d6/
before vowel /d^/

<i>Does</i> /d^z/

<i>Is </i>/iz/

<i>Am </i>/ æ m/ / 6m/

<i>Will </i>/wil/

<i>Shall </i>/∫æl/

Practice reading in chorus or individually.

Exercise 2:

<i>Although I was very tired</i>

<i>Although I had never seen her before</i>
<i>although it was pretty cold</i>

<i>although we don’t like them very much</i>
<i>Although I didn’t speak the language</i>
<i>Although the heat was on</i>

<i>although I’d met her twice before</i>
<i>although we have known ……..</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>


<i>Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our</i>

<i>Although we had planned everything</i>
<i>carefully, a lot of things went wrong.</i>

<i>Even though/ Although the doctor has</i>
<i>advised him to quit, Bob (still)….</i>

<i>Although it was cold and rainy, we</i>
<i>managed to go to class in time.</i>

<i>Although Luong has studied English only</i>
<i>for six months, he can …….</i>

<i>I didn’t go to bed early although I was …</i>

- Ask students to revise the strong form
and weak form of auxiliaries, the use of
clause of concession, redo all the exercises
and prepare to correct the second test at

<i>we forget many things</i>
<i>they were very happy</i>

<i>he could speak/ read the language…</i>
<i>Although he had revised everything…</i>
<i>it is pretty cold/ there hasn’t been….</i>

- Listen to the teacher and write down
homework to do at home


Date of preparing : Monday, November, 30th<sub> 2009 Week : 15</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, December 1st<sub> , 2009 Period : 1</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 44</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

<b>A. READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

- Students read and guess the meaning of words in contexts.
- They read and decide on True or False statements.
- They note taking and comprehend the passage.
2. Knowledge:

<b> </b><i>- General knowledge:</i> The changes of the life in the future.

<i>- Language:</i> Common knowledge of the life and the environment….
<i>- New words:</i> Words related to the life and the economic, environment…
3. Skills:

- Guessing meaning in context, deciding on true or false and passage comprehension.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

-Picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts,…
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stages/Time <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Pre- reading</b>
4 mns

<i>Aims: to introduce the topic of the lesson and</i>
<i>to raise students' interest.</i>

- Introduce the new lesson to the students.
- Ask students to look at the picture, page 80
and ask:

<i>What are the people going to do?</i>
<i>Does it look like a normal airplane?</i>
<i>How is it different?</i>

<i>Do you think that life in the future will be </i>
<i>like this?</i>

- Introduce the lesson

- Ask students to look at the questions in
Before you read, page 80, <i>working in pairs </i>
<i>to discuss the question in Before you read:</i>

<i>1. Do you think life will be better in the </i>
<i>future? Why/ Why not?</i>

<i>2. List three things that might happen in</i>
<i>the future.</i>

- Call a pair to report their discussion

- Look at the picture and answer the

<i>They are going to fly.</i>


<i>It looks more modern than a normal </i>
<i>airplane. It has no wings.</i>


<i><b>Possible answers</b></i>

S1: <i>Do you think life will be better in the </i>
<i>future? </i>

S2: Yes
S1: Why?

S2: Because of the development of science
and technology.

S1: <i>List three things that might happen in </i>
<i>the future</i>

<i>S2: I think in the future, people can live in </i>
<i>the Mar, people will be healthy without any </i>
<i>diseases, and they can travel by plane to </i>
<i>work everyday.</i>


30 mns

- Teach some new words: ask students
whether they know the words, if they do not
know them, explain in English then ask

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

them to give Vietnamese equivalents to
check their understanding

- <i>Corporation(n): a large business company</i>
- <i>Chore(n): a job that is not interesting but </i>

<i>that you must do</i>

- <i>Burden(n): something that is heavy and </i>

<i>difficult to carry</i>

- <i>Influence(v): to have an effect on or power</i>

<i>over sb/sth so that he/she/it changes</i>

- <i>Methane(n): a gas without color or smell, </i>

<i>that burns easily and that we can use to </i>
<i>produce heat</i>

- <i>Responsibility(n): a duty to deal with sth </i>

<i>so that it is your fault if sth goes wrong</i>

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask students to read the passage in silence
- Ask students to do Task 1:

<i>Find the words in the passage that can match</i>
<i>with the definition on the right column.</i>

-Ask students to discuss the answers in

<b>Task 2</b>

- Ask individuals to do the Task

- Write down the answers on the board.

<i>1. Pessimists</i>
<i>2. Optimists</i>

<i>3. Economic depression</i>
<i>4. Terrorism</i>

<i>5. Wiped out</i>
<i>6. Space shuttle</i>

- Check students’ understanding of the
words by asking them to give the
Vietnamese equivalents

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again
- Ask students to do task 2 in groups:

<i>Answer the questions according to the </i>

- Go around to supervise students if

- Ask representatives of groups to answer
the questions. If students’ answers are right,
repeat them, if not, give the right answers.

<i>1. What will happen in an economic </i>

- <i>Corporation(n): doanh nghiệp</i>
- <i>Chore(n): chuyện vặt vãnh</i>

- <i>Burden(n): gánh nặng</i>

- <i>Influence(v): ảnh hưởng, tác động</i>

- <i>Methane(n): chất meâ tan</i>

<i> </i>

<i> - Responsibility(n): trách nhiệm</i>

- Read the words

- Read the passage in silence
- Do the task

- Discuss the answers in pairs.
- Give the answers.

- Write down the answers

<i>1. Pessimists: những người bi quan</i>
<i>2. Optimists: những người lạc quan</i>
<i>3. Economic depression:suy thái kinh tế</i>
<i>4. Terrorism: khủng bố</i>

<i>5. Wiped out: xóa sạch</i>
<i>6. Space shuttle: tàu vũ trụ</i>

- Read the words
- Do task 2 in groups

- Answer the questions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>


<i>2. Why, according to pessimist, will </i>
<i>security of the earth be threatened?</i>
<i>3. What will life be in the future, </i>

<i>according to optimists?</i>

<i>4. What are the most important factors </i>
<i>that will bring about dramatic changes </i>
<i>in different aspects of out lives?</i>

<b>Task 3</b>

- If students’ answers are right, repeat them,
if not, give the right answers.

- Ask students to do After you read in

<i>Scan the text to find information to complete </i>
<i>the note.</i>

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
the serious and common mistakes

- Call some pairs to read their note.

- If students’ answers are right, repeat them,
if not, give the right answers

<i>threatened by terrorism, as terrorist </i>
<i>groups will become more powerful and </i>
<i>more dangerous.</i>

<i>3. People will be living in much cleaner </i>
<i>environment, breathing fresher air and </i>
<i>eating healthier foods. They will also be</i>
<i>better looked after by a modern medical</i>
<i>system. Domestic chores will no longer </i>
<i>be a burden thanks to the interventions </i>
<i>of labor- saving devices.</i>

4. <i>They are developments in micro </i>
<i>technology- computer</i> and

- Do the Task in pairs.

<i>1. Work: factories will be run by robots, </i>
<i>offices will go electronic, many people </i>
<i>will work from home.</i>

<i>2. Travel: travel by space shuttle very fast,</i>
<i>at 15000 kms per hour; cars could run </i>
<i>on electricity or methane gas and fitted </i>
<i>with computers.</i>



<b>Home work</b>

- Ask students to do After you read in

<i>What are the advantages of robots? </i>
<i>What are the disadvantages of robots?</i>

(write the answers on the board)

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes.

- Ask one group to report what they have

- Give feedback and correct some serious or
common mistakes.

- Read the passage again

- Emphasize words and structures in the

- Do After you read in groups

<i>Advantages: save labor, do difficult jobs so </i>

<i>that men have more time to enjoy life or do </i>
<i>more creative work.</i>

<i>Disadvantages: replace human beings in </i>
<i>many fields so many people will lose their </i>
<i>jobs or go jobless</i>

- Report what they have discussed

- Listen to the feedback and correct their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

Date of preparing : Thursday, December, 4 2009 Week : 15
Date of teaching : Friday, December 5st<sub> , 2009 Period : 2</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 45</b>


<b>B. SPEAKING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

- Talking about the life in the future.

- Discussing predictions about life in the future….
<b>2. Knowledge: </b>

<i> - General knowledge: </i>The life in the future.

<i>- Language:</i> + The way to make the life better in the future.
+ The tenses.

<i> - New words: </i>words related to the life in the future.
<b>3. Skills: </b>

- Discussing predictions about life in the future.
- Talking about changes the life in the future.
<b>II. Method:</b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Board, chalks, textbook, handouts.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

Stage/Time <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>

<b>Warm up</b>
2 mns

<b>Before </b>

- Tell students a riddle
+ Ask students the question:

<i>How can we get some clean water?</i>

+ Give the answer: <i>Bring the water from </i>
<i>the river and wash it. </i>

- Introduce the lesson:

- Introduce some new words (eliciting ,
give the definitions in English then ask
students to translate them into Vietnamese
to check their understanding)

- <i>to be declared open: to be stated </i>

<i>publicly and officially </i>

- <i>holiday resort: a place where a lot of </i>

<i>people go to on holiday</i>

- <i> a cure for: a medicine or treatment that</i>

<i>can cure an illness, etc.</i>

- <i>holiday maker: a person who go on </i>


- <i>running on: the action or sport of </i>

- Listen to the riddle
- Answer the question

+ We buy clean water from the shop
+ We ask our parents for it.

+ ………..

- Listen to the teacher and write the title in
their notebooks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Guess the meaning of the new words.

- <i>to be declared open: đợc công bố rộng </i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

(28 min.)

<i><b>Task 1</b></i>
(13 min.)


- <i>cold war: the war against common cold.</i>
- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words

- Ask students to look at Task 1
- Ask students to do Task 1:

<i>Look at these newspaper cuttings from the </i>
<i>future, They were written on 1st<sub> of April. </sub></i>

<i>Say what will have happened and what </i>
<i>people will be doing by the end of the 21st</i>


- Revise the use of future tense:

<i>+ When we want to say about an event </i>
<i>going on at a particular time or over a </i>
<i>period of time in the future, which tense do </i>
<i>we use?</i>

<i>+ When we want to talk about something </i>
<i>that will be ended, completed or achieved </i>
<i>by a particular point in the future, which </i>
<i>tense do we use?</i>

<i>Look at the example, this action will be </i>
<i>completed by the end of the 21st<sub> century, so </sub></i>

<i>we use will+ have+ P.II.</i>

- Ask one student to read the example
- Ask Ss to <i>work in pairs to say what will </i>
<i>have happened and what people will be </i>
<i>doing by the end of the 21st<sub> century</sub></i><sub>.</sub>
- Walk around the class to guide or
supervise them and give them help if

- Ask some pairs to report what they have

- Give comments; correct the common
mistakes after they finish.

- Introduce some new words (eliciting ,
give the definitions in English then ask
students to translate them into Vietnamese
to check their understanding)

- <i>Living standard: the quality of life</i>
- <i>Fatal disease: disease causing or </i>

<i>ending in death.</i>

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again

<i>How can we say if we want to make </i>

- <i>cold war: cuoc chien chong lai benh </i>


- Read the new words

- Look at Task 1
- Do Task 1

<i>We use “will+be+V_ing.”</i>

<i>- </i>Read the example
- Do Task 1 in pairs

- Work in pairs

- Report what they have talked.
- Listen to the teacher and correct the

- Listen to the teacher.

- Guess the meaning of the new words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

<i><b>Task 2</b></i>
(16 min.)



15 mns

<i>What else? </i>

<i>-> We often base on something to make </i>
<i>prediction, you have to give reasons for </i>
<i>your prediction.</i>

<i>Could you tell me how we say to give </i>
<i>reason for something?</i>

<i>If we mean that the reasons are negative, </i>
<i>what should we use</i>

<i>If the reasons are positive, what should we </i>

<i>Give some expressions of reasons:</i>
<i>-…because living standards will be/ have </i>
<i>been improved.</i>

<i>- …the cures for fatal diseases will be/ have </i>
<i>been found.</i>

<i>-… it’s (Jupiter/Mars/moon) too far.</i>
<i>-… It’s (Jupiter/Mars/moon) too cold/ hot </i>

<i>-… there’s no water there./ The atmosphere </i>
<i>is too thin there.</i>

<i>-…It’s too costly/ just impossible to do that.</i>

- Ask one student to read the example
- Ask some Ss to recall the way to show

- Give example:

<i><b>In my opinion</b>, it’s unlikely that by the end </i>
<i>of the 21st<sub> century people will be living to </sub></i>

<i>the age of 150 because there will be more </i>
<i>and more diseases.</i>

- Ask students to do Task 2 in pairs,

<i>discussing which of the predictions are </i>
<i>likely/ unlikely to happen. Give at least two </i>
<i>reasons for each</i>

- Call one student to repeat the instruction
to check whether they are clear about what
they have to do

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes

- After about 3 minutes of discussion, call
some pairs to report what they have done
- After students finish, give them

comments: correct some pronunciation
mistakes they have made

- Read aloud the words and ask the whole
class to repeat

<i>It is likely that+ clause</i>
<i>It is unlikely that+ clause</i>
<i>It is possible that+ clause</i>
<i>It is impossible that+ clause</i>
<i>Because+ clause</i>

<i>Because of+ Noun phrase</i>
<i>Since/As + clause</i>

<i>For+ Noun phrase</i>
<i>As a result of</i>

<i>Thanks to+ Noun phrase</i>

<i>In my opinion</i>

<i>from my point of view</i>
<i>As far as I am concerned.</i>
<i>I think</i>

<i>I believe</i>

- Listen to the teacher

- Do Task 2 in pairs

- One student repeats the teacher’s

- The others listen to their friends to make
clear about what they have to do

- Some pairs report

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>


<i><b>Task 3:</b></i>

- Ask students to do Task 3: <i>: making some</i>
<i>more predictions about what life will be like</i>
<i>one hundred years from now.( work in </i>
<i>groups of 4) </i>

- After about 3 minutes of discussion, call
some groups to report what they have done

- After students finish, give them
comments: correct some pronunciation

mistakes they have made

- Read aloud the words and ask the whole
class to repeat

- Work in groups to do Task 3

- Some groups report what they have

<i>I think it is likely by the end of 2106, </i>
<i>scientists will have found a cure for AIDS </i>
<i>thanks to the developments of science and </i>

- Listen to the teacher

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

Date of preparing : Moday, December, 7 2009 Week : 16
Date of teaching : Tuesday, December 8th<sub> , 2009 Period : 46</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 46</b>



<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

<b> - Listening, mastering the content of the tape.</b>

- Doing the tasks fluently (true or false statements and the details).

2. Knowledge:

<i>- General knowledge:</i> By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to understand how to make the life
better and longer in the future.

<i>- Language:</i> The present simple tense and the simple future tense.
<i>- New words:</i> Words related to to the topic.

<b>3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements.</b>
- Listening for details.

<b>II. Method:</b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Tape, cassetteplayer, board, chalks, textbook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>
7 min.



- Let students play a game

- Introduce the game rule:

This is Lucky number game. We have four teams. I
will give a definition, and you have to give the word it
refers to. You have to raise your hand to answer the

Who raises the hand first will have the right to answer
the question.

If your answer is right, you will get one point. If not,
the other team will answer the question. The team
which gets the true answer can choose the next
question, if it is a lucky number, that team will get 2

- Let Ss play

- Ask students to do Task 1:

Discuss the question: Which of the following
factors do you think might help people have a
long and healthy life?

+ No smoking? Why?
+ Love a lot? Why?

- Ask one pair to report what they have discussed.
- Introduce some new words (eliciting , give the
definitions in English then ask students to

translate them into Vietnamese to check their

- Listen to the instruction

- Do Task 1 in pairs

S1: Which factors do you think might help
people to have a long and healthy life/
S2: I think they are no smoking, eating
healthy food, laughing a lot, and doing
exercise because by doing so, we can
improve our health.

- Listen to the teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>


28 min.


- incredible(adj. ): impossible or very
difficult to believe không thể tin đc, lạ

- centenarian(adj. ):belong to the century,
100 years

- eradicate(v): to destroy or get rid of sth

completely nhỗ rễ, trừ tiệt

- life expectancy(n): the number of years
that a person is likely to live

- eternal life(n): life without beginning or
end; existing or continuing for ever
- mushroom(v):rise quickly

- curable(adj.): (used about a disease) that
can be made better

- Let the whole class read the new words twice or
three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask students to read the statements in Task 1.
- Ask students to listen to the passage the first

Listen to an interview about people’s life
expectancy in the future, listen and decide
whether the statements are true or false.

- Play the tape or read the passage twice
- Ask some students to give their answers. Ask
them to give reason for their answers. If their
answers are right, repeat them; if not give the

correct answers.

<b>Task 2</b>

- Ask them to listen again the second and the third
time to finish Task 2: answer the questions

- Go around to supervise students if necessary.
- Call some students to give the answers. If their
answers are right, repeat the answers, if they are
wrong, give them the answers:

- If most students do not catch the information for
the questions, let them listen again to the passage
once more.

1. What are factors that help people have
longer life expectancy according to Dr.

2. Which factor is the most important one?

3. What will we have been able to do about
AIDS in ten years’ time?

- Ask students to do After you listen in

- Read the new words

- Read the statements in Task 1.
- Listen to the passage and answer the

1. F(Some scientists can predict)
1. F(Because we look after ourselves,

eat more healthily, cut down on
things like butter, alcohol and

2. F(80)
3. T
4. T

- Listen again the third time to finish the

- Discuss the answers to the questions in

- Answer the questions, and correct the
wrong answers.

1. Eating more healthily, cutting down
on things like butter, alcohol and

2. The development in medical

3. In ten years’ time AIDS will also be
brought under control. / We’ll have
been able to bring AIDS under

- Do After you listen in groups


- Do many things they want to do/
enjoy life more

- See their children and
grandchildren grow up
- Help their children and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>


10 min.



Work in groups and the advantages and
disadvantages of having a very long life.
- Eliciting some ideas from the students:

What are the advantages of having a very long

What are the disadvantages of having a very long
life. (write the answers on the board)

- Go around to supervise them. Note down serious
and common mistakes.

- Ask one group to report what they have

- Give comments after they finish

- Call another group if there is enough time
- Give feedback and correct serious or common

- Asks ss to prepare the next period

- Children and grandchildren are
happy with them


- Too weak to do things and often ill
- Feel lonely when children have

grown up and busy with their own
lives, and friends are dead.

- Do the task in groups

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>


Lucky number

1. Pessimists: a person who always thinks that bad things will happen or that sth will be not be

<b>2. Lucky number</b>

3. Economic depression: a period when the economic situation is bad, with little business activity and
many people without a job

4. Terrorism: the killing of ordinary people for political purposes
<b>5. Lucky number</b>

6. Wipe st out: to destroy sth completely
7. Corporation(n): a large business company
<b>8. Lucky number</b>

9. Chore(n): a job that is not interesting but that you must do
10. Burden(n): something that is heavy and difficult to carry

11. Influence(v): to have an effect on or power over sb/sth so that he/she/it changes
<b>12. Lucky number</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

Date of preparing : Wednesday, December 9th<sub> 2009 Week : 16</sub>
Date of teaching : Thursday, December 10th<sub> , 2009 Period : 47</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 47</b>


<b>C. WRITING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

- Discribing the world you would like to live in in the future .
2. Knowledge:

<i>- General knowledge:</i> Writing about some one's ideas or imagines.
<i>- Language:</i> +The tenses.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

<i>- New words</i>: Words related to the life in the future, environment….
<b>3. Skills: </b>

_ To practise students’ speaking and writing skills.

_ To help students to able to write about the ideal world they would like to live in the year 2020.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Pre- writing</b>
10 mns

- Free talk about the life in the future

Ex: In the Future people will live on the Mar,
they have high living standard

- Write on the board the title of the lesson: Unit
8: Life in the future.

Part D. Writing

- Introduce some new words and expressions
- Under the threat of terrorism: trong sự đe

doạ của chủ nghĩa khđng bè
- Live in harmony: sèng hoµ thn

- Live in clean healthy environment: sống
trong môi trờng trong sạch, lành mạnh.
- My main desire is : mong ớc, khát vọng

chính của tôi là..

- Materialistic (a): theo chủ nghÜa vËt chÊt, nỈng
vỊ vËt chÊt

- Let the whole class read the new words twice
or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
- Ask students to read the passage to analyze


- Ask students to discuss the answers to the
questions in pairs.

- Go around to supervise students if necessary.
- Call some students to give the answers. If
their answers are right, repeat the answers, if
they are wrong, give them the answers:
1.What are the student’s concerns about?
World peace?

The environment?
The people ?

Ss can talk many things about the

- Write down in the notebooks the title.

- Listen to the teacher

+ conflict (n)
+ harmony (n)
+ materialistic (a).

- Read the words

- Read the passage to analyze it.
- Discuss the answers to the questions
in pairs.

- Answer the questions, and correct the
wrong answers.

- World peace: peaceful world, no war,
no conflicts, no threat of terrorism,
people love in harmony

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

20 mns


15 mns



2. Are your concerns similar to those?

3. Do you have other concerns? What are they?
- Ask students to do Task 2 individually.
write about the ideal world in which you would
like to live in the year 2020 using the ideas you
have discussed in Task 1

Try to use the expression like: my main desire
is to…., I would also wish…

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes.

- Show and correct some common mistakes
- Ask students to exchange their work to check
- Ask students to revise their description
- Ask students to hand in their work to mark
- Ask students to rewrite the task at home and
preapare part Language Focus at home.

wildlife is protected.

- People: less materialistic, less selfish,
less violent, and more loving.

Yes, they are.

Yes, I wish people can do the job that
they like, and they no longer suffer
from fatal diseases.

- Do Task 2 individually

- Write the description

- Listen to the teacher and correct the

- Exchange the writing
- Revise their description.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

<b>LESSON PLAN 48</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: - Contracted form of auxiliaries (cotinued).</b>
- Prepositions and articles.

<b>2. Knowledge: </b>

<i>- General knowledge:</i> Combining the sentences.

<i>- Language:</i> Know how to use in, on, at, of, by, about, among, to, with….

<i> - New words:</i> Words related to the exercises
<b>3. Skills: </b>

_ To practise students’ pronunciation and writing skills.

_ To help students to be able pronounce the full forms and the contracted forms of auxiliaries and
introduce to them the use of some prepositions and articles.

<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>



- Introduce the lesson to the students.

_ play the tape and asks students to listen to
the sounds listed in their books.

_ asks students to listen to the tape then
repeat the words in chorus.

_ asks students to repeat the words

_ correct their pronunciation if necessary.
_ asks students to read the sentences
suggested individually.

_ can read the sentences first and notice the
sounds in words.

_ asks some students to read the sentences

_ asks others to give comments then correct
their pronunciation if necessary.


_ explains how to change direct speech into
reported speech with gerund briefly then
give some examples to illustrate and asks
students to work in pairs to do the exercise

_ asks students to discuss the answers with

- Listen to the teacher.

Get the teacher’s explanation.

_ listen to the sounds listed in their books.
_ listen to the tape then repeat the words
in chorus.

_ some individuals repeat the words.
_ listen to the teacher’s correction.

_ read the sentences suggested

_ listen to the teacher’s explanation.
_ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in
the textbooks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>


their friends.

_ asks some of the students to do the
exercise orally.

_ asks others to give comments.

_ gives the suggested answers if necessary.

<b>Exercise 2:</b>

_ explains the example carefully.

_ asks students to work in pairs to do the
exercise suggested.

_ asks students to discuss the answers with
their friends.

_ asks some of the students to do the
exercise orally.

_ asks others to give comments.

_ gives the suggested answers if necessary.

- Ask students to revise the strong form and
weak form of auxiliaries, the use of
prepositions and articles, redo all the
exercises and prepare Test yourself C at

_ discuss the answers with their friends.
_ some of the students to do the exercise

_ other students give comments.

_ take notes of the suggested answers.

1. in, 2.of, 3.on, 4.at, 5.to,
6.in, 7.about, 8.for,
9. between, 10.to.

_ notice the teacher’s explanation.

_ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in
the textbooks.

_ discuss the answers with their friends
then correct the mistakes themselves.
_ some of the students to do the exercise

_ other students give comments.
_ take notes of the suggested answers.

1Փ<b>, 2 </b>Փ <b>,3. </b>Փ. The. the, 4.the.<b>, 5. the,</b>
6.the., 7.the, 8.an.the.the, 9 .the, 10.Փ <b>,a. </b>

- Listen to the teacher and write down
homework to do at home

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

<b>LESSON PLAN 49</b>


<b>I. Objectives: After this lesson, students will be able to:</b>

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing.
- Improve their knowledge through the test yourself.

<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative.</b>

<b>II. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassetteplayer, board, hand-outs…</b>
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



- Greeting

- Ask students something about the test
yourself C

* Have you prepared it at home?
* Have you got any difficulties?

<b>I. Listening(2.5 points) (10 minutes)</b>

- Present the task: Listen and complete the
table below

- Tell students the topic of the table
- Get students to look through the table
- Explain the meaning of new words

- After that turn on the tape of the passage aloud

- Let students fill in the blanks with the
words they have just heard

- Go round the class to control the work
- Then turn on the tape of the passage the
last time for students to check their results
- Correct mistakes

<b>II. Reading (2.5 points) (10 minutes)</b>
- Present the task: Read the passgae and
choose the statements are True or False.
- Get students to work in groups, discuss
about the passage

- Go round the class to control the

- State the best option
- Correct mistakes

<b>III. Grammar(2.5 points) (8 minutes)</b>

- Greeting

- Answer teacher’s questions

- Look at the book and listen to the task
- understand the task

- Listen to the tape carefully

- Fill in the blanks with the words
they’ve just heard

- Correct mistakes

1.B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. B, 5. C.

- Look at the textbook and listen to the
teacher then read the passage and
choose the statements are True or False.
- Work in groups to discuss about the

- Finish the task

- Compare their results with the other
groups, and correct.


1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. F.
- Listen to the teacher

- Work in groups to complete the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>




- Recall the grammar of articals.
- Guide students how to do
- Give them some newwords:
- Do the first as an example.
- Ask students to to the exercise.
- Call the to to on board.

- Go round the class to control the set’s

- State the keys
- Correct mistakes

<b>IV. Writing(2.5 points) (7 minutes)</b>

- Giude students how to write

- Give students some models and structures
to writes..

- Ask students to write.
- Call the to to on board.

- Go round the class to control the students’

- Correct mistakes
- Ask students:

+ to study all the lessons again


- Correct mistakes


1. The, 2. An, 3.Փ 4. The,
5. A, 6.Փ<b>.</b>


1. Athough Nam worked very hard, he

didn't pass the exam.

2. Although I was very tired, I couldn't

3. Eventhough she had all the ……..

4. Athough the traffic was bad, we
arrived on time.

- Listen to the teacher carefully.
- Work in groups or in pairs then write.
- Compare the results with the other

- Correct mistakes

- Study all the lessons again

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<b>LESSON PLAN 50</b>


<b>A. Objectives;</b>

1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to;

- use the correct verbs in simple present, simple past, present continuous, past continuous
3- Skills:

- Remembering the use of each tense in context.
4- Education:

- study the differences in use of the verb-tense in English language.
<b>B.Teaching aids;</b>

<i>1.Teacher</i>: - Method: mainly communicative approach.
- Materials: helping board, textbook, handouts.

<i>2. Student</i>:- Materials: Student’s book

<i>3. Anticipated problems</i>: SS may find the use of present simple is misty.


<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Student's activities</b>


( 1 m')

1- Check the student's list

2- Arrange the seats if it's necessary

- Monitor gives names of absent


(35 m')

<b>A- The Present Simple Tense.</b>

- T gives some examples on helping board or

- Put the verbs into correct form
A1: I always (go)… to bed at 10 p.m .
A2:She (visit)… her daugster every Sunday.
B1: This book (be)… very interesting.

B2:Ann and Linda (play)... tennis very well.
C1: Water (freeze)… at zero degree

C2: The Sun (not move)... around the Earth.
D1: I (think)… they should work harder for the

D2:Jane (like)… living in the country?
- Gives questions:

<i>1. What are the affirmative form and negative</i>

<i>2. What are the uses of present simple?</i>

- Call some pairs to answer.
- T feedback and correct.

<b>B- The Past Simple Tense.</b>

- T gives some examples on helping board, ask
Ss to give the correct form of the verbs.

A1: I (go)… to bed at 10 p.m yesterday.
A2:She (visit)… HaNoi two years ago.

B1: They often (buy)… picture stories when

- work in pair, study the examples
and asnwer the Teacher's questions;
* Expected answer;

<i><b>I. form.</b></i>

Affir: S + V-s,es
V- infinitive
Negat: S + does

Do not + V-infinitive.
<i><b>II. use.</b></i>

1- habit or daily routine.

2- for present situation, state or


3- for true fact or universal truth.
4- for view, feeling or hobby.

* Expected answer;
<i><b>I. form.</b></i>

Affir: S + V-ed

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

they were at sencodary school.

B2:Ann often (go)… out for lunch after work.
C1: He (come)… home, (turn)… the light, and
(open).. the windows.

C2: I (run)… out of my office, (wave).. a taxi,
and (go) to Hellen's house.

- Gives questions:

<i>1. What are the affirmative form and negative</i>

<i>2. What are the uses of present simple?</i>

- Call some pairs to answer.
- T feedback and correct.

<b>C- The Present Continuous And Past</b>

<b>Continuous Tense.</b>

- T gives some examples on helping board, ask
Ss to study the ex and answer the questions.

Present continuous(1) Past continuous(2)
A1: Look at that man!

He is wearing a
traditional suit.
A2: Where are your

- They are playing in
the front garden.
B1: We are working
hard this week for the
coming exams.

B2: He is looking for a
job as a journalist.
C1: Harry up. It is
getting dark.
C2: The price of
petrol is rising rapidly.
D1: We are having a
party this Sunday

D2: She is leaving

London for New york
this week.

A1: I was reading
book at 4 p.m

A2:They were

visiting Ho Chi Minh
museum yesterdy

B1: I was watching
TV while my wife
was cooking.

B2: while she was
studying, her
roomate was
listening to music.
C1: He was playing
football all last

C2: They were
dancing all the
yesterday evening.
D1: It rained when
we were camping.

D2: When I came,
she was crying.
- Gives questions:

<i>1. What are the affirmative form and negative</i>
<i>form of each tense?</i>

<i>2. What are the uses of present continuous?</i>

- Call some pairs to answer.
- T feedback and correct.

<i><b>II. use.</b></i>

1- for completed action at definite

2- for past habit

3- for a series of actions happened in
the past.

* Expected answer;
<i><b>I. form.</b></i>

(1) S + is,are,am + V-ing
(2) S + was,were + V-ing
<i><b>II. use.</b></i>


1- for a progressive action at the
time of speaking.

2- for a progressive action happening
at present period of time

3- for a gradual happening action.
4- for a near future plan.


1- for a progressive action at a
definite time in the past.
2- for 2 or more progressive
simultaneous actions happening at
definite time in the past.

3- to emphasize the sequence of
action at a period of time.

4- for a progressive action

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>


(2 m')

- T summarize the content of the lesson.
<i><b>+ use and form of the verb</b></i>

- listen and understand


(2 m')

- Asign homeworks: do exercise 2,3,4 page 7
( English 12, workbook); exercise 1,2 page
18(English 12- student book)

- Prepare for tense revision: Revise the present
perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect

- Listen to the teacher

- Write down the homework to do at

Date of preparing : Thursday, December 17th<sub> 2009 Week : 17</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, December 18th<sub> , 2009 Period : 51</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>


<b>A. Objectives;</b>

1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to;

- use the correct verbs of present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous
3- Skills:

- Remembering the use of each tense in context.
4- Education:

- study the differences in use of the verb-tense in English language.
<b>B.Teaching aids;</b>

<i>1.Teacher</i>: - Method: mainly communicative approach.
- Materials: helping board, textbook, handouts.

<i>2. Student</i>:- Materials: Student’s book

<i>3. Anticipated problems</i>: SS may find difficult to distinguish the use of present perfect, present perfect
continuous .


<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Student's activities</b>

1 mn

1- Check the student's list

2- Arrange the seats if it's necessary - Monitor gives names of absent students


35 mns

<b>A- The Present Perfect Tense.</b>

- T gives some examples on helping board or

- Put the verbs into correct form

Present perfect(1) Present perfect cont(1)
A1: I have done my

homeworks.( finished)
A2: He has studied
Frech for a year.

B1: We haven't met
her for age.

B2: He has worked as
a journalist since 1999.

A1: I have been doing
my homeworks.

A2:She has been
studying Frech for a
year.( emphasize on
constant of action)

B1: I am tired. I have
been working too

B2: He has been
running. He looks

- Gives questions:

<i>1. What are the affirmative form and negative form</i>
<i>of each tense?</i>

<i>2. What are the uses of present continuous?</i>

- Call some pairs to answer.
- T feedback and correct.

- work in pair, study the examples and
asnwer the Teacher's questions;

* Expected answer;
<i><b>I. form.</b></i>

(1) S + have/has + PII

(2) S + have/has + been + V-ing
<i><b>II. use.</b></i>


1- for an action happened in the past
and has finished but don't mention its
comlete point of time.

2- for an action started in the past and
extended into present used with
Since; For + time

<b> (2)</b>

1- for an action that started in the past
and continue to present.

2- for an action that has just finished
often relates to present result.

* Expected answer;
<i><b>I. form.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

<b>B- The Past Perfect Continuous Tense.</b>
- T gives some examples on helping board, ask Ss
to give the correct form of the verbs.

A1: I (phone)… him before he came.

A2:When she arrived at the station, Her
parents ( leave)…

A3: He sold his house after he ( redecorate)

<b>B- Practice</b>

- T give handout and ssk Ss to do exercise 2
English 12 – workbook.

1. Sam….(not receive) the parcel the last time I…..
(speak) to him.

2. I …(consider) buying a house but now I…
( change) my mind.

3. When you…(feel) hungry later, room service…
(bring) you whatever you… (want).

4. I…. (find) it difficult to convince the ticket
inspector that I … (lose) my ticket.

5. Since I … (pay) for our lunch, I …( try) to attract
the waiter's attention.

6. As soon as I …(have) a good look at the designs,
I… (send) them back to you.

7. I… (hope) to meet you ever since I … (read) your
first novel.

8. Whatever…(happen) , I… (meet) you here in a

week's time.

9. By the time you …(finish) getting ready, we …
(miss) the train!

10. Sally! I …(not expect) to see you here! What…
(you do) in New York?

- Call some Ss to pesent answer orally.
- Feedback and give correction.

1- for an action happened before
another simple past action.

- Do the task in 6 minutes
- exchange their answers.
- Present the answers orally.
* Answer:

<i>1. haven't received; spoke</i>
<i>2. was considering/have been </i>
<i>considering; have changed</i>
<i>3. feel; will bring;want</i>
<i>4. found; had lost</i>
<i>5. was paying; tried</i>
<i>6. have had; will send</i>
<i>7. have been hoping; read</i>
<i>8. happens; will meet</i>

<i>9. finish/have finished; will have </i>


<i>10. didn't expect/was not expecting; </i>
<i>are doing</i>

<b>2 mns</b>

- T summarize the content of the lesson.
<i><b>+ use and form of the verb</b></i>

- listen and understand

2 mns

- Asign homeworks: exercise 1,2,3 page
28(English 12- student book)

- Prepare for indirect speech; Revise the rules of
transforming directed into indirected.

- Listen to the teacher

- Write down the homework to do at home.

Date of preparing : Monday, December 21st<sub> 2009 Week : 18</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, December 22nd<sub> , 2009 Period : 52</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>


<b>A. Objectives;</b>

1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to;
- speak and write sentences in the reported speech.

3- Skills:

- Remembering the use of each kind of reported speech in context.
4- Education:

- study use of reported speech in English language.
<b>B.Teaching aids;</b>

<i>1.Teacher</i>: - Method: mainly communicative approach.
- Materials: helping board, textbook, handouts.

<i>2. Student</i>:- Materials: Student’s book

<i>3. Anticipated problems</i>: SS may find difficult to the equivalent forms of Pronouns, adverbs in reported
speech .


<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Student's activities</b>

1 mn

1- Check the student's list

2- Arrange the seats if it's necessary - Monitor gives names of absent students

5 mns

35 mns

<b>*Rewrite these sentences in reported</b>

- Ask Ss to do in 2 minutes

1. " I love my parents very much" Jane said.
Jane said………

2. " I am going to work in Ha Noi next
month". Peter said.

Peter said he……….

- Ask Ss to pay attention to the examples and
give remarks the indirect speech .

<i><b>1. Tense?</b></i>

<i><b>2. Pronouns? ( personal, possessive, </b></i>

<i><b>3. Adverbs? ( place, time)</b></i>

<b>A. Grammar :Reported speech </b>

- T give examples and ask Ss to give remarks.
<i><b>I) We change the tenses of the verb if </b></i>

<i><b>reported verb is simple past.</b></i>
1, Reported speech: statement

Ex1: He said, "I have just bought a laptop

-> He said (that) he had bought a laptop that

Ex2: They said, " We are having a party for
our victory tomrrow."

-> They said they were having a party for
their victory the following day.

<i>+ What are the changes needed?</i>

- Rewrite these sentences.
- Present on the board.
- discuss and correct
* Expected answers:

1. Jane said she loved her parents very

2. Peter said he was going to work in
HaNoi the month after.

- feedback and take notes

- rewrite and correct

- Give remarks on the changes of
reported speech

- Listen to the teacher's explaining and
note down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

<i>The needed changes are: Tense, pronouns, </i>

<b>2, Reported speech: questions </b>

Basic rule :

<b>S + asked + (O) + if /whether + S+ V....</b>
<b>S + asked + (O)+ W/ H... + S + V...</b>

Ex1: “ Have you seen this film ?” Tom said.
-> He asked me if / whether I had seen that

Ex2: “ Where is the post office ? “ Jane said.
-> She asked me where the post office was.
<b>3, Command and request</b>

<b>S + </b>

<b>told/asked/ordered/reminded/warned... + </b>
<b>O + ( not ) + to + V....</b>

Ex1" “ Keep silent!” He said. -> He told us to
keep silent.

Ex2: “ Don’t come late!” Peter said. -> He
asked us not to come late.

Ex3: " don't touch that machine. It's

dangerous." She said. -> She warned me not
to touch that machine as it was dangerous.
-Give notes : Special cases:

<i><b>II) We don’t change the tenses of the verb in </b></i>
<i><b>indirect speech in the following cases:</b></i>

1. An action happened at exact time .

“ I was born in 1998 “ -> He said he was born
in 1998.

2. Conditional sentences ( types 2, 3 ).

- “ If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.”-> He
said if he were me, he would not do that.

- Give remarks on the changes of
reported speech

- Listen to the teacher's explaining and
note down.

- Listen and write down the rules.
- rewrite and correct the sentences.
- Give remarks on the changes of
reported speech

- Listen to the teacher's explaining and
note down.

- Listen and write down the rules.
- rewrite and correct the sentences.
- Listen to the teacher's explaining and
note down.

3. Past subjunctives ( wish- clause; as

-“ I wish I were a boy, “Mary said.->
Mary said she wished she were a boy.
4, could , would , should, might, used to,
ought to, would rather, had better,....
- “ You had better not contact her,” he

said to me.

-> He said to me I had better not contact
to her.

5, general truths.

- “ The sun rises in the east.” -> He said
the sun rises in the east.

2 mns

- T summarize the content of the lesson.

<i><b>+ give remarks on the basic rules.</b></i> - listen and understand

2 mns

- Asign homeworks: exercise 1,2 page
38(English 12- student book) exercise 2,3,4
page 22 ( English 12, workbook)

- Prepare for passive voice and conditional
sientences: Revise the rules of transformation
of active to passive.

- Listen to the teacher

- Write down the homework to do at home.

Date of preparing : Monday, December 21st<sub> 2009 Week : 18</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, December 22nd<sub> , 2009 Period : 53</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 53</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

<b>A. Objectives;</b>

1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to;
- use the correct passive sentence and conditional sentences.
3- Skills:

- Remembering the use of passive voice and conditional sentences.
4- Education:

- present wishes and passive speech in English language.
<b>B.Teaching aids;</b>

<i>1.Teacher</i>: - Method: mainly communicative approach.
- Materials: helping board, textbook, handouts.

<i>2. Student</i>:- Materials: Student’s book

<i>3. Anticipated problems</i>: SS may find difficult to distinguish the use of conditional sentence type1 and
type2 in some cases.


<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Student's activities</b>

1 mn

1- Check the student's list

2- Arrange the seats if it's necessary - Monitor gives names of absent students

5 mn

- Ask some questions:

<i>1. Do you know when was this school built at the </i>
<i>first time?</i>

<i>2. How many pupils have been taught since 1999?</i>
<i>3. If you were the headmaster, what should be </i>
<i>done to make our school better?</i>

- Call some Ss to answer orally,

- Take note the answer on the board and

- Instroduce the revision grammar point.

Work in pairs.
- write down the answers

- give the answers orally.
- other ss give remarks on the

35 mns

<b>A. Grammar :</b>
<b>I) Passive voice.</b>

- T give examples and ask Ss to give remarks.

<i>Ex1: This bike is made of plastic.</i>

<i>Ex2: Her book was read by thousand of students </i>
<i>last year.</i>

<i>Ex3: These rooms have been painted several </i>

- Ask Ss to give remarks on the form.
<i><b>1- form. </b></i>

To be + Past participle (PII)
<i><b>2- Rules of changing active to passive.</b></i>
<i><b>2.1) Subject, object, verb.</b></i>

Ex1: VietNam exports rice.

-> Rice is exported by


Active: Subject verb obiect

- study the examples and give
remarks on the form

- buid the form

- study the model

- give explaination to the rules.
- write down

- study the active

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

Passive:Subject be + PII by object

2.2) Tenses:

Active tenses Passive tenses
- simple present

- simple past

- present continuous
- past continuous
- present perfect
- past perfect

- S + is/am/are + PII
- S + was/were + PII
- S +is/am/are + being

- S +was/were+ being +

- S + has/have + been +

- S + had + been + PII
<i><b>2.3) Modal verbs:</b></i>

( can, could, may, must,



<i><b>S + modal verbs + be + </b></i><b>PII</b>

<i>Ex1: Our village may be flooded in the rain </i>

<b>II) Conditional and wish sentence.</b>
<b>1- Conditional sentence;</b>

<i><b>1.1) Conditional sentence type 1.</b></i>
a- Form;

Ex1: If he visits us, I will tell him the truth.

If clause Main clause

S + V(simple present tense) S + will + V(infinitive)
b- Use;

b.1) express an real condition that is in present or
may happen in the future.

<i>Ex1: If I have time, I'll visit you.</i>

<i>Ex2: He will get good marks if he studies harder.</i>

b.2) Will" can be replaced by " can, may, must,

<i>Ex1: If you feel tired, you can stay at home.</i>
<i>Ex2: We may finish our before noon if we start </i>

<i>Ex3: If you want a good job, you must work hard </i>

<i><b>1.2) Conditional sentence type 2.</b></i>
a- Form;

Ex1: If he lived next to us, we would ask him for

If clause Main clause

S + V(simple past tense) S + would + V(infinitive)
b- Use;

b.1) express an unreal condition that can't

<i>Ex1: If I were a millionaire, I would buy a luxury </i>

<i>Ex2: What would you do if you won 100.000$?</i>

- write down

- study the model

- give explaination to the form.
- write down

- study the models

- give explaination to the use.
- write down

- study the model

- give explaination to the form.
- write down

- study the models

- give explaination to the use.
- write down

- study the model

- give explaination to the form.
- write down

- study the models

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

<i><b>1.3) Conditional sentence type 2.</b></i>
a- Form;

Ex1: If he lived next to us, we would ask him for

If clause Main clause

S + V(past perfect tense) S + would have + V(infinitive)
b- Use;

b.1) express an unreal condition in the past that
coundn't happen.

<i>Ex1: If he had studied hard, he would have </i>
<i>entered an university.</i>

<i>Ex2: We wouldn't have missed the train if we had </i>
<i>got up earlier.</i>

<b>* Notice:</b>

If…not.. = Unless (trõ phi)

Ex1: If he doesn't call her, she will be unhappy.
-> Unless he call her, she will be unhappy.
<b>2- wish, if only + clause ( giá mà)</b>

2.1) unreal wish at present.

<i>Ex1: I wish my life were better.</i>

<i>Ex2: If only he loved me, I would be the happiest </i>

2.2) unreal wish in the past.

<i>Ex1: We wish she hadn't failed the exam.</i>

<i>Ex2: If only you had bought that house, we would </i>
<i>have lived near the city center.</i>

- write down

- listen to the teacher,
- take notes

2 mns

- T summarize the content of the lesson.

<i><b>+ give remarks on the basic rules.</b></i> - listen and understand

2 mns

- Asign homeworks: exercise 1,2,3 page
50(English 12- student book) exercise 1,2,3 page
34 ( English 12, workbook)

- Prepare for passive voice and conditional
sientences: Revise the rules of transformation of
active to passive.

- Listen to the teacher

- Write down the homework to do at home.

Date of preparing : Monday, December 21st<sub> 2009 Week : 18</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, December 22nd<sub> , 2009 Period : 53</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 53</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

<b> </b>

<b>A. Objectives;</b>

1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to;
- use relative clauses and adverb clause of contrast accurately.
3- Skills:

- Remembering the use of relative clauses and adverb clause of contrast.
4- Education:

- aware of the similarities of Vietnamese and English language through complex sentences.
<b>B.Teaching aids;</b>

<i>1.Teacher</i>: - Method: mainly communicative approach.
- Materials: helping board, textbook, handouts.

<i>2. Student</i>:- Materials: Student’s book

<i>3. Anticipated problems</i>: SS may find difficult to distinguish the differences between defining and
non-difining clauses in some cases.


<b>Theme</b> <b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Student's activities</b>


( 1 m')

1- Check the student's list

2- Arrange the seats if it's necessary

- Monitor gives names
of absent students


(5 m')

- Ask Ss to do the task in pairs.

<i>1, I really like the book … is writen by To Hoai.</i>
<i>2, The child… you saw at the party is Hellen's son.</i>
<i>3, I have been to the village… my parents used to live.</i>

- Ask Ss to give the answer and explain the use of
relative pronouns.

- lead Ss to the new lesson.

- work in pairs
- give the answers

- explain the use of
relative pronouns.


(35 m')

A- Grammar.

<b>I. Relative clauses.</b>

<b>1) Relative pronouns, relative averbs.</b>

- Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable

relative pronouns, relative adverbs.

Relative pronouns

<i>1. The boy… sits behind me can speak Spanish.</i>
<i>2. The man… Jane loves is a film actor.</i>

<i>3. People… houses were damaged in the flood will </i>
<i>receice 100$ from Government.</i>

<i>4. I like the the house… situated on the left bank of </i>
<i>Huong river.</i>

Relative adverbs

<i>1. I can't remember the place… I left my keys.</i>
<i>2. Do you remember the day... the festival start?</i>
<i>3. I don't know the reason … he refused my help.</i>

- Call some groups to give explainations to the use of
each relative of pronouns, relative of adverb.

<i><b>2. Defining clause and Non-defining clause</b></i>
- Ask Ss to discuss and explain the use of …

Defining clause Non-defining clause

- work in groups of 4
- give the answers

- explain the use of
relative pronouns.

1. "Who, whom,
whose, that" are used
to modify man

2. "Which, that" are
used to modify things.
3. "where" is used to
modify adverb of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

<i>1. This is the lady who </i>
<i>saw the accident.</i>
<i>2. The car which Peter </i>
<i>bought last week is made</i>
<i>in USA.</i>

<i>3. The town where we </i>
<i>used to live is very quiet </i>
<i>and peaceful.</i>

<i>1. Shakespeare, who </i>

<i>wrote Romeo and Juliet, </i>
<i>died in 1616.</i>

<i>2. David's house, which </i>
<i>was built last year, is </i>
<i>designed by a French </i>

<i>3. These horses, which </i>
<i>are expensive, are mine.</i>

- Call some groups to explain.

- Feedback and give clear definition.
<i><b>3. Reduction of relative clauses.</b></i>

* to reduce relative clause, we omit " relative
pronouns and the form of to be"

<i>Ex1: The boy who is talking to Marry is my boyfriend.</i>
<i>-> The boy talking to Marry is my boy friend.</i>

<i>Ex2: The books the are on the table are mine.</i>
<i>-> The books on the table are mine.</i>

<b>II. Adverb clause of contrast.</b>
<i><b>1- Adverb clause of contrast.</b></i>

- Ask Ss to choose one of the words in the box

to fill in the blank of each sentence.

<i>1. although, though, </i>

<i>2. While, whereas</i>
<i>3. yet</i>

<i>1. mỈc dï</i>
<i>2. trong khi</i>
<i>3. tuy nhiªn</i>

<i>1. He didn't receive anything … he worked hard.</i>
<i>2. …. She had to do housework, her sister didn</i>
<i>'t have to.</i>

<i>3. Some children like apple … others hate it.</i>
<i>4. He studied hard for the exam, … he failed again.</i>
<i>- Feedback, explain the use of adverb clause of </i>

<i><b>2- Noun- phrase of contrast.</b></i>

+ In spite of + Noun/Pronoun ( mỈc dï)
+ Despite + Noun/Pronoun ( mỈc dï)
- Gives some examples

<i>Ex1: In spite of bad weather, we managed to build the </i>

<i>Ex2: Despite of working hard, he earned a little </i>


- Study the examples
and discuss the use
- explain orally in
front of the class.
- other groups give

- listen to the teacher's
feedback and


- Study the examples
and discuss the use
- explain orally in
front of the class.
- other groups give

- listen to the teacher's
feedback and


- Study the examples
and discuss the use
- listen to the teacher's
feedback and


(2 m')

- T summarize the content of the lesson.

<i><b>+ give remarks on the basic use of relative clauses.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>


(2 m')

- Asign homeworks: exercise 1,2 page 70- 1,2 page
82 (English 12- student book) exercise 4 page 41 - 2,3
page 47 ( English 12, workbook)

- Prepare for the examination of the first term.

- Listen to the teacher
- Write down the

homework to do at home.

<b>Unit 9 : Deserts</b>

<b>A. Language skills</b>


- To help students gain some knowledge about deserts.

- To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of words in


Students learn words and phrases in terms of deserts


- Students can ask and answer about a picture
- Sts know the deserts in Autralia.

<b> Listening:</b>

- Students can improve their listening skill : they can understand the passage and then they can summarize the

passage that they have listened to.

- Students learn more words and phrases in term of deserds

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

- Students can write a report basing on the information given in the Table of the Sahara desert

<b>B. Language focus</b>
<b>1. Pronunciation:</b>

- Students can use full and contracted forms of auxiliaries.

<b>2. Grammar:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>

Date of preparing : Monday, January 11th<sub> 2010 Week : 20</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, January 12th<sub> 2010 Period : 55</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 55</b>

<b>UNIT 9: DESERTS</b>

<b>A : READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

- Guessing the meaning in the context. Deciding true or false statements
- Passage comprehesions and Understanding the humour of the story.
2. Knowledge:

<b> </b><i>- General knowledge:</i> Lives of plants animals in deserts.

<i>- Language:</i> Common knowledge of the life of plants and animals in the deserts
<i>- New words:</i> Words related to the lives of plants and animals in deserts.

3. Skills:

- Guessing meaning in context, deciding on true or false and passage comprehension.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

-Picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts,…

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Before-reading </b>


<i>Aims: to introduce the topic of the lesson and</i>
<i>to raise students' interest.</i>

- Introduce the new lesson to the students.
- Ask students to look at the picture page 91
and ask Ss to answer some questions:

<i>1 What do you know about deserts?</i>

<i>2 what kinds of plants and animals live in a </i>

<i>3 Name some of the countries which have </i>

- Call a pair to report their discussion
- Introduce the topic:

<i><b> Deserts</b></i>

- Teach some new words: ask students
whether they know the words, if they do not

- Listen to teacher.

- Look at the picture, listen to the
teacher then ask and answer the
questions in the book.

1. They are vast areas of sandy land,
with very little water and vegetation.
2. plants : cactus, some kinds of

Animals: camels, lizards, ...

3. Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Morocco,
Algeria, Sudan, the USA ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

<b>While-reading </b>


know them, explain in English then ask

them to give Vietnamese equivalents to
check their understanding

<b>: (23 minutes)</b>

- Ask students to look through the passage
and read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new
words which appear in the passage

- Teach some new words: ask students
whether they know the words, if they do not
know them, explain in English then ask
them to give Vietnamese equivalents to
check their understanding

- <i>strech</i>
- <i>sandy</i>

- <i>aerial survey</i>

- <i>Royal Giographical Society of </i>


- <i>Australia Aborigine</i>
- <i>dune</i>

- <i>sloping</i>
- <i>hummock</i>
- <i>crest</i>
- <i>spinifex</i>
<b>Task 1 : (3 minutes)</b>

- Ask students to read through the text once
to find out some new words, guess the main

- Explain new words (give the Vietnamese
equivalents), guide the sts to get the main
contents of the reading text.

- Ask students to work individually in 3
minutes to do this task.

- Guide students to read through the passage
, then focus on only the sentences
surrounding the suggested words to do the
task effectively.

- Give students some more words that may
be new/ unfamiliar to them.

- Guide the students to read the word in
chorus and individually.

- Ask some new words if necessary

- Work individually to read the text
then choose the the words and phrases
in the passage:

- Share the key with other students:


1. <i>Kéo dài, căng ra</i>
<i>2. Có cát,</i>

<i>3. Trắc lợng trên khơng</i>
<i>4. Hội địa lý hồng gia Austra</i>
<i>5. Thổ dân Australia</i>

<i>6. Cồn cát, đụn cát </i>
<i> 7. độ dốc, dốc thoai thoải</i>
<i>8. Dốc đứng, dốc ngợc </i>
<i>9. Gũ, ng</i>

<i>10. nh (gũ/ng)</i>

<i>11. Cỏ lá nhỏ mọc trên xa m¹c</i>

- Listen to the teacher then do the

- Works in pais:
<i><b> Keys: </b></i>

1. F, 2. F, 3. T,
4. F, 5. F, 6. T.

- Work individually to read the text
then answer the questions:

- Share the key with other students:

<i>1. They are Great Victoria Deserts,</i>

<i>2. It lies between Lake Eyre in the</i>
<i>south, the….</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>

<b>After –</b>
<b>After –</b>

<b>Task 2: (4 minutes)</b>

- Ask students to read the passage again
then work in pairs to choose the statements
are true or false.

- Walk round the class to give help if


- Give suggested words, phrases or useful

- Correct the students’ work.
<b>Task 3: (6 minutes)</b>

- Ask students to read the questions

- Ask students to read through the passage

- Ask the class to do .

- Call some students to give the answers.
- Ask others students to correct.

- Give the true answers

<b> - Ask student to read the story.</b>
Ask them for the humour of the story.

- Review the reading and prepare the
speaking at home.

<i>4. He was the President of the South….</i>
<i>5. They took camels across the desert.</i>

<i>6. In thwe western part, they are short,</i>
<i>mostly ….</i>

<i>7. Two. They are hummock grasses and</i>

- Read the story then answer.
- Work in groups

- Listen to the teacher

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

Date of preparing : Monday, January 11th<sub> 2010 Week : 20</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, January 12th<sub> 2010 Period : 56</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 56</b>

<b>UNIT 9: DESERTS</b>

<b>B. SPEAKING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

- Explaining why some kind of trees and animals can exit in the deserts.
<b>2. Knowledge: </b>

<i> - General knowledge: </i>The lives of treas and animals in the deserts.
<i>- Language:</i> + The way to make the life better in the deserts.
+ The tenses.

<i> - New words: </i>words related to the trees and animals in the deserts.
<b>3. Skills: </b>

- Talking about nature features of the deserts.

- Explaining why some thing should be brought along while going across a desert.
<b>II. Method:</b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Board, chalks, textbook, handouts.

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Pre-speaking </b>

- Ask students about the deserts of

<b>Task 1</b>

- Guide students how to practise.
- Ask students to work in pairs.

- Explaining some new worrds.

- eucalyptus :/ ju:k6’lipt6s / cây bạch đàn
- cactus / ‘k%kt6s / cây xương rồng

- Answer teacher's question.

- Pair work.

- Practice answering the toppic:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

<b>While-speaking </b>




- date palm / / cây chà là
- lizard / ‘liz6d / con thaèn laèn
- rabbit / ‘r%bit / con thoû
- Walk around and help them.
- Call students to say.

- Correct their mistakes.

Ask sts to find out as many natural features of
adesert as possible .Then compare your note
with the other pairs using the given cues

eg : It is very hot in summer and it is cold in

<b>Task 2</b>

- Guide students how to practise.
- Ask students to work in pairs.

- Help the students with new structures.
- Walk around and help them.

- Call some student to stand up and report
before the class.

- Correct their mistakes.
<b>Task 3</b>

- Guide students how to practise.
- Ask students to work in groups

- Call some pairs of student to stand up and

- Correct their mistakes.

- Ask the students to prepare the listening at


hot in desert …..………
I think ….

- Listen to the teacher and do the task.

A. I think the climate in desert is very
rude. There is very little rain and it is
always very hot….

I think ……..

<i>- Free practices</i>

- The students who are called stand up to
talk to the class about their ideas.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down the homework to do at home.

- Some groups report what they have

<i>S1 : I choose : food , water , camel , knife, </i>
<i>blanket, </i>

<i>S2 : Ichoose : wter ,car food, camel ,</i>

- Repeat after the teacher.

- One pair to role play in front of the whole

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

Date of preparing :Thursday, January 14th<sub> 2010 Week : 20</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, January 15th<sub> 2010 Period : 57</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 57</b>

<b>UNIT 9: DESERTS</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

<b> - Listening, mastering the content of the tape.</b>

- Doing the tasks fluently (true or false statements and the details).
2. Knowledge:

<i>- General knowledge:</i> By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to understand how to make the lives
in the deserts better.

<i>- Language:</i> The present simple tense.
<i>- New words:</i> Words related to to the topic.

<b>3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements.</b>
- Listening for details and gap-filling.

<b>II. Method:</b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Tape, cassetteplayer, board, chalks, textbook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’ activities</b> <b>Learners’ activities</b>

<b>Pre- listening</b>

6mns <b>Warm up:</b>- Ask sts to answer the questions
1 What is a desert ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

2 How is a desert formed ?

3 Can human being make a desert ?



<i><b>Task 1</b></i>

- Ask students to listen to the passage the first

- Read the passage twice

- Ask some students to give their answers. If
their answers are right, repeat them; if not give
the correct answers.

- Listen to the passage and answer the

* Answers:

<i>3.</i> <i>T</i>
<i>4.</i> <i>T</i>
<i>5.</i> <i>F</i>
<i>6.</i> <i>F</i>
<i>7.</i> <i>T</i>
<i> </i>
<i><b>Task 2</b></i>

- Ask them to listen again the second and the
third time to finish task 2:

- Ask students to discuss the answers to the
questions in pairs.

- Go around to supervise students if necessary.
- Eliciting the answers from students, if their

answers are right, repeat the answers, if they
are wrong, give them the answers:

- If most students do not catch the information
for the questions, let them listen again to the
passage once more.

<i><b>Task 3 </b></i> Ask sts to listen again and fill in the

missing words

- Listen again the third time to finish the

- Discuss the answers to the questions in

- Answer the questions, and correct the
wrong answers.


<i>1. It examines deserts, what are they and</i>
<i>how they are formed</i>

<i>2. It is hot, dry and sandy place, it is a</i>
<i>beautiful land of silence and space. The</i>
<i>sun shines, the wind blow and time and</i>
<i>space seem endless.</i>

<i>3. Natural and human.</i>

<i>4. They contribute by eating every plant</i>
<i>they can find, this makes the land</i>
<i>become deserts</i>.

1. 90 percent
2. smaller plants
3. prevent
4. speading
5. capital
6. canals



- Ask students to do After you read in groups<i> _ </i>
<i>discuss the questions in the book</i>

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes.

- Ask one group to report what they have

- Give comments after they finish

- Call another group if there is enough time.

- Give feedback and correct serious or common

wor in groups

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation
then correct the answers oneself.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>



- Asks ss to prepare part D writing

Date of preparing : Monday, January 18th<sub> 2010 Week : 21</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, January 19th<sub> 2010 Period : 58</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 58</b>

<b>UNIT 9: DESERTS</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: </b>

- Describing main features of a deserts.
2. Knowledge:

<i>- General knowledge:</i> Writing about the Sahara deserts.

<i>- Language:</i> +The tenses.

+ Connectors (time expressions)
<i>- New words</i>: Words related to the Sahara desert.
<b>3. Skills: </b>

_ To practise students’ speaking and writing skills.

_ To help students to able to write about the Sahara deserts
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>

<b>Stage/time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>Warm -up</b>

<b>Pre- writing</b>


- Play a game “Who am I ?”

- T gives some actions and then asks ss
who T is describing.

- Write on the board the title of the lesson:
Unit 9

Part D. Writing

- Ask students to look at the table page 96

<i>This table presents the information about </i>
<i>the Sahara resert</i>

- Introduce some new words.( eliciting ,
give the definitions in English then ask
students to translate them into Vietnamese
to check their understanding)

arid : / ‘%r1d / (a) khô cằn

moisture :/ ‘m01st~6 / (n) hơi ẩm, nước

elevation :/el1’ve1~n /(n) độ cao,sự nâng

acacia :/ 6’ke1~6 /(n) cây xiêm gai
( giống cây keo)

Gazelle :/ g6’zel/ (n) con linh dương
jackal :/ ‘d2`k0:l /(n) chó rừng

- Write down in the notebooks the title.

- Look at the table page 96
- Listen to the teacher.

- Guess the meaning of the new words.

- Read the words

- antelope /’`nt1l6$p / (n) con sơn dương
- eastward / ‘1stw6d/ (adv) về hướng đông

22 mns

- Go around to supervise them if necessary.
- Call some pairs to give the answers. If
their answers are right, repeat them; if not
give the correct answers.

<i>.</i>- Ask the teacher about the words or
phrases if can't understand.

- Listen to the teacher.
- discuss and write down.
- work in groups.

<i>Questions </i>

<i>1 Where is the Sahara desert ?</i>
<i>2 What is its total area ?</i>
<i>3 How long is it ? </i>
<i>4 How wide is it? </i>

<i>5 What is its natural feature ?</i>
<i>- Land</i>

<i>- Climate</i>
<i>- sand</i>
<i>-Table land</i>

<i>What kinds of trees can live in the Sahara </i>
<i>desert ?</i>

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes

- Show and correct some common

- Write the description

- Compare the result to the other groups.

The Sahara is the largest desert in the
world. It is located in the Northern Africa.
The desert extends from…….

- Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
- Exchange the writing to other groups to
check and give remarks.

- Represent the task on board if being


Read the writing to get others’ remarks.
- Do as the teacher asked.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>


10 mns


- Ask students to revise their description.
- Ask students to hand in their work to

- Ask students to rewrite the task at home
and preapare part Language Focus at

- Revise their description.
- Hand in their work

- Listen to the teacher and write down

<b>Suggested writing</b>

The Shahara is the world’s largest desert , located in northern Africa. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean
eastward past the Red sea to Iraq. Its large part lies in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Mauritania,
Mali, Niger and Sudan. It covers more than 9,065,000 square meters, is 1610 km wide and about 5150 km
long from east to west. There are large sandy dunes , few oases. The climate is arid and dry, very hot in
summer and very cold in winter.

There are few forms of animal and vegetable life. The main trees include cactus, date palm, and a form
of acacia. Some species of animals can be found, such as gazelle, antelope, fox, jackal and camel.

Date of preparing : Monday, January 18th<sub> 2010 Week : 21</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, January 19th<sub> 2010 Period : 59</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 59</b>

<b>UNIT 9: DESERTS</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>1. Educational aim: - Full and contracted forms of auxiliaries.</b>
- So, but, however and therefore.

<b>2. Knowledge: </b>

<i>- General knowledge:</i> Combining the sentences.

<i>- Language:</i> Know how to use so, but, however and therefore.

<i> - New words:</i> Words related to the exercises.
<b>3. Skills: </b>

_ To practise students’ pronunciation and writing skills.

_ To help students to be able pronounce the full forms and the contracted forms of auxiliaries and
introduce to them the use of so, but, however and therefore.

<b>II. Method: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

- Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


- Introduce the lesson:

<i>Auxiliary often has the strong form when it is</i>
<i>used in short answers, and it has the weak </i>
<i>form when it is used in questions.</i>

- Read the auxiliaries both full and

contracted forms for students to recognize
the difference

- Read the second time for the students to

- Ask 2-3 students to repeat, correct their

- Listen to the teacher
- Listen to the teacher

Get the teacher’s explanation.

_ Listen to the sounds listed in their books.
_ Listen to the tape then repeat the words
in chorus.

_ Some individuals repeat the words.
_ Listen to the teacher’s correction.
_ Read the sentences suggested

<b>Practice these sentences</b>

- Read 2 times the sentences, and then let
the whole class read the sentences twice or
three times.

- Read the sentences twice or three times.
- Read the sentences again

- Read the sentences in pairs.

38mns <i><b>Exercise 1</b></i>Explain how to use <i><b>so or but</b></i>

<i>Can you tell me what the difference </i><b>so</b><i> and </i>

<b>but</b><i> ? Give me some example</i>

<i>It began to rain , so I open my umbrella</i>
<i>It began to rain , but he didn"t open his </i>

<i> Note : Before " so , but " there is a comma</i>

- Call some students to give their answers. If
students’ answers are right, repeat them, if
not, give the right answers


<i><b>Exercise 2</b></i>

Underline the correct alternative(để lựa
chọn, cái này or cái kia) in the sentences
Note : explain how to use <i><b>however</b></i>

- Call some students to give their answers. If
students’ answers are right, repeat them, if
not, give the right answers

+ However expresses contrast idea, It can
stand behind subject (there is comma). It can
stand infront of a clause and there is a

simicolon(dấu chấm phẩy) infront of it and a
comma behind it. It can stand ta the

beginning of a sentence there is a comma
behind its clause.

- Give the answers

<i>1 so</i>
<i>2 but</i>
<i>3 so</i>
<i>4 but</i>
<i>5 so</i>
<i>6 but</i>
<i>7 but</i>
<i>8 so</i>

<i>- give the answer </i>
<i>1 but</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>


Go around to supervise them

<i><b>Exercise 3</b></i>

Add so , therefore , or however
Note The use of <i><b>therefore</b></i>

- Call some students to give their answers. If
students’ answers are right, repeat them, if
not, give the right answers

Go around to supervise them
- Ask students to do exercise 3
- Go around to supervise them

- Ask students to discuss the answers in

- Call some students to give their answers. If
students’ answers are right, repeat them, if
not, give the right answers

+ Therefore (do đó) express the result
- can also be use, but is normal in fairly
Formal sentences.

- Therefore : đứng sau S của mệnh đề sau
mà khơng cần tách biệt bởi dấu phẩy.
- Nó đứng đầu một câu.

<i>Asks ss to prepare next lesson</i>

<i>6 therfore</i>
<i>7 so</i>

<i>8 howerver</i>

ex: It was late, the workers therefore
stopped work and left the company.
ex: It was late. Therefore the workers
stopped work and left the company

Date of preparing : Monday, January 25th<sub> 2010 Week : 22</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, January 26th<sub> 2010 Period : 60</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 60</b>


<b>A. Language skills</b>
<b>5. Reading:</b>

- To help students gain some knowledge about endangered species

- To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of

words in context.

Students learn words and phrases in terms of plants and animals.
<b>6. Speaking:</b>

- Students can ask and answer about a picture .

- Students learn more words and phrases in term of plants and animals

<b>7. . Listening:</b>

- Students can improve their listening skill : they can understand the passage and then they can

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=153>

- Students learn more words and phrases in term of plants and animals

<b>8. Writing:</b>

- Students can write a report basing on the information given in the Table of the Sahara desert

<b>B. Language focus</b>
<b>1. Pronunciation:</b>

- Rhythm

<b>2. Grammar:</b>

- Students know how to use <i>Modal verbs : may , might, must mustn't , needn't</i>

Date of preparing : Monday, January 25th<sub> 2010 Week : 22</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, January 26th<sub> 2010 Period : 60</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 60</b>


<b>A. READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

- Students read and guess the meaning of words in contexts.
- They read and answer questions about the texts.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=154>

- Finding supporting evidence .
2. Knowledge:

<b> - General knowledge: Ss know some endangered species are plant and animal species</b>
- Language: Common knowledge of environment,…

- New words: Words related to the topic (endangered animals,plants....)
3. Skills:

- Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

-Picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts,…

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>





<i>Aims: to introduce the topic of the lesson </i>
<i>and to raise students' interest.</i>

- T hangs out some pictures in and asks Ss
to answer the questions.

<i>1 Which of the folloing animals and insects are </i>
<i>found in Vietnam ?</i>

<i>2 Which of them is / are in danger ?/</i>

- Ask students (to work in pairs) to open
their books, look at the pictures, and do the
tasks that follow.

+ which of the animals and insects below
can be found in VietNam?

+Which of them are in danger of becoming

- Ask them to work in 3 minutes,

- Teacher moves round to help if necessary.

- Ask some pairs to report .

- Give some remark if necessary
* New words:

- Call a pair to report their discussion
- Introduce the topic:

<i><b>Endangered species </b></i>

- Teach some new words: ask students
whether they know the words, if they do not
know them, explain in English then ask
them to give Vietnamese equivalents to
check their understanding

<i>- rhinoceros / ra1’n4s6r6s /</i>
<i>- leopard / ‘lep6d / con baùo</i>
<i>- parrot / ‘p`r6t /</i>

<i>- impact / /</i>

<i>- enact / 1’n`kt / (v) ban haønh</i>
<i>-vulnarable / ‘v^ln6r6bl / dễ bị tổn </i>

<i>- urbanization / ‘3b6na1z / sự đô thị </i>


2.elephant,leopard, rhinoceos are in danger

-Greet teacher

- Listen to the teacher and think about the

- Answer teacher’s questions in pairs

- Give Vietnamese equivalents

- Read the words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=155>


10 mns



<i>- derive from / d1’va1v / bắt nguồn</i>
<i>- habitat / ‘h`b1t`t / (n) </i>

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
- Ask students to read the passage in silence
- Ask students to do Task 1: Give

Vietnamese equivalent words to ones given
in the passage

-Ask students to discuss the answers in

- Check Ss’ answer

- Write down the answers on the board
- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
- Ask students to do task 2 in pairs

- Go around to supervise students if

- Ask representatives of pairs to give the
answers. If students’ answers are right,
repeat them, if not, give the right answers.
- Ask students to do task 3 in groups
- Go around to supervise students if

- Ask representatives of groups to answer

the questions. If students’ answers are right,
repeat them, if not, give the right answers
- Ask students to do After you read in pairs,
scanning the text to find information to
complete the note.

- Go around to supervise them. Note down
the serious and common mistakes

- Call some pairs to read their note

- Give feedback and correct some serious or
common mistakes.

Answer :
2. 2- e
3. 3


4. 4 -b
5. 5 -c

- Write down the answers and read the words

- Do task 2 in pairs
- Give the answers:
1. d

2. b
3. a

4. a
5. d

- Do the Task in pairs

* Suggested answers:

<i>1. The primary causes of species extinction or </i>
<i>endangerment are habitat destruction, </i>
<i>commercial exploitation and pollution.</i>

<i>2. Diversities of species can provide food, clean</i>
<i>air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture. In</i>
<i>addition, people benifit greatly from the </i>

<i>medicines and other products that biodiversity </i>
<i>provides, because, as we all know , 40 percnt of </i>
<i>our modern medicinesare derived from plan and</i>

<i>3. The Red List...have chance to survice </i>
<i>and develop.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=156>

Date of preparing : Monday, January 25th<sub> 2010 Week : 22</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, January 26th<sub> 2010 Period : 61</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=157>


<b>B. SPEAKING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

- Students work in pairs to ask anh answer some questions about endangered animals
- Students talk about the information of some endangered animals

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: endangered animals

- Language: + The way to make suggestions or predictions.
+ The tenses.

- New words: words related to endangered species.
3. Skills:

- Talking about the information of some endangered animals
<b>II. Method:</b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts.

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>




<b>While-speaking </b>


Hang out the pictures of 4 animals and
ask Ss to give the name of them

- Ask students to look at Task 1
- Ask students to do Task 1; Ask and
answer the questions

1 How do you call ;Gau truc, Te Giac ,
Ho , Voi ,in English

2 Where does each of them live ?
3 Which of animals can use as pets or
for food or medicine ?

4 Which of them is/ are in dangered ?
5 Can you guees the population of each
species ?

- Give comments, correct the common

mistakes after they finish.

<i>Ask and answer the following the</i>

- Ask students to work in pairs to discus
the four questions and find the answers.
- Move round to make sure that all
students are working and to help them if

- Ask some students to report and give

- Look at the pictures ang give the name
of 4 animals

1.It is a tiger
2.It is a rhino
3.It is a pandal
4.It is an elephant

- Work in pairs to discus the three
questions and find the answers.

1.Pandal ,rhino,tiger,elephant.

2.We can find these animals in the forests
in Asia,Afica,etc

3.Rhino can be used for medicine

4.All of them are in danger.

- Listen to the teacher
- work in pair to do task 2
A:where do gaint pandas live?

B: They live in bamboo forests in the
mountain in central and western China
A: What is the population of pandas in the

B: Only about 600.
A: How are they?
B: about 1.2 to 1.5m

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=158>




- Correct the students’ work and give

Word explanation

<i>decline : (v) giảm,khước từ</i>
<i>swamp (n) đầm lầy</i>
<i>bark (n) vỏ cây</i>

<b>Task 2</b>

<i>Ask and answer questions about 4</i>
<i>endangered animals.</i>

- Aks Ss to read the information about
the giant panda,tiger,rhino,elephant.
- Explain how to do task 2

- Walk round from group to group to
give help if necessary.

- Encourage students to speak out what
they think even a phrase or a singular

_T checks and gives feedback.
<b>Task 3:</b>

Take turns to give an oral report on the
animals mentioned in task 2

-T ask Ss to work in group to do task 2.
- Walk round from group to group to
give help if necessary.

- Encourage students to speak out what
they think .

- Ask students to work individually to

summarize what they’ve learnt in unit

- Move round to check the activities and
to make sure that students are working

<b>- Ask one or two students to report in</b>
front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks.

Name some measures we’ve made to
protect the endanger animals

B: About 75 kg to 160 kg
A: what do they eat

A: Why are they in danger?

B: People destroy their habitat and hurt
them for trade.

- Work in group to give an oral report.
Group 1: Giant pandas live in bamboo
forests in the moutain in Western China
.only about 600 pandas are living
there.They attain a height of 1.2m to 1.5m
and wigh from 75kg to 160 kg they are in

danger because People destroy their
habitat and hurt them for trade.

Group 2: Rhino
Group 3:tiger
Group 4 elephant

-Students work individually to summarize
what they’ve learnt in unit 10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=159>


Date of preparing : Thursday, January 28th<sub> 2010 Week : 22</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, January 29th<sub> 2010 Period : 62</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 62</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

-Students know the life of gorillas
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: extensive listening: Multiple-choice questions.
Gap filling

- Language: modal verbs

- New words: Words related to to the topic.

3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements.
- Listening comprehension

<b>II. Method:</b>

<b> - Intergrated, mainly communicative.</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Tape, board, chalks, textbook.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Teacher’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>




While-- Rearange the letters to make a
meaningful word


- Ask students to work in pairs to discuss
and choose the best answer A,B,C

- Guide the students to answer if

- Give further information.

- Explain the words that will appear in the
listening text.

- Ask students to read in chorus then

<b>Task 1</b>

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in pairs to Rearrange the letters to
make a meaningful work.


- Work in pairs to discuss and give correct

- Listen and repeat:



<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=160>




- Ask students to read the statement at
least once first.

- Ask them to guess the answers

- Play the tape once then check how
many answers can students find.

- Play the tape again.
- Check and give remarks.

- Call some sts to say out their answers
and the evidences they get to prove
their answers.

<b>Task 2</b>

- Ask them to guess the answers.

- Play the tape once then check how
many answers can sts find.

- Play the tape again.
- Check and give remarks.

- Call some students to say out their
answers and the evidences they get to
prove their answers

- In group, ask students to summarise the
main ideas of the passage ,using the
information and the answers in task 1 and

-Read the statement once to get the main

- Listen to the tape and do the task.
- Find evidences to each of the


- Represent if being asked.



- Listen to the teacher’s explanation then
correct the answers onself.

- Read the questions once to get the
main contents.

- Listen to the tape and do the task.
- Find evidences to each of the


- Represent if being asked.

2.plant – eating

3.a few females and their young
4.plants and a few insects
5.in trees

6.in grasses
7.civil war

8.forests being cut down

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation then
correct the answers oneself.<i>.</i>

- Listen to the teacher’s guide to correct

-Work in group to summarise the main
ideas of the passage

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=161>


- Move around to help if necessary.
- Give remarks or even suggestions.

- in not more than 80 words write about
the life of a gorilla

Date of preparing : Monday, February 1st<sub> 2010 Week : 23</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, February 2nd<sub> 2010 Period : 63</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 63</b>

<b>UNIT 10 :</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:
<b> - Writing a report.</b>
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Writing about measures to protect endangered species and possible results
- Language: +The tenses.

+ Connectors

- New words: Words related to endangered species
3. Skills:

- Writing a report.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- A picture, board, chalks, textbook.

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



Fill in the chart with some informatio n about
endangered species’ problems.


causes Measures to
save them

+tiger Habitat

destruction Provideenough

- Explain as clearly as possible the way to
write a passage

+topic sentence

- Do as required.

- Exchange the ideas with others.
- Listen to the teacher.

- Get the task.

- Work in pairs to do the task.

- Listen to the teacher to correct

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=162>



+supporting idea
+supporting idea
+Concluding sentence

<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask students to look at Task 1.

- In pairs, ask students to ask and answer
the questions.

- Move around to give help.
- Check and give remarks.

<b>Task 2</b>

- Explain the requirements: Writing a

- Ask students to work in groups to write

Suggested answer.

There are a numberof measures that should
be taken to protect endangered animals.
Firstly, funds should be raised for the
projects to save the animals.

Secondly, the habitats for endangered
animals mustn’t be damaged and polluted.

Thirdly, people living in or near
endangered animals’ habitats should be
resettledinto other regions and helped with
means to earn their living instead of hunting
or fishing.

Fourthly, the making of products from
wildlife and its habitat should be prohibited
Lastly, more habitat reserves for wildlife
should be established.

- Walk round to give help if necessary.

- Ask some groups to represent their work,
ask other to give remark.

- Choose some good writing to read in class
and give remark.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Get the task.

- Work in pairs to do the task.

- Listen to the teacher to correct

Work in groups to do the task

1.We should have different activities to
raise people ‘s awareness of the need to
protect these animals.

2.Goverments should raise sufficient
funds for projects to save endangered

3.Humans must keep water ,air,and land
clean to preserve natural habitats for
wild animals.

4.Goverments should have a good policy
to improve the life of people who live in
or near endangered animals’ habitats

- Compare the result to the other

- Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
- Exchange the writing to other groups

to check and give remarks.

- Represent the task on board if being

- Read the writing to get others’

- Do as the teacher asked.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=163>


- Ask students to rewrite the task at home
and preapare part Language Focus at home.

Date of preparing : Monday, February 1st<sub> 2010 Week : 23</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, February 2nd<sub> 2010 Period : 64</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 64</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>
1. Educational aim:
- Pronuciation.
- Rhythm
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: modal verbs: may, might,must’nt,
- Language: may, might,must, must’nt...

- New words: Words related to the exercises
3. Skills:

- Writing sentences with adverbial clauses of concession.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Board, chalks, textbook and notebook.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



- Explain the way to stress syllables
- Help students to know the

- Play the tape
- Ask Ss to repeat

- Listen to Ss and check

<b>2. vocabulary:</b>

- Explain once again Modal
verbs(may ,might,must,musn’t ,needn’t

- May ,might đợc dùng để chỉ một khả năng

- Get the teacher’s explanation.
1.Tell me the time.

2. Show me the way .

3. Some carrots and cabbages
4.Come for a swim

5.The clock on the mantelpiece
6. I think he wants to go tomorrow
7.It’s not the one I want.

8.Most of them have arrived on the bus
9.Walk down the path to the end of the

10.I’m going home today for Christmas
11.A bird in the hand is

<b>worth two in the bush.</b>

12. If you don’t have the best ,make the
<b>best of what you have.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=164>



- Must đợc dùng để chỉ một trách nhiệm
hoặc một bổn phận .must có nghĩa phải
làm ,khơng có sự lựa chọn

- Need dợc dùng dể diễn tả sự cần thiết

Exercise 1:

- Guide the students how to do the

- Divide the class into groups, ask
them to do the exercises.

- Walk round to give help if necessary.
- Correct the students’ work if


<b>Exercise 2:</b>

1.needn’t come
2.needn’t walk
3.needn’t ask
4.needn’t tell
5.needn’t explain.

- Ask students to review the lesson and
do the language task students’ workbook
and prepare Test yourself D at home.


<b>- Listen to the teacher and copy</b>

<b>-Work in group to do exercises</b>

1. might rain
2. may/might wake
3. may/might bite
4. may/might need
5. may/might slip
6. may/might break.
<b>Exercise 3:</b>



- Listen to the teacher and write down
correct answers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=165>

<b>Unit 11 : Books</b>

<b>A. Language skills</b>

- To help students gain some knowledge about reading books habits

- To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of

words in context.

Students learn words and phrases in terms of plants and animals.

- Students can ask and answer about reading habits

- Students learn more words and phrases in term of reading habits

<b> Listening:</b>

- Students can improve their listening skill : they can understand the passage and then they can

summarize the passage that they have listened to.

- Students learn more words and phrases in term of reading books


- Students can write a passage describing abook

<b>B. Language focus</b>
<b>1. Pronunciation:</b>

- Rhythm

<b>2. Grammar:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=166>

Date of preparing : Monday, February 22nd<sub> 2010 Week : 23</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, February 23rd<sub> 2010 Period : 66</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 66</b>

<b>UNIT 11 : BOOKS</b>

<b>A. READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

- Students read and guess the meaning of words in contexts.
- Deciding on true or false statement.

- Passage comprehension
2. Knowledge:

<b> - General knowledge: Ss know many advantages of reading books</b>
- Language: Common knowledge of books

- New words: Words related to the topic

3. Skills: - Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension.
<b>II. Method: - Integrated, mainly communicative.</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: -Picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts,…</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Before-reading </b>

<i>Aims: to introduce the topic of the lesson and</i>
<i>to raise students' interest.</i>

-Ask SS to look at the pictures in the text book
and answer some questions:

1.what are they doing?

2.can you name some advantages of reading

-Ask Ss to work in pair to answer the questions
-T goes around to help if neccesary

- Ask students (to work in pairs) to open their

-Work in pair to answer the questions.
1.they are reading books

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=167>


<b>While </b>

books, look at the pictures, and do the tasks
that follow.

1.Do you often read books?

2.What kind of books do you enjoin reading

3.How do you read books?

- Ask them to work in 3 minutes, meanwhile
the teacher moves round to help if necessary.
- Ask some pairs to report .

- Give some remark if necessary

- Ask students to look through the passage and
read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new
words which appear in the passage

<b>Task 1 : (8 minutes)</b>

- Ask students to read through the text once to
find out some new words, guess the main idea.
- Explain new words (give the Vietnamese
equivalents), guide the sts to get the main
contents of the reading text.

- Ask students to work individually in 5
minutes to do this task.

- Guide students to read through the passage ,
then focus on only the sentences surrounding
the suggested words to do the task effectively.
- Give students some more words that may be
new/ unfamiliar to them.

- Guide the students to read the word in chorus
and individually.

<b>Task 2: (5mns)</b>

Decide whether the statements given in task 2
page 120 are true ,false or not mentioned
- Ask students to read through the text once to
find out some new words, guess the main idea.
- Explain new words (give the Vietnamese
equivalents), guide the sts to get the main
contents of the reading text.

- Ask students to work individually in 5
minutes to do this task.

- Guide students to read through the passage ,
then focus on only the sentences surrounding
the suggested words to do the task effectively.
- Call on some Ss to do task 2 on the board
- Check

<b>Task 3: (10 minutes)</b>

- Ask students to read the passage again and

- work in pair to answer the question.

2.Ennglish books
3.every time

- Work individually to read the text
then do task 1

1.swallow:nuốt(đọc ngốn ngấu)

2.dip into:chấm qua loa(đọc qua loa)
3.taste:nếm(đọc thử ,qua loa)

4.hard-to-pick-up-again:khó có thể cầm
lờn li c)

5.digest:tiêu hoá

6.chew:nhai(nghiền ngẫm)

7.hard-to-put-down:khụng th t

Work in pair to give answers.
- Share the key with other Ss.


- Find in the text the evidence to
prove the keys.

- Do the task in pairs:
- Answer the questions.

1. Three

2.When you find a good story and
have time to enjoin it.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=168>




answer the questions

- Ask them to work individually to do the task
and give the evidence to prove the keys.
- Ask some students to report and give

- Ask students to work in group to scan the text

- Ask them to work in small groups of three or
four to do the task.

- Ask one or two pairs to report.

- Move round to make sure that all students
are working and to help them if necessary.

- Ask some students to report and give

- Do exercise 1 and two at page 71,72,73 in
the students’ workbook

one you can easily read and

4.Television can bring you all the
information and stories with colour
picture and action.

5.Books are still a cheap way to get
information and entertainment ;you
can keep a book forever and read it
many times.

- Listen to the teacher

- Work in group to do the task.


- Write down the homework to do at home.
Date of preparing : Monday, February 22nd<sub> 2010 Week : 23</sub>

Date of teaching : Tuesday, February 23rd<sub> 2010 Period : 67</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 67</b>

<b>UNIT 11 : BOOKS</b>

<b>B. SPEAKING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

- Asking and answering about reading habits
- Talking aboout characters in a book.
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge:Books.

- Language: + The way to descirbe a book
+ The tenses.

- New words: words related to Books
3. Skills:

- Discribing details in pictures.
- Talking about characters in a book.
<b>II. Method:</b>

- Integrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


- Ask Ss to give name of some stories

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=169>

<b>Pre-speaking </b>

<b>While-speaking </b>


<b>Task 1</b>

- Complete the following conservation
and practise reading it.

- Explain how to do the task

-Ask students to work in pairs to discus
the three questions and find the answers.
- Correct the students’ work and give

<b>Task 2</b>

- Explain the requirements

- Divide the class into groups, asks each
group to discus a section

- Guide the students how to speak by
giving them useful suggestions:

- Walk round from group to group to give
help if necessary.

- Encourage students to speak out what
they think even a phrase or a singular

<b>Task 3:</b>

- Complete the following conservation
and practise reading it.

- Explain how to do the task

-Ask students to work in pairs to discus

the three questions and find the answers.
- Correct the students’ work and give

<b>Task 4:</b>

- Explain how to do the task

-Ask students to work in pairs to discus
the three questions and find the answers.
-Practise the model consevation with one

-Ask Ss to do task 4

1.fairy story
2.historical story
3.detective story
4.war story
5.adventure story

- Work in pairs to discus the three
questions and find the answers.

A:what sort(kind) of books do you like to

A;How do you often read books?
A:When do you often readbooks?
- Correct the answers oneself.

- Listen to the teacher

A; What do you often do in your free time?
B: Reading books

A:What sort of books do you often read?

A:How do you read them?

B:When I find a good story
A:When do you often read books?

B: Whenever I have free time

- Work in pairs to discus the three
questions and find the answers.

A;What are you reading at the moment?
A:Who is the main character?

A:What is he/she like/

-Listen and work in pairs to do task 4
A;What are you reading at the moment?
B:I”m reading “happy life”

A:Who is the main character?

A;What is he like?
B; ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=170>



<b>Task 5</b>

- Ask students to work individually to
summarize what they’ve discussed in
their own words.

- Move round to check the activities and
to make sure that students are working

<b>- Ask one or two students to report in</b>
front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks.

Do Exercises at page 75&76 in the

- Write down the homework

Date of preparing : Thursday, February 26th<sub> 2010 Week : 23</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, February 27th<sub> 2010 Period : 68</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 68</b>

<b>UNIT 11 : BOOKS</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:

-Ss know some advantages of books
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Listen for specific information.
- Language: The present simple tense.

- New words: Words related to to the topic.

3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements.
- Listening comprehension

<b>II. Method:</b>

<b> - Intergrated, mainly communicative.</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Tape, board, chalks, textbook.

IV. Procedure:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



- Ask Ss to decide on 3 statements True or

- Explain the words that will appear in the

- Listen to the teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=171>






listening text.

- Ask students to read in chorus then

<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask students to read the statement at
least once first.

- Ask them to guess the answers

- Play the tape once then check how
many answers can students find.

- Play the tape again.
- Check and give remarks.

- Call some sts to say out their answers
and the evidences they get to prove
their answers.

<b>Task 2</b>

- Ask them to guess the answers.

- Play the tape once then check how
many answers can sts find.

- Play the tape again.
- Check and give remarks.

- Call some students to say out their
answers and the evidences they get to
prove their answers

- In group, ask students to discus the guided
question, find the answer.

- Move around to help if necessary.
- Give remarks or even suggestions.

- In not more than 50 words write about the
kind of books you like to read and say why


- Read the statement once to get the
main contents.

- Listen to the tape and do the task.
- Find evidences to each of the


Keys: <i>1. B, 2. C, 3. B, 4. A, 5. A, </i>

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation
then correct the answers onself.

- Read the questions once to get the
main contents.

- Listen to the tape and do the task.


- Listen to the teacher’s explanation then
correct the answers oneself.

- In groups, ask and answer the question.
S1: would you like to read the book ?
S2: Yes,

S1: Why?

S2:because I want to know about
animal’s life


- Listen to the teacher’s guide to correct

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=172>

Date of preparing : Thursday, February 26th<sub> 2010 Week : 23</sub>
Date of teaching : Friday, February 27th<sub> 2010 Period : 69</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 69</b>

<b>UNIT 11 : BOOKS</b>

<b>D: WRITING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim:
<b> - Describing a book</b>
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: writing a report on a book
- Language: +The tenses.

+ Connectors (time expressions)
- New words: Words related to books

3. Skills:

- Writing a report.
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative

<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- A picture, board, chalks, textbook.

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=173>




mention in book report

Give some ideas
Book report

+the book’s author
+the title of the book
+the main character
+your opinion
<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask students to look at Task 1.

- In group, ask students to put the

questions to under the correct

- Move around to give help.
- Check and give remarks.

<b>Task 2</b>

- Explain the requirements: Ask and
answer the above questions about the
book you have just read

- Ask students to work in groups to write

- Walk round to give help if necessary.

Do as required.

Exchange the ideas with others.
- Listen to the teacher.

- Get the task.

- Work in group to do the task.

<i>S1:general introduction</i>
<i>7.What is the title of the book?</i>
<i>4.who is the author?</i>

<i>9.What type of book is it? </i>

<i>S2:Summary of the book’s content</i>
<i>2.where is the book set?</i>

<i>5.What is the main theme of the book?</i>
<i>6.who are the main characters?</i>
<i>8.what is the plot of the story?</i>

<i>1.What was your opinion of the book?</i>
<i>3.would you recommend the book?</i>

- Listen to the teacher to correct

- Work in groups to do the task.

<i>S1: 7.What is the title of the book?</i>
<i>S2: Frankenstein</i>

<i>S1;4.who is the author?</i>
<i>S2:Marry Shelley</i>

<i>S1:9.What type of book is it?</i>
<i> S2:A horror story</i>

<i>S1: 2.where is the book set?</i>
<i>S2: Geneva</i>

<i>S1:5.What is the main theme of the book?</i>
<i>S2:life of frankenstein,a monster</i>

<i>S1:6.who are the main characters?</i>
<i>S2: Frankenstein</i>

<i>S1:8.what is the plot of the story?</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=174>



- Ask Ss to write a report on the book you
have read recently based on the results of
task 1 and 2

- Ask some groups to represent their
work, ask other to give remark.

- Choose some good writing to read in
class and give remark.

- Ask students to rewrite the task at home
and preapare part Language Focus at

<i>,attacks and kills Frankenstein’s</i>
<i>friend,and his brother:Frankenstein</i>

<i>detrmined to kill the monster:he is killes</i>
<i>first by the monster ,then it kills itself</i>
<i>S1:1.What was your opinion of the book?</i>

<i>S1:3.would you recommend the book?</i>
<i>S2: yes</i>

- Compare the result to the other

- Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
- Exchange the writing to other groups

to check and give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher and write down

Date of preparing : Monday, March 1st<sub> 2010 Week : 25</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 2nd<sub> 2010 Period : 70</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 70</b>

<b>UNIT 11 : BOOKS</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>
1. Educational aim:
- Rhythm

- Modals in the passivevoice
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: review the uses of the passive voice with modal verbs
- Language: Know how to use modals in the passive voice

- New words: Words related to the exercises
3. Skills:

- Writing sentences with modals in the passive voice
<b>II. Method: </b>

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>

- Board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


- Explain the rhythm

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=175>





- Practice:

1.Why did you behave like that ?
2.Come for a swim

3.I think it will be find

4.She’s gone for a walk in the park
5.I wonder if he’ll ever come back
-Let Ss to listen to the tape

<b>2. Grammar and vocabulary:( 28 minutes)</b>
- Explain once again the “Modals with
passive voice

Modals +be+past participle

<b>Exercise1:rewrite the sentences in the</b>

- Guide the students how to do the

- Divide the class into groups, ask them to
do the exercises.

- Walk round to give help if necessary.
- Correct the students’ work if necessary.

<b>Exercise2;Complete the conservation with</b>
the suitable passive form of the verbs in

- Guide the students how to do the

- Divide the class into groups, ask them to
do the exercises.

- Walk round to give help if necessary.
- Correct the students’ work if necessary.

Exercise 3,4 and 5 page 74and 75 in the
student’s work book

- Practice reading in chorus or


7. <i>This machine mustn’t be used after</i>
<i>5.30 p.m</i>

8. <i>This machine must cleaned evry tine</i>
<i>you use it</i>

9. <i>The flowers should be kept in a</i>
<i>warm sunny place</i>

10.<i>Your bill should be paid before you</i>
<i>leave the hotel</i>

11.<i>we should be given the information</i>

12.<i>Toothpaste can be bought at the</i>

13.<i>The children should be warned not</i>
<i>to speak to strangers </i>

14.<i>The mystery can’t be solved</i>

15.<i>Travelers’cheques can be</i>
<i>exchanged at most banks</i>

16.<i>She shouldn’t be told the news.It</i>
<i>might kill her</i>

<b>Exercise 2:</b>

1.will be prepared

<b>2.</b> Is food going to be cooked?
<b>3.</b> will be pre-packaged
<b>4.</b> can be warmed

<b>5.</b> should food be chosen
<b>6.</b> has to be offered
<b>7.</b> could be selected
<b>8.</b> ought to be made

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=176>

Date of preparing : Monday, March 1st<sub> 2010 Week : 25</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 2nd<sub> 2010 Period : 71</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 71</b>

<b>Unit 12 </b>

<b>: Water sport</b>

<b>A. Language skills</b>

- To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of

words in context.

- Students can ask and answer about sports

<b> Listening:</b>

- Students can improve their listening skill : they can understand the passage about water sports


- Students can write about instructions

<b>B. Language focus</b>
<b>1. Pronunciation:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=177>

<b>2. Grammar:</b>

- Students know how to use Transitive and intransitive verbs

Date of preparing : Monday, March 1st<sub> 2010 Week : 25</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 2nd<sub> 2010 Period : 72</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 72</b>


<b>A. READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will

- know some ways of instructing when playing sports
- know about water sports, how many kinds,

2. General knowledge: Students learn how to give instructions
- Language: Instructing

- New words: Words related to instructed words

3. Skills: Writing to give instructions

<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook</b>

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/ Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=178>


<b>Before-reading </b>





- Asks some questions:

1. What kinds of sports are in the pictures?
2. Where can people play these sports?
3. How do people play them?

4. Which sport do you think is more popular?

- Leads in new lesson: Water sports

- Ask students to close the books

- Shows 2 pictures and says: the sport in
picture A is “water polo” and in picture B,
the read team plays against the white team,
so the red one is the “opponent” of the white

- Explains some new words if necessary
Water polo (n) : Mơn bóng nước

- Tie (n) : Trận hồ

- Vertical (a) : Phương thẳng đứng
- Foul (n) : Phạm luật , sai sót

- Oppenent (n) : Đối thủ , đối phương
- Penalty (n) : Hình phạt

- Eject (v) : Đẩy ra , tống ra,đuổi ra
- Goalie (n) : Người giữ khung thµnh

- Asks students to open the books and read
the passage silently

- Lets students do task 1
<b>Task 1 : </b>

- Asks students to do the task invidually then
compare answers with partner

- Checks answers with the whole class and
gives feedback

<b>Task 2: </b>

- Asks students to do the task in pairs and
read scan the passage to find information in
the text to fill words in the blanks

- Goes round to give help

- Checks answers and give feedback

- Look at pictures and answer all the

- Answer freely

- Look at pictures and guess meaning of 2
new words

- Listen to the teacher and write down

- Read individually

- Do the task independently

1. e 2. c 3.a 4.b 5.d

- Work in pairs and do the task

1. 18 ; 30 metres; 20 metres

2. white caps; blue caps; red caps with the
number 1 in white.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=179>



<b>Home work</b>

<b>Task 3: </b>

- Ask students to find answers for all
questions in the passage individually first,
then compare in pairs

- Calls some students to present their
answers in front of the class

- Listens to the students and corrects

- Calls on some students to write answers on
the board

- Corrects mistakes again

- Divides the class into 2 groups: one talks
about football and another talks about water

- Asks students to do as the table in textbook
- Maybe asks students some questions:

1. Would you like to try water polo? Why or
why not?

2. Do you think it’s more or less dangerous
than football or other sports? Why?

- Goes round to help

- Calls each group to present
- Gives comments

- Asks students to write a paragraph about
ideas of water polo (about 100 words)

- Asks students to prepare part B. Speaking
at home

4. Holding or punching the ball.
5. Five to eighty minutes.

- Do independently first then work in

- Present answers in front of the class and
correct in notebook


1. People can play it in a pool.
2. It is in the centre of the pool.

3.The ball can be advanced by passing
with one hand or swimming with the head
above the water and the balol between
the arm so it rides on the wave create by
the swimming’s head

4. Only the goalie can hold/ is allowed to
hold the ball with both hands.

5. The player is ejected after committing
fivepersonal fouls.

- Work in 2 groups

- Do the task

- Representative of each group expresses
the own ideas in front of the class

- Listen to their friend’s talking and give

- Listen to the teacher and write down

Date of preparing : Monday, March 8th<sub> 2010 Week : 26</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 9th<sub> 2010 Period : 73</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 73</b>


<b>B. SPEAKING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=180>

- General knowledge: Students learn about some water sports
- Language: asking and answering about water sports

- New words: words related to water sports

3. Skills: - Talking about types of water sports

- Giving opinions and preferences about water sports
<b>II. Method: integrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: pictures, textbooks</b>

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

Warm - up

<b>Pre- speaking</b>

<b>While-speaking </b>


- Tell students a riddle
+ Ask students the question:

<i>-Do you like sport ?</i>

<i>- What kind of sport do you like ? </i>

- Introduce the lesson:

- Ask students to keep book close

- Says: “In just one minute, look at the
pictures and write down on a piece of paper
a list of equipments which are used to play
with these types of water sports”

- Asks students to work in groups

- Calls some groups to speak their answers
- Declares the winner

<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask students to look at pictures and match
names of equipments with names of water
sports and retell names of each sport

- Calls some students to speak
- Correct pronunciation

- Introduce some new words (eliciting , give
the definitions in English then ask students
to translate them into Vietnamese to check
their understanding)

- <i>scuba-diving</i>
- <i>-windsurfing</i>

- synchronized swimming
- rowing

- Let the whole class read the new words
twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.

<b>Task 2</b>

- Asks students to look at the table and talk
about each type of water sports

<i>Example ;Water polo is played in a pool . It </i>
<i>is played with a ball and people play it in a </i>

- Listen to the riddle
- Answer the question

- Listen to the teacher and write the
title in their notebooks.

- Keep books close
- Listen to the teacher

- Look at the pictures and try to tell
some equipments of water sports (ex:
ball, air tank, mask, fins, oars, boat,
board, regulator, wet suit, sail ect. )

- Look at pictures and try to remember
- Correct pronunciation themselves
1. Swimming 4. Windsurfing
2. Water polo 5. Scuba- diving
3. Synchronized swimming
6. Rowing

- Look at the book
- Work independently

- Practise speaking with the teacher
- Work in pairs

- Listen to their friends
- Work in small groups

A : Where is the ...played ?
B : In a ...

A : What equipment is required to
played with ?

B : ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(181)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=181>

<b>Post-speaking </b>



- Lets students do individually
- Goes round to check their activities

- Calls some students to practise speaking
model converstations

- Asks students practise in pairs

- Calls some pairs to present in front of the
class and corrects mistakes

<b>Task 3</b>

- Asks students to work in small groups to
talk about their favourite water sports
following examples

ex: I prefer scuba- diving to water polo
because it is very advanturous. However, it
can be dangerous because you can easily be
attacked by sharks.

- Goes round to provide help

- Calls some students to speak loudly in front
of the class

- Corrects pronunciation and gives comments
- Gives marks

- Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening
and do homework

A : Do you like it ?
B : ...

- Windsurfing is played in a sea, river
or lake. It is played with a board and a
sail and people play it in individually.
-Rowing is played in a sea or river. It
is played with a boat and oars and
people play it in a team or individually
- Listen to their friends and gives

- Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the teacher
- Write down the homework


Date of preparing : Monday, March 8th<sub> 2010 Week : 26</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 9th<sub> 2010 Period : 74</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 74</b>


<b>C : LISTENING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will understand synchronized swimming
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn more about synchronized swimming
- New words: Words related to synchronized swimming

3. Skills: - Listening and choosing multiple-choice questions
- Listening and understanding comprehension questions
<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/ Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm - up</b>

5mns - Asks students to close the books
- Asks some questions:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(182)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=182>





1. Where are they playing?

2. What are the special features of this

3. Is it a popular sport?

- Lets students read some new words first in
chorus then read individually

- Calls some students to read new words
- Corrects pronunciation

<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask students to read 5 multiple-choice
questions in the books first and underline
key words

- Plays the tape 2 times and lets students to
do the task

- Checks the answers and asks students to
give evidences

- Gives feedback
<b>Task 2</b>

- Asks students to read questions to
understand the content

- Asks students to listen to the tape once
again to answer the questions

- Calls some students to answers questions
- Calls 5 students to write the answers on the

- Corrects mistakes

- Asks students to talk about history of
synchronized swimming using the cues in
the books

- Asks students to work in groups to practise
- Goes round to provide help

- Calls some groups to present
- Gives comments

- Remember them to prepare Part- Writing
at home

- It is like ballet. It is the combination
of diving and gymnastics.

- Read in chorus then individually

- Read questions

- Listen to the tape carefully and then

do the task

- Give answers:

1-B- 2-C- 3-A- 4-B- 5-A

- Read the questions first
- Listen to the tape

1. The great Australian swimmer,
Annette Kellerman did.

2. She found a water ballet club in

3. Curtis did.

4. They were conducted in 1946.
5. It became an Olympic event in 1984.
- Work in groups to practise

- Listen to their friends and correct

- Listen to the teacher

<span class='text_page_counter'>(183)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=183></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(184)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=184>


Lucky number

15. Pessimists: a person who always thinks that bad things will happen or that sth will be not be successful

<b>16. Lucky number</b>

17. Economic depression: a period when the economic situation is bad, with little business activity and many
people without a job

18. Terrorism: the killing of ordinary people for political purposes

<b>19. Lucky number</b>

20. Wipe st out: to destroy sth completely
21. Corporation(n): a large business company

<b>22. Lucky number</b>

23. Chore(n): a job that is not interesting but that you must do
24. Burden(n): something that is heavy and difficult to carry

25. Influence(v): to have an effect on or power over sb/sth so that he/she/it changes

<b>26. Lucky number</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(185)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=185>

Date of preparing : Friday, March 12 2010 Week : 26
Date of teaching : Saturday, March 13th<sub> 2010 Period : 76</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 76</b>


<b>D. WRITING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will know some ways of instructing when playing

2. General knowledge: Students learn how to give instructions
- Language: Instructing

- New words: Words related to instructed words
3. Skills: Writing to give instructions

<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>




- Asks students to keep book close

- Asks students a question: What do you
often do before practising sports?

- Leads in new lesson: “Today we will
have to write the instructions for warming
up exercises before swimming.

<b>Task 1</b>

- Asks students to read task 1

- Asks students to work in pairs to match
each sentence with one appropriate action
- Goes round to provide help

- Calls 2 students for each checking: one
reads instructions and one practise

- Supplies more word phrases:

<i>bend forward/ left/ right</i>
<i>feet apart/ feet touching</i>
<i>put your hands to the sides</i>
<i>raise your hands above</i>

or some conjuntions: first, then, after that,
finally ect.

<b>Task 2</b>

- Asks students to look at the picture in taks
2 and use some useful expression above to
write the instructions for one warm-up
exercise before playing water polo

- Asks students to write individually
- Goes round to help

- Lets students deliver to check mistakes in

- Keep book close

- Listen to the teacher and answer the
question: We have to do warming up

- Read the task
- Work in pairs

- Practise the task

- Listen to the teacher and copy down

- Look at the picture and do the task

<span class='text_page_counter'>(186)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=186>


- Calls one student to write on the board

- Gives comments and gives mark

- Ask students to do part writing of Unit 1
in the student’s work book and preapare
part Language Focus

- Work in groups

1. Set yourself in vertical position.
2. Stand with your feet apart, raise your
hands above your head.

3. Bend forward, fingertips touch the

4. Then bend again, fingertips touch the
ground between the feet.

5. Finally put each arm back to the first

- Listen to the teacher and write down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(187)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=187>

Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 16 2010 Period : 77

<b>LESSON PLAN 77</b>



<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- pronounce the words that have deaf sounds

- review grammar point: transitive and intransitive verbs
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn how to use elision and transitive and intransitive verbs
- Language: - Transitive and intransitive verbs

- Elision

- New words: Words related to elision

3. Skills: Pronoucing elision and using transitive and intransitive verbs
<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Grammar and</b>


- Ask students to read words following the

<b>*Listen and repeat : </b>

- Read loudly then ask students to repeat
- Introduce : elision

- Correct pronunciation for the students
<b>* Practise these sentences</b>

- Read the sentences loudly
- Ask students to repeat

- Correct pronunciation for students
- Introduce exercises to the students

- Let students see all sentences in part
Pronunciation and give comments of verbs
- Gives explaination:

1. verbs + obj = transitive verbs
2. verbs + not obj = intransitive verbs
- Asks students to make questions with
“who/ whom/ what” in pairs

- Calls some students to give their answers

- Corrects mistakes

<b>Exercise 1: (8 minutes)</b>

- Asks students to do Exercise 1
- Introduce how to do it

- Lets them work individually then
compare with partner

- Walks round, checks and gives feedback
<b>Exercise 2 (8 minutes)</b>

- Read follow the tape

- Read in chorus then individually

- Listen to the tape and practise

- Listen to the teacher

- Read the sentences and underline

- Give comments:

1. the verbs “do, like, climb, deliver” +

2. the verbs “sleep” + no Obj

- Listen to the teacher and write down
- Make questions in pairs

- Do individually then in pairs

Intransitive verbs: sleep, lie, occur,
arrive, rain, exist

<span class='text_page_counter'>(188)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=188>

<b>Homework </b>

- Introduces Exercise 2 to students and
explain how to do it

- Asks students to put the verbs into the
right column “transitive or intransitive

- Asks students to do it in pairs

- Checks the answers and asks students to
make sentences with those verbs

- Corrects mistakes
* Remarks:

- Most transitive verbs can be used in the


- Intransitive verbs can never be used in

<b>Exercise 3: (10 minutes)</b>

- Introduces Exercise 3 to students and
explain how to do it

- Asks students to do it

- Lets them work in groups to find
sentences that have transitive verbs, then
turn them into passive

- Walks round and help them
- Checks, corrects mistakes

- Asks students to do Part Language Focus
and prepare the next lesson

- Make sentences:

1. I help my friend to do homework.
2. My father has grown many kinds of


- Listen to the teacher and copy down

- Listen to the teacher
- Do the task in groups

1. The bill will be paid by An.
3. Towels are supplied by the hotel.
5. My mistakes were noticed by

7. I wasn’t surprised by the news.
9. The story was told by an old man.

- Listen to the teacher and write down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(189)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=189>

<b>LESSON PLAN 78</b>

<b>UNIT 13 : THE 22</b>

<b>nd </b>

<b><sub>SEA GAMES</sub></b>

<b>A : READING</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Scan for specific information

- Give vietnamese equivalents to words and phrases
- Answer the questions

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students can understand the 22nd<sub> Sea Games</sub>
- Language: Giving Vietnamse equivalents to words and phrases
- New words: Words related to Sea Games

3. Skills: - Scanning for specific information
- Passage comprehension

<b>II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: textbooks, some pictures of Sea Games</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>




- Lets students to listen to a song “V× mét thÕ
giíi ngµy mai” and tell what song it is

- Asks some questions:

1. In what event was it first sung?

2. When and where was this event held?
- Leads in new lesson: The 22nd<sub> Sea Games</sub>
- Asks students to work in pairs to look at
picture and answer the questions

1. Where event was it?

2. Where do you think the event took place?
- Goes round to listen to students

- Calls some pairs to answer
- Leads in new lesson
New words:

to host
to compete

 competitor (n)

to impress

energetic (adj) mạnh mẽ, đầy nghị lực
composed (adj)

facility (n)

- solidarity (n) sự đoàn kết
- co- operation (n)

- propose (v) Đề nghị, đề xuất, dự tính

- Asks students to open the books and read
the passage silently

- Listen to the song and answer questions
1. The 22nd<sub> Sea Games</sub>

2. In Vietnam – in 2003

- Look at picture and answer the question
1. In 2003

2. In Ha Noi

- Listen to the teacher

- Read individually

- Do the task independently

<span class='text_page_counter'>(190)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=190>

<b>After- reading</b>

<b>Home work</b>

- Lets students do task 1

<b>Task 1 : (5mns)</b>

- Asks students to do the task invidually then
compare answers with partner

- Asks students try to guess meanings
through the passage or look up dictionary
- Checks answers with the whole class and
gives feedback

<b>Task 2: (5mns)</b>

- Asks students to scan the passage and find
information to complete the sentences

- Asks students to do individually first then
compare with partner

- Goes round to give help

- Checks answers and give feedback

- Calls some students to read loudly
completed sentences

<b>Task 3: (15mns)</b>

- Asks students to find answers for all
questions in the passage in pairs

- Goes round to provide help

- Calls some students to present their
answers in front of the class

- Listens to the students and corrects

- Calls on some students to write answers on
the board

- Corrects mistakes again

- Asks students to work in groups and talk
about names of some of the Vietnamese
athletes they love and say what they are
famous for, and what aspects of
sportsmanship they admire

- Goes round to help students

- Calls some students to present in front of
the class

- Listens to students and correct mistakes,
gives marks

- Asks students to write a paragraph about
their beloved athletes (about 100 words)
- Asks students to prepare part B. Speaking

at home

3. danh hiệu
4. thể dục thể hình
5. tinh thần cao
6. đồng bào

- Read individually then compare their
answers with partners


1. the 5th<sub> to 13</sub>th<sub> December, 2003</sub>
2. 90 golds

3. the Swimming and Shooting Events
4. some point in the future

- Work in pairs to answer the question
- Listen to their friends and the teacher
- Correct answers


1. It was solidarity, co-operation for
peace and development.

2. 444 gold medals were won at the Sea

3. The Vietnamese Women’s Football
team successfully defended the Sea
Games title.

4. The Thai Men’s Football team won the
gold medal.

5. It was because firstly, to prepare for
the 22nd<sub> Sea Games, Vietnam carried out</sub>
an intensive programme for its athletes,
which included training in facilities, both
home and abroad; secondly, with the
strong support of their countrymen, the
Vietnamese athletes competed in high

- Work in groups
- Do the task

- Some students to practise talking

- Listen to their friends’ talking and give

<span class='text_page_counter'>(191)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=191>

Date of preparing : Monday, March 15th<sub> 2010 Week : 27</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 16th<sub> 2010 Period : 79</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 79</b>

<b>UNIT 13 : THE 22</b>

<b>nd </b>

<b><sub>SEA GAMES</sub></b>

<b>B: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(192)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=192>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to be expected to report some of the
records at the 22nd<sub> SEA Games the sports results of the match.After that, they</sub>
can use it in the real life.

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students can understand some of the records at the 22nd<sub> Sea Games</sub>
- Language: asking and answering about records at the 22nd<sub> SEA Games</sub>

- New words: words related to some sports at the 22nd<sub> SEA Games</sub>
3. Skills: - Talking about sports events of the 22nd<sub> SEA Games</sub>

- Talking about (reporting) sports results
<b>II. Method: integrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: pictures, textbooks</b>

IV. Procedure:

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Pre- speaking</b>

<b>While-speaking </b>


- Divides the class into 2 groups: each group
names of the sport under each symbol. The
group gives more names will be the winner
- Goes round to provide help and listen to

- Calls 2 groups to present their results on
the board

- Corrects pronunciation and mistakes
- Declares the winner

<b>Task 1</b>

- Asks students to look at symbols and
names of sports

- Calls some students to speak

- Corrects pronunciation and gives answers

<b>Task 2</b>

- Asks students to look at the books and talk
about some of the records at the 22nd<sub> SEA</sub>
Games, using the information in the table
- Asks students to pronouce some words
(names of athletes and sports)

- Lets students work in pairs

- Goes round to check their activities
- Calls some students to practise speaking

- Listen to the teacher
- Work in groups

- Observe the board

- Listen to the teacher and copy down
names of sports

- Look at pictures and try to remember
- Correct pronunciation themselves
1. football (soccer)

2. tennis
3. swimming
4. cycling
5. basketball

6. (running) athletics
- Look at the book
- Work independently

- Practise speaking with the teacher
- Work in pairs

- Listen to their friends

A: Hi Lam. What are you doing?

B: Well, I’m searching for sport records at
the 22nd<sub> SEA Games.</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(193)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=193>

<b>Post-speaking </b>

13 mns


<b>Task 3</b>

- Asks students to work in small groups to
make a report on the sports results, using
information in the scoreboard

- Goes round to provide help

- Calls some students to speak loudly in
front of the class

- Corrects pronunciation and gives

- Gives marks

- Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening
and do homework

B: A man coming from Thailand won the

A: What’s his name?
B: He’s Boonthung.
A: What was his record?

B: He ran 200 meters in 20,14 seconds.
A: Wow! How exellent he was! He ran
very fast.

- Work in groups

- Thailand and Malysia played in the
Women’s Football Third-Place Playoff.
The Thai team won the bronze medal.
The results (score) was 6-1.

- Thailand and Vietnam played in the
Men’s Football Final. The Thai team won
the gold medal. The score was 2-1.

- Thailand and Vietnam played in the
Women’s Volleyball Final. The Thai
team won the gold medal. The score was


- Listen to the teacher
- Write down the homework


<span class='text_page_counter'>(194)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=194>





<b>I.Warm up</b> Pyramid

( each picture = 10 ms )

<b>II.Pre-speaking </b>
<b>Listen and repeat</b>

<b>Athletics Marathon Boonthung Erni </b>
<b>Amri Ruphai Yurita Maria</b>
<b>Dannal Febri</b>

<b> III.While-speaking. LUCKY STARS</b>
<b>Task 2</b>

( These are some sports got the records at the

22nd<sub> Sea Games.Here is the table of the records.)</sub>

<b>Example</b> : <i>Boonthung, the Thai,won the men’s </i>
<i>200 metres.He ran 200 metres in 20.14 seconds….</i>

<b>Task 3 Step by Step</b>

(Make a report on the sports results,using the
information in the scoreboard.)

<b>Example</b>: <i>Vietnam and Myanmar played in the </i>
<i>Women’s Football Final. The Vietnamese team </i>
<i>won the gold medal.The result (The score ) was </i>


<b>V. Homework</b>

-dividing the class into 2

-asking the presentative of
each group to pick one picture.
-declaring the winner.

-asking ss to work in groups of
4 ss.

-running through the table.
-giving the direction.
-giving the model.
-going around to help ss
-asking some ss to report.


-asking ss to work in groups of
4 ss.

-running through the table.
-giving the model.

-giving the direction.

-giving ss 5 minutes to work.
-calling some ss to report in
front of the class.

-giving comments.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(195)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=195>

Date of preparing : Monday, March 15th<sub> 2010 Week : 27</sub>
Date of teaching : Tuesday, March 16th<sub> 2010 Period : 80</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 80</b>

<b>UNIT 13 : THE 22</b>

<b>nd </b>

<b><sub>SEA GAMES</sub></b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will know more about the athletes’ records in the
22nd<sub> Southeast Asian Games as well as their jobs when the Games are over</sub>
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn more about records in the 22nd<sub> SEA Games and pole vaulting</sub>
- New words: Words related to pole vaulting

3. Skills: - Listening and answering comprehension questions
- Listening and deciding on True or False statements
<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm – up</b>




Tell some games which are competed in
the 22nd<sub> Sea Games</sub>

- says

- introduces new lesson

- Asks to work in pairs to look at the picture
and answer the question

- Goes round to listen to students
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Corrects pronunciation

- Asks some questions to pre-teach new

1. When some body has won the medal,
where does he stand to get the prize?
2. tempting (adj) = attractive

- Lets students read loudly some new

- Calls some students to repeat
- Corrects pronunciation
<b>Task 1</b>

- Says: “You will hear a newspaper article

about Amnat, the winner in the 22nd<sub> SEA</sub>
Games Pole Vaulting competition. Listen to
the tape and answer the questions”

- Asks students read questions first to

- listen
- speak

- Work in pairs to answer the questions
- Listen to their friends

1. The podium

- Listen to the teacher and write down
- Read in chorus

- Correct their pronunciation

<span class='text_page_counter'>(196)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=196>



understand the contents

- Plays the tape the 1st<sub> time, reminds</sub>
students to new words:

<i>+ clear (v): nh¶y qua</i>
<i>+ break (v): ph¸ kØ lơc</i>

- Plays the tape 2nd<sub> time and asks students</sub>
only give short answers

- Calls some students to answer

- Calls 4 students to write answers on the

- Corrects mistakes and gives correct

<b>Task 2</b>

- Asks students to listen to the 2nd
newspaper article about the players of
Vietnam’s Women’s Football team and
decide whether the statements are T or F
- Plays the tapes 2 times

- Checks answers and asks students to give
their evidences

- Corrects the answers

- Asks students to work in groups to discuss
the question: Which Vietnamese

footballer(s) do you like best? Why?

- Goes round to provide help
- Calls some groups to present
- Gives comments

- Remember them to prepare Part- Writing
at home

- Listen to the tape carefully and then
do the task

- Give answers:
1. one

2. Thailand
3. 4,8m

4. No, he didn’t.

- Read the statements first
- Listen to the tape

1. 1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F

- Work in groups to practise

- Listen to their friends and correct


Goal keeper: Dang Kieu
Trinh-Football players: Do Hong Tien, Le Thi
Oanh ect.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(197)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=197>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’ act</b>

<b>* Warm – up:</b>

Tell some games which are competed in the
22nd<sub> Sea Games</sub>

<b>* Pre - listening</b>

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following

 <b>Vocabulary</b>

clear (v) (picture)
break (v) (explanation)
be over : end (synonym)
deal (n) (translation)

 <b>Listen and repeat</b>. (P.142)
<b>* While – listening.</b>

<b>Task 1</b>: Listen to the first newspaper article
about Amnat, the winner in the 22nd<sub> Southeast Asian</sub>

Games Pole Vaulting competition, and choose the
correct answer.

1. Amnat won ____ gold medal(s) in the Pole
Vaulting competition.

A. ten B. one C. three D. four
2. He comes from ____.

A. Singapore B.Indonesia
C. Thailand D. Malaysia
3. He cleared ____ metres.

A.4.40 B.4.18 C.4.08 D. 4.80
4.The Sea Games record was __________.

<b> </b>A. 5,50m B. 5,15m C. 5,05m D. 5,35m

<b>Key:</b> 1B 2C 3D 4C

- says

- introduces new lesson
- gives instruction
- explains

- calls ss to answer

follows steps to present new

- reads firstly and asks ss to
repeat 2 or 3 times

- corrects mistakes if necessary
- runs through the words
- gives instruction

- asks ss to read the sentences
- plays the tape 2 times
- calls ss to give answers
- gives feedback


- read
- listen

<b>Time</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Teacher’s acts</b> <b>Ss’ acts</b>



<b>Task 2:</b> P 143

<b>Key:</b> 1T 2F 3T 4T 5F

<b>* Post listening</b>: P 143

Work in groups. Discuss the following question:
Which Vietnamese footballer(s) do you like best ?
Why ?

<b>* Homework:</b>

Prepare writing

- explains

- asks ss to read the statements

and guess whether they are
True or False in pairs

- plays the tape 2 times
- calls ss to give answers
- gives feedback


- goes around to check

<span class='text_page_counter'>(198)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=198>

- call ss to present in front of

class groupwork

Date of preparing : Friday, March 18th<sub> 2010 Week : 27</sub>
Date of teaching : Saturday, March 19th<sub> 2010 Period : 81</sub>

<b>LESSON PLAN 81</b>

<b>UNIT 13 : THE 22</b>

<b>nd </b>

<b><sub>SEA GAMES</sub></b>

<b>D : WRITING.</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe a Sporting event (a
football match)

2. General knowledge: Students learn how to write describing a football match

- Language:

- New words: Words related to football

3. Skills: Describing a sporting event (a football match)
<b>II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Stage/Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm up</b>

5mns <b>:</b> “Hat magic”

This is a kind of Sport that is well-known in
the world

- Gives the introduction to play this game.
- Divides class into 2 proups

- Asks students to guess the name of the

- Shows the picture of a football team and
asks “who are they?”- How many people
are there in a football team?

- To have a match what must we do?

- listen
- A B
- Guess

- Answer (footballers)
- Answer (eleven)

- Answer (invite another team, give reason,
time, place …)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(199)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=199>





- Have you ever seen football match?
- How is the football match process?
- Asks students to work in groups of four
- Writes these questions in the cards and
gives each group a card.

<b>Task 1:</b>

- Says: “You are going to write a
description of a football match between
your school’s team and one of your
neighbouring schools’ teams. The
following are the questions you have to
answer when describing the match, but
they are jumbled. You should work with a
partner and put the questions in the
suitable sections”

- Suggests students order the sentences
with 3 parts: Introduction- Details of the
match- Conclusion

- Walks round to help

- Calls some students to give answers
<b>Task 2</b>

- Asks students to read all questions again
and answer them

- Has students read Useful Languge to
improve their answers

- Gives some suggestions to students:

<i>Nouns: players/ captain/ defender/ stricker/</i>
<i>goal keeper/ referee</i>

<i>Verbs: infringe/ dribble/ pass the ball ect.</i>

- Calls some students to answer
- Corrects mistakes

- Asks students write answers in notebooks
<b>Task 3</b>

- Asks students to write a description of the
football match mentioned above by using
suggested above words

- Asks students to work individually
- Goes round to provide help

- Calls some students to read loudly their

- Corrects mistakes and gives marks

- Ask students to do part writing of Unit 1

- receive

- Listen to the teacher and work in pairs

<b>+ Introduction:</b>

1. Why was the football match held?
2. What teams took part in the match?
3. When and where did the match take

<b>+ Details of the match:</b>

1. What was the weather like on that

2. How did each team play in the first
half?/ second half?

3. What was the spectators’ attitude?
4. Which team played better?

5. Who scored a goal?
<b>+ Conclusion:</b>

1. What was the result?

2. What did you think about the game?

- Read the questions
- Work in pairs

- Listen to the teacher and copy down

- Look at the picture and do the task

- Do independently

- Listen to their friends and correct

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