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Lesson Plan

Grade 10

Ban cơ bản

Unit 12: Music

<b>Period 5: Language focus</b>
<b>Preparing date: March 12, 2009</b>

<b>Teaching date:</b> March 16, 2009

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Use to+ infinitive to express purpose and make Wh-questions appropriately
 Distinguish the sounds

<b> Duration: 45 minutes</b>

- Textbook, handouts,

- whiteboard and colorful markers

<b>Anticipated problems: </b>

- Ss may confuse /s/-/z/

- Ss forget the forms of some Wh-questions.


<b>Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

7’ <b>Warm up</b>

T: Who can draw the most beautifully in our

Ss: Lan can.

T asks Lan to go to the board and whispers to her:
“Draw a bee and a snake.” The others do not
know what T asks Lan to draw.

After Lan has finished her work, T asks Ss to
look at the board :

T: What is it?
Ss: It is a snake.

T: What sound does a snake make?
Ss: A hissing sound:


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T: And what it this?
Ss: It is a bee?

T: What sound does a bee make?
Ss: A buzzing


Today we are going to learn two consonant
sounds in English: /s/-/z/



Demonstrate the sound /s/ and /z/ by pronouncing
them clearly and slowly

Help Ss to distinguish these two sounds
Instruct the way to pronounce:

- Ask Ss to watch T model

- Ask them to try to do themselves

<b>*Listen and repeat : </b>

- T reads the words in each column all at once.
- T reads the words once again, each time with a

word in each column to help Ss distinguish the
differences between the sounds in the words.
- T read the words and asks Ss to repeat them.
- T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in


- T goes round providing help.

- T asks some Ss to pronounce the words.
- T gives correction if necessary.

<b>* Practise these sentences</b>

- Read the sentences loudly
- Ask students to repeat

- T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in

- T goes round providing help.
- Correct pronunciation for students

- Open the books

- Look at : Listen and Repeat

- Repeat the words in chorus then

- Look at Practise the sentences
- Listen to the teacher then repeat in
chorus then individual

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<b>Presentation 1:</b>

<b>“to + infinitive to express purposes</b>

-write some sentences on the board and underline the
“to+ infinitive”

+ She gets up early morning to cook breakfast for her

+I listen to classical music to feel relaxed

-Ask students to comment on the use of “to+ infinitive”
in these examples

-Help students to use of “to+ infinitive” is to express

-Ask some students give some similar examples
- Introduce exercises to the students

<b>Exercise 1: (15 minutes)</b>

- Ask students to do Exercise 1
- Introduce how to do it

- Let them work in pairs

- Walk round, check and give mark

<b>Exercise 2 (8 minutes)</b>

- Introduce Exercise 2 to students and explain
how to do it

- Ask students to do it
- Let them work individually
- Check, correct mistakes

-write down in their notebook
-give some examples

- Listen to the teacher and do
exercise 1

<b>Key: </b>

1. to tell her the good news
2. to buy a cassette player
3. to win the singing contest
4. to sing French songs

5. to set a good example for the

- Listen to the teacher and do
exercise 2

<b>-Keys :</b>

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<b>Presentation 2:</b>

- T calls on some Ss to make up some
wh-questions and write them on the board.

- T elicits question words and how to make
wh-question from Ss.

- Based on Ss’ understanding of wh-questions. T
may revise or teach this type of question again.
- T tells Ss:

Wh-questions allow a speaker to find out more
information about topics. They are as follows:

Wh-words Meaning




Other words can also be used to inquire about
specific information:

How much
How many
How long
How often
How far
What kind of

4. to invite
5. to learn

- Listen to the teacher

<b>- Write down </b>

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<b>Exercise 3: (11 minutes)</b>

-Call on some students to make up some
wh-questions and write them on board

-Elicit question words and how to make

- Introduce Exercise 3 to students and explain
how to do it

- Ask students to do it
- Let them work individually
- Walk round and help them

- Check, correct mistakes , give reasons and mark

-Do the exercise 3

<b>Key: </b>

1. What will you if it rains?
2. What sort of music does

your family enjoy listening

3. When did he leave for Ho
Chi Minh city?

4. Who wants to talk to you?
5. How did you spend the

evening last night?
6. When does the film start?

7. Who is your favourite

musician ?

8. Why do you like pop music?
- Listen to the teacher and write

2' <b>Wrapping</b>

- Summarize the main points



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