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GATA9 20102011

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<b>I </b><i><b>Objectives.</b></i>

Students will be able to review the knowledge in grade 8.
<b>II </b><i><b>Language content</b></i><b>.</b>

Grammar : Verb tense, passive form, reported speech.

Vocabulary: Review the whole vocabulary that they have learnt.
III <i><b>Teaching methods</b></i><b>.</b>

Communication approach, suggestions,deductive or indeductive.
<b>IV </b><i><b>Teaching aids</b></i><b>.</b>

Reference books, textbooks, exercise books.
<b>V </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i>4 </i>
Teacher and students’activities Content

Teacher gives some examples
and suggest students giving the
structures and say how to use.
Teacher gives the exercises.
Students do the exercises in

Teacher asks students to give
the correct answers.

Students write the answers on
the board.

Teacher feedbacks .

Students copy down in their

Teacher gives the structures of
the past simple tense and

Teacher has students say how
to use .

One student says how to use
bebore class.

Teacher gives the exercises and
suggests students doing them in

Students work in pairs.
Teacher calls some pairs to
give their answers before class.
Teacher comments and corrects

if necessary.

Students write down in the

Teacher presents the structures
and the examples then have
students change the examples
into passive form.

Some students give their
answers before class.
Teacher gives the correct

1.Past progressive tense.

I was watching TV at 8:00 last night.
We were doing our homework while my
mother was cooking.

S + was/were + V-ing……..
S + was/were+ not + V-ing……
Was/were + S + V-ing…..?

a)Hoa (eat) dinner at 6:00Pm.

b)Bao (study) math while his brother

c) Mrs.Thoa (cook) when the phone (ring).
d) It (rain) when the plane got to Hanoi.
Answer key:

a)was eating

b) was studying/was reading
c) was cooking/rang

d) was raining
2.Past simple tense.
S + V-2/-ed……
S + didn’t + V……
Did +S + V…….?

My mother bought me a new shirt.
I played soccer yesterday afternoon.
a) His uncle (visit) France last spring.
b) Mr.Tan (take) his children to DamSen
Park yesterday?

c.Lan stayed at home because She (be )sick.
d.I (cook)dinner myself.

Answer key:

b) Did …..take…..?
c) was

d) cooked

3. Passive form.

a.Present simple tense.

<i>S +IS/AM/ARE +PP +…by +O</i>
Ex:I cut my finger myself.
My finger is cut (by me).
b.Present progressive tense.

<i>S +IS/AM/ARE +being +PP…by +O.</i>
Ex:They are playing soccer in the garden.
Soccer is being played in the garden.
c. Past simple tense.

<i>S+ was/were +PP +by+ O.</i>
Ex: we watched TV last night.
TV was watched by us last night.
d. Past progressive tense.

<i>S+ was/were +being +PP +by +O</i>

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Teacher reminds the whole knowledge that students have reviewed.
<i>5.Home work.</i>

Students learn by heart all the grammar points

Students prepare new lesson “unit: 1 period1:getting started- listen and read.”
Test 15minutes.

I. Answer about yourself.
1.What’s your name?
2.Are you a student?
3.How old are you?
4.Which class are you in?
5.How do you go to school?
6.Where do you live?

7.Did you watch television lastnight?
8.What time do your classes start?
9. Have you ever read the story?
10.Which subject do you like best?






<i><b>I/ Objectives</b>.</i>

Students will be able to know about some places “ Lan went to with foreign friend and
some activities .They took part in together.

<i><b>II/ Language content</b>.</i>

Past habit “used to”.
Past simple tense.
Past simple with wish.

Related to famous places to visit and activities done during the visit.
<i><b>III/ Teaching method.</b></i>

Communiticative approach.

Techniques: Ask-answer, listen-read, individual work-pairwork.
<i><b>IV/ Teaching methods.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<i><b>V/ Procedures.</b></i>

1/ Greeting –taking attendance<i> . </i>
2/ Review of the previous lesson<i> . </i>

Teacher asks students to answer some questions.
What did you do last summer?

Where did you go last summer?

Do you visit HaNoi/ Ho Chi Minh city/ Nha Trang...?

Can you tell me the famous places in HaNoi/Ho Chi Minh/ Nha Trang...?

Suggested: I went fishing. I helped my parents…

I went to Ha Noi/ NhaTrang….
Yes,I do/No, I don’t.

Yes, I can/ No,I can’t.(HaNoi opera house, HoChiMinh Mausoleum,Temple
of literature,museum of history, one pillar pagoda,Reunification palace,ocean institute,
giant Buddha, offshore islands…).


Newlesson .

Teacher and students’activities content
Teacher presents four pictures and

four cards and has one student go to
the board and match.

Teacher has students correct and then
teacher asks students to answer some

Teacher introduces the content of the

Teacher elicits some places in the
textbook or in the local.

Students answer their ideas.

Teacher plays the tape and asks
students to listen the content of the

Teacher explains new words.

Students copy down in the notebooks.

Warm up: Matching and chatting.
Pictures Name of the


Do you have any penpals?
Where does he/she live ?
Have you met him/her?

Has he/she ever visit your country?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Teacher has two students read the text
aloud before class.

Teacher asks students to skim the text
and find the multiple choice.(work in

Teacher calls students to give the
answers before class.

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Students write down in the notebooks.
Teacher asks students to discuss
where they should take their friends to
and what activities they should take
part in if they have a foreign penpal.
Students tell their ideas before class

New words

Correspond(v)(explain)Two people
write and get letter each others.
Be impress by:( explain) Admiring
someone or something very much.

Mosque(n)(realia or translate).
Pray (v) (mine).


*Used tợ..

* S wish S + past simple.

Ex: Lan used to walk past the mosque
on her way to primary school.

I wish I had a computer.
While –reading.

Choose the correctoption to cmplete
the sentences.

1/ C (2 weeks).

2/ B (HaNoi people were friendly).
3/D (all the above).

4/ B (invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur).
Post- reading.

<i>4/ consolidation.</i>

Teacher reminds Lan’s activities and her friend do in HaNoi and the new words,and the
structures in the lesson.

5/Home work.

Students learn by heart the knowledge in the lesson.
Students prepare next part “speak-language focus1.

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Period 3.




Students will be able to make and respond to introduction and listen to specific
information to select the correct pictures and to use past simple tense and past simple
with wish.

.II/ <i><b>Language content</b></i><b>.</b>

Present simple tense, past simple tense.
Hello,you must be…….

Yes,I am/That’s right,I am.
Hello,Please to meet you.
Let me introduce myself….

Are you going your stay in vietnam?
Vocabulary: Related some places

<b>III/</b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, suggestion.

Techniques: Ask-answer, listen-speak, pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/</b><i><b>Teaching aids</b></i><b>.</b>

Minor board,ruler, pen, chalk….
<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>


Greeting –taking attendance .

Reviewing of the previous lesson .

One student tells the activities of Lan and Maryam, and answer some questions:
a/How often do Lan and Maryam write to one another?

b/ Where did they go in HaNoi?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>Teacher’s and </b>


-T asks, Ss answer the question.

-T leads in the situation and

explains the example and the

-Ss work in pairs : read the
sentences ,then order them in the
correct dialogue .

-T calls some pairs to roleplay the
dialogue before the class.

-T correct students’mistakes if

-T explains the requirement and
has Ss read the information about

pall and Jane.

-T guides Ss work in pairs : make
new dialogues.

-Ss work in pairs : make new
dialogues basing on dialogue a .
-T calls some pairs of Ss to
roleplay the dialogues before the


Have you ever waited for someone
whom you’ve never met or known
before ?

Where does Maryam come from?
Does she like Vietnamse people?
Does she live Hanoi?

Suggested answers:


<i><b> a.Nga is talking to Maryam.They are </b></i>
<i><b>waiting for Lan outside her school.Put </b></i>
<i><b>their dialogue in the crrect order and </b></i>
<i><b>copy it into your exercise book.Then </b></i>
<i><b>practice with your partner.Start like </b></i>

A: Hello.You must be Maryam.
B: That’s right, I am.

<i><b>*answer keys :</b></i>
<i><b>*While – speaking</b></i>

<i><b> b.Now you are talking to Maryam’s </b></i>
<i><b>friends.Introduce yourself.Make </b></i>
<i><b>similar dialogue.Take turns to be one </b></i>
<i><b>of Maryam’s friends.</b></i>

-Yoko from Tokyo, Japan
Like Vietnamese people
Love old cities in Viet Nam
-Pall from Liver pool, England
Love the people, the food, and the
beaches in Viet Nam

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

-Tcorrect students’ mistakes if

-T introduces the situation,
introduces new words and
explains the requirement.
-Ss guess the picture for each

-T plays the tape twice or more.
-Ss listen to the tape and choose
the correct pictures.

-Ss compare the answers in pairs.
-Ss give the answers before the

-T plays the tape again to check

and correct if necessary.

-T asks, Ss answer the questions.


Love the temples and the churches in
Viet Nam

Love ao dai, Vietnamese food,
especially nem .

<i><b>*Post – speaking</b></i>

Write down the activities you often do
on the weekend and the activities you
did last weekend.


<i><b>*Pre – Listening</b></i>

<i>Tim Jone’s Mexican pen pal, Carlo, is </i>
<i>visiting the USA.Listen to their </i>

<i>coversation and check ( ) the number of </i>
<i>the correct pictures.</i>

<i>*New words :</i>

-Pond (n)cái ao, hồ nhỏ
-Grass (n)cỏ

- Catch- Caught (v)bắt lấy
<i><b>*While - listening</b></i>

Answer keys

a : 1 ; b : 2 ; c : 2

Tim: Are you hungry, Carlo?
Carlo: Yes.

Tim:Okay. Let’s go to the restaurant
downtown. If we go through the park,
we can catch a bus on Ocean Drive.
Carlo:That’s fine.I really like walking in
the park. You ‘re lucky to have a place
like this close to your home. It’s so
beautiful with all the trees and flowers
and a pond in the middle.

Tim: Carlo! Be careful. You’re walking
on the grass. The park keeper is growing
some more –you’ll kill the new grass!
Carlo:Oh, sorry. I didn’t see the sign.
Tim: Come on. It’s time we caught the

Carlo: is that our bus,Tim?

Tim: No. That’s a 103 bus. We want the
number 130.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

Carlo: Oh, no.I can eat Mexican food at
home. I love Americanfood. I’d rather

Tim: Okay. I know exactly where we
need to go!

<i><b>*Post – listening</b></i>

Have you ever eaten in a resturant ? /
humburgers ? (if yes) Where? When?


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.

Students learn by heart the knowledge in the lesson.

Students prepare the next part “ listen- language focus 2,3”.






Students will be able to know more about Malaysia,one of the countries of the

<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content.</b></i>

Grammar: Present simple tense.
Vocabulary: Related about Malaysia.
<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen- read, read-write, ask-answer,pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

Pictures, map, tape, cassette player,minorboard, markers…
<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>


Greeting- taking attendance .
<i>2. Review of the previous lesson.</i>
1.Students answer the questions .

a.Where are Tim and Carlo going to go?

b.How do they go?

c.Have you ever gone to the restaurant?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

a. Lan doesn’t have money.
b. You can’t swim.

c. You speak English very badly.
<b>Suggested answers: </b>


a.They are going to go to the park.
b.They go by bus.

c. Yes, I have/No I haven’t.
2. a.Lan wishes she had money.
b.I wish I could swim.

c.I wish I speak English very well.
<i>3.New lesson.</i>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
-T guides Ss play a game called networks.

-Ss are divided into two teams : go to the
board to write down the names of the
countries in Asia as many as possible in
three minutes.The team that writes more
correct words will win.

-T asks, Ss answer the questions.



What do you know about Malaysia ?
(population, area, capital, city, religion,
language, unit of currency)

-T leads in the content of the lesson.
-T plays the tape once.

-T picks out new words and explains.
-Ss give the meanings of new words and
take notes.

-Ss practice reading new words
collectively, then individually.

-T explains the requirement of exercise a.
-Ss read the text in silience and do

New words :

-divide (v) chia, chia ra
-religion (n) tôn giáo

-separate (v) tách ra, phân chia,làm tách

-comprise (v) bao gồm, gồm có
-tropical (adj) thuộc nhiệt đới
-climate(n) khí hậu, thời tiết

- ringgit(n) ring –gít( đơn vị tiền tệ của
Ma –lai-xi –a

-official (adj) chính thức
-Islam (n)đạo hồi

-region (n) vùng, miền
-Buddhism (n)đạo Phật

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

exercise a individually,then compare the
answers with their partners.

-Ss give the answers before the class.
-T checks and corrects the mistakes if

-Ss copy down the corect answers.

-T explains the requirement of exercise b.
-Ss read the text in silience and do

exercise b individually,then compare the
answers with their partners.

-Ss give the answers before the class.
-T checks and corrects the mistakes if

-Ss copy down the corect answers.

-T asks Ss to do the exercises matching .
-Ss do th exercise,then give the answers
before the class.

-T checks and corrects.

-Ss copy down the correct answers.

-Tamil(n)người , Tiếng Ta-min

-primary(n) hàng đầu, ban đầu, cơ bản
ban đầu.

-compulsory (adj)bắt buộc

<i><b>a.Fill in the table with the right </b></i>
<i><b>information about Malaysia.</b></i>
<b>Answer keys :</b>

1. 329,758 sq km.
2. over 22 million
3. tropical climate

4. ringgit (consisting of 100 sen)
5. Kualar Lumpur

6. Islam

7. Bahasa Malaysia
8. English

<i><b>b.True or False ? Check the boxes. Then </b></i>
<i><b>correct the false statements.</b></i>

<i><b>Answer keys : </b></i>
1. T

2. F (There are more than two

3. F (English, Chinse,and Tamil are
also widely spoken)

4. F (one of the three : Malay, Chinse,

5. F (English is a compulsory second
language, not a primary language


<i>Match the names of the capital with the </i>

<i>appropriate countries.</i>

<b>Capial Country</b>
1.Bangkok a.Vietnam
2.Phnom Penh b.Malaysia
3.Jakarta c.Singapore
4.Singapore d.Indonesia
5.Bandar seri Begawan e.Philipines
6.Vientiane f.Laos
7.Manila g.Cambodia
8.Yangun h.Myanmar
9.Ha Noi i.Thailand
10.Kualar Lumpur j.Brunei
<b>Answer keys :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>


Students answer some questions.

Is Malaysia one of the countries of the ASEAN?
How many regions are there?

Which language is taught on secondary school?
What’s the weather like in Malaysia?


Students learn new words and read the passage again.
Students prepare next part “ write” and do do exercises4,5.






<b> I/</b><i><b>Objectives</b>.</i>

Students will be able to write a personal letter.
II/ Language content

Grammar: Past simple tense,Present simple tense, future tense.
Vocabulary: Related about the letter.

<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: Ask-answer,read- write, pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

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<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

Greeting- taking attendance .
<i>2 . Review of the previous lesson .</i>

Two students ask and answers the questions each other about the area, population,climate,
capital city,official language, national language.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

1.Area: 329,758.

2.Population:over 22 million.
3.Climate:Tropical climate.
4.Unit of currency:The ringgit.
5. Capital:Kuala Lumpur.
6.Offical religion:Islam.

7.Nation language :Bahasa Malaysia.
8.Compulsory second language:English.

1.Area: 330 991Kmsq.

2.Population:over 80 million.
3.Climate:Tropical climate.
4.Unit of currency:Dong.
5. Capitital city: Hanoi.
6.Offical religion: Buddhism

7.Nation language :Vietnamese.


New lesson.

Teacher and students’activities Content

Teacher gives students to play games.
Students tell about the famous places in

Teacher sets the scene. “Imagine you are
visiting your relaties or friends in another

Warm up:

Find someone who and chatting
Have you ever been to… Who?


Nha Trang?

When did you go there?
How did you go?

Did you visit any places of interest?
Did you buy anything?


When did you arrive in ….?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

part of Vietnam or different

country.”(Before writing ,students work in
pairs ask and answer about your trip by
using the following questions).

Teacher asks students to use the answers
as prompts then write the letter .

Teacher reminds students about the formal
of a personal letter by asking the

questions: What are the parts of a personal

Teacher reminds students how to use verbs
when they write a letter.

Teacher asks students to write individually
Students look at the outline on page 11 and
follow the out line to write their own letter.
Teacher calls students to compare each

other. and correct if they can.

Teacher calls some students to read their
writing before class.

Teacher corrects if necessary.

Students correct their mistakes and copy
down in the notebooks


Which places did you visit?

Who did you meet during the visit?
What kinds of food did you eat?
What did you buy?

How do you feel about the visit?

Are you happy / tired/ disappointed…?
What interests you most ?
( people/places/activities…)

When will you return home?
<i>While – writing.</i>

A. Heading- Write’s address and the

B. B. Opening –Dear…,
C. Body of the letter.

D. Closing -Your friend/Regard/Love

Suggested ideas.
Dear Mai,

I arrived at …..airport/train station/ bus
station at 2pm/8am/(early/late) in the
morning / afternoon/evening/at minight/…
on Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/…
Hoa /Nam/ uncle TanAunt Huong met me
at the airport/ train station/bus station, then
he/she took me home by


I’ve visited /been to many places like (the
beaches, the Cham Museum, supermarkets,
the water park…)

I’ve tried different foods : seafood,….
I’llvisit HoiAn and MySon tomorrow / on

I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much.
The people here are so nice and friendly,
the foods are so delicious, and the sights
are so beautiful.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

Teacher reminds the content of the letter
and notices when they write the letter.
Teacher asks students some questions
Students answer


Please pick me up at the airport/ bus
station/ train station…

<i>Post –writing.</i>

a.Was your trip interesting?

b.Do you want to visit your friends or
relatives again ?

<i>IV/ Consolidation.</i>

Teacher review how to write a letter
<i>V/ Homework</i>

Teacher asks students to write a similar letter.

Students use the suggested word to complete the letter.
Dear Lan,

1.Very happy/ get your mail.

2. I back/ from/ holiday/countryside.
3.It/ one/ most interesting/trip/ have.

4.I/play/ lots / traditional games/ eat/fresh/fruits.
5.What you? Nice/ weekend?

6.Please write back/me/ soon/possible.
<b>Answer key.</b>

Dear Lan,

I’m very happy to get your mail.

I have been back from a holiday to the countryside.
It was one of the most interesting trips I have ever had.
I play lots of traditional games and ate a lot of fresh fruits.
What about you? Did you have a nice weekend?

Please write back tome as soon as possible.


Week: 3

Period: 6



<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

Students will be able to consolidate their knowledge of the past simple and the
past simple with wish.

<i><b>II. Language contents: </b></i>

- Grammar: The past simple tense and the past simple with wish
- Vocabulary:

<i><b>III. Techniques:</b></i>

Suggestion, communicative approach
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids:</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>Text books, minor boards….
<i><b>V. Procedures:</b></i>

<i>1. Greeting and taking attendance</i>
<i>2. Review of the previous lesson:</i>
Ss give their other letters: SS’ letters
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
- T suggests by giving examples.

- Ss read the examples.
- Ss practice in pairs.

- Ss ask and anwer to the rest of the class.

- T corrects if necessary.

- T suggests the exercise and has Ss write

<b>1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer </b>
<b>the questions about each person did on </b>
<b>the weekend.</b>

- What did Ba do on the weekend?

He went to see a movie called” Ghosts and

When did he see it?

He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two

- What did Nga do on the weekend?
She went to hear a concert with Ha Noi

When did she go?

She went on Saturday afternoon at 8

- What did Lan do on the weekend?

She went camping with Y & Y.
When did she do it?

She did it all the weekend.

- What did Nam do on the weekend?

She went to see a soccer macth: Dong Thap
versus The Cong.

When did he see it?

She saw it on Sanday afternoon at 4 o’clock
- What did Hoa do on the weekend?

She went to see a play called” Much Ado
About Nothing”.

When did she see it?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

- Ss write the sentences .
- Ss give the answer.
- T corrects if necessary.

- T suggests the exercise and has Ss write

- Ss write the sentences .
- Ss give the answer.
- T corrects if necessary.

<b>farewell perty for Maryam. Write the </b>
<b>things they did ti prepare for the party. </b>
<b>Use the pictures and words in the box.</b>
a. They made a cake.

b. They hung colorful lamps.
c. They bought flowers.
d. They went shopping.

<b>3. Work with a partner. Write wishesyou</b>
<b>want to make in these situations.</b>

<b>b. I wish I were in the swimming pool.</b>
c. I wish I had a computer.

d. I wish I lived near school.
e. I wish I had a computer.
f. I wish I drew well.

g. I wish I had my friend’s phone number.
h. I wish I knew many friends.

i. I wish there were some rivers and lakes in
my hometown.

<i>4. Consolidation:</i>
-Ss do the test.



<b>.I.Match the names of the capital with the appropriate countries.</b>

<b>Capial </b> <b>Country</b>

2.Phnom Penh
5.Bandar seri Begawan
9.Ha Noi
10.Kualar Lumpur

12. Tokyo

a. China



h. Japan

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

1-……..; 2-………..; 3-………. ; 4-………..; 5-……….

6- ………; 7-……….; 8-……….. ; 9-………; 10-…….. 11………. 12………….
<i><b>II *Write sentences with suggested situations.</b></i>

1.You don’t have a computer.
I wish ……….. .
2.Mai can’t sing English songs.
Mai wishes……… .
3.Phong is very short.

Phong wishes ……….. .

<b>I. Answer keys :</b>

1-k; 2-i; 3-e ; 4-d ; 5-l.

6- g; 7-f; 8-j ; 9-b ; 10-c 11.a 12.h

<i><b>II *Write sentences with suggested situations.</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>1. I wish I had a computer.

2. Mai wishes she could sing English songs.

3. Phong wishes he were taller.


Ss prepare unit 2 (getting started and listen and read)





Getting started- Listen and read.

Students will be able to know more about Aodai ,the traditional dress of Vietnamese

<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen- read, ask-answer,pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

Pictures,tape, cassette player,minorboard, markers…
<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

1. Greeting- taking attendance.
<i> 2. Review of the previous lesson.</i>

1. Students how to write a personal letter.
<b> Suggested answers: </b>

1. There are three paragraphs.
<i> First paragraph: </i>

When you arrived..? who met you…?
Second paragraph: Talk about:
What you ‘ve done.

Places you’ve visited
People you’ve met
Food you’ve tried
Things you’ve bought
<i> Third paragraph:</i>
Tell how you fell

Say what interests you most
Mention when you return home.
3. New lesson .

Teacher and

students’activities Content
Teacher gives a game

“crossword” and guides
students to play games.
Students play games
following the teacher.


<b>C</b> A M B O D I A

P E N P A <b>L</b>

S C H O <b>O</b> L

<b>T</b> H A I L A N D

C <b>H</b> I N A

S <b>I</b> N G A P O R E

C U R R E <b>N</b> C Y

R E L I <b>G</b> I O N

1 The country whole capital city is Phnom Penh.
2. A friend who keep contact through letters.
3. The place we go to study.

4.The country has beautiful beaches of Phuket and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

Teacher introduces the
content of the lesson.
Students listen to the

Teacher asks students to
look at the pictures and
discuss in pairs.

Teacher calls some pairs to
practice before class.

Teacher corrects if

Teacher asks students some
open questions.

Students answer.

Teacher plays the tape once.
Teacher elicits new words.
Students copy down.


6. The country is the smallest among ASEAN


7 .The money system is used in a country.
8.It is the belief in superhumam especially in

<i>Getting started</i>

Today we’ll learn about the traditional costumes
of some countries. First, you look at the dress that
some people are wearing.

a)She is from Japan.
b)She is from Vietnam.
c) He is from Scotland.
d) She is from India.
e) He is from the USA.

f) She is from Saudi( Arabia).

What do you know about Aodai?
What material is Aodai made from?

Who often wears Aodai? Is modern Aodai
differrent from the old one?


Poet(n)(example:Nguyen Du,To Huu…)nhà thơ.

Poetry(n)(example: Viếng lăng Bác,Mùa xuân nho
nhỏ) thơ ca, thơ văn.

Tunic(n)(realia) rộng và chùng

Slit (n)(explaination: to make a long thin cut in
something) Đường xẻ

Teacher sets the scene.
Students read the text to do
the exercise a)

Teacher asks students to
compare their answers in

Students give the answers

Material(n)(realia:) Nguyên liệu.

Inspiration (n)(translation)cảm hứng,hứng khởi.
Cross(n)(realia) chữ thập, dấu chéo.

Stripe(n)(realia) Vạch kẻ

You are going to read a text about the traditional
dress of VietNam.

<b>a.Complete the sentences. Use the information </b>
<b>from the passage.</b>

<b>Answer keys</b>

1.For a long time the “aodai” has been the subject
of poems, novels,and songs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

before class.

Teacher gives feedback.

Teacher guides students to
read the text again and
answer the questions in b).
Students work in pairs.
Teacher calls some pairs to
practice before class.

Teacher gives feedback and
correct if necessary.

Teacher asks students some

Students answer

<b>wear modern clothing at work.</b>

4. Some designers have modernized the “aodai”
by printing lines of poetry on it.

5. another alternative is to add symbols such as
<b>suns, stars, crooses, and stripes.</b>

<b>b.Answer the questions.</b>
<b>Answer keys</b>

1.Traditionally,men and women used to wear the

2. Because it is more convenient.

3. They have pritned lines of poetry on it or have
added synbols such as suns, stars, crosses, and
stripes to the Aodai.


-Do you like to wear ao dai ?

-Is Ao dai a uniform for schoolgirls in many

What colour is popular with Aodai?
Is it beautiful?


Consolidation .

Teacher reminds the name of the traditional costumes of some countries and tells some
ideas about Aodai.

Teacher reminds how to use grammar points.


Students learn the knowledge in the lesson.
Students prepare the next part “Speak”.





<b> I/</b><i><b>Objectives</b>.</i>

Students will be able to ask and answer the questions on personal

<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content</b>.</i>

Grammar: The present perfect tense,present simple tense.
Vocabulary: Related clothes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen- speak, ask-answer,pairwork-groupwork.

<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

Pictures,minorboard, markers,ruler…
<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

1. Greeting- taking attendance.
<i> 2. Review of the previous lesson.</i>

1. Students tells something about “Aodai”.
2.Students answer the questions.

a. Who used to wear the aodai by traditional?

b. Why do the majority of Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing at work
these days.

Suggested answers:

1. The aodai is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women.It consists of a long silk tunic
that is slit on the sides and worn over loose pants.


a. Traditionally,men and women used to wear the Aodai.
b. Because it is more convenient.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

4 /
Teacher and students’activities Content

Teacher asks students to think about

clothings then write on the board.
Students can work in pairs.

Teacher asks students to answer some

Students answer.

Teacher introduces the content of the

Teacher guides students to do the
exercise a) .

Students match the phrases to the

in pairs.

Teacher explains some new words
Students copy down.

Teacher has students give the answers
before class.

Students give the answers before class.
Teacher gives feedback.

Teacher gives eliciting questions.
Students work in group.

Teacher lets the students to ask each
other in group about the clothes.
Students work in group.

Teacher calls some groups to present

Warm up:


Have you ever worn Aodai?
Do you like wear it ?

What do you often wear on the

Why do you wear them/it?

In the last lesson, we got some
information about Aodai –the

traditional dress of Vietnam .today we
will learn about the casual clothes that
we wear daily.

<b>a.Match the phrases to the pictures</b>
<b>New words:</b>

Plaid(adj)(realia)kẻ caro, kẻ ơ vng.
Plain(adj)(realia) trơn.

Sleeveless(adj)(realia)khơng có tay.
Baggy(adj)(realia)rộng thùng thình.
Fade(v)(realia) bạc màu, phai màu.
<b>Answer keys</b>

a. a colorful T-shirt
b. a sleeveless sweater
c. a striped shirt
d. a plain suit
e. fadded jeans

f. a short - sleeved blouse
g. baggy pants

h. a plaid skirt
i. blue shorts

<b>b.Work in a small groups.Write two </b>
<b>more questions for the last section of</b>
<b>this survey about students’ </b>

<b>wear.Then interview members of </b>

<b>another group.The words in section </b>
<b>a may help you.</b>

<b>Suggested questions</b>

-What kinds of clothing do you wear
on Tet holiday ?

-What would you wear to the party ?
c.Now report the results of your

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<i>Consolidation . </i>

Teacher reminds the knowledge in the lesson.


Students learn the knowledge in the lesson.
Students prepare the next part “Listen”







Students will be able to listen for specfic information, describe what people are
wearing,and how to use the perfect tense.

<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content.</b></i>

Grammar: The present perfect tense.
Vocabulary: Related clothings.
<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen- write, ask-answer,pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

Pictures,tape, cassette player,minorboard, markers…
<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

1. Greeting- taking attendance.
<i> 2. Review of the previous lesson.</i>

a. Students role play about the clothes.
b.Students answer the questions.
What did you wear on the weekend?
What do you wear on Tet holiday?
Suggested answers:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

Teacher and students’activities Content
Teacher asks students to play


Students play following the teacher

Teacher asks them a question
Students answer

Warm up:
Slap the board.

Pants Wear T-shirt

Blouse Plaid Fade

Suit Traditional Sweater
What kinds of clothes do little girls often

Teacher introduces the content of the

Students listen to teacher

Teacher asks students to look at the
pictures and to tell the name of
the clothes in the pictures on page1
Students tell the name of them.
( teacher can give students some

Teacher explains some new words.

Teacher plays the tape once.
Students listen to the tape.


<i>You will hear a public annonncement</i>
<i>about a lost little girl called Mary. </i>
<i>Listen and check (v ) the letter of the </i>
<i>correct picture to show what Mary is </i>

<b>Questions :</b>

a.What do you call these clothes in

b.What kinds of clothes is this?
c.Are these shoes or sandles ?
What do you call these clothes in

What color are they?

Are these shoes or sandals?
<i><b>While- listening</b></i>

Announcement(n) (translation )thông

Missing(n) (synonym of lost)bỏ nhở,
lạc đường.

Entrance(n) (synonymof door,gate)lối

Fair(n) (explaination)event when
people or company bring their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

Teacher plays the tape twice.

Students listen and check (V) the letter
of the correct pictures to show what
Mary wearing.

Students compare the guessing and
their friends.

Teacher calls some pairs to give the
answers before class.

Students give the correct answers.

Teacher gives feedback.

Teacher asks students some questions.
Students answer.


a) B: she is wearing blue short.

b) A: She is wearing a long –sleeved

c) C: she is wearing brown shoes.
<i><b>Post –listening.</b></i>

How old is she?
What is she like?

What is she wearing today?
<i><b>Suggested answers</b></i><b>:</b>

She is three years old.
She has short dark hair.

She is wearing blue shorts, a long
sleeved blouse,and brown shoes.



Teacher reminds how to describe a person.

Teacher reminds how to use grammar points in the lesson.


Students learn the knowledge in the lesson.
Students prepare the next part “Read”

<i>Week :5</i>
<i>Period :10</i>

<b> </b>

<b>UNIT 2 : CLOTHING</b>



Ss will be able to improve their reading skill : read and understand the improvement of

Language skills : reading, writing, less listening and speaking.
<i><b>II.Language content</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<i><b>III.Teaching methods</b></i>

Techniques: Eliciting, explanation, asking – answering, individual work, pairwork.
Communicative approach.

<i><b>IV.Teaching aids</b></i>

Pictures, cassette, tape, minor boards.

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
<i> 2.Preview of the previous lesson.</i>

Two Ss ask and answer each other about the things they have done ( yes / no questions ),
using the present perfect tense.

<i> 3.New lesson</i>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
Teacher asks students to play games.

Students play following the teacher

T hangs the picture and asks some

Ss answer the questions.

(if Ss can’t answer, they can answer the
questions by Viet namese or after reading
the text)

T plays the tape once.
-Ss listen to the tape.

-T helps Ss practice reading new words as
well as understand their meanings.

-T calls some Ss to read new words in
order to check and correct their


T explains the requirement of exercise a.
Ss read the text in silience and fill in the
missing dates and words.

Ss compare the answers in pairs.
T calls some Ss to give the answers.

<i><b>*Warm-up: Brainstorming</b></i>
<i>Suggessted answers:</i>


- easy to wear
- convinient
- fashionable
- nice


1.Are they wearing jeans ?

2.What do you want to know about
jeans ? (what jean cloth was made from,
when it appeared for the first time and

<b>New words :</b>

-sailor (n)( Picture) thủy thủ
-style (n)(picture) kiểu , kiểu dáng
-embroider (adj)(realia) thêu (hoa văn...)
-label (n)(realia) nhãn,nhãn hiệu

-sale (n)(translation) doanh số,số lượng
bán ra)

-go up (v) )(explanation: rise in price)
tăng, tăng lên

-wear out (v) )( realia) làm rách

-economic (adj)( translation)thuộc kinh tế
<b>a.Fill in the missing dates and words.</b>
<b>Answer keys :</b>

1.18th<sub> century … Jean cloth…</sub>
2.1960s … students…

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

T checks and corrects the answers if

Ss copy down the correct answers.
T explains the requirement of exercise b.
Ss work in pairs : ask and answer the

T calls some pairs to ask and answer
before the class.

T checks and corrects students’ mistakes
if necessary.

Ss copy down the correct answers.

T asks, Ss answer the questions.

5.1990s … sale …

<b>b.Answer. Then write the answers in </b>
<b>your exercise books.</b>

<b>Answer keys :</b>

1.The word jeans comes from a kind of
material that was made in Europe.

2.The 1960s’ fashions were embroidered
jeans, painted jeans and so on.

3.Because jeans became cheaper.

4.Jeans at last became high fashion
clothing in the 1980s.

5.The sale of jeans stopped growing
because the world-wide economic
situation got worse in the 1990s.

<b>Questions :</b>

1.Do you like wearing jeans ? why (not) ?
2.Do you think jeans are in fashion now ?

<i> 4.Consolidation</i>

Teacher asks the questions :

a.Tell some thing you know about jeans.

b.Are students in our school allowed to wear jeans to school ?
Students answer


Students learn new words, read the text fluently and prepare lesson “write”

<b>Signature : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

Week : 6

Period : 11

<b> </b>

<b>UNIT 2 : CLOTHING</b>



Ss will be able to write an exposition.

Language skills : writing, reading, less speaking and listening.
<i><b>II.Language content</b></i>

<b> 1.Vocabulary : related to “Clothing”.</b>
2.Grammar : Present simple tense.

I think, Firstly, Secondly,… ,Finally, Therefore.
<i><b>III. Teachingmethods</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<i><b>IV.Teaching aids</b></i>
Minor boards

<i> 1.Greeting and taking attendance</i>
<i> 2.Review of the previous lesson.</i>
T asks, Ss answer the questions :

a.Where was the word “jeans” come from ?
b.When did jeans at last become high fashion ?
d.Do you like wearing jeans ? why ? why not ?

Ss write new words on the board :

Material (n), sailor (n), embroidered (adj), sale (n), go up (v).
3.New lesson

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b> Content</b>
T asks, Ss answer the questions.

T explains th way to write an argument
and new words.

Ss listen to teacher’s explanation and take

Ss read the topic and the outline A.
T explain new words.

T calls some Ss to read the modal
argument before the class.

T calls some Ss to read the outline B


-What do you think about our school
uniform ?

-Is it convenient ?

<i>This is how to present one side of an </i>
<i>argument.It is used to persuade readers to</i>
<i>believe or do something. An argument </i>
<i>should have : (table on page 18)</i>
<b>New words :</b>

-point of view (n) quan điểm
-argument (n)sự tranh cải
-sum up (v) tóm lại

<b>a.Read the topic and the Outline </b>
<b>A.Then read the passage.</b>

<b>New words :</b>

-encourage (v)(explanation) động viên,
khuyến khích

-bear one’s name (v)(picture) mang tên
-equal (adj) (explanation)công bằng, bằng

-practical (adj)thực tế

<b>b.Write an arguementive paragraph of </b>
<b>100-150 words.but this time you </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

before the class.

Ss write an argument basing on the

Ss compare their writing in pairs.
Some Ss read their writing before the

T checks and corrects the mistakes if

Students read the passage aloud before

<i>My opinion is that secondary school </i>
<i>children should wear casual clothes.</i>
<i>Firstly, casual clothes make students feel </i>

<i>Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives </i>
<i>students freedom of choice.They have </i>
<i>rights to choose sizes, colors and fashions</i>
<i>of clothes that they love.</i>

<i>Finally, casual clothes make school more </i>
<i>colorful and lively.</i>

<i>In coclusion, secondary school students </i>
<i>should wear casual clothes. Wearing </i>
<i>casual clothes is convenient, comfortable </i>
<i>and fun.</i>


Do you want to wear casual clothes or
school uniform ? why ?


T emphasizes the way to write an argumentive paragraph, Ss pay attention to teacher.

Ss learn new words and the way to write an argument.Then write other arguments (free
topic) and prepare language focus

Week : 6

Period : 12

<b> </b>

<b>UNIT 2 : CLOTHING</b>



-Ss will be able to write passive sentences as well as ask and answer yes/no questions
using the present perfect tense.

-Language skills : writing, speaking,less reading and listening
<i><b>II.Language content</b></i>

1.Vocabulary : related to clothing


-The passive

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Techniques: Eliciting, explanation, asking-answering, individual work, pairwork.
Communicative approach

<i><b>IV.Teaching aids</b></i>

Minor boards, markers…..

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
<i> 2.Review of the previous lesson . </i>
Playing game in warm up
3.New lesson

<b>Teacher’s and students’activities</b> <b> Content</b>
Teacher asks students to play games.

Students play following the teacher guides.

Teacher asks students to read the dialogue
Ss read the dialogue. Then make new ones.
- T corrects if necessary.

- T suggestion and has ss practice.
- Ss ask and answer the questions

- T corrects if necessary.

-T explains the requirement of the
exercises .

-Ss read the example in pairs.

-T explains the way to make questions and

-T helps Ss read and remember the
meanings of suggested words.

-Ss practice asking and answering in pairs.
-T calls some pairs to ask and answer before

<i><b>*Warm-up: </b></i>

go do visited

eat seen gone

play eaten eat

visit see done

<b>* </b><i><b>Presentation:</b></i>

<b>1. Work with a partner. Read the </b>

b,c done the same as a

<b>2. Work with a partner. Imagine </b>
<b>you and your partner are visiting </b>
<b>HCM city. Ask and answer </b>

<b>questions about the things you have </b>
<b>done. Use the present perfect tense </b>
<b>of the verbs in the box.</b>

- Have you seen Giac Lam pagoda

Yes, I’ve already seen it.

Have you eaten Vietnamese food yet?
No, I haven’t.

3.Work with a partner.ask and
<b>answer questions about each of the </b>
<b>items in the box.</b>


-Have you <i><b>ever</b></i> read a comic ?
Yes, I have.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

the class.

-T checks and corrects students mistakes if

-T explains the requirement and the

-Ss pay attention to teacher.

-T helps Ss remember the way to change the
active sentences into the passive sentences.
-Ss remember and take notes.

-Ss do the exercises individually, then
compare the answers in pairs.

-Some Ss write the answers on the board.
-T checks and corrects students mistakes if

-Ss copy down the correct answers.

-T explains the requirement and the

Ss do the exercises individually, then
compare the answers in pairs.

-Some Ss write the answers on the board.
-T checks and corrects students mistakes if

-Ss copy down the correct answers.

-Have you <i><b>ever</b></i> been to Singapore ?
No, I haven’t.

<b>4.Read the sentences and then </b>
<b>complete the second sentence with </b>
<b>the same meaning. Use the passive </b>


They sell jeans all over the world.
<i><b>Jeans are sold all over the world</b></i>.
a.The present simple tense

S + V/-s/-es + O ….

<i>S + is/am/are + V3/-ed … by O.</i>
b.The past simple tense

S + V2/-ed + O ….

<i>S + was/were + V3/-ed … by O.</i>
c.The present perfect tense
S + have/has + V3/-ed + O … .

<i>S + have/has + been +V3/-ed … by O.</i>
d.The future simple tense.

S + will/shall + V + O … .

<i>S + will/shall + be +V3/-ed … by O.</i>
e.Modal verbs

S + modal verb + V + O … .

<i>S + modal verb + be + V3/-ed … by O.</i>
<b>Answer keys :</b>

<i>a.Jean cloth was made completely </i>
<i>from cotton in the 18th<sub> century.</sub></i>
<i>b.Rice is grown in tropical country.</i>
<i>c.Five million bottles of champagne </i>
<i>will be produced in France next year.</i>
<i>d.A new style of jeans has just been </i>
<i>introduced in the USA.</i>

<i>e.Two department stores have been </i>
<i>built in this year.</i>

<b>5.Change the sentences from the </b>
<b>active into the passive.</b>

<b>Ex :</b>

You must do this exercise carefully.
<i><b>This exercise must be done carefully</b></i>.
<b>Answer keys :</b>

<i>a.The problem can be solved.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>


<i>c.Life might be found on another </i>

<i>d.All the schools in the city have to be </i>

<i>e.A new bridge is going to be built in </i>
<i>this area.</i>

<i> 4.Consolidation</i>

-T emphasizes the way to make yes/no questions with the present perfect tense, using
“ever” as well as the way to change the active sentences into the passive sentences.
-Ss make more examples.

<i> 5.Homework</i>

Ss review all vocabularies and grammar notes from unit 1 to unit 2 for revision.

<b>Signature : </b>

Week: 7

Period: 12*


<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Ss will to able to consilidate their knowledge of the past simple tense, the past
simple with WISH, the present perfect tense, the passive voice.

<i><b>II. Language content:</b></i>

- Grammar: the past simple tense, the past simple with WISH, the present perfect
tense, the passive voice.

- Vocabulary: related to places, clothing
III. Teaching methods

Writing, suggestions
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids: </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<i><b>V. Prosedures:</b></i>

<i>1. Greeting and taking attendance</i>

<i>2. Review of the previous lesson: done in each part of the period.</i>
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
- T gives multible choice

exercise, and has Ss choose the
correct answer.

- Ss underline the answer they

- T corrects if necessary.
- T expalins the request and
has Ss write the sentences.
- Ss write the sentences.
- Ss give the answer.

- T corrects if necessary.

<b>Exercise 1: Choose the best option</b>

1. My friend (goes/ went/ has gone) to the museum last

2. Thu and Lan ( are/ were/ have been) friends for years.
3. The students used to (played/ play/ playing) soccer in
that stadium.

4. They wish they (have/ had/ will have) a new house.
5. He wishes he (were/ is / will be) the billionaire.
6. A new hospital (will build/ build/ will be built) next

7. Henry is a poet. He (written/ has written/ writes) a lot
of poems so far.

8. Are you proud (of/ about/ for) your country and its

9. In 1886, Levi sewed a leather label (on/ in/ above)
their jeans.

10. Different types of jeans (designed/ were designed/
had designed) to make the 60’s fashions.

<b>Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences.</b>
1. Mark Twain wrote “Life on the Mississipi”.

- “Life on the Mississipi” was written by Mark Twain.
2. I last saw her three years ago.

- I haven’t seen her for three years.

3. She started to give up smoking last year.
- She has given up smoking for a year.

4. The room is cleaned by the maid every day.
- The maid cleans the room every day.

5. One of my neighbors has stolen my bicycle.

- My bicycle has been stolen by one of my neirghbor.
6. She can solve the problem in just 2 minutes.

- The problem can be sovled in just 2 minutes.


Teacher reviews the knowledge in unit1 to unit 2
<i>5.Homework : </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

Week: 7
Period: 13

<b> </b>

<b> </b>




Students will be able to check their knowledge from unit 1 to unit 2
II/ <i><b>Language content.</b></i>

Grammar: The knowledge from unit 1 to unit 2
Vocabulary: The knowledge from unit 1 to unit 2
<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.
Techniques: listen-read- write.

<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

Textbook,cassesste player, papers, rulers, pens, pencils.

<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

I. Listening:

Hear a public announcement about alost little girl called Marry.

Know more about SINGAPORE,one of the countries of the ASEAN.
III.Language focus :

Review the grammar points in unit 1,2.

Rewrite some sentences.
2. Matrix

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng











WRITING 5 2.5 5









<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<b>Tran Van Thoi Junior High School</b>

<b>Student’s name : ………</b>
<b>Class : …………</b>


<b>Mark :</b> <b>Teacher’s comments :</b>

<b>I/ Listen to an announcement about a lost little girl. Fill in the blanks with words </b>
<b>or phrases you hear :( 2pt )</b>

1/ Mary has short (1)…………hair.
2/ She is (2)………..years old.

3/ She is wearing (3)…………shorts and long –sleeved white blouse.
4/ She may be carrying a large her (4)………

1…………., 2……….., 3……….., 4………..

<b> / Read the passage and write the answers to the questions below : ( 2,5pts )</b>

Hi. I'm Phong. I'm a student of a secondary school in Hanoi. I always wear school
uniform on school days: a white shirt and dark blue trousers. But on weekends, I usually
wear casual clothes, such as an open-neck shirt or a T-shirt, jeans and sport shoes because
they are very comfortable and convenient. And when I play football, ride a bike or go
somewhere with my friends easily, I sometimes wear shorts-jean shorts.

1/ Where does Phong live ?


2/ Does he wear school uniform every day ?
- ...

3/ What does he usually wear on weekends ?

- ...

4/ Why does he like wearing casual clothes ?
- ...
5/ What does he do ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

2/ Fashion ( designs / designer / designers) have printed lines of poetry on the ao dai.
3/Malaysia is divided into ( one/ two/ three) regions.

4/ To Huu is a famous ( poet / poem / poetry ).

5/ (Men/ women/ both men and women) used to wear the ao dai by traditional.

6/ The word Jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in ( Australia, Asean,

<b>V/ Rewrite the sentences as directed in brackets : ( 2.5pts )</b>

1/ People grow rice in tropical countries . ( Change into the passive )


2/ Your close friend doesn’t write to you regularly.(Write your wish beginning with: "I
wish ...”)

I wish……….
3/ She started learning to play piano at the age of five. ( Use “used to” )

She usedto………
4/ We can solve the problem. ( Change into the passive )

The problem ………..
5/ We don’t have a car. .(Write your wish beginning with: " We wish ...”)

We wish ……….
<b> </b><i><b>Good luck to you !</b></i>

<b>Signature : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

Week : 8
Period : 14



To help Ss know the answer keys of the test as well as review the knowledge they have
studied in unit 1 and 2.

<i><b>II.Language content</b></i>

<b> 1.Vocabulary : related to unit 1 and 2</b>
2.Grammar :

- Present perfect tense,past simple tense, passive voice.
<i><b> III.Teaching methods</b></i>

Communicative approach

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<i><b>IV.Teaching aids</b></i>


1.Greeting and taking attendance
<i> 2.Review of the previous lesson</i>

T calls some Ss to state the usages the present perfect tense,past simple tense, passive

<i>3.New lesson</i>

T helps Ss know the answer keys of the test and explains if Ss don’t understand.
Teacher and students’activities Content

Teacher asks students to read the
exercises and remmenber then choose
the correct answers.

Students work in pair.

Teacher plays the tape twice.

Students listen and choose the correct

Teacher has students compare their
answers with each other.

Teacher calls some students give the
correct answers before class.

Teacher plays the tape again.

<b>I/ Listen to an announcement about</b>
<b>a lost little girl. Fill in the blanks with</b>

<b>words or phrases you hear :( 2.5pt )</b>
1/ Mary has short (1)…dark…hair.
2/ She is (2)…three….years old.
3/ She is wearing (3)…blue…shorts
and long –sleeved white blouse.

4/ She may be carrying a large her (4)

Teacher asks students to skim the text .
Students compare their answers in pair.
Teac Teacher calls some students to give the

correct answers before class.
Students give the correct answers
before class.

Teacher calls another students to

Teacher gives the correct answers.


<b> / Read the passage and write the </b>
<b>answers to the questions below : </b>
<b>( 2,5pts )</b>

1/ Where does Phong live ?
<i>-He lives in Ha noi.</i>

2/ Does he wear school uniform every
day ?

<i>- No, he doesn’t.</i>

3/ What does he usually wear on
weekends ?

<i>-He usually wear casual clothes.</i>

4/ Why does he like wearing casual
clothes ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

Teacher calls students to give the
answers and explain how to choose
them before class.

Students give their answers.
Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Teacher calls students to how to
write .

Students compare the answers with
their partner.

Teacher comments and gives the

correct answers.

5/ What does he do ?
<i>He is a student.</i>

<b>III/ Underline the best word or </b>
<b>words to complete each sentence : </b>
<b>( 3.0pts )</b>

1/ My little brother wishes he ( knows /
knew / is knowing ) how to speak

2/ Fashion ( designs / designer /

designers) have printed lines of poetry
on the ao dai.

3/Malaysia is divided into ( one/ two/
three) regions.

4/ To Huu is a famous ( poet / poem /
poetry ).

5/ (Men/ women/ both men and
women) used to wear the ao dai by

6/ The word Jeans comes from a kind
of material that was made in

( Australia, Asean, Europe).

<b>V/ Rewrite the sentences as directed </b>
<b>in brackets : ( 2.5pts )</b>

1/ Rice.is grown in tropical countries.
2/ I wish your close friend wrote to
you regularly

3/ She She used to learn to play piano
at the age of five.

4/ The problem can be solved by us.
5/We wish we had a car.


Teacher reminds the knowledge in the test.
5/ Home work.

Students prepare next part unit 5 “ getting started- listen and read”


<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>






Students will be able to talk about life and activities in the countryside.

<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content.</b></i>

Grammar: The past simple tense.
Vocabulary: Related the countryside.
<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, eliciting.

Techniques: listen- read, ask-answer,pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

Pictures,tape-cassette player, minorboard, markers, pens, pencils…
<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

1. Greeting- taking attendance.
<i> 2. Review of the previous lesson.</i>

New lesson .

Teacher and students’ activities Content
Teacher asks students to answer some

Students answer

Teacher presents the pictures.

Students obserb the pictures and tell
people are doing (pair work)

Teacher calls some pair to practice
before class.

One student asks and one answers.
Teacher corrects if necessary.

<b>Warm up:</b>

What do your parents usually do in the

What do you people do in the

What do you see in the countryside?
What do children play in there?
<i><b>1.Getting started</b></i>

<i>Work with a partner.Look at the </i>
<i>pictures and take turns to talk about </i>
<i>activities in the countryside.</i>

<b>Ex : Picture 6</b>

<i>What is a man doing ?</i>

<i>A man is plowing with his buffalo.</i>
<b>Activities :</b>

1.Watering the vegetables.

3.Feeding the chickens.
4.Harvesting (the farmers are

5. Feeding the pigs.

6. Plowing in the field.

7. A buffalo is flying his skite.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

Teacher sets the scene.
Students listen to teacher.
Teacher plays the tape.
Students listen to the tape.
Teacher explains new words.

Students listen - repeat and copy down.
Teacher plays the tape again.

Students listen and skim the text.

Teacher calls students to read the text
and check true/false.then correct the
false sentences.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls some pairs to give the
answer before class.

Students give the answers and read
aloud the correct sentences.

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers if necessary.

-Have you ever done these activities ?
-Which activity do you like best ?
-Do you think the countryside is a
wonderful place for someone to take a
trip ?

<b>2.Listen and read</b>

“ Ba’s trip to his home village ’’
Questions :

-How did they travel ?

-What did they see on the way to the
village ?

<i><b>*While-listening and reading</b></i>

In this lesson, today we will learn to
know about Ba’s village in the

<i><b>New words:</b></i>

Journey(n) (synonym: trip,chuyến đi,
du hành)

Chance (n)(synonym: hope: cơ hội)
Banyan tree (n) (picture: Cây đa)
Shrine(n)(picture:miếu tờ, điện thờ,

Hero(n) (examples such as Nguyen
Hue, Quang Trung: anh hùng)
Reply(v)(synonym: answer:trả lời)
entrance ( n )

snack ( n )
river bank ( n )

<b>a)True or false ? Check ( ) the </b>
<b>boxes. Then correct the false </b>

1. F.Ba and his family had a day trip to
their home village.


3.F. There is a big old banyan tree at
the entrance to the village.

4.F. People had a snack under the
banyan tree.


6.F.People had a picnic on the river


<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

Teacher has students read the text
again and find the answers.

Students practice in pair.

Teacher calls some pairs to practice
before class.

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Teacher gives students to play games.
Students discuss in pair.

Teacher has students go to the board
and one write on it.(if have enough the



1.It’ s 60 km to the North of HaNoi.
2.Ba and his family got to the village
by bus.

3. The banyan tree is at the entrance to
the village.

4.They saw the shrine of VietNamese
hero on the mountain.

5. They had a picnic on the riverbank.
6. Liz took a lot of photos to show the
trip to her parents.

7.Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s
village again.

<i>Post reading<b>.</b></i>
<b> Networks</b>

<i>4. Consolidation.</i>

Teacher reminds the knowledge about the countryside and their activities in there.

Students learn by heart new words.

Students do the exercises in the exercise book and prepare the new lesson “ speak-


<b>Signature : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>






Students will be able to ask and answer some questions about someone’s home

village; listen and recognize the places from the map.

<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content.</b></i>

Grammar: modal could with wish/ past simple with wish.
Vocabulary: Related the countryside.

<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, eliciting.

Techniques: listen-read-speak-write, ask-answer,pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

1. Greeting- taking attendance.
<i> 2. Review of the previous lesson.</i>

T asks, Ss answer some questions :
a.Where is Ba’s village ?

b.How far is it from the city ?

c.How did Ba and his family get to the village ?
d.How long does it take to get there ?

e.Does Ba’s village have a river ?/ What about your village ?

New lesson .

Teacher and students’ activities Content
Teach Teacher gives students a game

and and guides them how to play

T asks, Ss answer the question.

Warm up:
Slap the board.

River Banyan tree Village
Store Bookstore Paddy field
Lake Bamboo

forest school

Do you want to know about your friends’
home village ?

Today you’ll have a change to ask and
answer about your friends’ home village.

T explains the requirement.

Ss read the questions and suggested
ideas in the table.

T expain some information if

T gives example

Ss practice in pairs : ask and

answer the questions.

T calls some pairs to ask and
answer before the class in order to
correct the mistakes if necessary.
T asks, Ss answer the questions.
T explains te requirement.

T show the map to help Ss know
the position of Tran Van Thai

Ss practice in pairs : ask and
answer the questions about their

<b>a.Work with a partner. Read the </b>
<b>questions. Then play the role of A and </b>
<b>B, and ask and answer about your </b>
<b>partner’s home village using the </b>
<b>information from the boxes.</b>
A: Where is your home village ?
B: It’s to the west of the city.

Do you want to know about your friend’s
real home village ?

<b>b.Now ask and answer about your real </b>
<b>home village.If you do not have a home </b>
<b>village, make up information similar to </b>

<b>those in box A or B.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

friends’ home village.

T calls some pairs to ask and
answer before the class in order to
correct the mistakes if necessary.

T asks, Ss answer the questions.

T hangs the map and helps Ss
remember some direction.

T helps Ss read and remember the
meanings of the words.

Ss guess the places with the letters.

T plays the tape three times or

Ss listen to the tape and recognize
where each place is.

Ss compare the answer in pairs.
Ss give the answers.

T checks and corrects if necessary.
Ss compare the answer with their

Ss copy down the correct answers.

T asks

Ss answer the questions.

-raise domestis birds, shrimp, crab, fish


Do you want to visit your friend’s home
village ? (if yes, When do you want to go
there ? on Sunday or on Saturday ? in the
morning or in the afternoon ? )


<i>Look at the map. Then listen to the trip to </i>
<i>Ba’s village. Match the places on the bus </i>
<i>route with the letters on the map. Start at </i>

1. airport
2. gas station

4.highway No. 1
5.banyan tree

7.bamboo forest
8.Dragon Bridge
9.parking lot

Pond(n)(picture: cái ao)

<b>Answer keys</b>
A : banyan tree

B : airport

C : highway No. 1
D : Dragon Brigde
E : Gas station
F : Store
G : pond

H : bamboo forest
I : parking lot

-What are there on the way to your home

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>


T calls some Ss to ask and answer about their friends’ home village.

Ss learn by heart the ways to make questions and answers about someone’s home

Ss do exercise 5 in the exercise book and prepare lesson Read





Students will be able to understand the text details.
<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content.</b></i>

Grammar: Present simple tense, past simple tense.
Vocabulary: Related the countryside.

<b>III/ </b><i><b>Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach, eliciting.

Techniques: listen-read-speak-write, ask-answer,pairwork-groupwork.
<b>IV/ </b><i><b>Teaching aids.</b></i>

Pictures, minorboard, markers, pens, pencils, tape, cassette player…
<b>V/ </b><i><b>Procedures.</b></i>

1. Greeting- taking attendance.
<i> 2. Review of the previous lesson.</i>

Students tells something about the listening before.
Students write the sentences.

1/ I/can travel/ to the countryside.
2/ Hoa/ stay/ Hue /a long time.
<i> 3/ New lesson. </i>

Teacher and students’activities Content
Teacher asks students some


Students answers the questions.

Teacher introduces the content of
the lesson.

Students listen to the teacher.

Warm up:

What do people do for living in your home

What trees/ vegetables do farmers grow in
your home town?

What animals do they raise?
<i>Pre- reading:</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

Teacher explains new words.
Teacher asks students read the text

Students skim the text.

Teacher has two student read

<i>While- reading:</i>
<b>New Words:</b>

Maize(n)( synonym:corn,ngô, bắp)
Grocery store (n)( explanation: A place
where can buy or sell something,cửa hàng
tạp hóa)

Students read aloud before class.

Teacher asks students do the
exercises a.

Students read and match the words
in column A with the words or
grougs of words in column B.
Teacher asks students to compare

their answers with the partner.
Students work in pair.

Teacher calls some students to give
the answers on the board.

Teacher asks students some
questions about the text.
Students answer

Teacher asks students read the text
again and complete the summary.
Use information from the passage.
Students work in pair.

Teacher calls some students to give
the answers before class.

Students go to the board and
complete on the minorboard.
Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Humburger(n)(banhs hăm bơ gơ)
Hogdog(n)(bánh xúc xích)

<i>a.Match the words in column A with </i>

<i>the words or groups of words in </i>

<i>column B having the same meaning.</i>

<b>Ex: maize = corn</b>

<b>Answer keys :</b>

-feed = give food to eat

-grocery store = where people buy

food and small things

-part-time = shorter or less than

standard time

-collect = bring things together

<b>Questions :</b>

1.Where is the Parker’s family farm ?

2.What does Mr. Parker / Mrs. Parker

do ?

3.How many children do they have ?

who are they ?

4.What does Van do in the afternoon ?

5.What do the whole family do on

Saturday afternoons ?

<i>b.Complete the summary. Use the </i>

<i>information from the passage.</i>


2. farmer

3.works part-time at a grocery store
4. Peter

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

Teacher calls students to read aloud
the summary before class.

Students read.

<i>Post- reading.</i>

4. Consolidation.

T asks, Ss answer the question :

Do you want to be an exchange student in the future ? why (not) ?

5 .Homework.

Students read the text again and learn new words.
Students prepare next part “ write”

<b>Signature : </b>

Week 10


<b> WRITE</b>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to write a paragraph describing a story happened in the past – a
picnic in the countryside.

<i><b>II. Language content:</b></i>

<i>Grammar: Past Simple Tense</i>
<i> Vocabulary: Blanket – to layout</i>
<i><b>III. Teaching methods;</b></i>

Communiticative approach

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

Pictures, cards, minor board, papers,pens,markers….
<i><b>V. Teaching procedures:</b></i>

<i>1.Greeting –taking attendance.</i>
<i>2.Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>
3.New lesson.

<i><b>Teacher and students’activities</b></i> <i><b>Content</b></i>

Teacher asks Ss to answer
some questions about going on
a picnic.

Students listen and answer

Teacher asks Ss to look at the

pictures and read the cues.
Students look at the pictures
and read the cues.

Teacher has Ss describe the
pictures to their partners.

Students tell what they can see
in each pictures.

Teacher asks students to write a
passage entitled “A country

Teacher asks Ss to use the
pictures and cues to write the

Students work in pairs.

Teacher takes some minor
board to stick on the board and
then corrects

Teacher has one student read
aloud before class.

Teacher asks some questions
Students answer

Warm up:

+ Have you ever gone a picnic?
+ When did you go?

+ How did you get there?
+ What did you come back?
+ Did you enjoy it?


Look at the pictures and the information
given.Then write a passage entitled “A
Country Picnic”.Start like this:

<b>It was a beautifull day …</b>

blanket(n)(synonym cover:mền,chăn)
lay out (v)(mime:trải,dọn)


It was a beautiful day, my friends and I
decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to
the countryside and then walked about 20
minutes to the picnic site next to the river. We
put down the blanket and laid out the food.
After meal we played the games “What song
is it?” and blind man’s buff. Late in the
afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed our

picnic. When we looked at the time, it was
nearly 6.30pm. We hurriedly gathered our
things and ran to the bus stop. We were lucky
to catch the last bus and we

arrived home very late in the evening.
Post writing

Where did they have their picnic?
-How did they get there?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

-Have you ever played these games?

Teacher has students imagine a picnic and tell their picnic.
<i><b> 5.Homework:</b></i>

Students write their passage in the notebook.

Students prepare next lesson unit 3 “ language focus”.

Week: 10

Period: 19<b> </b>



<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to consolidate their knowledge of the past simple tense with wish,
prepositions of time, and advrb clauses of result.

<i><b>II. Language content:</b></i>

The past simple tense with wish,
<i> Trepositions of time, </i>

Advrb clauses of result.
<i><b>III.Teaching methods</b>:</i>

Suggestion, explanation
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids</b>: </i>

Pictures, minor board, text books
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i>1. Greeting and taking attendance</i>
<i>2. Review of the previous lesson:</i>
T has Ss say what they wish
Ss say what they wish
3. New lesson:

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b> Content</b>
T explains the requirement .

Ss state the structure to make present
unreal wish.

T hangs the pictures and gives suggested
words on the board.

Ss make wish sentence for the situation a.
T checks and corrects if necessary.
Ss make wish sentences for the rest

<i><b>1.What do these people wish ? Write the </b></i>
<i><b>sentences. </b></i>

<b>Ex: a. Ba / can have / new bicycle.</b>
<i>Ba wishes he could write a new bicycle</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

Ss compare the answers in pairs.
Ss give the answers berfore the class.
T checks and corrects if necessary.
Ss copy down the correct answers.

T introduces the situation and explain the
requirement of the exercise.

Ss pay attention to teacher.

T helps Ss know the usage of the
prepositions of time.

Ss take notes, then do the exercise in pairs.
Ss give the answers before the class.
T checks and corrects if necessary.

Ss copy down the correct answers.
T explains the requirement of exercise 3.
Ss do the exercise individually, then
compare the answers in pairs.

Ss give the answers before the class.
T checks and corrects if necessary.

T explains the requirement of the exercise.
Ss pay attention to teacher.

T helps Ss know the adveb clauses of

Ss take notes, then do the exercise in pairs.
Ss give the answers before the class.
T checks and corrects if necessary.
Ss copy down the correct answers.

b.Hoa wishes she could visit her parents.
c.I wish I passed the exam.

d.We wish it did not rain.
e.He wishes he could fly.

f.They wish they stayed in Hue.
<i><b>2.Work with a partner.</b></i>

<i><b>Look at Mr. Thanh’s itinerary for his </b></i>
<i><b>business trip to Singapore. Complete the </b></i>

<i><b>sentences.Use the preposition in the box.</b></i>
-in : tháng, năm, buổi, mùa,…

-on : thứ, ngày tháng,……
-at : giờ, dịp lễ,…

-before/after/till/up to : giờ,…
-between … and…

<b>Answer keys</b>

a.at b.on c.between
d.till e.after f.up to

<b>3.Complete the sentences with on, at, in, </b>

<b>Answer keys</b>

a.on b.at … in c.in
d.for e.in f.at

<i><b>4.Match half sentences. Then write the </b></i>
<i><b>full sentences in your exercise book.</b></i>

<b>Ex: 1-e.Hoa worked hard, so she passed her</b>

<b>Answer keys</b>

2-a: It was hot, so I turned on the air

3-d: Nga is sick today, so she won’t go to

4-b: Na woke up late, so she didn’t have
time for breakfast.

5-c: The new camera didn’t work, so Mrs.
Robinson took it to the shop.

<i>4. Consolidation: </i>
<b> Ss do the test 15’</b>
<b> </b>

<b>Tran Van Thoi Junior High School</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>Class : …………</b>


<b>Mark :</b> <b>Teacher’s comments :</b>

<i><b>Read this paragraph carefully.</b></i>

<i><b> *Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition of time.</b></i>

(1)( at/in/on)……… June 15th<sub>, Last Summer, Nam went on excursion to Oxford.</sub>

(2)(in/ on/at) …… 5 o’clock in the morning, he got up and took a bus, so he arrived there
on time. In the afternoon, he visited the National Gallery, Big Ben and the Hyde Park. (3)
(on/ in/at) ……. the evening, he bought a dictionary and a small disc with the words
“Oxford University “. He met some English students in the bookshop. He was happy to
practice speaking English with many foreigners. Although he felt a bit tired, he had a nice

<i><b>* Then write the answers for the following questions.</b></i>
4.Where did Nam go last Sunday ?

5.How did he go there ?

6.What did he visit ?

7.Where did she meet some English students ?


<b>Answer keys</b>

<i><b>*Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition of time(3.0M).</b></i>
1.On 2.At 3.In

<i><b>* Then write the answers for the following questions(7.0M).</b></i>
4.Nam went on an excursion to Oxford .

5.He went there by bus .

6.He visited the National Gallery, Big Ben and the Hyde Park.
7. He met some English students in the bookshop.

8.He practiced speaking English with many foreigners .
9.No, he didn’t.

10. Yes, he was.
<i>5. Homework: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>


Week 11


<b>Getting started- Listen and read</b>

<i><b> I/Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to produce the questions for an oral examination
<i> II/ <b>Language content:</b></i>

<b> </b> Grammar:- Modal verbs with If.

- Direct and reported speech (here and now words in reported speech)
- reported questions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<i><b>III. Teaching methods:</b></i>

Communiticative approach

Techniques:ask – answer, listen,speak, read, write,pair work-groupwork.

<i><b>IV. Teaching aids</b>: </i>

Pictures, text book ,tape, cassette player,minorboard….
<i><b>V/ Procedures:</b></i>

<i>1/Greeting –taking attendance</i>
<i> 2/Reviwing of the previous lesson.</i>
3/New lesson.

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b> Content</b>
<b>Warm up:</b>

<b>1.Getting started :</b>

Teacher plays the tape again.
Students listen to the tape.

Teacher has students practice in pair.
Students role play before class.
Teacher asks students skim and
find the answers

Students read to list of questions
for the oral examination of Royal
English College.

Teacher gets them to read to
dialogue again and decides what
questions that the examiner asked

<i><b>a.Practice the dialogue with a partner.</b></i>

<i><b>b.Answer. What exactly did the examiner</b></i>
<i><b>ask Lan? Look at the list of questionsn </b></i>
<i><b>and check(V) the boxes</b></i>

* Answer keys:

<b> Royal English College</b>

<b>Examination in English as Foreign </b>

<b>Stage one: Oral examination</b>
<b>Answer keys :</b>
Teacher asks students to give some

personal information and asks them
to make questions with cues given.

Students play games following

after teacher guides then answer

some questions

Teacher sets the scene

Students listen to the teacher.
Teacher plays the tape.
Students listen to the tape.
Teacher explains new words
Students copy down


When did you start studying Enghish?
How have you studied?

<b>2.Listen and read:</b>

Lan is talking to Paola, a foreign student,
about the oral examination that she has
just taken.

<i><b>While-listening and reading.</b></i>
<b>New words:</b>

Aspect (n): lĩnh vực, khía cạnh, mặt

Examiner (n): giám khảo(definition: a
person who ask questions)

Candidate (n): thí sinh

(definition: one who takes part in an cam)

write examination # oral examination:cuộc
thi viết  cuộc thi vấn đáp

<b>How do you </b>

<b>learn English </b>?

learn to sing
write English as

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

Students do exercise individually
then compare with their partners.
Teacher asks students to role play
of examiner and another plays the
role of Lan .

Students practice the dialogue
before class.

Teacher asks

Students answer some questions

1.What is your name?

2.Where do you come from?
6.Why are you learning English?

7.Do you speak any other languages ?
8.How did you learn English in your

9.How will you use English in the future?
10.What aspect of learning English do you
find most difficult?

14.Read this passage.

<i><b>*Post-listening and reading</b></i>

-Have you ever taken such an examination
like this?

-Do you think Lan passed the exam?
<b>IV/ Consolidation.</b>

<b> Teacher review the knowledge in the lesson.</b>

Students learn the lesson.

Students prepare next part Unit4:“Speak ”.

<b>Week 11</b>
<b>Period 21</b>


<b> Speak</b>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to persuade their friends to attend the school they like.
<i><b>II. Language content:</b></i>

Grammar: Expressions of opinion to persuade someone to do something.
Vocabulary:dormitory (n); reputation (n)

<i><b>III.Teaching methods.</b></i>
Communicative approach

Techniques: listen-speak-read-write,ask-answer,pairwork,groupwork,individual work.
<i><b>VI. Teaching aids:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>


<i>1.Greeting-taking attendance</i>
<i>2.Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>

Students role play the dialogue.then answer some questions.
<i>3.New lesson.</i>

<i><b>Teacher and students’activities</b></i> <i><b> Content</b></i>
Teacher asks students to answer some


Students answer.

Teacher shows some advertisements of
English language courses, giving some
eliciting questions:

Teacher sets the scene.
Students listen to teacher.
Teacher explains new words.

+ Asking students to scan the
information of the 3 school ads and
pick out the new words.

+ Demonstrating the new words


-Have you ever persuaded someone to
do something ?( if yes What you

Do you want to attend an English
language summer course abroad?
Which school would you like to go?

<i>Work in groups. You are Thu, Tam and </i>
<i>Kim, and you are awarded a </i>

<i>scholarship of US$2,000 to attended an </i>

<i>English summer course aboard. Try to </i>
<i>persuade your partner to attend the </i>
<i>school you would like to go to. The </i>
<i>expressions in the box may help you.</i>
Campus(n) )(explanation:the grounds of
a school,college…..khu viên trường

Dormitory(n)(explanation:A place
where students live in a

school,college,university; kí túc sá)

* suggestions are used to persuade sb
<i>to attend the school they like </i>

Teacher gives some expressions to
express opinions in order persuade
others to do something.

Teacher asks Students to read the 3 ads.
As well as the sample conversation to

+ I think you should (ought to) …
+ What do you think … ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

get 2 ads left.

Students read 3 the ads.

Teacher has work in group of three to
active. Using information from the 2
ads left.

Students work in pairs.
Teacher Calls on 2 groups to

demonstrate their conversation in front
of class.

Students practice before class.
Teacher correct if necessary.

-Ss write the sentences they have just
talked in their notebooks.

-T asks, Ss answer the questions.

+ What (How) about + Ving … ?


<i>ideas are given :</i>

I don’t understand …
I agree / disagree …
we should


<b>A:I think we should go to the Seattle</b>

School of English in the USA.you can
stay with Vietnamese friends.

<b>B: I disagree because we cant’t practice</b>
speaking with native speakers.

<b>C:Why don’t we go to Brighton</b>
Language Center in the United
Kingdom? If we go there, we can live in
a dormitory on campus.

<b>A: But the course is too expensive.</b>
It costs US$ 2,000.

<b>B:What do you think about the Brisbane</b>
Institute of English in Australia?


a.Who can persual your partners ?

4/ Consolidation.

Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.
T asks

Ss answer the questions :

a.Which school has excellent repulation ?

b.How long will you learn to attend the school in the USA ?

d.If you were these people, which school would you like to attend ?
5/ Homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>


Week: 12
Period :22


<b> Listen </b>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Students can realize the importance of learning a foreign language, especially English.
<i><b>IILanguage content</b></i>


Vocabulary: related learning a foreign language.
<i><b>III.Teaching methods.</b></i>

Communicative approach.

Techniques:listen-speak-read-write,ask-answer, pairwork-group work,individual work.
<i><b>IVTeaching aids:</b></i>

Cassette lpayer, tape, visual aids, colored chalk, students’ book.
<i><b>V. Procedure:</b></i>

<i>1/ Greeting –taking attendence.</i>
<i>2/Review of the previous lesson.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
T asks

Ss answer the questions.

T introduces the situation and explains the

Ss pay attention to teacher and read the

T plays the tape three times or more.
Ss listen to the tape and do the exercises.
Ss compare the answers in pairs.

Ss gives the answers on the board.
T checks and corrects if necessary.
Ss copy down the correct answers.


Do you like studying English?
What do you improve in English?
Are you interested in studying abroad?
What should you prepare for your

What do you study English for ?


<i>Nga is talking to Kate about her studying </i>
<i>English. Listen to their conversation. </i>
<i>Check ( ) the boxes and correct the false </i>

<i><b>Tape transcript</b></i>

Host : Kate, Can I introduce you to Nga ?
She’s studying English here in London.
Kate : Hello, pleased to meet you.
Nga : Pleased to meet you, too.
Kate : Where are you from, Nga ?
Nga : I’m from Vietnam.

Kate : Why are you studying English here ?
Nga : I need it for my job.

Kate : Really ? So, what do you do ?

Nga : I work for a bank, an international

in Hanoi.

Kate : Oh, I see. Did you learn English at
school ?

Nga : Yes, and at University, too. But I’ve

er … forget …
Kate : forgotten

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

T asks

Ss answer the questions.

Nga : It’s terrible. This is my biggest
problem. People talk very quickly
and I can’t understand them.

Kate : Do you like studying English ?
Nga : Oh, yes, it’s an interesting language

and it’s very useful; and I can talk to
people from all over the world …
and I can understand the words of
my favorite songs, too.

Kate : Well, that’s very good. Good luck to
you, Nga.

<b>Suggested answers</b>


3.False . She works for an international
bank in Ha Noi.


5.False . Her listening is terrible.(this is her
biggest problem. People talked very

quickly and she can’t understand them)

a.What aspect of learning English don’t
you like ?

b.Which skills are you good at ?
c.What can you do to improve your
listening / speaking skill ?

<i> </i>


T asks, Ss answer the questions.
a. Who are talking in the dialogue ?
b. Why does Nga need to study English ?
c. Where does she work ?

d. Which skills does she want to improve ?

e.What about you ? What can you do to improve your listening
<i>5.Home work.</i>

Students learn by heard the knowledge in the lesson.
Students prepare next part “ read”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<b>Period 23</b>


<b> Read </b>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to know how to scan for specific information from an

<i><b>II. Language content:</b></i>

<b>-</b> Grammar: Present and past simple tenses (review)

<b>-</b> New words: language level: beginner; intermediate, advanced.
<i><b>III. Teaching methods:</b></i>

Communicative approach.

Techniques: ask –answer, listen-speak-read-write,pair work-group-work.
<i><b>VI. Teaching aids:</b></i>

Textbook, worksheet,minorboard,pens,color chalk...
<i><b>V. Procedure:</b></i>

<i>1.Greeting taking attendance.</i>
<i>2.Review of the previous lesson.</i>
Teacher asks some questions

1.Did Nga learn English at school or at university ?
2.How is Nga’s listening ?

3.Does Nga need to improve her writing ?
Students answers

<b>Suggested answers:</b>
1. At university.

2. Her listening is terrible.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<i><b>Teacher and</b></i>

<i><b>students’activities</b></i> <i><b>Content</b></i>

T has Ss answer some

Students answer the

Teacher axplains some new

Students write down in the


<i><b>-Warm up</b></i>:

1. What did you do last summer?
2. Did anyone attend a summer class?

3. If you want to attend an English school, what
should you do to know that is a suitable language
school for you?

1. What are they? (à piece of advertisement)

2. What are they about? (à foreign language



<b>New words :</b>

Foreign Language Council

Academy of language

beginner / intermediate / advanced
available (adj)

offer (v)

well-qualified (adj)

<i><b>a.Note down information about English classes fro</b></i>
<i><b>the advertisements</b></i>



T has Ss have a look at the
pieces of advertisement on
p.36 then asks Ss:

T has Ss do TASK 1:
exercise a/p.36.

Ss do TASK 1: exercise a
individually work.

Teacher calls students to
compare their answers with
their friends.

Teacher asks students to read
the advertisements to

complete the table.

Ss read advertisements to
complete the table on page

Teacher asks students work
in group in 5 minutes.
The fastest group will go to
the board to complete the

T correct the Ss answer if

T explains the requirement
of exercise b.

<i><b>TASK 1</b></i>:

School Class time
(morning /
afternoon /
(beginner /
/ advanced)
Time to

<i>Advanced</i> <i>First</i>
<i>week of</i>
<i>Beginner</i> <i>(today)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>



Period 24

<b> </b>


<b> WRITE</b>


Ss will be able to know how to write a letter of inquiry to institution requesting

for more information about the course and fees.

Language skills : writing, reading, less speaking and listening.

<i><b>II.Language content</b></i>

1.Vocabulary : related to learning a foreign language

2.Grammar : past simple, present simple

<i><b>III.Teaching mehods</b></i>

Comunicative approach

Techniques: Eliciting, explanation, asking, answering, individual work,


<i><b>IV.Teaching aids</b></i>

Minor boards

<i> </i>


<i>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</i>

<i> 2.Review of the previous lesson.</i>

T asks, Ss answer the questions.

a.If you want to get advanced level, where can you learn ?

b.Which school is only for beginner ?

c.If you want to learn Chinese or French, where can you learn ?

d.Which school is the most suitable for Mr. Lam ? why ?

Ss write new words on the board : well-qualified (adj), institute (n), intermediate

(adj), advanced (adj).

<i> </i>

3.New lesson

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b>


Teacher gives a game.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

and ask students from 2 teams to go to the
board and write the correct words.

Students work in group.

( The team which is faster with more
corrects words will win the game).

T asks

Ss answer the questions.

T explains the way to write a formal letter

Ss pay attention to teacher and take notes.
T calls some Ss to read the letter before

the class.

T explains new words and structures.
Ss pay attention to teacher and take notes.

T reads the requirement of part b and

Ss write formal letters individually.
Ss compare the answer in pairs.

T calls some Ss to show their letters in
front of the class.

T checks and corrects any mistakes if

Ss copy down the correct letter.

 Versetimadnet à advertisement
 Swne à news

 Resetting à interesting
 Atmorfioinn à information
 Sasecenry à necessary

Do you often read advertisements or
newspapers ?

If you want to know more information

about the course, what will you do ?


<i>A letter of inquiry is a request for more</i>

<i>information or action. In all formal </i>

<i>letters, you must include the addresses </i>

<i>of the writer and the recipient.</i>

<b>a.Read this letter.</b>
<b>New words :</b>

-inquiry (n)cuộc thẩm vấn, cuộc điều tra
-recipient (n)người nhận

-edition (n) lần xuất bản, bản in.
-fee (n) Phí, lệ phí

<b>Structures :</b>

-look forward to + V-ing … .
-Could you please …?

<b>b.Write a letter of inquiry to the </b>
<b>institution requesting for more </b>

<b>information about the courses and fees.</b>

<b>Guiding letter :</b>
Dear Sir,

I saw your institute’s advertisement on
today’s TV program. I am very interested
in learning English and I would like some
information about your Institute. I can
speak a little English, but I read it very
slowly and my writing is bad, so I want to
improve my reading and writing.

Could you please provide more
information about the length of the
courses and fees for beginners ? I can
supply my record of English study if

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

T asks, Ss answer the questions.

Thu Ha

How many parts are there in a formal
letter ? what are they ?

4/ Consolidation.

<i>. Students write a letter of inquiry to the instruction requesting for more information </i>
about the courses and fees.

5/ Homework.

Students write the letter again and prepare next part “ language focus”.

Week : 13

Period : 25

<b> </b>

<b> </b>




To help Ss understand the way to change directed speech into reported speech.
<i><b>II.Language content</b></i>

<b> 1.Vocabulary</b>

Modal verds with if ,reported speech, reported questions
<i><b>III.Teaching methods</b></i>

Communicative approach

Eliciting, explanation, asking, answering, individual work, pair work.
<i><b>IV.Teaching aids</b></i>

Pictures, monor boards

<i> 1.Greeting and taking attendance.</i>

<i> 2.Review of the previous lesson.</i>

T calls some students to check their writing.
<i> 3.New lesson</i>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
-T explains the requirement and the


-Ss read examples a and b.
-Ss take notes.

<b>1.Complete the sentences. Use the </b>
<b>modal verbs in brackets and the </b>
<b>information in the box.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

-Ss do exercises in pairs.

-Some pairs roleplay the dialogues before
the class.

-T checks and corrects if necessary.
-Ss copy down the correct answers.
-T explains the requirement.

-T has Ss complete the table in pairs.
-Ss give the answers before the class.
-T checks and corrects if necessary.
-Ss copy down the correct answers.

<b>(modal verb + V)</b>

<b>Ex: a. If you want to get good marks, you </b>
must study hard.

b.You have to go to the university if
you want to study machine.

Answer keys

c. … , you should do a lot of exercises.
d. …, he might miss the train.

e. … , you ought to stay in bed.
f.You must do your homework … .
<b>2.Complete the table.</b>

<b>Answer keys</b>

<b>Directed speech</b> <b>Reported speech</b> <b>Directed speech</b> <b>Reported speech</b>
present simple tense past simple tense this that

these <i>those</i>

present progressive

<i>past progressive </i>

here <i>there</i>

future simple tense <i>future in the past</i> now then

can/may <i>could/might</i> today <i>that day</i>

must <i>had to</i> tomorrow the following day

-T helps Ss understand the situation.

-T explains the example.

-Ss pay attention to teacher and take

-Ss do the exercises individually.
-Ss compare the answer in pairs.
-Ss gives the answer before the class.
-T checks and corrects if necessary.

<b>3.Lan’s father held a party to celebrate </b>
<b>his mother’s birthday. Unfortunately, </b>
<b>Mrs. Thu, her grandmother, has a </b>
<b>hearing problem and she couldn’t hear </b>
<b>what people were saying. After the </b>
<b>party, Lan reported everything to her </b>

<b>Ex : “I’m happy to see you.”</b>

<b>Aunt Xuan said she was happy to see </b>

<b>Answer keys</b>

a.Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

-Ss copy down the correct answers.

- T helps Ss understand the situation.

T explains the example.

-Ss pay attention to teacher and take

-Ss do the exercises individually.
-Ss compare the answer in pairs.
-Ss gives the answer before the class.
-T checks and corrects if necessary.
-Ss copy down the correct answers.

d.Mr. Chi said he would go to Hue the
following day.

e.Mrs. Hoa said she might have a new job.
f.Mr. Quang said he had to leave then.
<b>4.This morning Nga had an interview </b>

<b>for a summer job. When she arrived </b>
<b>home, she told her mother about the </b>

<b>Ex : “Do you like pop music?”</b>

<b>She asked me if/whether I liked pop </b>

“Where do you live?”
<b>She asked me where I lived.</b>

<b>Answer keys</b>
a.She asked me how old I was.

b.She asked me if/whether my school was
near there.

c.She asked me what the name of my
school was.

d.She asked me if/whether I went to
school by bike.

e.She asked me which grade I was in.
f.She asked me if/whether I could use a

g.She asked me why I wanted that job.
h.She asked me when my school vacation



T emphasizes the way to change yes/no-questions and wh-questions into reported


Ss learn by heart all new words and revieư the structures from unit 3 to unit 4 to prepare
for test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

Week: 14

Period: 25*


<i><b>I. Ojectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to consolidate their knowledge of the past simple with wish,
prepositions of time, adverb clauses of result, modal verbs with if, and reported speech.
<i><b>II. Language content:</b></i>

- Grammar: the past simple with wish, prepositions of time, adverb clauses of
result, modal verbs with if, and reported speech.

- Vocabularies: related to the countryside and learning a language.
<i><b>III.Teaching methods</b></i>

Communicative approach

Eliciting, explanation, asking, answering, individual work, pair work.
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids:</b></i>

Test books, reference books
<i><b>V. Procedures:</b></i>

<i>1. Greeting and taking attendance</i>

<i>2. Review of the previous lesson: done in each part of the period</i>
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
- T explains the requirement and suggests

Ss how to do it.

- Ss do the exrcise . then give the answer.

- T corrects if necessary.

<i><b>Exercise 1. Choose the best option:</b></i>

1. The farmers were working (on/ in/ at) the
field when we came.

2. The children ran (on/ to/ up) the hill to
see the sunset.

3. the students will visit the capital (on/ in/
at) summer.

4. Thu wishes she ( can win/ will win/
could win) the tennis championship.
5. The boys wish their team ( didn’t lose/
won’t lose/ don’t lose) the game.

6. Ba said he (got/ gets/ getting) some good
maeks last semester.

7. They asked me how many children (I
had/ had I/ I have).

8. If you (want/ wanted/ will want) to pass
the exam, you should try harder.

9. My friends practice( listen/ listened/
listening) to the radio every day.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

- T explains the requirement and suggests
Ss how to do it.

- Ss do the exrcise . then write the
sentences on the board.

- T corrects if necessary.

<i><b>Exercise 2: Rewrite the following </b></i>
<i><b>sentences, beginning with:</b></i>

1. Tom said: “ I can swim across the river.”

Tom said he could swim across the river.
2. “ Where does your father work?” the
teacher asked me.

The teacher asked mw where my father

3. “ Does Hoa play badminton?” Lan asked

Lan asked Thu if Hoa played badminton.
4. Their mother doesn’t buy them new

They wish their mother bought them new

2. It rains today.

We wish it didn’t rain today.

6. Thu doesn’t have enough time to do the

She wishes she had enough time to do the

7. She said: “She doesn’t buy that book.”
She said she didn’t buy that book.


Teacher review the knowledge in the lesson

<i>5.Homework: </i>

Ss see units 3 and 4 for the 45-minute test.

Week : 14

Period : 26




Ss will be able to :

*Language focus :do exercises on grammar notes and vocabulary related to unit 3 and 4.
*Reading : read and understand the passage talking about English in Great Britain.
*Writing : write reported speech (statement, yes/no-question, wh-question).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<i><b>II.Matrix </b></i>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu </b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>

<b>TNKQ TL</b> <b>TNKQ TL</b> <b>TNKQ TL</b>

<b>I.Language </b>

<b>8 </b>
<b> 2</b>

<b> 2</b>

<b>II.Reading</b> <b>5</b>

<b> 2,5</b> <b>5 2,5</b>

<b>III. Writing</b> <b>2</b>


<b> 1,5</b>

<b> 2,5</b>

<b>IV.Listening</b> <b>12</b>

<b> 3</b> <b>12 3</b>

<b>Tổng</b> <b>20</b>

<b> 10</b>

<b>Tran Van Thoi Junior High School</b>

<b>Student’s name : ………</b>
<b>Class : …………</b>


<b>Mark :</b> <b>Teacher’s comments :</b>

<b>A.Language focus</b>

<i><b>I.Circle the best option to complete the blanks. (3.0ms)</b></i>
1.Lan returned home ………. 8 o’clock last night.

a.in b.on c.at d.between
2.We usually go to our home village ……… the summer.

a.to b.on c.in d.at
3.Another word for “maise” is “………” .

a.corn b.food c.cake d.cake
4.My parents work from Monday ……… Friday.

a.on b.to c.and d.with
5.If you study hard, you can ……… the exam.

a.will pass b.passing c.passes d.pass
6.Ba wishes he ……… have a new bike.

a.has b.have c.could have d.can have
7.Nam is sick today, ……… he won’t go to school.

a.but b.because c.if d.so

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

a.advertise b.advertising c.advertisement d.advertises
9. Rice is ……… in those field.

a. plant b. planted c. plants d. planting

10. Long wishes he ……… a doctor.

a. is b. am c. was d. were

11. My sister used to ……….. up late last year.

a. stay b.stayings c. stays d. stayed

12.We enjoy ……….. meals.

a. cook b. cooking c. cooks d.cooked

<b>B.Reading (2,5 ms)</b>
<i><b>I.Read the passage .</b></i>

Now I are in grade 9 . I have already known some English. I have learned English for
nearly four years. If I go to Britain, people there will understand what they say and I will
understand them if they speak the things that I know. All people who live in Britain can
speak English, but not all the people are English in that country.

Great Britain is a large country. It is much larger than France.It has four parts. They are
England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. England is the largest part of the

country and has always been the strongest. English is the national language in all parts of

<i><b>Read the passage above again and then answer the questions</b></i>
1. Which grade are you in ?

2. Have you learn English for five years.

3.Is Great Britain a large country ?

4. How many parts are there in Great Britain ?

5. What are they?


<b>C.Writing (1,5 ms)</b>

I.<i><b>Write reported speech for the following situations.</b></i>
1.Mr. Lam said : “I love these roses”.

Mr. Lam said ……….. .

2.Hung said : “I am doing my homework now”.

Hung said ………... .
3.Teacher asked me : “What is your name?”

Teacher asked me ……….. .
D.Listening ( 3.0 ms)

<i><b>Listen and fill in each blank with one suitable word</b></i> .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

About 60 kilometers to the …(4)…… of Ha Noi. The …(5)……lies near the foot of a
mountain and by a…(6)……. many people go there on weekends to have a rest after a
hard working week.

The journey to the village is very…(7)……...People have a …(8)…….to travel between
the ……(9)….. paddy fields and a small ………(10)……. forest before they reach a big
old ……(11)…….tree at the ………(12)……….to the village.

<i><b>Signature</b></i> :

<b>Week : 15</b>
<b>Period : 27</b>



To help Ss know the answer keys of the test as well as review the knowledge they have
studied in unit 3 and 4.

<i><b>II.Language content</b></i>

<b> 1.Vocabulary : related to unit 3 and 4</b>
2.Grammar :

-Prepositions of time

-Reported speech (statement, yes-no question, wh-question )
<i><b>III.Teaching methods</b></i>

Communicative approach

Techniques:Asking, answering, explanation.
<i><b>IV.Teaching aids</b></i>



1.Greeting and taking attendance
<i> 2.Review of the previous lesson</i>

T calls some Ss to state the usages of prepositions of time they have studied.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

<i>3.New lesson</i>

T helps Ss know the answer keys of the test and explains if Ss don’t understand.

Teacher and students’activities Content

Teacher calls students to give the
answers and explain how to choose
them before class.

Students give their answers.
Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

<b>A.Language focus</b>

<i><b> Circle the best option to complete the </b></i>
<i><b>blanks. (3.0 marks)</b></i>

Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm

1.c 2.c 3.a 4. a

6.c 7.d 8.c 9.b 10.d
11.a 12.b

Teacher asks students to skim the text .
Students compare their answers in pair.
TeachTeacher calls some students to give the

correct answers before class.
Students give the correct answers
before class.

Teacher calls another students to

Teacher gives the correct answers.

Teacher calls students to how to write
reported speech.

Students compare the answers with
their partner.

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Teacher asks students to read the
exercises and remmenber then choose
the correct answers.

Students work in pair.

Teacher plays the tape twice.

<b>B.Reading (2,5 marks)</b>

Câu 1,2,5 đúng 0,5 điểm, riêng câu 3,4
mỗi phần đúng 0,5 điểm

1.I am in grade 9
2. No, I haven’t

3. Yes, it is

4.There are four parts in Great Britain.
5. They are England, Wales, Scotland,
and Northern Ireland.

<b>C.Writing (1,5 marks)</b>

<i><b> Write reported speech for the </b></i>
<i><b>following situations</b></i>

<b>Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm</b>

<b> I. 1.Mr. Lam said he loved those roses.</b>
2.Hung said he was doing his

homework then.

3.Teacher asked me what my name

D.Listening (3.0 marks)

<i><b>Listen and fill in each blank with one </b></i>
<i><b>suitable word</b></i> .

Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

Students listen and choose the correct

Teacher has students compare their
answers with each other.

Teacher calls some students give the
correct answers before class.

Teacher plays the tape again.

there on weekends to have a rest after a
hard working week.

The journey to the village is very
<b>interesting .People have a chance to </b>
travel between the green paddy fields
and a small bamboo forest before they
reach a big old bayan

tree at the entrance to the village.


Teacher reminds the knowledge in the test.
5/ Home work.

Students prepare next part unit 5 “ getting started- listen and read”

<b>Week 15</b>

<b>Period :28</b>

<b> UNIT 5: THE MEDIA</b>

<b> Getting started – Listen and Read </b>


Students are able to talk about the media as well as to know something about the
development of means of communication.

<i><b>II. Language contents:</b></i>

Vocabulary: Words refer to the media “town crier – interactive TV – the latest news
information – remote controls”

Grammar: Gerund after some verbs
<i><b>III.Teaching methods:</b></i>

Communicative approach

Techniques: ask-answer, listen, speak,read,write, pairwork-group work.
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids: </b></i>

Cassette recorder; tape; pictures; visual aids;
<i><b>V.Teaching procedures:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<i>2.Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>
3. New lesson.

Teacher and students’activities Content

Teacher gives a game and guide

students how to play
Students play games

Warm up:


can see film, newsreel,film everyday.
Transmitte and recept the masseges by
eletro-mognetic waves.

Printed publication usually daily or
weekly with news.

An electronics machine for performing
caculation automatically.



Teacher has students think about their
favourite activities and how much time
they spend on each activity.

Students work in individual work.
Teacher asks students to practice in


Students work in pair.

Teacher calls students to practice before

Students practice before class.
Teacher correct if necessary.

Teacher introduces the content of the

Students listen to teacher.
Teacher plays the tape.
Students listen to the tape.
Teacher explains new words.
Students copy in the notebook.
Teacher asks some questions

Key word:MEDIA

<i><b>*Pre-listening and reading</b></i>
<b>1.Getting started</b>

<i>Work with a partner. Ask and answer </i>
<i>questions about your favorite activities </i>
<i>and how much time you spend on each </i>

Example : page 40

<i><b>*While-listening and reading</b></i>
New words:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

Students answer

Teacher asks students to skim the text.
Students read silently.

Teacher asks students to read the
questions and find the answers.
Students work in pairs.

Teacher asks students to complete the
table with the passage letters in which
these facts or events are mentioned.
Students work in dividually.

Teacher has students compare with their

Students work in pair.

Teacher calls some pairs to give the
answers before class.

Students give the answers before class.
Teacher corrects their mistakes if

Students corrects in the notebook.

Teacher asks students read the questions

Students work in pair.

Teacher calls some pairs to practice
before class.

Students practice in front of class.
Teacher comments and corrects.

Teacher asks some questions
Ss answer.

What happened were before the news

What is one of the most popular

<b>Answer keys</b>
A : crier

B : Newspaper and magazines

C : Radio and TV

D : Interactive TV

<b>a.Complete the table in which these </b>
<b>facts or events are mentioned.</b>

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D

<b>b.Answer the questions.</b>

1.A town crier was a person whose job
was to go through city streets ringing a
bell to shout the lasted news as he was

2.The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is one of
the popular magazines and is widely
read by both teenagers and adults.
3.People can get the lasted the

information and enjoy interesting and
inexpensive local and international
programs in a convenieent way.
4.(Students’ answer)

5.(Students’ answer )

<i><b>*Post-listening and reading</b></i>
<b>Question :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

important for our life ? Why ?

<i>4. Consolidation.</i>

Teacher reminds the knowledge in the lesson.
<i>5.Home work.</i>

Students learnt by heard the content in the lesson.
Studentsprepare next part “Speak-language focus 1,2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

Week 16
Period 29

<b>UNIT 5: MEDIA</b>

<b> </b>

<b> Speak - Listen</b>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to talk to their friends about the T.V programs that they like or
dislike and Listen and complete the table with the information they hear from the

<i><b>II. Language content</b></i>

<b>Grammar:Present simple tense, tag questions.</b>

<b>Vocabulary:Violent(n), documentary(n), informative(adj)</b>
<i><b>III.Teaching methods</b></i>

Comunicative approach

Techniques: listen-speak-read-write, pair-work-groupwork, individual work.
<i><b>IV.Teaching aids.</b></i>

Pictures, minorboard, markers, color chalk…

<i>1.Greeting and taking attendance</i>
<i>2.Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

1.What is your favorite type of media ? Why ?
2.What is your favorite program ? Why ?
3.New lesson

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
Teacher guides students how to play


Students play game

T asks, Ss answer the questions.

T explains the requirement.

Two Ss read the dialogue before the

T explains new words and explains.
Ss give the meaning of new words,

practice reading new words

and read new words before the class.
T corrects students’ pronunciation.
T explains the requirement.

Ss read the information in the table.
Ss make similar dialogues in pairs.
T calls some pairs of Ss to roleplay the
dialogues before the class.

T checks and corrects the mistakes if

T asks, Ss answer the questions.

T explains the requirement and
introduces new words.

Ss pay attention to teacher and take

T has Ss read the information in the

T plays the tape. (three times or more)
Ss listen to the tape and complete the

Ss compare the answers in pairs.



<b>Questions :</b>

-Do you like watching TV ?

-What kinds of TV programs do you like
to watch ?



Work with a partner. Read the dialogue.
<b>New words :</b>

violent(adj) (definition:showing great
physical force)

documentary(n)(something written or
printed that gives information)


Now make similar dialogues. Talk about
<i>the programs you like and dislike.</i>

<b>Questions :</b>

-Do you think TV programs are useful ?
-Which program do you lke most ? Why ?


<i>Listen to the conversation between Chau </i>
<i>and her father. Fill in the table with the </i>
<i>information you hear.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

Some Ss give the answers before the

T checks and corrects any mistakes if

Ss copy down the correct answers.
T asks, Ss answer the questions.

<b>Answer keys</b>
a.the late 19th<sub> century</sub>

b.Radio and newsreels
c.in the 1950s

d.The Internet


a.When did television become popular ?
b.What became a major force in

journalisim ?

T has Ss ask and answer each other about the programs they like and dislike.
T asks Ss to make dialogues ( free situation ) using tag questions.


Students learn by heart new words, structures
Students prepare next part “ Read”

Week: 16

Period: 30

<b> </b>

<b>UNIT 5: THE MEDIA</b>

<b> READ</b>

<i><b>I. Objectives :</b></i>

Students will be able to:

- Know the two sides of the Internet.

- Know what their friends think about the Internet.
<i><b>II. Language cotent :</b></i>

<b> 1.Vocabulary :</b>

<b> Related to the media.</b>
2.Grammar :

Present simple tense.
<i><b>III.Techniques :</b></i>

Eliciting, explanation, asking, answering, individual work, pairwork.
<i><b>IV.Teaching aids :</b></i>

Picture, cassette, tape.
<i><b>V.Procedures :</b></i>

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
<i> 2.Preview of the previous lesson.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<i>3. New lesson</i>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
T presents the picture and asks

Ss look at the picture and answer the

T has Ss to to talk about two sides of the

T plays the tape.

Ss listen to the tape once.

T introduce new words and explain.
Ss give the meanings of new words.
Ss practice reading new words after

Some Ss read new words before the class.
T corrects students’ pronunciation if

T has Ss read the text in silience. Then
ask and answer the questions in pairs.
T calls some pairs of Ss to ask and answer
before the class.

T checks and corrects the answers if

Ss copy down the correct answers.

T asks, Ss answer the questions.


-What kind of media is it ?
-Have you ever used it ?

-Is it useful ?

<i><b>*Pre-reading :</b></i>

<i>Read the forum on the Internet.</i>
*Usefulness : get information, relax,
communicate,… .

*Harmfulness : costly, virus, bad
program, time-consuming, … .
<i><b>New words : </b></i>

-surf (v)Lướt sóng
-get access to(v) tiếp cận
-purpose (n) mục đích
-limitation (n) sự giới hạn

-time-consuming (adj) tốn thời gian
-alert (adj) tỉnh táo, nhanh trí

<i><b>*While-reading :</b></i>
Answer keys :

1.Sandra uses the Internet to get

information and communicate with her
friends and relatives.

2.Because she lives in the countryside,
where the Internet is unavailable.

3.People use the Internet for education,
communication, entertainment, and

4.Benefits : The Internet is used for
muti-purposes : for getting information, for
communication, entertainment, and

5.Yes, there are some disadvantages : time
consuming, costly, dangerous, because of
viruses and bad programs.

6.Students’ answers.
7.Students’ answers.
<i><b>*Post-listening :</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

<i> 4.Consolidation</i>

T has Ss list the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
<i> 5.Homework :</i>

Ss learn new words, practice reading the text
Ss see units 1-4 for revision

<b>Signature: </b>

<b>ANH 9</b>

<b>A. Lý thuyết.</b>
<b>I. Thì (tense).</b>

1. Thì hiện tại đơn. 4. Thì hiện tại hồn thành.
2. Thì tương lai đơn. 5. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.
3. Thì quá khứ đơn. 6. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.
(Nêu tên Tiếng Anh các thì trên, nêu cách sử dụng và các trạng từ thường gặp ở
từng thì, nêu cấu trúc ở dạng khẳng định, phủ định, nghi vấn và cho 1 ví dụ với
mỗi trường hợp)

<b>II. Câu bị động (passive).</b>

Nêu cấu trúc câu chủ động và vẽ sơ đồ thành lập cấu trúc câu bị động với
các thì sau, và cho 2 ví dụ với mỗi trường hợp.

1. Thì hiện tại đơn. 4. Thì hiện tại hồn thành.
2. Thì tương lai đơn. 5. Động từ khiếm khuyết.
3. Thì quá khứ đơn.

<b>III. Câu tường thuật (reported speech). </b>

Nêu cách chuyển đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp với các trường hợp sau,
và cho 2 ví dụ với mỗi trường hợp. Lưu ý : nhớ liệt kê những từ phải chuyển đổi
khi viết câu tường thuật.

1. Statement 2. Yes/No-questions 3. Wh-questions
<b>IV. Câu hỏi đuôi (tag questions).</b>

Nêu cách thành lập phần đuôi trong câu hỏi đi. Cho 2 ví dụ với từng thì sau :
1. Thì hiện tại đơn. 3.Thì quá khứ đơn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

<b>V. Câu ao ước (unreal present wish).</b>

Nêu cấu trúc tổng quát. Cho 2 ví dụ với mỗi trường hợp sau :

1. Động từ tobe. 3. Modal verb “can”.
2. Động từ thường. 4. Future simple “will”.

<b>VI. Mệnh đề kết quả (adverb clause of result).</b>

Nêu lên từ sử dụng trong mệnh đề kết quả là gì, có nghĩa gì ? Cho 2 ví dụ có sử
dụng mệnh đề kết quả.

<b> VII. Câu điều kiện loại I. (conditional sentence type I)</b>

Viết cấu trúc tổng quát của câu điều kiện loại I và kết hợp với “Modal verbs with
if”, nêu cách sử dụng và cho 2 câu ví dụ.

<b>VIII. Hình thức động từ theo sau một số động từ. (verb forms after some verbs).</b>
Nêu rõ các hình thức động từ theo sau các động từ sau đây là gì ? Cho 1 ví dụ với
mỗi trường hợp.

Used to, spend, like, dislike, hate, love, enjoy.

<b>IX. Giới từ chỉ thời gian. (prepositions of time)</b>

Liệt kê các giới từ chỉ thời gian và nêu cách sử dụng của từng từ. Cho 1 ví dụ

với mỗi từ.

<b> X.Từ vựng : ôn từ bài 1 đến 5.</b>
<b>B. Bài tập.</b>

Language focus, reading, writing, listening.

Week 17
Period 31


<i><b>I/ Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to review the whole knowledge from unit1 to unit 5
<i><b>II/Language content:</b></i>

Grammar: tenses
Vocabulary: review.

<i><b>III/ Teaching methods:</b></i>

Communicative approach, Suggestions.
<i><b>IV/ Teaching aids:</b></i>

Textbook,reference book.
<i><b>V/ Procedures:</b></i>

<i>1/Greeting- taking attendance</i>
<i>2/ Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>

<i>3 New lesson.</i>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
-Teacher has students remember the

usage, the adverbs and the formation of

<b>1.Past simple tense</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

the past simple.

-Students remember and state before
the class.

-Teacher check and correct.

-Students copy down the usage, the
adverbs and the formation of the past
simple tense.Then give some examples.
-Teacher checks and correct if


-Teacher has students remember the
usage, the adverbs and the formation of
the present simple tense.

-Students remember and state before
the class.

-Teacher checks and corrects.
-Students copy down the usage, the
adverbs and the formation of this
tense.Then give some examples.
-Teacher corrects if necessary.

-Teacher has students remember the
usage, the adverbs and the formation of
the present perfect tense.

-Students remember and state before
the class.

-Teacher checks and corrects.
-Students copy down the usage, the
adverbs and the formation of this
tense.Then give some examples.
-Teacher corrects if necessary.

and finished at a particular time in the

<i><b>*Adverbs</b></i> : yesterday, last night / week
/ month / year…, … ago.

<i><b>*Formation : </b></i>

-S + V-ed/V (past form) … .
-S + didn’t + V (bare inf.) … .
-Did + S + V (bare inf.) … ?

<i><b>Ex</b></i>:-Lan bought a new hat yesterday.
-Lan didn’t buy a new hat yesterday.
-Did Lan buy a new hat yesterday ?
<b>2.Present simple tense.</b>

<i><b>*usage</b></i>:expressing habitual or everyday
activity, used for general statements of
fact,… .

<i><b>*Adverbs :</b></i> sometimes, often, usually,
always, never, every….

<i><b>*Formation :</b></i>

-S + V-s / -es + … .

-S +don’t / doesn’t + V (bare inf.) + …

_Do / Does + S + V (bare inf.) + … ?
Ex:-Hoa cleans the floor every day.
-Hoa doesn’t clean the floor every

-Does Hoa clean the floor every

<b>3.Future simple tense</b>

<i><b>*Usage</b></i><b>:expressing an action will </b>

happen in the future.

<i><b>*Advebs</b></i>: tomorrow, tonight, next week /
month / year / …, on the weekend,… .
<i><b>*Formation</b></i> :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

-Teacher has students remember the
usage, the adverbs and the formation of
the present perfect tense.

-Students remember and state before
the class.

-Teacher checks and corrects.
-Students copy down the usage, the
adverbs and the formation of this
tense.Then give some examples.
-Teacher corrects if necessary.

-Teacher has students remember the
usage, the adverbs and the formation of
the present progressive tense.

-Students remember and state before
the class.

-Teacher checks and corrects.
-Students copy down the usage, the
adverbs and the formation of this
tense.Then give some examples.

-Teacher has students remember the
usage, the adverbs and the formation of
the past progressive tense.

-S + won’t / shan’t + V (bare inf.) + … .
-Will / Shall + S + V (bare inf.) + … ?
<i><b>Ex:</b></i>- Minh will come here next

-Minh won’t come here next

-Will Minh come here next summer?
<b>4.Present perfect tense</b>

<i><b>*Usage</b></i>:expressing an action that began
in the past and continues to the present,
or at an unspecified time in the past, or
an action has just happened.

<i><b>*Adverbs:</b></i> since, for, already,recently,
just, ever, never, yet, … .


-S + have / has + V-ed / V (past
participle) + ….

-S + haven’t / hasn’t + V-ed / V (p.p) +

… .

-Have / Has + S + V-ed / V (p.p) +… ?
<i><b>Ex:</b></i>-I have already seen that film.
-Long hasn’t met Loan since 2005.
-Have you visited HaLong Bay yet?
<b>5.The present progressive tense.</b>
<i><b>*Usage</b></i>:expressing an action that is
happening at the present.

<i><b>*Adverbs:</b></i> now, at the present, at the


-S + is / am /are + V-ing … .

-S + is / am / are + not + V-ing … .
-Is / Am / Are + S + V-ing … ?
Ex: I am cooking dinner now.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

-Students remember and state before
the class.

-Teacher checks and corrects.
-Students copy down the usage, the
adverbs and the formation of this
tense.Then give some examples.


<b>6.The past progressive tense.</b>

<i><b>*Usage</b></i> : expressing an action that was
happening at the point time in the past.
<i><b>*Adverb</b></i> : at 5 o’clock yesterday, … .

-S + was / were + V-ing … .
-S + was / were + not + V-ing … .
-Was / were + S + V-ing … ?
Ex :

<b> 4.Consolidation</b>

- Students do the exercises.

<i><b> *Fill in the blanks with the correct tense form of the verbs.</b></i>
a.I ……… a letter from my friend yesterday. (receive)

b.Lan ……… the English Speaking Club next week. (attend)
c.We ……… in this hospital for 4 years. (work)

d.Phong usually ……… to school by bike. (go)

e.Minh ……….. his homework at the present. (do)
f.At six o’clock yesterday, I ………. On the phone. (talk)
-Teacher calls some students to give the answers to check and correct.

*answer keys:

a.received b.will attend c.have worked d.goes
e.is doing f.was talking

<b> 5.homework</b>

-Students learn the usages, the adverbs and the formations of these tenses by heart and
give as many examples as possible.

Week 17
Period 32

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

<i><b>I/ Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to review the whole knowledge from unit1 to unit 5
<i><b>II/Language content</b>:</i>

Grammar: passive voice, reported speech, tag questions, modal verbs with if, adverb
clauses of result…

Vocabulary: review.
<i><b>III/ Teaching methods:</b></i>

Communicative approach, Suggestions.
<i><b>IV/ Teaching aids:</b></i>

Textbook,reference book.
<i><b>V/ Procedures</b>:</i>

<i>1. Greeting- taking attendance</i>
<i>2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>
<i>3. New lesson.</i>

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b> content</b>
Teacher has students remind the


Students tell how to use and write
structures on the board.

Teacher calls students to give some

Students give some examples
Teacher corrects if necessary.

Teacher gives some exercises
Students do the exercises.

Teacher calls them to give the answers
before class

Students give the answers before class.
Teacher comments and give the correct

<b>II/ Passive form.</b>

<i>1.Present simple tense.</i>

S + is /am/ are + PP…….by +O
<i>2.Present progressive tense.</i>

S+ is/am/ are + being + PP….by + O
<i>3.Past simple tense</i>

S + was/were + PP +…..by + O
<i>4.Past progressive tense</i>

S+ was/ were + being + PP….by + O
<i>5. Present perfect tense.</i>

S + have/ has + been + PP…..by + O
<i>6 Future simple tense.</i>

S + will + be + PP ….by + O
<i>7. Modal verbs</i>

S + modal verbs + be + PP +..by + O

<i>Change these sentences into passive </i>

1.They bought a new car.
2. They will visit HoChiMinh

3.I have a dog.

4. We can’t join the class meeting.
5.Nam is playing the Piano.

<b>Answer key.</b>

1. A new car was bought by him.
2. HoChiMinh Mausoleum will be

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

Teacher asks students to remind the

Students give the structures and tell
how to use.

Teacher asks students to give examples.
Students give the examples.

Teacher corrects if necessary.

4. The class meeting can’t be joined
by us.

5. The Piano is being playing by

<b>III/ Past simple with “wish”.</b>
<i>S + wish + S +V(-2/ed)</i>

<i> Would/should/could + </i>


<i>Rewrite the sentences.</i>

1.Vinh doesn’t remember borrowing me
a book.

2. My parents won’t allow me to take a
country picnic this weekend.

3. Hoa will leave VietNam tomorrow.
<b>Answer key.</b>

1.I wish Vinh remembered borrowing
me a book.

2.I wish my parents would allow me to

a country picnic this weekend.
3.We wish Hoa wouldn’t leave
VietNam tomorrow.

Teacher asks students to remind the

Students give the structures and tell

how to use.

Teacher asks students to give examples.
Students give the examples.

Teacher corrects if necessary.

<b>I/ Reported speech.</b>

S + asked + Wh-question + S + V

<b>2.Yes/No questions.</b>

S + asked + If/ whether + S + V


S + said +S + V( lùi thì)

Ex: Lan said : “I like this film”.
Lan said that she liked that film.
<b>Ex: </b>

Nhan said to me “ what are you doing?”
<i>Nhan asked me what I was doing.</i>

My teacher asked Hoa “ Do you like


<i>My teacher asked me If I liked music.</i>
Sue said to me “ I will visit you next

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

Teacher asks students to remind the

Students give the structures and tell
how to use.

Teacher asks students to give examples.
Students give the examples.

Teacher corrects if necessary.


Students give the structures and tell how
to use.

Teacher asks students to give examples.
Students give the examples.

Teacher corrects if necessary.
Minh listens to music, doesn’t he?
Hoa isn’t doing her homework, is she?
<b>III. Conditional type</b>

<b>1.Modal verbs</b>

If +S+ V , S+ modal verb + V
<b>EX: </b>

If you want to take the course, you can
complete this form.

<b>2.Ordinary verbs</b>

If + S + V ( present simple tense) , S +
V ( future simple tense).

If I have money, I will buy a dictionary.
<b>IV. Adveb clause of result. “so”</b>
Mai study hard so she passed the exam.
<b>V. Gerund after verb.</b>


Enjoy + V-ing


I like eating meat but my sister doesn’t


Teacher reminds the knowledge in the lesson.

Students review the lesson to prepare the first exam.

<i><b> I.Rewrite the sentences</b></i><b>.</b>

1.Vinh doesn’t remember borrowing me a book.

2. My parents won’t allow me to take a country picnic this weekend.
3. Hoa will leave VietNam tomorrow.

<b>Answer key.</b>

1.I wish Vinh remembered borrowing me a book.
2.I wish my parents would allow me to take
a country picnic this weekend.

3.We wish Hoa wouldn’t leave VietNam tomorrow.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

1.They always have breakfast……6.00 Am( from,for,at)
2.Mr. Tam has built that house……..two years( since, for, at)
3. My sister dislike……..sports(play, playing, to play)

Signature :

Week 18

Period 35


<i><b>I/ Objectives:</b></i>

Students will be able to review the whole knowledge from unit1 to unit 5
<i><b>II/Language content</b>:</i>

Grammar: reported speech, tag questions, modal verbs with if, adverb clauses of

Vocabulary: review.
<i><b>III/ Teaching methods:</b></i>

Communicative approach, Suggestions.
<i><b>IV/ Teaching aids:</b></i>

Textbook,reference book.
<i><b>V/ Procedures</b>:</i>

<i>1. Greeting- taking attendance</i>
<i>2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>

3. New lesson.

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b> content</b>
Teacher gives students the exercises

Students do the exercises.

Teacher asks students to give the
answers before class.

Students give the answers before class.
Teacher corrects if necessary.

<b>1.Supply the correct tense or form of </b>
<b>verbs in bracket.</b>

a.He (be)…….very successful in his
business since he (come)……here three
years ago.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

ago.I wonder why she (not

c.These students enjoy (play)

d………you (ever read)…….this novel.
e.They (not be)……..on time last week.
<b>Suggested answers:</b>

<i>a.has been/came</i>
<i>b.posted/hasn’t replied</i>

<i>d.Have you ever read.</i>

<b>2.Rewrite the sentences.</b>
1.She hasn’t finished the letter.
The letter………..
2. “I have a test tomorrow”Ba said.
Ba said that………..
3. “Please don’t talk in class” Lan told

Lan told us ……….
4.I get up late so I do not have enough
time for breakfast.

5.You don’t have a brother.

I wish……….
<b>Suggested answers.</b>

<i>1.The letter hasn’t been finished.</i>
<i>2.Ba said that he had a test the </i>
<i>following day.</i>

<i>3.Lan told us not to talk in class.</i>

<i>4.If I get up early,I will have enough </i>
<i>time for breakfast.</i>

<i>5.I wish I had a brother.</i>


Teacher reviews the whole knowledge in the lesson.

Students review the lesson to prepare the first exam

1. Rice is ……… in those field.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

2. Long wishes he ……… a doctor.

a. is b. am c. was d. were

3. My sister used to ……….. up late last year.

a. stay b.stayings c. stays d. stayed

4.We enjoy ……….. meals.

a. cook b. cooking c. cooks d.cooked

5.You don’t like coffee, ……….. ?

a. do you b. are you c.was you d.were you

6. He likes playing foodball, ……….. ?

a. is he b. isn’t he c.does he d.doesn’t he

7. She didn’t have breakfast this morning, ………. she feels hungry now.

a. if b. and c. so d. but

8. If Lan ……….. she will pass the exam.

a. study b. studying c. studied d.studies

9. I often go swimming ……… Sunday afternoon.

a. in b. on c. at d.between

10.The meeting is ……… 7 o’clock ang 9 o’clock.

a. at b. between c. from d. till

11. I haven’t ……… Ha Long Bay yet ?

a. visit b. visited c. visiting d. to visit

12. Minh can’t drive a car. He wishes he ……….. drive a car.

a. can b. can’t c. could d. couldn’t

13. Mai is cooking dinner, ……… ?

a. is she b. isn’t she c. does he d. doesn’t she

<b>Answer keys</b>

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b

5. a 6. d 7. c 8. d

9. b 10. b 11. b 12. c 13. b

<b>Week : 18</b>




<b> SCHOOLYEAR : 2010 - 2011</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

*Language focus :do exercises on grammar notes and vocabulary.

*Reading : read and understand the passage talking about volunteers in the Green
Summer Campaign.

*Writing : write reported speech (statement, yes/no-question, wh-question), passive
sentence and present unreal wish sentence.

*Listening : Listen to the passage about studying English and complete the blanks.

<b>II.Matrix </b>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu </b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>

<b>TNKQ TL</b> <b>TNKQ TL</b> <b>TNKQ TL</b>

<b>I.Language </b>

<b>focus</b> <b>12 3.0</b> <b>10 2,5</b>

<b>II.Reading</b> <b>5</b>

<b> 2,5</b> <b>5 2,5</b>

<b>III. Writing</b> <b>4</b>

<b> 2,0</b> <b>4 2.0</b>

<b>IV.Listening</b> <b>10</b>

<b> 2,5</b> <b>10 2,5</b>

<b>Tổng</b> <b>29</b>

<b> 10</b>

<b>Tran Van Thoi Junior High School THE FIRST TERM TEST</b>
<b>Student’s name : ……… SUBJECT : ENGLISH 9</b>
<b>Class : 9A………… DURATION : 45 MINUTES</b>

<b> SCHOOLYEAR : 2010 - 2011</b>

<b>Marks :</b> <b>Teacher’s comments :</b>

<b>I.Language focus. (3.0 marks)</b>

<b> Circle the best option to complete the blanks.</b>

1. If you want to get good marks, you ………study hard.

a. would b. could c. must d .had to
2. She said that she……… to HoChiMinh city the following day.

a. to go b. went c. go d. would go
3. I wish I………your home village some day.

a. could visit b. can visit c. visit d . visited
4. Ba took a lot of photos ……….. the trip to his parents.

a. show b. show c. showing d .to show
5. There is a party for you………December 5th.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

a. so b. as c. because d . for
7. She asked me where I ………

a. lived b. living c. lives d. live

8. She wishes she………here now.

a. was b. were c. is d. am

9. He asked me……….I liked English.

a. so b. because c.weather d. if
10. They wish they………Da Lat next month.

a. visit b. would visit c. visited d. visiting
11. She asked me what ………. of 1eaming English I found most difficult.
a. aspect b. method c. problem d. part
12. My village lies near the foot ……….. a mountain and by a river.
a. in b. at c. on d. of
<b>II.Reading. (2,5 marks)</b>

<b> Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions</b>

Anh and Chi are students of Ho Chi Minh University of Education. They are
volunteers in the Green Summer Campaign in Tra Vinh, a remote province about 200
kilometers from Ho Chi Minh city. They live with Mrs. Hai and Nhung, her five-year-old
granddaughter. Mrs. Hai has one-hectare paddle field and a small garden where grows
some fruit trees and raises chickens. Chi and Anh help Mrs. Hai harvest their crops and
feed the chickens. They also help Nhung and other children in the neighborhood with
their study. Both Anh and Chi have a great time in Tra Vinh.

1. Where is Anh and Chi from?

2.What do they do?

3.How far is it from Ho Chi Minh to Tra Vinh ?

4.Who do they live with in Tra vinh?

5. Does Mrs. Hai have two-hectare paddle field and a small garden?

<b>III.Writing. (2,0 marks)</b>

Rewrite the sentences, beginning is shown.
1. “Do you like pop music ?” Hoa told Maryam

Hoa asked Maryam if………
2. “Why do you come here late ?” She asked me.

She asked why………..
3. I can’t go camping with my friends.

I wish ………
4.Tuan can’t pass the exam.

Tuan wishes ……….. .
<b>IV.Listening. (2,5 marks)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

Van is a …(1)…..from Ho Chi Minh City, is an ……(2)……student in the USA. He
is now living with the …(3)…..family on a …(4)…..100 kilometers outside Columbus,
<b>………(5)…... He will stay there till the beginning of October.</b>

Mr Parker grows……(6)…. on his farm, while Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery

<b>……(7)…….in a nearby…(8)…... They have …(9)….children. Peter is the same age as </b>
Van, and Sam is still in primary ……(10)…….




<b>THE END</b>
Good luck to you !


<b> SCHOOLYEAR : 2010-2011</b>
<b>I.Language focus. (3.0 marks)</b>

<b> Mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm.</b>



<b>II.Reading. (2,5 marks)</b>
<i>Mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm.</i>

<b>1.</b> They are from HoChiMinh.
<b>2.</b> They are students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

<b>4.</b> They live with Mrs. Hai and Nhung, her five-year-old granddaughter.
<b>5.</b> No, She doesn’t.

<b>III.Writing. (2,0 marks)</b>
<i>Mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm.</i>

1 .Hoa asked Maryam if she liked pop music.
2 .She asked me why I came there late.

3 .I wish I could go camping with my friends now.
4.Tuan wishes he could pass the exam.

<b>IV.Listening. (2,5 marks)</b>
<i>Mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm.</i>

Van is a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an exchange student in the USA. He is
now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus, Ohio.
He will stay there till the beginning of October.

Mr Parker grows maize on his farm, while Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store
in a nearby town. They have two children. Peter is the same age as Van, and Sam is still
in primary school.


<b>Week 19</b>


<b> </b>

<b>UNIT 5: THE MEDIA</b>

<b> WRITE</b>

<i><b>I. Objectives :</b></i>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write the passage about the benefits of
the Internet.

<i><b>II. Language cotent :</b></i>
<b> 1.Vocabulary :</b>

<b> Related to the media.</b>
2.Grammar :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

<i><b>III. Teaching methods</b></i>
Communicative approach

<b> Techniques :Eliciting, explanation, asking, answering, individual work, pairwork.</b>
<i><b>IV.Teaching aids :</b></i>

Picture, minor boards.

<i><b>V.Procedures :</b></i>

1.Greeting and taking attendance :
<i> 2.Preview of the previous lesson :</i>

One S reads the passages and answer the questions :
a.What does Sandra use the Internrt for ?

b.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet ?
c.What is your response to this forum ?

Then S writes new words on the boards.

Surf (v), access (n), time-consuming (adj), alert (adj)
3.New lesson :

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
T asks, Ss answer the questions.

T introduces the situation and explain the

Ss listen to teacher.
Ss read part 5 again.

Ss work in pairs : find more ideas about
the benefits of the Internet.

T supply Ss more ideas about the benefits
of the Internet.


<i><b>*Warm-up :</b></i>

Do you think the Internet is very useful ?
<i><b>*Pre-writing :</b></i>

Read the forum on the Internet in the
reading text again. (5.Read). Write a
passage about the benefits of the Internet.
You can use the following cues.

<i>Suggested ideas :</i>

<b>Benefits of the Internet :</b>

-A very fast and convenient way to get

-A very fast and cheap way to

communicate with your friends/relatives
by means of e-mail, chatting, webcam,

-A very updated source of information :
you can get the lasted local or global
news, you can check weather conditions
before you go camping/fishing/outdoors

… you can find a timetable and maps of
the buses you want to take; you can book
your ticketsfor the next concert/soccer
match/trip/hotel, … .

-A diversifed source of entertainment :
you can listen to music, to the radio,
watch videos, play games, read

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

Ss write a passage about the benefits of
the Internet.

Ss compare their writings in pairs.
T calls some Ss to read their writing
before the class.

T checks and corrects students’ mistakes
if necessary.

T asks, Ss answer the questions.

materials/courses : you can learn English,
look up new words in a dictionary, take a
training/learning course, etc.

<i><b>*While-writing :</b></i>

<i><b>*Post-writing :</b></i>
Questions :

-Do you often use the Internet ? What
for ?

-How many hours a day do you use the
Internet ?

4.Consolidation :

T emphasizes the benefits of the Internet, Ss pay attention to teacher.
5.Homework :

Ss review all grammar notes and vocabularies from unit 1 to 5.
Week: 19

Period: 36

<b>UNIT 5: THE MEDIA</b>


<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

Ss will be able to consolidate their knowledge of tag questions and gerund after some

<i><b>II. Language content:</b></i>

- Grammar: tag questions and gerund after some verbs.
- Vocabulary: related to media

<i><b>III. Teaching methods:</b></i>

Communicative approach

Techniques: suggestion, explanation
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids:</b></i>

Text books,minorboards, markers…
<i><b>V. Procedures</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

Teacher’s nad Ss’ activities Content
-T explains the requirement.

-T gives some examples and explains the
way to make tag questions.

-Ss do the exercises in pairs.

-T calls some pairs of Ss to roleplay the
dialogues before the class.

-T checks and corrects the mistakes if

-T explains the requirement.

-T gives some examples and explains the
way to make tag questions.

-Ss make questions and answers in pairs.
-T calls some pairs of Ss to ask and answer
before the class.

-T checks and corrects the mistakes if

-T explains the requirement.

-Ss pay attention to teacher and read the
items in the box.

-Some pairs of Ss read the examples before
the class.

-Ss make new dialogues in pairs.

-Some pairs of Ss roleplay the dialogues
before the class.

-T checks and corrects any mistakes if

-T explains the requirement.

-Ss pay attention to teacher and read the

<b>1.Complete the dialogue with the correct </b>

EX : - You have read this article on the
website, haven’t you ?

- You didn’t watch a new film last
night, did you ?

<b>Answer keys</b>
b.didn’t he ?

c.wasn’t it ?
d.do you ?
e.aren’t we ?

<b>2.Work with a partner. Look at the </b>
<b>table. Ask and answer questions about </b>
<b>television programs these people like </b>
<b>and dislike. Use tag questions.</b>

<b>Ex :</b>

a.A : Tuan likes news, doesn’t he ?
B : Yes, he does.

b.A : Mai and Anh don’t like news, do
they ?

B : No, they don’t.

c.A : Tuan and Hanh don’t like movies,
do they ?

B : No, they don’t.

d. A : Tuan like English lesson, does he ?
B : Yes, he does.

<b>3.Work with a partner. Ask and answer </b>
<b>the questions about each item in the box. </b>
(page 46)

<b>Ex : -Do you like playing soccer ?</b>
-Yes, I do.

- No, I hate it.

-Do you enjoy fishing ?
-Yes, I love it.

-I don’t know.I’ve never tried it.
4.Use the words in the three boxes to
<b>write true sentences about your parents, </b>
<b>siblings, relatives, friends and yourself.</b>
<b>Ex : My father likes watching sports but </b>
my mother doesn’t. She loves listening to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

-T introdures gerund after some verbs.
-Ss take notes.

-Ss write sentences.

-Ss read their sentences before the class.

-T checks and corrects any mistakes if

<i>dislike, hate, … .</i>

I like listening to music but my mother
doesn’t. He loves playing sports.

My sister hates writing letters but I don’t. I
enjoy writing letters.

4. Consolidation:

Students say what they like and what they don’t like.
6. Homework: practice the lesson at home again.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>


Period: 39


I/ <i>Objectives.</i>

Students will be able to know more about the environment problems and solutions.
II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar: Adverb clause

Vocabulary: Related the environment
III/ <i>Teaching method.</i>

Communiticative approach.

Techniques: Ask-answer, listen-read, individual work-pairwork.
IV/ <i>Teaching methods</i>.

Pictures, minor board, tape, cassette player…
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

1/ <i>Greeting –taking attendance</i>.
2<i>/ Review of the previous lesson</i>.
Playing game in warm up.

Teacher and students’ activities Content
Teacher asks students to think of the

environment problems in town.
Students tell some the environment
problem in town.

Teacher asks students has students play “

Students play games

Teacher asks students to answers some

Students answer

Teacher sets the scene
Teacher plays the tape.
Students listen to the tape.
Teacher explains new words

<b>I/Getting started.</b>
a-air pollution
b-spraying dump
c-garbage dump
d-water pollution
e- deforestation
f- dynomite fishing
<b>II/Listen and read</b>

What will you do to clearn the school

Can you tell me something to clearn the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

Teacher play tape twice.

Students listen to the tape again.
Teacher has students read the passage.
Students read aloud before class.

Teacher asks students to skim the passage.

Students skim the passage then mach the
names in column A with column B.
Teacher calls students to give the answers
before class.

Students give the answers before class.
Teacher comments and corrects.

Teacher asks students to read the passage
and the questions and then find the

Students work in pairs

Teacher calls some pairs to practice before

One asks and one answers before class.
Teacher gives the correct answers.

Teacher has students read new words

- Garbage dump(n)
- Dynamite(n)
- Deforestation(n)
- Disappointed(adj)
- Spoil (v)


1-f 4-a

2-e 5-c

3-b 6-d


a. The speaker is Mr. Brown.
b. The listeners are the volunteer

c. They are on the beach

d.They are going to clean the beach.
e. If they work hard today, they will
make the beach clean and beautiful again

f. students’ answer
Post -reading


Teacher asks students to discuss and make a list of people’ activities that destroy the

Suggested answers:

-Throw garbages
-cut down trees
-leak the pipes
<b>5.Home work.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

Week : 20


Period : 38 SPEAK + LISTEN

<i><b>I. Objectives. </b></i>

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to know how to persuade someone to do
something.Furthermore, Ss will be able to know more about the pollution of oceans by

<i><b>II. Language content.</b></i>
<i><b> 1. Vocabulary:</b></i>

Related to the environment
<i><b>2. Grammar :</b></i>

I think you should … . Why don’t you … ?

Won’t you … ? Why not … ?

It would be better if you … . What/ How about … ?
<i><b>III. Techniques.</b></i>

Eliciting, explanation, asking, answering, individual work, pairwork.
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids.</b></i>

Minor boards.
<i><b>V. Procedures.</b></i>

<i><b> 1. Greeting and taking attendance.</b></i>
<i><b> 2. Preview of the previous lesson.</b></i>

-Ss write new words on the board : environment (n), dynamite (n), spray (v), pesticide
(n), pollute (v), dump (n), disappointed (adj), garbage (n).

-T asks, Ss answer the questions :
a. What do group 1, 2 and 3 do ?

b. Name some activities you have done to protect our environment ?
<i><b>3.New lesson.</b></i>

<i><b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Content</b></i>

-Teacher asks Ss to play game “ Net

-Ss play game. ( share ideas )

-T introduces the situation and the ideas
cues in the table.

<b>*Warm up</b>

Play game “ Net work”

<b>I.Speak </b>

<b>* Pre – speaking </b>
<i><b>Vocabulary :</b></i>

- reuse (v) - avoid (v)

<b>Activities you can save</b>
<b>the environment </b>

Go to school by bikes

Reuse bottles and cans

Collectthe garbage

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

-T explains the new words and new

-Ss practice reading the new words. Then
take notes.

-Ss practice playing role of A and B.
-T guides Ss make new dialogues to
persuade their partner to do something to
protect the environment.

-Ss work in pairs.

-Some pairs of Ss roleplay the dialogues
before the class.

-T checks and corrects any mistakes if

-T explains the Questionnaire.

-Ss find the possible answers they can
use to ask and answer with friends.(pair
works )

-T checks and corrects any mistakes if

-T explains the requirement and gets Ss
play role example on page 50 again.
-Ss practice making new dialogue basing
the cues. (pairwork)

-Ss practice speaking in front of the class.
-T checks and corrects any mistakes if

<b> -T has Ss make short talk about things </b>
they have done to make their school clean
as well as activities they have aone or are
going to do to protect the environment.

- recycle (v)
- reduce (v)
- trash (n)

- prevent (v)

- exhaust fume (n)
- harm(a)

- littering (n)

<i><b>* Structures </b></i>

- I think you should……
- Won’t you ….?

- It would be better if you…
- Why don’t we… ?

- Why not….?

- What/ How about…?

<i><b>a. Practice the dialogue with partner.</b></i>
* While – speaking :

<i><b> b. Find the answers .</b></i>

Guiding answers to the questionare.
-Write on both sides of paper, recycle
used paper.

-Save plastic bags, clean and reuse them.
-Don’t throw waste and garbage into

streams, lakes and even oceans.
-Discard/throw garbage in waste bins.
-Try to reuse and recycle things.

<i><b>c.Discuss with a partner the best way to </b></i>
<i><b>protect the environment.</b></i>

* Post – speaking


<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

-T explains the requirement and
introduces the content of the listening.
-T introduces new words.

-Ss practice reading the new words and
read before the class.

-T corrects students’ pronunciation if

-T plays the tape.

-Ss listen to the tape and complete the

-Ss compare the answers in pairs.
-Ss give the answers on the boards.
-T checks and corrects any mistakes if

-Ss copy down the correct answers.
-T asks, Ss answer the questions.

<i><b>Listen to the report on how our oceans </b></i>
<i><b>are polluted. Then complete the notes.</b></i>
Vocabulary :

- raw sewage (n)
- pump (v)
- vessel (n)
- marine life (n)

- not only…….but also…
* While – Listening :
<i><b>Keys : </b></i>

- garbage is

- come from ships at sea.

- waste materials come from factories.
- oil is washed from land.

* Post – Listening

-How many reasons cause polluted
ocean ? What are they ?

-What can we do to prevent pollution

from these reasons ?

<i><b>4. Consolidation.</b></i>

T has some some pairs of Ss make conversations to persuade their partners to do
something to protect the environment.

<i><b>5. Homework.</b></i>

Ss learn new words, new structures and prepare lesson : Read.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>


Period: 41

<b> LESSON: Read</b>

I/ <i>Objectives.</i>

Students will be able to understand a poem about the environment.
II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar: Present simple tense, present perfect tense, Future simple tense.
Vocabulary: Related the environment

III/ <i>Teaching method.</i>

Communiticative approach.

Techniques: Ask-answer, listen-read, individual work-pairwork-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching methods</i>.

Pictures, minor board, …
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

1/ <i>Greeting –taking attendance</i>.
2<i>/ Review of the previous lesson</i>.

Students talk to persuade other people and answer some questions
What’s dropped into the sea?

What come from ships at the sea?
What’s is washed from the land?

Teacher and students’ activities Content
Teacher divides class into two groups and

suggests students how to do.
Students work in group.

Teacher introduces the content of the

Students listen to the teacher.
Teacher explains new words.
Students copy down.

Teacher plays the tape.
Students listen to the tape.

Teacher has students skim the poem.
Students skim the poem.

Warm up:
Lucky numbers:
1.Do you like poetry?
2. Do you often read poetry?
3.Lucky number

4.Who is your favorite poet?
5. Which poet do you like best?
6.Lucky number.

7.Have you ever read an English poem?
<b>Pre- reading.</b>

<i>New words:</i>
End up(v)

Second hand(adj)
Treasure (n)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

Teacher asks students to do the part a.
Students do individually.

Teacher has students compare their

answers before class.

Students share with your friends.

Teacher calls students to give the answers
before class.

Students give the answers before class.
Teacher correct their mistakes.

Students correct in the notebook.

Teacher asks students to skim the poem
and the questions and then find the

Teacher has students to give the answers
Students practice before class.

Teacher comments and gives the correct

Teacher divides class into two groups.
Students get two sentences with only if

Teacher calls one to read its half and
another complete the sentences with the
idea on the protect the environment.

1-c 4-e 7-b

2-g 5-d
3-f 6-a

b) Answer. Then write the answers in your
exercise book.

1. According to the mother, what will
happen of the pollution goes on?

- If the pollution goes on, the world will
end up like a second hand junk yard.
2. Who does the mother think pollute
the environment?

- The mother thinks other folk pollute
(are responsible for the pollution of) the
environment but not her or her son.
3. What will happen to the boy if he
keeps on asking his mother such

- His mother will talk him home right

4. Do you think the boy’s question is
silly (line 9-10)? Why not?

- No. Because he is right; if he throws
the bottles that will be polluting the

5. What does the poet want us to learn
about keeping the environment


- The poet wants us to learn that

everyone is responsible for keeping the
environment from pollution.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

<i>will pollute the environment.</i>


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.
<b>5.Home work.</b>

Students learn by heart the knowledge in the lesson and prepare next part “ write”



Period: 42

<b> LESSON: Write</b>

I/ <i>Objectives.</i>

Students will be able to write a complaint letter.
II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar: Present simple tense, present progressive tense.
Vocabulary: Related the environment

III/ <i>Teaching method.</i>

Communiticative approach, eliciting

Techniques: Ask-answer, listen-read, individual work-pairwork-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching methods</i>.

Pictures, minor board, …
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

1/ <i>Greeting –taking attendance</i>.
2<i>/ Review of the previous lesson</i>.

Students read the poem and answer some questions.

Who does mother think pollute the environment?

What could you do in your school to minimize pollution?

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Teacher asks them to keep their

<b>Warm up</b>
<b> Pre-Writing:</b>

<b>1.New words</b>

- complain (v): (translation)
complain (n)

complication (n):

- resolution (n): (translation)
- float (v): (picture)

- prohibit (v): ( translation)
<b>2. Ordering</b>

a. Action: talks about future action

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

books closed

Teacher provides students five

section of a complaint letter (with
their definitions) in random order.
Students put the sections in correct
order in pairs.

Teacher calls some pairs to give the

Students give the correct answers

Teacher has students read the letter
on page 52

Teacher sets the scene:
Students listen to teacher.
Teacher asks students to match
Students work in pairs

Teacher calls some pair to give the

Students give the answers before

Teacher gives feedback

Students read aloud the letter (in
the correct order).

Teacher gives ideas if necessary.

c. Politeness: ends the letter politely
d. Complication: mention the problem
e. Resolution: makes a suggestion.
* Answer key:




<b>3. Reading and matching</b>

Mr. Nhat wrote a letter to the director of
L & P Company in Ho Chi Minh City.
The five sections of the letter are not in
the right order. Label each section with
the appropriate letter: S, C, R, A or P
* Answer key:

Dear Sir/Madam

R I would suggest your company to
tell your drives to clear up all the
trash on the ground before


S I am writing to you about the
short stop of your trucks around
my house on their way to the

A I look forward to hearing from
you and seeing good response
from your company

C When the trucks of your

company have a short break on
the streets around my house, the
drives have left lots of garbage on
the ground after their

refreshment. When the trucks
leave the place, the ground is
covered with trash and few
minutes later there is smell and

P Sincerely,
Tran Vu Nhat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

Teacher lets students read the
production 6b on page 53.

Students answer some questions to
make sure the students know what
there have to write in pairs.

Teacher asks students to write the
letter individually.

Students write the letters

Teacher gets students to share with
their partners and correct if possible.
Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls on some students to
read aloud their letter.

Teacher gives feedback, correct
some letters before the class

Teacher asks students to write their
letter in their notebooks

Students write in the notebook

your house these days?
( They begin to catch fish)
b. What makes you worried?
( They use electricity to catch fish)
c. To whom do you write the letter to?
(We write to the head of the local


d. What suggestion do you want to make?
(We suggest the local authorities should
prohibit and fine heavily any one using
electricity to catch fish).

e. Any future plant you want to make?
( We look forward to seeing the

protection of environment from the local

<i><b>Suggested answers</b></i>
Dear Mr. President.

I am writing to you about the catching of
fish of many people in the lake behind my

I am very worried because they use
electricity to catch fish. After a short
time, they leave the lake; a lot of small
fish die and float on the water surface.
I would suggest the local authorities
should prohibit and fine heavily anyone
using this way of catching fish. I look
forward to hearing from you and seeing
the protection of environment from the
local authorities.

<b>Post -writing</b>

4. Consolidation.

Teacher reviews how to write a complaint letter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>


<i>Week :22</i>
<i>Period : 41</i>


Lesson : LANGUAGE FOCUS+ test 15’

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

- Students will be able to use adjectives and adverbs to make sentences adjective + that

<b>II. Language contents:</b>
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Adverbs clauses of reason
- Adjective + that clause
- Conditional sentences type 1
<b>III. Teaching methods:</b>

<b> Communicative approach, listening, speaking, reading, writing.</b>

Techniques :role play,fill in the blanks,matching

<b>IV. Teaching aids:</b>

- Picture – student books
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>1.Greeting and taking attendence</b></i>
<i><b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b></i>

<b> Students tell how to write a complain letter.</b>
3. New lesson.

<b>Teacher and students’ activities Content</b>
Teacher prepares twelve cards

with numbers on one side and the
adjectives (6 cards), adverbs (6)
on the other side and makes sure
the adjectives are mixed up.
Teacher sticks the cards on the

Students can only see the

Teacher divides the students into
two teams and ask them to
choose two numbers and turns


Extreme Happy Sad

Fast Slowly Well

Good Good Sadly

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

the cards over and see if they

Eg: happy – happily,

Teacher gives them on mark.
If not, tune the cards obvert again
and ask the next team to choose

Students continue until all the
cards are finished.

* From the result of the game, sts
give the formation of adv of

Teacher asks sts to do the
exercise 1 in groups.
Students work in groups

Teacher gives the answer keys.

Students give the answers before

Teacher corrects and asks sts to
tell the positions of adj – adv

Teacher review the adverb
clauses of reason with because,
since, as: Give two sentences and
ask students to combine them
into one.

Students can use other words for


Teacher has students do language
focus 2 exercise on page 54-55
- Let students work in park and
join the pair of sentences together
using, Because, Since or As.
- Teacher calls on some students
to read aloud their sentences.
- Teacher corrects the sentences.

<b>EXERCISE 1:Change the adjectives into </b>
<i>adverbs.Then use the adverbs to complete the </i>

<i><b>Adj + LY – Adverb of maner</b></i>
<b>Adjectives Adverbs </b>
Extreme Extremely

Sad Sadly

Slow Slowly

Good Well

Happy Happily
<b>Answer keys : </b>

b. slowly
d. happily

<b>EXERCISE 2:Join the pairs of sentences </b>
<i>together.Use because, as, or since.</i>

Example: a) Nam goes to school late.
b) He missed the bus

à Nam goes to school late because he

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

Teacher sets the scene to
introduce the structure

Teacher asks students to do the
exercise 3

Students work in pair to complete
the dialogues.

Teacher calls on some students to
read the answers before class.
Students read aloud.

Teacher gives feedback.
Students copy down in the

Teacher sets the scene to
introduce the structure of con
additional sentences type 1.
Teacher presents the statement
on the board and asks students
tocomplete the sentences by
filling in each blank with one
suitable word.

Teacher has students do the
exercise4. They have to match
each half – sentence in column B.
Students work in pairs and find
out five complete conditional

Teacher calls on students to give
the answers before class.

Students read aloud before class.
Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Students copy down in the

Teacher explains sts how to do
the text

Students read the example.
Teacher has students work in
pairs and write the complete
sentences in their notebook.
Students gives the answers before

<b>EXERCISE 3:Complete the dialogues. Use </b>
<i>the words in brackets</i>

<i><b>Adjective + that clause</b></i>
Ba: Dad! I got mark 9 on my text

Father: That’s wonderful. I’m pleased that
you are working hard.

à adjective + that clause



<b>EXERCISE 4:Match each half –sentence in </b>
<i>colunm A with a suitable one in colunm B</i>

………we pollute the water,
we ………have no

fresh………to use.

<b>If + main clause, subordinate clause</b>
(Simple present tense) (will / infinitive)


<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>


Teacher gives feedback.

If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants
will die.

b.The environment will become seriously

c.We will have more shade and fresh air.
d.The vegetables will become poinsonous and

e.We will live happier and healthier life.
4. Consolidation.

Teacher reviews the whole knowledge in the lesson.

- Students make 5 sentences following structures:
+Adjective + that clause

+Conditional sentences type 1
<b>Tran Van Thoi Junior High School</b>

<b>Student’s name : ………</b>
<b>Class : …………</b>


<b>Mark :</b> <b>Teacher’s comments :</b>

<b>I. Label these sections into the right order of a complaint letter. (2,5 marks)</b>
<b> Politeness, Situation, Action, Resolution, Complication.</b>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

<b>II. (7,5 marks)</b>

<i>Last week, two students from class 9 B littered garbage on the schoolyard. Furthermore, </i>
<i>they didn’t put garbage in the garbage dump, they put garbage behinh your classroom. </i>
<i>You asked them to clean up all the garbage, they not only didn’t do that, but also insulted</i>
<i>you. You think that the school should have strict law and fine heavily anyone littering in </i>
<i>this way.</i>

<b> Now write a complaint letter to the Headmaster about this problem. Start like this.</b>
Dear Mr. Headmaster,

I am writing to you about littering in our school.

<b>I. Label these sections into the right order of a complaint letter. (3.0 marks)</b>
1. Situation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Action
5. Politeness

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

<b> Suggested writing.</b>
Dear Mr. Headmaster,

I am writing to you about littering in our school.

Last week, two students from class 9 B littered garbage on the schoolyard. Furthermore,
they didn’t put garbage in the garbage dump, they put garbage behinh my classroom. I
asked them to clean up all the garbage, they not only didn’t do that, but also insulted me.
I think that the school should have strict law and fine heavily anyone littering in this way.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your good response.

Yours failthfully,
Tran Van An

Week : 22


<b> </b>

<i><b>I. Objectives. </b></i>

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to recognize wasting energy and help Ss
know how to save water.

<i><b>II. Language content.</b></i>
<i><b> 1. Vocabulary:</b></i>

Related to saving energy.
<i><b>2. Grammar :</b></i>

Making suggestion.
<i><b>III. Techniques.</b></i>

Eliciting, explanation, asking, answering, individual work, pairwork.
<i><b>IV. Teaching aids</b></i>

Pictures, cassette, tape.
<i><b>V. Procedures.</b></i>

<i><b> 1. Greeting and taking attendance.</b></i>
<i><b> 2. Preview of the previous lesson.</b></i>

T call one S to go to the board to do the exercises.

Join the pairs of sentences together. Use because, since or as.

1. I have a broken leg. I fell over while I was playing basketball. (Nam)
2. I spent much money for the water bill. I didn’t save water. (Mrs. Nga)

<i><b>3.New lesson.</b></i>

<i><b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Content</b></i>

-T asks, Ss answer the questions.
-T hangs the pictures and asks Ss to

<b>*</b><i><b>Warm up </b></i>
<b>Questions :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

answer the questions.

-Ss look at the pictures and answer the

-T sets the scene and asks Ss one question
-T plays the tape.

-Ss listen to the tape and then answer the

-T introduces and explains new words,
new structure.

-Ss practices reading the new words.
-T calls some Ss to read new words before
the class.

-T corrects students’ pronunciation if

-T plays the tape again.
-Ss listen to the tape.

-Ss roleplay the tape in pairs.

-T calls some pairs of Ss roleplay the
dialogue before the class.

-T corrects students’ pronunciation and
intonation if necessary.

-T explains the requirement and makes
example for sentence 1.

-Ss do the rest.

-Ss compare the answers in pairs.
-T calls some Ss to give the answers

<i><b>Look at the pictures. Work with a </b></i>
<i><b>partner to make a list of the things the </b></i>
<i><b>family could do to save energy.</b></i>

<b>Questions :</b>

-The faucet is on?Is there anyone in the
bathroom ?

+ Is the TV on?

+ Who is watching TV/ listening to the

+ Who is using water?

+ How about the lights/ the water in the

- Wasting energy
+ What should we do?

+ Should we turn the TV off then we go
out of the room?

+ What should we to do save energy?
<b>Suggestions :</b>

- turn off the faucets.
- turn off TV, the radio.

- turn off the lights.
<b>2. Listen and read.</b>

<b>*</b><i><b>Pre-listening and reading.</b></i>

<i><b>Mrs. Mi is talking with her neighbor, </b></i>
<i><b>Mrs. Ha.</b></i>


-What are they talking about ?
*Vocabulary :

- recent (a)
- bill (n)
- enormous (a)
- plumber (n)

- crack(n)
- pipe (n)
-drip (v)
- faucet (n)
* <i><b>New structure </b></i>:

- suggest + V-ing

<i><b>*While-listening and reading :</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

before the class.

-T corrects any mistakes if necessary.
-Ss copy down the correct answers.

-T asks, Ss answer the questions.

<i><b>b.</b></i> <i><b>True / False, Check( ) the boxes.Tthen</b></i>
<i><b>correct the false sentences .</b></i>

1. T
2. T

3. F Mrs. Ha will have the plumber
check the pipes.

4. F Mrs. Mi suggests getting the
plumber to check cracks in the pipes.
5. T

<i><b>*Post-listening and reading :</b></i>
<b>Questions :</b>

a/ What is Mrs. Ha worried about?
b/ Why is Mrs. Ha worried?

c/ Which sentences tell you that Mrs. Mi
advises Mrs. Ha to save money?

d/ What does Mrs. Mi advise Mrs. Ha to

-How much is your water each month ?
-What should we do to reduce the amount
of water we use ?

<i><b>4. Consolidation.</b></i>

T helps Ss to summarize the dialogue by asking them some questions :
-Who is worried about her water bill ? Why ?

-What does Mrs. Mi suggest Mrs. Ha doing ?
-Do you think these suggestios are suitable ?
<i><b>5. Homework.</b></i>

Ss learn by heart all new words and structure, practice roleplaying the dialogue at home
and prepare lesson Speak + Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

Week :23




<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Students will be make suggestions and responses and know more about solar

<b>II. Language content:</b>

- Grammar: to suggest + V-ing/ to suggest (that) Subject + should + V
- Vocabulary: related energy.

<b>III.Teaching methods:</b>

Communicative approach, listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Techniques: pair work and group work

<b>IV. Teaching aids:</b>

Pictures, Tape recorder, and chalks.
<b>VI. Procedures:</b>

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance</b>
<b>2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.</b>

<b> Students read the dialogue ,answer the questions and write new words.</b>
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
T asks Ss some questions

Ss answer before class.

Teacher reminds students the
structures they have learnt that are
used to give suggestions. (What
about…/ Why don’t we…/

Teacher asks students to open the

Teacher presents some mores
structures, paying more attention
on the structures

Teacher notes students how to
response a suggestion (Agree and

Warm up:Chatting.

How do you save water in your house?
- I think we should turn off the faucet

after using.

- I suggest fixing the faucet.
- I suggest taking showers.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

Teacher presents the pictures and
make suggestions about how to
save energy and example.

Teacher asks students to look at

the pictures and use the

expressions to practice with a

Students work in pairs.
Teacher calls some pairs to
practice before class.

Students pratice before class.

Teacher presents the example.
Students read the example

Teacher asks students to work in
group of four.

Students work out an action plan
to save energy for your class.
Teacher calls some groups to act
out the discussion.

Somegroups practice before class.
Teacher comments and corrects if

EX: I think we should turn off the faucet.
I suggest fixing the faucet.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

b. I think we should turn off the gas fire.
c. I suggest turning off the fan.

d. I think we should turn off the air
conditioner when noone is in.

e. Why don’t we turn off the TV when no
one watches it.

f. I think we shouldn’t go to school by

g.Let’s go to school by bus or bicycle.
<i>While speaking:</i>


A: I think we should take a shower instead
of a bath to save energy.

B: That’s a good idea.

A:How about making posters on energy
saving and hanging them around our

D:Great! Let’s do that.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

A: I think we should turn off all the lights
before leaving the class.

B: That’s a good idea.

A: What about going to school by bus?
D: Great!Let’s take the bus to school


A: I suggest collecting used paper to
recycle things.

B: All right.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

Teacher has students make two
suggestions to save energy in the
living room.

Students tell their ideas before

Teacher asks students to tell the
kinds of energy.

Students tells before class.

Teacher introduces the content of
the passage.

Students listen to teacher.
Teacher explains new words.
Students copy down.

Teacher asks students to read and
guess the statements.

Students guess.

Teacher plays the tape
Students listen to the tape.

Teacher has students compare the
answers with their friends.

Teacher calls students to give the
answers before class.

Students gives the answers before

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Teacher asks students to read the
sentences and complete them.

Students read and guess the words
to complete.

Teacher plays the tape
Students listen to the tape.

Teacher has students compare the
answers with their friends.

Teacher calls students to give the
answers before class.

Students gives the answers before

water we use everyday?
B: OK.

<i>Post speaking</i>


<i><b>New words:</b></i>
Solar energy(n)
Nuclear power (n)
Solar panel (n)
<i>While- listening</i>

Answer key:


<i>Post listening</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

Teacher asks some questions
Students answer

What will be heated by solar energy in
2050 in Sweden?

<i>All building will be heated by solar energy </i>
<i>in 2050 in Sweden.</i>

Where are solar pannels installed to receive
the energy using from the sun?

<i>Solar pannels are installed on theroof of a </i>
<i>house to receive the energy using from the </i>


Teacher tells how to save energy.
5.Home work.

Students make 5 suggestion sentences and prepare next part Read.



Lesson: READ

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Students will know how European countries save energy.
<b>II.Language content:</b>

<b> Grammar:</b>

<b>Vocabulary: related energy.</b>
<b>III.Teaching methods:</b>

<b> Communicative approach, listening, speaking, reading, writing</b>
Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, posters (or A4 paper)

<b>III. Teaching procedure:</b>

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendence.</b>
<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>

Students make suggestions about how to save energy.
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<b> Teacher and students’activities</b> <b> Content</b>
Teacher guides how to do this exercises.

Ss work in pairs

<b>Warm up:</b>

<b>Macth the word in A to the word in B</b>
<b>to make complete words.</b>

<b> A</b> <b>B</b>

1.Electricity a.Saving

2.Energy b.Machine

3.Washing c.Dryer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

T presents the content of the lesson.

Ss listen.

T explains new words
Ss copy down.

Teacher has students read the passage
silently and find out:

+ How many paragraphs

+ The main idea of each paragraph
Teacher has some sts read the text

Students work in pairs.

Teacher asks sts to choose the best
summary of the passage.

Students give the best summary before

Teacher has students skim the passage
again and find out the answers.

Students work in pairs to find out the
answers of questions .

Teacher calls some pair to practice
before class.

One student asks and one answer the

Teacher gives feedback and correct if

5.Western e.Bill


<i>Pre- reading.</i>
<i>New words:</i>

consumer(n)user of product or service

bulb(n) (real)
label(n) (real)

innovation(n) Bringing in new ideas,
making changes.

<b>a.Which of the following is the best </b>

<b>summary of the passage.</b>

<i>North American and european </i>
<i>countries are interested in saving </i>
<i>money and natural resources.</i>

<i>While –reading.</i>

<b>b.Answer the questions. Write the </b>
<b>answers in your exercise book.</b>

1.Western consumers are interested in
products that will not only work
effectively but also save money.
2. We canuse energy saving bulbs
instead of ordinary 100 watt-light bulbs
to spend less on lighting.

3.She will pay US$ 2 for lighting if she
Uses energy saving bulbs instead.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

Teacher asks sts to work in groups,
discussing the ways to spend less on
lighting then write these ideas on the

Students discuss and write on the

Teacher choose the best poster and stick

on the board.

efficient each model is, compared with
other appliances in the same category.
So that they can save money and


<b>4 Consolidation.</b>

Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson on the board.
<b>5. Homework </b>

Students write 5 sentences on how to save energy and prepare next part Write


Week: 24



<b> Lesson: WRITE</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Students develop there writing skills:How to prepare and write a speech.
<b>II.Language content:</b>

<b> Grammar:Present simple tense, Future simple tense….</b>
Vocabulary:Regularly, Professor,Solid, Separate.

<b>III. Teaching methods:</b>

Communicative approach,listening, speaking,reading,writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>
<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>

Students read the passage and then answer the questions.
a.What are Western consumers interested in?

b.Why should we save energy?
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>content</b>
Teacher introduces some MC: Thanh

Bạch, Lại Văn Sâm…
Students listen to teacher.
Teacher asks some questions:
Students discuss and answer:

Warm up:

How can we do to become a good MC?”

Teacher asks some questions:

Students discuss and answer


What should we do in order to speak
fluently and clearly?”

Teacher has students discuss and find
out the three parts of a speech.

Students discuss and find by reading
the information in textbooks.

Teacher asks students about the
function of each part: introduction,
body and conclusion.

Students answer the questions by
matching each part speech in column

Teacher calls some students read

Some students read aloud the three
parts of a speech

Teacher corrects the mistakes and
give the answers:

Teacher has students work in groups
(part B, p61)

Students discuss and put the

following section in the correct place
complete a speech.

Teacher calls some pairs read the
answers before class.

Some pairs read their answers before

Teacher corrects the mistakes and
give the corrects answers.


- Discuss and find by reading the
information in textbooks

- Answer the question by matching each
part speech in column B.

- Some students read aloud the three parts
of a speech.

- Discuss and put the following section in
the correct place complete a speech

Suggested answers:

a.1-B 2-C 3-A

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

Students copy down.

Teacher has some sts work on groups(
part C pg 62) and divides the class
into 3 groups: each group prepare a
speech, write it on the paper and stick
it on the board.

Students choose one topic, discuss
and write down the speech on a paper
and then stick it on the board.

Teacher choose one a speech correct
the mistakes and give remarks model
and another groups will correct at

- One person in each group read a
speech before the class.



Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.


Students prepare a speech and write down on their notebooks, using the topic in textbook.
Students make a speech on the topic. Saving energy in the class-room.

Students prepare next part “Language focus”.


Week :24
Period :46


<b>Lesson: Language focus.</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Students review the language focus:Connectives,Phrasal verbs,Make suggestions.
<b>II.Language content:</b>

<b> Grammar: Connectives,Phrasal verbs,Make suggestions.</b>
Vocabulary:Related saving energy.

<b> III. Teaching methods:</b>

Communicative approach,listening, speaking,reading,writing.
Teaching aids: Pictures,textbooks,paper with big size and pens
<b>III. Teaching procedures:</b>

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>

<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>
Students tells How to write a speech.
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>

Teacher asks students some

Students answer the questions.
Teacher writes the answers on the
board and then review the


Teacher has some students tell the
connectives they have learnt and say
how to use.

Students tell before class.

Teacher asks students to complete
the exercises 1 pg62,63.

Students do the exercises

Teacher calls them to compare the
answers with a partner.

Students compare the answers in

Teacher calls some students to give
the answers before class.

Students give the answers before

Teacher comments and give the
correct answers.

Students corrects if necessary.
Teacher asks students to answer the

Students answer.

Teacher asks students to write down
in their notebook 5 verbs with

Students write down the verbs with

Teacher prepares a list of verbs +
preposition. Then call out each word
in a loud voice.

Students listen to the teacher
carefully. If anyone has the same
verb + prepositions, they cross it


The first students crossing out all 5
verbs + prepositions shout “Bingo”
and win the game.

<b>Warm up</b>

What should you do to save energy?
Why should you save energy?

1.Completethe sentences. Use the
<b>correct connectives</b>

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

a.and e.or

b.but f.so
c.because g.and
d.therefore. h.however.

What should we do to save water?

<b>2.Complete the sentences.Use the right </b>
<b>tense form of the phrasal verbs in the </b>
<b>box and the pictures.</b>

* Bingo:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>

Teacher provides students 5 verbs +
prepositions and then ask them to
match the verbs with the pictures on
page 64.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls some pairs to give the
answers before class.

Students give the answers before

Teacher has students work in pairs
to do Language Focus 2 exercise on
the page 63. They have to use
suitable verbs to complete the

Students work in pairs.

Teacher asks students to read the
answers aloud before class.

Students read the answers aloudly.
Teacher corrects if necessary.
Students copy down in the

Teacher asks students some

Students answers( students can use
the suggestions).

Teacher gives the examples and the

Students listen to teacher.
Teacher asks students to do the
exercises following ideas .
Students work in pairs.

Teacher has some students read
aloud before class.

Students read loudly before class.
Teacher gives feedback.

* Answer keys:

- Picture 1: look after the baby
- Picture 2: go on (wasting paper)
- Picture 3: turn off TV

- Picture 4: look for

- Picture 5: turn off the faucet
* Answer keys:

1) Hanh can’t go to the movies with us
tonight. She will have to look after her
little sister.

2) If we go on watching water, there will
be a shortage of fresh water in a few

3) Turn on the TV for me, will you? I
want to watch weather forecast.

4) I think I’ve lost my new pen. I’ve
looked for it everywhere and I can’t find
it anywhere.

5) Mrs. Yen forgot to turn off the faucet
when she left for work.

What should you do to save electricity?
<b>3.Make suggestions.</b>

<i>a.Your class wants to help the poor in the </i>
<i>neighborhood of your school. The </i>

<i>following ideas may help you.</i>

<i><b>EX: I suggest collecting some money.</b></i>

<b>Suggested answers.</b>

I suggest collecting unused clothes.
I suggest organizing a show to raise

I suggest giving lessons to poor children.
I suggest helping elderly people and war
invalids with their chores.

b.Your friend wants to improve his/her
<i>English. The following ideas may help </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

Teacher gives the examples and the

Students listen to teacher.
Teacher asks students to do the
exercises following ideas .
Students work in pairs.

Teacher has some students read
aloud before class.

Students read loudly before class.
Teacher gives feedback.

<i><b>harder on your pronunciations.</b></i>

I suggest that you should write sentences

with new words.

I suggest that you should speak English in

I suggest that you should buy a good

I suggest that you should do some reading


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.

Students to write 5 sentences with connectives.

 Therefore
 Because
 However
 Or
 So

Students review the knowledge of unit 6 and 7 to prepare the fouth of test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

Week :28


<b> Lesson: Language Focus + test 15’</b>

Students will be able to use relative clauses.
<b>II.Language content.</b>


<b>III.Teaching methods.</b>


IV.Teaching aids:
Text books, pictures.

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
2.Reviewing of the previous lesson.
3.New lesson.

<b>Teacher and Students’activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Teacher explains the new words,
and how to use Relative


(using pictures, objects or

Teacher gives students 2
examples and sets the scene.
Students listen to teacher

Teacher has students do language



- Give new words to students:

 Compose (v)

 Occur (v) = happen
 Violet (n)

 Jumper (n)
 Lap (n)

<b>Form and use:</b>

 Who-which: replace the pronoun
 Who is used for people, which is used

for things?

<b>1.Join the sentences. Usebrelative clauses . </b>
Suggessted answer1.

a.Auld lang syne is a song which is sung on
<b>Even though</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

focus 1 exercises, using relative

Students do the exercise.

Teacher has students look at 2
pictures on page 71 to describe
each of the people in the pictures,
using Relative clauses.

Students do the exercise2.
Teacher calls students to read
aloud before class.

Teacher corrects the mistakes.
Students corrects if necessary.

Teacher asks Ss to do language
focus 3 exercise individually,
using though, although or even or


Students do the exercise .
Teacher calls some students to
read aloud before class.

Students read the sentences

Teacher corrects.

New Year’s Eve.

b.This watch is a gift which was given to me
by my aunt on my 14th<sub> birthday.</sub>

c.My friend Tom, who sings Western folk
songs very well,can compose songs.

d.We often goto the town cultural house,
which always opens on public holidays.
e.I like reading books which tell about
differrent peoples and their cultures.
f.on my mom’s birthday my dad gave her
roses, which were very sweet and beautiful.
g.Judy like the full-moon festival, which is
celebrated in mid-fall,very much.

h.Tomorrow I’llgo to the airport to meet my
friends, who come to stay with us during the


<b>2.Describe each of the people in the </b>
<b>pictures.Use relative clauses .</b>

Suggessted answer 2.

a.Mom is the woman who is sitting in an
armchair/receiving a gift from the little girl.
b.Dad is the man who is standing behind my

c.Linda is the little girl who is wearing a pink
dress/giving a gift to Mom.

d.Grandmother is the woman who is wearing
a violet blouse/ giving a gift the baby.

e.Uncle John is the man who is wearing a
pink jumper.

f.Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his
mother’s lap.

<b>3.Join the sentences. Use the words in </b>
<b>brackets,the first s done for you.</b>
<b>Suggessted answers:</b>

a.Thu Ha is not satisfied with her

preparations for Tet even though she has
decorated her house and made plenty of

b.Although we don’t have a mother’sDay in
VietNam, Dad and I have special gifts and
parties for my mom every year on the 8th<sub> of </sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

Teacher has Ss look as the
pictures on page 72-73 and
complete the sentences, using
correct tense of the verb.
Students do the exercise.

Teacher calls on some Ss to read
aloud their sentences and correct
their mistakes.

- Get Ss write 5 sentences, using
adverbs clauses of concession.

d.Many tourists enjoy festivals in VietNam
though they do not understand Vietnamese
culture very much.

e.Even though in Australia Christmas season
is in summer,Australians enjoy Christmas as
much as people in European countries do.
f.Although Jim came to the show late due to

th traffic jam, he couldsee the main part of
the show.

<b>4.Look at the pictures. Complete the </b>
<b>sentences. Use the correct tense of the </b>
<b>verbs and the information.</b>

a.Although Mrs.Thoa was tired, she helped
Tuan with his homework.

b.Even though Liz has an exam tomorrow,
she is still watching TV now.

d. It rained yesterday although the weather
bureau predicted the weather would be fine.
d.Ba ate a lot of food though he wasn’t

e.Even though the keyboard wasn’t working
well, Mary tried to finish to her letter.


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.

Students write 5 sentences, using adverbs clauses of concession.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

<b> Đề Cương Ôn Tập Học Kì II năm học 2008-2009</b>
<b> Môn :Tiếng Anh.</b>


1.Listen and complete in each blank with one word you hear.

2.Listen and decide whether the statements are true or false.Check(V)the boxes and
correct the false statements.


1.Read then answer the questions.

2.Read check true or false then correct the false sentences.
<b>III.Language focus.</b>


1.Tenses:( present simple tense,present progressive tense, present perfect tense, past
simple tense, past progressive tense, future simple tense.)(Cấu trúc, cách dùng, ví dụ, và
các trạng từ kèm theo.)

2.Adjectives and adverbs.( Cách dùng, cho 2 ví dụ)

3.Adverb clause of reason: (as, because,since),adverb clauses of concession.(Cách dùng,
cho 2 ví dụ)

4.Adjective + that clause(Cấu trúc, cách dùng,cho 2 ví dụ)
5.Conditional sentences:type 1.(Cấu trúc,cách dùng, cho 2ví dụ)

6.Connectives:but, and, because,so,or,therefore…..(, Liệt kê,nêu cách dùng, cho 1 ví dụ )

7. Phrasal verbs.(Liệt kê,viết nghĩa, cho ví dụ cho mỗi từ)

8.Make suggestions.(Liệt kê cấu trúc,2ví dụ)
9.Relative clauses/pronouns( cách dùng, 2 ví dụ)

1.Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following sets of
words and phrases, sentences that together make a complete letter.

2.Rewrite the sentences, keep the meaning unchanged.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

Week 29


<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 1:Getting started, Listen and read</b>


Students will be able to get the information about weather from the weather forecast.
<b>II.Language content:</b>


<b>III.Teaching methods.</b>

Communicative approach, listening,speaking, reading and writing.
Techniques: ask-answer, pairwork,groupwork,individually.

<b>IV.Teaching aids.</b>

Pictures, tape, cassette player.

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>
<b>2.Reviewing of the previous lesson.</b>
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<b>Stage </b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b>

Teacher asks students some
questions about weather.
Students answer.

Teacher explains new words

<b>* Chatting:</b>

 What’s the weather like today?
 Do you like hot/clog water?
 Have you ever listened to the

weather forecast on the radio or
on TV?

 Do you think weather forecast is

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

Students copy down.

Teacher sets the scene: <i>Thuy is </i>
<i>talking to her grandmother while </i>
<i>they both are watching TV</i>

Teacher gives students one question
and ask them to guess the answer
Students answer before class.
Teacher plays the tape.
Students listen to the tape.
Teacher has students roleplay.
Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls some pairs to practice
before class.

Teacher corrects their

Teacher has students read the
dialogue silently and do exercise 2b
on page 75.

Students read individually and
complete the sentences.

Teacher gets them to share their
answers with their partner.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls students to give the
answer before class.

Students give the answers before

Teacher gives feedback

- turn up (v): điều chỉnh to lên (âm
thanh TV, radio). (mime)

- expect (v): mong đợi, chờ đón

- thunderstorm (n): bão có sấm sét, mưa
to (picture)

- delta (n): vùng châu thổ (visual)
- just in case (n): phòng khi, lỡ khi

- trust (v): tin tưởng, tin là thật
(synonym: rely on)

What are they watching?

Answer: They are watching the weather
forecast on TV

a.Practice the dialogue in a group of


b.Fill each blank with one word or
phrase from the dialogue.

* Answer keys:

1. Thuy’s grandmother wants her to turn
up the volume on TV because she
wants to listen to the weather forecast
2. The coast of Thanh Hoa will be

3. The central highlands will
experience thunderstorms.
4. Ho Chi Minh City will have
temperature between 270<sub>C and 35</sub>0<sub>C</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

Students correct if necessary. doesn’t trust weather forecast she like
watching them.


1. Why does Thuy’s grandmother ask
her to turn up the volume?

- Because she wants to listen to the
weather forecast

2. Which City is the hottest today?
- Ho Chi Minh City in the hottest
3. Where is Thuy going?

- She going on to the part on the other
side of Thang Long Bridge with her old
friends (she’s going on the picnic)
4. What does Thuy grandmother want
her to do?

- She wants her to bring along a


Teacher reviews the kowledge in the lesson.
5.Home work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

Test 15’

Subject: English.
I.Complete the sentences, using who,which(6m.)

1. A doctor is a person……….take care of sick children.
2.I am athe boy………is wearing a white T-shirt.

3.Tet is a festival……….occurs in late January or early February.

4.I like reading books……….tell about diferrent people and their cultures.

5.Tomorrow I’ll go to the beach to meet my friends……….. also come to visit there.
6.Auld Lang Syne is a song……….is sung on NewYear’s Eve.

II.Choose the best answer.

1.If a disaster…..………. in an area,people from other areas will offer help.
A.happens B.will happen C,happening D.happened

2.There is too much traffic………the air is polluted.

A.however B.since C.therefore D.but
3.I like English………it is useful.

A.but B.so C.because D.although
4.Ba eats a lot of food……….he wasn’t hungry.

A.though B.but C.because D.so
<b>Answer key</b>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

Date 17/3/2009


<b> Lesson: Speak-Listen</b>


Students will get some ideal on how to live with earthquakes by listening and
further practice on Relative pronouns: who – which – that.

<b>II.Language content</b>.

Grammar:Relative pronouns: who – which – that.
Vocabulary:related disasters.

<b>III.Teaching methods.</b>

Communicative approach, deductive,eliciting,listening,speaking,reading,writing.
Techniques: ask-answer, pair work-groupwork,individual work.

IV. <b>Teaching aids:</b>

Text books, pictures,tape,cassette player.

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>
<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>

<b>Students practice the dialogue and answer the questions.</b>

1. Why does Thuy’s grandmother ask her to turn up the volume?
- Because she wants to listen to the weather forecast

2. Where is Thuy going?

- She going on to the part on the other side of Thang Long Bridge with her old friends

(she’s going on the picnic)

<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<b>Teacher and students’activities </b> <b>Content</b>
Teacher has students think about

what they do to prepare for a

Students can work in pairs.

Teacher has students to go to the
board and write down.


<b>Warm –up</b>
<b>* Brainstorming:</b>


Preparation for A

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>

Students write down on the board.

Teacher explains how to do this

Students listen to teacher.
Teacher explains new
words.Students copy down.

Teacher has students to exercise

Store water

* Possible answers:

+ Check the doors and the windows.
+ Cut some branches of high tree in the
garden or around the house

+ Buy oil, gas
+ buy candles
+ Check the roof

- bucket (n): cái sô (visual)

- leak (n): chỗ thủng, chỗ dột (visual)
- latch (n): cái chốt cửa (picture)
- ladder (n) : cái thang (picture)
- blanket (n) : cái mền (picture)

- damage (v): phá hỏng, làm thiệt hại
(synonym of hurt or spoil).

<b>II. Revision:</b>
* Form:

<i><b>may + infinitive</b></i>

* Use: in deduction or prediction
* Practice:

the water pipe may be damaged

There be must strong wind blowing

*<i> Possible answers:</i>

- There may be a power cut
- There must be heavy rain
- Big trees may fall down.
- The market may be closed
- There may be a flood

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

3a on page 76.

Students have to check (P) what

preparations they think should be
done for a typhoon.

Teacher calls some students to

give the answers .

Students gives the answers before

Teacher corrects if necessary.

Teacher elicits some questions and
gets students to ask and answer in

Students work in pairs.
Teacher calls some pairs to
practice before class.

One asks and one answers before

- ………

<i><b>a.Check (v) what preparations you think </b></i>
<i><b>should be made for a typhoon.</b></i>

*<i>Answer keys:</i>

P Buying some canned food

Painting the house
Buying a dog

P Buying candles
P Buying marches

Hiring some video movies

P Filling all buckets with water
P Buying a ladder

Washing your blankets

P Fixing the leak in the roof

P Tying the roof to the ground with pegs

and ropes.

Inviting some friends over for a dinner

P Checking all the window and a door


<i><b>b.Now work with a partner.Talk about </b></i>
<i><b>what you think you want to buy and do to </b></i>
<i><b>prepare for a typhoon; Explain why. The </b></i>
<i><b>ideas in the box may help you.</b></i>

a. Why do we need to buy food?

( Because the market will be cooled and
no food will be available)

b. What food do we need to buy?

(rice, oil, canned food, soy sauce, flour,

c. Why do we need to buy candles?
( Because there may be power cut)
d. Why do need to fill all buckets with

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>

Teacher asks students to use the
expressions on page 77 when
talking to one another

Students work in pairs.

Teacher divides the students into
the group of four and haa students
talk about what they think they
want to buy and to do prepare a
typhoon; explain why. They can
use the questions and the answers
above. Besides, the ideas in the
bubbles on page 77 can help
students talk easily.

Students work in groups.

(Teacher goes around and help
students and encourages students
to show their own ideas.)

Teacher calls some groups to
practice before class.

Students practice in front of class.
Teacher asks students to write
something about what they have to
do to prepare for a typhoon.

Students write at home.

Teacher asks students some
questions about earthquakes.
Students answer.

e. Why do need to buy a ladder?

( Because the roof may be damaged by
the typhoon, and we have to fix it)
f. Why do we need to the check all the
window and door latches?

(Just in case the strong wind pushes the
doors open)

* I think …

* I think you should…
* Yes, I think so …
* What for?

<b>* Chatting:</b>

+ Have you ever heard of and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

Teacher explains new words
Students copy down.


+ In which country do earthquakes occur

+ What would you do if there was an


- block (v): haïn chế, ngăn cản

(definition: make movement difficult or

- roller (n): trục lăn, con lăn (picture)
- strike – struck – struck (v): va chạm
(synonym: hit)

- hurricane (n): cơn bão (in North and
South America)

(synonym: typhoon in Asia)

- cyclone (n): cơn lốc xoáy, bão (in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

Teacher sets the scene<i>: An expert </i>
<i>is giving a talk on how to live with </i>

Students listen to teacher.

Teacher has students look at the
box on the page 77 and guess the
words in the blanks from (1) to (9)
Students work individually.

Teacher plays the tape.

Students listen to the tape twice
and check their prediction.

Teacher has students compare the
answers with their partner.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls some pairs to give
the answers before class.

Teacher asks some questions about

<b>While listening</b>

<i>* Answer keys: </i>

(1) Bottom shelf of the bookshelf
(2) Fridge.

(3) Watching machine
(4) Mirrors

(5) A window
(6) Inside

(7) Under a strong table
(8) Doorway

(9) Corner of a room

<i>* Tape transcripts:</i>

If you live in an earthquake zone, you
should take some time to look around

your house. Place heavy books on the
bottom shelf of your bookshelves. Block
the roller on your fridge and washing
machine to present them from moving.
Put hanging potted plants in plastic
container. Check the mirrors in your
bathroom and bedroom. Make sure they
can’t move. Don’t put your bed next to
window. Planning where you are going
to be during an earthquake is very

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

the lesson.

Students answer. a strong table or doorway, or stand in the corner of a room.
<b>Post –listening.</b>


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.
5Home work.

Students learn the content in the lesson and prepare next part “read”.
Seen 20/3/2009

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

Test 15’

Subject: English.
<b>I.Complete the sentences, using who,which(6m.)</b>

1. A doctor is a person……….take care of sick children.

2.I am athe boy………is wearing a white T-shirt.

3.Tet is a festival……….occurs in late January or early February.

4.I like reading books……….tell about diferrent people and their cultures.

5.Tomorrow I’ll go to the beach to meet my friends……….. also come to visit there.
6.Auld Lang Syne is a song……….is sung on NewYear’s Eve.

<b>II.Choose the best answer(4m.)</b>

1.If a disaster…..………. in an area,people from other areas will offer help.
A.happens B.will happen C,happening D.happened

2.There is too much traffic………the air is polluted.

A.however B.since C.therefore D.but
3.I like English………it is useful.

A.but B.so C.because D.although
4.Ba eats a lot of food……….he wasn’t hungry.

A.though B.but C.because D.so

Test 15’

Subject: English.
<b>I.Complete the sentences, using who,which(6m.)</b>

1. A doctor is a person……….take care of sick children.
2.I am athe boy………is wearing a white T-shirt.

3.Tet is a festival……….occurs in late January or early February.

4.I like reading books……….tell about diferrent people and their cultures.

5.Tomorrow I’ll go to the beach to meet my friends……….. also come to visit there.
6.Auld Lang Syne is a song……….is sung on NewYear’s Eve.

<b>II.Choose the best answer (4m.)</b>

1.If a disaster…..………. in an area,people from other areas will offer help.
A.happens B.will happen C,happening D.happened

2.There is too much traffic………the air is polluted.

A.however B.since C.therefore D.but
3.I like English………it is useful.

A.but B.so C.because D.although
4.Ba eats a lot of food……….he wasn’t hungry.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>

Week 30


<b> Lesson </b>: Read


Students will be able to know more information about the natural disasters in the

<b>II.Language content</b>.

Grammar:Relative pronouns: who – which – that.
Vocabulary:related disasters.

<b>III.Teaching methods.</b>

Communicative approach, deductive,eliciting,listening,speaking,reading,writing.
Techniques: ask-answer, pair work-groupwork,individual work.

IV. <b>Teaching aids:</b>

Text books, pictures,tape,cassette player.

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>
<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>
<b> Playing a game in warm up.</b>
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Content</b>
Teacher shows four pictures on

page 74 and ask students to match
them with four words: snowstorm,

earthquake, volcano, and typhoon
One student goes to the board and

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers

Teacher gives students some

<i>Warm up:</i>

<i>1. Matching and chatting:</i>

- Show four pictures on page 74 and ask
students to match them with four words:
snowstorm, earthquake, volcano, and

<i>2. Answer keys:</i>

a) Snowstorm – Picture 1
b) Earthquake – Picture 2
c) Volcano – Picture 3
d) Typhoon – Picture 4

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>

questions about the four natural

Students answer

Teacher explains new words
Students copy down

Teacher presents 6 statements about
the information of some to natural
disastests. All of you have to read
them and guess whether they are
true or false.

Students skim the questions
Teacher hangs the poster of T/F
statements on the board.

Students work in pairs to guess
which statements are true and which
are false.

Teacher has students read the text
on page 78 and check their

an earthquake/ a volcano/ a typhoon?
+ Have you ever experienced any of
these natural disasters? What

happened? How did you feed?

- Tidal wave (n): sóng thần (translation)
- abrupt (adj): bất ngờ, đột ngột

(synonym: quick, sudden)

- shift (n): sự chuyển dịch, thay đổi
(definition: change of position)
- warn (n): cảnh báo, báo trước

- funnel-shaped (adj): có hình phiểu

- suck up (v): hút lên (translation)
- tornado (n): cơn lốc xoáy

- Majority (n): đa số, phần lớn

<b>I. True- False Statements Predictions</b>
1. Most of earthquakes in the world
occur in the Ring of Fire.

2. The earthquake in Kobe in 1995
caused severe damage.

3. A huge tidal wave traveled from
California to Alaska and hit Anchorage
in the 1960s.

4. Typhoon, hurricane and tropical
storm are different words for the same
natural disasters.

5. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is
the world’s largest ever volcano

6. A Tornado looks like a funnel
- Give feedback

<b>While- reading </b>

Guess Answer Correction

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>


Teacher calls them to give the

Students correct false statements

Teacher has students complete the
sentences in exercise 5b on page

Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls students to give the
answers before class.

Students give the correct answers.
Teacher correct if necessary.

Teacher gives students some

Students answer

(Teacher divides the class into four

Students read the text again)

( Group 1 asks a question. Group 2,
3, 4 answer it.

Group 2 ask another question.
Group 1, 3, 4 answers.)

Teacher goes on until the four

2. T

3. F A huge tidal wave traveled from
Alaska to California

4. T

5. F The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is
the world’s largest volcanic eruption
in more than 50 years.

6. T

<b>II. Complete the sentences:</b>

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. The majority of earthquakes occur
around the Pacific Rim.

2. During the earthquake in Kobe,
many people were killed when homes,
office blocks and highways collapsed.
3. A tidal wave can only occur when
there is an abrupt shift in the

underwater movement of the Earth.
4. In Australia, a tropical storm is
known as a cyclone

5. Christopher Columbus gave us the
word “typhoon”.

6. A Tornado is a type of storm that
passes overland below a thunderstorm
and sucks up anything that is in its path.
<b>Post -reading</b>

<i>* Possible answers:</i>

1. Why do people call the Pacific Rim

“Ring of Fire”

- Because 90% of earthquakes occur
around the Pacific Rim.

2. What will happen when there is an
abrupt shift in the underwater

movement of the earth?
- Tidal waves will happen
3. What does typhoon” mean?
- It mean “big wind”

4. Can we predict a volcano?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

groups ask their questions. the eruption

Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.

Students learn by heard the lesson and prepare next part “write”

Week 30



<b> Lesson </b>: Write

3. Students will be able to write a story
<b>II.Language content</b>.

Grammar:Past perfect tense, present perfect tense….
Vocabulary:related disasters.

<b>III.Teaching methods.</b>

Communicative approach, deductive,eliciting,listening,speaking,reading,writing.
Techniques: ask-answer, pair work-groupwork,individual work.

IV. <b>Teaching aids:</b>

Text books, pictures,minor boards, markers

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>
<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>
<b> Playing a game in warm up.</b>
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

Teacher presents the words whole
letters are in a random order on the

Teacher divides the class into two


<i>Jumble words:</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>


Students from two teas go to the
board and write the correct words.
- The teams which write more correct
words first win the game.

<b>Teacher s</b>hows six pictures on the

- Set the scene: <i>This is Lan’s family, </i>
<i>they are at home</i>

Teacher asks some questions to elicit
the story.

Students answer.

3. lacono – volcano

4. tearquake – earthquake
5. ormst – storm


- behave (v): cư xử, ứng xử

- shelter (n): chỗ trú ngụ (definition: a
place of safely)

- all of sudden (IDM): bất ngờ, bỗng
dưng (synonym: suddenly)

<i>1. Picture 1:</i>

- Who is this? It’s Lan

- Where is she? She’s outside/in the

- What is she doing? She’s playing
with her dog, Skippy.

=> Lan is out side playing with her

<i>2. Picture 2:</i>

- How is the dog? It looks strange.
Perhaps is it scared?

è All of a student, the dog behaves


<i>3. Picture 3:</i>

- What’s on TV? The weather forecast
- What does Lan’s mother say? She
tells Lan that she has just heard on TV
that there is a typhoon coming.

à Lan ran home and her mother tells

her that there is a typhoon coming
4. Picture 4:

- What are they doing? They are
gathering and talking about the
coming typhoon

à Mrs. Quyen gathers her family and

asks them to find shelter in the house.
5. Picture 5:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=153>

Teacher asks some students to look at
the pictures and retell the story

Students tell story before class.
Teacher has students write a story.
Students write a story individually.
The cues in the box on page 79 will
help students to write easily

Teacher reminds students to use past

Teacher can go around and help
students to write.

-Teache gets students to share with
their partners and correct mistakes.
Students share with a partner.

Teacher takes some writing to correct
on front of the class.

Students to rewrite their writings
Teacher collects their papers and

Teacher gets students to write
another story. They can make
changes or add more details to the

Students can write story at home.

very dark. It has strong wind a heavy

à Suddenly, it becomes dark. The

storm comes with strong win and
heavy rain

6. Picture 6:

- What’s the weather like now? It’s

- How are they now? They all are

à The storm finishes soon and

everyone is glad

<i>* Sample:</i>

It was a beautiful day. The sun was
shiny, the sky was blue and the

weather was perfect. Lan was outside
playing with her dog, Skippy. All of a
student, the dog began behaving
strangely. She kept running around
circles. Lan ran home with her dog to
tell her mother what Skippy was
doing. Lan’s mother, Mrs. Quyen told
Lan that she heard on TV that there
was a typhoon coming. Mrs. Quyen

gathered her family and told them to
find shelter in the house.

Suddenly, the sky became very dark.
The storm came with strong wind and
heavy rain. Mrs. Queen and her family
were scared, but soon the storm

finished and everyone was glad. What
a clever dog Skippy is. She saved
LAN from being caught in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=154>


Teacher review how to write a story.

Students write a story again and prepare next part “language focus”.

Seen 20/3/2009

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=155>



<b> Lesson </b> Language Focus

Students will be able to distinguish between defining Relative clauses and non –
defining Relative clauses

<b>II.Language content</b>.

Grammar: Relative clauses and non – defining Relative clauses
Vocabulary:related disasters.

<b>III.Teaching methods.</b>

Communicative approach, deductive,eliciting,listening,speaking,reading,writing.
Techniques: ask-answer, pair work-groupwork,individual work.

IV. <b>Teaching aids:</b>

Text books, pictures,minor boards, markers

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>
<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>
<b> Playing a game in warm up.</b>
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>content</b>
Teacher prepares twelve cards

with number on one side and the
words on the other.

Teacher sticks the cards on the
board so that the students can only
see the numbers, make sure the
words are mixed up in pairs.

Teacher divides the class into two
teams. (Each team chooses two
numbers ,turn over 2 cards at a
time. If they match that team gets
one mark. If not, turn the cards

<b>Warm – up</b>
* Pelmanism:

Kangaroos Tokyo Lang Son Sacramento Pompeii


<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=156>

over again and ask the next team
and continue until all the cards are
turned over).

Students play game.

Teacher explains some new words.
Students copy down.

Teacher gives students two pairs
of sentences and ask them to use
Relative pronoun who or which to

combine them.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher has some pairs practice
before class.

Students practice before class.
Teacher corrects is necessary.

<b>I. Pre-teach vocabulary</b>

- sweep – swept – swept : quét, cuốn đi,
tràn qua (mime)

- destroy (v): phá huỷ (define: pull down
or break to pieces)

- extensive (adj): lớn, rộng lớn
(synonym : wide, large)

- border (v): tiếp giáp với (visual)
<b>1.Use your knowledge to answer the </b>
<b>questions.Use “who”, “which” or </b>
<b>“that” in your answers and start your </b>
<b>answers with the words given.</b>


<b>a)Which city in Japan was struck by a </b>

<b>huge earthquake in 1995?T</b>

<i>The city which was struck by a huge </i>
<i>earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe.</i>

<b>b)Which country won the 1998 Tiger </b>

<i><b>The country which won the 1998 Tiger </b></i>
<i><b>Cup is Singapore.</b></i>

<b>c)Which animal has one or two horns </b>
<b>on its snout?</b>

<i>The animal which has one or two horns on</i>
<i>its snout is rhinoceros.</i>

<b>d)Which explorer discovered America?</b>

<i>The explorer who discovered Ameri</i><b>ca is </b>

<b>Christoper Columbus.</b>

<b>e)Which planet is closest to the Earth?</b>

<i>The planet which is closest to the Earth is </i>

<b>f)Which animal in Vietnam was chosen </b>
<b>to be the logo of SEA Games 2003?</b>

<i>The animal which was chosen to be the </i>
<i>logo of SEA Games 2003 is the buffalo.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=157>

Teacher has students do the
exercise in Language Focus 2 on
page 81-82

Students match each of the

sentences in column A with related
sentences in column B, and then
use a suitable relative pronoun to
join them.

Students work individual, then
share with their partners.

Teacher calls some pairs to give
the answers before class.

Students read the answers before

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

<b>two regions by the sea?</b>

<i>The ASEAN country which is divided into </i>

<i>two regions by the sea is Malysia</i><b>.</b>

<b>h)Which food you can chew but you can</b>
<b>not swallow and which one you can </b>
<b>swallow but you cannot chew?</b>

<i>The food which you can chew but you can </i>
<i>not swallow is the chewing gum; and the </i>
<i>thing you swallow but you cannot chew is </i>

<b>2. Match each of the sentences in </b>
<b>column A with a related sentence in </b>
<b>columnB.Then use a suitable relative </b>
<b>pronoun to join the two sentences.</b>

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1-e: Andrew is flying to Sacramento,
which is the capital city of California
2-g: It snowed in Lang Son, which is on
the Ky Cung River, in Winter of 2002.
3-f: Pompeii, which is an ancient city of
Italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79
by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

4-a: Hurricane Andrew, which swept
through southern Florida in August 1992,

killed 41 people and made more than
200.000 homeless.

5-c: The cyclone of November 1970 in
Bangladesh, which is bordered by the
Bay of Bengal on the south, was one of
the worst natural disasters of the 20th


6-d: The most disasters earthquake in
Japanese history, which occurred in 1923,
damaged Tokyo and yokohama and killed
about 150.000 people.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=158>

Teacher gives examples and help
students distinguish between
defining and non-defining Relative

* Defining Relative clauses
identify nouns; these clauses tell
us which person or thing the
speaker means.

* Non-defining Relative clauses
give more information about a
person or thing already identified.
When we write these clauses, we
put commas at the beginning of the

clause (and often at the end of the

* We can not use “<i>that” </i>in a non –
defining Relative clause.

* In a non – defining Relative
clause we cannot leave out who or

Teacher has students do the
exercise in Language Focus 3 on
page 82

Students underline the Relative
clause in each sentence, and then
add commas to separate the non
defining Relative clause from the
rest of the sentences.(students to
work in pairs

Teacher calls some students to
write the answers on the board
Some students write the sentences
on the board.

Teacher comments and corrects.

to older buildings in San Francisco Bay

<b>3.Underline the reletive clause in the </b>
<b>sentence. Then add commas to </b>

<b>separate the non-defining relative </b>
<b>clause from the rest of the sentence.</b>

<i>1. </i>The Novel has been lost. You gave me
the novel on my birthday.

à The Novel which you gave me on my

birthday has been lost.

2. Vietnam, exports rice. Vietnam is in
the Southeast Asia.

à Vietnam, which is in the Southeast

Asia, exports rice.

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

a. Kangaroos, which come from
Australia, have long tails.

b. Ba, who lives Trang Tien Street, likes
playing the guitar.

c. The novel that you gave me on
birthday, has been lost

D. Neil Armstrong, who first walked on
the room, lives in the USA.

e. The chair that I bought yesterday, is
broken (<i>defining Relative clause</i>)

F. Mrs. Lien, who sings very well, is my
English teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=159>

Teacher has students rewrite the
sentences in Language focus 3
exercise on page 82

Students to replace each

underlined clause with their own

Teacher lets students use facts or
their imagination.

Students ork individually. then
share with their partners.

Teacher calls some pairs to give
the answers before class.

Students read the answers before

Teacher comments and gives the
correct answers.

<b>a clause you have written. You may use</b>
<b> facts or your imagination.</b>


Suggested answer:

a. Vietnam, which is a small country,
exports rice.

b. Kangaroos, which are called “Chuot
tui” in Vietnamese, have long tails.

c. Ba, who is my best friend, likes playing
the guitar.

d. (defining)

e. Neil Armstrong, who is a famous
astronaut, lived in the USA.

f. (defining)

g. Miss.Lien, who teachers us English, is

a beautiful woman


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.
5.Home work.

Students do the exercises again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=160>



Students will be able to use Relative clauses,adverbial clauses…
<b>II.Language content</b>.

Grammar: Relative clauses ,adverbial clauses…

<b>III.Teaching methods.</b>

Communicative approach, deductive,eliciting,listening,speaking,reading,writing.
Techniques: ask-answer, pair work-groupwork,individual work.

IV. <b>Teaching aids:</b>

Text books, pictures,minor boards, markers

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>

<b>2.Review of the previous lesson.</b>
<b> Playing a game in warm up.</b>
<b>3.New lesson.</b>

Teacher and students’activities content
Teacher asks stuents to tell how to use

the grammar points.

Students answer how to use before

Teacher give the exercises.

Students do the exercises individually,
Teacher asks them to cmpare the
ansers with their friends.

Teacher calls some students to give
the answers before class.

Teacher comment and gives the
correct answers.

Students copy in the notebook.

<b>1.complete the sentences using </b>

a.We will soon gather at the village……

<i>where</i>the festival is taking place.

b.Do you know the name of the tourist <i>who </i>

came and talked about NewYear in Canada?
c.I’m looking for a book <i>which </i>tells about
traditional festivals of Asian people.

d.This is the photo of hero<i>whom</i> our teacher
talked about in the lecture.

e.I recently visited the school which I used
to study five years ago.

Teacher asks stuents to tell how to use
the grammar points.

Students answer how to use before

Teacher give the exercises.

Students do the exercises individually,
Teacher asks them to cmpare the

<b>2.Write sentences.Use the following </b>
<b>words/phrases to writea sentence with </b>
<b>although,though, even though.</b>

a.It/rain/my father/go to work.

<i>Although it’s raining hard,myfather has to </i>
<i>go to work. </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=161>

ansers with their friends.

Teacher calls some students to give
the answers before class.

Teacher comment and gives the
correct answers.

Students copy in the notebook.

Teacher asks stuents to tell how to use
the grammar points.

Students answer how to use before

Teacher give the exercises.

Students do the exercises individually,
Teacher asks them to cmpare the
ansers with their friends.

Teacher calls some students to give
the answers before class.

Teacher comment and gives the
correct answers.

Students copy in the notebook.

<i>Mr.brown is waiting for the bus though it’s </i>

c.Kate/live/ city/he/always/walk/to work.

<i>Although Kate lives in the city,he always </i>
<i>walks to work.</i>

d.My house/near/the beach/I rarely/go

<i>Even though my house is near the beach,I </i>
<i>rarely go swimming.</i>

e.My brother/work/in Hanoi/He/come
home/everypublic/ holiday.

<i>Though my brother works in Hanoi,he comes</i>
<i>home every public holiday.</i>

<b>3.Choose the appropriate word in the </b>
<b>brackets to fill in the blank.</b>

a.Kobe is a city…….a huge earthquake
happened in 1995.(which/place/where)

b.Mount Pinatubo,which is a ……will erupt in
the Philippines.


c.A tornado lifted a baby……….was asleep in
its baby carriage.(where /when/ who)
d.This is the story of woman……….husband
lost his money after the accident.


e.His wife,………he misses so much, has died.


Teacher review the knowledge in the lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=162>

Seen 3/4/2009

Pham Quoc Toan



<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=163>

<b> </b>




Students will be able to check their knowledge from unit 8 to unit 9
II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar: The knowledge from unit 8 to unit 9
Vocabulary: The knowledge from unit 8 to unit 9
III/ <i>Teaching methods.</i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.
Techniques: listen-read- write.

IV/ <i>Teaching aids.</i>

Textbook,cassesste player, papers, rulers, pens, pencils.
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

I. Listening.

<i>Listen to the song Auld Lang Syne and fill in the missing words.</i>

Know more about the celetrations
III.Language focus :

Review the grammar points in unit 8,9

Use the words/phrases to write the correct sentences.

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng




















3 The content of the test.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=164>

<i><b> Auld Lang Syne</b></i>

Should(1) …………acquaintances be forgot
And never (2)………… to mind?
Should auld acquaintances be forgot
And (3)………..of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne,my(4) …………,
for auld lang syne.

We’ll(5) …………..a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.


<i><b>Read the passage about then answer T or F to the following statements</b></i>

Thanksgiving,or thanksgiving Day,is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks for the things
people have at the end of the harvestseason.In the United States,Thanksgiving is celebrated on
the fourthThursday of November.In Canada,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in

In the United States,certain kinds of food are traditionally served at Thanksgiving meals.First,

turkey is usually the features item on any Thanksgiving feast table(so Thanksgiving is sometimes
refered to as “Turkey Day”). Additionally,stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet
potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn,other fall vegetables,yams and pumpkin pie are commonly
associated with Thanksgiving dinner. All of these primary dishes are actually native to the
Americas and were intrduced as a new food source to the Europeans when they arrived.
<i>Check True(T) or False(F)</i>

1.Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in the all countries around the world.
2.In Canada,Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

3.Sometimes, we call Thanksgiving Turkeyday.

4.Some common kinds of food at Thanksgiving dinner are fall vegetables, Pumpkin pie,corn.
5.All of the primary dishes for thanksgiving dinner come from America

<b>III.Language focus</b>

<i><b>Circle the best option to complete the blank.</b></i>

1………is a city where a huge earthquake happened in 1995.
A.Hanoi B.Kobe C.Bangkob D.Tokyo

2.Mount Pinatubo,which is a ………,will erupt in the Philipines.
A.earthquake B.volcano C.typhoon D.highland
3.A tornado lifted a baby………was asleep in its baby cariage.
A.where B.when C.that D.who

4.The tidal wave traveled from………in the 1960s.
A.Alaska to California B.California to Alaska
C.Tokyo to Kobe D.Kobe to Tokyo

5A large number of people were killed in Japan when homes, office-blocks and

A.collapse B.collapses C.collapsed D.collapsing
6………….. is a festival which occurs in late January or early February.
A.Passover B.Easter C. Christmas D.Tet
7.Passover is in ……….in Israel and by all Jewish people.
A.March or early April B. late March or early April

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=165>

8.Young children receive chocolate or sugar eggs on………..
A.Easter Day B. Passover C. Christmas D.Lunar new year
9………Liz has an exam tomorrow,she is still watching TV.
A.Because B.Although C.However D.So

10.I like listening to pop music………….is interesting music.
A.who B.whom C.where D.which
<b>IV. Writing</b>

Use the words/phrases to write the correct sentences.
1. Though/it/cold//Mr.Ba/wait for the bus.

2.Although/my house/near the beach/Nam/rarely/go swimming.
3.The festival/be/ late March/or/early April/called/Easter.
4.Storm/come/with strong winds /heavy rain.

5.What clever dog/Skippy! She /save/ Lan /from catch/in/typhoon.

<b> </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=166>




<b> </b>




Students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from unit 8 to unit 9
II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar: The knowledge from unit 8 to unit 9
Vocabulary: The knowledge from unit 8 to unit 9
III/ <i>Teaching methods.</i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen-read- write,pair work-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching aids.</i>

Textbook,cassesste player, papers, rulers, pens, pencils.
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.
3.New lesson.

Teacher and students’activities Content
Teacher asks students to read the

exercises and remmenber then choose the
correct answers.

Students work in pair.
Teacher plays the tape twice.

Students listen and choose the correct

Teacher has students compare their
answers with each other.

Teacher calls some students give the
correct answers before class.

Teacher plays the tape again .comments
and gives the correct answers.


<i><b>Listen to the public announcement and </b></i>
<i><b>circle the best option ( A, B or C ) to </b></i>
<i><b>answer the questions .</b></i>

Tổng số 2,5 điểm.Mổi câu đúng 0,5

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=167>

Teacher asks students to skim the text .
Students compare their answers in pair.
TeachTeacher calls some students to give the

correct answers before class.

Students give the correct answers before

Teacher calls another students to

Teacher gives the correct answers.

Teacher calls students to give the
answers and explain how to choose
them before class.

Students give their answers.

Teacher comments and gives the correct

Teacher calls students to give the

answers and explain how to choose
them before class.

Students give their answers.

Teacher comments and gives the correct


<i><b>Read the passage about Singapore, then </b></i>
<i><b>answer T or F to the following statements.</b></i>

Tổng số 2,5 điểm.Mổi câu đúng 0,5


<b>III.Language focus</b>

<i><b>Circle the best option to complete the </b></i>

Tổng số 2,5 điểm.Mổi câu đúng 0,25

<b>IV. Writing</b>

Tổng số 2,5 điểm.Mổi câu đúng 0,5

1.Though it is cold,Mr.Ba is waiting
for the bubus.

2.Although my house is near the
beach,Nam rarely goes swimming.

3.The festival is late March or early April
iscalled Easter.

4. The storm came with strong winds and
heavy rain.

5.What a clever dog,Skippy! She saved Lan
from beingcaught in the typhoon.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=168>

5/<i>Home work.</i>

Students learn the kowledge in the test.

Students prepare next part “ UNIT 10 :Getting started- líten and read”

Seen 3/4/2009

Pham Quoc Toan

School:Tran Van Thoi high school
Class: 9

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=169>



Marks Comments


<i><b>Listen to the song Auld Lang Syne and fill in the missing words.</b></i>

<i><b> Auld Lang Syne</b></i>

Should(1) …………acquaintances be forgot
And never (2)………… to mind?
Should auld acquaintances be forgot
And (3)………..of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne,my(4) …………,
for auld lang syne.

We’ll(5) …………..a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.


<i><b>Read the passage about then answer T or F to the following statements</b></i>

Thanksgiving,or thanksgiving Day,is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks for the things
people have at the end of the harvestseason.In the United States,Thanksgiving is celebrated on
the fourthThursday of November.In Canada,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in

In the United States,certain kinds of food are traditionally served at Thanksgiving meals.First,
turkey is usually the features item on any Thanksgiving feast table(so Thanksgiving is sometimes
refered to as “Turkey Day”). Additionally,stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet
potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn,other fall vegetables,yams and pumpkin pie are commonly
associated with Thanksgiving dinner. All of these primary dishes are actually native to the
Americas and were intrduced as a new food source to the Europeans when they arrived.
<i>Check True(T) or False(F)</i>

1.Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in the all countries around the world.
2.In Canada,Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

3.Sometimes, we call Thanksgiving Turkeyday.

4.Some common kinds of food at Thanksgiving dinner are fall vegetables, Pumpkin pie,corn.
5.All of the primary dishes for thanksgiving dinner come from America

<b>III.Language focus</b>

<i><b>Circle the best option to complete the blank.</b></i>

1………is a city where a huge earthquake happened in 1995.
A.Hanoi B.Kobe C.Bangkob D.Tokyo

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=170>

A.earthquake B.volcano C.typhoon D.highland
3.A tornado lifted a baby………was asleep in its baby cariage.
A.where B.when C.that D.who

4.The tidal wave traveled from………in the 1960s.
A.Alaska to California B.California to Alaska
C.Tokyo to Kobe D.Kobe to Tokyo

5A large number of people were killed in Japan when homes, office-blocks and

A.collapse B.collapses C.collapsed D.collapsing
6………….. is a festival which occurs in late January or early February.
A.Passover B.Easter C. Christmas D.Tet
7.Passover is in ……….in Israel and by all Jewish people.

A.March or early April B. late March or early April

C.Late January or early February D. January or early February
8.Young children receive chocolate or sugar eggs on………..
A.Easter Day B. Passover C. Christmas D.Lunar new year
9………Liz has an exam tomorrow,she is still watching TV.
A.Because B.Although C.However D.So

10.I like listening to pop music………….is interesting music.
A.who B.whom C.where D.which
<b>IV. Writing</b>

Use the words/phrases to write the correct sentences.
1. Though/it/cold//Mr.Ba/wait for the bus.

2.Although/my house/near the beach/Nam/rarely/go swimming.
3.The festival/be/ late March/or/early April/called/Easter.
4.Storm/come/with strong winds /heavy rain.

5.What clever dog/Skippy! She /save/ Lan /from catch/in/typhoon.

<b> </b>

<i><b>Good luck to you !</b></i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=171>

<b>Lesson:Getting started- Listen and read </b>


Students will be able to know more about UFOs.
II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar:conditional type, relative clause
Vocabulary: Related the UFOs

III/ <i>Teaching methods.</i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen -speak-read- write,pair work-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching aids.</i>

Textbook,cassesste player, papers, rulers, pens, pencils.
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.
3.New lesson.


<b>Teacher and students’activities </b> <b>Content</b>
Teacher shows the pictures

Students answer some questions

about UFOs

Teacher intrduces the content of the

Students listen to teacher.
Teacher explains new words
Students copy down.

<i>* Chatting:</i>

* What can you see in the pictures?
* What do we call them in


* Do you know another word for

(flying saucer)

* Do you thing they really exist?
* Have you ever seen any films on

* Do you want to see a UFO? What do
you want to know about UFOs?

* If you saw an UFOs, what would you

<b> Pre-reding</b>

- spacecraft (n): tàu vũ trụ (picture)
- meteor (n): sao băng (visual, picture)
- evidence (v): bằng chứng

(definiton: anything that makes clear,
shows or proves)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=172>

Teacher gets students to read the text
and find the words in the text that
have the meanings given in <b>* 2 a on </b>
<b>page 84:</b>

Students to work in pairs.

Teacher calls students to give the

Students give the answers before

Teacher has students do exercise 2b
on page 84

Students read the text again and
complete the notes. They have to
work individually then compare with
their partners.

Teacher calls on some students to
read aloud their sentences.

Students give the answers before

Teacher gives feedback.

(synonym: catch (by force) arrest)
- device (n): dụng cụ, thiết bị

- claim (v): địi quyền, nhận là


<b>a.Fill the words in the text having </b>
<b>the following meanings.</b>

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. proof, support = evidence

2. falling star or shooting star = meteor
3. unknown/strange people or thing =

4. bringing together or gathering =


5. caught as a prisoner = captured
6. because impossible to see =

<b>b. Complete the notes</b>

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

UFO Sightings:

a) An aircraft , a weather balloon
or a meteor can be mistaken for
a alien spacecraft

b) In 1947, a pilot saw nine large
round objects traveling at about
2.800 meters an hours.

c) There were over 1.500 UFO
sightings worldwide in 1952
d) In 1954, a woman and her

children saw a UFO above their

e) A farmer saw an egg- shaped
object in one of his fields and
also aliens collecting soil

samples in 1964.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=173>

Teacher asks the whole class discuss
the topic “UFOs”.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher chooses good students to be
the leader.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher gets the leader make a
summary of the evidence of the
existence of UFOs and then discuss
with his/ her friends.(Teacher gives
the leader some questions for him /
her to ask his/ her friends).

Students answer.

g) A pilot and his plane

disappeared after sighting an
UFO in 1978.

h) In 1981, a Frenchman reported
that he saw a plate – like
device at a treetop 30 meters
away from his garden.


* Do you believe in Kenneth Arnold,
or the woman who saw a UFO above
her house?

* Have you ever seen a picture of an
alien? Can you imagine what the
aliens are like? Are they small or big?
Are they intelligent? (If yes) Why do
you think so?


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.

Students to do exercise 2b on page 84

Students to read the text again and complete the notes. They have to work
individually then compare with their partners.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=174>


<b>Lesson:Speak-Listen </b>


Students will be able to will be able to talk to one another about what they think there
might be on Mars, on the moon and on other planets.

II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar:Present simple tense, modal verbs.
Vocabulary: Related the UFOs

III/ <i>Teaching methods.</i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen -speak-read- write,pair work-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching aids.</i>

Textbook,cassesste player, papers, rulers, pens, pencils.
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.
Students play a game.

3.New lesson.

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Content</b>
Teacher says how to play games.

Students play games

Teacher asks students some questions
about the solar system.

Students answers the questions.

* Word square







à Earth
à Sun

à Mars (Hoả)
à Moon

à Mercury (Thuûy)

* Which planet is the nearest to the
sun? (M)

* Which is the biggest?
* Which is the hottest?

- microorganism (n): vi sinh vaät

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=175>

Teacher sets the scene.

<i>- Set the scene: A space tourist traveled</i>
<i>to Mars, he saw many things there and </i>
<i>noted them down. These are drawing of</i>
<i>things. Try to guess and match the </i>
<i>drawings with their names.</i>

(Number from 1 to 7 from left and

Students match the drawing with the
words in the box.

Teacher has students practice the
dialogue between Nam and Hung on
page 85.

- sparkling (adj): lấp lánh (realia)
- creature (n): sinh vật (translation)
- trace (n): dấu vết (visual)

- mineral (n): khống sản (example)
<b>II. Revision of modal verbs: may – </b>

<i>* Form:</i> <b>May/might +</b>


<i>* Use:</i> We use <b>may, might </b>to talk

about present or future possibility.

- <i>Might </i>is normally a little less sure

than <i>may.</i>

<i><b>a.There are drawings of things a </b></i>
<i><b>space-tourist to mars saw and noted </b></i>
<i><b>down.Try to guess and match the </b></i>
<i><b>drawings with the words in the </b></i>
<i><b>box.Then practice the dialogue with </b></i>
<i><b>a partner.</b></i>

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1) Minerals]
2) Water
3) Mountains
4) Plants

5) Little creatures
6) Gas

7) Gemstone

- Use the drawing to drill
* Exchange: what’s this?
This may be water on Mars.

1. What are they?

They may be minerals on Mars
2. What are they?

They might be plants on Mars
3. What’s this?

This may be gas on Mars
4. What are they?

They may be gemstones on Mars.
5. What are they?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=176>

Students to practice the dialogue in

Teacher calls some pairs to practice
the dialogue before class.

Some pairs practice before class.

Teacher corrects if necessary.

Teacher has students make up similar
dialogue about the drawings, using the
cues in 3a.

Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls on some pairs of
students to practice their dialogue
before the class.

Students practice in pairs before class.
Teacher gives feedback

Teacher gives students the topic
“What may there be on Mercury/on
the moon/ on Mars?”

Students practice in pairs.

Teacher asks students to write the

Students write the dialogues in their

Teacher prepares a shark (or a
crocodile) and a school girl/boy on

Teacher draws some steps on the
board, then stick the girl/boy on top of
the steps, the shark is in the sea

<i>* Dialogue</i>

Nam: What do these drawing say,

Hung: There might be water on

Nam: And what about those back
sparkling spots on the right corner?
Hung: Well, they might be traces of
gemstones. There may be a lot of
precious stones on Mars.

<i><b>b.Make up similar dialogues about </b></i>
<i><b>the drawings, using the cues in </b></i>
<i><b>section a).</b></i>

<i>* Sample:</i>

You: What do these drawing say?
Your friend: These may be
mountains on Mars.

You: And what about the red signs on

the left corner?

Your friend: Well, they might be gas
on Mass


* <i>Discussion:</i>

<i><b>c.Now talk with a partner.Tell each </b></i>
<i><b>other what you think there might be </b></i>
<i><b>on Mars,on the moon and on other </b></i>


<i>* Shark’s attack:</i>

* Temperature
* Lake

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=177>

(around the steps).

Students draws 4 gaps for the word:

Students ask a whole class. They have
to try to guess the letter. If their guess
is right, they will get one mark (The
girl/boy stands till)

The game continues until students find
out all the letters of the word MOON
and the shark can’t eat the girl/boy.
The game can go on.

Teacher expains new words.
Students copy down.

Teacher sets the scene.
Students listen to teacher<b>.</b>

Teacher has students work in pair to
tick the statements that they think they
are correct.

Students work in pairs.
Teacher gives feedback

<b> Pre-Listening.</b>

- expert (n): chuyeân gia (definition: a
person who has special knowledge,
skill or proactive)

- crater (n): hố (bom), miệng núi lửa

- one – sixth = một phần sáu
- two – fifths = hai phần năm.


<i> Set the scene: “You will listen to the </i>

<i>description of the moon. But before </i>
<i>listening, you should read the </i>
<i>statements on page 86 and guess </i>
<i>which is correct and which is </i>

a. There is no air on the moon.
b. There are rivers and lakes on the

c. There is no sound on the moon.
d. It is very cold at night on the

e. During the day the temperature is
even lower.

f. There are no round holes on the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=178>

Teacher plays the tape.
Students listen to the tape.

Teacher has students listen to tape
twice and check their prediction.
Students listen and check.

Teacher asks students to compare the


h. You will weigh 8 kilo heavier on
the moon.

i. You will be able to jump very high
on the moon

j. One day on the moon lasts for two

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

a, c, d, f, i, j

<i>* Tape transcript:</i>

“Good evening. Welcome to our
Science For Fun Program. This
week, we’ve received a lot of
questions asking about life on the
moon. We’ve talked to some experts
and this is what we’ve found out.
There is no water or air on the moon.
It is all silent because there is no air.
Of course, there will be no music, no

sounds. There are no rivers and no
lakes. At night, it is very cold. The
temperature rises to 1000<sub>C above </sub>


There are great round holes on the
moon. They look like big lakes. They
are called craters. There are more
than 30.000 craters on the moon.
There are also high mountains. The
highest mountains on the moon are
about 26.000 feet or 8.000 meters

And here is something very

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=179>

Teacher gives students some
questions and ask them to work in
pairs to answer them.

Teacher lets students listen to the tape
once again (or twice) and they check
their answers.

Students work in pairs.

(Students answer the questions. With
the partner).

Teacher calls students to give the
answers before class.

Students give the answers before

Teacher gives feedback.

Teacher corrects their answers and let
them listen to a tape again if they can’t
answer the question.

You can take very long steps as well.
And… May be you won’t sleep very
well because one day the moon lasts
for 2 weeks.

So, is there life on the moon? I’ll
leave the questions for you answer <b>II</b>


<i>* Questions:</i>

1. Why are there no sounds on the

2. How many craters are there on the

3. How much will you weigh on the
moon if you weigh 50 kilos on the

4. Will you sleep very well on the
moon? Why? Why not?

<i>* Answer key:</i>

1. Because there is no air on the

2. There are about 30.000 craters on
the moon

3. If I weigh 50 kilos, I’ll weigh only
a little more than 8 kilos.

4. No, we won’t. Because one day
lasts for two weeks on the moon.

Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=180>

Seen 17/4/2009

Pham Quoc Toan



<span class='text_page_counter'>(181)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=181>


Students will be able to will be able to understand the text about a space trip.

<b>II/ </b><i><b>Language content.</b></i>

Grammar:Present simple tense, modal verbs.
Vocabulary: Related the UFOs

III/ <i>Teaching methods.</i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen -speak-read- write,pair work-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching aids.</i>

Textbook,cassesste player, papers, rulers, pens, pencils.
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

<b>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</b>
<b>2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.</b>
Students play a game.

<b>3.Newlesson .</b>

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Teacher prepares some lectures of a
spaceship or of the first travel of man to
the moon

Teacher shows students that picture and
ask them some questions to involve
students in the topic of the lesson.
Students answer.

Teacher sets the sence and explains
new words.

Students copy down.

Teacher shows the poster of five
statements on the board.

Students work in pair to put the
statements in order to show what they
need and get in Joining a trip space.


<i>* Chatting:</i>

* Do you want to travel?

* Have you ever traveled in our country
or broad?

* Have you ever dreamed of a trip to

* Do you want to be an astronaut?

* Do you think traveling into space takes
a lot of money?


- push – up (v): hít đất (mime)

- orbit (n/v:) quĩ đạo/di chuyển theo quĩ
đạo (visual/picture/translation)

- totally (adv): hoàn toàn (synonym:

- marvelous (adj): tuyệt diệu, kỳ diệu
(synonym: wonderful)

- physical condition (n): tình trạng thể
chất, thể lực (translation)

<i><b>a.Put the phrases in order to show what </b></i>
<i><b>you need and get in joining a trip into the </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(182)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=182>

Teacher calls some pairs to give the

Student gives the answers before class.
Teacher gives the correct answers.

Teacher has students read the text again
and work in pairs to answer the

questions on page 87.
Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls on some students to
answer the questions loudly.
Students practice before class.
Teacher corrects their answers.

2. See pictures of the earth, its interesting
places, and the stars from very far.

3. Feel tree and enjoy wonderful feeling.
4. Get ready and be in an excellent
physical condition.

5. Get on the trip
- Give feedback.

- Have students read the text and check
their guess.

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

a. 4
b. 1
c. 5
d. 2
e. 3


<i><b>b.Answer.Then write the answers in full </b></i>

<i>* Answer keys: </i>

1) What will you have to do if you decide
to take a space trip?

- If you decide to take a space trip, you’ll
have to run a lot, swim every day, and do
aerobics and push – ups to have an
excellent physical condition.

2) What must you do if you want to show
you are in perfect health?

- If you want to show you are in perfect
health, you must get a letter from the

3) What scenes on the earth can you see
from the outer space?

- You can see pictures of the earth: your
country, interesting places, the oceans,
and the big rive the tall mountains.
4) How many times a day can you see
those scenes?

- We can see those scenes 16 times a day.
5) What things can you do while you are
in orbit that you cannot do when you are
on the earth?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(183)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=183>

Teacher gives students the topic of the

<i>“If you were able to take a space trip, </i>
<i>what would you do to prepare for the </i>
<i>trip? What would you like to bring </i>

Teacher divides the class into 4 groups.
The students discuss on groups.

Teacher asks each group to choose one
leader who will present his/her group’s

And goes around help students to show
their ideas.

Students write a short paragraph to
answer the questions in the discussion.
Teacher calls some groups to tell the
ideas before class.



Teacher review the knowledge in the lesson.


Students write a short paragraph to answer the questions in the discussion in the notebook.





Students will be able to will be able able to write an exposition about the existence of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(184)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=184>

Grammar:Present simple tense, modal verbs.
Vocabulary: Related the UFOs

III/ <i>Teaching methods.</i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen -speak-read- write,pair work-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching aids.</i>

Textbook,cassesste player, papers, rulers, pens, pencils,minorboards.
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

1.Greeting and taking attendance.
2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.
Students play a game.

3New lesson.

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Teacher writes the words whose letters
are in random other on the board.
Students from two teams go to board
and write the correct words (rearrange
the letters in correct order). The team
which writes more correct words first
wins the game.

Teacher gets students to do exercise 6a
on page 88

Students read the outline of an
exposition in column A and put the
paragraphs in column B in order to
match the sections in A.

Teacher calls students to give the
answers before class.


<i>* Jumbled words:</i>

1. ucinionttrod = introduction
2. oybd = body

3. nculcoonsi = conclusion
4. taimnenterent = entertainment
5. caret = trace

6. peapaceran = appearance


- imagination (n): sự tưởng tượng

- trick (n): mẹo, kỷ xảo (definition: a

cunning action)

- man – like creature (n): sinh vật giống
người (translation)

- mysterious (adj): bí hiểm (definition:
difficult or impossible to explain)
- Flying saucer (n): đóa bay (synonym:

<i><b>a.Read the outline of an exposition in </b></i>
<i><b>columnA.Then put the paragraph in </b></i>
<i><b>column B in order to match the sections </b></i>
<i><b>in column A. </b></i>

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. Introduction: I don’t believe there exist
UFOs even though

<span class='text_page_counter'>(185)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=185>

Students give the answers before class.
Teacher corrects

Teacher has students read the dialogue
between An and Ba about the existence
of UFOs.

Students read the dialogue.

Teacher gives students some questions

to make sure they understand the

Students has students practice before

Teacher gives the corrwect answers.

showing clearly the shapes of the UFOs.
Moreover, if there are UFOs, there will
certainly be traces of their landing on the

3. Conclusion: There fore, UFOs are just
the imagination of some writes and they
do exist only in films for entertainment.

<b>II. Reading the dialogue between An </b>
<b>and Ba about the existence of UFOs</b>

<i><b>* Comprehension questions:</b></i>

1. Does An believe there are UFOs?
(No, he doesn’t)

2. Does Ba believe in UFOs?
(Yes, he does)

3. What does An think about UFOs?
( He think that is might be people’s


4. Why does Ba think UFOs exist?
(Because newspapers talk a lot about
UFOs and many people around the world
say they are having seen flying saucers?)
5. What evidence makes Ba believe in

(There are plenty of photos of them and
the mysterious circles on the fields)
- Call on some students to answer the

- Correct their answers

- Ask students to practice asking and
answering in pairs.


<i>Now use Ba’s opinion in the dialogue to </i>
<i>write an expositionabout the existence of </i>
<i>UFOs.Begin with:</i>

<i>* Suggested writing:</i>

“I believe UFOs exist because article and
reports in newspapers talked a lot about
their appearance.

First, many people from different
countries reports that once saw flying

<span class='text_page_counter'>(186)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=186>

Techer gets students to use Ba’s opinion
to write an exposition about the

existence of UFOs.

Students write the exposition
individually then share with their
partners and correct mistakes by

Teacher calls some students to read their
writing before class then collect another
to correct at home.

Students read aloudly.

Teacher correct their mistakes.

said they saw man – like creatures get out
of the saucers.

Moreover, people are discussing the
mysterious circles on the fields in the
countryside of Great Britain.

So I think UFOs are not human’s
imagination. They are real; and we
should be ready to welcome their visits”.



Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.


Students write an exposition about the existence of UFOs in their notebooks.

Seen 8/5/2009

<span class='text_page_counter'>(187)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=187>




<b>Language Focus </b>


Students will be able to use modalverbs and conditional sentences

II/ <i>Language content.</i>

Grammar:Present simple tense, modal verbs and conditional sentences.
Vocabulary: Related the UFOs

III/ <i>Teaching methods.</i>

Communicative approach, suggestions.

Techniques: listen -speak-read- write,pair work-group work.
IV/ <i>Teaching aids.</i>

Textbook, papers, rulers, pens, pencils,minorboards.
V/ <i>Procedures.</i>

<i>1.Greeting and taking attendance.</i>
<i>2. Reviewing of the previous lesson.</i>
Students play a game.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(188)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=188>

<b>Stage </b> <b>Steps/ Activities</b>

<i>* Guessing game:</i>

Teacher prepares some things sex: a
key, a doll, a book, a pair of glasses, a

Teacher puts a thing in a box and ask
students to guess what it is by asking
the questions: May it be a book the
students who has the correct guess will
get good marks or get a present.

- The game goes on until the time is

Teacher reviews the modals verbs:may
and might and say how to use then
gives example.

Teacher has students look at the
pictures on page 89-90 to do exercise
in Language Focus 1.

Students to work in pairs. They have to
practice asking and answering.


<i>* Guessing game:</i>

<b>1.Work with a partner.Use may or might</b>
<b>and talk about Andy’spresents.</b>

<i>* Revision of modal verbs: may and might</i>

<i><b>* Form : May/Might + infinitive</b></i>
<i><b> (without to)</b></i>

* May/Might is used to talk about present
or future possibility.

* Might is normal a little less sure than

a. Ex: S1: What may it be?

S2: It may be a book or it might be a

b. What may it be?

It may be a box of crayons or it might be a
box of paints.

c. What may it be?

It may be a football or it might be a

d. What may it be?

It may be a boat or it might be a train
e. What may it be?

It may be a flying saucer or it might be a

f. What may it be?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(189)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=189>

Teacher has students work in pair to do

the exercise in Language Focus 2 on
page 90.

Students do the fives sentences, using
conditional sentences type 1.

Teacher calls on some students to read
their sentences before the class.

Teacher gives feedback and correct.

Teacher sets the scene: Ba is not rich
so he can’t travel around the word.
Teacher asks students to complete the

Students give the answer.
Teacher correct and explains

Teacher asks students to do Language
Focus 3 exercise on page 90.

Students have to work with a partner
and make commotional sentences type

Teacher asks students to read an
example first (3a)

<b>2.Complete the sentences.Use the verbs </b>

<b>in the box.</b>

<i><b>Revision of conditional sentences type 1</b></i>

<i>* Form:</i><b>If clause: simple present tense </b>
<b>main clause: simple future (will + verb </b>

<i>* Use:</i> We use this structure when there is
a possibility that the situation in the if –
clause will happen in the future or is true in
the present.

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

a. If Ba forgets his lunch, he’ll be hungry at
lunch time.

b. Lan will miss the bus if she does not

c. If Ha is not careful, he’ll drop the cup.
d. Mrs. Nga will join us if she finishing her
works early.

e. If Mrs. Binh writes a shopping list, she
won’t forget what to buy.

<b>3.Look at the pictures. Complete the </b>

<b>Conditional sentences type 2</b>

* If Ba ………rich, he

………around ………

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

à If Ba were rich, he would travel around

the world.

<i>* Form :</i><b>Main Clause: would/ could/ </b>

<b>might + verb</b>

<b>If Clause: past simple tense/ past </b>

<i>* Use: </i>We use this structure to talk about
unreal or unlikely present of future

We often use “<i>If I were you” </i>to give advice

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

a. If Mr. Loc had a car, he would drive to

b. If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she
should visit SaiGon Water Park.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(190)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=190>

Students work in pairs.

Teacher calls some pairs to read their
answers before class.

Students read loudly.

Teacher gives feedback and correct.

Teacher gives the topic and ask
students to discuss in groups before

Students read an example.

Teacher has each student write 3 things
he/she would like to do.

Students work individually.

Teacher asks students to share with
their partners.

Teacher calls on some students to call
out their sentences before class.
Students practice before class.

Teacher gives feedback and correct.

d. If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her
parents every day.

e. If Nga owned a piano, she would play it
very well.

f. If Tuan studied harder, he would get
better grades.

g. If Na had enough money, she would buy
a new Computer.

<b>4.What would you do if you met an alien </b>
<b>from outer space? Write 3 things you </b>
<b>would like to do.</b>

EX: “What would you do if you met an
alien from outer space?”

If I meet an alien from outer space, I would
invite him/her to my home and talk to


Teacher reviews the knowledge in the lesson.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(191)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=191></div>


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