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Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

<i><b>Week 10</b></i>

Pre: 22/10/2010<b> </b>Unit 5 :


T : 25/10/2010

<sub>Period 28- Lesson 3 : READ</sub>

<i><b>I. Objectives</b></i>

- Help Ss to understand how to study vocabulary.
- Focus on reading comprehension skill.

- Develop reading skill.
<i><b>II. Preparation</b>: </i>

Material<i>:</i> Textbook, Ex book
Equipment<i>:</i> extra-board
<i><b>III. Teaching process :</b></i>

<i>1. Class organization:</i>

8A: / 8B: /

<i>2. Oral test </i>:

- Check " speak & listen"

<i>3. New lesson: </i>

<i>A. Warm up </i>

- Ss. play game “Slap on the board”

<i>B. Newlesson</i>

- T. gives the picture& questions
- T. reads model

- T. asks Ss to guess the answers before listening
- Ss. read quickly information in the report card.
- Ss. notice some now words.

- Ss. read individually

<i>Question </i>:

- How many English words do you try to learn every day?
- What do you often do to learn new words?


meaning (n) nghĩa

mother - tongue (n) tiếng mẹ đẻ

stick (v) dán using example and real thing
underline (v) gạch chân

behavior participatio


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highlight (v) làm nổi bật

revise (v) - revision (n) ôn luyện

<i>*. Practice</i>

- Ss. listen to the tape again.
- Ss. read the text in silently
- Ss. do exercise themselves.
- Ss. exchange the answers
- Ss. check into the extra board.
- Ss. work in pairs

- One asks and one answers

<i>1)True or False</i>


c- F



a. No, they don’t.

b. Such sentences help them remember the use of new words.

c. To remember words better, learners write examples, put the words and their
meaning on sticks underline or highlight them

d. They may think they can’t do so

Instead, they learn only important words.
e. Revision is necessary in learning words.

f. Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the

<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ss. list the ways to learn the words
* List the ways to learn words :
- learn by heart

- write examples
- stick

- underline
- highlight

<i>5. Homework</i>

- Ss. learn the lesson by heart
- Ss. prepare “ Write” , page 50-51

Pre: 22/10/2010<b> </b>Unit 5 :


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<i><b>I. Objectives</b></i>

-Write a letter to someone by English.
- Indentify the different sections of a letter.
- Focus on writing skill.

- Language content.

+How to write a letter.
+Arrangement of a letter.
- Develop writing skill.

<i><b>II. Preparation</b>: </i>

Material<i>:</i> Textbook, Ex book

Equipment<i>:</i> Model letter / extra-board

<i><b>III. Teaching process :</b></i>

<i>1. Class organization:</i>

8A: / 8B: /

<i>2. Oral test </i>:

- Check " read "
- Ss read

- T give question and remark

<i>3. New lesson: </i>

<i>A. Warm up </i>

- T. asks Ss some questions

1. Do you have someone in overseas?
2. Do you often write to someone?
- Ss. Answer

<i>B.Newlesson :</i>
<i>*. Pre-writing</i>

<i><b>1. Look at Hoa’letter to Tim. She wrote it at the end of term. Identify the </b></i>
<i><b>sections. Label them with correct letter. </b></i>

- T. guides Ss to understand the request.
- T. gives feed back.

- T. asks Ss to use the information in the box and write a letter to Lan pen pal,

in San Francisco

- Ss. read quickly the letter & sections of a letter in the box.

- Ss. work in groups to identify the sections and label with correct letter.
- T. gives feed back

A:- Heading

- Writer’s address and the date .
B:- Opening

- Dear

C: - Body of the letter.
D: - Closing

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- Ss. write a letter (Ss. work in groups)
- Ss compare with other group

- Ss write on board
- T corrects

<i><b>2.Write (suggested idea)</b></i>
10 Tran Phu Street
Bac Lieu
November 4 , 2004
Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter . I’m pleased to hear you had a happy Mother’s Day.
I received my record semester report last month. I got good grades for

Geography Physics and Math, but my English and History results were poor .

My teacher told me

to improve English and History. I think I’ll have to study harder next school

In a few weeks we’re going to celebrate the Mid. Autumn Festival. That’s a
moon festival in Autumn or Fall in Vietnam. I’m going to Ha Long Bay with my
aunt and

uncle by bus this afternoon. I’ll send you a postcard from there.
Write soon and tell me all your news


*.Post-writing :

- Ss. read the letter in front of the class again

<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ask Ss to repeat the part of a letter

<i>5. Homework</i>

- Ss. write the letter on note book
- Do exercise on Ex book

- Ss. prepare “ language focus

Pre: 22/10/2010<b> </b>

T : 29/10/2010

<sub>Period 30</sub>

<sub>- </sub>


<i><b>I. Objectives</b></i>

- Revision of grammar notes

- Focus on writing and speaking skills
- Language content:

+ Adverbs of manner
+Modal: should

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<i><b>II. Preparation</b>: </i>

Material<i>:</i> Textbook, Ex book

Equipment<i>:</i> Model letter / extra-board

<i><b>III. Teaching process :</b></i>

<i>1. Class organization:</i>

8A: / 8B: /

<i>2. Oral test </i>:

- Homework correction

<i>3. New lesson</i>:

<i>A. Warm up </i>

- T. sticks picture on the board.
- T. asks Ss some questions

1. Do you think the house is new?
2. Is Mr Hoa’s house beautiful ?

3. Should Mr Hoa repair the roof<i> </i>

- Ss. answer

<i>B. Newlesson :</i>
<i>* Presentation :</i>

- T. explains how to use:

<i>+ Adverbs of manner</i>
<i>+ Modal: should</i>

<i>Ex: </i>You should do exercise morning

<i>+ Commands, requests and advise in reported speech.</i>
<i>Ex: "Can you give Tim this dictionary?"</i>

<i>or " Please give Tim this dictionary."</i>

Tim's mother reported to Tim :

Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary.
Miss Jackson told me to give you this dictionary.
<i><b> Ask/ tell sb to do smt</b></i>

- Ss. take notes

<i>1. Complete the dialogue. Use the adverb of maner to the box</i>

- T. explains how to do the exercises
- Ss. do the exercises

- Ss write on board
- T corrects

a- well b- hard e- softly
c- fast d- badly

<i> 2. Work with a parter. Look at the picture of Mr Hao's house. Use the words in </i>

<i> box. Say what he should do.</i>

- T. explains how to do the exercises
- Ss. do the exercises

- Ss write on board
- T corrects

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Mr.Hoa should paint the house.

Mr.Hoa should cut the grass.
Mr.Hoa should replant the trees.
Mr. Hoa should mend the door.

<i>3. Work with a parter. Supposer you are Tim's mother. Report Miss Jackson's</i>
<i> commands and requests in her coversation with Tim/s mother.</i>

- T. explains how to do the exercises
- Ss. do the exercises

- Ss write on board
- T corrects

a) Miss Jackson asked me to wait outside her office.

b) Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester.
c) Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation
d) Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week.

<i>4. Work with apartner. Report Miss Jackson's advice she gave in her </i>

<i> with Tim's mother. </i>

- T. explains how to do the exercises
- Ss. do the exercises

- Ss write on board
- T corrects

a) “Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation”
b) “Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish every day”
c) “Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversations on T.V?”
d) “Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passage in Spanish”
e) “ Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to

Spanish words”

<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ask Ss to. remind how to use:
+ Adverbs of manner

+ Modal: should

+ Commands, requests and advise in reported speech.

<i>5. Homework</i>

- Ss. write the answers into their notebooks.
- Ss. do ex on Ex book



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