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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Prepare date: 24/12/2011 Teaching date: 7A: 27/12/2011
7B: 27/12/2011
Period 55



<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know the past simple tense, write the forms correctly( understand the regular and
irregular verbs)

- Use the past simple tense to retell the events happened in the past
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: aquarium, souvenir, gift.

- Structures : be / was, were; have/ had; take/took; buy/ bought; go/ went; return/
returned; visit/ visited; talk/ talked

<b>2. Skills:</b>

- Practice the verbs in the past simple
- Retell the things Liz did in Nha Trang
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Educate ss to learn hard and be polite to truthful


<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: no check </b>

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the past simple tense, write the forms
<i>correctly( understand the regular and irregular verbs)</i>

<i>- Use the past simple tense to retell the events happened in the past</i>
<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play the
game : Networks
- Remark the game

b) Presentation: (20’)
- Ask ss to look at
picture A1 in the book

- Ask: Where is it?
<i> What can you do in</i>
<i>Nha Trang?</i>

- Present the situation:
<i>Liz is talking to Ba </i>

- Three groups play
on the stage

- Look at the picture

- Answer

- Listen

Bai Chay

Ha Long

<b>1.New words </b>
aquarium (n)
souvenir (n)
gift (n)

<b>* Verbs in the past tense</b>
return  returned

visit  visited

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i>about her recent </i>
<i>vavcation in Nha trang</i>
- Present the new words

- Ask ss to repeat aloud
in chorus ( 2 times)
- Ask 2 ss to read and
correct the mistake
- Present the verbs in the
past tense

- Ask ss to repeat aloud
in chorus ( 2 times)
- Ask 2 ss to read and
correct the mistake
c) Practice: (15’)
- Play the tape for the
first time

- Play the tape again
- Ask ss to practice
reading the dialogue in
exchange pairs

- Ask some ss to read
- Remark and correct
the mistake

- Ask ss to work in pairs
to number the sentences
- Ask ss to give out their
answers on the board
- Remark and give out
the correct answers

- Observe and listen
- Repeat aloud in

- Listen and check

- Listen carefully
- Listen and repeat
- Pairwork

- Remark and

- Pairwork

- Write in their book

talk  talked
be  was, were
have  had
take  took
buy  bought
go went

<b>The past simple tense</b>
(+) S + Ved

(- ) S + did not + V
(?) Did + S + V ?

Yes, S + did / No, S + did not

* Key:

1. Liz talked to Ba about her

2. Liz went to Nha Trang

3. Liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium
4. Liz bought souvenirs

5. Liz retured to Ha Noi

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Ask ss to ask play the game: Matching

return talked

visit returned

talk bought

be went

have took

go had

buy visited

take was/ were

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words and the past forms of the verbs by heart. Make 5 examples
about the things you did last week

- Do exercies in the workbook

- Prepare for the next lesson: A2 ; A3

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Period 56



<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Retell the visit of Liz’s family to Tri Nguyen Aquarium
- Ask and answer about the events happened in the past

- Listen and find out the information to choose the correct sentences
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: shark, dolphin, turtle, the exit of, poster, crab, instead, wore, ate, saw,
put, thought.

- Structures : What did the Robinsons see there? – They saw sharks...
<b>2. Skills: Eliciting , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork </b>
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Educate ss to learn hard and be polite to truthful

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Could you tell me the meaning and structure of the past simple tense
b) Keys:

* Verbs in the past tense
return  returned

visit  visited
talk  talked
be  was, were
have  had
take  took

buy  bought
go went

The past simple tense
(+) S + Ved

(- ) S + did not + V
(?) Did + S + V ?

Yes, S + did / No, S + did not

*) Introducing new lesson: “In the last period , we heard Liz telling about her vacation
<i>in Nha trang with her family . In today’s lesson , we will read the text about one of the </i>
<i>most interesting and memorable activities which Liz and her family did during the </i>
<i>vacation – the visit to Tri Nguyen aquarium”</i>

<b>2. New lesson: </b>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

game : Matching
- Remark the game

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask ss to look at
picture A2 in the book

- Ask: Where are they


- Present the situation:
<i>Liz and her parents are </i>
<i>visiting Tri Nguyen </i>
<i>aquarium. What are </i>
<i>they doing there?</i>

- Present the new words
- Ask ss to repeat aloud
in chorus ( 2 times)
- Ask 2 ss to read and
correct the mistake
- Present the verbs in the
past tense

- Ask ss to repeat aloud
in chorus ( 2 times)
- Ask 2 ss to read and
correct the mistake
c) Practice: (20’)

- Play the tape (3 times)
- Ask ss to read the text

- Ask ss to work in pairs
to answer the questions.
- Guide ss to answer the
questions in the past


- Ask ss to practice
- Remark and give out
the correct answers
<b>- Ask ss to look at the </b>
pictures on page 88 and
present the aim

- Ask ss to work in
exchange pairs to retell

on the stage

- Look at the picture
- answer

- Listen

- Listen and write

- Read in chorus
- Listen

- Listen and write

- Listen

- Read the text

- Work in pairs
- answer the
- Practice
- Pairwork
- Remark and

visit returned

talk bought

be went

have took

go had

buy visited

take was/ were
<b>1. New words </b>

shark (n)
dolphin (n)
turtle (n)
poster (n)
crab (n)
the exit of
instead (prep)

<b>2.Verbs in the past tense</b>
wore, ate, saw, thought, put.

<b>* Key:</b>

1. Her parents went to the aquarium
with her

2. They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles
and many different types of fish
3. They bought s cap and a poster
4. Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all

5. Yes, they ate fish and crab
6. Because she remembered the
beautiful fish in the aquarium
<b>* Key:</b>

a) The Robinson family went to the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

the story using the

- Ask ss to practice
- Remark and give out
the correct answers

- Write in their book c) There was a souvenir shop near
the exit of the aquarium

d) Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap
with a picture of a dolphin on it.
Mrs. Robinson bought a poster
e) After their visit to the aquarium,
the Robinsons went to a foodstall .
Mr and Mrs. Robinsons ate fish and
crab and Liz ate noodles instead
<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Review this entire lesson.
- Hand up and remark the test.
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words and the past forms of the verbs by heart. Write the things that
the Robinsons did in Nha Trang

- Do exercies in the workbook
- Prepare for the next lesson: A4


Prepare date: 25/12/2011 Teaching date: 7A: 31/12/2011
7B: 31/12/2011
Period 57



<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Read and understand a diary and correct the wrong information
- Practice the past simple and compare with present and future simple
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: mine, nextdoor, to move, to improve, to arrive, to rent, to receive.
* Idioms: to keep in touch, on the other side of

- Structures : past forms of some verbs

<b>2. Skills: Eliciting , asking and answering , pairwork , groupwork </b>
<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly</b>


<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- ask ss to read the passage and answer some questions

? Who went to the aquarium with Liz?

? What did the Robinsons see there?
? What did they buy in the souvenir shop?
b) Keys:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

*) Introducing new lesson: “In the last period , we heard Liz telling about her vacation
<i>in Nha trang with her family . In today’s lesson , we will read the text about one of the </i>
<i>most interesting and memorable activities which Liz and her family did during the </i>
<i>vacation – the visit to Tri Nguyen aquarium”</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Models

- Asks sts to match
- Checks

- Gets feedback

b) Presentation: (10’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting new words
- Checks

- Presents new lesson

- Hangs poster on
- Runs through
- Feedback

- Has sts read and

- Checks result

c) Practice: (20’)
- Asks sts read again
and then correct the

- Observer

- Match the words
to the network

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write

- Rewrite
- Listen
- Predic

- Read and check

- Correct the

<i>Net works</i>



( arrive, help, remember , rent , be ,
eat , have , give , talk , return , go ,
see , play , teach , think , look , buy )
<b>4. Read Ba’s diary.</b>

<b>* New words:</b>

- (to) keep in touch : giữ liên lạc
- (to) rent - rented : thuê

- (to) improve - improved : cải thiện
- (to) teach - taught : dạy

- (to) come - came : đến
- (to) move - moved
- (to) receive - received

* Check : rub out and remember
* Set the scene

- What is it ?

- What does it talk about ?
* Ordering prediction
__a. Liz help Ba with stamp

__b. The Robinson came to Viet Nam
this year.

__c. Liz will bring Ba some more

__d. The Robinsons moved to a new
apartment .

__e. Ba taught Liz Vietnamese .
Keys : b – d – e – a – c

<i>* Make these sentences true</i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

- Checks and correct

- Has sts to summarize
the text

- Calls some read aloud

- Write down

- Do what teacher

- Read aloud

- Listen and prepare
at home

a. Liz lived a long way from Ba
( next door to )

b. Liz learned Vietnamese in the USA
( in Viet Nam )

c. Liz collects stamps
( Ba )

d. Liz 's aunt lives in Vietnam
( New York )

e. The Robinsons moved to HCM city
( the other side of Ha Noi )

f. The Robinsons moved . Now Ba is

( sad )

g. Ba is never going to see Liz again
( will see Liz next week )

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Ask ss to look at the sentences in part “ Play with words” and explain the aim
- Ask ss to work in groups of 4 to play the “chain game”. Notice ss to pronounce
correctly the pronunciation of the verbs in 3 tenses

- Remark and give out the correct answers
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words and the past forms of the verbs by heart.
- Do exercies in the workbook

- Prepare for the next lesson: B1 ; B2


Prepare date: 01/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 03/01/2012
7B: 03/01/2012
Period 58


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk about neighbours

- Answer the questions with “ Did.. . ?”
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: haidresser, material, clever, dressmaker
- Structures : Did you buy it?

No, I didn’t . Mrs. Mai bought it
<b>2. Skills: : </b>

- Practice questions in the past simple with “ Did.. . ?”
- Drill asking and answering about the events in the past.
<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

<b>- Ask ss to change the sentences into the past ones</b>
I play soccer

I learn English
b) Keys:

I played soccer
I learnt English

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about neighbours, answer the questions
with “ Did.. . ?”

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Hangs poster on the

- Has sts guess the pairs
of words

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting new words
- Checks

- Reads words

- Presents new structure
- Concept checks

c) Practice: (15’)
- Runs through
- Asks sts to work in

- Play games

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write

- Play game

- Listen and
observer what
teacher did

- Write

- Listen


go take have see buy watch
took watched boug

ht saw went had

<b>1. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

<b>* new words:</b>

- a hairdresser : thợ cắt tóc

- a dressmaker : thở may
- a neighbor : người hàng xóm
- a material : vải , vật liệu
- clever (a) : khéo léo
* Check : what and where

<b>Yes/ No questions : </b>

<b>* Listen and Repeat Dialogue </b>
<b>( B 1- page 92 )</b>

<b>* Concept check </b>
<b>- Form :</b>

-Usage : Guessing the things true or

<b>* Answer the questions : </b>





Did + S + V0 ...?
-Yes, S + did

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>


- Checks results

- Give words
- Models

- Checks results

- Work in pairs to
practice the


- Listen

- Works in pairs to
ask and answer
- Give results

<b>Keys : </b>

a. Hoa’s aunt is a hairdresser.
b. She is a dressmaker.

c. No, she didn’t.
d. No, she didn’t.
e. Yes, she did .
2. Answer.

a. You/ watch TV/ last night / Yes
- Did you watch TV last night
- Yes, I did

b. They / play tennis/ last month/ Yes
c. Hoa/ buy the dress/ No

d. Her aunt / make Hoa's dress/ No
e. Lan / go to school / yesterday / Yes
f. Hoa / meet / Lan / last week/ No
<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Ask ss to answer some questions
<i>+ Did you play soccer yesterday?</i>
<i>+ Did you watch TV yesterday?</i>

<i>+ Did you go to the movies yesterday?</i>
<i>+ Did you learn English yesterday?</i>

- Remark and give out the correct answers
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words and the past forms of the verbs by heart.
- Write the things that you did last week ( 5 sentences)

- Do exercises in the workbook
- Prepare for the next lesson: B3 ; B4


Prepare date: 03/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 06/01/2012
7B: 06/01/2012
Period 59


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Read the passage about hobby and answer the questions about it
- Retell what someone did in the past

- Further practice about the past simple
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: sew, useful, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, fit, try on
* Idioms: to make a dress, how to use / sew...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>2. Skills: </b>

- Practice reading comprehension skills and answer the questions

- Give some more verbs in the past

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Call ss go to board and read the dialouge between Lan and Hoa
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will Read the passage about hobby and answer
<i>the questions about it</i>

<i>- Retell what someone did in the past</i>
<i>- Further practice about the past simple</i>
<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Hangs poster on the

- Checks results

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson

- Gives statements
- Asks sts predict the

- Rewrite words
- Listen

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Play game

- Listen and answer

- Predict the
- Give

<b>Write the past form of verbs </b>
- eat = ate

- send = sent
- return = returned
- teach = taught
- think = thought
- give = gave
- help = helped
- rent = rented

<b>3. Read. Then answer.</b>
- a hobby : sở thích

- a sewing machine : máy may
- a cushion : tấm đệm gối
- useful (a) : có ích

- ( to) sew : may

- ( to ) decide : quyết định
* Check : Slap the board
* Set the scene

- Who is this ?

- What does she want to do ?
<i><b>*Ordering statements prediction </b></i>
a. She made a cushion

b. She made a skirt

c. Hoa bought some material
d. She tried it on

f. It fitted well.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results
c) Practice: (15’)
- Runs through the

- Has sts to answer
- Checks results and

- Hangs poster on Runs


Asks sts to do
Checks results

- Read and check
- Give results
- Work in pairs to

answer the

- Give results

- Listen

- Do exercises

Give results

Listen write

<b>Keys : g – c – a – b – d – f </b>
<i><b>* Answer the questions Questions</b></i>
a. What did Hos learn to use ? how to
use a sewing machine

b. What did she make first ? a cushion
for her armchair

c. What color was it ? blue and while
d. What did she make next ? a skirt
e. What color was it ?

green with while flowers on it
f. How did it look ? pretty

g. What was the problem ? too big
h. Who helped her ? her neighbor,

Mrs. Ma

i. How did it fit finally ? very well
<b>4. Put the verbs brackets in the </b>
<b>simple past</b>

<i><b>Keys : </b></i>

1. Hoa watched her neighbor...
2. First, she bought some material
3. Then, she cut the dress out

4. Next, she used a simming machine
5. Hoa decided that sewing was a

6. She made a cushion ... the cushion
was fit but her dress wasn't.

7. Then, her neighbor helped her, so
finally it fitted her.

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Ask ss to retell the process Hoa learned to sew
- Remark and give out the correct answers
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words and the past forms of the verbs by heart.
- Write the process that Hoa learned to sew

- Do exercises in the workbook

- Prepare for the next lesson: Language focus 3


Prepare date: 03/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 07/01/2012
7B: 07/01/2012
Period 60


<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Review the knowledge from unit 7 to unit 9
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: shirt, minimart, hairdresser’s.

- Structures : Present simple tense, future simple tense, past simple, prepositions of
position, more, less, fewer, how much / far...?

<b>2. Skills: Writing, speaking, and reading skills </b>
<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard</b>


<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: No check</b>

* Introduce new lesson: To day we will review the knowledge from unit 7 to unit 9
<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game

- Ask others to correct

b) Presentation: (35’)
- Explain the aim of
exercise 1

- Ask ss to repeat the
model dialogue in
exchange pairs

- Ask ss to look at the
table and ask and make
similar dialogues

- Ask ss to pracitce
- Ask others to correct

- Remark and correct
- Ask ss to look at the
map in part 2 on the
board and ask ss about
the prepositions they
will use in the table
- Ask ss to write the
sentences about the
local of each store
- Ask ss to write on the

- Ask others to correct

- Play game

- Listen and
- Repeat aloud
- Pairwork
- Remark and

- Observe and retell

- Individual work
- Observe and

<b>1.How much is it? (exercise 1)</b>

- How much is the green hat?
- It’s 15.000 dong

- And what about the yellow hat?
- It’s 12.000 dong

<b>2. Prepositions (exercise 2)</b>

a. The shoe store is on Hai Ba Trung
street. It’s to the left of the clothing

b. The restaurant is on Hue street. It’s
to the left of the book store

c. The book store is on Hue street. It’s
between the minimart and the


d. The minimart is on Hue street. It’s
to the right of the book store

e. The park is on Tay Ho street. It’s to
the left of the hairdresser’s

<b>3.How far is it from ... to...? </b>
<b>(exercise 2b)</b>

Do at home

1. How much is

2. How far is it?
3. How old is he?
4. How long is it?

a) It’s 2m long
b) It’s 2.000 dong
c) He’s 20

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

- Remark and corrrect
- Ask ss to look at the
example (part b)
- Explain the aims of
exercise 2b

- Ask ss to the exercise
at home

- Ask ss to look at the
table in part 3 on the
board and ask ss about
the past of the verbs in
the table

- Ask ss to write the past
forms of the verbs

- Ask ss to complete on
the board

- Ask others to correct
- Remark and corrrect
- Explain the aims of
exercise 3b by asking ss
to look at the two

- Ask ss to do

individually to write
- Ask ss to give out their

- Ask others to correct
- Corrrect and give out
the answers

<b>- Explain the aims of </b>
exercise 5

- Notice ss to ditinguish
the use of more, less
and fewer, and ask ss to
do it at home

- Explain the aim of
exercise 4

- Ask ss to read Nga’s

- Ask ss to write the
things Nga did
yesterday, everyday,

- Observe and

- Individual work
- Observe and

- Listen and answer
- Individual work
- Listen and remark
- Observe and listen
- Observe and listen
- Write on the table
on the board


Listen and remark

<b>4. Past simple (exercise 3)</b>

buy <sub></sub> bought
help <sub></sub> helped

remember <sub></sub> remembered
take <sub></sub> took

send <sub></sub> sent
think <sub></sub> thought
talk <sub></sub> talked
<b>b) </b>

talked, bought, worked, sent

<b>5. More, less, fewer (exercise 5): </b>

(Sunday) (Monday)Today Tomorrow(Tuesday)
-clean room

-help Mom
-study English
-watch TV
-play volleyball
-stay at Hoa’s

-clean room
-help Mom


<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Ask ss to work in groups of 3 to practice the 3 tenses:
Eg: S1 : I played soccer

S2 : I play soccer
S3 : I will play soccer
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Review from unit 7 to unit 9
- Do exercises again in the book

- Prepare for the next lesson : Unit 10: Part A1


Prepare date: 07/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 10/01/2012
7B: 10/01/2012
Period 61


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Read the letter in part A1 and answer the questions from a to e
- Remember the actions which happen every day or the habbits

- Review the present simple to talk about the habbits or every day work
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: nearly, harvest time, hear, iron, stay up late, probably, receive, take
morning exercises, so, forget.

- Structures : What does Hoa’s mother want to do?
What does she want her not to do?

<b>2. Skills: - Present the new words about every day work</b>
<b> - Answer the questions from a to e about the letter</b>
<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and be polite to truthful </b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Call ss go to board and read the dialouge between Lan and Hoa
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will read the letter in part A<i>1 and answer the </i>

<i>questions from a to e</i>

<i>- Remember the actions which happen every day or the habbits</i>

<i>- Review the present simple to talk about the habbits or every day work</i>
<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Hangs poster on the - Rewrite words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>


- Checks results
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson

- Gives statements
- Asks sts predict

- Asks sts read and
check the prediction

- Checks results
c) Practice: (15’)
- Runs through the

- Has sts to answer

- Checks results and

- Listen

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Play game

- Listen and answer

- Predict statements

- Give

- Read and check
Give results

- Work in pairs to
answer the

- Give results

- Listen

2. feni =
3. vole =
4. ndse =
5. rede =
6. wetir =
7. ricevee =

<b>1. Read. Then answer the </b>

* New words

- a harvest : mùa gặt
- helpful (a): có ích
- (to) iron : ủi , là
- (to ) hear : nghe

- probably (a) : tất nhiên
- Check : R & R

- Set the scene : Hoa’s parents send
her a letter to talk with her about the
family members

* True or false prediction

1. Hoa's parents are working hard on
the farm for the harvest T

2. They are sick F
3. Hoa's grandmother often works
with her parent so she is help ful F
4. Hoa's mother hopes she is taking
care of herself T

5. Hoa's mother wants her to stay up
late F

6. Hoa's parents will visit her in Ha
Noi soon T

<b>* Answer the Questions</b>

a. Why are Hoa's parents busy ?
Because it is nearly harvest time

b. Who help them on the farm ?
Hoa's grandfather

c. When will they go to Ha Noi ?
They will go to Ha noi after the

d. How is Hoa different now ?
Gets up early and does morning

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

Washes and irons her clothes

f. What does she want her not to do ?
Eats too much candy and stays up late
<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

*Answer the question about yourselves
1. What time do you get up ? go to bed ?
2. Do you take morning exercise ?

3. Do you like eating candy or fruit ?

4. Who often washes and irons your clothes ?
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words and the past forms of the verbs by heart.
- Traslate Hoa’s Mom’s letter in Vietnamese

- Do exercies in the workbook
- Prepare for the next lesson: A2, 3


Prepare date: 07/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 13/01/2012
7B: 13/01/2012
Period 62


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen and rearrange the pictures in right orders
- Make a list of Hoa’s daily activities

- Read Nam’s diary, ask and answer about Nam’s every day activities
- Ask and answer about their own every day activities

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: put on, polish, put...in, change, pants, luch box, sandal.

- Structures : The past tense verbs: put, polish, have, eat, drink, change, iron, do, get,
take, brush, go, wash,

<b>2. Skills: - Practice the new words</b>

<b> - Drill listening skills on teacher’s controls</b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and be polite to truthful </b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Call ss go to board and read the Hoa’s mother letter
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will listen and rearrange the pictures in right
<i>orders; make a list of Hoa’s daily activities</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<i>- Ask and answer about their own every day activities</i>
<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Hangs poster on the

- Checks results
b) Presentation: (10’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson
- Gives questions
- Asks sts predict
c) Practice: (20’)

- Asks sts to listen and
check the prediction
- Checks results
- Runs through the

- Checks results and

- Hangs poster of the
questions on

- Runs through
- Models

- Asks sts to do
- Checks results
- Corrects

- Match words with
the meanings

- Listen

- Listen and repeat

after teacher

- Write
- Play game

- Predict the
- Give results

- Work in pairs to
order the pictur
- Give results
- Listen
- Answer the
- Give results

<i>Matching the English words with the </i>

1. get up a. đi ngủ
2. eat breakfast b. ăn trưa
3. eat lunch c. ăn sáng
4. do home work d. thức dậy
5. go to bed e. làm bài tập
<b>2. Listen</b>

* New words:

- to brush teeth : đánh răng

- to comb hair : chảy tóc
- to shower : tắm vịi sen

- to change clothes : thay đổi quần áo
- to wash shoes : lau giày

<i>* Prediction questions :</i>
a. What did she did first ?
b. What did she eat at recess ?
c. What did she do last ?
Keys :

a. She got up and took a shower.
b. She ate sandwich.

c. She went to bed at 11 o’clock.
* Listen and ordering the pictures
Keys :

a , e , f , d , g , c , h , b.
<b>3. Read Nam’s diary</b>

- Talk about your diaries
Questions :

a. What do you do every day ?
b. What time do you get up / do
morning exercise /eat breakfast / do
homework ?

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>
- Retell entry of the lesson
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words and the past forms of the verbs by heart.
- Write the things that Hoa did yesterday

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>


Prepare date: 07/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 14/01/2012
7B: 14/01/2012
Period 63


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to complete the letter
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: strange , difficult , to be glad , hope , suitable
- Grammar : Simple present/ past tense

<b>2. Skills: All skills</b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and be polite to truthful </b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Call ss go to board and talk about the daily
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will complete the letter
<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts some

- Listens and corrects
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Check : R & R

* Set the scene:

<i>Hoa received a letter </i>
<i>from her mother Then </i>
<i>she send a letter to her </i>
<i>mother. Now guess </i>
<i>what does she talk to </i>
<i>her mother</i>

- Listen and answer

- Listen

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
Play game

Predict statements



- What do you do every morning ?
- What time do you have lunch ?
- What do you do in the evening ?

- What time do you go to bed ?
<b>4. Write. Complete Hoa’s reply to </b>
<b>her mother with suitable words</b>
<b>* New words</b>

- strange (a) : xa lạ
- difficult (a) : khó

- to be glad to.. : vui , mừng
- to hope : hy vọng

- suitable (a) ; phù hợp
<b>* Predictions :</b>

a. __ She is doing fine at school.
b. __ She hasn’t a lot of fun now.
c. __ She doesn’t know how to take
care of herself.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

c) Pracrice: (15’)
- Gives statements
- Asks sts predict
- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results

- Runs through the letter
- Has sts to give answer
Checks results and

- Read and check
- Give results

- Work in pairs to
complete the letter

- Give results

e. __ She goes to bed late.

f. __ Her aunt washes her clothes.
<b>Keys : </b>

a. T , b. T, c.F ,d. T , e. F ,f. F
<b>* Complete the letter with the </b>
<b>suitable verbs in correct forms :</b>
Keys :

1. was 5. get 9. eating
2. having 6. go 10. told
3. show/ take 7. wash 11. see
4. take 8. iron 12. go

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>
- Retell entry of the lesson
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words .
- Prepare Lesson 4 – B (1, 2)

Prepare date: 20/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 24/01/2012
7B: 24/01/2012
Period 64


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know the words about toothache, at the dentist’s, feeling of having a toothache
- Review the past simple to talk about the happened activities

- Answer the questions about Dr. Lai
* Language content:

<b>- Vocabulary: toothache, dentist, an appointment, sound, drill, cavity, advice, scared, </b>
lould, kind, afterwards, less, regularly, sensibly, look after, fix, fill the
cavity, hate, hurt, remind, explain

- Structures : The past simple tense
<b>2. Skills: </b>

- Give and ask ss to practice the new words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the Hoa’s letter
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the words about toothache, at the
<i>dentist’s, feeling of having a toothache</i>

<i>- Review the past simple to talk about the happened activities</i>
<i>- Answer the questions about Dr. Lai </i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to match
- Listens and corrects

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words

following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson

- Gives statements
- Asks sts predict

<i><b>Keys : T , F , F ,T , F, T </b></i>

c) Practice: (15’)
- Runs through the

- Has sts to give answer

- Listen and answer
- Listen

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Play game
- Listen

- Predict statements


- Work in pairs to
answer the

- Give results


<i>1. tooth a. đau răng </i>
<i>2. toothache b. đau</i>
<i>3. head c. đau đầu</i>
<i>4. headache d. răng</i>
<i>5. hurt e. đầu</i>
<b>1. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

- a dentist : nha sĩ

- an appointment : cuộc hẹn
- scared (a) : sợ hãi

- a cavity :lổ sâu răng
- (to) fill : trám

- a drill : cái khoang
- Who's this ?

- What's the matter with him ?

- Where should he go to ?
<i><b>True / false prediction</b></i>

1.__ Minh has a toothache T
2.__ Hoa never goes to the dentist
3.__ Minh likes to go the dentist
4.__ The dentist is kind T

5.__ Hoa's tooth still hurts here
6.__ Minh is not scared after talking
with Hoa T

<i><b>Answer the Questions</b></i>
a. He has a toothache

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

- Checks results and

- Listen
- Answer the
- Give results


d. He filled the cavity in her teeth

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Have Ss play a game : Find someone who?

<i>EX : S1: Do you have a toothache ?</i>

<i> S2 : Yes / No </i>

<i> S1 : Do you like going to the dentist ?</i>
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words .
- Prepare Lesson 5 – B ( 2, 3)


Prepare date: 26/01/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 30/01/2012
7B: 30/01/2012
Period 65

LESSON 5. B – A BAD TOOTHACHE (3, 4, 5*)

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know about Dr Lai’s job and they continue to practice about the topic of toothache .
* Language content:

- Vocabulary :

- To explain - To remind

- Sensibly - Surgery

- To smile - To check
- To notice

- Grammar :

- The simple present tense .

Structure : How + adj + to be + S ?
What + to be + N ?

<b>2. Skills: Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialogue between Minh and Hoa
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to rewrite the

- Listens and corrects

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask Ss to look at the
book and listen to the
tape ( two times )
- Have Ss read the text
in silent .

- Call on some Ss to
read the text in front of
the class .

- Ask Ss to complete the
story with suitable
words .

- Have Ss exchange the
results with their

partners .

- Call on some Ss to
give the answers in front
of the class .- Correct
the mistakes then give
the answer key :

- Call on some Ss to
read the completed the
story aloud .

c) Practice: (15’)
- Ask Ss to tell what
happenned to Minh .
- Introduce the way to
make sentence and the
question : why and the
answer to Ss .

- Make example :

- Rewrite
- Listen

- Look at the text

- answer
- Listen

- Listen and write
- Look at the book

and listen to the tape
- Read the text in
silent .

- Read the text
aloud .

- Complete the story
with the suitable
words .

-Exchange the result
with the partner .
- Give the answers
in front of the class .
- Listen and write
down .

- Read the story
aloud .

- Tell what

happened to Minh -
- Listen to the
teacher .

Jumble words

<i>1. ditenst = dentist</i>

<i>2. civyta = cavity</i>
<i>3. shrub = brush</i>
<i>4. achtoothe = toothache </i>
<i>5. lifl = fill</i>

<i>6. cersad = scared </i>
<b>3. Listen and Read.</b>

- a surgery : phòng phẩu thuật
- (to) smile : cười mỉm

- serious (a) : nghiêm trọng
- (to) worry : lo lắng

( worried (a) )

- pleased ( a ) : hài lòng

Minh is very nervous and Dr Lai
notices this . She smiles to Minh and
tells him not to worry . She explains
one of his teeth has a cavity . He has
to brush them regularly . After Dr Lai
fills his tooth , Minh leaves . He is
very pleased

<b>4. Ask and answer questions with a </b>
<b>partner. Use the words to help you.</b>

A :Minh’s tooth hurts .
B :Why ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

- Ask Ss to look at the
pictures and model then
work in pairs asking and
answering based on the
pictures and the words
given - Call on some
pairs to ask and answer
in front of the class .
- Correct the mistake
and give the correct
answer .

- Work in pairs
- Practice in front of
the class .

- Listen and write

- Listen to the
teacher .

<i>Why ?</i>

<i>Because he is seeing the dentist</i>

<i>c- the cavity is not serious .</i>
<i>Why ?</i>

<i>Because it is small.</i>
<i>d- Minh is happy .</i>

<i>Why ?</i>

<i>Because his teeth are OK.</i>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Ask ss to do part (5*. Write. Complete this poster with a partner)
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do exercises in the workbook

- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11: Part A1

Prepare date: 01/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 02/02/2012
7B: 02/02/2012
Period 66


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Read a dialogue about medical check up

- Understand the content of the dialogue and give the requests and the reponses .
* Language content:

- Vocabulary : Medical check – up, to measure , medical record, to weigh, height
Temperature, to take one’s temperature , Scales , normal
- Grammar/ Structures :

The structure : Would you + V ?
- Review the simple present tense
Simple past/ present tenses

<b>2. Skills: Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the part B3
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will read a dialogue about medical check up and
<i>understand the content of the dialogue and give the requests and the reponses </i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask Ss some questions
such as

- Remark and lead in
new lesson

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask Ss to look at the
picture and guess
<i>Where are they ?</i>
<i>What are they doing ?</i>
- Introduce the situation
of the lesson , then
explain some new
words to Ss .

- Have Ss read new
words in chorus and
individually .

Checking technique :
Rub out and remember .

- Have Ss guess the
content of the dialogue
and order the sentences .
- Call on some Ss to
give their predictions in
front of the class .

- Ask Ss to look at the
books and listen to the
tape then check their
order.- Ask them to read
the dialogue again and
give the answers .
- Correct and give the

- Answer the

- Look at the picture
and answer the
questions .
- Listen to the
teacher .

- Read new words in
chorus and

individually , guess
the meanings , then
copy down .

- Play a game : rub
out and remember
- Guess the order of
the sentences .
- Give the

predictions in front
of the class .

- Look at the books
and listen to the tape
- Read the dialogue
and check the
predictions .

- Write the correct
answers .

+ Do you eat much candy ?
+ Do you often eat ice- creams?

+How often do you brush your teeth ?
+ If you have healthy teeth , what
should you do ?

<b>1. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

+ Medical check- up ( n ) :

+ Medical record ( n ) :
+ Height ( n ) :

+ To measure ( v ) :
+ To weigh ( v ) :
+ Temperature ( n ) :

+ To take one’s temperature
+ Scales ( n ) :

+ Normal ( adj ) :

* Structure : Would you open your
<b>mouth , please ?</b>

<b> Would you + V </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

correct answers
- Ask Ss to write the
correct answer in the

- Have Ss work in pairs
reading the dialogue .
- Call on some pairs to
practice reading in front
of the class .

- Correct their
c) Practice: (15’)
- Comprehension
questions :

-Have Ss play a game :
Lucky numbers

- Work in pairs .
- Practice in front of
the class .

- Play a game :

<b>Lucky numbers</b>

1. What were the students of QT
school doing ?

2. LN

3. Who was doing the medical check
– up ?

4. What did the nurse do ?
5. LN

6. What was Hoa’s temperature ?
Was it normal?

7. What was her height ?

8. What was her weight ? How heavy
was she ?

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Ask Ss to use the structure : Would you + V ?

to make the sentences by playing a game : Noughts and crosses .
- Make example :

Would you open your mouth , please ?
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Do exercise 1,2 at page 66 in workbook .

- Prepare part 2, 3 .


Prepare date: 01/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 03/02/2012
7B: 03/02/2012
Period 67

LESSON 2. A – A CHECK-UP (2, 3)

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Listen for details to complete the dialogue and practice asking and answering about
the personal information .

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: male, female, weight.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

How tall are you? or What is your height?
How heavy are you? or What is your weight?
How old are you? or What is your age?

It says on your form that you are 40 kilos
<b>2. Skills: Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the part A1
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will listen for details to complete the dialogue
<i>and practice asking and answering about the personal information .</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to match
- Listens and corrects
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson

- Gives questions
- Asks sts to predict
- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results
- Runs through the

- Has sts to give answer
- Checks results and

c) Practice: (15’)

- Hangs poster on Runs

- Models

- Guess the pairs of

- Listen

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Play game

- Listen and answer

- Predict the

- Give answers
- Read and check

- Give results
- Work in pairs to
complete the
- Give results
- Listen
- Answer the







1m45 Hoa 14 370


<b>2. Listen. Then write the misssing </b>

- a male female : nam ≠ nữ
- to cover : hoàn thành

- a forename : tên và chữ lót
<i>* Check : R & R</i>

<i>* Set the scene : </i>
- Who's this ?

- What are they doing ?
<i>Keys : </i>

Doctor : ask - How
Hoa : 14

Doctor : your - 50
Hoa : shorter - me
Doctor : tell

Hoa : meter - centimeters
Doctor : will - nurse - height
Hoa : think

Doctor : No – form

<b>3. Ask and answer questions with a </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

- Asks sts to do
- Checks results
- Corrects Comments
- Gives

- Give results
- Listen write


- Which school do you study ?
- What's your surname ?

- What's your address ?
- How old are you ?
- What's your height ?
- How heavy are you ?
<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Have Ss play a game : Survey .

- Ask Ss to work in groups : Ask their friends in order to have information and write in
the form .

- Call on some groups to practice in front of the class .
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words .
- Prepare Lesson 3 – B (1)

Prepare date: 04/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 06/02/2012
7B: 06/02/2012
Period 68



<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Read a dialogue and answer the questions.

- Further practice in the past simple , question forms and negative forms
* Language content:

- Vocabulary : virus , sick note , stay inside
- Grammar/ Structures : Simple past/ future tense
<b>2. Skills: Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialouge part A2
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will read a dialogue and answer the questions.
<i>- Further practice in the past simple , question forms and negative forms</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game
jumble words

- correct their mistake
and give mark.

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson

- Gives statements

Asks sts predict
- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results
- Runs through the

- Has sts to give answer
Checks results and

c) Practice: (15’)

- Hangs poster on Runs

- Models

- Asks sts to do
- Checks results

- Play game
- listen

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Listen

- Predict statements


- Read and check
- Give results
- Work in pairs to
answer the

- Give results

- Answer the
- Give results
- Listen write

- Jumbled words
1. luf flu
2. docl

3. chaheade
4. chatotheo
5. achmaoachste

<b>1. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

- a dentist : nha sĩ

- an appointment : cuộc hẹn
- scared (a) : sợ hãi

- a cavity :lổ sâu răng
- (to) fill : trám

- a drill : cái khoang
<i>Situation </i>

<i>- Lan absented class yesterday </i>
<i>because she was sick. To day her </i>
<i>teacher meets and asks her some </i>
<i>questions </i>

True or false prediction

a. __ Lan had a bad cold yesterday. T
b. __ Lan had a toothache, too. F
c. __ Lan feels a litle tired now .

d. __ Lan's mother wrote a sick note.

e. __ Lan also has a virus. T
<b>Keys : </b>

<i>a – T , b – F , c – T , d – F , e - T </i>
<i>* Answer the questions.</i>

a. Why didn't Lan go to school
yesterday ?

- Because she had a bad cold
b. What was wrong with her ?
- She had a headache

c. What does Mr Tan tell lan to do ?
- Mr. Tan told her to stay inside at

d. What did the doctor say about
Lan's problem ?

- The doctor said that she had a virus
e. Who wrote Lan's sick note ?
- The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note
<i><b>- Speaking</b></i>

<i><b>Imagine you absented class </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<i><b>your friend the reason why</b></i>
<i><b>* Suggested questions </b></i>

<i>- Where were you yesterday ?</i>
- What were the matter with you ?
- What did you do to solve it ?

- What did the doctor do ?
- How do you feel now ?
<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Structure: What is / was wrong with somebody ?
<i>? What was wrong with you ? </i>

<i> </i> <i> I had a cold.</i>

<i>? What was wrong with you ?</i>
<i> I had a headache .</i>
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Do exercise 1,2 at page 71 in workbook .

- Prepare part 2,3

Prepare date: 04/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 09/02/2012
7B: 09/02/2012
Period 69



<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Review vocabulary about the common illness, they listen to the tape for specific
information .

- Practice listening and speaking skills.
* Language content:

- Vocabulary : a flu, a stomachache, a semester, to absent , an illness, a total
- Grammar/ Structures : Wh question words

<b>2. Skills: Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialouge part B1
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will review vocabulary about the common illness,
<i>they listen to the tape for specific information . </i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

a) Warm up: (5’)
- Ask ss to play game:

- Ask play game in two

- Demonstrate the group
which wins the game .
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Introduce the aim of
the exercise .

- Ask Ss to work in
groups of four and ask
them to choose a

secretary for their

- Have Ss use the table
B2 to take a survey
<b>Ex: </b>

Were you absent from
<i>school last semester ?</i>
<i>Did you have a cold ?</i>

<i> a stomachache ?</i>
<i> the flu ?</i>
<i> a toothache ?</i>
- Ask the secretaries to
give the results of their
groups .

- Combine the result for
the whole class .

- Ask Ss to answer the
questions :

<i>What was the most </i>
<i>common illness?</i>
<i>What was the least </i>
<i>common illness?</i>
- Remark .

c) Practice: (15’)

- Ask Ss to compare the
days lost through

sickness in class 7A
with those in their own

- Ask some Ss to report

in front of the class .
- Remark .

- Listen to the

- Play game in two

Listen to the

- Work in groups.
- Give the results of
the groups.

- Answer the

- Copy the answer
in the notebooks.

- Compare the days
lost through

sickness in class 7A
with the own class
- Some Ss report in
front of the class .

<b>1.Take a survey .</b>

<i><b>? Were you absent u have a cold ?</b></i>
<i> a stomachache ?</i>
<i> the flu ?</i>

<i> a toothache?</i>

<i>? What was the most common illness?</i>
<i>? What was the least common illness?</i>



flu hea

… …

lan v x v x x

…. …

<b>Ex: Last semester in class 7A , cold </b>
<i>caused 10 days’ absence but in my </i>

<i>class cold caused 7 days’absence </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Last semester in class 7A , cold caused 10 days’ absence but in my class cold caused
7 days’absence, …etc…..

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Write the comparation in the notebooks .
- Do exercise 3 at page 71 in workbook .
- Prepare part 4

Prepare date: 04/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 10/02/2012
7B: 10/02/2012
Period 70



<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Understand the symptoms of the common cold and the cues to prevent it .
* Language content:

- Vocabulary :

<b> - Disease - Symptom</b>
- Runny nose - Slight fever
- To cough - To sneeze
- To prevent - To relieve
- Cure => to cure - To disappear
- Grammar/ Structures : The simple present tense .
<b>2. Skills: Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialouge part B1
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will understand the symptoms of the common
<i>cold and the cues to prevent it . </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content

a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to answer
- Listens and corrects
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson
- Gives statements
- Asks sts predict

c) Practice: (15’)
- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results
- Runs through the

- Has sts to give answer
Checks results and

- Answer t’s

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Play game
- Listen

- Predict statements
- T/F

- Give

- Read and check
- Give results
- Work in pairs to
answer the

- Give results
- Listen

<i>Chatting </i>

<i>- Did you have sickness ?</i>
<i>- What did you have ?</i>
<i>- What did you do ?</i>
<i>- How do you feel then ?</i>

<b>4. Read. Then answe the questions</b>
- a disease : căn bệnh

- a symptom : triệu chứng

- a runny nose : chảy nước mũi
- a slight fever : sốt nhẹ

- a cough : ho

-(to) sneeze : hắt hơi

* Checking : Slap the board
<i>* Set the scene:</i>

<i> - Among the diseases you learned do</i>
you know which diseases is the most
common ? Do you know what

symptoms of it?

<i>* Answer the Questions </i>

a. Why do we call the cold "common

Because every year millions of people
catch it

b. What are the symptoms of the
common cold ? They are running
nose, slight fever, coughing and

c. Is there a cure for the common cold


No, there isn’t.

d. Do cold cures work ? What do they
do ?

No. These medicines don't cure a cold
but they relieve the symptoms

e. How can you help prevent a cold ?
Eating well, doing exercise , keeping
fit and staying healthy

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

? Why do people call the cold “ common “?
Because every year millions of people catch it .
? What are the symptoms?

They are : a runny nose , a slight fever , coughing and sneezing .
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

- Do exercise 4 at page 73 in workbook .
- Prepare the test.


Prepare date: 08/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A:13/02/2012
7B: 13/02/2012

<b> Period 71 </b>


1. Kowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to check their knowledge
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: Review the words from unit 9 to unit 11
- Structures: Revision

2. Skills: Writing skills.

3. Attitude: Educate the students to love for subject .
<b>II. GIVE THE TEST: (45’)</b>


<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Cộng</b>


<b>Mutipe </b>

<i>Verb </i>

<i>1câu=0,5đ</i> <i>Questionwords</i>

<i>2câu = 1đ</i>

<i>Verb </i>
<i>Số câu</i>

<i>Số điểm</i>


<i>1 đ</i>



<b>Matching</b> <i>4câu = 2đ</i>

<i>Số câu</i>
<i>Số điểm</i>




<b>Reading</b> <i>Answeringquestions</i>


<i>Số câu</i>
<i>Số điểm</i>



<b>Writing</b> <i>Write the past</i>
<i>form of verbs</i>

<i>10từ = 2đ</i>

<i>Số câu</i>

<i>Số điểm</i>


<i>Tổng số câu</i>

<i>Tổng số điểm </i>
<i> %</i>

<i>2,5 điểm</i>







<b>2. The test:</b>

<b>2.1. Question I: Choose the best option a, b, c or d.(2 ms) (Chọn đáp án đúng nhất)</b>
1. ... do you feel now? - Ok.

a. What b. Why c. How d. Where

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

a. did b. filed c. made d. filled
3. I ... a bad cold and a headache.

a. had b. took c. haved d. were

4. ... you open your mouth, please?

a. Would b. What c. How d. When

<i><b>2.2. Question II: Match the questions in column A with the suitable answers in column</b></i>
<i>B (2 ms) (Nối những câu hỏi ở cột A với những câu trả lời phù hợp ở cột B)</i>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. Where do you live ?

2. What was wrong with you ?
3. How old are you ?

4. What is your weight?

a. I had a toothache
b. I’m 40 kilos.
c. I’m 13 years old
d. I live at Sap Xa

<b>2.3. Question III: Read and answer the questions below. (4ms) (Đọc đoạn văn và trả </b>
<i>lời câu hỏi)</i>

Hoa watched Mrs. Mai make her dress. She thought sewing was a useful hobby.
She decided to learn how to sew. Hoa bought some material. She learned how to use
a sewing machine and she made a cushion for her armchair. It was blue and white.
1. What did Hoa watch Mrs. Mai to do?

2. What did she decide to learn ?

3. What did she make first?

4. What color was it ?


<b>2.4. Question IV: Write the past form of these verbs. (2ms) (Viết dạng quá khứ đơn </b>
<i>giản của những động từ sau)</i>

1. Make, buy , tell, see , take.

-> ...
2. Remember, stop, call, brush, fill.

-> ...

<b>1. Question I: (2ms) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm</b>
1 – how ; 2 – filled ; 3 – had ; 4 – would

<b>2. Question II: (2ms) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm</b>
1 – d ; 2 – a ; 3 – c ; 4 – b

<b>3. Question III: (4ms) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm</b>
1. Hoa watched Mrs. Mai make her dress

2. She decided to learn how to sew
3. She made a cushion for her armchair
4. It was blue and white

<b>4. Question IV: (2ms) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,2 điểm</b>

1. make -> made ; buy -> bought ; tell -> told ; see -> saw ; take -> took

2. remember -> remembered ; stop -> stopped ; call -> called ; brush -> brushed
Fill -> filled

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

Prepare date: 14/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 16/02/2012
7B: 16/02/2012
<b> Period 71 </b>


After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know their mistakes and remember to mix them.
- Know their marks


- Phần lớn các em đã có ý thức học bài và làm bài tập ở nhà đầy đủ cho bài kiểm tra.
Nhưng ý thức học của các em vẫn chưa cao, cho nên kết quả vẫn chưa được cao.

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content

- T has ss circle the best


- T calls some to read and
write the answer on the

- T correcsts for ss.

- T explains how to do this
exercise and review the

- T has ss do it in their

- T calls some to write the
answer the answer on the

- T correcsts for ss.
- T read the lesson as a

- T explains some new
works in the lesson.
- T calls some to read

- T corrects .

- T has ss circle the best


- T calls some to read and

write the answer on the

- T correcsts for ss.

- T explains how to do this

- Ss do it in their

- Ss read and write
them on the board.
- Ss write down.
- Ss listen to the
teacher and write
down in their

- Ss do it in their

- Ss write them on
the board

- Ss listen to the

- Ss write down in
their notebooks.
- Ss read aloud in

front of class.
- Ss do it in their

- Ss read and write
rhem on the board.
- Ss write down.
- Ss listen to the

<b>1. Question I.</b>

1 – how ; 2 – filled ;
3 – had ; 4 – would

<b>2. Question II.</b>

1 – d ; 2 – a ; 3 – c ; 4 – b

<b>3. Question III.</b>

1. Hoa watched Mrs. Mai make
her dress

2. She decided to learn how to

3. She made a cushion for her

4. It was blue and white

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

exercise and review the

- T has ss do it in their

- T calls some to write the
answer the answer on the

teacher and write
down in their

- Ss do it in their

- Ss write them on
the board

1. make -> made ; buy -> bought ;
tell -> told ; see -> saw ; take ->

2. remember -> remembered ;
stop -> stopped ; call -> called ;
brush -> brushed

Fill -> filled

Prepare date: 15/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 17/02/2012
7B: 17/02/2012
Period 73

<b>UNIT 12. LET’S EAT.</b>


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk about the popular food.

- Talk about the hobbies of food
* Language content:

<b>- Vocabulary: spinach, cucumber, durian, papaya, to hate, to smell</b>
- Grammar : so,too,either,neither sentences

<b>2. Skills: Explanation , eliciting , pairwork , groupwork </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly with neighbors</b>

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: No check</b>
a) Question:

b) Keys:

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about the popular food and talk about
<i>the hobbies of food</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game
network about food and

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Introduce the situation
of the lesson to Ss and
ask Ss to guess what

- Play game
- Listen and

- Listen to the
teacher and guess
what they bought .

<b>1. Listen and read. Then practice </b>
<b>with a partner</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

Hoa and her aunt bought
at the market .

- Have Ss look at the
pictures and listen to the
tape .

- Ask Ss to look at the
book and read after the
tape .

- Explain some new
words and structures to
Ss .

- Guide read new words
in chorus and

individually , guess
meanings and copy

- Have Ss play a game :
What and where .

c) Practice: (20’)

- Ask Ss to read the
dialogues in pairs
- Call on some pairs to
practice reading in front
of the class .

- Correct their
pronunciation .
- Ask Ss to read the
dialogues again to find
out the answer in the
book .

- Correct their answer
- Explain some

sentences of Hoa and
her aunt in the dialogues

- Model sentences :

- Look at the

pictures and listen to
the tape.

- Read after the tape
- Listen and write.

- read new words in

chorus and

individually , guess
meanings and copy

- Play a game .

- Work in pairs.
- Practice reading in
front of the class.
- Read the dialogues
again to find the
answer .

=> Hoa and her
aunt bought beef,
and oranges at the

- Listen to the

<b>- Copy down.</b>
<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

- So and too are

used in the

formative sentences
- Neither and either
are used in the
negative sentences

<i>- spinach ( n ) : Rau chân vịt</i>

<i>- cucumber ( n ): da chuét </i>

<i>- papaya ( n ) : Đu đủ </i>

<i>- pineapple ( n ) : Quả dứa</i>

<i>- durian ( n ) : Quả sầu riêng</i>

<i>- ripe ( adj ) : chÝn</i>

<i>- to smell ( v ) : ngöi thÊy / cã mïi</i>

<i><b>Structures :</b></i>

<i>+ I like spinach and cucumbers .</i>
<i> So do I / I do , too.</i>

<i>+ I don’t like pork .</i>

<i> Neither do I ./ I don’t , either .</i>

<b>2. Answer the questions.</b>
<b>Ex: </b>

<i>S1: I am a student .</i>
<i>S2: So am I / I am , too .</i>
<i>S1: I like beef . </i>

<i>S2: I do , too . / So do I .</i>
<i>S1: She isn’t a doctor . </i>

<i>S2: I am not , either . / Neither am I .</i>
<i>S1: I don’t like chicken .</i>

<i>S2: I don’t, either / Neither do I .</i>
<i>( Not either = Neither )</i>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

S1: I don’t like carrots .

S2: Neither do I / I don’t , either
S1: I like beef .

S2: So do I / I do , too.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart the structures by making 3 sentences with :too / so; either / neither.
- Do exercise 2,3 at page 74 in workbook .

- Prepare part 3,4 .

Prepare date: 18/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 20/02/2012
7B: 20/02/2012
Period 74

<b>UNIT 12. LET’S EAT</b>


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Know the stages of cooking a meal

- Write a menu of a meal
- Guide to cook a dish

- Remember some more new words
* Language content:

<b>- Vocabulary: bowl, dish, soy sauce, slice, stir-fry, add, boil, salt, peel.</b>

- Structures : The past tense verbs, imperative to give instructions of how to cook a

<b>2. Skills: </b>
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Call ss go to board and read the dialouge between Hoa and her aunt
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the stages of cooking a meal and guide
<i>to cook a dish</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to answer
some questions about
the food they like
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask Ss to look at the
pictures and answer the

- Answer the
- Look at the

pictures and answer

<i>Chatting </i>

- Which meat do you like ?

- What about vegetables and fruit ?
<b>3. Read.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

question :

<i>What is she doing ?</i>
- Introduce the situation
and explain some new
words to Ss .

- Have Ss read new
words in chorus and
individually .

- Correct their
pronunciation .

- Have Ss play a game :
Rub out and remember

in order to check new
words .

c) Practice: (15’)

- Ask Ss to read the text
then complete the

sentences by adding the
missing verbs .

- Have Ss exchange the
results with their

partners .

- Call on some Ss to
give the answers
- Correct and give the
answer key :

- Ask Ss to match the
completed sentences
with the pictures .

- Have Ss exchange the
results with the partner
- Call on some Ss to
give the answers

- Correct and ask Ss to
write down .

the question
<i>She is cooking</i>
- Listen to the

- Read new words in
chorus and

individually , guess
the meanings , then
copy down.

- Play a game.

- Read the text and
complete the


- Exchange the
results with their
partners .

- Match the

sentences with the

- Exchange the
result with the

- Give the answer.
- Write down.

<i>- To boil ( v ) : luéc</i>

<i>- To heat ( v ) : ®un nãng </i>

<i>- To stir – fry ( v ): xào</i>

<i>- Bowl ( n ) : cái b¸t</i>

<i>- Chopsticks ( n ) : địa</i>

<i>- Soy sauce ( n ) : xì dầu</i>

<i>- Spoon ( n ) : th×a</i>

<i><b>* Add the missing verbs</b></i>
1. Slice 2. slice 3. heat
4. stir- fry 5. add
6. cook 7. add

<i><b>* Matching </b></i>

1. C 2. F 3. A

4. D 5. B 6. E 7. G

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Have Ss write a short paragraph to tell what they ate and drank yesterday .
- Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the class .

- Remark .

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Learn part remember .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

Prepare date: 18/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 23/02/2012
7B: 20/02/2012
Period 75

<b>UNIT 12. LET’S EAT</b>

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know the reasons why Ba had to go to the doctor and the safty of food and drink
* Language content:

<b>- Vocabulary: dirt, medicine.</b>

- Structures : The past tense in the negative and interrogative forms
<b>2. Skills: </b>

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to eat and drink sensibly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to write the new words.
b) Keys:

<i>- To slice ( v ) : th¸i </i>

<i>- To boil ( v ) : luéc</i>

<i>- To heat ( v ) : ®un nãng </i>

<i>- To stir – fry ( v ): xµo</i>

<i>- Bowl ( n ) : c¸i b¸t</i>

<i>- Chopsticks ( n ) : đòa</i>

<i>- Soy sauce ( n ) : xì dầu</i>

<i>- Spoon ( n ) : thìa</i>

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the reasons why Ba had to go to the
<i>doctor and the safty of food and drink.</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game

- Correct and give mark
b) Presentation: (15’)

- play game
- Listen and

<i> Net words</i>
<i> Cold </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary

- Checks

- Presents new lesson
- Gives statements
- Asks sts to predict
- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results
- Runs through the

- Has sts to give answer
Checks results and

c) Practice: (15’)

- Runs through the story
- Asks sts to complete
the story

- Checks results
- Corrects

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Play game
- Listen

- Read and check
- Give results
- Work in pairs to
answer the

- Give results
- Listen

- Listen to teacher
Work in pairs to
complete the story
- Give results
- Listen write

<b>1. Listen and read.</b>
<i>- soup (n) : canh </i>

- probably : có khả năng
- dirt (n) : chất dơ

- terrible (a) : tồi tệ
- Where is Ba ?

- What's wrong with him ?
<i> Answer the Questions</i>

1. What did ba eat last night ?
fish, rice, soup and spinach

2. Who wased the spinach ?

3. Why did Ba go to the doctor ?
Because he had a stomchache
4. What make him sick ?
The dirt on vegetables

<i><b>- Complete the story </b></i>
<i><b>Keys :</b></i>

Ba went to the doctor because he was
<i>sick . The doctor asked Ba some </i>
questions . Ba said he had some
<i>spinach last night . The doctor said he</i>
must wash the spinach more

<i>carefully/well. Vegetables can be </i>
dirty . The dirt can make people sick .
<i>She / the doctor gave Ba some </i>

<i>medicine to make him feel better .</i>
<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Repeat the content of the lesson and the structures .
<i>+ It must be …………..</i>

<i>+ It was probably ………</i>

<i> + Make + somebody + Adj/ Do smt </i>

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart the structures by making 3 sentences with each .
- Do exercise 1,2 at page 76,77 in workbook .

- Prepare part B2, 3


Prepare date: 18/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 23/02/2012
7B: 20/02/2012
Period 76

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

LESSON 4. B – OUR FOOD (2, 3)

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know to stay healthy by doing exercise, and having a balanced diet
- Remember some more new words

* Language content:

<b>- Vocabulary: an amount of, a diet, balanced, moderate, energy, affect, lifestyle, dairy </b>

- Structures : Why/ Why not...? Because...
<b>2. Skills: </b>

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to eat and drink sensibly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark.

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know to stay healthy by doing exercise, and
<i>having a balanced diet</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to rewrite the
jumbled words

- Checks results
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary

- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results
- Runs through the

- Rewrite the words

- Read or write on
the board

- Read and check
- Give results
- Work in pairs to
answer the


- Give results
- Listen

<i>Jumbled words ( Diseases )</i>
1. haadeche

2. clod
3. ful
4. cugho
5. neseze

6. sotamchecha

<b>2. Read. Then answer the questions</b>
- a balanced diet : chế dộ ăn uống
hợp lí

- a moderation : sự điều độ
- an energy : năng lượng
- (to) affect : ảnh hưởng
- a life style : lối sống

- the dairy products : sản phẩm từ sữa
* Answer the Questions

1. Name two a dvantages of eating

- Sugar adds taste to food and it gives
you energy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

- Has sts to give answer
- Checks results and

c) Practice: (15’)

- Ask Ss to do an
exercise : Matching
- Ask Ss match and talk
about a balanced diet .
- Have Ss work in
groups .

- Call on some gr oups
to give their dicussion in
front of the class .

Remark .

- Ask ss to look at

- Do exercise then
talk about “a
<b>balanced diet” </b>
- Make example.
- Work in groups.
- Give the

discussion in front
of the class .

a healthy lifestyles ?Why or why not?
- No it isn't . because all people need
exercise to keep a healthy life

3. Do you think your diet is

balanced ? Why or why not ?
- ( students’ answers )

<b>3. Write the menu:</b>

* Talk about “a balanced diet”
<i>To have a balanced diet we should </i>
<i>eat a lot of fruit ...</i>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Sugar adds taste to food and it gives you energy .

- A balanced diet is not enough all people need exercise to keep a healthy life .
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Write a menu for yourself and your family .

- Prepare part 4 .


Prepare date: 18/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 23/02/2012
7B: 20/02/2012
Period 77

<b>UNIT 12. LET’S EAT</b>
LESSON 5. B – OUR FOOD (4, 5)

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Listen and write the food and drink that 4 people used
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: review

- Structures : The past tense (review)
<b>2. Skills: </b>

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to eat and drink sensibly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark.

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the food and drink that 4 people used
<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game
slap the board

- Correct

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask Ss to look at the
book and listen to the
tape , then check their
prediction .

- Play the tape for Ss
( two times )

- Ask Ss to exchange
the result with the
partner .

- Play the tape again for
Ss to check .

- Call on some Ss to
give the answers
- Correct and give the

answer key :

- Ask Ss to look at the
pictures and write what
Lan , Ba , Nga and Hoa
had for lunch .

- Call on some Ss to
read their writing aloud.
- Remark .

c) Practice: (15’)
- Listen to the tape,

- Who can find out the
new words ?

- Who can read the
poem ?

- Play game
- listen

- Look at the book
and listen to the

- Exchange the
result with the


- Listen to the tape
again and check the

- Write down.
- Write what Lan ,
Ba Nga and Hoa
had for lunch.
<i>- Read the writings </i>
aloud .

- Listen to the tape.
- Students find out
- Some students

Moderate balanced diet
moderation energy

affect a life style
the dairy products

<b>4. Listen</b>

Lan : f, b, d ,g
Nga : a, d,g

Ba : c, a , e , h

Hoa : b, e,g .

<b>5. Play with words.</b>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

Write what Lan , Ba Nga and Hoa had for lunch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Write a paragraph about Lan , Ba , Nga and Hoa had for lunch .
- Do exercise 3,4 at page 77,78 in workbook .

- Prepare language focus 4 .


Prepare date: 18/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 23/02/2012
7B: 20/02/2012
Period 78


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Do exercises in order to practice the structures which have been learnt
- Use them and apply to do exercises well .

* Language content:
- Vocabulary: review

- Structures : Past simple tense, indefinite quatifiers, too and either, so and neither,
and imperatives

<b>2. Skills: </b>
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to eat and drink sensibly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark.

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the way to do exercises in order to
<i>practice the structures which have been learnt </i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Hangs poster on the

- Controlls

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Presents the structures

- Asks sts to give the

- Match the pairs of

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write

- Listen and answer


do watch eat go play talk

ate playe

went di

watched went

<b>1. Yes/ No question with the past </b>
<b>form </b>

Did + S + V – inf ?
- Yes, S + did

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>


c) Practice: (15’)
- Runs through
- Checks answers

- Explains

- Asks st to write

- Runs through
- Models

- Checks

- Gives the asking
- Controlls

- Checks

- Listen and work in

- Give answers

- Give results
- Listen

- Write

- Give results
- Listen to teacher
- Observe

- Give results
- Listen and then
write the sentences
- Give the results

Ex : Did you do your home work last
night ?

- No, I didn’t . I watched TV
<b>2. Too/ Either , So/ Neither</b>
Ex 1 : I like mangoes

- I like too/ so do I
Ex 2 : I don’t like bananas

- I don't either / Neither do I
<b>Activity 1 :</b>

<b>- Answer the questions </b>

b. No, I didn't I ate in a restaurant
c. No, I didn't. I went to the movie

d. No, I didn't, I read a book
e. No, I didn't . I played football
<b>Activity 2</b>

<i><b>a. Write the correct expression</b></i>
A . A little coffe

B . a lot of tea
C. a little sugar
D . lots of salt
E . too much coffe

<i><b>b. Look at the picture . Complete </b></i>

A . a little or a lot of
only a little

B . a lot of
C . too much

D . a little
<b>Activity 3</b>

<i><b>- Making cucumber salad</b></i>
a. Peel the onions

b. wash the cucumber and the onions
c. Slice the cucumber and the onions
d. Mix the slices

e. add little salt, sugar and vinegar to
the mixture

f. stir the mixture

g. wait for 5 minutes and the salad is
ready to serve.

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

- Repeat the structures which the students have learnt .
<b>Ex: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

<i>S1: I don’t like bananas .</i>

<i>S2 : I don’t , either/Neither do I.</i>
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Do exercise 4, 5 at page 77,78 in workbook .
- Prepare Unit 13 Part A1


Prepare date: 18/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 23/02/2012
7B: 23/02/2012
Period 79


<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Talk about the most 10 popular sports that American ss play
- Talk about the popular sports that Vietnamese ss play

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: skateboarding, roller-skating, roller-blading, football ( American
football), baseball.

- Structures : Adverbs at the beginning of the sentence ( surprisingly)
<b>2. Skills: </b>

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to eat and drink sensibly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark.

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know about the most 10 popular sports that
<i>American ss play and Vietnamese ss play</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play the
game : Networks
- Correct

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask ss to look at
picture A1 in the book

- Three groups play
on the stage

- Look at the picture

<b>1. Listen:</b>
<b>* New words </b>
skateboarding (n)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

and present : This is the
most ten popular sports
activities in American
that ss usually play.
- Present the new words
- Notice ss to

distinguish American
and British English: of
the word “football”
- Ask ss to repeat aloud
in chorus ( 2 times)
- Ask 2 ss to read and
correct the mistake
- Present the use and the
position of the adverbs
at the beginning of the
sentence ( surprisingly)

c) Practice: (15’)

- Play the tape for the
first time

- Play the tape again
- Ask ss to practice
reading the text silently
- Ask ss to answer the

- Remark and correct
the mistakes

- Ask Ss to read the text
in silent .

- Call on some Ss to
read the text aloud.
- Correct the
pronunciation .

- Have Ss work in pairs
to ask and answer the
questions .

- Call on some pairs to
practice in front of the
class .

- Correct the mistakes
and give the correct
answers .

- Write down

- Repeat aloud in

- Listen and check
- Observe and listen

- Listen carefully
- Listen and repeat
- Read the text

- Listen carefully
and answer

- Correct by

- Read new words in
chorus and

- Read the text in

- Read the text

<b>- Work in pairs.</b>
- Practice in front of
the class.

roller-skating (n)

football ( American football) (n)
baseball (n)

<b>* Structures</b>

Surprisingly, many teenagers said
they liked table tennis

<b>* Answer the questions.</b>
<i>a) He takes part in WFF.</i>

<i>b) His school team won the first prize</i>
<i>, they were so happy and wanted to </i>
<i>keep this activity .</i>

<i>c) One activity is a 5 walk to the </i>
<i>beach on Sunday morning , and the </i>
<i>other is walk- to – school day </i>

<i>d) It’s 5 km from school to the beach .</i>

<i>e) Wednesday is the WTS day .</i>

<i>f) Members living near school often </i>
<i>take part in the WTS day .</i>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

? What sports do you think are the most popular in the USA ?
? What is the most popular sport in VN ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Write what sports you like best .

- Do exercise 1,2 in workbook .
- Prepare part A2,3


Prepare date: 18/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 24/02/2012
7B: 24/02/2012
Period 80

LESSON 2. A – SPORTS ( 2, 3)

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know the use of adjectives with nouns and adverbs with verbs to talk about sports
- Know the water safety awareness when going swimming

* Language content:

<b>- Vocabulary: lifeguard, cyclist, pool edge, skill, safe, sudden, careless, strict.</b>
- Structures : forms of adverbs and the use

<b>2. Skills: </b>
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to eat and drink sensibly

<b>1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards</b>
<b>2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school</b>


<b>1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)</b>
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the survey of teenagers in the USA
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark.

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the use of adjectives with nouns and

<i>adverbs with verbs to talk about sports</i>

<i><b>2. New lesson: </b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game

- Correct and give mark

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Introduce the situation
of the lesson , then ask
Ss to look at the pictures

- Play game
- Listen and

- Listen to the


<i>- Good ( adj ) => well ( adv ) </i>
<i>- Skillful ( adj ) => Skillfully (adv - </i>
<i>Safe ( adj ) => Safely ( adv ) </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

and call the names of
the pictures .

- Explain some new
words to Ss .

- Read new words in
chorus individually ,
then copy down.
- Introduce how to
change adjectives into
adverbs and the use of
Adj and Adv :

- Ask Ss to make
sentences using

adjectives and adverbs
c) Practice: (15’)

- Ask ss to practice the
part 2.

- give 5 munites to ss in
order to practice in class
- Call some ss to give
their answers.

- Ask ss to read the part

- Call ss to read

- Correct their mistakes

- Listen and write

<i><b>* Note </b></i>

- Adjectives often
go with to be
- Adverbs often go
with ordinary verbs

- Make sentences

with the adjectives
and adverbs.

- Practice in class
- Go to board and
give answer.
- ss read the part 3
- stand up and read

<i>- Cyclist ( n ) :</i>

<i>- To cycle ( v ) = To ride a bike </i>
* Form

<i><b>Adjective + ly => adverb</b></i>
<b>Ex: Slow => Slowly </b>
<i> Bad => badly </i>
<i> Quick => quickly </i>

+ He’s a good soccer player

 <i>He plays soccer well</i>

+ She’s a quick runner
<i> She runs quickly </i>
<i><b>* Notes:</b></i>

<i>“Adjectives often go with To Be </i>
<i>Adverbs often go with ordinary </i>

<b>*2. Take a class survey</b>

Ask your classmates what sport they
like most. Draw this table in your
exercise book. Write the number of
students who like each sport best.
<b>3. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>

Adjective + ly => adverb
<i><b> * Note </b></i>

- Adjectives often go with to be

- Adverbs often go with ordinary verbs
<b> Ex:+ Slow / slowly / swimmer </b>

+ Quick / quickly / runner
+ Bad / badly / volleyball

<b>Ex: She’s a slow runner </b>
She runs slowly
<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words and structures by making sentences with them .
- Do exercise 3,4 at page 83 in workbook .

- Prepare part B1 .

Prepare date: 24/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 27/02/2012
7B: 27/02/2012
Period 81

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Know the benefits of the sports “walking”
* Language content:

- Vocabulary :

<i> - Surprisingly - Surprising result .</i>
<i> - To win - Competition </i>
<i> - Prize - Participant </i>
- Grammar :

- Review the simple past tense and simple present tense .
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to love sports and activies

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to change adjectives to adverbs
b) Keys:

<i><b>Adjective + ly => adverb</b></i>
<b>Ex: Slow => Slowly </b>
<i> Bad => badly </i>

<i> Quick => quickly </i>

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know the benefits of the sports “walking”
<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss some questions
relate to new lesson

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary
- Checks

- Presents new lesson

- Gives statements
- Asks sts to predict

- Listen and answer

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

- Write
- Play game
- Listen

- Listen and answer

* Chatting:

- Are there any park in your town ?
- Have you ever gone to there in the
morning ?

- What did you see there ?
- What did they do ?

- Did they attend walking ?

<b>4. Read. Then answer the questions</b>
- a participant : người tham gia

- a competition : cuộc thi
- to win the prize : giải nhất
- to increase : gia tăng

- to orgranize : tổ chức
- to take part in :tham gia
a. __ The writer is a teacher

b. __ There was a district walking
competition last year.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

- Ask ss to read the
passage and find

information to answer
the questions.

- call ss to read and ask
them to give their

c) Practice: (15’)
- Ask ss to look at the
part 5 (page132)
- Ask ss to read and
change the adjectives in
brackets to adverbs
- Call some ss to read

- Ask ss to give their

- Predict the
statements T/F
- Give the

- Read the passage

- Give answer

- Look at the part 5
- Change

- Read aloud
- give answer
- Write to exercise

second prize.

d. __There is a walking club in
writer’s school.

e. __ All people can join to the club.
* Keys:

a- F ( student) ,
b- T ,

c-F ( first prize )
d- T , e-T

<b>Keys : </b>
a. walking

b. won the first prize, wanted to keep
the activity

c. walking to beach and walk to
school day

d. 5 km

e. Wednesday

f. members living near school.

<b>5. Write. Change the adjectives in </b>
<b>brackets to adverbs.</b>

Adj Adv


<b>3. Consolidation: (3’)</b>


- What club do you want to organize in your school ?
- What is its aim ?

- What day will you choice ?
- Who will be the participants ?

<b>4.</b> <b>Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Write what sports you like best .

- Do exercise 1,2 in workbook .
- Prepare part B1,2

Prepare date: 26/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 01/03/2012
7B: 01/03/2012
Period 82



<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Tell and write the invitations

- Accept or refuse the invitations
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: ought to, paddle, spare.

- Structures : The use of some modal verbs: must, ought to, have to.
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to love sports and activies

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage part 4 “Walking is fun”
b) Keys:

- Correct and give marks

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know to tell and write the invitations; Accept
<i>or refuse the invitations</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to lokk the
words and then write on
the board

- Checks results

b) Presentation: (15’)

- Teacher asks some

What are Ba and Nam

- Teacher introduces the

- Teacher reads the

- Work in team
- Read or write on
the board

- Ss listen and
answer the

- Ss listen and look
at the book.

- Ss listen and read

- Ss write some

<i><b>Words square </b></i>
table tennis

brush teeth

after, before, meals
thin, swim

eat, can , should

<i><b>1. Listen then practice with a </b></i>

- oughr to.
- Must

- No proplem : Khơng có chi
- Paddles : cây vợt

- Spare : dư

- Borrow : buồn chán
- Sure : chắc chán
- Let’s go : hày đi
* Now answer:

a/ Nam wust finish his homework
before he play table tennis.

b/ He’ll be ready in a few minutes.

c/ Ba will finish a question for








<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

- Teacher explains some

- Teacher asks.
- Teacher corrects.
- Teacher elicitss/ asks.
- Teacher asks.

- Teacher corrects.

c) Practice: (15’)

- Teacher elicits.

- teacher reads.

- Teacher gives example
and corrects example.
- Teacher asks.

- Teacher corrects.
- Teacher asks.

words in the

- Ss practice in pairs
( role - play )

- Ss read the

dialogue again and
then choose the

- Ss answer the

- Ss write the right
answer in the
exercise book.
- ss listen and write.
- Ss listen.

- Ss make the
similar dialogue
( use the table )
( 3 minutes )
- Ss practice
- Ss write the
dialogue in the

d/ Ba has two paddles.

<b>2. Listen. Then practice with a …</b>
a/ Come and play basketball, Nam.

Well, I should clean mr room.
Should visit grandmother.
Ought to helf dad.

Must go dentist

Can you play on Friday/ the

All right. See you at seven.

Saturday afternoon
Six o’clock

10 o’clock
3. Consolidation: (3’)

+ The structure : making invitation :
Would you like to play table tennis?

 I’d like to .

+ Would you like to + V ?

<b>Ex : Would you like to come to my house ?</b>
have lunch with me ?

+ He ought to do his homework before playing table tennis .
She ought to help her mother

4.Homework (2’)

- Make 3 examples with each structure .
- Do exercise 1,2 at page 83,84 in workbook.
- Prepare part B3, B4.


Prepare date: 26/02/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 02/03/2012
7B: 02/03/2012
Period 83


<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Understand the sports “ Scuba diving”

- Use “ could or couldn’t” to talk about the abilities in the past
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: underwater, vessel, explore, invent, special breathing equipment
- Structures : Use “could” and “ couldn’t” to talk about past abilities

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to love sports and activies

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialouge between Ba and Nam
b) Keys:

- Correct and give marks

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will understand the sports “ Scuba diving”
<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts match the
words with the

- Checks results
b) Presentation: (15’)

- T explains some
word : Scuba – driving,

… special breathing

- T asks.
- T corrects.

- T explains: Jacques
Consteau (1910 – 1997)

là một nhà đại dương
học người Pháp, cũng

là một sĩ quan thủy
thủ, một nhà quay phim
thời sự về đại dương
nổi tiếng.

- Work in groups to

- Give results

- Ss listen and

- Ss listen and write
some words in the
notebook and then
give the meaning of
the words.

- Ss listen and

- Sslisten and read

- ss read loudly the
text again.

- Ss listen and silent.
- Ss write the note in

<i>Matching the English words with </i>
<i>the Vietnamese</i>

1. baseball a. môn lặn
2. football b. bóng chuyền
3. scuba- diving c. trượt patanh
4. volleyball d. bóng đá
5. Rollerblading e. bóng bầu dục
<b>3. Read. Then answer the </b>

<i><b>* New words.</b></i>

- surface. Bề mặt trái đất
- oceans đại dương

- recently ; gần đây
- underwater : dưới nước
- diver : thợ lặn

- pearl ; ngọc trai
- special : đặc biệt.
- breathing ; thở
- equipment : thiết bị
- invention ; sự phát minh
- freely ; tự do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

- T explains the

True :
False :
- T elicits.
- T corrects.

c) Practice: (15’)

- Ask ss to do exercise
B4 page 137

- Call ss give their

- Correct their mistakes
and give marks

- Play the tape part 5
- Ask ss to read and

- Call some ss to read

the notebook.

- Ss listen and write
and then do the

- Ss read again the


( read silent )
- Check ( T ) or ( F )
in the box.

- Ss corrects the
false sentences.
- Ss practice in pairs
- ss read loudly the

- Do exercise
- Give answer
- Comment

- Listen and write to
exercise book

- Listen

- Read in silent
- Read aloud

- explore : thám hiểm
- deep – sea : biển sâu
- driving vessel : tầu lặn
- camara : maùy quay phim
* Question.

True or false ? check and then
correct the false sentences.
1/ F most of ……… is water.
2/ T

3/ T

4/ F - adeep – sea driving
5/ T

<b>4. Complete the pasage.</b>
(1) – can

(2) – Must
(3) – must not
(4) – should
(5) – can

(6) – ought/should
(7) – can/should
(8) – should/must
<b>5. Play with words</b>

3. Consolidation: (3’)

+ Special breathing equipment .
`+ Explore the oceans .

+ Learn about the sea

<b>Ex: Before special breathing equipment we couldn’t explore the oceans , we </b>
couldn’t learn about the sea ……..

+ Electricity :
- Read all nights
- Watch TV
- Use computers
- Listen to music

 Before electricity , we couldn’t ……..

4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Do exercise 5 at page 86 in workbook .

- Prepare unit 14 – A1


<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

7B: 05/03/2012
Period 84


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Talk about free time fun activities

- Ask and express the choices of hobbies
- Talk about TV and TV programs

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: adventure, cricket, series, guess.
- Structures: like / prefer + V(infi) or V(ing)
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage part 3 page 136
b) Keys:

- Correct and give marks

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about free time fun activities

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss some question
relate to new lessons

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask Ss to look at the
picture and introduce :
<i>This is the picture of </i>
<i>Hoa’s family . Look at it</i>
<i>and guess what they do </i>
<i>in their freetime ? do </i>

- Answe T’s

- Look at the picture
and listen.

- Chatting with Ss about their
freetime by some questions :
<i>What do you usually do in your </i>
<i>freetime ?</i>

<i>Do you like watching TV?</i>
<i>Do you like watching news in </i>

<i>What programs on TV do you like </i>

<i>What is your favorite program?</i>
<i>How much time do you spend </i>
<i>watching TV a day ?</i>


<b>1. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

<i>- Series ( n ) : </i>
<i>- Adventure ( n ) </i>
<i>- Cricket ( n ) </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

<i>they watch TV?</i>
- Introduce the

situation : Watching TV
is one of the most
popular activities in
freetime . We are going
<i>to listen to a dialogue </i>
<i>between Lan and Hoa. </i>
<i>What do Lan’s / Hoa’s </i>
<i>family do in their </i>
<i>freetime ?</i>

- Explain some new
words to Ss .

- Have Ss read new
words in chorus and
individually .

- Have them play a
game: “what and

- Ask Ss to guess what
Lan and Hoa usually do
in the evening .

- Call on two Ss to give
their predictions.

c) Practice: (15’)
- Ask Ss to look at the
books , listen to the tape
and check their

predictions .

- Call on some Ss to
give the answers

- Have Ss work in pairs
reading the dialogue

- Call on 3 or 4 pairs to
read the dialogue in
front of the class .
- Ask Ss to read the
dialogue again then
choose the best answers
- Have Ss exchange the
results with the partners
- Call on some Ss to
give the answers
- Correct and give the
key :

- Ask Ss to write in the

- Listen to the
teacher .

<b>- Listen and write </b>
down .

- Read new words in
chorus and

individually , guess
the meanings , then
copy down.

- Play a game.
- Guess what Lan

and Hoa do in the

- Give the

- Look at the books ,
listen to the tape and
check the


- Give the answer.
- Work in pairs
reading the

- Practice reading in
front of the class.
- Do exercise.
- Exchange the
results with the

- Give the answers.
- Write down.


<i>- to sound ( v ) </i>

<i>- To guess ( v ) = to predict </i>

* Answer the question.

<i>a)Lan invites Hoa to eat dinner with</i>
<i>her family .</i>

<i>b)Lan wants Hoa to watch TV </i>
<i>before dinner .</i>

<i>c)Hoa’s family doesn’t have a TV </i>
<i>because her aunt and uncle don’t </i>
<i>like watching TV.</i>

<i>d)Hoa likes spending time with her </i>
<i>aunt and uncle at night .</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>


3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Lan invites Hoa to eat dinner with her family .
- Lan wants Hoa to watch TV before dinner .

- Hoa’s family doesn’t have a TV because her aunt and uncle don’t like watching TV.
- Hoa likes spending time with her aunt and uncle at night .

- Lan’s family always watches TV in the evening
4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Do exercise 1 at page 87 in workbook .

- Prepare part A2 .


Prepare date: 03/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 09/03/2012
7B: 09/03/2012
Period 85


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk about the invitation and suggestion
- Make the favorite choice and TV program
* Language content:

- Vocabulary :

- Detective movie - Pop concert
<i> - Classical concert - Cowboy movie </i>
<i> - Drama - Advertisement </i>
- Grammar :

- Review : would you like to + V ?
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialouge between Hoa and Lan
b) Keys:

- Correct and give marks

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about the invitation and suggestion
<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game - Play game <b> </b>

Theater News

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

slap the board

- Correct and give mark

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Introduce the situation
of the lesson

- Ask Ss to look at the
books and listen to the
tape .

- Explain some new
words :

- Have Ss read new
words in chorus and
individually .

- Correct their
pronunciation .

- Have Ss work in pairs
reading the dialogue .
c) Practice: (15’)
- Ask ss work in pairs
reading the dialogue .
- Call on some pairs to
practice in front of the

class .

- Correct the
pronunciation .
- Explain the model
sentences :

- Ask Ss to look at the
advertisements , make
up similar dialogues .
- Have Ss work in pairs
- Call on some pairs to
practice in front of the
class .

- Correct the mistakes if

- Listen and

- Listen.

- Look at the books
and listen to the

- Listen and write

- Read new words in
chorus and

individually , guess
the meanings , then
copy down .

- Work in pairs
reading the dialogue
- Practice reading in
front of the class.

- Listen carefully.
<i> </i>

- Look at the

advertisements and
make up similar

- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of
the class

<b>2. Listen and read. Then practice </b>
<b>with a partner.</b>

<b>New words.</b>

<i>- Cowboy movie ( n ) </i>
<i>- Detective movie ( n ) </i>
<i>- Pop concert ( n ) </i>
<i>- Classical concert ( n ) </i>
<i>- Drama ( n ) </i>

<i>- Advertisement ( n ) </i>

<i>What would you like to watch / see?</i>
<i>I’d like to watch / see a cowboy </i>
<i>movie </i>


S1: Would you like to go to the
concert this week ?

S2: That sounds good . What would
you like to see?

S1: There is a classical concert on at
Hanoi opera House.

S2: Ok. Can you make it on
Tuesday night ?

S1: Sorry, I have to go to E club .
S2: ………

3. Consolidation: (3’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

S1: Sorry , I have to go to E club.
S2: ……..etc………
4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words .

- Make a dialogue in the notebook .
- Prepare part A3 .


Prepare date: 10/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 12/03/2012
7B: 12/03/2012
Period 86

LESSON 3. A – TIME FOR TV ( 3, 4*)

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Get information about the developing of TV in Viet Nam.
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: owner , to gather, to change, no longer
- Grammar : Review : Simple past tense.

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialouge between Hoa and Lan in part 2 (page 141)
b) Keys:

- Correct and give marks

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will get information about the developing of TV
<i>in Viet Nam.</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to rewrite the
jumbled words

- Checks results

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teacher ask ss some

<i>- Do you like watching </i>

- Rewrite the words
- Read or write on
the board

- Ss answer

<i>Jumbles words</i>

1. ppo pop
2. dictetive
3. lypa

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<i>TV ?</i>

<i>- Do you have a TV at </i>
<i>home ?</i>

<i>- Is it a color TV aor </i>
<i>black and white TV ?</i>
<i>-What programs do you</i>
<i>like best ?</i>

- Look at the pictures.
- Is living i the past on

- What were they
doing ?

- How is the living
today ?

- Explain the meaning
of new words ?

- Who can read ?

- Now you are going to
listen to the text about
TV in VN.

c) Practice: (15’)
- Listen to the tape,
please !

- Who can read, please !
- Who can answer my
questions ?

- What does the text talk
about ?

- Did many people in
VN have a TV set in
their home 30 years

- What did they do after
dinner ?

- What color were the
TV programs 30 years
ago ?

- Where do people
watch TV today ?
- Do they spend much
time together ?

- Now, you use the
information in the
passage and complete
the summary.

- Look at the picture
- They were…..
- Today,

- Write – read
- Some students

- Listen to the

- Listen to the tape.
- Some students

No, they didn’t

- They watch……
- No, they don’t

<b>3. Read.</b>

<b>TV in Viet Nam</b>
a) New words.

- TV owners (n) những nhà có TV

- gather (v) tụ tập, tập trung

- any more không còn nữa ( PĐ)

= no longer ( trong câu khẳng định)


- They spend much time together
any more.

- They no longer spend much time

b) Anwer key.

In 1960s, most people in VN did not
have a TV set.

The people with TVs were popular.
In the evening, the neighbors would
gather around the TV. They would
stay until the TV programs finished.
VN is different today. More families
have a TV set and life is more
comfortable. But neighbors don’t
know each other as well as they did
in the past.

<b>4*. Play with words:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

- Give some cues then ask students to practice asking and answering :
+ Morning News

+ Teenagers.

+ The world of animals .
+ Music programs .
- Have students work in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
- Correct the mistakes .

4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words .

- Do exercise 1,2 at page 90 in workbook .
- Prepare part B 1, 2


Prepare date: 12/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 15/03/2012
7B: 15/03/2012
Period 87

LESSON 4. B – WHAT’S ON ( 1, 2)

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk about the TV and program of TV
- Ask and answer about the taste

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: kind,cartoon, fistful, sport show,weather forecast.
- Grammar : - like + to do/doing sth, prefer + doing sth.

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage part 3 (page 142) and write the new words
b) Keys:

TV owners (n) những nhà có TV

gather (v) tụ tập, tập trung

any more khơng cịn nữa ( PĐ) = no longer ( trong câu khẳng định)

- Correct and give marks

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about the TV and program of TV
<i>2. New lesson: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts list and
match the programs
- Checks results

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Has students look at
pictures and books and
makes questions

- Makes questions about

- Introduces the

- Turns on the tape and
has them listen once
- Explains some new

- Has them listen and

- Lets them practice in

- Calls some to read

- Introduces “Now


- Lets them find the

- Lets them check in
pairs by asking and

- Calls some to give

- Explains some new
structures in the

c) Practice: (15’)
- Has students look at
the name of programs
- Asks question and

- Has students discuss
some questions

- Calls some to give

- Guides students to

- Read or write on
the board

- Look at books and

- Answer questions
- Listen and answer
- Listen to teacher
- Listen once
- Take new words
- Listen and repeat
- Pairworks

- Read in pairs
- Listen to teacher
- Work invidually
- Pairworks
- Give answers
- Take notes

- Look at books
- Listen and answer
- Discuss in groups
- Give answers
- Listen to teacher

<b>1. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

What program is on TV now? Who
are the characters?which cartoon are
the characters from? Do you like to
watch cartoon on TV? Which
character do you like best?
<i>“You’re going to listen to a </i>

<i>conversation between Ba and Nga. </i>
<i>What are they talking about? Do </i>
<i>they like cartoon?”</i>

a.No, because there aren’t good
programs for teenagers

b.Ba watches sports shows, cartoons
and movies

c.Nga likes to watch programs about
teenagers in other countries

d.Because they don’t play the kind
of music she likes

e. Nga is going to listen to the radio
and maybe read a book

<b>* Like+ V-ing/ to-inf</b>
<b>* Prefer +V-ing to V-ing</b>

<b>2. Listen. Write the time of the </b>


<i>“ Look at these programs, do you </i>
<i>know the names of these popular </i>
<i>programs on TV?” Do you always </i>
watch these programs? Which
programs do you like watching?
What time do you know each of
these programs is on?” You’re

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

listen to the

- Turns on the tape three

- Has them check with

- Calls some to give

- Lets them listen again
and corrects

- Listen to the tape
- Pairworks

- Give answers
- Listen to find


<i>going to listen a conversation </i>
<i>between Lan and Ba.They’re </i>
<i>talking about the times of the TV </i>
<i>programs we’ve discussed .Listen </i>
<i>and write down the time of the </i>
<i>above programs”</i>

a.Children’s program starts at five
b.The Early News is at six

c.The weather forecast is at 6.10
d.The World Today is at 6.15
e. The movie “ A Firstful of
Dollars” starts at seven
3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Give some cues then ask students to practice asking and answering :
+ Morning News

+ Teenagers.

+ The world of animals .
+ Music programs .
4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words .

- Do exercise 1,2 at page 90 in workbook .

- Prepare part 3,4

Prepare date: 12/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 16/03/2012
7B: 16/03/2012
Period 88

LESSON 5. B – WHAT’S ON ( 3, 4)

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Talk about freetime activities, make enquiries about and express preferences , talk
about T.V and TV programs

* Language content:
<b>- Vocabulary : </b>

broad[ad] audience[n] lastest[adj] artist[n] band[n]contest[n]

knowledge[n] folk music contestant[n] perform[v] viewer[n]
import[n] foreign[n] include[v] TV station satelite[n]

like/prefer + to-inf / gerund present tense] possible[adj]
- Grammar/ Structures :

like/prefer + to-inf / gerund present tense
2. Skills:

- All skills

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>


1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Call 2 ss to read the dialouge between Nga and Ba
b) Keys:

- Correct and give marks

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about freetime activities, make enquiries
<i>about and express preferences , talk about T.V and TV programs</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Has students play
game “ give advice” in

- Teacher gives the
situations and students
give advice

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Has students look at
books and pictures and
make questions

- Gives some new words
from the answers

- Makes questions
- Gives new words
- Introduces the passage
- Lets them listen to the
tape and look at books
- Has them name three

- Has them read in
silence and find the
answers to the questions
- Lets them check in

- Calls some to give
answers and corrects

c) Practice: (15’)

- Asks students some
questions and has them

- Calls some to answer

- Play the game in

- The groups have
the most advices
will win

- Look at pictures
and books

- Answer and get

- Answer the

- Listen to teacher
- Listen to the tape
and look at book
- Name the

- Read in silence
- Find answesr

- Pairworks

- Give answers and
write down

- Answer question
in groups

- Give answers

I like music, especially foreign
music.Which program should I

I like watching about life and people
in other countries.Which program
should I watch? ………

<b>3. Listen and read. Then answer </b>
<b>the questions:</b>

Do you recognize the characters in
each pictures? In which programs
do these scenes usually appear?
What words will we encounter in
the reading about pop music?/
contests?/ Imports? “ you’re going
<i>to listen to the tape about 3 popular</i>
<i>programs. Listen and tell me What </i>
<i>are the programs?”</i>

a.Teenagers like to hear the lastest
pop music and see the shows of
their favorite artists.

b. In contest programs, the

contestants are students, workers or
family members

c.Imports usually include police and
hospital series


<b>4. Write. Complete the passage. </b>
<b>Use the words in the box</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

- Introduces the passage
- Lets them read the
open passage to get

- Give some new words
- Guides them to read
and fill the gaps

- Lets them check in

- Calls some to give

- Calls some to read the
complete passage

- Listen to teacher
read the passage
- Take notes
- Listen and do
- Pairworks
- Give asnwers
- Read aloud

of TV now and the future? “ you’re
<i>going to read a passage about the </i>
<i>favorite programs of teenagers and </i>
<i>the development of TV in the </i>

<i>future.Read and get the main idea”</i>
<i>“ after reading the passage,now </i>
<i>look at the words in the box , read </i>
<i>again and complete it”</i>

<b>1.around 2.watch 3.listen 4. series </b>
<b>5.show 6.like 7.station 8.receive</b>
<b>9.cities 10.possible</b>

3. Consolidation: (3’)

<b>Ex: S1: Do you want to hear pop music ?</b>
S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t .

Or : S1: What TV programs do you want to see?
S2: I want to see the contests .

4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Do exercise 3,4 at page 91 in workbook .

- Review for doing a test in the next lesson .

Prepare date: 15/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A:19/03/2012
<b> Period 89 </b>


1. Kowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to check their knowledge
* Language content:

- Vocabulary: Review the words from unit 12 to unit 14
- Structures: Revision

2. Skills: Writing skills.

3. Attitude: Educate the students to love for subject .
<b>II. GIVE THE TEST: (45’)</b>


<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Cộng</b>


<b>Mutipe </b>

<i>Chose the</i>
<i>best answer</i>
<i>3câu = 1,5đ </i>

<i>Chose the best</i>
<i>3câu = 1,5đ</i>
<i>Số câu</i>

<i>Số điểm</i>






<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

<i>Số điểm</i>

<b>Reading</b> <i><sub>False (F)</sub>True (T)/</i>

<i>2 câu = 1đ</i>

<i>8câu = 4đ</i>
<i>Số câu</i>

<i>Số điểm</i>

<i>2 câu</i>




<b>Writing</b> <i><sub>Write the</sub></i>


<i>to the</i>

<i>Số câu</i>

<i>Số điểm</i>


<i>4 từ</i>
<i>Tổng số câu</i>

<i>Tổng số điểm </i>

<i> %</i>

<i>2,5 điểm</i>





2. The test:

2.1. Question I: Write the adverbs corresponding to the adjectives. (2points)

<b>Adjectives</b> <b>Adverb</b>



2.2. Question II: Chose the best answer (3 points)

1. We may know the land very well, but we know very………... about the oceans .
a. few b. little c. least d. a little

2. Nam is a good soccer player. He plays soccer………..
a. good b. bad c. well d. hard
3. I hate carrots and I don’t like peas,………..

a. too b. also c. as well d. either
4. Lan likes pineapples and ………

a.so do I b. so I do c. too do I d. neither do
5. There is a cowboy movie ……….. at the New Age theater.

a. on b. in c. for d. of
6. Teenagers like to listen to the latest………….music.

a. R& B b. classical c. pop d. opera

2.3. Question III: Read the paragraph , then answer the questions below: ( 3 points)
Jacques Cousteau ( 1910- 1997), invented a deep-sea diving vessel in the early
1940s. In the vessel, he could explore the oceans of the world and study underwater

life. Now we can explore the oceans using special TV cameras as well. We can learn
more about the undersea world thanks to this invention.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

a.. He invented special TV cameras.

b. Jacques Cousteau was 87 years old when he died
<b>*Questions: 1. What did Jacques Costeau invent?</b>

2. What could he do in the vessel?

3. How can we explore the oceans?

4. What can we learn thanks to his invention?

---2.4. Question IV: Read. Then answer the question: (2 points)

Thirty years ago in Viet Nam, very few people had TV sets. These TV owners were
very popular. After dinner, their neighbors gathered both inside and outside their
houses. Some watched through the windows.

All evening, they sat and watched the black and white programs. The older people
might sleep a little and the children might play with their friends, but no one went
home until the TV programs finished.

Times have changed. Today, many families have a TV set. People sit in their own
living rooms and watch TV. Life is more comfortable now, but many neighbors don't

spend much time together any more.

* Answer the questions.

1. Did a lot of people have TV sets thirty years ago?

2. What did they watch?

3. Where do they watch TV today?

4. How is life now?


1. Question I: (2ps) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm

<b>Adjectives</b> <b>Adverb</b>



2. Question II: (3ps) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm
1 – b ; 2 – c ; 3 – d ; 4- a ; 5- a ; 6 - c
3. Question III: (3ps) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5điểm
* True (T)/ False (F):

a – F ; b - T

a) Jacques Cousteau ( 1910- 1997), invented a deep-sea diving vessel

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

d) We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to this invention.
4. Question IV: (2ps) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm

a) No, they didn’t

b) They watched the black and white programs
c) They sit in their own living rooms and watch TV
d) Life is more comfortable now


Prepare date: 19/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A:22/03/2012
<b> Period 90 </b>

<b>1. Mục tiêu:</b>

- Học sinh vận dụng các kiến thức đã học từ bài số 12 đến bài số 14 vào làm các dạng
bài tập trong bài kiểm tra.

- Rèn kĩ năng đọc hiểu, trả lời các câu hỏi.
- Giúp HS biết, ý thức được việc học tập.
<b>2. Đánh giá nhận xét sau khi chấm:</b>

* Trong tiết học ngày hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ cùng chữa 1 số lỗi mà các em thường mắc
phải khi làm bài kiểm tra, để từ đó rút kinh nghiệm cho các bài kiểm tra tiếp theo.

<b>Class 6A</b>
* Về kiến thức:

- Nhìn chung các em đã vận dụng được kiến thức cơ bản về nội dung hai bài vừa học
( Unit 12, 14) để làm bài /.,kiểm tra.

- 70% các em làm bài đạt yêu cầu. Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn 1 số em chưa nắm rõ được kiến
thức, đặc biệt là các câu có các dạng động từ ở thì hện tại và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn các
em vẫn còn nhầm lẫn nên kết quả bài kiểm tra chưa cao.

* Về kỹ năng:

- Đây là phần các em vận dụng các kĩ năng đọc, viết để làm bài kiểm tra. Các em đã
vận dụng khá tốt nên bài kiểm tra của các em được đánh giá khá cao. Bên cạnh đó, 1 số
em cịn mơ hồ về bài làm của mình nên bài làm cịn yếu.

* Vận dụng của học sinh:

- Do hạn chế về kiến thức nên phần vận dụng của các em còn nhiều vướng mắc, chưa

thành thạo trong cách vận dụng.

* Cách trình bày:

- Nhìn chung các em trình bày bài khoa học, sạch sẽ như em Luyến, Niêm, Phương...
Tuy nhiên cũng có em trình bày cịn cẩu thả như em Dũng, Thuần, Sáng, Minh…

* Diễn đạt bài kiểm tra:

- Phần lớn các em diễn đạt bài kiểm tra chính xác, thốt ý và rõ ràng.
<b>3. Chữa lỗi của học sinh:</b>

- Một số lỗi các em thường mắc phải trong bài kiểm tra:
* Lỗi về từ vựng:

- Bên cạnh 1 số em có vốn từ vựng khá tốt thì phần lớn các em cịn nhiều hạn chế , nên
trong q trình làm bài các em cịn viết sai về từ vựng, ví dụ như các động từ khi
chuyển từ số ít sang số nhiều như “play” “plays” hay “go” “goes”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

- Hầu hết các em chưa năm bắt được cấu trúc của thì hiện tại đơn giản đối với những
động từ khi chuyển sang số nhiều, do vậy trong bài kiểm tra các em chưa hoàn thành
câu hoặc viết lại câu nhưng chưa chính xác, ví dụ như em Thuần, Minh, Xuyến….

<b>Class 6B</b>
* Về kiến thức:

- Nhìn chung các em đã vận dụng được kiến thức cơ bản về nội dung hai bài vừa học
( Unit 12, 14) để làm bài /.,kiểm tra.

- 70% các em làm bài đạt yêu cầu. Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn 1 số em chưa nắm rõ được kiến

thức, đặc biệt là các câu có các dạng động từ ở thì hện tại và thì q khứ đơn các em
vẫn cịn nhầm lẫn nên kết quả bài kiểm tra chưa cao.

* Về kỹ năng:

- Đây là phần các em vận dụng các kĩ năng đọc, viết để làm bài kiểm tra. Các em đã
vận dụng khá tốt nên bài kiểm tra của các em được đánh giá khá cao. Bên cạnh đó, 1 số
em cịn mơ hồ về bài làm của mình nên bài làm còn yếu.

* Vận dụng của học sinh:

- Các em vẫn còn yếu về phần vận dụng nên bài làm chưa có tính sáng tạo các em cịn
nhiều vướng mắc, chưa thành thạo trong cách vận dụng. Đặc biệt là phần viết lại câu.
* Cách trình bày:

- Nhìn chung các em trình bày bài khoa học, sạch sẽ như em Mẫu, Phượng ... tuy nhiên
cũng có em trình bày còn cẩu thả, phần lớn chỉ ở dạng “word by word”, chưa có tính
sáng tạo trong cách trình bày. Hơn nữa các em cịn trình bày lan man, khơng trả lời vào
trọng tâm của câu hỏi.

* Diễn đạt bài kiểm tra:

- Phần lớn các em diễn đạt bài kiểm tra có tính thốt ý và rõ ràng. Tuy vậy, 1 số em
trình bày cịn mang tính sao chép, lủng củng về câu từ.

<b>3. Chữa lỗi của học sinh:</b>

- Một số lỗi các em thường mắc phải trong bài kiểm tra:
* Lỗi về từ vựng:

- Bên cạnh 1 số em có vốn từ vựng khá tốt thì phần lớn các em còn nhiều hạn chế, các
em còn viết sai về từ vựng, ví dụ từ “badminton” 1 số em chưa biết cách viết, hay từ
“help” thì các em viết thành từ “hepl”, hoặc viết thành “hepp”... điển hình như em
Chuẩn, Thịnh, Chí….

* Lỗi về cấu trúc ngữ pháp:

- Hầu hết các em chưa năm bắt được cấu trúc của câu điều kiện, do vậy trong bài
kiểm tra các em chưa hoàn thành câu hoặc viết lại câu nhưng chưa chính xác, ví dụ như
em Hồng, Hồng… hoặc cấu trúc câu gợi ý ai đó nên làm gì các em cũng chưa thành
thạo trong cách vận dụng nên nhiều em đặt câu còn sai.


Prepare date: 20/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 23/03/2012
7B: 23/03/2012
Period 91

<b>UNIT 15. GOING OUT</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Give the advice and respond for not doing something such as : playing video games .
- Talk about video games and disadvantages of playing video games .

* Language content:

- Vocabulary : Video games, Arcade, Amusement center, Addictive
- Grammar :

Structure : Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade .
No, I won’t .

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (No check)
a) Question:

b) Keys:

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about video games and disadvantages of
<i>playing video games .</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Have Ss play a game

- Have Ss play game in
2 groups

- Remark and lead in
new lesson

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Introduce the situation
of the lesson , then ask
Ss to look at the picture
and answer the question
+ What can you see in
the picture ?

- Introduce some new
words :

- Have students read
new words in chorus
and individually .
- Have students play a
game : what and where .
- Have students look at
the dialogue and listen
to the tape .

- Play a game .

- 2 groups take part
in the game .

- Discuss in groups ,
then Ss go to the
board and write
down .

- Listen and answer
the question .

- Listen and write .
- Read new words .
- Play a game .
- Look at the book
and listen to the tape

<b>1. Listen. Then practice with a </b>

a) New words:

- Amusement center ( n ) : A place
where we can go to play some
games for relaxing .

- Video games ( n ) :
- Arcade ( n ) :
- Addictive ( adj ) :

<i>+ Don’t spend too much of your </i>
<i>time in the arcade.</i>

<i>=> No, I won’t .</i>

( Advise somebody not to do
something .)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

c) Practice: (20’)
- Ask students to read
after the tape .

- Have students work in
pairs reading the


- Call on 3 or 4 pairs to
practice reading in front
of the class .

- Correct their
- Introduce the new
model sentence :

- Ask students to make
examples as model .
- Ask students to read

the dialogue again and
find the answers for the
questions in the book .
- Have students work in
pairs .

- Call on some pairs to
practice asking and
answering in front of the
class .

- Have some students go
to the board and write
the correct answers .
- Ask students to write
the answers in the
notebooks .

- Read after the tape
- Work in pairs .
- Practice in front of
the class .

- Listen .

- Make examples as
model .

- Find the answers
for the questions

- Work in pairs .
- Practice asking
and answering in
front of the class .
- Go to the board
and write the
answers .

<b>b) Keys:</b>

a. He’s going to the amusement
center .

b. He’s going to play video games .
c. He goes to the amusement center
about once a week .

d. No, he doesn’t .

e. He usually stays for about an hour

f. Because video games can be
addictive .

g. He will do his homework later .

3. Consolidation: (3’)

Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade.

=> No, I won’t .

4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words and structure by making 2 sentences with each .
- Do exercise 1, 2 in workbook .

- Prepare part A2,3 .


Prepare date: 27/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 29/03/2012
7B: 29/03/2012
Period 92

<b>UNIT 15. GOING OUT</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Understand video games and some disadvantages of playing video games .
* Language content:

- Vocabulary :

- Inventor - Social skill - Dizzy - Premises
- To develop - Robbery - To identify - Industry
- Grammar :

- Modal verbs .

- The present simple tense .
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Call ss to write newwords
b) Keys:

- Amusement center ( n ) : A place where we can go to play some games for relaxing .
- Video games ( n ) :

- Arcade ( n ) :
- Addictive ( adj ) :

<i>+ Don’t spend too much of your time in the arcade.</i>
<i>=> No, I won’t .</i>

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will understand video games and some
<i>disadvantages of playing video games .</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask sts some questions
such as :

- Remark and lead in
new lesson

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Introduce the situation
of the lesson part 2 ,
then ask students to do
an exercise : True or
False prediction .

- Have students work in
groups .

- Call on some groups to
give their prediction.

- Answer T’s

- Listen and do

- Work in groups .
- Give the prediction

- Listen to the tape

+ Do you like playing video games ?
+ How often do you play video games

+ How long do you usually spend
playing video games?

+ What do you think about playing
video games ?………

<b>2. Listen and read.</b>

<i>Exercise : True or False prediction .</i>
1. Children like playing video games
because they are good fun .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

- Ask sts to look at the
books and listen to the
tape then check their
prediction .

- Call on some ss to give
the answers .

- Correct and give the
correct answers :
- Have sts listen to the
tape again :

- Have sts read new
words in chorus and
individually .

- Ask sts to read the text
in silent .

- Call on 3or 4 sts to
read the text aloud .
- Correct their
c) Practice: (15’)

- Have sts read the text
again to find out the
answers - Have ss
exchange the results
with the partners .
- Call on some students
to give the answers in
front of the class .
- Correct the mistake

and give the correct
answers .

- Have stts write in the
notebooks .

- Explain the request of
the exercise part3 then
introduce some new
words .

- Have sts complete the
passage .

- Ask them to exchange
the results with the
partners .

- Call on some Ss to
give the answer in front
of the class

- Correct and give the
key :

and check the
prediction .

- Give the answers .
- Listen to the tape

again .

- Read new words in
chorus and


- Read the passage
in silent .

- Read aloud .

- Read the passage
again to find the
answers .

- Exchange the
results with the
partners .

- Give the answers .
- Write down .
- Listen and write .

- Read new words in
chorus and

- Complete the

- Exchange the
results .

- Give the answers .
- Read aloud .

tired .

4. Children mustn’t play outdoors
with their friends .

5. Some inventors become rich when
they are very young .


1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
5. T


+ Inventor ( n ) The person who
invents videogames .

+ Dizzy ( adj ) :
+ To develop ( v ) :
+ Social skill ( n ) :

Keys for part 2:

a) Many young people play video
games .

b) Some inventors of video games
become very rich .

c) The doctor thinks all children
should take part in outdoor activities
with their friends .

d) The doctor says you should spend
little time playing video games .

<b>3. Complete the passage with the </b>
<b>words in the box.</b>

+ To identify ( v ) :
+ Premises ( n ) :

+ Robbery ( n ) => robber ( n )
+ Industry ( n ) :


<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

- Call on 2 students to
read the completed
passage aloud

- Ask students to write


3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Have students work in groups discussing about the disadvantages of playing video
games .

4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Do exercise 3,4 in workbook .

- Prepare the next lesson .

Prepare date: 28/03/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 30/03/2012
7B: 30/03/2012
Period 93

<b>UNIT 15. GOING OUT</b>

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know about life in the city and life in the country
* Language content:

- Vocabulary :

- The rest - To scare - To hate
- Awake - Get used to - Direction
- Grammar :

Review : the simple present tense and past tense .
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Call ss to read the part 2 and part 3
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know about life in the city and life in the
<i>country </i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

a) Warm up: (5’)

- Have Ss play a game :
<b>Words square</b>

- Ask students to find
the words which relate
to the city and country .
- Have students work in
groups .

- Remark and lead in
new lesson

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask students to look at
the picture and answer
the question : What is
the picture about ?
- Ask students some
questions such as:
+ Do you like to live in
the city or in the country
? Why / why not ?

- Introduce the situation
of the lesson .

- Ask students to look at

the book and listen to
the tape , then answer
the question : Lan and
Hoa , who likes to live
in the city or in the
country .

- Play the tape for
students .

- Have students give the

- Introduce some new
words to students.
- Have students read
new words in chorus
and individually .
- Have students play a
game : rub out and
remember .

c) Practice: (15’)

- Have students discuss
about life in the city and
life in the country .
- Have students work in
groups .

- Play a game .
- Discuss in groups
to find the words
which relate to the
city and the country
- Work in groups .

- Look at the picture
and answer the
question .
- Answer T’s
questions .
- Listen .

- Look at the book
and listen to the tape
then answer the
questions .

- Give the answers .
- Listen and write .
- Read new words in
chorus and

individually .
- Play a game .

- Play a game .
- Discuss about life
in the city and life in

the country .

<b>1- Listen. Then practice with a </b>

+ The rest ( n ) :
+ Awake ( adj ) :
+ To scare ( v ) :

+ To hate ( v ) = to dislike
+ To get used to + N .
+ Direction ( n ) :

<b>* Brainstorming :</b>
<b>Life in the city </b>

Crowded ….
<b>Life in the country </b>

Little traffic


<b>Keys for the questions:</b>

Hoa goes to the school theater one a
week. The rest of the week she
usually stay at home in the evening.
No, she doesn’t like the city.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

- Call on some groups to
give their ideas .

- Have students read the
dialogue in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to
read the dialogue in
front of the class .
- Correct the
pronunciation .

- Ask students to read
the dialogue again and
find the answers for the
questions .

- Have students play a
game :

- Remark and ask
students to write the
answers in the
notebooks .

- Work in groups .
- Give the ideas .
- Work in pairs
reading the dialogue


- Practice reading
the dialogue in front
of the class .

- Find the answers .
- Play a game in 2
groups .


She liked living in a village because
she knew all the people in her

neighborhood; the village was quiet
and there was only a little traffic.
She doesn’t like the city because it is
noisy and the roads are busy.

She hates crossing the road most
because bikes, motorbikes and cars
come from every direction, and they
scare her

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Ask ss to work in pairs discussing about life in the city and life in the country .
4. Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each
- Prepare part B2,3 .


Prepare date: 01/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 02/04/2012
7B: 02/04/2012
Period 94

<b>UNIT 15. GOING OUT</b>

LESSON 4. B – IN THE CITY (2, 3)

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Know how Hoa got used to the life in the city and what she could do
* Language content:

- Vocabulary :

- Rarely - To socialize
- Grammar :

- Review : The simple present tense and past simple tense .
- Like / Prefer + to infinitive ; Like + gerund

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time


1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Call ss to read the part 1
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know how Hoa got used to the life in the city
<i>and what she could do </i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Have Ss play a game :
Net work

- Have students work in
groups .

- Have students go to

the board and write .
- Remark .

b) Practice: (30’)

- Introduce the content
of the text : The text
tells how Hoa got used
to the city life .

- Ask students to read
the text and find out
what she could do .
- Have students read the
text in silent .

- Call on some students
to give the answers in
front of the class .

- Call on some students
to read the text aloud .
- Correct the

pronunciation .

- Introduce new words
- Ask students to make
sentences as model .
- Give some more

questions and ask
students to answer

- Play a game .
- Work in groups .
- Go to the board
and write .

- Listen .

- Read the text and
find out what she
could do .

- Read in silent .
- Give the answers
in front of the class
- Read the text
aloud .

- Listen and write .
- Make sentences .
- Answer the
questions .

<b>2. Work with a partner. Ask and </b>
<b>answer questions.</b>

<b>3. Read.</b>

+ Rarely ( adv ) :
+ To socialize ( v ) :

+ Structure : Like / prefer + to

Ex: Hoa likes to read / She prefers to
socialize with her friends .

Like / prefer + gerund .

Ex: Hoa like playing chess very much


- She usually visits, talks and listens
to music.

- She plays table tennis and plays
chess with her friends.

- She socializes with her friends.

- She goes to the library and borrows
books regularly.

3. Consolidation: (3’)


<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

- Ask students to use the questions in part B2 to work in pairs discussing about life in
the city and life in the country .

4. Homework (2’)

- Write the things that you often do in the evening .
- Do exercises in part B in workbook .

Prepare date: 04/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 06/04/2012
7B: 06/04/2012
Period 95

<b>UNIT 15. GOING OUT</b>

LESSON 3. B – IN THE CITY (4, 5*)

1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Go on knowing more the life in the city
* Language content:

- Vocabulary : Rarely, to socialize
- Grammar :

<i> - Review : The simple present tense and past simple tense .</i>
- Like / Prefer + to infinitive ; Like + gerund

2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will know more the life in the city
<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Have Ss play a game :
Net work

- Have students work in
groups .

- Play a game .
- Work in groups .
- Go to the board

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

- Have students go to
the board and write .
- Remark .

b) Practice: (30’)

- Introduce the content
of the text : The text
tells how Hoa got used
to the city life .

- Introduce new words :
- Ask students to make
sentences as model .
- Introduce the aim of
the listening part 4.
- Ask students to look at
the pictures and give the
activity of each picture .
- Call on some students
to give the answers in
front of the class .
- Have students guess
and write the names
next to the pictures .
- Ask students to listen

to the tape and check
their prediction .
- Play the tape for
students .

- Call on some students
to give the answers in
front of the class .

- Play the tape again for
students to check the

- Correct and give the
key :

- Ask ps to read part 5

and write .
- Listen .

- Listen and write .
- Make sentences .
- Answer the
questions .

- Listen to the
teacher .

- Give the activity
of each picture .

- Guess and write
the names next to
the pictures .

- Listen to the tape
and check the
prediction .
- Listen.

- Give the answers
in front of the class
- Check the answers
- Read aloud.

<b>4- Listen. Match each name to an </b>

Ba- b
Hoa- a
Nga – d

Nam – c
Lan – f
An – e

<b>5- Play with words.</b>

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Ask students to use the model in part B3 and the pictures in B4 to talk about what
they like to do or dis like to do .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

- Write the things that you often do in the evening .
- Do exercises in part B in workbook .

Prepare date: 04/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 09/04/2012
7B: 09/04/2012
Period 96



1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Talk about the countries and the capitals, some tourism places in Asia
- Review adverbs of frequency

* Language content:
- Vocabulary :

Album, religion, occasionally, Bangkok (n), Pilot (n), Fly (v), Exciting (Adj),
Region (n), Occasionlly (Adv), Jakarta (n), Vientiane (n), Yangon (n)

- Grammar :

- Adverbs of frequency

- Present simple tense and past simple tense
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage
b) Keys:

- correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about the countries and the capitals,
<i>some tourism places in Asia</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ps to name some
capitals of Asian

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>


- T writes them on the

b) Presentation: (15’)
- T introduces the

contents of the dialogue.
- Let ps listen to the tape

- Introduce new words.
- Read new words and
ask ps to read after.
- T reads the dialogue
and asks ps to read after.
- Ask ps to practice the
dialogue in pairs.

- Call some pairs to
practice in front of the

- Ask ps to read

sentences page 155 and
match the half


c) Practice: (15’)
- Call some ps to give
the answers.

- T checks and corrects.
- Ask ps to read the
names of the countries
in the box and then
complete the table

- Call some ps to give
the answers.

- T checks and corrects.
- Then ask them to
practice in pairs to ask
and answer about Ba’s

- Call some pairs to

- Look at the board.

- Listen to the

- Listen to the tape.
- Take notes.

- Chorus/
- Read in chorus.
- Pracitce in pairs.
- Practice in front of
the class.

- Read and match.
- give the answers.
- Write down.

- Read and then
complete the table.
- Give the answers.
- Write down.
- Practice in pairs.

<b>1- Listen. Then practice with a </b>

- postcard (n)
- pilot (n)

- excite (adj)
- region (n)

- occasionally (adv)
- stamps (n)

- album (n)


a- D

b- F

c- B

d- C

e- A

f- E

<b>2- Complete the table. Use the </b>
<b>names of the countries in the box.</b>

Capital – Country
Bangkok – Thailand
Beijing – China

Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia

Phnom Penh – Cambodia
Vientiane – Laos

Yangon – Myanma
Jakarta - Indonesia

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

- Resay: Where does Ba’s uncle fly to?

He usually/sometimes/occationally flies to………….
Where is that?

It’s in …………..
4. Homework (2’)

- Do exercises in the work book
- Learn new words by heart

Prepare date: 07/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 12/04/2012
7B: 12/04/2012
Period 97



1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen to get information about pilot’s schedule

- Get more information about the diffirent places in asia
- Review the model verbs

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: destination, attraction, ancient, monument,
Huge, pupet show, tradition, resort, admire.
- Grammar : Review

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the dialouge
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will listen to get information about pilot’s


<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Ask ss to play game

- control
- Correct

- play game
- listen and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Ask ps to look at the
picture in the book part
3 and guess the job of
the people in the

- Introduce the situation
and requirement of the

- Ask ps to listen to the
tape and complete this

pilot’s schedude with
the correct place names.
- Ask ps to work in pairs
to check- cross the

- Call some ps to give
the answers.

- Teacher remarks and
give the correct


- Let them listen one
more time and check.
c) Practice: (15’)
- T asks:

+ What would you like
to do if you go to Ha
long/Bai chay?

- Teacher reads the text
once and introduces new

- Ask ps to read the text
and then find the answer
for the questions below.

- Ask ps to work in
groups to exchange the

- Call some groups to
give the answers.

- T checks ans give the
correct answers.

- Look at the picture
and guess the job.
- Listen to the

- Listen and
complete the

- Cross-checking.
- Give the answers.
- Copy down.
- Listen

- Answer.

- Listen and take

- Read ans answer

the questions.
- Work in groups.
- Give the answers.
- Copy down.

<b>3- Listen and complete this pilot’s </b>
<b>schedule with the correct place </b>

Mon: Bangkok and Singapore.
Tue: Singapore

Wed: Jakarta
Thurs: Bali
Fri: Bali

Sat: Hongkong
Sun: Back to Hanoi

<b>4- Listen and read. Then answer </b>
<b>the questions.</b>

- destination (n): điểm đến

- attraction(n)sù thu hót,s hÊp dẫn

- ancient monument(n) lăng mộ cổ

- resort(n) khu nghỉ mát

- coral(n) o san hụ

- culture(n) văn hoá

- admire(adj)khâm phục

- shadow puppet show(n) bi tr×nh
diƠn móa rèi


a- The three kinds of tourist

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

3. Consolidation: (3’)
- Retire entry of lesson
4. Homework (2’)

- Do exercise in work book
- Read and translate part 3

Prepare date: 10/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 13/04/2012
7B: chiều 12/04/2012
Period 98


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Talk about General Giap and famous places which relate to him and history of Viet

* Language content:

- Vocabulary : History quiz, general, commander in chief, battle, defeat, lead.
- Grammar : Review

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the passage in part 4 (page 156)
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will talk about General Giap and famous places

<i>which relate to him and history of Viet Nam.</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts to give the

- Checks results

b) Presentation: (15’)

- Read or write on
the board

Think of it : Give the name of person
with the events

<b>Historic places</b> <b>Famous people</b>
Bach Dang River <i>Ngo Quyen</i>

Hoan Kiem Lake <i>Le Loi</i>

Kim Lien village <i>Ho Chi Minh</i>

Dong Da <i>Quang Trung</i>

Dien Bien Phu <i>Vo Nguyen Giap</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

- Teacher asks some

<i>+ Do you know Vo </i>
<i>Nguyen Giap ?</i>

<i>+ Did you go to Dien </i>
<i>Bien Phu ?</i>

- Introduce the
requirement of the

- Ask ss to listen to the
dialouge between Liz
and Ba

- Introduce some new

- Ask ss to write then
read the new words in
chorus and individual
c) Practice: (15’)

- Let ps listen to the tape

- Let ps listen two more

times and do the

True/False exercise
page 158.

- Ask them to work in
pairs to compare the

- Call some ps to give
the answers.

- Let them listen one
more time and check the

- T gives the correct

- Answer T’s

- Listen
- Listen

- Read in chorus and

- Write to notebook

- Listen to the tape.
- Take notes.

- Listen and do the

- Work in pairs.
- Give the answers.
- Listen ans check.
- Copy down.


- a quiz (ex) câu đố
- a battle (ex) trận đánh

- the General (ex: Who is Vo Nguyen
Giap?) võ tướng

-(to) lead: (ex) lãnh đạo
-(to) defeat : đánh bại
-force (n) (trans.) lực lượng

-(to) be famous for (ex) nổi tiếng với

<i><b>Listen and check T/F</b></i>

a. F – Liz doesn’t know about
General Giap.

b. F – The people’s Army of Vietnam
defeated the French in 1954

c. T

d. F – General Giap was born in 1911.
e. T

f. F – Ba will Liz some history books

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Ask ss to retell about General Vo Nguyen Giap

Example: Vo Nguyen Giap was born in 1911. He is a famous General and he was a
<i>Commander – in – chief. He is famous for leading the people’s Army of Vietnam won </i>
<i>the battle of Dien Bien Phu.</i>

4. Homework (2’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

Prepare date: 10/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A:chiều 13/04/2012
7B: chiều 12/04/2012
Period 99


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Make dialogues to talk about famous people over the world.
- Read and get information about Muong Thanh valley

* Language content:

- Vocabulary : Indochina, war, veteran, scenery, hospitality, ethnic minority, depend
on, border, province.

- Grammar : Review
2. Skills:

- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to write the new words
b) Keys:

- a quiz (ex) câu đố

- a battle (ex) trận đánh

- the General (ex: Who is Vo Nguyen Giap?) võ tướng
-(to) lead: (ex) lãnh đạo

-(to) defeat : đánh bại
-force (n) (trans.) lực lượng

-(to) be famous for (ex) nổi tiếng với
- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will make dialogues to talk about famous people
<i>over the world; Read and get information about Muong Thanh valley</i>

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts some

- Answer the

- Where did the IndoChina war end?
- Is Dien Bien Phu a battle to day ?
what is it now ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

- Checks results

b) Presentation: (15’)
- Runs through the

- Asks sts to complete
the dialogue.

- Checks by call some
pairs speaking

- Gives garmmar point

- Gives words and asks
sts to make questions
and answers

- Runs through

- Has sts to give answer
- Checks results and

c) Practice: (15’)

- Ask ps to read the text

- T introduces new

- Read new words and
ask ps to read after.
- Ask ps to read the
paragraph and then
answer the three
questions below.
- Ask them to work in
groups and discuss the

- Call some groups to
give the answers.
- Teacher checks and

- Listen

- Write

- Listen and answer
- Give the result
- Speaking
- Give results

- Listen
- Write

- Give results
- Make the new


- Give results

- Read it silently.
- Take notes

- Listen and read in
- Read and then
answer the

- Work in groups.
- Give the answers.
- Write down.

- What else can tourists do in Dien
Bien Phu ?

- Why is DBP's locadion important ?
<b>2. Practice: </b>

a) Complete the dialogue with the
words given:

<b>Keys : like, prefer,guess, favorite</b>
<b>* Grammar point :</b>

Prefer ….to……..


I prefer volleyball to soccer
I prefer Pele to Rivaldo.

b) Make the new dialogues with the
words given:

a. Hong Nhung/ Thanh Lam
Eg :

-Do you like Hong Nhung ?
-I prefer Thanh Lam

-Why ?

-Because Thanh lam is prettier than
Hong Nhung

b. My Linh / My Tam
c. Hong Son / Huynh Duc
d. Ronaldo/ Backkam

<b>3- Read. Then answer the </b>

- Indochina
- War
- Veteran
- Scenery

- Hospitality
- Ethnic minority
- depend on
- border,
- province.


1- People can visit the battle site in
Dien Bien Phu.

2- Tourists can also enjoy the
beautiful scenery of Muong Thanh
Valley, visit the neighboring villages
and share the hospitality of the local

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Ask ps to discuss these questions:

+ Are there any famous places in your home town?
+ Can you tell something about it?

4. Homework (2’)

- Do exercises in the work book
- Learn new words by heart


Prepare date: 10/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: chiều 13/04/2012
7B: chiều 12/04/2012
Period 100


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Read and get information about Thomas Edison and Andersen
- Listen and get information about Ho Chi Minh

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: buld, invention, gramophone, actor, motion picture, author, fairy tale.
- Grammar : Wh- question words

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and do useful things in their free time

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to read the part 3* page 159
b) Keys:

- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will listen and get information about Ho Chi

<i>2. New lesson: </i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
a) Warm up: (5’)

- Asks sts some
- Checks results
b) Presentation: (15’)
- Teaches new words
following steps for
presenting vocabulary

- Answer

- Listen and repeat
after teacher

<i>Guessing game </i>
Do you like ...?

No, not very much . I prefer....
<b>4. Read.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

- Checks

- Gives statements
- Asks sts to predict
- Asks sts read and
check the prediction
- Checks results
- Runs through the

- Has sts to give answer
- Checks results and

- Aks sts work in pairs
to role play.

- Calls some pairs

- Checks results
- Corrects
- Comments

c) Practice: (15’)
- Gives homework
- Asks sts listen and
check the prediction
- Checks results

- Has sts to retell about
Uncle Ho

- Checks results and

- Write
- Play game
- Listen

- Predict the two
people informations
- Give the

- Read and check
- Give results
- Work in pairs to
answer the

- Give results

- Listen

- Listen to teacher
- Work in pairs
- Speak

- Give results
- Listen write
- Listen and check
- Give results
- Listen to teacher
- Write to retell
about Uncle Ho
- Give results

- an actor : nam diễn viên
- (to) establish : thiết lập
- an author : tác giả

- (to) leave – left : rời khỏi
- (to) found : tìm thấy

- (to) form : hình thành, thành lập
- to declare :

- independence : tự do
Open prediction
Name Thomas
Hans Christian

Who ?
do ?

<i>*Answer the questions</i>

1. Who was Thomas Edison ?
2. What was his famous invention ?
3. What did he establish ?

4. What other inventions did he
invent ?

5.Who was Hang Christian Andersen
6. What did he want to be ?

7. What kind of books did he write ?
8. What was he most famous for ?
<b>5. Listen. Complete the table</b>

Year place

Kim Lien
Viet Nam
Viet Nam
Viet Nam
Ha Noi

Ex : Uncle Ha was born in 1890 in
Nghe An . He left VN in 1911 and
traveled to Africa, England and

3. Consolidation: (3’)
- Retire entry of lesson
4. Homework:(2’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

Prepare date: 04/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: /04/2012
7B: 13/04/2012
Period 101


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Test students’ knowledge and at the same time remind them the language material
they have learnt from unit 13 to unit 16.

* Language content:

- Grammar: Adjective => Adverb Model verbs

Like – dislike Tense: past, present, future
- Vocabulary: Revision

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (5’)
a) Question:

- Ask ss to write new words
b) Keys:

- a bulb :bóng đèn trịn

- an invention : phát minh
- a gramophone :

- an actor : nam diễn viên
- (to) establish : thiết lập
- an author : tác giả

- (to) leave – left : rời khỏi
- (to) found : tìm thấy

- (to) form : hình thành, thành lập
- to declare :

- independence : tự do
- Correct and give mark

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will review the vocabulary and structures unit 13
<i>to unit 16</i>

2. New lesson:
<i><b>2. New lesson: (40’)</b></i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content

- T asks Ss some

- Ss answer

a. What’s the date today?

b. Who’s absent?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

- T helps Ss to remind
the way to change
adjective to adverb.
- Ask them to do
exercise a,b.

- Teacher repeats the
form and the usages of
the model verbs.

- Ask them to make up
similar dialogue and
give Hoa some advice
using should and ought

- Ask ps to work in
groups to do part 4
- Call some ps to give
the answers.

- Listen and

- Do the exercises.
- Listen and

- Do as the teacher

- Work in groups.
- Give the answers

<b>Activity 1:Adjectives and adverbs</b>

a- Check the correct box

Adjective: dangerous, good, bad
Adverb: slowly, skillfully, quickly
b- Complete the sentenses:

A- quickly B- slowly C- good
D- dangerous E- skillful

<b>Activity 2 : </b> <b>Model verbs</b>

a- Work with a partner. Read the

b- Look at the pictures and the
words.Make up similar dialogue.
c- Ought or should

<b>Activity 3 : Expressing Like and </b>


- What would you like….?
- Would you like…?

<b>Activity 4 : </b> T<b>enses.</b>

<b>-</b> a, present f- present
<b>-</b> b, present g- present
<b>-</b> c, past h- past
<b>-</b> d, future i - present
<b>-</b> e, past j- future

<b>Activity 5:Because</b>

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Retell all the lesson and ask students to remember
4. Homework (2’)

- Do exercise in workbook
- Prepare the next


Prepare date: 14/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 16/04/2012
7B: 16/04/2012
Period 102


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Test students’ knowledge and at the same time remind them the language material
they have learnt from unit 9 to unit 16.

* Language content:

- Grammar: Review
- Vocabulary: Review

2. Skills:
- All skills

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>


1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (no check)

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will review the vocabulary and structures unit 9
<i>to unit 16</i>

<i>2. New lesson: (40’)</i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
- T asks sts to do the

reading exercises.

- T asks sts to give the

- T checks and gives

- T asks sts read the
answers loudly.

- T asks sts to do the
exercises choosing
the best answer.

- T asks sts to give the

- T gives feedback
- T asks sts to
complete the
sentences with the
correct from of the

- T checks and gives

- Do exercises
- Sts read the

passages and answer
the questions.

- Sts give the

- Sts read the
sentences again.

- Sts read the

sentences and notice
the asnwers.

- Sts work in pairs to
do the exercises.

<b>I/ TENSES: ( thì )</b>

<b>1.Simple Present tense: </b>
- To be: am, is, are

<b> S + tobe + ...</b>
- Ordinary verbs:
<b> S + V (s,es)</b>

Từ nhận diện: always, usually, often,

sometimes, seldom, never, every,…
<b>2.Present continuous tense:</b>

am/ is / are + V.ing

<b>Từ nhận diện: now, at present, at the </b>
moment,… hoặc Look! ; Listen!; Be

<b>3.Simple past tense: </b>
- To be : was , were

S + was/were + ...
- Ordinary verbs:

S + V (ed)

Động từ co qui tắc : them “ed” ( Ved )
Động từ bất qui tắc : sử dụng cột 2
(Vcột 2 )

<b>Từ nhận diện: yesterday, last, ago, </b>
mốc thời gian ở qua khứ ví dụ 2002,

<b>4. Simple future tense:</b>
Will / (shall) + V
<b> Won’t + V </b>

<b> Will + S + V …?</b>

<b>Từ nhận diện: tomorrow, next, in the </b>

<b>5. The near future tense: ( thì tương </b>
<b>lai gần hay tương lai với dự định )</b>
<b> Diễn tả sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong </b>
<i>tương lai nhưng được sắp xếp sẳn hay </i>
<i>dự tính trước.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>


- Sts give the

Ex: What are you going to do tonight?
( tối nay bạn dự định lam gì?)

I’m going to do my math homework.
( toi dự định lam bai tập toan )

<b>6. Các trường hợp khác :</b>
- would like + V...
- Like + V-ng ...
- Prefer + V-ing ...

- Sau ought to, should, can, must ... là
một động từ nguyên mẫu.

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Retell all the lesson and ask students to remember
4. Homework (2’)

- Do exercise in workbook
- Prepare the next


Prepare date: 16/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 19/04/2012
7B: 19/04/2012
Period 103


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Test students’ knowledge and at the same time remind them the language material
they have learnt from unit 9 to unit 16.

* Language content:

- Grammar: Review
- Vocabulary: Review

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (no check)

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will review the vocabulary and structures unit 9
<i>to unit 16</i>

<i>2. New lesson: (40’)</i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

reading exercises.

- T asks sts to give the

- T checks and gives

- T asks sts read the
answers loudly.

- T asks sts to do the

exercises choosing
the best answer.

- T asks sts to give the

- T gives feedback
- T asks sts to
complete the
sentences with the
correct from of the

- T checks and gives

- Sts read the

passages and answer
the questions.

- Sts give the

- Sts read the
sentences again.

- Sts read the

sentences and notice

the asnwers.

- Sts work in pairs to
do the exercises.

- Sts give the

<b>1. SO, TOO: ( cũng vậy) :được sử</b>
dụng trong câu khẳng định. “So” đứng
ở đầu câu; “too” đứng ở cuối câu.

Ex: Hoa is hungry. I am, too
So am I.

<b>2. EITHER, NEITHER: (cũng</b>
không): được sử dụng trong câu phủ
định. “Neither” đứng ở đầu câu;
“either” đứng ở cuối câu.

Ex: Hoa isn’t hungry. I am not, either.
Neither am I.
<b>Complete the sentences with “so, too,</b>
<i><b>either, neither” :</b></i>

1. He can’t swim. --- can I.
2. Nam and Ba are playing soccer

and --- is Minh.
3. Hoa doesn’t like pork and her

uncle doesn’t, ---.
4. They won’t ome to the meeting

and --- will we.

5. Nga ate too much cake last night
and I did, ---.

6. She phones to her parents twice a
week. --- do I.

7. My sister doesn’t like the red
skirt and she doesn’t like the
green one, ---.
8. Hoa loves dogs and she loves

cats, ---.

<b>Combine two sentences into one, </b>
<b>using “too, so, either, neither”:</b>

1. He is hungry. I am hungry.
2. Nam doesn’t like durian. Hoa

doesn’t like durian.

3. They can play volleyball.We
can play volleyball.

3. He didn’t meet her last night. I
didn’t meet her last night.
4. I write diary every night. My

sister writes diary every night.
5. Hoa ate bread and beef for

breakfast. Her uncle ate bread
and beef for breakfast.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<b>III/ Adjectives, Adverbs:</b>
1. Adjectives: tính từ

Vị trí: tính từ thường đứng sau động từ
to be hoặc đứng trước danh từ và bổ
nghĩa cho danh từ đó.

Ex: 1. She is beautiful.

2. She is a beautiful girl.
Tính từ danh từ
2. Adverbs: trạng từ

 Vị trí: trạng từ thường đứng sau

động từ thường và bổ nghĩa cho
động từ đó hoặc đứng đầu câu và
bổ nghĩa cho cả câu.

Ex: 1. He drives carefully.

động từ thường trạng từ
2. Suddenly, the light went out.

Mối liên hệ giữa tính từ và trạng
từ: tính từ + ly trạng từ

Adjective Adverb



Một số trường hợp đặc biệt:
Adjective Adverb




Ex:1. He is a careful driver. He drives

2. She is a good badminton player.
She plays well.

<b>Complete the sentences with the </b>
<b>correct adjective or adverb:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

swimmer. She swims quickly.
3. Na’s father is a safe driver. He

drives --- .

4. I’m a --- soccer player.
I play badly.

5. My mother is a slow cyclist. She
cycles --- .

6. Ha is a --- table
tennis player. She plays skillfully.
7. Mr Hai is a careful driver. He

drives --- .

8. The boys are --- soccer
player. They play well.

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Retell all the lesson and ask students to remember
4. Homework (2’)

- Do exercise in workbook
- Prepare the next


Prepare date: 04/04/2012 Teaching date: 7A: 20/04/2012
7B: 20/04/2012
Period 104


1. Knowledge:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Test students’ knowledge and at the same time remind them the language material
they have learnt from unit 9 to unit 16.

* Language content:

- Grammar: Review
- Vocabulary: Review

2. Skills:
- All skills

3. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard

1. Teacher: Cassette play, cassette, picture, gestures, flashcards
2. Students: Book, notebok, ready for school


1. Checking the last lesson: (no check)

*) Introducing new lesson: Today we will review the vocabulary and structures unit 9
<i>to unit 16</i>

<i>2. New lesson: (40’)</i>

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
- T asks sts to do the

reading exercises.

- Do exercises
- Sts read the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

- T asks sts to give the

- T checks and gives


- T asks sts read the
answers loudly.

- T asks sts to do the
exercises choosing
the best answer.

- T asks sts to give the

- T gives feedback
- T asks sts to
complete the
sentences with the
correct from of the

- T checks and gives

passages and answer
the questions.

- Sts give the

- Sts read the
sentences again.

- Sts read the

sentences and notice
the asnwers.

- Sts work in pairs to
do the exercises.
- Sts give the

1. can : có thể _ can’t : không thể
Sử dụng ‘can’ hoặc ‘can’t’ để diễn tả
khả năng.

Ex: She can speak English. ( cơ ấy có
thể nói tiếng Anh)

Sử dụng ‘can’ hoặc ‘can’t’ để diễn tả
sự xin phép hay cho phép.

Ex: Can I watch TV now, Mum
No, you can’t. You must finish
your dinner first.

2. should = ought to : nên . Dùng để
diễn tả lời khuyên.

Ex: 1.You should study hard. ( Em
nên học hành chăm chỉ)

3. must ; mustn’t:

Must: phải, ắt hẳn là . Được dùng để
diễn tả sự bắt buộc hay suy đoán.

Ex: 1. The traffic lights are red .
You must stop. ( Đèn giao thông đã
đỏ rồi . Bạn phải dừng lại)

Mustn’t : khơng được . Dùng để diễn tả
sự cấm đốn.

Ex: You mustn’t forget to finish
your homework before watching
TV. ( Con không được quên làm
xong bài tập về nhà trước khi xem
ti vi.)

<b>Bài tập </b>

<i><b>I. Give the past form of these verbs : </b></i>
1. make………6.

teach……… 11.
look……… 16.

1. Have………… 7 .see
……… 12

buy……… ... 17.

2. tell……... 8 .

go……… 13
eat………... 18.

3. watch……… 9.

visit……… 14.
be……….. 19.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

4. cut………… 10.
play……… 15.
talk……… 20

<i><b>III. Chon câu trả lời đúng :</b></i>

(1)………..teenagers around the
world like television. Many listen to the
radio. In a lot of countries, the most (2)
………..shows on TV are

series. They (3)

……….ordinary (4)
………. And how they live .

Many teenagers like pop music. There

programs on TV and one satellite TV
(6)……….only shows pop
videos. In many countries , people (7)
………watch satellite TV .
Often in large cities , cable TV is (8)
……….with satellite
and cable TV , it’s possible to choose
from a variety of programs.

1 All Most

Any Some
2. popular


important excited

3. perform have

make show

4. people

characters artists


5. much any

lot of lots of

6. station set

video shows

7. must can

should might

8. full used
available popular

3. Consolidation: (3’)

- Retell all the lesson and ask students to remember
4. Homework (2’)



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