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Period: 86 Preparing date:………...
Week: 22 Teaching date:………....

<i>Unit 10 :</i>

<b> ( cont )</b>

<i>Lesson 4: </i> <b>4-5</b>

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use polite offers with “What would + S +
like?” and polite requests “I’d like some …’. Students have to be polite when talking.

<b>II. Language contents :</b>

<b>1. Language skills : listening, speaking, reading and writing. </b>
<i><b>2.Language knowledge :</b></i>

* Vocabulary :

+ Nouns: Fish, chicken, bread
* Grammar :

What would + S + like?
S’d like some + …
<b>III. Method and teaching - aids :</b>

- Communicative approach .

- Teaching – aids : textbook, colored chalk, poster, cassette, picture.
IV. Time : 45 minutes

V. Procedures :

A. Classroom procedures: (1’)
1. Greetings

2. Checking attendance
B. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’activities Time Contents
 Warm up :

* <i><b>Revision:</b></i>

- writes some cue words on
the board .

- calls on two Ss to make
Yes/No questions in the
present progressive tense .
- looks at, corrects and gives
marks .

 Presentation:
- teaches vocabulary :

- uses 1 : picture ; 3, 4 :
explanation; 2, 5, 6, 7 :
visual .

- follows the steps of

teaching vocab .

- checks Ss’ pronunciation.
- checks vocab by Matching

- look at the board and
listen .

- make the questions.

- listen and give
English words .

- listen and repeat
chorally, individually,
then copy down .



* Make the sentences with
Yes/No questions :

a.She / Watch TV / Yes
b.They / read / No
a. Is she watching TV?
Yes, she is .

b. Are they read ?

No, They aren’t .
 New words :

1. a policeman: công an
2. a sign : biển báo

3. one way (n): đường 1 chiều
4. difficult (adj): khó khăn .
5. (to) park : đậu ( xe)
6. (to) turn left : rẽ trái
7. (to) turn right : rẽ phải
8. (to) go straight : đi thẳng
<b> </b> *<b> Questions :</b>

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- sets the sence and writes 2
questions on the board .
- asks Ss to listen the tape to
answer the questions .

- calls on Ss to give their
answers, then T corrects .
- sets the sence and
introduces the model verb
“can” .

- gives examples and
explains them .

- reads and asks Ss to
translate them into

Vietnamese meaning .

 Practice:

- asks Ss to listen again to
read them .

- calls on some Ss to read in
front of class .

- listens and checks Ss’
pronunciation .

<i><b>Picture drill</b></i> :

- shows some signs and runs
through all the pictures.
- asks Ss to make the
sentences using model verb
“can” or “can’t” .

- asks Ss to work in pairs .
- calls on some Ss to talk in
front of class .

- listens and corrects .
<b> Production :</b>

- puts some traffice signs on
the board and asks sts to

write the sentences on the
board depending the signs in
the pictures .

- looks at and corrects .

- listen and look at the
board .

- listen and answer .
- read their answers .
- listen .

- look at and listen .
- repeat and translate
them .

- listen again and read .
- read in front of class

- listen and repeat .
- listen .

- work in pairs .

- ask and answer in
front of class .

- look at the pictures .
- look at the pictures

and make the sentences
( individually ), then
write on the board .



1. What does Hoan do ?
2. Is his job difficult ?
Answers :

1. He is a policeman .
2. Yes, he is .

<sub></sub> Grammar :

* Model verb : can : có thế

Usage : Chỉ khả năng của 1
người nào đó

Ex: You can play soccer.
You can’t go home .

* Note: can’t = can not: không
thể .

* Picture drill :

a. b c.

c. b.
* Ex :

P. a - You can turn right .
* Ex :

a. You can turn right .
b. You can’t turn left .
c. You can’t park here .
d. You can go ahead .
e. You can stop .

<b> Home work : (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words .
- Prepare lesson 5: Speak


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