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E9 Tenses

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Tenses of the verbs

<b>I. Thì hiện tại đơn</b>


: always, usually, often, sometimes, every(day/week/month/year…), once(a week/ a
month/ …) twice(a week/ a day/…..), seldom, rarely, frequently…

<i><b>Cách chia: </b></i>

A, <i>To be</i> : is, am, are
B, <i>Động từ thường</i>:

+ I/You/We/They + V
She/He/It/ Lan +V(s/es)
_ I/We/You/They +don’t + V
She/He/It/Lan + doesn’t + V
? Do+ I/We/You/They + V?
Does + she/he/it + V ?

<i><b>Cách thêm s/es vào sau động từ khi chia với ngơi thứ 3 số ít trong câu khẳng </b></i>


<i>1. Thông thường ta thêm “s” vào sau động từ</i>

Eg: read<sub></sub> reads, like<sub></sub> likes

<i>2. Động từ kết thúc là o/s/x/ch/sh/z ta thêm “es”</i>

Eg: go<sub></sub> goes
Wash<sub></sub> washes
Watch<sub></sub> watches….

<i>3. Động từ kết thúc là “y” trước “y” là phụ âm , ta đổi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “es”</i>

Eg: study<sub></sub> studies
Try<sub></sub> tries

<i>4. Động từ kết thúc là “y”, trước “y” là nguyên âm , ta chỉ thêm “s”</i>

Eg: stay<sub></sub> stays
Play<sub></sub> plays

<i><b>Cách phát âm s/es:</b></i>

<i>+ Đọc /s/ khi tận cùng là các âm /p,t,k,f /</i>

Eg: works, stops, wants, laughs…

<i>+ Đọc /iz/ khi tận cùng là các âm : /s,tr, z, /</i>

Eg: washes, changes, misses, dances….

<i>+ Đọc /z/ khi tận cùng là nguyên âm /a,e,i,o,u/ và những phụ âm còn lại</i> /n,d,v,y,m,n,l,r,g,b…/
Eg: goes, buys, comes, opens ….


: <i>Give the correct verb forms:</i>

1. She( be)……… my sister

2. They usually ( watch) ………TV in the evening.

3. My father sometimes ( travel) ………to work by bus
4. Their mother often (cook) ………..for their family.

5. Your parents ( go) ……….. to the supermarket everyday?
6. His friends (not study) ………English every Sunday.
7. He (be not) ……… a teacher.

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9. She often ( brush)………..her teeth at 5.30.

10. Her sister seldom ( have) ……….. breakfast at home.
11.His brothers ( drink)……….. coffee every morning?
12.They ( be not) ………at school every Sunday.

13. The sun ( rise)………….. in the East and (set)……… in the West.
14. The earth (move) ………around the sun.

<b>II. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.</b>

+Trạng từ : now, at the moment, right now, at present.

+ Hoặc trong câu có cụm từ giới thiệu thời gian tại thời điểm nói. Eg: It’s 10 o’clock.
+ Hoặc trong câu mệnh lệnh với cụm từ : + Be quiet !

+ Be careful !
+ Look !
+ Listen !

<i><b>Cách chia:</b></i>

+ S + is/am/are + V-ing

_ S + is/am/are + not + V-ing
? Is/Am/Are + S + V-ing ?

<i><b>Cách thêm “ing” vào sau động từ:</b></i>

<i>1. Thông thường ta thêm “ing” vào sau động từ </i>

Eg : read<sub></sub> reading
Wash<sub></sub> washing

<i>2. Động từ tận cùng là “e” trước “e” là phụ âm ta bỏ “e” rồi thêm “ing”</i>

Eg: drive<sub></sub> driving
Ride<sub></sub> riding

<i>3. Động từ tận cùng là “ie” ta đổi “ie” thành “y” rồi thêm “ing”</i>

Eg: lie<sub></sub> lying

<i>4. Động từ có một âm tiết (phụ âm – nguyên âm - phụ âm ) ta nhân đôi phụ âm cuối trước </i>
<i>khi thêm “ing”</i>

Eg : sit<sub></sub> sitting
Run<sub></sub> running

<i>Exercises </i>

: Give the correct verb forms:

1. What is she doing? She ( watch) ………..TV.
2. They ( sweep)………. the floor now.

3. Mai ( clean) ……… her room at present .

4. Where you(go)……….now? We( go )………. to school.
5. It’s 7 o’clock. My mother ( read) ……….. books in her room.

6. They (listen)……… to music now?
7. You (not/make) ……….cakes right now.
8. Look ! They ( water) ………. the flowers.
9. Be quiet ! My grandmother ( sleep)………..
10.Be careful ! The train ( come )………

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<i>Trạng từ</i> : yesterday, ago, last (week/month/ year/ Sunday…….) , in the past, in + năm(quá

<i><b>Cách chia:</b></i>

<i>A, Trong câu có động từ “tobe”: was/ were</i>

Was : dùng với chủ ngữ số ít : I, she, he, it, Lan……

Were : dùng với chủ ngữ số nhiều : we, you, they, parents, friends…..
+ S + was/ were + N/Pre/Adj

_ S + was/were + not + N/Pre/Adj
? Was/ Were + S + N / Pre/ Adj ?

<i>B. Trong câu có động từ thường :</i>

+ S + V-ed/ Vcột 2
_ S + didn’t + V
? Did+ S + V?

<i><b>Cách thêm “ed” vào sau động từ có quy tắc: </b></i>

1. Thông thường ta thêm “ed” vào sau động từ :
Eg : watch<sub></sub> watched

Clean<sub></sub> cleaned

2 . Động từ kết thúc là “e” ta chỉ thêm “d”
Eg: like<sub></sub> liked

Love<sub></sub> loved

3Động từ có 1 âm tiết ( phụ âm- nguyên âm- phụ âm ) ta nhân dôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm

Eg : stop<sub></sub> stopped
Drop<sub></sub> dropped

4 . Động từ kết thúc là “y” trước “y’ là phụ âm ta đổi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “ed”
Eg : study<sub></sub> studied

Try<sub></sub> tried

5. Động từ kết thúc là “y” trước “y” là nguyên âm, ta chỉ thêm “ed”
Eg: play<sub></sub> played

Stay<sub></sub> stayed

<i><b>Cách phát âm “ed” :</b></i>

<i><b>+ Đọc /id/ sau /d/ và /t/ :</b></i>

Eg: ended, started, wanted…

<i><b>+ Đọc /t/ sau âm /p,k,f,s, /</b></i>

Eg: stopped, passed, watched, worked,………

<i>+ Đọc /d/ sau nguyên âm/ a,e,i,o,u/ và các phụ âm còn lại / d,b,v,z,g,m,n,l,ng…./</i>

Eg: used, failed, failed, tried….

<b>Exercises: Give the correct verb forms:</b>

1. My father (be)………an engineer 2 years ago.
2. We(be)……….at the cinema last night

3. She (be not) ……….. a teacher 5 years ago.
4. You (be)……….. doctors last year?

5. Mai (go) ……….. to the zoo last week.

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7. He(wash) ………..the car a day ago.

8. His mother (take) ……… him to school last Monday.
9. Last night she (tell) ………..me a lot about you.

10. Her mother ( buy) ………me a shirt on my last birthday.
11.They (not work)……….here yesterday.

12. He (not walk)………. To school last Tuesday.

13.You (do)………. exercises last week?

14.I( be not)……….at home 3 days ago.

15.They (be)………. at the zoo some days ago

16. Where you(go)……….. last Saturday? I (go)……… to visit my parents
17. Where she (be)……… 2 days ago? She (be)……….. at her uncle’s


<b>IV. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn</b>

<i>1. Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ</i>

<i>Trạng từ</i>: then, at that time, at this time+ tgian quá khứ, at+ giờ + tgian quá khứ
Eg: They were watching TV then

at that time

at this time last Sunday
at 10.00 yesterday

<i>2. Diễn tả 1 hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì một hành động khác xen vào </i>
<i>Trạng từ</i> : when, while

Eg: When he came, they were cooking lunch.

When my family were having dinner, my uncle in the U.S.A phoned

<i>3. Diễn tả 2 hay nhiều hành động đang song song cùng xảy ra trong quá khứ</i>
<i>Trạng từ</i> : While

Eg : Yesterday my sister was reading books while my brothers were playing soccer,
my mother was cooking.

Cách chia :

+ S + was/ were + V-ing
_ S + was/ were + not + V-ing
? Was/ Were + S + Ving ?

<i><b>Exercises : Give the correct verb forms:</b></i>

1. They(plant)……… trees at that time
2. We( sing)……… a song then

3. He(have)……….. lunch at 12 yesterday
4. I( water) ……….the trees at this time yesterday

5. When the train (arrive)………, she (buy)……….. some cakes

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│V. Thì tương lai đơn

Trạng từ : tomorrow, next (week/ month/ year/ Sunday…), soon ( chốc nữa , lát nữa ), tonight,
this evening, in + năm (tương lai)

Cách chia :
(+) S + will + V
(-) S + won’t + V

(?) Will + S + V?

Ex: Give the correct verb forms :

1. She (go) ……….to the market soon

2. They ( not visit ) ……… their parents tomorrow.
3. ………..you (play) ……….soccer next week?

4. What………… they (do)……….. this evening ?
5. He (be) ……….. fourteen on his next birthday.
6. ……… you (be)………. free tomorrow morning?
VI. Thì tương lai gần ( be going to)

- Diễn tả hành động sắp sửa xảy ra hoặc một dự định sắp tới. Một dự định, kế hoạch
Cách chia:

(+) S + is/ am/ are + going to + V
(-) S + is/ am/ are + not + going to + V
(?) Is/ Am/ Are + S + going to + V ?
Ex: Give the correct verb forms :

1. What are you going to do? We ( go) ……… fishing

2. Where is she going to visit? She ( visit )……….. Ha Long bay
3. He ( going/have) ………. a party next week

4. They( not going/ travel) ………. Hai Phong next month.
5. You (going/ plan)……… trees tomorrow

VII. Thì hiện tại hồn thành
Trạng từ:

+ since ( đứng trước thời gian)
+ for ( đứng trước khoảng thời gian)

+ already , just, ever, never, ( đứng sau trợ động từ have/ has)
+ yet ( đứng cuối câu hỏi và câu phủ định ?/

+ recently, lately ( đứng sau have/ has hoặc cuối câu )
+ once, twice, three times, several times, many times

+ so far, up to now, up to the present, until now ( cho đến tận bây giờ)
Cách chia :

(+) S + have/has + P2
(-) S + have/ has + not + P2
(?) Have/ has + S + P2?

Chú ý : have : dùng với chủ ngữ : I, we, you, they, S(nhiều)

<b>has :</b>

dùng với ngơi thứ ba số ít : she , he, it, Lan, mother, father, student…..
Ex: Give the correct verb forms:

1. The train ( just/ arrive) ……… at the station.
2. It’s the best book I (ever/ read)………..

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4. I ( not / finish) ……….my homework yet

5. They ( not/ meet ) ……….again since 2009

6. She (be) ……….here for ten years

7. ………Your brother ( just/ come) ………..back home?
8. Her parents ( visit) ……… her recently.

9. Up to now he (not/meet) his mother again

10. ………You (ever/ watch ) ……… that film?

<b>I. Give the form of verbs in brackets.</b>

1.Be quiet ! The baby ( sleep)………..
2. The sun ( set)………. in the West.

3.Mr Green always ( go) ……….to work by bus.
4. It ( not rain ) ………in the dry season.

5. They ( have ) ……….lunch in the cafeteria now.
6. My little sister ( drink) ………. milk every day.
7. The doctor sometimes ( return) ……….. home late.
8. He ( write)……… a long novel at present.
9. Look ! The bus ( come)………..

10. The earth (move) ………..around the sun.
11.Something ( smell) ……….good in the kitchen now.

12.His uncle ( teach) ……….English in our school five years ago.

13. The old man( fall) ………..as he (get) ………into the bus.
14. When I saw him, he (sit) ……….asleep in a chair.

15. There (be) ………..a lot of noise at the fair yesterday.

16. It (take) ………me 5 minutes to walk to school last year.
17.They ( not speak)……….. to each other since they quaralled
18. I (try) ………..to learn English for years, but I ( not succeed)


19.I (not see) ………..her since last week.
20. John( do) ………his homework already.

21. There (be) ……….an English class in this room tomorrow evening.
22. ………..You (stay) ……….at home tonight?

23.I( be) ………twenty years old next June.

24.Where are you?- I’m upstairs. I (have) ………..a bath.

25.All of them (sing) ………when I( came)……….
26.What ………you( do) ………at 7 p.m yesterday?

27. Where ……you ( spend) ……….your holiday last year?
28. Why didn’t you listen while I (speak) ………..to you?

29. ……. … you ever ( go ) ………… to Hue city? -> Yes, I ( go ) …………. there last

30. The power ( cut ) ……….. off while we ( watch ) ………. a good film on TV.

<b>II.Put in the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:</b>

1.When……he (leave)…….. Hanoi for HCM city?->-He ……….(leave) yesterday

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3.She ………....(play) the piano when we ………..(arrive).

4.What you……….……(do) at 8 o'clock yesterday when he………..…(come) to
see you?

-Oh, I………(write) a letter to my eldest brother.

5.They still……….….(sleep) when their father………..……(come) back
from work.

6.She…….…..(come) into the room,…….…..(open) the window,………….( turn) on the
light, and ………..(begin) to read a newspaper.

7.It……….…….(rain) hard when they ……….…..(be) on their way home. As they…….
………(have) no raincoats with them, they………..(be) wet through.

8.Her mother ………...(cook) in the kitchen while her father…………..(clean) the
sitting - room.

9.When I…………..…( come ) to her house, She ……….…(work) in the garden.
She……..….(tell) me that she usually ………..(do) the gardening when she

………..(have) free time.

10. It…….(be) 2a.m. .She ………….…(look) out. It……….….(snow).

<b>III.Use the simple present, the present progressive tense, the simple past or past </b>
<b>progressive tense.</b>

1.We often………….…..(drink) coffee in the morning. But yesterday morning we………..
…..(drink) tea.

2.On my way home I often……….….(meet) many children who………(go)
to school.

3.The sun………….(rise) in the East and ………..….(set) in the West.

4.When………. they……….(finish) their work? They……….….(finish) it two hours

5.What she still………..(do) when her mother………..…(go) to bed last

-She still………..…..(write) an essay on the Thames.
6.What ………….you……….(do)now?

-We ……….(repair) our house. We…………..(hope) everything ……….
(be) nice.

7.He often………..….( buy) presents for his daughter on her birthday. Yesterday ………
(be) her 15th birthday. He……….(buy) her a big doll.

8. He…………..(begin) to learn foreign languages when he…….(be) quite young.

9.People……….…(know) that Columbus ………..(discover) America nearly 500

years ago.

10.They all………..….(believe) that he just ………..(come) back from London
last week.

<b>IV.Use the simple past or present perfect tenses.</b>

1.They ( just /decide) ………..to buy a new house.

2."Gone with the Wind" is the most interesting film we………( see)

3………You……..(see) Nam last Sunday.? Oh, no I………...(not see) him for many
days now.

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I………....(learn) it since I………..…….( be) a girl of twelve.
5………..You ever ……(be) to HCM city?

-No, I ……….(not be) there yet. But my parents ………..(be) there twice
this year.

6.They ………..(do) nothing since they ……(get) up.
7.My brother………..(join) the army when he………( be) 18.

He………...(serve) in the army for 3 years and then ………..…(go) to

8.How long ………….you……..(live) in this town?-I………….….(live) in this town for ten

9.My sister………….(finish) school in 1997 and ….…..(be) a student at the National
University since then.

10.My parents……….…….(go) out. They will be back soon.

<b>V.Use the simple present or simple future tense.</b>

1.He………...(learn) French when he………….…(have) time.

2.They ……….…(not go) on working until the rain ……….……(stop) .
3.I………..….(not do) it until they……….(tell) me .

4.They……….……..(come) to see their grandparents before they ……….(leave) for New

5.She………(learn) one more foreign language when she……….(go) to university.
6.They………(not go) home until it………….(stop) raining.

7.Where you…………..….(be) at this time tomorrow?-I………..…….(be) at the meeting.
8.Nobody………(know) what he……….(do) to earn his living after he……
( finish) school.

9.When ……..we…...(meet) again?-We …………(meet) again when I……( return) home
from Australia.

10.He………….(be) busy at the moment. But he…………..(come) to give you a helping
hand as soon as he………….( finish) his work.



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