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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Preparing date: 20/8/2011
Teaching date: 22/8/2011
Period: 1


<b>I. AIM</b>

Teacher helps students know how to learn foreign language . Students will be
able to understand and use some notes which they will learn in each period .


<b>1. Warm – up : Greetings and Ask Ss some questions </b>
<b>2.</b> New lesson

Teacher and students’ activities <b> Content</b>
=> Ask Ss to repeat the uses and forms of

each tense

Copy down

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice

changing these sentences into other tenses .
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front
of class .

- Give feedback

Teacher introduces the things which need

for learning

Besides some imperative sentences which
students learnt in grade 6,7 .Teacher will
teach students other ones.

Teacher wtites them on the board
Teacher reads and students repeat
Translate into Vietnamese

I / Revision :
1. The tenses :
- Present simple
- Present progressive
- Simple future
- Near future
- Past simple

2. Exercise : Change these sentences into
other tenses ( Present simple , Present
progressive , near future , Simple future
and Past simple ) and add appropriate
adverbs of time .

1. She is in Grade 7

2. They are playing soccer
3. She went to Ha Noi last week
4. I will visit my sister next week
5. Mai is going to build a new house .

II/ Presenting the English Grade 8

- Textbook
-Exercise notebook

- Advanced English exercise book
-Two notebooks


-(Lan), come to the chalkboard.
-Come to the front , please
-Open your books at page……..
-Turn to page 5

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

Note: correct pronunciation when they read

Teacher should give Ss the methods of
learning at school or at home

Ss listen carefully

Learn by heart vocabulary, Structures,
practice with close friends or classmates

T calls Ss read the whole sentences on the

-When you have finished, rise your hands
-Listen. I’m going to read the dialogue/text
to you

-If you don’t understand , ask me / your

<b>* At school:</b>
In the textbook:
Each unit includes:

-Getting started: Students review

vocabulary, structures to concern with the
new lesson

-Liten and read is a dialogue to introduce
the content of the lesson

-Speak:Ss practice and use the voc and

-Listen: Ss consolidate the structures, voc,
listening comprehension

-Read is reading comprehension lesson to
open the content of the lesson

-Write: help Ss consolidate the

presentation and express the content

- Language focus is the grammar

exercises.It helps Ss pratice , consolidate
and system the structures

*b/ At home

-Ss must prepare the voc ,structures

-Ss must frequently practice English with
their classmates and do exercises in order
to develop four skills

- Before going to school, Ss must do all
homework in workbook or advanced

3. Homework

-Read the imperative sentences again to remember and learn by heart
-Prepare the next period

Unit 1: Lesson 1 : Getting started & Listen and read
Preparing time: 22/ 8/ 11

Teaching time: 24/ 8/ 11
Period: 2

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Lesson 1: Listen and read + LF1
<b>I. AIM:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Hoa, Nien,Lan and
to review simple present and simple past tense


<i>Grammar</i> : She wasn’t old enough to be in my class

<i>Vocabulary</i>: seem(v) A next door neighbor look like (v)

<b>III. TECHNIQUES: Rub out and Remember ,Comprehention questions, gap- filling</b>
<b>IV. TEACHING AIDS : stereo , pictures, textbook</b>


1.Warm up *Pelmanism

meet come live think send thought go
receive met lived received came sent went
2. New lesson

<b> </b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b> Content</b>
- Show the picture of Hoa and Lan to

introduce the dialogue by asking some

questions about Hoa.

<i><b>- Who is Hoa?</b></i>

<i><b>- Where is she from?</b></i>

<i><b>- Who does she live with now?</b></i>
<b>-Have Ss listen to the tape once.</b>
- Explain and present new words

-Have Ss listen,repeat,read,write and give

-Give the stressed syllables and read
-Have Ss repeat and read aloud
-Correct their mistakes

- Have Ss listen the dialoge once
-Give model sentences

-Have Ss read aloud

Ss work in pairs

Ss listen to the stereo

<b>1. Presentation</b>

<i>New words</i>

- seem(v): dường như (translation)
- next-door neighbor (n): người hàng
xóm (explanation)

- look(v): trông (example)
ex: What does she look like?
She is beautiful.

- smile(n): nụ cười (mine / gesture)
- enough(adv): đủ (example)

 <i>Rub out and Remember</i>

<b>Model sentence</b>

She wasn’t old enough to be in my class
<i><b>S + be(not) + adj + enough + to +Vinf + O</b></i>

<i>Guiding questions</i>

a. Is Nien Lan’s friend or Hoa’s friend ?
b. How old is she ?

c. Where does she live?
d. Is she a beautiful girl ?

<b>2. Pratice</b>

<i>Answer keys</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Ss work in pairs to answer the questions
T corrects mistakes in pronunciation

- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about Hoa
and Lan

- Give Ss some cues and ask them to use
the simple present tense to write


T asks Ss to use the simple tense or past
to complete paragraph a,b on page 16
T reviews the forms of simple present and
simple past

Ss practice

Ss write the questions
T corrects and gives marks

b. No, she doesn’t

c. The sentence is “ She wasn’t old
enough to be in my class “

d.At Christmas
<b>3. Production: </b>
<b> Writing:</b>

<i>* Cues:</i>

a. Lan / Hoa’s best friend

b. They / same class/ Quang Trung

c. Last year / Hoa / to school first time
d. Lan / show / around / introduce / to
new friends

<i><b>Gap- filling ( focus 1)</b></i>

<i>Answer keys</i>

(1) lived (2) lives (3) sent
(4) was (5) is (6) comes
<i><b>Make questions for the underlined </b></i>

a/ My house is in the center of the city
b/ We always do our homework in the

c/ My best friends are Tan and Lien
d/ I have to get up early because I goto
the airport


-Learn words, do exercises 1a,b in

-Do exercise 1 page 5 in workbook
-Prepare: lesson2


Preparing time: 23 / 8/ 11

Teaching time: 25 / 8/ 11
Period: 3

Unit 1:


Lesson 2: Getting started + Read
<b>I. Aim:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

II.Language contents
a/ <i>Grammar</i>: Simple tense

b/<i>Vocabulary:</i> character(n) tell jokes orphanage(n) sense of humor
reserved (a) sociable(a)

III.Techniques : What and Where,T/F statements prediction , comprehention questions
IV. Teaching aids: pictures , textbook, cards

V. Produres

<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss to look at 4 pictures on page 10 and talk about the activities they want to
do after school or in their free time

T gives some questions
T presents vocabulary by simple

T can explain some words in

Ss say the meaning

Ss repeat and copy

T sets the scene: These statements are
about Ba and his friends, read them
and guess which statements are True,
which are False

Ss work in pairs

T asks Ss to open their books and read
the text on page 13

Let Ss check their prediction

T asks Ss to correct False statements

<b>1. Warm up: Getting started </b>
What are these Ss doing?

What time of the day do you think it is?
Do you like soccer ?

Whom do you like playing with ?

<i><b>New words:</b></i>

- character: tính cách (translation)

- orphanage : Trại mồ côi (a place where
children without parents live)

- reserved (adj): e dè, e ngại , dè dặt

- sociable (adj): hịa đồng, dễ gần gũi

- sense of humor: tính hài hước (translation)
- (to) tell joke:Tell a story which makes people

<i>What and where</i>

<i><b>T/F statements prediction</b></i>

a.Ba only has three friends : Bao, Khai,Song
b.Ba and his friends have the same characters
c. Bao, Khai , Song are quite reserved in

d.They all enjoy school and study hard
3.While – reading

<i>Sentences</i> <i>Guess</i> <i>Correction</i>



a. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of
his time with Bao, Song and Khai

b.They have different characters

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

Ss do exercise 1 on page 14

Ss work in pairs to choose the best


Let Ss read the text again answer the

T asks all Ss to work in closed pairs
and then asks Ss to work in pairs/
groups and talk to one another about
their friends, using the adjectives they
have learnt to describe

Multiple choice

a/ A b/ C c/ B d/ D
<b>Comprehention questions</b>
Answer keys:

a/ Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends
b/ Bao is the most sociable

c/ Khai likes reading

d/ A bad thing about Ba’s jokes is sometimes
his jokes annoy his friends

e/ Bao spends his free time doing volunteer
work at a local orphanage

f/ I and my friends , of course, have different

<b>4. Post –reading</b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

-Learn words, do exercises in workbook
- Write a paragraph about one closed friend
- Prepare : Lesson 4 Write



Preparing time: 28/ 8/11
Teaching time: 30/ 8/ 11
Period: 4

Unit 1:


Lesson 3: Speak + Listen
<b>I. Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe someone and complete the
dialouge by listening

<b>II. Language contents</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

b.Vocarulary: blond(a) Straight(a) bald(a) slim(a) curly(a)

<b>III. Techniques: Brainstorming,Word cue drill, Prediction,What & Where</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, tape, cards</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>1. Warm up Brainstorming</b>

short long
tall thin

<b>2. New lesson </b>

<b>Teacher& Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T presents somes adjectives

T can explain some words in English or
use the pictures

Ss say the meaning
Ss copy

T shows Ss a pictures of Mary and asks
them to describe her hair/her body build .
T introduces the models

Ss give the form

T prepares 6 cards so that Ss can drill
easily ( groupwork)

Note: The order of adiectives :number+
quality + size + age +colour + origin/
country + material+Noun

T shows the pictures of six people and asks
Ss to describe

One student describe and the others have
to guess who he/ she is

Ss practice in pairs

If there’s time ,T asks Ss to describe a
famous person.T can give marks

T asks Ss”How do people greet one

* Speak

a/ Pre- speaking

- blond (adj): vàng hoe (picture)

- slim(adj) : thon thả, mảnh khảnh (picture)

- fair (adj) : nhợt, màu sáng (picture)

- bald (adj) : hói (picture)
- straight (adj) : thẳng (picture)

- principal(n): hiệu trưởng (example)
- cousin (n) : anh em họ (explanation)
Checking: What & where

<b>Model sentence</b>

She has long blond hair
She is short and thin

S+have/has+ adj+ hair
S+ be+ adj

<b>Word cue drill</b>

a.he/tall/thin b.she/short/slim
c.he/short/fat d.long/black
e.curly/blond f.straight/ brow

S1: This person is short and thin.She has
long blond hair

S2: Is this Mary?

S1: Yes


a/ <b> Pre- listening</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>


Ss answer –How are you?
-How do you do?

-Nice to meet you

-It’s a pleasure to meet you
T reviews the expressions

T gets Ss guess and complete 4 dialogues
Ss listen to the tape

Get Ss to work in pairs to complete the
dialogues and compare with their

Ss practice speaking

Ss play roles of Nam-Hoa-Thu,Khai-Mrs
Lien-Mr Vi,Ba-Bao-Grandmother,Mr
Lam- Mrs Linh_ Mr Thanh

Ss practice in pairs

b/While- listening

Expressions I guess I listen
-How do

you do?
-Nice to
meet you
<b>Answer keys</b>

a.I’d like you to meet
Nice to meet you
b.I’d like you to meet
It’s a pleasure to meet you
c.Come and meet

d. How do you do?

**<i>Put these words in the correct order</i>

1.short/ sister /hair/my/curly/has
2.gray/a/Mr Thanh/ beard/long/has



-Learn new model, do exercises 3,4 in
workbook and prepare : Read

Preparing time: 5 / 9/ 11
Teaching time: 7 / 9/ 11
Period: 5

Unit 1:


Lesson 4: Write + Language focus 3
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a paragraph about their close

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

a) Grammar : Simple tense
b) Vocabulary : none

III.Techniques : Kim’s game , T/F statements
IV.Teaching aids : picture , textbook

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

 Kim’ game

Teacher asks Ss to look at the picture on page 17 quickly ( for 20 seconds)

Then let them keep their books closed. Divides the class into four groups

Gives Ss two questions ,the group which answers correctly, the fastest wins the game.
a.How many people are there in the picture ? (4)

b.What is each person wearing ?

The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green skirt

The man who is standing beside the car is wearing brown trousers and a yellow shirt
The man who is standing on the pavement is wearing a pink shirt and blue trousers
The boy is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt

<b>2. New lesson :</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
Teacher asks Ss to read the

information about Tam
Ss read silently

T asks Ss to compare the

information in the paragraph with
the information in the box and
choose T/F statement

Ss work in groups
T checks again

Then T asks Ss to answer the
questions about Tam

Explains the requirements & asks
Ss to work in pairs to write the
summarise information about their

- Asks Ss to give some adjetives
used to describe about people’s


<i><b>Character ( n ); Sociable (adj ); </b></i>
<i><b>Generous ( adj); Reserved (adj); </b></i>
<i><b>Outgoing (adj ); Voluteer (n).</b></i>
- Asks Ss to give the summarise
information about their friends.
- Corrects & comments.

- Asks Ss to write a short
paragraph about their friends base
on the summarise information

<i><b>1. Pre- writing</b></i>

*Choose T/F statement
a.Tam is very fat and short

b.His hair is short and black

c.There are four people in his family
d.His friends are Bao and An


1. How old is he ?

2. Where does Tam lve ?
3. What does Tam like ?
<i><b>2. While- writing</b></i>

<b>*Form: </b>

<b>Name:... </b>
<b>Apearance:... </b>
<b>Character:... </b>
<b>Adress:... </b>
<b>Family:... </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>


- Asks Ss to compare their writing
with their friend’s.

- Asks Ss to give their writing.
- Corrects & comments.

<b>3. Homework</b>

- Ask Ss to + Study the key words .

+ Do exercise: Write about your parents ( Summarise & paragraph).
+ Prepare for the practice part.



Preparing time: 6 / 9/ 11
Teaching time: 8 / 9/ 11
Period: 6

Unit 1:


Lesson 5: Language focus 2,4
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use simple present tense to talk about
general truths and write some sentences using the structures”(not) + Adj+ enough + to-

II.Language contents

a. Grammar: Simple tense

S + V+(not) +Adj /Adv +enough +to-infinitive
b.Vocabulary: planet (n) Mercury Mars silly (a)
III.Techniques:Categories, Slap the board ,Word cue drill
IV.Teaching aids: Textbook,cards, pictures


<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

Asks Ss to find out the adjectives beginning with the letters that the T gives

Divides the class into two groups. Gives 4 letters at the same time. Ss have to find out
four adjectives beginning with the four letters given. The team which finishes first gets
one mark

T writes: a b c d
S writes:awful big clever dirty
T writes: g h i j
S writes: great heavy intelligent jealous
T writes: k l m n
S writes: kind lovely mean new
T writes: o p q r
S writes: old poor quiet rich
2. New lesson

Teacher and Ss’s activities Contents
T presents new words to Ss

T reviews simple present tense :
formation and usage

( Focus on one of the usage of simple

present tense.It is used to express an
action which is always true)

Ss complete the dialogue
Ss work in pairs

T sets the scene to introduce the

T asks Ss to hang the picture “How do
I say and how do you answer?”

Ss answer

Ss give the form

Ss work in pairs


a planet (Ex: the sun ,the moon, the earth…)
Mars (n)


*Slap the board

+Revision of Simple Present tense
S + V + O

<i><b> - be ( am, is ,are)</b></i>
<i><b>- ordinary verb (Inf/V(s,es))</b></i>
3/While ( language focus 2)
<b>Answer keys</b>

(1) sets
(4) (5) (6) is
Language focus 4

T:Can you …1…this …2… over there?
S:No, I..3… not …..4… …5… to..6…
the ..7…. over there.


<i><b>S + V+ Adj/ adv + enough + to -inf</b></i>


Work cue drill

a. read English books/ good
b.drive a car /old x

c.carry this bag/ strong

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

Ss do exercise 4
Ss work in pairs.

Ss rewrite the sentences, be sure to
keep the meaning unchanged.

4/ Post

Answer keys:

a. not big enough
b. not old enough
c. strong enough
d. good enough

** Sentence transformation

<b>1.</b> I am interested in telling jokes
->I enjoy……….

2.The weather was beautiful .We can go
camping ( enough)

-> The weather was…………

3.He can touch the light because he is
very tall.

-> He is………..

4.The question is difficult .We can answer

->The question is not……….
3. Homework

-Do exercises 5,6 in workbook.
-Prepare Unit 2: Listen and read
Preparing time: 10 / 9/ 11

Teaching time: 12 / 9/ 11
Period: 7

Unit 2:


Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use the telephone to make and
confirm arrangements

<b>II. Language contents</b>

a/ Grammar: Future with “ be going to”
b/Vocabulary: none

<b>III. Techniques : Matching, Open- prediction, Role-play, Guessing game</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: textbook, poster, pictures</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

1.Warm up

T asks Ss to look at 6 pictures and asks some questions
What is this?

When do you use it?

SS work in pairs, matching each objects ( pictures on page 18) with its names


<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

c. a fax machine d. a telephone directory
e. a public telephone f. an address book

T gives the definitions of these objects on a poster and asks Ss to match the objects with
its definition

 <i>Definition</i>

1. to send fax

2. tofind someone’s telephone number
3. to write addresses and telephone number
4. to make a phone call in a street telephone
5. to leave and take message

6. to make phone call anywhere you like
<b>Keys: aï5,b6,c1,d2,e4,f3</b>

<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T sets the scene” <i>Hoa and Nga are taking </i>
<i>on the phone.They are talking about going</i>
<i>to see a movie”</i>

T ask SS to guess

Ss guess who did those things

T asks Ss to listen to the tape
Ss check their guessing
T asks some questions

Ss play roles of two Ss who are talking on
the phone making arrangements

Ss change the information


Who Guess Keys

a.made the
c.invited the
other to movies?

d. arranged a
meeting place?
e.arranged the

f.agreed to the




a. What is Hoa’s telephone number?
b. Which movie arethey going to see?
c. How is Hoa going to the movies?
d. Where arethey going to meet?What


Lan and Lien are making arrangements to
go to the movie.They are going to see a
cartoon.It’s“Snow White and the Seven



<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

-Prepare lesson 2 : Speak+ focus 1,2



Preparing time: 12 / 9/ 11
Teaching time: 14 / 9/ 11
Period: 8

Unit 2:


Lesson 2: Speak + Language focus 1,2
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, SS will be able to talk on the telephone about intentions
with GOING TO.

<b>II. Language contents</b>

a. Grammar: S +be+ going to+ Infinitive
b. Vocabulary: none

<b>III. Techniques:Chatting, Word cue drill, Role-play.</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids:Textbook, cards</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

Teacher & Ss’activities Contents
T asks Ss about using telephone

T asks some questions

1.Warm up
* Chatting

1. Do you have a telephone at home?
2. How often do you make a phone call ?
3. What would you say when you pick up
the phone to answer it?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

T asks Ss to read the sentences in
exercise 1 on page 20

T asks SS to guess

Ss put the sentences in the correct order
to make a complete conversation

Ss work in pairs

T asks some questions to check Ss’
understanding and focus on the structure

<i><b>GOING TO</b></i>

I can give marks
I can give the form

Teacher asks Ss to read the

open-dialogue and introduces about Bao and
Ba: “Bao and Ba are making

<i><b>arrangements to play chess”</b></i>

Ss work with their partners to complete
the dialogue

Ask Ss to play the roles of Ba and Bao to
practice the dialogue

Ss practice
Teacher corrects

T asks Ss to practice in pair using word
cue drill

T gives model to cues,then asks Ss to
repeat chorally then individually
Ask some Ss to practice asking and

Ask the whole class to work in pairs

T asks Ss to do exercise language focus
1 on page 25

They have to work with a partner and
say what the people are going to do

2.Pre- speaking

Who is making the phone?
Who is answering the phone?



.Are they talking on the phone?
.What do they intend to do?
.What time are they meeting?

.What forms of the verbs do you use to
talk about intention?

*Form: <i>S+be +going to+Infinitive</i>

*Use: Express an intention

<i><b>Suggested keys:</b></i>

Bao:May I speak to Ba, please?This is

Bao:I’m fine, thanks.And you?
Bao:Can you play chess tonight?
Bao:What about tomorrow afternoon?
Bao:I’ll meet you at the Central Chess

Bao: Is 2.00 o’clock OK?

* Word cue drill
<i><b>Model sentences</b></i>

Are you going to see a movie?
Yes,I am/No, I’m not.

a. see a movie v
b. play sports x
c. meet your friends v
d. help your mother v
e. do your homework x
f. watch TV v

* Further practice


T: Nga has a movie ticket. What is she
going to do?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

T gives an exemple first

Let students work in pairs
Give feedback

T asks Ss to write five things that they
intend to do next week

b. She’s going to read the new novel
c. She’s going to do her homework

d. He’s going to watch an action movie on
TV tonight.

e.She’s going to give him a birthday


-Do exercises 2,3 in workbook

-Prepare: Lesson 3 Listen and focus 3


Preparing time: 13 / 9/ 11
Teaching time: 15 / 9/ 11
Period: 9

Unit 2:


Lesson 3: Read
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, SS will be able to know more about Alexander Graham Bell.
II.Language contents:

a/ <i>Grammar</i>: Simple past

b/ <i>Vocabulary</i>: emigrate(v) transmit(v) conduct(v)
demonstrate(v) a device a deaf-mute

III.Techniques: What & Where,T/F statements prediction, Ordering
IV.Teaching aids: textbook, poster, picture of Bell


<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T lets Ss answer the questions by coming
to the board and write

Ss write the answer on the board.
T corrects and can give possible


1.Warm up *Brainstorming
What is the telephone used for?

.To have a message

.to talk to a person who lives far from
.to call someone

.to make arrangements

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

T introduces some new words
Ss listen and guess the meaning

T explains the words by using simple

T has Ss repeat the words in chorus

T checks Ss’memory

T hangs the poster of T/F statements on
the board

Ss work in pairs

Ss guess which statements are true or

T asks Ss to read the text on page 21,22
and check their prediction

T has Ss correct false statements

Ss write the true statements on the board
T gets Ss to read the events of Bell’s life
and put them in the correct order.

Ss compare with their partners
T gives the key

T gets Ss write a paragraph about Bell’s
life, using the information from the text
Ss work individually.

If Ss do well, T can give marks

<i><b>Pre-teach vocabulary</b></i>

emigrate(v): go to another country to live

conduct(v)=carry out

a device(n)

a deaf –mute: a person who is unable to
hear and speak

 <i>What & Where</i>

<i><b>T/F statements prediction</b></i>

a. Alexander G. Bell was born in the USA
b. He works with deaf-mute patients in a
hospital in Boston

c. Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant
d. Bell and Watson introduced the
telephone in 1877.

e. Bell experimented with ways of

transmit speech between deaf-mutes over
a long distance

f. Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot
of exhibitions.


Alexander Graham Bell
1d 2e 3a 4g 5c 6b 7f

4.Post –reading
<i><b>Writing it up</b></i>

Alexander Graham Bell was born on
March 3rd<sub> ,1847 in Scotland. He went to </sub>
live in Canada and then to the USA in
1870s.He worked with deaf mutes at
Boston University and did experiments
with ways of transmitting speech over a
long distance.In 1876,he and his

assistants-Thomas Watson introduced the
telephone successfully and in 1877 the
first telephone was in commercial use

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>




Preparing time: 17 / 9/ 11
Teaching time: 19 / 9/ 11
Period: 10

Unit 2:


Lesson 4: Write
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a telephone message
II.Language contents:

a/Grammar: Simple Past

<b> b/Vocabulary: A customer a delivery stationary pick someone up</b>
II.Techniques: Chatting, Gap- filling , Rub out and Remember

IV. Teaching aids: textbook, sub- board.
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T asks Ss some questions

T asks Ss to talk to a telephone message
Ss talk to one another

T presents some words
Ss repeat and copy

1.Warm up <i><b> Marks</b></i>

Do you have a telephone number?
How often do you make a phone call?
Have you ever taken a telephone message?
When you take a message, what should be
mentioned in the message?(Date, time,
who sent, to whom, content)

2.Pre- writing

<i><b>Pre- teach vocabulary</b></i>

delivery service (n) dịch vụ giao hàng.
furniture (n) đồ đạc

reach (v) liện hệ

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

T asks Ss to read the message and fill in
the gaps in the passage on page 23.
Let Ss work in pairs.

Ss give the answers
T gives feedback.

T asks Ss to read passage 2 on page 23
to get information and write the


Let Ss write individually then share with
a partner.

- Call on some Ss to read their answers

- Correct and give feedback

racket (n) vợt

<i><b>Rub out and remember</b></i>


(1) phoned (5) name
(2) May 12 (6) delivery
(3) speak (7) Mr Ha
(4) took (8) at


<b>Thanh Cong Delivery Service</b>
<i><b>Date: June 16</b></i>

<i><b>Time: After midday</b></i>
<i><b>For</b>:</i> Mrs Van

<i><b>Message: Mr Nam called about his </b></i>

stationary order.He wanted you to call him
at 8634082.

<i><b>Taken by: Mr Toan</b></i>
4. Post- writing

<b>5. Homework</b>
-Learn new words

-Do exercise 7 in workbook
-Prepare: Unit 3 Listen and read


<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

Preparing time: 19 / 9/ 11
Teaching time: 21 / 9/ 11
Period: 11

Unit 2:


Lesson 5: Listen + Language focus 3
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete a telephone message
by listening and further practice in adverbs of place

II. Language contents

a) Grammar: none

b) Vocabulary: downstairs, upstairs

III.Techniques: telephone transmitting, jumbled words, gap- fill
IV.Teaching aids: textbook, poster


<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Divides students into two teams
Chooses 6 volunteers from each team
The volunteers stand in two lines. The
teacher shows the first student in each
line a telephone number

He whispers the telephone number to
the next person in his line

The last student shouts out the number if
it is the same as the number teacher
shows, that team wins the match
Teacher asks students to look at the
form of the telephone message on page
21 and set the scene “<i>a woman phoned </i>
<i>the principal of Kingston junior high </i>
<i>school, but he was out”</i>

Introduces some new words

Asks students to guess the message

<b>1. Warm up</b>

 <i>Telephone transmitting</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

Let Ss work in pairs

Get Ss to listen to the tape twice
Students listen and fill in the message
Students compase with their guess
Asks Ss to play “Jumbled words”
Asks Ss to give the meaningful words
Let them work individually, one student
one word

Asks Ss to do exercise 3 on page 26
Sets the scene: “Ba is playing hide and
seek with his cousin, Mr Tuan”

Students work in pairs

At last, teacher gives the keys

Asks students to read out the speech

Eg: My room is upstairs

New words:

<b>3. While- listening</b>

<i>Date</i>: Tuesday <i> Time</i>: 9.45

<i>For:</i> the principal

<i>Message</i>: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see
you at 9.45 in the morning

<i>Tel number</i>: 64683720942
<b>4. Post </b>

 <i>Jumbled words</i>

1.tdeousi 4. erhe
2. siiden 5. stupairs
3. hetre 6. wonstairds


1. outside 3. there 5. upstairs
2. inside 4. here 6.downstairs


b/ here

c/ downstairs
d/ outside
e/ there
f/ inside

<b>5. Homework</b>

-Write six sentences about your house,
using adverbs of place.

-Do exercises 5,6 in workbook
-Prepare: Lesson 4 Write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>



Preparing time: 20 / 9/ 11
Teaching time: 22 / 9/ 11
Period: 12

Unit 3:

<b>AT HOME</b>

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen & read
<b>I . Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and use modal
verbs to talk about the housework.

II.Language contents:

a<i>/ Grammar</i>: -Reflexive pronoun

-Modal verbs: must, have to , ought to
b<i>/ Vocabulary</i> : chore (n) saucepan(n)

A steamer rice cooker

III. Techniques: Rub out and Remember , Kim’s game.
IV. Teaching aids: stereo, pictures


Teacher and Ss ‘activities Contents

T shows 6 pictures ( getting started) to

Ss look at 6 pictures and try to

remember the verbs in the pictures as
many as possible.

Which team remembering more verbs
is the winner

T gives Ss marks

T presents the new words to Ss
Ss repeat and say the meaning

T sets the scene of the dial between

1.Warm up Marks
*Kim’s game

 Answers:

a. washing dishes / doing the washing up
b. making the bed

c. sweeping the floor
d. cooking

<i><b>New words</b></i>
a steamer
rice cooker(n)

<i><b>Rub out and Remember</b></i>
<i><b>Presentation te dialogue</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

Nam and his mother, Mrs Vui
Ss listen to the stereo

Ss practice in pairs

T asks Ss some questions to check
whether Ss understand the content or

Ss complete the list of the things Nam
has to do

Ss work in pairs

T explains model sentence

We use MUST to say we are sure that
something is true and conclude

something happened. With MUST, the
speaker is giving his own

feelings,saying what he thinks is

With HAVE TO,the speaker is just
giving situation

Ss copy

Ask Ss to practice

Ss use HAVE TO or MUST to fill in
the blanks

T corrects

tonight ?

b. Why is she going to be home late?
c. What time will she be home?

d. What will Nam have to do tonight ?

-cook dinner

-go to the market to buy fish and

-call his Aunt Chi and ask her to meet his
mother at Grandma’s house

<i><b>Model sentence</b></i>

I have to go and visit Grandma

You ‘ll have to cook dinner yourself

S + HAVE / HAS TO + V-inf.
= S + MUST + V- inf.


<i><b>Picture Cue Drill</b></i>
a. do the washing up
b. make the bed

c. sweep the floor
d. cook dinner
e. tidy my room.
f. feed the chickents

Eg: What do you have to do?
I must do the washing up

4. Consolidation

<b>Complete the sentences with MUST or </b>
<b>HAVE TO</b>

a. You really…. work harder

if you want to pass that examination

b. Many children in Britain…wear uniform
when they go to school

c .Last night, Don suddently became ill.We
….call the doctor

d. Ann …wear glasses since she was 8

-Learn the new words
-Do exercise 1 in workbook

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>


Preparing time: 28 / 9/ 11

Teaching time: 30 / 9/ 11
Period: 13

Unit 3:

<b>AT HOME</b>

Lesson 2: Speak
<b>I . Aim:</b>

After the lesson, Ss will be able to use the prepositions of place to talk about the
prepositions of furniture in house

II.Language contents:
1/ Grammar: Model verbs

2/Vocabulary:rug(n),cushion(n), coffee table (n) , dish rack(n) counter
III.Techniques: Kim’s game

IV.Teaching aids: pictures, cards

Teacher & Ss’ activities Contents

T presents some new words
Ss repeat

T elecits and asks Ss the positions of

the items in the pictures

T gets Ss work in pairs talking about
the position of each item

Ss work in pairs

T can ask Ss to write the sentences on

1.Test 15’

2.Pre- speaking
<b>New words:</b>
Coffee table
Dish rack(n)

<b>Eg: </b>
T:Where is the clock?

S: It’s above the fridge
T: the fruit ?

S: in the bowl
T:the flowers?
S :on the table

3.While- speaking
<b>Answer keys:</b>

-The calendar is on the wall under the clock
and above the refrigerator

-The sink is next to a stove

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

the cards
T corrects

T sets the scene: “Mrs Vui bought
<i><b>new furniture for her living room,</b></i>
<i><b>but she can not decide where to put</b></i>
<i><b>it. You should help her to arrange</b></i>
<i><b>the furniture”</b></i>

Ask Ss to practice speaking

-The knives are on the wall under the cupboard
-The bowl of fruit is between the rice cooker
and the dish rack

-The clock is on the wall above the

-The flowers are on the table

<i>Eg</i>: Let’s put the clock on the wall between the

shelf and the picture

-OK. I think we ought to put the TV and the
stereo on the shelf

-I think the coffee table should be between the
couch and the arm-chair

-Let’s put the telephone next to the couch
-I think we should put the maganines above the
books on the shelves.

-Learn the words

-Do exercise 2 in workbook
-Prepare : Listen+focus 2
<b>ĐỀ KIỂM TRA 15 PHÚT</b>

<i><b>Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu</b></i>
1. Her brother…born in Hanoi in 1992

A. is B. was C. are D. were
2. He spends his free time…………volunteer work at a local orphanage

A. do B. doing C.does D.to do
3. He can’t hear and he can’t speak because he is a ………man

A. deaf B. mute C. mute-deaf D. deaf-mute
4. Yesterday, Lan...her grandmother.

A. is visiting B. visits. C. visited D. is going to
5. They all enjoy ……… jokes at recess.

A. to tell B. telling C. tell D.told
6. Lan always helps people, Lan is very ……….

A. humorous B. sociable C. reserved D. helpful
7. My house is a bit far ……….. the movie theater

A. from B. at C. on D. to
8. Where is the film ………?

A. at B. for C. on D. to

<i><b>Nối các cặp câu sau, sử dụng cấu trúc: (not) adjective + enough + to_inf</b></i>
1.He is not old. He can’t drive

2.The tea isn’t strong. It won’t keep us awake.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

3.The little girl is not tall. She can’t take the book from the shelf.

Preparing time: 29/ 9/11

Teaching time: 1/10/ 11
Period: 14

Unit 3:

<b>AT HOME</b>

Lesson 3: Listen
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, SS will be able to identify the right item by listening and
further practice in modal verb :ought to

II.Language contents:

1/ <i>Grammar</i>:Modal verb: ought to
2/Vocabulary: none

III.Techniques: Bingo, Prediction
IV.Teaching aids: pictures,stereo,cards

Teacher and Ss’s activities Contents

T asks Ss to write down on their notebooks
9 things you can eat.Then Ss listen to the
teacher carefully.If anyone has the same
things, they cross them out.T- Call on some
pairs to practice the dialogue in front of
class .

- Correct pronunciations if any .

he first student crossing out all 5 things
shouts “Bingo” and wins the game

T asks Ss to look at pictures and guess 4

things they use to cook the”Special
<i><b>Chinese Fried Rice”</b></i>

Ss listen to the tape and check their

Work in pairs

T checks and gives the answers

Ss work in pairs, asking and answering
how to make”Special Chinese Fried Rice”

1.Warm up <i> marks</i>


Chickens Beef Cake

Candy Noodles Bread

Peas Ham Rice

2.Pre- listening

<b>What is she going to cook?</b>
<b>What does she need?</b>

3.While- listening


a.fried rice

c. garlic and green peppers
d.ham and peas

<i><b>Comprehension questions</b></i>

a. How can Lan cook Chisese fried rice?
b. How much oil can she put in?

c. What can she do with the garlic?

d. When can she put the ham and the peas

e. When can she put the rice and salt in?
f. How much salt can she put in?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

- Ask Ss to play the roles of Lan and Mrs
Tu to make a dialogue by listening the tape
again .

- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogue in front of class .

- Correct pronunciations if any .

<i>Lan : Can I help ..., Mom ? </i>
<i>Mrs Tu : Sure you can </i>

<i>cook ...</i>

<i> Use the big pan please .</i>

<i>Lan : ...?</i>
<i>Mrs Tu : Just a little . Wait until it is hot </i>
<i>and then fry the garlic and the green </i>
<i>peppers . </i>

<i>Lan : ...? </i>
<i>Mrs Tu : Yes . And you can put the rice </i>
<i>and s teaspoon of salt in . </i>

<i>Lan : YUmmy ! It smells ... . </i>

5. Homework

-Do exercises in workbook

-Prepare Lesson 4:Read+Focus 4



<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

Period: 15

Unit 3:

<b>AT HOME</b>

Lesson 4: Read + LF4
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the leeson, SS will be able to understand the safety precautions in
the house and use Why-because

II. Language contents:
1.Grammar: Modal verbs

2.Vocabulary: precausion(n) drug(n) match(n) destroy(v) injure(v)
electrical socket(n) out of one’s reach bead(n)

III.Techniques: Brainstorming,T/F prediction, Slap the board
<b>IV.Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, realias</b>


Teacher & Ss’s activities Contents
T lets Ss answer the question, by

coming to the board and write
T corrects and gives more words
T gives marks

T presents the new words by using
the pictures, realia or simple


Ss repeat(chorally/individually)
Ss say the meaning and copy

Ss play the game

T asks Ss to read the statements
and guess which is true, which is
false on the Poster

Ss works in pairs

Then Ss read the poster and check
their prediction

T asks Ss to correct if the
statements is false

1. Warm up Brainstorming
Boiling water knife


Electricity Scissors


a precaution :sự phòng ngừa, sự đề phòng
- a socket: ổ cắm điện ( realia )

- a match: que diêm ( realia )
- an object : vật, đồ vật
- safety (n ) :sự an toàn
- to destroy : phá hủy

- to injure: làm bị thương ( situation )

<i>Slap the board</i>

<i><b>True or false statement prediction</b></i>
( Ex 1. P 31 )

1. Answer

a.F b. T c. F d. F e.T f. T
a.It’s safe to keep medicine in locked

c.…a dangerous place to play
d.…. can cause a fire

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

Next, T asks Ss to work in pairs to
find out the answer of the

questions( page 32)

T checks their answers and corects
if necessary

Ss answer the questions
T corrects

T lets Ss ask and answer questions
about Hoa, Nam, Ha, Nga and Mrs
Vui using Why- Because

T goes around the class to help

Working in pairs

Ss work in pairs

Ss write the sentences on the board
T corrects

SS copy

2.Ask and answer

a/ Because children often try to eat and drink

b/Because the chicken is a dangerous place
c/Because playing with one match can cause

the fire

d/Because children often try to put s.t into
electrical sockets and electricity can kill
e/Because dangerous objects can injure or
kill children


Lan Lan’s mother

Where..put the
dishes? ->


You..in the

dishrack.Your little


Because…. Your

brother mustn’...

<i><b>Language focus 4</b></i>

b. Why did Nam have to cook dinner?
Because his mother was home late

c.Why was Mrs Vui,Nam’s mother home

Because she dad to come to see his
grandmother. She was sick

d.Why did Ha fail her English exam?
Because she didn’t learn for her exam.She
played the computer games

e.Why didn’t Nga go to the movies?
Because she had to clean the kitchen and
sweep the living room


-Learn the new words
-Do exercise in workbook
-Prepare:Lesson 5 Write
Preparing time: 5 / 10/ 11

Teaching time: 7 / 10/ 11

Period: 16

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

Lesson 5: Write
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of a room in their house.
II.Language contents:

1/Grammar: Modal verbs

2/Vocabulary: folder(n) beneath(prep) wardrobe(n)
towel rack(n) lighting fixture

III.Techniques: Rub out & Remember, Chatting
IV.Teaching aids: pictures, realia


<b>Teacher & Ss’s activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss some questions about
themselves and their house

T calls four Ss

They come to the board and write
the furniture in each room

T uses the picture in textbook to
present Hoa’s bedroom

T teaches new words by using the
pictures or realia

Ss repeat and say the meaning then
copy the words into their books

T asks Ss to read the description of
Hoa’s room, then asks some

comprehension questions

1.Warm up<i> <b>Chatting</b></i>
.Are you late for school?

.What time do you have lunch?
.What do you have for lunch?

.Do you live in a house or an apartment?
.How many rooms are there?

cough TV


fridge tub

<b>*Pre-teach vocabulary</b>
Folder (n) hồ sơ, cặp giấy tờ

Beneath (prep): ở dưới, ở dưới thấp
Towel rack( n); giá đựng khăn
Lighting fixture (n): đèn chùm
Wardrobe (n) : tủ quần áo

<i>*<b>Rub out & remember</b></i>

 Reading

<i><b>Questions and answers</b></i>

a/What is there on the left of the room?
b/Where is the bookshelf?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

Ss answer

T asks Ss to describe Hoa’s kitchen,
using the given cues

(writing first, then speaking)
Ss practice individually

T asks Ss to share with their partners
T corrects the mistakes from some


T asks students to take to their
partners about their room/ living
room/ kitchen

T asks Ss to work individually
Ss read aloud and T can give marks

3.While- writing

<b> Answer</b>

This is Hoa’s kitchen. There is a refrigerator
in the right corner of the room. Next to the
refrigerator are the stove and the oven. On the
other side of the oven, there is a sink and next
to the sink is a towel rack. The dish rack
stands on the counter, on the right of the
window and beneath the she shelves. On the
shelves and the counter beneath the window,
there are jars of sugar flour and tea. In the
middle of the kitchen, there is a table and four

The lighting fixture is above the table and
directly beneath the lighting fixture is a vase
of flowers

4 Post

5 Homework
- Learn the words

- Write a description of their bedroom
- Prepare: lesson 6 Languge focus 3



Preparing time: 6/ 10/ 11
Teaching time: 8/ 10/ 11
Period: 17

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use Modals: must, have to, ought
to and the reflexive pronouns

II. Language contents

1.<i>Grammar</i>: Reflexive pronouns
2. Vocabulary: none

III. Techniques: Brain storming, Word cue drill
IV. Teaching aids: textbook, sub-board, pictures
V. Produres:

<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss to write things they can do
and can’t

T corrects and gives marks

T uses the pictures drill
T give Ss 7 verbs: feed,do,

Ss look at pictures and complete the
dialogue,using “must or have to”
together with the verbs given
Ss work individually

T sets the scene”<i>Hoa is very sad </i>
<i>because she failed her English test”</i>

“What do you say to advise her?
<i><b>You should study harder”</b></i>

T gives the form

T asks Ss to give advice to people in
the picture(page 35)

Ss work in pairs
Ss do an exercise

1. Warm up Brainstorming
do homework

Tidy up

clean the floor
water flower

repair the machine paint the house

Fix the TV set
<i><b>Language focus 1</b></i>


1. must tidy 2. have to dust
3. must sweep 4. have to clean
5. must empty 6. must feed

<i><b>Language focus 2</b></i>

<b>Form: ought to + Infinitive</b>

<i><b>Use</b>: “<b>ought to” as well as “should” is used </b></i>
<i><b>to give advice to someone</b></i>



a/ You ought to study harder
b/You ought to get up earlier

c/ You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables
d/You ought to see a dentist


<i><b>Use “ ought to “ or “ oughtn’t to”</b></i>
a.Minh looks tired(<i>go to bed late</i>)

b.My parents are going to visit France(<i>learn </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

T sets the scene “You do your
<i><b>homework and noone helps you </b></i>
<i><b>what do you say?”</b></i>

<b>“ I do my homework myself”</b>

T explains the reflexive pronounces
Ss listen carefully and copy

T asks Ss to run through the
vocabulary first

Then Ss practice the questions and

Working in pairs
T corrects

T asks students to fill the blanks with
suitable reflexive pronouns or

emphasic pronouns

Ss practice speaking in pairs
Then give feedback

<i>a few French words)</i>

c.The street is too narrow. It’s always full of
vehicles (<i>They/widen this street)</i>

d.There is a traffic jam and the people are
rushing forward(<i>drive like that)</i>

<i><b>Language focus 3</b></i>
1. Presentation
<i><b>Form : We use:</b></i>
I myself

You yourself / yourselves

He himself

She herself
We ourselves

They themselves
It itself

<i><b>Emphasis pronouns : used to emphasize a </b></i>
<i><b>person or a thing</b></i>

<b>Eg : She cut hetself</b>
2. While

<i><b>Word cue drill</b></i>

a. you/ do/ homework

Did you do your homework?
Yes, I did it myself

b. He/ fix/ washing machine
c. Mary/ cook/ dinner

d. These student/ paint/ the pictures
e. You/ do/ your chores

<b>2. Further Practice</b>

<b>Key: 1. ourselves 2. myself 3. yourselves</b>
4. himself 5. herself 6. themselves
7. yourselves

5. Homework

Do exercises in workbook

Review the structures form Unit 1 3
Preparing time: 10 / 10/ 11

Teaching time: 12 / 10/ 11
Period: 18


<b>I . Aim: </b>

After the lesson, Ss will remember the grammar points and do some exercises to
develop writing skill.

<b>II.Language contents:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

b/ <i>Vocabulary</i>: Unit 1,2

<b>III. Techniques: Chatting ,Matching</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: sub- boards, cards</b>
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

Teacher & Ss ‘ activities Contents

T asks Ss to ask and answer the

T reviews the structures and SS
give examples

Note: enough+Adj…

SS work in groups
Ss match two columns

Ss give the answers on the cards
T corrects

T writes the exercise on the

Ss write the paragraph on the

T asks Ss to complete the second

1.Warm up <i>Chatting</i>

What do you often do in your free time?
Do you play sports?

Do you like talking to foreigners?

If you meet a foreigner, how do you greet?
2.Pre- teach

<i><b>S+ V+ Adj/ Adv + enough+ to-inf</b></i>

<b>Ex: Bob can’t drive because he is not old enough</b>
I’d like to go on holiday but I haven’t got enough


<i>Simple present tense</i>

<i>*<b>Talk about general truths</b></i>

<b>Ex: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.</b>

<b>.Match the questions with the answers</b>

Questions Answers

1.What’s your friend’s

2.How old is he?
3.Where does he live?
4.Which class is he in?
5.What is he like?

6.Who does he live with?
7.What does he usually
do in the evening?
8.What does he enjoy?
9.What’s his favorite

10.Is he good at English?

a.It’s Math
b.Yes,he is

c.He’s tall and thin
d.He lives with his

e.He’s fourteen

f.He lives on Tran Phu

g.His name is Toan
h.He’s in class 8A
i. He does his

j.He enjoys reading

<b>Read the information and write a paragraph </b>
<b>about Ba</b>

<i>Name</i>:Tran Van Ba <i>Age</i>: 14

<i>Description</i>:short,thin,short black hair.

<i>Address</i>:113 Dien Bien Phu

<i>Family</i>:4 members: Father/teacher Mother/housewife

1 older brother/student

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

sentences, be sure to keep the
meaning unchanged

Ss write on the cards

T can call a good student to
correct before class

Ss make the sentences from the
words given

T can give marks

<b>Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown,so that</b>
<b>the meaning stays the same </b>

a/He isn’t tall,so he can’t reach the shelf

<i>He isn’t tall</i>………..

b/The table is too heavy to lift up

<i>The table isn’t light</i>………

c/The book was interesting.I read it twice.

<i>The book was interesting</i>……….
d/I have no idea what time it is

I don’t………..

e/She had dinner and then she watched TV

<i>After she</i>……….

<b>Write sentences using the words given without </b>
<b>changing their order</b>

1/Uncle Nam/very/kind-heart/old man

3/My brother/look/quiet/rude/in


-Do exercises again

-Prepare for the test.



Preparing time: 12/ 10/ 11
Teaching time: 14/ 10/ 11
Period: 19

The test


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check all knowledge they have learnt in
unit 1 and 3.

<b>B. The test </b>

<i><b>Ma tr n </b><b>ậ</b></i>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>

TN <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b>

<b>Phonetics</b> <b>2</b>

<b> 0,5</b>


<b> 0,5</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b> 2,5</b> <b> 1,5</b> <b> 4,0</b>

<b>Reading</b> <b>5</b>

<b> 2.5</b>


<b> 2,5</b>

<b>Writing</b> <b>10</b>

<b> 3,0</b>

<b> 3,0</b>

<b>Tổng</b> <b>12</b>

<b> 3,0</b>


<b> 4,0</b>

<b> 3,0</b>


<b>Đề 01</b>

<i><b>I. Find the word which pronouns differently from the rest.( 0,5)</b></i>

1. A. looked B. needed C. waited D. wanted

2. A. long B. blond C. lock D. move

<i><b>II. Choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D ) to complete these sentences ( 2,5 m)</b></i>
1. Ba talks a little in public, he is ...

A. humorous B. sociable C. reserved D. outgoing
2. Hello, can I ... to Linh, please? This is Lan

A. talk B. speak C. say D. chat

3. A kitchen is a ... place for children to play.

A. suitable B. safe C. comfortable D. dangerous
4. In Britain school always ………in September.

A. begin B. begins C. began D. beginning

5. We are first floor. Lan is second floor, she is ...

A. downstair B. there C. here D. upstair

6. Bell started ... with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance.
A. experimenting B. experimented C. experiments D. experiment
7. They do English homeworks ...

A. ourselves B. himself C. yourselves D. themselves
8. You have to ... all dangerous objects out of children’s reach.

A. take B. make C. hold D. keep

9. My sister is tall enough ………the ceiling

A. reach B. to reach C. reaching D. reaches
10. Would you like ………... to the movies ? - Yes, I’d love to.

A. go b. going C to go D. went

<i><b>III. Complete the sentenses using the correct form of verbs ( 1,5 m): </b></i>
1. The moon ( move) ...around the earth.

2. Alexander Graham Bell (invent)……….... a telephone over hundred years ago.
3. Would you like to join my class next Sunday? We ( visit) ... the local museum.
<i><b>IV. Read the paragraph to answer the questions below (2,5 m):</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

on the right hand side.The sink is near the cooker. There is a small table and two chairs
in the center. The kitchen is small, but it’s OK. Viet likes his room very much.

1. Where does Viet live?

2. How many people share the bathroom with Viet?
3. What is there on the right side of the room?

4. Where is the sink? 5. How is the kitchen?
<i><b>IV. Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first ( 1m)</b></i>
1. The front yard is too small to play soccer in. - > The front yard isn’t………...
2. Mary’s hair is long straight and blond. - > Mary has ...………

<b>VI. Use the information to write about Nga (2m):</b>

<i>Name: </i>Pham Thu Nga <i>Age</i>: 14

<i>Address: </i>18Le Loi street, Hue city

<i>Family: </i>father, mother, older sister- Ngan

<i>Appearance: </i>slim, beautiful, long dark hair

<i>Character: </i>sociable, kind, humorous

<i>Friends</i>: Hoa, Dung

<i><b>Her name’s………..</b></i>
<b>Đề 02</b>

<i><b>I. Find the word which pronouns differently from the rest.( 0,5)</b></i>

1. A. looked B. stopped C. fixed D. wanted

2. A. drop B. person C. holiday D. coffee

<i><b>II. Choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D ) to complete these sentences ( 2,5 m)</b></i>
1. Would you like ………... TV ? - Yes, I’d love to.

A. watch B. watching C to watch D. watched
2. A kitchen is a ... place for children to play.

A. suitable B. safe C. comfortable D. dangerous
3. Bell started ... with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance.

A. experimenting B. experimented C. experiments D. experiment
4. You have to ... all dangerous objects out of children’s reach.

A. take B. make C. hold D. keep

5. We are second floor. Lan is first floor, she is ...

A. downstair B. there C. here D. upstair
6. Van talks a little in public, he is ...

A. humorous B. sociable C. reserved D. outgoing
7. We do English homeworks ...

A. ourselves B. himself C. yourselves D. themselves
8. In Britain school always ………in September.

A. begin B. begins C. began D. beginning

9. The weather is warm enough for us ………out.

A. go B. to go C. going D. goes

10. Hello, can I ... to Linh, please? This is Lan

A. talk B. speak C. say D. chat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

1. The sun ( rise) ... in the East

2. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce)……...….... a telephone over in 1876.

3. Would you like to join my class next Sunday? We ( visit) ... the local museum.
<i><b>II. Read the paragraph to answer the questions below (2,5 m):</b></i>

Mai is a student and she lives in a house in a suburb of Hanoi. She has one room and
a kitchen and share a bathroom with four other people. In her room, there is a bed on the
left hand side. There is an armchair beside the bed. The desk is opposite the bed and
there is a closet on the right side of the room. Above the desk, there is a bookshelf and
above the bed there is a clock. She has a television. In the kitchen, there is a cooker on
the right hand side.The sink is near the cooker. There is a small table and two chairs in
the center. The kitchen is small, but it’s OK. Mai likes her room very much.

1. Where does Mai live?

2. How many people share the bathroom with Mai?
3. What is there on the right side of the room?

4. Where is the cooker? 5. How is the kitchen?

<i><b>IV. Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first ( 1m)</b></i>
1. The front yard is too small to play soccer in. - > The front yard isn’t………...
2. Mary’s hair is long straight and blond. - > Mary has ...

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>V. Use the information to write about Ba (2m):</b>

<i>Name: </i>Nguyen Van Ba <i>Age</i>: 13

<i>Address: </i>32Tran Phu street, Ho Chi Minh city

<i>Family: </i>father, mother, older sister- Lan

<i>Appearance: </i>tall, thin, short dark hair

<i>Character: </i>sociable, humorous, helpful.

<i>Friends</i>: Nam, Dung

<i><b>His name’s………...</b></i>

<b>Đề 01</b>

<i><b>I. ( 0,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1. A 2. D

<i><b>II. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1.C 2. B 3.D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C

<i><b>III. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1. moves 2. invented 3. are going to visit
<i><b>IV. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1. He lives in an old house in a suburb of Hanoi.

2.Three people do./ There are three people. 3.There is a closet.
4. The sink is near the cooker. 5. The kitchen is small.
<i><b>V. ( 1.0 m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1. The front yard isn’t big enough to play soccer in.
2. Mary has long straight and blond hair.
<i><b>VI. ( 2,0 m ) mỗi vế đúng 0,25m</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

and has long dark hair. She is sociable, kind and humorous. Her best friends are Hoa
and Dung.

<b>Đề 02</b>
<i><b>I. ( 0,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1. D 2. B

<i><b>II. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1.C 2. D 3.A 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B
<i><b>III. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1. rises 2. introduced 3. are going to visit
<i><b>IV. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1. She lives in a house in a suburb of Hanoi.

2. Four people do./ There are four people. 3.There is a closet.
4. The cooker is on the right hand side. 5. The kitchen is small.
<i><b>IV. ( 1.0 m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1.The front yard isn’t big enough to play soccer in.
2. Mary has long straight and blond hair.
<i><b>V. ( 2,0 m ) mỗi vế đúng 0,25m</b></i>

His name’s Nguyen Van Ba. He is thirteen years old. He lives at 32 Tran Phu
street in Ho Chi Minh city with her father, mother and older sister- Lan. She is tall, thin
and has short dark hair. She is sociable, humorous and helpful. Her best friends are Nam
and Dung.

<b>D. Homework</b>

- Ask Ss to do the test again and prepare the next lesson.
Preparing time: 13/ 10/ 11

Teaching time: 15/ 10/ 11
Period: 20

Chữa bài kiểm tra

A. Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check their mistakes, review the
knowledge they’ve learnt.

<b>b. procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up: Chatting </b>
<b> II. New lesson:</b>

<i><b>1. Give Ss their tests</b></i>

- Check their mistakes. ( note: knowledge, grammar, vocabulary…)
- Explain how to do the test well.

<i><b>2. Give the answer</b></i>
<b>Đề 01</b>

<i><b>I. ( 0,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1. A 2. D

<i><b>II. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1.C 2. B 3.D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C
<i><b>III. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<i><b>IV. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1. He lives in an old house in a suburb of Hanoi.

2.Three people do./ There are three people. 3.There is a closet.
4. The sink is near the cooker. 5. The kitchen is small.
<i><b>V. ( 1.0 m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

2. The front yard isn’t big enough to play soccer in.
2. Mary has long straight and blond hair.
<i><b>VI. ( 2,0 m ) mỗi vế đúng 0,25m</b></i>

Her name’s Pham Thu Nga. She is fourteen years old. She lives at 18 Le Loi
street in Hue city with her father, mother and older sister- Ngan. She is slim, beautiful
and has long dark hair. She is sociable, kind and humorous. Her best friends are Hoa
and Dung.

<b>Đề 02</b>
<i><b>I. ( 0,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1. D 2. B

<i><b>II. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1.C 2. D 3.A 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B
<i><b>III. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,25 m</b></i>

1. rises 2. introduced 3. are going to visit
<i><b>IV. ( 2,5m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1. She lives in a house in a suburb of Hanoi.

2. Four people do./ There are four people. 3.There is a closet.
4. The cooker is on the right hand side. 5. The kitchen is small.
<i><b>IV. ( 1.0 m) Mỗi vế đúng 0,5 m</b></i>

1.The front yard isn’t big enough to play soccer in.

2. Mary has long straight and blond hair.
<i><b>V. ( 2,0 m ) mỗi vế đúng 0,25m</b></i>

His name’s Nguyen Van Ba. He is thirteen years old. He lives at 32 Tran Phu
street in Ho Chi Minh city with her father, mother and older sister- Lan. She is tall, thin
and has short dark hair. She is sociable, humorous and helpful. Her best friends are Nam
and Dung.

<b>3. Statistics :</b>

Lớp 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

81: 33
82: 35

<b>4. Homework</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>


Preparing time: 15 / 10/ 11
Teaching time: 17 / 10/ 11
Period: 21

Unit 4:

<b>OUR PAST</b>

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tell the activities people used to do in
the past.

II. Language contents:

1/<i> Grammar</i> : Past simple tense

2/ <i>Vocabulary</i>: look after equipment(n) folktale(n)
traditional (a) great grandma

III.Techniques: Slap the board , T/ F statement prediction
IV.Teaching aids : pictures, tape , sub- board

V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and Ss ‘ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss to look at the picture on
page 38 and write the name of things
that do not belong to the past

Work in groups

T presents new words to Ss by

1. Warm up
<b>Answers: </b>

The TV , the radio , the mobile phone , the

lighting fixture , modern clothing / school

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

different ways
.Using synonym
.Giving example

.Translating into Vietnamese

Ss repeat and say the meaning
Ss copy

T checks the new words from the

T presents the model sentence to Ss
Ss listen carefully and notice the
grammar point

Ss read the statements and predict
they are true or false

Ss work in pairs

Ss listen to the tape, the dialogue
between grandma and Nga (page 38)

T asks Ss to correct False statements

Practice the dialogue in pairs(closed
pairs and open pairs)

After practicing the dialogue, Ss work
inpairs , asking and answering the
questions part 2

Ss write on the board
T corrects

T uses a picture of a red flower to
introduce. T can gives two sentences
.This is a red flower ->Fact

<i><b> .It’s the most beautiful flower I’ve </b></i>
<i><b>seen -> Opinion</b></i>

Look after = take care of

Equipment (n) ( machine , cassette, video )
Folktale(n) : Tấm Cám, Seven-mile shoes,
One- hundred- section bamboo

Great grandma(n)

<i><b>Checking: Slap the board</b></i>
<i><b>Habit in the past</b></i>

EX: I used to look after my younger brother
and sister

S + used to + V + O
<b> Modal Verb : Have to</b>

Ex: I had to stay home and help my mom

<i><b>T/F statement prediction</b></i>

a- Nga used to live on the farm (F)

b-Nga’s grandma didn’t go to school (T)
c-She had an easy and happy life when she
was young (F)

d-There wasn’t any modern equipment at
her time (T)

e-“The lost shoe” is a short story (F)

a-Grandma used to live on a farm
c- She had a hard life.

e- It is an old folktale
2/Answer keys

a/ She used to live on the farm

b/Because she had to stay home and help her
mom (look after her…)

c/She used to cook the meals, clean the
house and wash the clothes

d/Her great- grandmother used to lit the
lamp and her great- grandfather used to tell
them stories.

e/She asked her grandmother to tell her the
tale : The lost Shoe”

3/Fact or Opinion

Sentence Fact Opinion

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

Have Ss read the statements part 3 on
page 39 and decide which is a fact
and which is an opinion

Ss read the exercise carefully , then
choose the right word to fill in the

f/ O

4.Consolidation: <i>Choose the right word</i>

1/……..is a story passed on in spoken form
from one generation to the next

(Novel ,Fiction, Folktale)

2/When I was a child, I …. follow my mom
to the market (used to, usually, use to)

3/”Son Tinh Thuy Tinh” is a ……..
(folktale, traditional story, novel )

-Learn new words by heart
-Do exercises in workbook

-Prepare :Lesson 2 Speak+ L. Focus 4
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

Preparing time: 17 / 10/ 11

Teaching time: 19 / 10/ 11
Period: 22

Unit 4:

<b>OUR PAST</b>

Lesson 2: Speak + Language focus 4
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “ used to” to talk about the things
they used to do.

<b>II.Language contents:</b>
1/Vocabulary: none
2/ Grammar : used to

<b>III. Techniques : Jumbled words</b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids : pictures, sub- board</b>
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T holds the class to play game
“Jumbled words”

Recall the conversation between Nga
and her grandma

T asks Ss some questions and present
the grammar

T asks Ss to use USED TO to make
question and answer( Remember in the

<b>1. Warm up </b><i><b>Jumbled words</b></i>

Reiletcicty -> Electricity
Menttaenterin -> Entertainment

Rkmaet -> Market

Permasuekt -> Supermarket
<b>2.Pre- speaking </b>

Where did Nga’s grandma always live?
-> She always lived on a farm.

Another word for “ always lived” -> “used

Where did Nga’s grandma use to live?
She used to live on a farm


<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>


Preparing time: 19 / 10/ 11
Teaching time: 21 / 10/ 11
Period: 23

Unit 4:

<b>OUR PAST</b>

Lesson 3: Listen + Language focus 1,2
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main idea of a story by
listening and further practice in Past simple tense.

II.Language contents;

a/Vocabulary: foolish (a) greedy(a) gold (n) lay / laid (v) amazement (n)
discover (v) excitedly (adv) moral lesson (n)

b/ Grammar: Simple past tense

III.Techniques: What and where , Pelmanism , Prediction
IV. Teaching aids: stereo, pictures, cards

V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T prepares 6 or 11 cards, then Ss holds
class to play game

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning
Ss copy

T introduces the lesson by asking some
questions :

“Do you often read books / stories ?

<i><b> What kinds of stories do you like ?</b></i>

1. Warm up <i><b> Pelmanism</b></i>

run ran fly flew ride

rode eat ate sit sat


Foolish(a) ngu xuẩn
Greedy (a) tham lam
Gold(a) vàng

To lay / laid -> lay eggs : đẻ

In amazement (n):một cách ngạc nhiên
Discover (v) khám phá ra, phát hiện ra
Excitedly (adv) : kích thích, khuấy động
Moral lesson :bài học đạo đức

<i><b>What and Where</b></i>

Titles Guess

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<i><b> Do you like folktale?”</b></i>

T says “You are now listening to a

<i><b>folktale.Read the 4 sentences in “Listen</b></i>
<i><b>“ and try to guess something about the </b></i>

Ss guess

Ss listen to the tape and check their

T asks Ss to find out the verbs in the

<b>-> Past simple tense</b>

Ss can get some information which they
hear from the tape

Ss work in groups
T gives feedback

Ss write the past form of each verb
Ss work individually

Ss work in pairs , complete the dialogue
Ss write on the small cards

T corrects


c/Be happy with what you

d/It’s difficult to find gold
<b>3.While-listening </b>


Answer : “ Don’t be foolish and greedy “
Answer : lived – laid- went-
discovered-shouted-ran – looked

Chickens Husband Wife
-laid many


-laid a gold
egg one day
-were dead

and sold

-found one
gold egg
one day
-killed all



4. Post- listening

<i><b>Language focus 1 ( page 44 )</b></i>
Ex: run -> ran

take-> took
go -> went
have -> had
ride -> rode

<i><b>Language focus 2 (page 44)</b></i>

a. Did you eat bread for breakfast ?
b. I rode a bicycle to school

c. Where were you yesterday ?
d. I had Math , English and History

- Learn new words by heart

- Tell the story again 8-19 lines, play the
role of the chickens

- Do exercises 1,2 in workbook
- Prepare: Lesson 4 Read

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

Preparing time: 20 / 10/ 11
Teaching time: 22 / 10/ 11
Period: 24

Unit 4:

<b>OUR PAST</b>

Lesson 4: Read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand and retell the story “ The
lost shoe”

II. Language contents

1/<i>Grammar</i> :Past simple tense

2/<i>Vocabulary</i>: cruel(a) upset(a) fairy (n) magically(adv) rag (n)
to fall in love with immediately(adv)

III.Techniques: Brainstorming, Prediction
IV.Teaching aids : Word cards, stereo

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss some questions

T can give marks

Ss tell the names of folktales that they
have read using Simple English or

T says “ you are going to read the story “
The lost shoe “. Have you read it ? Can
you guess anything from the title?”
T presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning
Ss copy

T prepares some statement prediction
Ss read the statements and guess T or F
They share with their partners

1.Warm up <i> Marks</i>

Do you like folktales ?

What usually happens at the end of a
folktale ?

Name the titles of some folktales you


One hundred-section bamboo
Tam Cam

The frog Prince Seven-mile shoes

<i><b>New words</b></i>
cruel(a) độc ác

upset(a) buồn phiền, thất vọng
fairy (n) bà tiên

magically(adv)-> magical(a) kỳ diệu
rag (n) quần áo rách, vải vụn

to fall in love with

immediately(adv) ngay lập tức
<i><b>T/F statement predictions</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

T asks Ss to read the story and find
information about 3 people

1/ Little Pea
<i><b>2/ Stout Nut</b></i>
<i><b>3/ Stepmother</b></i>

Ss check their predictions and correct the
false sentences

After Ss understand the story, they do
exercise 1,2 on page 42

Ss work in groups

T corrects and gives feedback

T asks Ss some questions about the story
Ss give their own answers

T says”The moral lesson is “ One good
<i><b>turn deserves another “ -> </b><b>Ở hiền gặp </b></i>


b. Her father got married again after his
wife died

c. Her new mother was beautiful and nice
to her

d. She worked hard all day

e. She didn’t have new clothes to take
part in the festival

<b>3.While- reading </b>
“The Lost Shoe”

Guess Answer Correction



... T

<i><b>Complete the sentences with words from</b></i>
<i><b>the story</b></i>

a-farmer b-died

c-had- again d-marry/ choose
e- new clothes f- lost

<i><b>Answer the comprehention questions</b></i>
a. She was a poor farmer’s daughter
b. She made Little Pea do the chores all

c. Before the festival started, a fairy
appeared and magically changed her rags
into beautiful clothes

d. The prince decided to marry the girl
who fitted the lost shoe

e. No, it isn’t a true story. It’s a folktale
4.Post- reading

Do you like the story?

Who do you like/ hate ? Why?

What is the moral lesson frm the story ?

-Learn new words by heart

-Retell the story , play role of stepmother
or Little Pea

-Prepare next period : Lesson 5 Write
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

Preparing time: 24 / 10/ 11
Teaching time: 26 / 10/ 11
Period: 25

Unit 4:

<b>OUR PAST</b>

Lesson 5: Write + L.F 3
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use Simple Past tense to write a


II.Language contents

1/<i>Vocabulary</i> : wisdom (n) a stripe a straw a servant escape (v)
graze (v) light (v)

2/ <i>Grammar</i> : Past simple tense
III. Techniques : Matching

IV. Teaching aids : pictures , sub – boards
V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and SS’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss some questions
Ss answer

T gives marks

Teacher presents new words
Students listen – repeat ( chollary

Ss say the meaning

Teacher asks students the meaning of
verbs in the box

Ss work in pairs, using suitable verbs to
fill in the blanks

Exercise 1 ( page 42 – 43 )

Get students to ask and answer question
Get students to do exercise 2 on page 43

1. Warm up

Do you like the folktales ?
Name some of them

Which story do you like best ?

Have you ever read the story “ How the
tiger got his stripes ?

2. Pre- writing
<i><b>New words</b></i>
wisdom (n)
a stripe (n)
straw (n)

a servant >< master (n)
escape (v)

graze (v)
Gap - fill

Reading : Words in box (page 42 )
Keys :

1.appeared 6. tied
2.was 7. lit
3. said 8. burned
4. left 9. escaped
5. went

<i><b>Comprehension questions</b></i>
a/ Where was the man ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

Students have to imagine to be a man in
order to write the story

Get Ss to change

Ss write individually then share with their
partners and correct mistakes

Take some writings to correct in front of
the class

They work in team, telling the story
Teacher asks a volunteer from each team
to tell the story in front of the class

-T reminds SS of the
prepositions of time
-SS copy down.

-T asks SS to look at the

Itinerary on page 30 and fill in the blank
-T gives feedback .

c/What did the tiger want to know ?
d/What did he do before going home ?
Why ?

e/What did he do when he returned ?
3. While- writing

The man -> I
His -> my
Answer keys

One day, as I was in the field and my
buffalo was grazing nearby, a tiger came.
It asked why the strong buffalo was my
servant and why I was its master. I told
the tiger that I had something called
wisdom. The tiger wanted to see it, but I
told it I left the wisdom at home. Then I
tied the tiger to a tree with a rope because
I didn’t want it to eat my buffalo. I went
to get some straw that I said was my
wisdom and I burned the tiger. The tiger
escaped, but today it still has black stripes
from the burns.

4. Post- writing

<i><b>Team Tiger changes : a/ the tiger -> I</b></i>
<i><b>Team Buffalo changes : a/ the buffalo</b></i>
-> I

<b>5. Language focus 3</b>
<i><b>Prepositions of time</b></i>

- At: at 5 o’clock, at Christmas, at night .
-On: on Wednesday, on April 15th<sub>.</sub>

-In: in 1998, in June.in winter, in the

5. Homework

- Learn new words by heart

-Write the story again , imagine you are :
. the tiger

. the buffalo

Prepare next period : Correction 1
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

Preparing time: 26 / 10/ 11

Teaching time: 28 / 10/ 11
Period: 26

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue between Tim
and his mom about his study

II. Language contents :

1/<i>Grammar</i> : Reported speech

2/ <i>Vocabulary</i> : a report card pronunciation (n) improve (v) to be proud of
to try one’s best

<b>III. Techniques : Network , Rub out and remember , Survey</b>
IV. Teaching aids : textbook , pictures, cassette

V. Procedures :

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss to write as many subjects as
they can on the blackboard

T asks Ss some questions

+What subject are you good at ?

+What subject are you bad at ?

+What subject do you like best? Why?
+How often do you have Math ?

T presents new words
Ss listen and copy

T presents the model sentence
Ss say the meaning

T asks Ss to read the statements and
predict they are true or false (work in
groups 0

Ask them to share with their friends

T asks Ss to listen to the tape , then they
work in pairs

T asks Ss to read the conversation
between Tim and his Mom

1. Warm up Network
Chemistry Physics

Geography Math

2. Presentation

<i><b>New words</b></i>

a report card ( real object)
pronunciation (n)

improve (v)

to be proud of ( translation )
to try one’s best

* Model sentence

Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder
on his Spanish pronunciation

Rub out and Remember
<i><b>True or False prediction</b></i>

a.Tim was out when his mother called him
b. Tim’s mother met his teacher at school
c. Tim’s report was poor

d. Tim needs to improve his Spanish

e. Tim promised to try his best in learning

3. Practice

Dialogue page 46, 47

Statements Guess Correct



<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

T gets Ss to read the dialogue in silently
and check their prediction

Then give feedback

Ss work in pairs

They write the answers on the board
T corrects

Ask SS to work in groups

Ask them to stand up and ask each other
the question “ What subject do you need
to improve ? “. They have to write the
names and the subjects that their friends




<i><b> Comprehention questions</b></i>
a. She’s Tim’s teacher
c. He worked really hard

d. She said Tim should work harder on his
Spanish pronunciation

e. She gave him a dictionary
4. Consolidation

<b> Survey</b>

Name What subject



5. Homework

-Learn new words by heart
-Do exercise 1 in workbook

-Prepare : Lesson 2 Speak + Listen
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 27 / 10 / 11
Teaching time: 29 / 10/ 11
Period: 27

Unit 5:


Lesson 2: Speak + Listen
<b>I . Aim: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>II. Language contents:</b>
a.<i> Grammar</i>: be going to

b. <i>Vocabulary</i>: (n) behavior, participant, cooperation, attendance
(v) to appreciate ( a) satisfactory

<b>III. Techniques: Brainstorming, prediction</b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, sub-board, cassette</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss to write their ideas on the board

Teacher presents some new words
Students listen and repeat, copy

T asks Ss to look at Nga’s report and
predict the missing information and then
compare witn their partners

T asks Ss to listen to the tape and check
their prediction

T asks Ss to answer some questions about

1 Warm up Brainstorming
Speak E to friends in class

Listen to the E
radio program
Watch TV

Read English stories
Do grammar exercises

2 Pre-listening
New words

behaviour (n) (translation)
a participant (explanation)
satisfactory  unsatisfactory (a)
cooperation (n) (translation)
attendance (n) (translation)
(to) appreciate ( translation)

a. Day present (1) b. Day absent (2)
c. Behavior – participant (3)

d. Listening (4) e. Speaking (5)
f. Reading (6) g. Writing (7)
3 While – listening


1) 87 days present
2) 5 days absent

3) particiapation – Spanish pronunciation
4) listening comprehension

5) speaking: A
6) reading: A
7) writing: B

Comprehension questions
a/ Who are Sarah’s mother ?
- She is Mrs Chen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

Sarah’s report card
Ss work in pairs

T asks Ss to work in pairs, asking their
partners questions and taking notes of the

T asks Ss to work in groups what they
have known about their partner’s study
Ex: Nam said he did his homework after

c/ What subject was reported ? For what
term ? - English. The first term.

d/ What are the comments ?

- Speaking English quite well. However
she does need to improve her listening

e/ What does S stand for ?
- S stands for satisfactory
4 Post-listening

Questions You Your

1) When do you do your

homework ?

2) Who helps you with
your homework ?
3) How much time do

you spend on Math ?

History ?

4) Which subject do you
need to improve ?
5) What do you do to

improve your E ?
5. Homework

- Write something about your partner’s

<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>


Preparing time: 31 / 11 / 11
Teaching time: 2 / 11/ 11
Period: 28

Unit 5:


Lesson 3: Read

<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the text and get
specific information

<b>II. Language contents</b>
a. <i>Grammar</i>: none

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>III. Techniques: chatting, Brainstorming, survey, slap the board</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: text book, cards</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks students some questions about
their English learning

Ss answer th questions
T can give marks

T presents and explains new words

Ss listen, repeat and copy

T holds class to play “ slap the board”
T asks Ss to work in pairs to make a
list of the ways how a language
learner can learn new words

- Asks Ss to read the text and add
more the way to learn new words
T asks Ss to read the statements on
page 50 then read the text and decide
which is true and which is false

Ss work in pairs

T gives feedback

1. Warm up

Do you like learning English ?

How many new words do you try to learn a
day ?

What do you do when you read a new word?
How do you learn/ remember new words?
2. Pre-reading

New words

Mother tongue (n)
Underline (v)
Highlight (v)
Come across (v)
Stick (v)

<i><b>Slap the board</b></i>

learn by heart translate it into mother

learn through write it on a small
example sentences piece of paper and
stick everywhere in house
3. While- reading

<i><b>True / False statements</b></i>

a) All language learners write to the meaning
of the new words in their mother tongue
b) Some learners write examples of the

words they want to learn

c) Every learner tries to learn all the new

words they come across

d) Many learners only learn the new words
that are important


a. F b .T c. F d. T
4. Homework

Ways language
learners learn new

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

Write the ways of the learning words that you
think are the best for you

Do exercise in workbook
Prepare: Lesson 4 Write 1,2

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 2 / 11 / 11
Teaching time: 4 / 11/ 11
Period: 29

Unit 5:


Lesson 3: Read 2

<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson,students will be able to understand the text, talk about
the ways to learn new words & answer the questions.

<b>II. Language contents</b>

a. <i>Grammar</i>: simple present tense, modal verb: should.
b. <i>Vocabulary</i>: revise vocabulary.<i><b> </b></i>

<b>III. Techniques: chatting, Brainstorming, survey, slap the board</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: text book, cards</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a
list of the ways how a language
learner can learn new words .

T gives feedback

T asks Ss worl in pairs to answer the

T asks Ss to practice asking and
answering questions in open pairs
and close pairs

- Ask Ss to work in groups to
interview one another and tick the
ways they have used to learn new

1. Warm up Brainstorming

* Possible answers :
- Learn by heart

- Translate it into mother tongue

- Write each word on one piece of paper and put
it into the pocket to learn whenever

- Learn through example sentences

- Write it on small piece of paper and stick
everywhere in the house …….

<b>2. While-reading</b>

<i><b>Comprihension questions</b></i>

a. No. Learners learn woeds in different ways.
b. Such sentences help them remember the use
of the word.

c.To remember words better, leaners write

examples, put the words and their meanings on
stickers, underline or highlight them.

d. They may think they can't do so. Instead, they
learn only important words.

e. revision is necessary in learning words.

f. Learners should try different ways of learning
words to find out what is the best.

<b>3. Post – reading </b>
<i><b> Survey </b></i>

<b>Ways of learning words </b> <b>Lan Hoa ...</b>
1. Make a list of words ,

their meanings and learn
them by heart .

2. Write sample sentences
with new words

3. Stick new words
somewhere in the house .
4. Underline or highlight the
words .

5. Read stories in English .
6. Learn words through

songs .

<i>Ways language </i>
<i>learners learn </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

- Call on Ss to report about their

groups Ex : Lan learns words by making a list of words


5 Homework

Write the ways of the learning words that you
think are the best for you

Do exercise in workbook
Prepare: Lesson 4 Write 1,2

<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>


Preparing time: 3 / 11 / 11
Teaching time: 5 / 11/ 11
Period: 30

Unit 5:


Lesson 4: Write

<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the format of a friendly
letter and practice writing a letter to friend

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

 <b>Grammar : none</b>

 <b>Vocabulary : lunar(a), New Year Festival, enjoyable (a), celebrate (v)</b>

<b>III. Techniques: chatting, ordering, labeling</b>
<b>IV. Teacher aids: textbook, pictures</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss some questions dealing with
writing letters

T presents new words and explains

1.Warm up : <i> Chatting</i>:

Have you ever written to someone ?
To whom do you usually wirte ?
What do you open write about ?

2, Pre- writing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

Ss listen, repeat and copy

T holds class to play “ Rub out and

T asks Ss to put the parts of the letter in
the correct order

Practice in pairs

T asks Ss to read the letter on page 51 to
check their order

T asks Ss to label each section with the
correct letter

T asks Ss to work in pairs and answer
some questions

T asks Ss to practice asking and
answering questions

T asks Ss to have to imagine they are Lan
and write a letter to her penpal Donna in
Sans Francico using the given


Ss write individually

T controls the class and helps Ss if

T asks Ss to read aloud their letters and
correct the mistakes

Lunar New Year Festival
Enjoyable (a)

Celebrate (v)

<i>Rub out and Remember</i>
<i>Ordering </i>

a.opening d.Body of the letter
b.closing e.signature

c.the date f.writer’s address

1f.writer’s address 4d.Body of the letter
2c.The date 5b.closing

3a.opening 6e.signature

<i>Labeling</i>: B, D, A, C

Comprehension questions

a. Who wrote the letter ? To whom ?
(Hoa wrote a letter to Jim, her penpal)
b. What are there in the heading ?
(Writer’s name and the date)

c. What is the main part of the letter ? (the

d. What did Hoa receive a few days ago ?
(her first semester report)

e. Is Hoa good at Math ? No, she isn’t
<b>3. While writing </b>

Exercise 2 on page 51 / textbook


15 Thanh Giong street,
HaNoi, June 10th<sub>, 2004</sub>
Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter. I’m glad to hear
you had an happy Mother’s Day. We
received our second semester report last
month. I got good grades for Geography,
Physics and Math but my English and
History results were poor. My teacher
advises me to improve English and

History. I think I have to study harder
next school year

In a few weeks, we’re going to celebrate
the mid Autumn festival. That is an

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

T choose 2 Ss’ letter and ask Ss to
correct mistakes.

festival comes. I’ll send you a postcard
from there

Write soon and tell me all your news
4. Post – writing

5. Homework

- Write a letter to your friend.
- Prepare for next period
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 6/ 11 / 11
Teaching time: 8/ 11/ 11
Period: 31

Unit 5:


Lesson 6: Language focus 1,3,4
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use adverbs of manner, commands,
requests and advice in reported speech.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<i>Grammar</i>: Adverbs of manner, commands, requests and advice in reported speech.

<i>Vocabulary</i>: Review vocabulary
<b>III. Techniques: Pelmanism</b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: textbook, ten cards</b>
<b>V. Procedures</b>

<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
T prepares ten cards with numbers

1- >10 on one side and the
adjectives/ adv on the other

T sets the scene “use any word from
the game Pelmanism to complete the
following sentences

T helps Ss distinguish the use of
adjectives / adverbs

T writes the form and use on the

<b>Warm up </b>

good well bad fast badly

quickly soft quick fast softly
<b>Adverbs of manner </b>


<i><b>Eg</b></i>: Lan has a (1) ...voice and she usually
speaks (2)...

answers: (1) soft (adj) (2) softly (adv)
<b>Form: </b><i><b>S + V + a/ an + adj + Noun</b></i>
<i><b> Or S + be + Adj</b></i>

<i><b> S + V + adv</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

Preparing time: 9/ 11 / 11
Teaching time: 11 / 11/ 11
Period: 32

Unit 6:


Lesson 1: Listen and read + Language focus 2

<b>I . Aim: </b>

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present to introduce
some activities of the Y &Y organization and understand the dialogue

<b>II. Language contents: </b>

<b>3. Vocabulary :</b> enroll (v) outdoor activities
application form (n) fill out acting (n)
<b>4. Grammar : none</b>

<b>III. Techniques: Chatting, rub out and remember, survey</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: cards, tape</b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T introduces new words
Ss repeat and say meaning
Then copy

<i><b>T sets the scene: “ Nga is a student in . </b></i>
<i><b>grade 8. She wants to enroll in the </b></i>
<i><b>activities for the summer”</b></i>

Before listening to the tape, T gives two

Ask Ss to listen and read the dialogue at

the same time

Teacher asks Ss to answer the questions

Then they work in pairs and complete
Nga’s particular

T asks Ss sone questions to check

1. Warm up
2. Presentation

<i>Pre-teach vocabulary</i>


Application form (n)
Outdooor activities (v)
Fill out (v)


* Rub out and remember
3. Practice

- Who is enrolling for the summer
activities ?

- What are her hobbies ?


Name: Pham Mai Nga

Home address: 5 Tran Phu street
Phone number: Not available
Date of birth: April 22 1989
Sex: Female

Interests: Drawing, outdoor activities and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

T asks Ss to work in groups, asking about
hobbies, the date of birth, outdoor


T asks some questions about “Listen and

Ss answer

T gives the form

T asks Ss to talk about Ba, Lan
T writes on posters

T asks Ss to look at the table (page 61)
and talk about their friends’ hobbies


A:What are your hobbies ?

B:I like / love playing soccer and tennis
T models the first two cues

After that Ss practice in pairs

<b>Language focus 2 </b>
2/Pre - teach

What is after “like” ? (drawing)
What is after “enjoys” ? (acting)

What do we call “drawing” and “acting” ?

- When do we use “gerund” ?
 Form:

Like, love, enjoy, hate + gerund (V-ing)

<b>Word cue drill</b>

a) play soccer / volleyball
b) watch TV / listen to music
c) read books / do homework

d) chat with friends / do the housework
4/ Post


S1: Do you like listening to music ?
S2: Yes, I do. What about you ?
S1: So do I

5. Homework

- Learn by heart new words

- Write a short paragraph in order to
introduce about yourselves and the
summer activities

- Do exercises in workbook and prepare:

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

Unit 6:


Lesson 2: Speak <i>+ </i>Language focus 3

<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for favors and offer assistance
II. Language contents:

<i>Vocabulary</i>: favor (n) , hurt / hurt , a flat tire


III. Techniques: pair- work, prediction

IV. Teaching aids: sub-board, textbook, shark’s attack
V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T holds class to play “ Shark’s attack”
Cut out a shark and a school girl / boy from

Then Ss work in groups to find out the word
with five letters

If their guess is wrong, the girl / boy has to
step down and if it is right , they will get one

Teacher asks Ss the meaning of the words
Ss repeat

T writes the phrases in the box and rubs

some phrases on the sub- board

T asks Ss to find out the phrases for

responding to favors and offering assistance
Ss work in groups (closed books)

T asks them to open their books and check
T can ask some questions

If Ss can’t answer, teacher should explain
more carefully

1. Warm up

Shark’s attack

(Team 1) <sub></sub>(team 2)

-2. Pre- speaking
favor (n)

hurt (v) / hurt
a flat tire

<i>Asking for favors</i> <i>Responding to</i>

Can / could you

help me, please ?

Could you do

me a favor ?

I need a favor




<i>Responding to </i>


Yes / No. Thank

Yes. That’s very
kind of you.

No, thank you
I’m fine

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

T asks Ss to practice in pairs (two dialogues
in textbook)

T calls some pairs to practice before class
T corrects pronunciation

T asks Ss to make similar dialogues about
some of the following situations with a

Ss work in pairs.

Then call some pairs to practice in front of
the class

T moves around the class and helps students

T introduces the aim of exercise 3
Ss answer

T asks Ss to work in pairs and complete

T gives the key

1/ What do you say to ask for a favor ?
2/ When do you ask for favor ?

3/ How do you say to respond to favor ?
3. While- speaking

<i>Dialogue a</i>: Mrs Ngoc is carrying a heavy
bag but she’s hurt her arm so she needs
some help

<i>Dialogue b</i>: A receptionist wants to help a
tourist who needs to go to the nearest

Tourist: Could you do me a favor ?
You: Sure. What can I do for you ?

Tourist: I lost my money. Could you show
me the way to the nearest police station ?
You: Certainly. Turn right out of the
station. Go straight ahead until you see
the police station on your right.

Tourist: Thank you very much
You: You’re welcome

4. Post

<b>Language focus 3 </b>

A: buy a ticket

B: take me across the road

C: help me with this math problem
D: water the flowers in the garden
b) May

Do you need
Me help you
Very kind
5. Homework

- learn words, phrases

- Do exercise 1 in workbook
- prepare: Lesson 3 Listen
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

Preparing time: 13 / 11 / 11

Teaching time: 15 / 11/ 11
Period: 34

Unit 6:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete a song and get the
content of the song

II. Language contents:

* Vocabulary: unite (v) peace (n) right (n)

<i>north south</i>

* Grammar: none

III. Techniques: Prediction (guess words)

IV. Teaching aids: textbook, stereo, tape, sub-board
V. Procedure:

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks

In Vietnam, which organizations are
there for the young?

What can we do when we enroll this
organization? Are these activities
useful for you and the general public?
- Ss answer

- T asks Ss to work in groups

- Ss work in groups to answer the

- Ss write on the posters their answer
T asks some questions to set the scence
Ss answer

T corrects and gives marks

T presents some words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

T asks Ss to guess the missing words
(page 56)

Ask them to share with their partners
Ss work in pairs

Teacher asks Ss to listen to the song
twice (Don’t stop)

Ss work individually and then compare
with their partners

Students listen to the tape for the third
time. T can stop the tape

T calls Ss to give the key

1. Warm up: Getting started
The Y <i><b> &</b><b> Y programs</b><b> : </b></i>

- clean up the streets
- help elder people
- take park in sports
- help blind people

- help handicapped children
- collect and empty garbage
- plant trees and flowers
- water tree and flowers
- support cultural activities
Set the scence

.What do you often do in your free time?
.Do you listen to music ?

.What kinds of music do you like ?

.Do you like listening to an English song ?
2. Pre- listening

<i><b>New words</b></i>
Unite (v)
Peace (n)
Right (n)

<i>north south</i>

<i><b>Prediction </b></i>

3. While- listening

<i><b>Keys </b></i>

(1) unite (8) world

(2) peace (9) show

(3) right (10) place

(4) love (11) out

(5) north (12) stand

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

Teacher guides Ss how to sing the song
Then call some students to sing

T can give marks if they sing well

T presents new words
Ss copy

T ask Ss to read “ Y & Y spring
activity program”

T asks them to play the roles of Mai
and Lan to practice the dialogue

T asks them some questions to check
their understanding

T explains “We use the simple present
<i><b>to express an action that happens in </b></i>
<i><b>the future”</b></i>

Ask Ss to practice asking and

answering about the Y & Y activity
program by using the cues given in

Call on some Ss to ask and answer
Ss work in pairs

(7) of

<b>Language focus 1</b>
<i><b>Pre- teach </b></i>

a rest home
an orphanage
a stadium

* Rub out and remember
* Questions:

When do you use “Where” ? ( to ask for
the place )

When do we use “What time” ?

Is the date at present or in the future ?
( in the future )

What tense do we use in the dialogue ?
( simple present )

3. While

5. Homework

- Try to sing the song

- Copy the song into notebooks
- Do exercises 5,6 in workbook
- Prepare the next lesson

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

Preparing time: 16 / 11 / 11

Teaching time: 18 / 11/ 11
Period: 35

Unit 6:


Lesson 5: Read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about a youth organization
– the Boy scouts of America (BSA)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

a)<i>Vocabulary</i>: encourage(v), citizenship(n), coeducational(a), voluntary(a), lead/ led ,

b)<i>Grammar</i>: Gerund

III.Techniques: Slap the board, T/ F statements Prediction
IV.Teaching aids: textbook, tape, sub- board


<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks some questions
Ss answer

T introduces “ There are some
<i><b>in the USA. What are they ? </b></i>
<i><b>Let’s see in the text”</b></i>

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning
T holds class to play “ Slap the


T sticks the poster with the
statements on the blackboard
and guess what is

True, what is false

Ss work in pairs

T asks Ss to read the passage
on page 57 and check if their
prediction is correct or not
Give feedback

Ask them to correct false

T asks Ss to do exercise 1 page

1. Warm up

.Do you enjoy singing ?

.Do you know the song of the Ho Chi Minh Young
Pioneer and Young organization ?

.Do you know any organization in order countries ?
2. Pre- reading

<b>New words</b>
Encourage (v)
Citizenship (n)
Coeducational (a)
Voluntary (a)
Lead/ led
Establish (v)
*<i>Slap the board</i>

T/ F statements Prediction

1...The boy scouts of America is a youth organization

3...William Boyce is a businessman in London

5...The scouting Association is the biggest voluntary
youth organization in the world

1. <b>While – reading </b>

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
2. Scout began in England

3. William Boyce is an American businessman
4. BSA is mainly for boys


a) 1907 c) 1910

b) 1009 d) 1994



<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>


Ss work in pairs

After that Ss and answer the
questions in exercise 2

Ss work in pairs
T corrects

T calls an excellent student in
class to practice with the

T – interviewer / S – member
of BSA

T calls some pairs of students
to play the roles of the

interviewer and the member of

Ss work in pairs

a/ Scouting began in England in 1907

b/ The meeting between a boy scout and Mr
William Boyce led to the Scouts Association
crossing the Atlantic in 1910

c/ Girls can join in the Girl Guides Association
and Camp Fire Boys and Girls

d/ The three aims are building character, good
citizenship and personal fitness

4. Post – reading

Interview Member of BSA

1) When did scouting begin?
2) Where were the aims
established ?

3) Can a girl join the BSA ?
4) How many members does
the scouting Association
have now ?

5) It is the largest voluntary
youth organization in the
world ?

6) Are you happy to join the

In 1907 in England
They were

established in 1907.
They are ...

No. It’s mainly for

Over 25 million
Yes, of course


- learn by heart new words
- Write the summary of the BSA
- Do exercise 2,3,4 in workbook
- prepare: Lesson 5 Write

Preparing time: 20 / 11 / 11
Teaching time: 22 / 11/ 11
Period: 36

Unit 6:


Lesson 4: Write
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter about a future plan
using “be going to”

II.Language contents:

* <i>Vocabulary</i>: raise fund, a bank, natural resources
* Grammar: Gerund

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>


<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
T asks Ss the usage of “be going to”

(express a future plan)

T gets Ss to make the sentence
“ I’m going to + verb”. The verbs
have to begin with a letter from A to

Teacher gives marks

Teacher presents new words
Ss repeat and say the meaning

T presents the form of gerund
T asks Ss to read the notice
Ss read silently

One student reads aloud
T gives some questions

Get Ss work in pairs to answer

T asks Ss to complete the letter
Ss find suitable words to fill in the

Ss work in pairs
T gives the answers

Teacher sets the scene: “ Hoa talks
<i><b>to her aunt about the Y & Y Green </b></i>
<i><b>Group, about the activities that she </b></i>
<i><b>is going to do”</b></i>

Ask Ss to read the dial between Hoa
and her aunt

1. Warm up / mark

Revision of the structure “be going to”


T: I’m going to accept their invitation
S1: I’m going to buy a new bicycle
S2: I’m going to clean the house
S3: I’m going to dust the furniture
S4: I’m going to explain...
S5: I’m going to yell

(It’s difficult to find a verb beginning with
the letter Z)

2. Pre-writing

* <i>Pre-teach vocabulary</i>

(to) raise fund
bank (n)

natural resources (n)
(to) save

(to) earn

* <i>Gerund</i> : V- ing

You can participate in other programs such
as raising for the poor, helping street

a) What do members of the Y & Y have to

do in the recycling program ?

b) What is the purpose of the recycling
program ?

c) What other programs can members of the
Y & Y participate in ?


(1) community (6) save
(2) recycling (7) raise

(3) collect (8) participating
(4) send (9) planting
(5)recycling (10) helping
3. While-writing

a. Why does Hoa look happy ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

Ask some questions to check their

T asks Ss to help Hoa to write a letter
to her parents

Get Ss work in groups of 4 or 5 to
write a letter on posters

T moves around the class and choose

four letters from 4 groups

Stick their letters on the board and

T reads a suggested letter

Ss write into their notebooks
T reads slowly twice

Ss compare their letters with a

c. What are they doing to earn money for
their school Y & Y ?

4. Post-writing

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to
join the Y & Y Green Group of my school
The Green Group is holding an enviroment
month plan. We are going to clean the banks
of the lakes on weekends. We are going to
plant trees and flowers in the school garden
and water them every afternoon after class.
We are planting young trees and plants to

sell to other schools

We hope that we can give more green color
to the city and earn some money for our
school Y & Y

The program is very interesting and useful,
isn’t it ?

I’ll tell you more about the group activities


5. Homework

- Write a letter to a friend

- Do exercises 5,6 in workbook
- Prepare: Consolidation

Preparing time: 23 / 11 / 11
Teaching time: 25 / 11/ 11
Period: 37


<b>I . Aim: </b>

This lesson helps students to review the grammar points they have learnt and

they’ll have a chance to do more and more exercises

<i><b>II. Language contents:</b></i>

* Grammar: 1. used to 2. prepositions of time

3. reported speech 4. present simple with future meaning
5. gerunds

* Vocabulary: from unit 4_6
<b>III. Techniques: chain game</b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: sub-board, cards</b>
V. Procedures:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

T holds class to play “chain

T calls 6 students

T can give marks if Ss practice

T asks Ss to repeat the structures
Ask Ss to give examples

T asks Ss to give the correct
form of used to and the other
into the past simple

Ss retell some prepositions
Then they do an exercise

T corrects and gives marks

T asks Ss to complete the
second sentence so that it has
the same meaning as the first

Ss practice

T corrects and gives opinions

T reviews the present simple
with future meaning

T explains the difference
between present simple and
present continuous

Put the verbs into the present

<b>1. Warm up: Chain game</b>
S1: I used to get up late

S2: He used to get up late and I used to stay up

S3: He used to get up late, she used to stay up
late and I used to go to school early

<b>2. Language focus:</b>
<i><b> S + used to + V(inf)</b></i>
-> habit in the past

Ex: He used to smoke last year

1) I (smoke) but I (give it up) last year
2) He (live) in London before he (go) abroad
3) I (earn) a lot of money, but then I (lose) my job
4) (You travel) a lot before you (get) this job ?

<i><b> Prepositions of time</b></i>

<i><b>Fill in each blank with a suitable word</b></i>
1) I usually go swimming...Tuesday
2) We left school 20 years...(ago)
3) I couldn’t sleep...night

4) We move here...20th<sub> October</sub>

5)The children get too many presents ...Christmas
Reported Speech

<b>S + tell / ask + O + to-inf</b>

a) “Could you buy me an English book, Ha?”
Nam asked Ha...

b) “Please turn off the radio” - >Phuong told Tuan .

c) “Don’t talk during the test, Nam”, his teacher
said - > Nam’s teacher told him...
d) “You should improve your English, Phong”
-> The teacher said...
<i><b> Present simple with future meaning</b></i>

-> Talking about timetable, usually a public one
such as a train timetable

Ex: The match starts at half past seven

Distinguish the pre simple from the pre continuous
a/ The present simple for a timetable

b/ The present continuous for arrangements to do in

Emma: (you/ do) anything tonight ?

Mary: Yes, (I/ go) to the station to meet my friend.
(He/ stay) here for the weekend. His train (get) in
at 8:15

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

continuous or the present simple
Ss work in pairs

T corrects

Are you doing are you

I am going am doing
He is staying finishes

Gets are going

T asks Ss to give some verbs
which can be used with Gerunds

After, Ss give the correct form
of the verbs

Mary: May be we’ll see you later. What (you/ do)
tonight ?

Emma: Oh, (I/ go) to the cinema with Vicky. The
film (finish) quite early, so we (go) to another place


<b>S + enjoy, love hate, stop + V-ing</b>
Gerund: can be used after:

To look forward to : trơng mong
To insist on : cố nài

Surprised at : ngạc nhiên

Interested in : thích thú
Busy with : bận roän

1) Nam thinks of (watch) football match on TV
2) Before (do) homework, I have breakfast

3) They hope (help) the elderly people and street

4) They raise funds by (collect) used paper and
broken glasses

<b>3. Homework</b>

- Review the structure
- Prepare for test 45’
Preparing time: 24/ 11/ 11

Teaching time: 26/ 11/ 11
Period: 38

The test


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check all knowledge they have learnt in
unit 4,5,6.

<b>B. The test </b>

<i><b>Ma trận </b></i>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>

TN <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b>

<b>Phonetics</b> <b>2</b>

<b> 0,5</b>


<b> 0,5</b>
<b>Language focus </b> <b>10</b>

<b> 2,5</b>


<b> 2,5</b>

<b>Reading</b> <b>6</b>

<b> 3,0</b>


<b> 3,0</b>

<b>Writing</b> <b>12</b>

<b> 4,0</b>

<b> 4,0</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b> 3,0</b> <b> 3,0</b> <b> 4,0 10,0</b>
<i><b>ĐỀ 01</b></i>

<i><b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part is pronounced differently from the </b></i>
<i><b>others.( 0,5m)</b></i>

1. A. stopped B. opened C. appeared D. owned

2. A. rag B. graze C. character D. match

II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences( 2,5m )
1. I lived in this house ………….. 1990.

A. at B. on C. in D. between

2. My father used to ……… us to the zoo when he was alive.

A. took B. taking C. takes D. take

3. They got married and lived ……….

A. happy B. happyly C. happily D. more happy
4. She asked her children ……… in the garden.

A. play B. played C. to play D. playing

5. Last summer, we had an ………. summer holiday.

A. enjoyable B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoy
6. They enjoy ……… jokes

A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. told

7. His parents always proud ………….. him

A. about B. of C. on D. with

8. We ……… our reports two weeks ago.

A. receive B. receiving C. received D. to receive
9. Could you help me?

A. Yes. What can I do for you? B. Yes. That’s very kind of you.
C. No. Thank you. I’m fine. D. No. Thank you.

10. Ba said he ………..more time on Math and English.

A. shall spend B. should spend C. will spend D. would spend
<i><b>III. Read the paragraph to answer the questions below (3,0 m):</b></i>

In the first year of lower secondary school. Nga had some difficulties in learning
English. Her pronunciation of English words was really bad and her English grammar
was worse. She did not know how to improve them.

One afternoon after the lesson, her teacher of English told her to wait for her
outside the classroom. She took her to the school library and showed her how to
improve her pronunciation with a cassette. She also told her how to use an
English-English dictionary to improve her English-English grammar. Now her English-English is better and she
has just won a prize in the English Speaking contest.

1. What difficulties did Nga have in the first year of lower secondary school?

2. Did she know how to improve her English?

3.Was her pronunciation of English words really bad?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

5. How did she help her to improve her English grammar?

6. How is her English now?

<i><b>IV. Rewrite the sentences as directed( 2,5m ) </b></i>

1. John often went to school late last year

-> John used ………...
2. " Please turn off the television, Quy." His mother said

-> Quy's mother told ………...
3. We like to walk in the rain in the Summer.

-> We enjoy ………...
4. “ You should go to class on time” Our teacher said

- > Our teacher said ……...
5. “ Don’t stay up too late” My sister asked

<b>- > My sister asked ………...</b>
<i><b>V. Use the cues to write a letter to your friend.( 1,5 m )</b></i>


I/ glad/ tell/ you/ I/ going/ join/ Y&Y Green Group.

We/ having/ environment month.

We/ going/ clean/ streets/ weekends.

We/ also/ planting/ young trees.

I/ hope/ we/ give / more green color/ city.


…………(your name)

<i><b>ĐỀ 02</b></i>

<i><b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the </b></i>
<i><b>others.( 0,5m)</b></i>

1. A. graze B. rag C. escape D. safe

2. A. excited B. needed C. played D. wanted
<i><b>II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences( 2,5m )</b></i>
1. My brother moves here ………..January.

A. at B. in C. on D. between

2. I used to ……… to the zoo when I was young.

A. went B. going C. go D. goes

3. They ……… their reports two weeks ago.

A. receive B. receiving C. received D. to receive
4. Last summer, we had an ………. summer holiday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

5. We enjoy ……… TV.

A. watched B. watch C. to watch D. watching
6. Her parents always proud ………….. her

A. of B. about C. on D. with

7. They got married and lived ……….

A. happy B. happyly C. happily D. more happy
8. She asked her children ……… in the garden.

A. play B. played C. to play D. playing
9. Could you help me?

A. No. Thank you B. Yes. That’s very kind of you.
C. No. Thank you. I’m fine. D. Yes. What can I do for you?
10. Ba said he ………..more time on Math and English.

A. shall spend B. should spend C. will spend D. would spend
<i><b>III. Read the paragraph to answer the questions below (3,0 m):</b></i>

In the first year of lower secondary school. Nam had some difficulties in learning
English. His pronunciation of English words was really bad and his English grammar
was worse. He did not know how to improve them .

One afternoon after the lesson, his teacher of English told him to wait for her
outside the classroom. She took him to the school library and showed him how to
improve his pronunciation with a cassette. She also told him how to use an
English-English dictionary to improve his English-English grammar. Now his English-English is better and he
has just won a prize in the English Speaking contest.

1. What difficulties did Nam have in the first year of lower secondary school?

2. Was his pronunciation of English words really bad?

3. Did he know how to improve his English?

4. Who helped him improve his English?

5. How did she help him to improve his pronunciation?

7. How is his English now?

<i><b>IV. Rewrite the sentences as directed( 2,5m ) </b></i>

1. Marry usually stayed up late last year

-> Marry used ………...
2. “ Please shut the windows” The old man asked

-> The old man asked ………...
3. He likes to walk in the rain in the Summer

-> He enjoys ………...
4. “ You should learn new words by heart” Our teacher said

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

<b>- > My sister asked ………...</b>
<i><b>V. Use the cues to write a letter to your friend.( 1,5 m )</b></i>


I/ happy/ tell/ you/ I/ going/ join/ Y&Y Green Group.

We/ having/ environment month.

We/ going/ clean/ streets/ weekends.

We/ also/ planting/ trees / flowers / in / school garden.

I/ hope/ we/ give / more green color/ city.


…………(your name)

<b>ĐỀ 01</b>

<i><b>I. ( 0,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. A 2. B

<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B

<i><b>III. ( 3,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. Nga had some difficulties in learning English.
2. No, she didn’t

3. Yes, it was

4. Her teacher of English helped her improve her English

5. She told her how to use an English-English dictionary to improve her English

6. Now her English is better
<i><b>IV. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>
1. John used to go to school last year.

2. Quy’ mother told him to turn off the television.
3. We enjoy walking in the rain in the Summer.
4. Our teacher said we should go to class on time.
5. My sister asked me not to stay up too late.
<i><b>V. (1,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>


I am glad to tell you that I am going to join the Y&Y Green Group.
We are having an environment month.

We are going to clean the streets on weekends.
We are also planting young trees.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

…………(your name)
<b>ĐỀ 02</b>

<i><b>I. ( 1,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. A 2. C

<i><b>II. ( 2,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B
<i><b>III. ( 3,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. Nam had some difficulties in learning English.
2. No, he didn’t

3. Yes, it was

4. His teacher of English helped his improve his English

5. She took him to the school library and show him how to improve his pronunciation
with a cassette.

6. Now her English is better
<i><b>IV. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. Marry used to stay up late last year.

2. The old man asked me to shut the windows.
3. We enjoy walking in the rain in the Summer.

4. Our teacher said we should learn new words by heart.
5. My sister asked me not to look out of the window.
<i><b>V. (1,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>


I am happy to tell you that I am going to join the Y&Y Green Group.
We are having an environment month.

We are going to clean the streets on weekends.

We are also planting trees and flowers in the school garden.
I hope we can give more green color to the city.


…………(your name
<b>D. Homework</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

Preparing time: 27/ 11/ 11
Teaching time: 29/ 11/ 11
Period: 39

Chữa bài kiểm tra

A. Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check their mistakes, review the
knowledge they’ve learnt.

<b>B. Procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up: Chatting</b>
<b> </b>

<b> II. New lesson:</b>
1. Give Ss their tests

- Check their mistakes. ( note: knowledge, grammar, vocabulary…)
- Explain how to do the test well.

2. Give the answer

<b>ĐỀ 01</b>

<i><b>I. ( 0,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. A 2. B

<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
<i><b>III. ( 3,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. Nga had some difficulties in learning English.
2. No, she didn’t

3. Yes, it was

4. Her teacher of English helped her improve her English

5. She told her how to use an English-English dictionary to improve her English

6. Now her English is better
<i><b>IV. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>
1. John used to go to school last year.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

4. Our teacher said we should go to class on time.
5. My sister asked me not to stay up too late.
<i><b>V. (1,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>


I am glad to tell you that I am going to join the Y&Y Green Group.
We are having an environment month.

We are going to clean the streets on weekends.
We are also planting young trees.

I hope we can give more green color to the city.

…………(your name)
<b>ĐỀ 02</b>

<i><b>I. ( 1,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. A 2. C

<i><b>II. ( 2,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B
<i><b>III. ( 3,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. Nam had some difficulties in learning English.
2. No, he didn’t

3. Yes, it was

4. His teacher of English helped his improve his English

5. She took him to the school library and show him how to improve his pronunciation
with a cassette.

6. Now her English is better
<i><b>IV. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. Marry used to stay up late last year.

2. The old man asked me to shut the windows.
3. We enjoy walking in the rain in the Summer.

4. Our teacher said we should learn new words by heart.
5. My sister asked me not to look out of the window.
<i><b>V. (1,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>


I am happy to tell you that I am going to join the Y&Y Green Group.
We are having an environment month.

We are going to clean the streets on weekends.

We are also planting trees and flowers in the school garden.
I hope we can give more green color to the city.


…………(your name)
<b>3. Statistics :</b>

Lớp 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

82: 35

<b>D. Homework: Ask Ss to do the test again and prepare the next lesson.</b>
<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>

Preparing time: 27 / 11 / 10

Teaching time: 29 / 11/ 10
Period: 40

Unit 7:


Lesson 1: Getting started + listen and read

<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Na’s new

II. Language contents:

<i><b>Vocabulary: close by (adv), serve (v), pancake (n), tasty (a)</b></i>
<i><b>Grammar</b>:</i> Present Perfect tense

III. Techniques: What and Where, Role - play
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette

V. Procedures:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
T asks Ss to match the names of places

with the suitables pictures
Ss practice individually

T can ask for their meanings to make
sure Ss know exactly what they mean
T gives Ss marks

T presents new words
Ss repeat and say meaning
Then Ss copy

Ss join the game “ What and Where” to

check the vocabulary

T presents the model sentence of present
perfect tense

Ask Ss to give the form and how to use

1. Warm up

a. grocery store
c. wet market
d. drugstore
e. hairdresser’s
f. swimming pool
2. Presentation
<i><b>New words </b></i>

Close-by (adv): ( at the short distance)
Serve (v) ( give somebody food or drink )
Pancake (n)

Tasty (a)=delicious ( What means the same
as “delicous” ? )

**What and Where
Model sentence

We’ve been here since last week

We’ve lived here for about 10 years
<i><b>Concept check:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

T sets the scene: Nam and Na are

<i><b>talking about the place where they live. </b></i>
<i><b>But Na is new there</b></i>

Before listening, T gives two questions

Ask Ss to listen and read the dial at the
same time

T asks Ss to answer the questions given
Then they work in pairs and complete the

T goes around the class and helps them
T gives students some answers and asks
them to make questions, Ss works in

T asks some Ss to ask and answer the

T can correct their pronunciation

T gives the situation “ Na is a newcomer
<i><b>in Hue . She wants to know more </b></i>

<i><b>information about this city . Now act as </b></i>
<i><b>Na and Nam .Ask and answer about </b></i>
<i><b>Hue , using pictures and words from</b></i>
<i><b> “ getting started” </b></i>

<b>3. Pracice </b>

<i>Guiding questions</i> :

+ How long has Nam lived in that
neighborhood ? (for 10 years)
+ Where does Na want to go ?
(a restaurant)

a) new

b) last week e) Hue
c) tired f) pancakes
d) restaurant

4. Post

a. Nam has lived here for 10 years
b. Yes. My mother is too tired to cook
c. The restaurant serves Hue food
d. Hue food is very good


a/ How long has Nam lived here ?
b/ Is Na’s mother tired ?

c/ What kind of food does the restaurant
serve ?

d/ What is the food like ?
Role – play

T : Hi ! My name is Na . I’m new here
S : Hello ! Nice to meet you , Na , I’m Nam
T : Is there a wet market near here ?

S : Yes , there is one on Au Co street
5. Homework

- Learn by heart new words

- Write a short paragraph about their

- Do exercise 4 on page 45 in workbook
- Prepare : Lesson 2 Speak

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

Preparing time: 30 / 11 / 11
Teaching time: 2 / 12/ 11

Period: 41

Unit 7:


Lesson 2: Speak + Language focus 5
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about how to send parcels or letters and
know about what Na is going to do on the weekend by listening

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary: parcel (n), airmail (n), surface mail (n), charge (n)
2. Grammar: none

III. Techniques: Rub out and Remember, realia
IV. Teaching aids: sub-board, textbook

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
T shows a letter and asks Ss some


Ss listen and answer
T remarks and corrects

T presents new words
Ss say meaning and copy

Ss join the game in order to
remember the vocabulary

T sets the scene: Mrs Kim wants to
<i><b>send a parcel to Qui Nhon so she </b></i>
<i><b>has to go to the post office</b></i>

Ss listen

T asks Ss some questions

T asks Ss to read the dialogue and
find out the answers

T calls on Ss to play the role of Mrs
Kim and practice the dialogue with
teacher (clerk) then asks Ss to
practice the dial with a partner
Ss work in pairs

T asks Ss to read the information in
the box

1. Warm up

What is this ? (a letter)

Where can I post it to my friend ?
How can I post it ? (stick stamp on it)
How much ? (800 VN dong)

Is it more expensive when I post a parcel?
Have you ever sent a letter or a parcel?
2. Pre-speaking

<b>New words:</b>

Air-mail (letter or parcel sent by air)

Surface mail (letter or parcel sent by bus, ship)
Parcel (n) (realia)

Charge (n)

**Rub out and remember

a. Does Mrs Kim send the parcel airmail or
surface mail ? Why ?

b. What’s the weight of her parcel ?
c. How much does she pay ?

3. While- speaking

<i>Expected dialogue</i>:

T: I’d like to send a letter to Kontum

S: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail?
T: Surface mail, please

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

T makes the dialogue with a good
student first

T presents some words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

T asks Ss to look at 4

advertisements of “What’s on this
week ?” and get Ss to guess what is
in the blanks 2-3-4

Ss work in groups

Teacher sets the scene: “ Na is new
<i><b>in the neighborhood. She is talking</b></i>
<i><b>to Nam about what she’s going to </b></i>
<i><b>do on the weekend”</b></i>

T asks Ss to listen to the tape and
fill in the blanks in each


Ask Ss to read the statements in the
exercises 2 page 66 and guess which
is true, which is false and which has
no information

Ss work in pairs

T calls Ss to give the key

T asks Ss some questions to check
their understanding of the


T can let Ss listen again if necessary
T gives marks if they answer well

S: 800 dong
T: Here you are
S: Thank you
<b>Pre-listening </b>

New words

Millenlium Cinema: Start Movies Channel
sound exciting newcomer (n)

Town Ground Culture House
<i><b>Brainstorming and guessing</b></i>

1. <i>Movies</i> - The newcomer
2. <i>Place</i> - stadium

- school ground

- City / Town Ground
3. <i>Activity</i> - drama / play

- English speak club / contest
- Dancing

- Picture Exhibition
- Music

4. <i>Place</i> - Gallery:

- Culture house:
- school

- City Hall
<i><b>While- listening </b></i>

* <i>Listening 1</i>

<i>Key</i> a. The newcomer
b. Town Ground

c. English Speaking Contest
d. Culture House

* <i>Listening 2</i>

<b>Post Comprehension questions</b>
a/ Does Na like movies ? (Yes)

b/ Why won’t she go to see the film “The
newcomer” ? (Because she has seen it before)
c/ Why won’t Na go to the photo exhibition ?
(Because it doesn’t open during the weekend)
d/ Who will Na go to the soccer match with ?
(Nam, Na and Minh)

e/ What time does the match start ? (At 4 p.m)
5. Homework

- Learn the words

- Write a short passage about what Na is going...
to do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

Teaching time: 6 / 12/ 11
Period: 43

Unit 7:


Lesson 3: Read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the passage about a
new shopping Mall.

II. Language contents:

<i>Grammar</i>: Present perfect with for and since.

<i>Vocabulary</i>: roof, convenient, selection, available, small, resident,be concerned about
III. Techniques: Guessing, what and where, Brainstorming

IV. Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board
V. Procedures:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents
T gives the definitions and gets

Ss to find out the words as quickly
as possible

Give Ss good marks if they have
correct answers.

T presents new words by using
different ways

 Simple English
 Picture

 Synonym

Students join the game “What &

T sets the scene: In Nam’s
<i><b>neighborhood, there is a new </b></i>
<i><b>shopping mall</b></i>

Ask students to think about the
convenience of the mall

Ss practice in groups

1. Warm up. Guessing the words (Revision)
1/ A place where you can buy something


2/ A place where you can buy vegetables and
fruit (Grocery store)

3/ A place where you can buy books (bookstore)
4/ A place where you can come to eat


5/ A place where you can come to see the
movies (Movies Theater)

6/ A person who comes to the stores and buy
something (customer)

2. Pre-reading
<i><b>New words </b></i>
Roof (n)

Convenient (a)

Selection (n)
Available (a)

Mall (n): many stores, restaurants even movies
theaters are under one roof

Resident (n) people to live in the area

Shop in comfort

Customers don’t care of the weather
+ <i>Possible answers</i>:

- wide selection of goods

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

T asks Ss to read the text silently
and compare their ideas or get more

Give feedback

Then have Ss look at the statements
in exercise 1 page 68

Get them to read the text again and
decide which are true, which are false
Ss practice in pairs

Ss correct false statements

After that Ss work in pairs to answer
the questions in exercise 2 page 68
T corrects

Teacher gives a situation and asks Ss
to discuss it

<i><b>“ Do you want to have a new mall in</b></i>
<i><b>your neighborhood ? If there is one,</b></i>
<i><b>what will happen to the residents ?”</b></i>
T can make the model with a good

Students work in pairs.

- lower prices

- buy many things at the same time
- have fun or relax while shopping
3. While- reading

<b>Keys </b>

a. F b. F c. F d. T e.T
a/ The mall is open daily

b/ There are 50 stores in the mall

c/ Not everyone is pleased about the new mall

<i><b>Answers: </b></i>

a) It is different from the present shopping area.
All the shops are under one roof. So customers
will shop in comfort and won’t notice the
weather, especially during the hot and humid
summer months.

b) There are 50 air-conditioned especially stores,
4 movie theaters and 10 reataurants .There is also
a children’s play area

c) They think the mall will take their business
d) The stores in the mall will offer a wider
selection of products, some goods are at lower

4. Post-reading

T:Have you ever been to the new shopping mall?
S: No, I haven’t

T: I’ve been there twice

S: What are the prices in the shopping mall ?
T: Oh, the prices are cheaper than at the small
store near by

S: Oh, that’s good. I’ll go shopping there next

5. Homework

- Learn the new words, the grammar
- Do ex. in workbook 1,2 on page 44
- Prepare: Write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

Unit 7:


Lesson 5: Write

<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students wil be able to write a notice and to use some
adjectives to make comparisions

II. Language contents:

1<i>. Grammar</i>: Comparision with like, (not) as...as
not the same as, different from
2. <i>Vocabulary</i>: effect (n), contact, hardware store
III. Techniques: Pelmanism, group work

IV. Teching aids: cards, sub-board
V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T presents new words
Ss repeat and say meaning

T sets the scene: “The residents and store

<i><b>owners on Tran Phu street are going to </b></i>
<i><b>hold a meeting to discuss the effects of </b></i>
<i><b>the new mall”</b></i>

T asks Ss to read the notice
One student reads aloud
T gives some questions

Get Ss work in pairs to answer

Let Ss know the way to write a notice not
write full sentences

Ask Ss to read passage 2 / p68
Then answer some questions

Get Ss to write the notice
Ss work in pairs

* Write

1) Pre-writing


Effect (n): sự ảnh hưởng
To contact sb: liên lạc với ai

Hardware store: cửa hàng bán đồ ngũ kim
a/ Why are the residents and store owners

on Tran Phu street going to hold a meeting?
b/ When will they hold a meeting? What

c/ Where will they hold the meeting?

a. To discuss the effects of the new mall
b. They will hold the meeting on May 20 at

c. They will hold the meeting at 12 Hang
Dao street, Binh’s hardware store

a) What is the English speaking club going
to hold? (a speaking contest)

b) Where and When will it be held?
(At hall 204 on November 15th<sub>)</sub>

c) What time? (From 7.30 p.m to10.00 pm)
d) Who is the person to contact?)

(Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H)
2) While

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

T corrects and gives the answers

Ask Ss to write a notice about their class
meeting or their Sports Club meeting

The school English Speaking club
Holding a speaking contest to celebrate
Teacher’s day

Date: November 15

Time: 7.30 p.m to 10.00 p.m
Place: Hall 204, Building G

Please contact Ms Tran Thi Thu Hang of
class 8H at the above address for more

3) Post

4. Homework
- Learn the words

- Do exercises in workbook
- prepare: Correct the test

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 8/ 12 / 11
Teaching time: 10/ 12/ 11

Period: 45

Unit 7:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

By the end of this lesson, all the students will be able to use Present Perfect Tense
<b>II/ Language contents</b>

Grammar – Present Perfect Tense

<b>III/ Teaching skills</b>

Listening, speaking, reading and writing
<b>IV/ Teaching aids</b>

Lesson plan, textbook, board, chalk, overhead projector, pictures
<b>V/ Method</b>

Communicative approach
<b>VI/ Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
Show a sheet of film of infinitives and

past participles on the screen.
Divide the class into four groups.

Get students from four teams to go to the
board and write each pair of infinitives –
past participles.


Go – gone

Get students to repeat in chorus and
remember the past participles of the

<b>1.</b> Match each verb to its past participles.
(page 69)

Students do this quickly.

<b>2.</b> Complete the expressions. Use for
and since

Do the exercise in pairs.

<b>for five minutes</b>
<b>since January</b>
<b>since 1990</b>

<b>since the summer</b>
<b>for three hours</b>
<b>for ten weeks</b>
<b>since Friday </b>
<b>for twenty years</b>

<b>3.</b> Complete the sentences. Use the
present perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. Work in pairs.






be – been

see – seen
write – wrote
do – done
eat – eaten
work – worked
collect – collected
For a period of time
for 5 years

2000 2005
Examples: for 5 years, for 3 hours …
Since a point of time

since 2000

2000 2005
Examples: since 2000, since last week


<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

<b>4.</b> Complete the conversation. Use the
correct forms of the verbs in the box.
Do these exercises in pairs.

Teacher corrects any mistakes if

b) have not eaten
c) have not seen

d) have attended
e) has worked
f) has collected

1) have lived 2) hope
3) have – been 3) is
4) want 4) looks
5) have – been 5) have seen

Do the exercises into notebooks.
Prepare Unit 8.

<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>


Preparing time: 9/ 12 / 10
Teaching time: 11/ 12/ 10
Period: 44

Unit 8:


Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary: relative, peaceful, permanently, remote
accessible, medical facilities, mention
2. Grammar: present progressive

III. Techniques: What and Where, brainstorming, chatting
IV.Teaching aids: pictures, cassette

V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
T talks to Ss about life in the city life and

life in the country by asking some

Ss answer

T can give marks

Teacher presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning
Ss copy

Ss copy

Ss play the game “What and Where”
Get Ss talk about city life and country
life. The words in the box of getting

started may help them

Ss listen to the dialogue between Na and
Hoa (twice)

Then Ss practice in pairs

Give feedback ang get more information
Compare their ideas

Students work in pairs to answer the

1) Warm up Chatting
a/ Where do you live ?

b/ Do you want to live in the city ? Why ?
c/ Do you want to live in the country ?
Why ?

2) Presentation

Relative (n) ( uncles, aunts, cousins... )

relative (a)

peaceful (a) ( quiet and calm)
peace (n)

permanently (adv)= forever: vĩnh viễn
remote: far away land

accessible (a)

medical facilities (n)
mention (v)

What and Where
3) Practice



* Possible answers

Tall buildings

Plenty kinds of good
Polluted air

Traffic jam

Beautiful views

Fresh food
Fresh air

* Answer
city life

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

questions in Exercise on page 73

T asks Ss the questions

T asks 4 pioneers from the groups to
show their ideas before class

a/ Na has been to Kim Lien village
b/ She was there for the weekend

c/ To her, the countryside is peaceful and
quiet and there is nothing to do

d/ There is no libraries, no movies, no
supermarkets, no zoos...

e/ Country life is becoming better. Many
remote areas are getting electricity. People
can now have things like refrigerators and
TV, medical facilities are more accessible
4) Consolidation

Do you prefer the city or the country ?
Like ? Why ?

5/ Homework

- Write a short passage about why they
prefer the citylife or countrylife

- Prepare: Speak + Listen + focus 3
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 12/ 12 / 10
Teaching time: 14/ 12/ 10
Period: 45

Unit 8:


Lesson 2: Speak + Listen + focus 3
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice speaking about the
changes of a place and complete the dialogue by listening.

II. Language contents:
1.Vocabulary: none

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

IV. Teaching aids: Textbooks, pictures , cards
V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Divide the class into 2 teams

Ask Ss to go to the board and circle the
word they find

The team which circles more words will
win the game

Setting the scene
T explains

Ask Ss to make a sentence about her

T explains the form-use of the present
progressive tense

T prepares six cards of cues

Model first two cues the whole class
repeat chorally, then some Ss read out

Give a new cue, a new student repeat, go
on until most of the Ss in class can

remember the structure

Ss look at two pictures on page 73 and
talk to their partners about the changes of
the town. The words in the box under the
pictures may help Ss write the word
prompts on the board so that Ss can
speak easily pairwork or groupwork

1. Warm up










 Modern, dirty  tall

 Busy <sub></sub> expensive

 Noisy <sub></sub> beautiful

2. Pre-speaking

“ Hoa’s grandmother is 78”

“Five years ago, she was 73 and she was
stronger than she is now”

“Hoa’s grandmother is getting weaker”
<b>Form: am/ is/ are + V-ing</b>

<b>Use: used to describe changes with “get” </b>
and “become”

* Drill (focus 3)
a/ The boys/ get/ tall

b/ The old man/ become/ weak
c/ It/ become/ dark

d/ The weather/ get/ cold
e/ Students/ get/ better

f/ The school yard/ become/ cleaner
3. While-speaking

* Speaking 1

eg: traffic busy
sky cloudy
houses high
city beautiful
trees green (trees)
* Possible answers

Traffic is getting busier

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

Ask Ss to work in groups and talk about
changes in their hometown/


Call on volunteers from each group to
show their ideas before the class
Other groups can add in their ideas
Set the scene

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and complete
the dialogue on page 74

Ss listen twice and find out the missing
words individually

Ss share their answers with their partners

There are more green trees

The streets are becoming cleaner / larger
Goods are getting more expensive

4. Post-speaking
* <i>Speak 2</i>

<b>5. Listening </b>

“Aunt Hang is talking to Lan on the phone.
She is coming to visit Lan in Hanoi”

* <i>Tape transcript:</i>

1. that 8. arriving
2. this 9. Thursday
3. It’s 10. late
4. where 11. afternoon
5. from 12. speak
6. coming 13. my
7. week 14. get her
5. Homework

- Describe changes in their school
- Prepare: Read

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 14/ 12 / 10

Teaching time: 16/ 12/ 10
Period: 46

Unit 8:


Lesson 3: Read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text about one of the
social problems

II. Language contents

1. <i>Vocabulary</i>: rural (a) urban (a) strain (n) typhoon (n)
drought (n) struggle (n) migrant (n) increase (n)
2. <i>Grammar:</i> Present progressive tense

III. Techniques: jumbled words, brainstorming, rub out and remember
IV. Teaching aids: sub-board, cards

V. Procedures:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

T writes the words with disordered letters
on the board or use the poster

Divide the class into 2 teams

Ask Ss from each term to go to the board
and write the correct words

The team which is faster with more
correct words win the game

T presents new words
Ss repeat and say meaning
Ss copy

Checking vocabulary

Ask Ss to think of the difficulties of
farmers’ life

Whole class

Get Ss work in group to guess

Let Ss read the text silently and answer
the questions

Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete
summary 1 on page 75, using the
information from the passage

Ss can read the complete passage twice

1. Warm up Jumbled words
- Fulentipl  plentiful

- taneru  nature
- Loofd  flood
- roestdy  destroy
- laputipoon  population
2. Pre-reading

* <i>Pre-teach</i>

- rural (a): sth deals with the countryside
- urban (a) thuôc thành phố

- strain (a) : sức ép

- typhoon (n) trận bão lớn
- drought (n): nạn hạn hán
- struggle (v): đấu tranh
- migrant (n) dân di cư

- increase (v) tăng lên, tăng thêm
* What and Where

* Brainstorming

floods typhoons

get little money
Possible answers
- drought

- the weather

- hard work
- no vacations
3. While- reading

“ What do many farmers do to solve their
<i><b>problem ?”</b></i>

 They move to the city so that they can
get well-paying jobs


(1) leaving (7) school
(2) home (8) hospitals

(3) ciyt (9) problem

(4) rural (10) world

(5) city
(6) problems


a. rural e. tragedy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>


Ss do exercise 2 on page 75, let them read
the text again and work with their partners

T gives a situation, Ss work in groups and

b. plentiful f. urban
c. increase

d. strain

4. Post-reading

<i><b>“ If you were a Minister, what would you</b></i>
<i><b>do for farmers ?”</b></i>

 build streets, theaters, stadium in the


 build schools, hospitals...

5. Homework

- Ask Ss to write 5 things that the
goverment should do for the rural areas
- Prepare: Write

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>



Preparing time: 14/ 12 / 10
Teaching time: 16/ 12/ 10
Period: 47

Unit 8:


Lesson 4: Write
<b>I . Aim: </b>

After finishing the lesson students will be able to write a notice for inviting
meeting or joining in club activities.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>Structures:</b> present and future tense
<b>Vocabulary</b> dicuss; effect; contact..
<b>III. Techniques :</b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids:</b> pictures of activities in class-text book.
<b>V. Procedures</b>

<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>-</b> Ask Ss some questions about new
mall at last period.

<b>1. Warm up: Chatting</b>

What do you remember about the shopping
mall we learned last period?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

<b>-</b> T set the scene “ The residents and
store owners on Tran Phu Street are
going to hold a meeting to discuss the
effect of the new mall”

<b>-</b> Explain some new words before
asking Sts to read the stories.

* Checking vocabulary : Matching

<b>-</b> Get Sts to read the notice and answer
some questions to check their


<b>-</b> Let Sts know the way to write a notice
not write full sentences.

<b>-</b> Ask Sts to read the passage 2 on page

- Get Ss to write individually then share
with their partners and correct mistake.
- Take some writings to correct in front of
the class.

- T ask them to swap their notice

compare with their partner’s and correct
if they can.

<b>-</b> Share the notice with partner.
<b>-</b> Write the model notice about their
class meeting of Sport Club meeting on
page 68.

What are they?
<b>2. Pre-writing: </b>

<i><b>New words :</b></i>

- resident (n) (translation)
- store owners (n) (translation)
- effect (v) (translation)
- hardware stores(n) (translation)

<b>a.</b> Why are the residents and store owners on
Tran Phu Street going to hold a meeting?
To discuss the effects of the new mall.
<b>b.</b> When will they hold a meeting? What

They will hold the meeting on May 20 at 8

<b>c.</b> Where will they hold the meeting?

They will hold the meeting at 12 Hang Dao
Street, Binh’s hardware store.

<b>3. While - Writing </b>
<b>* Suggested answer:</b>

<b>The School English Speaking Club</b>

Date: November 15

Time: 7.30 pm to 10.00 p.m.
Place: Hall 204, Building G

Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H
at the above address for more information.
<b>4. Post- Writing </b>

<b>Suggested answer:</b>
<b>Y & Y of 8A</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

Time: 6.30 am.

Place to starts : School Gate.

Please contact: the monitor Nguyen Tuan
Anh at 853962 for further information.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

<b>-</b> Write a notice as model.

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 14/ 12 / 10
Teaching time: 16/ 12/ 10
Period: 48

Unit 8:


Lesson 5: Language focus 1,2,4,5
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use Present progressive and
comparative and superlative adjectives .

II. Teaching aids : Textbooks , chalks , boards …
III. Procedure :

<b>Teacher & Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- Call 2 volunteers from 2 teams to

do the matching

- Ask Ss to use the suitable verbs in
the Present Progressive Tense to
complete the exercise

- Get Ss to work in pairs

<b>1. Warm up : Matching </b>

A B Key

1. play
2. do
3. watch
4. go
5. clean
6. have
7. phone
8. speak

a. to Mom
b. table tennis
c. a program
d. a meeting

e. my aunt , Mrs Hang
f. the house

g. my homework

h. to violin lesson

<b>2. Practice </b>

<i><b>Ex 2 : </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogues before class and correct

Ask Ss to practice the dialogue as

- Give them the shipping

information and ask them to make
similar dialogues

- Remind Ss of the forms of
comparative and superlative

Have Ss work in pairs to make

comparisons between the city and
the country .

- Let each St read aloud one of the
sentences they have made .

- Give feedback

Ask Ss to read the advertisements
then ask them some questions to
check their understanding

+ what are advertised ?

(an apartment , a villa and a house)
+ How old are they ?

(The apartment is 2 years old , the
villa is 5 years old and the house is
new )

+ How much do we pay per

( 900,000 dongs for the apartment ,
6,6 million dongs for the house and
7,8 million dongs for the villa )

Look at the adverbs of time in the dialogue .
Are they at present or in the future ?

Present Progressive Tense is used to talk about
the future .

<i><b>Ex 1 :</b></i>

S1 : Is the boat to Qui Nhon leaving at 11. 30 ?
S2 : Is that good fortune ?

S1 : That is right

S2 : I am very sorry . It has been delayed .
S1 : Oh , no !

S2 : Now , it is leaving at 13 . 45

<i><b>Comparative and superlative adjectives </b></i>

 Comparative :

Short adj - er + than + object
<b> More long adj + than + object </b>

 Superlative :

<b> The + short adjective - est </b>
<b> The most + long adjective</b>
* Irregular adjectives

good/ well – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst
many – more – the most
little – less – the least
<i><b>Ex 4 : </b></i>

Ex : The air in the country is fresher than in the

<b>3. Further practice : </b>

old expensive big

expensive small hot

big beautiful old

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

- Game “ Nought and Crosses “ ,
using comparative and superlative

- The house is more expensive than the

<b>4. Homework : </b>

- Redo all the exercises and copy down
- Prepare the next lesson .

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 19/ 12 / 10
Teaching time: 21/ 12/ 10
Period: 49


<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review some important grammar
points and use them to do exercises

<b>II. Language Contents:</b>
<i><b> -Vovabulary : review </b></i>

<i><b> - Grammar</b><b> </b><b> : -(not) adjective + enough + to-infinitive</b></i>

- Modals: must, have to, ought to, may, can, could…………..
-Used to + infinitive (-to)


- comparison with like, (not) as…………..as,(not) the same as,
<i><b>different from</b></i>

<b>III.Techniques: Ask and answer, Pair works , Group works </b>
<b>IV.Teaching aids</b><i>:</i><b> Extra board </b>

<b>V. Procedures: </b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- play a game

- get Ss to review the structures with :
enough , modal verbs, used to ,

comparison with <i>like, (not) </i>

<i>as…………..as,(not) the same as, different</i>
<i>from .</i>

Ss review and give examples
- guide Ss to do exercise1 .
Ss work in pair to do

- present the answers in front of the class.

<i><b>I/. Write sentences , use the words given</b></i>
<i><b> and the suggestion the brackets</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1. He / rich / buy / car ( enough )

2. She / going to / visit / aunt ( be going to )
3. Tom/ not / tall/ play / basketball

( enough )

4. They / going / meet / friends ?
( be going to )

5. Your hat / different / my hat .
( be different from )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

- get feedback and gives the correct
answers .

Ss review the way to use gerund .

- note the difference between infinitive
and gerund .

- guide Ss to do exercise 2.
Ss work in pair to do

- present the answers in front of the class.
- get feedback and gives the correct
answers .

( Make a suggestion )

7. your hat / different/ my / hat .
( be different from )

8. you / help / me ? ( asking for favor )
9. Nam / cook / dinner ? (why)

- Because / mother / visit / grandma

10. We / used / walk / school ( used to )
<i><b>II/ Infinitive or gerund</b></i>

1.Hoa wants (go) to Water Park this

2. Nam thinks of ( watch) a football match
on TV.

3. After (do) her homework, Lan often
listens to music.

4. I enjoy (play) chess in my free time .
5. They raise fund by ( collect) used

6. Does she hate (cook) dinner

7. Long asked me (practice) speaking
English with him.


<i><b>* Old lesson : do all exercises in your </b></i>
notebook and review their grammar
<b>* New lesson : review </b>

- Adverbs of manner
-Reflexive pronouns
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

Preparing time: 21/ 12 / 09
Teaching time: 23/ 12/ 09
Period: 50


<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review some important grammar
points and use them to do exercises

<b>II. Language Contents:</b>
<i><b> -Vovabulary : review </b></i>

<i><b> - Grammar</b><b> </b><b> : </b></i>

- commands, requests and advice in reported speech
- Adverbs of manner

<b>III.Techniques: Ask and answer, Pair works , Group works </b>
<b>IV.Teaching aids</b><i>:</i><b> Extra board </b>

<b>V. Procedures: </b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- play a game

- get Ss to review adverbs of manner
Ss : review and give examples

- guide Ss to do exercise1 .
Ss work in pair to do

-present the answers in front of the class .
- get feedback and gives the correct
answers .

- guide Ss to do exercise 2.

<b>Check up </b>
<b>Activity 1</b>

<i><b>I/. Choose the correct words in the</b></i>
<i><b> brackets</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1. She is a ( well / good ) student . She sings
very ( well / good )

2. They are ( happy / happily ) . They
live ( happy / happily )

3. That car runs ( quick / quickly ) . It is
a ( quick / quickly ) car .

4. There is ( a boy upstairs / upstairs a boy )
5. There aren’t any ( downstairs

students / students downstairs )
6. My father used to ( go / going )
to work by bike .

7. The teacher told her students you

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

Ss work in pair to do

<b>-</b> present the answers the board.

<b>-</b> get feedback and gives the correct
answers .

- ask Ss to read the given words and
review their meaning

- guide Ss to do exercise 3
Ss work in group to fill the

- go around and help weak students
Ss present their answers on the extra

- get feedback and corrects .

soccer .
<b>Activity 2</b>

<i><b>II/. Use the suggested words to write the </b></i>

<i><b>following sentences</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1. Daisy / receive / second semester report
/ last week

2. Ba / play / guitar / well

3. We / going to / take part / Y & Y Green

4. Her grandmother / used to / sing / well /
when / young

5. Teacher / tell / Tim / should / improve /
Spanish pronunciation

<b>Activity 3</b>

<i><b>III/ Fill in the blanks with given words</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

<i>sense of humor, message, enough, each </i>
<i>other, himself, dangerous, deaf-mute, </i>

1.Nga and I often help _____do our

2. It’s _____to leave medicine around the

3. He phoned you but you were out, so he
left a _______.

4. Nien is ___because she lives away from

5. My younger brother can tidy up his
room ____

6. A _______ can’t speak or hear.

7. Lan is old _____ to ride a motorbike .
8. His _____ always makes people laugh.

- do all exercises in your notebook and
review their grammar

<b>- review: Prepositions of time, </b>

Comparative and superlative adjectives,

<i><b> Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

Preparing time: 25/ 12 / 10
Teaching time: 27/ 12/ 10
Period: 51


<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review the tense they learnt from unit
1 to unit 8 , prepositions of time, comparative and superlative adjectives ,then use them
to do exercises

<b>II. Language Contents:</b>
<i><b> *Vocabulary </b>: </i>review

<i><b> * Grammar</b><b> </b><b> :-TENSE : the present simple tense</b></i>
The past simple tense
The future simple tense

The present perfect with for and since
The present progressive tense

- Prepositions of time

- Comparative and superlative adjectives
<b>III.Techniques: Ask and answer, Pair works , Group works </b>
<b>IV.Teaching aids</b><i>:</i><b> Extra board </b>

<b>V. Procedures: </b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- ask Ss to review the tenses
they learnt from unit 1

- note some thing if necessary

- ask Ss to do exercise 1
Ss work in pair

- present the answers in front of
the class .

T get feedback and corrects .
- give the correct answers

<i><b>I/. Use the correct form of the verbs in </b></i>
<i><b>the brackets</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1.Yesterday I ( go) to school . I ( meet )Mary .
She ( be) very happy .

2. __ the sun (rise )in the east ?
- Yes, And it ( set ) in the west
3. What __ you (do) ?

- I’m doing my homework

4. Where __ you ( go) tomorrow ?
- We ( visit ) our uncle .

5. I (live ) here since 2000 .

6. My sister ( not write ) that letter yet .

7. The shopping mall ( open )seven days a week .
8. I ( not like ) ( drink ) coffee every morning .

I like milk .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

- Ask Ss to review prepositions
of time and their use .

- get Ss to do exercise 2 .
Ss work in group

T goes around and help weak

- Ask Ss to give the answers
T gets feedback and correct
answers .

- Ask Ss to review comparative
and superlative adjectives

T notes the way to use adjectives .
- guide Ss to do exercise 3
-present the answers in front of
the class .

- get feedback and give the
correct answers

10.They (be) good friends for 5 years .
11.We (have) English on Tuesdays .

12. A soccer match ( start ) at 3pm this afternoon .

13.Daisy used to ( work) as a teacher .

14. Hurry ! The bus (come ) .
I (not want) to miss it .

<i><b>II/. Complete these sentences , use the</b></i>
<i><b> prepositions</b><b> : </b><b> </b></i>

<i>in, on, after, before, at, between, since, for</i>

1. He was born _____ Hai Phong ___ 1987.
2. I haven’t seen Mary for a few days.

I last saw her _______ Wednesday.

3. The price of electricity is going up ______

4. They have invited me to the party ______
14 February.

5. _______ Saturday night I went to bed
_______ 11 o’clock.

6. The course begins _______ 7 January
and ends ______ April.

7. The weather is very hot ______June
and August.

8. I goto school ______ 7 o’clock , or ______
about 6.45 because classes start _____ 7 am.
9. Now I am very busy but I will be with
you _______ I finish my work .

10. They have learned English _______
three months.

<i><b>III/. Complete the sentences , Use the </b></i>
<i><b>correct form of adjectives : </b></i>

1. My father is _________ me.( fat )
2. Milk is _______ water. ( expensive )
3. This hotel is ____in the town. ( cheap )
4. Mike is _______ Tim. ( healthy )

5. This is __farm I ‘ve ever visited. ( big )
6. Betty is ___ singer in the city. ( good )

7. Hoa is 14 . Mai is 14 . Mai is ___ Hoa. (old )
8. Tom can move the table but Peter

can’t . Peter is ________ Tom. ( strong )
9. The street is getting _______. ( wide )
10. Your book is ______ mine. ( same )
<b>Homework </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

- review all grammar and the exercises, prepare
for the first term test carefully

Preparing time: 26/ 12 / 10
Teaching time: 28/ 12/ 10
Period: 52


<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review the tense they learnt from unit
1 to unit 8 , prepositions of time, comparative and superlative adjectives ,then use them
to do exercises

<b>II. Language Contents:</b>
<i><b> *Vocabulary </b>: </i>review

<i><b> * Grammar</b><b> </b><b> :-TENSE : the present simple tense</b></i>
The past simple tense
The future simple tense

The present perfect with for and since
The present progressive tense

- Prepositions of time

- Comparative and superlative adjectives
<b>III.Techniques: Ask and answer, Pair works , Group works </b>
<b>IV.Teaching aids</b><i>:</i><b> Extra board </b>

<b>V. Procedures: </b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- ask Ss to review the tenses
they learnt from unit 1

- note some thing if necessary
- ask Ss to do exercise 1
Ss work in pair

- present the answers in front of
the class .

T get feedback and corrects .
- give the correct answers

<i><b>I/. Use the correct form of the verbs in </b></i>
<i><b>the brackets</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1.Yesterday I ( go) to school . I ( meet )Mary .
She ( be) very happy .

2. __ the sun (rise )in the east ?
- Yes, And it ( set ) in the west
3. What __ you (do) ?

- I’m doing my homework

4. Where __ you ( go) tomorrow ?
- We ( visit ) our uncle .

5. I (live ) here since 2000 .

6. My sister ( not write ) that letter yet .

7. The shopping mall ( open )seven days a week .
8. I ( not like ) ( drink ) coffee every morning .
I like milk .

9. __ your father ( love ) ( play ) badminton ?
10.They (be) good friends for 5 years .

11.We (have) English on Tuesdays .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

- Ask Ss to review prepositions
of time and their use .

- get Ss to do exercise 2 .
Ss work in group

T goes around and help weak

- Ask Ss to give the answers
T gets feedback and correct
answers .

- Ask Ss to review comparative
and superlative adjectives

T notes the way to use adjectives .
- guide Ss to do exercise 3

-present the answers in front of
the class .

- get feedback and give the
correct answers

13.Daisy used to ( work) as a teacher .
14. Hurry ! The bus (come ) .

I (not want) to miss it .

<i><b>II/. Complete these sentences , use the</b></i>
<i><b> prepositions</b><b> : </b><b> </b></i>

<i>in, on, after, before, at, between, since, for</i>

1. He was born _____ Hai Phong ___ 1987.
2. I haven’t seen Mary for a few days.

I last saw her _______ Wednesday.

3. The price of electricity is going up ______

4. They have invited me to the party ______
14 February.

5. _______ Saturday night I went to bed
_______ 11 o’clock.

6. The course begins _______ 7 January
and ends ______ April.

7. The weather is very hot ______June
and August.

8. I goto school ______ 7 o’clock , or ______
about 6.45 because classes start _____ 7 am.
9. Now I am very busy but I will be with
you _______ I finish my work .

10. They have learned English _______
three months.

<i><b>III/. Complete the sentences , Use the </b></i>
<i><b>correct form of adjectives : </b></i>

1. My father is _________ me.( fat )
2. Milk is _______ water. ( expensive )
3. This hotel is ____in the town. ( cheap )
4. Mike is _______ Tim. ( healthy )

5. This is __farm I ‘ve ever visited. ( big )
6. Betty is ___ singer in the city. ( good )

7. Hoa is 14 . Mai is 14 . Mai is ___ Hoa. (old )
8. Tom can move the table but Peter

can’t . Peter is ________ Tom. ( strong )
9. The street is getting _______. ( wide )

10. Your book is ______ mine. ( same )
<b>Homework </b>

- do all exercises in your notebook and review
their grammar

- review all grammar and the exercises, prepare
for the first term test carefully

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

Teaching time: 7 / 1/ 11
Period: 54

Unit 9:


Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen & Read
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss can know what they would do in the situations
which require first- aid

<b>II. Language contents: </b>

1. Vocabulary: ( n ) ambulance , emergency, bleeding,
(adj ) unconcious , concious , bleed ( v)
2. Grammar: Simple future

<b>III. Techniques : Slap the board, Kim's game</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette , gap fill chart</b>
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Tell Ss these things are often used for
first- aid

Divide the class into two groups

Ask Ss to write the names of the things
they've just seen from memory

( in English or Vietnamese)
T corrects

Ss discuss and write what they would do
in these situations ( in groups )

T corrects and gives marks

T presents new words
Ss repeat and say meaning
Ss copy

Ss play the games to check vocabulary
T hangs the chart with the paragraph on
the board

<b>1. Warm up: </b>

<i>Kim's game</i>

Answer key

1. emergency room 4. ice

2. sterile dressing 5. water pack
3. medicated oil 6. alcohol
+ Possible answer

+ A girl has a burn on her arm -> Use cold
water/ ice to ease the pain

+ A boy has a bad cut on his leg-> Use
alcohol/ medicated oil/ sterile dressing.
+ A girl has a nose bleed -> Use a
handkerchief to stop the bleeding/ tell her
to lie down

+ A boy has a bee sting -> Use medicated

<b>2. Presentation: </b>
<b> New words:</b>

- ambulance ( n ) ( picture )
- emergency ( n )

- unconcious # concious
- bleed ( v ) -> the bleeding
<i><b>+ Slap the board</b></i>

<i><b>Gap fill prediction </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

Ask Ss to complete in the gaps

Students listen to the tape

Then check the predictions are right or

Students practice the dialogue
Ask Ss to answer the questions

Students read the dialogue again and
select the topics covered in the dialogue
Work in groups

T corrects

Ss play the roles to demonstrate the

head on the road. She was ... but she
cut her head and the ... was ...
badly Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital
and asked the nurse to send an...
to Quang Trung School. Lan was asked to
keep the student ...while waiting for
the ambulance"

<b>3. Practice:</b>

Answer key

1. fell 4. bleeding
2. concious 5. ambulance
3. cut 6. awake

* Select the topics covered in the
<i><b>dialogue </b></i>

Answer key
a, b, c, e, f

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

- Do exercises in workbook
- Learn by heart new words

- Prepare next lesson L 2 speak + Focus




<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

Unit 9:


Lesson 2: Speak + Language focus 2,3,4
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss can make and respond to requests, offers, and

<b>II. Language contents: </b>
1. Vocabulary: none

2. Grammar: Offer, request, promise sentences and responses.
<b>III. Techniques : Net work, Matching</b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, posters</b>
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss to play net work.

Call one or two Ss to do this

T corrects and give mark

T asks Ss questions to elicit the

Ss repeat 2 or 3 times.

T emphasizes the underlined

T elecits Ss to make some more
phrases with the same use.

Ss copy and notice these phrases.


<b>1. Warm up: </b>

<b> + Net work have a bee sting</b>
have a cut

have a burn have a snake bite
<b>2. Pre- Speaking </b>

1. I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say?
2. I'd like you to come to my party. How can I say?
3. I tell my mother that I'll surely finish my work
before bedtime. How can I say?

<i><b>+ Model sentences</b></i>

1. Will you (please) get me a bandage?
2. Would you like to come to my party?

3. I promise I'll finish my homework before

<i><b>+ Structures</b></i>

<i><b>1. To make a request</b></i>

Will/ would/ could/ can + you (please) + bare

-> Sure/ OK/ All right

I'm sorry I can't / I'm afraid not.
<i><b>2. To make an offer</b></i>

Will / won't you

Shall I + bare infinitive
Can I

Would you like + to inf. ...?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

T asks Ss to look at the pictures
on page 82 and match the
situations with the statement.
Ss work in groups and answer
T corrects

T helps Ss identify the situations
in the pictures.

Ss practice in pairs.

T corrects and Ss write these
questions on the board.

Ss listen to the dialogue and
repeat if they think the sentence is
right and keep silent if the
sentence is wrong.

T corrects the answer.

Ss fill in the gaps with the right

T corrects the answer

T asks Ss to do L Focus 4 then
practice speaking with a partner.
T corrects

What can I do / get for you?
Can I get you ....?

-> Yes, please / That would be nice
No, thank you.

<i><b>3. To make a promise</b></i>
I promise I'll / I won't ...
I will .... I promise
I promise to ...

-> I hope so / Good / I'm glad / Don't forget
<b>3. While- Speaking:</b>

<i><b>+ Matching</b></i>

1. The girl has a burn on her hand.
2. The girl has a bad fever.

3. The boy has just broken the vase.
4. The boy has a headache.

5. The boy has a snake bite

Answer key: 1. a 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c
a-> request b-> offer / request

c-> offer / request d-> offer e-> promise
Ex: Could you give me one tablet?

OK, wait for me a minute
<b>4. Post: </b>

<i>L F 2 </i>Complete the dialogue, use the correct word
or short form


1. will 2. will 3. won't 4. shall 5. will 6. 'll
<i><b>LF3 Look at the pictures and complete the</b></i>

sentences. Use the words under each picture and

Ex: Are you hot, Grandma?

Yes, will you open the window, please, Nga?
<b>+ L F 4</b>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercises in workbook

- Learn by heart some phrases of offer, request,

- Prepare next period
Preparing time: 13 / 1 / 11

Teaching time: 15 / 1/ 11
Period: 56

Unit 9:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

Help students to know how to listen for details
<b>II. Language contents: </b>

1. <i>Vocabulary</i>: (n) paramedic, eye chart, wheel chair, stretcher, crutches
2. <i>Grammar</i>: Present continuous, past tense

<b>III. Techniques : What and where, prediction, Matching</b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: Pictures on page 82, cassette, a chart</b>
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss to look at the picture and write
out all the verbs describing the actions of
the people in it.

Ss work in groups.

T corrects and gives marks

T presents new words
Ss listen, copy

T explains the words by using simple

T has Ss repeat the words in chorus

T checks

T holds class to play the game what and

T asks Ss to look at the pictures in their
books again and match the letter A, B, C,
D, E, F to the correct words in the box.

Ss will listen to a paragraph about the
activities taking place in an emergency
room which contains the words on the

Ask Ss copy and guess first

<b>1. Warm up: </b>

<i>Guess from context</i>

- What actions?
<b>Answer key</b>

to drive/ wheel / move / push / weigh /
wait / lie / stand / lean

<b>2. Pre- Listening </b>
I. Pre- teach vocab.

- eye chart (n): bảng đo thị lực (picture)
-> eye sight

- paramedic: người phụ giúp về công việc
y tế (He takes care of patients but he isn't
a doctor nor a nurse.)

- wheelchair (n) ghế đẩy, xe đẩy (picture)
- (to) wheel: lăn, đẩy cho lăn( to push a

- stretcher (n) cái cáng (picture)
- crutch(es) (n) cái nạng (picture)
<b>+ What and where</b>

II. Matching
<b>Answer key</b>

A -> ambulance D -> eyechart
B -> wheelchair E -> scale
C -> crutches F -> stretcher
<b>3. While- listening: </b>

<i><b>1. Order prediction </b></i>

You guess You listen
ambulance ... 3

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

Play the tape and ask Ss to listen

Ask Ss to give their answers and correct
Ask Ss to read the statements carefully
and decide which of the statements is true
and which is false.

(Works in pairs).

Ss listen to the tape again (2 or 3 times).
Ss give answers and T corrects.

T asks Ss to write the story about the
activities in the picture, using the present

Then maybe using the past tense.

scale ... 5
stretcher ... 1
<i><b>2. True/ False Statements</b></i>

1. A doctor is wheeling a patient into the
emergency room.

2. The patient's head is bandaged.

3. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a
patient sitting on it.

4. The eye chart consists of 28 letters
ranging in the different size.

5. The baby's mother is trying to stop the
nurse from weighing her baby.

Answer key

<b>1. False (a paramedic not a doctor).</b>
<b>2. True</b>

<b>3. False (empty wheelchair not with a </b>


<b>4. True</b>

<b>5. False ( stop her baby from crying)</b>
<b>4. Post - Listening: </b>

* <i>Write it up.</i>

This is the emergency room
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercises in workbook

- Learn by heart some phrases of offer,
request, promise

- Prepare next period
- U 9 L 4: Read

Preparing time: 13 / 1 / 11

Teaching time: 15 / 1/ 11
Period: 57

Unit 9:


Lesson 4: Read + LF. 1
<b>I . Aim: </b>

At the end of the lesson , Ss can use the instructions about some more situations
requiring first- aid

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

1. <i>Vocabulary</i>: lie flat ( v ), elevate ( v ), victim ( n ), overheat ( v)
tissue damage ( n ), ease ( v ).

2<i>. Grammar</i>: none

III. Techniques : Bingo, net work, matching, grid.
IV. Teaching aids: chart, picture

V. Procedures:

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T holds class to play "bingo"

Asks Ss to give nouns for
emergencies which require first-aid.

T presents new words.
Ss listen, copy.

T explains the words by using
simple English, guesture.

T has Ss repeat the words in chorus
T checks

T has Ss play "Rub out and

T has Ss play net work

Ask Ss to think of what to do in
these emergency cases.

Ss read the instructions and add the
missing information.

T asks Ss to read the statements on
page 84 and match three Leading A,
B, C to them.

T asks Ss to read the instructions
again and fill in the information.
Call some Ss to the board to write
their answers.

T has Ss copy the grid in their

T asks questions to elicit the

T corrects.

<b>1. Warm up: * Bingo</b>

<i>Suggested words</i>

burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting,
shock, nose bleed.

<b>2. Pre- reading</b>
Pre- teach vocab
- lie flat ( v )

- elevate # lower ( v )

- victim (a) ( person who needs first-aid)
- overheat ( v ) ( make s.th too hot )
- tissue damage ( n )

- ease = stop ( v )

+ Rub out and Remember
+ Net work


<b> </b><i>let the victim lie down</i>

<b> first-aid</b>


<i>Don't give the victim any food</i>
<i> cool the burn with ice</i>

<b> burn</b>

3. While- reading:
+ Matching

<b>Answer key</b>

A -> a, c, e B -> b C -> d
+ Grid

<b>Case Do Don't</b>


<b>4. Post-Reading </b>

Put the words in the box into four groups
Headache heart leg nose scale revive
stretcher toothache wheelchair AIDS
ambulance arm bleed cold crutches ease
elevate fall flu head

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

T asks Ss to do an exercise in their

T presents new words.
Ss listen, copy.

T explains the words by using
simple English

T asks questions to elicit the answer
- <i>Why should we cool the burn</i>

<i>=> We should do it / so as to / in</i>
<i>order to/ minimize the tissue</i>

T gives the form and how to use
T explains the demand of this
exercise and does an example.

Ask Ss to do this exercise.
T corrects.

Ss work in pairs

In order to check Ss’ knowledge , T
gives some exercises

Ss work individually

T corrects and gives marks

Parts of body :...
Illnesses / diseases :...
Verbs : ...
<b>2. Pre- teach </b>

<i>Pre- teach vocabulary</i>

anxiety (n)

entrance exam (n)
inform (v)

+ Form: so as to/ in order to + bare inf
+ Meaning:

+ Use to indicate purposes
3. While:

+ <i>L.Focus 1:</i>

Ex: I always keep the window open in order
to / so as to let fresh air in

4. Post

A/ <i>Combine each pairs of sentences, using</i>
<i>in order (not ) to / so as (not) to</i>

a/ He always drives carefully. He doesn’t

want to cause accidents

b/The boys stood on the beaches . They
wanted to get a better view

c/ I went to the college. I wanted to see
Professor Taylor

d/ She wore warm clothes. She didn’t want
to get cold

<b>5. Homework </b>

- Do exercises in workbook
- Prepare next period

Preparing time: 16 / 1 / 11
Teaching time: 18 / 1/ 11
Period: 58

Unit 9:


Lesson 5: Write
<b>I . Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to write a thank- you note.
<b>II. Language contents : </b>

<b>1</b><i>. Vocabulary</i>: Thanks s.o for s.th, cheer s.o up, come over

2. <i>Grammar</i>: Simple Past, Simple future, format to write a thank- you note.
<b>III. Techniques : Slap the board, predictions, W.h questions</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T asks Ss some questions.
Ss answer.

T presents new words

T gives an example with a gap.

Eg: She thanked me ____ helping her.
Ss copy, read loudly.

T checks.

T has Ss play " Slap the board"

T sets the scene: Nga was sick and she
<i><b>had to go to hospital. After she left the</b></i>
<i><b>hospital, she wrote a thank you note to</b></i>
<i><b>Hoa . Why and what did she write?</b></i>

T hangs the poster and ask Ss to predict
these statements.

T corrects and answer

Ask Ss to read the whole letter and check
their answer.

T asks Ss to complete the thank you note.
T corrects the answers.

T tells Ss to write a thank you note to a
friend and write him/her to go on a picnic
with them. Before writing, answer these
questions (practice in pairs ) .Then T asks
Ss to join these sentences into a paragraph
to make it a thank you note .

Ss write their letters.
T corrects.

T asks 4 groups to write 4 letters on the

<b>1. Warm up: </b>

- Have you ever written a thank you note?
- What's for?

<b>2. Pre- writing </b>
Pre- teach vocab.

- to thank ( s.one) for s.th

- cheer s.one up ( v ) to make s.one feel


- come over ( v )

<i><b>True/ False Predictions</b></i>

1. Nga writes to thank Hoa for some

2. Hoa's gift cheered Nga up.

3. Nga'd like Hoa to see her at the hospital
4. Nga is very bored now.

5. Nga writes the letter at the hospital.
+ Answer key

1. F -> flowers ( not candy)
2. True

3. F -> at her house ( not at the hospital)
4. True

5. False -> at her house ( not at the

3. While writing
+ <i>Answer key</i>

1. was 2. were 3. helped

4. came 5. am 6. will phone

+ Questions in text book on page 85.

<b>4. Post-Reading </b>
+ <i>Answer key</i>

Dear Phuong,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

sub-board. Then paste on the board,
correct them.

T gives feed back and corrects.

sent me while I treated my disease at
home. They were very interesting and
helped me relax a lot. I loved reading
them very much. Now I have got over and
felt very sad. I want to go out to enjoy the
fresh air. Do you want to go on a picture
with me this Sunday? If yes , I'll come and
pick you up.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you
Your friend,


<b>5. Homework </b>

- Write another letter to another friend for
another occasion

- Do exercises in workbook.
- Prepare next period.




Preparing time: 18 /1 / 11
Teaching time: 20 / 1/ 11
Period: 59

Unit 10:


Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
<b>I. AIM: </b>

By the end of the lesson students will be able do something to protect the
environment and save natural resources

<b>II. Language content</b>
<i><b>a.Grammar</b><b> :</b><b> none</b></i>

<i><b>b.Vocabulary: representative (n) recycle (v) protect (v) contact (v) natural resources (n)</b></i>
<b>III Teaching aids: posters, a chart, cassette</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents
Asks Ss to think of ways to reduce the

amount of garbage they produce.

Deliver posters to Ss , dividing them into
4 groups.

Tell Ss to put the posters on the board
after they finish and the team having the
most ideas is the winner.

I presents the new words to Ss.
Ss repeat then say the meaning
Ss repeat and copy

Stick 6 flashcards with jumbled words on
the board

Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right

Set the scene: A representative from
<i><b>Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is</b></i>
<i><b>talking to the students of Quang Trung</b></i>
<i><b>school. Friends of the Earth shows</b></i>
<i><b>people how to protect the environment</b></i>
<i><b>and save natural resources</b></i>

Put the chart with the statements on the

Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the
Statements are True or False.

Write the Ss’ guesses on the board.

1/ Warm up Brainstorm

reuse plastic bags

<i>Possible answer</i>

Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap
things, make garbage into fertilizer, make
vegetable matter into animal food…

2. Presentation
New words

-representative (n) người đại diện, đại biểu
-protect (v) = keep so/sth safe danger
-natural resource (n)

(coal mines, oil/gold/mineral deposits)
-recycle (v) = to make something already

used able to be used again)

-contact (v) = communicate with someone
by telephone or letter …

* Jumbled words

1 2 3

4 5 6

3. Pratice

<b></b><i>True/False predictions</i> / Marks

1/ Friends of the Earth is an organization to
help people make friends with each other
2/ Miss Blake asks the students to

remember 3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle.
3/ Reduce means buying the products which

are operpacked.

4/ We can not reuse things like envelopes,
glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags.

5/ Miss Blake says that we should use cloth
bags and shouldn’t use plastic bags at all.
6/ Recycling means not just throwing things

away but trying and finding another use for

Ways to reduce the

amount of garbage

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

Ask Ss to open their books, listen to the
tape while reading the dialogue.

Call on Ss to correct the False statements

Ss practice the dialogue

Ask Ss answer the question on page 90
Ss work in pairs

T calls some pairs to ask and answer the

T corrects

Write the topic on the board

“How to protect our environment ?”
Ask Ss to express their opinions/ideas
Write their ideas on the board

T corrects and has Ss copy

<i><b>Answer key</b></i>

1. False  … an organization to help people

protect the environment and save natural

2. True

3. False  Reduce means not buying…

4. False  we can reuse things …

5. True
6. True

* Comprehension questions

4. Consolidation

<b></b> Discusstion

5. Homework

-Do exercises in workbook
-Learn by heart new words

-Prepare next lesson : Lesson 2 Speak

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

Preparing time: 20 /1 / 11
Teaching time: 22 / 1/ 11

Period: 60

Unit 10:


Lesson 2: Speak + Listen
<b>I. AIM: </b>

This lesson helps Ss practice in giving and responding to instructions
<b>II. Language contents</b>

1<i>. Grammar</i>: none

2. <i>Vocabulary</i>: fertilize (v) fabric (n) compost (n) leather (n)
<b>III. Teaching aids: picture (copied from Textbook,sub- board</b>

<b>IV. Techniques: Kim’s game, , Mapped dialogue</b>
<b>V. Procedures</b>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Show the picture to the Ss and ask
them to observe it carefully, let them
look at the picture for about 20’’ then
put it away

Ask Ss to go to the board and write as
many words showing things in the
picture as possible

T corrects
Elicit words

T presents some new words

T can explain some words in English or
use the picture

Ss say the meaning
Ss repeat and copy

Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10

Tell Ss they are going to listen to the
words for items and put them into the
right groups.

Draw the table on the board and ask Ss
to copy it.

<b>1. </b>

<b> Warm up </b>

<b></b>Memory game (Kim’s game)

<b>Possible answer</b>

Used paper, old newspapers, books, cardboard,
boxes, bottles, glasses, jars, plastic bags, food
cans, drinking tins, vegetable matter, clothes,

shoes, schoolbags,…

2. Pre-speaking

-fertilizer (n) (farmers often use this thing to
make their plants or trees grow well. What is
it)  fertilize (v)

-Compost (n)

(What do you call the fertilizer made from
spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter …)
-fabric (n) (realia: clothes)

(What are these clothes made of ?)

<i>-</i>leather (n) (our shoes, sandals are often made
of …?

3. While-speaking

<b></b> Dictation List

Answer key

Group Items

Paper used paper (old newspaper,
books, cardboard boxes)

Glass bottles, glasses, jars

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

Tell Ss to listen to the words and put
them in the right columns

Model some words

Put the mapped dialogue chart on the

Elicit the exchanges from Ss

Have some pairs practice each
exchange before going on to another

After finishing the dialogue, ask a good
pain to demonstrate the whole

-Elicit words

T presents some new words

T can explain some words in English or
use the picture

Ss say the meaning
Ss repeat and copy

Tell Ss they are going to listen to an
expert who gives the instructions to
make compost.

Ask Ss to open their books and read the
multiple choice question on page 91.
Check if Ss understand the questions
Play the tape 2 or 3 times. Ss listen and
do the exercise.

Ss answer and T corrects.
Ss choose true or false

T asks Ss to correct the false sentences

Metal food cans, drinking tins
Fabric Clothes (cloth bags, material)
Leather Shoes, sandals, school bags


Fruit peels, (vegetables, rotten

<b></b> Mapped dialogue

<i>Which group (do </i>
<i>clothes) belong to? </i>
What can we do

with (those clothes)? 

<i>Are/Is (fruit vegetable </i>
<i>matter)? </i>

What will we do
with (it) 

Put them in (fabric)

<i>We can recycle them </i>
<i>and make them into </i>
<i>paper or shopping </i>

That’s right

We make (it into
compost and fertilize
our field )

4. Pre-listening

tissue (n) pick (n)
shovel (n) shade (n)

grain(n) compost heap(n)

moisture (n) condensation (n) pile(n)
<b>5.While- listening </b>

Answer key

a. A b. B c. A d. B
<b>6. Post- listening True or false statements</b>
a/ The expert explains how to start a compost

b/We can use meat or grain products to make

c/ We should find a place in our garden that gets
a few hours of sunlight each day

d/ We shouldn’t use picks to turn the compost
e/ If the weather is very wet , we should cover
the heap with a sheet of strong plastic

<b>7. Homework </b>

-Do exercise in the <i>workbook</i>.

-Practice the dial with your partners replacing
the information.

-Prepare : lesson 3 Listen
Preparing time: 23 /1 / 11

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

Unit 10:


Lesson 3: Read + LF 1,2

<b>I. AIM: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for details about how things are

<b>II. Language contents</b>

1. Grammar: Passive form in the Present Simple tense.
2. Vocabulary: tire(n), pipe (n), deposite (n), refill (v), melt (v)

<b>III. Teaching aids: wordsquare chart, photocopied pictures (p.95), drawing…</b>
<b>IV. Techniques: rub out and remember, Grid,… </b>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and SS’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Put the wordsquare chart on the board
Tell Ss the topic is about the environment
and there are 14 hidden words.

Divide the class into 4 groups.

Ask Ss to write their answer on a piece of
paper and hand in when they finish.

Tell Ss the group with the most right
words is the winner

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say meaning
Ss copy

Draw the grid on the board and have Ss
Copy it.

<i>Ask Ss to open their books and read the </i>

Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of
recycling facts mentioned in the text call
on some Ss to write the information in the

1. Warm up

Revision : Wordsquare










Answer key

Environment, garbage, pure, used paper,

Envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic paper
bag, reduce, reuse, recycle.

2. Pre-reading

<b></b> Pre-teach Vocabulary

-tire (n) -pipe (n) -deposit (n)
-refill (v): to fill something empty again
-melt freeze

3. While-reading <b></b> Grid (Read 2)


Used things Recycling Facts
Car tires

Milk bottles


<i>are recycled to make</i>
<i>pipes and floor recoverings</i>

are cleaned and refilled
(with milk)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

grid on the board.

Ask Ss to work individually to answer the
questions on page 93.

Let Ss compare their answer with their
partners (pairwork)

Call on some Ss to answer

T corrects

Elicit the madel sentences froms Ss the
have Ss repeat.

Ss listen carefully and notice the
grammar point.

After Ss copy in their notebooks.

Ask Ss to do ex. 1,2 P95,96

They can tell main details

Drink cans

Household and
garden waste


are brought back for

is made into compost

<b></b> Comprehension questions (Read 1)

<b>4. Language focus </b>

<b></b> Model sentence: Passive Voice/Form




past part

<i>To make pipes </i>
<i>and floor </i>
<i>coverings </i>

into new glassware
Concept checking

+ Form: Passive Form in the Present Simple
Subject+ am/is/are + Past Participle
+ Use: it is used when the subject is affected by
the action of the verb (Vietnamese can be used
for weaker students)

<b></b> Change an active sentence to a passive one

Active S + V + O

Passive S + be + Vpp + by O
Eg: I love my parents
My parents are loved by me
5 Homework

-Learn by heart Voc + Passive Form
-Do exercise in workbook

-Prepare: Lesson 5 write

Preparing time: 25 /1 / 11

Teaching time: 27/ 1/ 11
Period: 62

Unit 10:


Lesson 4: Write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

Students will be able to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things
using the sequencing.

<b>II. Language contents</b>
1. Grammar: none

2. Vocabulary: soak (v), mash (v), wire mesh (n) , bucket (n)
<b>III. Techniques: Lucky numbers, slap the board, ordering, prediction. </b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: drawing, mine, photocopied pictures (p.94) </b>

<b>V. Procedures</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Write 9 numbers on the board,
from 1 to 9

Tell Ss each numbers is for a
question but 3 of them are lucky

numbers. If Ss choose a lucky
number, they do not have to answer
any question but they get 2 points
and they can choose another

Divide the class into 2 teams
I remarks and give marks
I presents some new words
Ss repeat and say the meaning

Set the scene: Tell Ss they are
<i><b>going to read a text about how to</b></i>
<i><b>recycle used paper. Put the verbs</b></i>
<i><b>on the board randomly in a flow</b></i>
<i><b>chart </b></i>

Ask Ss to work in groups to guess
the order of the actions.

Call on about 2 pairs to write their
answer on the board.

Explain the process of recycling
T corrects

Ask Ss to open their books, read
the text on page 93 and fill in the

T corrects and Ss copy the exercise
in their notebooks.

1. Warm up <b></b> Lucky Numbers

1. Lucky Numbers

2. Say this sentence into the passive
“People speak English everywhere”
3. Say this sentence in the active
“Cartoons are liked by most children”

4. Lucky number
5. Lucky number

6. Passive: “We do not use things carefully”
7. Active: “Are candies liked by the children ?”
8. Passive: “Mr Han teaches Maths”

9. Passive:“Vegetarians do not eat meat”
2. Pre-writing

-Pre-teach Vocabulary

-soak (v): put sth in liquid for a time so that it
becomes completely wet : ngâm

-mash (v) đánh nhừ, nghiền nát
-wire mesh (n) lưới thép

-bucket (n) thùng, xô
<b>3. While-writing </b>

<b></b> Ordering prediction (write 1)

soak dry pull out mix
press mash

1_______ 2_______ 3________
4_______ 5_______ 6________

<i>Answer key</i>

1. soak 2. mash 3. mix
4. pull out 5. press 6. dry

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

T asks Ss to close their books.
Write the sequencing on the board
and have Ss practise speaking first.
Call on Ss to say the sentences
from memory

First, __________
Then, _________
Next, _________
After that, _____
Finally, _______

Ss write the text in brief using the

Ss work in group
T corrects

Stick the photocopied pictures on
the board randomly (cảm tính, tùy

Ask Ss to listen and work in groups
to rearrange the pictures according
to the instructions on how to
prepare the tealeaves

Ss answer
T corrects

<i>Answer key</i>

1. use 2. mix 3. place 4. press
5. wrap 6. wait 7. dry

<b></b> Recall

-><i>Answer key</i>

First, soak old newspaper in a bucket overnight.
Then, mash the paper by a wooden spoon. Next,
mix the mashed paper with water. After that, use
a wire mesh to pull the mixture out, put it on the
cloth and press it down firmly (mạnh, chặt)

Finally, take the mesh out of the cloth and dry it
in the sun.

4. Post writing

<b></b> Ordering Pictures

a. First take the used tea leaves from the tea pot
b. Next scatter the tealeaves on a tray

c. Then dry the leaves in the sun

d. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future

5. Homework

-Write the instructions on how to make a thing
you have ever made using the sequencing
-Do exercise in workbook

-Prepare lesson 5: Language Focus



Preparing time: 6 /2 / 11

Teaching time: 8/ 2/ 11
Period: 63

Unit 10:


Lesson 5: Language focus 3,4
<b>I. AIM: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to form the structures with

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

<i>Vocabulary</i>: none

<i>Grammar</i> : It + be + Adj + To- Inf / that clause

<b>III. Techniques: Ordering pictures , question game, Interview, gap fill, matching</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: cardboards, posters, handouts</b>

<b>V. Procedures :</b>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Call on Ss to go to the board and give him/her
a job name.

Ask the rest of the class to guess the job by
asking Yes/No question or Pelmanism
T corrects and gives marks

<i>Set the scene: </i><b>Ba gives Nam a lot of directions </b>
<b>at a time so Nam find it difficult to follow Ba’s </b>
<b>directions. What does he say to Nam?</b>

T explains the model sentences

Ask Ss to open their books and complete the
dialogues on page 96

Work in pair

Call some pairs to demonstrate the dial

T corrects

Set the scene: Nam passed the English exam
<i><b>and his grandparents are delighted at it. </b></i>
<i><b>What did they write to him ?</b></i>

T presents model sentence and explains
Ss copy the form

T asks Ss to read the letter on page 97 and
match the words

<i>Call on some Ss to go the board to draw the </i>

Ss copy the Voc

1. Warm up
-Do you get a big salary ?
-Do you wear uniform ? …

<b></b> Pelmanism 1. take a/ eaten

2. bring b/ taken
3. eat c/ brought
4. … d/ …
2. While

* Pre-teach structures (L.Focus 3)

<i>Model sentences</i>

It’s difficult to follow your directions
<i><b>It’s + be + Adjective + to Infinitive</b></i>

<b></b> Gap fill

Answer key
a/ difficult to follow
b/ easy to understand
c/ hard to believe
d/ dangerous to wait
e/ important to wait
* Language Focus 4

Model sentences

We are delighted that you passed the
English exam.

<i><b>S + be + Adj + that/Noun clause</b></i>

<b></b> Matching

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the letter
using the words in the box

Ss answer
T corrects

Answer key

(1) was happy (3) is afraid
(2) am relieved (4) Are you sure
(5) am certain

4. Homework

-Rewrite the letter beginning with“Nam’s
grandparents are delighted that he …”

-Do the exercises in the workbook
-Prepare: Unit 11. Lesson 1




Preparing time: 8 /2 / 11
Teaching time: 10 / 2/ 11
Period: 64

Unit 11:


Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some expressions to express their

<b>II. Language contents</b>

1. Vocabulary: crop (n) sugar cane (n) water buffalo (n) forty-minute drive
2. Grammar: The drive takes 40 minutes  It’s a 40-minute drive

<b>III. Techniques: Jumble words, Bingo </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

<b>V. Procedures</b>

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents

T puts the chart with jumbled words on
the board

T asks two groups to connect the
words to make the right phrase for
places of interest and write them on the
board as fast as possible

T asks Ss to open books and match the
names with the pictures

T corrects

T presents some new words
Ss repeat and say the meaning
Ss copy

T can give an example

T asks Ss to notice that a plural noun
must be changed to the singular form
when preceding the noun it modifies in
a noun phrase

T sets the scene

T puts the chart with questions

Teacher gives Ss a few minutes to
think about the questions

T asks Ss to listen to the tape

Have Ss work in pairs to answer the

Call on some pairs to give their

1. Warm up Jumbled words

Answer key

Ngo mon Gate, Ha Long Bay, The Temple
literature, Nha Rong Harbor

a/ Ngo Mon Gate d/ Ha Long Bay
b/ Nha Rong Harbor

c/ The Temple Literature
2. Presentation

<b></b> Pre-teach Voc

crop (n) (something such as grain, rice, fruit …
is grown in one season)

Sugar cane (what is used to make sugar)
water buffalo  buffaloes

forty minute drive (n)
<i><b>Model sentence</b></i>

The drive takes 40 minutes

It’s a 40-minute drive

<b></b> Pre-questions

1. Where does Hoa meet The Jones?

2. Is it the first time The Jones have visited
Vietnam ?

3. How do they travel to Hanoi ?

4. What do they see along the road to Hanoi ?
5. What would Tim like to do ?

3. Practice
<i><b>Answer keys</b></i>

1. Hoa meets the Jones at the airport
2. Yes, it is

3. By taxi

4. They see a boy riding a water buffolo rice
paddies, corn and sugar cane fields

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

T corrects

T asks Ss to work in pairs again and
choose true or false

Then work in groups to correct the
false sentences

T aks Ss to discuss and pick out the
sentences containing the situations

Ss work in groups

5. He’d like to take a photo
Answer key

a. T
b. T

c. False  … in a taxi

d. T

e. F  Not only rice and corn but also sugar

canes are grown around Hanoi
4. Consolidation

* to express interest:

Ex: I’d like you to meet my parents…
-I’d like to …

* to express a request

Ex: Would you mind sitting in the front seat ?

5. Homework

-Learn new words by heart
-Do exercises in workbooks

-Prepare: Lesson 2 Speak + focus 3,4


Preparing time: 10 /2 / 11
Teaching time: 12 / 2/ 11
Period: 65

Unit 11:


Lesson 2: Speak + languague focus 3,4
<b>I. Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to formal requests
using “mind” and make suggestions.

<b>II. Language contents</b>
1. Vocabulary: none

2. Grammar: 1. Would you mind/ Do you mind + V-ing … ?
2. Would you mind if I + Verb (in Past tense) …?
3. Do you mind if I+ Verb (in Present simple tense …)?
<b>III. Teaching aids: Text book, projector.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
Asks Ss some questions

What do you say if you want
someone help you?

What do you say if you want to
help someone?

Introduces the new lesson

Reminds Ss of the exchanges
between Hoa and Mr. Jones and
between Hoa and Tim in the last
dialogue and elicit the sentences
from Ss.

Asks Ss to give the form

Asks Ss to use “Would you mind/
<i><b>Do you mind + V-ing ?” to</b></i>

T models the first cue 2 times
T calls 2 or 3 Ss to repeat
Ss work in pairs

Gets the whole class to practice all
the exchanges

Asks Ss to use “Do you mind if I +
<i><b>V(present)? / Would you mind if I</b></i>
<i><b>+ V(past)? ” and </b></i>the pictures on P.
110 to practice

T models the first picture 2 times
T calls 2 or 3 Ss to repeat

Ss work in pairs

Gets the whole class to practice all
the exchanges

Sets the scene: You are a tourist
<i><b>on vacation in HCM city. You</b></i>

I. Warm up: Chatting
Will you help me ?
Can you help me ?

Could you help me?
Shall I help you?
May I help you?
Can I help you?

What can I do for you?
How can I help you?
<b>II. Pre-speaking </b>

<i><b> odel sentences</b></i>

1. A: Would you mind sitting in the front seat of
the taxi?

B: No problem

2. A: Would you mind If I took a photo?
B: Not at all

<i><b>Use: To make and respond to formal requests</b></i>

<i><b>1. Would you mind/ Do you mind + V-ing ?</b></i>
<i><b>2. Would you mind if I + Verb (Past tense) …?</b></i>

<i><b>Do you mind if I + Verb (Present tense) …?</b></i>
<b>III. While-speaking</b>

<i><b>* Word Cue Drill ( LF 3)</b></i>

a. move / car P c. get / coffee O
b. put out / cigarette P d. wait / moment O

<i>Example exchange: </i>

S1: Would you mind moving your car?
S1: No, of course not.

<i><b>*Picture Drill ( LF 4)</b></i>
<i><b>Example exchange:</b></i>
Picture a

<i><b> S1: Do you mind if I sit down?</b></i>
S2: Please do.

<i>Picture b</i>

S1:Would you mind if I smoked ?
S2: I’d rather you didn’t.

<b>IV. Production</b>


<i><b> Mapped dialogue</b></i>

You Tourist officer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>

<i><b>want to visit a market. This is a</b></i>

<i><b>conversation between you and the</b></i>
<i><b>tourist officer. </b></i>

Open pairs: Ask some pairs to
demonstrate the dialogue

Closed pairs: Have Ss open their
books and use the information on
page 101 to practice other

Group 1: Markets
Group 2: Restaurants

Group 3: Zoo and Botanical garden
Stamps and Coins Market
Group 4: Museums

I’d like to visit a
market. Would you
mind suggesting

That sounds interesting.
Thank you

Not at all.

How about going to
Thai Binh Market? It

opens from about 5 a.m
to 8 p.m

You’re welcome
<b>V.</b> <b>Homework </b>

<i>- </i>Choose the information on P. 101 and write
down a complete dialogue, using your own

-Do exercises in workbook

-prepare: Lesson 3: Read + listen

Preparing time: 13 /2 / 11

Teaching time: 15 / 2/ 11
Period: 66

Unit 11:


Lesson 3: Read + Listen
<b>I. Aim: </b>

Ss will be able to get information from simple tourist adver tisements and know

about the place direct ons and some places of interest in Vietnam

<b>II. Language contents</b>

1. Vocabulary: accommodation (n) giant (a) tribe (n)

slope (n) jungle(n) limestone (n)
2. Grammar: none

<b>III. Techniques: Quiz, Grid, Interview </b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: cassette, a route map, pictures of cities </b>
<b>V. Procedures</b>

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>

Ask questions and call the student who
puts his/her hand up first to answer

Tell Ss each place consist of 3 questions, 3
points for the 1st<sub> question, 2 points for the</sub>
2nd<sub> and 1 point for the 3</sub>rd

<i>Then T sets the scene “</i><b>the Jones family </b>
<b>are going around HaNoi and they are </b>
<b>talking about the directions to 5 places </b>
<b>in the map”</b>

T puts the map on the broad and asks Ss to
identify the places

Play the tape 2 or 3 times

T tells Ss to work in pairs to compare their

T elicits words from Ss

Ss repeat words and say the meaning

Ss copy

T holds class to play “Bingo”

T asks Ss to read the advertisement about
the resorts and check (v) the topics
mentioned in the grid

Get Ss work in pairs to compare their

Ask Ss to give their answer


1. It is called the city of Eternal Spring
2. It has a lot of waterfalls and lakes

3. You can find the most kinds of flowers

*Nha Trang

1. It’s a seaside resort

2. It has a very big monument of Buddha.
3. It has an Oceanic Institute

*Ha Long Bay

1. It is recognized as a World Heritage
site by UNESCO

2. It has a lot of caves

3. It consists of a lot of islands
<b>Answer key</b>

a. restaurant
b. hotel
c. bus station
d. pagoda
e. temple

2. Pre-reading

I. Pre-teach vocabulary

<i>-</i>accommodation (n) (a place to live, work
or stay in)

-giant (a) = very big
-tribe (n)  tribal (a)

 slope

-slope (n) __________________
-jungle (n) (a very thick forest)
-limestone (n)

<b></b> Bingo

3. While-reading 1

<b></b> Grid (page 104)

Answer key

Nha Trang: flights to HN, railway, hotels,
local transport, tourist actractions

Dalat: hotels, local transport, waterfall,
tourist, attractions

Sapa: hotels, local transport, mountain
slopes , tourist attractions, villages

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice

Monitor and correct

- T asks Ss to use the right words in the
box to fill in the graps

Restaurants, types of food  no place

4. Post-reading

A: Where should (Andrew) go?
B: He should go to (Sapa)
A: Why ?

B: Because (he studies tribes and he likes
mountain climbing)

<b>5. Homework </b>

-Learn words by heart

-Rewrite the advertisements to make them
into short paragraphs, like this

“Nha Trang is a wonderful seaside resort
for summer holidays …

-Do exercises in workbooks
-Prepare: Lesson 4: Write

Preparing time: 15 /2 / 11

Teaching time: 17 / 2/ 11
Period: 67

Unit 11:


Lesson 4: Write
<b>I. Aim: </b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to write a narrative using a
guided composition

<b>II. Language contents</b>

1. Vocabulary: canoe, paddle, hire (v) overturn (v) rescue (v)
2. Grammar: none

<b>III. Teaching aids: </b> pictures, gap fill charts, cardboards
<b>IV. Procedures</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T gets Ss study the definition of a narrative by
a gap fill

Show the chart and asks Ss to fill in the gaps

<b>1 Warm up</b>

<b>Which word ? </b>

Written climax attention brief events

<i>A narrative is a sequence of (1) … </i>
<i>these events are usually (2) … in </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

T presents some new words by using simple
English or pictures

Ss repeat and copy

T asks Ss to work in groups to find the right
words and go to the board to write them

T sets the scene “<i>Last week, while on</i>
<i>vacation in Dalat, The Jones family had quite</i>
<i>an unforgetable adventure on Xuan Huong</i>
<i>Lake. What did they do and what happened to</i>
<i>them? </i>

Ask Ss to read the fix past of the story and
rearrange the sentences

Call on some pairs to give their answer and

Get some Ss read the story aloud

T has Ss look at the pictures on page 106 and
107 and guess the meaning of new words
Get Ss copy

Ss look at the pictures again
T asks Ss to rearrange the events
Call on Ss to give their answers

Ss use the pictures already rearranged and
write the story about Uyen

Monitor and helps Ss with words or structures
while they are writing

Ask Ss to notice the past simple tense is often
used in a narrative

Ss work in groups in sub-boards
T corrects and gives marks

<i>should get the reader’s (4)…. and </i>
<i>the ending should be (5) …. </i>

<b>Answer key</b>

1. events 2.written 3.climax
4.attention 5.brief

<b>2. Pre-writing </b>

-canoe (n)
-paddle (v)

paddle (n) (a thing used to paddle)
-hire (v)

-overturn (v)

-rescue (v) (to save somebody’s life
from danger)

<b></b> Jumble words

a. cusere b. erhi c.apddled
d. erhi e. ventuader f. erovutrn
Answer key

a. rescue c.paddle e. adventure
b. canoe d. hire f.

<i><b>Ordering statements </b></i>

Answer key :

<i>c)  a)  g)  d)  f) b)  e) </i>

<b>3. While-writing </b>

<b></b><i><b> Matching </b></i>

stumble văng lên

go off nhận ra

realize trượt chân

<b></b> Ordering pictures

d  b  e  h  a  f  c  g

<b> Write-it-up </b>

<b>4. Post-reading </b>

<i>Answer key</i>

<i>Uyen had a day to remember last week</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

did not go off. As she was leaving
home, it started to rain heavily. Uyen
tried to run as fast as she could.
Suddenly, she stumbled against a rock
and fell onto the road. Her schoolbag
went into a pool of water and everything
got wet. Strangely, the rain stopped as
she got to her classmate .Luckily, Uyen

had enough time to finish her exam.
5. Homework

-Write the whole story in your

- Prepare: Unit 11: Lesson 6 Focus 1,


Preparing time: 17 /2 / 11

Teaching time: 19 / 2/ 11
Period: 68

Unit 11:


Lesson 5: Language focus 1,2
<b>I. Aim: </b>

By the end of this lesson, all the students will be able to use the present and
participles to describe things and people.

<b>II. Teaching aids: Lesson plan, textbook, board, chalk, overhead projector </b>
<b>III. Procedures</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>-</b> Show the picture on page 109 on
the screen and ask students to
observe it.

<b>-</b> Turn off the overhead projector
after 20 seconds. Divide the class
into two teams and ask each team to
go to the board and write from
memory the names of things they
have just seen in the picture.

<b>-</b> Ask students to open their books
and look at the picture on page 108.
<b>-</b> Set the scene:

<b>1.Warm-up: Memory game</b>


Box, lamp, truck, doll, flowers, elephant,
bear, rabbit

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

It’s time for recess and the people at
Quang Trung school are in the school
yard. What are they doing?

<b>-</b> Ask questions and call on students
to answer then correct.

a) What’s Mr. Quang doing?
- He’s going up the stairs.

b) Miss Lien?

- Carrying a bag/ Talking to Nam.
c) Nam?

- Standing next to Miss Lien/ Talking
to Miss Lien.

d) Ba?

- Sitting under the tree/ Reading a

e) Lan?

- Standing by the table.
f) Nga and Hoa?

- Playing chess.

<b>-</b> Elicit the target language by asking
the question below:

Who is the man <b> going up the stairs ? </b>
<b>-</b> Ask students to look at the words in

the box and the picture on page 109

to do the matching.

<b>-</b> Ask students to answer the

1) Where is the old lamp made?

2) What color is the box painted?

3) What is the truck recycled from?

4) What color is the doll dressed in?

5) What are the flowers wrapped in?
(blue paper)

6) Where are the toys kept? (in a
cardboard box)

<b>-</b> Elicit the target language by asking
the question below then ask
students to repeat.

How much is the old lamp made in

The man | <b> going up the stairs | is Mr. Quang.</b>
(present participle)

Concept check:

<b>Form: Verb + ing -> present</b>

Note: A present participle can be used as an
adjective to qualify a noun with active


a. The man going up the stairs is Mr. Quang.
b. The woman carrying a bag is Miss Lien.
c. The boy standing next to Miss Lien is

d. The boy sitting under the tree is Ba.
e. The girl standing by the table is Lan.
f. The girls playing chess are Nga and Hoa.

<b>3. Language focus 2</b>
1. box

2. truck
3. lamp
4. doll
5. flowers

6. toys

a) wrap in
b) dress in
c) recycle from
d) keep in
e) make in
f) paint

The old lamp | made in China | is five
dollars. (past participle)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

<b>-</b> Get students to copy.

<b>-</b> Call on some pairs to demonstrate
for the class.

<b>-</b> Students work in pairs.

<b>-</b> Each pair of students practice in
front of the class.

<b>-</b> Give feedback.

<i><b>Form: Verb + ed/3</b></i>

Note: A pastt participle can be used as an
adjective to qualify a noun with passive

<b>4. Homework</b>

Prepare unit 9, 10 and 11 for the 45-minute


Preparing time: 20 / 2 /11

Teaching time: 22 / 2 /11
Period: 69


<b>I. Aim: </b>

At the end of the leson, Sts will be able to review all grammar from unit 9 to unit 11.
* Contents. Language focus from unit 9 to unit 11

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b> T & Sts : Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters.</b>
<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

* Holding the class in order and
check the old lesson.

- Ask Ps to make up some sentences
using requests and future tense.
- Elecit Ss to tell the main grammar
structures they’ve learned from Unit
9 to Unit 11.

? Repeat the use & form of it
? Make sentences

? Repeat the use & form
? Give e.g

? Repeat the use & form
? Change active into passive
? Make sentences

<b>Warm up</b>

<b>1. Future simple tense </b>
* Use

Form: S + will / Shall + V-inf + O
Adv: tomorrow, next....

<b>2. Modal “ will ”</b>
* Request:

Will + you + V + O ?
* Offer: I will + V + O
* Promise: S + will + V + O

<b>3. Passive forms </b>
* Use

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

- Correct mistakes
? Retell the form
? give examples

- Retell the use & form
? Make sentences
- correct mistakes

3. Further practice:

? Changer sentences in to passive

? Repeat the main contents of the
lesson …

Change: S + V + o

S + be + PII + by O
<b>4. Adj + to do smt </b>

That – clause

Eg: It’s difficult to learn English
She is certain that she will do it well
<b>5. Do /Would you mind + doing sth? </b>

Do you mind if I did sth ?

Would you mind if I did sth ?

Eg: Do you mind closing the window?
Would you mind if she phoned you?
* Change A – P

1. Parents look after their children

- Children are looked after by their parents
2. Do you like candies ?

- Are candies likes by you ?

3. She cleans the floor every morning
- the floor is cleaned every morning by her
4. He was watching a film

- A film was being watched by him
<b>Homework: </b>

- Remind Ss to study at home.
- Prepare new lesson


<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

Preparing time: 22/ 3 / 11
Teaching time: 24/ 2 / 11
Period: 70

The test


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check all knowledge they have learnt in
unit 9,10,11.

<b>B. The test </b>

<b>ĐỀ 01</b>

<i><b>I. Underlined the correct answer to complete the sentences.(2,5m)</b><b> </b><b> </b></i>
1. The ruler ( making / made ) of plastic is Lan’s.

2. Do you mind if I ( open / opened ) the window?

3. Tim ( never saw / has never seen ) rice paddies before.

4. Would you mind ( doing / did ) the washing – up for me tonight?
5. I’d rather you ( not put off / didn’t put off ) the shoes.

6. The woman ( talking / talked ) to the headmater will make a speech about protecting
historical buidings.

7. It is a ( thirty- minute / thirty-minutes ) drive from here to the city center.
8. They are traveling to the airport ( by / in ) a bus.

9. I prefer walking to ( riding / ride ) a bicycle.

10. Mary’s family had ( quiet / quite ) an exciting adventure in Sa Pa last summer.
<i><b>II.Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in bracket.( 2,5 m)</b></i>

1. We are happy (receive)... a lot of presents from our friends.
2. Would you mind (correct)... this composition for me?

3. I’d like you (meet)... my family this weekend.
4. The girl (stand)... over there is my close friend.
5. Do you mind if I (borrow)... your dictionary?
<i><b>III.Rewrite the following sentences as directed.( 2,5 m)</b></i>

1. I passed all the exams. I’m happy. (use “adjective + noun clause”)
2. To meet you again is lovely.(use “adjective + to infinitive”)

3. Can I turn on the TV? (use “Do you mind if...”)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

<i><b>IV. Read the passage and choose TRUE or FALSE statements (2,5ms)</b></i>

A boy was riding a bike when he had an accident. He fell off his bike and his
head on the road. His head was hurt, it was bleeding. However, he was still conscious. It
was an emergency so people called an ambulance, in order to take him to hospital.
Some people tried to stop the bleeding by using a handkerchief to cover the wound.
Then they put pressure on it and held tight .After ten minutes, the ambulance arrived
and people took the victim to hospital.

1. The boy had a bike accident. _____

2. His left hand was broken. _____

3. The boy was still conscious . _____

4. People covered his wound with a thick bandage . _____

5. The boy was taken to hospital after ten minutes. _____
<b>ĐỀ 02</b>

<i><b>I. Underlined the correct answer to complete the sentences.(2,5ms)</b><b> </b><b> </b></i>
1. Would you mind ( move / moving ) your car?

2. Do you mind if I ( closed / close ) the door?

3. Tim ( never saw / has never seen ) rice paddies before.

4. It is a ( thirty- minute / thirty-minutes ) drive from here to the city center.
5. I’d rather you ( not turn on / didn’t turn on ) the radio.

6. The man ( wearing / wore ) the blue shirt is my teacher
7. The box ( making / made ) of plastic is Mai’s.

8. He is traveling to the contryside ( by / in ) a taxi.
9. They prefer walking to ( riding / ride ) a bicycle.

10. Ann’s family had ( quiet / quite ) an exciting adventure in Da Lat last summer.
<i><b>II.Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in bracket.( 2,5 ms)</b></i>

1. It is difficult (learn)……….. English.

2. Would you mind (tell) ……… me how you learned English at school?
3. The woman (hold) ………a brown handbag was Nam’s mother.

4. Do you mind if I ( use)……… your computer for one hour?

5. I’d like you (meet) ……… my family this weekend.

<i><b>III.Rewrite the following sentences as directed.( 2,5 ms)</b></i>

1. We are going to clean the environment. We are ready (use “adjective + noun

2. To read this book is very interesting.(use “adjective + to infinitive”)
3. Can I borrow your dictionary? (use “Do you mind if...”)

4. Could you play the tape once more? (use “Would you mind...” )
5. These boys made that noise.(turn into the passive voice)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

Then they put pressure on it and held tight .After ten minutes, the ambulance arrived
and people took the victim to hospital.

1. The boy had a bike accident _____

2. His head was hurt. _____

3. The boy was still unconscious. _____

4. People covered his wound with a handkerchief. _____
5. The boy was taken to hospital after twelve minutes _____

<i><b>Đề 01</b></i>

<i><b>I. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. made 2. open 3. have never seen 4. doing 5. didn’t put off
6. talking 7. thirty-minute 8. in 9. riding 10. quite

<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. to receive 2. correcting 3. to meet

4. standing 5. borrow

<i><b>III. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. I’m happy that I passed all the exams .
2. It’s lovely to meet you again.

3. Do you mind If I turn on the TV?

4. Would you mind solving this problem for me?
5. The patients were examined by the doctor.
<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

<i><b>Đề 02</b></i>

<i><b>I. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. moving 2. close 3. has never seen 4. thirty-minute
5. didn’t turn on 6. wearing 7. made 8. in 9. riding 10. quite
<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. to learn. 2. telling 3. holding
4. use 5. to meet

<i><b>III. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. We are ready that we are going to clean the environment..
2. It’s very interesting to read this book.

3. Do you mind If I borrow your dictionary?
4. Would you mind playing the tape once more?
5. That noise was made by these boys.

<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

Chữa bài kiểm tra

A. Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check their mistakes, review the
knowledge they’ve learnt.

<b>B. Procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up: Chatting</b>
<b> </b>

<b> II. New lesson:</b>
1. Give Ss their tests

- Check their mistakes. ( note: knowledge, grammar, vocabulary…)
- Explain how to do the test well.

2. Give the answer

<i><b>Đề 01</b></i>
<i><b>I. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. made 2. open 3. have never seen 4. doing 5. didn’t put off
6. talking 7. thirty-minute 8. in 9. riding 10. quite

<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. to receive 2. correcting 3. to meet

4. standing 5. borrow

<i><b>III. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. I’m happy that I passed all the exams .
2. It’s lovely to meet you again.

3. Do you mind If I turn on the TV?

4. Would you mind solving this problem for me?
5. The patients were examined by the doctor.
<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

<i><b>Đề 02</b></i>
<i><b>I. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. moving 2. close 3. has never seen 4. thirty-minute
5. didn’t turn on 6. wearing 7. made 8. in 9. riding 10. quite
<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. to learn. 2. telling 3. holding
4. use 5. to meet

<i><b>III. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. We are ready that we are going to clean the environment..
2. It’s very interesting to read this book.

3. Do you mind If I borrow your dictionary?
4. Would you mind playing the tape once more?
5. That noise was made by these boys.

<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>

- Ask Ss to do the test again and prepare the next lesson.
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

Preparing time: 27/ 2/ 11

Teaching time: 1/ 3/ 11
Period: 72

<b> Unit 12: </b>


Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will aware of how to mark, accept and decline

<b>II. Language contents</b>

1. Vocabulary: include (v), come over (v), pick (somebody) up (v)
abroad (adv)

2. Grammar: Propressive tense with “always”

<b>III. Techniques: Guessing game, charting, rub out and remember </b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids : cassette, pictures </b>

<b>V. Procedures</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Show the photocopied pictures to Ss;
one by one, and ask Ss to guess what
country it is

T can ask Ss if they know what 3 first
pictures are

Ss tell their partners which country
they would like to visit and why?

T presents some new words
Ss repeat and say the meaning
Ss copy

T presens grammar
T checks voc

<b>1. Warm up Guessing game:</b>
<b> Answer key</b>

a/ The USA b/ Australia c/ Thailand
d/ Britain e/ Canada f/ Japan
a/ Statue of Liberty b/ The Opera House
c/ …


A: Which country do you want tovisit?
B: I’d like to visit Australia

A: Why ?

B: B/c Australian people are friendly
<b>2. Presentation:</b>

<i><b>a. New words:</b></i>
-include (v)

-come over (v): (to come to someone’s house to
visit for a short time)

-pick s.b up; (to come and get someone in your
car to drive him/her to a place)

-aboard (adv)-in a foreign country

<i><b>Model: Progressive tense with “Always” </b></i>
+He’s always working

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

Put the chart on the board and ask Ss
to read the statements

Ss work in pairs to decide if the
statements are T or F

Ss open their books, listen to the tape
while reading the dialogue on page

Ss work in pairs

Call on some Ss to give their keys
T corrects

Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete
Mrs Quyen’s schedule with the
information taken from the dialogue

Tell Ss to read the dialogue again and
pick out the statements indicating the
following situations

Ss answer the question on page 113
Give feedback and correct

<i><b>*True/False Predition:</b></i>

1/ Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from the
airport in San Francisco

2/ Mrs Smith invites Mrs Quyen and her
husband to say with her while they are in town
3/ Mrs Quyen doesn’t accept Mrs Smith’s
invitation b/c she wants to stay with a
Vietnamese friend of hers

4/ Mrs Quyen and her husband will be in the
USA for 3 days

5/ Mrs Quyen and her husband will come over
to Mrs Smith’s place for dinner one night

6/ Mr Thanh; Mrs Quyen’s husband goes abroad
for a bussiness meeting

3. Practice

<i><b>Answer key: 1-F, 2 – T, 3- F, 4- T, 5-F, 6-T</b></i>
1. Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from Hanoi
3. b/c her accommodation is included in her
ticket price

5. Only, Mrs Quyen will come over to Mrs

*Complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule: (Read 1)
Date Mon



Wed 27 Thur 28





with the


*Grammar Awareness:

1-Making an invitation

"”Would you like to come and stay … ?”
2-Accepting an invitaion

"”Yes, we’d love … “
3-Declining an invitation

"”That’s very kind of you …”
4-Making a complaint

" “Oh dear. He’s always working”
<b>4. Consolidation </b>

*Comprehension questions (Read 2)
<b>5. Homework </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>

Preparing time: 1/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 3/ 3/ 11
Period: 73

<b> Unit 12: </b>


Lesson 2: Speak + Listen
<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss be able to talk about their plans for a trip aboard and
practice in listening to the weather forecast for information about the weather in big
cities in the world

<b>II. Language contents</b>

1. Vocabulary: itinerary, gallery, flight, via, facilities, brochure, gym
2. Grammar: none

<b>III. Techniques: Slap the board, Matching, mapped dialogue, Quiz</b>
<b>IV. Teaching aids: cardboard, a mapped dialogue chart </b>

<b>V. Procedures</b>

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Tell Ss who can answer the
questions will get 1 or 2 good marks

Teacher present voc
Ss repeat

Show the photocopued tables (p
113, 114) on the right of the board
Randomly and ask Ss to match them
with the right titles on the left

T asks Ss some questions for
information about the flights,

accommodation, and tourist places

T calls some pairs to practice each
exchange before going on to another

1.Warm up Chatting
2. Pre-speaking

<i><b>Ÿ</b><b> Pre-teach voc:</b></i>
itinerary (n): lộ trình

brochure (n): tờ rơi, tờ quang cáo
flight (n)

gym (n): phòng tập thể dục
via (prep): through a place

<b> Matching</b>

1- Itinerary

2- Flight information
3- Hotel advertisement
4- Travel brochure

3. While - speaking Suggestions:
* For the flight information table:

+How many flights a week can you take from
Los Angeles to Boston ?

+Which flight can you take everyday of the week?
* For the Hotel advertisement table:

+Which of the hotel is cheaper ?

+How much is a double room in Revere Hotel ?
How about the Atlantic Hotel ?

* For the Travel brochure:
+Where can you visit ?

<i><b>Mapped dialogue:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>


<i>Set the scene:</i>

“These people are making a plan for
their trip from Los Angeles to
Boston. Let’s do it with them!”

T writes the mapped dialogue on the

T calls some pairs to practice each
exchange before going on to another

T asks Ss to make a plan for their
coming summer holiday by filling
the information in their itinerary
T writes the topic on the board
Ask Ss to find the words related to
the topic  present new words;

Collect Ss words and write them on
the board

Go through the meaning of the
words and have Ss copy

Ask Ss some Ss to lead in the lesson

Put the gap fill table on the board
Ss listen to the weather forecast
about cities in the table and have to
fill in the gaps with the information
they hear

Where should we

What time should we
leave Los Angeles?


I think we should
visit Havard Medical
school, the Museum
and Arts Gallery
There’s a daily flight
at 10 a.m, Would that
be OK ?

3.Pre – listening Brainstorm:

humidity (n)

<b>Chatting</b><i>: <b>Suggestions:</b></i>

a/ Have you ever listened to the weather forecast
on TV or on the radio?

b/ What does it often tell you about?

c/ Do you think it’s necersary to listen to the
weather forecast? Why/why not?

d/ What do you know about the high and the low

temperature ?

(It refers to the lowest and highest temperature
degree in a day)

4. While - listening
5. Post - listening

Ex: What’s the weather like in Sydney today?

It’ll be dry and windy

How about the temperature ?

The low will be 20 and the high 26 degrees

6. Homework

- Write- it- up: Use the information in the table to write
a weather report, ikbeginning with: “Here is today’s
weather forecast for the international travellers

-Learn voc

-Prepare Lesson 3 Read

Preparing time: 3/ 3/ 11

Teaching time: 5/ 3/ 11
Period: 74

Words relates to the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

<b> Unit 12: </b>


Lesson 3: Read

<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss can obtain some knowledge about some scenic sports
in the USA

<b>II. Language contents</b>

1. Vocabulary: volcano (a), lava (n), pour out (v), carve (v)
be situated (v), overhead (adv)

2. Grammar: Past progressive tense
<b>III. Techniques: pelmanism, Grid </b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: postcards, cardboards, pictures, drawing </b>
<b>V. Procedures</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T holds Ss to play the game

Elicit words from Ss

Ss copy

T checks voc by matching game
T presents grammar

T explains the usage of the past
progressive tense

1. Warm up

<b></b> Pelmanism Adj-Noun

Adjectives Noun

humid humidity

warm warmth

windy wind

cloudy cloud

2. Pre – reading
Pre-teach voc:

<i>-</i>volcano (n): núi lửa

-lava (n): dung nham, nham thạch

-pour out (v): đổ ra

-carve (v): tạc, chạm khắc
-be situated : tọa lạc

-overhead (adv): ở trên cao

<b></b> Matching: English – Vietnamese
<b>Model sentence</b><i>: Past progressive </i>

<i></i><b>The lava was pouring out when we flew </b>

<i>* The usage:</i>

<i>a/ The action happened at a certain time in the</i>

<i>b/ The action happened and lasted at a point </i>
<i>of time in the past </i>

c/ The action was happening in the past and
another one happened

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

Ask Ss to copy the grid in their

T asks Ss to read the postcards from
Mrs Quyen to her children and fill in
the gaps with the information taken

from them

Give feedback & correct

Ask Ss to look at the Qs on p
upload.123doc.net and answer the
questions to check the content of the

3. While - reading

<b></b> Grid

Place What she did and saw

b.New York
c. Chicago
d. Mount


e.San Francisco

Went swimming, visited Kilauea

Went shopping and bought lots
of souvenirs

saw Lake Michigan

Saw the heads of four American
presidents carved into the rock
visited Fisherman’s Wharf, the

Napa valley, wine growing area
and the Alcatraz Prison

4. Post - reading
Answer key:

a/ She went there by plane

b/ She saw the famous prison on the island of

c/ On Mount Rushmore, there are heads of for
American presidents carved into rock

d/ It’s “The Windy City”

e/ She was shopping while her husband was
visiting the Statue of Liberty

5. Homework

- Learn words and do exercise 6,7 in

- Prepare Lesson 4 Write
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 14/ 3/ 10
Teaching time: 16/ 3/ 10
Period: 75

<b> Unit 12: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write postcards to their friends about
their trip

<b>II. Language contents</b>
1. Vocabulary: none

2. Grammar: progressive tenses with always
<b>III. Techniques: gap-fill, Grid </b>

<b>IV. Teaching aids: chart, sub-board </b>
<b>V. Procedures</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T asks Ss some questions

Ss answer

T remarks and give Ss marks

Ss look at the postcard on p118 and
complete the gaps with the
appropriate words

Call on some Ss to go to the board &
write the words they guess

Give feedback and correct
Write the topic on the board

Ask Ss to read the postcard (write 1)
again and fill in the gaps with the
sentences showing the information
on the left

Ss work in groups

1.Warm up Questions:

1/Where did Mrs Quyen & her husband spend
their holiday? (In the USA)

2/What did they see on Mount Rushmore? (The

heads of 4 American Presidents carved into the


3/ Who did they visit when they were in the
USA? (The Smiths)

2. Pre – writing
a/ Gap-fill:

Answer key;

1/ in 2/ people 3/ weather
4/ visited 5/ her 6/nice/lovely
7/ bought 8/ for 9/ heaviness
10/ soon


-Information needed to write a postcard

<i><b>Answer key:</b></i>

Necessary information for a postcard

Place We’re having a wonderful
time in the USA

How you feel
about the people?

The people are friendly

Weather The weather has been

warm & sunny

Who you


In San Fransisco, I visited
my friend, Sandra Smith)
What you see No information

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>

Ss write the postcards on a piece of
paper (to be collected if recessary)

T asks Ss to practice Focus 2

Ss write full sentences by answering
the following questions

Elicit the model from Ss, using

Have Ss repeat and write the
sentence on the board

Ask Ss to practice Focus 3 chorally
Call some Ss to the front of the class
and ask them to talk about their

friends (using progress tense with

Let Ss make sentences with “while”
or “when” (using past simple and
past progressive )

3. While - writing

<b></b> Set the scene:

Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain
place/ city in VN. Write a postcard to a friend
about your trip, using the information in the grid

<b></b> Writing

<i><b>Focus 2:</b></i>

a/ C b/ F c/ E d/ B e/ D f/ A

1/ What was the Le family doing when the
mailman came ?

2/ What happened while Nga was eating?
<i><b>Focus 3:</b></i>

Bao is always forgetting his homework
Form: is/am/are + always + V-ing

Use: To express a complaint

Answer key:

<i>b/ Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella</i>

c/ Mr and Mrs Thanh are always missing the bus
d/ Nam is always watching TV

4. Post - writing

Minh: Nam is always talking in class
Lan: Tam is always going to school late
Ss answers

5. Homework

-Learn by heart the grammar points
- Redo exercise Focus 2, 3

- prepare: correction Test 45’

Preparing time: 6/ 3/ 10
Teaching time: 8/ 3/ 10
Period: 76

<b> Unit 12: </b>


Lesson 5: Language focus

<b>I. Aims</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>

<b>II. Teaching aids: books, chalks, sub-boards , </b>
III. Procedure:

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

- Ask Ss to look at pictures P119

- T. hangs poster on the board and runs

- Give instructions: Ask Ss to put the
suitable pictures with phrase verb

- Ask Ss to work individually.
- T. collects and checks

1. Set the scene:

- Ask Ss to look at picture a

- T. asks: What was Ba doing at 8 o'clock
last night?

- T. gives model sentences.

- Ask Ss some questions to elicits the

What is the subject?

What comes after "was/were"?

Does it express a past or present event?
- T. shows the cues and runs through the

- T. gives model - Ss repeat (2 times)
Example exchange:

<i>Ba was taking a shower at 8 o'clock last</i>

- Ask Ss to practice speaking.
II. Matching

- Ask Ss to look at table on P120
- Then ask Ss to look at pictures P119
- Give instruction: match the half sentence
in column A to those in column B

- Ask Ss to match individually
- T. corrects later.

- T. asks some questions to elicit the
model sentences.

<i>1. What was the Le family doing when the</i>
<i>mailman came?</i>

<i>2. What happened while Nga was eating?</i>

- T. asks Ss some questions to elicit the

<b>I. Language focus 1 - P119</b>

1. walk with a dog
2. eat dinner

3. take a shower
4. talk to Grandma
5. Read a comic
6. Write a letter


<i>- Ba was talking a shower at 8 o'clock last</i>

<i>They were talking to each other at that </i>


<b> Concept checking:</b>

Form: S + was/ were + V-ing

Use: To indicate an action that was in
progress at a point of time in the past.
<i><b>* Word cues</b></i>

1. Ba / take a shower
2. Hoa / have dinner
3. Bao / read a comic
4. Nga / write a letter
5. Na / walk with her dog

6.Lan and Her Grandma/talk to each other
<b>II. Language focus 2 P119</b>

* Answer key:

<i>a.C, b.F, c.E, d.B, e.D, f.A</i>

<i><b>Model sentences</b></i>

<i>1. The Le family was sleeping when the</i>
<i>mailman came.</i>

<i>2. The phone rang while Nga was eating.</i>
<i>qk qktd</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>


* Picture drill

- T. makes a model - Students repeat

<i>Example exchange</i>

<i>The Le family was sleeping when the</i>
<i>mailman came.</i>

- Ask Ss to practice speaking in pairs

- T. gives model - students repeat
* Picture drill

- Ask students to practice speaking


clause Conjunction Adv- Cl
- past


When - past

- past


While - past
- Use: Sequence of tense: An action taking
place in the past when another action took

<i><b>Word cue:</b></i>

1. The Le family / sleep
2. Nam / win the race

3. Hoa / eating 4. Mrs. Thoa / work
5. Lan / arrive at school 6. It / rain
<b>III. Language focus 3 P120</b>

<i><b>Model sentence</b></i>

<i>Bao is always forgetting his homework</i>

be + Adv + V-ing
* Check

Form: S + an / is/ are + always + v-ing
Use: To express a complaint

Eg: Mrs. Nga is always losing her

- Learn vocabulary

- Do exercises 1, 2, 3 in the workbook
- Prepare unit 13 lesson 1 - vocabulary,
exercise 2 P122

Preparing time: 8/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 10/ 3/ 11
Period: 77

<b> Unit 13: </b>


Lesson 1: Getting started + listen and read + LF3
<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss can understand the content of the lesson about the
traditional festivals.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

<i><b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>
T writes the names on the board

Tell Ss these people are going to go on
their visits to Vietnam and they need
advice on where to go

Introduce the names, one by one

T presents some new words
SS repeat and say the meaning

Ss copy

T presents model sentence

T sets the scene : “ Ba invites his friend
<i><b>Liz to a traditional festival in the North</b></i>
<i><b>of Vietnam. Do you know what kind of</b></i>
<i><b>festival it is ?”</b></i>

( It is the rice- cooking festival )

T asks Ss to guess what they are going to
read by asking questions

Ss open their books, read the dialogue and
listen to the tape

Ask Ss to read the statements and check
the boxes , using the information in the

Ss work in pairs and correct the false

1. Warm up: Chatting

Tom, David, Huckleberry, Oliver,

1. Tom likes swimming and sunbathing.

Where should he go ? .... Why ?

2. David is interested in ancient cities -> ?
3. Huckleberry likes mountain-climbing->

4. Oliver is keen on pottery -> ?

5. Robinson is fond of crowded places
-> ?

2. Presentation

<i>Pre- teach voc</i>

Fetch (v) : to go to get (sth) and bring it

Yell (v) : to shout loudly

Urge (v): make a person / an animal move
more quickly

Rub (v)

Participate in -> participation (n)
Award (v)

(He is the winner of the commpetition.
They award him the first prize )

<i><b>Model sentence</b></i>

<b>There are three competitions : </b>
<b>water-fetching, fire- making and rice- cooking</b>


How many competitions do people enter
in a rice-cooking festival ?

In water- fetching festival competition ,
what do people do ?

3. Practice

<i>True or false</i>

<i><b>Answer keys</b></i>

a. F -> Only one team member takes...
b. F -> one water bottle

c. T

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>

Deliver posters to SS

Ask Ss to do exercise on page 130 and
write their answers on the posters

SS work in pairs / groups


f. T

4. Consolidation
*** Focus 3

<i>Answer keys</i>

a. a fire- making contest
b. a bull- fighting festival
c. a car- making industry
d. a flower-arranging contest
e. a rice-exporting country
f. a clothes- washing machine
5. Homework

-Learn new words , do exercises again
- Do exercise 3 in workbook

-Prepare Lesson 2 Speak + Listen

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 10/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 12/ 3/ 11
Period: 78

<b> Unit 13: </b>


Lesson 2: Speak + Listen
<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their preparation for a
special event

II. Language contents

1<i>. Vocabulary</i> : Pomegranate (n) peach blossoms (n) Marigolds (n)
dried water melon seeds Spring rolls

2. <i>Grammar</i> : none

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=153>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
T asks Ss to think of 5 things they often

prepare for Tet

SS write them on the board
T remarks and gives marks to Ss

T presents voc
Ss repeat

Ss join the game

Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 123
and put the sentences in correct order
Ss work in pairs

Call some pairs to give their answers

T puts the chart with the cues on the

Elicit the exchanges from Ss
SS work in pairs

T calls some pairs to practice each
exchange before going on to another

Ask Ss one of the festival (page123) and
make up their own dialogues

1. Warm up: Find things in common
Decorate the room/yard

Paint the house

Buy cakes buy new dress
Send New Year cards to friends
2. Pre- teach

<i><b>Speak 1</b></i>

I<i>. Pre- teach voc</i>

Pomegranate(n) quả lựu
Peach bloosoms (n) quả đào
Marigolds (n) cúc vạn thọ

Dried watermelon seeds : hạt dưa
Spring rolls (n) : chả giò


<i>Answer keys</i>

A-> F
B-> G
C-> H
D-> J
E-> I
3. While

<i><b>Mapped dialogue</b></i>

Mrs Quyen Lan

A: You / tidied /
bedroom ?

B: market / have to /

C. Sure / will /

D. not really / but
want house / look
nice / festival

E. That / very good.

1. Yes / where /
going /

2. Could /
collect / new
Ao Dai tailor /

3.Thanks /

anything / want / me

do / while / out ?
4. Mom / I / what
/do now / will /
clean glass windows

<b>Speak 2</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=154>

Ss work in pairs

Then T calls on some pairs to
demonstrate their dialogues before class
T sets the scene” The Robinson family
<i><b>is making preparations for Tet. They</b></i>
<i><b>want to buy things to make it a</b></i>
<i><b>traditional festival as Vietnamese</b></i>
<i><b>people do “</b></i>

Ask Ss to open their books and read the
statements on page 124

Ss predict the words in the gaps
Play the tape (2 or 3 times )
Then correct

Ask Ss to copy the grid( Page124) and
fill in the gaps with the information
taken from the statements above

Call on some students to give their

A school festival
A spring festival
A harvest festival
A flower festival


Gap-fill prediction
Answer keys

a. Mr Robinson / flower market
b. Traditional

c. Dried watermelon seeds
d. Make spring rolls

Things to do

Mr Robinson Go to the flower market to
buy peach blossom and a
bunch of marigolds

Mrs Robinson Go to Mrs Nga’s to learn
how to make spring rolls
Liz Go to the market to buy


And a packet of dried
watermelon seeds

- Learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook
- prepare Lesson 3 Read
Preparing time: 15/ 3/ 11

Teaching time: 17/ 3/ 11
Period: 79

<b> Unit 13: </b>


Lesson 3: Read

<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will get some knowledge about Christmas
II. Language contents

1. <i>Vocabulary</i> : spread (v) Christmas carol (n) patron saint (n) jolly (a)
2. <i>Grammar </i>: none

III. Techniques : Sing a song , Jumbled words, Matching
IV. Teaching aids : pictures, cardboards, poster, stereo
V. Procedures:

<i><b>Teacher’s and Ss ‘ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T teaches Ss an English Christmas song

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=155>

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and sing along

T presents new words
Ss repeat and copy

T checks voc by holding class to play “
Jumbled words “

Ask Ss to open their books and read the
paragraphs on page 124/125

Draw the grid on the board and have Ss
copy it

Ask SS to read the paragraph again and
complete the grid

Give feedback and correct

Ask Ss to answer the questions
Ss work in pairs

T corrects and gives answers

EX: Silent night. I wish you a merry

2. Pre- reading

<i>Pre-teach vocabulary</i>

(to) spread : lan truyền
Spread / spread / spread

Christmas carol (n) bài hát mừng Giáng
Sinh (Silent night is a Christmas carol )
Patron saint (n) thánh bảo hộ

Jolly(a) : vui vẻ, vui nhộn (happy and

<i><b>* Jumbled words</b></i>

3. While- reading


<i><b>Answer keys</b></i>


Places of



Riga Early




England Mid-19th




800 years

Santa Claus USA 1823

4. Post- reading

<i>Answer keys</i>

a. more than a centuries ago

b. Because he wanted to send Christmas
greetings to his friends

c.800 years ago

d. An American professor named Clement
Clarke Moore

e.On the description of Saint Nicholas in
professor Moore’s poem

5. Homework

- Rewrite the answers in their notebooks
- Learn the words

- Write it up : Use the information in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=156>

- Prepare Lesson 4 Write
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 17/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 19/ 3/ 11
Period: 80

<b> Unit 13: </b>


Lesson 4: Write

<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in writing a report on a
festival they have joined

II. Language contents :
1. Vovabulary : none
2. Grammar : none

III. Techniques : Memory game , ask and answer , Gap fill
IV. Teaching aids : photocopied, picture (p126) , chart
V. Procedures:

<i><b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T shows the photocopied picture to Ss and
ask them to observe it carefully

Let Ss look at the picture for about 20’’
then put it away

1.Warm up Memory game

1. How many people are there in the
picture ? What are they doing ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=157>

T asks Ss to listen to the questions
SS answer

T puts the picture on the board again
Give feedback and correct

Write 9 numbers on the board from 1 to 9
Tell Ss each number is for a question but 3
of them are lucky numbers

If Ss choose a lucky number, they don’t
have to answer any questions. Divide the
class into 2 teams

T asks Ss to use the information in the
dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in
the report on page 127

Ss work in pairs

T corrects and remarks

Ask Ss to write a similar report on a

They’ve joined recently

Ss look at the questions and practice
speaking first by answering the questions
from a->g

<i>Answer keys</i>

1.They are participating in the rice-cooking

2. rice , basket, pans, bamboo sticks, paper
fans , chopsticks, a flag

2. Pre- writing
*** <i>Lucky numbers</i>

1.What do you call the festival where
people have to cook rice ?

(the rice-cooking festival )

2.How many competitions are there in the
rice-cooking festival ? What are they ?
(water-fetching, fire- making and
rice-cooking )

3. Lucky number

4.What do people use to fetch water ?

5.Lucky number

6.Do they use pieces of wood to make fire?
( No, pieces of bamboo)

7.What do people have to do before they
cook the rice ?(separate the rice from the

8.Lucky number

9.How many people are there altogether in
a team taking part in the rice-cooking
festival ?

(9 , one for water-fetching, two for
fire-making and six for rice-cooking)


<i>Answer key</i>

1. rice-cooking 6.traditional
2.one/a 7.bamboo
3.water- fetching 8.six
4.run 9.separate
5.water 10.added

4. Post-writing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=158>

T has Ss connect the sentences to make it a

Monitor and help Ss with their work

Call on some Ss to read their reports aloud

5. Homework

-Write your report in your notebooks

-Do exercises in workbook and prepare

<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>


Preparing time: 20/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 22/ 3/ 11
Period: 81

<b> Unit 13: </b>


Lesson 5: Language focus
<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use reported speech and the passive in
the past, present and future tense.

II. Language contents

1. <i>Vocabulary</i> : jumble (v) scatter (v) jar(n) pull(v)
2. <i>Grammar</i> : Passive form , reported speech

III. Teaching aids : cardboards, chart

<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T prepares 11 cardboards, numbered
from 1 to 11 on one side and the words
on the other side

Divide the class into 2 teams and ask
each team to choose 2 numbers, one in
the first row . If the words in both cards
match in sequence of an infinitive with
its past participle, this team will get a

1. Warm up Pelmanism

<b>Infinitive</b> <b>Past participle</b>



2. Pre-teach

* Language focus 1 <i>Matching</i>

The passive form


<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=159>

Ask Ss to match the words in column A
with the forms in column B

Ss work in pairs

Call SS to give their answers
T corrects

Have Ss copy

Ask Ss to look at Focus 1 on page 28
Have Ss fill in the gaps with the right
form of the verbs in the box

Ss work in pairs

Call on some Ss to write their
answers( only the verb forms)

T corrects

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ask Ss to look at Focus 2 on page
128/129 and fill in the gaps with the
right form of the verbs in the box


T sets the scene

Then write the quoted speech on the

T explains and ask Ss to pay attantion to
the change

Ss copy

1.Present simple
2.Past simple
3.Future simple
4.Present perfect

a. was/were+ V(pp)
b.have/has been +

c. Is/ am/are + V (past

d.will/shall+ be+V(pp)

<i>Answer key </i>1c 2a 3d 4b
3. While Gap fill

<i><b>Answer key</b></i>

a.were performed b.was decorated
c.is made d. will be held
e. was awarded f. was written
** Language focus 2

1/<i>Pre-teach voc</i>


scatter (v) to throw things everywhere on
the ground

jar(n) (drawing,realia) pull(v)
2/ While Gap- fill

<i>Answer key</i>

1. jumbled 2. broken

3. broken 4. scattered 5. pull
Language focus 4

1/ <i>Pre-teach</i>

He said, “ I’m a plumber”
(quoted/ direct speech )

Model sentence : Reported speech
He said he was a plumber

1. Tenses

Direct speech Reported speech
Present simple


Past simple
Had to

2. Pronouns( depending on the subject of
the main clause)

3.Adverbs of place and time
this-> that now-> then
here-> there today-> that day
tomorrow-> the next day

yesterday-> the day before ago-> before
<b>2/ While</b><i> </i>Transformation drill

<i>Answer key</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=160>

Ask Ss to look at Focus 4 on page 130
and do the exercise


SS rewrite the sentences , remember to
keep the meaning unchanged

d. He said new pipes were very expensive
e.He said Msr Thu had to pay him then
<i><b>4/ Post </b></i>

a. The children said , “ We are waiting for
the school bus” -> The children said...
b. Nobody has used this machine for years
-> This machine...
c.The last time I played tennis was in 1990
-> I haven’t...
5. Homework

-Learn by heart the words, grammar

-Do exercises and prepare Unit 14: Listen
and read

Preparing time: 22/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 24/ 3/ 11

Period: 82

<b> Unit 14: </b>


Lesson 1: Getting started + listen and read
<b>I. Aims:</b>

Students will seek information about a language game to complete a summary
II. Language contents:

1 <i>Vocabulary</i>: none

2. <i>Grammar</i>: question words before to_infinitive
III. Techniques: ordering, gap fill

IV. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, textbook
V. Procedures:

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T has Ss look at the pictures on page 131
and do the matching

Check if they know where/ in which
country these wonders are

Set the scene “Nga, Nhi and Hoa and are
<i><b>playing a language game called guessing</b></i>
<i><b>game. How does this game work ?”</b></i>

Rearrange the statements in the right order
of the game

Put the statements chart on the board

Ask Ss the read the statements and put
them in the right order in pairs

1. Warm up

<i>Answer key:</i>

a. the Pyramid

b. Sydney Opera House
c. Stone Henge

2. Presentation

<i><b>How to play the guessing game</b></i>

1B: asks questions to find out who or what

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=161>

Call on some pairs to go to the board and
write their answers

Ss read the dialogue while listening to the

Check if Ss’ guesses are right or not

Have Ss read the diallogue again and
complete the summary on page 132 in

Then Ss compare their answers with their

Elicit the target language by asking Ss a
question (in VNese)

Emphasize the form and use
Ask Ss to do this exercise in pairs

1. suggest (v)
2. golden (adj)
3. clue (n)
4. bored (adj)
T corrects and gives answer

4A: gives B a clue

5B: loses if he/ she can not guess the
correct answer

6A: Can only answer “yes” or “no”
3. Practice

<i>Answer key</i>: 2 4 1 6 3 5

<i>Answer key</i>

1. game 5. America

2. place 6. Golden

3. clue 7. right

4. Vietnam 8. was


<i>Model sentences</i>

I don’t know to play it

<b>Form: S + V + Question word + to_Inf</b>
<b>Use: Reduced form of an indirect question</b>
4. Post-reading


a/ a pieces of information that helps you
discover the answer to a question

b/ What you often fell when you have
nothing to do

c/ make a gold

d/ make a suggestion

<i>Answer key</i>

1d 2c 3a 4b
5. Homework

- Learn model sentences
- Do exercises

- Prepare : next period Speak

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=162>

Preparing time: 24/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 26/ 3/ 11
Period: 83

<b> Unit 14: </b>


Lesson 2: Speak + Listen

<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make a report on famous places and
recognize mistakes through listening to an advertisement

II. Language contents
1.<i>Vocabulary </i>: none

2.<i>Grammar :</i> Indirect Yes/ No question
III. Teaching aids: pictures, sub- board
IV. Procedures:

<i><b>Teacher ‘s and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T asks Ss to write 10/15 famous world
places within 3 minutes ( in pairs )

Put the chart with the statement on the

Ask Ss to read the statements and the
names of the famous places in the box on
page 133 and do the matching

T checks if Ss understand the statements
Call on some pairs to give their answers


<i>Answer keys</i>

The Pyramid , Stone Henge , Sydney Opera

2. Pre-speaking

I<i>. Pre—teach </i>


1. It was designed and built by the French
civil engineer with 300 metres in height
2. It is in South Central Asia, 8.848 metres
high above sea level

3. It was built from 246 -> 209 BC and
some people say it can be seen from the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=163>

Give feedback

Ask Ss to write Yes/No questions about
10 places in the box, using the
information in the matching (Work in
groups )

Have Ss ask and answer the questions
Check Yes or No

Call on a group to demonstrate their work

T elicits words from Ss

Ss read , repeat after teacher

T holds class to play “What and where “

T sets the scene “You are going to listen
<b>to an advertisement on the tape. There</b>
<b>are 4 mistakes in the advertisement in</b>
<b>your books, What are they ? “</b>

Have SS read the advertisement for a few

Ask Ss some questions about the
geographical names in the paragraph
SS listen to the tape 2 or 3 times
Ss answer the questions

T corrects and gives marks

5. It is a skycraper in Manhattan New York

6. It is a famous place in Quang Binh
province recognized as a World Heritage
site by Unesco

3.While- speaking

<i>Answer key</i>

1.Eiffel Tower 2.Mount Everest
3.Great Wall of China 4.Big Ben

5.Empire State building 6.Phong Nha Cave

<i>Questions and answer drill <b>Suggest</b></i>
1/ Have they just built the Eiffel Tower in
Paris ?

2/ Is the Empire State building located in
New York city ?

3/ Are the Petronas Twin Towers located in
Malaysia ?

4. Is the Great barrier Reef in China ?
5. Have you ever seen Mount Rushmore ?
6. Is Mount Everest in Nepal ?

3.Pre- listening
I. <i>Pre-teach voc</i>

relaxing (a) relaxing vacation

crystal clear (a) = completely (trong suốt)
clear and bright

coral(n) san hơ

snorkel(v) bơi lặn có sử dụng ống thở
4.While- listening

<i>Answer key</i>

Incorrect Correct


2.Coconut Palm Inn


Far north

Coconut Palm

5. Homework

- Learn the model

- Do exercise 2 in workbook
- Prepare Lesson 3 Read

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=164>



Preparing time: 27/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 29/ 3/ 11
Period: 84

<b> Unit 14: </b>


Lesson 3: Read
<b>I. Aims:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get some knowledge about the
wonders of the world

II. Language contents:
a.<i>Grammar </i>: none

b.<i>Vocabulary</i> : compile (v) claim (v) honor(v) god (a) religion (n) royal (a)
III. Techniques : Hangman, Slap the board , Grid

IV. Teaching aids : sub- board, stereo, textbook
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Draw dashes on the board, each dash is
for a letter of the word

Have Ss guess the letters one by one.

For every wrong guess draw a line (from
1 to 8) Ss will lose the game if they
guess wrong 8 times

T presents new words by simple English
or translation

Ss listen, repeat new words and copy

Ca 2

T holds class to play “slap the board”
T writes these sentences in a sub-board
and put on the board

Ask Ss to decide if the statement are true
or false

1. Warm up Hangman


<i>Revision</i>: Coral, crystal, clear, snorkel,

2. Pre-reading
I/ <i>Pre-teach voc</i>

complete (v)

laim (v) say sth is true
honor (v): to show respect
dod (male)goddess (female)
religion (n)

royal (a)

<i><b> Checking: Slap the board</b></i>
II/ True_False prediction

1) An Egyptian man compiled a list of what
he throught were the seven wonders of the

2) The only surviving wonder is The
Pyramid of Chiops in Egypt

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=165>

Ss work in pairs

Ask Ss to read the text on page 134, to
check their gueses

Call on some Ss to correct the false

T corrects if necessary

Ask Ss to choose the best answers to

complete the sentences

T corrects

Ss read the text again and complete this

Call on some Ss to give their answers

Gardens of Babylon in present day Iraq
4) Angkor Wat was originally built to honor
a Hindu God

5) The Great Wall of China first wasn’t in
the list of the 7 wonders of the world

6) In the early 15th<sub> century, The Khmer</sub>
King chose Angkor Wat as the new capital
3. While-reading

Answer key:

1) False: Greek man named Antipater did it
2) True

3) False. The only surviving wonder is the
Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

4), 5): True

6) False: In the early 15th<sub> century, the</sub>
Khmer King chose Phnom Penh as the new

III/ Multiple choice

<i>Answer key</i>

a) C b) A c) D d)B
4. Post-reading


5. Homework

- Do exercises in workbook
- Prepare next period write
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 29/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 31/ 3/ 11
Period: 85

<b> Unit 14: </b>


Wonders of the world Country
1. Hanging gardens of Babylon


<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=166>

Lesson 4: Write
<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss can write a letter to a friend about a place they visited
II. Language contents:

a. <i>Grammar</i> :none
b. <i>Vocabulary</i>:

ranger (a) edge (n) canyon (n) breathtaking (a) temperate (a) Stone Age (n)
III. Techniques: guesing game, Rub out and Remember, Interview

IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, sub-board
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Ask Ss to think of one of the wonders of
the world and write it on a piece of

Call on a student to the font of the class
with his/ her paper

Have the rest of the class ask him/ her
Yes_No questions to guess the wonder
Ss guessing correct is the winner

T elicits words from Ss
Get Ss copy and read them

T checks Ss understand

Ask Ss to read the letter Tim sent to
Hoa about his trip to the grand Canyon
on page 135

Tell Ss to complete the letter by
inserting the letters of the missing
sentences (A, B, C, D)

Call on some Ss to read their complete
letters in front of the class

T corrects

T sets the scene “ Imagine you have
<i><b>visited a place recently. Write a letter</b></i>
<i><b>to a friend of yours and tell him/ her</b></i>
about this place ”

Draw the outline on the board and elicit

1. Warm up
<i><b>Guessing game</b></i>

S1: It isn’t in Asia
S2: Is it in Europe ?
S1: No, it isn’t

S3: Is it in America ?
S1: yes, it is

S4: Is it ...?

2. Pre_teaching
I. <i>Pre_teach voc</i>

Ranger (a) (person who takes care of a park)
Edge (n)

Canyon (a)

Breathtaking (a): very exciting, inpressive
Temperate (a)

Stone Age (n)

<i><b>Rub out and Remember</b></i>
II. <i>Insertion</i>

1. Letter on page 135/ textbook

<b>Answer key</b>

1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A
3. While_writing

+ Place: Phong Nha Cave/ Cuc Phuong
National park.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=167>

some details

Have Ss talk about something they have
done first by asking questions for them

Ss write a letter in their notebooks
T corrects if necessary

Ss use the outline on the board and the
information in their letters to make an

+ Sights: (beautiful/ breathtaking)
+ Weather: (temperature, sunny, cool)
+ How you feel: (happy, relaxed)
4. Post_writing

<b>Ex: </b>

Where have you just visited ?
How far is it ?

How did you get there ?

What is it like ? Is it beautiful ?
How about the weather ?

How did you feel ?
5. Homework

- Write a completed letter in your notebook
- Do exercises in notebook

- Prepare focus 1,2,3

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 31/ 3/ 11
Teaching time: 2/ 4/ 11
Period: 86

<b> Unit 14: </b>


Lesson 5: Language focus
<b>I. Aim</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=168>

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

1. <i>Vocabulary</i>: construct (v), design (v), summit (v), expendition (n), guide (v)
2. <i>Grammar:</i> Passive in Past Simple tense

Indirect Yes_No question
III. Techniques: Bingo, Matching

IV. Teaching aids: charts, posters, textbook
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T holds class to play “Bingo”

T reads: Temperate, breathtaking, royal,
religious, canyon, pyramid eged, god,
jungle, compile

T writes the words and their meaning on
the board

Ask Ss to go the matching

Call on some Ss to draw the lines to
connect the words

T corrects and gives answer keys

T asks Ss to retell the form of passive in
the Past Simple tense

Ask Ss to complete the sentences with
the right passive form of the verbs

Call on some Ss to give their answers

T sets the scene: Yesteday, Nga and Nhi
<i><b>talked about My Son, one of the world</b></i>
<i><b>cultural Heritage of Vietnam. Beside</b></i>
<i><b>answering some of Nhi’s questions Nga</b></i>
<i><b>gave her some additional information</b></i>
<i><b>about My Son </b></i>

Ask Ss to retell the form of Indirect
Yes_No question

Call on one student to read the question
another student read the reported

1. Warm up
* Bingo

+ <i>Language focus 1</i>

2. Presentation
I. Matching

1. construct (v)
2. design (v)
3. summit (v)
4. expendition
5. guide

a. thiết kế

b. đoàn thám hiểm
c. xây dựng

d. hướng dẫn viên
e. đỉnh (núi)

<i>Answer keys</i>: 1C 2A 3E 4B 5D


<b>Form of passive in Past Simple tense</b>
S + was / were + PP + by O

<b>3. Practice </b>
Answer keys

a. was completed d. was presented

b. was constructed e. was reached
c. was designed

+ <i>Language focus 2</i>

+ Presentation

<b>Form: S + asked + if / whether...</b>
+ <i>Practice:</i>

<i>Answer key:</i>

a. Nhi asked Nga if she knew My Son

b. Nhi asked Nga if My Son was in Quang
Nam province

c. Nhi asked Nga if / whether it was far from

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=169>

T corrects if necessary

T asks Ss to retell the model
Ss do exercises

T corrects if necessary

visited My Son every year

f. Nhi asked Nga if Nga wanted to visit My

Son one day

* Language focus 3
4. Post


S + V + Question word + To_inf

<i>Answer key</i>

a. Nga told Nhi how to go there

b. Nga showed Nhi where to get tickets
c. Nga pointed out where to buy souvenirs
d. Nga advised Nhi how to go from My Son
to Hoi An

e. Nga told Nhi what to do there during the

5. Homework

- L.Focus 1: Turn the passive to active
- Do exercises in workbook

- Prepare next period: Consolidation for test
<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>



Preparing time: 14/ 4/ 11

Teaching time: 16/ 4/ 11
Period: 87


<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of this lesson, all the students will be able to change an active

sentences into a passive sentence (simple past), change a direct sentence into an indirect

<b>II. Language contents: Vocabulary: (Unit 12 – Unit 14)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=170>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <b>Contents</b>
Introduce the lesson: To prepare for the

coming test of 45 minutes, we are going to
review lesson 12 – 14.

Ask ss to open their books to page 165 and

T helps ss to read all the words of these


Call on some ss to read those words.
Correct and explain some difficult words.
Ss listen and take notes.

Show the exercises on the screen.
Guide ss to do the exercise.

Ss work in pairs.

Call on some ss to do the exercise on the

Other ss give ideas.
Ss’ correction.

T gives comments and corrects.

Ss copy the answers into their notebooks.
Ss takes notes (the form)

Show the exercises on the screen.
Guide ss to do the exercise.

Ss work in pairs.

Call on some ss to do the exercise on the

Other ss give ideas.
Ss’ correction.

T gives comments and corrects.

Ss copy the answers into their notebooks.
Ss takes notes (the form)

Show the exercises on the screen.
Guide ss to do the exercise.

Ss work in pairs.

Call on some students to do the exercise
on the board.

Other students give ideas.
Ss’ correction.

T gives comments and corrects.

Ss copy the answers into their notebooks.
Ss takes notes (the forms)

<b>I/ Vocabulary:</b>

- Unit 12 – Unit 14 (Page 165 – 166).

<b>II/ Grammar:</b>

1/ Past progressive tense:

a) Ba was taking a shower at eight
o’clock last night.

b) They were having lunch when the
phone rang.

c) Mrs. Thoa was cooking when Mai
came home from school.

<b>S + was/ were = V-ing</b>

2/ Present progressive (always):
a) Na is always talking on the phone.
b) Nam is always watching TV.

3/ Passive voice:

a) Minh visits Dalat every year.

-> Dalat is visited by Minh every year.
S + am/ is/ are + PP

b) Hoa wrote a letter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=171>

Show the exercises on the screen.
Guide ss to do the exercise.

Ss work in pairs.

Call on some ss to do the exercise on the

Other ss give ideas.
Ss’ correction.

Tr gives comments and corrects.

Ss copy the answers into their notebooks.
Ss takes notes (the forms)

c) The students will plant
S V trees.
-> Trees will be planted by the students.

S + will be + PP
4/ Indirect speech:
a) Statements:

- He said to Mrs. Thu: “I’m a plumber.”
-> He said he was a plumber.

b) Questions:

- Nhi said to Nga: “Is My Son in Quang
Nam province?”

-> Nhi asked Nga if My Son was in
Quang Nam province.

<b>Note: if -> whether</b>

Prepare Unit 12 – 14 for one-period test.
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 4/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 6/ 4 / 10
Period: 88

<b>THE TEST</b>


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check all knowledge they have learnt in
unit 12,13,14.

<b>B. The test </b>

<b>ĐỀ 01</b>
<b>I. Odd one out: ( 1,0m)</b>

1. A. arrive B. sight

C. island D.


2. A. who B. which

C. why D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=172>

3. A. neighbor B. receive C.

weight D. great

4. A. open B. canoe

C. blow D.


<b>II/ Choose the best answer(2,0ms)</b>

<b>1.Nga...a letter at eight o'clock last night .</b>

A. write B. was writing C. is writing D. writes

<b>2. Mrs Nga...always...her umbrellas</b>

A.were/ losing B. has/ lost C. will/ lose D. is/ losing
<b>3.They have to...the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.</b>

A. separate B.take C. bring D. make

<b>4. I'm interested in the...contest.</b>

A. making-fire B. fire-making C. fire-made D. made-fire
5.The first prize....to the Mekong Team just after the final match yesterday.
A. is awarded B. was awarded C. awards D. awarded
<b>6 . My teacher said he …….tired and…..to go home.</b>

A. is/ wants B. is / wanted C. was / wants D. was / wanted
<b> 7 . I asked Nga…………I could borrow her book !</b>

A. and B. if C. or D. but

<b>8 . Angkor Wat is one of the largest……. in the world.</b>

A. temples B. churches C. pagodas D. tombs

<b>III: Give the correct form of the verbs (2.0ms) </b>

1. When he ( come )……….., we were having dinner
2. A new festival ( hold )………. here next week .
3. You ( do) ………your homework at 8 o’clock yesterday evening ?
4. Nga told Nhi how (get)………. to My Son.

<b>IV. Read and answer the questions.( 2,0ms)</b>
Dear Lan

Well, here I am in Peru on our South America tour. I got to Lima five days ago. I had a

good journey. It took three days by bus, but I saw a lot of things on the way. We didn’t
do much for the first two days, as some of the girls were ill. We spent most of the time
on the beach. On Wednesday, we came up to the mountains and while we were doing
some sightseeing it rained heavily so we could not take a lot of photos. Yesterday, we
went to the old Inca City of Machu Picchu. It was fantastic.

Hope you are well.


1.When did Jane arrive in Lima- Peru ?
2. How did she get there?

3. When did they come up to the mountains?
4. Where did they go yesterday?

<b>V. Rewrite the sentences(3,0ms)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=173>

2. My friend sent me an invitation® I was...

3.We should give this boy some rice. ® This boy should...

4.“I am leaving in the morning.” he said ®He said that...

5." Can I help you ? " she asked him. ®She asked him ...

6.”What are you doing?’’ Lan asked me®Lan asked me...

<i><b>Đề 02</b></i>

<b>I. Odd one out: ( 1,0m)</b>

1. A. music B. sight C.

tidy D. price

2. A. <b>when </b> B.

<b>where</b> C. who

D. what

3. A. neighbor B. weight C.

great D. receive

4. A. open B. blow

C. sport D.


<b>II/ Choose the best answer(2,0ms)</b>

<b>1.Nga...a book at eight o'clock last night .</b>

A. read B. was reading C. is reading D. reads

<b>2. Nam...always...late.</b>

A.were/ going B. has/ gone C. will/ go D. is/ going
<b>3. I asked Ba…………I could borrow his car .</b>

A. and B. if C. or D. but

<b>4. I'm interested in the...contest.</b>

A. fetching - water B. water - fetching C. fetch - water D. fetched – water
5. Sydney Opera House……..in 1973

A. completed B. complete C. is completed D. was completed
<b>6 . My teacher said he …….tired and…..to go home.</b>

A. is/ wants B. is / wanted C. was / wants D. was / wanted
<b> 7 . They have to...the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.</b>

A. separate B. take C. bring D. make

<b>8 . Angkor vat was originally built for ....</b>

A.Hindus B. Buddhists C. kings D. the citizens of Pnom penh
III: Give the correct form of the verbs (2.0ms)

1. When I ( come )……….., they were doing their homework.

2. English-speaking contest ( hold )……at Nguyen Du junior High School next month.
3. You ( have) ……….dinner at 8 o’clock yesterday evening ?
4. Ba is always (talk)………. in class.

<b>IV. Read and answer the questions.( 2,0ms)</b>

Dear Lan

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=174>

on the beach. On Thursday, we came up to the mountains and while we were doing
some sightseeing it rained heavily so we could not take a lot of photos. Yesterday, we
went to the old Inca City of Machu Picchu. It was fantastic.

Hope you are well.


1.When did Jane arrive in Lima- Peru ?
2. How did she get there?

3. When did they come up to the mountains?
4. Where did they go yesterday?

<b>IV. Rewrite the sentences(3,0ms)</b>

1. They repaired this road in 2002.-> This road...
2. The ticket price includes our accommodation.-> Our accommodation...
3.We must give Lan some money. ® Lan must... ………

4.“I am playing soccer at the moment.” he said ®He said that...

5." Can I play the guitar ? " he asked her.® He asked her ...

6.”Where are you going?’’ Nam asked me®Nam asked me...


<i><b>Đề 01</b></i>

<i><b>I. (1,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. D 2. A 3. B 4.B

<i><b>II. ( 2,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B

5.B 6. D 7. B 8. A

<i><b>III. ( 2,0 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. came 2. will be held 3. Were ….doing 4. to get.
<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. She arrived five days ago.
2. She got there

<i><b>Đề 02</b></i>

<i><b>I. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. moving 2. close 3. has never seen 4. thirty-minute
5. didn’t turn on 6. wearing 7. made 8. in 9. riding 10. quite
<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. to learn. 2. telling 3. holding
4. use 5. to meet

<i><b>III. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. We are ready that we are going to clean the environment..
2. It’s very interesting to read this book.

3. Do you mind If I borrow your dictionary?
4. Would you mind playing the tape once more?
5. That noise was made by these boys.

<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=175>

Preparing time: 5/ 4 / 10
Teaching time: 7/ 4/ 10
Period: 89

Chữa bài kiểm tra
A. Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to check their mistakes, review the
knowledge they’ve learnt.

<b>B. Procedure </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=176>

<b> II. New lesson:</b>
1. Give Ss their tests

- Check their mistakes. ( note: knowledge, grammar, vocabulary…)
- Explain how to do the test well.

2. Give the answer

<i><b>Đề 01</b></i>
<i><b>I. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. made 2. open 3. have never seen 4. doing 5. didn’t put off
6. talking 7. thirty-minute 8. in 9. riding 10. quite

<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. to receive 2. correcting 3. to meet

4. standing 5. borrow

<i><b>III. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. I’m happy that I passed all the exams .
2. It’s lovely to meet you again.

3. Do you mind If I turn on the TV?

4. Would you mind solving this problem for me?
5. The patients were examined by the doctor.
<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T

<i><b>Đề 02</b></i>
<i><b>I. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,25đ</b></i>

1. moving 2. close 3. has never seen 4. thirty-minute
5. didn’t turn on 6. wearing 7. made 8. in 9. riding 10. quite
<i><b>II. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. to learn. 2. telling 3. holding
4. use 5. to meet

<i><b>III. ( 2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. We are ready that we are going to clean the environment..
2. It’s very interesting to read this book.

3. Do you mind If I borrow your dictionary?
4. Would you mind playing the tape once more?
5. That noise was made by these boys.

<i><b>IV. (2,5 đ ) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5đ</b></i>

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F

<b>D. Homework</b>

- Ask Ss to do the test again and prepare the next lesson.
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=177>

Preparing time: 7/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 9/ 4/ 10
Period: 90

<b> Unit 15: </b>


Lesson 1: Getting started + listen and read
<b>I. Aim</b>

Ss will be able to express their opinions about a problem and get Ss to
differentiate facts from opinions through reading

II. Language contents:

1. <i>Vocabulary:</i> Printer connect plug

manual under guarantee socket

2. <i>Grammar</i>: Present Perfect tense

III. Techniques: Bingo, T/ F prediction, write it up

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=178>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Ss write the topic on the board

Ask Ss to think of the topic and express
their opinions

T collects Ss’ opinions

T presents new words
Ss repeat and say meaning

Teacher sets the scene: “ Mr Nhat are
<i><b>talking about the problem of the</b></i>
<i><b>computer they’ve just bought. What</b></i>
<i><b>happens to the computer ?”</b></i>

T puts the chart on the board and have
Ss guess which statements are true and
which are false

T writes Ss’ guesses on the board.

Ask Ss to open their books, read the
dialogue and listen to the tape

Have Ss work in pairs again to check if

1. Warm up


Computers can help us
- save time

- ...


 Coputers help us learn interestingly

 Computers help us learn more quickly
 Computers are convenient/ easy for

keeping/ storing information

 Computers are very quickly in giving

answers to our questions
2. Presentation

I. <i>Pre_teach vocabulary</i>

Printer (n)
Manual (a)
Connect (v)

Under guarantee (n)
Plug (n)

Socket (n)
<i><b>* Bingo</b></i>

II. <i>True/ False prediction</i>

1. The printer isn’t working.

2. Nam has already turned the computer on
3. Nam knows how to connect a printer but
he hasn’t connected it properly.

4. The manual helped them to find out the

5. Mr Nhat bought the computer in HCM
city and it’s still under guarantee.

6. Mr Nhat thinks the company wouldn’t do
anything with his computer because it’s too
far from his place.

3. Practice

<i>Answer key</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=179>

their guesses are right or not
Give feedback and corrrect

T explains “ Facts or Opinion”

<i><b>+ Fact: a thing that is known to be</b></i>
<i><b>true, especially when it can be proved</b></i>
<i><b>+ Opinion: your feelings or thoughts</b></i>
<i><b>about someone or something, rather</b></i>
<i><b>than a fact</b></i>

Ss read the statements and check
T corrects

T explains

3. F...and he has connected it properly
4. F

5. T

6. F Mr Nhat thinks the company should
do something with it

<b>Answer key</b>
a) Fact
b) Opinion
c) Fact
d) Opinion
e) Fact
f) Opinion

4. Consolidation

<i>Present Perfect tense</i>

<i>Use</i>: finished actions  indefinite time
incompleted actions  for, since, recently

<i>Form:</i> have/ has + past participle
5. Homework

- learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

Preparing time: 10/ 4/ 10

Teaching time: 13/ 4/ 10
Period: 91

<b> Unit 15: COMPUTERS</b>
Lesson : Speak
<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of this lesson, all the students will be able to use some common useful
expressions to express agreement and disagreement.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids: Cassette player, overhead projector, pictures … </b>

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

- Ask students to think of one of the
ways computers are helpful and
write it on a piece of paper.

- Call on a student to the front of the

 <b>Guessing game:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=180>

- Get the rest of the class to ask him/
her: “Do you think that computers
are …?

- The students can only answer with
yes or no.

- Tell students the one to have the
right guess will get one good mark
and go on answering the questions.
- Write the topic on the board:

- Useful expressions to express
agreement and disagreement

- Put the table on the board and elicit
students’ answers hen writ them in
the table.

- Explain the phrase “on the other
hand” to students.

- Get students to copy the table.

- Show the photocopied pictures (139)
on the right of the screen and the
word cues on the left.

- Ask students to match the words
with the pictures.

- Get students to demonstrate the
model (a).

- T: I think driving a car is easy.

- S: I disagree. I think it’s difficult to
drive a car or So do I.

- Ask students to use the adjectives in
the box on page 140 to express their
opinions after going through the
meaning of some new words.

- Ask students to use the pictures on
the board to practice speaking with
their partners.

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate
for the class.

- Give feedback and correct.

 <b>Speak</b>

<b>I/ Brainstorm:</b>


I like, I don’t like, I
think, I feel, I don’t
believe …

Agreement So do I, I agree, you’re<sub>right, neither do I …</sub>
Degree of


I agree, but …, yes, but
on the other hand…
disagreement I disagree, I can’t agree<sub>with you, no, I think …</sub>
<b>II/ Matching:</b>

<b>III/ Picture drill:</b>

 <b>Oral drill:</b>

1. Reading comic books d
2. Playing in the rain a
3. Driving a car B
4. Foreign food c

1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – d
<b>New words:</b>

- entertain

- time-consuming
- challenging

<span class='text_page_counter'>(181)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=181>

- Present the dialogue and have
students repeat, sentence by

- Call on one student to demonstrate
the dialogue.

- Open pair.

- Closed pairs: Replace the

I am having
with …

It doesn’t

work. I think

No, you

didn’t …
Oh! Sorry.


- Write complete dialogues in your

Prepare part Read for the next period.
<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>


Preparing time: 12/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 14/ 4/ 10
Period: 92

<b> Unit 15: COMPUTERS</b>
Lesson 3: Read
<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss can know more about how computers work in a

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary: freshman (n) bulletion board (n) impact (n)

jack(n) skeptical (a)

2. Grammar:

III. Techniques: jumbled words, open prediction
IV. Teaching aids: chart, cardboards

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Put the cardboards on the board

Ss work in 2 teams

1. Warm up

<i><b>Jumbled words</b>:<b> words relating to a</b></i>

1. terpirn
2. seumo
3. recsnc

<span class='text_page_counter'>(182)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=182>

Elicit words from Ss

Ss repeat and say the meaning

T asks Ss to guess what they’ve going to

T writes Ss’ guesses on the board

Get Ss to read the text again then choose
true or false

T asks Ss to answer questions
Ss write on the board

T corrects

4. nimorot

<i>Answer key</i>

1. Printer
2. mouse

3. screen
4. monitor

5. key board
6. mouse

2. Presentation
freshman (n)
jack (a)

bulletion board = notice board
skeptical (a)

impact (n)

<i>What and Where</i>

* Open prediction

1. Where in the library do we get/ find
information ?

2. How can we store the information ?

3. If we want to discuss something, how can
we do ?

3. While_reading
a) T

b) T
c) T
d) F
e) F
f) T
4. Post

a) It has no library. All the information
normally found in a library is now stored in
the university’s computes

b) All the information normally found in a

library or messages normally foound on a
bulletin board

c) A computer and a telephone

d) With a bulletin board on the Internet, a
great number of people can get access to
bulletin and exchange informatin quickly
5. Homework

- Learn words

- Prepare for next period
<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(183)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=183>


Preparing time: 14/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 16/ 4/ 10
Period: 93

<b>I. Aim</b>

Ss will be able to write a set of

instructions on how to use the printer and complete a flow chart
II. Language contents:

1 <i>Vocabulary:</i> paper input tray (n)
power button (n)

icon (n)

output path (n)
remove (v)
2. <i>Grammar</i>: Present Perfect

III. Techinques: matching, gap fill
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, charts
<b>V. Procedures</b>

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Teacher holds class to play Bingo

T uses the picture on page 142 to elicit
words from Ss

1. Warm up

Monitor power Computer

Tray Printer Freshman


Bulletin board Paper
2. Pre_writing

I. <i>Pre_teach vocabulary</i>

Paper input tray (n)
<b> Unit 15: COMPUTERS</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(184)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=184>

Ss repeat and say the meaning
Have Ss copy

Ask Ss to look at exercise 1 and do the

Get some Ss to give their answers and

Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page
143 and read the cues

Have Ss work in pairs to outline the

Call on some Ss to say out the
instructions first (1 or 2 Ss for each

Ask Ss to write the instructions in their

Give feedback and correct

Ss complete the dialogues

Ss work in pairs

Have some pairs to demonstrate the
dialogues for the class

Pronunciation correction

Power button (n)
Icon (n)

Output path (n)
Remove (v)

<i>Answer key</i>

a)3 b)1 c)6 d)2 e)4 f)5
3. While_writing

<i>Answer key</i>

Remove the old paper and load the new
paper in the paper input tray

Wait for the power button to flash

Have the pages appear on the computer

Click the printer icon on the screen and

wait for a few seconds

The printed paper will come out of the
output path in a minute

4. Post
<i><b>Focus 4</b></i>

<i>Answer key</i>

1) Have you seen
did you see/ saw
2) have not had
3) have been
4) have heard
5) happened
6) had

7) fell 8) broke
9) has arrived

has / did it arrive / arrived
5. Homework

<span class='text_page_counter'>(185)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=185>

- Prepare: Language focus 1, 2
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


Preparing time: 17/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 19/ 4/ 10
Period: 94

<b>I. Aim</b>

Ss can use “yet” and “already” to
express the present perfect

II. Language contents
* Vocabulary: none

* Grammar: Present Perfect

III. Techniques: lucky number, gap_fill dialogue
IV. Teaching aids: chart

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T divides the class into 2 teams

T sets the scene

1. Warm up

<i>Lucky number</i>

1/ What does your father / mother do ?
2/ What did you do last night ?

3/ Lucky number

4/ How often is Hue festival held ?
(It is held every 2 years )

5/ Lucky number

6/ What were you doing at 8 o’clock
last night ?

7/ Guess what your parents are doing at
the moment ?

8/ Who often cooks in your family ?
9/ Which grade will you be in next
school year ?

10/ Lucky number
2. Pre_teach

<i>*Language focus 1</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(186)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=186>

T shows the chart (Ba’s diary) on the

T presents the present perfect with “yet”
and “already”

Have Ss copy

Ss complete the dialogue using Yet and

Call on some pairs to demonstrate the
dialogue for the class

Give feedback and correct

T corrects

Ask Ss to look at the flight information
tables and asks questions to show the

Ask Ss talking in turns to ask and answer
the questions

_ Do homework √  (already)
_ Tidy the room X  (not yet)

_ Turn off the washing machine √ 

_ Call and tell aunt Le to have lunch √ 

<b>Present perfect with “Yet” and</b>



Yet: used in questions and negative

Already: used in positive statements

Yet: at the end of the sentence

Already: between auxiliary have and
past participle

3. Practice
<b>Answer key</b>

- I have finished it already

- I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet
- I have already turned it off

- I’ve already called and told her to have
lunch with us

4. Post
** <i>Focus 2</i>

<b>Questions and answers</b>

T: Has the flight to Vientiane departed
yet ?

S: Yes, it has already departed

T: Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived
yet ?

S: No, it hasn’t arrived yet
5. Homework

- Do exercises in workbooks
- Prepare: Correction 4
- Write questions & answers
<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(187)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=187>

Preparing time: 18/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 20/ 4/ 10
Period: 100

<b>I. Aim</b>

Ss can change active sentences into passive ones and write WH questions in the

II. Language contents:

1 . <i>Vocabulary:run a busuness/ company around the corner due to flood(n)</i>
<i>zipper(n) xerography(n) </i>

2 . <i>Grammar:</i>Passive voice

III. Techniques: Pelmanism. slap the board
IV. Teaching aids: cardboards

<b>V. Procedure:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Inform the topic “ Infinitive- Past

Divide the class into 2 teams

T presents new words
Ss copy

T checks vocabulary

Have Ss do exercise 1 on page 154
Ss write the sentences on the board

1. Warm up


<b>Infinitive Past Participle</b>
Write written
Draw drawn

Sell sold
Win won
Run run
2. Pre- teach

<i>Pre- teach vocabulary</i>

<i>run a busuness/ company (v) </i>
<i> around the corner = every year</i>
<i> due to = because of</i>

<i>flood(n) ( There might be... when </i>
<i>it rains heavily for days)</i>

<i>zipper(n) </i>
<i> xerography(n) </i>

<b>Slap the board</b>
3. While

<i>Language focus 1</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(188)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=188>

T corrects

Ss practice

Ss write on cardboards
T corrects

Ss copy

Go through the underlined words with Ss
before have them write questions

a/ The zipper-> what
b/ Maize-> what

in the 16th<sub> century-> when</sub>
c/ by Lewis Waterman-> who
e/ in Hungary-> where

e/ in copying machines-> in which

Ss write questions

Have Ss change the passive sentences into
the active ones

T gives feedback and corrects

a/ The document was typed by Mrs Quyen
b/ the computer was repaired by Mr Nhan
c/ The picture was drawn by ba

d/ the lights were turned off by Hoa
e/ The cake was baked by Lan

<i>Language focus2</i>

Answer key
a/ was awarded
b/ won

c/ ran

d/ was run/ was sold
f/ was closed ( closed)

<i>Language focus 3</i>

Answer key

a/ What was invented by W.L judson in

b/What was brought into Vietnam by
Phung Khac Khoan? When was maize
brought into Viet Nam ?

c/ Who invented the fountain pen ? When
was the fountain pen invented ?

d/ Where was the ballpoint pen invented ?
e/ In which machine is xerography widely
used ?

<b>4. Post Marks</b>

Transformation drill (Focus 3)

5. Homework

- language focus 1,2: Turn the sentences
into the active if possible

- Do the exercises in workbook
<b>Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(189)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=189>

Preparing time: 18/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 20/ 4/ 10
Period: 101

<b>I. Aim</b>

This period helps Ss review the structures having been learnt in the previous units
and do some exercises using the grammar points

II. Languade contents
. Grammar:

1. Passive Voice

2. Indirect speech/ Indirect question
3. Past Progressive tense

4. Do you mind/ would you mind...?
5. Present/ Past Participle

. <i>Vocabulary:</i> from unit 9 to unit 15

III. Techniques: gap –fill, guessing game
IV. Teaching aids: sub- boards

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T holds class to play guessing game

T asks ss to repeat the structures in
Present, past, Future, Present Perfect
Ss do exercise

T consolidates the structures

Then SS practice

I. Warm up Guessing game
II<i>. Language focus</i>

1/ Passive voice

<i><b> S+ be+ Vpp+ by O</b></i>
Change to passive voice

1/ Clement Clark Moore wrote the poem in

2/ They have just built a new church near my

3/ They told us to go home and wait

4/ People speak French and English in Canada
2/ Indirect speech/ Question

<i>* Indirect speech</i>

S+ said+ (that) + S+ V
S+ told+ O+ that + S+ V
* <i>Indirect question</i>

S+ asked + if/ whether+ S+V
<i><b>Change to reported speech </b></i>

1/ A foreign tourist said to Lan, “ Is Phong Nha
in Quang Tri province?”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(190)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=190>

Ss give the form and give some

Ss repeat the structures

SS do exercises in their notebooks

Ss rewrite the sentences
SS write them on the board
T corrects

Phong Nha this weekend?”

3/ She said,” I will answer the phone”

4/ Tam said, “ Jone wants to come here but she
isn’t very well”

3/ Past Progressive tense
<b> S+ was/were + V-ing</b>

EX: While we were having lunch, Tom arrived
It suddenly rained while they was sitting in the

4/ Do/ would you mind...?

<i><b>Do/ Would you mind + V-ing...?</b></i>
<i><b>Do you mind+ if+ S+ V( present)</b></i>

<i><b>Would you mind if + S+ V ( past)...?</b></i>

<i>Give the correct form of verbs</i>

1/ When we ( meet) George yesterday, we
( walk) through the [ark

2/ What you (do) at 8 o’clock last night?
We ( watch) TV

3/ I have decided where ( go) for my holidays
4/ Would you mind ( close) the windows?

5/ Do you mind if I ( take) a photo?

5/ Present Participle and Past participle

<i>Do as directed</i>

1/ Do you know the woman? The woman is
talking to Tom( using “ Present Participle”)
2/ The boy was taken to the hospital. He was
injured in the acciñent( Past participle)

3/ I/ surprised/ see/ Paul/ the party/ last night
( using” Adj+ to- inf”)

4/ Is it all right if I take a photo?

-> Would you mind...?
5/ This is a farm which grows vegetables
( using “ compound noun”)

6/ Nam gets up early every morning. He
doesn’t want to be late for school ( in order to )
III. Homework

- Review all the structures

- Prepare for the second semester test

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(191)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=191>

Preparing time: 19/ 4/ 10
Teaching time: 21/ 4/ 10
Period: 102

<b>1. Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use tense learned, the passive voice,
the present participle and past participle well.

<b>2. Language contents: * Grammar: tenses, passive voice, Do you mind…./ Would you</b>
mind/ …? , present participle (V-ing) and past participle (V-ed)

<b>3. Techniques: pair work, group work, ask and answer, examples, correction</b>
<b>4. Teaching aids: extra board </b>

<b>5. Procedures: </b>

<b>T’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T: tells Ss the request.

Ss: change the example and remind how to

T: remark and guide more.
Ss: work in pairs.

T: takes feedback, corrects and give
answer keys.

T: tells Ss the request and guides Ss to do.
Ss: notice and do in groups.

T: takes feedback, corrects and give
answer keys.

<b>I/ Change the sentences into the passive.</b>
Ex: He likes soccer very much.

→ Soccer is liked by him very much.
1/ People grow corn in Brazil.

2/ They will build a new bridge in the city.
3/ People make butter and cheese from

4/ Bad weather cause many road accidents.
5/ They sent two million books to America
every year.

6/ I’ll give you a new bike next month.
7/ They make potteries from porcelain.
8/ Ba was playing tennis at 8 o’clock
yesterday morning.

<b>II/ Put the verbs into correct form: </b>
<b>1/ What you (do) when I (phone) you</b>

2/ While I (walk) downtown, I (meet) my

old teacher.

3/ He never (come) to class on time
4/ Tom (study) English for 5.

5/ They (star) to learn English when they
(be) only 10 years old.

6/ While I (shop) yesterday. I (hear)
someone call my name.

7/ On my way home I often (meet) many
children who (go) to school.

8/ When (they, finish) their work? They
(finish) it 2 hours ago.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(192)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=192>

T: tells Ss the request and guides Ss to do.
Ss: notice and do in groups.

T: takes feedback, corrects and give
answer keys.

house. We (hope) everything (be) nice.
<b>III/ Rewrite each pair of the following</b>
<b>sentences, using V-ed or V-ing.</b>

1/ That girl is Australian. She is talking to

→ That girl ___

2/ A plane crashed into the sea yesterday.
It was carrying 28 passengers.

→ A plane ____

3/ The man was taken to hospital. He was
injured in the accident.

→ The man ___

4/ Did you hear about the boy? He was
knocked on his way to school this

→ Did ____?

5/ The paintings haven’t been found yet.
They were stolen from the museum.

→ The paintings _____

6/ Some paintings were stolen from the
place. They belong to the Queen.

→ Some paintings ____
<i><b>* Answer keys: </b></i>

1. That girl talking to Tom is Australian.

2. A plane carrying 28 passengers crashed
into the sea.

3. The man injured in the accident taken to
the hospital.

4. Did the boy knocked on his way to
school this morning?

5. The paintings stolen from the museum
haven’t been found yet.

6. Some paintings stolen from the palace
belong to the Queen.


- Do all exercises in the exercise book.
<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>

Preparing time: 25/ 4/ 10

<span class='text_page_counter'>(193)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=193>

<b>1. Aim:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review some important grammar
points and use them to do exercises

<b>II. Language Contents:</b>
<i><b> -Vovabulary : review </b></i>

<i><b> - Grammar</b><b> </b><b> : -(not) adjective + enough + to-infinitive</b></i>

- Modals: must, have to, ought to, may, can, could…………..
-Used to + infinitive (-to)


- comparison with like, (not) as…………..as,(not) the same as,
<i><b>different from</b></i>

<b>III.Techniques: Ask and answer, Pair works , Group works </b>
<b>IV.Teaching aids</b><i>:</i><b> Extra board </b>

<b>V. Procedures: </b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- play a game

T : gets Ss to review the structures with
: enough , modal verbs, used to ,

comparison with <i>like, (not) </i>

<i>as…………..as,(not) the same as, different</i>
<i>from .</i>

Ss : review and give examples
T : guides Ss to do exercise1 .
Ss : work in pair to do

-present the answers in front of the class .
T : gets feedback and gives the correct
answers .

Ss : review the way to use gerund .

T : notes the difference between infinitive
and gerund .

- guides Ss to do exercise 2.
Ss : work in pair to do

-present the answers in front of the class .
T : gets feedback and gives the correct
answers .

<i><b>I/. Write sentences , use the words given</b></i>
<i><b> and the suggestion the brackets</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1. He / rich / buy / car ( enough )

2. She / going to / visit / aunt ( be going to )
3. Tom/ not / tall/ play / basketball

( enough )

4. They / going / meet / friends ?
( be going to )

5. Your hat / different / my hat .
( be different from )

6. you / help / me / fix bike ?
( Make a suggestion )

7. your hat / different/ my / hat .
( be different from )

8. you / help / me ? ( asking for favor )
9. Nam / cook / dinner ? (why)

- Because / mother / visit / grandma
10. We / used / walk / school ( used to )
<i><b>II/ Infinitive or gerund</b></i>

1.Hoa wants (go) to Water Park this

.2. Nam thinks of ( watch) a football
match on TV.

3. After (do) her homework, Lan often
listens to music.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(194)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=194>


6. Does she hate (cook) dinner

7. Long asked me (practice) speaking
English with him.


<i><b>* Old lesson : do all exercises in your </b></i>
notebook and review their grammar
<b>* New lesson : review </b>

- Adverbs of manner
-Reflexive pronouns
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm: </b>


<i><b> Preparing time: 26/ 4 / 09</b></i>
Teaching time: 28/ 4/ 09
Period: 104

<b>I . Aim: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(195)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=195>

<b>II. Language Contents:</b>
<i><b> -Vovabulary : review </b></i>

<i><b> - Grammar</b><b> </b><b> : -(not) adjective + enough + to-infinitive</b></i>
-Used to + infinitive (-to)


- commands, requests and advice in reported speech
- Adverbs of manner

<b>III.Techniques: Ask and answer, Pair works , Group works </b>
<b>IV.Teaching aids</b><i>:</i><b> Extra board </b>

<b>V. Procedures: </b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- play a game

T : gets Ss to review adverbs of manner
Ss : review and give examples

T : guides Ss to do exercise1 .
Ss : work in pair to do

-present the answers in front of the class .
T : gets feedback and gives the correct
answers .

T : guides Ss to do exercise 2.
Ss : work in pair to do

-present the answers the board.

T : gets feedback and gives the correct
answers .

T : asks Ss to read the given words and
review their meaning

Ss: do teacher’s requests
T :guides Ss to do exercise 3
Ss : work in group to fill the

<b>Check up </b>
<b>Activity 1</b>

<i><b>I/. Choose the correct words in the</b></i>
<i><b> brackets</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1. She is a ( well / good ) student . She sings
very ( well / good )

2. They are ( happy / happily ) . They
live ( happy / happily )

3. That car runs ( quick / quickly ) . It is
a ( quick / quickly ) car .

4. There is ( a boy upstairs / upstairs a boy )

5. There aren’t any ( downstairs

students / students downstairs )
6. My father used to ( go / going )
to work by bike .

7. The teacher told her students you

should(close/to close)the doors after class .
2. Most of the boys enjoy ( play / playing )

soccer .
<b>Activity 2</b>

<i><b>II/. Use the suggested words to write the </b></i>
<i><b>following sentences</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

1. Daisy / receive / second semester report
/ last week

2. Ba / play / guitar / well

3. We / going to / take part / Y & Y Green

4. Her grandmother / used to / sing / well /
when / young

5. Teacher / tell / Tim / should / improve /
Spanish pronunciation

<span class='text_page_counter'>(196)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=196>

T : goes around and helps
weak students

Ss :present their answers on the extra

T :gets feed back and corrects .

<i><b>III/ Fill in the blanks with given words</b><b> :</b><b> </b></i>

<i>sense of humor, message, enough, each </i>
<i>other, himself, dangerous, deaf-mute, </i>

1.Nga and I often help _____do our

2. It’s _____to leave medicine around the

3. He phoned you but you were out, so he
left a _______.

4. Nien is ___because she lives away from

5. My younger brother can tidy up his
room ____

6. A _______ can’t speak or hear.

7. Lan is old _____ to ride a motorbike .
8. His _____ always makes people laugh.

<i><b>* Old lesson : do all exercises in your </b></i>
notebook and review their grammar
<b>* New lesson :review </b>

- Prepositions of time

- Comparative and superlative adjectives.
- Tenses

<i><b> Rót kinh nghiÖm: </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

Preparing time: 9/ 5/ 10
Teaching time: 11/ 5/ 10
Period: 95

<b>I. Aim</b>

Ss can know the origin of paper

and talk about the process of producing something
II. Language contents:

1.Vocabulary: remove (v) process (a)

crush (v) mold (n)

liquify (v) conveyor belt

<b> Unit 16: INVENTIONS</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(197)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=197>

grind (v)

manufacture (v)
2. Grammar:none

III. Techniques: quiz, matching, open_Prediction, grid
IV. Teaching aids: Cassette, Pictures, grid chart
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T tells the teams to raise their
hands when T finished the

Get Ss to look at the pictures on
page 147 and ask them some
questions to evaluate how much
they understand the pictures

Ask Ss to read the sentence (AE)
and match them with the correct

Call on some Ss to give their

Give feedback and correct

Elicit words form Ss

Ss repeat and say meaning

Ss copy

T sets the scene: Tim Jones, Hoa’s
<i><b>American penpal, is visiting a</b></i>
<i><b>chocolate factory with his class</b></i>
<i><b>and his teacher. Mrs Allen, now,</b></i>
<i><b>guess who will show them around</b></i>
<i><b>the factory and what they will</b></i>

1. Warm up Marks
** <i>Quiz _ who did it ?</i>

Who was the inventor of ...? or who invented ...?

<i>Getting started</i>

Where are they form ? (picture a, b, c)
What is the man in picture a) doing ?
What is it ? (d)

<i>Answer key:</i>

A. b)
B. c)
C. e)
D. a)
E. d)

2. Presentation

II. <i>Pre_teach vocabulary</i>

Remove (v)
Liquify (v)
Crush (v)

Grind / ground / ground
Manufature (v)= produce
Process (n)

Mold (n)
Conveyor belt
II. <i>Open prediction</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(198)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=198>

<i><b>learn from this visit</b></i>

Ss guess

T writes Ss’ prediction on the board
T plays the tape and asks Ss to
listen while reading then dialogue
on page 148

Ask Ss to match the half sentences
on page 149

Have Ss compare their answer with
their pictures

Put the gird on the board and have
Ss copy

Ask Ss to read the dialogue again
and fill in the grid

T calls on some pairs to go to the
board to write their answers

Give feedback and correct

<i>Answer key</i>

E a)
D b)
C c)
F d)

B e)
A f)

4. Consolidation


<i>Answer key</i>

1. The beans are washed, weighed and cooked
2. The shells are removed

3. The beans are crushed and liquefied

4. Cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla and milk are added
5. The mixture is ground, rolled and poured into
the molds

5. Homework

- Learn by heart new words

- Rewrite the grid using sequence markers (first,
next, then,..., finally)

- Prepare: Speak
Preparing time: 10/ 5/ 10

Teaching time: 12/ 5/ 10
Period: 96

<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss

can talk about the inventions using the passive
II. Language contents:

1. <i>Vocabulary:</i>

Facsimile X_ray

Reinforced concrete Loudspeaker

Microphone Helicopter

2<i>. Grammar</i>: none

III. Techniques: Bingo, Word cue drill, Making reports
IV. Teaching aids: Tables

chocolate manufacture process

<span class='text_page_counter'>(199)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=199>

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 words
and write them on the board

Ask Ss to choose any 4 words and copy
them into their paper call out the words
until someone has licked all of his/ her
words and shouts “Bingo”

T has Ss study the meanings of the
inventions usiing Vietnamese

Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 148
again and pick out all of the passive

Call on Ss to give their answer

Have Ss review the passive in the
present and past simple tenses

T asks Ss to ask and answer questions
about the inventions to the fill in the
missing information

Ask Ss to look at the tables on page 150
and page 156 and model the exchanges,
using a good student

Ss work in pairs

Ss ask and answer then fill in the

1. Warm up

** Bingo (Revision)

(foreman, process, manufacture, remove,
crush, liquify, grind, pour, mold, conveyor

I. <i>Pre_teach voc</i>

1. Facsimile

2. Reinforced concrete
3. Microphone

4. X_ray

5. Loudspeaker
6. Helicopter

II. <i>Grammar Awareness</i>

<i>Asnwer key</i>

1) This is where the cocoa beans are
stored ( pre, simple)

2) That button can not be touched (passive
with model)

3) The beans are washed, weighed and
cooked here

4) After the shells are removed...into

3. While_speaking

T: What was invented by Friedrich Koneig ?
S: Printing Press

T: When wa it invented ?
S: In 1810

<span class='text_page_counter'>(200)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=200>

missing information

Monitor and help Ss if necessary
Ss practice before class

Have Ss copy the complete table
Model and have Ss repeat

Ask Ss to use the comlete table to report
what they have found

4. Post

*** Making reports

<i><b>Eg: The printing press was invented by</b></i>

Friedrich Koenig in 1810

5. Homework

- Use the information in the table to write 12
complete sentences in the...

- Prepare : Listen

<b>Rót kinh nghiƯm:</b>


Preparing time: 15/ 5/ 11
Teaching time: 17/ 5/ 11
Period: 97

<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss

can understand the content of the poem . They can know more information about


II. Language contents:

1 . <i>Vocabulary: </i>Microwave (n) Vacuum (n) Toaster (n) Hairdryer (n) Dishwasher (n)
2 . <i>Grammar:none</i>

III. Techniques: Bingo, Matching, Gap_Fill , Brainstorm , Guessing game
IV. Teaching aids: cassette

<i><b>Teacher and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

T asks Ss to work in pairs and make a
list of modern equipment in their

1. Warm up
* Brainstorm

<b> Unit 16: </b>


Lesson 3: Read



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