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<i><b>I .Fill in the blank </b></i>

<b>pollutants; decreasing ; protect ; interference ; extinct ; endangered </b>

1.Dinosaurs became ……….millions of years ago.
2.She tried to ………herself from the wind .
3.This species of bird is ………..in numbers every year.

4.The chemical………from cars and factories make the air water and soil dangerously dirty.
5.The blue whale is a(n)…………species.

6.Because of the ………..of human beings ,many animals have become extinct.

<b>Competitive transmission dissatisfied. convenient courteous </b>
<b>delivered</b> <b> transfer facsimile thoughtful commune</b>

1. At present, 93 per cent of _________________ across Viet Nam have telephone services
2. Newspapers and magazines are often ____________ early in the morning.

3. He was a kind and ____________ mailman.

4. Fax transmission has now become a cheap and ________way to transmit texts and graphics over distance.
5. We offer a wide range of goods at very ___________________ prices.

6. If you are _______________ with our service, please write to the manager.
7. I need to________________ $1,000 to my daughter’s account.

8. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, our ______________ service
will help you.

9. Thank you for phoning when I was ill. It was very ____ of you.

<b>rude equipped staff spacious installed </b>
1. Thanh Ba post office has a <b>_____________</b> and plesant front office

2. It is <b>_______________</b> when you ask an american about their age, marriage and income
3. Our office is _________ with advanced technology

4. I would like to have a telephone line ____________ at home
5. Your ________ sometimes seem a bit cold and not helpful

<b>Transfer ; extinct ; endangered ; courteous ; prohibit ; surface ; pollutants</b>
6. He was a kind and <b>………</b>mailman.

7. Many national parks have been established to protect <b>………</b>animals.
8.People are destroying the air by adding <b>……….</b>to it.

9. Many rare animals are in danger of becoming <b>...</b>

10. Customers can choose to send their letters by air or <b>……….</b> Mail.
11. We often use Express Money <b>……….. to send money to our parents.</b>
<b>advanced; extinct ;safe ;endangered ;infinite ; limited ;resulted ;non-renewable </b>

1<b>.</b>Solar energy is not plentiful and……….but also clean and ………….

2.the changing of the environment has……….in some serious consequences.
3.The health of the children is being ………..by exhaust fumes.

4.Whales are now facing the threat of being ……….

5.Thanh Ba post office is equipped with ………technology.
<b>alternative ;limited ; energy ; released ;exhausted </b>

1.Six hundered balloons were ………at the ceremony.
2.They are looking for ……….mthods of making it.

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<b>effort ; appreciated ;advancing ;aquatic ;enthusiasm ;facilities </b>
1.The hotel has special………..for disabled athletes.
2.Swimming and water skiing are both ……….sports.
3.He never lost his……….for training athletes.
4.I will make every ……….to arrive on time.

5.our sports performances have been ………….considerably over recent years.
6.Yuor help was greatly………..

<b>once in a while </b> <b>for a while</b> <b>avid</b> <b>accomplished</b> <b>indulge</b>

<b>a wide variety</b> <b>discarded</b> <b>hobby</b> <b>admire</b> <b>collecting</b>

<b>modest</b> <b>occupied</b>

1. I do not go to the cinema often; I only go there ___________
2. There is _____________ goods for you to choose.

3. My _________ is ___________ stamps

4. They went to town to ______________ shopping.

5. She has taken an ______________ interest in stamp collecting
6. She’s very __________ about her success

7. They met and chatted _____________

8. He’s fully ____________ looking after three small children
9. The first part of the plan has been safely ____________
10. I really _______ your enthusiasm

11. He has ____________ his jacket because of the heat.
<b>II>Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.</b>

1. Yuri Gagarin lifted ______ into space aboard the Vostok 1 ________ 9.07 a.m. Moscow time ______ 12th

April, 1961.

2. He was ______ orbit around the Earth ______ a speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour.
3. No one knew precisely what would happen ______ a human being ______ space.

4. How would the mind deal ______ the psychological tension?

5. How would the body react ______ the extreme changes in temperature?
6. We congratulate you ______ your successful flight.

7. The American people shared ______ the Soviet people their satisfaction for the safe flight.
8. After his death, his hometown was named ______ him.

9. China became the third country in the world to be able to independently carry ______ manned space flights.
10. China launched its first manned spacecraft ______ space ______ October, 2003.

11. We subscribed __________several sports channels on television.
12. I would like to send these letters ________ air mail.

13. could you please provide us ____________ some modern equipment?
14. How far is your house away _____________ the city center?

15. Rare animals are in danger …………..becoming extinct.

16.If you don’t satisfy ………our services,please write to our manager .
17.What is this tool used ………..?

18.What services are offered ……….BuDop Post Office?

19.I’d like to subscribe ……….Thanh Nien Daily Newspaper,please.

III. Matching : Match the saying/questions in A with the responses in B

A B answer

1. Could you send this document to my office by fax ?
2. Thank you for the nice present.

3. Excuse me!

4. How much is monthly fee?

5. Good morning, sir. What can I help you?
6. Can I give you some more coffee?
7. How do you do?

A. Your’re welcome

B. I would like to make a phone call, please.

C. It is thirty thousand dongs

D. Yes? What can I do for you, Madam?
E. Certainly!

F. How do you do!
G. No, thanks

1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____
21. Which sport do you like best? A. I like collecting stamps

22. I’ve passed my driving test B.We’re going to the opera in London
23.What are you doing this weekend, Sandra? C.Tennis

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