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Tiet 143

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Preparing date: April 16th<sub> 2012</sub>

Teaching date: April 23rd<sub> 2012</sub>

Week: 33

<i><b>Period 143: </b></i>

<i>Lesson 1</i>

<i><b>1. Objectives:</b></i>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review old lessons, and then
check their knowledge through the test. At the same time, the teacher checks her
methods in addition, contents that she taught to her students.

<i><b>2. Language contents:</b></i>

- <i>Language skills:</i> listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- <i>Language knowledge</i>:

<i><b>+ </b></i>Grammar:

Tense: The present simple tense of ordinary verbs and verb “be”.
Read: Read the passage, and then complete the sentences.

Write: Answer the questions about themselves.
Prepositions, Pronunciation

<i><b>3. Teaching methods: </b></i>

- Communicative approach.
- . . .

<i><b>4. Teaching aids: </b></i>

- Students’ and teacher’s books.
- Pictures, posters.

<i><b>5. Time:</b></i>45 minutes.
<i><b>6. Procedures: </b></i>

<i>1. Classroom procedures:</i>

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance.
<i><b>2. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>Time</b></i> <i><b>Teacher’s activities</b></i> <i><b>Students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>



<i><b>* Warm up:</b></i>

<i>Word storming</i>

- writes the topic on
the board and

explains the word

- divides the class
into 2 teams and asks
Ss to play.

- controls and gives

- asks Ss to read

<i><b>*Activity 1:</b></i>

- look at and listen.

- go to the board to

- read chorally.

apple chicken

banana rice

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- sticks the poster
with some words on
the board.

- introduces the way
to do this exercise.
- asks Ss to listen and
choose A, B, C or D.
- reads them twice or
three times.

- asks Ss to compare
with their friends, and
then give their results.
- lets Ss to listen
again to check their

- corrects.
<i><b>*Activity 2:</b></i>

- sticks the poster
with the passage on
the board.

- asks Ss to read and
do this exercise
- goes around to

- calls Ss to give their

- listens and corrects.

<i><b>*Activity 3:</b></i>

- sticks the poster
with contents of
multiple choice on the

- explains for each

- look at the poster.

- listen.

- listen and choose A,
B, C or D

- listen.

- compare with their
friends, and then
gives their results.
- listen again to check
their listening.

- look at the poster.

- work individually.

- give their results.

- look at the poster.

- listen.

<i>1/ Read, then pick out the </i>
<i>word whose stress pattern is </i>
<i>not the same as that in the rest</i>

1. A. apple B. orange
C. banana D. carrot
2. A. lemonade B. water
C. coffee D. soda
3. A. cabbage B. potato
C. onion D. lettuce
4. A. carrot B. vegetables
C. lettuce D. tomato
* Answer keys:

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D

<i>2/ Read the passage, then say </i>
<i>the sentences True (T) or False </i>
<i>(F)? </i>

Ba and Nam are students. They are
good friends. At school they are in the
same class. They live near school.
They walk to school every morning. In
the afternoon they often go to their
sports club. Ba plays badminton. Nam
plays table tennis. Ba and Nam are
good players. Sometimes they go
swimming with their classmates. They
all love sports.

1.Ba and Nam are good friends.
2.They go to school by bike.
3.They are not in the same class.
4.In the afternoon they go to their
sports club.

5.Nam plays badminton.
6.They aren’t good players.
7.They sometimes go swimming.
8.They all love sports.

* Answer keys:

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T

<i>3/ Choose the correct words </i>
<i>by circling A, B, C, or D.</i>

1. I am going to stay …. a

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- asks Ss to work in

- divides the class
into two teams and
asks Ss to write their

- controls and

<i><b>*Activity 4:</b></i>

- sticks the poster
with the questions on
the board.

- explains for each

- asks Ss to ask and
answer in pairs.
- goes around to

- calls some pairs to
ask and answer in
front of class.

- listens and corrects.

- work in pairs.

- take turn to write on
the board.

- look at the poster.

- listen.

- work in pairs.

- ask and answer in
front of class.

their brother.

A. with B. at C. in D. for
3. She is going to stay … a


A. with B. at C. in D. for
4. Do you have any...apple?
A. a B. any C. some D. an
5. There is ….fruit on the

A. a B. any C. some D. an
6. There aren’t… banana in
the table.

A. a B. any C. some D. an
* Answer keys:

1. D 2. A 3. C
4. B 5. C 6. B

<i>4/ Answer the questions:</i>

1. How do you fell?
2. Are you tall or short?
3. Is your hair long or short?
4. What color are your eyes?
5. What color is your hair?
* Answers:

1. I fell/ I am ___

2. Yes, I am / No, I am not.

3. Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t.

4. My eyes …. / They are ….

5. My hair is…. / It’s …
<i><b>7. Homework</b></i>: 2’

Guides the students how to learn the lesson and prepare next lesson.
- Rewrite all the exercises into the notebooks.

- Review all lessons.

- Prepare: Period 144: Revision – Lesson 2
<i><b>8. Rút kinh nhgiệm tiết dạy:</b></i>



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