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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Date of preparing: 30/12/09 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 37 unit 6: the environment</b>

lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: understand the text about the environment problems.
- Skills: Pay attention at listening and reading skills.

- Education: the way to protect the environment.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board, pictures.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
<b> </b> <b>No checking</b>

<b>c. Introduction: </b>Brainstorming

- Ask sts to discuss and make a list of
people’s activities that destroy the

- Call on some groups introduce their
ideas then correct.

- Introduce the lesson: to understand the
text about the environment problems,
today we are going to study Period 37
Unit 6 The environment Lesson 1 Getting
started + Listen and read.

<b>2. Presentation:</b>

- Introduce the pictures on page 47 and
ask sts to answer the quation:

- Listen and answer T’ qs

+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and discuss in group group.

- Give out the ideas.

Ex: + throw garbage in the street
+ cut down trees

+ …

- Listen and write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

What are these pictures about?

- Ask sts to match the environmental
problems with the correct pictures.
- Check, correct and give the key.

- Introduce the new words

- Ask sts to read the new words, listen
and correct.

- Give situation, ask sts to give the model
and the form, look, listen and write on

the board.

- Ask sts to give more Ex.
- Use the same way.

- Look, listen and match.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

a. air pollution

b. spraying pesticides
c. garbage dump
d. water pollution
e. deforestation
f. dynamite fishing
<b>1/ New words</b>

- Look, listen, guess,read and write.

+ garbage dump (n) bãi rác
+ deforestation (n) sự tàn phá

+ Air pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm
không khí

+ water pollution (n) sự ơ nhiễm

+ dynamite fishing(n) đánh cá
bằng thuốc nổ

+ spraying pesticides(n) phun
thuốc trừ sâu

+ shore (n) bãi/bờ biển
+ provide (v) cung cấp
+ spoil (v) làm hư/hỏng

+ conservationist (n) người ủng
hộ công cuộc bảo vệ môi trường
thiên nhiên

<b>2/ Structures</b>

<b>a/ Adjective + that clause</b>
- Look, listen, give, correct and


+ I’m happy that you are
working hard.

+ I’m disappointed that people
have spoiled this area.

* Form:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>


- Let sts to listen to the text the first time
and do the true/ false statements

1. Group one walk along the shore. <sub></sub>
2. Group two check the beach. <sub></sub>
3. Group three check the rock. <sub></sub>
-Check and write sts’ key on the board.
<b>3. Practice:</b>

- Ask sts to read the text again to check
and correct the T/F statements.

- Ask sts to match the names in column
A with the task in column B then write
the full sentences.

- Check, correct and give the key.

- Ask sts to work in pair read the text
again than ask and answer the questions

- Call on some pairs practice the


+ If you study hard, you will

pass the exam.

+ If you can’t find your place,
I will help you get there with this

* Form:

<b> If + S + V(s/es) + ..., S + will + </b>
<b>V(inf) + ...</b>

- Listen and do.
* Key:

1. T
2. F
3. T
- Give the key.
<b>3/ Practice</b>
<b>a/ Matching</b>

- Listen and do then give, correct
and write the

- Listen and do in pairs.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

1. f

2. e
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. d

<b>b/ Answer the question</b>
- Listen, read and do in pairs.
* Ex:

S1: Who is the speaker?

S2: The speaker is Mr. Brown.
- Practice before the class.

* Key

1. The speaker is Mr. Brown.
2. The listeners are member of
volunteer conservationists.

3. They are on the beach.

4. They are going to clean the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>



<b>4. Production:</b>

- Ask sts to answer questions 6,7 on page

- Check, correct the mistakes.
- Repeat the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the work

+ Learn by heart the words and

+ Prepare for Period 38 Unit 6 The
environment Lesson 2 Speak and Listen.

- Do in group.

- Listen and remember.

- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 30/12/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 38 unit 6: the environment</b>

lesson 2: Speak + listen
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Persuade someone to do something and give out their ideas to
persuade their partners to protect the environment.

- Skills: Pay attention at listening and speaking skills.
- Education: the way to protect the environment.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher's activities Students’ activities

5' <b><sub>1. Warm up:</sub></b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>


+ How many Ss are there in our

class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>

- Ask sts to answer the question:
+ What did Mr Brown and some
volunteer conservationists do to
protect the environment?

- Listen, correct and give mark.
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts to answer the question.
+ What are you and people doing
to our the environment ?

+ What did you do to prevent
these actions?

+ Do your friends and other
people agree with you?

- Introduce: to know the way to
persuade someone to do something
and give out their ideas to persuade
their partners to protect the

environment, we are going to study
Period 38 Unit 6 The environment
Lesson 2 Speak and Listen. Open

the book on page 49.

<b>2. Speaking:</b>
<b>a. Pre – speaking:</b>

- Help sts to know some words.
- Guide sts to read, listen and corect.

- Check the words by playing the
game: Matching (match the words
with suitable meanings)

- Look, listen and remark.

+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...
- Listen and answer.

* Ex: They cleaned the beach.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and answer

+ Throwing trash onto the water,
Polluting the air with smoke, Making
the water, the land polluted,

Destroying the forests...

+ I advise other to to the things to
protect the environment.

+ Yes, they do./No, they don’t.
- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ Speaking</b>
<b>a/ Newwords</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.
+ wrap (v) gói

+ dissolve (v) phân huỷ

+ traffic jams (n) sự tắc nghẽn giao

+ exhaust (n) khói
+ fume (n) khói

+ trash (n) đồ cũ bỏ đi
+ prevent (v) ngăn chặn
+ reduce (v) làm giảm, giảm
- Play the game following T’sguide

- Listen and remember.
<b>b/ Stuctures</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

- Ask sts to repeat the expressions
which are used to persuade, suggest

people to do things.

- Listen, correct, write on the board.
<b>b. While – speaking:</b>

- Help sts to know the way to do,
then let them do in pairs.

- Call some pairs to speak out.
- Listen, correct and give marks.

- Help sts to know the way to do,
then let them do in pairs.

- Call some pairs to speak before the

- Listen and correct.

- Repeat. correct and write.
+ I think we should + V(inf) …..
+ Won't you + V(inf) …….?
+ Why don't you + V(inf) ….?

+ It would be better If you + V(inf) ?
+ How about + V(ing) ……..?

+ ...

- Look, listen, correct and write.

<b>c/ Practice</b>

* <b>Try to persuade your partner to</b>
<b>do the things to protect the</b>

- Look, listen and do in pair
+) Ex:

A: I think it would be better if we
use banana leaves instead of paper
or plastic bags to wrap food.

B: Why? How come?

A: Because plastic bags are very
hard to dissolve, they will cause
pollution. And if we use less paper,
we can save trees in the forests.That’s
how we can save the environment.
- Listen and speak before the class.
+) Ex:

Trang : I think it Would be better
if we reuse and recycle bottles and

Anh : Why ? How come ?

Trang : Because If we reuse and

recycle bottles, cans, we can reduce
the among of garbages we produce
every day, and we can save natural
resources. That’s how we can save
the environment.

- Do the same with other cases.
* <b>Find possible answers to the</b>

- Listen and do in pairs.
- Practice before the class.
+) Ex:

A : How can we save paper?
B : I think we should write on
both sides of the paper.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>



<b>c. Post -speaking</b> :

- Guide and let sts to discuss in

- Call some groups to speak out
before the class.

- Listen & correct their mistakes.
<b>3. Listening:</b>

<b>a. Pre – listening:</b>

- Ask sts to answer the question:
+ Why is our ocean polluted?
- Help sts to guess the reasons,
listen and write sts’ prediction on
the board and explain some words.

bags ?

B : I think we should save clean
plastic bags and reuse them.

A : How can we reduce water
pollution .

B : I think we shouldn't throw trash
and garbage onto streams, lakes and
even oceans.

* <b>Discuss to find out the best way to</b>
<b>protect the environment</b>

- Do in group.

- Practice speaking before class.


<b>S1:</b> I think we should burn trash to
reduce the amount of garbage we
produce to protect the environment.

<b>S2:</b> No, we shouldn’t do that,
burning trash will pollute the air. I
think the best way to reduce garbage
is to reuse and recycle things.

<b>S3:</b> How can we do that? I think
only the factory can.

<b>S2:</b> What about collecting used
paper, bottles, and cans every day?
It’s not difficult.

<b>S1:</b> That’s a good idea! Let’s do

- Listen and remember.
<b>2/ Listening</b>

- Listen and answer.
a/ <b>Newwords</b>

- Listen, guess, read and write.
+ raw (a) chưa tinh chế
+ sewage(n) chất thải

+ guilty (a) đáng khiển trách
+ oil (n) dầu

+ spill (v) chảy ra
+ ship (n) tàu

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

- Let sts to practice reading the

- Let sts to play the game: Slap the

- Look, listen and correct.

- Guide sts to complete the notes.
<b>b. While – listening:</b>

- Play the tape, ask sts to listen and

- Let sts to share the key to frriends.
- Play the tape again, check, correct
and give the key.

<b>c. Post – listening:</b>

- Ask sts to answer the questions:
+ How much garbage do ships
drop into the sea each year?

+ Why does oil spill from ships?
- Listen and correct.

<b>4. Homework:</b>
- Set the works:

+ Learn by heart the words,

+ Prepare for Period 39 Unit 6
Lesson 3 Read.


+ proper (a) đúng
+ deliberate (a) cố ý
+ dumping (n) sự vứt bỏ
- Pratice reading.

- Listen and play follow t’s guide.
- Listen and remember.

- Listen and prepare for listening.
<b>b/ Listen and complete the notes</b>
- Listen and complete.

- Share the key to friends.

- Listen, correct and write the key.
* Key:

Secondly: Garbage is ...
Thirdly: ...from ships.

Next: Waste materials from factories.
Finally: Oil is washed from the land.
<b>c/ Answer the question</b>

- Listen and answer
+ about 6 million tons

+ A ship has an accident and oil
leaks from the vessel.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.

Date of preparing: 11/01/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

i. objectives:

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: understand the poem about the environment.

- Skills: Pay attention at reading skill.

- Education: the way to protect the environment.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher's activities Student's activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>

- Ask sts to answer the question:

+ What should you do to protect the
ocean ?

- Listen, correct and give mark.
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask Ss to answers the open questions.
+ Have you ever been to a park or
a public place?

+ Are there any bins in the park?
+ Are people fond of protecting
the park ?

+ What do they often do ?

- Introduce: To know more about how the
other people do with our environment, we
are going to study Period 39 Unit 6 The
environment Lesson 3 Read. Open the
book on page 51.

<b>2. Pre </b>–<b> reading:</b>

- Give some new words and explain by
some methods.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...
- Listen and answer.

* Ex: We shouldn’t throw trash,
garbage onto the water...

- Listen and remember.

- Listen and answer the questions.

-Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ New words </b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.
+ flow (n) dòng nước

+ end up (v) kết thúc
+ foam (n) bọt

+ minimize (v) giảm tối thiểu
+ stream (n) dòng suối

+ mass (n) khối, đống
+ hedge (n) hàng dào

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>


- Let sts to practice reading the words.
- Listen, correct.

- Let sts to do the matching exercise on
page 51.

- Check, correct and give the key.

- Ask sts to repeat the form of conditional
sentences type 1, listen correct and write
on the board.

- Ask sts to give ex.

- Look, listen and correct the mistakes.

- Give out T / F statement and ask sts to
predict the key.

a . The boy is really interested in the
problems of pollution.

b . He doesn't want to make the place
more polluted.

c . His mother thinks she should protect
the environment even when she is on

- Check and write the students’ prediction
on board.

<b>3. While – reading:</b>

- Read the poem the first time.

- Ask Ss to read the poem in silent and
check their predictions

- Call some Ss to speak their predictions
and correct their mistakes.

+ bubble (n) bọt, tăm

+ valuable (a) =precious đáng giá
+ treasure (n) châu báu

+ fence (n) hàng rào
+ rubbish (n) rác rưởi

- Practice reading before the class.
- Listen and remember.

- Listen and do in group.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

1 – c 2 – g 3 – f

4 – e 5 – d 6 – a 7 – b
<b>2/ Structure</b>

- Listen, repeat, correct and write.
If clause Main clause
present simple


future simple
- Give ex.


+ If the pollution goes on, the world
will end up like a second-hand

+ If I listen to your lecture, I will
know the way to do exercise.

<b>3/ Practice</b>

<b>a/ T/F statements</b>

- Look, listen, read, and guess.

- Give the prediction.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read in silent and check.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>



- Ask sts to read the poem again and
answer the question.

- Check, correct and give the key.
a. How many people are there in the
poem ?

b. Where are they?

c. What proplem of the environment is
mentioned in the poem?

d. According to the mother, what will
happen if the pollution goes on?

e. Who does the mother think pollute

the environment?

f. What will happen to the boy if he
keeps on asking his mother such

g. Do you think the boy’s question
(line 9-10) is silly? Why (not)?

h. What does the poet want us to learn
about keeping the environment


<b>4. Post – reading:</b>

- Ask Ss to discuss in groups.

+ What could we do in our school,
house to minimize the pollution ?
- Help them if they need.

- Call some Ss to give out their
discussions, listen and correct.

* Feed back:

- Let Ss repeat the aims of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Learn by heart all the words and

+ Prepare new lesson. (Period 40 Unit 6
Lesson 4 Wrtie)

<b>b/ Answer the questions</b>

- Listen, read and answer in group
- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

a. There are two.

b. probably in the park.
c. Pollution.

d. The world will end up like a
second junk - yard , with all of its
treasures quite gone

e. The mother thinks other folk
pollute the environment but not her

and her son.

f. If the boy keeps on asking his
mother such question , her mother

will take him home right away.

g . No. Because he is right If he
throws the bottles that will be
polluting the woods.

h.The poet wants us to learn that
everyone is responsible for keeping
the environment from pollution.
- Dicuss and write out.


+ Put the bins around the school

+ Pick up the rubbish / garbage und
throw it into a trash bin

+ Should not litter / spit on the
group ….

- Repeat

- Listen and write

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Date of preparing: 12/01/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 4o unit 6: the environment</b>
lesson 4 write
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: write a complain letter with the right format and language.

- Skills: Pay attention at writing skill.

- Education: the way to protect the environment.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- To write a complain letter with the right
format and language, we are going to
study this lesson.

<b>2. Pre - writing:</b>

- Introduce the new words.

- Ask sts to read the new words.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen, look, write and open the

<b>1/ New words</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write
+ complain (v): than phiền

+ truck (n): xe tải

+ refreshment (n): sự làm tươi
+ fly (v): bay

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>


- Let sts to play the game: Slap the board.
- Introduce the form of complain letter.

- Ask sts to read the letter and then put
the paragraph in the correct order to
make a meaningful letter.

- Call on sts to give the answer and then
correct the mistakes.

<b>3. While - writing:</b>

- Introduce the aims of the exercise b/.
work in groups and write a complaint

+ toad (n): con cóc
- Play the game.

<b>2/ The form of a complaint letter</b>

- Look, listen and write.

* A a complaint letter has five

+) Situation: states the reson of

+) Complecation: mentions the

+) Resolution: make a suggestion
+) Action: talk about future action
+) Politeness: end the letter

<b>3/ Practice</b>

<b>a/ Label each section with the </b>
<b>appropriate letter: S, C, R, A or P</b>
- Look, listen and do in group.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

+) R- I would suggest that your
company should tell your drivers to
clear up all the trash on the ground
before leaving

+) S – I am writing to you about the
short stop of your trucks around my
house on their way to the north.
+) A – I look forward to hearing
from you and seeing good response
from your company.

+) C – When the trucks of your
company has a short break on the
street around my house, the drivers
have lelf lots of garbage on the
groud after their refreshment. When
the trucks leave the place, the groud
is covered with trash in a few

minutes later there is smell and

+) P – Faithfully
Tran Vu Nhat

<b>b/ Write a complaint letter</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>




- Call on some groups introduce their

letter and correct the mistakes

<b>4. Post – writing:</b>

- Ask sts to work in groups, find the
environment problem that can write a

complain letter.

<b>5. Homework:</b>
- Set the work:

+ Write a similar letter in your exercise

+ Prepare period 41: Language
focus, review about: Adverb clause of
reason, Adjective + that clause,

Conditional type 1.

- Stick the letter on the board,
correct and remember.

* Guide answer

I am writing to you about with the
problem of fish catching in the lake
behind my house.

I am very worried because they
don’t use fishing rods or met but
use the electricity to catch fish.
After a short time they leave the
lake, a lot of small fish died and
floated on the water surface. Other
animals such as frogs, toads and
even birds have also died from
electric shock waves.

I would suggest the local

authorities should prohibit and fine
heavily anyone using this way to
catch fish.

I am looking forwad to heaing
from you and seeing the actions
taken to protect the environment
from the local authority.

Yours truly,

- Find and give in group.

+ dynamite fishing

+ garbage in the school yard

+ ...

- Listen and write.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 41 unit 6: the environment</b>
lesson 5 language focus
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: have a chance to review and more practice about the adverb and
adjective, The adverb clause of reason, Conditional sentence type 1, and Adjective +
that clause.

- Skills: Pay attention at all four skills.

- Education: the way to protect the environment and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Let sts to play the game: Jumble words
- Ask sts to work in small groups arrange
the letter to make the meaningful words.

+ wosl
+ das
+ dogo
+ pahpy
+ termexe

- Check, corect and give the key.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...

+ 9C: ...

- Play the game in group follow T’s

- Look, listen and remember.
* Key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>


- To more practice about the adverb and
adjective, The adverb clause of reason,
Conditional sentence type 1, and

Adjective + that clause, we are going to
study Period 41 Unit 6 The environment
Lesson 5 Language focus. Open the book
on page 53.

<b>2/ Language focus:</b>
<b>a. Presentation:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the form and use of

- Listen, correct and write on the board.

<b>b. Practice:</b>

- Ask sts to do exercise 1 on [age 53

- Check, correct and give the key.

<b>a. Presentation:</b>

- Ask sts to give some examples and
take notes

- Listen,correct and write on the board.

<b>b. Practice:</b>

- Guide and ask sts to do Ex 2 on page

- Check, correct and give the key.

+ extreme

- Look, listen, write and open the

<b>1/ Exercise 1</b>

- Listen, repeat, correct and write.
* <b>The form of adverb</b>

<b>Adjective + </b><i><b>ly </b></i><b>= adverb</b>
Ex: careful – carefully
Love - lovely

* The use: Thường đứng sau động
từ và bổ nghĩa cho động từ đó.
Ex: She speaks English well.
- Listen and do.

- Give, correct and write the key.

Adjective Adverb

Extreme extremely

Good well

Happy happily

Sad sadly

slow slowly

a. extremely b. slowly

c. sadly d. happily e. well
<b>2/ Exercise 2</b>

- Listen, give and write.
* <b>Adverb clause of reason</b>
Ex: He failed the exam
He is too lazy

- He failed the exam because

he is too lazy

<i> Adv_clause</i>

( because = as = since
(conjunction): v×, bëi v×)

- Listen and do.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<b>a. Presentation:</b>

- Ask sts to give Ex and structure.
- Listen,correct and write on the board.
<b>b. Practice:</b>

- Guide and ask sts to do Ex 3 on page

- Check, correct and give the key.

- Ask sts to give Ex and structure.
- Listen,correct and write on the board.

- Guide and ask sts to do Ex 4 on page
55. (ask sts to work in groups discuss and
match each half of sentence in colunm A

with a suitable one in colunm B)

- Check, correct and give the key.

b) I have a brocken leg because I
fell over while I was playing


c) I’m going to be late for school
as the bus is late.

d) I broke the cup since I was

e) I want to go home because I
feel sick.

f) I’m hungry since I haven’t
eaten all day.

<b>3/ Exercise 3</b>

* <b>Adjective + that clause</b>
- Give, correct and write.
S + be + adj + that clause

Ex: I’m pleased that you’re well
- Listen and do.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

b)<b>Mrs. Robinson</b>: Tomorrow.
I’m excited that I can go to Da Lat
this time.

c) <b>Lan</b>: I’m sorry that I broke
your bicycle yesterday.

d) <b>Mr.Robinson</b>: I’m disapointed
that you not phone me about it.

e) <b>Miss Lien</b>: Congratulations!
<b>Nga</b>: Thanks. I’m amazed that I
could win the first price.

<b>4/ Exercises 4,5</b>

- Give, correct and write.
* Conditional type 1

Ex: If you work hard, you’ll pass
the exam

<b>If you work hard</b> (if-clause):

<i><b>present simple tense</b></i>.

<b>you’ll pass the exam</b>

(main-clause): <i><b>future simple tense</b></i>

+) Ex 4

- Listen and do.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>



- Guide and ask sts to do Ex 5 on page

- Check, correct and give the key.

<b>3. Production:</b>

- Ask sts to make up other examples for:
+ conditional type 1

+ Adjective + that clause
+ Adverb clause of reason

- Listen, correct and repeat the content of
the lesson.

<b>4. Homework:</b>
- Set the work:

+ Repractise the exercises

+ Learn by heart the structures
+ Do exercise 7 on page 45

+Prepare period 42: Unit 7. Getting
started, listen and read.

* Key:

1 – e 2 – a 3 – c
4 – d 5 – b

+) Ex 5

- Listen and do.

- Give, correct and write.
* Key:

b) If we go on littering, the

environment will become seriously

c) If we plant more trees along
streets, we will have more shade
and fresh air.

d) If we use much pesticide on
vegetables, the vegetables will
become poisonous and medible.

e) If we keep our environment
clean, we will live a happier and
healthier life.

- Listen and give.

- Listen and remember.

- Listen and write.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<b>Period 42 unit 7: save energy</b>

lesson 1 Getting started, listen and read
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: use the words and phrases relating to energy – saving and the

way to save energy.

- Skills: Pay attention at Listen and reading skills.

- Education: the way to save energy .
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.

2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b> Brainstorming
- Ask sts some questions.

+ Do you turn off the light when you
go out?

+ Do you turn off the foucet when there
is enough water supply?


+ What can we do to save energy?
- To know the way to save energy, we are
going to study Period 42: Unit 7. Getting
started, listen and read. Open the book on
page 57.

<b>2. Presentation:</b>

- Ask sts to look at the picture on page 57
and answer the questions.

+ Is the TV on?

+ Who is watching TV?
+ Who is listen to the radio?
+ Is water enough?


- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Listen, write and open the book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>


+ What should we do to save energy?
- Let them to work in pair or group make
a list of things the family could do to
save energy.

- Introduce the dialogue the first time for
sts find the new words.

- Ask sts to read the new words.

- Let sts to play the matching

New words Meaning

1.water bill

6.dripping foucet

a. thợ sửa ống nớc
b.hoá đơn tiền nớc
c. vịi nớc bị dị
d. to, lớn

e. èng níc
f. vÕt nøt

- Check, correct and give the key.
- Introduce some structures.

<b>3. Practice:</b>

- Introduce the dialogue the second time
and let sts answer the questions.

1. What is Mrs. Ha worried about?
2. How much is it?

3. What does Mrs. Mi advise Mrs. Ha
4. What should Mrs.Ha do first?

- Look, llisten and do
* Guide answer

+ turn off the foucet when there is
enough water supply

+ turn off the lights when

+ turn off the TV when nonbody
in the room

+ turn off the radio/ stereo

- Listen, guess, read and write
<b>1/ New words</b>

+ water bill (n) hố đơn tiền nớc

+ enomous (adj) nhiỊu

+ crack (n) vÕt nøt

+ pipe (n) èng níc

+ plumber (n) thỵ sưa èng níc

+ faucet (n) vßi níc

+ drip (v) dß rØ

- Play the game.

- Give, correct and remember.
<b>2/ Structures</b>

- Look, listen and write then give

<b>* Suggestion</b>

Suggest + V-ing

Ex: I suggest taking shower to save


Should + V

Ex: You should reduce the amount
of water your family uses.

<b>3/ Practice</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>



- Check, correct and give the key.

- Let sts work in pair practise the
dialogue before class.

- Listen, correct the mistakes

- Ask sts to read the dialogue again and
work in group make the true(T) or false
(F) sentences.

- Call on some groups introduce their
ideas then correct the false.

<b>4. Production:</b>

- Ask sts to work in group discuss and

tell the story between Mrs. Mi and Mrs.

- Listen nad correct.

- Repeat the content of the lesson
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Learn by heart the dialogue and the
new words

+ Prepare period 43: speak + Listen.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

1. Mrs. Ha is worried about the
water bill.

2. It’s 200.000 dong

3. Mrs. Ha should reduce the
amount of water her family uses

4. First get a plumber to repair the

- Practice in pairs

- Listen and remember.
<b>b/ True or False?</b>

- Listen and do in group.

- Give, correct and write.
* Key:

1 - T
2 - T

3 - F (Mrs. Ha hasn’t check the
pipes yet.)

4 - F (Mrs . Mi suggests getting a
plumber to check cracks in the

5 - T

- Listen and do in group.

Ex: Mrs. Ha received the water bill
but it was enomous…

- Listen and remember.

- Listen and write.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<b>Period 43 unit 7: saving energy</b>
lesson 2 Speak + listen
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: use the suggestions to suggest other the ways to save energy
and know more about solar energy.

- Skills: Pay attention speaking and listening skills.

- Education: the way to save energy.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>

- Write new words (each right word gets
1 point)

<b>c. Introduction: </b>Network

- Ask sts to work in group and write the
words belong to energy.


- Correct the mistakes.
- Introcuce the lesson.
<b>2. Ppeaking:</b>

<b>a. Pre – speaking:</b>

- Ask sts to look at the pictures on page

+ What are these pictures about?

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...
- Write on the board.

- Write on the board.
* Key:

+ water
+ oil
+ wind
+ wood
+ electricity
+ …

- Listen and remember.

- Listen, write and open the book.
I/ <b>Ppeaking</b>

<b>1/ Stuctures</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

- Ask sts to tell the way to make

suggestions and give Ex, listen, correct
and write on the board.

<b>b. While - speaking:</b>

- Ask sts to work in pair use the

expressions and the pictures on page 59
making suggestions.

- Listen, tell and write.
<b>* Suggestions </b>

+ I suggest + V_ing
+ I think we should….
+ Shall we….?

+ Why don’t we…?

+ What/ How about + V_ing…?
+ Let’s…

<b>* Responses</b>
+ OK

+ That’s a good idea
+ All right

+ No, I don’t want to…
+ I prefer to…

+ Let’s…
* Ex:

S1: I think we should save energy.
( Why don’t we fix the faucet?)
S2: OK

S1: Let’s fix the faucet.
S2: That’s a good idea
<b>2/ Make suggestions</b>
- Look, and do in pairs.


A) S1: I think we should turn off
the faucet.

S2: OK

B) S1: I think we should turn off
the gas fire.

S2: OK

C) S1: I suggest turning off the

S2: All right.

D) S1: I think we should turn off
the air-conditional when no one is

S2: That’s a good idea.

E) S1: Why don’t we turn off the
TV when no one watches it?

S2: OK

F) S1: I think we shouldn’t go to
school by motorbike, we should go
by bike.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>


- Call on some pairs practise the
dialogues in front of the class.
<b>c. Post – speaking:</b>

- Ast sts to work in groups write out an
action plan to save energy for their class.
- Call on some groups introduce their
action plans, listen and correct the

<b>3. Listening:</b>
<b>a. Pre – listening:</b>

- Help sts to know some words (the ưay
to read and the meaning).

- Check the words by guiding sts to play

the game matching (use extra board).
- Ask sts to give remarks, then correct
and give mark.

- Help sts to know the way to do
Exercises a.

- Let sts guess the key, check, and write
sts’ predictions on the board.

<b>b. While – listening:</b>

- Ask sts to listen and check their
predictions (2 or 3 times).

G) S1: Let’s go to school by bike.
S2: All right.

H) S1: What about going to
school by bus?

S2: OK

- Practice before the class inpairs.
<b> </b>

<b>3/ Make an action plan to save </b>
<b>energy for our class</b>

- Listen and do in group.

- Introduce before the class.

S1: I think we should take a
shower instead of a bath to save

S2: That’s a good idea

S3: How about making a posters
on energy saving and hanging them
above tha school yard?

S4: Great! Let’s do that.
<b>II/ Listening</b>

<b>1/ Newwords</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write
+ solar energy (n) năng lượng mặt

+ Nuclear (n) hạt nhân
+ panel (n) tấm bảng
+ roof (n) mái nhà

+ advanced (adj) tiên tiến, cao cấp
+ effective (adj) có hiệu quả

+ source (n) nguồn

+ instal (v) đặt

- Play the game with T’s guide
- Remark, listen and remember.
- Listen.

- Guess the key in pairs, then give
out the key.

<b>2/ Listen and tick T or F then </b>
<b>correct the F.</b>

- Listen and check.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>


- Let sts to share the key with friends.
- Ask sts to give out the key, listen and
write on the board.

- Let sts to listen again to check, correct
and give the right key.

<b>c. Post – listening:</b>

- Let sts to guess the key, check and write
sts’ predictions on the board.

- Read again and ask sts to listen to check
their predictions and give out the key.

- Read again to check, correct and give
the right key.

- Let sts to compare with their

- Ask sts to repeat the content of the
lesson, listen and repeat if it is necessary.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Learn by heart the words and
structures, make 5 examples with

+ Prepare for Period 44 Unit 7 Saving
energy Lesson 3 Read.

- Give out the key.

- Listen, correct and write the right

* Key:
1 – T

2 – F (most of electricity comes
from the use of coal, gas, oil or
nuclear power)

3 – F (It is enough to provide
power for total population)
4 – T

5 – F (in 2015)

<b>2/ Listen and fill in suitable words</b>
- Guess in group, give out the key.
- Listen, check and give the key.
- Listen, correct and write the right

* Key:

6. instead
- Compare.

- Listen repeat and remember.

- Listen and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

Date of preparing: 25/0102010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 44 unit 7: saving energy</b>
Lesson 3 read
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: get general knowledge about the way to save energy in some
countries on the world.

- Skills: Pay attention at reading skill.

- Education: the way to save energy and love the subject.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction: </b>Chatting.
- Ask sts some questions.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>



+ How much is your family’s
electricity bill?

+ How much electricity does your TV

+ How much electricity does your
refrigerator use?

+ How much electricity do your bulbs

+ What does your family do to save

+ What about the other people in other

- Introduce: To get general knowledge
about the way to save energy in some
countries on the world, today we are
going to study Period 44 Unit 7 Saving
energy Lesson 3 Read. Open the book on
page 60.

<b>2. Pre - reading:</b>

- Introduce the text the first time and help
sts to know some words.

- Let sts to play the game: Slap the board
in team.

- Let sts give remarks and the winner.
- Use extra board with exercise a in book,
ask sts to guess the best summary of the

- Check and write sts’ prediction on the

<b>3. While - reading:</b>

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ New words</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write
+ luxury (n) vật quý hiếm

+ neccessity (n)sự cần thiết
+ consumer (n) khách hàng
+ household (n) hộ gia đình
+ label (v) dán nhãn hiệu
+ scheme (n)sự phối hợp
+ innovation (n) sự đổi mới
+ ultimately (adv) cuối cùng
+ account for (v) chiếm
+ replace (v) thay thế
+ quarter (n) một phần tư

+ standard (a,n) tiêu chuẩn, chuẩn
+ efficiency (a) hiệu suất, hiệu

+ conserve (v) bảo tồn, giữ gìn
+ bulb (n) bóng đèn

- Play follow T’s guide.

- Remark and give out the winner.
- Look, read and guess in group.

- Give out the prediction.
<b>2/ Practice</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>


- Ask sts to read the text and check their

- Check, correct and give the right key.

- Ask sts to read the text again to find out
the answer in pairs.

- Call some pairs to practice asking and
answering before the class.

- Listen, correct and give the right key.

<b>4. Post – reading: ( A 10’ test)</b>
- Give out exercise and ask sts to do

1. In the western countries, electricity,
gas and water are not luxuries but

2. For most South American


- Read and check in group.

- Give, correct and write the right

* Key:

3- North American and European
countries are interested in saving
money and natural resources.
<b>b/ Answer the question</b>
- Read and do in pairs.
- Practice before the class.

- Listen, correct and write the right

* Key:

1- Western consumers are
interested in products that will not
only work effectively but also save

2- We can use energy-saving
bulbs instead of ordinary 100-watt
light bulbs to spend less on lighting.
3- She will pay US$2 for lighting
if she uses energy-saving bulbs


4- The purpose of the labeling
scheme is to help consumers to
know how much energy efficiency
each model has, compared with
other appliances in the same
category so that they can save
money and energy.

5- Suggested answer: because by
saving energy we can conserve the
Earth’s resources.

<b>c. True or False? Correct the false</b>
- Look, read and do.

* Key and marks:

(1,3 - 1p; 2,4,5,6 - 2ps = 10ps)
1 – T

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>


households lighting accounts for 10 or 15
percent of electricity bill.

3. By using energy saving bulb
consumers can save 31 USD.

4. In Europe, the refrigerators, freezers,
washing machines, and tumble dryers
don’t have label schemes.

5. Ultimately, these innovations won’t
save money as well as conserve the
Earth’s resouces.

6. In the western countries, companies
don’t realize that consumers want
products that will not only work
effectively, but also save money.

<b>5. Homework:</b>
- Set the work:

+ Learn by heart the words.

+ Prepare for Period 45 Unit 7 Saving
energy Lesson 4 Write.

3 – T
4 – F

5 – F

6 – F

- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 29/01/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 45 unit 7: saving energy</b>
lesson 4 write
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Write a short, simple speech with clear organization about
energy saving and other school related topics then present it before class.

- Skills: Pay attention at writing skill.

- Education: the way to protect the environment and save energy.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction: </b>Chatting
- Ask sts some questions.

+ Have you ever written a speech?
+ What did you write about?
+ How many parts are there in a
speech?/ What are they?

- To know the way to write a short,
simple speech with clear organization
about energy saving and other school
related topics or present it before
class, today we are going to study
Period 45 Unit 7 Saving energy Lesson
4 Write. Open the book on page 61.
<b>2. Pre-writing:</b>

- Help sts to know the way to do
exercise a in book.

- Check, correct and give the key by
asking sts to answer some questions.

+ How many parts are there in a
speech?/ What are they?

+ What do we write in the

+ What include in the body?
+ What do we write in the

- Help sts to know the way to do

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ Parts and functions of a speech</b>
- Look, listen and do.

- Listen, answer, correct and write
the key.

+ A speech usually has three
parts. They are: Introduction, Body,
and Conclusion.

+ In the introduction: We get
people’s attention and tell them
what we are going to talk about
(Give or mention the title which we
will speak).

+ In the body: We givie details in
easy-to- understand language.

+ In the conclussion: We
sumerize up what we have said.
* Key:

1- B 2- C 3- A

<b>2/ Put the sections in the correct </b>
<b>place to complete a speech</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>




exercise b.

- Check, correct and give the right key.

<b>3. While-writing:</b>

- Help sts to know the way to do
exercise c in book (read and choose
one of three topics in the books:
reducing garbage, reusing paper and
saving energy in the kitchen and then
prepare a speech for class).

- Let sts to compare their writing to
each other.

- Go around the class to help Ss to

<b>4. Post-writing:</b>

- Ask sts to read their writing before

- Listen and correct their mistakes.
*Feed back:

- Recall all content of this lesson.

<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Write a speech about saving energy
in the kitchen.

+ Prepare new lesson (Period 46 Unit
7 Lesson 5 Language focus).

- Give, correct and write the right

* Key:

3. Good everning, ladies and
gentlement. I’m professor, Robert.
To night I’m going to tell you how
to save money.

2. Most of us use too much gas,
you can reduce this amount by:

Traveling by bike or public
transport, having mechanic check
your motor regularly.

1. If you follow these simple
rules, not only will you save
money, but also the environment

will be clearer.

<b>3/ Write a speech</b>

- Listen to teacher’s words and

- Compare to the other.

- Write as well as she/ he could.

- Stand up and read aloud.
-Listen and remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Date of preparing: 02/02/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 46 unit 7: saving energy</b>
lesson 5: Language focus
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: have a chance to review the main knowledge of this lesson such
as: connectives, phrasal verbs and making suggestions.

- Skills: Pay attention at all four skills.

- Education: study hard, know how to save energy and love the subject.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking

<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- To review the main knowledge of this
lesson such as: connectives, phrasal
verbs and making suggestions, today
we are going to study Period 46 Unit 7
Saving energy Lesson 5 Language
focus. Opoen the book on page 62.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>


Introduce and explain how to use
linking words to complete the

<b>2. Language focus:</b>
<b>* Presentation:</b>

-Please, compare your exercises to
each other.

=>Remark and give out the answers.

- Introduce and explain the phrasal
verbs for Ss.

- Please, base on the verbs in the box
to complete the exercises.

=>Remark and give out the answers.

1/ Exercise 1:

-Look at and listen, then do all

exercises. (group work)

-Compare to the other.
-Go to the board and do.
-Look at and write down.

a)Mrs Quyen bought corn, potatoes
and cabbages at the market.

b)I’d love to play volley ball but I
have to complete an assignment.
c)Nam got wet because he forgot his

d)Hoa failed the math test therefore
she has to do the test again.

e)Do you want VNamese tea or

f)It’s raining, so I can’t go to the

g)Ba’shobbies are playing football
and collecting stamps.

h)Na is very tired. However, she has
to finish her homework before she
goes to bed.

2.Exercise 2:
<b>* Phrasal verbs</b>
- Listen and take note

+ turn off : tắt
+ turn on : mở
+ look for : tìm kiếm

+ look after : chăm sóc/ chơng

+ go on : tiếp tục

- Listen to teacher’s guiding and do
exercise. (group work)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>


- Introduce by writing on the board.
S + suggest + V-ing ...

Eg: I suggest collecting some money.
- Explain the order of part A and get Ss
to do exercises.

=>Remark and give out the answers.

- After introduce and explain the order
of part B.

S + suggest + that + clause.

Eg: I suggest that you should work
harder on your pronunciation.

=>Remark and give out the answers.
*Feed back:

-Recall all content of this period.
<b>3. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Study hard all content.
+ Do all exercises again.
+ Prepare for the test

a) look after
b) go on
c) turn on
d) looked for
3.Exercise 3:

-Listen and do exercise.(group work)
-Compare to the other.

-Go to the board and do.
-Look at and copy.

+I suggest collecting unused clothes.

+I suggest organizing a show to raise

+I suggest giving lesson to poor

+I suggest helping elderly people
and war invalids with their chores.
-Listen and take note.

-Do exercise. (group work)
-Compare to each other.
-Go to the board and do.
-Look at and copy.

+I suggest that you should work

+I suggest that you should buy a
good dictionary.

+I suggest that you should do some

-Listen and remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

Date of preparing: 03/02/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 47 a 45 minute TEST </b>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Use the old knowledge from unit 5 to unit 7 to complete a test.
- Skills: Pay attention at listening, reading and writing skills.

- Education: Educating sts to be faithful in doing the test.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Questions.

2. Students: Review the old knowledges.
<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

<b>1. Introduction: </b>Today we are going to have a 45’ test, be faithful in doing
the test please.

<b>2. Test lesson:</b>
<b>* Class: 9A</b>

<b>I. Listening: Listen and filling the missing words: (2,5 points)</b>

Are you looking for a cheap, clean, (1)………… source of power that doesn’t
cause(2)………….or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar(3)………
from our sun. At present, most of our(4)………… comes from the use of coal, gas,

oil or(5) ……….power. This power could be provided by the sun. One percent of
the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for the total

1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ………

4………. 5………

<b>II. Reading:</b> <b> Complete the passage with the words given</b>:(2,5points)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

However, this amount can be reduced (3)________________replacing an ordinary
100-watt light bulb with an (4)______________-saving bulb. These bulbs use a
quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer. Therefore,
consumers can (5)________________about 7 dollars to 21 dollars per bulb.

In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for refrigerators, freezers, washing
(6)________________and tumble dryers. The label tells the consumers
(7)________________energy efficiency each model has, compared with other
appliances (8)________________the same category.

Ultimately, these innovations will save (9)_________________as well as
conserve the Earth’s (10)___________________ .

<b>III. Language focus:</b> <b>Choose the best answer with a, b, c or d. (3 points)</b>

1. Can you………..the lights? It’s too dark to do homework.

A. turn down B. turn on C. turn off D. turn up

2. What are you………..? –My pen. I’ve lost it.

A. looking for B. looking at C. looking up D. looking after

3. You don’t like watching sports programs on TV, ...?

A. did you B. do you C. won’t you D. aren’t you

4. Lan can’t go to the movies tonight, she will have to... her little sister.

A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look up

5. If we……….wasting water, there will be no fresh water to


A. go in B. go on C. go for D. go by

6. Nam got wet………..he forgot his umbrella.

A. so B. therefore C. however D. because

<b>IV. writing:Rewrite these sentences with the same meaning. (2 points)</b>
1. Let’s put garbage bins around the school yard.

- I suggest...
2. Unless we reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this

- If we...
3. Lan is a better cook than Hoa.

- Hoa can’t...
4. You forgot to turn off the TV last night, did’nt you?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<b>* Class: 9B,C</b>
<b>I. Listening:</b>

<b>* Listen and filling in the missing words: (2,5 points)</b>

Are you looking for a cheap, clean, (1)………… source of power that doesn’t
cause(2)………….or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar(3)………
from our sun. At present, most of our(4)………… comes from the use of coal, gas,
oil or(5) ……….power. This power could be provided by the sun. One percent of
the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide power for the total

1. ……… 2.




4………. 5………

<b>II. Reading:</b>

<b>* Complete the passage with the words given</b>:(2,5points)

<b>for</b> <b>in</b> <b>resources</b> <b>how much</b> <b>electricity</b> <b>money</b>
<b>save</b> <b>by</b> <b>energy</b> <b>consumers</b> <b>reduce</b> <b>machines</b>
For most North American households, lighting accounts
(1)_____________10 percent to 15 percent of the (2)________________bill.
However, this amount can be reduced (3)________________replacing an ordinary
100-watt light bulb with an (4)______________-saving bulb. These bulbs use a
quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer. Therefore,
consumers can (5)________________about 7 dollars to 21 dollars per bulb.

In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for refrigerators, freezers, washing
(6)________________and tumble dryers. The label tells the consumers
(7)________________energy efficiency each model has, compared with other
appliances (8)________________the same category.

Ultimately, these innovations will save (9)_________________as well as
conserve the Earth’s (10)___________________ .

<b>III. Language focus:</b>

* <b>Choose the best answer with a, b, c or d. (3 points)</b>

1. Can you………..the TV? I don’t watch it.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

2. What is she ………..? – Her pen. She’s lost it.

A. looking for B. looking at C. looking up D. looking after

3. You don’t like learning English, ____________?

A. did you B. do you C. won’t you D. aren’t you

4. Hoa can’t go to listen to music tonight, she will have to___________ her
little sister.

A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look up

5. If we………..wasting water, there will be no fresh water to


A. go in B. go on C. go for D. go by

6. Nam got wet………..he forgot his umbrella.

A. so B. therefore C. however D. because

<b>IV. Writing:</b>

* <b>Rewrite these sentences with the same meaning. (2 points)</b>
1. Let’s put garbage bins around the school yard.

- I suggest...
2. Unless we reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this

- If we...
3. Lan is a better cook than Hoa.

- Hoa can’t...
4. You forgot to turn off the TV last night, did’nt you?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

Date of preparing: 05/02/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 48 test correction</b>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Have a chance to redo all the exercises and know what wrong

and right are in the test.

- Skills: Pay attention at all four skills.

- Education: Ask sts to study hard
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Writing test
<b> 2. Students: Redone the test</b>
<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

<b>1. Warm up:</b> Today we are going to correct the test.
<b>2. Review:</b>

<b>* Remark about the test:</b>

<b> +) Good points: </b>...


<b>+) Bad points: </b>...


<b>3. The answers:</b>

<b>* class: 9A</b>

<b>I. Listening:</b> (0,5 x 5 = 2,5 points.)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

1. for 2. electricity 3. by

4. energy 5. save 6. machines

7. how much 8. in 9. money

10. resources

<b>III. Language focus:</b> (0,5 x 6 = 3 points.)

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D

<b>IV. Writing:</b> (0,5 x 4 = 2 points.)

1. I suggest putting garbage bins around the school yard.

2. If we don’t reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more
this month.

3. Hoa can’t cook as well as Lan

4. You didn’t remember to turn off the TV last night, did you?
<b>* class: 9B,c</b>

<b>I. Listening:</b> (0,5 x 5 = 2,5 points.)

1. effective 2. pollution 3. energy 4. electricity 5. nuclear
<b>II. Reading:</b> (0,5 x 5 = 2,5 points.)

1. for 2. electricity 3. by

4. energy 5. save 6. machines

7. how much 8. in 9. money

10. resources

<b>III. Language focus:</b> (0,5 x 6 = 3 points.)

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D

<b>IV. Writing:</b> (0,5 x 4 = 2 points.)

1. I suggest putting garbage bins around the school yard.

2. If we don’t reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more
this month.

3. Hoa can’t cook as well as Lan

4. You didn’t remember to turn off the TV last night, did you?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

9C: ……….

<b>Period 49 unit 8: celebrations</b>

lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Listen and read for specific information about famous
celebrations around the world.

- Skills: Pay attention at listening and reading skills.

- Education: to respect for special celebrations and love the subject.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts some questions:

+ What do we often have on Lunar
New Year/ Birthday....?

- Ask sts to look at the words on page
65, read and ask sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to match the icons with the
names of the celebrations the


- Check, correct and give the key.

<b>2. Presentation:</b>

- Read the text first and present some
new words by explaining.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Look, listen and repeat.
- Look, listen and match.

- Give, correct and write the key.
1. Easter 2. Wedding
3. Birthday 4. Christmas
5. Mid-Fall Festival

6. Lunar New Year
<b>1/ New words</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>



- Let sts to play the game: Slap the

- Look, listen and ask sts to give
remark then give the winner.

- Give examples, ask sts to look, read
and give remark.

- Listen, correct and write on the

<b>3. Pratice:</b>

- Read the text, ask sts to repeat then
call some sts to read before the class.

- Listen and correct the mistakes.
- Ask sts to read the text and

complete the table with 5 headings:
celebration, when, activities, food,

- Let sts to share the key with freinds
- Check, correct and give out the

<b>4. Production:</b>

- Recall all content of this period.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Write a speech about a
celebration in VN.

+ occur (v) xảy ra

+ live apart (v) sống xa gia đình
+ Israel (n) nhân dân do thái
+Jewish (a) (thuộc) người do thái
+ passover (n) lễ quá hải

+ slavery (n) sự nô lệ

+ parade (n) cuộc diễu hành
+ joyful (a) vui mừng

+ freedom (n)sự tự do

- Play the game follow T’s guides
- Look, listen, give remark and the

<b>2/ Stuctures</b>
+) <b>Relative clause</b>

- Look, listen, read and give remark
and write.

* Ex:

+ Tet is a festival which occurs in
late January or early February.

+ Family members who live apart
try to be together at Tet.

* Note:

- Mệnh đề liên kết cho chúng ta
biết người hay vật nào mà người nói
muốn nhắc đến. Khi nói về người
chúng ta dùng “Who”, khi nói về vật
chúng ta dùng “Which” thay vì nhắc

lại chủ ngữ

<b>3/ Pratice</b>

- Listen, repeat then read before the

- Listen and remember.

- Listen and do follow T’s guides.

- Compare to the other.

- Give, correct and write the key.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

+ Prepare new lesson. (Unit 8
Speakand Listen)


Date of preparing: 23/02/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 50 unit 8: celebrations</b>
lesson 2: Speak & listen

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Give and respond to compliment for common situation.
- Skills: Pay attention at speaking and listening skills.

- Education: to respect for special celebrations and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T <sub>Teacher’s activities</sub> <sub>Students’ activities</sub>

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts some questions:

+ Have you ever complimented any
people or any things?

+ How did you say?

- Introduce the lesson. To help you

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>


know the way to give and respond to
compliment for common situation. To
day we are going to study Unit 8
Celebrations Lesson 2 Speak and
Listen. Open the book on page 66.
<b>2. Speak:</b>

<b>a. Pre-speaking:</b>

- Help sts to know some new words.
Guid them how to read all new words.

- Let sts play the game: Matching.
- Look, listen, correct and give marks.
- Present structures to give and respond
to compliment.

- Explain the example on the books.

- Introduce: Now you work in pairs.
Read the situation in the book and give
the compliment – respond to

- Listen and correct their mistakes.

<b>c. Post-speaking:</b>

- Ask sts to think of the situation in
which they can give compliment to
their friend and respond from him/ her
or them, then make of dialogues.

<b>1/ Speak</b>
<b>a/ Newwords</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.
+ compliment (n) lời chúc mừng
+ congratulate (v) chúc mừng
+ charity (n) hội từ thiện

+ activist: (n) nhà hoạt động xã hội
+ effective (a) có hiệu quả

+ nominate (v) ghi danh, chọn
- Play follow T’s guide.

- Look, listen and remember.
<b>b/ Structures</b>

- Look, listen and write.

Give a


Respond to a
Well done

That’s great/ an
excellent ...

Let me to
congratulate you
on ...


It’s nice of you

to say so.

That’s very kind
of you.

- Listen and take note.

- Look at and listen then work in

* Ex:

b. Mother: Well done, Huyen.
Huyen: Thanks, Mom.

c. Friend: Congratulation on your
nomination, Tuan.

Tuan: It’s nice of you to say so.
d. You: That’s excellent drawing,

Hoa: That’s very nice of you to
say so.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>


- Listen and correct their mistakes.

<b>3. Listening:</b>

<b>a. Pre-listening:</b>

- Introduce the content of the song:
Auld long syne is a song which is
often sung at midnight on New Year’s
Eve. It’s one of the best known song in
English speaking countries.

- Help sts to know some new words.

- Let sts to match the words in the

2.bring to mind


b.person you know

d.being kind to

- Check, remark and give out the

- Let sts to read the song and guess the

missing words.

- Check and write sts’ key on the board
- Ask sts to listen and fill in the
missing words.


- Play the tape serveral times.(If

- Let sts to compare with the partner.
- Play the tape agian to check, correct
and give out the answers.

<b>c. Post-listening:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss.

* Ex:

S1: Well done.
S2: Thank you a lot.

S1: Let me congratulate you on
your graduation.

S2: That’s very kind of you.

<b>a/ New words</b>
- Listen.

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.
+ acquaintance (n) người quen
+ bring to mind (v) nhớ

+ kindness (adj) lòng tốt
+ trusty (n) đáng tin cậy
+ Auld = old (a)

+ syne = since (adv)
+ lang = long (a)

- Look, read and do in pairs.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a
- Read and guess the key.
- Give the prediction.

- Listen and prepare for listening.
<b>b/ Listen and fill in the missing</b>

- Listen and check their prediction.
- Compare to the other.

- Listen, check, then give, correct
and write the key.

a. day c. mind e. kindness
b. take d. hand

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>


+ What do you and your family
usually do on New Year’s Eve?

- Listen and correct their mistakes.
* Feedback:

- Recall all content of this period.
<b>4. Home work:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Learn by heart all the words.
+ Do exercise 2 in exercise’s books.
+ Prepare for new lesson. Period 51
Unit 8 Celebrations Lesson 3 Read.

+ go out in the street.
+ hold party.

+ wait for lucky money
- Listen and remember
- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 24/02/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 51 unit 8: celebrations</b>
lesson 3 read
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Read for main idea and specific information, know more about
one of the important celebration in Australia and in the USA: Father’s day.

- Skills: Pay attention at reading skill.

- Education: to respect for special celebrations and love the subject.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>

<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>



<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>

- Ask sts to go to the board and write new

- Check, correct and give marks (one
word gets one mark).

<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts some questions:

+ Do we have a Father’s Day in Viet

+ Which countries have that day?
+ What do they do in that day?

- To help you know more about that day,
today we are going to study Period 51
Unit 8 Celebrations Lesson 3 Read. Open
the book on page 68.

- Guid them how to read all new words.
<b>2. Pre-reading:</b>

- Help sts to know some words.

- Let sts to play the game: Slap the board
- Look, listen, correct and give the

- Ask sts to look at the book and answer
the questions.

+ How many passages are there in this

+ What are they about?
- Introduce the Father’s Day.

It occurs at the third Sunday in June. It
is the time when children show their
feeling, repect and great love to their
father. To know more exactly about it we
are going to read the text.

<b>3. While-reading:</b>

- Devide class into 3 groups. Each group
reads one passage and answer questions
about it then check, correct and give the

<b> Rita ( from Australia)</b>

+ 9C: ...

- Go to the board and write.
- Look, listen and remember.

- Listen and answer T’ qs

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ New words</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.
+ considerate (a) chu đáo

+ priority (n) sự ưu tiên

+ sense of humor (n) khiếu hài

+ distinguish (v) phân biệt
+ terrific (a) tuyệt vời
+ hug (n) một cái ôm chặt

- Play the game follow T’s guide.
- Look, listen and remember.
- Listen, look and answer.

+ There are three passages.

+ They are about the Father’s Day.
- Listen and prepare for reaing.

<b>2/ Answer the questions</b>

- Listen and work in groups then
give, correct and write the key.

* Key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>



1. Who do you think Rita send this
card to?

2. What does that person teach her?
3. Doec she love him?

<b>Jane ( USA)</b>

1. Is Jane’s father alive or dead?
How do you know this?

2. Has Jane got married? If yes, what
did her father do on her wedding day?

<b>Bod ( Australia)</b>

1. What quanlity make Bod’s father
different from others?

2. Is Bod proud of his father?
<b>4. Post-reading:</b>

- Ask Ss to answer the question.

+ What image of a father can you draw
from the three passages?

+ Tell us about your father?

- Repeat all the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ At home learn by heart all the words.
+ Do exercise 4 in exercise’s books.
+ Prepare for new lesson. Period 52
Unit 8 Celebrations Lesson 4 Write.

1. To her father.

2. He teaches her how to love, cry
and laugh.

3. Yes, he does.

1. He is possibly dead. These ideas
may tell about that: “... how much
you are missed ..., I now have
children, Dad ...”

2. Yes, she has. On her wedding
day, her father stood there with tears
in his eyes and gave her a hug.


1. His sense of humor makes him
different from others.

2. Yes, he is.
- Listen and answer.

+ A father as a teacher, caretaker, a
friand, ...

+ S1: He is a generous man and he

loves me very much.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.

Date of preparing: 04/03/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 52 unit 8: celebrations</b>
lesson 4: write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Write a letter to a friend to share their ideas about particular

- Skills: Pay attention at writing skill.

- Education: to respect for special celebrations and love the subject.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking

<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Aks sts to answer some questions.
+ Do we have a day to celebrate for
our parents?

+ Do you think we should have that
day? why?

- To help you know the way to write a
letter to a friend to share their ideas
about particular issue. To day we are
going to study Period 52 Unit 8

Celebrations Lesson 4 Write. Open the
book on page 70.

<b>2. Pre-writing:</b>

- Help sts to know some new words.

- Let sts to play the game: Matching
- Help sts to know the form of the

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Look, listen, write and open the

<b>1/ New words</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.

+ essential (adj) cần thiết

+ enhance (v) đề cao
+ support (v) ủng hộ

+ nationwide (adv) khắp cả nước
+ tradition (n) truyền thống
- Play follow T’s guide.

<b>2/ Form of a letter</b>
- Look, listen and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>




- Ask sts to follow the outline and
work independently to write a letter to
a friend.

<b>4. Post-writing:</b>

- Ask sts to stick their letter on the

- Look, read, correct and may be give
out the model letter.

feelings, memories, and love for
their parents, to enhance family
traditions, to bring family members

<b>+) Second paragraph:</b> Give details

+ When to celebrate: in what
season, or what month, on what date
of the month or day of the week ...

+ How to celebrate: Having
parties, sending cards, going on
picnic ...

+ What special gifts to give: gifts
to mom/dad.

+ What special food to offer.
<b>+) Third paragraph:</b> State whether
or not you think your idea will be
supported and you hope the day will
be celebrated nationwide.

- Look at and write down.

- Stick the letter on the board.

- Look, listen, correct, and remember
* Model letter:

In my opinion, it is important to
have a day to celebrate for our
parents. The first reason for this is on
the occations, children will have a
special day to express their feelings,
memories and great love for their
parents. The second, We have an
opportunity to enhance family
traditions. Besides members of
family can have a chance to get
together, to know one another and
help one another.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

2’ <b>5. Homework:</b>
- Set the work:

+ Learn by heart all words.

+ Rewrite the letter in your
exercise’s books.

+ Prepare for new lesson. Period 52
Unit 8 Celebrations Lesson 5
Language focus.

spring or early summer, and weather
is generaly fine at this time of the

year, many activities can happen out
door. In this day, it is not necessary
to have parties but it’s a good idea to
have lunch or dinner with all
members of the family, and children
should give their parents flowers,
send them cards, or bring them a
special cake or serv their parents the
food that they like best.

I believe the idea will be
supported and the day will be
celebrated nationwide becuase
everybody loves their parents and
wants their parents to be happy.
- Listen and write.

Date of preparing: 05/03/2010 Date of teaching:9A……….

<b>Period 53 unit 8: celebrations</b>
lesson 5: Language focus
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: have a chance to review and more practice about the relative
clause and adverb clause of concession.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

- Education: the way to protect the environment and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- To help you have a chance to review

and more practice about the relative
clause and adverb clause of concession,
We are going to study Period 52 Unit 8
Celebrations Lesson 5 Language focus.
Open the book on page 70.

<b>2. Language focus:</b>
<b>* Presentation:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the use of defining
relative and non-defining relative.
- Listen, correct and write on the board.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ Exercises 1, 2</b>
- Listen and repeat.

<b>* Defining relative clause: </b>

+ Mệnh đề xác định là một mệnh
đề cần phải có để xác định nghĩa
cho từ đứng trước nó.

* Ex:

Tet is a festival which occurs in late
January or early February.
<b>* Non-defining relative clause: </b>

+ Mệnh đề không xác định đứng
sau một từ đã xác định. Nó bổ xung
nghĩa cho từ đứng trước nó và nếu
bỏ đi thì nghĩa của câu vẫn rõ như
thường. Mệnh đề này thường được
tách giữa hai dấu phẩy.

* Ex:

My friend Tom, who sings Western
folk songs very well, can compose

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

<b>* Practice:</b>

- Ask sts to use relative pronouns to
complete the sentences.

- Check, correct and give the key.

<b>* Presentation:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the use and form of the
adverb clause of concession.

- Listen, correct and write on the board.

+ “Which” được dùng để thay thế
cho vật hay con vật làm chủ ngữ
hoặc tân ngữ.

+ “Who” được dùng để thay thế
cho người làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân

+ “That” được dùng cho cả hai
trường hợp trên.

- Look at and listen, then do the
exercise (group work)

- Give, correct and write the key.
<b>a/ Exercise 1</b>

* Key:

e) ... which tell about ...
f) ... which was very ...
g) ... which is celebrated ...
<b>b/ Exercise 2</b>

* Key:

+ Mom is a woman who is

sitting in an armchair./ receiving a
gift from the little girl.

+ Dad is the man who is
standing behind my sister.

+ Linda is the girl who is
wearing a pink dress/ giving a gift
to Mom.

+ Grandmother is the woman
who is wearing a violet blouse/
giving a gift to the baby.

+ Uncle John is the man who is
wearing a pink jumper.

+ Jack is the little boy who is
sitting on his mother’s lap.

<b>2/ Exercises 3,4</b>
- Listen and repeat.

<b>* Adverb clause of concession:</b>
<b>+ The use:</b>

Mệnh dề trạng ngữ chỉ sự thừa
nhận, dùng để nối mệnh đề trái

<b>+ The form:</b>

<b>Though/Although/Even though +</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>


<b>* Practice:</b>

- Help sts to know the way to do

- Check, correct and give the key.

<b>3. Production: A 10 minute test.</b>
- Ask sts to do the rest sentences in
exercise 1 in a 10 minute test.

Thu Ha is not satisfied with her
preparation for Tet even though she
has decorated her house and make
plenty of cakes.

- Look at and listen, do the exercise
then give, correct and write the key.
<b>a/ Exercise 3</b>

* Keys:

b. Although we don’t have
Mother’s day in VN, Dad ...

c. We went to HN to watch the
parade on National Day last year
even though we leave in ...

d. Many tourists enjoy festivals in
VN though they don’t ...

e. Even though in Australia
Christmas season is in summer, ...

f. Although Jim he came to the
show late due to the traffic jam, he
could ...

<b>b/ Exercise 4</b>
* Keys:

b. ..., she is still watching
TV now.

c. ... the weather bureau
predicted the weather would be

d. Ba ate a lot of food ...
e. ..., Mary tried to finish

her letter.

- Listen and do in a test.

* Key and mark: (5 x 2 = 10 ps)
1. Auld Lang Syne is a song
which is sung on New Year’s Eve.

2. This watch is a gift which was
given to me by my aunt on my 14th

3. My friend Tom, who sings
Western folk songs very well, can
compose songs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>


- Collect the paper test.

- Recall all content of this period.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ At home study hard all content.
+ Do all exercises again.

+ Prepare for new lesson. Period 54
Unit 9 Natural disasters Lesson 1 Getting

started, Listen and read.

5. Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport
to meet my friends who come to
stay with us during the Christmas.
- Listen and remember.


Date of preparing: 05/03/2010 Date of teaching:9A……….

<b>Period 54 unit 9: natural disasters</b>

lesson 1 Getting started, listen and read
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Know about some kinds of disasters, and the content of a
weather forecast.

- Skills: Pay attention at all four skills.

- Education: the way to protect the environment and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>



<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts to name some of disasters.
- Give out the photo of picture in book

then ask sts to match the pictures with
the correct words.

=>Remark and give out the answers.

- Give the picture of the book on page
75 an ask sts some questions:

+ What can you see in the picture?
+ Do you often listen to the weather

+ What does it often talk about?
+ Do you believe about it?

- Introduce: To help you know more
about it, today we are going to study
Period 54 Unit 9 Natural disasters
Lesson 1 Getting started, Listen and
read. Open the book on page 74.
<b>2. Presentation:</b>

- Read the dialogue before the class.
- Introduce some new words.

- Let sts to play the game: Slap the

- Listen, correct and give the winner.
<b>3. Practice:</b>

- Read the dialogue, ask sts to repeat.
- Let sts to read in group of three.
- Call some groups to practice before

+ 9C: ...

- Listen and name.

- Look at listen and do in group.

- Listen and remember.
1. Snowstorm

2. Earthquake
3. Volcano
4. Typhoon

- Look, listen and answer.

- Listen, look, write and open the

- Look and listen.

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.
<b>1/ New words</b>

+ thunderstorm (n) bỗ có sấm sét
và mưa to

+ trust (v) tin tưởng vào, tin là thật
+ coast (n) bờ biển

+ highland (n) vùng núi

+ expect (v) mong đợi, chờ đợi, sẽ
đón nhận

+ experience (v) trải qua

+ forecast (n) bảng, chương trình
dự báo

- Listen and play follow T’s guide.
- Listen and remember.

<b>2/ Practice the dialogue</b>
- Listen and repeat.

- Practice reading in group.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>



the class.

- Listen and correct the mistakes.

- Guide sts to know the way to do then
let them do in pairs.

- Check, correct and give the key.

<b>4. Production:</b>

- Ask sts some questions:

+ Did you listen to the weather
forecast yesterday?

+ What did it tell about the wather

+ Do you believe it?

+ Do you often watch wather
forecast? why/ why not?

- Repeat the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Learn by heart the words. read the
dialogue again.

+ Prepare for the next lesson Period
55 Unit 9 Natural disasters Lesson 2

Speak and listen.


- Listen and remember.

<b>3/ Fill in each blank with one word</b>
<b>or phrase from the dialogue</b>

- Listen and do in pairs.

- Give, correct and write the key.
1. turn up; weather forecast
2. raining

3. central highlands
4. have temperature

5. weather forecast; watching

- Listen and answer.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 12/03/2010 Date of teaching:9A……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Know what should be prepared for a typhoon and how to live
with earthquakes.

- Skills: Pay attention at speaking and listening skills.

- Education: educating sts to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>
<b> </b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts some questions:

+ Have you ever been in a typhoon/
an earthquake?

+ What should we do when there is
a typhoon/ an earthquake ?

- Introduce: To help you know what
should be prepared for a typhoon and
how to live with earthquakes. Today
we are going to study Period 55 Unit
9 Natural disasters Lesson 2 Speak
and listen. Open the book on page 76.
<b>2. Speaking:</b>

<b>a. Pre-speaking:</b>

- Read all the sentences in book then
introduce some new words.

- Let sts to play the game: Matching.
- Check, corect and give marks.

- Ask Ss to look at part (a) and read

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ Speaking</b>
<b>a/ New words</b>

- Listen, guess, read and write the

+ can (v) đóng hộp
+ damage (v) hư hỏng
+ peg (n) cái chốt, cái móc
+ latch (n) chốt cửa

- Play the game follơ T’s guide.
- Listen and remember..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>


the list and check by answering the
question: What preparation should be
made for a typhoon?

<b>b. While-speaking:</b>

- Ask sts to give their keys, listen,
correct and write on the board.

- Guide and ask sts to talk about what
they think and want to buy or do to
prepare for a typhoon, then explain

<b>c. Post-speaking:</b>

- Call some pairs to practice before
class to say about what we should be
prepared when there is a typhoon.

- Listen and correct their mistakes.
- Ask sts some questions:

+ Have you ever lived in an

earthquake zone?

+ What do you do if you live in an
earthquake zone?

- To know about it we will change
into listening.

<b>3. Listening:</b>
<b>a. Pre-listening:</b>

- Help sts to know some words.

<b>b/ The things that we should</b>
<b>prepare for a typhoon</b>

- Listen, give, correct and write the

* Key:

 buying some canned food

 buying candies

 buying matches

 filling all buckets with water

 buying a ladder

 fixing the leak in the roof

 tying the roof to the groud with
pegs and ropes.

 Check all the window and door

- Listen and practice in pairs.
* Ex:

S1: I think we should buy some
canned food before a typhoon.

S2: Yes, I think so/ I agree with
you, the market will be closed and
no food will be available.

- Practice before class. (pair work)
* Ex:

S1: I think we should buy some
candles and matches before a

S2: Yes, I think so/ I agree with
you, there may be a power cut.


- Listen and remember.
- Listen and answer.

<b>2/ Listening</b>
<b>a/ New words</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>


- Let sts to play the game: Slap the

- Look, listen and give the winner.
- Ask sts to read the given table and
guess the key.

- Check, and write sts’prediction on
the board.

- Ask sts to listen to check their key.
<b>b. While-listening:</b>

- Play the tape/ read a talk (3 times),
ask them to listen and complete the

- Ask sts to give the key.

- Read again to check, correct and
give the right key.

<b>c. Post-listening:</b>

- Ask sts some questions.

+ Where should we place the heavy

+ What do we do with the rollers
on our fridge and washing machine?

+ Where should we stand/ sit
during an earthquake?


- Listen, correct the mistakes.

- Repeat all the content of the lesson.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Learn by heart all the words.
+ Prepare for new lesson. Period 56

+ Block (v) ngăn chặn
+ Zone (n) vùng, miền
+ Roller (n) trục lăn

+ Container (n) thùng, hộp

+ Doorway (n) ô cửa
+ Mirror (n) gương
+ Appliance (n) tiết bị
- Play follow T’s guide.
- Listen and remember.
- Listen, read and guess.
- Give the prediction.

- Listen and prepare for listening.
<b>2/ Listen and complete the table</b>
- Listen and complete.

- Give the key.

- Listen, correct and write the key.
* Key:

1. bottom shelf of your bookshelf.
2. fridge

3. washing machine
4. mirrors

5. a window
6. inside

7. under a strong table
8. doorway

9. corner of the room

<b>c. Answer the questions</b>
- Listen and answer.

+ We should place them on the
bottom shelf of our bookshelves.

+ We block to prevent them from

+ We should stand in the corner of
a room./ sit under a strong table or

- Listen and remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

Unit 9 Natural disasters Lesson 3


Date of preparing: 20/03/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 56 unit 9: natural disasters</b>
lesson 3: read

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Know more about earthquakes, tidal waves, typhoons and

- Skills: Pay attention at reading skill.

- Education: Educating sts to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask Ss to play a game “Net

- Listen and answer T’ qs

+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>




work” to write out some disasters
they know.


=>Remark their game.

- Introduce: To know more about
earthquakes, tidal waves, typhoons
and tornadoes. Today we are going
to study Period 56 Unit 9 Natural
disasters Lesson 3 Read. Open the
book on page 78.

<b>2. Pre-reading:</b>

- Present some new words.

- Let sts to paly the game: Slap the

- Remark the game.
- Read the text once

- Get Ss to read the text and do
exercise a/79 (Make T or F, check
the boxes) group work

=> Check, remark and give out the

<b>4. Post-reading:</b>

- Ask them to read the text again

- Listen and remember.

- Look, listen, write and open the book.

<b>1. New words</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write the

+ Pacific rim: (n) vùng lịng chảo
Thái Bình Dương

+ Majority: (n) phần lớn

+ Abrupt: (adj) bất ngờ, đột ngột
+ Shift: (n)ốtự dịch chuyển, thay đổi
+ Hurricane: (n) America = typhoon
= cyclone: Australia bão

+ Erupt: (v) phun, phun trào
+ Funnel: (n) cái phễu
+ collapse (v) đổ sụp
+ suck up (v) cuốn, hút
+ warn (v) cảnh báo trước
+ huge (adj) khổng lồ, to lớn
+ predict (v) tiên đoán

- Play the game follow T’s guide
- Listen and remember.

<b>2/ True or False</b>
- Look and listen

- Look, listen and do in group..

- Give, correct and write down the key.
* Key:

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5. F 6. T

<b>3/ Complete the sentences</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>


and do exercise b (Complete the
sentences) group work

=>Check, correct and give out the
answer keys.

- Repeat the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Read the text again.

+ Prepare for Period 57 Unit 9
Natural disasters Lesson 4 Write.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

1... occur around the Pacific Rim.
2... homes, office blocks and highway
collapsed and a large number of people
were killed.

3... there is an abrupt shift underwater
movement of the Earth.

4... a cyclone.

5... the word “typhoon”
6... passes overland below a
thunderstorm ...

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.

Date of preparing: 21/03/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 57 unit 9: natural disasters</b>
lesson 4: write

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Write a short story by using guided information and pictures.
- Skills: Pay attention at writing skill.

- Education: educating sts to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.

2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>




+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask Ss to answer some questions.
+ Have you ever written a story?
+ What is it about?

+ How long did it take you to write


+ Did you write it in VNamese or in

+ Do you think it is a successful

- Introduce: To help you can write a
short story by using guided
information and pictures. Today we are
going to study Period 57 Unit 9 Lesson
4 Write. Open the book on page 79.
<b>2. Pre-writing:</b>

- Introduce some new words.

- Let sts to play the game: Slap the

- Give remark and the winner.
<b>3. While-writing:</b>

- Guide Ss to write a story by using the
pictures and the words in the box.(79)
- Let sts to share the writing with

<b>4. Post-writing:</b>

- Call each group to stick their writing
on the board.

- Check, correct and give the right key.

+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ New words</b>

- Look, listen, guess, read and write.
+ Circle (n) vòng tròn

+ Shelter (n) chỗ ẩn nấp
+ Scared (adj) sợ = nervous
+ Behave (v) đối sử, cư sử
+ Suddenly (adv) đột ngột
- Play the game follow T’s guide.
- Look at, listen and remember.
<b>2/ Write a story</b>

- Listen and work in groups to write.
- Compare to each other.

- Stick the writing on the board.

- Look, listen, correct and write the

* Key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

2’ - Repeat the content of the lesson.<b><sub>5. Homework:</sub></b>

- Set the work:

+ Rewrite the story in your

+ Prepare for the next lesson. Period
58 Unit 9 Lesson 5 Language focus.

began behaving strangely. She kept
running aroud in circles, ( and didn’t
seem to be her self). Lan ran home
with the dog to tell her mother what
Skippy was doing. Lan’ mother, Mrs
Quyen told Lan that she heard on TV
that there was a typhoon coming.
Mrs Quyen gathered her family and
told them to find shelter in the house.
Suddenly, the sky became very dark.
The storm came with strong winds
and heavy rain. Mrs Quyen and her
family were scared, but soon the
storm finished and every one was
glad. What a clever dog, Skippy is!

She saved Lan from being caught in
the typhoon.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 21/03/20210 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 58 unit 9: natural disaters</b>
lesson 5: Language focus

<b>i. objectives:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

- Knowledge: have a chance to remind all new words and grammar structures
of this unit “ relative clause/ relative pronouns”.

- Skills: Pay attention at all four skills.

- Education: Educating sts to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>
<b> </b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Introduce: To help you have a chance
to remind all new words and grammar
structures of this unit “ relative clause/
relative pronouns”. Today we are
going to sudy Period 58 Unit 9 Lesson
5 Language focus. Open the book on
page 80.

<b>2. Language focus:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the use of relative
clause and relative pronouns.

- Listen, correct and write on the

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen, look, write and open the

<b>1/ Grammar</b>

<b>* Relative clause and relative</b>

- Listen and repeat, correct and

+) Mệnh đề liên kết cho chúng ta
biết người hay vật nào mà người nói
muốn nhắc đến. Khi nói về người
chúng ta dùng “Who”, khi nói về vật
chúng ta dùng “Which”/ “ that” thay
vì nhắc lại chủ ngữ.

* Ex:

+ The city which was truck by a
huge earthquake in 1885 in Japan is

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

23’ <b>3. Production: </b>

- Explain and ask sts to do. (use your
knowledge and relative pronouns
( Who, Which, That ) to answer the

- Check, correct and give the key.

- Ask sts to match each pair of
sentences in column A with a relative
sentence in column B. Use a suitable
relative pronoun to join two sentences.
=> Check, correct and give out the
answer keys.

những đồ vật nào đó. Bạn không
được dùng That và không thể bỏ
Who hoặc Which. Khi viết những
mệnh đề như vậy ta phải đặt chúng
vào giữa hai dấu phẩy.

+ Viet Nam, which is in south-east
Asia, exports rice.

<b>2/ Exercises</b>
<b>a/ Exercise 1</b>

- Look listen and do.

- Give, correct and write the key..
* Key:

a)The city which was struck by a
huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is

b) The country which won the
1988 tiger cup is Singapore.

c) The animal which has one or
two horns on its snout is rhinoceros.

d) The explorer who discovered
America is Christopher Columbus.

e) The planet which closest to the
earth is venus.

f) The animal which was chosen
to be the logo of seagame 2003 is the

g) The Asean country which is

devided into two regions by the sea
is Malaysia

h) The food which you can chew
but you can’t swallow is the chewing
gum; and the thing you can swallow
but you can not chew is water.

<b>b/ Exercise 2</b>

- Look listen and do.

- Give, correct and write the key..
* Key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>


- Ask sts to identify defining and non
defining clause: Underline the relative
clause in the sentence. Then add
commas to separate the non defining
clause from the rest of the sentence.
=> Check, correct and give out the
answer keys.


- Recall all content of this period.
<b>4. Home work:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Redo all the exercises, and do
exercise 4 in note book.

+ Review the old knowledges,
prepare for a test.

4. a which
5. c which
6. d which
7. b which
<b>c/ Exercise 3</b>

- Look listen and do.

- Give, correct and write the key.
b) Cangoroos, which come from
Australia have long tails.

c) Ba, who lives in Trang Tien
street, like playing the guita.

d) (defining)

e) Neil Amstrong, who first walked
on the moon, lives in the USA.

f) (defining)

g) Miss Lien, who sings very well,
is my E teacher.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 27/03/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Use the old knowledge from unit 7 to unit 9 to complete a test.
- Skills: Pay attention at listening, reading and writing skills.

- Education: Educating sts to be faithful in doing the test.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Questions.

2. Students: Review the old knowledges.
<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

<b>1. Introduction: </b>Today we are going to have a 45’ test, be faithful in doing

the test please.

<b>2. Test lesson:</b>
* Class 9A:

<b>Question I: Listening: (2ps)</b>

<i><b>Listen and choose the A or B</b></i>

1. A. Put the heavy books on the bottom shelf of your bookshelf.
B. Put the heavy books on the top shelf of your bookshelf.
2. A. Put hanging potted plants in plastic containers.

B. Put hanging potted plants in glass containers.

3. A. Sit under a strong table or stand in the corner of the room.
B. Stand on a strong table or sit in the corner of the room.
4. A. Put your bed next to the window.

B. Don't put your bed next to the window.
<b>Question II: Language focus: (3ps)</b>

<i><b>Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete the sentence.</b></i>

1. Auld Lang Syne is a song _____is sung on New Year Eve.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

2. I'm very proud_____my father.

A. in B. off C. of D. on

3. Mrs. Thoa helped Tuan with his homework_____she was tired.

A. because B. although C. however D. therefore
4. I am the boy______is wearing a white T-shirt.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

5. ____is a festival which occurs in late January or early February in Viet Nam
A. Tet B. Mid-fall festival C. Christmas D. Easter

6. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all_____people.

A. English B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. Jewish
<b>Question III: Reading: (3ps</b>)

Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful
passage. There is ONE extra word that you do not need to use:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

The Chinese consider the first day of their New Year to be a very(1)…...day.
They celebrate the day irrespective to whether they are rich or poor. The Chinese
call every year by a new name.

The Chinese New Year celebration is the most important (2)………of the
Chinese. Usually preparation for the celebration of the new year is made weeks
ahead. Cakes of various kinds are made, the houses are cleaned and (3)………A
kind of red cloth bearing the words " Prosperity" and "Happiness" is hung on the
wall. The children wear new dresses as a part of (4)………

On the New Year's day, the members of the family get up early and (5)…...to
Gods for the prosperity and happiness of the family. Red packets or "Li Xi"
containing money are given to the youngsters. Crackers firing to scare away the evil
spirits is part of the celebration but it is (6)……..by the Government now.

* Vocabulary:

<i>Irrespective: bất kể</i> <i>Ban: cấm đoán</i>
<i>Prosperity: sự thịnh vượng</i> <i>Pray: cầu nguyện</i>
<i>Custom: phong tục </i> <i>Evil: điều xấu</i>
* Key:

1. ... 2. ... 3. ...
4. ... 5. ... 6. ...
<b>Question IV: Writing:(2ps)</b>

<i><b> </b></i> <i><b>Join the sentence. Using the word in the bracket</b></i>

1. I like reading books. Books tell us many interesting things.(<i><b>Which)</b></i>


2. Kangaroos have long tails. Kangaroos are called chuot tui in Vietnamese.


3. Jim could see the main part of the show. He came to the show late due to the

traffic jam. <i><b>( Although)</b></i>

4. Mrs. Lien is my English teacher. She can sing foreign songs very well. <i><b>(Who)</b></i>


The end
-* Class 9B, 9C:

<b>Question I: Listening: (2ps)</b>

<i><b>Listen and choose the A or B</b></i>

1. A. Put the heavy books on the bottom shelf of your bookshelf.
B. Put the heavy books on the top shelf of your bookshelf.
2. A. Put hanging potted plants in plastic containers.

B. Put hanging potted plants in glass containers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

B. Stand on a strong table or sit in the corner of the room.
4. A. Put your bed next to the window.

B. Don't put your bed next to the window.
<b>Question II: Language focus: (3ps)</b>

<i><b>Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete the sentence.</b></i>

1. Auld Lang Syne is a song _____is sung on New Year Eve.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

2. He is very proud_____his father.

A. in B. off C. of D. on

3. Mrs. Thoa helped Tuan with his homework_____she was tired.

A. because B. although C. however D. therefore
4. I am the girl______is standing at the door.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

5. Ninety per cent of______occur around the Pacific Rim known as the " Ring of

A. earthquakes B. typhoons C.thunderstorms D. tornadoes
6. Nam was unhappy_____ he got bad mark.

A. and B. but C. so D. because

<b>Question III: Reading: (3ps</b>)

Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful
passage. There is ONE extra word that you do not need to use:

<i>important - festival - banned - prayed - happy - decorated - custom</i>

The Chinese consider the first day of their New Year to be a very(1)…...day.
They celebrate the day irrespective to whether they are rich or poor. The Chinese
call every year by a new name.

The Chinese New Year celebration is the most important (2)………of the
Chinese. Usually preparation for the celebration of the new year is made weeks
ahead. Cakes of various kinds are made, the houses are cleaned and (3)………A
kind of red cloth bearing the words " Prosperity" and "Happiness" is hung on the
wall. The children wear new dresses as a part of (4)………

On the New Year's day, the members of the family get up early and (5)…...to
Gods for the prosperity and happiness of the family. Red packets or "Li Xi"
containing money are given to the youngsters. Crackers firing to scare away the evil
spirits is part of the celebration but it is (6)……..by the Government now.

* Vocabulary:

<i>Irrespective: bất kể</i> <i>Ban: cấm đoán</i>
<i>Prosperity: sự thịnh vượng</i> <i>Pray: cầu nguyện</i>
<i>Custom: phong tục </i> <i>Evil: điều xấu</i>
* Key:

1. ... 2. ... 3. ...
4. ... 5. ... 6. ...
<b>Question IV: Writing:(2ps)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

1. I like playing soccer. Soccer is played in every country.(<i><b>Which)</b></i>


2. Kangaroos have long tails. Kangaroos are called chuot tui in Vietnamese.


3. Jim could see the main part of the show. He came to the show late due to the
traffic jam. <i><b>( Although)</b></i>

4. Mrs. Lien is my English teacher. She can sing foreign songs very well. <i><b>(Who)</b></i>


The end


Date of preparing: 29/03/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 60 test correction</b>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Have a chance to redo all the exercises and know what wrong

and right are in the test.

- Skills: Pay attention at all four skills.

- Education: Ask sts to study hard
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Writing test
<b> 2. Students: Redone the test</b>
<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

<b>1. Warm up:</b> Today we are going to correct the test.
<b>2. Review:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<b> +) Good points: </b>...

<b>+) Bad points: </b>...



<b>3. The answers:</b>

<b>* class: 9A</b>

<b>Question I: Listening:</b> (0,5 x 4 = 2 points.)
1. A

2. A
3. A
4. B

<b>Question II: Language focus:</b> (0,5 x 6 = 3 points.)
1. A

2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. D

<b>Question III: Reading:</b> (0,5 x 6 = 3 points.)
1. important

2. festival
3. decorated
4. custom
5. prayed

6. banned

<b>Question IV: Writing:</b> (0,5 x 4 = 2 points.)

1. I like playing soccer which is played in every country.

2. Kangaroos, which are called chuot tui in Vietnamese, have long tails.

3. Although Jim came to the show late due to the traffic jam, he could see the
main part of the show.

4. Mrs. Lien, who can sing foreign songs very well, is my teacher.
<b>* class: 9B,C</b>

<b>Question I: Listening:</b> (0,5 x 4 = 2 points.)
1. A

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

3. A
4. B

<b>Question II: Language focus:</b> (0,5 x 6 = 3 points.)
1. A

2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. D

<b>Question III: Reading:</b> (0,5 x 6 = 3 points.)

1. important

2. festival
3. decorated
4. custom
5. prayed
6. banned

<b>Question IV: Writing:</b> (0,5 x 4 = 2 points.)

1. I like playing soccer which is played in every country.

2. Kangaroos, which are called chuot tui in Vietnamese, have long tails.

3. Although Jim came to the show late due to the traffic jam, he could see the
main part of the show.

4. Mrs. Lien, who can sing foreign songs very well, is my teacher.


Date of preparing: 02/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 61 unit 10: life on other planets</b>

lesson 1 Gettingg started, listen and read
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: know and talk about UFOs with basic information received
through the discussion and the reading.

- Skills: Pay attention at speaking and reading skills.

- Education: to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking

<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Give the photo of the pictures on
page 83 in book.

- Ask sts some questions:

+ What are there in the picture?
+ Have you ever heard about UFOs?
+ Do you think it really exist?

+ Have you ever seen any film on

+ What are they about?

+ What do you want to know about

- Introduction: To have know more
about the UFOs today we are going to
study Period 61 Unit 10 Life on the
other planets Lesson 1 Getting Started,
Listen and read. open the book on page

<b>2. Presentation:</b>

- Introduce some new words.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Look.

- Listen and answer.

- Listen, look and write then open
the book.

<b>1/ New words</b>

- Listen, guess, read and write the

+ meteor (n) sao băng

+ alien (n) người xa lạ, hành
tinh khác

+ sample (n) mẫu, mẫu vật
+ spacecraft (n) tàu vũ trụ

+ egg-shaped (a) hình quả trứng
+ capture (v) bắt

+ claim (v) nhận là, tự cho là

+ evidence (n) bằng chứng
+ sight (v) nhìn thấy

+ exist (v) tồn tại

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>




- Let sts to play the game: Slap the

- Look, listen remark and give the

<b>3. Practice:</b>

- Read all the text first.

- Call some sts to read the text before
the class.

- Guid sts to do exercise (a) by reading
the text and finding out some words as
the words given.

- Check, correct and give out the keys.

<b>4. Production:</b>

- Ask sts to read the text again and fill
in the gaps with missing words.(b)
- Check, correct and give out the keys.

- Repeat all the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Learn by heart the words.

+ Prepare for next lesson. Period 62

+ mistake (v) nhầm
- Play the game.

- Listen and remember

<b>2/ Find the words with the same</b>

- Look and listen.
- Read before the class.
- Listen and do in group.

- Give, correct and write down.
* Key:

1. evidence 4. collecting
2. meteor 5. captured
3. alien 6. disappeared
<b>3/ Complete the notes</b>

- Look at and listen, then do
exercise. (group work)

- Give, correct and copy.
* Key:

a. An aircraft, a weather balloon
or a meteor ...

b. Nine large roud objects
traveling at about 2.800 meters an

c. 1.500 sightings.
d. UFO above their

e. An egg-shaped object in one
of his fields and also aliens
collecting soil sample.

f. Claimed they were captured
by aliens and taken aboard as

g. and his plane disappeared

after sighting a UFO.

h. that he saw a plate-like
device at a top tree 30 meters

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

Unit 10 Life on the other planets
Lesson 2 Speak and Listen.

Date of preparing: 05/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 62 unit 10: life on other planets</b>
lesson 2: speak and listen
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Practice speaking about Mars, using modal verbs “may/ might”,
be updated with back ground knowledge about Mars and solar system.

- Skills: Pay attention at speaking and listening skills.

- Education: to sudy hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts some question:

+ What do you know about the mars
and the moon?

+ What are there on the Mars and on
the moon?

+ Is there life on the mars and on the

- Introduce: To help you know more
about it, today we are going to study
Period 62 Unit 10 Life on the other

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>


planets Lesson 2 Speak and Listen.
Open the book on page 85.

<b>2. Speaking:</b>
<b>a. Pre-speaking:</b>

- Introduce some new words.

- Guide them how to read all new

- Ask sts to name the things in the

- Listen and correct.

- Give examples and ask sts to give the
use and the form of May/ Might.

<b>b. While-speaking:</b>

- Ask sts to read the dialogue in book.
- Call some pairs to practice before the

- Let sts work in pairs to make up
similar dialogue about the drawing.
- Call some pairs to practice before the

- Listen and correct their mistakes.

<b>c. Post-speaking:</b>

- Guide sts to do part c: Now you work

<b>1/ Speaking</b>
<b>a/ Newwords</b>

- Listen, guess, read and write the

+ mineral (n) khoáng chất
+ microorganism (n) vi sinh vật
+ gemstone (n) đá quý

+ little creature (n) ysinh vật nhỏ
+ sparkling spot (n) điểm lấp lánh
+ trace (n) dấu vết

+ precious (a) quý giá
- Do as teacher’s oder.
- Listen and remember.
<b>b/ Structures</b>

<b>* Models: May/ Might</b>

- Look, listen and give, correct and

+) Ex:

+ They might be traces of

+ He may like going to the village

<b>+) </b>The use: Nó được dùng để diễn tả
khả năng nào đó có thể xảy ra.

+) The form:

<b>S + may/ might + V-inf + ....</b>
<b>c/ Practice</b>

- Read in pairs.

- Practice before the class.
-Listen and work in pairs.
- Practice before the class.
* Ex:

S1: What do these drawings say?
S2: There may be plants on Mars.
S1: And what about those dark
shape on the left corner?

S2: Well, they might be sign of gas.
There might be a lot of gas in Mars.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>



in pairs, discuss and tell each other
about what you think might be on the

- Ask sts to give their ideas.

- Listen and introduce: To help you
know more about the moon we are
going to change into listening.

<b>3. Listening:</b>
<b>a. Pre-listening:</b>

- Help sts to know some words.

- Ask sts to read all the given sentences
and guess the correct statements about
the moon.

- Ask sts give out the predictions, listen
and write on the board.

- Introduce: To help you know the right
key, now I am going to read the
description of the moon, please to listen
and check your prediction.

<b>b. While-listening:</b>
- Read the text 3 times.

- Ask sts to give out their key.

- Read again to check, correct and give
out the right key.

<b>c. Post-listening:</b>

- Ask sts to discuss about the question:
Is there life on the moon?

- Call some groups to say their ideas

- Listen and correct the mistakes.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Learn by heart the words.

+ Do exercise 1, 2 in exercise’s book.
+ Prepare for new lesson. Period 63
Unit 10 Life on the other planets
Lesson 3 Read.

- Give out the ideas.
- Listen.

<b>2/ Listening</b>
<b>a/ New words</b>

- Listen, guess, read, look and write.
+ hole (n) cái lỗ

+ round (a) tròn
+ last (v) kéo dài
- Read and guess.

- Give out the prediction.

- Listen and prepare for listening.

<b>b/ Listen and tick the correct</b>
<b>statements about the moon</b>

- Listen and check.
- Give the key.

- Listen, correct and write the key.
* Key:

a – c – d – f – i – j

- Listen and discuss in group.
- Say the ideas.

* Ex: I think ther isn’t life on the
moon, because the temperature is too

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

Date of preparing: 07/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 63 unit 10: life on other planets</b>

lesson 3: read

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Know about the things we should do if we decide to take a
space trip, and What can we see from outer space.

- Skills: Pay attention at reading skill.

- Education: to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Give the picture of a spacecraft and
introduce: Today many people want to
have a space trip. Then ask sts some

+ If we want to travel in the space,
what should we do ?

+ What can we see from the outer

- To help you know more about it ,
today we are going to study Period 63
Unit 10 Life on the other planets
Lesson 3 Read. Open the book on page

<b>2. Pre-reading:</b>

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Look and listen then answer the

- Listen, write and open the book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>


- Read aloud the text and introduce new

- Let sts to pplay the game: Matching
- Check, correct and give mark.

- Introduce: We are going to read a text
about about what we need and get in
joining a trip into the space.

- Ask sts: Now you read all the phrases
and put them in order to show what we
need and get in joining a trip into the

- Check, and write sts’ predictions.
<b>3. While-reading:</b>

- Ask sts to read the text to check their

- Check, correct and give the right key.

- Ask sts: Now you have to read the text
more carefully and answer the

- Check, correct and give out the key.

- Listen, guess, read and write

+ push-up (v) hít đất, chống đẩy
+ orbit (n), (v) quỹ đạo, quay
quanh quỹ đạo

+ cabin (n) cabin

+ marvelous (adj) tuyệt diệu
+ physical condition (n) điều
kiện về thể lực, sức khoé

+ circus (n) đoàn xiếc
+ experience (v) cảm thấy
+ scene (n) quang cảnh

- Play the game follow T’s guide.
- Listen and remember.

- Listen.

- Listen, read and order.

- Give out their predictions.
<b>2/ Put the phrases in order</b>
- read and check.

- Give, correct and write the key.
* Key:

4 -> 1 -> 5 -> 2 -> 3
<b>3/ Answer the questions</b>

- Listen, read and find out the

- Give, correct and write down.
a. You will have to run a lot,
swim everyday, do acrobics and
push up to have an excellent
physical condition.

b. If you want to show you are
in perfect health you must have a
letter from doctor.

c. You can see the picture of the
earth, your country, interesting
places, the oceans, the big river,
and the tall mountains.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>



<b>4. Post-reading:</b>

- Ask sts to answer some questions:
+ If you were able to take a space trip,
what would you do to prepare for the

+ What would you like to bring

+ What would you do there?
- Repeat the content of the lessson.
<b>5. Home work:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Learn by hear all the words.

+ Read the text again and translate it
into Vnese.

+ Prepare for new lesson. Period 64
Unit 10 Life on the other planets
Lesson 4 Write.

e. You can walk on the wall or
on the ceiling.

- Listen and answer the questions.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 07/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 64 unit 10: life on other planets</b>
lesson 4: write

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: know how to write a exposition, using the right format and

language structures.

- Skills: Pay attention at writing skill.

- Education: to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts some questions:

+ Have you ever written a

+ How many parts are there in a

+ What do you write in each part?
- To help you know about the way to
write a exposition, today we are going
to study Period 64 Unit 10 Life on the
other planets Lesson 4 Write. Open the
book on page 88.

<b>2. Pre-writing:</b>

- Ask sts to look at the table in book on
page 88 and answer the questions.

+ How many parts are there in a

+ What are they?

+ What do we write in Introduction/
Body/ Conclusion?

- Listen, correct and write on the board.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ The form of a exposition</b>
- Look, listen and answer.

- Listen, look, correct and write.
+) An argument exposition has 3
parts. They are: Introduction/ Body
and Conclusion

+ Introduction (presents the
writer’s viewpoint: I think ..., I
beleive ..., ...)

+ Body (give reasons/ examples
for persuasion: Firstly, ...;
Secondly, ...; ...)

+ Conclusion (sums up the
argument: therefore, ...)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>



- Help sts know the way to do: Now you
have to read the outline of an exposition
in column A. Then put the paragraphs in
column B in order to match the sections
in column A.

- Check, correct and give out the right

- Read the dialogue before the class.
- Give some questions on extra board,
and ask sts to read the dialogue to find
out the answers.

- Check, correct and give the right key.
+ Why does Ba believe there are

+ What is the first/ second/ third

+ Does Ba think UFOs are our

+ What should we do?
<b>3. While-writing:</b>

- Ask sts to depend on the above
answers to write an exposition about the
existence of UFOs.

- Go around the class and help sts to

<b>4. Post-writing:</b>

- Ask sts to stick their writing on the

- Check, and correct the mistakes.

- Listen and do in group.

- Give, correct and write the key.
+ Introduction: (II)

+ Body: (III)
+ Conclusion: (I)

<b>3/ Answer the questions</b>
- Look and listen.

- Look, listen, read and find out hte

- Give, correct and write the key.
+ Because Articles and reports in
newspapers talked lots about their

+ Firstly, many people around the
world said that they had seen flying
saucers. Secondly, there are plenty
photos of them and some of
photographers said they saw

manlike creatures get out of the
saucers. Thirdly, People are talking
about the mysterious circles on the
fields in Grreat Britain.

+ No. He thinks UFOs are not our

+ We should be ready to see their

<b>4/ Write an exposition about the</b>
<b>existence of UFOs</b>

- Look and write in individually.

- Go to the board and stick the

- Look, listen and correct.
* Ex:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>


- Repeat the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Rewrite the exposition in the


+ Review the old knowldges in this

+ Prepare for Period 65 Unit 10 Life
on the other plan nets Lesson 5
Language focus.

Firstly, many people around the
world said that they had seen flying
saucers. Secondly, there are many
photos of them and some of
photographers said they saw
manlike creatures get out of the
saucers. Thirdly, People are talking
about the mysterious circles on the
fields in Grreat Britain.

So I think UFOs are not our
imagination. They are real; and we
should be ready to see their visits.
- Listen and remember.

- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 14/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….

9C: ……….

<b>Period 65 unit 10: life on other planets</b>
lesson 5: language focus
<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Have a chance to review the use of may, might, condition

sentences: type 1 and 2.

- Skills: Pay attention at all four skills.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, prepare for the lesson.

<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number

+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- To help you have a chance to review
the use of may, might, condition
sentences: type 1 and 2, today we are
going to study Period 65 Unit 10 Life
on the other planets Lesson 5
Language focus. Open the book on page

<b>2. Language focus:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the use of may, might
and the condition sentences: type 1 and

- Listen, correct and write on the board.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ Structures</b>

- Look, listen and repeat.

- Look, listen, correct and write.
<b>a/ May, might</b>

<b>+) The use:</b> Nó được dùng để
diễn tả khả năng nào đó có thể xảy

+) <b>The form:</b>

<b>S + may/ might + V-inf + ....</b>
+) Ex:

It may be a book.
It might be a game.
<b>b/ Condition sentences</b>

+) <b>The use:</b>

+ Type 1: được dùng để thể hiện
khả năng có thể có được ở hiện tại
hoặc tương lai.

+ Type 2: được dùng để diễn tả

một hành động, một việc khơng có
trong thực tế mà chỉ là tưởng tượng
hoạc mơ ước mà thôi.

+) <b>The form:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

23’ <b>3. Production:</b>

- Guide sts to know the way to do
exercises, then let them do.

- Check, correct and give out the key.

simple present will/ shall + V
past subjuntive would + V

+) Ex:

+ If I have money, I will byu a
new bike.

+ If I were rich, I would byu
you a diamond ring.

<b>2/ Exercises</b>

- Listen, look, and do.

- Give, correct and write the key.
<b>a/ Exercise 1</b>

* Key:

b. It may be a box of crayons, or
it might be a box of paints.

c. It may be a football, or it
might be a basketball.

d. It may be a boat, or it might
be a train.

e. It may be a flying saucer, or it
might be a meteor.

f. It may be an evening star, or it
might be a spacecraft.

<b>b/ Exercise 2</b>
* Key:

b. will miss – does not hurry
c. is not – will drop

d. will join – finishes
e. writes – won’t forget
<b>c/ Exercise 3</b>

* Key:

b. If Mr.Loc had a car, he would
drive it to work.

c. If Lan lived in HCM City, she
would visit Saigon Water Park.

d. If Nam had an alarm clock, he
would arrive at school on time.

e. If Hoa lived in Hue, she
would see her parents every day

f. If Nga owned a piano, she
would play it very well.

g. If Tuan studied harder, he
would get better grades.

h. If Na had enough money, she
would buy a new computer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>


- Repeat the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Rewrite all the exercises in the

+ Review all the old knowldges from
unit 1 to unit 10.

+ Prepare for Period 66 revision.

Students’ keys
- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 18/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 66 revision</b>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Have a chance to review the use of past simple, the present

perfect tenses, and direct and reported speech.

- Skills: Pay attention at writing and speaking skills.

- Education: to study hard and love the subject.

<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, review the old knowledges.
<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>


- To help you have a chance to review
the use of past simple, the present
perfect tenses, and direct and reported
speech, today we are going to study

Period 66 Revsion.

<b>2. Revision:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the use of past
simple, the present perfect tenses, and
direct and reported speech.

- Listen, correct and write on the board.

- Listen, write and open the book.

<b>1/ Structures</b>

- Look, listen and repeat.

- Look, listen, correct and write.
<b>a/ The past simple tense</b>

<b>* The use:</b> Nó được dùng để
diễn tả những hành động và sự việc
đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, và với
“wish” để diễn tả ước muốn khơng
có thật ở hiện tại.

* <b>The form:</b>

<b>(+) S + V(ed) + O </b>
<b>(-) S + didn’t + V + O</b>
<b>(?) Did + S + V + O?</b>

<b>S + wish(es) + S + V(ed) + O</b>
* Adverb: yesterday, ago, last
* Ex:

Yesterday she went to Hanoi.
She wishes she had a car.
<b>b/ The present perfect tense</b>

* <b>The use:</b> được dùng để diễn tả
những hành động sự việc đã xảy ra
trong quá khứ và còn liên quan đến
hiện tại.

* <b>The form:</b>

<b>(+) S + have/ has + Vpp + O</b>
<b>(-) S + haven’t/hasn’t +Vpp+ O</b>
<b>(?) Have/has + S + Vpp + O</b>
* Adverbs: since, for, yet,
already, just...

* Ex:

+ I’ve already seen Giac Lam

<b>c/ Direct and reported speech</b>
<b>* The form:</b>

<b>(</b>in book on pages 94, 95)

<b>* Ex:</b>

+ Xuan said she was happy to
see you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

23’ <b>3. Production:</b>

- Give some exercise, ask sts to do then
check, correct and give the right key.
<b>a/ Exercise 1: Use correct form of the </b>
<b>verbs in brakets</b>

1. Nga ... (recieve) Jenny’s letter
a week ago.

2. He ... (be) at school yesterday

3. I wish my mother ... (buy) for
me a car.

4. What were you doing when the
fire ... (take) place?

5. I ... (know) her for a long time.
<b>b/ Exercise 2: Choose the best answer</b>

1. He ... to learn Enhlish four
years ago.

a. started b. starts c. have started
2. They have already ... her
assignment on chemistry.

a. done b. did c. do

3. We ... her in a restaurant
last Saturday.

a. met b. meet c. have met
4. ... you eaten Vietnamese food yet?

a. did b. do c. have

5. He wishes he ... do this

a. could b. can c. cans

<b>c/ Exercise 3: Rewrite these sentences </b>
<b>with the given begining</b>

1. I’m having a wonderful time here.
Cousin Mai said ....

2. Is your school near here?
The teacher asked me ....

there before.

+ She asked me what my name

+ She asked me if I spoke any
other language.

+ Miss Chi said she would go to
Hue the following day.

<b>2/ Exercises</b>

- Listen, look, and do then give,
correct and write the key.

<b>a/ Exercise 1: Use correct form of</b>
<b>the verbs in brakets</b>

* Key:

1. received
2. was
3. bought
4. took

5. have known

<b>b/ Exercise 2: Choose the best </b>

* Key:

1. a

2. a

3. a

4. c
5. a

<b>c/ Exercise 3: Rewrite these </b>
<b>sentences with the given begining</b>
* Key:

1. Cousin Mai said she was
having a wonderful time there.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>


3. Why do you want this job?
She asked me ....

4. I may have a new job.
Mrs. Hoa said ...
5. I must leave now.
Mr. Quang said ...

- Repeat all the content of the lesson.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Set the works:

+ Rewrite all the exercises in the

+ Review about the passive voice,
gerunds, and tag questions.

+ Prepare for Period 67 revision

3. She asked me why I wanted
that job

4. Mrs. Hoa said she might have
a new job.

5. Mr. Quang said he had to
leave then.

- Listen and remember.
- Listen and write.


Date of preparing: 19/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 67 revision</b>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Have a chance to review the use of the passive voice, the

gerunds, tag questions, modals with if and conditional sentences.

- Skills: Pay attention at writing and speaking skills.

- Education: to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, review the old knowledges.
<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

5’ <b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>


+ How many Ss are there in our class

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking

<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Ask sts some questions:

+ What wooould you do if you had a
lot of money?

+ Do you like traveling around the

+ You don’t love traveling, do you?
- Introduce: To help you have a chance
to review about the use of the passive
voice, the gerunds, tag questions,
modals with if and conditional

sentences, today we are going to study
Period 67 Revision.

<b>2. Revision:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the use and form of
the passive voice, the gerunds, tag
questions, modals with if and
conditional sentences.

- Listen, correct, write on the board
and ask sts to give the examples.

+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Listen and answer.

- Look, listen, and write.

<b>1/ Grammar</b>

- Listen, repeat, correct, give
example and write.

<b>a/ Passive voice</b>
* The form:

<b>Tobe + past participle</b>

<b>Modal verbs + be + past participle</b>
* Ex:

+ Rice is grown in tropical

+ Jean clothes were made
completely from cotton.

+ The food has been cooked.
+ This exercise must be done

+ Five million bottles of
champagne will be produced next

<b>b/ Gerunds</b>

* <b>Cách thành lập:</b> Danh động từ
được thành lập bằng cách thêm hậu
tố vào sau động từ.

Ex: to go -> going
* <b>Cách dùng:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

10’ <b>3. Production:</b>

- Give an exercise, guide, and let sts to
do then check, correct and give the

<b>* Choose the best answer.</b>

1. The problem can be ... easily.
a. solved b. solve c. solves

+ Danh động từ đứng sau giới từ:
Ex: She is afraid of going there

* Danh động từ làm tân ngữ sau một
số động từ: like, hate, enjoy, love ....
* Ex:

+ She enjoys cooking on the

+ I hate doing homework.
<b>c/ Tag questions</b>

* Trong tiếng anh câu hỏi đuôi được
dùng để kiểm tra thông tin, hoặc
được dùng để có được sự đồng tình
của người khác. Động từ trong câu
hỏi đuôi thường trái ngược với động
từ trong câu.


It is hot, isn’t it?

You don’t like watching TV, do

* Câu hỏi đuôi của “I am” là “aren’t

Ex: I am late, aren’t I?

d/ Modals with if

if clause main clause

present MV + V


If you want to improve your
English, we can help you.

e/ Conditional sentences

if clause main clause
present will + V

past would/ could/might + V

+ If we work hard, we will make this
beach a clean and beautiful place

+ What would you do if you meet an
alien from outer space?

<b>2/ Exercise</b>

- Look, listen and do then give,
correct and write the key.

<b>* Choose the best answer.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>


2. You have read this article on the
website, ...?

a. have you b. haven’t you c. do you
3. If you want to get good graides, you
must ... hard.

a. studies b. studied c. study
4. If you ... hard, you will pass the

a. study b. studied c. studies
5. What would you do if you .. a UFO?
a. see b. saw c. sew
6. Do you enjoy ... TV?

a. watch b. watches c. watching
*Feed back:

-Recall all content of this period.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Study hard all the above content.
+ Do exercise again.

+ Prepare for relative clause, adverb
clause, adjectives, prepositions of time.

2. b

3. c

4. a

5. b
6. c

-Listen and remember.
- Listen and write

Date of preparing: 19/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 68 revision</b>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Have a chance to review the use of relative clause, adverb

clause, adjectives, and preposition of time.

- Skills: Pay attention at writing and speaking skills.

- Education: to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Introduce: To help you have a chance
to review about the use of relative
clause, adverb clause, adjectives, and

preposition of time, today we are going
to study Period 68 Revision.

<b>2. Revision:</b>

- Ask sts to repeat the use and form of
relative clause, adverb clause,
adjectives, and preposition of time.
- Listen, correct, write on the board
and ask sts to give the examples.

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...
+ 9C: ...

- Look, listen, and write.

<b>1/ Grammar</b>

- Listen, repeat, correct, give
example and write.

<b>a/ Relative clause</b>

*<b> Definding relative clause</b>

Mệnh đề xác định là mệnh đề cần
phải có để xác định nghĩa cho từ
đứng sau nó

* Ex:

+ Family members who live apart
try to be together at Tet.

*<b> Non-defining relative clause</b>
Mệnh đề không xác định đứng sau
một từ đã xác định. Nó bổ nghĩa
thêm cho từ đứng trước nó và nếu bỏ
đi thì nghĩa của câu vẫn rõ như
thường. Mệnh đề này thường đựơc
tách giữa hai dấu phẩy.


+ Viet Nam, which is in south-east
Asia, exports rice.

* <b>Relative pronouns</b>

+ Look at the table on page 97.
<b>b/ Adverb clause</b>


+ Everyone felt tired and
hungry, so they sat down under the
tree and had a snack.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>



<b>3. Production:</b>

- Give an exercise, guide, and let sts to
do then check, correct and give the

<b>* Choose the best answer.</b>

1. The typhoon may damage the water
pipes ... supply our home.

a. which b. when c. who

2. The Parkers are nice ... Van
feels like a memberof their family.
a. since b. though c. so
3. ... We live in Nam Dinh we
went to HN to watch the parade on
National Day last year.

a. even though b. so c. since
4. The explorer ... discovered
America is Columbus.

a. which b. when c. who
5. We will not leave .. you give us


a. in b. at c. till
*Feed back:

-Recall all content of this period.
<b>4. Homework:</b>

- Set the work:

+ Study hard all the above content.
+ Do exercise again.

+ Prepare for relative clause, adverb
clause, adjectives, prepositions of time.

something that other folk do, we’re
just enjoying our day.

+ Many touists enjoy festivals in
Vnam though they do not understand
Vnamese culture very much.

<b>c/ Adjective + that clause</b>

- Some of the adjectives that can be
used in this structure are: afraid,
glad, sorry ...


We are glad that you got in touch..
<b>d/ Prepositions of time</b>


+ He will stay there till the
begining of October.

+ Mr. Thanh leaves HN at 2 pm.
<b>2/ Exercise</b>

- Look, listen and do then give,
correct and write the key.

<b>* Choose the best answer.</b>

1. a

2. c

3. a

4. c

5. c

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>


Date of preparing: 25/04/2010 Date of teaching: 9A: ……….
9B: ……….
9C: ……….

<b>Period 69 revision</b>

<b>i. objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:

- Knowledge: Have a chance to do some kind of exercises by using the

knowledges that they have studied.

- Skills: Pay attention at writing and speaking skills.

- Education: to study hard and love the subject.
<b>ii. teaching aids:</b>

1. Teacher: Text book, chalks, ruler, lesson plan, extra board.
2. Students: Books, pens, ruler, review the old knowledges.
<b>iii. teaching procedures:</b>

T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



<b>1. Warm up:</b>
<b>a. Organization:</b>

- Greet and check Ss’ number
+ Good morning class!

+ How many Ss are there in our
class today?

<b>b. Check the old lesson:</b>
No checking
<b>c. Introduction:</b>

- Introduce: To help you have a chance
to do some kind of exercises by using
the knowledges that you have studied,
today we are going to study Period 69

<b>2. Revision:</b>

- Give some kind of exercises, guide
and let sts to do then check, correct and
give the key.

<b>a. Exercise 1 Give correct form of </b>

- Listen and answer T’ qs
+ 9A: ...
+ 9B: ...

+ 9C: ...

- Look, listen, and write.

- Look, listen and do then give,
correct and write the key.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

<b>the word in brackets</b>

1. Nguyen Du was one of the
famous ... of Viet Nam ( poem)
2. Your father is a ..., isn’t he?
( music)

3. Do you wear ... clothes on
National Day? ( tradition).

4. Your .... will be counted towards
your result ( attend).

5. Did he pass his ... (exam)?
<b>b.Exercise 2 Give correct form of </b>
<b>the verb in brackets</b>

1. She never (tell) ... the truth,
doesn’t she?

2. I wish I (can) ... play volleyball.
3. My mother wishes she (not go) .... to
the market yesterday.

4. His leg (be) ... broken and now he
is walking on crutches.

5. I used to play badminton when I (be)
... eleven years old.

<b>the word in brackets</b>
1. poet

2. musical
3. traditional
4. attendance
5. examination

<b>2/ Exercise 2 Give correct form of </b>
<b>the verb in brackets</b>

1. tells
2. could

3. had not gone/ didn’t go
4. has been



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