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lop 7 unit 3

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Date of making : 17/9/2010 Week : 5
Period : 13


Unit 3 : At home

Part A : What a lovely house ! (A1)

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

* Skill developments :

- Talking about things in the house (in the rooms).
* Language contents :

- Grammar : simple future, exclamation

- Vocabulary : awful, lovely, comfortable, amazing, stove, tub, dryer, dishwasher
<b>III. Teaching aids :</b>

- Tape
- Extraboard
<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>Step</b> <b>Activity</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Time</b>

1. Checking up

2. Warm up

3. New lesson

- Ss. answer some

- T. asks.
- Ss. answer.

- T. introduces the lesson.
- T. gives situation of the

- Ss. listen to the tape.(2

- T. gives some new words
- T. explains the structure
of exclamation and gives

- Ss. notice and remember

- Ss. practice the dialogue
in pairs.

- Ss. roleplay to practice in

What will you give Lan ?
What will you eat ?

What time will you leave ?
- Questions :

How many rooms are there in your
house ?

Is there a living – room in your

Give name of rooms in the house ?
1. Listen.Then practice with a partner.
- Dialogue :

Hoa :
Lan :
- New words :
Awful (a) :
Lovely (a) :
Comfortable (a) :
Amazing (a) :
Stove (n) :
Tub (n) :
Dryer (n) :
Dishwasher (n) :

What + a/an + adj +N !
Ex : What a lovely house !
- Practice :





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4. Production

5. Homework


- T. guides the questions.
- Ss. read the dialogue
again and answer in pairs..
- Ss. give the answers.
- T. corrects.

- T. guides.
- Ss. talk.

- Ss. practice at home

* Answers :

a) They talk about living – room,
bathroom, bedroom and kitchen.
b) Because it is bright and it has nice

colors : pink and white.

c) Asink, a tub, a shower.

d) A washing machine, a dryer, a
refrigerator, a dishwasher, an electric

e,f) (Ss’<sub> answers)</sub>

- Things in the rooms in the house.

- Write things in the rooms.
- Write the exercise in notebook.
- Prepare A2-3




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Date of making : 17/9/2010 Week : 5
Period : 14


Unit 3 : At home

Part A : What a lovely house ! (A2-4)

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

* Skill developments :
- Write exclamations.

- Talking about things in the house.
* Language contents :

- Grammar : exclamation, structure “there is/are …”
- Vocabulary : wet, delicious, boring

<b>III. Teaching aids :</b>
- Pictures
- Extraboard
<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>Step</b> <b>Activity</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Time</b>

1. Checking up

2. Warm up

3. New lesson

- Ss. practice the dialogue
and answer some


- T. speaks and writes on
the board.

- Ss. look at and give kind
of sentence.

- T. introduces the lesson.
- T. gives some examples.
- Ss. give the structure.
- T. comments and gives
the right structure.
- T. guides and has Ss.
write exclamations.
- Ss. write in pairs.
- Ss. give the answers on
the board.

- T. corrects.


Which rooms do theytalk about ?
Why does Lan like Hoa’<sub>s room?</sub>

How many rooms are there in your
family ?

What a hot day !
What a beautiful shirt !

2. Write exclamation.

Ex : What an expensive dress !
What a great party !
What + a/an + adj +N !
a) Complaints :

What an awful restaurant !
What a wet day !

What a boring party !
What a bad movie !
b) Compliments :
What a bright room !
What a interesting movie !
What a lovely house !
What a delicious dinner !
What a beautiful day !

3. Look at the picture. Then practice
with a partner.



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4. Production

5. Homework


- Ss. notice things in

- Ss. ask and answer in

- Ss. practice in class.
- T. corrects.

- T. guides.

- Ss. ask and answer in

- Ss. practice in class.
- T. corrects.

- T. reminds.

- Ss. notice and remember.
- Ss. practice at home

What is in the picture ?
There is ……

There are ……
* Suggested answers :

A window, a television, 2 pictures, 2
lights, 2 vases of flowers, some
chairs, som books, …

b) Ask and answer :
Is there a … ? Yes / No
Are there any … ? Yes / No
Where is it ?/ Where are they ?
It is … / They are …

- Remember :

- Talk about things in the rooms.
- Write 10 exclamations.

- Prepare B1




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Date of making : 17/9/2010 Week : 5
Period : 15


Unit 3 : At home

Part B : Hoa’<sub>s family (B</sub>

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

* Skill developments :

- Talking about job and place of work.
- Talking about Hoa’<sub>s family.</sub>

* Language contents :

- Grammar : simple present, preposition of place
- Vocabulary : occupation, grow, raise, till, cattle
<b>III. Teaching aids :</b>

- Tape
- Picture
- Extraboard
<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>Step</b> <b>Activity</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Time</b>

1. Checking up

2. Warm up

3. New lesson

- Ss. write exclamations

using given words.
- T. asks.

- Ss. answer.

- T. introduces the lesson.
- T. uses picture and asks
some questions.

- Ss. look at picture and

- T. gives situation of the

- Ss. listen to the tape. (2

- T. gives some new words
- Ss. notice and remember

- Ss. practice the dialogue
in pairs.

- Ss. roleplay to practice in

- T. corrects Ss’

Boring movie

Interesting place
- Questions :

How many members are there in your
family ?

Who are they ?
What do they do ?

1. Listen.Then practice with a partner.
- Picture :

Who is in the picture ?
What does he/she do ?
- Dialogue :

Hoa :
Lan :

- New words :
Grow (v) :
Raise (v) :
Till (pre) :
Cattle (n) :
- Practice :






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4. Production

5. Homework

- T. guides the questions.
- Ss. read the dialogue
again and answer in pairs..
- Ss. give the answers.
- T. corrects.

- T. guides.

- Ss. look at pictures and
talk about their jobs, their
place of work .

- Ss. practice at home

* Answers :
a) Heis a farmer.

b) He work on his farm.
c) She is a housewife.

d) She does the housework and she
helps on the farm.

e) Yes, they are.
f) She is 8 years old.

- Open pictures about people.

- Talk about your family.

- Write the exercise in notebook.
- Prepare B2-3




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Date of making : 22/9/2010 Week : 6
Period : 16


Unit 3 : At home

Part B : Hoa’<sub>s family (B</sub>

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

* Skill developments :

- Talking about Lan’<sub>s family.</sub>

- Talking about your family.
- Identify the jobs.

* Language contents :

- Grammar : present simple

- Vocabulary : take care of, sick, journalist,
<b>III. Teaching aids :</b>

- Pictures
- Extraboard
<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>Step</b> <b>Activity</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Time</b>

1. Checking up

2. Warm up

3. New lesson

- Ss. practice the dialogue
and answer some

- T. asks.
- Ss. answer.

- T. introduces the lesson.
- T. uses pictures and asks.
- Ss. answer.

- T. has Ss. guess true or
false statements.

- Ss. guess in pairs.

- Ss. read the text and
check their predictions.
- T. corrects.

- T. reads the text and
gives some new words.
- Ss. notice and remember.

- T. guides.

- Ss. ask and answer in


What does Hoa’<sub>s father do ?</sub>

Where does he do?

What does her mother do every day?
What does your father do?

What about your mother?
Where do they work?
2. Read.

- Pictures

Who is in the pictures?
What does he / she do?

* Choose true or false statement:
a) Lan’<sub>s father is a doctor.</sub>

b) Lan’<sub>s elder brother is a student.</sub>

c) Her mother isw a nurse.
d) Her father works in a school.
- Text

a) T b) F
c) F d) F
- New words

Take care of :
Sick (a) :

Primary school (n) :
Journalist (n) :

- Practice with a partner
* About Lan’<sub>s family</sub>

What does her father / mother /



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4. Production

5. Homework

- T. corrects.
- T. guides.

- Ss. talk about their

- T. guides how to do

- Ss. match in pairs.
- Ss. share with the

- Ss. give the answers.

- T. corrects.

- T. guides.

- Ss. play chain game.
- Ss. practice at home

Where does he / she work?
* About your family

What does your father / mother /
brother do?

Where does he / she work?
3. Match these half sentences.
* Suggested answers:

a) A farmer works on a farm.

b) A doctor takes care of sick people.
c) A journalist writes for a newpaper.
d) A teacher teaches in a school.

Job - place of work

- Talk about your family.

- Write a passage about your family.
- Prepare B4 - 5




<b>IV. Feed back :</b>

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Period : 17

Unit 3 : At home

Part B : Hoa’<sub>s family (B</sub>

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

* Skill developments :

- Talking about occupations.
- Describe the apartment (flat).
- Write a letter.

* Language contents :

- Grammar : present simple, comparative, superlative
- Vocabulary : occupation, furnished, suitable

<b>III. Teaching aids :</b>
- Pictures
- Extraboard
- Tape
<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>Step</b> <b>Method</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Time</b>

1. Checking up

2. Warm up

3. New lesson

- Ss. talk about their

- T. asks.
- Ss. answer.

- T. introduces the lesson.
- T. uses extraboard to
give these form and

- Ss. notice.

- T. has Ss. listen to the
tape. (3 times)

- Ss. listen and complete th

- Ss. share with the

- Ss. give the answers.
- Ss. listen again and

- T. corrects.

(Ss’<sub> answers)</sub>

What do you do?
Where do you work?

4. Listen. Complete these forms.
- Extraboard

(these forms)

- Tape
Name : Tom
Age : 26
Job : teacher

Place of work : at a high school
Name : Susan

Age : 19
Job : journalist

Place of work : for a magazine
Name : Bill

Age : 20
Job : nurse

Place of work : in a hospital



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4. Production

5. Homework

- T. gives situation of the

- Ss. listen to the tape .(2

- T. read the dialogue an
gives some new words.
- Ss. notice and remember.
- T. reminds the structures
of comparative and

- Ss. remember.

- T. guides.

- Ss. read the dialogue and
answer the questions.
- Ss. answer in groups.
- Ss. give the answers.
- T. corrects.

- T. reminds and Ss.

- Ss. practice at home

5. Listen and read.
- Dialogue.

- New words
Furnished (a) :
Suitable (a) :
Short adj. + er
More + long adj.
The short adj. + est
The most + long adj.
- Answer

a) The one at number 27

b) The one at number 79
c) The one at number 79

d) The one at number 27. It is the
smallest but it is the newest of the
three apartments. It has two rooms, a
large morden bathroom and a kitchen.

- Remember

- Write the exercise in notebook.
- Write five sentences using
comparatives and superlatives.
- Prepare “Language focus”






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