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<b>Date of teaching: 22/8/2010</b>
<b>Period 1:</b>



<b>A .Objectives: Ss review what they have learnt in english 7</b>

I . Knowledge : Simple past , simple present , present progessive.
Either, neither, so, too.

II .Skills:Writing and speaking

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks


<b> I Settlement:</b>
II Checking up:
<b> III New lesson</b>

Teacher ‘s activities Students’activities
<b>1. Presentation 5’</b>

1. Presentation English 8
- T asks some questions:

a. How many units are there ?

b. What topics are the units about?

2. How to learn : 5’’

* At class::

Ss has to prepare the new lesson at home
Ss only copy and open books when T asks
* At home:

Ss learn vocab , structures and do excises in text

3. Class statements:
The same English 6
T instructs

4. Tests:

45 minute test : 2 tests/ a semester
15 minute test : 2tests/ a semester
<b>2, Pract - Asks Ss to do exercices </b>

Ss answer

Ss listen

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

*Put the verbs in the correct tense

<b> Recalls structures by making some questions (25’)</b>

<b> *Simple past </b>

- What did you do last night?
- I watched T V .

- Did you like film?
<b> *Simple present</b>

What do you often do in the morning?
I often go to school

<i><b> *Present progressive</b></i>
- What are you doing ?
- I am going to sch ool
<b>3. Production 5’</b>

Give the form
S + V-ed
S + did not +V
Did + S + V?
S +V _s/ es.

S + do /does (not) +V
Do/does +S + V ?
S +to be +V-ing .
S + tobe (not) + V-ing

<b>IV Consolidation: 5’</b>
<b> </b>

<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Prepare Lesson 1
VI. supplements:

<b>Date of teaching: 25/08/2010</b>
<b>Period: 2 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read.

<b>A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for details and know more</b>
about new structu

<b>I, Knowledges : </b>

- S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb
- What do/does + S + look like

<b>II,Skill: reading and speaking.</b>

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks

<b>C.Procedures: </b>

<b>II,Revision: * Getting started</b>

<b> T shows the pictures on p.10 ans asks Ss to work in groups to describe the groups of </b>
friends and their favorite activities.

a.The boys are playing soccer.
b.The girls are reading.

c.The boys are playing chess.
d.The girls are playing volleyball.
<b>III. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher ‘s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b> 1.Presentation: 5’</b>

a.T sets the scene and presents & plays the tape.
<b>2. Practice </b>

<i><b> a.Activity 1: Practice dialogue:</b></i>

T plays the tape once more time and asks SS to work in
pairs, practice the dialogue.

b. Activity 2: Comprehension questions:10’
T asks Ss to read the dia and answer the questions.

a.Nien lives in Hue
b.No, she doesn’t.

c.She was’nt old enough to be in my class.
d.Nien is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.
c.New functions:

*Model sentences:10’

T elicits and writes on the board:

Ss listen

Ss listen

Ss practice in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

+ What does she look like?
- She is beautiful.

What + do/ does + S + look like?
S + tobe + adj

+ She wasn’t old enough to be in my class.
S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb
<b>3. Further Practice: 10’</b>

<i>Mapped dialogue:</i>

T writes on the spare board and asks Ss to work in pairs,
make the dialogue.

Hung Mai

Hello/ Mai Hi/Hung. You/ happy.
I/met/ old friend/ Hai Do/know/ him?

I/don’t/ so

He / classmate/ HN What/he/look/like?
He/tall/thin Did/ he/ play/volleyball?.
No. He/strong/enough/ play What/pity

Ss copy

What + do/ does + S +
look like?

S + tobe + adj

+ She wasn’t old enough to
be in my class.

S + tobe (not) +adj+
enough + to + verb

Ss work in pairs to make
the dialogue.

<b>IV. Consolidation: 5’</b>

- S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb
- What do/does + S + look like?

V. Homework: 5’

<b> </b> <b> - Write 2 sentences using S + tobe (not) +adj+ enough + to + verb</b>
<b>VI. supplements:</b>

<b>Date of teaching: 27/08/2010</b>
<b>Period: 3 </b>

<b> Unit 1:</b>

<b> MY FRIENDS</b>

Lesson 2: Speak and listen

<b>A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe someone.</b>
<b>I . Knowledges: -. To be/ to have.</b>

<b>II. Skill: speaking and listening</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Students’: books and notebooks
<b>C.Procedures: </b>


<b>II, Warm-up: Brainstorming: 5’ long </b>

<b> hair</b>
<b> body build tall</b>

<b> black</b>
<b> T think of adj and write on board.</b>

<b>III. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher ‘s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b> 1. Pre- speaking: </b>
* Vocabulary:10’

- Curly (pic)
- Blond (pic)
- Bold (pic)
- Slim (pic)
- Straight (pic)

T uses techniques to elicit each word
T reads each 3 times and asks Ss to repeat

T writes on board and asks Ss the meanings and stress
T asks Ss to copy.

 <i><b>Check: R and R</b></i>

T chorals and rubs each and asks Ss to remember and

<b>2. While – speaking: 15’ </b>

<b> a. Activity 1: Presentation dialogue:</b>
T sets the scene to present the dialogue

And then presents the model sentences on board.

She is short and thin

She has long blond hair.

b. Activity 2: Word cue drill:7’
He/ tall/thin/long/black blond/



Ss listen
Ss repeat

Ss answer and copy

Ss remember and rewrite.

Ss listen
Ss repeat

Ss answer and copy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>Ex: She is tall and thin and He has long black hair</b>
<b>3.Post- speaking: 5’</b>

 Listen p.12-13:

<i>+ Guessing:</i>

T asks Ss to read the dia and guess the expressions to
complete the dialogue in groups.

<i>+ Checking:</i>

T plays the tape and asks Ss to listen and check their


1. I’d like to meet you.
2.Nice to meet you.
3.I’d like to meet you.
4.It’s pleasure to meet you.
5.come and meet.

5. How do you do?

<i>+ Practice:</i>

T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs and T asks
some pairs to say before the class.

sentences using the cues.

Ss read the dia and guess
the expressions to complete

the dia in groups.

Ss listen and check their

Ss practice the dialogue in

<b> IV. Consolidation: 5’Vocabulary</b>
<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Write a para about your parents and ex.3(6,7)(task books)
- Prepare “Read” lesson,

<b>VI. supplements:</b>

<b>Date of teaching:28/08/2010</b>
<b>Period: 4 </b>

<b>Unit 1:</b>

<b> </b>


<b>Lesson 3: Reading</b>

<b>A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read for details,</b>
<b>I, Knowledges: vocab about characters</b>

<b>II,Skill: reading</b>

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks
<b>C.Procedures: </b>

<b> I,Settlement</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b> characters</b>

<b> kind</b>

<b> T thinks of adj about characters of people and writes on board. </b>
<b>III. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teachers’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1.Pre- rading: 10’ </b>
<b> a.Vocabulary:</b>
-a character (trans)

-an orphange (expanation)
-a sense of humor (trans)
-sociable (a)(example)
-reserved (a) trans)
-to tell jokes (explan)

T uses techniques to elicit each word
T reads each 3 times T
writes on the board and ask the meaning and stress
<i><b>* Check vocab: What and Where</b></i>

T writes on the board and circles each

T chorals and rubs each and Asks Ss to remember and


<b> b.T/ F statement prediction: 10’</b>

T writes the statements on board and asks Ss to predict
If they are T or F

a.Ba has only three friends: Bao, Khai, Song.
b.Ba and his friends have the same charaters.
c.Bao, Khai, Song are quite reserved in public.
d.They all enjoy school and study hard.

<b>2. While- reading : 10’</b>

a.Activity 1: Read & Check prediction:

a.F b.F
c.F d.T

b.<i><b> Activity 2</b><b> .: </b>Multiple choice: Task 1p.14</i>

T asks Ss to read the text again and choose the best to

Ss listen
Ss repeat

Ss answer and copy

Ss to remember and

Ss predict If they are T or

Ss read and check

Ss read the text again and
choose the best to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

Keys: a.A b.C c.B d.D
c.<i><b> Activity 3</b><b> : </b>Comprehension questions:</i>

T asks Ss to work in pairs, read the text again and
answer in pairs.


a.He feels lucky.

b.bao is the most sociable.
c.Khai likes reading.

d.Sometimes his jokes annoy his friends.
e.He spends his free time at a local orphanage
<b>3.Post- reading: 5’</b>

Ss work in groups to talk to one another about their
friends using the adjs they have just learned to descibe

Ex: My close friend, Hoa is kind...

Ss work in pairs, read the
text again and answer in

Ss work in groups to talk
to one another about their
friends using the adj they
have just learned to

Ss work in groups
<b> IV. Consolidation 5’</b>

- Tasks Ss to remind vocab
<b>V. Homework:-learn vocab</b>

- prepare “write” lesson.
<b> VI. supplements:</b>

<b>Date of teaching:6/09/2010</b>
<b>Period: 5 </b>

<b>Unit 1 : </b>

<b> MY FRIENDS</b>

Lesson 4: Write

<b>A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write about oneself & other </b>

I, Knowledges: How to write about oneself /personal information
<b> II,Skill: writing</b>

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks

<b>C.Procedures: </b>

<b> I,Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b> II. Checking up: writing vocabulary</b>

<b> III, New lesson</b>

<b>Teachers’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1.Warm up: Kim’s game 5’</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

1. How many people are there in the picture ?
<b>2.</b> What is each peron wearing ?

<b>2. Pre- writing: 10’</b>

a.Comprehention questions:
-Asks Ss discuss & answer


a. His name is Tam
b. He is 14 years old

c. He is tall, thin & has short black hair
d. He lives at 26 Tran Phu ,HN

e. He lives with his father, mother & elder brother
f. His friends are Bao & Ba

<b>3.While- writing: 10’</b>

a. Activity 1: Take note

T asks Ss to look at Tam’s take note again & write take
note about their partner


Appearance: tall, thin ,short
Character: Sociable, helpful
Address: Trieu Lang

Family: mother, father , elder brother
Friends:Hoa, Hung

b. Activity 2: Writing10’

T asks SS to write a paragraph using the note

His name is Ha………..

<b>3.Post- writing: correction 5’</b>

T asks Ss to work in pairs, compare their writing and

T chooses the best to show in front of the class

Ss answer and copy

Discuss & answer

Ss look at Tam’s take note
again & write take note
about their partner

Ss write individually and
then share dieas with the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

IV. Consolidation: 5’

- T asks Ss to remind the outline of an argument.
V. Homework:

- Write the argument on the notebooks.
- Prepare “ Language focus”.

<b> VI. supplements:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 6/09/2010</b>
<b>Date of teaching: 09/09/2010</b>
<b>Period 6</b>

<b>Unit 1 </b>


<b>Lesson 5:</b> <b>Language focus</b>

<b>A. Objectives: By the and of this lesson, Ss will be able to write recall what they have </b>
learnt in unit.

<b>I. Knowledge:</b> - Simple Present talk about general truths
- (not ) + adj enough + to -inf

<b>II. Skills:</b> Speakinh and writing
<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks
<b>C. Procedure</b>

<b>I. Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b>II. Checking : 5’ writing</b>

<b> III. New lesson</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

- Have ps write as many adjectives

as they can on the board.

* Pre-teach vocabulary:
- Explain some new words:
- Guide ps to read carefully.

* Checking vocabulary by: ‘rub out
and remember’

- Have ps complete 2 paragraphs in
exercise 1 on page 16.

* Revision of simple present tense.
- Review simple present tense:
formation, usage.

- Have ps complete dialogue
between Ba and Tuan.

- Have ps complete dialogue 4 page

- Explain how to use structure:
+ Is/am/are (not) adjectives enough...
Ex: I am not tall enough to play

Have ps look at picture 3 page 17.
Ask and answer the questions.

a) How many people are there in the

b) What does each person look like?
c) What is each person wearing?


<b>VII. Language focus.</b>

<b>1. Vocabulary:</b>
- Planet

- Mars
- Mercury
- silly

<b>2. Complete the paragraph.</b>
a) 1. is living; 2. sent
3. was ; 4. is
b) 1. are ; 2. came
3. showed ; 4. introduced
<b>3. Complete the dialogue:</b>
1. sets ; 2. goes
3. moves ; 4 is
5. is ; 6. is

<b>4. Complete the dialogue. Use </b> <i>(not)</i>
<i>adjective+ enough...</i>

a) No. It is not big enough to carry every

b) Ba is not old enough to drive a car.
c) I am strong enough to lift this box.

d) I don’t think my English is good enough to
be a member.

<b>5. Look and describe:</b>

a) There are 4 people in the picture.
b) Students’ answers

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4.Consolidation: 3’

5-Homework: Prepare Unit 2 carefully. Do all exercises in workbook.
<b>6. supplements:</b>

<b>Date of teaching: 10/09/2010</b>
<b>Period: 7 </b>

<b>Unit 2 : </b>

<b> M</b>


Lesson 1: Getting started- Listen and read
<b>A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and confirm an </b>

I, Knowledges: Further with “be going to”
<b> II,Skill: Speaking & reading</b>

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks
<b>C.Procedures: </b>

<b>I,Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b> II. Checking: 5’ writing vocabulary</b>

<b>III, New lesson</b>

<b>Teachers’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

*.Matching: 5’

-T asks Ss to look at 6 pictures on P.18 and six

- Asks Ss to discuss to matching

a. an answering machine 1. Sổ ghi chép địa chỉ & đt
b. a mobile phone 2. Danh bạ điện thoại
c. a fax machine 3. Buồng đt công cộng
d.a telephone directory 4. Máy fax

Ss listen
Ss repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

e. a public directory 5. Máy ghi và để lại lời

f. an address book 6. Điện thoại di động
<b>2. Practice : 10’</b>

a.Activity 1: Presentation dialogue
-T asks Ss practice the dialogue

<i><b> b.Activity 2: Comprehension question</b></i>
- T asks Ss read the dialogue again and answer the

Keys: 10’

a. Nga made the call
b. Nga introduces herself

c. Nga invited the other to the movies
d. Nga arranged a meeting place
e. Hoa arranged the time

f. Nga agreed the time
<b>3. Production: 10’ </b>

T asks Ss to work in pairs, compare their writing and

T chooses the best to show in front of the class

Ss listen
Ss repeat

Ss read the message and
answer the questions

individually and then share
dieas with the partners.

Ss write individually

IV. Consolidation: 5’

- T asks Ss to remind the outline of an argument.
V. Homework:

- Write the argument on the notebooks.
- Prepare “ speak ”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<b>Date of teaching:13/09/2010</b>
<b>Period: 8 </b>

<b>Unit 2 : </b>

<b> M</b>


Lesson 2: Speak & listen

<b>A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the arangerments</b>
<b>I. Knowledge talk about be going to , listening and completing the informations</b>
<b>II. Skills: Speaking and listening</b>

Students’: books and notebooks

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks

<b>B. Procedure</b>

<b>I. Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b>II. Checking up</b> writing vocabulary

<b> III.New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>1. Pre – speaking</b>

<b>actyvity1: Put the sentences below in the correct</b>
<b>order to make a complete conversation:</b>

-Guides sts how to do

- Asks sts to read and do in silence (2')

- Asks sts to come to the board and put the sentences in

- Correct mistakes.

- Work in pair (2 pairs of sts read the dialogue)
- Introduces.

- Asks sts to read open - dialogue .

<i>- Guides sts how to complete 3 difficult sentences</i>

-Work in silence (2')
- Sts complete .
- corrects mistakes.

<b> Speak :</b>

Ss reading the dialogue
Working inpairs

1 - b 7 - e
2 - f 8 - k
3 - J 9 - g
4 - a 10 - h
5 - i 11 - d
6 - c

<b>2, Complete in the</b>
<b>dialogue. Practice and</b>

<b>make</b> <b>similar</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<i>- T guides how to make similar arrangements by</i>

- Make similar arrangements
a) Pre - Listening :

-T introduces about the lesson and message.
- Gives new words .Message (n)

- Who's talking on the phone?
- What did she want to do?
- When?

- What's telephone number?
Date: Time:
For : The principal

Message : Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9 .
45 in the morning .

Telephone number: 646 837 2094

<i>- Asks Sts to listen and answer these questions</i>

b) While - Listening :

-Listen to the tape (3 time to get once by once)
- Listen and answer

<i>- Listen and check .</i>

- Correct mistakes
- Fill in the card
c) Post - Listening :
Tick " T" or "F"

- How to make arrangement
- Message.

(2 pairs of Sts work)
Listening to teacher

Working and answering

* Exercise:

1, The principal called Mary

2, Mary Nguyen wanted to
see the principal in the

3, Her telephone number is
646 837 094

<b>-</b> Be going to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b>Date of teaching: 16/09/2010</b>
<b>Period: 9 </b>

<b>Unit 2 : </b>

<b> M</b>


Lesson 3 Reading

<b>A. Objectives : By the and of this lesson Ss will be able to under stand the main and </b>
details ideas of the text.

<b>I. Knowledge: vocabulary .reading comprehention about the person who invented</b>
the telephone

<b> II. Skills:Reading and speaking</b>

Students’: books and notebooks
<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks
<b>C. Procedures</b>

<b>I. Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b>II. Checking : Brainstorming</b>

<i><b>III. New lesson</b></i>
<b>Teacher’s activities</b>
? Who's absent today
2 Ps make arrangement
? Who's it

? What did he invent
? When did he invent it
- listen to the tape ( twice)
- find new words

- Give meaning of new words
- Practice New words

- T explains how to do exercise 1,2


-Sts give result.
- correct mistakes.

<b>Ss’ activities</b>
Ss answering T

<i>New words :</i>

- Emigrate (v) di cu

- Deaf- mutes (n) nguoi cam diec
- Experiment ( n) cuộc thí nghịêm
-Transmit : truyền đi

- lead- led (v) : dẫn dắt, đưa đến
- assistant (n) trợ lý

- conduct (v) thực hiện
- device (n) chia ra

- demonstrate (n) biểu diẽn
- countless (adj)

- exhibition (n)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

- T explains how to do.
- Sts work in silence (3')
- Sts give result.

- Correct mistake

- T asks to read all the sentences in
exercise 1,2

T asks some questions about the
content of the lesson.

a) F in Edinburgh .

b) F deaf-mutes at Boston University
c) T

d) F 1876

e) F over a long distance
( between)

f) T

<b>2, Put the events in the correct order</b>
1 - d Alexander was born in Scotland.
2 - e : He went to live in Canada

3 - a :He went to live in the United States
4 - g : He worked with people who could
neither speak nor hear.

5 - g : He worked with Thomas Watson
7 - b : He successfully demonstrated his


6 - f : He invented the telephone
<b>IV. Consolidation</b>

<b>V. Home work assigment</b>
- Do exercise 5 (24)
- Prepare: Write
<b> VI. supplements:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>Unit 2 : </b>

<b> M</b>


Lesson 4: Write

<b>A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a message </b>
I, Knowledges: How to write a massage

<b> II,Skill: writing</b>

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks
<b>C.Procedures: </b>

<b>I,Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b> II. warm - up : </b>

T writes the letters on board and asks Ss to reorder to make the meaningful words.
mcuestor= customer ayddmi = midday

essgmea= message nifurniture= furniture
<b> III, New lesson</b>

<b>Teachers’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1.Pre- writing:</b>

Activity1: a.Vocabulary: 5’

- delivery service (explan) dịch vụ chuyển phát
- a stationary (trans) văn phòng phẩm
- to pick someone up (example) đón ( ai)
T uses techniques to elicit each word.

T reads each 3 times.

T writes on the board and asks Ss the meanings and

Check: R or R

T chorals and rubs each and asks Ss to remember and

Activity2: b.Gap fill: 10’

- T asks Ss read the message and fill in the gaps in
the message p.23 individually and then share dieas
with the partners. (text book)

Keys: 1.telephone 2.May,12 3.speak 4.took
5.name 6.delivery 7. Mr Ha 8.at

<b>2.While- writing: Activity1: writing 15’</b>

- T asks SS to write the message using the information

Ss listen
Ss repeat

Ss answer and copy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

from the passage in write 2 on p.23 individuaaly , in
pairs and then in groups.

<b>3.Post- writing</b><i>:</i> Activity1:
<i><b>Correction 10’ </b></i>

T asks Ss to work in pairs, compare their writing and

T chooses the best to show in front of the class

Compare their writing and

IV. Consolidation: 5’

- T asks Ss to remind the outline of an argument.
V. Homework assigment:

- Write the argument on the notebooks.
- Prepare “ Language focus”.

<b> VI. supplements</b>

<b>Date of teaching: 24/09/2010</b>
<b>Period: 11 </b>

<b>Unit 2 : </b>


Lesson 5: Language focus

<b>A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to talk about intentions with</b>
‘be going to’ and know how to talk about their future plans.

<b>I. Knowledge:</b> + be going to to talk about intentions and activities in the future
+ adverbs of place

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks
<b>C. Procedure</b>

<b>I. Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b>II. Checking up: 15 minutes test</b>


<b>I. Chọn đáp án A hoặc B, C, D hoàn thành các câu sau. ( 2.5. P )</b>
1. Jack can’t reach the top shelf. He isn’t ... to reach it.
A. tall B. tall enough C. enough tall D. too tall
2. She arrived ... two o’clock ... the morning.

A. at/ in B. in/ at C. at / on D. at / of

3. Bao is the most ... He is also extremely kind and generous

A. mean B. hungry C. sociable D. hot

4. What does your father look ... ? – He is short and fat.

A. at B. in C. for D. like

5. The sun ... in the east and ... in the west.

A. rises/ sets B. sets/ rises C. rise/ set D. rises/ set
6. There will be a holiday ... Monday.

A. in B. at C. on D. of

7. What are you doing Mai ? - I am looking at ... in the mirror.

A. I B. myself C. my D. mine

8. You ... to go to school yourself.

A. must B. should C. ought D. has

9 It is ... to learn Music at school.

A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestingly
10. I ... to go to the market.

A. has B. must C. have D. should

<b>II Kết hợp các cặp câu sau dùng cấu trúc Enough to... ( 2 P)</b>
1. He is strong. He can carry that suitcase.

2. The buffalo isn’t big. It can’t harm you.

3. You are not old. You can’t have a front-door key.

4. He is not tall. He can’t be a good basketball player.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

* Brainstorm:5’

- Have Ps write about things they can do.
- Call some Ps to write on the bb

* Remind Ps how to use simple future tense.
? What do you say when Nga has a movie ticket?
? How do you talk about your future plan?

- Have Ps do exercise 1 in pairs.

- Have Ps ask and answer to each other to fill the
form in exercise 2.

- Ask Ps to make a form on their notebooks then

- Let Ps practice in pairs.

- Call a pupils to practice in front of the class ( open
pair )

* Sample:

T: Are you going to see a movie?
P: Yes I am.

T Are you going to meet your friends?
P: No, I am not


* Explain meaning of some prepositions
- Have Ps complete exercise 3 in text book.

* Possible answers.

- see a movie - play soccer
- watch TV - do home work
- meet friends - play chess

1. Work with a partner. Say what
people are going to do.

* Future with <i>“be going to..”</i>

Form: ... is/am/are going to + V..
E.g. She is going to see a movie.
a) They are going (to go) fishing.
b) She is going to read the new

c) She is going to do her home
work in Math.

d) She is going to watch an action
movie on TV to night.

e. She is going to give him a
birthday present.

2. Complete the list.

a. Complete about you.
What are you going to do on the


Are you going to.. You <sub>partner</sub>Your
see a movie

play sports

meet your friends?
help your parents?
do your homework?
watch TV?

b. Complete about your partner.
3. Complete the speed bubbles.
Use each adverb in the box.

a) I think he is upstairs.
b) No, he isn’t here

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>


d) Perhaps he is outside.
e) No. He isn’t there.

f) I’m not outside. I’m inside, Ba

<b>IV. Consolidation: 5’</b>
<b>V. Home work assigment</b>

<b>-</b> Do ex 6 (25)
<b>-</b> Learn vocabulary
<b> VI.supplements:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 25/09/2010</b>
<b>Date of teaching:27/09/2010</b>

<b>Period 12</b>

<b>Unit 3: </b> <b> </b>

<b>AT HOME</b>

<b>Lesson 1: Getting started – Listen & read</b>

<b>A. Objectives:By the end of this lesson , Ss will be able to talk about chores</b>
<b>I. Knowledge:</b> Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to + bare inf
<b>II. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing

<b>B.teaching aids: teacher’s: lesson plan, text book</b>
Students’: books and notebooks
<b> C.Procedure</b>

<b>I. Settlment: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b>II. Checking: No</b>

<b>III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teachers’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b> Presentation : 5’</b>
activity1:<b>. Getting started.</b>

* Possible answers:

a) wash dishes/ do the washing up.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

b) make the bed. d) cook

c) sweep the floor . e) tidy up.
f) feed the chicken.

<b>II. Listen and read. </b>

activity1) Vocabulary: 7’

- a steamer nồi hấp - chore (n) công việc nhà
- a cup board (n) tủ,chạn - a sink cái bồn rửa bát
- a saucepan cái chảo - frying pan chảo rán
- rice cooker (n) nồi cơm điện - stove bếp lò

<i><b>* Model sentences:5’</b></i>

<i>+ Have/has to + V = Must + V...</i>
<i>( Phải làm gì ... )</i>

Ex. What do you have to do?
I must do my homework
I have to do the washing up

<b>2) Practice the dialogue with a partner.7’</b>
Asking Ss to read in roleplays

<b>3) Read the dialogue a gain. Complete the list of things</b>
<b>Nam has to do. 10’</b>

- c<i>ook dinner</i>

<i>- go to the market to buy fish and vegetables</i>

<i>- call his aunt, Mrs. Chi and ask her to meet his mother at</i>
<i>grandma’s house.</i>

T feedback

<b>3.Production 6’</b> <i>Board Drill :</i>


Ss reading after teacher
Reading in the whole

Ss rewriting

Ss listen the models
and then copy

Ss reading

Ss working in group

Ss repeat in chorus and in

Ss work in pairs,

<b>IV. Consolidation 5’</b>

- The recipe

<b>V. Homework asigment</b>
- Do ex 2, 3

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<b>Date of preparing: 26/09/2010</b>
<b>Date of teaching: 29/09/2010</b>

<b>Period 13</b>

<b>Unit 3: </b> <b> </b>

<b>AT HOME</b>

<b>Lesson 2: speak</b>

<b>A. Objectives:By the end of this lesson , Ss will be able to talk about the position of </b>
furniture in the kitchen & in the living room

<b>I. Knowledge:</b> - talking about the prepositions of place of each item : on , in,
under, next to ,above……..

Vocabulary : at home

<b>II. Skills:</b> Speaking & Listening
<b>B. Procedure</b>

<b>I. Settlment:T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b>II. Checking: writing vocabulary</b>

<b>III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teachers’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1. Pre – speaking </b>

- a rug (picture) tấm thảm
- a calendar (picture) tờ lịch

- counter (picture) quầy hàng, giá
- dish rack (picture) giá để bát
- a folder (picture) cặp giấy
- wardrobe (picture) tủ áo

<i>⇒</i> <i><b>Checking:R.O.R </b></i>
<b>2. While – speaking 15’</b>

a. Activity1: T asks Ss to look at the picture &
talk about position of item


-Listen & repeat

Ss reading in the whole class
In groups


<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

S1:Where is the clock ?
S2: It ‘s above the fridge

( the clock is on the wall, above the calender)
b. Activity2: Arrange the furniture

T asks Ss to arrange the furniture

S1: Let’s put the magazine on the shelf above the

S2: OK! And let’s put the TV next to the coffee table
<b>3. Post – listening: 10’Exhibition</b>

- T asks Ss to descriptionof Hoa’s room

Working in group and
Arranging the furniture

Working individual
<b>IV. Consolidation:</b>

<b> - Preposition</b>

<b>V. Homework assigments:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<b>Date of preparing: 26/09/2010</b>
<b>Date of teaching: 01/10/2010</b>
<b>Period 14</b>

<b>Unit 3: </b> <b> </b>

<b>AT HOME</b>

<b>Lesson 3: Listen</b>

<b>A. Objectives:By the end of this lesson , Ss will be able to order the recipe to make the </b>
“special fried rice”.

<b>I. Knowledge:</b> listening how to make a meal( the special chinese fried rice)
And ordering the item

<b>II. Skills:</b> Listening and writing
<b>B. Procedure</b>

<b>I. Settlment</b>

<b>II. Checking: speaking</b>
<b>III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teachers’ activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>Warm up: 5’</b>

Play game “sark Attack”

<b>1. Pre – listening 5’</b>

- Asks Ss to guess what items Lan and
Mrs Tu use to cook dinner.

<b>2. While – listening 15’</b>

Plays the tape

<i> Keys</i>: a/ fried rice
b/ pan

c/ garlic and green peppers
d/ ham and peas

- Asks Ss to order the Recipe to make the “special

Playing in the whole class

-Listen & guess

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

Chinese Fried”

Keys: 1. Put a little oil in the big pan
2. Heat the pan

3. Frig the garlic and the green peppers
4. Put the hana and peas in

5. Put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in.
<b>3. Post – listening 10’</b>


- Asks Ss to write the recipe for the main course they

Ss writing in the notebook

Ss write the recipe

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>
- The recipe

<b>V. Homework assigment</b>
- Do ex 2, 3

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

<b>Date of preparing: 28/09/2010</b>
<b>Date of teaching :02/10/08</b>
<b>Period 15</b>

<b>Unit 3: </b>

<b>AT HOME</b>

<b>Lesson 4:</b> <b>Read</b>

<b>A. Objectives : By the and of this lesson Ss will be able to under stand the main and </b>
details ideas of the text.

<b>I. Knowledge:</b> Why / Because ?

<b>II. Skills:</b> Reading about the safety precautions in the house to be safe for

<b>B. Procedures</b>

<b>I. Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>

<b>II. Checking : </b>

<b>Warm up: 5’ Brainstorming match </b>
Danger in the house for children

Elictric fire drug knife
<b>III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’ activities</b>

<b>1. Pre – reading 15’</b>

Activity 1:* Vocabulary:
- destroy (transla) phá huỷ
- injure (transla) bị thương
- a socket (picture) ổ cắm điẹn
- a bead (realia) vien bi, hat nho

- an object (example) vật nhọn
- scissors (realia) cái kéo

- Listen and repeat in
choral, in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

- a precaution (transla) biển báo
Checks: R.O.R

<i> </i>Activity 2<i> <b>*T/F Statement </b></i>
-Asks Ss to predict these sentence

a/ It is safe to leave medicine around the house.
b/ Drugscan look like candy

c/ A Kitchen is a suitable place to play
d/ Playing with one match can not start fire
<b>2. While – reading 15’</b>

<i><b> a.Activity 1:</b>Read the text to check the </i>
<i>prediction</i>Asks Ss to read the text to check

<i><b> Answer keys</b></i>

a: F; b: T; c: F; d: F; e: T; f: T

<i><b>bActivity 2: </b>Comprehension questions</i>


a/ It is safe to keep medicine in locked cup...
b/ A kitchen is a dangerous placetoplay
c/ Playing with one match can cause a fire
<b>3. Post – reading10’</b>

<i><b>* Discussion</b></i>

- Asks Ss to talk about safety precautions in their house

- Predict these sentences in


- Read the text to check


Correct the false

sentences in individually

-Work in groups to discuss
the safety precaution in the

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>

<b>V. Home work assigments</b>
- Do exercise 5 (24)
- Prepare: Write
<b> VI.supplements:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<b>Period 16 preparing date: 30/09/2010 teaching date: 03/10/2010 </b>
<b>Unit 3: </b> <b> </b>

<b>AT HOME</b>

<b>Lesson 5: Write</b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

Aims: By the and of this lesson , Ss will be able to write a description of a room.

<b>I. Knowledge:</b>

<b>1.Grammar :Prepositions of place: on / to the lelf (right) of, opposite, in the </b>
middle of, beside

<b>2. vocabulary: </b>

<b>II. Skills: Writing a description of the room</b>
<b>B. Procedure</b>

<b>I. Settlement: T greets the class and checks the absence</b>
<b>II. Warm up: 5’</b> Worksquare

F D N I H E B <sub>O</sub>

R A E N E X T <sub>O</sub>

O P P O S I T <sub>E</sub>

M U U N D E R <sub>O</sub>

<b>III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’ activities</b>

<b>1. Pre – writing</b>

Activity1: 10’ *<b> Vocabulary:</b>

+ a sink (picture) bồn nước

+ a towel rack (picture) giá khăn
+ a lighting fixture (picture) đèn chùm
+ beneath (symnonysn) bên dưới
Check: R.O.R

<b> Activity2: 10’ * Pre-Questions </b>

- Listen and repeat in choral,

groups in dividually
-Copy down

-Ss read the text to answer

Opposite, un der, to
Behind, near, in
From, on

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

- Asks ss to read the text to answer question
a/ What is on the lift of the room ?
b/ What are on the desk ?

c/ What is near the desk ?
d/ What is beside the window ?
<b>2. While - writing. Activity1:15’ Writing</b>

- Asks Ss to write a description of the kitchen basing on
picture and the cues on page P.33

<b>3 Post – writing : Activity1: 5’ * Exhibition</b>

-Ss write a description of the
kitchen basing on pic ture
and the cues on P.33.

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>

- Write a description of a room
<b>V. Home work assigment</b>

- Do ex 3 (page 33 text book)
- Prepare Language focus.
<b> VI. textbook adapptation:</b>

<b>Date of teaching: 5/10/2010 date of teaching :7/10/2010</b>
<b>Period 17</b>

<b>Unit 3: </b>

<b>AT HOME</b>

<b>Lesson 6:</b> <b>Language focus</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<b>A:Aim: By the and of this lesson, Ss will be able to write recall what they have learnt in </b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar: + Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to

+ Why - Because.

<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing
<b>II. preparation: </b>

<b>A. teacher: lesson plan, text book</b>
<b>B. students: textbook ,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>A. warm up: 5’ chain game </b>

Ex: I have to do my homework………..
<b>B</b>. New lesson

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1. Presentation activity 1: 10’</b>

- T re-tells the way to use “must, have to, ought to” by
asking some questions.

a/ What do you have to do in the morning ?
b/ What must you do before you go to school ?
<b>2. Practice activity 1: 20’</b>

- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue by putting “have to,
or must in the correct blank” (number 1 page 34)


1. must / have to tidy...
2. have to / must dust...
3. must / have to sweep...
4. must / have to clean...
5. have to / must empty...
6. must / have to feed...

- Asks Ss to give advice to these people in the pictures

- Answer these questions
a/ I have to clean my bike
b/ I must do myhome work.

- Work in pairs to complete
the dialogue.

- Role play. / Practice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>


- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue by using reflexive

Keys: 1/ ourselves 2/ myself
3/ yourself 4/ hêmself
5/ herself 6/ thmselves
7/ yourselves

<b>4.Further practice activity 1: 10’</b>

- Uses picture in book (page 36) to ask.

“Why did Hoa go to school late this morning ?
- Asks ss to do 4 (36)

advice to these people.
a/ You ought to get up early.
b/ You ought to eat more
fruit and vegetables.
c/ You ought to go to
- Answer the question
Because she watched T.V
late last night ?

- Work in pairs to do 4 (36)

<b>IV. homework assignment:</b>
<b>-</b> Modal verbs

<b>-</b> Why - Because
<b>V. text book adaptation:</b>

Date of teaching: 10/10/2010. date of teaching: 12/10/2010
<b>Period 18</b>


<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A. aim:By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to remember what they’ve learnt </b>

from Unit 1 - 3.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

-Voacabulary: from unit 1 to unit 3
-grammar: + Simple present tense

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

+ Modal verbs
+ Why - Because
+ Reflecive pronouns
+ Enough to

<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing
<b>II. preparation: </b>

<b>A. teacher: lesson plan, text book</b>
<b>B. students: textbook ,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>A. warmer: 5’ shark attack ( arrange, chore, beneath)</b>
<b>B. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b> I. Present simple tense : Actyvity1: 10’ </b>
- Use

- Form: S + am/is/ are + (o)
v/ v_s, es

<b>II. Past simple tense</b>
- use

form: S+ v- past + (o)
<b>III. Enough:</b>

- Before nouns & after adjectives

-E.g.: there are enough chairs for us to sit
- The tea is cold enough to drink.

<b>IV. Be going to</b>

- For intention and prediction

- E.g.: we are going to have a day off next week
- The wind is strong the door is going to slam.
<b>V. Modal verbs</b>

- <i>must/ have to</i> for obligation
- <i>ought to</i> for advice

<b>VI. Reflexive pronoun</b>
I - myself

You - yourself/yourselves
We - ourselves

Ss working in group and
answering teacher

- E.g.: I am a teacher.
She plays soccer

Adverbs: always, often….

Ss writing in the notebook
E.g.: I was at home yesterday

She went to HCM city last

- Adverbs: last, ago ,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

They - themselves
She - herself
He - himself
It - itself

<b>1.Recalls the tense, structures by asking some </b>
<b>questions. Actyvity1: 10’</b>

a. What did you do yesterday ?
b. Did you wash your clothes ?
c. Why do you go to school late ?
- Asks Ss to do the exercise
a. Last year I (go) to Hue city

b. Tonight Linh (go) to the cinema with me
c. She usually (play) games

<b>2. Use reflexive pronouns Actyvity1 5’</b>
a. She does it ...

b. They goto school ...
c. I cook dinner ...

d. You must learn English .

<b>3. Rewrite these sentences, use cue words. </b>
Actyvity1: 5’

a. Huy was ill (He, ought / doctor)
b. I don’t go out with you because
I nust do my home work (why)

c. Tuan is strong. He can lift the heavy box (enough)

a. I went to the zoo
b. No, I didn’t do it


c. Because I missed the

Work in individually

-> in pairs to do

a. Went

b. is going to go
c. plays

Work in individually
a. herself

b. themselves
c. yourself
d. yourself
Work in pairs

a. He ought to go to

b. Why don’t you go out
with me ?

c. He is strong enough to
lift the heavy box

<b>IV. homework assignment</b>
- Prepare to do the Test

V: txtbook adaptation:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>Date of teaching: 11/10/2010</b>

<b>Period 19 </b>


<b>A.Objectives: By the end of this lesson will be able to value student’s knowledge and </b>

<b>B. Knowledge: -vocabulary: from unit 1to unit 3 </b>
<b> -grammar: From Unit 1 to Unit 3</b>
<b>C. Skill: Writing</b>

A. teacher: the test
B. Students: pen, ruler
<b>III. procedure:</b>

Gio viet high school


Class:8….. Time:45

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>


<i><b>I.Choose the best answer (2m)</b></i>
1.What does she look like?

a.She is sociable b.she is humorous
c.She is beautiful d.she is my friends
2.He must………..the house

a.to clean b.cleaning c.clean d.cleaned

3.Mary did homework………

a.herself b.himself c.myself d.yourself

4.The sun……….in the west

a.set b.sets c.to set d.seting

5.Nam is intelligent enough………..a for language

a.lean b. to lean c.leaning d.leant

6.You ought to……….at home

a.stay b.stayed c.stays d.staying

7.Hoa is going to……..fising

a.going b.to go c.go d. to going


a.freezes b.freeze c.freezing d. freezed

<i><b>II/ Choose different word. (1m)</b></i>

1: a.soccer b.movie c.homework d.picnic
2: a.outside b.here c.downstair d.house
3: a.Sociable b.beautiful c.mobile phone d.humorous
4: a.tall b.slim c.fat d.curly

<i><b>III/ Rewrite the following sentences without changing the oneaning (2m)</b></i>

1.Hoa is strong.She can lift the piano (enough)

2.My brother is short.He can’t reach the top shelf (enough)
<i><b>IV:Writing sentences(4m)</b></i>

1.The TV/on/table/under/picture

2.The table/4 chairs/middle/room

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

3…./the table/many books/a vase with fowers

4.Right/room /window/next to/window/ bedtable


<b>I, Choose the best answer. Tick (V) on this letter <5ms></b>
1. The ... in the East.

a. rise b. rises c. rised d. is raising
2. She ... a movie tonight.

a. is going to see b. saw c. see d. seeing
3. He ... a fishing rods yesterday.

a. buys b. bought c. buyed d. buying
4. I cut ...

a. herself b. yuorself c. myself d. ourself
5. I’m late. You ... get up early.

a. shouldn’t b. ought to c. must d. have
6. ... does she look like ? She is beautiful

a. How b. What c. Where d. Who
7. It ... hot in the summer.

a. is b. was c. were d. are

8. ... didn’t you play soccer with me yesterday ? Because I was busy.
a. How b. Why c. What d. Where

9. She ... do the house work.

a. have to b. has to c. must d. b or c
10. Lan is ... to do house work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<b>II. Read the paragraph and decide these statements are T/F <2ms></b>

Alecander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland is 1874 and late came to
the unite states. Several members of his family did a great deal to encourage him in the
field of science. In America, he worked with deaf - mutes at Boston university. Bell
started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. This led to
the invention of the telephone.

a. Alecander Graham Bell was born in Scotland.
<b>b.</b> Alecander Graham Bell was born in 1874

<b>c.</b> In America he worked with deaf - mutes at Boston university.
<b>d.</b> He went to live in England.

<b>III. Rewrite these sentences, use the cue words <3ms></b>
1. His tooth aches (He / ought to / go / dentist)

2. Lan is clever. She can get 10 mark in test (enough)
3. Loan didn’t go to school because she was ill.

Why ...?
<b>Keys</b> I. 1a 2a 3b 4c 5b 6b 7a 8b 9d 10b

II. a T b F c T d F

III. 1, He ought to go to the dentist

2, Lan is clever enough to get 10 mark in test
3, Why didn’t she go to school ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>Period 20</b>

<b>Unit 4: </b> <b> </b>

<b>OUR PAST</b>

<b>Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read</b>
<b>A. Objectives: </b>

<b>A. aims:By the and of this lesson, Ss will be able to write talk about the past habits which</b>
are now finished.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

vocabulary: look after ,lit the lamp, equipment, folktale , traditional
<b>grammar: Used to + v inf</b>

<b>proununciation: ……….</b>
<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing

<b>II. Preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher: lesson plan text book</b>
<b>Students: textbook notebooks</b>

<i><b>A. Warm- up: </b>Brainstorming: 5’ </i>telephone

Things we have now electricity

<b>B.New lesson : </b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>


Actyvity1: 10’ *Vocabulary:
+ look after (synonym)
+ lit the lamp (action)

+ equipment (picture)
+ folktale (example)
+ traditional (antonym)

 <i><b>Check: What and Where</b></i>

a.Activity 2: 7’ *Model sentences

+ I used to look after my younger brother

-Listen and repeat in
choral, in groups, in

-Copy down

Ss rewriting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b>+ She used to cook the meals</b>

<b> S + used to + bare - inf</b>

<b>2.while: </b>

a.Activity 1: 8’ <i>Presentation dialogue</i>.
<b>-</b> Uses the dialogue to set the scere
b.Activity 2<i>: 10’ Word cue drill</i>

<b>-</b> Makes a sentences to model
Ex: Our grandmother used to tell stories.

a. Vietnamese farmers / live / small / cottages
b. Vietnamese children / stay at home.

c. Vietnamese women / work / hard.
<b>-</b> Corrects mistakes


<b>a.</b> Vietnamese farmers used to live in small cottages
<b>b.</b> Vietnamese children used to stay at home

<b>c.</b> Vietnamese women used to work hard.
<b>-</b> Asks some questions in book (39)
<b>3.Further Practice: Activity 1: 5’</b>

<b>-</b> Asks Ss to do number 3 page 39.

<b> a F; b F; c F; d F; e OP; f OP</b>

Reading individual

-Copy the form

Listen and practice the

-Work in individually to
make sentence s

Then share with partners

-Ss answer

-Ss do 3 (39)
<b>IV. Homework assingment:</b>

- Do exercises 1,6
- Prepare: Speak
<b>V. textbook addaptation</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 12/10/2010 Date of teaching: 15/10/2010</b>
<b>Period 21</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

<b>Lesson 2: Speak and Listen </b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A. Aim: By the and of this lesson, Ss will be able to write talk about the differences </b>
between life in the past and at present.

<b>B. Knowledge</b>

<b>-vocabulary: </b> moral,lay ,sell, discover ,excitedly, rich, amazement, decide, death,
foolish ,greedy

<b> Grammar: Simple past and simple present</b>
<b> C. Skills: Speaking and listening</b>

A.Teacher: lesson plan, textbook, catssete

B.Student: textbook,notebook

<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>A.warm up: Brainstorm 5’ </b>

all the verbs about the differences between life in the past and life in the present
<b>B.New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. SPEAKING:</b>

<b>1. Pre – speaking :actyvity:1(5’)</b>
moral (a) thuộc về đạo đức

lay (v) đặt để
sell (v) bán

discover (v) khám phá

excitedly (adv) một cách tuyệt vời
rich (a) giàu có

amazement (n) sự ngạc nhiên
decide (v) quyết định

death (n)

foolish (a) ngu ngốc

greedy (a) tham lam

- Asks Ss to make some sentences.
<b>2. While – speaking 10’</b>

- Asks Ss to write
+ Word cue drill

Reading in the whole class
in individidually

- Work in groups to write
down sentences with
used to / didn’t use to +
base - in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

a. swim / river / pool

b. walk / go by motor bike (car)
c. get up early / rate

d. play soccer / computer
<b>3. Post - speaking 10’</b>

- Asks Ss to talk about the things they used to do last

<b>II.LISTENI - Listen the story.</b>
<b> T/F – statements: Activity1:(5’): </b>

a. A farmer lived a comfortable life will his family.
b. One day, one of his chickens laid a gold egg
c. His five wanted more

d. She at open the chicken to find more gold eggs.
e. There weren’t any gold egg while the chickens were

<b>4. Activity2:(10’): Choose the most suitable moral</b>
<b>lesson </b>

- Don’t be foolish & greedy

a. In the past they used to
swim in the river but
now they swim in the
swimming pool.

- Talk about the things they
used to do last year.

- Listen and write the letter
of the most suitable moral
lesson.? Listen catch

Ss Tick- correct

Ss Read the sentences,
choose best one

<b>IV.homework assignment:</b>
<b>-</b> Used to + V (bare inf)
<b>-</b> Do ex: 3,4

<b>-</b> Prepare: Read
<b>V.textbook adaptation:</b>

<b> Date of preparing: 15/10/2010 Date of teaching: 18/10/2010</b>
<b>Period 22</b>

<b>Unit 4: </b>

<b>OUR PAST</b>

<b>Lesson 3: </b> <b> Read</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>A. Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to undestand the main and details ideas </b>
of the text.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>-vocabulary: do chores , harvest festival , a fairy, rags </b>
-Grammar: Simple past

<b>C. Skills: Reading a story</b>

<b>II. preparation:</b>

A.teacher: lesson plan, textbook
B.Students: textbook ,notebooks

<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>A. Warm up:(5’) Play game Pelmanism </b>

<b>B.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Pre - reading</b>

Actyvity1: 5’ *Vocabulary:

+ do chores (example, picture)(v) làm việc nhà
+ harvest festival (picture) hội mùa

+ a fairy (example)(n)bà tiên
+ rags (realia)( áo quần rách
+cruel(a) tho lo, độc ác
- Check R.O.R

<i><b> Pre – questions Actyvity2: 5’ </b></i>
- Asks some to questions to elict the text.

a. Do you know the story.“The lost Shoe”What can
you guess from the title

- Lister and repeat in choral
ingroups, in individually.
- Copy down

Ss working individual
- Answer teacher’s

- Read the text to find out
the answers.

a. No. May be some one
MakeMake Come Hold Run Lose Find Fall

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

b. Who was little Pea? Who was stout Nut ?
c. Whose shoe was lost ?

<b>II. While - reading</b>

a.Activity 1: 5’ Matching

- Asks Ss to guess the meaning by matching cruel
buồn phiền

upset yêu
a broken heart đau tim
magically kì diệu
fall in love độc ác
b.Activity 2<i><b> :</b><b> 10’ Fill in gaps </b></i>

- Asks Ss to fill in gaps P42 - text book

a. afarmer b. died

c. used....again d. marry
e. new clothes f. lost

c.Activity 3: 10’ Comprehension questions
- Asks some questions in text book (P.42)

<i><b>Keys:She was a poor farmer’s daughter.</b></i>
a. She made litter Pea do the chores

b. Before the festival starter, a fair appeared and
magically changed her rags into beautiful

<b>III.Post – reading: 5’</b>
- Asks Ss to retell story

lost Shoe

b. Litter Pea lost shoe.

- Guess the meaning by

Ss working individual
Coppy down in the

- Read the text to fill in gaps
individually --> in pairs.

- Answer questions
Ss working in group
Writing down in the

- Retell story
<b>IV.Home work assignment</b>

- Asks Ss to rewrite story in their own words
- Prepare: Write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<b>Date of preparing: 16/10/2010 Date of teaching: 22/10/08.</b>
<b>Period 23</b>

<b>Unit 4: </b>

<b>OUR PAST</b>

<b>Lesson 4: </b> <b>Write </b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a story how about the tiger got </b>
his stripes.

<b>B. Knowledge: </b>

<b> -vocabulary: stripe , straw ,a master, a servant , wisdom , tie ,escape </b>
<b>-Grammar: Simple past </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

<b>C. Skills: writing a story</b>

A.teacher: lesson plan,textbook
B. student: textbook, notebooks
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>A.Warmer: 5’</b> <i><b>Jumbled words</b></i>

= ; =

= ; =

<b>B. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Pre - writing</b>

Actyvity1:10’* Vocabulary:

+ stripe n vết loang,vằn (visual aid)
+ straw n rơm rạ (realia)

+ a master n sự thông minh (explanation)
+ a servant n đầy tớ (antonym)

+ wisdom n trí khôn (trans)
+ tie v cột buộc (mime)

+ escape v trớn thốt (trans, stnoym)
<i><b>- Check: what and where</b></i>

Actyvity2:7’ *Complete the story
- Asks Ss to complete the story (Keys)

1. appeared 2. was 3. said 4. left 5. went 6. tied
7. lit 8. burned 9. escaped

Actyvity3: 7’ *Answer some questions
- Asks Ss to answer some questions

a. Where was the man ?

- Listening and repeating in
choral ingroups, in

- Copy down

Rewriting vocab

- Work in individually to
complete story by using the
verbs in the box

Ss working in group

- Answer some questions.
a. He was in the field


nurb liefd field

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

b. What did the tiger want to know ?
c. Did the farmer die of the fire ?

<b>II. While – writing Actyvity1:10’:writitng</b>

- Asks Ss to inmagine they are the man to write the

<b>III.Post - writing: Actyvity1:5’ </b><i>Exhibition</i>

- Corrects student’s mistakes
- Asks Ss to roleplay

b. The tiger wanted: why the
strong buffalo was a servant
c. No, he didn’t

- Write the story (change he
into I) in individually

--> in groups
-Copy down

-Roleplay the tiger and buffalo
to retell story

<b>IV.Homework assignment:</b>
- Writing Story

- Do exercise 4,5

- Prepare: Language focus
<b>V.textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 20/10/2010 Date of teaching: 22/10/08</b>
<b>Period 24 </b>

<b>Unit 4: </b>

<b>OUR PAST</b>

<b>Lesson 5: </b> <b>Langguage focus </b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.aim:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recall some irregular verbs in the</b>
simple past..

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>-Grammar: - inrregular verbs</b>
<b> - used to + verb (bare inf)</b>

- prepositions of time: in, on, before, between
<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,book</b>
<b>b.students: books,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>A. warm up: 5’ Play game pelmanism</b>

<b>B. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>1 . Langguage focus (P.44) activity1: 8’</b>

- Asks Ss to write the past simple form of each verbs
Keys: b. flew c. took
. d. went e. had
<b>2.Langguage focus (P.44) ) activity2: 8’</b>

- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue

<i>Possiple keys: </i>

a. Did you eat rice ?

b. I went to school by bus ?
c. Where were you last night ?
d. I had English.

<b>3 . Langguage focus (P.44) activity3: 8’</b>
- Asks Ss to complete the sentences.
Keys: a, on b, in c, between
d, at - after e, before

- Gives the way to use some prepositions
in + year (in 1976)

in + month (in August)
on + date (on 16)

- Work in individually to
write the past simple of each

- Copy down

- Work in pair to complete
the dialogue.

Then practice the dialogue
in group

- Work in individually to
use the prepositions to
complete the sents

- Listen and copy down

go <sub>make</sub> <sub>buy</sub> <sub>get</sub> <sub>bring</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

on + date, month, year (on June,2, 2004)
on + day (on Monday)

at + time (at 7 am)

<b>4 . Langguage focus (P.45) activity4: 12’</b>
- Recalls the way to use “Used to”

<b>Form: S + used to + V-inf</b>
S + didn’t use to + V-inf
Did + S + used to + V-inf ?
- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue

<i><b>Keys: 1, used to have</b></i>
2, used to be
3, used to live

- Give example

I used to cry when I was 2

I didn’t use to eat candy
Did you eat candy ?
- Look at the pictures to
complete the dia, use “used
to” and verbs in box in
individually --> in pairs

- Practice the dialogue.
<b>IV.homework assignment</b>

- - Do 6 (30) 7 (31) Work book
<b>V.textbook adaptation</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 25/10/2010 Date of teaching: 27/10/2010</b>
<b>Period 25 </b>


<b>I. Objectives: </b>

A.aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be recognize their mistakes in the test.
<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Vocabulary: in Test</b>
<b>Grammar: </b> in Test

<b>C. Skills:</b> Writing and speaking
<b>II. Preparation: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

<b>III. procedure:</b>
<b>a. warm up:</b>

<b>b. New lesson: correct the test</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

- Asks Ss to do the test again

CÂU 1: mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm

1a 2c 3a 4b 5c 6a 7c 8a
Câu 2:đề t8a: mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm

1c 2d 3c 4d

Câu 3: mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm

Hoa is strong enough to lift the piano/move the

My brother isn’t tall enough to reach the top
shelf/to play the volleyball

Câu4: mỗi câu đúng 1.0 điểm

1. the Tv is on the table under the picture

2. the table and four chairs are in the middle of
the room

3. on the table there are many books and a
vase with flowers

4. on the right of the room there is a window,
next to the window there is a bedtable
cau 5: mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm

1. Alexander graham Bell was born in

2. He worked with deaf mutes at boston

3. He was born in 1874

4. He came to the united states

- Correct mistakes

Ss doing execise
He/old/go to school

Nam /intelligent /do the test
- Correct mistakes

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>IV. Homework assignment:</b>
- Prepare Unit 4

<b>V. textbook adatation: </b>
Work books tieng anh 8

<b>Date of preparing: 27/10/2010 Date of teaching: 29/10/08</b>
<b>Period 26</b>

<b>Unit 5: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A. aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk about study habit, give </b>
instructions and advice.

<b>B. Knowledge: </b>

<b> -vocabulary: + to promise ,to try one’s best , pronunciation ,be proud of</b>
<b>-grammar: Commands, requests, and advice in reported speech</b>


<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and reading


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>A. Warm up:</b> <i><b>Pelmanism (Match adjs with advs)</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

<b>B.New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Presentation Actyvity1: 5’ *Vocabulary</b>
+ to promise (explain)

+ to try one’s best (Trans)
+ pronunciation (mine)
+ a report card (picture)
To be proud of:

Check: R.O.R
Actyvity2: 5’ * Model sentence
What did Mrs Jackson say?

Miss Jackson said you should work harder.

<b> S + said + S + Should + V</b>

<b>bare - inf</b>

<b>II while reading</b>

a.Activity 1: 5’ Presentation dialogue
-Reads dialogue

-Asks Ss to do task 2 (P.47)

Keys: a. F, b. T, c. F, d.T, e. F, f. T
<i><b> b.Activity 2</b><b> :</b><b> 10’ Comprehension questions</b></i>

- Asks some questions in book (P.47)

a. Miss Jackson is Tim’s mother

b. Miss Jackson gave Tim’s mother his reported card
c. Tim studied very well this semeter

d. Miss Jackson said Tim should work hard on his
spanish pronunciation.

e. She gave him a dictionary.

<i><b> c.Activity 3: (10’) Report Miss Jackson’s advice </b></i>
- Asks Ss to report Miss Jackson’s advice she gave in her

-Listen and repeat in choral
in groups, in individually
-Copy down

Listen and copy down the

- Listen and practice the

- Read dialogue a gain and do
task 2 (P.47) T/F

- Answer questions
Ss working in group
Ss writing down in their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

conversation with Tim’s mother (Number 4 P.53)
S1: Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your

S2: Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking
spanish everyday.

<b>III.post( Further Practice:) Word cue drill</b>
a. Miss Lien / said / you / tell the truth
b. Hoa / said / you / eat / more eggs

-Make the sentences

<b>IV. homework assignment:</b>

+writing sentence with advice in Reported speech
+ Do exercise 7 (36)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

<b> Date of preparing:18/10/2010 Date of teaching: 21/10/2010</b>
<b>Period 27</b>

<b>Unit 5: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 2: Speak & Listen</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.aim:By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their study.</b>
<b>B. Knowledge:</b>


<b>Grammar:</b> Giving advice
<b>C. Skills: Speaking and writing</b>


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a. Warmer:Netword</b> Chemistry


Math English
<b>b. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>1. Pre – speaking: actyvities 1: 10’</b>

- Asks Ss to think of these question in book (page 48)
<b>2. While - speakingactyvities 2:10’</b>

- Asks Ss to practice speaking

- Think of these questions
(P.48) in individually

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

S: When do you do your home work ?
S2: After dinner

S1: Who help you with your home work?
S2: My parents

<b>3. Post – Speaking: actyvyties 3: 10’</b>

- Asks Ss to give some advice to their friend has a
problem in learning English

a. Practice listening more
b. Study 5 words a day
c. Practice speaking more

d. Work hard on English pronunciation

speaking using the
questions above.

- Work in pair to give
advice using “should”
a. You should practice
listening more

b. You should study 5
words a day

<b>IV. Consolidotion</b>

S + Should + V(bare - inf)

<b>V. Home work</b>

+ Do exercise 6 (35)
+ Prepare Listen

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<b>Period 27</b>

<b>Unit 5: </b>


<b>Lesson 3: </b> <b>Listen </b>

<b>A. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the text and complete</b>
the report card.

<b>I. Knowledge: How to complete the report card.</b>
<b>II. Skills: Listening and writing </b>

<b>B. Procedure</b>
<b>I. Settlement</b>

<b>II. Checking:</b> <b>Ss write sentence, use cue</b>
Lan / should / learn / EL / carefuly

<b>III. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

*Warm - Up

Do you like English ?
Do you study it will ?
Are your grades good ?

Which skill do you think is easy
<b>1. Pre - listening</b>

* Vocabulary:
+ behavior (Trans)
+ participation (Trans)

+ cooperation (explanation)
+ comment (example)
+ signature (mine, visual)
<i><b>Check: What and where</b></i>

Yes, I do
Yes, I do
May be

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

*Open – prediction:

- Asks Ss to fill in gaps by predicting

<b>2. While - listening</b>

a.Activity 1:Listen to the tape & check their


1, 87 days present
2, 5 days absen
3, participotion (s)
4, listening (c)

5, A 6, A 7, B

b.Activity 2: Answer some question
- Asks some questions

a. Why did Nga miss 5 day of school ?
b. How can she improve her listening ?
3. Post – listening

- Asks create their own repost card for the first term of

- Work in individually to
predict the gaps

--> in groups

- Listen to the tape to check
their prediction

- Listen again to answer some

a. Because of her sickness
b. She can watch T.V and
listen to English programs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

for the first term of English
<b>IV. Consolidotion</b>

+ Complete report card
<b>V. Home work</b>

+ Prepare Read

<b>Date of preparing 22/10/2010 Date of teaching 24/10/2010</b>
<b>Period 28</b>

<b>Unit 5: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 4: Read </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

<b> A.Aim:by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main and details </b>
ideas of the text.

<b> B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Vocabulary:+ mother tongue (to) stick (to) come across +(to) underline + (to) highlight </b>

<b> Giving instructions and advice on how to learn.</b>
<b> C. Skills: Reading and speaking </b>


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks</b>

<b>III. Procedure a. Warmer:</b> <i><b>Brainstorming</b></i>

learn 5 words How do you learn new words
write words in a note book
<b>b.New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Pre – reading activyties:1 10’ *Vocabulary</b>
+ mother tongue (example)

+ (to) stick (gesture)
+ (to) come across (synonym)
+ (to) underline (mine)
+ (to) highlight (mine)
<i><b>* Check: S.T.B</b></i>

high stick mother under
light tongue line
* T/F Statements .activities:2 10’

a. All language learners write the meaning of new
words in their mother tongue.

- Listen and repeat in
choral, in groups,

- Copy down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

b. Some learners write examples of words they want
to learn.

c. Every learner tries to learn all new words they
come across.

<b>II. While - reading </b>

a.Activity 1: 5’ Read the text
+ Keys: a, F b, T c, F d, T
b.Activity 2: 5’ Answer the questions.
- Asks some questions

<i><b>Key: a. No, they learn in diffrrent ways </b></i>

b. Such sentence help them remember the use of
new words

c. Learners write examples , but the words in their
meaning ....

d. They may think they can’t do so.
e. Revision is necessary in learning.

III. Post – reading: activities1:15’ Discussion
- Asks Ss to Choose the way of learning vocab which
he / she thinks is the most effective, he / she can talk
about the reason

- Listen and read in

individually to check their

- Answer these questions.

- Discuss in the group.

<b>IV. Home work assignmen+ Do exercise</b>
+ Prepare Write

<b>V.Textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing:30/10/2010 Date of teaching:01/11/2010</b>
<b>Period 29</b>

<b>Unit 5: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 5: Write </b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<b>B. Knowledge: How to write an informal letter</b>


<b> C. Skills: Writing </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a.Warm –up : chatting</b>

a, Do you often write to someone
b, Who do you often write to ?

c, What do you often include in your letter ?
d. How do you open / close a letter ?

<b>b.New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Pre - writing</b>
* Odering

- Cuts the letters in to pieces and asks Ss to put them
into correct oder.

<i><b>Keys: B-D-A-C</b></i>
T/f statement:

Ask and answer: lucky numbers
<b>II. While - writing.</b>

- Asks Ss to write a letter, using the cues giver, basing
on the letter.

<b>III. Post - writing.</b>

- Asks Ss to write their letters on the board and elicit
the correction from Ss, asks Ss to correct mistakes for
each other.

-Yes, I do
-My friends

-Open: Dear
-Close: Love

- Order to form a letter in

- Identify the sections of the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

write a letter, using the cues

- Write the letters on the
board and correct the
mistakes for each other
<b>IV. homework assignment:</b>

Do exercise - 3 (37)

-Prepase “Language focus”

<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 02/11/2010 Date of teaching:07/11/2010</b>
<b>Period 30</b>

<b>Unit 5: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 6: </b> <b>Langguage focus </b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A. Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to advice some one and the use of adv of</b>

<b>B. Knowledge:- Voacbulary:</b>

<b> -Grammar: - Adv of manner , Should</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Writing and speaking

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a. warm up:</b> <b> Slap the board</b>

repair paint cut replant mend
<b>b.New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>1 . Langguage focus 1 : Adverb of manner </b>
- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue


1, hard 3, badly
2, fast 4, soflly
<b>2 . Langguage focus 2 :.Discussion </b>

Asks Ss to discuss what Mr Hao should do for his
house by using the verbs given

a. Mr Hao should repeair the roof.
b. He should paint the hoase
c. He should cut the grass
d. He should replant the trees
e. He should mend the door

<b>3 . Langguage focus 3 : Command speech.</b>
- Gives example to model, gives the form
I asked you to give me this pen


<b>S+asked+ s.o+ to do +s.t</b>
- Asks Ss to do 3 (53)

-Complete the dialogue.
-Then practice the dialogue.

- Work in groups to discuss
what Mr Hao should do for
his house.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

a. Miss Jackson asked me to wait outside her office
b. Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card

c. Miss Jackson asked me to help you with your
spanish prounciation

d. Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week

<b> Langguage focus 4 : </b>
Should + V(inf)
- Asks Ss to do 4 (53)

a. Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on..
b. Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking ....
c. Miss Jackson said you should listen to spanish

- Work in individually to do
3 (53)

-Work in individually

<b>IV. V. Home work-Do: 4, 6, 7 (34, 35) -Prepare U.6-Shoul - Adv of manner</b>
- Reported speed

<b>V.textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 05/11/2010 Date of teaching: 06/11/2010</b>
<b>Period 31</b>

<b>Unit 6: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read </b>
<b>I.Objectives: </b>

<b>A. Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to complete an application form.</b>

<b>`B. Knowledge: - vocabulary:enroll </b>,fill out ,sign ,an application form,an interest

<b>Grammar: Personal information.</b>
<b>C. Skills: Speaking and Writing </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

Y and Y activities

Helping blind people
<b>b. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Presentation.</b>

Activity1: 10’ * Vocabulary
+ enroll (v) (translation)
+ fill out (v) (mime)
+ sign (v) (gesture)

+ an application form (visual aid)

+ an interest (translation)

<i> <b>Check: slap the board</b></i>

Enroll fill out sign an interest
<b>II. Practice:</b>

*Activity 1: 10’ Presentation dialogue
- Reads dialogue

*Activity 2: 10’ Comprehension questions
- Asks Ss to anwer some questions

a. What’s her fullname ?
b. Where does she live ?

c. Does she have a phone number
d. What’s her date of birth ?
e. What are her hobbies ?

- Asks Ss to complete Nga’s details
<b>III. Production:10’</b>

- Asks Ss to complete the their details.

Home address:

- Listen and repeat in
choral, in groups, in

- Copy down

- Listen and practice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

Phone number:
Date of brith:


- Work in individually to

- Work in groups to
complete their details
<b>IV. Home work -Do exercises: 1, 2</b>

-Prepare: Speak.

- Complete an appication form.
<b>V.textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing:05/11/2010 Date of teaching: 08/11/2010</b>
<b>Period 32</b>

<b>Unit 6: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 2: Speak & Listen (P.55 - 56)</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to ask for favors, offer assistance and </b>
practice responding

<b>B. Knowledge: </b>

<b>-Vocabulary:- certainly / of course / sure / noproblem </b>
<b>-Grammar:- can, could, may,let </b>

<b>C. Skills: Speaking and listening about (asking for favors,responding to </b>
favors,offering assistance,responding to assistance


<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

<b> A,warm up: chatting :do you like playing soccer………..</b>
<b>b. New lesson:</b>

<b>I. Pre-speaking. activity1: 10’</b>
- Asks Ss question

What can you say when you need a favor ?
Can/could you help me please?

Could you do me a favor? …..

What can you say when you respond to favor ?

Of couse/ certainly …….

<b>II. While – speaking activity2: 10’- Reads dialogue </b>
a,b (P.55)

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue and make a similar
dialogue about some of the situations.


S1: Could you do me a favor

S2: Certainly ? What can I do for you

S1: Can you tell me the way to the nearest the police
station ?

S2: Yes, you go a head. It’s aposite the park
S1: Thanks, It’s very kind of you

S2: Never mind.
<b>III. Post - speaking</b>

- Asks Ss speak in roplays .
1. pre listening:

* Open - Prediction

- Asks Ss to predict the missing words in the song
2. While – listening activity2: 10’

- Lets Ss listen to the tape and Checks

- Work in groups
Giving the answers
Ss coppy down into the

Ss reading in group
In pairs

- Ss working in role plays

- Listen and practice the

- Use the appropriate

phrases in the box to make a
similar dialogue in pair.

Ss working in pairs

Ss working in group

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

1, unite 2, peac 3, right 4, love 5, north
6, south 7, of 8, world 9, show 10, place
11, out 12, stand 13, world

3. Post - listening

- Asks Ss to practice singging a song

Ss coppy down into the

<b>IV. Home work -Do exercises: 3, 4</b>

- Modals verbs - asking for favors
- Responding to favors -Prepase: Read
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

<b>Date of preparing: 07/11/2010 Date of teaching: 09/11/2010</b>
<b>Period 33</b>

<b>Unit 6: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 4: Read </b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and details ideas </b>
of the text.

<b>B. Knowledge: American youth organization</b>

<b> -vocabulary:citizenship, fitness, coeducational, encourage, establish </b>
<b> Grammar:</b>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Reading comprehention


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>a.warm up:</b>
<b>b. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Pre – reading</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

+ citizenship (unc) (translation)
+ fitness (unc) (translation)
+ coeducational (adj) (translation)
+ encourage (v) (translation)
+ establish (v) (translation)
Check: R.O.R

*T/F stalements

a. The Y and Y in VN is similar to the Boy scouts of

b. BSA is an organization of adults
c. BSA is mainly for Boys

d. Scouting program in each nation is the same.
<b>II. While – reading:</b>

<b> *Activity 1: 10’ Read the text to check their </b>

- Asks Ss to read the text to check their predictions
Keys : a, T b, F c, T d, F e, T

*Activity 2:10’Fill the missing date

- Asks Ss to fill the missing date (1.P.57) Keys:
a, 1907 2, 1909

3, 1910 4, 1994
*Activity 3:Comprehension questions
-Asks some questions

a, In 1970

b, The meeting between a boy an Mr William
c,Girl can join in the girl guides Association and
Camp Fire Boys and Girls.

d. The three aims are building character, good citi
zenship and personal fitness

<b>III. Post - reading</b>

in groups, in individually.
Copy down

Ss rewrite vocabulary

- Asks Ss predict these
statements ars T/F in

- Reads the text check their
prediction in groups

- Work in group.

- Answer questions


<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

- Asks Ss to list activities that your school’s HCM
young pioneer often does:

+ take part in mini - project
+ educate chilren

<b>IV.Home work -Do exercises: 1, 2</b>
-Prepare: write
<b>V.textbooks adaptation: </b>

<b>Date of preparing: 10/11/2010 Date of teaching: 11/11/2010</b>
<b>Period 34</b>

<b>Unit 6: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 5: Write </b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a letter about futureplan.</b>
<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b> - Vocabulary: recycle, register, a fund , a side walk, natural resources </b>
<b> -Grammar:</b>Gerunds

<b>C. Skills:</b> Writing a letter about the plant

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a.warm up: shark attack: encourage,establish</b>
<b>b. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Pre - writing</b>

*Activity 1 10’* Vocabulary
+ recycle (v) (example)
+ register (v) (translation)
+ a fund (n) (translation)

- Answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

+ a side walk (n) (visual aid)
+ natural resources (n) (example)
Check: R.O.R

*Activity 2 10’ * Pre - questions

- Asks Ss to read a notice (P58) to answer questions.
a. What is the Y and Y planning to do ?

b. What do all members participate ?

c. How can they save natural resources and earn money
for the organization ?

<b>II. While - writing</b>

*Activity 1: 10’ Fill in gaps
- Asks Ss to fill in gaps


1- community 2- recycling
3- collect 4- send
5- recycling 6- save

7- earn 8- participating
9- planting 10- helping

*Activity 2: 12’ Write Hoa’s Letter
- Asks Ss to do exercise 2 (P59)

<b>III. Post - writing: 3’ Correction</b>
- T give feed back

- Read a notice to answer as
in individually.

a. Y and Y is planning to
help the community
b. They participate in a
recycling program

c. They collect used glass,
papers and cans then send
them for recycling.

- Find the words in the
notice to complete the letter
in groups.

- Do exercise 2 (write Hoa’s
letter, in individually ---> in

- Swap their writing and
correct each other.

<b>IV. Home work</b>

- Complete their writing

- Do exercises 6 or write a letter
-Prepare language focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<b>-Date of preparing:12/11/2010 -Date of teaching: 15/11/2010.</b>
<b>Period 35</b>

<b>Unit 6: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 6: Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A. Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to tell some one’s hobbies and some </b>
activities of Y and Y.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Grammar:</b> present tense with future meaning
<b>- Gerund, modals verbs: may, can, could - Either</b>
<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a. warm up:</b>
<b>b. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>1 . Language focus 1:</b>
<b>activity1:5’ matching</b>

activity2:10’ practiseAsks Ss to look at Y and Y
spring activity program to make questions with “when,
where, what time”

<b>2 . Language focus 2:</b>

- Work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

Talk about friends’s hobbies

<b>-</b> Asks Ss to talk Ba and Lan’s hobbies
use: love,like,hate..+ gerunds

<b>-</b> eitheir,...

Ex: Ba loves camping but he doesn’t like gardening
Ba doesn’t like washing up and he doesn’t like
gardening, either.

<b>Language focus 3</b>
Asks for favor

- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue
A, buy a ticket

B, take me cross the road
C, help me with math

D, water the flowers in the garden.

- Asks Ss to use useful expressios in the boxeson page
55 to complete the dialogue

up what about you ?No, I
don’t like

- Complete the dialogue.
Then practice dialogue.
- Complete the dialogue.
Then practice.

A: Can I help you ?
Do you need any help ?
Let me help you

That’s very kind of you

<b>IV. Home work</b>

- Ask for a favor (Can you help me ? / Could you do me a favor ?....)
-Prepare for Review

<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

<b>Period 36 </b>


<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A. Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remember what they have learnt from </b>
U4 to U6.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Vocabulary: from unit 3 to unit 6</b>
<b>Grammar: - Simple past tense</b>

- Reported speech
- Either

- Ask for a favor
- Used to + V-inf
<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b> Revison: a.Play game Palmanism</b>
go tie take mend

went tied took mended
<b>b. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Presentation</b>

<i><b> a, Simple past tense:</b></i>

- Asks Ss to give the form, the use the meaning.
* S + V - ed

I ran home

She went to the market

-Play game

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

* Used to + V bare - inf

I used to cry when I was 2 years old.
b, Advice some one.

- Give: Should + V - Inf
c, Reported speech
- Gives the form:


Tell someone + to do something

d, Ask for a favor

- Asks Ss to ask for a favor (give situations)
e, Offering assistance

<b>II. Practice::Put the verbs in the correct tense.</b>
a, Last night I (watch) TV

b, She (buy) a car last year.

c, In the story, the man (tie) the tiger.

d, When Lan was a little girl, she (use) play football
<i><b>* Rewrite these sentences.</b></i>

a, “ Can you give Hoa this book ?”
b, “Please repair my watch”

<b>III. Further practice:</b>

- Asks Ss to do exercises 6,7 (P.43) in Unit 6.

happened in the fast and
finish now.

- Give advice
- You should ....

- Copy the form and give

I ask her to give me a pen
She told me to keep this

Could you help me...
Could you do me a favor ?
May I help you ?

Do you need any help ?
Let me help you

Work in individually
Miss Lan asked...
Miss Tan told me ....
- Work in individually
<b>IV.Home work assignmemt- Prepare test</b>

<b>V.Textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing : 15/11/2010 Date of teaching:22/11/2010</b>
<b>Period 37 </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson T will be test students’s knowledge.</b>
<b>B. Knowledge:</b> <b> in Unit 4, 5, 6</b>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Writing

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>

<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

Name……….. …


Class……… English 8

<b>I. Choose the correct answers. Only one answer is correct(3m)</b>
1. We used to … here when we were young.

A. live B. living C. lived D. to live
2. They went there … September 10, 2007

A. on B. in C. at D. for
3. Mr. Brown looks … Mr. Joni.

A. as B. like C. from D. with
4. My father likes … swimming in summer.

A. go B. goes C. went D. going
5. He received the first semester … a few days ago.

A. letter B. shoes C. report D. mark
6. Kate hates …to classical music.

A. listens B. listened C. listen D. listening
7. He practices … English everyday.

A. speaks B. speaking C. spoke D. speak
8. I often play soccer …weekends.

A. in B. at C. on D. for
9. Hung will … the festival with his mother

A. celebrate B. take C. do D. make
10. Mr. Smith likes … to school.

A. walks B. walking C. walk D. walked
11. Loan should ... her money.

A. to save B. saving C.saves D. save
12. Ba asked me ...him this riler

A. to give B.give C.giving D.gave
<b>II. Find the word which has the different sound(1m)</b>

1. a. house b. hour c. him d. hat

2. a. decided<i><b> </b></i> b. wanted c. stayed d. needed
3. a. books <i><b> </b></i> b. plays c. meets d. hats

4. a. letter b. get c. men d. he

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

<b>III. Give the correct form of the verbs(2m)</b>

1. He…(stay) there last weekend. ………
2. Where … he (live) when he …(be) young ? ……….
3. He …(hate) …(listen) English song. ……….
4. Lan asked me (not go) there with her. ……….
<b>IV. Rewrite the following sentences(2m)</b>

1. “Can you give me your book, Hoa” Nam said.

2. “Close the window, please” Ha said.

<i><b>Ha ...………</b></i>
3. “Please send Lan this letter, Nam” My teacher said

<i><b>My .………</b></i>
4. Lan likes to go to the cinema

<i><b>Lan enjoys……….</b></i>
<b>IV. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi ( 2 p)</b>

Nam was ten years old, he was a very lazy boy. He had to go to school of course,
but he was bored there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother
were doctors and they hoped that he would become a doctor too, when he grew up, but
one day Nam said to his mother “ When I finish school, I want to become a garbage

“ A garbage collector? His mother asked . She was very surprised. “That’s not a very
pleasant job why do you want to become a garbage collector? ”. “Because then I’d only
have to work one day a week,” Nam answered, “ Only one day a week?” His mother said
“” What do you mean? ” , ” Well, Nam answered ” “I know that the ones who come to
our house only work on Monday, because I only see them on that day”.

15. Was Nam a lazy boy ?

16. What did his parents hope?

17. What does Nam want to become when he finishes school?

18. Why does Nam want to become a garbage collector?

<b>Date of preparing: 21/11/2010 Date of teaching: 25/11/2010</b>

<b>Period 38</b>

<b>Unit 7: </b>


<b>Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read </b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

<b>Vocabulary:a wet market </b>,a pan cake ,tasty,server,see - seen ,be - been
<b>Grammar:. S + have / has + PP</b>

<b>C. Skills:Speaking and writing </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>a.Revision: Matching and guessing games</b>

- Asks Ss to match the name of places with the pictures.

<b>b. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Presentation</b>

* Vocabulary: activity1:7’
- a wet market (picture)

- a pan cake (picture)
- tasty (a) (translation)
- (to) serve (translation)
- (to) see - seen (translation)
- (to) be - been (translation)
<i><b> * Check: R.O.R</b></i>

<i><b>* Model sentences*Activity 1: 5’</b></i>
- Reads dialogue to model and asks
Is Na new ...?

How Long has Nam lived here ?
We have been here since last week.

We have lived here for about 10 years.
<b>S + have / has + PP</b>
<b>II. while reading:</b>

*Activity 1: 5’Read dialogue

- Work in individually

- Listen and repeat in
choral, in groups, in

- Copy down

Ss Reads dialogue

individual & answer teacher

- Copy down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

- Asks read dialogue

*Activity 2 :10’ Word cue drill
(use present perfect tense with since / for)
a. The Robinson’s / live / HN / 2001
b. They / be / on / holiday / last week
c. They / be / Nha Trang / 3days
d. They / be / Hue / 3days, (yesterday)
<b>III. Production: 10’</b>

- Asks Ss to do 3 (P.69)

a. have lived b. haven’t eaten
c. have not seen d. have atteded
e. has worked f. has collected


- Work in individully

-Work in individually
---> in pairs

<b>IV. Home work assignment</b>

<b>-</b> Recalls the form of present perfect tense
<b>-</b> <b>+ Do exercise: 1, 2</b>

+ Prepare Speak
<b>V.textbook adaptation </b>

<b>Date of preparing:24/11/2010 Date of teaching:01/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 39</b>

<b>Unit 7: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 2: Speak and Listen</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about sending a letter a parcel by</b>
airmail or surface mail at the post office and listen to the advertisment and fill in the
missing words in it.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Vocabulary:parcel</b>,air mail ,surface mail ,exhibition,kick off

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking,listening and writing in the gaps

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b. students: textbooks,notebooks </b>
<b>III. Procedure </b>

<b>a. Revision : Net work</b>

My neighborhood

Post office
<b>b. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Pre - speaking</b>

* Vocabulary: activity:1 (5’)
- a parcel (realia)

- an air mail (example)
- surface mail (example)
- an exhibition (picture)
- (to) kick off (gesture)
- a photo (graph)

* Check: Matching
* Presentation dialogue

*Comprehension questions:

a. What does Mrs Kim want to do ?- (to send a parc
b. How much is airmail ? - (32.500 VND)

c. Which is cheaper airmail or surface mail ? (surface
d. Does Mrs Kim send the parcel airmail ? Why ?
3. While – Speaking<b> : * Mapped dialogue</b>

Clerk you

Can /help /you ? ----> want / send / this

- Work in individually

- Listen and repeat in choral
in group, in individually
- Copy down

- Reads dialogue

- Listen and practice the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

You / want / send / air ….to….

mail / surface mail ? ---> surface mail /
I weigh / It / 20 /

gram / 800 dong ---> Here / you

please / how...

Thank you ----> you / welcome
<b>4. Post - listening</b>

- Asks Ss to listen and fill in missing information in
each of the advertise

Keys: 2, Town Group 3, Speaking Contest 4,Culture
House and listening to the tape checking t/f statements
T checking and feedback

- Practice the dialogue,
using the cues in 2 P.65
(text book)

- Listen and fill in missing
information in each of the


<b>IV.. Home work assignment :+ Do exercise: 6 (47) + Prepare: Read</b>
<b>V.textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 25/11/2010 Date of teaching: 03/12/2010.</b>
<b>Period 40</b>

<b>Unit 7: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 4: Read</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b>A.aim:By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able understand the main ideas and details of </b>
the text .

<b>B. Knowledge: </b>

<b>Vocabulary:shopping mall, convenient , notice ,products, discount, air -conditioned </b>
<b>Grammar: The present perfect tense with “since, for”</b>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Reading and speaking

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a.warm up:</b>
<b>b.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b> I.Pre - reading</b>

* Vocabulary:15’

+ a shopping mall (picture)

+ convenient (synonym) useful
+ air - conditioned (translation)

+ products (example)
+ discount (explanation)
+ notice (synonym)
* Check: What and where

roof convenient
product notice
<i><b>* T/F prediction10’</b></i>

a, The mall is open 6 days a week

b, There are more than 50 stores in the mall

c, It will be more comfortable to shop in the mall than in
the present shopping area

d, Some of the stores on TP street may have to close
<b>II. While – reading10’</b>

*Activity 1:Reads the textand check their

- Reads the text

Keys: a, F; b, F; c, F; d, T; e, T

*Activity 2:Comprehention questions
- Asks some questions

- Listen and repeat in

choral in group, in

- Copy down

Predict in 2 groups

Listen and check their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

a, What’s special about the new shopping mall ? (All
the shops are under one roof...)

b, What facilities are available in the shopping
mall ? (There are 50 stores, 4 movie theatres...)

c, What do the small store owners think about the
new shopping mall ? (they think it will take their

<b>III. Post – reading 10’ * Making sentences</b>
- Gives the numbers

There are 50 air conditioned specialty stores

<b>-</b> tell the

Ss working in group

<b>IV.Home work assignment+ Do exercise: 4 (45) </b>
<b>V.textbook adaptation </b>

<b>Date of preparing: 30/11/2010 Date of teaching: 04/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 41</b>

<b>Unit 7: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 5: Write</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write o notice.</b>
<b>B. Knowledge </b>

<b>Vocabulary:effect, hard ware store </b>
<b>Grammar: </b>

<b> C. Skills: How to write a notice</b>

<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a. Revision- Asks Ss to put the follwing information in the right order of the notice.</b>
<b>b.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>


b, Date: December 15th

c, Table: tennis club

d, 40 Le Loi street - D Hoa town
e, Time: 7.00 am

Key: c - b - e - d - a

<b>I. Pre – writing: * Vocabulary:</b>

+ an effect (translation)
+ a hard ware store (example)
+ contact (translation)
+ hold (example)
<i><b>* Check: R.O.R</b></i>

* Read the notice to answer questions
- Asks Ss to read the notice to answer questions

a, Who hold the meeting ? (TP residents and the store

b, What’s the purpose of the meeting ? (To discuss the
effects of new mall)

c, What’s the date ? (20. May / 8 am)

d, What’s the place of the meeting ? (Binh’s hard ware
store, 12 Hang Da street)

e, Who’s the person to contact ? (Pham Van Tai)

<b>II. While - writing</b>

- Asks Ss to read the text in Tast 2 (P.68) to complete
the notice

“ The ...club

Date ...

Time ...

- Work in groups

- Listen and repeat in choral
in group and in individually
- Copy down

Ss to read the notice to
answer questions

- Read the notice to answer
questions in individually


Ss to read the text in Tast 2
(P.68) to complete the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

Place ...

Please contact ...

<b>III. Post - writing: Exhibition</b>

complete the notice then
share with a partner.

<b>IV. Home work assignment</b>
- Write a notice

<b>V.textbook adaptation </b>

- Prepare Language focus

<b>Date of preparing:02/12/2010 Date of teaching:06/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 42</b>

<b>Unit 7: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 6: Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use “since for” and compare some </b>

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Vocabulary:- like (not as)</b>

<b> grammar: - Present perfect tense- different from</b>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and writing


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook</b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure: a.warm up</b>

<b> b.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>I. Presentation 15’</b>

- Gives the situation and turns out the model sentence,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

- Gives the form, use, meaning.

a, The present perfect tense
<b>Form: (+) S + have / has + P2</b>

(-) S + have / has + not + P2
(?) Have / has + S + P2 ?
b, Comparation
+ As + Adj + As: So sánh bằnng
+ different from: So sánh khác nhau
+ The same as ...: Giống nhau

<b>II. Practice15’ Asks Ss to do exercise number 1 P.69 </b>
Be Go See Do Write

Been Seen Done Gone Written

- Number 2. P.69 Asks Ss to complete the expressions.
Keys: for / since / since / since

for / for / since / for

- Asks Ss to use the present perfect form of the verb in
number 3 P.69

Keys: b, have not eaten c, have not seen
d, have attended e, has worked
f, has collected

- Asks Ss to complete the conversation

1: have been 2: hope 3: have....lived.... 4: is
5: want 6: looks 7: have been 8: have seen
- Asks Ss to do number 5 (P.70)


c, different from d, the same as
e, not as big as f, the same as

g, as long as h, not as modern as i, not as cheap as

form ...

- Since: a poit of time
Since Monday, since 1987
- For: a period of time
For 2 days, for 3 weeks

Ss to do exercise number 1

-Work in groups

- Work in individually to
complete the expressions

- Work in individually


share with apartner

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

<b>III.Further Practice10’</b>

- Complete the conversation and then practice


- Work in individually
<b>V.Home work assignment: - Do exercise: 7 (P.48; P.49)</b>

<b> - Recalls the form</b>
<b>V.textbook adaptation </b>

<b>Date of preparing: 05/10/2010 Date of teaching: 7/12/2010</b>

<b>Period 43 </b>


<b>I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to recoginize their mistakes.</b>
<b>B. Knowledge:</b> <b> Correct the test </b>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Reading and speaking

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook, the test </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>

<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a.New lesson: Correct the test</b>

<b>MA TRẬN Đ</b>Ề( kiểm tra lần 1 học kỳ 1)

<b>nội dung nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>vận dụng</b> <b>tổng số</b>

<b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b> <b>TN</b> <b>TL</b>

<b>Form of</b>


<b> 1.0</b> <b>1.0</b>



<b> 1.0</b>



<b> 2.0</b> <b> </b> <b>5.0</b>

<b>reading</b> <b>4</b>

<b> 2.</b>


<b>writing</b> <b> </b> <b>4</b>

<b> 2.0 2.0</b>

<b>total</b> <b>8</b> <b>8</b> <b>4</b> <b>4</b> <b>4</b> <b>10.0</b>

<b>ĐÁP ÁN</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

and asks the answers

Keys:8B <b>I, Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm</b>
1-A 2-A 3-B 4-D

6 -A 7-C 8-D 9-B 10-B
11A 12B

<b>II, Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm</b>

1- B 2.C 3. B 4.D
<b>III,Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm (8B)</b>

1.Nam told Lan to open the door
2 .I asked her to syayed at home

3. the doctor told me I should stay in bed
4. My friends suggested going to the

<b>IV,Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 điểm </b>

11.Did not /go 12. playing 13. to give 14.
to live

<b>V,Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 điểm </b>
15. yes ,He was

16. they hoped He would become a
doctor ,too

17. He wants to become a garbage

18. because He only has to work one day a

Keys: 8A

1-A 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-C 6
-D 7-B 8-B 9-A 10-B
11D 12A

<b>II, Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm</b>

2- B 2.C 3. B


<b>III,Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm (8A)</b>
1.Nam told Hoa to give him her book
2.Ha asked me to close the window
3.my teacher asked Nam to sen that book
to Lan

4.Lan enjoys going to the cinema
IV,Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 điểm

1. stayed

2. did /live –was
3. hates/ listening
4. not to go

<b>V,Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 điểm </b>
15. yes ,He was

16. they hoped He would become a
doctor ,too

17. He wants to become a garbage

18. because He only has to work one
day a week

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

<b>Date of preparing: 06/12/2010 Date of teaching: 8/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 44</b>

<b>Unit 8: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to know about the changes in the </b>
cuontryside nowadays.

<b>B. Knowledge: talking about the changes where we live</b>

<b>Vocabulary: facility </b>,permanently ,accessible ,definitely,traditional

<b>Grammar: - Present Progressive to talk about the changes.</b>

<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and reading

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a.warm up: brain storms</b>

<b>- Asks Ss to make a list of the differences between the countryside and the city</b>
City Countryside

Noise, tall builling Beautiful views,
kinds of goods, Fresh air, frienly,
busy ... peaceful

<b>b.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

* Vocabulary:

+ entertainment (example)
+ facility (example)

+ permanently (antonym: temporarily)
+ accessible (translation)

+ definitely (translation)
<i><b> Check: R.O.R</b></i>

<b>II.While reading:</b>

a. Activity 1: 5’ Presentation dialogue
- T asks Ss read the dialogue

<i><b> b. Activity 2 : 15’ Comprehention question</b></i>
<i><b> -T asks Ss read the dialogue and answer the questions</b></i>
a.She has been to Kim Lien, a village in the countryside
b.She was there for the weekend

c.She thinks the country village is very quite and

d She mean that there is not much workfor people to do
e.She mentions electricity and medical facilities

f. (possible answer)

c. Activity 3: 15’Word cue drill

<i><b>-T gives some cues & asks Ss to complete the sentences</b></i>
a. air / city / get / polluted

b. many lakes / rivers / become / dry
<i><b>Example: The air in the city is getting polluted</b></i>

T asks Ss answer the question

“ Do you prefer to live in the city or in the
countryside ? Why ? ”

- Copy down

- Listen and read

Ss read the dialogue again
and answer the questions
-Ss Work in group

Ss complete the sentences
Work in group

Comparing their sentences
Coppy down

Ss answer the question

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 7/12/2010 Date of teaching: 09/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 45</b>

<b>Unit 8: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 2: Speak and Read</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the changes of their </b>
town,village or neighborhood

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Grammar:</b> - Present Progressive to show the changes with “get & become”.
<b>C. Skills: talking about the changs of the town, listening and completing the gaps </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a.warm up: 5’ gesssing games</b>
<b>b.New lesson: </b>

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Ss’activities</b>

<b>I.Pre – speaking: 5’</b>

- T asks Ss to remind what Hoa said about countryside

 Things are changing in the countryside
 Many remote areas are getting electricity
 Life in the provinces is changing for the better

<i>⇒</i> how to use the present progressive
<b>II.While – speaking: </b>

* Activity 1<i>:</i> 10’ Talk about the changes of the

- Ss answer

Ss writing in the notebooks

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

-T asks Ss look at the picture on page 74 then find out
the differences between two these pictures

a. Houses:small/tall, big

b.Means of transport: bikes/ motorbikes/ cars
c.Streets: quiet/ busy, noisy

d.Shops: lots of shops/ goods/ prices

e.Children: Many not go to shool/go to school
f.Enviroment: trees/ park

* Activity 2: 10’Talk about changes in your

Example: Five years agothe town was quiet but now it
is becoming noisy and busy………
<b>III.Post – speaking: 5’</b>

- T asks Ss write about the changes of their town,
village or neighborhood

<b>IV.listening: 15’</b>

T asking ss to predict the gaps
T giving ss to listen to the tape
T giving ss to listen again and check

T feedback and give keys: 1that, 2this,3it’s, 4where, 5
from ,6coming ,7nextweek, 8arriving ,9 Thursday ,10
late ,11aftarnoon ,12speak ,13my ,14 get

about the changes of the

- Ss talk about changes in
your hometown

- Ss work in pairs

Ss write about the changes
of their town, village or

Ss predicting the gaps
Ss working in group

Ss listening to the tape and

complete the gaps

Comparing with friends

<b>IV.Homework : </b>

- Prepare for “Read”

- Do ex 2, 3 ( language focus )
<b>IV.textbook adaptation:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

<b>Unit 8: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 3:</b> <b>Read</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand ideas & details of the text</b>
<b>B. Knowledge:</b> Problem of big city

<b>Vocabulary:- to struggle - typhoon - flood - drought - strain - tragedy </b>
<b>Grammar:- Present Progressive to show the changes </b>

<b>C. Skills:</b> reading about the differences of the city snd the urban

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>a.warm up: Chatting</b>
- T asks some questions

<b>1.</b> Why do people want to go to the city ?

<b>2.</b> What problem may arise when so many people move to the cities ?
<b>3. b.New lesson: </b>

<b>I.Pre – reading :</b>

Activity1 10’ * Vocabulary:
- to struggle (traslation)

- typhoon (traslation)
- flood (example)

- drought (antonym:flood)
- strain (explanation)
- tragedy (traslation)

Ss give answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

<i><b>Checking :R.O.R</b></i>

Activity1 10’ *Open – prediction:
- T asks Ss guess the missing words i
<b>II.While –reading :</b>

<i><b>*Activity 1: 7’ Read the text and check prediction</b></i>
- T asks Ss read the text and check their prediction

*Activity 2 : 8’ Find the wordsin the passage
- T asks Ss read the text again and do task 2

<b>Keys: a. of the coutryside </b> <i>→</i> rural
b. as many as needed <i>→</i> plentiful
c. become greater or larger <i>→</i> increase
d. a great pressure <i>→</i> strain

e. a terrible event <i>→</i> tragedy
f. of the city or city life <i>→</i> urban
<b>III. Post – reading:10’</b>

T asks Ss to do Language focus 4 P.79

Ss work in group

Ss work in group togive

Ss read the text and check
their prediction

Ss read the text again
and answer the questions
Ss complete the sentences
Work in group

<b>IV. Homework assignment:- Prepare for “write</b>
- Recall vocabularies

<b>V.textbook adaptation:: </b>

<b>Date of preparing: 12/12/0/2010 Date of teaching: 21/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 47</b>

<b>Unit 8: </b> <b> </b>


<b>Lesson 4:</b> <b>Write</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to their friend about </b>
their homevillage

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>


<b>C. Skills:</b> Writing a letter with the word cues

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>B. Procedure</b>


- T asks the following questions:

 Have you ever written a letter ?

 How often do you write to your friends ?

 How many sections are ther in a letter ?

<b>b.New lesson:</b>
<b>I.Pre – writing:</b>

 <i><b>Activity 1</b><b> :5’Correct order</b></i>
<b>-</b> Heading

<b>-</b> Opening
<b>-</b> Body of letter
<b>-</b> Closing

 <b>Activity 2 : 10’ Answer question</b>

<b>-</b> T asks Ss answer the questions on P.76 –
task 2 (text book)

<b>II.While – writing: 15’</b>

- T asks Ss practice writing a letter to a friend, using the
questions above

 <i>Possible letter:</i>
Dear Lan,

I live in Hue, a beautiful city in the central of Viet Nam
Our hometown is small & still poor………

-Ss work in group to put the
outline for a letter in the

correct order

-Ss writing in the notebooks

Ss answer the questions
Ss work in pairs

Ss working in group to
write a letter to a friend

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<b>III.Post – writing: 10’ Sharing and comparing</b>

- T asks Ss to share and compare their letter with their

- T choose the best letter and give feed back on them

Ss share and compare their
letter with their partners
<b>IV. Homework assignment - Recall the main poits</b>

- Prepare for “Language focus”
<b>V.textbook adaptation::</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 14/12/2010 Date of teaching: 15/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 48 </b>

<b>Unit 8 </b>


<b>Lesson 5: Language focus </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the future ,to comparate </b>

<b>B, Knowledges: </b>

<b>Grammar: Present Progressive with “get” and “become”</b>
Comparative and surperative adjectives
<b>C,Skill : writing, speaking </b>


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

<b>a. warm up:</b>
<b>b.New lesson : </b>

<b>Teachers'activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

Reads the dialogue ,then asks Ss to practice the

<b>2. Present continous tense.</b>

Recalls the form by asking questions
What are you doing ?
What is He doing?

-Reads the dialogue ,then asks Ss to practice the

-Reads the text, then asks Ss to practice
Key: 1,are doing 2,am listening to

3,am going to 4,are cleaning 5,am having
<b>3.Get and become</b>

Explains the request of the lesson ,makes an example to


a.She is getting thin.

b.The old men are getting weak.
c.It is getting dark.

d.The weather is becoming cold.
e. The students are changing better.
f. The school yard is becoming cleaning

Asks Ss to compate these things between the city and


-Food -entertainments
-Trafic -electricity
-air -transport

-school -medical

Ex: The food in the city is more expensive than the
food in the country .

<b>5. Compare the house,the villa, and the apartment.</b>
-Asks Ss to Compare the house,the villa, and the


a. The house is more expensive than the

dialogue in pairs

Give the form

S + Is/Am/Are +V-ing.
Listen and practice the text
Copy down the form

Listen and work in in
dividually to complete the

Ss work in groups to
compare these things
between the city and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>


b. The villa is the oldest home.

S1: The apartment is cheaper than the villa
S2: The villa is bigger than the apartment.
S3: The apartment is the hottest home.
<b>IV.Homework assignment:</b>

- Check the form : S+ is/am/are +V-ing
- Learn the form

- Prepare for Revew
<b>V.textbook adaptation::</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 18/12/2010 Date of teaching :20/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 49 </b>


<b>I.Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to remember what they’re learnt </b>
from Unit 1 - 3.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Vocabulary: from unit 1 to unit 3</b>
<b>Grammar:</b> + Simple present tense
+ Simple past tense

+ Near future.

+ Modal verbs
+ Why - Because
+ Reflecive pronouns
+ Enough

<b>C. Skills: review the knowledges they have learnt</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>A.warm up</b>
<b>B. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>1.Recalls the tense, structures by asking some </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

a. What did you do yesterday ?
b. Did you wash your clothes ?
c. Why do you go to school late ?
- Asks Ss to do the exercise

a. Last year I (go) to Hue city

b. Tonight Linh (go) to the cinema with me
c. She usually (play) games

<b>2. Use reflexive pronouns</b>
a. She does it ...

b. They goto school ...
c. I cook dinner ...

d. You must learn English .

<b>3. Rewrite these sentences, use cue words.</b>
a. Huy was ill (He, ought / doctor)

b. I don’t go out with you because
I must do my home work (why)

c. Tuan is strong. He can lift the heavy box (enough)

a.He ought to go to doctor

b.Why don’t you go out with me ?

c.He is strong enough to lift the heavy box

b. No, I didn’t do it myself
c. Because I missed the


Work in individually --> in
pairs to do


b. is going to go

Ss write

<b>IV. Homework assignment </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

<b>Date of preparing:20/12/2010 Date of teaching :21/12/2010</b>
<b>Period 50: </b>


<b>I.Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remain knowledge from unit 1 to unit </b>

<b>B. Knowledges: </b>

<b>Grammar: - The simple present, </b>
- Simple past tense,
- Used to.,

- Enough.+ adj +to +v-infi :
<b>C,Skill: writing, speaking </b>


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

<b>B.New lesson:</b>

<b> Teacher'activities</b>

<b> Presentation :</b>

<b>-Recalls the fofm ,the use, the meaning by asking some </b>

What do you offten do in the morning?
What are you doing?

What did you do last night?
The form:

<b>a.The simple present </b>

Form : S+ V-es/s
Use : Tell the truth.
<b>b.Be going to </b>

Use: to talk about intention
<b>c.The simple past tense</b>

Form : S+ V-ed.

<b>Students' activities</b>

Listen and answer the
questions in dividually
I offten go to school in the

I am going to school.you

I watched TV last night

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

Use : to talk events ,actions which finished
<b>d.Used to. </b>

Form : S+ Used to + V-infinitive.

Use : to talk about past habit which are now finished.
<b>e. (not) adj + enough +to +infi </b>

<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>* Put the verbs in the correct tense</b></i>

Asks Ss to put the verbs in the correct tense.
a. In 1890 they …..( speak ) English.

b. Yesterday,She…. (eat) noodles.

c. Tomorrow I… (be) going to go to the cinema with you.
d.Hoa used to…. (take) her child to school.

e….he use to….. (play) football ?
Yes, he did.

f. The sun …..(rise) in the east
<i><b>*Rewrite these sentences </b></i>

- Asks Ss to rewrite these sentences .

<b>a.</b> She is strong .She can carry this bag.
<b>b.</b> The fire is not hot .It will not boil a kettle
<b>c.</b> It is warm . We can go swimming.

<b>d.</b> He is young. He can go far alone.

a. She is strong enough.to carry this bag.
b.The fire is not hot enough.to boil a kettle
c. It is warm enough for us to.go swimming.

d. He is young enough to go far alone.

Work in individually to to
put the verbs in the

correct tense.
<b>a.</b> spoke
<b>b.</b> ate
c .am

e .Did –play
f. rises

Ss work in in individually
to rewrite these sentences

<b>IV Homework assignment : </b>
Check the form
<b> - Learn the form</b>

- Do exercise 2-3 (P.20 in Workbook)
<b>V.textbook adaptation:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

<b>Period 51 </b>


<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remember what they have learnt from </b>
U4 to U6.

<b>B. Knowledge:</b>

<b>Vocabulary: from unit 4 to unit 6</b>
<b>Grammar: - Simple past tense</b>

- Reported speech
- Either

- Ask for a favor
- Used to + V-inf
<b>C. Skills:</b> Speaking and wtiting

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>A. Revison: Play game Palmanism</b>
go tie take mend
went tied took mened

<b>B.new lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’s activities</b>

<b>2. Presentation</b>

<i><b> a, Simple past tense:</b></i>

- Asks Ss to give the form, the use the meaning.
* S + V - ed

I ran home

She went to the market
* Used to + V bare - inf

I used to cry when I was 2 years old.
b, Advice some one<i>.</i>

- Give: Should + V - Inf

Working in group &
answering teacher

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

c, Reported speech
- Gives the form:


Tell someone + to do something

d, Ask for a favor

- Asks Ss to ask for a favor (give situations)
e, Offering assistanc

<b>2. Practice::Put the verbs in the correct tense.</b>
a, Last night I (watch) TV

b, She (buy) a car last year.

c, In the story, the man (tie) the tiger.

d, When Lan was a little girl, she (use) play football
<i><b>* Rewrite these sentences.</b></i>

a, “ Can you give Hoa this book ?”
b, “Please repair my watch”

<b>3. Further practice:</b>

- Asks Ss to do exercises 6,7 (P.43) in Unit 6.

- You should ....

- Copy the form and give

I ask her to give me a pen
She told me to keep this story.
Could you help me...

Could you do me a favor ?
May I help you ?

Do you need any help ?
Let me help you

Work in individually
Miss Lan asked...
Miss Tan told me ....
- Work in individually

<b>IV.Home work assignment: </b>

<b>- Do exercise 4-5 (P.25 in Workbook)</b>
<b> V. textbok adaptation:</b>

Date of preparing: 21/12/2010 Date of teaching :25/12/2010
<b>Period 52 </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remain knowledge from unit 4 to unit</b>

<b>B. Knowledges:</b>

<b>Vocabulary: from unit 5 to unit 8 </b>
<b> Grammar: a.The present perfect</b>
Form : S+ have/ has +P2.

Present Progressive with get and becomes
Comparative and superlative

<b>C.Skill: writing, speaking </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

a. Warm up:
<b> bNew lesson : </b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b> Presentation:</b>

<b>-Recalls the fofm ,the use, the meaning by asking some </b>

How long have you learn English?
What is the weather like?

+ The form:

<i><b> a.The present perfect </b></i>

Form : S+ have/ has +P2.
b.The present progressive tense

Form : S+ is/am /are +V-ing

Use : to talk about the future and to show the changes
with get and become

c. Comparative and superlative
 <i><b>Comparative:</b></i>

+ Short adj + ER + than…..
+More + Long adj +than …..

 <i><b>Superlative:</b></i>

+The + Short adj + EST…..
+The most + Long adj …..

<b>Students' activities</b>

Listen and answer the
questions in dividually
I have learnt English since

It is cold and colder.
Copy down the form and
give examples

I have learnt English since

She has lived in VH for 3

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

<i><b>d.Should /Ought to/Must +V-inf.</b></i>

<b>e.</b> <i><b>Ask/said /told +SO +to do some thing</b><b> .</b><b> </b></i>
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>* Put the verbs in the correct tense</b></i>

Asks Ss to put the verbs in the correct tense.
a. She asks me …(buy) a book.

b. Linh told me ….(meet) Tom at here.

c. Miss Chau said “You should .(leart) lesson at home”.
d. They…(live ) in VH since 40 years

e .You …(live ) in VH for 4 years
f, She …just…(eat) cakes.

g.….You….(see) him?

h. Yes,I ..(see) him yesterday.
i. The summer is the…(hot) in VN
j. Winter is the…(cold) in VN

k. This ruler is…(short) than that ruler
l.This bike is ….(expensive) than that bike.

 <i><b>Rewrite these sentences .</b></i>
-Asks Ss to rewrite these sentences .

1.’’Please lend me your dictionary,lan” said Hoa.

2 ‘’Can you help me with my homework?” Minh said to
her sister.

3’’You should practice English every day” the teacher
said me.

 Asks Ss to put the letter in the order of a letter.
1.Dear Lan,

2 Your friend.

3 Next Sunday Father will drive Mom and me to DS
Water Park .

4. 99 Le loi street

5. Please let me know whether you can go .
6 .Can you join us?

7 .Mai Huong.

8 .December 14,2004.

9 .We can stop at your house at about 8.30 to pick
you up.

I am taller than Hoa.
I am more beautiful than

She is the tallest girl.
Hoa is the most beautiful
girl in my class.

Work in individually to put
the verbs in the correct

a. to buy
b. to meet
c. leart
d. have lived
e. have lived
f. has ..eaten
g. Have…seen
h. Saw

i. Hottest
j. Coldest
k. Shorter

l. More expensive

Ss work in in individually
to rewrite these sentences .
1.Hoa asked Lan to lend


2. Minh asked her sister to
help her with her


<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

10 .Ho chi minh city

Keys: 4-10-8-1-3-6-9-5-2-7 Ss work in in individually
to put the letter in the order
of a letter

<b>IV. Homework : </b>

-Do exercise 2-3 (P.30 in Workbook)
<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

Date of preparing: 25/12/2010 Date of teaching :27/12/2010
<b>Period 53 </b>



<b>A. Aim : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remain knowledge from unit 1 to </b>
unit 8

<b>B.Knowledges: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>


<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

A,Warm up:
<b>B,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s & Students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
+ Have Ps retell the tenses they’ve


- Ask them to tell the use of each

- Help Ps to remember the use of
each tense carefully then give
examples to illustrate.

Have Ps copy them make up

Have Ps practice to talk about the
actions using each tenses

<b>I. Tenses: </b>

1. Present simple tense:

a. The engines… ( make ) a little of noise

b.The sea … ( cover ) two – third of the

c. Loud music.. ( give ) me a headache
d. Oranges … ( be ) rich in vitamin C

a. make c. gives
b. Covers d. are
<b>2. Present progressive tense</b>
3. Past simple tense

4. Future tense

5. Present perfect tense
<b>II. Reported speech </b>
<b>1. Command, request</b>
<b>2. Advice </b>

* Note: T2<sub> + gt – đổi ngôi ( t1-t3)</sub>

<b>III. Used to + V – inf: đã từng thường xun</b>
xảy ra trong q khứ khơng cịn ở hiện tại.
Eg1: I used to cook meals

(-) S+ didn’t + used to + v – inf
( ?) Did + s + used to + V- inf ?

<b>IV.Prepositions: in, on, at, after, between </b>
1. In + Year ( in 1990)

month ( in June )
2. on + date: ( on 17th<sub> )</sub>

date:, month , year ( on June 2nd,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

- Give Ps an exercise:

* Complete the sentences with the
correct form of verbs in brackets
- Ask Ps to work in pairs and in
groups to do exercise.

- Ask Ps to make up as many
senteces as they can using the tenses

3. at + time ( at 5 pm)

* Fill in each blank with one suitable word
1. I usually go swimming on Tuesday
2. I got up at 7 o’clock this morning
3. Tim came round ..in the afternoon

4. The children get too many presents at

5. We usually take our holiday in september
6. She was born in 1990

<b>IV.homework asignment: </b>
preparing for text

<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 05/01/2011 Date of teaching:06/01/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 55 </b>

<b>Unit 9:</b>


<b>Lesson 1</b>


<b>Getting Started -Listen and read</b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to know about first aid course</b>

<b>Vocabulary:cover the wound ,lcohol hold tight, fall off one’s bike, bandage ,stop </b>

<b>Grammar: Giving instructions (impeatives)</b>
<b>C.Skill: speaking </b>

<b>II preparations:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

<b>III.Procedures: </b>
<b>New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b>
<b> Revison: 5’</b>

-Uses pictures at P.81 to ask some questions:
a.Do you often use these thing ?

b.When do you use them?
<b>I.Pre-teaching: Vocabulary 10’</b>

+ (to ) cover the wound (gesture):
+(to)stop bleeding (realia):

+ (to) hold tight (mine): giữ chặt
+(to) fall off one’s bike (picture):

+A bandage (realia): băng gạc
+alcohol (realia):

<b>Check : Slap the board</b>
<b>II.while teacing . </b>

<b> *Activity 1: 10’ Presentation dialogue</b>
-Reads the dialogue, then asks Ss to practice
-Asks Ss answer the following question:

<i> What will you do when your friend falls off </i>
<i>his</i>/her <i>bike ?</i>

- Stop the bleeding
- Cover the wound

<b>*Activity 1: 10’ Selection the topic</b>

-Gives some situations and asks Ss to list the first

a. A girl has a burn on her arm
b. A boy has a nose bleed
<b>III.post-teacing 5’</b>

- Asks Ss to play Chain game
- Gives the situations

'' Aboy has a bad cut on his finger""

<b>Students' activities</b>
Answer questions in

Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups, in

Copy down

Listen and practice

-. stop bleeding
-cover the wound

Ss work in groups to list the
first aid-courses

a.cool the burn, ease pain
with ice

Work in groups to play

Ss work in groups to list the
first aid-courses

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

<b> IV.Homework assignment: </b>
- Vocab about first aid course
<b> -Do exercises 1 ,2 P.55</b>

- Prepare ''Speak and Listen"
<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 07/01/2011 Date of teaching: 10/01/0211</b>
<b> Period 56 </b>

<b>Unit 9:</b>


<b>Lesson 2: Speak and Listen </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to practice speaking,using requests, </b>
offers and promises

B, Knowledges:

Grammar: Can/ Could you....
Will/ Would you ...
I promise I will ../will not

<b> C,Skills: Speaking about the invitation and reqestion , listening and matching the </b>

<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>

<b> 1.Revision: Matching5’</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

Keys: a.have a bad cut on her finger
b.have a headache

c,be bitten by a snake
d.have a fever

e.break the vase
2,New lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b>
<b>I.Pre -speaking. 5’</b>

* Presentation text

-Reads the text, then asks Ss to practice
* Model sentences 10’

<b>* Request Can/could (you give me a pen)?</b>

I am sorry,I can not.

<b>* Offers Would you like some orange?</b>
Yes ,please /No, thank you
<b>* Promises I will meet you at ....</b>

I hope so/ Good
Do not forget
<b>II While -speaking . 15’</b>

Models the situation in picture a at P.82

<b>A.</b> can you give me a bandaga, please
<b>B.</b> B. Sure ,here you are

<b>III.Post-speaking : 5’ </b>

Asks Ss to do exercise 6P.57 in work book then listen to
the tape to put A...F in the corect order

Check the form : Can/ Could you....

Will/ Would you ...
I promise I will ../will not

<b>* Listening: 5’ matching the items with the words in </b>
the box

T correcting

<b>Students' activities</b>
Work in in individually to
match them with the
pictures at P.82

Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups, in

Copy down

Work in pairs,using the
pictures b,c,d

S1:Can you give me a

S2: Sure. Here you are
Do exercise in individually
Listen to the tape to put
A...F in the corect order

<b> </b> <b>IV.Homework assignment:</b>
- Learn vocab, the form

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

<b> </b> <b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 08/01/2011 Date of teaching:11/01/09</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 57 </b>

<b>Unit 9</b>


<b>Lesson 3: Reading</b>

<b> </b>


A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details
of the text

B, Knowledges:

Vocabulary:victim ,elevate, revise,over heat, ease, force
Grammar: First-aid course

<b>C,Skills: Reading about the first-aid in many situations</b>
<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook</b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

1.Revision:.Jumbled words

a. paentit = b. gudr =
c. hoalcol = d. looc
2,New lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>


<b> *Vocabulary: 10’</b>

+ (to ) force (explaination): buộc , bắt buộc

Work in group to play
= patient

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

+ (to) elevate (mine ): nâng lên
+ (to) revise ( explaination)
+(to)minimize (synomy: reduce s th)

+(to) over heat (synomy :to make S.T become too

+(to) ease (mine ): sự thoải mái
+a victim ( explaination ):
<b>Check : Slap the board </b>

*Open prediction: 5’

Gives some situations and asks Ss to answer questions:

What will you do if your friend has fainting/ shock/

<b>II.While -reading.</b>

*Activity 1: 10’ Reads the text ,asks Ss to read it
to check their ideas

Answer keys:

<i><b>Fainting: - Leave the patient lying flat</b></i>

- Don't let him or her to sit or stand..
<i><b>Shock : - Don't overheat the victim with blankets or </b></i>

- Dont'give the victim any foot or drink...
<i><b>Burn: - Ease pain with ice or cold water packs</b></i>

- Cover the burned area with a sterile dressing
*Activity 2: 10’ Asks Ss to read the text to
choose a correct case (P.84)

Answer keys:

a.A b.B c.A d.C e A
<b>III. Post-reading 5’</b>

Asks Ss to do exercises 2,3(P.55-56 work book)

= alcohol
= cool

Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups, and in

Copy down

Work in groups to play
game slap the board

Work in groups to answer

Ss read the text to check
their ideas

Ss read the text to choose a
corrects case

Ss do exercises 2,3(P.55-56
work book)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

- Do exercise 4 P56

- Prepare Unit 9 Lesson 4 Write
<b>V. Textbook adaption:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 08/01/2011 Date of teaching:11/02/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 58: </b>

<b>Unit 9:</b>

<b> </b>


<b>Lesson 4: Write </b>

<b>A.Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a thank -you note</b>
B, Knowledges:


Grammar: Simple past ,Simple Future

<b> C,Skills: Writing a thank- you notee a friend to go on apicnic</b>
<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

1.Revision: Pelmanism5’

1 2 3 4 5
Give send be recieve feel
Felt recieved was/were sent gave

<b>2.New lesson</b>:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>I.Pre-writing: Gap-fill 10’</b>

Asks Ss to complete the thank -you note Nga send to

<i><b>Answer key:</b></i>

1. was 2.were 3.helped
4.came 5.was 6.phone
<b>3.While-writing: 20’</b>

-Ss: Work in in

individually to complete the
thank -you note Nga send to
Hoa,use the correct

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

-Asks Ss to answer the questions at P.85
-Asks Ss to practice writing a thank note
Example :

Dear Phuong,

Thank you very much for the book you sent me while I
was in the summer holiday. It was intersting and it realy
helped me ...

Now I am going to go on a picnic .Would you like to
go with me ? I 'd love to see you.

I phoned you on Sunday morning

Your friend.
4. Post-<b> writing</b>:<b>: Exhibition 5’</b>

-Asks Ss to stick their poster on the board and gives

-Ss working in group to
prepare the answer

-Ss Answer the questions at
P.85 in individually

-Work in in individually to
write a thank -you note
using the answer .Then
share ideas

Stick their poster on the
board and choose the best
thank -note

<b> </b> <b> IV.Homework assignment:</b>

- Do exercise

- Prepare Unit 9 Lesson 5

- use the same format to write another letter to another friend for other

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

<b>Date of preparing: 10/01/2011 Date of teaching:18/01/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 59 </b>

<b>Unit 9: </b>

<b> </b>


<b>Lesson 5: </b> <b>Language focus </b>


<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to make the requests, offers and </b>
promises and know the way to use Simple Future

B. Knowledges:

Grammar: Simple Future, in order to ,so as to
Can/ Could you....

Will/ Would you ...

I promise I will ../will not
<b>C.Skills: Writing and Reading,doing exercise </b>

<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

<b> A. Review</b>

-Reviews the way to use "in order to ,so as to,future tense requests, offers and promises
B.New lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>1. </b>

<b> Language focus 1: (P 86)</b>

-Asks Ss to match one of a sentence from column A
with part in colum B .Then write a complete a
sentenceby using "in order to /so as to"

<b>Answer key:</b>

1-f 2-c 3-b 4-e 5-d 6-a

1.Mary wrote a notice on the board in

order to inform her classmates about the change in

2. Mr Green got up early this morningso
as to get to the meeting on time

Work in individually to
match one of a sentence
from column A with part in
colum B .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

3.My elder brother studies hard this year
in order to pass the entrance exam to the university
<b>2.Language focus 2: ( P86)</b>

Asks Ss to complete the dialogue,use the correct word
or short form.

Answer key:

1. shall 2.Will 3.won't 4.Shall
5.will 6.will

Then asks Ss to practice the dialogue
<b>3. Language focus 3: (P86)</b>

-sets a scence to introduce the situations
Nga is helping her grandmother

-Asks Ss to complete the sentences ,use the words
under each picture and will

-Correct their mistakes

<b> Answer key:</b>

b.Will you give it to me?

c Will you answer the telephone ?
d.Will you turn on T.V?

e.Will you pour a glass of water..?
f.Will you get a cushion, ?

<b>4. Language focus 4P87</b>

-Asks Ss to make requests ,offers or promise
Answer key:

b. Will you paint the door?
c. I promise I 'll study harder .
d. Shall I cary it for you?
e. Will you hang clother ?
f. Will you cut the vegetables?

Work in pairs to complete
the dialogue,use the correct
word or short form.

Then practice the dialogue
in pairs

Complete the sentences, use
the words under each

picture and will in

,share ideas

Then practice the dialogue
in pairs

Work in pairs to make
requests ,offers or promise

IV <b> Homework assignment:</b>
- Do ex 6,7 P.57

- Prepare Unit 10 Lesson 1 Getting started-Listen and read
<b>V. textbook adaptation: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

<b>Unit 10:</b>

<b> </b>


<b>Lesson 1: </b> <b>Getting Started -Listen and read</b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to know about things we can reuse, </b>
reduce and receycle .How can we recycle them

<b>B. Knowledges: </b>

Vocabulary:over package ,reuse ,reduce .recycle

Grammar: Adjectives followed by an to infinitive or a noun clause

<b>C.Skill: Speaking and reading</b>

<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

<b> A.Revision:5’</b>
-Asks Ss question:

What should you do to reduce the amount of garbage we produce ?
<b>B.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>I.Pre-teaching: 5’</b>

+ (to ) over package (translation):
+(to) reuse (explanation) :
+ (to) reduce (explanation:):
<b>Check : Slap the board </b>

b.Model sentences: 5’
It is not difficult to remember

I am pleased that you want to know more.
The form: 1.

It is + adj + to + V-infi


s+to be+adj+ that clause


<b>a.Activity 1 :Presentation dialogue . 5’ </b>
-Reads the dialogue, then asks Ss to practice

<b>b.Activity 2: Comprehension question10’</b>
-Asks some qs in the text book:

Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups, in

Copy down

Work in groups to play

Reading in group

,individual and Copy down
the form

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

<i><b>Answer keys:</b></i>

a.Reduce means not buying products which are

b.Envelopes,glass,plastic bottles and old plastic bags
c. Recycle means don't throw things away,tryand find
another use for them

d.Contact an organization like Friends of the earth...

f. Ba says : It is not difficult to remember
<b>c.Activity 3:Brainstorming5’</b>

-Asks Ss to read the dialogue to list the things they can
reuse and recycle

<b>4.Post-teaching:Mapped dialogue 10’</b>

<i>Miss Lam Ba</i>

What /you/ protect/ We/remember/3 Rs

What/they? Reduce,recycle,reuse
I/pleased /you understand It /uesful/know/how
the lesson protect /environment

Ss work in groups to list the
things they can reuse and

Recycle: used paper,used

ic bottles and old plastic

Ss work in pairs

S1:What should we do to
protect environment ?
S2:We should remember 3

S1: what are they?
S2: They

are,recycle,reuse ,reduce.
S1:I am pleased that you
understand the lesson

S2:It is useful to know how
to protect environment
IV.Homework assignment:

- Do exercise

- Prepare ''Speak and Listen"
<b> V.textbook adaptation: </b>

<b>Date of preparing: 18/01/2011 Date of teaching:21/01/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 61: </b>

<b>Unit 10:</b>

<b> </b>


<b>Lesson 2 Speak and Listen </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>


Grammar: Giving instructions and responding the instructions

<b>C.Skill: Speaking about deviding gabarge and listening how to make the compost</b>
<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

A.warm up: gessing games 5’
<b> B.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>1. Revision: Matching5’</b>
-Asks Ss to match

1.reuse a. rác

2.recycle b. kim loại
3.garbage c. vai soi

4.plastic d. tái sử dụng
5.fabric e nhựa

6.leather f.tái chế
7.metal g. da thú

Answer keys:1- d 2- f 3- a 4- e 5 - c 6- e
7- b

<b>I. </b>

<b> Pre-speaking : 10’</b>

Asks Ss to look at the picture on P .91 (text book) and
decide which group each item belongs to

Answer keys:

Paper: used news papers..
Glass: bottles..

Plastic: pastic bags ...
Fabric: clothes..
Leather: shoes..
Metal: drink cans

Vegetable matter: friut pees...

<b>II.While -speaking:</b><i><b>Mapped dialogue</b></i><b> 15’</b>

<i>Lan Ba</i>

Which group/ clothes Put/ fabric

Work in individually to

Look at the picture on P .
91 (text book) and decide
which group each item
belongs to

Ss working in

individually,-in groups
Work in pairs to make
dialogue,then practice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>


What /we /do /them? We/recycle/them/
to make/ paper/shopping

<b>III.Post-speaking (listening) 10’</b>

-Asks Ss to listen to the tape to check the correct answer
-T giving the answers

A, B,B,B

S1: What can we do with

S2:We can recycle them
and make them into paper
of shopping bags

Ss Listen to the tape to
check the correct answer

<b> IV : Homework:</b>

- Do exercise 6 P.57
- Prepare Read
<b>V.textbook adaptaion:</b>

<b>Dateof preparing: 20/01/2011 Date of teaching:24/01/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 62 </b>

<b>Unit 10</b>

<b> </b>

<b> RECYCLE</b>

<b>Lesson 3: </b> <b>read </b>


<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details </b>

of the text

<b>B. Knowledges : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

Gramar: Passive forms

<b>C.Skill: Reading about the things can recycle </b>
<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>

<b>III.Procedures: A:Brainstorming5’</b>

Things we can recycle
<b>B.New lesson</b>:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>I. Pre-reading: 5’</b>

+ (to ) melt (situation):
+ (to) refill (explanation) :
+ deposit (example):
+ glassware (example):
+ floorcovering (example):
<b>Check : What and where</b>

<b>b.T/F statement prediction. 10’</b>

- Asks Ss to predict T/F

1. Cars tires can be reused to make pipes and floor

2. Old car tires can be uesd to make shoes and

3. The empty bottles can be uesd only one time
4. People collect glass and send to the factories to

make new glass ware

5. Farmers use house old and garden waster to make

<b> II. While-reading: </b>

<b>a.Activity 1: 10’ Read the text to check </b>

-Asks Ss to read the text P.92 (text book) to check their

<b>Answer key: 1-F 2-T 3-F 4-T 5-T</b>
<b>b.Activity 2: 10’ Answer the questions</b>

Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups, in

Copy down

Work in groups to play

What and Where

Work in groups to predict

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

- Asks Ss to read the text P.92 (text book) to answer the

<i><b>Answer key:</b></i>

a. People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles
b. The glass is broken up, melted and made into

new glassware.

c. The Oregon government made a new law that
there must be a deposit on all drink cans . The
deposit is returned when peolpe bring the cans
back for recycling

d. Compost is make from household and garden

e. If we have a recycleing story to share ,we cans

call of fax the magazine at 5265456

<b>III. Post -reading : 5’ Do part 2 P.93 (text book) </b>
T asking ss to complete the senteces

Read the text P.92 (text
book) to answer the

questions in individually, in
groups to play game lucky

Ss Do part 2 P.93 (text
book) in

Individually,then share
their ideas

<b> </b> <b>IV.Homework Assignment:</b>
- Do exercise

- Prepare Unit 10 Lesson 4 Write :
V. textbook adaptaion:

<b> Date of preparing : 22/01/2011 Date of teaching:27/01/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 63 </b>

<b>Unit 10</b>

<b> RECYCLE</b>

<b>Lesson 4: write </b>


<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write instructions on how to prepare </b>
the dry tea leaves to keep mosquitoes away

<b>B. Knowledges:</b>

Vocabulary: soak, wrap, scatter, mesh
Grammar: Adverbs of time and imperatives

C.Skills: Writing instructions on how to prepare the dry tea leaves to keep mosquitoes

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

<b>A, warm up: shark attack 5’</b>
<b>B.New lesson: </b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>I. Pre-writing:</b>
<b>a.Pre-teach 5’</b>

+ (to ) soak (mime): ngam
+ (to) wrap (mime): goi
+ (to) scatter (mime): rai, rac

+ (to) mesh (visual aid): luoi ,mang luoi

<b> Check : R.O.R</b>

<b>b.Gap fill. 10’</b>

- Asks Ss to complete the recycling instruction,using
the verbs in the box

<i><b>Answer keys :</b></i>

1.use 2.mix 3.place 4.press
5.wrap 6. wait . 7. dry
<b>II.While-writing: 15’</b>

-Asks Ss to to make the instructions on how to prepare
the tea leaves make the instructions on how to prepare
the tea leaves using pictures and key words in part 2 P.
94 (text book)


First, take the used tea leaves from the tea pot
Next ,scatter the tea leaves on a tray

Then dry the leaves in the sun

Finally ,put the dry leaves in a pot for future use
<b>II.Post- writing: 10’</b>

-Asks Ss to stick their writing on the board to correct
each other

-Then gives feedback in front of class

-Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups, in

Copy down

-Complete the recycling
instruction,using the verbs in
the box in individually, in

-Then read it

Write the instructions on
how to prepare the tea
leaves,using pictures and
key words in part 2 P. 94
(text book) in individually,
then share with a friend

Ss ticking their writing on
the board to correct each

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

<b>IV. Homework assignment : </b>
- Leaning vocabulary

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

<b>Date of preparing:25/01/2011 Date of teaching: 28/01/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period 64 </b>

<b>Unit 10</b>

<b> RECYCLE</b>

<b>Lesson 5: Language focus </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write the passive forms and use the </b>
adjectives follwed by to infinitive and a noun clause

B. Knowledges: Passive forms

Adjectives follwed by an infinitive and a noun clause
<b>C.Skills : Writing and reading </b>

<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

A,warm up: guessing games
B.New lesson<b> : </b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>1 .Passive forms 10’</b>

-Reviews the form by giving an active sentence then

change into passive sentence

I write a letter

A letter is written by me.

-Then tell the way to change into the passive
Form: S + V + O

<b> S + Be + PP + by + O</b>
<i><b>* Practice 5’</b></i>

<b>-Asks Ss to read a guide on how to recycle glass , look </b>
at the instructions , rewrite them in the passive form and
put the pictures in the corrcet order.Then correct their

<b>2.The Gap fill .10’ </b>

Listen and then copy down
the form on their note book

Read a guide on how to
recycle glass in individually
in individually

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

- Asks Ss to complete the recycling instruction,using
the verbs in the box

Answer keys :

1.will be showed 2.will be built 3.will be finished
4.will be made


<b> complete the dialouge 10’</b>

-Asks Ss to to read the word cues in the box and read
the dialouge then compete the dialouge with the suitable

Using :it’s +adjective+to inf
<b>4.Complete the letter 5’ </b>

-Asks Ss to read the wor cues to complete the gaps in
the letter .

using :to be +adjective
Ex: are delighted

corrcet order in individually
Then write on the board to
correct each other

Ss working in group
Sharing their ideas

Ss working in the group
Reading the letter

<b> IV.Homework assignment:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>

<b>Date of preparing: 05/02/2011 Date of teaching: 08 /02/2011</b>
<b>Period 65: </b>

<b>Unit 11:</b>


<b>Lesson 1: </b> <b>Getting started – listen and read </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand how to make and respond </b>
to formal requests

<b>B Knowledges: </b>

Vocabulary:Crop,Sugar cane,Water buffalo,Forty-minutes drive

Grammar:Would you mind + V_ing / Would you mind + if + simple past
<b>C.Skills : reading and speaking about the formal requests </b>
<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

A.Warm up: Matching5’

T asks Ss match the pictures with their names
a. Ngo Mon Gate

b. Nha Rong Harbor

c. The Temple of Literature
d. Ha Long Bay

<b>B.New lesson</b>:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>I.Pre – reading: </b>
- Crop

- Sugar cane
- Water buffalo
- Forty-minutes drive

<i>→</i> Checking :Slap the board
<i><b>b.Model sentences 5’</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>

Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi?

<i>⇒</i> <i><b>Form:Would you mind / Do you mind + V-ing…?</b></i>
Would you mind if I took a photo?

<i>⇒</i> <i><b>Form:Would you mind if + S + V(ed)</b></i>
Do you mind if + S + V

<b>c.Practice: 5’</b>

a. Can I turn on the TV ?

b. Can you sing this song one more ?
c. Can I use your computer for one hour ?
d. Can you correct this composition for me ?

- T asks Ss to use Would you mind /Would you mind if
to make following requests more polite

<b>II.while – reading: </b>

<b>Present the dialouge: </b><i>Activity1</i>:reading 5’
Asking ss to read the dialouge

A<i>ctivity2</i>: 10’ T/F statements:
Asking ss to work in group
<b>III.post-reading: 5’</b>

* to express interest
* to express request

Ss copy down
Working in pairs

Ss work in groups

Writing in the notebooks

read the dialouge

working in group to choose
t/f statements

Ss practice the dialogue

Ss read dialogue again &
make a list

<b>IV.Homework Assignment:</b>

- Study the lesson today
- Do Ex 2 in Workbook P65
- Prepare for Speak & Listen
<b>V.textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 06/02/2011 Date of teaching:09/02/2011</b>
<b>Period 66: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

<b>Lesson 2: </b> <b> Speak and listen </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand how to make and respond </b>
to formal requests

<b>B. Knowledges:</b>

Grammar: Would you mind + V_ing / Would you mind + if + simple past

<b>C.Skills : speaking about the formal requests and reply the requests.Listening and </b>
showing the way

<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

A.warm up: chatting
<b>B.New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>I.Pre-Speaking: 10’</b>

T explains to Ss how to use requests and responses on
page 100

Using “mind” in request
<b>II.While- speaking: 15’</b>

*Mapped dialogue
-T hangs mapped dialogue

A tourist A tourist guider
Would/If/you/a question? Not at all

I/visit/a market? I/suggest/go/ ThaiBinh market?

That sounds interesting.Thanks You/welcome
<i><b>Example exchange</b></i>

Tourist :Would you mind if I asked you a question?
Tourist guider:Not at all

Tourist: I want to visit a market?

Ss listen & copy this

Ss build dilogue
Ss work in pairs
Ss’ corrections
T’s corrections

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

Do you mind suggestingone

Tourist guider: I suggest going to Thai Binh market
Tourist: That sounds interesting. Thanks

Tourist guider: You are welcome
<i><b>*Cues </b></i>

1. Ben Thanh market
2. history museum
3. Restaurant

Listen dialogue & complete information about position

of the places on the map

T giving the answers

a.restaurant,b. hotel , c. bus station , d. pagoda , e. temple

Ss make a similar dialogue,
using the following places
Working in pairs

Ss predicting
Ss listen to the tape

Matching the place with the

<b>IV.Homework assignment:</b>

- Do Ex4 P110 (language focus
- Prepare for “Read”

<b>V.Textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 15/02/2011 Date of teaching 17/02/2011</b>
<b>Period 67 </b>

<b>Unit 11</b>


Lesson 4: Read
<b>I.Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the main ideas and details </b>
of the advertisements

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

<b>C.Skills : Reading and speaking </b>
<b>II preparations: </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

<b> A.warm up: </b>
B.<b> New lesson :</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>1 Revision:Matching</b>

-Asks Ss to match the word in the colum A with the
word in the colum B (with answer keys)

<b> A B</b>

Halong bay Flowery city
Nha Trang Mountainous city
SaPa Seaside city

Da Lat World heritage site
<b>2 Pre-reading:</b>

<b>* Vocabulary :</b>

+ oceanic institute (picture) :
+ offshore island (picture) :
+ water fall (picture) :
+ tribal village (example):
+ heritage site (example):
<b>Check : What and where</b>

heritage site water fall

tribal village offshore island
<b> </b>

<i><b>*Open- prediction.</b></i>

- Asks Ss to predict the topics mentioned in
the brochures about the resorts (with

answer keys)

N trang D.Lat Sapa HL

Caves 

Work in individually to
match the word in the
colum A with the word in
the colum B

Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups,and

Then Copy down on thỴeir
note book

Work in groups to play

What and Where

Work in groups to predict
the topics mentioned in the
brochures about the resorts
Read the text P.102-103
(text book) to check their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

Flights to HN 

Hotel    

Local transport    

Mini hotel 

Mountain slopes 

Railway 


Sand beaches 

Tourist attractions    

Types of food
<b>3 While-reading:</b>

-Asks Ss to read the text P.102-103 (text book) to check
their prediction

<b>4. Post -reading :</b>

-Asks Ss to do part 2 P.105 (text book) to help these
people find a suitable place

-Asks Ss to practice speaking following example

book) to help these people
find a suitable place in
individually then share their
ideas with friends

Then work in pairs to
practice speaking following
example exchange

S1: Where should Andrew

S2: Sapa

S1 : Why should He go

S2: He likes mountain

<b> </b> <b>IVHomework: - Do ex </b>

- Prepare Unit 11 Lesson 5 Write

<b> </b> <b>V,textbook adaptation: </b>

<b>Date of preparing:16/02/2011 Date of teaching:18/02/2011</b>
<b> </b> <b>Period : 68 </b>

<b>Unit 11:</b>


<b>Lesson 5: Write </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a narrative</b>
<b>B, Knowledges: Simple past</b>

<b>C,Skills: Writing a story </b>
<b>II preparations: </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures : </b>

A. revision:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>
<b>1 Revision:</b>

-Asks Ss to give the past form of the following
verbs(with answer keys)

have- - had begin- began
decide - decided appear- appeared
climb- climbed fall-fell

be- was/were drop- dropped
<b>2 Pre-writing:</b>


+ (to) paddle (picture) :
+ (to) rescued ( traslation)
+ (to) overturn (picture) :
_+ (to) lean over (picture) :

<b>Check : R.O.R </b>
<i><b>*Open- prediction</b></i>

- Asks Ss to read the text to put the sentences below in
the correct chronological order to complete the story
a, The canoe moved up and down the water

b, A boat appeared and rescued them

c, The wind started to blow and the rain became heavier
d, She leaned over and tried to pick it up

e, The family was luckly

f, The canoe overturned and overturned and everyone
fell into the deep and dangerous water

g, Shannon dropped her paddle
Keys : c – a – g – d – f – b - e
<b>3 While-writing:</b>

-Asks Ss to put the pictures in the correct chronological

- Asks Ss to practice writing a story ,using pictures on P
106 (text book)

<b>Answer keys;</b>

d, She had a math exam on Friday and she got up late

b,She realized her alarm clock did not go off

e, As she was leaving home , it started to rain heavily

Work in individually to
give the past form of the
following verbs

Listen and repeat in
chorol,in groups,and in

Then copy down on thỴeir
note book

Work in groups to play


Work in individually to
read the text to put the
sentences below in the
correct chronological order
to complete the story

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

h, Uyen tries to run as fast as she could

a, Suddenly she stumbed against a rock and fell
f, Her school bag went into a pool and everything got


c, Strangely , the rain stopped as she got to her

g, Luckly ,Uyen had got enough time to finist her exam
<b>4. Post -reading :</b>

-Asks Ss to correct each other then T corrects

-Asks Ss to retell story

Work in individually, in
pairs ,in groups to practice
writing a story ,using
pictures on P 106 (text

Work in pairs ,in groups to
correct each other

Work in individually to
retell story

<b>IV., Homework:</b>

- Prepare Unit 11 Lesson 6 languge focus
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

<b>Date of preparing: 20/02/2011 Date of teaching: 22/02/2011</b>

<b> </b> <b>Period:69 </b>

<b> Unit 11:</b>


<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 5: Language focus</b>
<b>I.Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use requests </b>
<b>B. Knowledges: </b>


Grammar: Would /Do you mind if...?

Would / Do you mind if + V-ing..?
-Ed and -ing participles

<b>C,Skills : Writing, practising</b>
<b>II preparations: </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures : </b>

<b> A, warm up: kiem tra 15’</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

a,I/Take a photo b, I/ sit here c, Lan/ borrow your book, d, He/ open the windows
<b>B,New lesson</b>:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>1. Review: -ed and -ing participles</b>

<b>- Recalls the wayto use –ed and – ing participles </b>
-Asks Ss to look at the people in the schoolyard at
QT school to say who each person is

Answer keys :

The man walking up the stairs is Mr.Quang.
The woman carrying a bag is Miss Lien.
The boy standing next to Miss Lien is Nam .
The boy sitting under the tree is Ba .

The girl standing by the table is Lan .

The girl playing chess are Nga on the right and Hoa
on the left

-Asks Ss to look at the stall to describe the goods
for sales , using the past participles of the verbs in
the box following example

<i><b>The old lamp made in China is five dollars</b></i>
<i><b>The green pained bex is one dollar</b></i>

<i><b>The doll dressed in pink is two </b></i>

<b>2. Would you mind if...?</b>

<b> Would you mind + V-ing..? </b>

-Asks Ss to make and respond to requesrs
<b>Answer keys :</b>

Would you mind moving the car ? No ,of course not
Would you mind putting out your cigarette?

No ,of course not

Would you mind getting me some coffee ? I’m sory
Would you mind waiting a moment? I’m sory

<b>3. Would /Do you mind if...?</b>
<b> Would / Do you mind + V-ing..?</b>

-Asks Ss to ask questions and give suitable

respones, using the information on P.100 following
example exchange

a, A: Do you mind if I sit down?

Listen and look at the people in
the schoolyard at QT school to
say who each person is in
individually, in groups

Work in individually to look at

the stall to describe the goods
for sales , using the past

participles of the verbs in the

Work in individually to make
and respond to requesrs ,using
Would you mind if...?

Would you mind if + V-ing..?
Work in individually to ask
questions and give suitable
respones, using the information
on P.100 following example
A: Do you mind if I sit down?
B: Please do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

B: Please do

b A: Would you mind if I smoked ?
B: I’d rather you didn’t

smoked ?

B: I’d rather you didn’t

<b> </b>

<b>IVHomework :</b>

Do ex in workbook
<b> </b> <b>V, textbook adaptation:</b>

<b>Date ofg preparing:22/02/2011 Date of teaching: 24/02/2011 </b>
<b>Period 70 </b>


<b>I.Objectives : </b>

<b>A.Aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to remember what they have learnt in </b>
unit 9 -11 to prepare for the test

B, Knowledges:

Vocabulary: from unit 9- 11
Grammar: unit 9-11

<b>C,Skill: Writing & revising what they have learnt</b>
<b>II preparations: </b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures: </b>

<b> I,Settlement Greeting</b>

Check attandance
<b> II,Checking.no check activities</b>

<b>III,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>1. Presentation:</b>

<b>-Recalls the fofm ,the use, the meaning by asking </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

a.Making request:

Can/Could you………….?
Will/ Would you………..?
b.Making offers:

Would youlike ……….?
c.The simple future tense

Form : S+ Will / shall + V- infi

Use : to talk events , actions which will
happen in the future

d.In order to/ So as to.

e. Passive form: S + be + PP
f.Request :

Would you mind if I + simple past?
Would you mind + V-ing ? .

<b>2. Practice:</b>

 Rewrite these sentences.
-Asks Ss to rewrite these sentences.

1.Keeping the environment clean is very important
It’s …

2.He receives a letter
A letter...

3My father planed this tree yesteday.
This tree...

4 Today people cut down many trees to make
paper .

Many trees …

 Use ‘’–ed or- ing’’ to combine these sentensces
-Asks Ss to combine these sentensces

1 The boys are in the volunteer group . They are
planting trees on the hill

2.The house belongs to my uncle . It’s built of wood.
3.The girl is my daughter .She is playing in the front

 Choose the best answer

Asks Ss to choose the best answer.

1 Do you mind if I ( open/ opened) the door?

Can/Could you give me a

Will/ Would you answer my

Would you like some tea?

I write a letter

A letter is written by me
Would you mind if I opened
the door?

<b> Would you mind singing a </b>
song ?

Work in individually to
rewrite these sentences
1.It’s important to keep the
environment clean

2 A letter is received by him.
3. This tree was planted
yesterdayby him.

4. Many trees aerbcut down
to make paper.

Work in individually to
combine these sentensces
1 The boys planting trees on
the hill are in the volunteer

2. The house built of wood
belongs to my uncle.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

2 Tim ( never saw/ has never seen) rice paddies before
3 Would you mind ( doing /did) this work?

4 It’s a ( thirty-minute/ thirty-minutes) drive from here
to the city.

Work in individually to
choose the best answer
1 open

2 has never seen
3 doing

4 thirty-minute
<b>IV.Homework : Prepare Test</b>

<b>V.textbook adaptation :</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 223/02/2011 Date of teaching: 25/02/2011</b>
<b>Period 71 </b>


<b>A.Objective: By the end of this lesson T will be able to check their understanding</b>
<b>I, Knowledges: from unit 9 to 11</b>

<b> II,Skill: writing</b>
<b>B.Procedures: </b>

<b> I,Settlement Greeting & Check attandance</b>
<b> II,Checking . No check</b>

<b>III,New lesson : </b>

<b>I.Choose the best answer(4m)</b>
1) Last year I……..only 1,5m tall

a.was b.am c were d.be

2) You need to………some homework before taking the test

a.listen b.hate c.do d.does

3) Can I help you? – No, thanks. I can………….
a.manage b.succeed c.do d.work

4)………. is Lan going? She is going to the supermarket
a.How b.What c.What time d.Where

5)A cake is being……….by her

a.eat b.eats c.eaten d.eating

6)It’s necessary…………..other people

a.to help b. help c. helped d. helping
7)Do you mind if I……….some water?

a.drank b.drunk c.drink d.drinking

8)Tom wrote a notice on the board in order ……..her classmates about the change in

a.inform b.informs c.informing d. to inform
9)The boy ……….a book is Ba

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>

10)The car……..from drink bottle is 2 dollars
a.recycle b.recycling c.to recycle d.recycled
11)Mary arrived early ……..order to get a good view

a.out b.at c.on d.in

12)It’s………..to belive that Tim passed exam

a.hard b.hardly c.difficulty d.difficultly
13)Would you …….washing dishes for me?

a.like b.rather c.mind d.please

14)Most sports………in England are popular in Australia
a.playing b.played c.play d.plays
15)The woman …….over there is my aunt

a.standing b.stands c.stand d.stood
16)Rubber is ……….to make tyre

a.use b.using c.used d.uses
<b>II.Rewrite these sentences ?(2m)</b>

1.Could you move your car, please?

<i>⇒</i> Do you mind………..?

2.He invited me to his wedding party.

<i>⇒</i> I……….

3.Following your direction is not easy.

<i>⇒</i> It’s……….

4.He climbed the tree because he wanted to get a better view.

<i>⇒</i> He climbed the tree so as……….

<b>III.Turn the following sentences into the passive(2m)</b>
1.She took that book from me.


2.Mr Tam teaches this class.

3.Fire distroyed that house.

4.He will finish the report.

<b>IV. Read the paragraph then check T (true) of F( false )(2ms)</b>

John Baines is an environmentalist . He is interested in all things to do with the
environment and the need to protect it. Two years ago , he got his bike out of the
garage and repaired it , and now he uses it as much as possible. He uses his bike
less.He tries to do ten percent fewer miles every years , so last year he drove 11000
miles .This doesn’t mean he travel less, This means he walks more .At home he
doesn’t throw rubbish away .He has different bags for different things . He takes these
bags to places where they can be recycled

1 John wants to protect environment.

2 He got the old car out of the garage and repaired it.
3 There are different kinds of bags in his home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

Period 71 :

<b>Kiểm tra 1 tiết</b>
<b>Time allowed: 45 minutes</b>

<b>I. (3 điểm) - Chọn đáp án A hoặc B, C, D thích hợp nhất hoàn thành các câu sau.</b>

1. Dalat, ...the City of Eternal Spring, is about 300 km from Ho Chi Minh City.
A. known as B. knowing as C. called as D. calling as

2. There are some famous ... there, such as Prenn, Camly, Datenla...

A. lakes B. ponds C. waterfalls D. springs

3. Would you mind ... on the light?

A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned

4. Would you mind if I ... the window?

A. to open B. opening C. opened D. open

5. I always keep the window open ... let fresh air in.

A. in order to B. so as to C. such as D. both A and B
6. The hotel ... next year.

A. open B. . will be opened C. opened D. to open
7)Do you mind if I……….some water?

a.drank b.drunk c.drink d.drinking

8)Tom wrote a notice on the board in order ……..her classmates about the change in

a.inform b.informs c.informing d. to inform
9)The boy ……….a book is Ba

a.reading b.read c.to read d.reads
10)The car……..from drink bottle is 2 dollars

a.recycle b.recycling c.to recycle d.recycled
11)Mary arrived early ……..order to get a good view

a.out b.at c.on d.in
12)It’s………..to belive that Tim passed exam

a.hard b.hardly c.difficulty d.difficultly
<b>II. ( 2 điểm ) - Ghép các cặp câu sau dùng in order to hoặc so as to .</b>
1. I went to the school. I wanted to see Mr Hung.

2. She has to go to the bank. She wants to change some money.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>

4. I am buying paint. I want to paint my house.

<b>III. (3 điểm) -Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi.</b>
1. Nam repaired this bike yesterday.

This bike ...
2. They wash the glass with detergent liquid.

The glass...
3. They melt the mixture until it becomes a liquid.

The mixture...
4. Lan irons clothes everymorning.

Clothes ...
5. May I turn off the television?

Would you mind If ...?
6. Do you want to come for dinner tonight?

Would you ...?
<b>IV. ( 2 điểm ) - Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.</b>

Everyday of the year throughout the world, about twenty million paper bags and
newspapers are served and thrown away.

Making paper requires a lot of wood pulp and the work of millions of workers.
Many countries have had plans to recycle waste paper to save money and labour. In
countries where there is cooperation of the public, paper mills recycle as much as sixty
percent of waste paper. Their simple work is to take away the ink, crush it up and make it
into pulp again. For every ton of recycled newsprint, twelve trees can be saved. We can
insist that the more paper people save, the more trees are preserved.

1. How many paper bags and newspapers are thrown everyday of the year?
2. What does making paper require?

3. What have many countries done to save money?


4. How many percent do paper mills recycle waste paper?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

<i>Preparing date: 12/03/2011</i>
<i>Teaching date: 16/03/2011</i>

Period 72 :

<b>Chữa bài kiểm tra</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh được ôn lại các kiến thức đã học, rút kinh
nghiệm được những lỗi sai đã mắc phải để làm tốt bài kiểm tra sau. Vận dụng vào trong
thực tế giao tiếp.

<b>B.knowledges. </b>Grammar:– Pasive voice, polite requests , in order to/so as to
vocabulary: from unit 9-11

<b>C.skills: reading ,writing</b>
<b>II preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III</b>/ Procedure:

<b>Teacher’s & Students’</b>

<b>activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

* Ask Ps to retell the main
grammar in the rest

- Give the form and explain
how to use

<b>1. Polite requests:</b>

<i>+ Would you mind + Ving ...?</i>

<i>+ Do you mind + Ving .... ?</i>

<i>+ Would you mind if I + Ved ..?</i>

<i>+ Do you mind if I + V .... ?</i>

- Ask Ps to give example
- Check exercise 1 in the test
2. In order to/ so as to

Explain how to use <i>so as to</i> and

<i>in order to</i>

- Give example.
3. Passive voice:

















by +


<b>+ Discuss in groups</b>

<b>ĐÁP ÁN</b>
Cau I: mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm

1dU 2c 3a 4b 5c 6a 7d 8a
Cau II:

1.has taught
3. going
4. be repaired
cau III:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

- Correct exercise II

- Call Ps to give their answers
- Give the correct answers

+ Call some Ps to read the
passage again and translate it in
to Vietnamese if they can.

- Ask Questions and have Ps

- Write the answers on the

- Correct mistakes


Cau IV:

1. that book was taken from me by her
2. this class is taught by Mr Tam
3. that house is distroyed by fire
4. the report will be finished by him.
cau V:

1.T 2.T 3T 4.F

IV. Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson.
...The end ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

Period 72

<b>Unit 12: A vacation abroad</b>

<b>Lesson 1: Getting started and Listen and read</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: Sau khi hồn thành tiết học, học sinh biết thêm thơng tin về một số quốc gia</b>
trong linh vực du lịch, mở rộng vốn từ vựng, biết vận dụng kiến thức đa học vào trong
thực tế giao tiếp.

<b>B.knowledge. </b>

Vocabulary: include, pick up, ticket price
Grammar:- Would you like ...?

<b>C.skill: listen and read the text</b>


<b> preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III.Procedures : </b>

A. revision:

<b> ,New lesson :</b>

<b>Teacher’s & Students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
- Guessing game:

Show the pictures to Ps, ask Ps to
guess what country it is

- Give some more information about
each country.

- Ask Ps to practice in pairs asking
and answering about the country that
they like to visit.

- Explain the aim & read first. Then
present some vocabulary.

- Guide Ss to read new words

? Read again – correct

<b>I. getting started </b>

<b>1. Match the names of the countries </b>
a. The United States of America.
b. Australia d. Britain
c. Thai land e. Canada
f. Japan

<b>2. Tell your partner ..</b>

Ex: P1: Where do you want to visit among these

P2: I want to visit The USA
P1: Why?

P2: Because I want to see the Statue of Liberty

<b>II. Listen and read </b>

<b>1. New words: </b>

- Include (v) - liberty
- pick up (v) - come over
- abroad - travel/go abroad
- Statue of Liberty

<b>2. Grammar:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

? Work in pairs

? Match the name of the countries
- Correct

? Read the aim & explain

? Practise with a partner the same

- Correct –

? Repeat the use & the form

? Make sentences – call on two or
three Ps to make

? Work in pairs and read dialogue

? Complete Mrs Quyen’s achedule
? Work in groups ( use extral board )

correct –

? One’s ask and one’s answer
- Correct

? Repeat the grammar in the lesson
- Call Ps to ask and answer

comprehension questions in text

+ Would you like to do sth?

- Would you like to came and stay with us ?
- You must come over for dinner one night
* Accepting an invitation

- Thank, I’d love to ..
* Declining an invitation

- That’s very kind of you but we are coming on
a tour

* Making complaint

- S + be + always +


-ing ....
Oh, dear. He is always working

<b>3. Practice. Then complete Mrs Quyen'</b>

<b>Date Mon</b>



<b>r 28</b>


<b>4. Answer </b>

a. No, they won’t. Because they are come on a
tour …

b. No, he won’t. because he will have
c. Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel

<b>IV. Homework assignment: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson.</b>
<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<i>Preparing date: </i>

Preparing date: 01/03/2011 Teaching date:02/03/2011
Period 73 :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh có thể sử dụng các kiến thức đã học trong</b>
giao tiếp và biết thêm thông tin du lịch về một số nơi của nước Mỹ.

<b>B. knwledge. </b>

Vocabulary: Itinerary (n), Brochure (n), Gym (n), Via ( pre), Rate (n), Single (n), Double
(n), Gallery (n)

<b>C.skills: make the plan for a tour, listening to the weather forcus</b>

<b> preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>IV/ Procedure:</b>

A.warm up:
B. new lesson:

<b>Teacher’s & Students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
I . Holding the class in order and

check the old lesson

- Check mistakes and give marks to

* Pre-teach some vocabulary:
? Read the aim & find new words
Guide Ss to read

Call on them to repeat one by one

- Correct

- Explain the aim & ask them to look
some brochures & flight inf

? Work in pairs to complete your

- Correct

? Work in pairs to talk about
itinerary in Vietname

- Go to the board and write vocabulary on in
front of the class.

<b>III . Speak.</b>

<b>1. New words</b>
Itinerary (n)
Brochure (n)
Gym (n)
Via ( pre)
Rate (n)
Single (n)
Double (n)
Gallery (n)
<b>2. Speaking </b>

Depart Los Angeles: flight 835 at 10.00 on Mon

Arrive Boston: At 4.00

Accommodation: atlantic Hotel
Sightseeing: Paul revere’s House

Depart Boston: fliht 7.10 at 10.00 on thur, 22.

<b>IV. Listen.</b>

<b>1. New words</b>
- cloudy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>

? Adj of weather in 4 groups
- Correct -

? Read

? Listen & repeat
? Read – correct

? Read the table & guess ?
? Listen & complete

- Correct

? Ask and answer in pairs about the

- cool
- sunny

- dry
- warm
- fine
- wet
- humid
- windy

<b>2. Tempererature: </b>
- minus ( adj)

- degree ( centigrade)(n)
- zero (n)

3. Complete

P1: What will the weather be like in Sydney ?
P2: It will be …

P1: What will the tempereture be ?

P2: The high temperarture will be …. and the
low temperature will be….

<b>IV Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson.</b>
<b>V. textbook adaptation: </b>

Preparing date:02/03/20110 Teaching date: 04/03/2011
Period 74 :

<b>Unit 12: A vacation abroad</b>
<b>Lesson 3 - Read</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>

<b>B.knowledge: Vocabulary: </b> - volcano (n), lava (n), pour out (v), wharp (n), prison (n)
president (n), situate (v), statue (n), liberty (n)

<b>Grammar: past progressive</b>

<b>C.skills: reading comprehension about the trip.</b>

<b> preparations:</b>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III/ Procedure:</b>

A. * Revision: - Brainstorming:
- Have Ps give adjectives of weather.
- Call some Ps to write on the board.
B.new lesson:

<b>Teacher’s & Students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

- Pre teach some vocabulary.

+ Checking technique: Rub out
<b>and remember.</b>

+ Have Ps read the text then
complete the table.

* Draw the grid on the board.

- Ask the Ps to read the instructions
again and fill in the information.

<b>1. New words </b>
- volcano (n)
- lava (n)
- pour out (v)
- Wharp (n)
- prison (n)
- president (n)
- situate (v)
- statue (n)
- liberty (n)
- empire (n)
<b>2. Write </b>

Place What she did and

a. Hawaii

Went smming,
visited Kilauea

b. New

Went shopping,
bought lost of

c. Chicago Saw lake Michigan
d. Mount


Saw the heads of 4

e. San


<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

- Ask some Ps to go the bb to add
the missing information.

+ Call Ps to read their answers
- Call some Ps to write their
answers on the board.

- Ask Ps this questions:

<i>a) How did Mrs Quyen go to</i>
<i>Kilauea Volcano?</i>

<i>b) Where in San Francisco did Mrs</i>
<i>Quyen see the famous prison?</i>
<i>c) What is special about Mount</i>

<i>d) What is the other name of</i>

<i>e) What did Mrs Quyen do while</i>
<i>her husband was visiting the Statue</i>
<i>of Liberty?</i>

- Call some Ps to ask and answer in
front of the class.

- Checking mistakes if necessary.

growing area and
the Alcatruz prison
<b>3. Answer: </b>

a. She went there by plane

b.she saw the famous prison on the island of

c. it is a mount where the heads of 4 American

presidents are carved in to the rock

d. It is also called “the windy city”
e. She went shopping

<b>4. Grammar: Past progressive tense </b>

* Use: QKTT diễn tả một hành động đang xẩy
ra vào 1 thời điểm Xđ cụ thể (at…)

*Form : S + was / were + V- ing + o
eg: I was watching TV at 7 P.m yesterday

<b>IV. Homework asignment: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson</b>
<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

Preparing date: 04/03/2011 Teaching date: 07/03/2011
Period 75 :

<b>Unit 12 a vacation abroad</b>
<b>Lesson 4 - Write</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim:Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh biết cách viết một tấm bưu thiếp gửi cho</b>
bạn bè và gia đình kể về một chuyến đi nghỉ của mình. Nâng cao kỹ năng viết, vận dụng
vào trong thực tế giao tiếp.

<b>B.knowledge: </b> + Vocabulary: - Complain (v), Hospitable (n), Heaviness (n), complain.
Grammar: past progressive

<b>C.Skills: writing a postccard </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>

<b>a.teacher: lesson plan,textbook </b>
<b>b.students: book,notebook </b>
<b>III/ Procedure:</b>

A.Warm up: gessing games
B. new lesson:

<b>Teacher’s & Students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
* Holding the class in order and

check the old lesson.

- Call a pupil to write some new
words of the previous lesson and ask
another to read the text.

*Pre-teach new words.
- Guide Ps to read.
- Ask Ps to read again
* Set the scene:

From the USA, Mrs. Quyen sent a
postcard to her friend Sally to tell
her about the trip.

- Ask Ps to look at the postcards on
Page upload.123doc.net and

complete the gaps with the
appropriate words.

- Call some Ps to go to the board to
write the words they guess.

* Set the scene:

Imagine you are a tourist on vacation
in a certain place/city in Vietnam.
Write a postcard to a friend about
your trip. Use the information

<i><b>- Place:....</b></i>

+ Go to the board and answer questions.

<b>VI. Write</b>

1. New words
- complain (v)
- hospitable (a)
- heaviness (n)
- complain

2. Complete the postcard

1. In 2. peaple

3. Weather 4. Visited

5. Her 6. For

7. lovely / nice 8. Heaviness
9. bought 10. Soon
3. Write a postcard

<b>Necessary information for a</b>


We’re having a
wonderful time

How you
feel about
the people

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=153>

<i><b>- how your feel about hte people:....</b></i>
<i><b>- The weather:....</b></i>

<i><b>- Who you meet/see:....</b></i>
<i><b>- What you see:....</b></i>
<i><b>- What you buy: ....</b></i>

+ Make a grid on the board:

- Ask Ps to use the information in
the table to write a postcard about
their vacation.

- Call some Ps to read their postcards
in front of the class.

- Checking mistake if necessary.

Weather The weather has
been ... and ...
Who you


In ... I

visited my

friend ...
What you

see I’ve seen ...
What you


I bought a lot
of ...

Dear Lan

We are having a wonderful time in Nhat
Trang. The people are very friendly and
hospitable. ...

<b>IV. Homework: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson.</b>
<b>V. textbook adaptation: </b>

<i>Preparing date: 09/03/2011</i>
<i>Teaching date:10/03/2011 </i>

Period 76 :

<b>Unit 12 : a vacation abroad </b>
<b>Lesson 5 - Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim:</b> Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh có thể vận dụng thì q khứ tiếp diễn
trong giao tiếp và biết cách sử dụng trạng từ always để diễn tả ý phàn nàn, bực tức của
người nói với một hành động, thói quen xấu thường xuyên xảy ra.


+ Grammar: - Past progressive with when, while
- Progressive tense with always.
<b>C. skiils: doing exercise in the unit 12 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=154>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III/ Procedure:</b>

<b>A.warm up: gessing games</b>
<b>B.new lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b> Students’ activities &Contents</b>
- Holding the class in order and

check the old lesson.

- Call ps to write new words.
* Matching pictures.

- Give word cues and ask Ps to
match with the correct pictures.
1. walk with a dog

2. eat dinner
3. take a shower
4. talk to grandma.
5. read a comic
6. write a letter

- Ask Ps to work in groups to
complete these sentences.

- Call some Ps to practice in front of
the class.

* Teaching grammar:

* Set the scene: Look at picture a)
? What was Ba doing at eight
o’clock last night?

- Elicit Ps to give the answer. Notice
Ps how to use this structure.

- Give example

+ Ask Ps to work in apairs to match
the half-sentences in column A to
those in column B.

- Ask them to write the full sentences
in their exercise books.

- Call ps to read in front of the class.
* Set the scene:

Elicit the model fromPs, using

<b>- Write new words on the board</b>
VII. language focus

1. Look at the pictures. Say what each person
was doing at eight o’clock last night.

b. Hoa was eating dinner at 8 o’clock last night
c. Bao was reading a comic at 8 o’clock last

d. Nga was writing a letter at 8 o’clock last

e. Na was walking with her dog

f. Lan was talking to her grand mother.
* Past progressive:


Ba was taking a shower at
eight o’clock
last night.
Theywere talking to each other

at that time

S was/

were V-ing O

2. Past progressive with “ when & while”
a – C d- B

b – F e- D
c – E f – a

3. Look at the pictures. Write the sentences. Say
what people are always doing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=155>


- Have + Model sentnce:

Bao is always forgetting his

+ Is <b> always forgetting</b>
Form: is/am/are + always + V-ing ....
Ex: Nam is always goingto school

b. Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella
c. They are always missing the bus

d. Nam is always watching T.V
e. Na is always talking on the phone
f. Lien is always going out

<b>IV. Homework assignments: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson.</b>
<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<i>Preparing date: 13/03/2011</i>
<i>Teaching date: 15/03/2011</i>

Period 78 :

<b>Unit 13: Festivals</b>

<b>Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh nắm bắt được các phong tục tập quán của</b>
người Vietnam và biết thêm thông tin về một số lễ hội truyền thống của người Viêtnam.
<b>B.knowledges: </b>

`+ Vocabulary: - festival, water-fetching, ancient, fire-making, rice-cooking, teammate,
separate, prize, coucil leader, keen on, pottery

+ grammar: passive voice, compound words
<b>C.Skills: reading comprehension</b>

<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III/ Procedure:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=156>

<b>Teacher’s activities </b> <b> Students’ activities &Contents</b>
? Read questions explain how to do

? Where should he / she go?
? why

? Name of some festivals?
Guide Ss read newwords

? Read follow

? Listen & repeat
? read – corect

? Listen to the dialogue ?
Read in pairs

- Correct

? Read sentences
? T/ or F in 4 groups
- Correct -

?Which forms are used in the

? Retell the form
? examples – correct
? Retell how to change
? example

? find compound words in the

<b>I. Getting started</b>

1. He should go to Nha Trang ..
2. He should go to Hue

3. He should go to Lao Cai (Sa Pa)
4. He should go to Bat Trang Village.
5. He should go to super markets

<b>II. Listen and read </b>

<b>1. New words: </b>
- Keen (a)
- Pottery (n)

- Water – fetching ( n)
- Fine – making (n)
- Rice – cooking (n)
- Yell (v) co vu,la het
- Urge (v) thuc giuc
- Teaminate (n) dong doi
- Husk (n) vo trau

- Fudge (n)
Read in pairs
- Correct

<b>2. True / false then correct the F sentences </b>
a. F. all team members take part in the water
fetching contests

b. F. One person has to collect one water bottle
c. F

d. F rubbing pieces of bamboo are used to make


e. F. the Judges taste the rice
g. T

<b>3. Grammar: </b>

* Passive form: Be + Pp

- We ( go to school) ride our bike to school
- Our bike is ridden to school .

- Reported speech

- She said “ I am a student ”

-> She said that she was a student
- Compound - word adjectives
eg1: Fire – making contest
eg2: rice – cooking

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=157>

? Remark the form
? Find the examples
- correct -

? Retell the grammar in the lesson

<b>4. Match ? </b>

Ss Match in 4 groups


1. rice a. exporting
2. Fire b. Cooking
3. bull c. fighting
4. Car d. washing
5. flower e. Making
6. clothes f. arranging

<b>IV. Homework assignment: - Remind Ps to study at home and prepare new lesson.</b>
<b>V. textbook adaptation:</b>

<i>Preparing date: /16/03/2011</i>
<i>Teaching date: 17/03/2011</i>

Period 79 :

<b>Unit 13: Festivals</b>
<b>Lesson 2: Speak and Listen </b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about some</b>
traditional festivals in the world. And compare how they prepare for the TET holidays.
<b>B. knowledge: </b>

<b>+vocabulary: Pomegranate , Peach blossoms, Marigolds , Dried water melon seeds ,</b>
Spring rolls

<b>+grammar: compound words</b>

<b>C.skills: listening &completeing the informations for tet</b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>

<b>A.warm up:</b>
<b>B.newlesson: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=158>

* Find things in common

- Ask students to think of 5 things they often prepare for
Tet and write them down on a piece of paper.

- Divide class int/ 2 groups
Suggestions :

- Decorate/ clean / paint the house/room/ the yard,…
- Buy cakes / candy / drinks/ food/ fruits,…

- Cook/ make cakes,..
- Get / buy new dress,…

- Write / send New Year cards to friends, relatives
* Speak I :

I. Pre-teach vocabulary

- Elicit the vocabulary from Ss

Pomegranate , Peach blossoms, Marigolds , Dried water
melon seeds , Spring rolls

- Students copy the words.
II. Ordering :

- Ask students to read the dialogue on page 123 and put
the sentences in the correct order

- Call on some students to give their answers.
- Feed back and correct

Answer key :

A – F ; C – H , D – J , B – G , E – I
* Listen :

1. Gap fill prediction -Set the scene:

“ The Robinson family is making preparations for Tet.
They want to buy things to make it a traditional festival
as Vietnamese people do .

- Ask - Get Ss to predict the words in the gaps.
- Play the tape and Ss listen and fill in the gaps.
- Do the correction

Answer : a. Mr. Robinson / flower market
b. Traditional

c. Dried water melon seeds
d. Make spring rolls

2. Grid :

- Call on some Ss to give their answer.

Mr. Robinson - Go to the flower market to buy

Ss working in group

Ss Reading the new words

Working in pairs &

Ss Gap fill prediction -Set
the scene:

Ss listening to the tape
Ss to open their books and
read the statements on page

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=159>

peach blossoms and a bunch of

Mrs. Robinson - Go to Mrs. Nga’s to learn how to
make Spring rolls

Liz - Go to the market to buy candies and
a packet of dried water melon seeds

( p.124) in their notebooks
and fill in the gaps with the
information taken from the
statements above.

<b>IV Homework assignment: - Write your own dialogue in your note books</b>
<b>- Do the exercises in the work book</b>

<b>V. textbook adaptation: </b>

Period: 80 preparing date:18/03/2011 Teaching day:21/03/2011

Unit 13


Lesson 3 Read

<b>I.Objectives :</b>

<b>A.Aim:by the end of this lesson Ss will get some knowledge about Christmas</b>

1. Vocabulary : spread (v) Christmas carol (n) patron saint (n) jolly (a)
2. Grammar : none

<b>C.skills: reading about the christmas festival</b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>

<b>A.warm up: gessing games</b>
<b>B.newlesson: </b>

Teacher’s and Ss ‘ activities Contents
T teaches Ss an English Christmas song

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and sing along
2. Pre- reading (10’)

Pre-teach vocabulary

Spread (v) : To cover a larger and larger

1. Warm up (5’)
* Sing a song

EX: Silent night. I wish you a merry

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=160>

Spread / spread / spread
Christmas carol (n)

(Silent night is a Christmas carol )
Patron saint (n)

Jolly(a) : happy and cheerful
T presents new words

Ss repeat and copy
3. While- reading (15’)

T checks voc by holding class to play “
Jumbled words

Ask Ss to open their books and read the
paragraphs on page 124/125

Draw the grid on the board and have Ss
copy it

Ask SS to read the paragraph again and
complete the grid

Give feedback and correct
Ask Ss to answer the questions
Ss work in pairs

T corrects and gives answers

Answer keys

Places of




Riga Early 1500s



England Mid-19th




800 years

Santa Claus USA 1823

4. Post- reading (10’)
Answer keys

a. more than two centuries ago

b. Because he wants to send Christmas
greetings to his friends

c.800 years ago

d. An American professor named Clement
Clarke Moore

e.On the description of Saint Wicholas in
professor Moore’s poem

- Write it up : Use the information in the grid
To write the brief paragraphs

- Prepare Lesson 4 Write
<b>IV.homework assignment:</b>

<b>V.textbook adaptation</b>

Period: 81: preparing date:20/03/2011 Teaching day: 22/03/2011

Unit 13


Lesson 4 Write

<b>I,Objectives : </b>

<b>A.Aim: by the end of the lesson Ss practice in writing a report on a festival they have</b>


<b>B.knowledge : </b>

1. Vovabulary : none
2. Grammar : none

<b>C. skills: writing a report on the festival </b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=161>

2.new lesson:

Teacher’s Ss’ activities&Contents

T shows the photocopied picture to Ss and
ask them to observe it carefully

Let Ss look at the picture for about 20’’
then put it away

T asks Ss to listen to the questions
SS answer

T puts the picture on the board again
Give feedback and correct

Write 9 numbers on the board from 1 to 9
Tell Ss each number is for a question but 3
of them are lucky numbers

If Ss choose a lucky number, they don’t
have to answer any questions. Divide the
class into 2 teams

T asks Ss to use the information in the
dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in
the report on page 127

Ss work in pairs

T corrects and remarks

Ask Ss to write a similar report on a

1/ How many people are there in the picture
? What are they doing ?

2/Name all the things in the picture
Answer keys

1/ They are participating in the rice-cooking

2. rice , basket, pans, bamboo sticks, paper
fans , chopsticks, a flag

2. Pre- writing (15’)
*** Lucky numbers

1.What do you call the festival where
people have to cook rice ?

(the rice-cooking festival )

2.How many competitions are there in the
rice-cooking festival ? What are they ?
(water-fetching, fire- making and
rice-cooking )

3. Lucky number

4.What do people use to fetch water ?

5.Lucky number

6.Do they use pieces of wood to make fire?
( No, pieces of bamboo)

7.What do people have to do before they
cook the rice ?(separate the rice from the

8.Lucky number

9.How many people are there altogether in a
team taking part in the rice-cooking
festival ?

(9 , one for water-fetching, two for
fire-making and six for rice-cooking)


Answer key

1. rice-cooking 6.traditional
2.one/a 7.bamboo
3.water- fetching 8.six
4.run 9.separate
5.water 10.added
4. Post-writing (10’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=162>

They’ve joined recently

Ss look at the questions and practice
speaking first by answering the questions
from a->g

T has Ss connect the sentences to make it a

Monitor and help Ss with their work

Call on some Ss to read their reports aloud

5. Homework (5’)

-Write your report in your notebooks

-Do exercises in workbook and prepare

<b>IV.homework assignment:</b>
<b>V.textbook adaptation</b>


Period: 82 preparing date: 23/03/2011 Teaching day:25/03/2011

Unit 13


Lesson 5 Focus 1,2,3,4

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

A.Aim<b> : by the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use reported speech and the passive</b>
in the past, present and future tense


1. Vocabulary : jumble (v) scatter (v) jar(n) pull(v)
2. Grammar : Passive form , reported speech

<b>C. skills: doing exersice ,using grammar </b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1.Warm up(5’) **** Pelmanism
Infinitive Past participle


<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=163>

2.new lesson

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities&Contents
2. Pre-teach (5’)

* Language focus 1

Ask Ss to match the words in column A
with the forms in column B

Ss work in pairs

Call SS to give their answers
T corrects

Have Ss copy

Ask Ss to look at Focus 1 on page 28
Have Ss fill in the gaps with the right form
of the verbs in the box

Ss work in pairs

Call on some Ss to write their
answers( only the verb forms)

T corrects

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ask Ss to look at Focus 2 on page 128/129
and fill in the gaps with the right form of
the verbs in the box


The passive form

Tenses Form
1.Present simple
2.Past simple
3.Future simple

4.Present perfect

a. was/were+ V(pp)
b. have/has been +

c. Is/ am/are + V
(past participle)
d.will/shall +

Answer key
1c 2a 3d 4b
3. While (10’)
Gap fill

Answer key
a.were performed
b.was decorated
c.is made

d. will be held
e. was awarded
f.was written

** Language focus 2 (10’)
1/Pre-teach voc


scatter (v) to throw things everywhere on the
jar(n) (drawing,realia)
2/ While
Gap- fill
Answer key
1. jumbled
2. broken
3. broken
4. scattered
5. pull

**** Language focus 4 (10’)
1/ Pre-teach

He said, “ I’m a plumber”
(quoted/ direct speech )

Model sentence : Reported speech
He said he was a plumber

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=164>

T sets the scene

Then write the quoted speech on the board
T explains and ask Ss to pay attantion to
the changes

Ss copy

Ask Ss to look at Focus 4 on page 130 and
do the exercise


SS rewrite the sentences , remember to
keep the meaning unchanged

Direct speech Reported speech
Present simple


Past simple
Had to

2. Pronouns( depending on the subject of the
main clause)

3.Adverbs of place and time
this-> that

now-> then
here-> there
today-> that day

tomorrow-> the next day
yesterday-> the day before

ago-> before

2/ While

Transformation drill
Answer key

b.He said he could fix the faucets
c. He said the pipes were broken

d. He said new pipes were very expensive
e.He said Msr Thu had to pay him then
4/ Post (5’)

a. The children said , “ We are waiting for
the school bus” -> The children said...
b. Nobody has used this machine for years
-> This machine...
c.The last time I played tennis was in 1990
-> I haven’t...

<b>IV.homework assignment: (2’)</b>
-Learn by heart the words, grammar

-Do exercises and prepare Unit 14: Listen and read
<b>V.textbook adaptation</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=165>

Period: 83 preparing date: 27/03/2011 Teaching day:28/03/2011
Unit 14: Lesson 1 Listen and Read

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Students will seek information about a language game</b>
to complete a summary

1 Vocabulary: none

2. Grammar: question words before to_infinitive
<b>C.skills: reading </b>

<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’) brainstormimg famous places

2. new lesson:

Teacher’s activities students’ activities&Contents
<b>I.getting started: 7’</b>

T has Ss look at the pictures on page 131
and do the matching

Check if they know where/ in which
country these wonders are

II. Presentation(10’)

Set the scene “Nga, Nhi and Hoa and are
playing a language game called guessing

Answer key:
a. the Pyramid

b. Sydney Opera House
c. Stone Henge

1/ Ordering

How to play the guessing game

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=166>

game. How does this game work ?”

Rearrange the statements in the right order
of the game

Put the statements chart on the board

Ask Ss the read the statements and put
them in the right order in pairs

3. Practice(15’)

Call on some pairs to go to the board and
write their answers

Ss read the dialogue while listening to the

Check if Ss’ guesses are right or not

Have Ss read the diallogue again and
complete the summary on page 132 in pairs
Then Ss compare their answers with their

2) Grammar: 7’
Model sentences

Elicit the target language by asking Ss a
question (in VNese)

4. Post-reading (10’)

Emphasize the form and use
Ask Ss to do this exercise in pairs

1. suggest (v)
2. golden (adj)
3. clue (n)
4. bored (adj)
T corrects and gives answer

2A: thinks of a famous person or place

3B: wins of he/ she can guess the correct

4A: gives B a clue

5B: loses if he/ she can not guess the
correct answer

6A: Can only answer “yes” or “no”
Answer key: 2 4 1 6 3 5
1) Gap-fill

Answer key

1. game 5. America

2. place 6. Golden

3. clue 7. right

4. Vietnam 8. was

2) Grammar
Model sentences
I don’t know to play it

Form: S + V + Question word + to_Inf
Use: Reduced form of an indirect question

a/ a pieces of information that helps you
discover the answer to a question

b/ What you often fell when you have
nothing to do

c/ make a gold

d/ make a suggestion
Answer key

1d 2c 3a 4b

<b>IV.homework assignment: (2’)</b>
-Learn by heart the words, grammar
- Learn model sentences

- Do exercises

- Prepare : next period Speak-Do exercises
<b>V.textbook adaptation</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=167>


Period: 84 preparing date 27/03/2011 Teaching day 29/03/2011
Unit14 : Lesson 2 Speak +Language Focus 2

<b>I.Objectives : </b>

<b>A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss will be able to make a report on famous places using</b>
reported speech

1.Vocabulary :none

2.Grammar : Indirect Yes/ No question

<b>C.skills: askiing and answering about the famous places </b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’) brainstormimg famous places
2. new lesson:

Teacher ‘s activities Ss’ activities&Contents
I. Pre-speaking (10’)

I. Pre—teach

Put the chart with the statement on the


Ask Ss to read the statements and the
names of the famous places in the box on
page 133 and do the matching

II.While- speaking (15’)

Ss working in ggroup

1. It was designed and built by the French
civil engineer with 300 metres in height
2. It is in South Central Asia, 8.848 metres
high above sea level

3.It was built from 246-> 209 BC and some
people say it can be seen from the moon
4.It is a bell striking the hours in the clock
tower of the Houses of Parliament in

5.It is a skycraper in Manhattan New York

6.It is a famous place in Quang Binh
province recognized as a World Heritage
site by Unesco

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=168>

T checks if Ss understand the statements
Call on some pairs to give their answers

Give feedback

Ask Ss to write Yes/No questions about 10
places in the box, using the information in
the matching

Have Ss ask and answer the questions
Check Yes or No

Call on a group to demonstrate their work
T presents the model sentences

Yes/No questions -> direct speech

T guides Ss how to change into indirected
Yes/No question “Hue citadel was in the
central Vietnam “is “Indirect Yes/No

T and Ss form the structure

T emphasizes these notes
4. Post (10’)

Choose a group’s answer to the model
Have Ss work in their group

Give feedback and correct

Answer key

1.Eiffel Tower
2.Mount Everest
3.Great Wall of China
4.Big Ben

5.Empire State building
6.Phong Nha Cave

Questions and answer drill
Ss Work in groups


1/ Have they just built the Eiffel Tower in
Paris ?

2/ Is the Empire State building located in
New York city ?

3/ Are the Petronas Twin Towers located in
Malaysia ?

4. Is the Great barrier Reef in China ?
5. Have you ever seen Mount Rushmore ?
6. Is Mount Everest in Nepal ?

Grammar drill
Model sentences

I said to Lan, “ Is Hue Citadel in the Central

Vietnamese ? “

-> I asked lan if/whether Hue Citadel was in
the central Vietnam

** Indirect Yes/ No question

Note: to say-> to ask /want to know
Direct question Indirect question
Present simple
Past simple
Present perfect
Past simple
Past Perfect
Past perfect

S1: I said to Nam :”Is Petronas Twin
Towers the tallest building in the world ?”
S2: I asked Nam if/whether Petronas Twin
Towers was the tallest building in the world
IV. Homework assignment (5’)

-Learn the model

_Do exercise 2 in workbook


<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=169>

-Prepare Lesson 3 Listen + focus 4

V.textbook adaptation: ...

Period: 85 preparing date: 28/03/2011 Teaching day: 31/03/2011
Unit 14: Lesson 3 Listen + focus 3,4

<b>I. Objectives : </b>

<b>A.Aim: by the end of this lesson SS will be able to listen to the advestisement recognize</b>
mistakes through listening to an advertisement


a.Vocabulary: relaxing (a) crystal clear (a) coral (n) snorkel (v)
b. Grammar: V + to-inf , V-ing

<b>C.skills: listening to the advertisement</b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)

Crossword puzzle




2. new lesson:

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities&Contents
I.Pre- listening (10’)

I. Pre-teach vocab
T elicits words from Ss
Ss read , repeat after teacher

T holds class to play “What and where “

Relaxing (a) relaxing vacation

Crystal clear (a) = completely (trong suot)
clear and bright

Coral(n) san ho
Snorkel(v) bôi len

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=170>

II.While- listening (20’)

T sets the scene “You are going to listen
to an advertisement on the tape. There
are 4 mistakes in the advertisement in
your books, What are they ? “

Have SS read the advertisement for a few

Ask Ss some questions about the
geographical names in the paragraph
SS listen to the tape 2 or 3 times
Ss answer the questions

T corrects and gives marks

T elicits the target language from Ss

T presents the structures and the use
Ss listen carefully and take notes

Ss do exercise language focus 4 in
textbook on page 137

Call on some Ss to give their answers
T corrects if necessary

Ask Ss to write 6 sentences of their own ,
using three forms above

III.Post (3’)

Answer key

Incorrect Correct


2.Coconut Palm Inn


Far north

Coconut Palm Hotel

** Language focus 4


1.I want to go at weekends
to- inf

2.She enjoys swimming very much

3.He can speak many languages

Modal verb bare inf

Concept check

1. Form : S+ V+To-inf

Use: Most of the verbs in English are
followed by a to infinitive

2. S+V+V-ing

Use follow ; enjoy , start, begin , advise,....
3.S + Modal verb + bare inf

Modal : can , could, will,
would,shall,should,may,might , must,...
Answer key
1.to jog
2. go
3.to gather
4.to rain
5.to reach
6.to continue
7. get

EX; They begin studying harder



coral Heritage

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=171>

He can jump higher
<b>IV. Homework assignment (2’)</b>

-Do exercise , learn new words , structures
-Prepare next period

<b>V. text book adaptation;</b>

Period: 86 preparing date:30/03/2011 Teaching day:01/04/2011
Unit 14: Lesson 4 Read+Language Focus 1

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

<b>A.Aim: by the en of this lesson SS will be able to get some knowledge about the wonders</b>
of the world

a.Grammar :none

b.Vocabulary : compile(v) claim (v) honor(v) god (a) religion (n) royal (a)
<b>C.skills: reading about the wonders of the world</b>

<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)
2. new lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents

Draw dashes on the board, each dash
I. Pre-reading (10’)

1/ Pre-teach vocab

T presents new words by simple
English or translation

Ss listen, repeat new words and copy

T holds class to play “slap the board”
2/ True_False prediction 10’

1. Warm up (5’)
To complete (v)

Claim (v) say sth is true
Honor (v): to show respect
God (male)goddess (female)

Religion (n)
Royal (a)
Slap the board

Ss reading after teacher
Ss reading in the whole class

True_False prediction 10’

1) An Egyptian man compiled a list of what he
throught were the seven wonders of the world
2) The only surviving wonder is The Pyramid of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=172>

T writes these sentences in a sub-board
and put on the board

Ask Ss to decide if the statement are
true or false

II. While-reading (15’)
Answer key:

1) False: Greek man named Antipater
did it

2) True

3) False. The only surviving wonder is
the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

4), 5): True

6) False: In the early 15th<sub> century, the</sub>
Khmer King chose Phnom Penh as the
new capital

III. Post-reading (10’)

Ask Ss to read the text on page 134, to
check their gueses

Call on some Ss to correct the false

T corrects if necessary

Ask Ss to choose the best answers to
complete the sentences

T corrects

Ss read the text again and complete
this grid

Call on some Ss to give their answers

Chiops in Egypt

3) Today, we can still see the Hanging Gardens

of Babylon in present day Iraq

4) Angkor Wat was originally built to honor a
Hindu God

5) The Great Wall of China first wasn’t in the list
of the 7 wonders of the world

6) In the early 15th<sub> century, The Khmer King</sub>
chose Angkor Wat as the new capital

Ss working in grorup
Ss work in pair
3/ Multiple choice
Answer key

a) C b) A c) D d)B

5. Homework (5’)

- Do exercises in workbook
- Prepare next period write

Period: 87 prepảing date: 03/04/2011 Teaching day: 5/04/2011
Unit 14: Lesson 5 Write

I. Objectives: Ss can write a letter to a friend about a place they visited

Wonders of the world Countr

1. Hanging gardens of Babylon

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=173>

II. Language contents:
a. Grammar :none
b. Vocabulary:

ranger (a) edge (n) canyon (n) breathtaking (a) temperate (a) Stone Age (n)
III. Techniques: guesing game, Rub out and Remember, Interview

IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, sub-board
V. Procedures:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Ask Ss to think of one of the wonders of
the world and write it on a piece of paper
Call on a student to the font of the class
with his/ her paper

Have the rest of the class ask him/ her
Yes_No questions to guess the wonder
Ss guessing correct is the winner

T elicits words from Ss
Get Ss copy and read them

T checks Ss understand

Ask Ss to read the letter Tim sent to Hoa
about his trip to the grand Canyon on
page 135

Tell Ss to complete the letter by
inserting the letters of the missing
sentences (A, B, C, D)

Call on some Ss to read their complete
letters in front of the class

T corrects

T sets the scene “ Imagine you have
visited a place recently. Write a letter to
a friend of yours and tell him/ her about
this place ”

Draw the outline on the board and elicit
some details

Have Ss talk about something they have

1. Warm up (10’)
Guessing game

S1: It isn’t in Asia
S2: Is it in Europe ?
S1: No, it isn’t

S3: Is it in America ?
S1: yes, it is

S4: Is it ...?

2. Pre_teaching (15’)
I. Pre_teach voc

Ranger (a) (person who takes care of a park)
Edge (n)

Canyon (a)

Breathtaking (a): very exciting, inpressive
Tenperate (a)

Stone Age (n)

Rub out and Remember
II. Insertion

1. Letter on page 135/ textbook

Answer key

1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A
3. While_writing (15’)

+ Place: Phong Nha Cave/ Cuc Phuong
National park.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=174>

done first by asking questions for them

Ss write a letter in their notebooks
T corrects if necessary

Ss use the outline on the board and the
information in their letters to make an

4. Post_writing (3’)


Where have you just visited ?
How far is it ?

How did you get there ?

What is it like ? Is it beautiful ?
How about the weather ?

How did you feel ?
5. Homework (2’)

- Write a completed letter in your notebook

- Do exercises in notebook

- Prepare focus 1,2,3


Period: 88 prepảing date: 3/04/2011 Teaching day:5/04/2011

I. Objectives: Ss can report what people aks and answer about one of the world cultural
Heritage of Vietnam

II. Language contents:

1. Vocabulary: construct (v), design (v), summit (v), expendition (n), guide (v)
2. Grammar: Passive in Past Simple tense

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=175>

IV. Teaching aids: charts, posters, textbook
V. Procedures:

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T holds class to play “Bingo”

T reads: Temperate, breathtaking, royal,
religious, canyon, pyramid eged, god,

jungle, compile

T writes the words and their meaning on
the board

Ask Ss to go the matching

Call on some Ss to draw the lines to
connect the words

T corrects and gives answer keys

T asks Ss to retell the form of passive in
the Past Simple tense

Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the
right passive form of the verbs

Call on some Ss to give their answers

T sets the scene: Yesteday, Nga and Nhi
talked about My Son, one of the world
cultural Heritage of Vietnam. Beside
answering some of Nhi’s questions Nga
gave her some additional information
about My Son

Ask Ss to retell the form of Indirect
Yes_No question

Call on one student to read the question
another student read the reported sentence

T corrects if necessary

1. Warm up (5’)
* Bingo

+ Language focus 1
2. Presentation (10’)
I. Matching

1. construct (v)
2. design (v)
3. summit (v)
4. expendition
5. guide

a. thiết kế

b. đồn thám

c. xây dựng

d. hướng daãn

e. đỉnh (núi)
Answer keys: 1C 2A 3E 4B 5D


Form of passive in Past Simple tense
S + was / were + PP + by O

3. Practice (15’)
Answer keys

a. was completed d. was presented
b. was constructed e. was reached
c. was designed

+ Language focus 2
+ Presentation

Form: S + asked + if / whether...
+ Practice:

Answer key:

a. Nhi asked Nga if she knew My Son

b. Nhi asked Nga if My Son was in Quang
Nam province

c. Nhi asked Nga if / whether it was far from

d. Nhi asked Nga if / whether many tourists
visited My Son every year

f. Nhi asked Nga if Nga wanted to visit My
Son one day

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=176>

T asks Ss to retell the model
Ss do exercises

T corrects if necessary


S + V + Question word + To_inf
Answer key

a. Nga told Nhi how to go there

b. Nga showed Nhi where to get tickets
c. Nga pointed out where to buy souvenirs
d. Nga advised Nhi how to go from My Son
to Hoi An

e. Nga told Nhi what to do there during the

5. Homework (5’)

- L.Focus 1: Turn the passive to active
- Do exercises in workbook

- Prepare next period: Consolidation for test


Period: 89 Teaching day:

TEST 45 Minutes

I. Aim: This period helps Ss to have a chance to review the knowledge having been learnt
from unit 12 to unit 14 and Ss can recognize their errors and then they’ll correct them
II. Contents:

I. Listen and choose A or B (2ms)

1. A. Mrs Robinson wants Liz to go to the flower market

B. Mrs Robinson wants Mr Robinson to go to the flower market

2. A. Mrs Robinson wants some peach blossoms because they are traditional at Tet
B. Mrs Robinson wants some marigolds because they are traditional at Tet
3. A. Liz is busy

B. Liz is not busy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=177>

B. Mrs Nga is going to show Mrs Robinson how to make moon-cakes
II. Fill in each blank with one suitable word in the box (2ms)

temples carved single double flag Crystal-clear water starting point
1/ I spent my time swimming in... of the Coral sea

2/ Angkor Wat is one of the largest... in the world
3/ Ancient people ... figures into rocks

4/ A... bed is for two people
III. Choose the right word ( 2ms )

1/ The first pyramids of Egypt ( built, were built, are built ) around 3000 BC
2/ He urged me ( to learn, learning, learn ) French better

3/ I use these pieces of wood to ( do, make, have) the fire
4/ You are always ( talking, talk, talked) in class

5/ Motorbikes ( make, made, making) in China are cheap
6/ Thanks ( to, with, for ) inviting me to the party

7/ Paris is famous for its...( Big Ben Clock, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty )
8/ Do you know how ( make, making, to make ) fire without using the matches ?
IV. Change the sentences into the passive voice (1m )

1/ They have just built a new church near my house
2/ Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards
V. Change the sentences into indirect speech (1m)

1/ The children said, “ We are waiting for the school bus “
2/ Nga said , “ Is Phong Nha Cave in southern Vietnam, Nhi ? “
VI. Supply the correct form of the verbs (1m)

a. May I ( borrow) your bike when you are on vacation

b. We decide ( buy) a book about the seven wonders of the ancient world
c. When we ( meet ) Tam yesterday , we ( walk ) through the park

d. Your poem should ( write ) in French
VII. Give the correct form of words (1m)

a. His plays were ... on the stages in London ( performance)

b. On Christmas Day, I often send my close friends... cards ( greet )
c. There are ... in the race ( compete)

d. ... , we lost the game. we felt very disappointed
( fortunate)

Period: 90 Teaching day:

I. Aim:

This period helps Ss to remind the structures having been learnt and have a chance to
review their knowledge by doing some exercises. Teacher can check Ss’ understanding

II. Answer keys
I. 2ms

1B 2B 3B 4A
II. 2ms

1/ Crystal- clear water
2/ temples

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=178>

III. 2ms
1/ were built
2/ to learn
3/ make
4/ talking
5/ made
6/ for

7/ Eiffel Tower
8/ to make
IV. 1m

1/ A new church has just been built near my house

2/ I was taught to draw the Christmas cards by Miss Thanh
V. 1m

1/ The children said that they were waiting for the school bus
2/ Nga asked Nhi if Phong Nha was in Southern Vietnam
VI. 1m

a/ borrow
b/ to buy

c/ met/ were walking
d/ be written

VII. 1m
a/ performed
b/ greeting

III. Remarks about Ss’ answers
1/ Statistics


2/ Advantages


3/ Disadvantages


IV. Consolidation

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T can warm up the period by asking some
questions about the weather

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=179>

SS complete
T corrects

Ss give the correct form of the verbs

Ss rewrite the sentences
T corrects

Ss copy

the en...(vironment)

2/ Compost is a natural f...

3/ we have put down a de...on a
new house

4/ Car tires can be r...to make pipes and
floor coverings

5/ Nha Trang is a popular seaside r... in

II. Put the verbs into the correct form: present
simple or past simple, active or passive

1/ We ( not/ play) football yesterday
afternoon. The match ( cancel)

2/ Originally the book ( write) in Spanish and
a few years ago it ( translate) into English
3/ The boat ( sink) quickly but fortunately
everybody ( rescue)

III. Complete the sentences

1/ “ We are waiting for the school bus”, said
the children

-> The children said...
2/ She said to me, “ Turn off all the flights
when you go out”

-> She...
3/ They usually hold the concerts at the

-> The concerts...
4/ Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander
Fleming( Make question)

5/ Homework

- Rewrite the sentences to notebooks
-Prepare for the consolidation


<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=180>

Period: 90 preparing date: 06/04/2011 Teaching day:07/04/2011
Unit 15: Lesson 1 Listen & read


<b> .Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim:by the end of this lesson Ss will be able to express their opinions about a problem</b>
and get Ss to differentiate facts from opinions through reading

<b>B. knowledge:</b>

1. Vocabulary: Printer connect plug

manual under guarantee socket

2. Grammar: Present Perfect tense
<b>C. Skills: reading comprehension</b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)

Computers can help us
- save time

2. new lesson:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(181)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=181>

Ss write the topic on the board

Ask Ss to think of the topic and express
their opinions

T collects Ss’ opinions

T presents new words
Ss repeat and say meaning

Teacher sets the scene: “ Mr Nhat are
talking about the problem of the computer
they’ve just bought. What happens to the
computer ?”

T puts the chart on the board and have Ss
guess which statements are true and
which are false

T writes Ss’ guesses on the board.

Ask Ss to open their books, read the
dialogue and listen to the tape

Have Ss work in pairs again to check if

their guesses are right or not

Give feedback and corrrect

T explains “ Facts or Opinion”

+ Fact: a thing that is known to be true,
especially when it can be proved

+ Opinion: your feelings or thoughts


 Coputers help us learn interestingly
 Computers help us learn more quickly
 Computers are convenient/ easy for
keeping/ storing information

 Computers are very quickly in giving
answers to our questions

2. Presentation (10’)
I. Pre_teach vocabulary
Printer (n)

Manual (a)
Connect (v)

Under guarantee (n)
Plug (n)

Socket (n)
* Bingo

II. True/ False prediction

1. The printer isn’t working.

2. Nam has already turned the computer on
3. Nam knows how to connect a printer but
he hasn’t connected it properly.

4. The manual helped them to find out the

5. Mr Nhat bought the computer in HCM
city and it’s still under guarantee.

6. Mr Nhat thinks the company wouldn’t
do anything with his computer because it’s
too far from his place.

3. Practice (15’)
Answer key
1. T

2. T

3. F...and he has connected it properly
4. F

5. T

6. F Mr Nhat thinks the company should
do something with it

<span class='text_page_counter'>(182)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=182>

about someone or something, rather than
a fact

Ss read the statements and check
T corrects

T explains

Ask Ss to look at the table on page 146,
read the sentences and check

Ss give their answers
T corrects

Aks Ss to use reported speech to rewrite
the dialogue

Ss work in 3 groups

They write their report on a poster and
put it on the board for public check.

f) Opinion

4. Consolidation (10’)
*** Language focus 3
Present Perfect tense

Use: finished actions  indefinite time

incompleted actions  for, since, recently

Form: have/ has + past participle
Write it up

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>
- learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

Period: 91 preparing date: 10/04/2011 Teaching day:11/04/2011
Unit 15: Lesson 2 Speak + Listen

<b>I. Objectives: </b>

<b>A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use some common useful expressions</b>
to express agreement and disagreement


1. Vocabulary: challenging (a), time_consuming, adjust (v)
knob (n), disagree, agree (v)

2. Grammar: none

<b>C.Skills: speak& listen to complete the form</b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)
Guessing game

“ Do you think that ...?”
2. new lesson:

Teacher’s activities students’ activities & Contents
I. Pre_speaking (10’)

New words
Challenging (a)
Adjust (v)

Ss reading

<span class='text_page_counter'>(183)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=183>

Knob (n)

Ask Ss each to think of one of the ways
computers are helpful and write it on a

piece of paper

T writes the topic on the board

Useful expressions to express agreement
and disagreement

Explain “on the other hand”

Put the table on the board and elicit Ss’
answers then write them in the table
Put the photocopied pictures on the right
of the board and the cues on the left
II. While_speaking(15’)

T: I think driving a car is easy.

P: I disagree. I think it’s difficult to drive
a car.

Mapped dialogue
I am having
problems with

wrong ?
It doesn’t work.


No, you didn’t
Oh, sorry

III. Post(10’)

 starting/ stopping point

 questions


 answers


Get a student to demonstrate the model

Ask Ss to use the adjectives in the box
on page 140 to express their opinions
T presents some new words

T corrects

T gets Ss to understand how events are
sequenced in a flow chart and the
meaning of all the shapes used in the

Working individual and answer with “Yes or


1. Reading comic books d
2. Playing in the rain a

3. Oriving a car b

4. Foreign food c

Answer key: 1b 2c 3a 4d

a. Do you have the correct change ?
b. Yes

c. What do you want to drink ?
d. Take it

Ss practice speaking
Ss practice before class
Ss work in pairs

Ss to listen

<span class='text_page_counter'>(184)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=184>


T plays the tape 2 or 3 times and asks Ss
to listen

Tell Ss to fill the gaps with the
information they have heard from the

Ss compare answers withtheir partners
Ss write on the board

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>
- learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

Period: 92 Preparing date: 14/04/2011 Teaching day: 15/04/2011

Unit 15: Lesson 3 Read
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A. Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss can know more about how computers work in a</b>


1. Vocabulary: freshman (n) bulletion board (n) impact (n)

jack(n) skeptical (a)

2. Grammar:

<b>C.Skills: reading about the computer library</b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1.Warm up(5’)

*** Jumbled words: words relating to a computer
1. terpirn

2. seumo
3. recsnc
4. nimorot

5. bdoaryke
6. moseu dap
Answer key

1. Printer
2. mouse

3. screen
4. monitor

5. key board

6. mouse pad
2. new lesson:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

I. Presentation (10’)
freshman (n)

jack (a)

bulletion board = notice board
skeptical (a)

Ss reading after teacher

<span class='text_page_counter'>(185)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=185>

impact (n)

What and Where
* Open prediction

1. Where in the library do we get/ find
information ?

2. How can we store the information ?
3. If we want to discuss something, how
can we do ?

II. While_reading (15’)
T asking ss to predict T/F
a) T

b) T
c) T
d) F
e) F
f) T

Get Ss to read the text again then choose
true or false

III. Post (10’)

T asks Ss to answer questions

a) It has no library. All the information
normally found in a library is now stored
in the university’s computes

b) All the information normally found in
a library or messages normally foound on
a bulletin board

c) A computer and a telephone

d) With a bulletin board on the Internet, a
great number of people can get access to
bulletin and exchange informatin quickly

Ss work in group

Ss to guess what they’ve going to read

Elicit words from Ss

Ss work in group to guess t/f

Ss to read the text again then choose true or

Ss to answer questions
Ss write on the board
T corrects

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>
- learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook,prepare for next period
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(186)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=186>

Period: 93 preparing date: 15/04/2011 Teaching day:16/04/2011
Unit 15: Lesson 4 Write


A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write a set of instructions on how to
use the printer and complete a flow chart

1 Vocabulary:

2. Grammar: Present Perfect

C.Skills: writing the instruction of the printer with the picture
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’) Bingo

paper input tray (n)power button (nremove (v)
output path (n)

Monitor power Computer

Tray Printer Freshman

Notice board Bulletin board Paper

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

I. Pre_writing (10’)
1. Pre_teach vocabulary
Paper input tray (n)
Power button (n)
Icon (n)

Output path (n)
Remove (v)

1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d

Ss Reading after teacher and writing in the

Answer key

<span class='text_page_counter'>(187)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=187>

5 e
6 f

Teacher Asking Ss to preparing to answer
II. While_writing (15’)

T uses the picture on page 142 to elicit
words from Ss

Ss repeat and say the meaning
Have Ss copy

Ask Ss to look at exercise 1 and do the

Get some Ss to give their answers and

Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 143

and read the cues

Have Ss work in pairs to outline the

Call on some Ss to say out the instructions
first (1 or 2 Ss for each sentence)

Ask Ss to write the instructions in their

Give feedback and correct

Ss complete the dialogues
Ss work in pairs

Have some pairs to demonstrate the
dialogues for the class

Pronunciation correction

Ss to preparing to answer
Ss answering the questions
Answer key

Remove the old paper and load the new
paper in the paper input tray

Wait for the power button to flash

Have the pages appear on the computer

Click the printer icon on the screen and
wait for a few seconds

The printed paper will come out of the
output path in a minute

4. Post (10’)
Focus 4
Answer key

1) Have you seen
did you see/ saw
2) have not had
3) have been
4) have heard
5) happened
6) had

7) fell 8) broke
9) has arrived

has / did it arrive / arrived
5. Homework (5’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(188)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=188>

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>
- learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook,prepare for next period

<b>V.textbook adaptation: ...</b>

Period: 94 preparing date:16/04/2011 Teaching day:18/04/2011
Unit 15: Lesson 5 Language focus

I. Objectives:

<b>A. aim: by the end of the lesson Ss can use “yet” and “already” to express the present</b>

* Vocabulary: none

* Grammar: Present Perfect
<b>C.skill: writing</b>

<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1.Warm up (5’)
Lucky number

1/ What does your father / mother do ?

2/ What did you do last night ?

3/ Lucky number

4/ How often is Hue festival held ?
(It is held every 2 years )

5/ Lucky number

6/ What were you doing at 8 o’clock
last night ?

7/ Guess what your parents are doing at the moment ?
8/ Who often cooks in your family ?

9/ Which grade will you be in next school year ?
10/ Lucky number

2. new lesson:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

I. Pre_teach (10’)

T divides the class into 2 teams

*Language focus 1

_ Do homework √  (already)

_ Tidy the room X  (not yet)

_ Turn off the washing machine √ 


<span class='text_page_counter'>(189)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=189>

T sets the scene

T shows the chart (Ba’s diary) on the board

T presents the present perfect with “yet”
and “already”

Have Ss copy

Ss complete the dialogue using Yet and

Call on some pairs to demonstrate the
dialogue for the class

Give feedback and correct
T corrects

Ask Ss to look at the flight information
tables and asks questions to show the

Ask Ss talking in turns to ask and answer
the questions


Present perfect with “Yet” and “Already”

Yet: used in questions and negative

Already: used in positive statements

Yet: at the end of the sentence

Already: between auxiliary have and
past participle

3. Practice (15’)

Answer key

- I have finished it already

- I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet
- I have already turned it off

- I’ve already called and told her to have
lunch with us

4. Post (10’)

** Focus 2

Questions and answers

T: Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet ?
S: Yes, it has already departed

T: Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived
yet ?

S: No, it hasn’t arrived yet
5. Homework (5’)

- Do exercises in workbooks
- Prepare: Correction 4
- Write questions & answers

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>
- learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook,prepare for next period

<span class='text_page_counter'>(190)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=190>

Period: 96 preparing date:20/04/2011 Teaching day:21/04/2011
Unit 16: Lesson 1 Listen and read


A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss can know the origin of paper and talk about the
process of producing something


1.Vocabulary: remove (v) process (a)

crush (v) mold (n)

liquify (v) conveyor belt

grind (v)

manufacture (v)
2. Grammar:none

<b>C.Skills: reading comprehension</b>
II. preparation:

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up(5’) Marks
** Quiz _ who did it ?

Who was the inventor of ...? or who invented ...?
2.new lesson:

Teacher’s activities students’ activities&Contents
I.Getting started

T tells the teams to raise their hands when T

finished the questions

Get Ss to look at the pictures on page 147 and
ask them some questions to evaluate how
much they understand the pictures

Ask Ss to read the sentence (AE) and match

them with the correct pictures

Call on some Ss to give their answers
Give feedback and correct

2. Presentation (10’)
II. Pre_teach vocabulary
Remove (v)

Liquify (v)
Crush (v)

Grind / ground / ground
Manufature (v)= produce

Where are they form ? (picture a, b, c)
What is the man in picture a) doing ?
What is it ? (d)

Ss to look at the pictures on page 147
and answering some questions to
evaluate how much they understand the


Ss to read the sentence (AE) and match

them with the correct pictures
Answer key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(191)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=191>

Process (n)
Mold (n)
Conveyor belt

Elicit words form Ss
3. Practice (15’)

T sets the scene: Tim Jones, Hoa’s American
penpal, is visiting a chocolate factory with his
class and his teacher. Mrs Allen, now, guess
who will show them around the factory and
what they will learn from this visit

Ss guess

T writes Ss’ prediction on the board
4. Consolidation (10’)


T plays the tape and asks Ss to listen while
reading then dialogue on page 148

Ask Ss to match the half sentences on page

Have Ss compare their answer with their

Put the gird on the board and have Ss copy
Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and fill in
the grid

T calls on some pairs to go to the board to
write their answers

Give feedback and correct

Ss repeat and say meaning
Ss copy

Answer key
E a)

D b)
C c)
F d)
B e)
A f)

Answer key

1. The beans are washed, weighed and


2. The shells are removed

3. The beans are crushed and liquefied
4. Cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla and milk
are added

5. The mixture is ground, rolled and
poured into the molds

Ss to read the dialogue again and fill in
the grid

some pairs to go to the board to write
their answers

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)- Learn by heart new words</b>

- Rewrite the grid using sequence markers (first, next, then,..., finally)
- Prepare: Speak

<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>


Period: 97 preparing date: 20/04/2011 Teaching day:22/04/2011

<span class='text_page_counter'>(192)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=192>

Unit 16: Lesson 2 Speak

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>A.Aim: by the end of the lesson Ss can talk about the inventions using the passive</b>

1. Vocabulary:

Facsimile X_ray

Reinforced concrete Loudspeaker

Microphone Helicopter

2. Grammar: none

<b>C.skills: asking about the time in invention somethings</b>
II. preparation:

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)
** Bingo (Revision)

(foreman, process, manufacture, remove, crush, liquify, grind, pour, mold, conveyor belt)
Teacher’s activities students’ activitiesContents

I.Pre_speaking (10’)
I. Pre_teach voc

1. Facsimile

2. Reinforced concrete
3. Microphone

4. X_ray

5. Loudspeaker
6. Helicopter

T has Ss study the meanings of the
inventions usiing Vietnamese

Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 148
again and pick out all of the passive

Call on Ss to give their answer

Have Ss review the passive in the present
and past simple tenses

II. While_speaking (15’)

T: What was invented by Friedrich
Koneig ?

S: Printing Press

T: When wa it invented ?

S: In 1810

Ss reading after teacher
Ss reading in whole class

Ss to read the dialogue on page 148 again
and pick out all of the passive sentences

Asnwer key

1) This is where the cocoa beans are stored
( pre, simple)

2) That button can not be touched (passive
with model)

3) The beans are washed, weighed and
cooked here

4) After the shells are removed...into

Ss to ask and answer questions about the
inventions to the fill in the missing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(193)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=193>

T: Where was Koenig form ?
S: He was from Germany

T asks Ss to ask and answer questions
about the inventions to the fill in the
missing information

Ask Ss to look at the tables on page 150
and page 156 and model the exchanges,
using a good student

III. Post (10’)

*** Making reports

Eg: The printing press was invented by
Friedrich Koenig in 1810

Have Ss copy the complete table
Model and have Ss repeat

Ask Ss to use the comlete table to report
what they have found


Ss work in pairs

Ss ask and answer then fill in the missing

Monitor and help Ss if necessary
Ss practice before class

Ss to use the comlete table to report what
they have found

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)- Learn by heart new words</b>

-Use the information in the table to write 12 complete sentences in the...
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

Period: 98 preparing date: 23/04/2011 Teaching day: 25/04/2011
Unit 16: Lesson 3 Listen

<span class='text_page_counter'>(194)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=194>

<b> A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss can fill in the gaps and order sentences from</b>
listening. They can know more information about papermaking

1 . Vocabulary:

procedure (n) microware (n)

pulp (n) vacuum (n)

vat (n) foaster (n)

drain (v)
roller (n)
roll (n)
2 . Grammar:none

<b>C.Skills: listening to manufacture of paper-making</b>

<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)

Guessing game What invention ?

2.new lesson:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

I.. Pre_listening (10’)
Pre_teach vocabulary
Procedure (n)

Pulp (n)

(What is used to make paper ?)
vat (n)

drain (v)
roller (n)
roll (n)

What and Where

3 . While_listening (15’)

Inform the topic: paper_making process
Have Ss read the sentences

Play the tape 2 or 3 times and ask Ss to
fill in the gaps with the words the catch
Call on Ss to give their answers

III.Post_listening (listen 2) (10’)

Ss reading after teacher

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ss working individual

Answer key

1. simple 3. two hundred 5. rollers
2. same 4. left

Ss to read the sentences (a_g) carefully and
guess the order

Ss to listen


Pulp vat


<span class='text_page_counter'>(195)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=195>

Ask Ss to read the sentences (a_g)
carefully and guess the order

Play the tape again and ask
Ss to listen

Give feedback and correct

Answer key:

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>

_ Do exercises in the workbook, page 96
_ Prepare: Lesson 4 Read

<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>


Period: 99 preparing date: 25/04/2011 Teaching day: 26/04/2011
Unit 16: Lesson 4 Read

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b> A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss can understand the content of the poem . They can</b>
know more information about inventions


<span class='text_page_counter'>(196)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=196>

2 . Grammar: passive voice (review)

<b>C. Skills:reading about household appliances</b>
<b>II. preparation:</b>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)
* Brainstorm

- washing machine
- dishwasher


T asks Ss to work in pairs and make a list of modern equipment in their home
2.new lesson:

T presents some new words
I/ Pre_reading (10’)

Pre_teach vocabulary:
Microwave (n)

Vacuum (n)
Toaster (n)
Hairdryer (n)
Dishwasher (n)
** Bingo

3/ While_reading (15’)
Matching (read 1)

Ss listen to the tape about the content
of the poem

Get Ss to read the poem on page 151
Ask Ss some questions to help them
understand the reading more

Have Ss match the headings to the
verses on page 152

Call on Ss to give their answers
Give feedback and correct

What’s the 1st<sub> verse about ?</sub>

Ss repeat and say the meaning
Reading in the whole class

Ss listen to the tape about the content of the

Ss to read the poem on page 151

Ss some questions to help them understand the
reading more

Ss to give their answers

Answer key

<span class='text_page_counter'>(197)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=197>

Is the 2nd<sub> verse about the appliances</sub>
used in the kitchen ?

What are “doom, chugga_chug,
vroom, boom” ?


Tell Ss to read the sentences and fill in
the gaps with the inventions taken
from the poems

Have Ss compare their answers with
their partners

Ss give their answer and correct

Verse 1: b
Verse 2: c
Verse 3: a (10’)

Ss to read the sentences and fill in the gaps with
the inventions taken from the poems

Ss compare their answers with their partners
Ss give their answer and correct

Answer key

1. vacuum 4. microwave

2. telephone 5. hair dryer
3. washing machine 6. toaster
Guessing game

EX: Is it used to clean and dry our hair ?
<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>

__ Do exercises in the workbook, page 96
_ prepare: Lesson 4 Write + Focus 4
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>



Period: 100 preparing date: 26/04/2011 Teaching day: 28/04/2011
Unit 16: Lesson 5 Write + Focus 4

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

A.Aim: by the end of this lesson Ss can use the sequence markers to describe a
manufacturing procedure

<b>B. knowledge:</b>

1 . Vocabulary: log(n) flatten (v) refine(v) chemically(adv)
2 . Grammar:none

<span class='text_page_counter'>(198)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=198>

<b>Teacher’s: lesson plan, textbook</b>
<b>Students’: books ,notebooks</b>
<b>III. Procedures:</b>

1. Warm up (5’)
Jumbled words

= Pulp
2 = roller





Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

I. Pre- writing (10’)
Pre-teach vocabulary

Log(n) : a thick piece of wood that is cut
from a tree

Flatten(v) : to make sth become flat

Chemically(adv) : treated in a chemical

Rub out and remember
3. While- writing (15’)
Write 1

Ask each group to write their answer on a
piece of paper to hand in

+ What is cut into chips ?

+ What are chips mixed with before they
are crushed to heavy pulp ?

+ Why is the pulp passed through rollers?
+ What is the last step in paper- making ?
Answer keys:

1. First 3. next 5. Then
2. Then 4. after this 6. finally
Give feedback and correct

Have Ss look at the picture on page 153
Ask Ss to put the pictures in the correct

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ss play the game

Ask ss to read the text on page 152 and fill
in the gaps with the right sequence markers
to describe the procedure of paper-making
Ask ss some questions to check if they
understand the text

Ss to read the completed sentences

Write 2

** Ordering pictures




<span class='text_page_counter'>(199)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=199>


Ask Ss to rearrange the sentences on page
153 according to the ordered pictures
Call on Ss to give their answer

Have Ss use the sequence markers to link
the sentences together in a paragraph
Ss write a description of how white rice is

In the traditional way, using the sequence

4. Post- writing (10’)

Have Ss complete the sentences orally first
Ss write

Give feedback and correct

Answer key: 2-4-1-5-3-6

Language focuc 4
Answer keys

First, the rice crop is harvested. Then the
rice plants are threshed ( to seperate the
grains from the straw). Next ( After this),
the rice grains are husked in the mill to
produce brown rice. After this, the bran is
removed in the mortar and it is finally
winnowed to produce white rice

<b>IV. Homework assignment (5’)</b>
- Learn new words

_ Prepare Language focus 1,2,3
<b>V.textbook adaptation: </b>

Period: 101, 102 Teaching day:03/05/2011
I. Objectives:

Ss can change active sentences into passive ones and write WH questions in the

II. Language contents:

1 . Vocabulary:run a busuness/ company around the corner due to flood(n)
zipper(n) xerography(n)

2 . Grammar:Passive voice

III. Techniques: Pelmanism. slap the board
IV. Teaching aids: cardboards

V. Procedure:

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Inform the topic “ Infinitive- Past participle

<span class='text_page_counter'>(200)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=200>

Divide the class into 2 teams

T presents new words
Ss copy

T checks vocabulary

Have Ss do exercise 1 on page 154
Ss write the sentences on the board
T corrects

Ss practice

Ss write on cardboards

T corrects

Ss copy

Go through the underlined words with Ss
before have them write questions

a/ The zipper-> what
b/ Maize-> what

in the 16th<sub> century-> when</sub>
c/ by Lewis Waterman-> who
e/ in Hungary-> where

e/ in copying machines-> in which machine
Ss write questions

Have Ss change the passive sentences into
the active ones

T gives feedback and corrects

Infinitive Past

Write written
Draw drawn
Sell sold
Win won
Run run

2. Pre- teach (10’)

Pre- teach vocabulary

run a busuness/ company (v)
around the corner = every year
due to = because of

flood(n) ( There might be... when it
rains heavily for days)

Slap the board
3. While (15’)
Language focus 1
Answer keys

a/ The document was typed by Mrs Quyen
b/ the computer was repaired by Mr Nhan
c/ The picture was drawn by ba

d/ the lights were turned off by Hoa
e/ The cake was baked by Lan
Language focus2

Answer key
a/ was awarded
b/ won

c/ ran

d/ was run/ was sold
f/ was closed ( closed)
Language focus 3
Answer key

a/ What was invented by W.L judson in

b/What was brought into Vietnam by Phung
Khac Khoan? When was maize brought into
Viet Nam ?

c/ Who invented the fountain pen ? When
was the fountain pen invented ?

d/ Where was the ballpoint pen invented ?
e/ In which machine is xerography widely
used ?

4. Post (10’) Marks



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