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giao an tu chon 11

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Period: 1st <sub>Date of preparation: August 27</sub>th<sub>, 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 1: Speaking</b>


<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about a
famous friend.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: Words related to appearance and personality.
- Grammar/ Structures:

<i>+ What…look like?</i>
<i>+ What is … like?</i>
- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skill: </b>Speaking

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.
<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks.

<b>1. Warm-up: </b>(5’)
- Give the handouts.

+ Fill the adjectives from the box with the parts of the body:
<i>short – broad – straight – tall – crooked – </i>

<i>pointed – oval – turn-up - square – flat – </i>
<i>large – wide – wrinkled – dyed – long - </i>


Parts of the body Adjectives


- Expected answers:

Parts of the body Adjectives

Face <i>oval, square, large, long</i>
Nose <i>crooked, turn-up, flat, straight</i>

Hair <i>Long, dyed, curly</i>

Forehead <i>wrinkled, wide, broad</i>

Height <i>tall</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Pre-speaking </b>(10’)

- help Ss use some structures.

+ Useful language:

What does he / she look like?
<i> What is / she like?</i>

<i> Is he / she tall?</i>

- elicit Ss to make question upon the
basic profile of the friend.

<b>Whole class</b>
- give the questions.

<i>* What’s your friend’s/ his/ her </i>

<i>* When was he/ she born?</i>
<i>* What does he/ she look like?</i>
<i>* What are his/ her hobbies?</i>
<i>* What’s he/ she like?</i>

<i>* What makes him/ her a good </i>

<i>* What made him/ her successful?</i>
<i>* How much time does he spend on</i>
<i>Math every day?</i>

<i>* What does he do in his free time?</i>
<b>B. While-speaking </b>(20’)

- ask Ss to work in pairs to play roles
as a journalist and an interviewee,
then talk about the famous friend.

<b>Pair work</b>
- work in pairs: journalist &

<b>Model dialogue:</b>

<i>J: Could you tell me something about</i>
<i>your friend?What’s his name?</i>

<i>I: His name is Khoa.</i>
<i>J: When was he born?</i>
<i>I: On 15th<sub> October in 1995.</sub></i>
<i>J: What does he look like? </i>
<i>I: Tall and good-looking.</i>
<i>J: What is he like? </i>

<i>I: Oh, he is friendly. </i>
<i>J: What are his hobbies? </i>

<i>I: He likes reading books, especially </i>

<i>J: What does he do in his free time? </i>
<i>I: He often plays badminton.</i>

<i>J: Why is he interested in Maths?</i>
<i>I: Because he finds it interesting.</i>
<i>J: How much time does he spend on </i>
<i>Maths every day?</i>

<i>I: About 2 hours a day.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

- get some pairs of Ss to play roles in
front of the class.

- ask Ss to give comments of their
friends’ conversation.

<i>I: He is a person who is very helpful </i>
<i>and understanding.</i>

<i>J: What makes him successful?</i>
<i>I: He is very intelligent and studious.</i>
- each pair plays roles as guided.
- give comments on the interview.
<b>C. Post-speaking </b>(10’)

- ask the Ss to report the profile of
their partner’s famous friend.
- get Ss to give comments on the

<b>Pair work</b>
- report the profile of the
interviewee’s famous friend.

- give comments on the reports.

<b>- </b>Report the profile of the famous friend.
<b>V. </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Period: 2nd <sub>Date of preparation: September 17</sub>th<sub>, 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 2: Grammar</b>


<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use infinitive with
<i>to and infinitive without to.</i>

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures: infinitive with to and infinitive without to
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skills:</b>


<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.
<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks.

<b>Warm-up: </b>(5’)
<b>Game: Ordering</b>

Rearrange the sentences so that they become meaningful:
a. hair / cut / his / to / immediately / he / needs.

b. apple / I / to / an / eat / want.

c. saw / she / climb / tree / the / cat / a.

d. go / out / his / let / last night / mother / him.
<b>Expected answer:</b>

a. He needs to cut his hair immediately.
b. I want to eat an apple.

c. She saw a cat climb the tree.
d. His mother let him go out.
2. New lesson:

<b>A. To – Infinitive </b>(20’)
<b>* Presentation:</b>

- Hang a poster on the board.
<i>a. He needs to cut his hair </i>

<i>b. I want to eat an apple.</i>
<i>c. He wants something to eat.</i>
<i>d. It is too cold to go out.</i>

- Ask Ss to underline the to +

<i>infinitive </i>

- Ask the Ss to comment on the use

- underline the phrase to + infinitive.
<i>a. He needs to cut his hair </i>


<i>b. I want to eat an apple.</i>
<i>c. He wants something to eat.</i>
<i>d. It is too cold to go out.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

of <b>to + infinitive </b> in these examples.
<b>- </b>Provide Ss with the use of to +

<b>+ Use:</b>

<b>* to indicate the purpose :</b>
Ex: I get up early <i><b>to walk</b><b> .</b><b> </b></i>

<b>* as a modifier to replace a relative</b>

Ex: I have a lot of work <i><b>to do</b> ( which</i>
<i>I have to do)</i>

<b>* as an object of a verb </b>
Ex: I like <i><b>to walk.</b></i>

<b>* as an subject</b>

Ex: It is healthful <i><b>to walk</b> every</i>

<b>* in idiomatic expression :</b>

Ex: The weather is too bad for me <i><b>to</b></i>
<i><b>walk</b> today.</i>

<b>* Practice: </b>

<b>- Task 1: (</b>Exercise 1, page 7,

- Ask Ss to work individually.

- Call on some Ss to give their

- Give feedback

<b>1. </b>the <b>to + infinitive </b> can be placed
after <b>some verbs ( </b>a, b )<b> </b>

<b>2. </b>the <b>to + infinitive </b> can be placed
after <b>nouns/pronouns ( </b>c )<b> </b>

<b>3.</b> the <b>to + infinitive </b> can be placed

after adjectives ( d )


1. That was a very rude remark to

2. It was safer to go by train.

3. It was quite a surprise to see him

4. That was very dangerous of Long
to give me 50,000 dong.

5. It was very difficult for her to
drive the motorbike.

6. That was a very odd place to visit.
7. It was very silly of the boy to do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>B. Bare infinitives ( without to ) </b>

<b>* Presentation:</b>

- Hang a poster on the board.

- Ask Ss to underline the <b> infinitive</b>

<b>without to </b>

<i>a. My father doesn’t let me use his</i>

<i>b. Her boss made her finish the</i>
<i>report by 5 p.m</i>

<i>c. He saw the cat catch a fish.</i>
<i>d. You had better not smoke. </i>
<i>e. She saw a cat climb the tree.</i>
<i>f. His mother let him go out.</i>

- Ask the Ss to comment on the use
of <b> infinitive without to</b> in these

- Write the structure on the Bb

<b>S + Perceptive verbs + Object + </b>
<b>Bare inf</b>

- see - hear - listen to
<i> - watch - feel - smell - taste</i>
<i> - observe , notice</i>

<i> - had better , would rather,</i>
<i>perceptive verbs ( see, smell, feel,</i>

<i>* Other verbs : let make , help</i>
<b>* Practice: </b>

Task 2: (Exercise 3, page 27,

- Ask Ss to work individually.

- Call on some Ss to give their

- Give feedback

-Copy down and underline the

<i>a. My father doesn’t let me <b> use</b> his</i>

<i>b. Her boss made her <b> finish </b> the</i>
<i>report by 5 p.m</i>

<i>c. He saw the cat <b> catch </b> a fish.</i>
<i>d. You had better not <b>smoke.</b></i>
<i>e. She saw a cat <b>climb</b> the tree.</i>
<i>f. His mother let him <b>go out</b>.</i>

<b>- </b>Comment on the use of <b> infinitive</b>
<b>without to. </b>

<b>1.</b> <b> infinitive without to </b>can be
placed after verbs of perceptions
such as <b>feel, hear, see,</b> <b>watch, smell,</b>
<b>notice,....</b> -> refer to the complete
action.<b> </b>

<b> 2. infinitive without to </b>can be
placed after <b> let/make somebody;</b>
<b>had better (not)/ should.... </b>


1. The teacher let him stay at home to
finish the assignment.

2. She noticed the boy run away from
the house.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

4. The policeman made the thief
empty his pockets.

5. I heard him leave the house early
in the morning.

6. She stood there and watch him
drive away.

7. I could feel the robber come from
the back door.

8. Do you think the school will make
me pay some extra money?


<b>- Pick out the inf in the following</b> <b>sentences and describe the function of</b>
<b>each </b>

1To find fault is easy.

2.It is delightful to hear the sound of the see.
3.The dog wants something to eat.

4.I saw him run the mile in four minutes.
5.Everybody wishes to enjoy life.

6.He is too ill to do any work.
7.I am not afraid to tell the truth.

8.He went to Paris to perfect his knowledge of French.
<b>V. </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

Period: 3rd <sub>Date of preparation: September 20</sub>th<sub>, 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 3: Grammar</b>


<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the past tense.
<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures: the past simple, the past progressive and past

- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skills:</b>


<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.
<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks.

<b>1. Warm-up: </b>(5’)

- Put the correct form of the verbs in to past form and past participle form.

Expected answer:

<i>See</i> Saw Seen

<i>Watch</i> Watched Watched

<i>Eat</i> Ate Eaten

<i>Have</i> Had Had

<i>be</i> Was/Were Been

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation </b>(10’)

- Hang on the poster ask the Ss to
pay attention to the verb form & the
use of the past tense.

- Look at the sentences and deduce
the form of past tense.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>


1. I saw a horror film last night.
2. He was watching a film when his
friend came.

3 . I was eating dinner at 7 yesterday.
4. I was watching TV while he was
making dinner.

5 I had never seen such a beautiful
beach before I went to Dong Hoi
6. They had had dinner before 7


7. We had had that car for 10 years
before it broke down.

- Give comments

- Give the use of the past tense.
+ <b>Use</b>:

* <b>The simple past</b> : - an action
started and finished at a specific time
in the past; a series of actions
completed in the past.

* <b>The past continuous</b> : - a longer
action in the past was interrupted
( the interruption is shorter in the
simple past ) an action happening at
specific time in the past ; some
actions were happening at the same

*<b>The past perfect</b>: - action
happened before another action
expressed in the past or before a
specific time in the past; something
started in the past and continued up
until another action in the past.

I saw a horror film last night.
<b>S + V(-ed/2) + O + Adv</b>
* <b>The past continuous </b>:

- He was watching a film when his
friend came.

- I was eating dinner at 7 yesterday.
- I was watching TV while he was
making dinner.

<b>S + was/were + V-ing + O + Adv</b>
* <b>The past perfect:</b>


- I had never seen such a beautiful
beach before I went to Dong Hoi
- They had had dinner before 7 p.m.
- We had had that car for 10 years
before it broke down.

<b>S + had + V(-ed/3) + O + Adv</b>

<b>B. PRACTICE </b>(20’)

1. Task 1: (exercise 3, page 15,

- Ask Ss to work individually.

- Call on some Ss to give their

- Work individually.
- Give the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>


- Give feedback

2. Task 2: (exercise 4, page 15,

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the

- Call on some Ss to give their

- Give feedback

3. was driving
4. had gone
5. had eaten
6. was doing
7. were you doing
8. had told.

- work in pairs to do the exercise.
- Give the answers.

1. a. was trying
b. stopped
c. offered
2. a. didn’t see
b. had seen

3. a. was not wearing
b. didn’t see

c. was
4. a. lay

b. were feeding
5. a. did not answer
b. was having
6. a. felt
b. finished
c. fell

7. a. couldn’t
b. had explained.
<b>C. PRODUCTION </b>(8’)

- Give some adverbs:

<i>Yesterday, before 2000, at 7:00 p.m </i>

<i>last night</i>

- Ask Ss work in groups of four and
make sentences using those adverbs
in 3 minutes, which group have the
correct answers first will be the

- Call on the Ss to give the answers.
- Comment on Ss’ answers.

- Work in groups of four and make
sentences using the 3 adverbs.
- Give the answers in front of the


<i>1. I met Long at the school gate </i>

<i>2. Mary had graduated from the </i>
<i>university before 2000.</i>

<i>3. I was having dinner at 7:00 p.m </i>
<i>last night.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

- Do exercise 5 in page 16 in workbook.
<b>V. </b>

<b>COMMENTS: ...</b>

Period: 4th <sub>Date of preparation: September 29</sub>th<sub> ,2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 4: Writing</b>


<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a letter of

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:

+ Would you like + to infinitive ....? (invitation),
+ Present progressive (future plan)

- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skill: </b>Writing

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.
<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks.

<b>1. Warm-up: </b>(5’)
<b>Game: Hang man</b>

<b> </b> <b> </b>

<b> </b>
- give instructions

- divide class into 2 groups
- ask Ss to guess the word
- choose the winner


In our reading lesson today, we’ll focus on how to write an invitation letter.<b> </b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Preparing to write </b>(10’)

-T shows the letter of invitation in

<b>Whole class</b>

- Listen to the T and note down the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

Tieng Anh 11 at page 38 then asks Ss
to tell the parts of the letter and the
sentences following with those.
-T asks Ss some qustions like :
What is Minh Hanh going to do? Is

she going to write a letter to anwer
An Duc ?

If she accept / refuse to come , what
will she write in her letter?

- T asks Ss to make a list of phrases
used to express the interest for the
invitation / regret for not attending to
the event:.

knowledge about the outline of the
invitation letter.

<i><b>Suggested answers</b></i>:

1.The heading (place and time) : 67,
<i>Ngoc Ha Steet</i>

<i>Hanoi , Viet Nam.</i>

2.The greeting : Dear Minh Hanh
3.The body (the statement of

invitation, reason of invitation, venue
, date and time, some more detailed
information) I am going to have a
<i>New year Ever Party at my house at </i>
<i>7 pm , on 31st<sub> ,December. Would you</sub></i>
<i>like to come?...</i>

4. The closing and ending (request
for reply, social statement) : Please
<i>let me know</i>


5. The signature
<b>B. Writing </b>(20’)

T tells Ss the format of a letter of

-Go round to control the class and
help them if possible.

-Get two students to write their letter
on the board and get the class to give
their comments.

- T goes around to watch Ss, and
give them a need if necessery.

<b>Individual work</b>

- Work in individuals to write the
letters as requested.

Suggested ideas:

-I’m having a New Year’s Eve party
at …

- I’m going to turn 16 and I’m giving
a birthday party at …;

I’ve just won a national Math prize
and my parents are holding a big
party for me at …;

-At my house at 7 p.m. on

Wednesday -Most of our class mates
have been invited.

-There will be dancing and some
games with nice prizes for the

-There will be a lot of special foods
and soft drinks for all of us.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

-food &drink
<b>C. Production </b>(10’)

T collects three letters from the

groups an correct them

<b>Peer correction</b>

- Exchange their piece of writing
together and self-correct

-Write the letter on the board.

- Give comments on the model letter.

<b>- </b>Do the exercise again at home.
<b>V. </b>

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Period: 5th <sub>Date of preparation: October 6</sub>th<sub> , 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 5: Grammar</b>


<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- understand the term “infinitive”.

- use it exactly in some kinds of exercises.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures: to-infinitive, bare infinitive, passive infinitive,

perfect infinitive.

- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skills:</b>


<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.
<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks.

<b>1. Warm-up:</b>(5’)
<b>Game: Variant</b>

- Divide the class into 2 teams (A & B)

- Give a verb and ask them to give all the variants of this verb as quickly as

- The team give the answers fastest and have more correct words will win.
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation </b>(15’)


<b>The Infinitive</b> is a base form of a verb.
Infinitives usually occur with the
marker to but they can occur without

the marker to the infinitive with to is
called ‘<b>to-infinitive</b>’. The infinitive
without to is known as the <b></b>

<b>1. To-infinitive</b>

<b>Whole class</b>

- Listen to the T and note down the
knowledge about infinitives, bare
infinitives, passive infinitive,
perfect infinitive.

- Pay attention to the usage of
infinitives, bare infinitives, passive
infinitive, perfect infinitive, then
give each case an example.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

- Give some common verbs which are
usually followed by to-infinitive.

afford decide intend
pretend want

agree expect manage

appear fail offer

ask hope plan

- Give an example

I hope to see you soon.

- Give some verbs are followed by a
(pro)noun and then a to-infinitive.
advise expect order
teach would like

allow force permit

ask invite remind

encourage need require


My mother allows me to go out.
<b>2. Bare-infinitive</b>

- Use after the modal auxiliaries
- After ‘let’ and ‘make’

- After some perceptive verbs:
feel hear listen to
look at notice observe

perceive see smell watch

I hear someone talk in my room.
3. Passive Infinitive

<b>V + To be + PP</b>

Eg: I didn’t expect to be invited to the

<b>4. Perfect Infinitive</b>
<b>V+To have + </b>


She expects to pass the exams

<b>2. Bare-infinitive</b>

He watches the cat climb the tree.
<b>3. Passive Infinitive</b>

Eg: I hope to be invited to his

<b>4. Perfect Infinitive</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>


<b> </b>Eg: The heavy rain seems to have
stopped.<b> </b>

<b>B. Practice</b>(15’)

- Divide the class groups of 4

- Give each small group a hand out and
ask Ss to do the task.

<i><b>Insert ‘to’ where necessary before the </b></i>
<i><b>infinitive in brackets:</b></i>

1. He made me (do) it all over

2. She can (sing) very well.

3. He’ll be able (swim) very soon.
4. It’s easy (be) wise after the


5. Do you wish (make) a

6. It’s better (travel) by train.
7. He was made (sign) a paper

admitting his guilt.

8. I advise him (ask) the bus

conductor (tell) him where (get)

9. It’s better (be) sure than sorry
10.I saw the plane (crash) into the

hill and burst into flames.
- Go over the answers with the class.

<b>Group work</b>

<b>- </b>Work in groups of four and do
the exercise.

- Give the answers in front of the

<b>Expected answer:</b>
1. do

2. sing
3. to swim
4. to be

5. wish to make
6. to travel
7. to sign

8. to ask-to tell to get
9. to be

10. crash

<b>C. Production </b>(10’)

<b>Sentence Transformation</b>

<i><b>Rewrite these sentences with the </b></i>
<i><b>words given. You’ll need to change </b></i>
<i><b>some words</b></i>

1. Why did he make that remark? It
was very rude.

 That………..


2. I enjoy going by train. It was

<b>Pair work</b>

- Work in pairs and rewrite the

- Give the answers in front of the

<b>Expected answer:</b>

1. That he made that remark was
very rude.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

 It ……….. .
3. Long gave me 50,000 dongs. It

was very generous.

 That ………..

4. She couldn’t drive the

motorbike. It was very difficult.

 It……… .

5. Why did the boy do that? It was
very silly.

 It ………... .

4. It was very difficult to drive the

5. It was very silly for that boy to
do that.

<b>- </b>Do the exercise again at home.

<b>V. </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

Period: 6th<sub> </sub> <sub>Date of preparation: October 13</sub>th<sub> , 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 6: Grammar</b>


<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- understand the term “gerund”.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skills:</b>


<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.
<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks.

<b>1. Warm-up:</b>(5’)
<b>Game: Pelmanism</b>

- Stick on the board 5 cards with verbs and 5 cards with their gerunds,

- Ask Ss to work into 2 teams (A and B)

- Tell the teams to take turns to choose the numbers which have the gerund
suits with the verb, the team scores 1 point. If not, the cards will be turned
face down again. Ss continue until all the cards are turned down.

- The team that has more points will win.
- Declare the winner.

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation </b>(15’)


<b>Gerund</b> is the <b>“-ing form”</b> of the
verb, function as a noun. A <b>gerund</b>
is used in the same way as a noun,

i.e., as a subject or as an object of
verbs or prepositions.

- Give sentences then ask Ss to

<b>Whole class</b>

- Listen to the T and note down the
knowledge about V-ing.

- Deduce the function of “gerund” in
the sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

deduce the function of “gerund” in

1. Playing tennis is not expensive
in England.

2. What I have to do now is
writing a letter to her.

3. I’m afraid of going out alone
in the dark.

4. I enjoy walking in the

5. It’s a worrying problem.

 there are many cases we can

use either infinitive or gerund
after the main verb depending
on the context the interlocutors
are in, or whatever the

speakers want to convey:
<i>attempt, begin, cease, </i>
<i>commence, continue, hate, </i>
<i>intend, like, love, omit, </i>
<i>remember, start, stop, try .</i>

 We do not use the <b>ing form</b>

after the progressive forms of
begin, cease, continue, start, .
e.g: We are beginning to realize
how good our teacher are.

- Ditinguish some structure:

 like to V like V-ing

 remember to V remember


 stop to V stop V-ing
 try to V try V-ing

<b>* Passive Gerund</b>

<b>Being + PP</b>

<b>* Perfect Gerund</b>

<b>Having + PP</b>

<i><b>Expected answers:</b></i>

<i>1.</i> as the subject of a sentence.
<i>2.</i> as complement.

<i>3.</i> after prepositions.

<i>4.</i> after certain verbs: appreciate,
<i>avoid, consider, delay, deny, </i>
<i>discuss, enjoy, finish, forget, </i>
<i>keep, like, mention, prevent, </i>
<i>postpone, quit, remember, </i>
<i>stop, suggest of a verb, can’t </i>
<i>stand, can’t bear … .</i>

<i>5.</i> as an adjective

<b>* Passive Gerund</b>

Eg: I appreciates being invited to
your wedding.

<b>* Perfect Gerund</b>

Eg: I appreciate having listened to
your sweet voice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

- Give each student a handout
- Ask them to do the task.

- Call on one student to do it on the

- Give feedback and answers.
<i><b>Put the verbs in brackets into the </b></i>

1. He gave up (smoke)

2. Stop (argue) and start (work)
3. After (read) this article you’ll

give up (smoke)

4. He’s thinking of (leave) his
job and (go) to America.
5. He lost no time in (get) down

to work.

6. They don’t allow (smoke)

7. (Lie) on this beach is much
more pleasant than (sit ) in the

8. I hear him (come) into the hall.
9. The girl (stand) over there is


10. I often go (fish) in my free

- Work in pairs and rewrite the

- Give the answers in front of the

<i><b>Expected answers:</b></i>
1. smoking

2. arguing – working
3. reading – smoking
4. leaving – going
5. getting

6. to smoke
7. lying – sitting
8. coming

9. standing
10. fishing

<b>C. Production </b>(10’)
<b>Sentence Completion </b>

- Ask Ss work in groups of four to do
the task.

- Ask Ss to compare the answers
with other groups.

- Go over the answers with the class.
1. Helen enjoys… English.

2. Do you mind…back in half an

3. Tina suggested … for a coffee.
4. My parents disliked …. me to a
different school.

5. Bill admitted … a serious mistake.

<b>Group work</b>

<b>- </b>Work in groups of four and do the

- Give the answers in front of the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>- </b>Do the exercise again at home.

<b>V. </b>

<b>COMMENTS: ...</b>

Period 7th <sub>Date of preparation: October 27</sub>th<sub>, 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 7: Writing</b>


<b>1. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a passage about a </b>
charitable organization.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skill: Writing</b>

<b>1. Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk.</b>

<b>2. Students: textbooks, notebook, workbooks, pens.</b>

<b>1. Warm-up: (5’)</b>
<b> Hangman</b>

- Divide the class into 2 groups, have Ss guess the word corresponding to 7 cells.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

- Tell the Ss from each team to take turns to guess the letter of the words.

2 5
6 7

10 9


- If the letter appears in the word. The teacher will write it in the cell.

- Each time they get wrong letter, a part of the body is drawn. If the picture is
complete, the Ss will lose the game.

- Answer key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<b>- Lead-in:</b>

<b> Today, you will write a passage about charitable organization.</b>

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>A. Preparing to write (10’)</b>

+ exist (v)

<b>+ starving children (n)</b>
+ project (n)

+ irrigation work (n)
+ contribution (n)

- Elicit the words and ask Ss to give the
meanings of the words.

- Help Ss to read the words.

- Give the meaning of the words.
- Read the words after teacher.
- Note down the words.

<b>B. While-writing (20’)</b>

<b>- Ask Ss to read through the cues in part</b>
D-page 33.

- Ask Ss to write the passage about
Oxfam, using the available suggestions.
- Give the first sentence as a model.

<i>Oxfam is a charitable organization that </i>
<i>was existed since the early 1940s</i>.
- Move around the class and help Ss if

- Read the cues carefully.

- Write the passage individually.
Model passage:

<i>Oxfam is a charitable organization that </i>
<i>was existed since the early 1940s. It </i>
<i>was founded originally to help feed </i>
<i>starving children in European countries</i>
<i>during the Second World War. Oxfam </i>
<i>has been working in almost every </i>
<i>country all over the world.</i>

<i>Oxfam funds relatively small-scale, </i>
<i>relatively inexpensive but quite effective</i>
<i>projects. Oxfam’s projects involve </i>

<i>feeding starving children, providing </i>
<i>education for disadvantaged children, </i>
<i>giving care and comfort to the poor and</i>
<i>the sick, rebuilding people’s own lives, </i>
<i>carrying out irrigation work, planting </i>
<i>trees, clearing roads, building schools </i>
<i>and hospitals.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

<i>that’s in Latin America, Asia and </i>
<i>America. Oxfam’s money comes </i>
<i>entirely from voluntary contributions </i>
<i>from the general public.</i>

<b>C. Production (9’)</b>
<b>Peer correction</b>

- Ask Ss to exchange the writings
together and correct the mistake if

- Exchange the writings together, give
the correction for the mistakes.

<b>- Rewrite the passage again at home.</b>
<b>V. COMMENTS: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

Period 8th <sub>Date of preparation: November 3</sub>rd<sub>, 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 8: Grammar</b>

<i><b> Gerund & Present participle</b></i>

<i><b> Perfect gerund & Perfect participle </b></i>


<b>1. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the uses of </b>

<i><b>Gerund & Present participle, Perfect gerund & Perfect participle </b></i>

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures: <i><b>Gerund & Present participle, Perfect gerund & Perfect </b></i>
<i><b>participle </b></i>

- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skill: Writing</b>

<b>1. Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk.</b>

<b>2. Students: textbooks, notebooks, workbooks, pens.</b>

<b>1. Warm-up:</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>I. Rewrite the sentences beginning with an </b>
<b>appropriate participle (present, past or perfect). </b>

1. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she
quickly crossed the road.

2. If it is looked after carefully, the plant can live

through the winter.

3. As I don't have a credit card, I found it difficult

to book an airline ticket over the phone.

4. Keith spent a lot of time filling in job

application forms because he was unemployed.

- Work indiviadually to do
the exercise.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

5. Because I was walking quickly, I soon caught

up with her.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

1. Seeing the dog coming towards her, she quickly
crossed the road.

2. Looked after carefully, the plant can live through
the winter.

3. Not having a credit card, I found it difficult to

4. Being unemployed, Keith spent a lot of time
filling in job application forms.

5. Walking quickly, I soon caught up with her.

of the class.

<b>II.Choose the correct answer. (15’)</b>

1. ______ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.

a. Having slept b. have slept

c. Having been slept d. have been slept
2. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope

______ painting and decorating the new

a. having finished b. to have finished
c. having been finished d. to have been finished
3. She's angry about ______ to the farewell party

last night.

a. not having invited b. not to have invited
c. not having been invited d. not to have
been invited

4. We decided not to travel, ______ the terrible
weather forecast.

a. having heard b. to have heard
c. having been heard d. to have been

5. I'd love ______ to the party, but it was

a. having gone b. to have gone

b. having been gone d. to have been

6. I don't recall ______ him at the conference.
a. having seen b. to have seen c. having been

seen d. to have been seen

7. ______ in dark colors, the room needed some
bright lights.

- Work indiviadually to do
the exercise.

- Give the answers in front
of the class.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

<b>1.</b> <b>a</b>

<b>2.</b> <b>b</b>

<b>3.</b> <b>c</b>

<b>4.</b> <b>a</b>

<b>5.</b> <b>b</b>

<b>6.</b> <b>a</b>

<b>7.</b> <b>c</b>

<b>8.</b> <b>c</b>

<b>9.</b> <b>a</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

a. Having painted b. To have painted
c. Having been painted d. To have been painted
8. The stockbroker denied ______ of the secret

business deal.

a. having informed b. to have informed
c. having been informed d. to have been informed
9. They now regret ______ their son by providing

too many material possessions.

a. having spoiled b. to have spoiled
c. having been spoiled d. to have been spoiled
10.______ to the party, we could hardly refuse to


a. Having invited b. To have invited
c. Having been invited d. To have been invited
<b>III. Complete the sentences with the correct </b>
<b>form of the verbs in brackets. (14’)</b>

1. The missing children were last seen ______
(play) near the river.

2. ______ (complete) the book, he had a holiday.
3. ______ (find) only in the Andes, the plant is

used by local people to treat skin diseases.
4. The accident seems ______ (happen) at around

1.00 p.m yesterday.

5. Do something! Don't just sit there ______
(twiddle) your thumbs.

6. Last year I studied abroad. I appreciate ______
(have) the opportunity to live and study in a
foreign country. .

7. ______ (look) down from the hill, the town
spread out before us towards the coast.

8. Marta doesn't like to have her picture ______
(take). She avoids ______ (photograph).
9. I don't agree with ______ (smack) children if

they do something wrong.

10.The book ______ (publish) last week is his first

- Work indiviadually to do
the exercise.

- Give the answers in front
of the class.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>
1. playing

2. having completed
3. found

4. to have happened
5. twiddling

6. having had
7. looking

8. taken-being photographed
9. smacking

10. punlished.

<b>- Revise the exercises at home.</b>

<b>V. COMMENTS: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

Period 9th <sub>Date of preparation: November 10</sub>th<sub>, 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 9: Reading</b>

<b> Competitions</b>

<b>1. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- guess the words in the context.

- scan the passage and answer the questions.
<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: content, chat, high-and-low bar, glance at, fellow.
- Grammar/ Structures:

- (Pronunciation):
<b>3. Skill: Reading</b>

<b>1. Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk.</b>

<b>2. Students: textbooks, notebooks, workbooks, pens.</b>

<b>1.Warm-up: (5’)</b>

<b>- Ask Ss to list the competition that they know.</b>
Suggested answers:

<b> Swimming</b>

<b> High jump Road to mount Olympia </b>
<b> Long jump 1 vs 100</b>

<b> Children are right </b>

<b>Lead-in: Today, you will read a passage about a competition. </b>

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>A. Pre-reading (5’)</b>

<b>- Elicit the vocabulary from the </b>

+ gymnast (n)
<b>+ equipment (n)</b>

- Give the meaning of the words.

- Read the words correctly after teacher.
- Note down the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

+ nod (v)
+ announce (v)
+ congratulate (v)

- Help Ss to read the words correctly.
<b>B. While-reading</b>

<b>Exercise 1: (page 41, workbook) (10’)</b>
<b>Finding words</b>

- Ask Ss to read through the passage
and find out the words that has the same

meaning as the expressions.

- Call on some Ss to give answers in
front of the class.

- Give the feedback.

<b>Exercise 2: (page 41, workbook) (15’)</b>
<b>Answering questions</b>

- Ask Ss to read the questions carefully
and underline the key words.

- Ask Ss to read the passage again and
find out the answers for each questions.
- Call on some Ss to give the answers in
front of the class.

- Work individually.

- Give the words that has the same
meaning as the expressions in front of
the class.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>
1. content to do
2. chat

3. high-and-low bars
4. glance at

5. fellow

- Work in pairs to discuss and find out
the answers for the questions.

- Give the answers in front of the class.
<b>Suggested answers:</b>

1. She was performing in her first

2. They each had to perform on three
pieces of equipment as well as the floor.
3. She did well and made no serious

4. They came up to congratulate her.
5. She was delighted and very proud.
6. She wnt up to her trainer and thanked
her for all her help during her training.
<b>C. Post-reading (9’)</b>

<b>Find out the title for the passage.</b>
- Ask Ss to work in groups of four.
- Have Ss discuss together to find out
the title for the passage.

- Call on representatives from each
group to give the answer.

- Give comment.

- Work in groups of four and discuss
together to find out the title for the

- Give the answer in front of the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

- Read the passage and revise the answers for the questions again.
<b>V. COMMENTS: </b>

Period 10th <sub>Date of preparation: November 6</sub>th<sub>, 2011</sub>

<b>Lesson 10: Grammar</b>

<b> Reported Speech with Gerund</b>

<b>1. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the use of </b>
reported speech with gerund.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures: Reported speech with gerund.
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skill: Writing</b>

<b>1. Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk.</b>

<b>2. Students: textbooks, notebooks, workbooks, pens.</b>

<b>1. Warm-up:</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>I.Complete the sentences to report what was said, </b>
<b>using a to-infinitive or an- ing form of a verb. </b>(20’)

1. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday

party. Thanks very much.'Mike thankedMary.

2. 3, 'I must have made a mistake in the calculations."
Mr Forest admitted


3. 'I'll pay for the meal.'
Sarah insisted


4. 'Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.'

Neil suggested


5. 'I'm sorry I couldn't come to visit you last summer.'

Kate apologized


6. 'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!'

- Work individually and do
the exercise.

- Give the answers in front
of the class.

Suggested answers:

1. Mike thanked Mary for
inviting him to her birthday

2. Mr. Forest admitted
making in the calculations.

3. Sarah insisted on paying
for the meal.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

Dane congratulated


7. 'You're selfish.'
Jane accused


8. 'You mustn't drink too much caffeine.'

Marta warned


6. Dane congratulated me
on winning the


7. Jane accused me of being

8. Marta warned me against
drinking too much caffeine.

<b>II. Choose the answer - a, b, c, or d - that best reports </b>

<b>what was said. </b>(14’)

1. 'You're always making terrible mistakes,' said the teacher.
a. The teacher complained about his students making
terrible mistakes.

b. The teacher asked his students why they always made
terrible mistakes.

c. The teacher realized that his students always made
terrible mistakes.

d. The teacher made his students not always make
terrible mistakes.

'Would you mind if I brought a friend to the party?' said

2. 'Let's break for lunch,' said Mathew.
a. Mathew wanted to break for lunch.
b. Mathew insisted on breaking for lunch.
c. Mathew suggested breaking for lunch.
d. Mathew offered us a break for lunch.

3. He apologized _______ able to finish the project on time.
a. his colleagues not being b. his colleagues for
not being

c. his colleagues not to be d. to his colleagues
for not being

4. His doctor suggested that he _______ a short leave of

a. will take b. take c. would take
d. took

5. It is no use _______ to school if you _______ to work

a. going - do not ready b. to go - do not ready
c. going - are not ready d. go - are not ready

6. Mary's father approved of _______ in the United States
for another year in order to work toward her M.A.
a. her to stay b. she to say c. she staying

d. her staying

7. Nowadays, young men with a technical education
_______ because of the great demand for highly skilled

a. is well paid b. should pay well c. are well paid
d. could pay well.

- Work individually and do
the exercise.

- Give the answers in front
of the class.

Suggested answers:
1. a

2. c
3. d
4. b
5. c
6. d
7. c

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>V. COMMENTS: </b>


Period 11th <sub>Date of preparation: November 24</sub>th<sub>, 2011</sub>
<b>Lesson 11: Grammar</b>

<b>Reported Speech With Gerund</b>

<b>1. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the use of </b>
reported speech with gerund.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>
- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures: Reported speech with gerund

- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skill: Writing</b>

<b>1. Teacher: textbook, workbook, chalk.</b>

<b>2. Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens.</b>

<b>1. Warm-up:</b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>A. Presentation: </b>(15’)
<b>Activity 1: Reporting </b>
- Give 3 situations:

<i>1. Daisy said: “I want to be a </i>
<i>famous singer.”</i>

<i>2. Jim said to Mary: “You won the </i>
<i>game. Congratulation!”</i>

<i>3. Susan said: “Why don’t we stop </i>

- Ask Ss to report the words in each
situation by eliciting the questions:

<i>1. What did Daisy dream of?</i>

<i>2. On what chance did Jim </i>
<i>congratulate Mary?</i>

<i>3. What did Susan suggest?</i>

- Show the answers on the screen and

- Read each situation and give the

<i><b>Suggested answers:</b></i>

<i>1. Daisy dreamed of being a famous </i>

<i>2. Jim congratulated Mary on </i>
<i>winning the game.</i>

<i>3. Susan suggested stopping </i>

<b>- </b>Give the usage.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

introduce about the <i><b>Reported Speech</b></i>
<i><b>with Gerund.</b></i>

<b>- </b>Elicit the usage of reported speech

with gerund.

<b>- </b>Give a direct speech sentence and
ask Ss to change it into reported

<i>“It was very nice of you to help me </i>
<i>with my homework yesterday”, Son </i>
<i>said to Hoa.</i>

<i>- Ask Ss to pay attention to </i>

pronouns, possessive pronouns and
adverbs, then elicit the changes of
these functions.

<b>Activity 2: Giving formations &</b>
<b>verbs/phrasal verbs followed by</b>
<b>prepositions. </b>

- Give the examples and the

formations of reported speech with

- Elicit the verbs/phrasal verbs
followed by gerund from the Ss.

<i>Jim congratulated Mary on winning </i>

<i>the game.</i>


<i>Daisy dreamed of being a famous</i>


<i>Susan suggested stopping smoking.</i>

<b>- </b>Give the answer:

<i>Son thanked Hoa for helping him </i>
<i>with his homework the day before.</i>
<b>- </b>Give the note.


<i>When changing a direct speech into </i>
<i>a repoted speech , we need to pay </i>
<i>attention to the changes of pronouns</i>
<i>and possessive pronouns and </i>

<i>adverbs of time and places.</i>

- Give the the verbs/phrasal verbs
followed by gerund.

<b>Phrasal verbs with object and</b>


accuse … of, congratulate … on ,
warn … against, thank … for,
stop/prevent … from,…

<b>Phrasal verbs with preposition:</b>
apologize for, insist on, dream of,
think of, look forward to…


admit, deny, suggest , regret,

<b>B. Practice (29’)</b>

<b>Activity 1: (Exercise 2, </b>
<b>workbook-page 43)</b>

<b> S+ V + O + prep + V-ing</b>

<b>S+V + prep + V-ing</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

- Ask Ss to do the exercise
individually and then compare and
check their answers with a peer.
- Go around and help them.

- Call on some Ss to speak out their

answers in front of the class.

- Comment and give correct answers.

<b>Activity 1: (Exercise 3, </b>
<b>workbook-page 44)</b>

- Ask Ss to do the exercise
individually and then compare and
check their answers with a peer.
- Go around and help them.

- Call on some Ss to speak out their
answers in front of the class.

- Comment and give correct answers.

- Do the exercise individually.

- Compare and check the answers
with a peer.

<i><b>Suggested answers:</b></i>

1. John congratulated us on passing
our exams.

2. Mary apologised for not phoning
me earlier.

3. Bob has always dreamed of being

4. I warned Ann against staying at
the hotel near the airport.

5. Her mother prevented Jane from
going out that night.

- Do the exercise individually.

- Compare and check the answers
with a peer.

<i><b>Suggested answers:</b></i>

1. The police accused the thief of
stealing the bicycle.

2. The thief denied taking the bicycle.
3. Tom insisted on driving Kate to the

4. Ba admitted breaking the mobile

5. Lan suggested going for picnic on


<b>- Review the exercise on reported speech with gerund at home.</b>
<b>V. COMMENTS: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

Period 12th<sub> </sub> <sub>Date of preparation: December 1</sub>st<sub>, 2011</sub>

<b>Lesson 12: Reading</b>
<b> World Population</b>

<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- scan for specific information and guess the meaning of words based on context.
- use the information they have read to discuss the topic.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skill: </b>Reading


<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.

<b>2. Students:</b> workbooks, notebooks, pens.

<b>1. Warm-up: </b>(7’)

<b> Game: </b>Word Search
- Hang the poster on the board.

<b>P</b> <b>U R N I</b> <b>S</b> <b>H M E</b> <b>N T</b> <b>s</b>
<b>O B</b> <b>R I</b> <b>S</b> <b>I</b> <b>D A U I</b> <b>N Q</b>
<b>U N E</b> <b>M P</b> <b>L</b> <b>O Y M E</b> <b>N T</b>
<b>T</b> <b>A W S</b> <b>R L</b> <b>D F</b> <b>G M J</b> <b>N</b>
<b>I</b> <b>T</b> <b>A O O I</b> <b>Y G R P</b> <b>K I</b>
<b>O F</b> <b>R Q B</b> <b>T</b> <b>D B</b> <b>C L</b> <b>J</b> <b>O</b>
<b>N B</b> <b>D W E</b> <b>E</b> <b>X E</b> <b>R C I</b> <b>S</b>
<b>P</b> <b>N Q E</b> <b>L</b> <b>R I</b> <b>Y G T</b> <b>H L</b>
<b>L</b> <b>M F</b> <b>Y M A I</b> <b>E</b> <b>H T</b> <b>W U</b>
<b>A L</b> <b>B</b> <b>N H T</b> <b>J</b> <b>K L</b> <b>P</b> <b>O T</b>
<b>I</b> <b>M P</b> <b>L</b> <b>E</b> <b>E</b> <b>M N T</b> <b>W Y O</b>

- Ss are divided into small groups of four. Ss find all words that are related to
“overpopulation” as quickly as possible.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>Expected answer: </b>



<b>Lead-in</b>: Today, you will read the passages about world population.

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Pre-reading </b>(8’)

<b>- Elicit some vocabulary from Ss.</b>

<b>+ </b>Estimate (v)
+ Famine (n)
+ Epidemics (n)
+ Constrain (v)

- Help Ss read the words.

- Give the meanings of the words after
teacher’s eliciting.

- Read the words carefully after teacher.
- Note down the words.

<b>B. While-reading </b>(20’)

<b>Activity 1: </b>Reading the passage and
choosing the best answers

- Ask Ss work in pairs to discuss

- Call on some Ss to give the answers.
- Give the feedback.

<b>Activity 2: </b>Reading the passage and
filling the words into the gaps

- Ask Ss work in pairs to discuss

- Call on some Ss to give the answers.
- Give the feedback.

- Work in pairs to discuss together and
choose the best answers.

- Give the answers in front of the class.

<b>Suggested answers</b>

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C

- Work in pairs to discuss together and

choose the best answers.

- Give the answers in front of the class.

<b>Suggested answers</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

9. because
10. travel

<b>C. Post-reading </b>(9’)


- Give the questions to Ss.

1. How many people are there in

2. Do Vietnamese faced any problem
about population?

- Ask Ss work in groups of six.
- Call on some representatives from
each groups give the answers.
- Comment on Ss’ answers.

- Work in groups of six.

- Some representatives from each group
give the answers.


<b>- </b>Learn by heart the vocabulary.

<b>- </b>Revise the exersises.

<b>V. COMMENTS</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

Period 13th <sub>Date of preparation: December 1</sub>st<sub>, 2011</sub>

<b>Lesson 13: Grammar</b>

<b>Infinitive with to, infinitive without to and gerund</b>

<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use infinitive with to,
infinitive without to and gerund correctly and able to do some related exercises.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skills: Writing </b>

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.

<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens.

<b>1. Warm-up: (5’)</b>
<b>Word arrangement.</b>

T gives verbs and ask Ss to arrange them into three categories: verbs which
combine with infinitive with to, infinitive without to and gerund: <i>make, decide,</i>
<i>risk, love, enjoy, let, threaten, practice, suggest, want, pretend, hope, go on, finish,</i>

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

Arrange verbs in 3 categories

Verbs which can combine with inf. with to: <i>decide, threaten, want, pretend, hope</i>

Verbs which can combine with infinitive without to: <i>make, let</i>

Verbs which can combine with gerund: <i>risk, love, enjoy, practice, suggest, go on,</i>
<i>finish, mind.</i>

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation (15’)</b>

<b>1. Infinitive with to</b>: infinitive with to
appear in following cases

a. V to inf.

hope, pretend, threaten, want, decide,

Listen to the teacher, take note, repeat
and make up examples with these words.
eg. <i>I want to go out tonight.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

manage, attempt.
b. N/Pronoun + to V
c. Adj. + to V

d. V + wh. + to V

e. V + something/anything/nothing… +
to V

f. the +ordinal number, the next, the last,
the only, the + superlative + to V

<b>2. Infinitive without to</b>: infinitive
without to appear in following cases:
a. Make, let +O + inf.

b. Modal verb + inf.

c. Inf. is used in imperative form

<b>3. Gerund</b>: T help Ss review (as Ss

learned this in 10th<sub> form’s English)</sub>

<b>* Some special cases</b>

a. advise, recommend, allow, permit,
forbid + inf.

+ O + to inf

b. see, hear, watch, feel, smell + O +


c. Adj. enough + to V
too + Adj. + to V

eg. <i>I have three letters to write</i>
<i>W will have a lot of exercises to do </i>
<i>eg. It is important to learn English</i>
<i>He is pleased to come to your party</i>
<i>eg. We haven’t decided where to go</i>
<i>She doesn’t know how to do this</i>
<i>eg: We need something to eat</i>
<i>She has nothing to say</i>

<i>eg. Who was the first person to clim</i>
<i>Mount. Everest?</i>

<i>eg: His father made him study hard </i>

<i>eg: We will hold a party next month</i>
<i>eg: Close your eyes, give me your hand</i>

<i>eg: She doesn’t allow smoking in her</i>

<i>She doesn’t allow us to smoke in her</i>

<i>eg: I saw her fall off the window.</i>
<i>I saw him waiting a taxi this afternoon</i>

<i>He is too young to get married</i>
<i>He isn’t old enough to get married</i>

<b>B. Practice (15’)</b>

Ask Ss to put the verbs in the brackets
in their correct forms

<i>1. It’s important (hold) the meeting</i>
<i>at 7.00</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<i>2. He advises us (see) the dentist</i>

<i>3. Let him (do) what he wants</i>
<i>4. I heard them (talk) in the next</i>


<i>5. Although people keep (blame)</i>
<i>him for his behavior, he goes on</i>
<i>his own way.</i>

<i>6. Peter can (swim) very well</i>
<i>7. This dress makes me (look) fatter</i>
<i>8. The man on the ground pretends</i>
<i>(be) death when the bear</i>
<i>approaches him.</i>

<i>9. He objected to people (insult)</i>

10.<i>My friend recommended (stay) in</i>
<i>the first-class hotel.</i>

T asks for answer and gi<i>ve </i>feedback

4. Talk
5. Blaming
6. Swim
7. Look
8. To be
9. Insulting
10. Staying

<b>C. Production (9’)</b>

<b>- </b>Elicit the answers from the Ss.

- Correct the mistakes if necessary.

- Give the answers.

- Correct the exercises and mark them to
evaluate the test.

<b>- </b>Revise the exercise.

<b>V. COMMENTS</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

Period: 14th <sub>Date of preparation: December 1</sub>st<sub>, 2011</sub>

<b>Lesson: Grammar</b>

<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand and do some
exercise about the past tense.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: verbs
- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skills: Writing</b>

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.

<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens.


<b>1. Warm-up: (5’) Vocabulary game.</b>

T gives Ss different infinitive verbs and they have to find out the past tense and the
part participle of those verbs.

<i>get, invite, cut, smell, feel, go, think, drink, work, sing, swim, come, move, love,</i>

Ss will work in groups. The group which do quicker and with more correct answers
will be the winner.

Provide the past form and past participle of the verbs.
1 get got got

2 invite invited

3 cut cut cut
4 smell smelt


5 feel felt felt
6 go went gone

7 think thought


<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

9 work worked

10 sing sang sung
11 swim swam


12 come came come
13 move moved moved
14 love loved loved

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation (15’)</b>

<b>1. Past simple</b>

T reviews the use and the form of past

form<i>: S + V(ed)</i>
<i> S + didn’t + V</i>

Use: to talk about things that happened

and finished in the past.

Advs: last, yesterday, ago, in + year,
from….to, …

<b>2. Past continuous</b>

T reviews the use and the form of past

form: <i>S + was/were + Ving</i>

Use: to talk about things that was
happening at a certain time in the past or
at the time that another things happened
(when, while are used)

<b>3. Past perfect</b>

T reviews the use and the form of the
past perfect.

form: <i>S+ had PII</i>

Use: to talk about things that had happen
before a certain time in the past or
before the other action happened in the

Conjunctions: When, After, Before, By,

By the time…

<b>4. Past perfect continuous</b>

T reviews the use and the form of past
perfect continuous.

form: <i>S + had been+ Ving</i>

take notes and give example

<i>eg: We had a nice holiday last year.</i>

<i>eg. When we saw him, he was playing</i>

<i>He was watching TV between 7 and 8</i>

<i>eg. By the time we arrived, the train had</i>

<i>After he had finished his homework, he</i>
<i>went to bed.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

Use: to talk about things that had

happened and were happening till a time
in the past.

<b>B. Practice (15’)</b>

Ask Ss to put the verbs in the brackets
into their right tense.

1. In this story, a boy (find) a time
machine and (travel) through time.
2. Yesterday, I (turn) the corner very
fast and almost (hit) me.

3. Last night I (eat) four serving of food
ant the “all you can eat” special dinner
at the Village Restaurant. Until that
time, I (never eat) so much in one meal.
4. this story is about a boy who (make)
friends with a snake which he (find) in
the garden. Then he (go) away but he
(not forget) the snake and some years
later he (return) and (look) for it.

5. I (think) my train (leave) at 7.00, and
(be) disappointed when I (arrive) at 6.50
and (learn) that it just (leave). I (find)
that I (use) an out of date timetable.

Individual work
Suggested answer

1. Finds, travels

2. Was crossing, turned, hit
3. Ate, had never eaten

4. Makes, finds, goes, doesn’t
forget, returns, looks

5. Thought, left, was, arrived, found,
had used.

<b>. Production (9’)</b>

<b>- </b>Elicit the answers from the Ss.
- Correct the mistakes if necessary.

- Give the answers.

- Correct the exercises and mark them to
evaluate the test.

<b>- </b>Do the exercise again.

<b>V. COMMENTS</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

Period: 15th <sub>Date of preparation: December 21</sub>st<sub>, 2011</sub>

<b>Lesson: Grammar</b>

<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to do some exercises about
the passive voice.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skills:Writing </b>

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.

<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens.

<b>1. Warm-up: (5’) </b>

Game: noughts and crosses

- Divide the class into 2 groups: A and B.

- T hangs a paper containing 9 nouns. Ask Ss to make passive sentences with those

<b>A boy </b> <b> A tiger</b> <b>A car</b>

<b>Some students</b> <b>The doctors</b> <b> The water</b>
<b>The treet</b> <b>The house</b> <b>My school</b>

- T declares the winner with more correct sentences.
Lead-in: Today, you will learn about the passive voice.

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation (15’)</b>

Passive voice

eg: <i>People speaks English all over the</i>

Individual work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<i>Passive: English is spoken all over the</i>

<i>Nguyen Du wrote Kieu’s story</i>

<i>Passive: Kieu’s story was written by</i>
<i>Nguyen Du.</i>

T elicits the use and the form of passive

Use: We use passive voice when we

want to focus listeners’ attention on the
action or the happening, not on the
person who does it, or when the subject
of the action is unknown.

Form<b>: S + to be + PII.</b>

Passive voice for common tenses

<i>1. present simple: am/is/are +PII</i>
<i>2. Present continuous: am/is/are</i>

<i>being PII</i>

<i>3. Present perfect: have/has been</i>

<i>4. Past simple: was/were PII</i>

<i>5. Past continuous: was/were being</i>

<i>6. Future: will be PII</i>

<i>7. Future perfect: will have been</i>

<i>8. Modal verb: modal be PII</i>

Some notices:

When the sentence has two objects: one
is person and one is object, the person is
often used to make the subject of the
passive sentence

When the passive sentence has two
adverbs: one is time adverb and the
other is place adverb, the order of them
will be as follows:

<b>Place _ by O _ Time </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>B. Practice (15’)</b>

Change the following sentences into
passive voice

1. Somebody has taken my

2. The teacher returned our written
work to us

3. She had finished her report by

4. The mad dog bit the little boy

5. The police have arrested five


6. The doctor ordered him to take a
long rest.

7. Lightning struck the house
8. A group of students have met

their friend at the station

9. They didn’t allow Tom to take
these books home

The teacher won’t correct exercise

Suggested answer

<i>1. My briefcase has been taken away</i>
<i>2. Our written work won’t be returned</i>

<i>to us by the teacher</i>

<i>3. Her report had been finished by </i>

<i>4. The little boy was bit by the…</i>
<i>5. Five suspects have been arrested by</i>

<i>6. He was order to take a long rest by </i>

<i>the doctor</i>

<i>7. The house was struck by light…</i>
<i>8. Their friend has been met at..by</i>
<i>9. Tom wasn’t allowed to take…</i>
<i>Exercises won’t be corrected…</i>

<b>. Production (9’)</b>

<b>- </b>Elicit the answers from the Ss.

- Correct the mistakes if necessary. - Give the answers in front of the class.- Correct the exercises and mark them to
evaluate the test.


- Do the exercise again.

<b>V. COMMENTS</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

Period: 16th <sub>Date of preparation: January 2</sub>nd<sub> , 2012</sub>

<b>Lesson: Grammar</b>

<b>Reported Speech With Gerund</b>

<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to do some exercises about

the reported speech with gerund.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skills: Writing</b>

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.

<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens.

<b>1. Warm-up: (5’) </b>

- Divide the whole class into two big groups. Each group will have to send a best
representative onto the board to write what they can remember about reported

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation (15’)</b>

<i><b>Reported speech with Gerund.</b></i>

- Remind Ps the form and uses of
reported speech with Infinitive
a. Form:

<b>Sub + Verb + (O) + Pre + (not) + </b>

<b>Or Sub + Verb + V/ing</b>
<b>(Verbs: admit, deny, suggest…)</b>

b. Use

- To report thanking, apologies,
accusations, admitting or denying.
- Give Eg:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

+ He thanked me for helping him
+ She admitted loving him.

+ He suggested going out for lunch
- Ask for more Eg?

some useful structures.

<i>thank sb for ving</i>

<i>congratulate sb on ving</i>
<i>suggest ving</i>

<i>deny Ving</i>

<i>admit Ving</i>

<i>suspect sb of Ving</i>
<i>confess to Ving</i>
<i>warn sb against Ving</i>
<i>look forward to ving</i>
<i>accuse sb of Ving</i>
<i>blame sb for Ving</i>

- Give some examples:

+ <i>He congratulated on passing our </i>
<i>driving test</i>

<i>+ Nam admitted having stolen his </i>
<i>mother’s money</i>

<i>+ The man confessed to attacking the </i>

<i>Mai suspected him of kicking her cat</i>

<b>B. Practice (15’)</b>

1. “How about giving Tom a T-shirt on
his birthday tonight?” said Jane

Jane suggested

2. Tom said to Mary “I’ll drive you to
the airport”

Tom insisted

3. “Me? No, I didn’t take Sue’s
calculator,” said Bob

Bob denied

4. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come on
Sunday,” said David

David apologized………
5. “Why don’t we go back to
Singapore?” I said

I suggested………
6. “No, I really don’t want to stay the
night, Sophia” Ann said.

An insisted on………

- Work individually and do the exercise.
- Give the answers in front of the class.

1. Jane suggested giving Tom a T-shirt
on his birthday that night.

2. Tom insisted on driving me to the

3. Bob denied taking Sue’s calculator.
4. David apologized for not coming on

5. I suggested going back to Singapore.
6. An insisted on not staying the night.

<b>C. Production (9’)</b>

<b>- </b>Elicit the answers from the Ss.
- Correct the mistakes if necessary.

- Give the answers in front of the class.
- Correct the exercises and mark them to
evaluate the test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>V. COMMENTS</b>:


Period: 17th <sub>Date of preparation: January 3</sub>rd<sub>, 2012</sub>

<b>Lesson: Grammar</b>
<b>Conditional Sentences</b>

<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to revise the conditional

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skills: Writing </b>

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.

<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens.


<b>1. Warm-up: (5’) Matching</b>

- Divide the class into two big groups: group Cat and group Dog.

- Ask Ss to match the statements in Column A with the ones in column B.

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. If he has more money,
2. If I had not been busy,

3. If you had more

4. If we invite her,

5. If I finished the work in

a. She may go dancing
with us.

b. I would go to the club.
c. he will travel more.
d. I would have come to
the party.

e. you would spesk
French better.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

<b>1-c 2-d 3-e 4-a 5-b </b>

Lead-in: Today you will revise the conditional sentences.

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

T reviews the use and some other form
of the conditional sentences.

<i><b>a. Conditional type 1:</b></i> structure as

<b>if + S + V(s/es), S + will/can/</b>

<b> may/might/shall + V1 </b>

<i><b>b . Conditional type 2:</b></i> structure as

<b>if + S + Vqk(were), S + </b>

<b>would/should/might/could + V1</b>

For to be, we have another structure

<b>Were + S + …., S </b>

<b>would/should/might/could + V</b>

eg: <i>If he were a millionaire, he would </i>
<i>buy a big house</i>

<i>= Were he a millionaire, he would buy </i>
<i>a big house.</i>

<i><b>c. Conditional type 3:</b></i> structure as

<b>If + S + had Pp, S </b>

<b>would/should/might/could have Pp</b>

We have another the structure for this
type of conditional sentence.

<b>= Had + S +Pp, S </b>

<b>would/should/might/could have Pp</b>

eg: <i>If I had learned harder last year, I </i>
<i>would have received a present.</i>

* Note: Unless = If … not…

- Review the use and the form of
conditional of three types.

- Take notes and give examples.

If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will
go to the beach

- Take notes and give examples.

If I were you, I wouldn’t do that

- Take notes and give examples


If I had been at home yesterday, I would
have met my friends.

<b>B. Practice (15’)</b>
<b>Exercise 1</b>

<i><b>Rewrite the following sentences, using </b></i>
<i><b>unless instead of if</b></i>

1. If you didn’t agree with him,
Charles wouldn’t even suggest it
2. We can’t write to Mr. Anderson
if he doesn’t send us his address.
3. The lawyer wouldn’t say that if

he didn’t have strong evidence.
4. If you don’t study harder, you

are going to fail the exam.
5. I won’t say anything if Tom

doesn’t bring up the matter

- Work individially and do the exercise.
Suggested answers:

1. Unless you agreed with him,….
2. ….unless he sends

3. ….unless he had
4. Unless you study….

5. ….unless Tom brings up the
matter himself

6. Unless more guests come
7. …..unless I had seen

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>


6. If no more guests come, there
will be enough food for

7. I wouldn’t have believed it if I
hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.
8. Our dog wouldn’t have baked if

he hadn’t heard a strange noise.

<b>Exercise 2</b>

<i><b>Put the verbs in brackets in the correct</b></i>
<i><b>verb tenses</b></i>

1. If I ……..(have) the day off
tomorrow, I would go to the

2. If I ……..(have) a million dollars
right now, I would retire

3. If George ……… (have) the
money, he would have lent it to

4. If the weather is good, we
probably ……(go) to the beach.
5. I would have spoken to Frank if I

……... (see) him yesterday.
6. If I ……(be) the mayor of this

city, I would change certain

7. If the weather ……(be) better,
we would have left on Friday

8. If the concert …… (be) boring,
we won’t stay for all of it.
9. That student …… (get) much

higher marks if he studied

10. If there had been any complaints,

we …… (hear) about them.

- Work individially and do the exercise.
Suggested answers:

1. Had
2. Had
3. Had had

4. Will probably go
5. Had seen

6. Were
7. Had been
8. Is

9. Would get

10. Would have heard

<b>C. Production (9’)</b>

<b>- </b>Elicit the answers from the Ss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

<b>- </b>Do the exercises again.

<b>V. COMMENTS</b>:



Period: 18th <sub>Date of preparation: January 4</sub>th<sub>, 2012</sub>

<b>Lesson: Grammar</b>

<i><b>Reported speech with conditional sentences</b></i>
<i><b>Reported speech with statements</b></i>


<b>1. Aim:</b> By the end of this lesson, students will be able to do some exercises about
reported speech.

<b>2. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary:

- Grammar/ Structures:
- (Pronunciation):

<b>3. Skills: Writing </b>

<b>1. Teacher:</b> textbook, workbook, chalk.

<b>2. Students:</b> textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens.


<b>1. Warm-up: (5’) </b>

- Divide the whole class into two big groups: A and B. Each group will have to
send a best representative onto the board to write what they think, using

conditional sentences. Then,ask the opponent to report those condional sentences.

<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>A. Presentation (15’)</b>

<i><b>I. Reported speech with conditional </b></i>

<i>+ Conditional type 1: </i>

conditional type 1 turns into condition
al type 2 in the reported speech

<i>+ Conditional type 2 and 3</i> stay the
same in form of the verb in the reported

- Review the conditional sentence in
reported speech.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<i><b>II. Reported speech with statements</b></i>

T reviews the way to change the

statement into the reported speech.
When changing the statement into
reported speech, we need to carry out
some changes as follows.

<i>+ get rid of comma, quotation mark</i>
<i>+ change the tense of verb</i>

<i>+ change some pronoun</i>
<i>+ change some adverbs. </i>

- Review the way to change the
statement into reported speech.
- Take notes.

<b>B. Practice (15’)</b>

1. “If he pays me tonight, I’ll have
enough money for the tickets” she said
She said that………
2. “If I were you, I’d join the voluntary
team tomorrow, Tom” said Mike

Mike advised me………..

3. “If I had done homework yesterday, I
wouldn’t get a bad mark now” she said
She said……….
4. “Do not make mistake in your
writing, John” the teacher said

The teacher told……….
5. “I will go to your teacher’s house
with you, Tom” he said

He agreed………
6. “The weather today is better than it
was yesterday” he said.

He said………..
7. “We earned a lot of money last week.
We worked really hard” They said.
They said……….
8. “Do not move or I’ll shot” he said
He threatened

9. “I need to meet your mother to talk
about our wedding, Peter” Ann said
Ann said………..

10. “The exercise is too difficult. I can’t
do it” the boy said

The boy said………

11. “You borrowed my money, you
have to pay it now” he said to me
He said……….

- Work individially and do the exercise.

<i>1. If he paid her that night, she </i>
<i>would have enough money for </i>
<i>the tickets.</i>

<i>2. Mike advised me to join the </i>
<i>voluntary team the next day.</i>
<i>3. If she had done homework the </i>

<i>day before, she wouldn’t get a </i>
<i>bad mark then</i>

<i>4. The teacher told me not to make </i>
<i>mistake in my writing.</i>

<i>5. He agreed to go to my teacher’s </i>
<i>house with me.</i>

<i>6. He said the weather that day was</i>
<i>better than it had been the day </i>

<i>7. They said they had earned a lot </i>
<i>of money the week before </i>
<i>because they had worked really </i>

<i>8. He threatened to shot.</i>

<i>9. Ann said she needed to meet </i>

<i>Peter’s mother to talk about </i>
<i>their wedding.</i>

<i>10. The boy said the exercise was </i>
<i>too difficult and he couldn’t do </i>

<i>11. He said I had borrowed his </i>
<i>money and I had to pay it then.</i>
<i>12. They said they went to the </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

12. “We go to the theatre late so we
can’t see the film” They said

They said……….

<b>C. Production (9’)</b>

<b>- </b>Elicit the answers from the Ss.

- Correct the mistakes if necessary. - Give the answers in front of the class.- Correct the exercises and mark them to
evaluate the test.

<b>- </b>Do the exercises again.



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