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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2020 - 2021 THPT Đinh Tiên Hoàng | Tiếng Anh, Lớp 12 - Ôn Luyện

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>REVISION FOR THE FINAL TEST - ENGLISH 12 Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1.. a. demanded. b. requested. c. started. d. worked. 2.. a. leaded. b. launched. c. watched. d. finished. 3.. a. joined. b. faxed. c. happened. d. enjoyed. 4.. a. naked. b. corrected. c. interested. d. asked. 5.. a. borrowed. b. reserved. c. shared. d. attracted. 6.. a. stopped. b. entertained. c. informed. d. installed. 7.. a. improved. b. stayed. c. changed. d. produced. 8.. a. phoned. b. invested. c. participated. d. wanted. 9.. a. waked. b. walked. c. naked. d. talked. 10.. a. traveled. b. frightened. c. studied. d. prepared. 11.. a. earning. b. learning. c. searching. d. clearing. 12.. a. how. b. town. c. power. d. slow. 13.. a. pleasure. b. heat. c. meat. d. feed. 14.. a. knit. b. hide. c. tide. d. fly. 15.. a. university. b. unique. c. unit. d. undo. 16.. a. month. b. much. c. come. d. home. 17.. a. eleven. b. elephant. c. examine. d. exact. 18.. a. species. b. invent. c. medicine. d. tennis. 19.. a. deal. b. teach. c. break. d. clean. 20.. a. date. b. face. c. page. d. map. 21.. a. walk. b. call. c. take. d. talk. 22.. a. find. b. think. c. drive. d. mind. 23.. a. climate. b. liveable. c. city. d. discussion. 24.. a. village. b. luggage. c. engage. d. damage. 25.. a. effective. b. eradicate. c. enthusiastic. d. effort. 26.. a. crow. b. down. c. crowd. d. Browse. 27.. a. source. b. resource. c. course. d. colour. 28.. a. advice. b. pick. c. might. d. kind. -1-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Pronunciation of ED (Exceptions) aged. /’eidʒid /. /eɪdʒd/. Cao tuổi, lớn tuổi. blessed. / 'blesid /. /blest/. Thần thánh, thiêng liêng. crooked. / 'krʊkid /. Cong, oằn, vặn vẹo. dogged. / 'dɒgid /. Gan góc, gan lì, bền bì. naked. / 'neikid /. Trơ trụi, trần truồng. learned. / 'lɜ:nid /. ragged. / 'rægid /. Rách tả tơi, bù xù. wicked. / 'wikid /. Tinh quái, ranh mãnh, nguy hại. wretched. / 'ret∫id /. Khốn khổ, bần cùng, tồi tệ. beloved. /bɪˈlʌvɪd /. /bɪˈlʌvd/. cursed. /ˈkɜː.sɪd/. /kɜːst/. rugged. / ˈrʌɡɪd /. Xù xì, gồ ghề. sacred. / ˈseɪkrɪd /. Thiêng liêng, trân trọng. legged. / ˈleɡɪd /. Có chân. hatred. / ˈheɪtrɪd /. Lòng hận thù. crabbed. / kræbid /. / lɜːnd/. /kræbd/. Có học thức, thông thái, uyên bác. Yêu thương Tức giận, khó chịu. Càu nhàu, gắt gỏng. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. disease 2. A. persuade 3. A. appoint 4. A. explain 5. A. beauty 6. A. significant 7. A. contrary 8. A. emphasize 9. A. committee 10. A. apprehension 11. A. elephant 12. A. image 13. A. company 14. A. commit 15. A. habitat 16. A. satisfactory 17. A. enrichment 18. A. economic 19. A. interact 20. A. characterize. B. humor B. reduce B. gather B. provide B. easy B. convenient B. graduate B. contribute B. referee B. preferential B. dinosaur B. predict B. atmosphere B. index B. candidate B. alter B. advantage B. considerate B. specify B. facility. C. cancer C. increase C. threaten C. finish C. lazy C. fashionable C. document C. maintenance C. employee C. conventional C. buffalo C. envy C. customer C. pyramid C. wilderness C. military C. industry C. continental C. illustrate C. irrational. -2-. D. cattle D. offer D. vanish D. surprise D. reply D. traditional D. attendance D. heritage D. refugee D. Vietnamese D. mosquito D. cover D. employment D. open D. attendance D. generously D. edition D. territorial D. fertilize D. variety.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. After leaving school, many of us only read for ________. a. please b. pleasant c. pleasure d. pleasing 2. The novel has had a tremendous impact on ________ and publishing markets. a. entertain b. entertainer c. entertainment d. entertainingly 3. Tommy likes the books that he borrowed from the school library very much. He has read them with ________. a. entertainment b. romance c. tasting d. pleasure 4. To become a novelist, you need to be ________. a. imagine b. imagination c. imaginative d. imaginarily 5. Since their appearance, books are a previous ________ of knowledge and pleasure. a. source b. pile c. amount d. sum 6. This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it. a. inform b. information c. informative d. informatively 7. The more' goals the players _______, the more exciting the match became. a. marked b. made c. scored d. sprinted 8. The referee's _______ is the most important in any sport competition. a. decide b. decisive c. decision d. decider 9. Many young men prefer scuba-diving because it is _______. a. adventure b. adventurous c. adventurously d. adventurist 10. Johnny used to be one of the most _______ athletes in my country. a. succeed b. success c. successful d. successfully 11. The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took place. a. organized b. impressed c. participated d. defended 12. _______ you study for these exams, _______ you will do. a. The harder / the better b. The more / the much c. The hardest / the best d. The more hard / the more good, 13. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that _______ it is at night, _______ he plays his music! a. the less / the more loud b. the less / less c. the more late / the more loudlier d. the later / the louder 14. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _______. a. more and more good b. better and better c. the more and more good d. gooder and gooder 15. It gets _______ when the winter is coming. a. cold and cold b. the coldest and coldest c. colder and colder d. more and more cold 16. He is a great sports _______. He rarely misses any sport games although he was busy. a. enthusiast b. player c. energy d. programmer 17. As she did so, her parents became _______. a. the angriest b. the most angry c. the more angry d. angrier and angrier 18. How many _______ took part in the 22nd SEA Games? a. compete b. competitors c. competition d. competitor 19. At his last attempt the athlete was successful _______ passing the bar. a. in b. for c. with d. on 20. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. _______ the food is, _______ he likes it. a. The hotter / the more and more b. The hotter / the more c. The more and more hot / the more d. The hottest / the most 21. It gets _______ to understand what the professor has explained. a. the more difficult b. more difficult than c. difficult more and more d. more and more difficult 22. You must drive slower in built up areas. _______ you drive in the city, it is _______ that you will have an accident. -3-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> a. The faster and faster / the more b. The faster / the more probable c. The more and more fast / the more and more probable d. The more fastly / the probable 23. Before the 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam had made a good _______ in every aspect. a. prepare b. preparation c. preparative d. preparer 24. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _______ volunteers. a. support b. supporter c. supportive d. supportively 25. The delegation to the SEA Games was composed _______ top competitors of the country. a. on b. of c. for d. among 26. All the audience was quite surprised ___________ the success of that young athlete. a. on b. at c. to d. off 27. Thanks to the encouragement and support, all Vietnamese athletes competed _______ high spirits. a. for b. of c. on d. in 28. _______________ he drank, __________________ he became. a. More / more violent b. The most / the most violent c. The more / the more violent d. The less / less violent 29. ______________ he becomes, ________________ he is. a. The more rich / the more happy b. The richest / the happiest c. The richer / the happier d. Richer and richer / happier and happier 30. The faster we finish, __________________. a. the sooner we can leave b. we can leave sooner and sooner c. the sooner can we leave d. we can leave the sooner 31. An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of Red Cross Societies in 1991. a. started b. helped c. treated d. dedicated 32. In times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war. a. mounted b. excited c. devoted d. interested 33. Be careful! The tree is going to fall. a. Look out b. Look up c. Look on d. Look after 34. The organization was established in 1950 in the USA. a. come around b. set up c. made out d. put on 35. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt. a. put on b. went off c. got out d. kept up 36. We oppose this war, as we would do any other war which created an environmental catastrophe. a. pollution b. disaster c. convention d. epidemic 37. The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless wounded and homeless. a. poor b. imprisoned c. suffered d. injured 38. They had to delay their trip because of the bad weather. a. get through b. put off c. keep up with d. go over 39. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death. a. turn off b. take on c. get over d. keep up with 40. How are you _______ on with your work? - It is OK. a. calling b. getting c. laying d. looking 41. The total number of national Red Cross societies from all over the world has mounted to 186. a. protected b. devoted c. increased d. aimed 42. Fifty per cent of road accidents results in head injuries. a. examines b. heals c. causes d. treats 43. Jean Henri Dunant was appalled by the almost complete lack of care for wounded soldiers. a. dedicated b. shocked c. interested d. excited 44. What may happen if John will not arrive in time? a. go along b. count on c. keep away d. turn up 45. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic. -4-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> a. take up b. turn round c. put off d. do with 46. Frankly speaking, your daughter does not take _______ you at all. a. after b. along c. up d. over 47. She is not really friendly. She does not get on well ____ her classmates. a. from b. with c. for d. to 48. I would be grateful if you kept the news _______ yourself. Do not tell anyone about it. a. from b. to c. for d. at 49. I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away. a. get b. fall c. throw d. make 50. They were late for work because their car _______ down. a. got b. put c. cut d. broke 51. Thanks to the women's liberation women can take part in __________ activities. a. social b. society c. socially d. socialize 52. The efforts for the advancement of women have resulted ________ several respectively achievement in women's life and work. a. at b. with c. for d. in 53. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please, go on and finish what you were saying. a. talk b. quit c. continue d. stop 54. I cannot believe Peter and Mary ________ up last week. They have been married for almost fifteen years. I hope they get back together. a. went b. gave c. looked d. broke 55. What does "www" ________ for? Is it short for “world wide web?” a. sit b. stand c. lie d. point 56. In former days, women were considered not to be suitable for becoming a ________. a. politics b. political c. politically d. politician 57. When a women works outside the home and makes money herself, she is ________ independent from her husband. a. financially b. politically c. philosophically d. variously 58. Not all women can do two jobs well at the same time: rearing children and working at office. a. educating b. taking care of c. homemaking d. giving a birth 59. There have been significant changes in women's lives since the women's liberation movement. a. controlled b. economic c. important d. natural 60. Childbearing is the women's most wonderful role. a. Giving birth to a baby b. Having no child c. Bring up a child d. Educating a child 61. The forces behind the women's liberation movement vary from culture to culture, from individual to individual. a. advocate b. equalize c. power d. change 62. Although I did not totally agree ________ feminist's policies, I certainly admired their audacity, dedication and courage. a. for b. with c. along d. up 63. A woman's role in society was defined by the Feminists on whether they were contributors ________ society or not. a. upon b. to c. off d. away 64. When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits. a. fell b. exploded c. called d. rang 65. Look out. There is a rattlesnake under the picnic table! a. Listen b. Be careful c. Go d. Watch 66. Mrs. Jones's husband passed away fast Friday. We are all shocked by the news. a. got married b. divorced c. died d. were on business 67. If you do not understand the word "superstitious," look it up in the dictionary. a. find its meaning b. write it c. draw it d. note it 68. Western women are more ________ than Asian women. a. depend b. dependent c. independent d. independently -5-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 69. Most people consider it women's ________ to take care of children and do housework. a. limit b. relationship c. responsibility d. respect 70. Women are considered to be better suited for childbearing and homemaking rather than for involvement in the public life of business or politics. a. education b. advocate c. participation d. recognition 71. Women's taking part in politics has got widespread objections from male statesmen in many parts of the world. a. intensive b. extensive c. inside d. slight 72. It is generally accepted that in today's society women have access ________ education and can promote themselves much more easily than years ago. a. to b. up c. on d. for 73. It took women a long time to struggle ________ the right to vote. a. for b. with c. against d. upon 74. I think women are suited ________ many important things, besides childbearing and homemaking. a. of b. on c. for d. about 75. Women are increasingly involved ________ the public life. a. of b. in c. with d. from 76. Although the team was both mentally and physically exhausted, they ________ on walking. a. stopped b. kept c. took d. put 77. Let's go over that report again before we submit it. a. dictate b. print c. read carefully d. type 78. ASEAN also works for the _______ of peace and stability in the region. a. promote b. promotion c. promotional d. promoter 79. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, commonly referred to as ASEAN, is a geo-political and _______ organization. a. economy b. economic c. economics d. economical 80. The motivations for the birth of ASEAN were the desire for a _______ environment. a. stable b. stability c. stably d. stabilize 81. Southeast Asia is a region of diverse cultures. a. same b. adopted c. various d. respected 82. The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is an agreement by the member nations of ASEAN concerning local manufacturing in all ASEAN countries. a. progressing b. producing c. combining d. aiming 83. The Governments of ASEAN have paid special attention _______ trade. a. to b. on c. for d. with 84. The goal the ASEAN Vision 2020 aims _______ creating a stable, prosperous and highly competitive ASEAN economic region. a. for b. on c. at d. up 85. The population of ASEAN accounts _______ about 8.7% of the world's population. a. of b. for c. in d. from 86. Laos and Myanmar were admitted _______ ASEAN in 1997. a. for b. of c. to d. in 87. ASEAN also try to solve the problems of ethnic tensions which might lead _______ civil war. a. into b. away c. off d. to 88. Throughout the 1970s, ASEAN embarked on a program of economic _______. a. cooperate b. cooperation c. cooperative d. cooperatively 89. 2007 was the 40th anniversary of the _______ of ASEAN. a. found b. founder c. foundation d. founding 90. Vietnam asked for _______ to ASEAN in 1995. a. admit b. admission c. admissive d. admissible. -6-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> WRITING. PASSIVE VOICE. Change these sentences from active to passive: 1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil. _______________________________________________________________ 2. The Government is planning a new road near my house. _______________________________________________________________ 3. My grandfather built this house in 1943. _______________________________________________________________ 4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time. _______________________________________________________________ 5. The cleaner has cleaned the office. _______________________________________________________________ 6. He had written three books before 1867. _______________________________________________________________ 7. John will tell you later. _______________________________________________________________ 8. We have signed the deal with Dubai sports city. _______________________________________________________________ 9. Somebody should do the work. _______________________________________________________________ 10. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy. _______________________________________________________________ 11. Everybody loves Mr Brown. _______________________________________________________________ 12. They are building a new stadium near the station. _______________________________________________________________ 13. The wolf ate the princess. _______________________________________________________________ 14. Someone was telling a story at 7:00 pm yesterday. _______________________________________________________________ 15. Somebody has drunk all the milk! _______________________________________________________________ 16. I had cleaned all the windows before the storm. _______________________________________________________________ 17. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________ 18. The students will hold a meeting before the Teachers' Day _______________________________________________________________ 19. James might cook dinner. _______________________________________________________________ 20. Somebody must take my wallet. _______________________________________________________________ "COMPARATIVE + AND + COMPARATIVE" 1. This subject gets ________________________ (hard) all the time. 2. I'm just getting ________________________ (confused). 3. It's becoming ________________________ (difficult) for me to keep up. 4. The textbook just gets ________________________ (complicated). 5. I spend ________________________ (much) time on my work. 6. My list of things to do gets ________________________ (long). 7. My problem are just getting ________________________ (bad). -7-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 8. I feel happy as my happy is coming ________________________ (close). 9. Eating and traveling in this city is getting ________________________ (expensive). 10. Your English is OK now, your pronunciation has got ________________________ (good). THE + COMPARATIVE + S + V ……, THE + COMPARATIVE + S + V …… 1. The apartment is big. The rent is high. The bigger.................................................................................................................................................. 2. We set off soon. We will arrive soon. The sooner ................................................................................................................................................. 3. The joke is good. The laughter is loud. The better.................................................................................................................................................... 4. She gets fat. She feels tired. The fatter ................................................................................................................................................... 5. As he gets older, he wants to travel less. The older.................................................................................................................................................... 6. The children are excited with the difficult games. The more.................................................................................................................................................... 7. I meet him much. I hate him much The more.................................................................................................................................................... 8. My boss works better when he is pressed for time. The less...................................................................................................................................................... 9. If you read many books, you will have much knowledge. The more.................................................................................................................................................... 10. He speaks too much and people feel bored. The more.................................................................................................................................................... 11. The growth in the economy makes people's living condition better. The more..................................................................................................................................................... 12. People learn a lot of things as they travel far. The farther .................................................................................................................................................. TENSES. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. I (not hear) ______________ from him since he (disappear) ______________ two years ago. 2. After the guests had left, she (go) ______________ back into the living-room and (turn) ______________ off the light. 3. By the time you finished cooking they (do) ______________ their homework. 4. I came late to class. When I (enter) ______________ the teacher (write) ______________ something on the blackboard. 5. She (get) ______________ into her shoes, (put) ______________ on her coat and (go) ______________ to the door. 6. David (be) ______________ born after his father (die) ______________ 7. He (do) ______________ his homework before he went to the cinema. 8. What you (do) ______________ after you (go) ______________ home yesterday? 9. Dick (start) ______________ school before he (be) ______________ seven. 10. What you (do) ______________ when I (ring) ______________ you last night? 11. John (drive) ______________ that car ever since I (know) ______________ him. 12. Columbus (discover) ______________ America more than 400 years ago. 13. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) ______________ games. 14. He (lose) ______________ his job last month and since then he (be) ______________ out of work. 15. They think he (be) ______________ here last night. 16. The film (end) ______________ by the time we got there. 17. After I (finish) ______________ all my homework, he (invite) ______________ me a drink. 18. They (go) ______________ home after they (finish) ______________ their work. -8-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 19. My grandfather (die) ______________ many years ago. 20. They (tell) ______________ me about it last week. 21. My mother (come) ______________ to stay with us next weekend. 22. I (walk) ______________ along the beach while my sister (swim) ______________ 23. Thu (look after ) ___________________ her little brother next Sunday. By………/By the time / When + S + V1/s/es………, S + will/ won’t + have V3/ed 24. When you come back, I (type) _________________ this email 25. By the time you (arrive) ______________________, I (write) _________________the essay. 26. By the time he (intend) _______________ to get to the airport, the plane (take)_______________ off. 27. I know by the time they (come) _________________ to my house this evening, I (go) ____________ out for a walk. 28. I hope they (finish) _________________building the road by the time we (come)_______________ back next summer. 29. By 2030, the number of schools in our country (double) _________________. 30. These machines (work) _________________very well by the time you (come) _________________ back next month. MODAL VERBS 1. “I suggest that you do more exercise to keep your blood pressure down. You should _______________________________________________________________________ 2. I suggest that we take a break and go for a walk. We should ________________________________________________________________________ 3. It is necessary for me to do some shopping on my way home from work. I need ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. It isn’t necessary for you to finish the report by Sunday. You don’t_________________________________________________________________________ 5. It isn't necessary for her to choose a dress for the wedding party. She doesn't ________________________________________________________________________ 6. He helped her, but it was not necessary. He needn’t ________________________________________________________________________ 7. I thought it was not necessary to book tickets for the film in advance, but I was wrong. I should __________________________________________________________________________ 8. I am sure that the cat is in the house somewhere. I’m sure that the cat must ____________________________________________________________ 9. It’s necessary for me to bring my passport. (have) I have ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. It wasn’t necessary for you to do all this work (needn’t) You needn’t _______________________________________________________________________ 11. I am sure that John is not the thief. I’m sure that John can’t ______________________________________________________________ 12. I’m sure you are very tired after working so hard. (must) You must _________________________________________________________________________ 13. Perhaps Susan know the address. Susan may ________________________________________________________________________ 14. It was quite unnecessary for you to carry all those parcels home yourself. You _____________________________________________________________________________ 15. I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs. Mai you saw because she is in Boston. It can’t ___________________________________________________________________________ 16. Maybe John’s working this weekend. John _____________________________________________________________________________ 17. I didn’t apologize. That was wrong of me. I should ___________________________________________________________________________ -9-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 18. It wasn’t necessary for me to go out after all. I needn’t ___________________________________________________________________________ 19. I’m sure that you didn’t lock the front door. Here is the key. You can’t __________________________________________________________________________ 20. It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night. You shouldn’t _______________________________________________________________________ 21. I’m sure Alison made arrangement. I recognized her voice. It must ____________________________________________________________________________ 22. I’m sure he didn’t know that his brother was seriously ill. He couldn’t possibly _________________________________________________________________ 23. I am sure it was Judy that I saw in town this morning It must ____________________________________________________________________________ WORD FORMS (popular) 1. Her novels have gained in _________________over recent years. 2. The restaurant is deservedly _________________with all who enjoy Mexican food. (economy) 3. Over the past few years, the country's __________________ has grown at a record pace. 4. They discussed social, _________________and political issues. 5. ___________________ growth was fastest in Japan. 6. It would be more __________________ to buy the bigger size. (equal) 7. There is an _________________number of boys and girls in the class. 8. Diet and exercise are _________________important. 9. Everyone should be treated _________________. 10. Don't you believe in _______________between men and women? 11. The slices were ____________________ in size. (variety) 12. The menu _________________with the season. 13. We talked about jobs, family, football and __________________other things. (act) 14. The women ____________________participated in the creation of the artwork. 15. Although he's nearly 80, he is still very ________________. 16. He is an _______________member of several professional organizations. 17. Firefighters took _______________immediately to stop the blaze spreading. 18. George knew about the letter and ________________accordingly. 19. The government must ______________promptly to change this law. (poison) 20. Some mushrooms contain a deadly ________________. 21. The leaves of certain trees are ___________________to cattle. 22. The mushrooms they picked were _____________________. IDIOMS take a heavy toll (on): gây thiệt hại nghiêm trọng under the weather: feel ill, mệt, ốm, uể oả storm in a teacup: phóng đại vấn đề. head in the clouds (đầu óc trên mây) có những ý tưởng không thực tế. (to) weather the storm : Vượt qua khó khăn raining cats and dogs mưa rất lớn When it rains, it pours chuyện tồi tệ xảy ra dồn dập trong thời gian ngắn, thậm chí cùng một lúc.. chasing rainbows (đuổi theo cầu vồng): cố gắng thực hiện điều không thể. come rain or shine: dù chuyện gì xảy ra the lull/calm before the storm: thời điểm yên tĩnh trước khi một điều gì đó bùng nổ face like thunder (mặt như sấm sét)tức giận, buồn bã ra mặt. snowed under (ngập dưới tuyết) có quá nhiều việc phải làm. lightning fast (nhanh như chớp) chạy rất nhanh. a fair-weather friend một người bạn khi thời tiết đẹp, chỉ những người bạn quen chỉ để cho vui chứ không bao giờ họ giúp đỡ bạn trong lúc khó khăn hay hoạn nạn.. - 10 -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span>
