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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period 44; Week 15. Date of preparation: November 28th, 2010. UNIT 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read (PAGE 72, 73) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - talk about the different between the life in the city and the life in the country - see the better changes in our life B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: (n) entertainment, traffic jam, relatives, medical facilities, province (a) Peaceful, remote, accessible 2. Grammar: * Present progressive tense: talk about the future show the change with “get” and “become” 3. Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing C/ Techniques: Question-Answer, Play role, discussion, group work D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette player, chalk, board, E/ Procedures: 1. Class organization: (1 min) 2. Check up: (no) : 3. New lesson:( 43 mins) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (5 minutes) ( GETTING STARTED) P. 46 ( Brainstorming ) - Divide Ss into 2 groups: one writes words in the box belong to the city - Work in groups. life, other writes words belong to the country life. - Check after 3 minutes * Possible answers: - tall buildings - beautiful views - kinds of goods - fresh food - Noisy - fresh air - traffic jams - friendly - entertainments - Give more words related to - Ask Ss to say more about the city life and country life. New lesson (1 minute) - Listen - Introduce the new lesson. 2. LISTEN AND READ ( Page 72, 73) Presentation (8 minutes) - Introduce the objectives of this lesson -Listen to the teacher’s - Introduce the dialogue between Hoa and Na introduction - Supply some new words - Guess the meanings of the + be away (v) : (Example) + relatives (n) (Example) words + permanently (adv) = forever + remote area (n) (Example) - Take notes + not only……………but also (Trans) + medical facility (n) (Trans) + accessible (a) (Explanation) + province (n)  DakLak Province + prefer s.o/ s.t to s.o/ s.t (v) e.g: I prefer country life to city life. - Read as T's guide - Help Ss read the words - Present the present progressive tense with the future meaning/ the - Pay attention and take notes changes * Structures: + Things are changing in the countryside. + Many remote are getting electricity - Let Ss listen to the dialogue between Nam and Na to get the main idea - Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Practice (19 minutes) 1. Practice the dialogue with a partner: P. 72, 73 - Play the tape two times - Look at the book and listen - Play the tape one more - Repeat in chorus - Get Ss to practice the dialogue with a partner - Practice the dialogue in pairs. - Go around the class to check Ss’work and offer help - Ask Three pairs to read the dialogue aloud. - Practice the dialogue before the - Correct mistake(s) in their pronunciation class (3 pairs) 2. Answer the questions. (page 73) - get Ss to read the questions (ae), then read the dialogue again and find - Read the dialogue and answer the questions. the answers - Make sure Ss to understand the meaning the questions - Give answers. - Go around the class to check Ss’ work and offer help - Give necessary correction * Key: a/ Na has been to Kim Lien. b/ She was there for one day. (The weekend). c/ The country is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to do. d/ (Possible answer) There are no libraries, no movies, no parks, no zoos,… to go. e/ Many remote areas are getting electricity. People can now have things like refrigerators and TV, and medical facilities are more accessible. Production (7 minutes) * Discussion: -Divide the class into 4 groups. Two groups include students who prefer - Work in groups of four the city life and the others include students who prefer the country life. - Ask students to work in groups to answer the questions. Do you prefer the city or the country life? Why - Check Ss' work - Show their work Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: - Listen and remember. + Give some advice to Ss + Summarize the lesson (remind weak students) 4. Homework: (1 minute) - Learn new words and structures by heart. - Practice reading the dialogue and translate it into Vietnamese. - Prepare unit 8: Speak and listen F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 45; Week 15. Date of preparation: November 30th, 2010. UNIT 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 2: Speak and Listen . ( Page 73, 74) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - talk about the changes/ the differences - talk a bout the changes of their life from the past to present.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - listen for details to complete the dialogue. - Know to love the past. B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: Adjectives of description things 2. Grammar: * Present progressive tense: talk about the future 3. Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing C/ Techniques: Play role, Pair work, gap- fill, Picture recognization D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, chalk, board, cassette player,.... E/ Procedures: 1. Class organization: (1') 2. Check up: (5') – Call 2 pairs Ss to read the dialogue on page 72, 73 and translate it into Vietnamese 3. New lesson:( 38') Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (4 minutes) Picture cognization: - Ask Ss to work in two groups, to pick out the words into two - Play the game pictures many as possible - Lead in the new lesson . - Listen New lesson (1 minute) - Introduce the aim of the new lesson. - Listen SPEAK ( Page 73, 74) Presentation (4 minutes) - Get Ss to look at the two pictures in the textbook and identify the town 5 years ago and the town now (use the question “Are there any changes between the town 5 years ago and it now?”) - Introduce the present progressive tense with “get” and “become” to talk about the changes S + am/ is/ are + getting/ becoming + adj e.g: Our life is getting/ becoming more comfortable. - Get Ss to talk about the changes of the town with the help of the words in the box Practice (7 minutes) - Ask Ss to look at the two pictures on page 73 and talk to their partners about the changes of the town. The words in the box under the pictures may help you - Write the word prompts on the board so that Ss can speak easily - traffic - > busy - sky -> cloudy - houses -> high - city -> beautiful - trees - > green - Get Ss to work in pairs - Monitor and help Ss speak * Possible answers : - The traffic is getting busier. - There are more tall buildings and houses. - The houses are getting more modern - The town is becoming more beautiful. - The streets are becoming cleaner / larger / noisier Production (5 minutes) - Ask Ss to work in groups and talk about changes in their. - Listen and answer - Take notes. - Pay attention. - Practice in pairs.. - Show the dialogues aloud. - Pay attention and take notes.. - Work in groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> neighborhood. - Call on volunteer from each group to show their ideas before the - Show their work. class. Other groups can add in their ideas. LISTEN. (PAGE 74) Pre- Listening ( 5 mins) - Introduce the situation (the dialogue between Aunt Hang and Lan) -Listen to the T’s introduction. and ask Ss some questions - Answer a/ Who is calling? b/ Where is she calling from? c/ When is she going to visit Lan’s family? - Ask Ss to predict information in the dialogue. - Guess the information in the gaps - Call on some Ss to report their predictions - Read their prediction aloud. While- Listening (5 mins) - Listen and check their prediction. - Get Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction. - Give answers - Call on Ss to read their results and give feedback. - Give necessary correction by letting Ss listen to the tape again and - Listen again and check the answers pausing at what is necessary * Key: (1) that; (2) this; (3) It’s; (4) Where (5) from; (6) coming; (7) week; (8) arriving; (9) Thursday; (10) late; (11) afternoon; (12) speak; (13) my; (14) get Post- Listening ( 6 mins) - Ask Ss to play the roles of Lan and Aunt Hang to practice the - Play the roles dialogue Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: - Listen and remember. + Educate Ss good lesson. + the change of something 4. Homework: (1 minute) - Learn new words and structures by heart. - Prepare unit 8: Read F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 46; Week 16. Date of preparation: December 4th, 2010. UNIT 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 4: Read. ( Page 75) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - talk about the differences between country life and city life - know the social problems when the population in the country and population in the city are unequal - develop their reading skills B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: (n) rural area, urban area, well-paying job, struggle, typhoon, flood, drought, strain, tragedy, government, migrant, opportunity (v) Increase, overcrowd, live apart, face (a) Plentiful 2. Grammar: * Present progressive tense: talk about the future * Comparative.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 3.Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing C/ Techniques: Gessing game, Pair work, Group work, Gap- fill D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette player, chalk, board, E/ Procedures: 1. Class organization: (1') 2. Check up: (5') – Call on two Ss to say the changes of the country life. 3. New lesson:( 38') Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (5 minutes) Brainstorming - Ask students to think of the difficulties of farmers' life. - Work in groups Typhoons Floods get. little money Difficulties of farmers’ life. * Possible answers: + Droughts + the weather + hard work + no vacations + lack of dean water/ electricity + insects destroy harvests - Lead in the new lesson New lesson (1 minute) - Introduce the new lesson. READ ( Page 75) Pre- Reading ( 10 mins) - Ask Ss some questions a/ Do you think many people move to live in the city now? b/ Why do many people want to go to the city? c/ What problems may arise when so many people move to the city? - Introduce the situation (the text) - Supply the new words + rural area (n) = countryside area + urban area (n) = city area + well-paying job (n) = job paid much money + plentiful (a) = a lot, lots + struggle (n) (Expl + Exam) + nature (n) (Example) + typhoon (n) (Explanation) + flood (n) (Explanation) + drought (n) (Explanation) + increase (v) + (n) (Mime) + population (n) (Example) + overcrowding (n) (Trans.) + strain (n) (Trans.) + tragedy (n) (Example) + live apart (v) (Example) + government (n) (Explanation) + migrant (n) (Example) - Help Ss read new words. - Play the tape While- Reading ( 14 mins) 1. Gap- filling : - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete summary, using the information from the passage. - Call on some volunteers to report their results - Give feedback Key: 1. leaving 2. home 3. city 4. rural 5. city 6. problems. - Listen. - Listen and answer the questions. - Look at the advertisement - Listen - Guess its meanings - Copy down. - Read as T' sguide. - Read statrements and guess. - Listen - Read the text, and complete the gaps - Give answers and explain..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 7. schools 8. hospitals 9. problem 10 . world - Call on some Ss to read the complete passage aloud 2. Finding the words - Ask Ss to read the text again and work with their partners - Call them to report their results - Give feedback Key: a. rural b. plentiful c. increase d. strain e. tragedy f. urban Post- Reading ( 5 mins) - Ask Ss to work in groups to talk get Ss to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of overcrowding population in many cities - Go around the class to check Ss’ work and offer help Advantages Disadvantages. - Read the completed passage aloud - Work in pairs and answer the questions - Read the correct answers. - Work in groups. - Show their work - Give necessary correction (encourage Ss to speak) Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: - Listen and remember. + Give some advice to Ss + Summarize the lesson about the lesson 4. Homework: (1 minute) - Learn new words and structures by heart. - Try to learn English words in some ways in the lesson. - Translate the text into Vietnamese. - Prepare unit 7: Write. F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 47; Week 16. Date of preparation: December 5th, 2010. UNIT 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 4: Write. (Page 76) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - review the outline of an informal letter - write a letter to tell about their neighborhood - develop their writing skills B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: ( Review) 2. Grammar: informal letter 3. Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing C/ Techniques: Questions and answers, Pair work, Group work, D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board, E/ Procedures: 1. Class organization: (1') 2. Check up: (5') – Call 2 Ss to give the disadvanges in the country and why people move to city. 3. New lesson :( 38') Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (3 minutes) Revision - Ask Ss to put the outline for an informal letter in the correct order. - Do as T's guide. - Prepare 6 cards with 6 outlines on them..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Call 6 Ss to hold them and stand in a random order - Ask some other Ss to rearrange them in the correct order. - Write the answer on the board and ask Ss to copy. 1. Heading (- Writer's address / Date/ Dear ………... ,) 2. opening 3. Body 4. closing New lesson (1 minute) - Introduce the new lesson. WRITE( Page 76). - Listen. Pre- writing( 10 mins) * Answer questions: - Ask students to work in pairs to answer the questions in exercise 2 on page 76. - Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering the questions - Give feedback a. Where do you live? (I live in a small town / big city / village) b. What does your house look like? (My house looks very nice /small with 4/5 rooms and a nice/ small garden) c. What can you see front your bedroom window? (From my bedroom window, I can see a small park with many green trees and colorful flowers.) d. How far is it from your home to school? (It's far from my home so I have to ride my bike / It's very near so I can walk.) e. What kinds of facilities are there in your neighborhood? (There is a park / a swimming pool/ some restaurants, a post office / a library.) f. What things in your neighborhood do you like best? Why? (I like the park best because I can walk with my sisters after dinner/ every morning / I like the library best because I can read many interesting books, or study or learn how to use the computer there.) While- Writing ( 15 mins) - Ask Ss to write letters to friends about their neighborhood - Let them write individually. - Have them compare with their partners and correct if they can. * Suggested letter : ( Writer's address) ( Date ) Dear ...., I live in ….. , a small town. My family has a large house with four rooms and a small garden. My sister and I share one bedroom. From the bedroom window, I can see a beautiful park with green tress, flowers and a pond. We do not live far form my school so I usually walk there. In my neighborhood, there is a swimming pool and a beautiful park. On the weekend, I often go swimming with my friends. Early in the morning, I always jog with my sister around the park. However, the thing I like best in my neighborhood is the public library near my. - Work in pairs to answer the questions on page 76 - Ask and answer loudly.. - Write the letter in individuals - Work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> school. There I not only can study and read books but also watch video and learn how to use the computer. Do you have a library like that in your neighborhood? Is there anything interesting in the place where you live? Write to me I would like to say goodbye now. I am looking forwards to hearing from you soon. Love , ( Signature ) Post- Writing ( 7 mins) - Choose some letters to correct before class (using projector if - Correct possible) - Correct Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: - Listen and remember. + give Ss a lesson + Summarize the lesson how to write an informal letter 4. Homework: (1 minute) - Write the completed letter in writing - Prepare unit 8: Language focus. F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 48; Week 16. Date of preparation: December 6th, 2010. UNIT 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 5: Language focus. ( Page 77, 78, 79) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - use Present progressive and comparative and superlative adjectives . . - Have better attitude in learning English B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: (n) destination, rainforest, medical facilities, (v): delay, arrive, leave, rent 2. Grammar: - Present progressive and comparative and superlative adjectives 3. Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing C/ Techniques: Picture drill, Pair work, Group work, Grid drill..... D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, chalk, board, E/ Procedures: 1. Class organization: (1') 2. Check up: (5') – call on 2 Ss to say the parts in an informal letter. 3. New lesson:( 38') Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (5 minutes) * Brainstorming: - Ask students to find out short adjectives and long adjectives they - Play as T's guide have learnt. - Divide the class into 2 teams, one using yellow chalk and the other red chalk. - Get students to go to the blackboard and write the adjectives. expensive big.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Long. short. New lesson (1 minute) - Introduce the new lesson. Activity 1 (7 minutes). ( Language focus 1/ Page 77) - Have Ss read the dialogues a) and b). - Explain the exercise and ask students to make similar dialogues in pairs based on the time for arriving and leaving. - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. Activity 2 (7 minutes)Language focus 2:(Page 78) - Ask Ss to read the modal dialogues. - Ask Ss to use the present progressive tense to complete the dialogues. - Have Ss cross-check in pairs. - Call on some Ss to give the answers in front of * Answers: a) I’m playing b) are doing c) am watching d) am going . e) are leaning f) am having Activity 3 (16 minutes)Language focus 3: (Page 78) - Explain the exercise. - Have Ss read the sentences in the book. - Ask Ss to complete the sentences. Use the verbs and adjectives in the boxes. - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class. - Have Ss read all the sentences. * Answers: b) The old men are getting weak. c) We should go home. It is getting dark. d) The weather is becoming cold. e) The students are getting better. f) The schoolyard is becoming cleaner Activity 4 (8 minutes)Languue focus 4 (page 70) - Remind students of the forms of comparative andsuperlative adjectives. - Ask students to do exercise 4 on page 79. They have to work in pairs to make comparisons between the city and the country about: food, facilities, schools, electricity with the adjectives; easy, expensive, cheap, good, bad, poor, big, accessible, fresh. traffic, transport, air, entertainment, medical - Give some examples. a. The air in the country is fresher than in the city. b.The medical facilities in the city are more accessible; than in the country. - Move around the class and help the students write comparison sentences. - Let each student read aloud one of the sentences they have made. * Possible answers: a. The food in the city is more expensive than in the country. b. The school in the city is bigger than in the country.. - Listen - Read the dialogues a), b) - Do as T's guide. - Show their work in pairs - Read the modal dialogues - complete the dialogues in pairs. - Ask and answer in pairs. - Listen - Read and complete the sentences. - Work in pairs. - Read the completed sentences. - Do as T's guide in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> c. Electricity in the city is better than in the country. d. The entertainment in the country is poorer than in the city. e. The traffic in the city is busier than in the country. f. The transport in the country is worse than in the city. Activity 5 (10 minutes)Languue focus 5 (page 79) - Ask Ss to read three the advertisements and then to make - Read the advertisements and write comparisons with adjectives - Call on Ss to give answers. - Read answers * Possible answers: a. The villa is older than the apartment. b. The house is more expensive than the apartment. c. The villa is bigger than the apartment. d. The apartment is smaller than the villa. e. The apartment is hotter than the house. f. The house is the biggest. g. The villa is the most beautiful. h. The-apartment is older than the house. Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: - Listen and remember. + Give some advice to Ss + Summarize the lesson 4. Homework: (1 min) - Learn main grammar points by heart - Summarize the main vocabulary and grammar points. F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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