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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 23/ 4/ 2021. WEEK 32 - Period 63. UNIT 10: MY HOUSE Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3, 4 (Part 1) I. Objective 1. Language focus - By the end of this lesson, students will review the sounds for letters A to M. 2. Skill - Listening, speaking, reading, writing. 3. Attitude - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary. II. Teaching aids + Teacher’s aids: Ss’ book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, TV. + Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook. III. Method - Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work. IV. Procedures 1. Organization Class Date of teaching Absent Ss 1B Monday, April 26th 2021 1D Tuesday, April 27th 2021 2. Warm up (5’) *Activity: Write the letter, say the word - T write the letters of the alphabet on the board and ask children to continue the list from their previous phonics lessons. - T ask Ss to give the words that begin with the letters a to m (ant, boy,…) from the previous phonics lessons. - Use phonics cards to prompt if necessary. 3. New lesson (30’) Teacher - Students’ activities *Activity 1. Listen and repeat. (6’) - T asks Ss to look at the pictures. - T point to the pictures and say the letters’ sounds. - T plays the CD and asks Ss to listen and repeat the letter sounds. *Activity 2. Listen and repeat. (6’) - T ask Ss to look at the pictures. - T demonstrate pointing to the correct letter when you hear the sound. - T play the CD and asks Ss to point to the. Content 1. Listen and repeat.. 2. Listen and repeat..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> correct picture at the top of the page when they hear the appropriate sound. *Activity 3. Find the odd one out. Circle a, b, or 3. Find the odd one out. Circle a, b, or c. c. (6’) - T asks Ss to look at the pictures and call out the things they can see. Demonstrate the activity using the example. - T asks Ss to choose the odd one out and circle a, b or c. - Check answers as a whole class. 4. Play “Stepping stones”. *Activity 4. Play “Stepping stones”. (6’) - T divide the class into pairs. - T calls some pair plays rocks, paper and scissors. The winner will play first. - T calls Student A start at A and say the first letter sound. - T calls Student B start at B and say the first letter sound. - T asks Ss to take turns saying the sounds and go all the way round. Play game. *Activity: Pair race (6’) - T divide the class into two teams, each team has some flashcards of letters a, b, c, d…. and pictures of ant, boy, door, cap… - T say Go. Two Ss of each team take a letter and a picture run to the board. If the letter and picture are matched. They will have one point. - Continue the game as the same way. V. Homework - At home practice part 1, 2 and 3 again. - Prepare for the next lesson. _________________________________________________ Date of preparing: 24/ 4/ 2021. WEEK 32 - Period 64. UNIT 10: MY HOUSE Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3, 4 (Part 2) I. Objective 1. Language focus - By the end of this lesson, students will review the sounds for letters A to M. 2. Skill - Listening, speaking, reading, writing. 3. Attitude - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regular..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> II. Teaching aids - Book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant. III. Method - Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work. IV. Procedures 1. Organization Class Date of teaching Absent Ss 1B Tuesday, April 27th 2021 1D Thursday, April 29th 2021 2. Warm up (5’) *Activity: Read my lips - T divide Ss in to two teams set up and the first person on each team must watch the teacher’s mouth. - Set a letter with no voice, just move his/her lips in tongue in the correct way. The first team to guess correctly gets a point. 3. New lesson (30’) Teacher - Students’ activities *Activity 1. Listen and repeat. (6’) - T asks Ss to look at the pictures. - T asks Ss to point to the pictures and say the letter sounds. - T play the CD and asks Ss to listen and repeat the letter sounds. *Activity 2. Listen and repeat (6’) - T asks Ss to look at the pictures. - Demonstrate pointing to the correct letter when you hear the sound. - T play the CD and asks Ss to point to the correct picture at the top of the page when they hear the appropriate sound. - T asks Ss to work in pairs. One points to the picture and one says the sound of the letter. Swap roles and continue. *Activity: Write the letters. (6’) - Tasks Ss to look at the pictures and call out the beginning sounds. - Demonstrate the activity using the example. - T asks Ss write the letters. - Check answers as a whole class. *Activity 4. Play “Magic finger” (6’) - T ask Ss to look at the example.. Contents 1. Listen and repeat.. 2. Listen and repeat.. 3. Write the letters. 4. Play “Magic finger”.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - T divide the class into pairs. - Student B try to guess which letter it is. - T asks Ss to swap roles and repeat. Play game *Activity. Alphabet ball (6’) - T asks Ss to make a big circle. - T give a ball to the first student and ask he/she to say a letter, the first student gives the ball to the second student. Have the second student say a word. - Continue the game. V. Summary - What skills have you practiced? VI. Homework - Practice part 1, 2 and 3 again and write the letter in the air. - Prepare for the next lesson. VII. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….
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