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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing:17/4/2021. WEEK 31 - Period 121. UNIT 18: WHAT’S YOUR PHONE NUMBER? LESSON 2 : Part 4, 5, 6 I. Objcetives: At the end of the lesson Ss will able to accepting and declining an invitation. - Can listen and circle, look and write. 1. Language focus: Sentence pattems: Would you like to….? I’d love to/ Sorry, I can’t. Vocabulary: go for awalk, go for a picnic, free, sure . 2. Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing . 3 Attitude: Teach Ps to ask Would you like to….? I’d love to/ Sorry, I can’t. II. TEACHING AIDS: 1. Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2. Student: students' book III. METHODS: MAT, T,P,A. IV. PROCEDURE: 1. Organization (1’) - Greeting. - Check Ps’ attendance Class Date of teaching Absent Ss 4C Monday, April 19th 2021 2. Warm up 5’ T asks Ss to practice ask and answer using: Would you like to….? I’d love to/ Sorry, I can’t. - T monitors and correct their mistake. 3. New lesson: 30’ Teacher and Students’ activities Content 4. Listen and circle. 9’ 4. Listen and circle Pre-teach -Asks Ss to open their book on page 55 and tell them that they are going to listen and circle the correct picture. - T asks some Ss to report their answers to the class. - T plays the recording for Ss to listen. - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer. - T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer. - Asks Ss to exchange their answer with.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> partners before reporting them to the class. - T asks Ss to read out the answer Answer key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Look and write. 9’ - Asks Ss to open their book on page 55 and tell Ss to look and write. - T let’s Ss to work individual. - Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class. - T asks Ss to read out the answer Answer key: 1. Would you like to go swimming? 2. Would you like to go for a picnic? 3. What’s your phone number? 4. Hello, May I speak to Army? 6. Let’s play. 9’ - Asks Ss to open their book on page 55 and tell them that they are going to play “ Find the phone number” - T let’Ss play together. - T monitors and correct their mistake.. 5. Look and write Answer key: 1. Would you like to go swimming? 2. Would you like to go for a picnic? 3. What’s your phone number? 4. Hello, May I speak to Army?. 4. Consolidation. 2’ - In this lesson Ss have learnt asking for and giving reason for going somewhere. 5. Homelink - T asks Ss to write 3 sentences what they do at a festival in their notebook. ________________________________________ Date of preparing:17/4/2021. WEEK 31 - Period 122. UNIT 18: WHAT’S YOUR PHONE NUMBER? LESSON 3 : Part 1, 2, 3 I. Objcetives: At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronunce correctely the sound of the words re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete and can listen and read for specific information..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 1. Language focus: The sound of the words: re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete . 2. Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing . 3 Attitude: Teach Ps The sound of the words: re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete . II. TEACHING AIDS: 1. Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2. Student: students' book III. METHODS: MAT, T,P,A. IV. PROCEDURE: 1. Organization (1’) - Greeting. - Check Ps’ attendance Class Date of teaching Absent Ss th 4C Thursday, April 22 2021 2. Warm up 5’ T asks Ss to practice ask and answer using: Would you like to….? I’d love to/ Sorry, I can’t. - T monitors and correct their mistake. 3.New lesson: 30’ Teacher and Students’ activities 1. Listen and repeat: 8’ *. Pre-teach - T asks Ss to open their book on page 56. Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the chant on the board. Draw Ss’attention to the sound of the words : ‘re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete. - T asks Ss to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly. - T asks Ss to look at the dialogues on the board . Pronunce the focused sounds a few times as a model. - T play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat. - Asks some Ss to say the dialogues , paying particular attention to the pronuciation of the sound of the words: re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete. - T correct their mistakes *. Practice: * Activity: Board Race. Content 1. Listen and repeat. ‘re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete.. Listen and pronounce these sounds correctly. Listen and repeat..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - T devides Ss in to 2 teams (Blue – White) - T explains how to play this game. - T lets 2 teams play together. - T monitor and praise the winner 2. Listen and circle: 5’ - T asks Ss to open their book on page 56 and tell them that they’re going to look at the sentences and stress marks. - T calls Ss to do on the board - T monitors and correct their mistake. Key: 1.a 2.b 3. b 4. b 3. Let’s chant:10’ *Set the sence. - T asks Ss to look at picture the “I ‘like to invite you to my party ?” chant on page 56 and tell them that they are going to read the chant and check the comprehension. - T plays the CD 2 times for Ss to read in choral and individual. - T devides Ss in to group and asks Ss to face to face and practice chanting and doing the action and clap in to the rhythm of the chant. - T monitors and correct their mistake. Play game 2. Listen and circle .. Key: 1.a 2.b. 3. b 4. b. Look at the sentences and stress marks 3. Let’s chant. Read the chant. Read inchorus. 4. Consolidation. 2’ - T asks whole class to read the word aloud. Learn vocab and model sentences. The sound of the words: re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete . 5. Homelink –––––––––––––––––––––––– Date of preparing:17/4/2021. WEEK 31 - Period 123. UNIT 18: WHAT’S YOUR PHONE NUMBER? LESSON 3 : Part 4, 5, 6) I. Objcetives: At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronunce correctely the sound of the words re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete and can listen and read for specific information. 1. Language focus:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> The sound of the words: re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete . 2. Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing . 3 Attitude: Teach Ps The sound of the words: re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete . II. TEACHING AIDS: 1. Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2. Student: students' book III. METHODS: MAT, T,P,A. IV. PROCEDURE: 1. Organization (1’) - Greeting. - Check Ps’ attendance Class Date of teaching Absent Ss 4C Friday, April 23th 2021 2. Warm up 5’ Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by getting some pupils to pronounce two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable. Remind them to use a louder voice for the second syllable. 3.New lesson: 30’ Teacher and Students’ activities 4. Listen and tick .8’ Tell the class that they are going to listen to four dialogues about phone numbers to circle the correct words. - Give pupils a few seconds to look at the sentences. - Play the recording more than once, if necessary, for pupils to listen and circle. - Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. Key: 1.a 2.b 3. a 4. b 5 Let’s write 7’ - Tell pupils that they are going to read the text about Tom’s picnic with his family, decide whether the five statements are true or false and tick the correct answers. - Ask them to look at the text to find the information to tick. If necessary, get pupils to work in pairs or small groups. Check understanding. - Give pupils time to do the task independently. Go around offering help, if necessary.. Content 4. Listen and tick : Key: 1.a 2.b. 3. a 4. b. 5 Let’s write Key: 1. F, 2. T,. 3. F,. 4. T , 5. T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> - Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class. Provide explanations to the answers, if necessary. Key: 1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T , 5. T 6. Project. 8’ - Tell pupils that they are going to complete a short paragraph about themselves. - Have pupils work in pairs or groups to 6. Project discuss what they are going to write. Ask them to look at the first picture ad the given sentences as an example. Focus them on where they usually go on Sundays and what they want to do there. - Give them enough time to do the task independently. - Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class. If there is time, ask one pupil to write the answer on the board. 4. Consolidation. 2’ - T asks whole class to read the word aloud. Learn vocab and model sentences. The sound of the words: re’peat, en’joy, in’vite, com’plete . 5. Homelink ––––––––––––– Date of preparing:17/4/2021 WEEK 31 - Period 124 UNIT 19: WHAT ANIMAL DO YOU WANT TO SEE? LESSON 1 : Part 1, 2 I. Objcetives: - At the end of the lesson Ss will able to ask and answer questions about someone’s desire. 1. Language focus: Sentence pattems: What animal do you want to see? I want to see… Vocabulary: wonderful, monkey, kangaroo, crocodile, tiger, elephant. 2. Skill: listening, speaking , reading, writing . 3 Attitude: Teach Ps aks What animal do you want to see? I want to see… II. TEACHING AIDS: 1. Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2. Student: students' book III. METHODS: MAT, T,P,A. IV. PROCEDURE:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 1. Organization (1’) - Greeting. - Check Ps’ attendance Class Date of teaching 4C Friday, April 23th 2021 2. Warm up 5’ Asks Ss to say their phone number - T monitors and correct their mistake. 3.New lesson: 30’ Teacher and Students’ activities 1. Look, listen and repeat: 10’ a. presentation. * Present the fisrt part of the dialogue - T uses 2 puppets to introduce the dialogue. Puppet A:The weather’s wonderful. Let’s go to the zoo. Puppet B: Great idea. Puppet A: What animal do you want to see? Puppet B: I want to see monkeys. Puppet A: Me too. I like monkeys. Puppet B:Ok. Let’s goover there. Puppet A: Oh! Now I don’t like them. - T-S role play. - T asks Ss open their book on page 58 - T opens the cassette. - T opens the cassette again.Pausing after each line for Ss to repeat. - T checks to make sure that they can repeat and understand the dialogue. b. Practice * Activity : Step away Lines - T asks Ss to step into 2 lines and practice the dialogue. - T monitors and correct their mistake. 2. Point and say: 8’ Set the sence: T asks to look at the picture a, b, c ,d on their book on page 58 and tells them that they are going to ask and answer question about phone number.. Absent Ss. Content 1. Look, listen and repeat:. 2. Point and say: a. Vocab: wonderful: tuyệt vời monkey: con khỉ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> a. Vocab: kangaroo: chuột túi wonderful: tuyệt vời crocodile: cá sấu monkey: con khỉ tiger: con hổ kangaroo: chuột túi elephant: con voi crocodile: cá sấu - T teachs the words and explains the tiger: con hổ meaning. elephant: con voi b.Model sentences: - T teachs the words and explains the What animal do you want to meaning. see? b.Model sentences: I want to see… What animal do you want to - T model first: see? Picture a: What animal do you want to I want to see… see? - T model first: I want to see kangaroos. Picture a: What animal do you want to Look at the picture a, b, c ,d on their see? book on page 58 I want to see kangaroos. - Do picture b, c ,d the same with picture a. - T-S role play - T-S, S-T, S-S, open pairs. c. Production * Activity: Bean bag cicle - T asks Ss to make a cicle. - T explains how to play this game. - T lets Ss do together. - T monitors. 4. Consolidation 2’ - T asks whole class to read the word aloud. Learn vocab, Learn model sentences. 5. Homelink ---------------------------------------------------.

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