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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>CHUYÊN ĐỀ 4: PRONUNCIATION AND STRESS 1. Trọng âm của từ trong tiếng Anh Việc học trên lớp thường tập trung vào ôn tập ngữ pháp, khiến cho dạng bài xác định trọng âm trong các đề thi trở nên tương đối khó với các em học sinh. Globaledu cung cấp cho các em một số kiến thức cơ bản về phát âm trong bài học này. Thế nào là trọng âm từ? Trọng âm từ là lực phát âm được nhấn vào một âm tiết nhất định trong một từ. Khi ta đọc đến âm tiết này thì lực phát âm sẽ mạnh hơn khi phát âm các âm tiết khác. Để làm dạng bài tập này trước tiên các em phải nhớ rằng trọng âm chỉ rơi vào những âm tiết mạnh tức là những âm tiết có chứa nguyên âm mạnh, nguyên âm đôi hoặc nguyên âm dài. Sau đây globaledu xin giới thiệu với các em một số quy tắc chung nhất để nhận biết trọng âm tiếng Anh, hi vọng nó sẽ giúp các em ghi điểm trong mùa thi này. 1) Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất Hầu hết danh từ và tính từ có 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. Ví dụ: Danh từ: PREsent, EXport, CHIna, TAble Tính từ: PREsent, SLENder, CLEver, HAPpy Đối với động từ nếu âm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm ngắn và kết thúc không nhiều hơn một phụ âm thì trọng âm sẽ rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. Ví dụ: ENter, TRAvel, Open... Các động từ có âm tiết cuối chứa ow thì trọng âm cũng rơi vào âm tiết đầu. Ví dụ: FOllow, BOrrow... Các động từ 3 âm tiết có âm tiết cuối chưa nguyên âm dài hoặc nguyên âm đôi hoặc kết thúc nhiều hơn một phụ âm thì âm tiết đầu nhận trọng âm. Ví dụ: PAradise, EXercise 2) Trọng âm vào âm tiết thứ hai Hầu hết động từ có 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2. Ví dụ: to preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN Nếu âm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm dài, nguyên âm đôi hoặc kết thúc với nhiều hơn một phụ âm thì âm tiết đó nhận trọng âm. Ví dụ: proVIDE, proTEST, aGREE... Đối với động từ 3 âm tiết quy tắc sẽ như sau: Nếu âm tiết cuối chứa nguyên âm ngắn hoặc kết thúc không nhiều hơn một nguyên âm thì âm tiết thứ 2 sẽ nhận trọng âm. Ví dụ: deTERmine, reMEMber, enCOUNter... 3) Trọng âm rơi vào âm thứ 2 tính từ dưới lên Những từ có tận cùng bằng –ic, -sion, tion thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 tính từ dưới lên Ví dụ: Những từ có tận cùng bằng –ic: GRAphic, geoGRAphic, geoLOgic... Những từ có tận cùng bằng -sion, tion: suggestion, reveLAtion... Ngoại lệ: TElevision có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. 4) Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 từ dưới lên Các từ tận cùng bằng –ce, -cy, -ty, -phy, –gy thì trọng âm đều rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 từ dưới lên: Ví dụ: deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogy Các từ tận cùng bằng –ical cũng có trọng âm rơi váo âm tiết thứ 3 tính từ dưới lên. Ví dụ: CRItical, geoLOgical 5) Từ ghép (từ có 2 phần) Đối với các danh từ ghép trọng âm rơi vào phần đầu: BLACKbird, GREENhouse... Đối với các tính từ ghép trọng âm rơi vào phần thứ 2: bad-TEMpered, old-FASHioned... Đối với các động từ ghép trọng âm rơi vào phần thứ 2: to OVERcome, to overFLOW... Lưu ý: 1. Các phụ tố không làm ảnh hưởng đến trọng âm câu: -able, -age, -al, -en, -ful, -ing, -ish, -less, -ment, -ous. 2. Các phụ tố bản thân nó nhận trọng âm câu: -ain(entertain), -ee(refugee,trainee), -ese(Portugese, Japanese), -ique(unique), -ette(cigarette, laundrette), -esque(picturesque), -eer(mountaineer), -ality (personality), -oo (bamboo), -oon (balloon), -mental (fundamental) Ngoại lệ: COffe, comMITtee, ENgine.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 3. Trong các từ có các hậu tố dưới đây, trọng âm được đặt ở âm tiết ngay trước hậu tố: -ian (musician), - id (stupid), -ible (possible), -ish (foolish), -ive (native), -ous (advantageous), -ial (proverbial, equatorial), -ic (climatic), -ity (ability, tranquility). Samples: Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với những từ còn lại: 1. A. study B. reply C. apply D. rely 2. A. deficiency B. deficit C. reference D. deference 3. A. employee B. referee C. committee D.refugee 4. A. tenant B.common C. rubbish D.machine 5. A. company B. atmosphere C.customer D. employment 6. A. animal B. bacteria C. habitat D.pyramid 7. A. neighbour B.establish C. community D. encourage 8. A. investment B. television C. provision D. document 9. A.writer B.teacher C.builder D. career 10. A. decision B. deceive C. decisive D. decimal 2. Cách phát âm của các phụ âm Một số kiến thức chung nhất về cách phát âm của các phụ âm tiếng Anh: - TH có 2 cách phát âm là /θ/ (three) và /ð/ (then). Trong một số từ chỉ tên người và tên nơi chốn TH được phát âm là /t/ (Thailand, Thomas). - Các chữ SH, S đứng đầu từ (shoe, sugar); SH, SS, TI, C đứng giữa từ (fashion, Russia, nation, ocean); SH đứng cuối từ (finish) đều được phát âm là /ʃ/. - Các chữ J, G đứng đầu từ (jaw, general); G, J đứng giữa từ (page, major); GE, DGE đứng cuối từ (rage, ledge) đều được phát âm là /dʒ/. - Các chữ CH đứng đầu từ (chair); CH, T đứng giữa từ (teacher), (future); TCH đứng cuối từ (watch) đều được phát âm là /tʃ/. - Thông thường H được phát âm là /h/ (hill) tuy nhiên cũng có ngoại lệ là WH (who) cũng được phát âm là /h/ và H không được phát âm (âm câm) trong một số từ: hour, honour, honest... - W (will), WH (when) thường được phát âm là /w/. Một số trường hợp hiếm là O trong one, once cũng được phát âm là /w/. Chữ QU thường được phát âm thành /kw/ (quite). - Các chữ Y, U, E, I được phát âm thành /j/ trong các từ sau: you, cute, few, view. - Các chữ G, GG thường được phát âm là /g/ (go, bigger). Đôi khi các chữ GH, GU cũng được phát âm là /g/ (ghost, guest). G là âm câm trong các từ sign, foreign. - Các chữ C, K đứng đầu từ (can, king); CC, CK đứng giữa từ (soccer, locker); K, CK, C, CH đứng cuối từ (milk, black, comic, ache) đều được phát âm là /k/. Chú ý rằng QU được phát âm là /kw/ (quick), X được phát âm là /ks/ (six). Một số từ bắt đầu bằng K nhưng khi phát âm thì K biến thành âm câm (know, knife). - Các chữ F (fall), FF (offer), PH (photo), GH (laugh) thường được phát âm là /f/. - Hầu hết V được phát âm là /v/ (never) tuy nhiên đôi khi F cũng được phát âm là /v/ (of). - Hầu hết P, PP được phát âm là /p/ (open, apple) nhưng trong psychology P là âm câm. - Các chữ S (sad), SS (class), C (place) thường được phát âm là /s/. Đôi khi SC (science) cũng được phát âm như trên. Phát âm đuôi –ed - ED được phát âm là /t/ sau các âm vô thanh như p, k. Example: walked, booked... - ED được phát âm là /d/ sau các âm hữu thanh như w, n, ng...Example: showed, burned... - ED được phát âm là /id/ sau các âm như t, d Examples: bedded, wanted... Phát âm đuôi số nhiều - Đuôi số nhiều của danh từ, động từ chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít được phát âm là / s/ khi từ đó kết thúc bằng các âm vô thanh như p, t, k... Examples: books, looks... - Đuôi số nhiều của danh từ, động từ chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít được phát âm là /z/ khi từ đó kết thúc bằng các âm hữu thanh như n, m, ng...Examples: learns, tools... - Đuôi số nhiều của danh từ, động từ chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít được phát âm là / iz/ khi từ đó kết thúc bằng s, x. Examples: boxes, bosses... Samples: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 1. A. decided B. needed C. wanted D. succeeded 2. A. car B. carriage C. corn D. city 3. A. success B. song C. sugar D. soup 4. A. churches B. chairman C. chemist D. changes 5. A. rough B. tough C. cough D. though 6. A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realise 7. A. leaf B.deaf C. of D. wife 8. A. go B.large C.angry D. give 9. A. thus B.thick C. think D. thin 10. A. home B.hour C. horn D. high 3. Cách phát âm của các nguyên âm Trong đề thi đại học các em hay gặp dạng câu hỏi: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại: A. heat B. seat C. great D. meat. Phần gạch chân là các nguyên âm đơn a, o, u, e, i và y hoặc sự kết hợp khác nhau của chúng. Vậy tại sao ea trong seat, meat, heat lại đọc khác ea trong great. Một số kinh nghiệm và lưu ý dưới đây sẽ giúp các em tháo gỡ dạng bài này - Hầu hết các chữ được viết dưới dạng ee (meet), ea (meat), e-e (scene) đều được phát âm thành /i:/. Trường hợp e (me), ie (piece) cũng được phát âm như trên nhưng không nhiều. - Chữ e (men) hay ea (death), ie (friend), a (many), ai (said) được phát âm là /e/. - Hầu hết các chữ được viết là ar, al thì được phát âm là /a:/. Chữ a trong ask, path, aunt cũng được phát âm là /a:/. Các chữ viết là ear, ere, are, air, thì được phát âm là /eə/ (ngoài heart được phát âm là /ha: t/). - Các chữ được viết là a-e (mate) ay (say), ey (grey), ei (eight), ai (wait), ea (great) thì khi phát âm sẽ là /ei/. - Các chữ được viết là a thì phát âm sẽ là /æ/ (Trừ trường hợp sau a có r – sau r không phải là một nguyên âm). Tuy nhiên chữ a trong ask, path, aunt lại được phát âm là /a:/. - Hầu hết các chữ được viết là i-e (smile), ie (die), y (cry) được phát âm là [ai]. Một số chữ viết là igh (high), uy (buy) cũng được phát âm giống như trên nhưng không nhiều. Riêng các từ fridge, city, friend lại không được phát âm là /ai/. - Hầu hết các chữ được viết là i (win) có phát âm là /i/, đôi khi y cũng được phát âm như trên (Trừ trường hợp sau i có r – sau r không phải là một nguyên âm). - Hầu hết các chữ được viết là er hoặc nguyên âm trong các âm tiết không có trọng âm thì được phát âm thành /ə/: teacher, owner... - Chữ u trong tiếng Anh có 3 cách phát âm: Phát âm là /u:/ (u dài) khi đứng sau /j/ (June); phát âm là /ʊ/ hoặc /ʌ/ trong các cách viết khác như full, sun. Khi từ có 2 chữ oo viết cạnh nhau thì hầu hết sẽ được phát âm thành /u:/ trừ các trường hợp âm cuối là k: book, look, cook... - Các chữ cái được phát âm là /ɜ:/ thuộc các trường hợp sau: ir (bird), er (her), ur (hurt). Ngoài ra còn có các trường hợp ngoại lệ or (word), ear (heard) - Các chữ cái được phát âm là /ɔ:/ thuộc các trường hợp sau: or (form, norm). Các trường hợp ngoại lệ khác: a (call), ar (war), au (cause), aw (saw), al (walk), augh (taught), ough (thought), four (four). - Các chữ cái được viết là oy, oi sẽ được phát âm là /ɔɪ/. Ví dụ: boy, coin... - Các chữ cái được viết là ow, ou thường được phát âm là /əʊ/ hay /aʊ/, tuy nhiên chúng cũng còn có nhiều biến thể phát âm khác nữa. Samples: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại 1. A. heat B. seat C. great D. meat 6. A. size B. grey C. life D.eye 2. A. book B. floor C. cook D. hook 7. A. so B. show C.who D. though 3. A. circle B. brick C. fit D. fish 8. A. name B. flame C. man D. fame 4. A. table B. lady C. captain D. labour 9. A. earn B. third C. where D. dirty 5. A. loudly B. without C. thousand D. 10. A. bed B. get C. decide D. setting thought Đáp án: 1. Key: C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Hint: Hầu hết ea đều được phát âm là [i:] tuy nhiên great là một trường hợp ngoại lệ khi ea được phát âm là [ei]. 2. Key: B Hint: Hầu hết oo đều được phát âm thành âm [ɔː] trừ trường hợp đó là những từ có k đứng cuối. Khi từ kết thúc bằng k thì oo được phát âm là [ʊ]. Đáp án của câu trên là floor. 3. Key: A Hint: Hầu hết các từ được viết là i có phát âm là [i] tuy nhiên ir lại được phát âm thành [ɜ:]. 4. Key: C Hint: A được phát âm là [ei] hoặc [æ]. Trong các từ table, lady, labour thì a được phát âm là [ei] trong khi nó được phát âm là [æ] trong captain. 5. Key: D Hint: Các chữ cái được viết là ou thường được phát âm là [au] tuy nhiên ough lại được phát âm thành [ɔ:]. 6. Key: B Hint: Hầu hết các từ được viết là i-e (smile), ie (die), y (cry) được phát âm là [ai]. Các từ được viết là ae (mate) ay (say), ey (grey), ei (eight), ai (wait), ea (great) thì khi phát âm sẽ là [ei]. 7. Key: C Hint: Phần gạch chân trong các từ so, show, though đều được phát âm là [ou], riêng trong từ who lại được phát âm thành [u:]. 8. Key: C Hint: Nguyên âm a trong các từ name, flame, fame đều được đọc là [ei], trong từ man lại được đọc là [æ]. 9. Key: C Hint: Phần gạch chân trong các từ earn, third, dirty được phát âm là [ɜ:], trong where nó lại được phát âm là [eə]. 10. Key: C Hint: E được phát âm là [e] trong các từ bed, get, setting. Trong decide e được phát âm là [i].. I. Different sound 1. A. heat 2. A. prepared 3. A. thrilling 4. A. idea 5. A. face 6. A. around 7. A. teacher 8. A. Germany 9. A. scholarship 10.A. house 11.A. sing 12.A. hundred 13.A. head 14. A. choir 15. A. charge 16. A. reason 17. A. motion 18.A. gather 19.A. change. B. scream B. particular B. other B. going B. place B. sound B. other B. garden B. Christ B. harm B. morning B. exhausted B. ready B. cheap B. child B. clear B. question B. good B. children. C. meat C. pagoda C. through C. will C. prepared C. only C. together C. gate C. school C. hour C. any C. however C. mean C. child C. teacher C. mean C. mention C. large C. machine. D. dead D. attract D. something D. trip D. days D. mouse D. term D. gas D. chicken D. husband D. hang D. heat D. weather D. chair D. champagne D. each D. fiction D. again D. church.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 20.A. hand 21. A. cooks 22.A. share 23.A. clothes 24.A. naked 25.A. laughed 26. A. apply 27. A. choice 28.A. final 29. A. average 30. A. course 31.A. worker 32.A. honest 33.A. character 34.A. interview 35 A. explained 36. A. economy 37.A. right 38.A. measure 39.A. though 40.A. improve 41.A. future 42.A. chore 43.A. threaten 44.A. wipe 45.A. service 46.A. grasses 47.A. lie II. Stress 1. A. comprise 2. A. Aborigines 3. A. corridor 4. A. remain 5. A. territory 6. A. eject 7. A. canoeing 8 A. participant 9 A. interfere 10 A. award 11.A. social 12.A. marvelous. B. bank B. loves B. rare B. cloths B. looked B. weighed B. university B. achieve B. applicant B. indicate B. four B. whom B. holiday B. teacher B. minute B. disappointed B. industry B. private B. subsidies B. encourage B. introduce B. mature B. technology B. earth B. allow B. practice B. stretches B. wide. C. sand C. joins C. are C. roofs C. booked C. helped C. identity C. each C. high C. application C. our C. interview C. home C. chemist C. question C. prepared C. qualify C. communist C. domestic C. enough C. move C. pasture C. much C. healthy C. powerful C. office C. comprises C. circle. B. sandy B. expedition B. enormous B. hummock B. Australia B. crossbar B. opponent B. publicity B. memory B. defeat B. conduct B. attention. C. circle C. kilometer C. mystery C. explore C. geography C. except C. windsurfing C. competitive C. personal C. refer C. survey C. consider. D. band D. spends D. declare D. books D. hooked D. missed D. early D. chemistry D. decide D. grade D. yours D. answer D. happiness D. technical D. suitable D. interviewed D. priority D. minority D. hospital D. country D. lose D. nature D. exchange D. breathe D. answer D. device D. potatoes D. comprise D. northern D. scientific D. separate D. between D. society D. commit D. defensive D. individual D. vertical D. scuba D. value D. excited.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 13.A. verbal 14.A. attract 15.A. solution 16. A. conical 17. A. physical 18. A. ancestor 19. A. commitment 20. A. dissolve 21. A. technology 22. A. between 23. A. waving 24. A. student 25. A. traditional 26. A. economics 27. A. secondary 28. A. education 29.A. because 30.A. ashtray 31.A. farewell 32.A. mischievous 33. A. desert 34. A. measure 35. A. attitude 36. A. survey 37. A. diversity 38. A. European 39.A. America 40.A. confide 41.A. expedition 42.A. appropriate 43. A. culture 44. A. romantic 45. A. bridegroom 46. A. supernatural 47. A. gymnastics 48. A. financial 49. A. confess 50. A. possibility. B. whistle C. precede D. marriage B. decide C. reject D. beauty B. suitable C. confidence D. family B. determine C. contractual D. supportive B. mischievous C. suitable D. romantic B. measurement C. counterpart D. appearance B. inflation C. collection D. enterprise B. observe C. publish D. appraise B. psychology C. reconstruction D. apology B. result C. ago D. coffee B. teaching C. pointing D. divide B. listen C. blackboard D. between B. professional C impossible D. decoration B. interfere C. philosophy D. punctuality B. primary C. fantastic D. national B. curriculum C. technology D. integrity B. method C. standard D. wooden B. music C. severe D. temper B. thoughtful C. toward D. approach B. family C. supportive D. suitable B. parallel C. hummock D. aerial B. pressure C. unwise D. sacrifice B. partnership C. actually D. Vietnamese B. enormous C. remained D. mystery B. marriage C. engagement D. importance B. Victorian C. Brazilian D. Korean B. equal C. maintain D. attractive B. reject C. precede D. conical B. exploration C. Australian D. Geographical B. interesting C. different D. cultural B. engage C. majority D. determine B. counterpart C. discussion D. appearance B. bamboo C. wedding D. survey B. explanation C. redundancy D. electronic B. criminal C. investment D. excitement B. ambitious C. refusal D. evidence B. function C. jealous D. patient B. manufacture C. instrument D. disappointed CHUYÊN ĐỀ 5: READING. A. Bí kíp đọc hiểu nhanh (Phần 1) · Nếu đề thi yêu cầu bạn chọn một đáp án thể hiện ý chính của cả đoạn, hãy nhớ:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Thông thường, câu chủ đạo (hay còn gọi là câu chốt) hay nằm ở vị trí đầu đoạn hoặc cuối đoạn. Hãy đọc thật kỹ các câu ở vị trí này và bạn có thể nắm được các ý quan trọng nhất trong đoạn. Hãy đọc các đoạn văn dưới đây và xem câu hỏi ở dưới: Đoạn văn 1: Also, a stranger may remind you of a meeting with someone. This may be because of something as simple as the fact that he or she is physically similar to someone who treated you well or badly. Your feelings about a stranger could be influenced by a smell in the air that brings to mind a place where you were happy as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory such as that, you may never realize it is happening. What does the paragraph discuss? A. Meanings of signals one implies towards a stranger. B. Factors that may influence one’s feelings about a stranger. C. How people usually behave to a stranger. D. Factors that cause people to act differently. Rõ ràng, ta thấy rằng câu đầu tiên của đoạn đã bao hàm ý của cả đoạn văn “ Người lạ thường gợi nhớ nơi bạn về một cuộc gặp gỡ với một người khác trước đó”. Tất cả các câu sau đều là minh chứng cho câu chốt này. Từ đó, bạn có thể thấy rằng câu đó có ý nghĩa thích hợp nhất với đáp án B “ Những nhân tố có thể ảnh hưởng đến cảm xúc của bạn về một người lạ”. II. Đoạn văn 2: The average home library has a number of old favourite books, many unread books, and a few very useful books. The most useful one of all - besides the dictionary – is likely to be a world almanac. A good almanac includes a wealth of information – biographical, historical, and geographical. Records of all sorts – the highest, the lowest, the longest and the biggest – are all included in the almanac. The main idea of the paragraph is that _____. A. Everyone should have a home library. B. The almanac is an unread book. C. The dictionary is not the most useful book. D. An almanac includes important information. Tất cả các yếu tố như home library, useful book, dictionary, almanac đều xuất hiện trong đoạn. Mặc dù vậy, nếu để ý kỹ bạn sẽ thấy rằng những câu ở trên là những dẫn chứng tiêu biểu để chứng minh cho câu cuối cùng “records of all sorts…. are all included in the almanac” và đây chính là câu chốt của đoạn. Một cách diễn đạt khác của câu chốt này chính là “An almanac includes important information” nên D là đáp án của bài. Ngoài ra, với một số đoạn văn ý chính của đoạn lại có thể được đặt ở giữa đoạn hay có khi không nằm hoàn toàn trong bất kỳ câu nào. Chẳng hạn: Đoạn văn 3: Nothing is as useful as a flashlight on a dark night if a fire goes flat. Few inventions are as helpful to a child who is afraid of the dark. In fact, the modern flashlight brings light to many dark situations Finding something in the back of a closet is easy with a flashtlight in hand. A camper also needs one after the light of the campfire has faded. The main idea of the paragraph is that _____. A. Some children are afraid of the dark. B. Modern flashlight is very useful. C. You need a flashlight to find things. D. A flashlight is always beside any campers. Cấu trúc của đoạn trên như sau: Giới thiệu – câu chốt – dẫn chứng. Do vậy ý chính của đoạn nằm ở giữa câu. Và đáp án câu trên chắc chắn là B. Đoạn văn 4: Dishes have to be washed. There are floors to sweep and laundry to wash, fold and put away. Windows need washing, and furniture needs to be dusted and polished. Besides these chores, houses need constant organization too. The main idea of the paragraph is that _____. A. Any houses have dishes and floors. B. We often have to wash windows. C. Houses need constant organization. D. Housework is never done. Để làm được loại bài không có câu chốt như thế này, bạn cần phải đọc kỹ toàn đoạn và tự rút ra thông điệp tác giả muốn gửi tới người đọc. Trong đoạn văn trên, rõ ràng, tất cả những dẫn chứng đưa ra đều nói lên rằng công việc nhà là những chuỗi không bao giờ kết thúc đối với người nội trợ. Vì vậy, D là đáp án đúng..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> · Cũng với mục đích tìm ý chính của bài, người ra đề có thể yêu cầu học sinh tìm tiêu đề thích hợp cho đoạn. Khi làm những câu hỏi này, bạn không những cần phải hiểu ý chính của bài, mà còn phải biết khái quát các ý nhỏ thành một chủ đề lớn. Chẳng hạn: Upon the creation of the United States, one of the core concepts on which the hopes for the new democracy were pinned was the ideal that its citizens would be enlightened individuals with clearly articulated rights and the opportunity for individual achievement and education. It was believed that in a free nation where the power belongs to the people, the commitment to education defines the progress of that democracy and is the catalyst for future progress. This core value has not only stood the test of time but has also grown in importance. In this new Information Era and international economy, education is an increasingly vital commodity, a precursor of potential success and a driving force of change. It is important to recognize, however, that we approach education today differently than in the past, partly because the kinds of jobs people had didn't require the kind of basic education and specialized training that is often required in the workforce today. In the 1950s, for instance, only 20 percent of American jobs were classified as professional, 20 percent as skilled, and 60 percent as unskilled. Today, our world has changed. The proportion of unskilled jobs has fallen to 20 percent, while skilled jobs now account for at least 60 percent of the workforce . Even more important, almost every job today increasingly requires a combination of academic knowledge and practical skills that require learning throughout a lifetime. Which of the following titles would be best for the passage? A. Education and Jobs in the Past and at Present in the United States B. The Significant Role of Education in American Citizens' Careers C. Academic Knowledge and Practical Skills in American Professions D. Recent Changes of Educational and Vocational Systems in America Ta thấy rằng nội dung của cả 4 phương án đều xuất hiện trong đoạn văn trên và đều nói về nền giáo dục của Mỹ. Tuy nhiên, để tìm được tiêu đề của đoạn, ta phải chọn cụm từ mang tính chung nhất bao quát toàn bộ ý tưởng của tác giả. Trong 4 phương án trên ta có thể thấy rằng “nghề nghiệp và việc làm trong quá khứ và hiện tại ở Mỹ”, “kiến thức lý thuyết và kỹ năng thực hành trong nghề nghiệp ở Mỹ” hay “những thay đổi gần đây về giáo dục và việc làm ở Mỹ” đều xoay quanh vai trò to lớn của nền giáo dục đối với nghề nghiệp của các công dân Mỹ mà thôi, và đây chính là ý nghĩa chung được chứng minh bởi các luận điểm và dẫn chứng đưa ra trong bài. Vì vậy, B mới là đáp án đúng. · Trong nhiều bài thi, bạn cũng có thể bắt gặp câu hỏi về thái độ hoặc ngụ ý của tác giả trong đoạn văn. Bạn nên nhớ rằng, mỗi từ mà tác giả sử dụng đều mang đến cho bạn những ý nghĩa ngoài định nghĩa trong từ điển, những ngụ ý riêng mà người viết muốn chuyển tải. Hãy đọc đoạn văn dưới đây: The telephone has the power to break into people’s homes. It is an unusual person who can choose not to answer a ringing telephone. Also, very few people turn their telophones off. The telephone is a door that is always open to the outside world. Which of these statements are implied in the information of the paragraph? A. Most people always answer their telephone. B. Most people have telephones. C. Most people turn off their telephones. D. Most telephones now have doors. Nhìn chung, thái độ của người viết trong đoạn văn trên đều rất ủng hộ những tính năng tốt đẹp của điện thoại và câu “It is an unusual person who can choose not to answer a ringing telephone” đã giúp ta hiểu ẩn ý của nhà văn là “Most people always answer their telephone.” Đề mẫu (Sample): Đọc kỹ bài khoá sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) David Hempleman Adams is an explorer and adventurer. In April 1984, he walked through northern Canada to the North Pole. He walked 400 kilometres in 22 days. He was 27 years old when he did it. David was the first person to walk to the North Pole by himself. Other people travelled to the North Pole before David but they had a sled and a dog team. David didn't have a dog team. David was a brave man to go on this adventure on his own. He was also a lucky man because the bear and the icy water didn't kill him. Câu 1: Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage? A. David drove to the North Pole. B. No one travelled to the North Pole before David. C. David was the first person to walk to the North Pole alone..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> D. It was very cold in the North Pole. Câu 2: David travelled to the North Pole with..................... . A. a group of people B. a dog team C. another person D. nobody Câu 3: Which of the following is NOT true? A. He was killed by the bear. B. He walked to the North Pole alone. C. He walked 400 kilometres. D. He was 27 years old when he travelled to the North Pole. Câu 4: The word “sled” means ____ . A. a person B. a vehicle C. a dog D. food Câu 5: Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A. A Lucky Man B. A Walk to the North Pole C. Without a Dog Team D. Icy Water B. Bí kíp đọc hiểu nhanh (Phần 2) 1. Dạng câu hỏi thường gặp trong các bài đọc hiểu thi Đại học là câu hỏi tìm nghĩa tương đương của một TỪ trong đoạn văn. Học sinh thường gặp khó khăn trong việc chọn đáp án vì có những từ có nghĩa gần nhau hoặc có nhiều từ là từ mới. Để làm tốt các câu này, bạn nên xem xét kỹ mối quan hệ của từ cần tìm nghĩa với các từ, cụm từ xung quanh. Ví dụ 1: Television is one of the main subjects of conversation, at school, in offices, at home and in the street, as well as being written about in all the newspapers. At school or in offices, television is considered as a topic _____. A. for learning B. for people to talk about C. for discussion D. for entertainment Mặc dù câu hỏi không hỏi trực tiếp, nhưng ta cũng thấy rằng điều mấu chốt của câu hỏi trên nằm ở nghĩa của từ conversation. Trong 4 phương án thì “(a topic) for people to talk about” là cách diễn đạt có ý gần nhất và đây cũng chính là đáp án đúng. Ví dụ 2: Holding your head to one side shows interest in the other, while an easy, open posture indicates that you are self-confident. What does the word "open" in the passage most closely mean? A. Unrestrained B. Relaxed C. Confined D. Unlimited Dựa vào cụm từ xung quanh, ta thấy rằng từ open phải mô tả một tư thế khiến người khác nghĩ rằng bạn rất tự tin. Trong 4 phương án trên unrestrained (không kiềm chế), relaxed (thoải mái), confined (giới hạn), unlimited (không giới hạn) thì chỉ có relaxed phù hợp về nghĩa mặc dù nếu không nằm ngữ cảnh thì hai từ này chẳng có mối liên hệ nào. 2. Nếu muốn tìm thông tin là ngày tháng (date), hãy nhìn thật nhanh vào các con số, các chữ cái viết hoa, các dấu phẩy, các tên tháng, ngày và con số. Ví dụ: “In 1945 the town’s population was 176,214 and in 1975 it was 200,842. By December 1985 the population had grown to 250, 562.” When was the latest population count taken? _____. A. In 1945. B. In 1975. C. In 1985. D. In 2000. Trong câu hỏi trên, ta phải tập trung vào các con số chỉ năm 1945, 1975 và 1985. Và con số gần đây nhất về dân số chắc chắn là được tính vào năm 1985. 3. Nếu muốn tìm một thông số, hay một sự kiện, hãy chú ý các dấu câu, đặc biệt là các dấu khác thường như %, dấu hiệu đơn vị tiền tệ như $ hoặc những từ viết in nghiêng như like, các từ gạch chân hoặc các từ đặt trong dấu ngoặc kép (“”). Hãy xét ví dụ sau: “The rainfall in the city is usually 16 inches per year, but in 1979 the rainfall was a record setting 20 inches. Therefore, about 20% fewer tourists came to visit the city than usual. Because of the drop in the tourist trade, the city lost $100,000 in business owing to the rain.” How much money did the city lost? _____. A. 16 inches B. 20 inches C. 20% D. $100,000 Không khó khăn gì ta có thể tìm ra câu trả lời chính là $100,000 nhờ có dấu hiệu $ (đô la Mỹ). Và nếu nhìn nhanh và hiểu chính xác câu hỏi, bạn sẽ chỉ mất vài tích tắc cho câu hỏi này..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 4. Một kiểu “bẫy” nữa tương đối phổ biến với những mức độ khó khác nhau là những câu hỏi về cách diễn đạt tương đương. Điều này không chỉ yêu cầu bạn cần có óc phân tích tổng hợp trong phạm vi từ, cụm từ mà thậm chí còn phải liên hệ giữa các câu và các đoạn. Hãy xem các ví dụ dưới đây: Ví dụ 1: Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne. There is a cathedral and a university. Newcastle is next to Gateshead. The main industries used to be shipbuilding and coalmining, but now the chemical and soap industries are important. I miss the people, who are very friendly, and I miss the beautiful countryside near the city, where there are so many hills and streams. Which of the following is NOT true about Newcastle? A. Its people are friendly. B. Its main industry now is shipbuilding. C. It has a cathedral and a university. D. It is next to Gateshead. Ta xét từng đáp án như sau: phương án C và D đã có trong bài, mặt khác, thông qua đại từ quan hệ who đứng trước the people (who are very friendly), ta cũng thấy rằng phương án A là một đặc điểm của Newscatle. Shipbuilding trong B cũng có trong đoạn, tuy nhiên với cụm từ used to ta hiểu rằng thông tin phía sau chỉ một việc đã từng xảy ra ở quá khứ nay không còn tồn tại nữa. Và ngành công nghiệp chính của Newcastle nay là chemical and soap industries chứ không phải là shippbulding nữa nên B là đáp án đúng. Ví dụ 2: Also, a stranger may remind you of a meeting with someone. This may be because of something as simple as the fact that he or she is physically similar to someone who treated you well or badly. Your feelings about a stranger could be influenced by a smell in the air that brings to mind a place where you were happy as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory such as that, you may never realize it is happening. What one feels about a stranger may be influenced by something that _____. A. strengthens one's past behaviours C. revives one's past memories B. reminds one of one's past treatment D. points to one's childhood Thoạt nhìn, học sinh thường chọn đáp án B vì thấy xuất hiện từ remind giống trong bài. Tuy nhiên, đây là một câu “bẫy” rất thú vị. Ta không thể chọn “reminds one of one's past treatment” vì cụm đó có nghĩa là người nói nhớ về cách cư xử của chính mình còn đoạn văn lại nói về những ký ức về cách cư xử của người khác với tác giả. Vì vậy, C. revives one's past memories mới là đáp án đúng. Ví dụ 3: In the 1950s, for instance, only 20 percent of American jobs were classified as professional, 20 percent as skilled, and 60 percent as unskilled. Today, our world has changed. The proportion of unskilled jobs has fallen to 20 percent, while skilled jobs now account for at least 60 percent of the workforce. The passage shows the percentage of jobs that require higher training in the US _____ between the 1950s and now. A. has remained the same B. has changed dramatically C. has been reversed D. has changed slightly Trong câu hỏi trên, phương án A và D bị loại vì sai ý hoàn toàn. Phương án C có nghĩa là tỉ lệ đã bị đảo ngược. Rất nhiều học sinh chọn phương án này vì nghĩ rằng tỉ lệ đã cho trong bài là 20%-60% bị đảo thành 60%-20%. Tuy nhiên, câu hỏi của ta lại chỉ đề cập đến đến “higher training”, vì vậy từ reversed ở đây không hợp lý. Ta phải rút ra một nhận định là số phần trăm đó đã tăng mạnh và B mới là phương án đúng. (II) Đề mẫu (Sample): When we were in England last year, I went fishing with my friend, Peter. Early in the morning we were sitting quietly by the side of a lake when we had an unpleasant surprise. We saw a duck come along with three ducklings paddling cheerfully behind her. As we watched them, there was a sudden swirl in the water. We caught a glimpse of the vicious jaws of a pike – a fish which is rather like a freshwater shark – and one of the ducklings was dragged below the surface..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> This incident made Peter furious. He vowed to catch the pike. On three successive mornings we returned to the vicinity and used several different kinds of bait. On the thirs day Peter was lucky. Using an artificial frog as bait, he managed to hook the monster. There was a desperate fight but Peter wa determined to capture the pike and he succeeded. When he had got it ashore and killed it, he weighed the fish and found that it scaled nearly thirty pounds – record for that district. 1. Why do you think Peter was sitting quietly by the lake? A. He was watching the ducks. C. He was waiting for the pike to appear. B. He wasn’t very talkative. D. He was fishing. 2. Which word in the passage suggests that the duckling were unaware of the danger below them? A. three B. along C. paddling D. cheerfully 3. What was Peter’s feelings about the incident two days later? A. He caught and killed the pike. C. He vowed that he would catch the remaining B. He remained determined to catch ducklings. the pike. D. He caught a frog and used it as bait for the pike. 4. How much was the pike worth? A. About thirty pounds. C. It scaled nearly thirsty pounds. B. About two hundred and forty dollars. D. No information. 5. What can be the title of the passage? A. Mysterious disappearance of C. Record pike caught by an angry fisherman. ducklings. D. Huge pike caught by fisherman after desperate B. Revenge on a duck. struggle at sea.. CHUYÊN ĐỀ 6: LIÊN TỪ VÀ CỤM GIỚI TỪ Khi làm bài thi đại học các em thường gặp dạng bài chọn từ (hoặc cụm từ) thích hợp để hoàn thành một câu, ví dụ: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> dưới đây: He was offered the job _____ his qualifications were poor. A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. Whereas Các phương án đã cho là các liên từ hoặc cụm giới từ tương đương. Chúng cũng có thể là các từ nối như when, while, as ... Nếu các phương án đơn thuần là các liên từ thì các em chỉ việc chọn từ có ý nghĩa phù hợp nhất bằng phương pháp thay thế lần lượt. Khó khăn hơn là các cụm từ phức hợp mà nghĩa của chúng lại tương tương nhau. Phần 1: Thế nào là liên từ/ cụm giới từ Liên từ là những từ, cụm từ dùng để nối 2 từ, 2 cụm từ hay 2 mệnh đề trong câu hoặc 2 câu với nhau. Có 2 loại liên từ: Liên từ kết hợp (Coordinating conjunctions) và liên từ phụ thuộc (Subordinating conjunctions). 1. Liên từ kết hợp gồm có: and (và), but (nhưng), both ... and (vừa...vừa, cả...lẫn...), or (hoặc), either ... or (hoặc...hoặc), neither ... nor... (không ...cũng không...), not only ... but also (không những...mà còn...). Các liên từ này nối 2 vế có quan hệ đẳng lập. 2. Liên từ phụ thuộc gồm có: when (khi), while (trong khi), before (trước khi), after (sau khi), because (bởi vì), though/ although (mặc dù), if (nếu), so (such)...that (quá...đến nỗi), so that (để) ... Các liên từ này nối 2 vế có quan hệ phụ thuộc. Một số liên từ nối 2 mệnh đề có thể được thay thế bằng các cụm giới từ tương đương. Ví dụ although có thể được thay thế bằng in spite of hoặc despite, owing to thay cho because ... Nhưng lưu ý rằng khi thay thể liên từ bằng giới từ thì sau nó không còn là mệnh đề nữa mà phải là danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ. Đề thi đại học thường yêu cầu các em lựa chọn giữa các liên từ/ cụm giới từ. Để làm đúng được dạng bài này các em phải quan sát xem sau từ cần điền là mệnh đề hay danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ. Phần 2: Một số liên từ và cụm giới từ thông dụng trong các đề thi đại học 1. Besides (giới từ) có nghĩa là “bên cạnh”. Nó đứng trước danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ. Ví dụ: Besides doing the cooking I look after the garden. (Ngoài việc nấu nướng tôi còn trông nom cả khu vườn nữa). Besides (trạng từ) có nghĩa là “ngoài ra”. Nó thường đứng trước mệnh đề mà cũng có thể đi sau mệnh đề mà nó giới thiệu. Ví dụ: I can’t go now, I’m too busy. Besides, my passport is out of date. (Tôi không thể đi bây giờ; tôi bận lắm. Ngoài ra, giấy thông hành của tôi đã hết hạn). 2. However thường có nghĩa là “nhưng mà, tuy nhiên”. Nó có thể đi liền trước hoặc theo sau mệnh đề hoặc đi liền sau từ hoặc cụm từ đầu tiên của mệnh đề. Ví dụ: I’ll offer it to Tom. However, he may not want it. 3. Otherwise (nếu không, kẻo) Ví dụ: We must be early; otherwise we won’t get a seat. (Chúng ta phải đi sớm; nếu không ta sẽ không có chỗ ngồi). 4. Therefore (do đó) được dùng thay cho so trong tiếng Anh trang trọng. Nó có thể đứng đầu mệnh đề hoặc sau từ, cụm từ đầu tiên hoặc trước động từ chính. 5. Though, although, even though (mặc dù) thường giới thiệu các mệnh đề chỉ sự nhượng bộ. Chú ý rằng sau though, although, even though là các mệnh đề. Ví dụ: Though/ although they are expensive, people buy them. (Mặc dù chúng đắt giá, người ta vẫn mua). 6. In spite of và despite In spite of và despite có nghĩa tương đương với though, although, even though (mặc dù) nhưng sau chúng phải là danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ. Ví dụ: In spite of having no qualifications he got the job. (Mặc dù không có chuyên môn gì, anh ta vẫn xin được việc). - Khi chuyến câu trên sang dùng với although thì sau nó phải là một mệnh đề: Ví dụ: Although he has no qualifications he got the job. 7. Because và because of (bởi vì) - Sau because là một mệnh đề: Ví dụ: Because it rained, I didn’t go to school. (Bởi vì trời mưa, tôi đã không đến trường) - Sau because of là danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Ví dụ: I didn’t go to school because of rain. 8. Reason why và reason for: (lý do) - Sau reason why là một mệnh đề: Ví dụ: The reason why grass is green was a mystery to the little boy. (Lý do tại sao cỏ màu xanh là một điều bí ẩn đối với cậu bé) - Sau reason for là danh từ: Ví dụ: The reason for the disaster was engine failure, not human error. (Lý do của thảm họa đó là lỗi của động cơ, không phải là sai lầm của con người) 9. So that (= in order that) và so as to (= in order to) Các cụm từ trên đều giới thiệu cho mệnh đề hoặc cụm từ chỉ mục đích. Sau so that và in order that là một mệnh đề. Sau so as to và in order to là động từ nguyên thể. Một số cụm giới từ thông dụng: In addition to (Thêm vào đó)/ Instead of (Thay vì)/ On account of (Do cái gì/ vì lý do gì)/ On behalf of sb (Đại diện cho ai)/ In accordance with sth (Phù hợp với cái gì)/ According to (Theo, y theo)/ Owing to (Do vì, bởi vì) Samples: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau: 1. _____it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat. A. In spite B. In spite of C. However D. Although 2. ______of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation. A. According B. On behalf C. Together D. In addition 3. _____he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual. A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Still 4.______he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home. A. For B. Thus C. So D. As 5. _____to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London Road. A. Through B. Owing C. Because D. Since 6. Of course I’m a Christian______I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too. A. since B. then C. and D. but 7. The ______the disaster was engine failure, not human error. A. reason by B. reason on C. reason why D. reason for 8. We have to start early ______we won’t be late. A. so that B. that C. because D. because of 9. She came in quietly______not to wake the baby. A. as if B. so as C. such as D. if so 10. He was offered the job______his qualifications were poor. A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. Whereas Đáp án: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau: 1. Key: D Hint: In spite là cụm từ không có nghĩa, in spite of theo sau phải là danh từ/ đại từ/ danh động từ, however không bắt đầu 1 câu độc lập mà không có ngữ cảnh là các câu đi trước. Đáp án của câu trên là Although. 2. Key: B; On behalf of sth: thay mặt ai đó – On behalf là đáp án của câu. 3. Key: A : However, therefore dùng trong ngữ cảnh của câu đứng trước. Câu trên mang ý nghĩa nhượng bộ nên đáp án là Although. 4Key: D : For = because = as: bởi vì. Nhưng for không bao giờ đứng đầu câu nên đáp án chỉ có thể là as. 5. Key: B : Cụm từ cố định owing to: do vì, bởi vì. 6. Key: C ; Since (do, vì), then (sau đó), but (nhưng) đều không phù hợp với nghĩa của câu. Đáp án của câu là and. 7. Key: D : The reason for sth = The reason why + clause: lý do cho cái gi. Sau reason why phải là một mệnh đề nên đáp án của câu chỉ có thể là reason for..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 8. Key: A: Because of bị loại vì sau nó phải là 1 danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ. Xét ý nghĩa của câu thì mệnh đề sau là mệnh đề chỉ mục đích – so that là đáp án. ( Because dùng trong mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân, that cho mệnh đề quan hệ và tường thuật). 9. Key: B : so as to + V = in order to + V: để làm gì (chỉ mục đích). 10. Key: B: Câu nhượng bộ với mệnh đề sau liên từ nên even though là đáp án. Đáp án bài thi mẫu trong bài học Các bước làm bài tập hoàn thành câu Câu 1. Key: C Hint: Câu trên có ý là “Miễn là bài viết của bạn đọc được thì câu trả lời của bạn sẽ được chấp nhận”. “Provided that…” nghĩa là “Miễn là, cho là…”, “answer” trong câu trên được dùng ở thể bị động. Vì vậy đáp án đúng là: Provided that your handwriting is legible, your answer will be accepted by any test scorer. Câu 2: Key: B Hint: 12.30 được hiểu là chuyến tàu lúc 12.30 nên phải có “the”. Mặt khác “which” là đại từ quan hệ của “the train” nên phải đứng ngay sau từ này. Do vậy, đáp án đúng là: The train which Ann caught was the 12.30. Câu 3: Key: C Hint: Câu A và D bị loại vì không hợp nghĩa. Câu B và C có cùng ý nghĩa, chỉ khác về thể (bị động và chủ động). Cấu trúc thường dùng trong tiếng Anh khi tả về quang cảnh của một nơi nào đó là “a view of” và ít khi dùng động từ view ở thể bị động như trong câu B. Trong 4 phương án, C là phương án tối ưu. Câu 4: Key: D Hint: Câu trên là câu đơn nên không có đại từ quan hệ “which”, mặt khác ta có cụm to be recommended to do sth: được khuyến khích làm gì nên “New factories was recommended to open in depressed area.” là đáp án đúng. Câu 5: Key: C Hint: Câu trên có ý là “Người đàn ông bị kết án 15 n ăm tù vì b ị ch ứng minh là đã ph ạm t ội”. Câu A và D lo ại vì có ngh ĩa không hợp lý (anh ta chứng minh là mình phạm t ội). “To be sentenced to + time” ngh ĩa là b ị k ết án ng ồi tù trong bao lâu. Câu B thiếu giới từ “to” nên C- The man was sentenced to 15 years in prison because he had been proved guilty - là đáp án đúng nhất. 7. Bổ ngữ (Động từ không biến vị) Trong tiếng Anh bổ ngữ là một khái niệm tương đối phức tạp. Có các loại bổ ngữ như: bổ ngữ của chủ ngữ; bổ ngữ của tân ngữ; bổ ngữ của động từ, tính từ... Trong bài học ngày hôm nay Globaledu sẽ hệ thống lại cho các em các hình thức của động từ với vai trò là bổ ngữ. 1. Bổ ngữ là động từ nguyên thể có To Hầu hết các động từ sau đây được theo sau bởi một nguyên mẫu động từ: Động từ Nghĩa Động từ Nghĩa agree. đồng ý. tend. appear aim attempt bother decide demand determine fail threaten try pretend hesitate. có vẻ nhằm cố gắng phiền quyết định yêu cầu định đoạt thất bại dọa cố gắng giả vờ do dự. seem refuse plan hope long neglect manage learn promise swear volunteer vow. có chiều hướng dường như từ chối có kế hoạch hi vọng mong mỏi lơ đãng xoay sở học hứa thề tự nguyện dụ dỗ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> offer allow enable permit request want. đề nghị cho phép làm cho có thể cho phép yêu cầu muốn. prepare compel encourage persuade oblige need. sửa soạn ép buộc khuyến khích thuyết phục buộc phải muốn. Các tính từ sau đây theo sau là To infinitive anxious lo lắng eager hăm hở, háo hức pleased hài lòng usual thường xuyên easy dễ (im)possible (không) có khả năng safe an toàn prepared được chuẩn bị common chung dangerous nguy hiểm ready sẵn sàng hard chăm chỉ/ nặng nhọc/ vất vả strange lạ lẫm able có khả năng likely trong câu phỏng đoán ở tương lai difficult khó khăn Các cụm từ would like, would love, would hate, would prefer (thích) theo sau cũng là động từ nguyên thể có To. Lưu ý: - Need: + Nếu chủ ngữ là người thì sau need là to infinitive. + Nếu chủ ngữ là vật thì sau need là V-ing hoặc to be + P(II). + In need of + N (cần cái gì) - Dare (dám): có 2 bổ trợ là to do sth và do sth. Sau daren’t (= dare not) thì chỉ dùng bổ trợ nguyên thể không có To. - Sau các động từ dưới đây ta có thể dùng một từ nghi vấn để hỏi (đứng sau động từ đó) và bổ trợ là nguyên thể có to: ask, decide, know, remember, forget, explain, learn, understand, wonder. Ví dụ: I don’t know where to go. - Sau các động từ dưới đây ta cũng có thể dùng 1 từ để hỏi nhưng có tân ngữ đi kèm và bổ trợ cũng là to infinitive: show, tell, ask, advise, teach. Ví dụ: She advised me how to learn English. Samples: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau: 1. Would you mind _____ me a hand with this bag? A. give B. giving C. to give D. to giving 2. Her parents never _____ her to go out after eight. A. made B. let C. agreed D. allowed 3. I regret _____ you that we cannot approve your application. A. inform B. to inform C. informed D. informing 4. There are many Americans who do not want others _____ in their houses. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. to smoking 5. His father doesn’t approve of his _____ to Europe. A. going B. to go C. to going D. gone 6. Helen was anxious _____ her family..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> A. to tell B. tell C. to telling D. telling 7. I could not help _____ when I heard the story. A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughed D. laughing 8. A laser vaporises the bone without _____any of the surrounding tissue. A. touch B. touching C. touched D. to touch 9. Tom is looking forward to _____ his new job on Monday. A. be starting B. be started C. start D. starting 10. The soldier was punished for _____ to obey his commanding officer’s orders. A. refusing B. regretting C. objecting D. resisting Đáp án: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau: 1. Key: B Hint: Sau mind là Ving. 2. Key: D Hint: allow sb (not) to do sth: (không) cho phép ai làm gì. 3. Key: B Hint: Với ý nghĩa là lấy làm tiếc phải làm gì ta dùng regret + to do sth. 4Key: B Hint: want (sb) to do sth: muốn (ai) làm gì. 5. Key: A Hint: Ving đóng vai trò làm danh từ đặc biệt sau các tính từ sở hữu. 6. Key: A Hint: Sau anxious là một nguyên thể có to. 7. Key: D Hint: Sau can (could) help là Ving. 8. Key: B Hint: Sau giới từ là Ving. 9. Key: D Hint: Look forward to + Ving. 10. Key: A Hint: Sau các động từ regret, object to, resist đều là Ving. Đáp án là refusing vì sau nó là to infinitive.. READING COMPREHENSION I. CLOZE TEST Có thể nói cloze test ( điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn) là dạng bài tập khó thứ hai chỉ sau đọc hiểu. Muốn làm tốt dạng này không phải chỉ " cong xương sống, cóng xương sườn " ra để dịch nghĩa mà các em phải biết "ý" của.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> người ra đề qua việc quan sát 4 chọn lựa. Một khi đã biết "ý" của người ra đề thì các em sẽ dễ dàng đi vào đúng trọng tâm để tìm chọn lựa chính xác trong thời gian ngắn nhất. Ví dụ như người ta cho về từ vựng thì các em phải dịch nghĩa thì mới làm được nhưng nếu cho về chia động từ mà các em lại ngồi đó mà dịch nghĩa thì vừa mất thời gian lại không tìm ra đáp án. Sau đây là một số dạng thông dụng của nội dung điền từ và phương pháp giải quyết. 1) Kiểm tra về nghĩa của từ: - Cách nhận dạng: Nhìn 4 chọn lựa các em sẽ thấy có 4 từ có nghĩa hoàn toàn khác nhau ( thông thường đều cùng một loại từ) Two of the most popular kinds of boats are sailboats and speedboats. Sailboats use the _______ to give them power. A. water B. speed C. weather D. wind Nhìn 4 chọn lựa đều là những chữ hoàn toàn khác nhau về nghĩa - Cách giải quyết: Ngay như tên gọi của loại này, để giải quyết vần đề chỉ có cách duy nhất là dịch nghĩa. Trước tiên dịch thoáng nghĩa của 4 chọn lựa rồi quay trở lên dịch đoạn văn. Để chọn đáp án đúng, có khi chỉ cần biết nghĩa của 1 hoặc 2 chữ chủ chốt (key word) nhưng cũng có khi phải dịch nội dung của cả câu ( key sentence). Key word / key sentence có thể ở phía trước hoặc sau chỗ trống cần điền. Trở lại ví dụ trên, ta thấy nghĩa của các chọn lựa là : A. water ( nước) B. speed ( tốc độ) C. weather ( thời tiết) D. wind ( gió ) Suy luận ta thấy key word chính là sailboats, trong đó sail (= buồm ) sẽ quyết định đáp án. Buồm liên quan đến gió => chọn D. wind 2) Kiểm tra về loại từ ( word form) : - Cách nhận dạng: Nhìn 4 chọn lựa các em sẽ thấy cả 4 từ có gốc tương tự nhau chỉ khác nhau về loại từ. Ví dụ::........... This is generally because they burn more oil than newer cars,............ if an old car is not kept in good condition. A. special B. speciality C. specializes D. specially - Cách giải quyết: Để giải quyết vấn đề này các em phải nhìn cả trước và sau chỗ trống cần điền rồi suy ra chỗ đó cần loại từ gì. Ở trình độ lớp 12 chắc các em cũng biết cách dùng loại từ rồi, điều đáng lưu ý là cách đoán loại từ qua một số dấu hiệu ở cuối. - Trạng từ ( phó từ) : Trạng từ thường có tận cùng là ly nhưng cũng có một số không có ly mà hình thức vẫn giữ nguyên như tính từ : hard, late, fast .... - Tính từ: Cách thông thường nhất để nhận ra tính từ là thấy chữ nào là kết quả từ 1 chữ khác bỏ ly Ví dụ như ta thấy D. specially có ly nên => là trạng từ còn A. special ( do specially bỏ ly mà thành ) => special là tính từ Nói đến vần đề "bỏ ly" các em cũng lưu ý là một tính từ tận cũng là ic thí trước khi thêm ly phải thêm al trước. Ví dụ khác : Gĩa sử có 3 chọn lựa như sau mà sau khi xem xét đề ta biết chỗ trống cần điền là tính từ : A. scientifical B. scientific C. scientifically Ta biết D là trạng từ, chỗ cần điền là tính từ nhưng 2 cái còn lại cái nào là tính từ ? nếu không biết nguyên tắc này các em sẽ dễ dàng chọn A và bị sai, B mới chính là tính từ còn A chỉ là "cái bẩy" để "dụ" ta mà thôi. 3 ) Kiểm tra về giới từ : - Cách nhận dạng: Nhìn 4 chọn lựa các em sẽ thấy cả 4 từ đều là giới từ. - Cách giải quyết: Giới từ nếu các em biết cách phân nhóm thì cũng sẽ nhẹ đi rất nhiều trong việc phải nhớ từng chữ. Sau đây là một số nhóm thường gặp + Thời gian: Giờ : dùng AT/ Buổi : dùng IN / Ngày : dùng ON / Từ tháng trở lên: dùng IN ( in May , in spring, in 2008, in the 19th century.) . Nếu có pha trộn nhiều mốc thời gian thì lấy theo đơn vị nhỏ nhất, ví dụ : có ngày, tháng, năm thì lấy theo ngày. + Địa điểm: Các địa điểm nhỏ như sân bay, sân ga , trạm xe buýt .. dùng AT Từ quận trở lên đều dùng IN hết Quận : in district 1 : ở quận nhất/ Tỉnh, thành: in Dalat city : ở thành phố DL/ Quốc gia : In Vietnam : ở VN Châu lục : in Asia : ở châu á/ Thế giới : In the world : trên thế giới ( nhưng ON the earth ) + Thái độ:TO :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Kind to sb : tử tế với ai / polite to sb : lịch sự với ai/ Impolite to sb : không lịch sự với ai/ Rude to sb : thô lổ với ai Nhớ theo nhóm đã khó, nhưng còn đỡ hơn là nhớ từng chữ. Làm sao học thuộc vô số giới từ ? nếu gặp từ lạ thì làm sao? dưới đây là cách suy luận dựa theo nghĩa của giới từ: Đa số giới từ đều có ý nghĩa của nó, nếu ta biết được ý nghĩa đó thì cũng có thể suy luận được một số trường hợp. FOR: Giới từ for thường mang ý nghĩa chỉ mục đích. / Go out for lunch : ra ngoài để ăn trưa/ For fun, for pleasure AWAY: Giới từ away thường mang ý nghĩa: xa ra Go away : đi khỏi/ Run away : bỏ chạy / Take away : lấy đi / Put away : cất đi OFF: Giới từ OFF thường mang ý nghĩa: tách rời turn off : tắt (đèn, máy)/ Go off : nổ ( súng), phai (màu)/ Take off : cất cánh ( máy bay), cởi ( quần áo, giáy dép ..)/ See off : tiễn đưa EXERCISE : Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Exercise 1: On December 10, 2006, I was going through some hard time. The landlady did not want to release the house any more so I had to (1) _____ and only had one month to find a place. Because Christmas was coming and it was difficult for me to (2) _____ a suitable accommodation. I had only some money (3) _____. I could not buy a Christmas tree and some presents for my three boys, (4) _____ I had to use the money to find a place to live. Tome, it broke my heart as I could not prepare the Christmas for my three boys. I have been their only parent since my husband (5) _____ away two years ago. I was so sad and everything was getting on my nerves. Although I managed to solve the problem myself I could not help (6) _____ my sons about the things. When I suddenly woke up at midnight, I found my eldest son was sitting (7) _____me. He kissed me and said, "Don't worry, Mum. We love you very much and always stand by you (8) ____ happens." At the moment I started weeping, grabbed him and kissed him. His words and love made me (9) _____ all about what I was stressing about. In fact ever since that moment, I have realized that I can overcome any problems thanks to my sons' love. The most important thing of my life is that my boys are safe and healthy, and they bring me joy all the time. The memory (10) _____ me that nothing really matters, when I have the love of my children. 1. A. transfer B. convert C. move D. change 2. A. notice B. watch C. find D. see 3. A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left 4. A. because B. although C. as though D. if 5. A. passes B. passed C. has passed D. was passing 6. A. tell B. to tell C. told D. telling 7. A. by B. next C. over D. up 8. A. whenever B. whatever C. whoever D. however 9. A. forget B. to forget C. forgot D. forgetting 10. A. remembers B. minds C. reminds D. misses Exercise 2: Most Americans eat three meals (1) ______ the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast begins between 7:00 and 8:00am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays "brunch" is a (2) ______ of breakfast and lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study break" or evening snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one (3) ______. Dinner is the main meal. (4) ______ breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed (5) ______ in a bowl, a glass of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast meal is scrambled eggs or (6) ______ omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage). People who are on (7) ______ eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (8) ______. When eating at a formal dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of utensils. How do you (9) ______ the difference between a salad fork, a butter fork, and a dessert fork? Most Americans do not know the answer (10) ______ But knowing which fork or spoon to use first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last. 1. A. in B. for C. on D. during 2. A. addition B. connection C. combination D. attachment 3. A. course B. food C. menu D. goods 4. A. For B. In C. At D. With.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 5. A. each other B. together C. one another D. others 6. A. a B. an C. the D. no article 7. A. holiday B. engagement C. diet D. duty 8. A. vary B. variety C. varied D. variously 9. A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell 10. A. too B. either C. so D. neither Exercise 3: In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families, rather (1) ______ the joining of two individuals. The event (2) ______ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual marriage were long and (3) ______. Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage, with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding! The families considered many factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (4) ______ about the couple's future life together. During the Chosun period, people married (5) ______ their early teens, with the girl often being several years older than the boy. The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days (6) ______ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals, with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (7) ______ were expected to control their emotions and remain somber. (8) ______ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (9) ______ Korean ones. However, many folk villages and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (10) ______ the traditions alive. 1. A. as B. more C. than D. more than 2 A. is often called B. often called C. was often called D. has often called 3. A. elaborate B. elaborately C. elaboration D. elaborateness 4. A. predictions b. attentions C. situations D. evaluations 5. A. for B. in C. on D. from 6. A. soon B. ago C. before D. then 7. a. examiners B. competitors C. contests D. participants 8. A. As B. Although C. As though D. If only 9. A. traditional B. old C. ancient D. antique 10. A. catch B. hold C. grip D. keep Exercise 4: In the western customs (1) _____ hands is the customary form of greeting, but in China a nod of the head or (2) _____ bow is sufficient. Hugging and kissing when greeting are uncommon. Business cards are often (3) _____ and yours should be printed in your own language and in Chinese. Also, it is more respectful to present your card or a gift or -any other article using (4) _____ hands. The Chinese are (5) _____ applauders. You may be greeted with group clapping, even by small children. When a person is applauded in this practice it is the custom for that person to return the applause or a "thank you." When walking in public places, direct eye (6) _____ .and staring is uncommon in the larger cities, especially in those areas accustomed to foreign visitors. (7) _____, in smaller communities, visitors may be the subject of much curiosity and therefore you may notice some stares. (8) _____ speaking, the Chinese are not a touch-oriented society, especially true for visitors. So, avoid (9) _____ or any prolonged form of body contact. Public displays of affection are very rare. On the other hand, you may note people of the same sex walking hand-in-hand, which is simply a gesture of friendship. Do not worry about a bit of pushing and shoving in stores or when groups board public buses or trains. In this case, (10) _____ are neither offered or expected. The Chinese will stand much closer than Westerners. 1. A. taking B. shaking C. grasping D. hugging 2. A. small B. bit C. slight D. light 3. A. exchanged B. changed C. transferred D. converted 4. A. pair B. couple C. double D. both 5. A. enthusiast B. enthusiastic C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically 6. A. contact B. look C. stare D. watch 7. A. Moreover B. Furthermore C. However D. Whatever 8. A. Generally B. Successfully C. Fortunately D. Expectedly 9. A. touch B. to touch C. touched D. touching 10. A. Contacts B. Apologies C. Gestures D. Saying goodbye.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Exercise 5: Vietnam is considered a third world country, its people live (1) _____ poverty by the millions. After the (2) _____, Vietnam's economy remained dominated by small-scale production, low labor productivity, (3) _____, material and technological shortfalls, and insufficient food and (4) _____ goods. The Doi Moi reforms that were instated in 1986 have shed new light and added new features to the Vietnamese economy. (5) ____ Vietnamese Communist Party plays a leading role in establishing the foundations and principles of communism, mapping strategies for economic development, setting growth targets, and (6) _____ reforms. Doi Moi combined government planning with free-market incentives and (7) _____ the establishment of private businesses and foreign investment, including foreign-owned enterprises. By the late 1990s, the success of the business and agricultural reforms ushered in under Doi Moi was evident. (8) _____ than 30,000 private businesses had been created, and the economy was growing at an annual (9) _____ of more than 7 percent. Farming systems research and the international development projects are a source of new hope for the people of Vietnam. If these recent projects are successful and Doi Moi continues on its current path the Vietnamese people may (10) _____ a new standard of living. More reforms like Doi Moi need to take place in order to create a more stable Vietnamese future. 1. A. for B. in C. on D. of 2. A. liberate B. liberation C. liberator D. liberal 3. A. application B. salary C. profession D. unemployment 4. A. consumer B. producer C. spender D. manufacturer 5. A. A B. An C. The D. Ø 6. A. launching B. flying C. sending D. raising 7. A. found B. promised C. required D. encouraged 8. A. Much B. More C. As D. As more 9. A. rate B. level C. standard D. step 10. A. come B. approach C. reach D. arrive Exercise 6: Vietnam's economy expanded this year (2007) at the fastest pace since 1996, led by manufacturing and services, after the country (1) _____ the World Trade Organization. Gross domestic product (GDP) increased 8.5 percent. Foreign direct (2) ____ jumped to more than $20 billion this year, from $12 billion in 2006. The government is quite (3) _____ to its economic reforms. Industry and construction account (4) _____ almost 42 percent of Vietnam's GDP. Manufacturing grew 12.8 percent, construction increased 12 percent, and the hotel and restaurant (5) _____ expanded 12.7 percent, according to today's release. Going forward, Vietnam has a lot of (6) _____ for tourism, which expects Vietnam's economy to expand 8.5 percent in 2008. Vietnam's January (7) _____ to the World Trade Organization released it (8) _____, U.S. quotas on textile exports and detailed market access to be given to overseas companies, helping economic (9) _____. The government is targeting economic expansion of about 9 percent next year. Vietnam is an economy with much development potential and (10) _____ attractive destination for international investors. 1. A. struggled B. organized C. held D. joined 2. A. invest B. investable C. investment D. investor 3. A. committed B. excited C. called D. encouraged 4. A. over B. for C. at D. in 5. A. role B. region C. sector D. section 6. A. potential B. private C. stagnancy D. exports 7. A. walk A. path C. way D. accession 8. A. in B. at C. for D. from 9. A. grow B. growth C. grew D. grown 10. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø Exercise 7: Economic issues have occupied people's minds throughout the ages. Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth, property, and (1) _____ Both of them were against commerce, feeling that to live by trade was undesirable. The Romans borrowed their economic ideas from the Greeks and showed the same contempt for trade. During the Middle Ages, the economic ideas of the Roman (2) _____ commerce as inferior to agriculture. The development of modern nations during (3) _____ 16th century made many people to pay (4) _____ to the problem.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> of increasing the wealth and (5) _____ of individuals. The economic policy of the leaders of that time was to (6) _____ national self-sufficiency. Gold and silver were regarded as an index of national power. Several powerful countries, such as England and Spain, were trying to expand their colonies and to (7) _____ the gold and silver mines from there. Many countries were always ready to plunge into a new war for gold and silver mines. It was necessary for a nation to keep wages low and the population large and growing. A large, ill-paid population (8) _____ more goods to sell at low prices to foreigners. It also followed that the earlier that children began to work, the better it was for their country's prosperity. One writer had a plan for children of the poor: "(9) _____ the children are four years old, they should be sent to the workhouse, taught to read two hours a day, and kept fully employed the rest of the time in any of the manufactures of the house which best suits their age, (10) _____ and capacity. 1. A. medicine B. philosophy C. education D. trade 2. A. regarded B. chose C. selected D. wondered 3. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 4. A. attention B. interest C. showing D. expression 5. A. power B. powerful C. powerfully D. powered 6. A. rise B. encourage C. recover D. pull 7. A. research B. create C. invent D. exploit 8. A. invest B. restructured C. inflated D. produced 9. A. While B. When C. Although D. Since 10. A. standard B. property C. health D. wealth Exercise 8: Robots are already a part of our lives. Industrial robots widely used in manufacturing. Military and police organizations use robots to (1) _____ in dangerous situations. Robots can (2) _____ be found from vacuuming the floors in your home to exploring the surface of Mars. Within a few more years a whole host of robotic adaptations will be running many aspects' of our lives. "I think in (3) _____ next thirty years, we are going to see a transformation between the industrial sorts of robots to personal robots," says Brooks from Brooks' company, Robot, markets floor cleaning robots for homes. "The advances in robotics make it clear that many household (4) ____ will be easily handled by a robot in the near future," says Bob Christopher, who works for a robotic technology company that is marketing a toy robot (5) _____ Pleo. "We have only one child but I could easily (6) _____ five or six robots in the home as well." Within the next 10 years one will be able to (7) _____, to lease or purchase a domestic robot that not only does the household cleaning and prepare and serve his meals, (8) _____ also can carry him to the bathtub if he cannot walk. Demographic changes, such as a rapidly aging population and a shrinking workforce, will drive forward the application of new (9) ___. There is going to be a real pull for increasing the productivity of working age people. So there is going to be a real push for robotics to help people. (10) _____ addition it is likely that in the near future we will see robots- taking on some of the care functions elderly, or long-term ill people. 1. A. assist B. increase C. make D. create 2. A. so B. either C. too D. also 3. A . a B. an C. the D. Ø 4. A. aspects B. chores C. works D. jobs 5. A. which called B. called C. calling D. that called 6. A. hope B. think C. imagine D. look 7. A. afford B. attain C. offer D. affect 8. A. either B. as C. and D. but 9. A. technology B. technological C. technique D. technician 10. A. At B. In C. For D. With Exercise 9: Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the (1) _____ between the human and the machine. All, body (2) _____ will be replaceable. Computers will function like the human (3) _____ with the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then produce fake people. We will then be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves (4) _____ we will appear to be alive long after we are dead. Maybe a few decades later, a way will be found to transfer our spirit, including our (5) _____ and thoughts, to the new body. Then we can choose to live for as (6) _____ as we want. It might be expensive. When it becomes possible to do a spirit.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> transfer, they will figure out (7) _____ to do them automatically. So we will be able to reside within whichever duplicate we want, whenever we want. Miniature robots will be built to travel through your blood (8) _____ and repair damage. Also, larger robots will be used when you are sick. When you have an upset stomach, you will (9) _____ a very small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your stomach taking video of the mess. It will be set up like a video game, so you can control the exploring and the selection of images. Then you can replay the video to help a doctor (10) _____ your illness, or to prove to your employer that you really, were sick. 1. A. variety B. change C. difference D. appearance 2. A. region B. place C. role D. parts 3. A. brain B. limb C. skull D. liver 4. A. such B. as C. so D. but 5. A. experience B. memories C. actions D. health 6. . long B. far C. much D. soon 7. A. what B. when C. why D. how 8. A. line B. creek C. stream D. river 9. A. swallow B. chew C. vomit D. drink 10. A. notice B. diagnose C. watch D. observ Exercise 10: Market trends suggest that the demand for energy resources will (1) _____ dramatically over the next 25 years: Global demand for all energy sources is (2) _____ to grow by 57% over the next 25 years.U.S. demand for all types of energy is expected (3) _____ by 31% within 25 years. By 2030, 56% of the world's energy use will be in Asia. Electricity demand in the U.S. will grow by at (4) ____ 40% by 2032. New power generation equal (5) ___ nearly 300 power plants will be needed to (6) ___ electricity demand by 2030. Currently, 50% of U.S. electrical generation relies on coal, (7) _____ fossil fuel; while 85% of U.S. greenhouse gas (8) _____ result from energyconsuming activities supported by fossil fuels. If energy prices also go (9) _____ dramatically due to increased demand and constrained supply, business impacts may include: Reduced profits due to high operating costs, Decline of sales of energy-using products, and Loss of (10) _____ in energy intensive businesses. 1. A. raise B. rise C. wipe D. soar 2. A. encouraged B. depended C. forecast D. broadcast 3. A. increase B. to increase C. increased D. increasing 4. A. last B. late C. less D. least 5. A. to B. at C. for D. of 6. A. see B. notice C. look D. meet 7. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 8. A. inventions B. developments C. emissions D. evolutions 9. A. over B. off C. ahead D. up 10. A. compete B. competitive C. competitiveness D. competitively Exercise 11: Desert biomes are the (1) _____ of all the biomes. In fact, the most important characteristic of a desert is that it receives very little (2) _____. Most deserts receive less than 300 mm a year compared (3) __ rainforests, which receive over 2,000 mm. That means that the desert only gets 10 percent of the rain that a rainforest gets! The temperature in the desert can (4) _____ drastically from day to night because the air is. (5) _____ dry that heat escapes rapidly at night. The daytime temperature averages 38°C (6) _____ in some deserts it can get down to -4°C at night. The temperature also varies greatly depending on the (7) _____ of the desert. Since desert conditions are so severe, the plants that live there need to have (8) _____ to compensate for the lack of water. Some plants, such as cacti, (9) _____ water in their stems and use it very slowly, while others like bushes conserve water by growing few leaves or by having large root systems to gather water or few leaves. Some desert plant species have a short life cycle of a few weeks that (10) _____ only during periods of rain. 1. A. coldest B. hottest C. driest D. wettest 2. A. rain B. rainfall C. raindrop D. raincoat 3. A. with B. for C. about D. in 4. A. change B. exchange C. transform D. transfer 5. A. such as B. such C. so much D. so 6. . when B. while C. as D. because.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> 7. A. part B. region C. area D. location 8. A. adaptations B. agreements C. accepts D. achievements 9. A. place B. put C. store D. hold 10. A. spend B. take C. last D. experience Exercise 12 Most traditional human life in deserts is nomadic. It (1) ______ in hot deserts on finding water, and on following infrequent rains to (2) ______ grazing for livestock. In cold deserts, it depends on finding good hunting and fishing grounds, on sheltering from blizzards and winter (3) ______, and on storing enough food for winter. Permanent settlement in both kinds of deserts requires permanent water, food sources and adequate shelter, or the technology and energy sources to (4) _____ it. Many deserts are flat and featureless, lacking landmarks, or composed of repeating landforms such as sand (5) ______ or the jumbled ice-fields of glaciers. Advanced skills or devices are required to navigate through such landscapes and (6) _____ travelers may die when supplies run (7) ______ after becoming lost. In addition, sandstorms or blizzards may cause disorientation in severely-reduced visibility. The (8) ______ represented by wild animals in deserts has featured in explorers' accounts but does not cause higher (9) ______ of death than in other environments such as rainforests or savanna woodland, and generally does not affect human distribution. Defense against polar bears may be advisable in some areas of the Arctic. Precautions against snakes and scorpions in choosing (10) ______ at which to camp in some hot deserts should be taken. 1. A. locates B. selects C. follows D. depends 2. A. earn B. demand C. obtain D. require 3. A. extremes B. poles C. tops D. heights 4. A. grow B. supply C. comfort D. bring 5. A. dunes B. piles C. valleys D. stores 6. A. inconsistent B. incapable C. inexperienced D. independent 7. A. of B. out C. in D. over 8. A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger D. endangered 9. A. level B. rate C. scale D. standard 10. A. sight B. lies C. sites D. seats Exercise 13: The Middle East and North Africa are one of the driest regions on earth. Nearly two-thirds of the region is desert. The Sahara Desert of northern Africa is the largest desert in the world. Desert air (1)___ little moisture, so few clouds form over the land. Without clouds to block the sun, temperatures may reach as (2) __ as 125°F during the day. At night, without the clouds to contain the heat, the temperature can fall to as low as 125°F. Extreme temperatures (3) ____ with little rainfall make desert life difficult for people, plants, and animals. (4) ____, some life forms have adapted to even the most severe desert (5) ____, Camels are able to survive long periods without food or water. Many desert plants have long, shallow (6) ____ systems. This allows the plants to reach out to collect water over great distances. Other desert plants have taproots. Taproots grow very deep (7) ____ they can tap sources of underground water. Plant life in the desert is usually spread out over great distances. This is (8) ____ deserts are often described as barren, or lifeless. When many people think of a desert they often think of endless miles of hot sand, but a desert does not have to be hot or sandy. Most of the land of the Middle East and North Africa is hot, dry desert land, (9) ____ some deserts look very different. Most of Antarctica is a desert but there is no sand on the continent and the climate of Antarctica is (10) ____ coldest on earth. 1. A. contains B. comprises C. consists D. includes 2. A. much B. far C. long D. high 3. A. locate B. combine C. explore D. separate 4. A. Therefore B. So C. However D. But 5. A. environment B. place C. society D. atmosphere 6. A. leave B. bark C. root D. branch 7. A. as B. because C. but D. so 8. A what B. why C. how D. when 9. A. since B. as C. so D. but.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 10. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø Exercise 14: In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be (1)___ extinction, the World Wild fund for Nature and the Indian government agreed to (2)___ “Operation Tiger”-a campaign to (3) ___ this threatened creature. They started by creating nine special parks (4)___ tiger could live in safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region which was quickly turning into a desert (5)___ too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people’s cattle. At the time there were fourteen tigers left there. The government had to clear twelve small villages, which meant (6)___ 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land could be handed back to (7)___. Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall (8)___ for tigers to hide in, and there are now at least forty of them in the park, wandering freely about. Other animals have also (9)___. The people who were moved are now living in better conditions. They live in new villages away from the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water supplies. There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and the animal’s future looks a little (10)____. 1. A. meeting B. going C. facing D. looking 2. A. set up B. keep on C. carry on D. look for 3. A. kill B. raise C. hide D. save 4. A. despite B. so that C. as if D. although 5. A. though B. because C. when D. because of 6. A. moving B. cutting C. cleaning D. keeping 7. A. family B. origin C. nature D. homeland 8. A. such B. enough C. too D. so 9. A. acted B. protected C. defended D. benefited 10. A. safer B. worried C. healthier D. dangerous Exercise 15: Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future because they have been (1) _____ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants are found nowhere else in the world but they are (2) _____ by alien invasive species such as feral goats, pigs, rodents and non- (3) _____ plants. The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (4) _____ the extinction of the 182 rare Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (5) _____. Since 1990, (6) _____ a result of their 'Plant Extinction Prevention Program', sixteen species have been brought into (7) _____ and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put up in order to (8) _ plants in the wild. In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (9) _____ collecting genetic material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim to manage wild populations and where possible reintroduce species into (10) _____ 1. A. disappeared B. reduced C. increased D. developed 2. A. guarded B. invested C. conserved D. threatened 3. A. nation B. native C. national D. nationally 4. A. prevent B. encourage C. stimulate D. influence 5. A. wild B. atmosphere C. hole D. sky 6. A. so B. due C. as D. but 7. A. contamination B. production C. cultivation D. generation 8. A. derive B. vary C. remain D. protect 9. A. at B. for C. with D. on 10. A. shelters B. reserves C. gardens D. halls Exercise 16: WHY READ BOOKS? Is it worth reading books, (1)___ nowadays there are so many other forms of (2)___ ? Some people say that even (3)___ books are expensive, and not everyone can borrow books from a library. They may add that television is more exciting and that (4)___ can relax as they watch their favourite program. All that may be true, but books are still very (5)___. They encourage the readers to use his or her imagination for a start. 1. A. since B. while C. but D. because 2. A. enjoying B. playing C. entertainment D. performance.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> 3. A. new 4. A. audience 5. A. popular. B. latest B. viewers B. widespread. C. rare C. spectators C. extended. D. paperback D. participants D. common. Exercise 17: Making time to read is something we all know we (1) ______ do, but who schedules book reading time every day? There are very few. That is why adding book reading to your daily schedule and sticking to it can improve discipline. Books are (2) ______. You can take them almost anywhere. As such, you can learn almost anywhere too. By reading more books and exposing yourself (3) ______ new and more complete information, you will also be able to come up with more (4) ______ ideas. When you have read so many books on the subject, you can combine lessons from all of them into new (5) ______. Reading gives you something to talk about. Have you ever (6) ______ out of things to talk about with your best friend, wife or husband? This can be uncomfortable. It (7) ______ even make married couples wonder if their marriage is in trouble. (8) ______, if you read a lot of books, you will always have something to talk about. You can discuss various plots in the novels you read, you can discuss the things you are learning in the business books you are reading as well. The possibilities of sharing are endless. Bocks are inexpensive (9) ______ to help you reduces stress. Many readers relax by reading. Compared with the person who gets home from work and immediately (10) ______ on the TV news, you are going from work stress to crime stress. TV as a source of relaxation is too full of loud commercials and fast moving violent images. If relaxation is something you want, turn off the TV or computer and pick up a book. 1. A. should B. mustn't C. needn't D. might 2. A. durable B. portable C. changeable D. capable 3. A. for B. with C. on D. to 4. A. disapproved B. dull C. creative D. required 5. A. solutions B. problems C. troubles D. difficulties 6. A. put B. had C. walked D. run 7. A. should B. might C. need D. must 8. A. So B. Therefore C. However D. Although 9. A. entertainment B. tension C. machinery D. media 10. A. gets B. turns C. takes D. makes Exercise 18: Kite surfing is a (1)____ which is rapidly becoming more and more popular, especial in places like Australia that have big beaches and plenty of sun. It’s a (2) ___ of other similar activities because you have to use a very powerful kite to pull you along the water (3)___ you balance on a type of surfboard. It is very complicated because you have to learn how to manage the kite in the winds to keep power and also how to (4)___ the surfboard across the water so you don’t fall away! Just as in skateboarding you can do complicated moves (5) ___ as jumping. However, one reason its popularity may be limited is that you need to spend a lot of money to (6)___ started. The board and kite can be very expensive. It is also essential for beginners to have lessons from a proper (7)___and these lessons are not cheap. There is a lot to learn about getting going, turning and all the safty (8)___. You need to be very fit and have quite a lot of strength to do it as it (9)___ up a lot of energy. It is probably better for most of us to watch videos of people doing kite surfing (10)___ than to actually try it ourselves. 1. A. play B. game C. sport D. display 2. A. cross B. collection C. connection D. combination 3. A. as B. since C. during D. whereas 4. A. drive B. ride C. travel D. progress 5. A. same B. similar C. like D. such 6. A. be B. get C. go D. become 7. A. guide B. master C. instructor D. demonstrate 8. A. points B. notes C. marks D. stages 9. A. runs B. fills C. uses D. brings 10. A. rather B. better C. prefer D. instead Exercise 19:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Sailing or boating may seem to be very interesting with the high level of technical elements (1) _____ in the sport. Whether you choose a small (2) _____ or a catamaran, whether you choose lake or ocean sailing, there are (3) _____ number of things you need to master before you can start enjoying the pure (4) _____ of being on the water. Getting the sailing skills which you need to start sailing your own boat is easy if you just sign up with a sailing school. You can learn to sail (5) _____ any age. There are no (6) ____. The best schools and instructors will teach you all you need to know about sailing in a friendly and pleasant manner. As with all sports, sailing will get you into (7) _____ with new friends. There is a closeness that develops out at sea, however, (8) _____ not many other sports have. Being on the water in any capacity demands a healthy outlook and way of life. Sailing and boating are two sports that (9) _____ all our senses to be at their peak. Sailing calls upon physical strength, intelligence and intuition. It is one sport that allows you to leave all your daily concerns and (10) _____ back on the land and to be off with only your bare self. 1. A. invented B. consisted C. involved D. contained 2. A. fleet B. submarine C. ferry D. boat 3. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 4. A. please B. pleasure C. pleasant D. pleasantly 5. A. with B. at C. in D. for 6. A. investment B. disappearance C. discoveries D. restrictions 7. A. allowance B. pace C. contact D. keeping 8. A. which B. that C. when D. whom 9. A. ask B. say C. tell D. demand 10. A. cultures B. habits C. traditions D. customs Exercise 20: The 24th Southeast Asian Games was (1) _____ in Thailand from December 6 to December 16, 2007. The Thai Olympic Committee was (2) _____ the event to coincide with the commemoration of 80th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Officials were studying the possibility of doing the events in multiple venues (3) _____ what had been done in Vietnam and the Philippines. It was (4) _____ sixth time Thailand hosted the SEA Games. Thailand hosted the 1959, 1967, 1975, 1985 and 1995 SEA Games. On 24 February 2006, northeast Thailand's Province authorities met to (5) _____ the 2007 SEA Games schedule, and progress on the province's under-construction US$65 million sports complex. The meeting provided an overview of (6) _____, and ended with reassurances that everything would be ready (7) _____ SEA Games in 2007. The sports (8) __ included a 5,000-seater indoor stadium and 16 tennis court facilities among other facilities scheduled to be finished on June 2007. The 2007 SEA Games featured (9) _____ than 400 events in 45 sports. The 24th edition of the games had the highest number of sporting events in the entire (50) _____ of the SEA Games, more events than the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. 1. A. held B. met C. seen D. committed 2. A. winning B. competing C. fighting D. planning 3. A. such as B. as C. likely D. like 4. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 5. A. talk B. discuss C. tell D. quarrel 6. A. facilities B. tools C. materials D. furniture 7. A. at B. on C. with D. for 8. A. places B. halls C. venues D. homes 9. A. rather B. more C. better D. as 10. A. history B. ancient C. former D. time Exercise 21: Among the total of 1,200 volunteers serving the SEA Games 22 in Ho Chi Minh City, nearly 1,000 are students (1) _____ universities, colleges, technical schools. Besides that, 6,000 cheer people are also in the training session to serve the SEA Games SEA Games 22 will (2) ____ from the end of November, beginning with football, to nearly the middle of December. This is also the time (3) _____ students to do revision and (4) _____ for their first semester test. In order to provide advantageous (5) _____ to volunteers and students to (6) _____ on their tasks in SEA Games 22,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> City Youth Union is trying to solve this problem. At present, the volunteers are both studying and participating in the training sessions to prepare themselves for SEA Games 22 at (7) _____ same time. However, at the peak of late November and mid December, the organizers will have plans to assist them and suggest schools and universities offer the time priority to the volunteers helping them serve the Games (8) _____ efficiently. Schools and universities really have the concern -on this matter and will (9) _____ the examination schedules for volunteers till the end of the SEA Games. (10) _____ the time being, the volunteers can assure their time in class and at technical training session, mainly on every Saturday and Sunday. It is hopeful that the volunteers will have comfort to serve SEA Games 22 wholeheartedly. 1. A. at B. in C. for D. into 2. A. host B. commence C. enjoy D. participate 3. A. where B. which C. that D. when 4. A. prepare B. carry C. take D. gain 5. A. achievements B. promotions C. conditions D. circumstances 6. A. intend B. focus C. contribute D. attend 7. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 8. A. more B. as C. the most D. most 9. A. keep away B. go up C. take on D. put off 10. A. On B. For C. At D. In Exercise 22: That is a program of Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union to (1) _____ individuals, domestic and foreign organizations buy and use bicycles during the time (2) _____ they enjoy the SEA Games 22 in Ho Chi Minh City then donate the bicycles to poor children. Preparing (3) _____, this program, the Organizing Committee has signed a (4) _____ with Martin - a bicyclemaking firm - to purchase 1,000 bicycles, at prices from 850,000 to 1,000,000 VND per bicycle -10% (5) _____ than market prices, with nearly 20 different models. In the mid of November, The Organizing Committee will announce, promote, and (6) _____ the program "SEA Games Iron Horses - For Poor Children" through (7) _____ at airport, on buses, taxis, at information desks, posters, banners, newspapers, and websites of city Youth Union. Besides 1,200 volunteers (8) _____ the SEA Games 22, the Organizing Committee also recruits 100 active volunteers for this program to handle the handover and receiving bikes, instructing participating tourists, giving (9) _____ to questions through hot lines. This program both conveys practical significance and helps international friends to understand further the nation and people of Viet, Nam as well as strengthen the friendship and (10) _____ among nations. 1. A. require B. contribute C. encourage D. raise 2. A. where B. which C. that D. when 3. A. for B. on C. of D. about 4. A. document B. contract C. letter D. report 5. A. low B. lower C. the lower D. the lowest 6. A. public B. publicly C. publicizing D. publicize 7. A. book B. tickets C. leaflets D. sheets 8. A. serving B. taking C. running D. hosting 9. A. enquiries B. letters C. responses D. demands 10. A. cooperation B. participation C. achievement D. success Exercise 23: The United Nations Children's Fund, or UNICEF, was (1) _____ by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency Food and (2) _____ to children in 'countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the (3) _____ United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this old name. (4) _____ in New York City, UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to' children and mother in developing countries. UNICEF is currently focused (5) _____ five primary priorities: Child Survival and Development, Basic Education and Gender Equality, including girl's education, Child protection from (6) _____, exploitation, and abuse, HIV/AIDS and children, and Policy advocacy and partnerships for children's rights. Related areas of UNICEF action include early childhood development, adolescence development and participation; life skills based education and child rights all over the world..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> A (7) _____ funded agency, UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private (8) _____. Its programs emphasize developing community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children. Recently, UNICEF has begun partnerships with world-class athletes and teams to promote the organization's work and to (9) _____ funds. UNICEF greeting cards are sold worldwide to support efforts on behalf of children creating a better world where children are happy, healthy and live in dignity. UNICEF selects suitable paintings for reproduction from contemporary artists. Total income to UNICEF for 2006 was $2,781,000,000. UNICEF was (10) _____ the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 and Prince of Asturias Award of Concord in 2006. UNICEF is present in 190 countries and territories around the world. 1. A. taken off B. set up C. paid on D. pushed back 2. A. instrument B. projects C. work D. healthcare 3. A. original B. ancestor C. old D. relatives 4. A. Managed B. Led C. Headquartered D. Committed 5. A. at B. with C. on D. in 6. A. violence B. fun C. excitement D. entertainment 7. A. volunteer B. volunteered C. voluntary D. voluntarily 8. A. persons B. patients C. donors D. victims 9. A. rise B. raise C. lift D. heighten 10. A. complimented B. awarded C. won D. taken Exercise 24: UNICEF (The United Nations Children’s Fund) is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the (1) _____ of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and (2) _____ to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of (3) _____ towards children. UNICEF (4) _____ that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development. UNICEF mobilizes political will and material (5) _____ to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a "first call for children" and to, build their capacity to form appropriate policies and (6) _____ services for children and their families. VNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for (7) _____ most disadvantaged children victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and (8) _____ and those with disabilities. UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. In coordination with United Nations partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response available to its partners to (9) _____ the suffering of children and those who provide their care. UNICEF is non-partisan and its cooperation is free from discrimination. In everything it does, the most disadvantaged children and the countries in greatest need have priority. UNICEF (10) _____, through its country programs, to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities. 1. A. protest B. destruction C. protection D. achievement 2. A. admits B. suggests C. adopts D. tries 3. A. poverty B. behavior C. medicine D. injure 4. A. insists B. devotes C. treats D. mounts 5. A. sources B. mines C. budgets D. funds 6. A. care B. appeal C. supply D. react 7. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 8. A. exploit B. exploited C. exploiter D. exploitation 9. A. rise B. relieve C. increase D. lower 10. A. throws B. looks C. aims D. points Exercise 25: Under the global "health for all" strategy, WHO (the World Health Organization) and its members have placed special emphasis (1) _____ the developing countries. Nevertheless, the benefits of WHO's international health work are benefited by all countries, including the most developed ones. For example, all nations have benefited from their contributions to the WHO programs that led to the global (2) _____ of smallpox and to better and cheaper ways of controlling tuberculosis. (3) _____ is a key word in WHO's programs. The organization believes that immunization, (4) _____ prevents the six major diseases of childhood-diphtheria, measles, poliomyelitis, tetanus, tuberculosis, and whooping coughshould be (5) _____ to all children who need it. WHO is leading a worldwide campaign to provide effective immunization for all children in (6) _____ with UNICEF. Provision of safe drinking water for all is one of the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> objectives of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1980 and (7) _____ by WHO. WHO is also active in international efforts to combat the diarrheal diseases, killers of infants and young children. The widespread introduction of oral rehydration salts, together with improved drinking water supply and sanitation will greatly reduce childhood mortality from diarrhea. WHO's program for primary health (8) _____ comprises eight essential elements: 1. education concerning prevalent health problems and the methods of preventing and controlling them; 2. promotion of food supply and proper nutrition; 3. maintenance of (9) _____ adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation; 4. provision of maternal and child health care, including family planning; 5. immunization against the major (10) _____ diseases; 6. prevention and control of locally endemic diseases; 7. appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries; and 8. provision of essential drugs. These eight elements were defined in the Declaration of Alma-Ata, which emerged from the International Conference, on Primary Health Care in 1978. 1. A. on B. in C. for D. with 2. A. campaign B. spread C. eradication D. epidemic 3. A. Prevent B. Prevention C. Preventable D. Prevented 4. A. whom B. whose C. that D. which 5. A. prepared B. concerned C. interested D. available 6. A. organization B. establishment C. cooperation D. protection 7. A. supported B. related C. treated D. attracted 8. A. attention B. care C. medicine D. danger 9. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 10. A. infect B. infected C. infectious D. infection Exercise 26: (1) _____ history, women have always aimed for a recognized place in (2) _____. Guided by their own (3) _____ of knowledge and expertise, women like Marie Curie in science, Mary Wollstonecraft in literary writing, Simone de Beauvois in philosophical existentialist debate, and Marie Stopes, in medicine, to name a few, have brought about (4) _____ awareness of the role of women in any walks of life. These women have helped redefine and (5) _____ the nature of women's place in society. Today the (6) _____ of global women's organizations and the impact of women's contributions (7) _____ society show that progress has been made and the progress in furthering the role of women in society has been some benefit to the (8) _____ woman. It is true to say that not all women have the same need. The need of the woman who stays at home and (9) _____ children will differ widely from the woman who works outside. Nonetheless, in the extensive field of equal opportunities, it would be good to know that access is given to both with equal measure according to the true value of respective abilities. It also would be good to know that the woman at home is recognized as a valued (10) _____ of society just as much as the one who deals on business outside the home. 1. A. Among B. Throughout C. During D. Upon 2. A. society B. social C. socialize D. socialist 3. A. region B. farm C. field D. path 4. A. a B. an C. the D. no article 5. A. gain B. encourage C. force D. consolidate 6. A. right B. belief C. limit D. spread 7. A. on B. for C. to D. at 8. A. own B. private C. individual D. personal 9. A. rises B. raises C. increases D. lift 10. A. party B. competitor C. partner D. member Exercise 27: In the 1960s the women's liberation movement (1) _____ suddenly into the public consciousness and quickly grew into (2) _____ largest social movement in the history of the United States. Women's liberation movement was a continuation of the 19th-century women's rights movement. The movement's major (3) _____ has included not only legal, economic, and political gains (4) _____ also has changed the ways in which people live, dress, dream of their future, and (5) ___ a living. About health, for example, many male physicians and hospital have.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> made major improvements in the (6) _____ of women; more and more women have become doctors and succeeded (7) _____ their medical research; and diseases such as breast cancer, which affects many women, now receive better funding and treatment, thanks to women's (8) ___. Feminists have insisted that violence against women become a political issue. The women's liberation movement has also made changes in education: curricula and (9) _____ have been written to promote equal opportunity for girls and women; more and more female students are admitted to universities and professional schools. The women's liberation movement brought about a radical change in society (10) _____ it took a decade for the movement to reach women's awareness. 1. A. dated B. originated C. introduced D. burst 2. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 3. A. achievement B. civilization C. status D. power 4. A. with B. either C. and D. but 5. A. put B. make C. get D. take 6. A. vote B. employment C. position D. treatment 7. A. in B. to C. for D. with 8. A. role B. limit C. efforts D. ability 9. A. textbooks B. novels C. picture books D. magazines 10. A. because B. if only C. as D. although Exercise 28: Years ago, in their private family role, women quite often dominate the male members of the household. Women were quite (1) _____ to their families. However, the public role of women has changed (2) _____ since the beginning of World War II. During the war, men were away from home to the battle. As a (3) ____, women were in complete control of the home. They found themselves doing double and sometimes triple (4) _____. They began to take over the work of their absent husbands and to work outside. They accounted for 73% of the industrial labor force. Women were forced by economic realities to work in the factories. The women who worked there were (5) _____ low wages, lived in crowded and small dormitories. (6) _____, they found themselves a place as active members of society. Women, although they were ruthlessly exploited, became the key to the country's success. The feminist movement seems to have been (7) _____ important part in the demands (8) _____ women Equal Rights. The movement tends to have a way of changing men and women and their roles in society. It often redefines the role of women in society. Inventions, too, bring progress in society as (9) _____ as to the individual's life. In the late nineteenth century the invention of the typewriter gave women a new skill and a. job outside the home. The Suffragettes in the turn of the century has become a (10) _____ for most women to be engaged in equality. 1. A. fascinated B. worried C. dedicated D. interested 2. A. unfortunately B. approximately C. nearly D. dramatically 3. A. change B. result C. success D. opportunity 4. A. duty B. job C. requirement D. career 5. A. made B. paid C. created D. delivered 6. A. Because B. Therefore C. However D. So 7. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 8. A. for B. in C. with D. against 9. A. much B. long C. soon D. well 10. A. present B. souvenir C. symbol D. role Exercise 29: ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (AHPADA) was established as a result of a Workshop on Handicraft for Export which was (1) _____ by the Royal Thai Government in February 1981 in Bangkok. AHPADA was formed as a forum for both the government and private sectors that are concerned with meeting and complementing each other in the promotion and development of handicrafts (2) _____. AHPADA is affiliated to the ASEAN and the World Craft Council. The (3) _____ members were Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. Singapore and Brunei join in a little (4) _____. Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar and Vietnam joined in September 1999. AHPADA's objectives are.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 1. To take common approach to develop and promote the marketing of crafts (5) _____ and outside the ASEAN Region, 2. To operate as a main point of promotion of ASEAN handicrafts and raw (6) _____ required-for production, trade fairs and exhibitions, 3. To strengthen and improve the status of craftspeople, 4. To create employment opportunities especially in the rural areas, 5. To (7) _____ traditional craft skills within the context of conservation of cultural heritage, 6. To educate and create awareness and appreciation of the authentic handicrafts of ASEAN Countries, 7. And to build up an archive of ASEAN CRAFT information. With the recent economic downturn in (8) _____ ASEAN Countries, AHPADA's objectives are more relevant than they have ever been before. Most producers are among the rural areas and (9) _____ majority of them are very small entrepreneurs. AHPADA works at both national level through the national focal points and at the international level through the Board of AHPADA and the Regional Secretariat which is permanently based in Bangkok, Thailand. (10) _____ 1981 AHPADA has been able to act as a catalyst and initiators in the promotion and development of ASEAN CRAFTS through seminars, workshops and exhibitions, often in partnership with several multinational and international organizations. 1. A. hosted B. joined C. promoted D. produced 2. A. acts B. actions C. acting D. activities 3. A. finding B. founding C. hiding D. recording 4. A. latest B. last C. late D. later 5. A. within B. into C. onto D. away 6. A. machines B. equipment C. materials D. devices 7. A. save B. preserve C. store D. keep 8. A. most B. the most C. mostly D. the more 9. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 10. A. When B. While C. Since D. As Exercise 30: What is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and what is its purpose? The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a multilateral organization which was (1) _____ to give Southeast Asian states a forum to communicate (2) _____ each other. Since the region had a long colonial past and a history of endemic warfare, there has never been much peaceful and constructive (3) _____ between kings, presidents and other officials. A neutral forum was, (4) _____, a very useful development for all of those countries. ASEAN was formed as a result of the Bangkok (5) _____ of 1967 and initially had five members: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, (6) _____ Philippines and Singapore. Brunei (7) _____ joined in 1984 after it had won independence from Britain. Vietnam became the seventh member of the group, officially joining in 1995. (48) _____ several years of negotiation, Myanmar and Laos joined in 1997 and the final member of the ten, Cambodia, joined in 1999. The only (9) state in Southeast Asia which is not a member of ASEAN is now East Timor. It is still (10) _____ vulnerable and fragile to be able to participate for the foreseeable future. 1. A. created B. made C. done D. discovered 2. A. in B. on C. for D. with 3. A. interflow B. interaction C. interference D. intercommunity 4. A. nevertheless B. moreover C. therefore D. however 5. A. Entitle B. Requirement C. Independence D. Declaration 6. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 7. A. subsequently B. fortunately C. approximately D. surprisingly 8. A. Before B. After C. Since D. While 9. A. dependent B. independent C. independently D. independence 10. A. enough B. either C. also D. too Exercise 31: The Philippines, officially known (1) _____ the Republic of the Philippines, is (2) _____ in Southeast Asia with Manila as its capital city. The Philippine (3) ____ 7,107 islands in the western Pacific Ocean, sharing borders with Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The Philippines is the world's 12th most populous country with a population approaching 90 million people. Its national (4) _____ is the 37th largest in the world with a 2006 gross domestic product (GDP) of over 117.562 billion USD. There are (5) _____ 11 million overseas Filipinos.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> worldwide. The Philippines became a Spanish colony in the 16th century and an American territory at the (6) _____ of the 20th century. The Philippines won independence from Spain in 1896. The Philippines (7) _____ its independence from the United States on July 4, 1946 after World War II. Spanish was (8) _____ official language of the Philippines until 1973. Since then, the two official languages are Filipino and English. The Philippines had cultural ties with Malaysia, Indonesia, and India in the ancient time, and trade (9) _____ with China and Japan as early as the 9th century. The late 1960s and early 1970s its economic development was second in Asia, (10) _____ to Japan. The Philippines is a founding and active member of the United Nations and is a founding member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)/ The Philippines is also a member of the East Asia Summit (EAS) and an active member in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). 1. A. as B. to C. with D. for 2. A. laid B. lay C. located D. put 3. A. compounds B. fixes C. consists D. comprises 4. A. economy B. economics C. economical D. economically 5. A. more B. more than C. rather than D. rather more 6. A. starter B. initiation C. first D. beginning 7. A. gathered B. collected C. gained D. earned 8. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 9. A. acts B. acquaintances C. relations D. concerns 10. A. next B. by C. beside D. on. II. PASSAGE TEST Skill 1: MAIN IDEA QUESTIONS Almost every reading passage will have a multiple-choice question about the main idea of a passage. Such a question may be worded in a variety of ways; you may, for example, be asked to identify the topic, subject, title, primary idea, or main idea. It is relatively easy to find the main ideas by studying the topic sentences, which are most probably found at.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> the beginning of each paragraph. If a passage consists of only one paragraph, you should study the beginning of that paragraph to determine the main idea. Example Basketball was invented in 1891 by a physical education instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, by the name of James Naismith. Because of terrible weather in winter, his physical education students were indoors rather than outdoors. They really did not like the idea of boring, repetitive exercises and preferred the excitement and challenge of a game. Naismith figured out a team sport that could be played indoors on a gymnasium floor, that involved a lot of running, that kept all team members involved, and that did not allow the tackling and physical contact of American style football. The question: What is the topic of this passage? A. The life of James Naismith B. The history of sports C. Physical education and exercise D. The origin of basketball The first sentence of this passage states that basketball was invented, so the invention of basketball is probably the topic. A quick check of the rest of the sentences in the passage confirms that the topic is, in fact, the beginnings of the sport of basketball. Now you should check each of the answers to determine which one comes closest to the topic that you have determined. Answer A. mentions James Naismith but not basketball, so it is not the topic. Answer B. is too general; it mentions sports but does not mention basketball. Answer C. is also too general; it mentions physical education but does not mention basketball. The best answer is therefore answer D.: the origin of basketball means that the way that basketball was invented is going to be discussed. If a passage consists of more than one paragraph, you should study the beginning of each paragraph to determine the main idea. In a passage with more than one paragraph, you should be sure to read the first sentence of each paragraph to determine the subject, topic, title, or main idea. The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about main idea questions. MAIN IDEA QUESTIONS What is the topic of the passage? What is the subject of the passage? What is the main idea of the passage? HOW TO IDENTIFY THE What is the author's main point in the passage? QUESTION With what is the author primarily concerned? Which of the following would be the best title? WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWER. The answer to this type of question can generally be determined by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph.. 1. Read the first line of each paragraph. 2. Look for a common theme or idea in the first lines. 3. Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the HOW TO ANSWER THE passage to check that you have really found QUESTION the topic sentence(s). 4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices. Skill 2: STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS A stated detail question asks about one piece of information in the passage rather than the passage as a whole. The answers to these questions are generally given in order in the passage, and the correct answer is often a restatement of what is given in the passage this means that the correct answer often expresses the same idea as what is written in the passage, but the words are not exactly the same. Example.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and sizes and made from a variety of materials. The oldest known flutes are, about 20,000 years old, they were made from hollowed-out bones with holes cut in them. In addition to bone, older flutes were often constructed from bamboo or hollowed-out wood. Today flutes are generally made of metal, and in addition to the holes they have a complicated system of keys, levers, and pads. The instrument belonging to well-known flautist James Galway is not just made of any metal, it is made of gold. The question: According to the passage, the oldest flutes A. had holes cut in them B. were made of metal C. were made 200,000 years ago D. had a complicated set of levers and pads Since this question asks about the oldest flutes, you should see that this question is answered in the second sentence. The passage states that the oldest known flutes were bones with holes cut in them, so the best answer is answer A.. Answers B. and D. are true about today's flutes but not about the oldest flutes, so they are incorrect. Answer C. is an incorrect number; the oldest flutes are 20,000 years old, not 200,000 years old.. The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about stated detail questions STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS HOW TO IDENTIFY THE QUESTION. According to the passage… It is stated in the passage... The passage indicates that… Which of the following is true...?. WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWER. The answers to the questions are found in order in the passage. 1. Choose a key word in the question. 2. Skim in the appropriate part of the passage for the key word or idea. HOW TO ANSWER 3. Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully. THE QUESTION 4. Eliminate the definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices. Skill 3: FIND "UNSTATED" DETAILS You will sometimes be asked in the reading section to find an answer that is not stated or not mentioned or not true in the passage. This type of question really means that three of the answers are stated, mentioned, or true in the passage, while one answer is not. Example The Florida Keys are a beautiful chain of almost 1,000 coral and limestone islands. These islands form an arc that heads first southwest and then west from the mainland. U.S. Highway 1, called the Overseas Highway, connects the main islands in the chain. On this highway, it is necessary to cross forty-two bridges over the ocean to cover the 159 miles from Miami, on the mainland, to Key West, the farthest island on the highway and the southernmost city in the United States. The question: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Florida Keys? A. The Florida Keys are a chain of islands. B. The Florida Keys contain coral and limestone. C. The Florida Keys are in the shape of an arc. D. The Florida Keys are not all inhabited. This question asks for the one answer that is not mentioned about the Florida Keys. The passage states that the Florida Keys are a chain (answer A) with coral and limestone (answer B) in the shape of an arc (answer C), so these answers are not correct. The best answer is therefore answer D.. The passage does not mention whether or not the keys are all inhabited.. The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about “unstated” detail questions:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> “UNSTATED” DETAIL QUESTIONS HOW TO DENTIFY THE QUESTION WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWER. HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION. Which of the following is not stated...? Which of the following is not mentioned...? Which of the following is not discussed…? Which of the following are true except....? The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage. 1. Choose a key word in the question. 2. Scan the appropriate place in the passage for the key word (or related idea). 3. Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully. 4. Look for answers that are definitely true according to the passage Eliminate those answers. 5. Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed in the passage.. Skill 4: IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS In this type of question, you will be asked to answer a multiple choice question about a reading passage by drawing a conclusion from a specific detail or details in the passage. Questions of this type contain the words implied, inferred, likely, or probably to let you know that the answer to the question is not directly stated. In this type of question, it is important to understand that you do not have to "pull the answer out of thin air." Instead, some information will be given in the passage, and you will draw a conclusion from that information. Example The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how old a tree really is. Each year a tree produces a ring that is composed of one light-colored wide band and one dark-colored narrow band. The wider band is produced during the spring and early summer when tree stem cells grow rapidly and become larger. The narrower band is produced in fall and early winter when cell growth is much slower and cells do not get very large. No cells are produced during the harsh winter and summer months. The question: It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands, then it is A. a century old B. two centuries old C. fifty years old D. two hundred years old This question asks about the age of a tree with 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands. The passage does not tell the age of a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands, but it does indicate that….wide band and one.....narrow band are produced each year From this, you can draw the conclusion that a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands is 100 years, or a century, old. The best answer to this question is therefore answer A... The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about implied detail questions. IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS It is implied in the passage that…… It can be inferred from the passage that..…. It is most likely that…… What probably happened.....? The answers to these questions are generally found in order in the passage. 1. Choose a key word in the question. 2. Scan the passage for the key word (or a related idea). 3. Carefully read the sentence that contains the key word. 4. Look for an answer that could be true, according to that sentence. Skill 5: VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT QUESTIONS You may be asked to determine the meaning of a difficult word or expression that you do not know. In this case, the passage often gives you a clear indication of what the word or expression means..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Example .......... ..........Professor Richmond's hobby is philately. The professor has been quite interested in collecting stamps for a number of years .......... .......... The question: The word "philately" in line 1 could best be replaced by A. a philanthropic attitude B. a common profession C. stamp collecting D. teaching classes In this question, you are asked to choose an expression to replace philately. You are not expected to know the meaning of the word philately. Instead, you should understand from the context that if the professor is interested in collecting stamps, then philately is most likely stamp collecting. Answer C. is therefore the best answer to this question.. The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about vocabulary questions VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT QUESTIONS HOW TO IDENTIFY THE QUESTION WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWER HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION. What is the meaning of “X” in line Y? The word “X” in line Y could best be replaced by… Information to help you understand the meaning of a vocabulary word can often be found in the context surrounding the word. 1. 2. 3. 4.. Find the word in the passage. Read the sentence that contains the word carefully. Look for context clues to help you understand the meaning. Choose the answer that the context indicates.. Skill 6: "WHERE" QUESTIONS To answer this question, you should skim for the word capital and then look for its meaning A capital is the location of the center of government, and this definition is given in the third line. Answer B. is therefore the best answer to this question. The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember when you are trying to determine where in the passage something is found: There will be a multiple-choice question that asks where certain information is found. The answer choices will list possible locations for that information. Example The words "capital" and "capitol" are confused in spelling and in meaning by a lot of people who try to use them. Both their spellings and their meanings are quite closely related. A "capital" is the location of the center of government, while a "capitol" is the actual building where the government officials meet. Thus, in the United States, for example, the Capitol building is located in Washington, D.C., which is the capital city of the United States. The question: Where in the passage does the author define the word "capital"?. A. Lines 1-2. B. Lines 3-4. C. Line 5. D. Line 6. QUESTION ABOUT WHERE IN THE PASSAGE HOW TO IDENTIFY THE QUESTION WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWER HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION. PART II Exercise 1:. Where in the passage…….? The answer can be in any of the lines listed in the answer to the question. 1. Choose a key word or idea in the question. 2. Skim the appropriate past(s) of the passage looking for the key word or idea. 3. Choose the answer that contains the key word or idea..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> I was born to dance. I've been dancing all my life, ever since my mother, who gave up a dancing career on the stage when she married my father, picked me up and twirled me around as an infant. As much as I loved dancing with her, her greatest gift to me was her "unconditional love" during her lifetime. My parents divorced after only 5 years of marriage, but my father remarried a lovely lady who also loved to dance. They used to take me to a dancing club where I would listen to the music and watch them dance-occasionally my stepmother, Mary, invited me to dance I also met my wife, Charlotte, in a dancing party. I danced with her for about 15 minutes, and during that brief span, I realized that I fell in love with her. We kept dancing throughout our marriage. My earliest memories of dancing with my daughters started when I came home from work to our small home in Marblehead, Massachusetts, and my daughter Laura was about 3 years old. It was very relaxing for me. To turn on the record player, pick up Laura in my arms, and dance her around the room! Our family danced a lot. My daughters, Laura and Anne, and I continued to dance on every occasion. One favorite memory I have of dancing with Laura and Anne was when I took each of them when they were seniors in high school to the Daddy-Daughter dance. We won both dance competitions! As their father, I have tried to provide my daughters with unconditional love, as my Mother provided to me, endless emotional and loving support, and good educations and life experiences which have helped prepare them for happy and successful adult lives. Being a father who is worthy of their love and respect, I consider fatherhood a privilege, not an entitlement. In 1994, my oldest daughter Laura gave me a lovely book, which I still have, entitled "Fathers and Daughters." My Father's Day suggestion to every father is to dance with your daughters at every opportunity. It will not only bring you closer, it will give them memories of you “to hang onto" long after we are gone. 1. Of the characters mentioned in the passage, who did not like dancing? A. Mary B. Laura C. Anne D. No one 2. The writer _________. A. could not dance well B. had a devoted mother C. had not met his father since his parents divorced. D. did not like to dance with his step mother 3. Which sentence is not true? A. He used to go to a dancing club with his father and step mother. B. The writer had two daughters. C. The writer enjoyed dancing with his daughters. D. The writer never danced with his step mother 4. Which is not referred to what the writer provides his daughters with? A. the arts of dancing C. endless emotional and loving support B. unconditional love D. good educations and life experiences 5. The writer _________ fatherhood. A. underestimates B. appreciates C. dislikes D. disapproves of Exercise 2: When people plan to marry, they expect to find in their partner not only a lover but a friend also. They find a person with whom they can share their opinions, their emotions, thoughts and fears. In marriage we are looking for a partner who will be able to understand our values, our likes and dislikes. If a man and a woman are born and raised in the same country, most likely they are familiar with the same songs, movies, jokes, books and life in general. They basically have the same roots. In the case of a western man and foreign woman family everything is more complicated and requires much more patience and understanding from both spouses. On one hand each of the partners has an opportunity to learn a great deal about the other's country, culture, traditions and life styles which can be very interesting. On the other hand it can be very disappointing if there is the inability to understand your partner's excitements and frustrations. For example, you are watching the television and suddenly you see a famous actor or singer, or other type of an artist whose name you have grown up with. Maybe this artist was an idol for your parents and the music of this artist was often played in your house when you were a child. Unfortunately you realize that your wife is unable to understand your feelings because she has no idea who this artist is. Her eyes are absolutely empty because she has never even heard the song before. You feel rather disappointed! Remember that your wife has the same situation with you. You do not know her country's songs, her country's famous actors, her books. She has her own memories and in actuality, for her, everything is much more difficult than it is for you. At least, you live in your own country where everybody can understand you. She lives in completely strange surroundings, where she has nobody to share her feelings with, except you. Do some research and learn about your wife's country, culture and lifestyles. Talk with her, ask her questions, get to know what songs she likes, what movies and books are of interest to her. The Internet will give you a great opportunity to find anything! Tell her about your country's culture, let her listen to the music that you like, rent a movie for her that left you with great impression. Let her understand you better through the things that you like. Patience and time will help you to fight cultural differences. 1. A spouse should ________. A. let the partner to do everything alone B. be not only a lover but also a friend C. not share the feelings with the partner D. not interfere with what the partner's likes and dislikes 2. According to the passage, ________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> A. Spouses who have the same nationality need more patience and understanding in their marriage than those who are from different cultures. B. Spouses who are from different cultures need more patience and understanding in their marriage than those who have the same roots. C. Spouses who have the same roots go not share anything together. D. Spouses who are from different cultures can never share anything together. 3. If there is the inability to understand a spouse's excitements and frustrations the marriage, he or she may feel ________. A. faithful B. hopeless C. disappointed D. happy 4. The passage is ________. A. critical B. convincing C. advisory D. apologetic 5. To overcome cultural differences in marriage needs ________. A. patience and time B. time and money C. movies and music D. books and the Internet Exerciser 3 Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating. Commonly, nonverbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn nonverbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills. Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, nonverbal channels of communication do' not cease to exist although become entwined in the total communication process. 1. According to the writer, ________. A. Nonverbal language is only used by the deaf and the mute. B. One cannot communicate in both verbal and .nonverbal language. C. Those who can listen and talk should not use nonverbal language. D. People communicate with both verbal and nonverbal language. 2. Which is not included in nonverbal communication? A. words B. spatial distance C. facial expressions D. tone of voice 3. We can learn from the text that ________. A. nonverbal can never get any responses B. most people do not like nonverbal communication C. even silence has message value D. touching is not accepted in communicating 4. Human beings ________. A. have learnt how to communicate in nonverbal language through books B. can communicate in nonverbal language only when they are mature C. have learnt how to communicate in nonverbal language since a child D. communicate in nonverbal language much less than they do in verbal language 5. The word reading has a close meaning to ________. A. looking at the words that are written B. understanding C. saying something aloud D. expressing Exercise 4: Movements and gestures by the hands, arms, legs, and other parts' of the body and face are the most pervasive types of nonverbal messages and the most difficult to control. 'It is estimated that there are over 200.000 physical signs capable of stimulating meaning in another person. For example, there are 23 distinct eyebrow movements, each capable of stimulating a different meaning. Humans express attitudes toward themselves and vividly through body movements and postures. Body movements express true messages about feelings that cannot be masked. Because such avenues of communication are visual, they travel much farther than spoken words and are unaffected by the presence of noise that interrupt, or cancels out speech. People communicate by the way they walk, stand, and sit. We tend to be more relaxed with friends or when addressing those of lower status. Body orientation also indicates status or liking of the other individual. More direct orientation is related to a more positive attitude. Body movements and postures alone have no exact meaning, but they can greatly support or reject the spoken word. If these two means of communication are dichotomized and contradict each other, some result will be a disordered image and most often the nonverbal will dominate..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 1. Which part of body is not used to send body message? A. faces B. legs C. hands D. stomachs 2. Face gestures ________. A. can help us control our feelings B. are the most difficult to control C. cannot express our feelings D. do not include eye brow moments 3. Body communication is ________. A. visual B. verbal C. very few D. uncommon 4. According to the text, body movements cannot express ________. A. feelings B. status C. attitudes D. desires 5. Nonverbal communication ________. A. may be interrupted by noise B. has no relation to verbal communication C. dominates words D. is less common than verbal communication Exercise 5: In 1988, for the first time in British history, a National Curriculum was introduced. The National Curriculum tells pupils which subjects they have to study, what they must learn and when they have to take assessment tests. Between the ages of 14 and 16, pupils study for their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams. Pupils must take English Language, Maths and Science for GCSE, as well as a half GCSE in a foreign language and Technology. In addition, they must also be taught Physical Education, Religious Education and Sex Education, although they do not take exams in these subjects. At the age of 16, pupils can leave school. If pupils stay on, they usually. take A (Advanced) levels, AS (Advanced Supplementary) level or GNVQs (Greater National Vocational Qualifications). It is quite common to combine, for example, two A levels with one AS level, or one A level with one GNVQ. Pupils taking A levels study traditional subjects, such as French, Physics or History. To go to university, pupils usually need two or three A levels. AS levels are the same standard as A levels, but only half of the content: AS level German pupils take the Alevel German language exam, but do not take the A-level German Literature exam. GNVQs are vocational qualifications. Pupils usually take on GNVQ in subjects such as Business, Leisure and Tourism, Manufacturing, and Art and Design. One GVNQ (at advanced level) is equal to two A levels. 1. Britain began to have a National Curriculum . A. one hundred years ago B. in the nineteenth century C. in 1898 D. in 1988 2. Which of the following subjects do British students NOT take exams in? A. Science B. Physical Education C. Maths D. English Language 3. Pupils need___________ a levels to continue to study at university. A. one or two B. two or three C. four or five D. five or six 4. Which of the following subjects do pupils NOT take on GNVQ in? A. German Literature B. Business C. Art and Design D. Manufacturing 5. Pupils normally study for their GCSE between the ages of. A. 12 and 14 B. 14 and 16 C. 15 and 17 D. 16 and 18 Exercise 6: Vietnam is a densely-populated, developing country that in the last 30 years has had to recover from the ravages of war. Substantial progress was achieved from1986 to 1997 in moving forward from an extremely low level of development and significantly reducing poverty. Since 2001, Vietnamese authorities have reaffirmed their commitment to economic liberalization and international integration. They have moved to implement the structural reforms needed to modernize the economy and to produce more competitive, export-driven industries. . Vietnam's membership in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and entry into force of the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement in December 2001.have led to even more rapid changes in Vietnam's trade and economic regime. Vietnam's exports to the US doubled in 2002 and again in 2003. Vietnam joined the WTO (World Trade Organization) in January 2007, following over a decade long negotiation process. This should provide ail important boost to the economy and should help to ensure the continuation of liberalizing reforms. Vietnam is working to create jobs to meet the challenge of a labor force that is growing by more than one million people every year. Vietnamese authorities have tightened monetary and fiscal policies to stem high inflation. Hanoi is targeting an economic growth rate of 7.5-8% during the next five years. 1. Vietnam's economy is _____________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> A. decreasing B. facing crisis C. developing D. backward 2. According to the text, Vietnam __________. A. used to be well-developed before 1986 B. Vietnam is still in extreme poverty C. could recover from the consequences of the war soon D. has been modernizing the economy 3. Vietnam __________. A. does not export anything to the US B. exported to the US in 2003 twice as much goods as in 2002 C. did not export goods to the US in 2002 D. did not export goods to the US in 2003 4. The word This refers to ___________. A. Vietnam's joining the WTO B. the WTO C. the negotiating process D. the Vietnamese economy 5. The word stem has a close meaning to ___________. A. succeed B. stop C. originate D. increase Exercise 7: In 1986 Vietnam launched a political and economic innovation campaign (Doi Moi) that introduced reforms intended to facilitate the transition from a centralized economy to a "socialist-oriented market economy." Doi Moi combined government planning with free-market incentives. The program abolished agricultural collectives, removed price controls on agricultural goods, and enabled farmers to sell their goods in the marketplace. It encouraged the establishment of private businesses and foreign investment, including foreign-owned enterprises. By the late 1990s, .the success of the business and agricultural reforms ushered in under Doi Moi was evident. More than 30,000 private businesses had been created, and the economy was growing at an annual rate of more than 7 percent. From the early 1990s to 2005, poverty declined from about 50 percent to 29 percent of the population. However, progress varied geographically, with most prosperity concentrated in urban areas, particularly in and around Ho Chi Minh City. In general, rural areas also made progress, as rural housel olds living in poverty declined from 66 percent of the total in 1993to 36 percent in 2002. By contrast, concentrations of poverty remained in certain rural areas, particularly the northwest, northcentral coast, and central highlands. Government control of the economy and a nonconvertible currency have protected Vietnam from what could have been a more severe impact resulting from the East Asian financial crisis in 1997. 1. The Vietnamese Doi Moi campaign _______. A. has not interfered with politics B. has focused on centralized economy. C. is not in favour of socialism D. came into being in 1986 2. From the content of the text, the readers can learn that _______. A. Vietnam used to have agricultural collectives B. there used to be many foreign-owned enterprises before 1986 in Vietnam C. before 1986, the Vietnamese government did not control prices on agricultural goods D. The Vietnamese Doi Moi campaign has not allowed foreign-owned enterprises 3. Which rate has decreased? A. Poverty B. Population C. Economy D. Business 4. The development in Vietnam _______. A. has been equal in every part of the country B. has focused only on agriculture C. is more prosperous in big cities than that in the countryside D. is more prosperous in the countryside than that in big cities 5. According to the last paragraph, _______. A. the Vietnamese government did nothing to overcome the East Asian financial crisis in 1997. B. The Vietnamese economy was not affected by the East Asian financial crisis in 1997. C. the Vietnamese government found it difficult to control the financial crisis. D. the Vietnamese government could not protect the economy from the East Asian financial crisis in 1997. Exercise 8: In the future, maybe all cars that run on petrol will be replaced by solar cars, which have been around for a while, but with recent developments in solar car design and the measurement of photovoltaic cells becoming smaller, the dream of a truly efficient solar car is more reality than fantasy. A solar car is a vehicle powered by photovoltaic cells, also called solar cells, which convert sunlight (light energy) into electrical energy. As a source of energy on earth, there is nothing like the sun: in a mere one thousandth of one second (.001), the sun emits enough energy to fulfill our planet's energy needs for the next 5,000 years. It is a staggering fact, and an exciting one. Since the energy from the sun is responsible for renewable resources such as wind, tides, and heat, solar energy seems to offer the brightest future for not only cars, but for the entire energy crisis. Despite the appearance that solar energy may be the least feasible among the current crop of alternative fuel propositions, new solar powered devices and more specifically solar powered cars are beginning to be developed. How do Solar. Cars work? The photo-voltaic cells absorb photons from sunlight. This action generates heat, which the cells then convert into electrical energy and stores in an on-board battery. This process of conversion is called the photovoltaic effect. Not.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> surprisingly, such a vehicle has zero emissions, and is very environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, at the moment photovoltaic cells are extremely inefficient, yet as time progresses the efficiency of these cells will grow. This will make solar energy and solar cars the fuel and car of the future-a closer reality. 1. According to the text, _______. A. up to now, we have designed some solar cars B. solar cars have been very .popular for many years C. we have not produced any solar cars yet D. solar cars are not as much appreciated as other kinds of car 2. A solar car is supplied power from _______. A. gas B. petrol C. photovoltaic cells D. electricity 3. Which can not help us to solve the problem of energy crisis? A. wind B. tide C. the sun D. heat from the moon 4. According to the text, _______ A. no powered solar devices have been developed so far B. besides solar car, we have also developed solar powered device C. solar energy plans are more feasible than wind energy plans D. tide can supply more energy than the sun 5. The photovoltaic effect is _______. A. the process of operating a solar car B. the process of absorbing photons from the sun C. the developing of solar cars and solar powered devicesD. the converting of heat from the sun into electricity Exercise 9: In the future, genetic engineering will allow us to create the perfect human. It will be hard to get used to. Parents will order a baby who 'will grow up to become his new job because he is not quite prepared a genius or to have a Miss World appearance. Also, genetic engineering will allow us to mix plants and animals. As computers have advanced, they have helped us remember, calculate, organize, and clarify. So it will become easier to deal with things, and much quicker. At a point in a future time, some may claim that computers become about as smart as Newton or Einstein. More advanced computers will be able to be creative, respond to feelings in a feeling way, develop intuition, recognize patterns, and suggest innovative alternatives. There is a hope if we choose to take action. We can select Internet information wisely, choose healthy computer games, limit our exposure to television commercials, and select television programs carefully. People will be aware of the importance of keeping active, getting outside to do more physical activities. We will also plan to make a major sacrifice the next time we buy a car, take the bus. Everybody will be more concerned about making environmentally friendly choices, eating healthy, and helping build a healthier society by shopping at better stores that sell better food. Most people will be aware that a happy, loving family is a joy to be part of, and that it is a necessary foundation for building a strong society. But it is extremely important for our future that we maintain a healthy perspective. We need to value and appreciate the importance of what can be achieved by loving and committed parents. People need a strong foundation, so it is vital for our society that we encourage parents to work at creating love, joy, and happiness for their children in a .decent, stable, and productive atmosphere. 1. How many aspects of life in the future are referred in the text? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 2. Which aspect is not referred in the text? A. Education B. Genetic Engineering C. Computers D. Family 3. The phrase to have a Miss World appearance means that _______. A. to become a Miss World B. to enter a beauty contest C. to be intelligent D. to be beautiful 4. According to the text, in the future, _______. A. it will be difficult for us to select Internet information B. people will prefer taking a bus to buying a car C. food will not be sold at shops D. TV viewers will not be able to escape from seeing a lot of advertising. 5. The last paragraph is about _______. A. family and parents' responsibility in the future B. children's education C. children's health D. how to build a strong society Exercise 10: A desert is a hostile, potentially deadly environment for unprepared humans. In hot deserts, high temperatures cause rapid loss of water due to sweating, and the absence of water sources with which to replenish it can result in dehydration and death within a few days. In addition, unprotected humans are also at risk from heatstroke. Humans may also have to adapt to sandstorms in some deserts, not just in their adverse effects on respiratory systems and eyes, but also in their potentially harmful effects on equipment such as filters, vehicles and communication equipment. Sandstorms can last for hours, sometimes even days. Despite this, some cultures have made hot deserts 'their home for thousands of years, including the Bedouin, Tuareg tribe, and Pueblo people. Modern technology, including advanced irrigation systems, desalinization and air conditioning, has made deserts much more hospitable, In the United States and Israel for example, desert farming has found extensive use..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> In cold deserts, hypothermia and frostbite are the chief hazards, as well as dehydration in the absence of a source of heat to melt ice for drinking. Falling through pack-ice or surface ice layers into freezing water is a particular danger requiring emergency action to prevent rapid hypothermia. Starvation is also a hazard; in low temperatures the body requires much more food energy to maintain body heat and to move. As with hot deserts, some people such as the Inuit have adapted to the harsh conditions of cold deserts. 1. The text is about ________. A. troubles that human beings have to face in a desert B. desert storms and desert inhabitants C. hot deserts and cold deserts in the United States D. desert hospitality and environment 2. Which is not a problem for an unprepared man in a hot desert? A. sandstorm B. loss of water C. irrigation D. heatstroke 3. Sandstorms ________. A. do no harm to machinery B. have effects only on the eyes C. never lasts more than one hour D. have bad effects on both human beings and machinery 4. Which sentence is true? A. No one can survive in both hot and cold deserts. B. Modern technology makes deserts more hospitable. C. In the United States, all deserts are quite uninhabited D. There are no deserts in Israel. 5. Which is not a problem in cold deserts? A. Starvation B. Hypothermia C. Frostbite D. Body heat Exercise 11: Approximately one-third of the Earth's land surface is desert, arid land with meager rainfall that supports only sparse vegetation and a limited population of people and animals. Deserts have been portrayed as fascinating environments of adventure and exploration. These arid regions are called deserts because they are dry. They may be hot. They may be cold. They may be regions of sand or vast areas of rocks with occasional plants. Deserts are natural laboratories in which to study the interactions of wind and sometimes water on the arid surfaces of planets. They contain valuable mineral deposits that were formed in the arid environment or that were exposed by erosion. Because deserts are dry, they are ideal places for human artifacts and fossils to be preserved. Deserts are also fragile environments. The misuse of these lands is a serious and growing problem in parts of our world. There are many animals in the desert. Some are very large, like the kangaroo or the gazelle. Both are big and have to travel long distances for water at a spring, or an oasis. Another fairly large animal is the addax. The addax is a desert antelope. They live in the Sahara Desert. All addaxes are herbivores. There are less than 200 of them left because of hunting and tourists. Some animals crawl along. Examples of these are snakes and lizards. Snakes rarely drink water; they get their moisture from other prey that they eat. So do others, like the kangaroo rat. Lizards are commonly found in the desert. They stay out of the sun and move as little as possible. There are also other animals in the desert. The fennec lives in northern Africa in the Sahara Desert. They are a relative of the fox. They eat mice, small birds, lizards, and insects. When necessary, they will eat fruit. One more desert animal is the jerboa. The jerboa is a small, long distance jumper that lives in the desert. They are free drinking animals and they eat plants, seeds, and bugs. 1. Deserts ________. A. are rare in the world B. are more arid more populous C. are all hot all the time D. may be both hot and cold 2. The word They refers to ________. A. deserts B. natural laboratories C. planets D. mineral deposits 3. Which is not true about deserts? A. arid B. hot C. humid D. dry 4. According to the second paragraph, ________. A. we should use desert land properly to avoid serious problems B. deserts are ideal places for growing land C. we can exploit as much fossil as possible in deserts D. there are no erosion in deserts 5. The last paragraph expresses that ________. A. none of animals can survive in deserts B. hunting and tourists cause the decreasing of addaxes in the Sahara Desert. C. snakes in deserts need more water than any other species D. addaxes are the most populous species in deserts Exercise 12: Asian elephants used to live in the forests from Iraq to Southern China. Since these forests were cut down to make room for farms and villages, the elephants had to live in small, hilly regions. These small areas cannot supply enough food for them. An adult elephant eats about 331 pounds of grasses, leaves and other plants each day. When forests were larger, Asian elephants migrated with the seasons. In this way, they found new food supplies. The plants and trees could also grow again after elephants left..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Today, there is nowhere for the elephants to go. Experts say that the Asian elephant population is about 55,000 living on a habitat of about 19,000 square miles (30,400 square kilometres). In contrast to this, the African elephant population is about 10 times this size and live on almost 3 million square miles (4.8 million square kilometers) of available habitat. 1. How much does an adult elephant eat a day? A. About 150 kg of grasses leaves and other plants. B. About 331 kg of grasses leaves and other plants. C. About 19,000 kg of grasses leaves and other plants. D. About 30,400 kg of grasses leaves and other plants. 2. How can Asian elephants find new food supplies? A. They made forests larger. B. They found other plants. C. They migrated with the seasons. D. They could grow plants and trees. 3. How many African elephants are there today? A. 19,000. B. 30,400. C. 55,000. D. 550,000. 4. Which of these sentences is true to the text? A. Asian elephants’ habitat is bigger than Africans’. B. Asian elephants’ habitat is as big as Africans’. ’ ’ C. Africans habitat is bigger than Asian . D. Africans’ habitat isn’t so big as Asian’. 5. According to the text, Asian elephants can be extinct because of A. hunting. B. loss of habitat. C. change of climate. D. polluted environment. Exercise 13: By the year 2025, the Earth could lose as many as one fifth of all species known to exist today. In recent centuries, hundreds of species have disappeared, almost always as a result of human activities. The passenger pigeon, one familiar example, was a source of food until excessive hunting and habitat loss caused its extinction in 1914. The North American bison, whose populations were decimated by settlers and market hunters in the 1800s, came close to sharing the same fate. Bison survive today only because of the efforts of early conservationists. Today, species require such efforts more urgently than ever. An essential task that falls to present-day conservationists is to determine which species are most, endangered, so that conservation resources' can be applied where action is needed most. Species are categorized by the degree to which their survival in the wild is threatened. World Wildlife Fund offers a sampling of animals and plants that fall mainly within the two most serious categories of- threat: critically endangered and endangered. What threatens these species' existence? Some of the top threats are habitat destruction by unsustainable logging and ever-encroaching human settlement; pollution of water, soil, and air by toxic chemicals; unnatural climate changes due to fossil fuel use; unmanaged fishing that exhausts fish stocks; and illegal hunting to supply the demand for skins, hides, traditional medicines, food, and tourist souvenirs. The list which conservationists presents only a fraction of the species at risk of extinction today and does not include thousands of species whose status we do not yet know. Hundreds of species without common names have been left out, which means that while many mammals are on this list, only a few insects and mollusks are included. Species listed here range from the largest animal on Earth, the blue whale, to the majestic tiger, to the humble thickshell pond snail. Large or small, beautiful or ugly, all species play a role in the complex circle of life. All of us depend on the natural resources of our planet. Each time a species is lost, the complexity, natural balance, and beauty of our world is diminished. And what threatens plants and animals ultimately threatens people as well. 1. According to the first paragraph _______. A. species extinction is only caused by hunting B. human beings protect wife life much more than they do harm to them C. the main cause of species extinction is human activities D. we can stop radically species extinction by 2025 2. The North American bison _______. A. was completely extinct in 1800s B. was not the aim of human hunting C. was raised by settlers in 1800s D. has escaped from extinction thanks to conservationists 3. Species are categorized _______. A. to prevent hunting B. to provide food C. to destroy their habitats D. to give preferential right to conserve 4. Which sentence is true? A. Medicine is not a factor to cause species extinction. B. The list which conservationists present does not include all kinds of species. C. Pollution does nothing to species extinction. D. Conservationists have good knowledge of all kinds of mollusks. 5. According to the last paragraph, _______. A. species extinction has no relationship to human beings B. what threaten plants and animals can do nothing to human beings C. human beings depend on natural resources to survive D. not every, species has a role in the circle of life. Exercise 14:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Thank you for becoming a member of Green Town Public Library. We hope that you will enjoy using our facilities, but to ensure that your patrons receive the best service, we ask you to observe the following regulations:  You are required to carry your library card to enter and to use the library.  This card must be used only by the member to whom it is issued.  For reasons of security, bags and other personal possessions should not be left unattended. The library has no responsibility in case of damage to or theft of personal property.  The use of cell phones in the library is prohibited. If you fail to observe this requirement you may be asked to leave the library.  Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the library premises. Please extinguish all cigarettes before entering, and go outside if you wish to smoke.  Books must be returned when requested if other patrons need them, or a fine must be paid.  A fine of 20 cents per day is payable on books returned late. There is no maximum limit on late fines.  If a library user loses a book, he or she must pay the costs of a new hardback edition. 1. Who would need to read this sign? A. Librarians B. Parents with children C. Library members D. People who want to get a new library card 2. Who may use a member’s library card? A. The member and his or her family B. The member and his or her friends C. Only the member D. Anyone 3. What rule does the library have regarding people ’s bags inside the library? A. All bags must be left at the desk B. Bags are not allowed C. Only small bags are allowed D. People must watch their own bags 4. What is maximum fee for someone who returns their books late? A. 20 cents B. There is no fee C. There is no maximum fee D. They must buy a new book 5. What must a library member do if he / she loses the book borrowed? A. He/ she must pay the fees of 20 cents. B. A fine must be paid. C. He or she must pay for new hardback edition. D. He must return to other patrons if needed. 6. What does it refer to? A. The library member B. The library card C. The library rule D. The library service Exercise 15: It is often said that books are always a good friends and reading is an active mental process. Unlike TV, books make you use your brain. By reading, you think more and become smarter. Reading improves concentration and focus. Reading books takes brain power. It requires you to focus on what you are reading for long periods. Unlike magazines, Internet posts or e-Mails that might contain small pieces of information. Books tell the whole story". Since you must concentrate in order to read, you will get better at concentration. Many studies show if you do not use your memory; you lose it. Reading helps you stretch your memory muscles. Reading requires remembering details, facts and figures and in literature, plot lines, themes and characters. Reading is a good way to improve your vocabulary. Do you remember that when you were at elementary school you learned how to infer the meaning of one word by reading the context of the other words in the sentence? While reading books, especially challenging ones, you will find yourself exposed to many new words. Reading is a fundamental skill builder. Every good course has a matching book to go with it. Why? Because books help clarify difficult subjects. Books provide information that goes deeper than just classroom discussions By reading more books you become better informed and more of an expert on the topics you read about. This expertise translates into higher selfesteem. Since you are so well-read, people look to you for answers. Your feelings about yourself can only get better. Books give you knowledge of other cultures and places. The more information you have got, the richer your knowledge is. Books can expand your horizons by letting you see what other cities and countries have to offer before you visit them. 1. Books have great influence on ________. A. TV B. friendship C. brain D. muscles 2. When you are reading a book, ________. A. you have to read small pieces of information B. you use your brain in concentration and focus C. you have to read during a very long time D. you lose your memory 3. A challenging book ________. A. helps you to improve your vocabulary B. is only for primary pupils C. can translate all new words D. contains a lot of difficult vocabulary 4. Books ________. A. are compulsory in every course B. are not needed in most of course.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> C. contain less information than class discussions 5. Books cannot give you ________. A. knowledge B. information. D. make a sick patient feel better C. self-esteem. D. muscles. Exercise 16: The word “Olympic” comes from the name of the town Olympia in Greece, where the ancient Olympic Games were always held. The first Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C., and the Games took place every four years after that date until A.D.394.. In 1875, a French scholar and educator, Pierre de Coubertin, proposed that the Games should be revived as an international competition to encourage both sport and world peace. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Like the ancient Games, the athletes were men only. Women began to take part in the Games in 1900. Since that time, the Games have been held every four years as in the ancient Greece. The Games, however, did not take place in 1916, 1940 and 1944 because of the two World Wars. Only amateur athletes are admitted to the Games, and these words appear at every Olympic opening: “The most important thing is not to win but to take part.” 1. At the first modern Olympic Games, the athletes were __________ A. women only C. men only B. both men and women D. most men and a few women 2. Who can take part in the Olympic Games ? A. Amateur athletes only C. All athlethes B. Proffesional athletes only D. All are correct 3. The last ancient Olympic Games were held in__________ A. 1896 B. 776 B.C. C. 1875 D. A.D. 394 4. When were women allowed to take part in the Games for the first time ? A. In 1900 B. In 1916 C. In 1875 D. In 1896 5. Which of the following is NOT true ? A. The town Olympia was the place where the first Games were held. B. Pierre de Coubertin suggested reviving the Olympic Games. C. The modern Olympic Games have been held every four years in Athens. D. The purpose of The Olympic Games is to encourage not only sport but also world peace. Exercise 17: The 23rd Southeast Asian Games were held in the Philippines from November 27th to December 5th in 2005. The games were participated by the eleven nations of Southeast Asia. This was the first time that the opening and closing ceremonies were held in a large open field, despite the fact that Manila has many stadiums. The organization decided to hold the games at an open space to accommodate the large number of participants and spectators. As a result, the 2005 SEA Games ranked as having the largest audience - 200,000 people – during the opening and closing ceremonies. These games were also noted for having the most number of delegates in the history of the SEA Games. In the end, all participating countries received medals. Events in men's football actually started on November 20th, prior to the opening ceremony. Water polo events began on November 21st, women's football on November 23rd, sailing on November 26th, and tennis on November 26th; The first gold medal of the games was awarded to Singapore on November 25th when their water polo team came out undefeated during the round-robin tournament round. The Philippine team took the silver medal in that event, and Malaysia brought home the bronze. The Games were also considered a valuable opportunity for athletes to gain competition experience and preparation for the upcoming Asian Games and Olympic Games. It was purposely created to strengthen friendship, solidarity and understanding among neighboring countries in the region. This was the third SEA Games to be hosted by the Philippines. The last two times the Philippines hosted the games were in 1981, and again in 1991. There were 1,461 medals awarded, 444 of which were gold, 434 were silver, and 583 were bronze. 1. Up to now, the Philippines has hosted the SEA Games _______ times. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 2. According to the first paragraph, _______. A. the opening and closing ceremonies were hold in the stadiums of Manila B. only four of eleven participating countries got medals C. the 23rd SEA Games had been over by the end of November, 2005 D. the number of audience in the 23rd SEA Games was about 200,000 people 3. Which sport was first competed in the 23rd SEA Games?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> A. Water polo B. Tennis C. Men's football 4. Which was not mentioned in the 23rd SEA Games? A. Peace B. Friendship C. Solidarity 5. Which country got the first gold medal in the 23rd SEA Games? A. Vietnam B. Singapore C. The Philippines. D. Sailing D. Understanding D. Malaysia. Exercise 18: The 22nd SEA Games, hosted this year by Vietnam, has joined the international movement to rid sports of tobacco. For the first time, the regional sporting event will be tobacco-free under a landmark cooperative agreement signed in April 2003 between the World Health Organization (WHO), the 22nd SEA Games Organizing Committee and the Vietnamese Ministry of Health. Hanoi Health Department has organized a press seminar to celebrate and raise awareness about the tobacco-free SEA Games. The 22nd SEA Games is the first games hosted by Vietnam and 10 countries from the Southeast Asian region with nearly 8,000 athletes and coaches will participate. It will be the first tobacco-free international sporting event in Vietnam, joining other international tobacco-free sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup 2002, and the Winter Olympic Games 2002. The 22nd SEA Games will ban all sales, advertising and other promotion of tobacco products, and restricts smoking in all Games venues. The aim is to protect spectators, athletes, event staff, media and other visitors from the serious health hazards of second-hand tobacco smoke, as well as to change public attitudes about the social acceptability of smoking. Madame Pascale Brudon, WHO Representative in Vietnam, stated, "Vietnam has established 3 years ago a comprehensive, ambitious national tobacco control policy and a national tobacco control program. The tobacco-free 22nd SEA Games will be yet another area where Vietnam is leading the way for other countries in the region and the world in protecting its citizens from the debilitating and disastrous consequences of tobacco use." WHO has provided funding and technical assistance to the SEA Games Organizing Committee and Vietnamese Ministry of Health to train of over 4,000 SEA Games organizers and volunteers on the implementation of the tobacco-free policy. An international team of trainers from the Ministry of Health, International Organization for Good Temper (lOGT), WHO and International Development Enterprises (IDE) began a series of national training workshops for volunteers in April, 2003. The tobacco-free SEA Games are an inspiration and a model for other sport events, big and small, not only in Vietnam but also in the Southeast Asian and Western Pacific Region. 1. In the 22nd SEA Games _______. A. there will be the attendance of athletes from the World Health Organization B. smoking is not allowed C. smoking is only for the leader, not any athletes D. is held by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health 2. According to the text, _______. A. Vietnam has ever organized several tobacco-free sport events before the 22 nd SEA Games B. the tobacco-free SEA Games in Vietnam has not been approved by any world organizations C. the tobacco-free SEA Games is not announced to newspapers and magazines D. the tobacco-free SEA Games in Vietnam has been encouraged and supported by many world organizations 3. According to the third paragraph, _______. A. tobacco companies can have an advertising campaign during the SEA Games B. second-hand tobacco smoke cannot cause any harm to the athletes in the 22 nd SEA Games C. cigarettes are not allowed to sell in the 22nd SEA Games venues D. everyone can buy cigarettes in the 22nd SEA Games venues except the athletes 4. One of the aims of the tobacco-free SEA Games is A. to sell more and more tobacco during the event B. to change public attitudes about the social acceptability of smoking C. to reduce the production of tobacco D. to help athletes to solve the problems of the serious health hazards 5. Which sentence is not true? A. Vietnam itself has to pay a lot for the volunteers on the implementation of the tobacco-free policy. B. The tobacco-free SEA Games in Vietnam get great support from several world organizations C. The tobacco-free SEA Games is considered a model for other sport events. D. There are national training workshops for volunteers in April, 2003 for the tobacco-free SEA Games. Exercise 19: On Monday, May 12, 2008 a violent earthquake, measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale, happened in southwestern China's Sichuan Province. Hundreds of aftershocks followed in the area. The earthquake destroyed thousands buildings, roads, schools and hospitals, as well as infrastructure like communication networks and electrical towers. Thousands of people died.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> or are missing, and more than 45 million people were affected by the earthquake, which has been the worst natural disaster to hit China for 30 years. The American Red Cross has contributed $20 million to support the relief and recovery efforts of the Red Cross Society of China. These funds will be used to assist survivors through the purchase and distribution of relief supplies, coordination of logistics and transportation of disaster workers to the hardest hit areas. The American Red Cross has also sent relief experts to the affected area to help monitor and coordinate the response efforts. On June 6, the American Red Cross co-hosted a forum to address the U.S. response and recovery efforts following the earthquake. More than 30 representatives from humanitarian organizations, the business companies and the government participated in the event. More than 35,000 staff and volunteers with the Red Cross Society of China responded to the disaster by distributing food, water, tents and other essential items. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are providing 100,000 tents to help those in need. The Red Cross Society of China is a very strong organization with extensive experience responding to disasters. The American Red Cross has long history of working with the Red Cross Society of China, going to back to famines in 1906 and including severe storms earlier this year. There has been a close contact between the Red Cross Society of China and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, arid they have been ready to provide additional support such as disaster workers, relief supplies or financial assistance. Concerned family and friends in the United States may have difficulty contacting their loved ones because telecommunication has been out of work by this disaster. If they are trying to reach relatives living in China or those who are citizens of China, the American Red Cross suggests them keep calling or try contacting other family members who live nearby. 1. The earthquake on May 12, 2008 in China _______. A. left no aftershocks B. destroyed everything except communication networks C. caused no human loss D. had effects on more than 45 million people 2. According to the second paragraph, _______. A. the American Red Cross helped the Red Cross Society of China to recover from the earthquake B. the American Red Cross owed the Red Cross Society of China $20 million C. the victims of the earthquake were not helped to buy necessary things D. disaster workers were not sent to the hardest hit areas because of the aftershocks 3. Which sentence is not true? A. There are more than 30 representatives from humanitarian organizations, the business companies and the government in the US helping the Chinese earthquake victims. B. The American government did not do anything to help the earthquake victims in China. C. The American Red Cross has contributed $20 million to help the earthquake victims in China. D. The American Red Cross has also sent relief experts to help the earthquake victims in China. 4. Which is not mentioned about the Red Cross Society of China? A. It is a strong organization. B. It gets on well with the American Red Cross. C. It supplied the earthquake victims a lot of things except tents.D. It has extensive experience responding to disasters. 5. After the earthquakes _______. A. it has been difficult to contact with the resident in the ,attacked area B. the American Red Cross advised people not to keep contact with the victims C. contacting with the victims was not a problem D. everything has been in order soon Exercise 20: The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health. Established on 7 April, 1948, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health Organization. The WHO's constitution, states that its objective is "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health." Its major task is to combat diseases, especially key infectious diseases, and to promote the general health of the people of the world. The WHO also sponsors programs to prevent and treat serious epidemics such as SARS, malaria, and AIDS. The WHO supports the development and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and drugs. After over 2 decades of fighting smallpox, the WHO declared in 1980 that the disease had been eradicated - the first disease in history to be eliminated by human effort. The WHO is nearing success in developing vaccines against malaria and aims to eradicate polio within the next few years. The organization has already endorsed the world's first official HIV/AIDS Tool kit for Zimbabwe making it an international standard. In addition to its work in eradicating disease, the WHO also carries out various health-related campaigns, for example, to boost the consumption of fruits and vegetables worldwide and to discourage tobacco use. Experts met at the WHO headquarters in Geneva in February, 2007, and reported that their work on pandemic influenza vaccine development had achieved encouraging progress. More than 40 clinic trials have been completed or are ongoing..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Most have focused on healthy adults. Some companies, after completing safety analyses in adults, have initiated clinical trials in the elderly and in children. All vaccines so far appear to be safe arid well-tolerated in all age groups tested. 1. The World Health Organization (WHO) _______. A. works on international public health B. has no relation to the United Nations C. only takes care of Swiss people D. has no predecessor 2. Which is not mentioned in the second paragraph 'as the tasks of the World Health Organization? A. to promote the general health of everyone in the world B. to support pharmaceutical diagnostics, and drugs C. To combat diseases D. To supply food for patients. 3. According to the text, which disease has been eradicated? A. Malaria B. AIDS C. SARS D. Smallpox 4. According to the third paragraph, the World Health Organization ______. A. has not developed vaccines against malaria yet B. is trying to eradicate polio C. is not concerned about polio D. also carries out various health-related campaigns 5. Influenza vaccine _______. A. has only been used for adults B. cannot be used for children C. has appeared to be safe in all age groups tested D. causes bad effects on children and elderly people Exercise 21 Today, more and more women are actively participating in social activities both in urban and rural areas. Specifically, they have shined brightly in even many fields commonly regarded as the man's areas such as business, scientific research and social management. In some areas, women even show more overwhelming power than men. The image of contemporary Vietnamese women with creativeness, dynamism, success has become popular in Vietnam's society. The fact reveals that the gender gap has been remarkably narrowed and women enjoy many more opportunities to pursue their social careers and obtain success, contributing to national socio-economic development. According to Ms, Le Thi Quy, Director of the Gender/and Development Research Centre under the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, gender equity in Vietnam has reached a high level over the past decade. The rate of Vietnamese women becoming National Assembly members from the 9th term to the 11th term increased 8.7%, bringing the proportion of Vietnamese women in authority to 27.3%, the highest rate in Southeast Asia. There is no big gap in the level of literacy and schooling between men and women. Women account for about 37% of university and college graduates, 19.9% of doctoral degree holders and 6.7% of professors and associate professors. The legitimate rights of women and children are ensured more than ever before with more complete legal documents including laws, conventions and national action plans, among which the laws on "gender equity" mark a turning-point in the empowerment of women. Mass media also highlights the continued success of women in every field and honors their great importance in modern society, helping to do away with outdated perceptions about traditional women's duties. Many projects on reproductive health care, children protection, and family income improvement jointly conducted by various mass organizations, state agencies and non-governmental organizations have created favorable conditions for women to become involved. 1. The text is about ________. A. the changes in the status of Vietnamese women B. the Vietnamese women's liberation C. the Vietnamese sex Discrimination D. the discrimination that Vietnamese women have to face 2. Which adjective is not used to describe Vietnamese women? A. successful B. creative C. narrow D. dynamic 3. According to the data in the text, ________. A. Vietnamese women do not take part in authority B. the level of literacy and schooling between men and women in Vietnam is the same C. there are more women in authority in Vietnam than those in any other countries in Southeast Asia . D. there are no female professors in Vietnam 4. Vietnamese women ________. A. have few opportunities to develop their intellectual ability B. have only shined brightly in doing housework C. cannot do any scientific research D. are ensured their rights with laws, conventions and national action plans 5. Which is not mentioned in the text as a project to create condition for Vietnamese women? A. Traditional women's duties B. Reproductive health care C. Children protection D. Family income improvement Exercise 22: It has been thought that women are the second class in citizen, and men are the first. There is not a real equality of opportunity for men and women. Years ago, people were living in a man-dominated society. Women had to obey their.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> husbands and fathers absolutely. Women's place was in the kitchen and women's work was housework. In many places, women were not even' allowed to go to school. Women had no rights, even the right to choose husband for themselves. Men usually occupied high positions in society so they thought they were more intelligent than women. Men often considered women as their property. Sometimes, they were mistreated by their husbands and suffered the problem as a fate. Many parents did not even want to daughters. Despite the progress, there remain outdated beliefs about women's roles, traditionally passed down from generation to generation. Men are commonly seen as the strong bodies, bread-winners in the family and key leaders in society, while women are restricted to being housewives and child bearing and care, and housework such as washing and cooking. According to social surveys, many women in the 21st century still have to work over 12 hours a day including working in offices and doing countless household chores without any help from their husbands. In some regions, the labor of women is not recognized despite the hardships they endure to support the whole family. Moreover, women are the direct victims of family violence, especially in rural areas. Thanks to the women's liberation movement, nowadays women have proved that they are equal to men in every aspect. An average woman has weaker muscles than an average man but she may be as intelligent as he is. Women can do everything that men can, and women can do one thing that no man can: they produce children. 1. Which is not women's role in the former days? A. Working in authority B. Doing Housework C. Doing cooking D. Bearing and rearing children 2. Years ago, women are pot allowed ________. A. to work in the kitchen B. to go to school C. to do housework D. to stay at home with their parents 3. What did women have to suffer? A. Good schooling B. Choosing a husband themselves C. Enjoy their housework D. Illiteracy 4. The outdated 'beliefs about women's roles ________. A. have been eradicated completely B. disappeared soon after the women's liberation movement C. still exist at present . D. was forced to change after the women's liberation movement 5. According to the text, women in the 21st century ________. A. do not have to do housework any more B. are still the victims of family violence in some rural areas C. get help from their husbands with all housework D. spend less than 12 hours working outside the home and doing housework Exercise 23: On 8 August 1967, five leaders - the Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailandsat down together in the main hall of the Department of Foreign Affairs building in Bangkok, Thailand and signed a document. By virtue of that document, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was born. The five Foreign Ministers who signed it have been considered as the founders of probably the most successful intergovernmental organization in the developing world today. The document that they signed would be known as the ASEAN Declaration. It is a short, simply-worded document containing just five articles. It declares the establishment of an Association for Regional Cooperation among the Countries of Southeast Asia to be known as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and spells out the aims and purposes of that Association. These aims and purposes are about the cooperation in economy, society, culture, techniques, education and other fields, and in the promotion of regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the principles of the United Nations Charter. It stipulates that the Association will be open for participation by all States in the Southeast Asian region subscribing to its aims, principles and purposes. It proclaims ASEAN as representing the collective will of the nations of Southeast Asia to bind themselves together in friendship and cooperation and, through joint efforts and sacrifices, secure for their peoples and for posterity the blessings of peace, freedom and prosperity. The goal of ASEAN, then, is to create, not to destroy. The original ASEAN logo presented five brown sheaves of rice stalks, one for each founding member. Beneath the sheaves is the legend "ASEAN" in blue. These are set on a field of yellow encircled by a blue border. Brown stands for strength and stability, yellow for prosperity and blue for the spirit of cordiality in which ASEAN affairs are conducted. When ASEAN celebrated its 30th Anniversary in 1997, the sheaves on the logo had increased to ten -representing all ten countries of Southeast Asia and reflecting the colors of the flags of all of them. In a very real sense, ASEAN and Southeast Asia will be one and the same, just as the founders had envisioned. 1. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations ________. A. consists of some Western nations B. was established by the Philippines C. was founded on 8 August 1967 D. was established by the Minister of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Thailand 2. The pronoun it in the first paragraph refers to ________. A. the Association of Southeast Asian Nations B. the most successful inter-governmental organization C. Bangkok D. the ASEAN Declaration 3. Which adjective can be used to describe the Association of Southeast Asian Nations? A. successful B. illegal C. nongovernmental D. developing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> 4. Which does not belong to the purpose and aim of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations? A. friendship B. destruction C. creation D. cooperation 5. Up to 1997 how many countries there have been in ASEAN? A. 5 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 Exercise24: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok by the five original Member Countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei joined on 8 January 1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999. The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are: to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter. In 2003, the ASEAN Leaders resolved that an ASEAN Community shall be established comprising three pillars, namely, ASEAN Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. The ASEAN Vision 2020, adopted by the ASEAN Leaders on the 30 th Anniversary of ASEAN, agreed on a shared vision of ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic development and in a community of caring societies. ASEAN Member Countries have adopted the following fundamental principles in their relations with one another, as contained in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC):  mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations;  the right of every State to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion;  non-interference in the internal affairs of one another;  settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful manner;  renunciation of the threat or use of force; and  effective cooperation among themselves. 1. According to the text, which nation is the last member to join The Association of Southeast Asian Nations up to now. A. Vietnam B. The Philippines C. Brunei D. Cambodia 2. The ASEAN Declaration is about _______. A. the cultures of all the members of the organization B. the development of all countries all over the world C. the aims and purposes of the organization D. the laws of the members of the organization 3. The third paragraph is about _______. A. living in peace, stability and prosperity C. The ASEAN Vision 2020 B. the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN D. the ASEAN Leaders 4. The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia _______. A. is not accepted by ASEAN Member Countries B. consists of fundamental principles in the relations of ASEAN Member Countries C. is disapproved by ASEAN Member Countries D. has two principles 5. Which principle does not belong to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia? A. interference in the internal affairs of member countries B. effective cooperation C. mutual respect D. peaceful manner.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 6. Danh động từ (Gerund) Như các em đã biết, danh động từ (Gerund) có cấu trúc giống như hiện tại phân từ và thực hiện chức năng của danh từ trong câu. Danh động từ có thể làm chủ ngữ (Learning English is necessary), tân ngữ hoặc bổ ngữ (I like swimming) hoặc dùng sau đại từ sở hữu làm chức năng tân ngữ (Please forgive my coming late!)... Tuy nhiên trong quá trình làm bài thi các em rất hay lầm lẫn và không biết khi nào thì dùng danh động từ. Ví dụ như các động từ enjoy, hate, like, mà các em đã được học trong sách giáo khoa thì việc xác định bổ trợ sau nó là điều thật đơn giản. Điều khó khăn là đối với các động từ mà các em mới gặp lần đầu. Ví dụ1: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau: Would you mind _____ your name and address on this sheet of paper? A. to write B. writing C. write D. to writing Các em sẽ không có câu trả lời nếu không biết được rằng sau mind là V-ing. Có một số động từ mà bổ trợ của chúng luôn là gerund. Dưới đây là một số ví dụ về các động từ này: Anticipate: đoán trước Enjoy: thích thú Keep: tiếp tục Appreciate: hoan nghênh Escape: trốn khỏi Miss: bỏ lỡ Avoid: tránh Suggest: đề nghị Postpone: trì hoãn Consider: xem xét Finish: hoàn tất Prevent: ngăn chặn Deny: từ chối Forgive: tha thứ Stop: dừng delay: trì hoãn Involve: có ý định remember: nhớ Detest: ghê tởm Dislike: không thích Các cụm từ/ đoản ngữ sau đây theo sau cũng là V-ing: Can’t help/ can’t bear/ can’t stand: không thể chịu đựng nổi It’s (not) worth: (không) đáng giá It’s no use: thật vô dụng It’s no good: vô ích There’s no point in: Chẳng có lý do gì/ lợi gì Have difficulty (in): Có khó khăn trong vấn đề gì A waste of money/ time: tốn tiền/ mất thời gian Be busy (with): bận rộn với cái gì Look forward to: trông mong, chờ đợi Be (get) used to: quen với cái gì Object to: phản đối Confess to: thú tội, nhận tội Ví dụ 2: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau: She doesn’t approve of her husband _____. A. to gamble B. gambling C. to gamble D. to gambling Sau giới từ, ta thường dùng danh động từ. - Make: + Ở dạng chủ động ta có make sb do sth. + Ở dạng bị động ta có be made sb to do sth. -Help: + help sb do sth: giúp đỡ ai đó nhưng tự bản thân người được giúp đỡ cũng tham gia vào quá trình hành động (giúp đỡ 1 phần)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> + help sb to do sth: giúp ai đó làm toàn bộ công việc, người được giúp đỡ không tham gia vào quá trình hành động. Lưu ý: 1) Sau V + preposition, Adj + preposition hoặc Noun + preposition là V-ing. Ví dụ: accuse of (tố cáo), suspect of (nghi ngờ), be fond of (thích), be interested in (thích thú, quan tâm), choice of (lựa chọn), reason for (lý do về)... 2) Những động từ sau đây theo sau là động từ nguyên thể hoặc V-ing mà nghĩa không thay đổi: begin, like, can’t stand, love, continue, prefer, start, hate, dread. Ví dụ 3: The photograph makes me _____about 80! A. to look B. look C. looking D. to looking Ta có cấu trúc make sb do sth. Vì vậy các em nên lưu ý một số động từ mà bổ trợ của chúng không bao giờ dùng gerund hoặc nếu dùng gerund thì nghĩa của chúng sẽ bị thay đổi. Các động từ đó là: make, let, help và see, hear, watch với ý nghĩa chứng kiến toàn bộ sự việc đã xảy ra (Xem bài: “Một số lưu ý về bổ trợ”). Lưu ý: Samples: Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau: 1. The bicycle he lent me badly needed_____. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. to be cleaning 2. I got tired of_____since she kept giving me the same food every day. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. to eating 3. Please come on time. I hate_____ A. being kept waiting B. being kept wait C. to be kept waiting D. to be kept wait 4. He says he doesn’t remember _____ you. A. to promise to help B. to promise helping C. promising to help D. promising helping 5. I am not used to _____early. I’d rather stay in bed a bit longer. A. get up B. getting up C. to getting up D. to get up 6. It's such a waste _____good food to Dave - he really doesn't appreciate it. A. to give B. to giving C. giving D. give 7. I suggest staying at home and ______ television. A. watch B. to watch C.watching D. to watching 8. He decided to let his hair _____ long. A. grow B. growing C. to grow D. to growing 9. Mary prefers _____. A. singing to dance B.singing to dancing C. to sing than to dance D. sing to dance 10. The prisoners are made _____ holes and fill them in again. A.to dig B. dig C. to digging D. digging 8. Cấu tạo từ thuộc lĩnh vực từ loại Bước 1: Xác định từ loại Đọc qua câu hỏi và quan sát thật kĩ vị trí của từ cần điền. Việc xác định từ loại của từ cần điền vào chỗ trống là điểm quan trọng nhất có tính quyết định đến độ chính xác của đáp án. Ví dụ1: Some species of rare animals are in _____ of extinction. A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. endanger Nếu em nào không biết thành ngữ to be in danger ( đang bị đe dọa, đang trong tầm nguy hiểm) thì hãy để ý rằng vị trí của từ cần điền không thể là một từ loại nào khác ngoài danh từ (giữa 2 giới từ). Ví dụ2: Life here is very _____. A. peace B. peaceful C. peacefully D. peacefulness Sau động từ to be (is) có 2 từ loại là tính từ và danh từ. Tuy nhiên do có trạng từ chỉ mức độ very nên từ loại cần điền phải là một tính từ. Bước 2: Quan sát đáp án và chọn đáp án đúng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Sau khi đã xác định được từ loại của từ cần điền các em quay lại quan sát 4 phương án đã cho, thấy từ nào phù hợp với từ loại đã được xác định thì đó chính là đáp án. Trong ví dụ 1 chỉ có danger là danh từ và cũng là đáp án của câu. (Dangerous là tính từ, dangerously là trạng từ, endanger là động từ). Trong ví dụ 2 peaceful là tính từ duy nhất trong các từ đã cho và cũng là đáp án của câu. Lưu ý: Nếu 4 phương án là 4 từ loại khác nhau thì vấn đề thật đơn giản. Tuy nhiên cũng có những câu mà người ra đề đòi hỏi thí sinh kết hợp cả kiến thức ngữ pháp nữa. Xét ví dụ sau đây: There are small _____ between British and American English. A. differences B. different C. difference D. differently Sau khi xác định từ loại của từ cần điền là một danh từ nhưng khi quan sát các phương án các em lại thấy có 2 danh từ differences và difference. Vậy từ nào mới là đúng? Lúc này các em mới cần để ý đến thì của động từ trong câu – to be được chia ở số nhiều (are) do đó đáp án của câu phải là một danh từ số nhiều – differences. Cấu tạo từ thuộc lĩnh vực ngữ pháp Dạng thứ 2 trong bài tập cấu tạo từ là phân biệt dạng thức bổ trợ của động từ, tính từ, trạng từ hay phương thức so sánh. Trong dạng bài tập này các em phải nắm vững được cấu trúc ngữ pháp, loại bổ trợ của động từ cũng như các hình thức so sánh. Dạng 1: Tính từ -ed hay –ing Ví dụ: We are _____ of the long journey. A. tire B. tiring C. tired D. to tire Chỗ trống cần điền một tính từ nhưng trong 4 phương án lại có 2 tính từ là tiring và tired, vậy từ nào mới là đáp án của câu. Lúc này chúng ta lại vận dụng kiến thức ngữ pháp để giải quyết vấn đề. Khi chủ ngữ là người chúng ta dùng quá khứ phân từ; khi chủ ngữ là sự vật, hiện tượng chúng ta dùng hiện tại phân từ. Đáp án của câu trên là tired. Dạng 2: Bổ trợ của động từ Ví dụ: Would you mind ______ me a hand with this bag? A. to give B. give C. giving D. to giving Trong dạng bài tập này các em cần phải học thuộc loại động từ nào thì đi với loại bổ trợ nào. Ví dụ: Các động từ như mind, enjoy, avoid, finish, keep...thì động từ đi sau nó luôn là V-ing. Các động từ như agree, aim, appear, ask, attempt, decide, demand...thì bổ trợ luôn là động từ nguyên thể có to. Dạng 3: Dạng thức so sánh Ví dụ: Sara speaks so _____ that I can’t understand her. A. fast B. fastly C. faster D. faster Khi trong câu có các dấu hiệu như more hoặc than thì tính từ hoặc trạng từ trong câu phải ở dạng so sánh hơn, có the hoặc most trước ô trống thì tính/ trạng từ phải ở dạng so sánh nhất. Xét câu trên không có các dấu hiệu của câu so sánh nên trạng từ fast là đáp án (Lưu ý rằng fastly không tồn tại trong tiếng Anh). Samples: Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau: 1. Her _____ was so great that she broke a 6. The gas from the chemical factory was glass. extremely ______. A. anxious B. anxiously C. anxiety D. A. harm B. harmless C. harmful D. harmed anxiousness 7. Every woman nowadays seems to want to 2. Since _____ has been so poor the class is lose _____. being closed. A. weight B. weigh C. weighty D. weighted A. to attend B. attend C. attended D. 8. He regularly writes _____ for our attendance newspaper. 3. She was too _____ to tell his teacher about A. poet B. poets C. poem D. poems the stupid mistake. 9. His behaviour always _____ me at parties. A. shame B. ashame C. shamed D. ashamed A. embarrass B. embarrasses C. embarrassing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> 4. He is one of the greatest _____ to appear in D. embarrassment this theatre. 10. She is a _____ of theatre programmes. A. perform B. performing C. performance D. A. collect B. collector C. collection D. collecting performer 5. This matter is very _____. Don’t discuss it outside the office. A. confidence B. confident C. confidently D. confidential 9. Động từ nguyên mẫu (Infinitive) Hình thức Nguyên mẫu hiện tại---> To do (làm), To work (làm việc) ·Nguyên mẫu hiện tại liên tiến --->To be doing (đang làm), To be working (đang làm việc) ·Nguyên mẫu hoàn thành --->To have done (đã làm), To have worked (đã làm việc) ·Nguyên mẫu hoàn thành liên tiến --->To have been doing (đã làm), To have been working (đã làm việc) ·Nguyên mẫu thụ động hiện tại --->To be done ·Nguyên mẫu thụ động hoàn thành --->To have been done Nguyên mẫu đầy đủ = To + động từ.Chẳng hạn, To deal with drug addicts is dangeroushoặc It is dangerous to deal with drug addicts (Giao du với người nghiện ma túy là nguy hiểm).Đôi khi không có To đứng Trước động từ và đây chính là trường hợp Nguyên mẫu không có To .Chẳng hạn, We shouldn't deal with drug addicts(Chúng ta không nên giao du với người nghiện ma túy), He will come back (Anh ta sẽ trở lại). # Phủ định của nguyên mẫu = Not + to + động từ.Chẳng hạn, They decide not to attend the next symposium (Họ quyết định không dự hội nghị chuyên đề sắp tới). # Nguyên mẫu chẻ (Split infinitive) là trường hợp chèn các phó từ Really, completely, entirely, duly, unduly ... vào giữa To và động từ.Chẳng hạn, To duly punish serious crimes, National Assembly has made several amendments to the penal code (Để trừng phạt thích đáng các trọng tội, Quốc hội đã có nhiều sửa đổi trong bộ luật hình sự). Công dụng a)Đóng vai trò chủ từ.Chẳng hạn, To go by plane is quicker and safer (Đi máy bay thì nhanh hơn và an toàn hơn), To obey the laws is everyone's duty (Tuân thủ luật pháp là bổn phận của mọi người), To argue with them appears useless (Tranh cãi với họ có vẻ vô ích),To imitate them seemed unwise (Bắt chớc họ là dại).Tuy nhiên, It is quicker and safer to go by plane, It is everyone's duty to obey the laws, It appears useless to argue with themvà It seemed unwise to imitate themthì thông dụng hơn. b)Đóng vai trò bổ ngữ. Chẳng hạn,Their mission was to destroy the enemy naval bases (Nhiệm vụ của họ là phá hủy các căn cứ hải quân của địch). c)Sau các động từ Agree, aim,appear, arrange, ask, attempt, bother, care(phủ định hoặc nghi vấn), choose, claim, condescend, consent, decide, demand, determine, bedetermined,endeavour,fail, forget, guarantee, happen, hesitate,hope, know, learn, long, manage, neglect, offer, plan, be prepared, pretend,proceed, promise, prove, refuse, remember, resolve, seem, swear, tend, threaten, trouble, try, volunteer, vow, wonder . Ví dụ : - They arranged to meet at the riverside five-star hotel (Họ thoả thuận gặp nhau tại khách sạn năm sao ven sông) - She didn't bother/trouble to answer straightforwardly (Bà ta không chịu trả lời thẳng thắn) - The boy asks to go swimming with his classmates (Cậu bé xin phép đi bơi với các bạn cùng lớp) - Would you care to dance? (Anh thích khiêu vũ hay không?) - The banker condescended to say hello to his poor neighbours yesterday morning (Sáng hôm qua, ông chủ ngân hàng đã hạ mình mà chào những người láng giềng nghèo khổ) - Soldiers were determined to fight till the last (Binh sĩ quyết tâm chiến đấu đến hơi thở cuối cùng) - The strikers failed to reach a settlement with their employer (Phe đình công không đạt được một thoả thuận với ông chủ) - The employer threatened to dismiss anyone claiming a pay rise (Ông chủ doạ sa thải bất cứ người nào đòi tăng lơng) - They seem to be quarrelling about money matters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> (Dờng nh họ đang cãi nhau về chuyện tiền nong) - The girl pretended to be making herself up (Cô gái giả vờ đang trang trang điểm) - I want to know how to use this device (Tôi muốn biết cách dùng cách dùng thiết bị này) - We are wondering whether to be angry with her or with her friends (Chúng tôi phân vân không biết nên giận cô ta hay giận bạn cô ta) d)Sau Assume, Believe, Consider, Deem, Know, Think(nhất là ở dạng thụ động) . Ví dụ : - Everyone must assume her to be innocent until she is proved guilty of blackmail (Mọi người phải xem cô ta là vô tội đến khi nào chứng minh được rằng cô ta phạm tội tống tiền) - He is known to be a benevolent doctor (Ông ta nổi tiếng là một bác sĩ nhân hậu) - Smoking is known to be harmful (Ai cũng biết hút thuốc là có hại) - The thieves were thought to be hiding in the wood-shed (Bọn trộm bị cho là đang trốn trong kho củi) - The four escapees are believed to have suffered shipwreck off Cape Horn (Người ta tin rằng bốn kẻ vợt ngục đã bị đắm tàu ở ngoài khơi mũi Horn) e)Sau Be about, be able, afford, do one's best, make an/every effort, make up one's mind,occur, set out,take the trouble,turn out . Ví dụ : -They stayed at home because they couldn't afford to get tickets for the Cup Final (Họ ở nhà vì không đủ tiền mua vé xem trận chung kết Cúp vô địch) - They have made up their mind to join their family in Vietnam (Họ đã quyết định đi đoàn tụ với gia đình tại Việt Nam) - It never occurred to him to help anyone (Hắn chẳng bao giờ nảy ra ý nghĩ giúp ai) - The director-general turned out to be one of my fellow countrymen (Hoá ra ông tổng giám đốc là người đồng hơng với tôi) f)Sau Advise,allow, ask, beg, command, compel, enable, encourage, expect, forbid, force, implore, induce, instruct, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, show, teach, tell, train, urge, want, warn . Ví dụ : - I want you to go there with me (Tôi muốn anh đi với tôi đến đó) - They asked Bill to finish his work as soon as possible (Họ yêu cầu Bill hoàn thành công việc càng sớm càng tốt) - She always expects his husband to earn more and more money (Cô ta luôn mong chồng mình ngày càng kiếm được nhiều tiền hơn) - My parents taught me never to tell lies (Bố mẹ tôi dạy tôi không bao giờ được nói dối) - Show us how to operate this machine-gun (Hãy chỉ chúng tôi cách sử dụng khẩu súng máy này) - Tell her to take medicine before bedtime (Hãy bảo bà ấy uống thuốc Trước khi đi ngủ) g)Sau The first, the second, the last, the onlyhoặc sau hình thức so sánh cực cấp để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ. Ví dụ : - They are the first to leave all their money to charity (Họ là những người đầu tiên để lại toàn bộ tiền bạc cho công cuộc từ thiện) - She was the only person in her village to study abroad (Cô ta là người duy nhất trong làng đi học ở nước ngoài) - It is one of the best comedies to be performed last year (Đó là một trong những hài kịch hay nhất được diễn trong năm qua) h) Sau các tính từ Sorry,Anxious, Happy, Glad, Pleased, Ready, Proud, Ashamed, Afraid, Surprised, Sure, Reluctant, Unwilling ... Ví dụ : - The young soldier was reluctant to give us a lift to the provincial polyclinic (Người lính trẻ miễn cỡng cho chúng tôi đi nhờ xe đến bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh) - We are very surprised to see such scoundrels in a so-called institution (Chúng tôi rất ngạc nhiên khi thấy những kẻ côn đồ nh vậy ở một nơi gọi là cơ sở từ thiện) - He was proud to be a nobleman (Hắn tự hào là mình thuộc dòng dõi quí tộc).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> - I am ashamed to criticize my colleagues (Tôi ngại phê bình bạn đồng nghiệp) i)Sau Too + tính từ / phó từ, Too + tính từ + a + danh từ, Tính từ / Phó từ + enough. Ví dụ : -He is too short to become a pilot (Hắn quá thấp, nên không thể làm phi công) -You speak too quickly for me to understand thoroughly (Anh nói quá nhanh, nên tôi không hiểu rõ) - Bi was too numerate a pupil to succumb to such simple problems (Bi là một học sinh quá giỏi toán, nên không thể chịu thua những bài toán đơn giản nh vậy) - This concrete bridge isn't strong enough to support heavy lorries (Chiếc cầu bê tông này không đủ vững để chịu được xe tải nặng) - All athletes jumped high enough to reach the basket (Tất cả các vận động viên đều nhảy đủ cao để vói tới cái rổ) j) Sau các danh từ Ability, ambition,anxiety, attempt, decision, demand, desire, determination, eagerness, effort, failure, offer, plan, promise, refusal, request, scheme, willingness, wish . Ví dụ : - Upstart officials often nurse their ambition to become the well-known statesmen (Quan chức mới phất lên thờng nuôi tham vọng trở thành chính khách lừng danh) - I want to know the sanctions against the failure to comply with traffic regulations (Tôi muốn biết biện pháp trừng phạt trường hợp không tuân thủ luật đi đờng) Đặc biệt - Why did you take so much milk? - I had to [take so much milk]. I underwent an operation for appendicitis five days ago (Sao anh uống sữa nhiều vậy? - Tôi phải uống nhiều nh vậy. Tôi mổ ruột thừa cách đây năm ngày). - Would you like to join us for dinner? - Yes, I'd love to (join you for dinner) but I must go to school right now (Tôi rất muốn, nhưng tôi phải đi học ngay bây giờ). -She wished to become a teacher but she wasn't able to (become a teacher) (Cô ấy muốn làm cô giáo, nhưng không thành). - I feel lonely and want someone to talk to (Tôi cảm thấy cô đơn và muốn có ai đó để nói chuyện) - They need a cabinet to keep job applications in (Họ cần một cái tủ để đựng hồ sơ xin việc) - There wasn't a thing to eat (Chẳng có cái gì để ăn cả) - The main thing to remember is .... (Điều chủ yếu cần nhớ là...) - To be perfectly frank/ To be honest/ To tell the truth,you are no match for her in tae kwon do (Thực tình mà nói, anh không phải là đối thủ của cô ta về Thái cực đạo) -Thay vì He intends to go to supermarket and to buy a dishwasher (Anh ta định đi siêu thị và định mua một máy rửa bát đĩa), ta viết He intends to go to supermarket and buy a dishwasher . 12. Diền từ - dạng bài không quá khó (Phần 2) (I) Bài giảng: · Cấp độ cụm từ Khi học bài trên lớp, học sinh thường không chú ý nhiều đến các cụm từ cố định. Hầu như học sinh mới chỉ dừng lại ở việc hiểu nghĩa của các cụm từ đó nhưng như vậy là chưa đủ. Các bài điền từ thường nhằm vào những cụm từ trên, bỏ trống một thành phần và yêu cầu học sinh chọn từ điền vào. Các phương án đưa ra thường không khác nhau về chức năng/ ngữ nghĩa nhưng chỉ có một phương án kết hợp được với các thành tố xung quanh và là đáp án đúng. Ví dụ: Her parents wanted her to go to university but I know that she was really fed ____(2)____ with studying. 2. A. on B. in C. up D. down Trong 4 giới từ trên chỉ có up là đáp án đúng vì khi kết hợp với từ đứng trước và từ đi sau thì nó tạo thành một cụm từ có nghĩa. Chính vì vậy, trong quá trình học tập các em cần lưu ý học thuộc những cụm từ xuất hiện cố định như: · To be fond of sth = to be keen on sth: yêu thích cái gì · To be interested in sth: thích thú, quan tâm cái gì · To be good at sth: giỏi về lĩnh vực gì, giỏi làm gì · To be surprised at sth: ngạc nhiên vì điều gì… · To be fed up with sth: chán điều gì · To be bored with sth: chán làm gì.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> · To be tired of sth: mệt mỏi vì điều gì · To be afraid of sth: sợ, e ngại điều gì Ngoài ra, các câu hỏi cũng hay tập trung vào những cụm động tân cố định hoặc những cụm động ngữ (phrasal verbs) · Cấp độ cấu trúc Người ra đề có thể bỏ bớt một từ trong các cấu trúc học sinh đã được học trong sách giáo khoa và đưa ra 4 phương án lựa chọn. Khi làm các câu hỏi này, các em cần lưu ý phân biệt rõ các từ và đặt nó vào bối cảnh cụ thể trong câu vì các lựa chọn đưa ra hầu hết đều có cùng ý nghĩa với nhau nhưng chỉ có một từ có thể điền vào chỗ trống để tạo thành cấu trúc đúng. Ví dụ: It really takes you years to get to know someone well _____ to consider your best friend. A. enough B. such C. too D. so Trong câu trên, chỉ có enough có thể được điền vào chỗ trống để tạo thành cấu trúc có nghĩa là V + Adv + enough + to do sth. Trong khi đó, such và so thường đi kèm với mệnh đề phía sau. Too cũng có cấu trúc gần giống enough nhưng khác về vị trí và ý nghĩa. Hãy xem ví dụ sau: The coffee is too hot to drink. (Cà phê nóng quá nên không thể uống được). Như vậy, cấu trúc too là: Too + adj + to do sth: quá…. đến nỗi không thể làm gì. Ngoài ra, trong chương trình học tiếng Anh phổ thông cũng có rất nhiều bài nói về cấu trúc so sánh của tính từ và trạng từ nên đây cũng là mảng kiến thức trọng tâm trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm điền từ. Người ra đề có thể bỏ bớt 1 thành tố trong câu trúc so sánh như “than, as” hoặc đưa ra những dạng so sánh hơn kém khác nhau của cùng một tính từ/ trạng từ và yêu cầu học sinh lựa chọn. Ví dụ: When receiving the exam result, she seemed _____ than his sister. A. more happy B. happier C. the more happy C. the happiest Rõ ràng câu trên cần chọn B. happier để điền vào chỗ trống vì câu này so sánh hơn tính từ happy (do có than). Ta không dùng more happy vì tính từ này kết thúc bằng chữ “y”. · Cấp độ mệnh đề và câu Phổ biến nhất về cấp độ này là các câu hỏi về sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ (subject – verb concord). Để làm tốt câu hỏi dạng này, các em cần phân biệt danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được; danh từ số ít và danh từ số nhiều để chia động từ/ trợ động từ cho đúng. Các em cần lưu ý có rất nhiều từ kết thúc là –s nhưng vẫn là danh từ số ít (ví dụ như series) hay có những danh từ không kết thúc bằng –s mà vẫn là danh từ số nhiều như men (đàn ông), women (phụ nữ), feet (bàn chân), geese (con ngỗng), teeth (răng), lice (con rận), mice (con chuột). Ngoài ra còn có một số danh từ có thể dùng ở cả dạng số ít và số nhiều như: fish (cá), carp (cá chép), cod (cá thu), squid (cá mực), trout (cá trầu), turbot (cá bơn), salmon (cá hồi), mackerel (cá thu), pike (cá chó), plaice (cá bơn sao), deer (con nai), sheep (con cừu). Có một số từ/ cụm từ luôn luôn đi với danh từ đếm được (như few, a few, many…) trong khi một số từ chỉ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ không đếm được như (little, a little, much…). Ví dụ: We have cut down _____ trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. A. so much B. so many C. so few D. so little Vì danh từ đi sau (trees) là danh từ đếm được số nhiều nên chỉ có thể điền phương án B hoặc C. Dựa vào ý nghĩa của câu (vế sau) thì ta phải chọn B. (Chúng ta đã chặt nhiều cây xanh đến nỗi ngày nay có nhiều khu đất hoang rộng lớn trên toàn thế giới). Mặt khác, việc xác định sự tương ứng về số giữa chủ ngữ và động từ cũng giúp ta chọn được đáp án chính xác từ những phương án có nội dung tương tự nhau. Hãy xem ví dụ sau đây: 75% of the world’s _____ is in English. A. mail B. parcels C. envelopes D. letters Ngoài kiến thức thực tế, học sinh cũng có thể phân tích ngữ pháp của câu để chọn từ điền vào chỗ trống. Ta thấy rằng động từ to be được chia ở dạng số ít là “is” nên chủ ngữ chắc chắn là số ít hoặc không đếm được. Các phương án B, C, D đều ở dạng số nhiều nên danh từ không đếm được mail chính là đáp án..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Cuối cùng tôi xin lưu ý các em là khi làm bài dạng chọn từ điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn, các em nên đọc kỹ toàn bài và hiểu được mối quan hệ giữa các thông tin trước và sau chỗ trống. Đôi khi, đáp án lại có ngay trong chính đoạn văn các em đang đọc! (II) Đề mẫu (Sample): Approximately 350 million people speak English as their first ___(1)___ . About the same number use it ___(2)___ a second language. It is the language ___(3)___ aviation, international sport and world trade. 75% of the world's mail is in English, 60% of the world's radio stations broadcast in English, and more than half of the world's newspapers are ___(4)___ in English. It is an official language in 44 countries. In ___(5)___ others, it is the language of business, commerce and technology. There are many varieties of English, but Scottish, Australian, Indian and Jamaican speakers of English, in spite of the differences in pronunciation, structure and vocabulary, would recognize that they are all speaking the same basic language. 1. A. language B. languages C. linguistics D. linguist Key: A. language Giải thích: Chỗ trống cần điền là một danh từ tương ứng với English ở vế trước nên ta phải chọn danh từ số ít. Khoảng 350 triệu người nói tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ thứ nhất của họ (chứ không phải nhà ngôn ngữ của họ) nên language là đáp án đúng. 2. A. of B. with C. as D. in Key: C. as Giải thích: to use sth as sth: dùng cái gì như cái gì. Chỉ có từ as có thể được điền vào chỗ trống để tạo thành cấu trúc đúng. 3. A. on B. to C. from D. of Key: D. of Giải thích: the language of sth: ngôn ngữ trong lĩnh vực gì. Chỉ có giới từ of khi ghép với danh từ language mới tạo thành cấu trúc đúng trong câu trên. 4. A. spoken B. printed C. sold D. taken Key: B. printed Giải thích: spoken: nói, printed: in, sold: bán, taken: lấy. Newspapers là báo in trên giấy nên printed là đáp án đúng. 5. A. an B. more C. many D. much Key: C. many Giải thích: Ta thấy rằng đứng sau chỗ trống cần điền là danh từ số nhiều others nên much và an bị loại. Mặt khác, câu này và câu trước không hề có ý so sánh nên more cũng không hợp lý. Đáp án đúng ở đây là many. 13. Cấu trúc câu – Những “viên gạch hồng” của ngôn ngữ (I) Nội dung: Cấu trúc câu trong tiếng Anh khá nhiều. Làm thế nào để “thuộc” và ứng dụng chúng một cách hiệu quả nhất? Rất đơn giản, bạn hãy thực hiện theo các bước sau: Làm quen với các thuật ngữ thường hay được sử dụng: S: Subject (chủ ngữ) V: Verb (động từ) O: Object (tân ngữ) Adj: Adjective (tính từ) N: Noun (danh từ) Sb: Somebody (ai đó, người nào đó) Sth: Something (cái gì đó/ việc gì đó) Việc làm quen với các thuật ngữ trên giúp bạn dễ thuộc các cấu trúc hơn rất nhiều. Lập bảng kê cấu trúc câu: Chương trình ôn thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông luôn bám sát v ới n ội dung h ọc trong sách giáo khoa. B ởi v ậy bạn nên lập một bảng kê các cấu trúc đã học một cách hệ thống nhất. Các bạn có thể tham khảo mẫu dưới đây: Bài Cấu trúc Nghĩa Ví dụ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> The more …, the more … 1. The more we learn, the more we know. It took me two hours to get to Ai đó mất bao lâu để làm gì London. ……… ……… ……… ……… Càng…càng. It takes/ took sb time to do st ……… 2 ……… Tìm từ khóa trong cấu trúc: Việc ghi nhớ cấu trúc sẽ càng dễ dàng hơn khi bạn tìm ra được từ khóa trong cấu trúc đó. Hãy dùng bút nhớ dòng để đánh dấu từ khóa đó (xem ví dụ ở bảng liệt kê mẫu). Tổ chức một nhóm học ôn, tại sao không? Việc tổ chức một nhóm học ôn sẽ rất hữu ích cho các bạn với điều kiện các bạn phải tập trung học thật nghiêm túc. Bạn có thể so sánh bảng kê cấu trúc cùng với các thành viên trong nhóm. Từng bạn trong nhóm sẽ đứng ra đọc một vài cấu trúc bất kì bằng tiếng Anh, rồi hỏi các thành viên còn lại về nghĩa và yêu cầu họ đọc ví dụ. Cách làm này sẽ tạo rất nhiều hứng thú cho nhóm học. Đọc các tài liệu tham khảo và luyện tập Để bổ sung kiến thức, bạn cũng nên tham khảo và đúc rút thêm một số cấu trúc câu qua quá trình đọc sách, báo, làm bài luyện tập… Đây cũng là một “khâu” quan trọng giúp bạn giành được điểm tối đa trong bài thi tốt nghiệp. (II) Sample: 1. The cat was _____ to wait for the mouse to come out of its hole. A. patient enough B. so patient C. enough patient D. too patient 2. Mary is the _____ student in my class. A. tallest B. taller C. tall D. as tall as 3. She’d rather watch television, _____? A. doesn’t she B. does she C. would she D. wouldn’t she 4. It is impossible _____ to pass the exam. A. of Mark B. with Mark C. at Mark D. for Mark 5. John is _____ to fly to Rome to visit his grandfather. A. busy too B. too busy C. very busy D. busy very 6. Nancy don’t have _____ to buy a new house. A. money enough B. enough money C. so money D. too money 7. Mr. Brown has _____ many patients _____ he is always busy. A. too/ that B. very/ until C. such/ that D. so/ that 8. The more he tried to explain, _____. A. the most confused we got C. the much confused we got B. the more confused we got D. the many confused we got 9. It _____ me two hours to get home because of the traffic jam yesterday. A. take B. spends C. took D. spent 10. Mary was the last applicant _____. A. to be B. to be C. to interview D. to have interviewed interviewing interviewed 14. Phát hiện lỗi sai Dạng bài xác định lỗi sai trong đề thi đại học là một dạng bài tương đối khó vì nó kiểm tra kiến thức toàn diện của các em học sinh. Có 2 dạng bài xác định lỗi: lỗi chính tả và lỗi ngữ pháp. Lỗi sai chính tả: Người ra đề sẽ cho một từ viết sai chính tả (sai vì thừa hoặc thiếu chữ cái). Nhiệm vụ của các em là phải tìm ra lỗi sai đó thông qua kiến thức từ vựng đã học. Lỗi sai ngữ pháp: Đây là dạng phổ biến nhất trong dạng bài xác định lỗi sai. Dưới đây là một số lỗi mà các đề thi thường yêu cầu các em tìm ra: Sai về sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ Quy tắc cơ bản là chủ ngữ số ít đi với động từ chia ở dạng số ít, chủ ngữ số nhiều đi với động từ chia ở dạng số nhiều. Ngoài ra còn có một số trường hợp khác mà các em cũng phải nắm vững. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> I like (A) pupils (B) who works (C) very hard (D). Who ở đây là thay cho pupils vì vậy động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ phải phù hợp với chủ ngữ tức ở dạng số nhiều. Do đó lỗi sai cần tìm là C. Sai về thì của động từ Nếu các em lưu ý đến trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian trong câu thì việc xác định thì của động từ sẽ vô cùng dễ dàng. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau We (A) only get (B) home (C) from France (D) yesterday. Do có trạng từ yesterday (hôm qua) nên động từ phải chia ở thì quá khứ - lỗi sai cần tìm là B. Sai đại từ quan hệ Các đại từ quan hệ who, whose, whom, which, that... đều có cách sử dụng khác nhau. Ví dụ who thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ, which thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật... Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau He gave (A) orders to the manager (B) whose (C) passed them (D) on to the foreman. Whose là đại từ quan hệ đóng vai trò là tính từ sở hữu. Trong trường hợp này ta dùng một đại từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ manager. Do đó, ta dùng who – lỗi sai cần tìm là C Sai về bổ ngữ Các em phải chú ý khi nào thì dùng to infinitive, bare infinitive hoặc V-ing. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau I want to travel (A) because (B) I enjoy to meet (C) people and seeing new places (D). Ta có cấu trúc: enjoy + V-ing nên lỗi sai cần tìm là C. Sai về câu điều kiện Có 3 loại câu điều kiện với 3 cấu trúc và cách dùng khác nhau. Chỉ cần ghi nhớ và áp dụng đúng thì việc xác định lỗi sai sẽ không hề khó khăn. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau What would (A) you do (B) if you will win (C) a million (D) pounds? Đây là câu điều kiện không có thực ở hiện tại nên động từ ở mệnh đề if chia ở quá khứ. (To be được chia là were cho tất cả các ngôi). Sai về giới từ Giới từ thường đi thành cụm cố định như to be fond of, to be fed up with, to depend on, at least.... Các em cần phải học thuộc lòng những cụm từ đó. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau We're relying (A) with (B) you to find (C) a solution (D) to this problem. To rely on sb: tin cậy, trông đợi vào ai. Do đó, B là đáp án cần tìm. Sai hình thức so sánh Có 3 hình thức so sánh là so sánh bằng, so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất. Các em phải nắm vững cấu trúc của từng loại vì người ra đề thường cho sai hình thức so sánh của tính/ trạng từ hoặc cố tình làm lẫn giữa 3 loại so sánh với nhau. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau The North (A) of England (B) is as industrial (C) than the South (D). Đây là câu so sánh hơn vì có than – as industrial phải được chuyển thành more industrial. So...that... và such...that... Ta có 2 cấu trúc câu sau: So + adj/ adv + that + clause Such + (a/ an) + adj + n + that + clause Quan sát câu đã cho xem có mạo từ a/ an hay danh từ hay không để dùng so hoặc such. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau It seems (A) like so (B) a long way to drive (C) for just (D) one day. Có mạo từ a nên câu phải dùng cấu trúc such...that... B là đáp án cần tìm. Many và much Các em học sinh cũng hay nhầm lẫn giữa many và much. Many dùng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều còn much dùng trước danh từ không đếm được. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau I don't want to invite (A) too much (B) people because (C) it's quite (D) a small flat..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> People là danh từ đếm được nên phải dùng many thay cho much. Samples Xác định từ có gạch chân dưới cần phải sửa để câu sau trở thành chính xác: 1. My uncle lived (A) in Hanoi since (B) 1990 to 1998, but he is now living (C) in (D) Hue. 2. I’d like to go (A) on a holiday (B), but (C) I haven’t got many (D) money. 3. My shoes need (A) mend (B) so (C) I take them (D) to a shoes-maker. 4. The weather is (A) more hot (B) as (C) it was (D) yesterday. 5. By the time (A) the (B) police come (C) the robber had run (D) away. 6. They had to (A) sell their (B) house because of (C) they needed (D) money. 7. The teacher said (A) that Peter had made (B) much (C) mistakes in (D) his essays. 8. Peter said (A) that it was (B) her which (C) had stolen (D) his suitcase. 9. It was so (A) a funny film (B) that (C) I burst out laughing (D). 10. Before (A) to go (B) out, remember (C) to turn off (D) the lights. 15. Câu đảo ngữ Thế nào là câu đảo ngữ? Có bao nhiêu loại câu đảo ngữ mà các em nên biết? Trong bài học này, Global Education sẽ giải đáp những thắc mắc đó giúp các em. Đảo ngữ đề cập tới hiện tượng động từ không theo qui tắc trong câu. Trong trường hợp này, dạng thức nghi vấn (có cấu trúc: trợ động từ + chủ ngữ + động từ chính) nằm ngay trong cấu trúc câu khẳng định (ví dụ: He goes to work every day). Dưới đây là một vài ví dụ về câu đảo ngữ: · Not only do I enjoy classical music, but I also enjoy Pop music. (Tôi không chỉ thích nhạc cổ điển mà tôi còn thích nhạc Pop). · Seldom has the boss been so upset! (Hiếm khi thủ trưởng thất vọng như vậy!) 1. Câu đảo ngữ có chứa trạng từ phủ định: Nhìn chung, câu đảo ngữ thường được dùng để nhấn mạnh tính đặc biệt của một sự kiện nào đó và thường được mở đầu bằng một phủ định từ. Nhóm từ: never (không bao giờ), rarely (hiếm khi), seldom (hiếm khi). Câu đảo ngữ chứa những trạng ngữ này thường được dùng với động từ ở dạng hoàn thành hay động từ khuyết thiếu và có chứa so sánh hơn. Ví dụ: · Never have I been more insulted! (Chưa bao giờ tôi bị lăng mạ hơn thế). · Seldom has he seen anything stranger. (Hiếm khi anh ấy nhìn thấy một cái gì kì lạ hơn thế). Nhóm từ: hardly (hầu như không), barely (chỉ vừa đủ, vừa vặn), no sooner (vừa mới), or scarcely (chỉ mới, vừa vặn). Câu đảo ngữ chứa trạng ngữ này thường được dùng để diễn đạt một chuỗi các sự kiện xảy ra trong quá khứ. Ví dụ: · Scarcely had I got out of bed when the doorbell rang. (Hiếm khi chuông cửa reo mà tôi thức dậy). · No sooner had he finished dinner, when she walked in the door. (Khi anh ấy vừa mới ăn tối xong thì chị ta bước vào cửa). 2. Nhóm từ kết hợp sau “Only” như: only after, only when, only then… Only thường đi cùng từ chỉ thời gian. Ví dụ: · Only then did I understand the problem. (Chỉ sau lúc đó tôi mới hiểu ra được vấn đề). 3. Nhóm từ: So, Such Câu đảo ngữ có chứa “So” mang cấu trúc như sau: So + tính từ + to be + Danh từ … Ví dụ: · So strange was the situation that I couldn't sleep. (Tình huống này kì lạ khiến tôi không thể ngủ được). · So difficult is the test that students need three months to prepare. (Bài kiểm tra khó tới mức mà các sinh viên cần 3 tháng chuẩn bị). Câu đảo ngữ có chứa “Such” mang cấu trúc như sau: “Such + to be + Danh từ +…” Ví dụ:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> · Such is the moment that all greats traverse. (Thật là thời khắc trở ngại lớn lao). · Such is the stuff of dreams. (Thật là một giấc mơ vô nghĩa). 4. Dạng câu điều kiện có chứa đảo ngữ: Câu điều kiện có chứa đảo ngữ mang sắc thái trang trọng hơn. Trong trường hợp này, đảo ngữ thay thế cho mệnh đề chứa “if”. Ví dụ: · Had he understood the problem, he wouldn't have committed those mistakes. (Nếu anh ta hiểu ra được vấn đề, anh ta đã không phạm phải sai lầm đó). · Should he decide to come, please phone me immediately. (Nếu anh ta quyết định đến, hãy gọi điện ngay cho tôi). Samples 1. Rarely ____ she made mistake since she was a manager. A. have B. has C. is D. are 2. _____ the truth, she wouldn’t have given Mark the money. A. She had B. She has know C. Had she known D. Has she known known 3. So beautiful _____ that the Queen is envious with her. A. Snow White is B. Snow White are C. is Snow White D. are Snow White 4. Never _____ in such a strange situation. A. has I been B. have I been C. am I been D. I have been 5. Seldom _____ dinner together. A. do Mark and Juliet have C. is Mark and Juliet have B. does Mark and Juliet have D. are Mark and Juliet have 6. Hardly _____ his wife presents on her birthday. A. did James B. does James C. had James given D. do James give given gave 7. Scarcely _____, the rain became much more heavier. A. have I come in B. had I come in C. I have come in D. I came in 8. Only then ____ the letter from my son. A. do I receive B. did I receive C. have I received D. has I received 9. No sooner ____, when Mary came over. A. have John gone B. had John gone C. has John gone D. John has gone out out out out 10. So frightened _____ the film that I couldn’t sleep yesterday. A. is B. are C. was D. have Đáp án bài thi mẫu trong bài học Câu đảo ngữ 1. Key: B Hint: “Since” là dấu hiệu cho ta thấy câu trên được chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. “Rarely” là dấu hiệu cho thấy câu có chứa đảo ngữ. She là dấu hiệu cho thấy chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít. Kết hợp 2 yếu tố ta lựa chọn đáp án has. 2. Key: C Hint: Vế sau của câu là mệnh đề chính trong một câu điều kiện loại III. Các đáp án được đưa ra không có từ “if”. Kết hợp 2 điều kiện trên ta thấy đây là câu điều kiện loại III có chứa đảo ngữ. Đáp án đúng là Had she known. 3. Key: C Hint: Nhận thấy “So”đứng đầu câu nên đây là câu đảo ngữ có chứa “So”. Chủ ngữ là động từ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít. Kết hợp 2 yếu tố trên ta lựa chọn đáp án is Snow White. 4. Key: B Hint: Đây là câu đảo ngữ có chứa Never, chủ ngữ là I. Vậy đáp án đúng là have I been. 5. Key: A Hint: Đây là câu đảo ngữ có chứa Seldom, chủ ngữ là số nhiều, động từ chia ở thì hiện tại đơn giản. Vậy đáp án đúng là do Mark and Juliet have. 6. Key: C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Hint: Đây là câu đảo ngữ có chứa Hardly. Đáp án đúng là had Jame given. 3 đáp án còn lại sai do không có sự kết hợp chính xác giữa động từ và đảo ngữ. 7. Key: B. Hint: Đây là câu đảo ngữ có chứa Scarcely (chỉ mới, vừa vặn), động từ vế sau “the rain became much more heavier” ở dạng quá khứ. Vậy động vế trước đó phải ở dạng quá khứ hoàn thành. Đáp án đúng là had I come in. 8. Key: B Hint: Đây là câu đảo ngữ chứa Only then (chỉ sau đó). Như vậy sự việc đã đề cập đến phải xảy ra rồi. Động từ được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn giản. Đáp án đúng là B. 9. Key: B Hint: Đây là câu đảo ngữ có chứa No sooner (vừa mới). Động từ trong mệnh đề when được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn giản. Do đó động từ trong mệnh đề chứa No sooner ở dạng quá khứ hoàn thành là hợp lý hơn cả. Vậy đáp án đúng là had John gone out. 10. Key: C Hint: “yesterday” là dấu hiệu cho biết động từ được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn giản. Do vậy đáp án đúng là was. 16. Đi tìm “cặp đôi” cho câu Tìm câu có nghĩa tương đương với câu cho sẵn là một dạng bài tập phổ biến. Với kiểu bài trắc nghiệm, học sinh chỉ cần chọn ra một trong bốn câu có nghĩa gần nhất với câu cho trước. Yêu cầu của đề rất đơn giản nhưng nhiều học sinh tốn không ít thời gian quý báu cho dạng bài này. A, Đối với bài thi tuyển sinh Đại học, dạng bài tập này thường có 5 đến 10 câu với form như sau: Chọn phương án (A, B, C, hoặc D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau đây: She started learning English ten years ago. A. She has not learnt English before. B. She has learnt English since ten years. C. She has started learning English for ten years. D. She has learnt English for ten years. B, Để làm tốt dạng bài này mà không mất quá nhiều thời gian suy nghĩ, các em nên lưu ý những mẹo nhỏ sau: 1. Khi đọc câu gốc, các em không nên tự mày mò suy nghĩ xem câu đó có thể được viết lại như thế nào. Thay vào đó, để tiết kiệm thời gian, hãy đọc trực tiếp các phương án cho sẵn rồi tìm ra điểm giống và khác nhau giữa chúng. Thông thường, người ra đề thi chỉ kiểm tra MỘT đơn vị kiến thức trong một câu hỏi. Vì thế học sinh rất dễ nhận biết phần kiến thức nào được kiểm tra. Hãy xem ví dụ sau đây: "Leave my house now or I'll call the police!" shouted the lady to the man. A. The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn't leave her house. B. The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn't leave her house. C. The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn't leave her house. D. The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn't leave her house. Ta thấy rằng mệnh đề sau của bốn phương án không có gì khác nhau. Điểm khác biệt duy nhất nằm ở động từ đi sau chủ ngữ. Chính động từ này đã nói lên ý nghĩa thực của lời nói trực tiếp trong câu gốc. Và điều học sinh cần làm là xác định ý nghĩa câu nói trực tiếp để chọn động từ thể hiện chính xác ý nghĩa đó. Trong câu hỏi trên, rõ ràng người phụ nữ đang đe dọa sẽ gọi cảnh sát nếu người đàn ông không chịu ra khỏi nhà bà ta. Trong 4 động từ threatened, said, told và informed thì threatened thể hiện rõ nhất ý nghĩa này nên A là đáp án đúng. Những kiến thức thường được kiểm tra trong dạng bài tập này bao gồm: ý nghĩa câu trực tiếp (cần được làm rõ trong động từ chính của câu gián tiếp tương ứng), ý nghĩa của tình huống giao tiếp xã hội, ý nghĩa của động từ khuyết thiếu (will, shall, may, might, should, etc.), ý nghĩa hàm ẩn của các loại thì của động từ chính trong câu v.v… 2. Trong quá trình học tập, các em cần nắm vững cấu trúc cũng như cách dùng các cấu trúc câu, đặc biệt là các loại câu so sánh và câu điều kiện bởi vì những kiểu câu này có nhiều trường hợp, tương ứng với mỗi trường hợp lại có cách chia động từ khác nhau. Người ra đề thi thường dựa vào điểm này để xáo trộn các chi tiết nhỏ của các loại điều kiện hoặc so sánh với nhau, ghép chúng lệch nhau khiến học sinh bị rối và nhầm lẫn nếu không nắm vững cấu trúc. Ví dụ: Chọn câu (ứng với A, B, C, hoặc D) diễn đạt đúng nghĩa câu sau:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> I didn't have an umbrella with me, so I got wet. A. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn't get wet. B. If I had had an umbrella, I would get wet. C. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn't have got wet. D. If I had had an umbrella, I would have got wet. Câu gốc nói về một việc đã xảy ra ở trong quá khứ nên câu điều kiện dùng cho trường hợp này phải là câu điều kiện loại 3. Nếu không nhớ chắc chắn động từ trong câu điều kiện loại 3 được chia như thế nào, học sinh sẽ cảm thấy bối rối khi đọc 4 phương án trên và dẫn đến nhầm lẫn trong lựa chọn. Tuy nhiên, nếu học tập cẩn thận, các em sẽ biết rằng ở mệnh đề chính câu điều kiện loại 3, động từ được chia ở dạng “would have + P2” nên C là đáp án đúng. 3. Trong tiếng Anh có rất nhiều kiểu câu được diễn đạt bởi các cặp câu như “too” và “so… that”, “if… not” và “unless”, “neither… nor” và “not either…or”, “It takes…” và “spend…”. Khi đọc thấy câu gốc liên quan đến 1 trong các cặp câu đó, các em nên nghĩ ngay đến cấu trúc viết tương ứng. Khả năng tiên đoán này sẽ giúp cho việc xác định điểm giống và khác trong các phương án nhanh hơn và dễ hơn. Ví dụ: Chọn câu (ứng với A, B, C, hoặc D) diễn đạt đúng nghĩa câu sau: Learning English is not easy. A. It is not easy to learning English. B. It is easy learning English. C. It is not easy to learn English. D. It is not difficult to learn English. Khi nhìn thấy câu có cụm động từ làm chủ ngữ ta nghĩ ngay đến cấu trúc “it’s + adj + to do sth” và công việc còn lại là xét xem câu nào đúng nghĩa nhất. Vì câu gốc ở dạng phủ định “not easy” nên trong câu tương đương cũng phải dùng “not easy” hoặc “difficult”. Và vì thế, chỉ có C là đáp án đúng. Như vậy, với sự trợ giúp của 4 phương án, chỉ cần với một chút nhanh ý và thông minh trong việc xét điểm giống và khác nhau là các em có thể chọn được phương án phù hợp và thành công. Samples Chọn phương án (theo A, B, C, D) có nghĩa gần nhất với câu cho trước 1. “Don’t forget to phone the office”, she said. A. She reminded him not forget to phone the C. She reminded him to phone the office. office. D. She reminded him about phoning the B. She reminded him to forget not to phone office. the office. 2. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. A. The man is believed to be escaped in a stolen car. B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car. C. The man was believed to be escaped in a stolen car. D. They believed that the man stole the car. 3. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes. A. A lot of money was spent on food and C. A lot of money on food and clothes were clothes. spent. B. A lot of money were spent on food and D. Money was spent a lot on food and clothes. clothes. 4. The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints. A. The thief wore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints. B. The thief wore gloves so that not leave any fingerprints. C. The thief wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints. D. The thief wore gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints. 5. Chọn câu (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) diễn đạt đúng nghĩa câu sau: The coffee was too hot for me to drink. A. The coffee is so hot that I can't drink it. C. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink. B. The coffee is so hot that I can't drink. D. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink it. 6. Chọn câu (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) diễn đạt đúng nghĩa câu sau:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Jane is a better cook than Daisy. A. Daisy can't cook as good as Jane. C. Daisy can cook as badly as Jane. B. Daisy isn't a cook as good as Jane. D. Daisy can't cook as well as Jane. 7. Chọn câu (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) diễn đạt đúng nghĩa câu sau: The problem is difficult to solve. A. It is difficult problem to solve. C. It is difficult to solve the problem. B. It is a problem difficult solve. D. It is difficult solve the problem. 8. "You should have finished the report by now," John told his secretary. A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report. B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report. 9. "Cigarette?" he asked. "No, thanks." I said. A. He asked for a cigarette, and I immediately C. He offered me a cigarette, but I promptly refused. declined. B. He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked D. He asked if I was smoking, and I denied at him. once. 10. "I will pay back the money, Gloria." said Ivan. A. Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing her C. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria's money. money. D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to B. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back. Gloria. Đáp án bài thi mẫu trong bài học Đi tìm “cặp đôi” cho câu Chọn phương án (theo A, B, C, D) có nghĩa gần nhất với câu cho trước 1. Key: C Giải thích: Câu nói trực tiếp trên là một lời nhắc nhở. Tương ứng với nó là cấu trúc “to remind sb to do sth” nên C là đáp án đúng. (Lưu ý: khi đã có remind rồi thì not forget to… là thừa). 2. Key: B Giải thích: Đây là câu bị động đặc biệt. Thì của động từ chính phụ thuộc vào động từ “is” ở trên còn động từ ở mệnh đề sau phụ thuộc vào động từ “escaped” ở trên. Vì escape được chia ở quá khứ nên ở câu tương đương nó phải được chuyển thành “to have escaped”. Do vậy, B là đáp án đúng. 3. Key: A Giải thích: Ta cần tìm một câu bị động cho câu gốc chủ động. Money là danh từ không đếm được nên tobe phải chia ở số ít. Vậy A là đáp án đúng. 4. Key: C Giải thích: so as to và in order to đều có nghĩa là để làm gì nhưng chỉ có in order not to trong 4 phương án trên là hợp lý nên C là đáp án đúng. 5. Key: D Giải thích: Câu gốc ở thì quá khứ đơn nên câu có nghĩa tương đương cũng phải ở thì quá khứ đơn. Hơn nữa, sau động từ “drink” cần một tân ngữ nên đáp án đúng là D. 6. Key: D Giải thích: Câu gốc là câu so sánh hơn của động từ cook (Jane hơn Daisy) nên câu tương đương dùng so sánh không bằng phải có nghĩa “Daisy không bằng Jane”. Vì bổ sung ý nghĩa cho động từ nên ta phải dùng trạng từ (well) chứ không phải tính từ (good). Vì thế, D là đáp án đúng. 7. Key: C Giải thích: Tương đương với câu gốc là cấu trúc “It is + adj + to do sth” nên C là đáp án đúng. 8. Key: A Giải thích: Câu nói của John rõ ràng là một lời quở mắng. Có hai từ reproach và scold đều là trách mắng nhưng scold thường dùng để nói về việc chê trách hành vi của người khác còn reproach là trách mắng vì ai đó đã không hoàn thành hay làm được việc gì như mong đợi. Vì thế ta chọn A. 9. Key: C Giải thích: Đây là một tình huống mang tính giao tiếp xã hội. Đoạn hội thoại trên là một lời mời và lời từ chối, và vì vậy C là đáp án đúng. 10. Key: C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> Giải thích: Câu trên liên quan đến vai trò của động từ khuyết thiếu “will”. Câu nói của Ivan thực chất là một lời hứa nên trong 4 từ “apologised”, “offered”, “promised” và “suggested” thì promised là từ gần nghĩa nhất.. 10. CẤU TẠO TỪ PHẦN 1: MỘT SỐ LƯU Ý 1) Quan sát cấu trúc ngữ pháp của câu Ví dụ 1: The equipment in our office needs _____. A. moderner B. modernizing C. modernized D. modernization. Câu có chủ ngữ là vật (The equipment) nên sau need sẽ là một V-ing – Đáp án của câu là modernizing. Mỗi một loại động từ chỉ đi với một dạng bổ trợ nhất định. Khi các em biết được cấu trúc của nó rồi thì việc xác định cấu tạo của từ đi sau nó rất dễ dàng. Các động từ như mind, enjoy, avoid, finish, keep...thì động từ đi sau nó luôn là V-ing. Các động từ như agree, aim, appear, ask, attempt, decide, demand...thì bổ trợ luôn là động từ nguyên thể có to. Ví dụ 2: That is the most _____ girl I’ve seen. A. beautifuler B. beautiful C. beautifulest D. beautifully Từ cần điền là một tính từ bổ nghĩa cho girl. Trước vị trí ô trống là the most – dấu hiệu của so sánh nhất. Đến đây nhiều em sẽ chọn beautifulest vì nghĩ rằng tính từ ở dạng so sánh nhất thêm –est cuối từ nhưng quy tắc này chỉ áp dụng với tính từ ngắn, đối với tính từ dài (hai âm tiết trở nên ) thì cấu trúc sẽ là the most + nguyên mẫu tính từ. 2) Khi 4 phương án A, B, C, D đều thuộc cùng loại từ vựng (danh từ hoặc tính từ) thì các em phải xem xét ý nghĩa của từng từ để chọn đáp án chính xác nhất. Ví dụ : Computer is one of the most important _____of the 20 th century. A. inventings B. inventories C. inventions D. inventor Sau one of phải là một danh từ số nhiều. Tuy nhiên inventories lại có nghĩa là bản tóm tắt, bản kiểm kê trong khi inventions là sự phát minh, sáng chế. Đáp án của câu đương nhiên là inventions. Nếu không các em hãy chú ý đến đuôi –tion, một cách cấu tạo danh từ chỉ vật từ động từ rất thông dụng cũng có thể suy ra đáp án của câu. 3) Xem xét ý nghĩa phủ định của từ Khi thêm các tiền tố như in, un, ir, dis... thì nghĩa của từ bị đảo ngược hoàn toàn. Dựa vào các yếu tố đó các em có thể nhận biết được nghĩa của từ là khẳng định hay phủ định. Tuy nhiên mỗi một từ chỉ có thể kết hợp với một loại phụ tố nhất định. Ví dụ responsible chỉ kết hợp với tiền tố ir-, illegal chỉ kết hợp với tiền tố il-... Ví dụ: I think it’s very _____ of him to expect us to work overtime every night this week. A. reason B. reasonable C unreasonable D. inreasonable Từ cần điền là một tính từ. Cụm từ “work overtime every night this week” mang hàm ý phủ định nên tính từ của câu cũng mang nghĩa phủ định – unreasonable. (Reasonable chỉ kết hợp với tiền tố un- để tạo nên từ trái nghĩa)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Để làm dạng bài tập này các em phải liên hệ từ cần điền với các cụm từ khác trong câu để nhận biết được ý của câu là khẳng định hay phủ định rồi từ đó xác định dạng thức của từ. PHẦN 2: MỘT SỐ CÁCH CẤU TẠO TỪ THÔNG DỤNG 1) Cấu tạo danh từ Danh từ được cấu tạo từ động từ bằng cách thêm các hậu tố như: -ment (arrangement, management...); -tion, -ion (repetition, decision...); -ence (reference, dependence). Chỉ người thì thêm các phụ tố như –ee (empoyee), -er (teacher), -or (competitor), -ist (dentist...)... Danh từ được cấu tạo từ tính từ bằng cách thêm các hậu tố như: -ty (difficulty...), -ness (carefulness...), -bility (responsibility...), -ce (confidence...)... 2) Cấu tạo tính từ Tính từ thường được cấu tạo từ danh từ và động từ bằng cách thêm các hậu tố như – ful (beautiful, helpful...), -less (harmless, careless...), -ous (dangerous, continuous...), - al (financial, econimical...), ic (climatic, politic...), - tive (active, competitive...), -able (trainable...), -ible (defensible...)... 3) Cấu tạo động từ - Động từ được cấu tạo bằng thêm một số phụ tố tố vào danh từ: en- (encourage); -en (threaten)... - Động từ được cấu tạo bằng thêm một số phụ tố vào tính từ: en- (enlarge); -en (widen); -ise; -ize (modernize, industrialise), -fy (purify) ... 4) Cấu tạo trạng từ Trạng từ thường được cấu tạo bằng việc thêm đuôi –ly vào tính từ: quick – quickly, beautiful – beautifully... Một số trạng từ có hình thức giống với tính từ: fast, hard, far, much... 5) Các tiền tố làm đảo ngược nghĩa của từ Khi thêm một số tiền tố như un- (unhappy), in- (inactive), dis- (dislike), mis- (misspell, misunderstand), ir- (irresponsible), il- (illegal)... thì nghĩa của từ sẽ trái ngược hoàn toàn. Tuy nhiên mỗi từ lại chỉ có thể kết hợp với một loại phụ tố nhất định, ví dụ như mis- chỉ kết hợp được với understand, spell chứ không kết hợp được với happy hay active. Samples: Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau: 1. The American War of ____ was won in 1776 A. depending B. dependence C. independence D. independent 2. Although the spliting of the atom was one of the greatest scientific _____of this century, there are many people who wish it had never happened. A. breakdown B. breakthrough C. breakup D. breakaway 3. Burning coal is an ____ way of heating a house. A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economically 4. There are very few ____ places left on earth. Man has been nearly everywhere. A. explore B. exploring C. explored D. unexplored 5. The thing I hate about John is his ____. A. reliable B. reliability C. unreliability D. unrelying 6. The police are interested in the sudden _____ of the valuable painting. A. unappearance B. inappearance C. appearance D. disappearance 7. There were 50 _____ in the talent contest. A. competition B. competitor C. competitors D. competitions 8. Unless something is done about unemployment, the ____ for the future is not good. A. lookout B. lookup C. outlook D. look-in 9. His boss told him off because he had behaved _____. A. responsible B. responsibly C. irresponsible D. irresponsibly 10. In my opinion, all ____ are equally bad, irrespective of which party they belong to. A. politics B. politic C. politician D. politicians Đáp án: 1. Key: C Hint: Từ cần điền là một danh từ (sau giới từ of) nên dependence và independence đều thỏa mãn yêu cầu. Bây giờ ta xét ý nghĩa của 2 từ dependence – sự phụ thuộc, independence – sự độc lập thì hiển nhiên đáp án là independence. “Cuộc kháng chiến giành độc lập của Mỹ thắng lợi năm 1776” 2. Key: B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Hint: Cả 4 phương án đều là danh từ được cấu tạo từ động từ break. Breakdown nói về sự hỏng hóc của máy móc, breakthrough là những phát kiến khoa học mới, breakup là sự đổ vỡ (trong gia đình), breakaway là sự chia ly, rời xa. Đáp án của câu chỉ có thể là breakthrough. 3. Key: C Hint: Bổ nghĩa cho danh từ way là một tính từ nên economy và economically bị loại. Economic với nghĩa là “thuộc về kinh tế/mang tính chất kinh tế” còn economical lại nghĩa là “tiết kiệm”. Xét nghĩa của câu thì economical là phù hợp hơn cả. “Đốt than là một cách sưởi ấm cho ngôi nhà rất tiết kiệm” 4. Key: D Hint: Từ few mang ý nghĩa phủ định chỉ một điều gì đó còn tồn tại rất ít từ đó ta suy ra được tính từ trong câu phải mang ý nghĩa phủ định - unexplored chính là đáp án của câu. (Nhận biết từ trái nghĩa qua tiền tố un). 5. Key: C Hint: Từ hate (ghét bỏ) mang hàm nghĩa phủ định do đó danh từ (sau his) cũng phải mang ý nghĩa phủ định. Đáp án của câu là unreliability. 6. Key: D Hint: Nghĩa của câu trên được dịch ra như sau: “Cảnh sát đang rất quan tâm đến sự biến mất đột ngột của bức tranh giá trị đó”. Danh từ của động từ appear (xuất hiện) phải mang nghĩa ngược lại – disappearance là đáp án của câu. (Appear chỉ kết hợp được với tiền tố dis-). 7. Key: C Hint: Từ điền vào ô trống là danh từ chỉ người dạng số nhiều – competitors là đáp án của câu. 8. Key: C Hint: Các tổ hợp từ đều là dạng kết hợp của look – lookup (sự tra cứu), look-in (cái nhìn thoáng qua), outlook (viễn cảnh/ triển vọng trong tương lai), lookout không tồn tại dạng danh từ mà chỉ có cụm động từ to look out. Rõ ràng câu trên đề cập đến viễn cảnh trong tương lai nên đáp án sẽ là outlook. 9. Key: D Hint: Bổ nghĩa cho động từ behave phải là một trạng từ tuy nhiên tell sb off có nghĩa là “rầy la, kể tội” thì trạng từ bổ trợ cho behave (nguyên nhân dẫn đến việc tell off) phải mang nghĩa phủ định – irresponsibly là đáp án của câu. 10. Key: D Hint: Sau all là một danh từ số nhiều. Thông thường chúng ta nhận biết danh từ số nhiều bằng đuôi s tuy nhiên một số danh từ chỉ môn học (economics, politics...) có đuôi s nhưng không phải danh từ số nhiều. Đáp án của câu là politicians – chính trị gia. Global Education 11. Sentence structure_Bộ sưu tập cấu trúc câu (I) Nội dung: Làm thế nào để nhớ hết được các cấu trúc câu đã học? Nhiều em học sinh cứ miệt mài chăm chỉ ghi chép, học thuộc lòng tất cả những gì thu nhận được từ trên lớp một cách chi tiết và tỉ mỉ. Đó cũng là một chiều hướng tích cực trong việc học ngoại ngữ. Tuy nhiên, để tiết kiệm thời gian và đẩy nhanh hiệu quả học, các em nên có những cái nhìn tổng quát về hệ thống cấu trúc câu, các mẫu câu thường gặp. Đó là cách học thông minh, có sự phân tích kĩ lưỡng. Liên quan tới hệ thống cấu trúc câu, các em cần biết tới các yếu tố sau: · Chủ ngữ và vị ngữ · Cụm từ · Mệnh đề · Dấu câu · Các loại câu và chính tả · Các mẫu câu cơ bản · Việc chuyển đổi các mẫu câu · Thể câu Ở mức độ thi đại học hiện nay, các em chưa thể đi sâu nghiên cứu các yếu tố trên đây. Việc nắm được các mẫu câu cơ bản là cần thiết hơn cả. Các kí hiệu và thuật ngữ cần biết: · V-be = verb of being (động từ tobe) · LV = linking verb (hệ từ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> · V-int = intransitive verb (nội động từ) · V-tr = transitive verb (ngoại động từ) · ADV/TP = adverbial of time or place (trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian hay địa điểm) · ADJ = adjective (tính từ) · NP = Noun phrase (Cụm danh từ) · subject complement: bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ · direct object: tân ngữ trực tiếp · indirect object: tân ngữ gián tiếp Trong tiếng Anh có 10 mẫu câu cơ bản sau: 1. NP1 + V-be + ADV/ TP · Động từ to be được theo sau bởi động từ chi địa điểm hay thời gian. My friends are here. NP1 (subject) V-be ADV/ TP · Trạng ngư chi thời gian và địa điểm có thể là một cụm giới từ. My friends are at the library. NP1 (subject) V-be ADV/ TP 2. NP1 + V-be + ADJ · Động từ to be theo sau bởi một tính từ (có chức năng làm thuộc ngư – bổ nghĩa cho chu ngư). His clear tenor was quite lovely voice NP1 (subject) V-be ADJ (subjective complement) · Tính từ có chức năng làm bổ ngư cho chu ngư có thể là một cụm giới từ. The supervisor was in a good mood today. ADJ (subjective NP1 (subject) V-be complement) 3. NP1 + V-be + NP1 · Động từ to be theo sau bởi một danh từ có chức năng làm bổ ngư cho chu ngư. Mr. James has been a teacher for forty years NP1 (subject) V-be NP1 (subjective complement) Chú ý: Cụm danh từ thứ 2 có cùng số với cụm danh từ thứ nhất vì nó cùng chỉ một chủ ngữ (Mr. James = teacher). 4. NP1 + LV + ADJ · Động từ liên kết được theo sau bởi một tính từ có chức năng làm bổ ngư cho chu ngư. The cake on the table looks delicious. NP1 (subject) LV ADJ (subjective complement) · Tính từ này có thể là một cụm giới từ. Marianne looks like her mother. ADJ (subjective complement) NP1 (subject) LV 5. NP1 + LV + NP1 · Động từ liên kết được theo sau bởi một danh từ làm bổ ngư cho chu ngư. At a very early Joan became a Buddhist. age NP1 (subject) LV NP1 (subjective complement) Chú ý: Cụm danh từ thứ 2 có cùng số với cụm danh từ thứ nhất vì nó cùng chỉ một chủ ngữ (Joan = Buddhist). 6. NP1 + V-int · Động từ chi hành động không có tân ngư trưc tiếp. In a few weeks my cousin will arrive. NP1 (subject) V-int.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Thậm chí khi động từ chi hành đ ộng theo sau bởi một cụm giới t ừ, nó v ẫn là n ội đ ộng t ừ mi ễn là nó không nh ận tân ngư gián tiếp. In a few my cousin will arrive. with my uncle. weeks NP1 (subject) V-int 7. NP1 + V-tr + NP2 · Động từ chi hành động được theo sau bởi một tân ngư trưc tiếp. The archer shot an arrow into the target. NP1 (subject) V-tr NP2 (direct object) 8. NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + NP3 · Động từ chi hành động được theo sau bởi một tân ngư gián tiếp, tiếp đó là một tân ngư trưc tiếp. Smithers gave the employees a raise. NP1 (subject) V-tr NP2 (indirect object) NP3 (direct object) 9. NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + ADJ · Động từ chi hành đ ộng được theo sau bởi một tân ngư gián ti ếp. Tân ng ư gián ti ếp đ ược theo sau b ởi m ột tính t ừ làm bổ nghĩa cho nó. The jury found the defendant guilty. ADJ (objective NP1 (subject) NP2 (direct object) complement) 10. NP1 + V-tr + NP2 + NP2 · Động từ chi hành đ ộng được theo sau bởi một tân ngư tr ưc ti ếp. Tân ng ư này đ ược theo sau b ởi m ột danh t ừ làm bổ ngư cho nó. Most people consider Jacobsen a loyal friend. NP1 (subject) NP2 (direct object) NP2 (objective complement) Chú ý: (Jacobsen = friend) Trên đây là 10 mẫu câu cơ bản trong tiếng Anh giúp ích cho các em rất nhiều trong quá trình làm các dạng bài về kỹ năng cũng như dạng bài về ngữ pháp. (II) Bài kiểm tra mẫu: 1. Jane is not _____. She’s just gone out for shopping. A. at here B. on here C. here D. to here 2. Mark was not _____ at that time. He can’t persuaded her parents to accept their journey. A. clever B. cleverless C. cleverly D. cleverness 3. Most students in class 12A5 consider Hưng ______. A. good monitor B. a good monitor C. is a good D. are a good monitor monitor 4. Joanne found the problem _____ and so did John. A. difficulty B. difficulties C. difficult D. difficultness 5. ABC company’s manager gave Mark _____ A. a high raise B. high raise C. a tall raise D. to a raise 6. Yesterday George send his parents ______ from Moscow. A. to a letter B. with a letter C. by a letter D. a letter 7. Two weeks ago, Eileen borrowed me ______ but she forgot to bring me back. A. of a book B. for a book C. to a book D. a book 8. All of apples in the Smiths’ garden look ______. A. delicious B. beauty C. deliciousness D. deliciously 9. Elizabeth’s daughter felt extremely ______. A. misery B. miserly C. miseriliness D. miserilinesses 10. The waiter brings Mary _____ every morning. A. a glass of lemon juice C. by a glass of lemon juice ------------------.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> Number 5 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. 1. The moon doesn't have the atmosphere, neither does the planet Mars. A. Neither the moon or the planet Mars has the atmosphere. B. Either the moon nor the planet Mars has the atmosphere. C. Neither the moon nor the planet Mars has the atmosphere. D. Either the moon or the planet Mars has the atmosphere. 2. Nora went to the gas station to have her tank filled. A. Nora's car is being repaired at the gas station. B. Nora is going to the gas station to pick up her car. C. Nora had her gas tank filled with gasoline. D. Nora is going to the gas station to pick up her tank. 3. You won't have a seat unless you book in advance. A. You may have a seat if you book in advance. B. You won't have a seat because you didn't book in advance. C. You will have a seat if you keep your book in front of you. D. You can't have a seat although you book in advance. 4. Mike has eaten lots of ice-cream and now he has a headache. A. If Mike didn't eat much ice-cream, he wouldn't have a headache. B. If Mike hadn't eaten much ice-cream, he wouldn't have a headache. C. Mike has a headache because he had eaten lots of ice-cream. D. If Mike hadn't eaten much ice-cream, he wouldn't have had a headache. 5. Linda seems to have very little record for other people's feelings. A. Linda has very few feelings like other poeple's. B. Linda appears unconcerned about other people's feelings. C. Linda has difficulty expressing her feelings for other people. D. Linda doesn't respect people who feel sorry for themselves. 6. I am looking for a job as a secretary. A. A secretary is looking for a job. B. I am looking for someone to work as a secretary. C. I accepted my job as a secretary. D. I am trying to find a job as a secretary. 7. Refusal to give a breath sample to the police could lead to your arrest. A. You could be arrested for not giving a beath sample to the police. B. If you refuse to be arrested, you have to give a breath sample. C. If a breath sample is not given, the polive will refuse to arrest you. D. The police could cause you to give a breath sample to decide whether to arrest you or not. 8. You can try as hard as you like but you won't succeed. A. However hard you try, you won't succeed. B. You can hardly try as you like, but you won't succeed. C. You won't succeed because you can't try as hard. D. Although you won't succeed, you can try as hard as you like. 9. Tom writes French as well as he speaks it. A. Tom is bad at writing French. B. Tom does not speak French so well as he writes it..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> C. Tom writes and speaks French equally well. D. Even though Tom writes French well, he speaks it better. 10. It's the first time I've been to a flower shor. A. I haven't been to a flower show for years. B. It's the first tiem I've seen so many flowers. C. I haven't been to a flower show before. D. This is the first flower show I know. 11. If it hadn't been so late, I would have called you. A. It was not late when I called you. B. It was late, so I did not call you. C. It was late, but I called you. D. It was not late but I did not call you. 12. No one but the seven-year-old boy saw the accident. A. Only the seven-year-old boy saw the accident. B. No one at all saw the seven-year-old boy's accident. C. The seven-year-old boy saw no one in the accident. D. No one in the accident saw the seven-year-old boy. 13. Most people get fewer colds in summer than in winter. A. A person is more likely to get a cold in winter. B. More people have summer colds than winter colds. C. People get colder in summer than in winter. D. Winter is much colder than summer. 14. They are watering the flowers. A. The flowers are being watered by them. B. They need some water and flowers. C. There are some water on the flowers. D. They are putting the flowers in water. 15. I would rather you stopped talking about her. A. I would rather stop talking about her. B. I prefer you not to talk about her any more. C. I would rather you not talk about her. D. I want you to talk about her. 16. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall, which is now standing on the campus of Princeton University, is the oldest building. A. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now has stood on the campus of Princeton University. B. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now it stands on the campus of Princeton University. C. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now standing on the campus of Princeton University. D. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now stood on the campus of Princeton University. 17. The hardworking cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe, was the one person who was most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century. A. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century he was hardworking cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe. B. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century was hardworking cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> C. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century by working hard, the cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe. D. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century through his hard work cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe. 18. She had only just put the phone down when her boss rang back. A. Hardly she had put the phone down when her boss rang back. B. Hardly she puts the phone down when her boss rang back. C. Hardly did she put the phone down when her boss rang back. D. Hardly had she put the phone down when her boss rang back. 19. Her mother is the most warm-hearted person I've known. A. I've never known a more warm-hearted person than her mother. B. I don't know a more warm-hearted person than her mother. C. I didn't know a more warm-hearted person than her mother. D. I had never known a more warm-hearted person than her mother. 20. It isn't necessary for you to finish the report by Sunday. A. You don't need finish the report by Sunday. B. You mustn't finish the report by Sunday. C. You might not finish mthe report by Sunday. D. You don't need to finish the report by Sunday. 21. Your refusal to attend the party made everyone sad. A. Everyone felt sad attending the party. B. Everyone felt sad when you refused to attend the party. C. Your attendance at the party made everyone feel sad. D. You made everyone sad about your refusal to throw the party. 22. Mr. Smith is now the fifth wealthiest man in this city. A. Mr. Smith is wealthier than five people in this city. B. No one in this city has more wealth than Mr. Smith. C. Mr. Smith is wealthiest one in this city. D. Only four people in this city are wealthier than Mr. Smith. 23. California attracted people from many countries when gold was discovered in 1848. A. Discovered in 1848, gold was attractive to people in California. B. Discovered in California in 1848, gold attracted people from many countries there. C. Gold in California was discovered in 1848 after many people came here. D. When people are attracted to California, they discovered gold in 1848. 24. Were it not for the money, this job wouldn't be worthwhile. A. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money. B. This job is rewarding at all. C. This job offers a poor salary. D. Although the salary is poor, the job is worthwhile. 25. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home. A. Calling home, he said that he had arrived at the airport. B. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home. C. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected. D. He arrived at the airport and called me to take him home. 26. I like Robinson Crusoe. He is the main character in a book by Daniel Defoe. A. I like Robinson Crusoe because he is the main chareacter in a book by Daniel Defoe. B. I like Robinson Crusoe, who is the main chareacter in a book by Daniel Defoe..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> C. I like Robinson Crusoe and who is the main chareacter in a book by Daniel Defoe. D. I like Robinson Crusoe, who are the main chareacter in a book by Daniel Defoe. 27. There was a hurricane in August 1992 over West Africa. This hurricane was named Andrew. A. There was a hurricane who was named Andrew in August 1992 over West Africa. B. There was a hurricane what was named Andrew in August 1992 over West Africa. C. There was a hurricane which was named Andrew in August 1992 over West Africa. D. There was a hurricane whom was named Andrew in August 1992 over West Africa. 28. There are a lot of people. The people like to do things together. A. There are a lot of people whom like to do things together. B. There are a lot of people who like to do things together. C. There are a lot of people who like do things together. D. There are a lot of people like to do things together. 29. Sue lives in a house. The house is opposite my house. A. Sue lives in a house where is opposite my house. B. Sue lives in a house which is opposite my house. C. Sue lives in a house who is opposite my house. D. Sue lives in a house and which is opposite my house. 30. The plants may develop differently. The plants grow on that island. A. The plants which grows on that island may develop differently. B. The plants which grow on that island may develop differently. C. The plants grow on that island may develop differently. D. The plants which grow that island may develop differently. 31. Sam emphasized the importance of being thoughtful toward one another. A. Sam said that people should not talk too much. B. Sam said that people should not be too serious. C. Sam said that people should consider the feelings of others. D. Sam said that people should discuss intellectual topics. 32. Unlike her friends, Jane prefers an independent life. A. Jane doesn't like her friends because she prefers an independent life. B. Her friends live in an independent life and Jane doesn't like it. C. Jane doesn't like her friends to live in a dependent life. D. Jane prefers an independent life but her friends do not. 33. I used to live in Happy Valley. A. I'm used to living in Happy Valley. B. I'm living in Happy Valley. C. I once lived in Happy Valley but no longer live there. D. I've always lived in Happy Valley. 34. My sister speaks little German. A. My sister can speak German rather well. B. My sister doesn't speak much German. C. My sister speaks German softly. D. My sister speaks German badly. 35. We could have helped her out. A. We didn't help her when she had difficulty. B. We succeeded in helping her out. C. Although we didn't help her, she managed to go out. D. We could, so we helped her out..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> 36. Who made you work so hard yesterday? A. Who forced you to work so hard yesterday? B. Why did you work so hard yesterday? C. What made you work so hard yesterday? D. How could you work so hard yesterday? 37. Despite his inexperience in the field, John applied for the job. A. John was unable to do the job because he was inexperienced. B. John applied for the job because he has experience in the field. C. John did not apply for the job because of his inexperience in the field. D. John applied for the job even though he has no experience in the field. 38. I couldn't help laughing when he told me that story. A. The story he told me did not help at all. B. I did not laugh when hearing that story. C. I couldn't help him tell that story. D. I couldn't resist laughing when he told me that story. 39. She feels happy because of her coming birthday party. A. She feels happy to come to a birthday party. B. Her coming birthday aprty makes her happy. C. Because she was born she feels happy. D. Her birthday party will happily come. 40. "That's a lovely new dress, Jean," said her mother. A. Jean's mother said she liked her dress. B. Jean's mother complimented her on the lovely new dress. C. Jean's mother wanted to buy a lovely new dress . D. Jean's mother told her to buy that lovely new dress 41. Anne had the TV on when her parents entered the room. A. Anne's parents told her to turn on the TV. B. Anne noticed her parents watching TV. C. Anne's parents found her watching TV. D. The TV was on a table in Anne's room. 42. How long have you had this watch? A. Since when did you buy this watch? B. When did you buy this watch? C. How long have you bought this watch? D. Since when have you bought this watch? 43. The tourists were unharmed after the train crash. A. All the tourists were injured in the train crash. B. None of the tourists were injured in the train crash. C. The train crash was not harmful for the tourists. D. The tourists were very afraid after the train crash. 44. Sophie exchanged the shoes for a different pair. A. One of Sophie's shoes did not fit, so she returned them both. B. Sophie took the shoes back to the store and got some different ones. C. Because of a problem with the heel of the shoes, Sophie retuerned the shoes. D. Sophie returned the shoes and took a pair of trousers instead. 45. I was shocked that John stole the car. A. John was shocked that he could not take the car..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> B. That John stole the car shocked me. C. John's car was very shocking. D. The car was stolen, and John was shocked. 46. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad. A. Jane's refusal to attend his birthday party made him feel sad. B. He felt sad not to be able to attend her birthday party. C. Jane made him sad despite her refusal to attend his birthday party. D. Jane refused to attend his birthday party because it made him feel sad. 47. Mr. Pike used to jog a lot. A. Mr. Pike is accustomed to jogging a lot. B. Mr. Pike never jogged in the past. C. Mr. Pike jogs a lot now. D. Mr. Pike jogged a lot in the past. 48. the music was so loud that we couldn't hear what you said. A. You didn't say loud enough for us to hear. B. Because of the loud music, we couldn't hear you. C. The music was too loud that we couldn't hear you. D. The music was too loud for us to hear. 49. It's a pity that Anne hates studying. A. Anne uses some strange methods when she studies. B. Anne receives very good grades although she doesn't study. C. Anne is very fond of studying something pitiful. D. It's too bad that Anne dislikes studying. 50. Kate's father was unhappy when she ddecided to quit school. A. Kate's father was very happy about her decision. B. Kate was not happy about her father's decision. C. Kate's father was not happy about her quitting school. D. Kate's father decided not to send her to school. 51. The moon doesn't have the atmosphere, neither does the planet Mars. A. Neither the moon or the planet Mars has the atmosphere. B. Either the moon nor the planet Mars has the atmosphere. C. Neither the moon nor the planet Mars has the atmosphere. D. Either the moon or the planet Mars has the atmosphere. 52. Nora went to the gas station to have her tank filled. A. Nora's car is being repaired at the gas station. B. Nora is going to the gas station to pick up her car. C. Nora had her gas tank filled with gasoline. D. Nora is going to the gas station to pick up her tank. 53. You won't have a seat unless you book in advance. A. You may have a seat if you book in advance. B. You won't have a seat because you didn't book in advance. C. You will have a seat if you keep your book in front of you. D. You can't have a seat although you book in advance. 54. Mike has eaten lots of ice-cream and now he has a headache. A. If Mike didn't eat much ice-cream, he wouldn't have a headache. B. If Mike hadn't eaten much ice-cream, he wouldn't have a headache..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> C. Mike has a headache because he had eaten lots of ice-cream. D. If Mike hadn't eaten much ice-cream, he wouldn't have had a headache. 55. Linda seems to have very little record for other people's feelings. A. Linda has very few feelings like other poeple's. B. Linda appears unconcerned about other people's feelings. C. Linda has difficulty expressing her feelings for other people. D. Linda doesn't respect people who feel sorry for themselves. 56. I am looking for a job as a secretary. A. A secretary is looking for a job. B. I am looking for someone to work as a secretary. C. I accepted my job as a secretary. D. I am trying to find a job as a secretary. 57. Refusal to give a breath sample to the police could lead to your arrest. A. You could be arrested for not giving a beath sample to the police. B. If you refuse to be arrested, you have to give a breath sample. C. If a breath sample is not given, the polive will refuse to arrest you. D. The police could cause you to give a breath sample to decide whether to arrest you or not. 58. You can try as hard as you like but you won't succeed. A. However hard you try, you won't succeed. B. You can hardly try as you like, but you won't succeed. C. You won't succeed because you can't try as hard. D. Although you won't succeed, you can try as hard as you like. 59. Tom writes French as well as he speaks it. A. Tom is bad at writing French. B. Tom does not speak French so well as he writes it. C. Tom writes and speaks French equally well. D. Even though Tom writes French well, he speaks it better. 60. It's the first time I've been to a flower shor. A. I haven't been to a flower show for years. B. It's the first tiem I've seen so many flowers. C. I haven't been to a flower show before. D. This is the first flower show I know. 61. "He lost his job three months." A. It is three months ago since he lost his job. B. It is three months since he lost his job. C. They are three months since he lost his job. D. It has been three months ago since he has lost his job. 62. "She hasn't played the piano for five years." A. She doesn't play the piano five years ago. B. The last time she played the piano was five years ago. C. The last time she played the piano five years ago. D. She played the piano five years. 63. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. A. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car. B. The man believed to escape in a stolen car. C. The man is believed to escape in a stolen car. D. They believed that the man stole the car..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> 64. I didn't have an umbrella with me, so I got wet. A. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn't get wet. B. If I had had an umbrella, I would get wet. C. If I had had an umbrella, I would have got wet. D. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn't have got wet. 65. The coffee was too hot for me to drink. A. The coffee was so hot that I can't drink it. B. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink. C. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink it. D. The coffee was so hot that I can't drink. 66. In spite of their differences, Peter and John plan to be roommates. A. Peter and John do not like each other. B. Peter and John will be different roommates. C. Peter and John are too different to be roommates. D. Peter and John intend to be roommates even though they are different. 67. It won't be long before her husband comes back. A. There's likelihood that her husband won't return soon. B. Her husband will come back later than planned. C. Her husband will be returning quite soon. D. Possibly, her husband won't come back as soon as he wants. 68. Nothing but the whole story would satisfy Tim. A. On the whole, Tim was satisfied with the story. B. Tim wouldn't be satisfied with anything. C. Tim wanted to know just the end of the story. D. Tim insisted on being told the complete story. 69. I should have studied last night, but I was too tired. A. I couldn't study last night because I was very tired. B. I studied last night because I was bored. C. I studied last night because I had to. D. I tried to study last night, but the homework was too hard. 70. I have never felt better than I do now. A. I have never felt well. B. I have always felt well. C. I felt better before. D. I feel well now. 71. "Cigarettes?" he asked. "No, thanks," I said. A. He offered me a cigarette, but I promptly declined. B. He asked for a cigarette, and I immediately refused. C. He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked him. D. He asked if I was smoking, and I denied at once. 72. The doctor said, "You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine." A. It is the doctor's recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly. B. Jasmine's doctor insisted that she should rest for a few days. C. The doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a short rest. D. The doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days' rest. 73. "I will pay back the money, Gloria" said Ivan. A. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria's money..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> B. Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing her money. C. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back. D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria. 74. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was too rough. A. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming. B. The children were not calm enough to swim in the sea. C. The sea was rough enough for the chidren to swim in. D. The sea was too rough to the children's swimming. 75. "Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarah?" asked Frederic. A. Frederic asked Sarah if she liked his birthday party or not. B. Frederic invited Sarah to his birthday party. C. Frederic asked if Sarah was able to come to his birthday party. D. Frederic reminded Sarah of his coming birthday party. 76. "If I were you, I would take the job," said my room-mate. A. My room-mate introduced the idea of taking the job to me. B. My room-mate was thinking about taking the job. C. My room-mate advised me to take the job. D. My room-mate insisted on taking the job for me. 77. "Leave my house now or I'll call the police!" shouted the lady to the man. A. The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn't leave her house. B. The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn't leave her house. C. The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn't leave her house. D. The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn't leave her house. 78. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago. A. He has not had his eyes tested for ten months. B. He had tested his eyes ten months before. C. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then. D. He didn't have any tests on his eyes in ten months. 79. "You should have finished the report by now," John told his secretary. A. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. B. John approached his secretary for not having finished the report. C. John said that his secretary had not finished the report on time. D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report. 80. "It's too stuffy in this room, isn't it?" said the guest. A. The guest said that the room was too crowded. B. The guest suggested that the room should be aired. C. The guest remarked that the room should be aired. D. The guest said that threre was too much stuff in the room. Answer Key 1 C. 2 C. 3 A. 4 A. 5 B. 6 D. 7 A. 8 A. 9 C. 10 C. 17 B. 18 D. 19 A. 20 D. Answer Key 11 B. 12 A. 13 A. 14 A. 15 B. 16 C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Answer Key 21 B. 22 D. 23 B. 24 A. 25 B. 26 B. 27 C. 28 B. 29 B. 30 B. 37 D. 38 D. 39 B. 40 B. 47 D. 48 B. 49 D. 50 C. Answer Key 31 C. 32 D. 33 C. 34 B. 35 A. 36 B Answer Key. 41 C. 42 B. 43 B. 44 B. 45 B. 46 A Answer Key. 51 C. 52 C. 53 A. 54 A. 55 B. 56 57 58 59 60 D A A C C Number 6 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.. Answer Key 61 B. 62 B. 63 A. 64 D. 65 C. 66 67 68 69 70 D C D A D Number 7 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.. Answer Key 71 A. 72 D. 73 A. 74 A. 75 B. 76 77 78 79 80 C B A D B Number 8 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. 81. A very successful salesman, Mr. Smith often has more customers than he can handle. A. Mr. Smith's customers cannot handle him successfully. B. Mr. Smith finds it difficult to handle his customers. C. Mr. Smith is a successful salesman of handles to many customers. D. Mr. Smith sometimes has too many customers to take care of..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> 82. Tim is likely to fail if he takes the exam without studying. A. Tim will fail if he takes the exam without studying. B. It's probable that Tim will fail the exam if he doesn't study. C. It's certain that Tim will pass the exam if he studies. D. It's certain that Tim will fail because he doesn't study. 83. He looked so funny that I couldn't help laughing. A. I couldn't laugh because he looked so funny. B. I couldn't help him laugh because he looked so funny. C. He looked too funny for me to laugh. D. I laughed because he looked so funny. 84. They bought a gift that was very expensive for their son. A. Their son bought an expensive gift for his birthday. B. They gave their son a gift that was very expensive. C. The gift was so expensive that they did not buy it. D. Although the gift was inexpensive, they did not buy it. 85. I found it difficult to communicate in English. A. I had no difficulty communicating in English. B. I didn't like to communicate in English. C. I was not used to communicating in English. D. I preferred communicating in English. 86. A majority of the students in this college are from overseas. A. Everyone in this college is from overseas. B. No one in this college is from overseas. C. Few students in this college are from overseas. D. Most of the students in this college are from overseas. 87. He acts as though nothing matters to him. A. He acts when there's no matter for him. B. He acts although nothing matters for him. C. He seems not to care about anything. D. Nothing matters to him when he acts. 88. Nancy isn't used to walking so far. A. Nancy used to walk farther. B. Nancy doesn't like to walk so far. C. Nancy isn't accustomed to walking very far. D. Nancy needed help to walk so far. 89. She wanted to avoid an argument, so she said nothing. A. She didn't say a word to avoid an argument. B. She avoided an argument because she said nothing. C. If she said nothing, she wanted to avoid an argument. D. She had nothing to say to avoid an argument. 90. My daughter is looking forward to seeing her friend. A. My daughter is expecting to see her friend. B. My daughter is being looked after while her friend is abroad. C. My daughter feels bored because she is going to see her friend soon. D. My daughter does not want to see her friend again. Answer Key.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> 81 D. 82 B. 83 D. 84 B. 85 C. 86 87 88 89 90 D D C A A Number 10 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. 91. Peter has not had his hair cut for over four months. A. It's over four months since Peter has his hair cut. B. It's over four months since Peter has had his hair cut. C. It's over four months since Peter had his hair cut. D. It's over four months since Peter had had his hair cut. 92. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it. A. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in it. B. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in. C. The water was not enough warm for the children to swim in. D. The water was not warm enough for the children swim in. 93. They never made us do anything we didn't want to do. A. We are never made to do anything we didn't want to do. B. We were never made to do anything we didn't want to do. C. We have never made to do anything we didn't want to do. D. We had never made to do anything we didn't want to do. 94. "Why don't you put a better lock on the door, Mary?" Jane asked. A. Jane suggested that Mary must put a better lock on the door. B. Jane suggested that Mary should put a better lock on the door. C. Jane suggested that Mary may put a better lock on the door. D. Jane suggested that Mary might put a better lock on the door. 95. He had hardly left the office when the phone rang. A. No sooner had he left the office than the phone rang. B. No sooner he had left the office than the phone rang. C. No sooner he had left the office when the phone rang. D. No sooner he did leave the office than the phone rang. 96. There were a lot of errors in his essays. A. He made a lot of errors in his essays. B. He makes a lot of errors in his essays. C. He had made a lot of errors in his essays. D. He has made a lot of errors in his essays. 97. I haven't got enough money, so I'm not going on holiday. A. If I have enough money I would go on holiday. B. If I had enough money I would go on holiday. C. If I had had enough money I would go on holiday. D. If I have had enough money I would go on holiday. 98. She is so busy that she can't come to the party. A. If she was not so busy she must come to the party. B. If she was not so busy she could come to the party. C. If she was not so busy she need to come to the party. D. If she was not so busy she should come to the party. 99. The noise next door did not stop until after midnight..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> A. The noise next door didn't stop during midnight. B. The noise next door stopped after midnight. C. The noise next door didn't stop after midnight. D. The noise next door didn't stop at midnight. 100. Someone has already paid for it. A. It has already paid for someone. B. It has been already paid for. C. It has already been paid for. D. It has already paid for. Answer Key 91 C. 92 B. 93 B. 94 B. 95 A. 96 A. 97 B. 98 B. 99 B. 100 C. Number 1 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. 1. If it hadn't been so late, I would have called you. A. It was not late when I called you. B. It was late, so I did not call you. C. It was late, but I called you. D. It was not late but I did not call you. 2. No one but the seven-year-old boy saw the accident. A. Only the seven-year-old boy saw the accident. B. No one at all saw the seven-year-old boy's accident. C. The seven-year-old boy saw no one in the accident. D. No one in the accident saw the seven-year-old boy. 3. Most people get fewer colds in summer than in winter. A. A person is more likely to get a cold in winter. B. More people have summer colds than winter colds. C. People get colder in summer than in winter. D. Winter is much colder than summer. 4. They are watering the flowers. A. The flowers are being watered by them. B. They need some water and flowers. C. There are some water on the flowers. D. They are putting the flowers in water. 5. I would rather you stopped talking about her. A. I would rather stop talking about her. B. I prefer you not to talk about her any more. C. I would rather you not talk about her. D. I want you to talk about her. 6. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall, which is now standing on the campus of Princeton University, is the oldest building. A. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now has stood on the campus of Princeton University..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> B. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now it stands on the campus of Princeton University. C. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now standing on the campus of Princeton University. D. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now stood on the campus of Princeton University. 7. The hardworking cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe, was the one person who was most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century. A. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century he was hardworking cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe. B. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century was hardworking cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe. C. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century by working hard, the cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe. D. The one person most responsible for making New York City a center of furniture design in the early nineteenth century through his hard work cabinetmaker, Ducan Phyfe. 8. She had only just put the phone down when her boss rang back. A. Hardly she had put the phone down when her boss rang back. B. Hardly she puts the phone down when her boss rang back. C. Hardly did she put the phone down when her boss rang back. D. Hardly had she put the phone down when her boss rang back. 9. Her mother is the most warm-hearted person I've known. A. I've never known a more warm-hearted person than her mother. B. I don't know a more warm-hearted person than her mother. C. I didn't know a more warm-hearted person than her mother. D. I had never known a more warm-hearted person than her mother. 10. It isn't necessary for you to finish the report by Sunday. A. You don't need finish the report by Sunday. B. You mustn't finish the report by Sunday. C. You might not finish mthe report by Sunday. D. You don't need to finish the report by Sunday. Answer Key 1 B. 2 A. 3 A. 4 A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 B. 8 D. 9 A. Number 2 Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given. 1. not / difficult / learn / English / you / study / structure / vocabulary / every day. A. Learn English is not difficult if you study structure and vocabulary every day. B. It is not difficult to learn English if you study structure and vocabulary every day. C. Difficult English is not learn if you study structure and vocabulary every day. D. You learn English is not difficult if study structure and vocabulary every day. 2. I / one / old friends / I / shop / supermarket / two days ago. A. I met one of my old friends while I was doing shopping in the supermarket two days ago. B. I met one of my old friends while I was shopping on the supermarket two days ago.. 10 D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> C. I met my one old friends while I was doing shopping in the supermarket two days ago. D. I met one of my old friends while I was shopping to the supermarket two days ago. 3. He / try / stop / smoke / he / never succeed / many times. A. He has tried to stop smoke many times but he never succeeded. B. He has tried stop smoking many times but he never succeeded. C. He has tried stop to smoke many times but he never succeeded. D. He has tried to stop smoking many times but he never succeeded. 4. He / promise / send / me / postcard / as soon as / arrive / Madrid. A. He promised send me a postcard as soon as he arrived in Madrid. B. He promised to send me a postcard as soon as he arrived at Madrid. C. He promised to send me a postcard as soon as he arrived in Madrid. D. He promised to sending me a postcard as soon as he arrived in Madrid. 5. Developing countries / need / do / research / find / solutions / agriculture / problems. A. Developing countries need doing research to find solutions to agriculture problems. B. Developing countries need to do research to find solutions to agriculture problems. C. Developing countries need to do researching to find solutions to agriculture problems. D. Developing countries need to do research to finding solutions to agriculture problems. 6. She / practise / play / tennis / every day / she / want / famous / one day. A. She practises playing tennis one day because she wants to be famous every day. B. She practise playing tennis every day because she wants famous one day. C. She practise playing tennis every day because she wants being famous one day. D. She practises playing tennis every day because she wants to be famous one day. 7. Never / stop / try / you get / solution / problem. A. Never stop trying until you get the right solution to the problem. B. Never stop trying until you get the right solution of the problem. C. Never stop trying until you get the right solution from the problem. D. Never stop trying until you get the right solution on the problem. 8. New York / most exciting / city / I / ever / visit. A. New York city is the most exciting I have ever visited. B. New York is the most exciting city I have ever visited. C. New York is the most exciting city I have ever visit. D. New York is the most exciting I have ever visited. 9. dangerous / drive / fast / city / rush hours. A. It is dangerous to drive fastly in the city in the rush hours. B. It is dangerous to drive fast in the city on the rush hours. C. It is dangerous for driving fast in the city in the rush hours. D. It is dangerous to drive fast in the city in the rush hours. 10. If / he / come / station / earlier / not miss / train. A. If he had come to the station earlier he would not have missed the train. B. If he have come to the station earlier he would not have missed the train. C. If he had came to the station earlier he would not have missed the train. D. If he had come to the station earlier he would have not missed the train. Answer Key 1 B. 2 A. 3 D. 4 C. 5 B. 6 D. 7 A. 8 B. 9 D. 10 A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> Number 3 Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given. 1. Mary says / she / put / higher class. A. Mary says she'd like to have been put in higher class. B. Mary says she'd like to have put in higher class. C. Mary says she'd like to put in higher class. D. Mary says she would put in higher class. 2. Would you / talk / something else? A. Would you like talking about something else? B. Would you rather him to talk about something else? C. Would you like prefer to talk about something else? D. Would you rather to talk about something else? 3. Expected / he / be / president / company. A. It was expected that he won't be the president of the company. B. No one expected that he would be the president of the company. C. It isn't expected that he was the president of the company. D. Everyone expected that he was the president of the company. 4. Travelling / parts / country / help / learn / appreciate / life styles / customs. A. Travelling to different parts of the country helps people learned how to appreciate different life styles and customs. B. Travelling to different parts of my country help learning how to appreciate good life styles and customs. C. Travelling to different parts of my country helps me learn and appreciate various life styles and customs. D. Travelling to visit different parts of the country helps me to learn and appreciate various life styles and customs. 5. Development / birth-control methods / free / cycle / child bearing. A. Since the development of effective birth-control methods, women were freed from the endless cycle of child bearing. B. The development of effective birth-control methods freed women from the endless cycle of child bearing. C. Thanks to the development of effective birth-control methods, women freed from the cycle of child bearing. D. Since the development of effective birth-control methods, women had been set free from the cycle of child bearing. 6. Recycle / waste paper / save / great amount / wood pulp. A. In order to recycle waste paper, we should save a great amount of wood pulp. B. The recycling waste paper save us from using a great amount of wood pulp. C. We recycle waste paper by saving a great amount of wood pulp. D. The recycling waste paper can save a great amount of wood pulp. 7. Farmers / apply fertilizers / fields / crops / planted. A. Farmers apply fertilizers into the fields after the crops have been planted. B. Farmers are applying fertilizers into the fields so that the crops can be planted. C. Farmers can apply for fertilizers of the fields as soon as they have the crops planted. D. Farmers will apply for fertilizers of the fields as soon as they have the crops planted. 8. I / live / city / all my life so / know / places / tourists / enjoy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> A. I had lived in this city all my life so I could know many of the places that tourists would enjoy. B. I have lived in this city all my life so I can know many of the places that tourists would enjoy. C. I have lived in this city all my life so I know many of the places that tourists would enjoy. D. I lived in this city all my life so that I could know many of the places that tourists would enjoy. 9. Vietnam / children / free / medical treatment / hospitals / until / they / six. A. In Vietnam, children can get free medical treatment in hospitals until they are six. B. In Vietnam, children are freed from medical treatment in hospitals until they are six. C. In Vietnam, children are free of medical treatment in hospitals until they are six. D. In Vietnam, children are free to choose medical treatment in hospitals until they are six. 10. Interview / you / care / appearance / gather / information / company / as / can. A. While being interviewed, you should neither take good care of your personal appearance nor gather as much information about the company as you can. B. During the interview, you should either take good care of your personal appearance or gather as much information about the company as you can. C. Before the interview, you shouldn't take good care of your personal appearance but gather as much information about the company as you can. D. Before the interview, you should take good care of your personal appearance and gather as much information about the company as you can. Answer Key 1 A. 2 C. 3 B. 4 C. 5 B. 6 D. 7 A. 8 C. 9 A. Number 4 Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given. 1. We / decide / not / go out / because / weather. A. We decided not go out because of the weather. B. We decided not to go out because of the weather. C. We decided not going out because of the weather. D. We not decided to go out because of the weather. 2. She / not allow / smoke / house. A. She doesn't allow smoking in her house. B. She doesn't allow to smoking in her house. C. She doesn't allow to smoke in her house. D. She doesn't allow smoking at her house. 3. I / prefer / this coat / coat / you / wear / yesterday. A. I prefer this coat than the coat you were wearing yesterday. B. I prefer this coat to the coat you wear yesterday. C. I prefer this coat to the coat you wearing yesterday. D. I prefer this coat to the coat you wore yesterday. 4. I / would rather / you / not tell / anyone / what / say. A. I would rather you not tell anyone what I said. B. I would rather you did not tell anyone what I said. C. I would rather you do not tell anyone what I said. D. I would rather you did not tell anyone what I say.. 10 D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> 5. She / must / fed up / smoke. A. She must be fed up of smoking. B. She must fed up with smoking. C. She must be fed up with smoking. D. She must be fed up on smoking. 6. They / climb / window / without / see. A. They climded through window without being seen. B. They climded through the window without being seen. C. They climded through the window without being see. D. They climded through window without being saw. 7. We / look forward / Rose / come home. A. We are looking forward to Rose coming home. B. We are looking forward Rose coming home. C. We are looking forward to Rose come home. D. We are looking forward Rose to come home. 8. You / feel / like / go out / this evening? A. Are you feel like going out this evening? B. Do you feel to like going out this evening? C. Do you feel like go out this evening? D. Do you feel like going out this evening? 9. Phillips / want / cook himself / Daniel / insist / help / him. A. Phillips wanted to cook himself but Daniel insisted in helping him. B. Phillips wanted to cook himself but Daniel insisted to help him. C. Phillips wanted to cook himself but Daniel insisted on helping him. D. Phillips wanted cooking himself but Daniel insisted on helping him. 10. I / prefer / drive / travel / train. A. I prefer driving than travelling by train. B. I prefer driving to travelling by train. C. I prefer to drive to travel by train. D. I prefer to driving than travelling by train. Answer Key 1 B. 2 A. 3 D. 4 B. 5 C. 6 B. 7 A. 8 D. 9 C. Number 9 Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given. 1. Nancy / work / hard / so / she / fall / ill. A. Nancy worked hard so that she fell ill. B. Nancy worked so hard that she fell ill. C. Nancy works hard so that she fell ill. D. Nancy worked hard so that she falls ill. 2. Tom / favourite / football / team / Manchester United. A. Tom's footbal favourite team is Manchester United. B. Tom's footbal team favourite is Manchester United.. 10 B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> C. Tom's favourite team football is Manchester United. D. Tom's favourite football team is Manchester United. 3. he / use / be / the best / our / national / football / team. A. He used to be the best footballer of our national football team. B. He used being the best footballer of our national football team. C. He used to being the best footballer of our national football team. D. He uses to be the best footballer of our national football team. 4. The World Cup 2006 / organize / Germany. A. The World Cup 2006 is organized in Germany. B. The World Cup 2006 had been organized in Germany. C. The World Cup 2006 was organized in Germany. D. The World Cup 2006 has been organized in Germany. 5. Italy / several / gold cups / so far. A. Italy won several gold cups so far. B. Italy has won several gold cups so far. C. Italy had won several gold cups so far. D. Italy has been winning several gold cups so far. 6. She / hurt / learn / boyfriend / forget / birthday. A. She was hurt when learning that her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday. B. She hurt when learning that her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday. C. She was hurt that when learning that her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday. D. She was hurt when learning that her boyfriend forgotten her birthday. 7. We / not / survive / start / work / cleaner / safer / energy / sources. A. We won't survive so we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. B. We won't survive although we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. C. We won't survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. D. We won't survive otherwise we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. 8. I / grateful / kindness / visit / your factory / last month. A. I'm grateful for your kindness when I visited your factory last month. B. I'm grateful with your kindness to me when I visited your factory last month. C. I'm grateful of your kindness to me when I visited your factory last month. D. I'm grateful at your kindness to me when I visited your factory last month. 9. it / stupid / him / give up / job / need / money. A. It was stupid with him to give up his job when he needed the money. B. It was stupid to him to give up his job when he needed the money. C. It was stupid of him to give up his job when he needed the money. D. It was stupid for him to give up his job when he needed the money. 10. Now that / highway / build / it / take / only two hours / get / there. A. Now that the highway has been built, it takes only two hours to get there. B. Now that the highway has been built, it took only two hours to get there. C. Now that the highway has been built, it is taking only two hours to get there. D. Now that the highway has been built, it has taken only two hours to get there. Answer Key 1 B. 2 D. 3 A. 4 C. 5 B. 6 A. 7 C. 8 A. 9 C. 10 A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> Number 1 Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given. 1. There / no substitute / hard work / if / want / succeed. A. There is no substitute for hand work if you want to succeed. B. There are no substitute of hand work if one want to succeed. C. There is no substitute and hand work if you want to succeed. D. There is no substitute and hand work if they want to succeed. 2. In / /hands / reckless driver / car / becomes / lethal weapon. A. In hands of a reckless driver makes a car becomes a lethal weapon. B. In the hands of a reckless driver a car becomes a lethal weapon. C. In the hands of reckless driver the car becomes a lethal weapon. D. In hands of reckless driver car becomes a lethal weapon. 3. After / robbery / shop / installed / alarm system / as insurance / further losses. A. After robbery, the shop was installed an alarm system as an insurance to fight further losses. B. After robbery, the shop installed an alarm system as to insurance in case further losses. C. After the robbery, the shop installed an alarm system as an insurance against further losses. D. After robbery, the shop installed the alarm system as insurance for further losses. 4. Given / difficulty / task / I / lucky / complete / by May. A. Given difficulty in the task, I shall be lucky to complete by May. B. Given the difficulty of the task, I shall be lucky to complete it by May. C. Given the difficulty of the task, I shall lucky to complete it by May. D. Given the difficulty in the task, I will be too lucky to complete by May. 5. If / we / don't / from you / two days / order / will / cancelled. A. If we don't come from you in two days, the order will be cancelled. B. If we don't hear from you after two days, the order will be cancelled. C. If we don't hear from you for two days, the order will be cancelled. D. If we don't hear from you within two days, the order will be cancelled. 6. I / interested / special offer / saw / advertisement. A. I'm interested in the special offer which saw in your advertisement. B. I'm interested in special offer I saw on your advertisement. C. I'm interested in the special offer I saw in your advertisement. D. I'm interested in the special offer I saw on your advertisement. 7. I / explained / neighbor / she / have / send in / application. A. I explained to my neighbor that she would have to send in a written application. B. I explained my neighbor that she would have to send in a written application. C. I explained to my neighbor that she would have send in a written application. D. I explained my neighbor that she would have to send in a writting application. 8. Next / you / here / visit / remember / your sister / you. A. Next time you go here to visit, remember to bring your sister with you. B. Next time you come here to visit, remember taking your sister with you. C. Next time you come here and visit, remember bringing your sister with you. D. Next time you come here to visit, remember to bring your sister with you. 9. There / oil leak / lots / fish / died / result / pollution. A. There had oil leak and lots of fish died result from pollution..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> B. There was an oil leak and lots of fish died as a result of pollution. C. There was an oil leak and a lots of fish died as result of pollution. D. There had oil leak and lots of fish died as a result of pollution. 10. Sure / attention / what / doctor / says. A. Make sure you take attention to what the doctor says. B. Make sure you pay attention to what the doctor says. C. Make sure you take attention at what the doctor says. D. Be sure you take attention at what the doctor says. Answer Key 1 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 B. 5 D. 6 C. 7 A. 8 D. 9 B. LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 4 ------------------------------Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D. 72. The local authorities are trying to proceed with the ______ of the slums in the area. A. clearness B. clearly C. clarity D. clearance 73. After his wife's death, he let his son ______ the company and retired. A. get over B. get on C. take over D. take on 74. If only you ______ how I feel about you! A. understand B. can understand C. understood D. would be understood 75. Brian lost his job ______ no fault of his own. A. through B. by C. with D. over 76. The match will be broadcast ______ to various countries in the world. A. live B. lively C. alive D. living 77. You ______ not copy the questions when answering them. A. could B. need C. might D. would 78. She listened so attentively that not a word ______. A. she missed B. did she miss C. she didn't miss D. she had missed 79. The success of the party was mainly due to the presence of several ______. A. celebrations B. celebrates C. celebrities D. celebrated 80. This writer was also known as a ______ literary critic. A. pointed B. cute C. sharpening D. cutting 81. Long: What happened to your younger brother? - Mai: ______. A. Nothing. Why do you ask? B. He's nearly ten years old. C. He's having a birthday party. D. I love him very much. 82. Fans often ask pop stars for their ______. A. handwriting B. signature C. autograph D. graphic 83. He was ______ his forties when he got married. A. on B. in C. at D. about. 10 B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> 84. Owen noticed how cold it was when he ______ the plane. A. got off B. took off C. went off D. went out off 85. You ______ so fast or you might have an accident. A. don't have to drive B. shouldn't have driven C. had better not drive D. mustn't have driven 86. She id so absent-minded ______ that I get angry with her. A. some time B. at times C. any time D. at one time 87. She ______ the flat three times, before deciding to buy it. A. came round B. brought round C. looked round D. got round 88. The police are ______ the robbery. A. looking for B. taking up C. taking on D. looking into 89. The crowd looked ______, as the two men continued fighting. A. on B. up C. into D. around 90. I like the book I'm reading because it's well written and it has an interesting ______. A. hypothesis B. plot C. phase D. condition Các thầy cô có thể xem thêm các dạng bài tập khác tại trang MASTER YOUR ENGLISH HERE: http:/violet.vn/thienhanh_2009 (còn tiếp) Answer Key. 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 7 6 7 7. D C C A A B. 81. A. 82. C. 83. B. 84. A. 85. C. 86. B. 87. C. 88. D. 89. A. 90. B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> 7 8 7 9 8 0. B C B LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 5 -------------------------------. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D. 91. Because of an increase in orders, the factory manager took ______ a hundred new workers. A. on B. up C. over D. into 92. The candidates felt tired as the election ______ entered its last week. A. progress B. campaign C. contest D. competition 93. In many aspects, the probles that John faced are ______ a young man and woman might face today. A. much like that B. much like those C. like much those D. like much that 94. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ______ a sudden loud noise. A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there have been 95. ______ the opportunity, he might well have become an outstanding cartoonist. A. Being given B. To give C. Giving D. Given 96. English can be a ______ language to learn. A. limited B. cubic C. challenging D. considerable 97. ______ ghost exists in the world. That's your illusion. A. No such a thing as B. No such a thing as a C. No such thing as a D. No such thing as 98. If it ______ too much trouble. I'd love a cup of tea. A. hadn't been B. isn't C. weren't D. may not be 99. Are there any ______ about the project? A. news B. pieces of news C. piece of news D. good news 100. Excessive logging of forests in the past century has resulted in ______. A. which it is known as deforestation B. knowing this as deforestation C. what becomes known as deforestation D. that is known as deforestation 101. Early humans ______ their homes and diet to match the environment. A. advocated B. adapted C. affirmed D. hindered 102. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone ______ an opportunity to hear the speech. A. ought to have B. must have C. may have D. should have 103. I am surprised ______ this city is a dull place to live in. A. that you should think B. by what you are thinking C. that you would think D. with what you are thinking 104. Would you be so kind ______ open the window for me, please? A. that B. as to C. as D. that you 105. It has been estimated that ______ species of animals. A. more than a million B. it is a million or more C. there are over a million D. are over a million of 106. "It gets quite cold here in the winter." "Oh, dear, I was hoping ______ buy a coat.".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> A. not to have to B. I don't have to C. I wouldn't D. not having to 107. A lot needs ______ to the house before anyone can move in. A. to do B. be done C. doing D. done 108. One ______ of their new house is that it has no garden. A. pity B. dislike C. complaint D. disadvantage 109. I love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful ______ smile. A. childlike B. childish C. childless D. childhood 110. "Did the painter say he would finish the work?" "No, he ______ to tell me." A. yet hasn't B. has yet C. hasn't yet D. yet has 111. He kisked the ball ______ hard, and it broke the window. A. a very little B. a small amount C. a little too D. quite a little 112. You really can't ______ a thing that woman says! A. believe B. rely C. count D. imagine 113. "Has the building been sold?" "Not yet, but there are two businesses ____ are interested in it." A. that B. that both of them C. that both D. both of that 114. "Which is more important: luck or effort?" "Luck is ______ effort." A. of the same importance B. the same importance as C. as the same importantce as D. of the same importance as 115. If she read his letter, she ______ out the answer. A. would find B. find C. will find D. would have found 116. The child hurt himself badly when he fell ______ the bedroom window. A. out from B. over C. down D. out of 117. ______ now can I fully understand him. A. Just B. By C. Only D. From upload.123doc.net. He ______ on his English study all yesterday evening. A. used to work B. had worked C. working D. was working 119. "Let's move the class to another room." "Well, there could be some problems ______ that." A. for us doing B. we do C. to do D. in doing 120. Lack of rain early in the season means that the field ______ a poor crop. A. surrendered B. generated C. yielded D. suffered Các thầy cô có thể xem thêm các dạng bài tập khác tại trang MASTER YOUR ENGLISH HERE: http:/violet.vn/thienhanh_2009 (còn tiếp) Answer Key 101 B 102 C 103 A 104 B 105 C 106 A 107 C 108 D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> 109 A 110 A 91. A 111 C. 92. B 112 A. 93. B 113 C. 94. B 114 D. 95. D 115 A. 96. C 116 A. 97. 98. C 117 C upl oad .12 3do c.n B et D. 99. B 119 C. 100 C 120 C LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 6 ------------------------------Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D. 121. ______ you have no key, you'll have to get back before I go out. A. Although B. If C. Unless D. As 122. They were very ______ about keeping so much money in the house overnight. A. risky B. willing C. nervous D. dangerous 123. "Did you finally paint your house?" "Yes, it should ______ a long time ago." A. have done B. be done C. have been done4 D. been done 124. "Has Jenifer ever been to Paris?" "No, but ______, she's going next week." A. interestedly B. interestedl enough C. interestingly enough D. enough interesting 125. Your voice reminds me of someone but I can't remember ______. A. who is B. it is C. who is he D. who 126. "Is this Mary's original copy of the letter?" "No, it's the ______ one." A. rewrote B. rewritten C. rewrite D. rewriting 127. "What are they talking about?" "They are discussing problems ______ the budget." A. concerned to B. concerning to C. concerned D. concerning 128. ______ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell. A. That we refer to it B. What we refer to C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to 129. Never before ______ as accelerated as they are now during the technological age. A. have historical changes been B. have been historical changes C. historical changes have been D. historical have changes been 130. "Why didn't they buy the vase?" "It was too expensive ______ it was on sale.".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> A. however B. although C. even D. despite 131. The picture is ______; the thief will be most disappointed when he tries to sell it. A. priceless B. invalid C. unprofitable D. worthless 132. My sister is an expert on wildlife and its ______. A. conversation B. preserve C. reservation D. conserve 133. "Why didn't Andrew win the election?" "Well, ______ he lied about his background worked against him." A. the facts are B. the fact that C. when D. because 134. It's ______ long time since he last saw his brothers and sisters. A. such a B. so C. very D. too 135. ______ there on time, we must start now. A. Be B. Being C. Is D. To be 136. I understand most of this, but there are still one or two points I should like you to clear ______ for me. A. away B. up C. out D. off 137. Remember to come at eight, ______ you? A. haven't B. don't C. aren't D. won't 138. "What's all the noise about?" "We had a bad accident ______ at the factory." A. happened B. happening C. happen D. has happened 139. "What do you know about your new roommate?" "Well, she prefers tea ______ coffee." A. than B. as C. to D. instead 140. The truck ______ crashed into the back of a bus scattering glass everywhere. A. loading with empty bottles B. which loading with empty bottles C. it was loading with empty bottles D. loaded with empty bottles Các thầy cô có thể xem thêm các dạng bài tập khác tại trang MASTER YOUR ENGLISH HERE: http:/violet.vn/thienhanh_2009 (còn tiếp) Answer Key 121 B 122 A 123 C 124 C 125 A 126 B 127 D 128 A 129 B 130 A 131 D 132 A 133 B 134 A 135 D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> 136 B 137 D 138 B 139 A 140 B LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 7 ------------------------------Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D. 141. We have about thirty guests a day in our restaurant ______ the average. A. on B. for C. in D. at 142. "Is attendance important in this class?" "No, but in the last class it ______ very seriously." A. has taken B. has been taken C. was taken D. was taking 143. Once the fire ______ out we had to sit in the cold. A. lit B. fell C. went D. came 144. My main ______ to the new motorway is that it will spoil the countryside. A. objection B. object C. objective D. objecting 145. "When was this school built?" "I think it was some time ______." A. 1960's B. in the 1960's C. at the 1960's D. in 1960's 146. The plane has left. You're ______. A. too much late here B. here much too late C. here too much late D. here late too much 147. "What should we do?" "It should be done ______ we did it yesterday." A. the same way as B. as the same way than C. as the same way as D. as the same way 148. ______ scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply. A. Late B. Later C. Latter D. Lately 149. He's left his book at home; he's always so ______. A. forgetful B. forgotten C. forgettable D. forgetting 150. We spent a month ______ this table. A. making B. make C. made D. to make 151. Richard was asked to withdraw from graduate school because ______. A. they believed he was not really able to complete research. B. he was deemed incapable of completing his research. C. it was decided that he was not capable to complete the research. D. his ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted. 152. John won his mfirst tennis match ______ ease. A. at B. with C. on D. in 153. Three pupils play ball here at ( o'clock. ______ play here at 10 o'clock. A. Three others B. Other three C. Another D. Anothers 154. Many countries have ______ compulsory military service. A. aborted B. abolished C. absconded D. abstracted 155. ______, the best car to buy is Mercedes Benz. A. Because of its durability and economy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> B. Because it lasts a long time, and it is very economical C. Because of its durability and it is economical D. Because durably and economywise it is better than all the others 156. You can ______ a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. A. put B. catch C. lead D. hold 157. ______ a novelty in American retailing, fixed prices are now universal in sales. A. It was once B. Once it was C. That once D. Once 158. ______ anti-trust laws did not exist in the US, there would not be as much competition in certain industries. A. So B. If C. For D. Also 159. ______, Henry David Thoreau is known for his transcendental views. A. He was like his predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson. B. His predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, was like him C. Like his predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson D. That he was like his predecessor, Ralph Waldo Emerson 160. They decided to finish and finally ______ the hard evening with a pizza and a few sodas. A. bring to a conclusion B. end C. terminate D. enjoy Các thầy cô có thể xem thêm các dạng bài tập khác tại trang MASTER YOUR ENGLISH HERE: http:/violet.vn/thienhanh_2009 (còn tiếp) Answer Key 141 A 142 B 143 C 144 A 145 B 146 B 147 C 148 D 149 A 150 A 151 B 152 B 153 A 154 B 155 A 156 C 157 D 158 B 159 C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> 160 D LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 8 ------------------------------Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D. 161. You will have to ______ your holiday if you are too ill to travel. A. call off B. cut down C. back out D. put aside 162. Is there any chance ______ the machinery repaired? A. to have B. of having C. for having D. with having 163. Everyone suggested Andrea ______ in touch with the organizers. A. getting B. will get C. may get D. get 164. The thief's girlfriend persuaded him to give himself ______ to the police. A. away B. up C. off D. out 165. ______ the coming of autumn, thousands of tourists follow the Blue Ridge Trail to observe the brilliant autumnal foliage. A. As soon as B. With C. Arrived D. When 166. Ancient people believed that ______ with a sun and a moon rotating around it. A. the earth was the center of the universe B. the earth is the center of the universe C. the center of the universe is earth D. the universe has earth at the center 167. The rains of 1993 ______ the Missouri river to overflow resulted in one of the worst floods of this century. A. the cause of B. causing C. they caused D. caused 168. The speaker is ______. A. very well acquainted with the subject B. recognized as an authotity who knows a great deal in terms of the subject C. someone who knows well enough about the subject which he has undertaken to do the speaking D. a person who has close awareness of the subject that he speaks about so much 169. The people of Western Canada have been considering ______ themselves from the rest of the provinces. A. to separate B. separated C. separate D. separating 170. Chemists are not sure ______. A. how precisely can cold fusion occur B. cold fusion can occur precisely how C. precisely how cold fusion can occur D. can cold fusion occur precisely how 171. By careful seeding, weather makers can encourage two small clouds to merge into one big cloud ______ produce a powerful thunderstorm. A. so B. these C. which D. and 172. It is usually ______ lava but gas that kills people during volcanic eruptions. A. not only B. not C. neither D. no 173. The more hemoglobin one has, the more oxygen is carried to ______ cells. A. one B. its C. their D. one's 174. The human body has four jugular veins, ______ each side of the neck. A. there are two on B. it has two on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> C. two are on D. two on 175. The committee has met and ______. A. they have reached a decision B. it has formulated themselves some opinions C. its decision was reached at D. it has reached a decision 176. John has not been able to recall where ______. A. does the girl live B. the girl lives C. did the girl live D. lived the girl 177. Some students are frightened the university ______ tuition fees to meet the rise in the cost of living. A. have raised B. raise C. raising D. will raise 178. Henry Ford revolutionized production management by ______ into small steps on a moving line. A. breaking down auto assembly B. broken down auto assembly C. he broke down auto assembly D. auto assembly breaking down 179. The boy was ashamed ______ he had broken the window. A. admit B. admitted C. to admit D. admitting 180. The first transistor was basically a small chip made of germanium onto one surface of which two pointed wire contacts ______ side by side. A. are made B. made C. were made D. making Các thầy cô có thể xem thêm các dạng bài tập khác tại trang MASTER YOUR ENGLISH HERE: http:/violet.vn/thienhanh_2009 (còn tiếp) Answer Key 161 A 162 B 163 D 164 B 165 B 166 A 167 B 168 A 169 D 170 C 171 D 172 B 173 D 174 D 175 D 176 B 177 D 178 A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> 179 C 180 C LUYỆN TẬP TỔNG HỢP 9 ------------------------------Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D. 181. It is the recommendation of many psychologists ______ to associate words and remember names. A. that a learner uses mental images B. a learner to use mental images C. mental images are used D. that a learner use mental images 182. Like humans, zoo animals must have a dentist ______ their teeth. A. fill B. filled C. filling D. to be filled 183. ______ owe much of their success as a group to their unusual powers of migration. A. That birds B. A bird C. The bird D. Birds 184. The freshman read an advertisement ______ the newspaper about an apartment to rent. A. in B. from C. on D. out of 185. Public television stations are different from commercial stations ______. A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows B. for money and program types C. in the areas of funding and programming D. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the later 186. The committee members resented ______. A. the president that he did not tell them about the meeting B. the president not to inform them of the meeting C. the president's not informing them of the meeting D. that the president has\d failed informing themselves that there was going to be a meeting 187. From 1898 to 1933, the US Weather Bureau obtained information about the weather from ______ to box kites. A. attached devices B. attached to devices C. devices attached D. devices were attached 188. There has not been a great response to the sale, ______? A. does there B. hasn't there C. hasn't it D. has there 189. ______ fuel that is used today is a chemical form of solar energy. A. Most of B. The most C. Most D. Almost the 190. Although fish do not have any outer ears, ______ have a simple inner ear on their side of the head. A. there are varieties B. they are varieties C. some varieties D. which varieties 191. He ______ me the compliment of inviting me to sing at his wedding. A. showed B. paid C. threw D. took 192. There is a great deal of ______ ground between management and trade unions on this issue. A. common B. similar C. familiar D. dangerous 193. Hey, guys. Finish your lunch and ______ business right away. A. get up on B. get down to C. get down on D. do over with 194. The Turkish football team are going to be congratulated ______ playing so well. A. for B. on C. at D. about.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> 195. In Hong Kong, you should avoid the colors blue and white in your presentation materials, as these ______ death and mourning. A. present B. stand for C. represent D. show 196. Joe said that he ______ well the previous day. A. hadn't left B. wasn't feeling C. didn't feel D. wouldn't feel 197. It is difficult for many people to accept a literal ______ of the Bible. A. construction B. exposure C. revelation D. interpretation 198. There should be no discrimination on ______ of sex, race, or religion. A. fields B. places C. areas D. grounds 199. I have bought a present for my mother, and now I need some ______. A. paper wrapper B. wrapped paper C. wrap paper D. wrapping paper 200. Do you know ______? A. what wrong was it with B. what's wrong with it C. what wrong was with it D. what wrong is it with 201. My cat would not have bitten the toy fish ______ it was made of rubber. A. if she had known B. had she known C. if she should know D. if she knew 202. Anne persisted ______ her search for the truth about what had happened. A. at B. about C. in D. on 203. My car is getting unreliable: I think I'll trade it ______ for a new one. A. off B. away C. in D. up 204. ______ that she burst into tears. A. Her anger was such B. So angry she was C. She was so anger D. Such her anger was 205. I am considering ______ my job. Can you recommend a good company? A. to move B. moving C. to change D. changing 206. The curtains have ______ because of the strong sunlight. A. faded B. fainted C. lightened D. weakened Các thầy cô có thể xem thêm các dạng bài tập khác tại trang MASTER YOUR ENGLISH HERE: http:/violet.vn/thienhanh_2009 (còn tiếp) Answer Key 181 D 201 A 182 A 202 C 183 D 203 C 184 A 204 A 185 C 205 D 186 C 206 A 187 C 188 D 189 C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> 190 C 191 B 192 A 193 B 194 A 195 D 196 A 197 D 198 D 199 D 200 B. 1 .TO GET ON : lên xe, đáp xe (buýt) - I always get on the bus at 34th. Street. Tôi thường đáp xe buýt ở đại lộ thứ 34. - William gets on the subway at the same station every morning. Sáng nào William cũng đáp xe ở cùng một trạm. 2 .TO GET OFF : xuống xe, xuống bến - Helen got off the bus at 42nd Street. Helen đã xuống xe buýt ở đại lộ số 42. - At what station do you usually get off the subway ? Anh thường xuống xe điện ngầm ở bến nào ? 3 .TO PUT ON : mang, mặc, đội (dùng cho trang phục) - Mary put on her hat and left the room. Mary đã đội nón và ra khỏi phòng. - Why is John putting on his hat and coat ? Tại sao John đội nón và mặc áo khoác ? 4 .TO TAKE OFF : cởi ra, mở ra, lột ra (dùng cho trang phục) - John took off his hat as he entered the room. John đã giở nón ra trước khi bước vào phòng. - Is Helen taking off her coat because it is too warn in the room ? Có phải vì căn phòng quá nóng nên Helen đã cởi áo khoác ngoài ra ? 5 .TO CALL UP : gọi điện thoại - I forgot to call up Mr. Jones yesterday although I promised to call him up exactly at three o'clock. Hôm qua tôi đã quên gọi điện thoại cho ông Jones mặc dù tôi đã hứa gọi ông ấy vào lúc 3 giờ. - Did anyone call me up while I was out ? Có ai gọi cho tôi lúc tôi đi vắng không ? 6 .TO TURN ON : vặn, mở khóa (đèn, vòi nước, ...) - Please turn on the light. This room is dark. Gian phòng này tối. Làm ơm mở đèn dùm..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> - Someone turned on the radiator in this room while we were out. Có người đã mở khóa lò sưởi căn phòng này khi chúng tôi đi vắng. 7 .TO TURN OFF : khóa lại, đóng lại, tắt (đèn, lò sưởi, ...) - Please turn off the light. We do not need now. Xin tắt dùm đèn, giờ đây chúng tôi không cần. - Shall I turn off the radio or are you still listening to it ? Tôi có thể tắt máy thu thanh được chưa hay các bạn còn để nghe ? 8 .RIGHT AWAY : ngay lập tức, ngay tức khắc - She says that dinner will be ready right away. Cô ta bảo rằng bữa cơm sẽ được dọn lên ngay tức khắc. - Can William come to my office right away ? William có thể đến văn phòng tôi ngay lập tức không ? 9 .TO PICK UP : nhặt lên, nhặt lấy, cầm lấy - John picked up the newspaper which was on his desk. John đã nhặt lấy tờ báo nơi bàn giấy của anh ấy. - Why didn't you pick up that pencil which lay on the floor ? Tại sao anh không nhặt lấy cây bút chì ở sàn nhà lên ? 10 .AT ONCE : lập tức, tức thì (right away) - He asked me to come to his office at once. Ông ta yêu cầu tôi đến văn phòng ngay lập tức. - I want to send this telegram at once. Tôi muốn gửi bức điện tín này tức thì. 11 .TO GET UP : ngồi dậy, thức dậy - I get up at seven o'clock every morning. Mỗi sáng tôi thức dậy vào lúc 7 giờ. - What time does your brother usually get up ? Anh cô thường thức dậy vào lúc mấy giờ ? - The man was so weak that he was unable to get up. Người đàn ông yếu đến mức không thể ngồi dậy được. 12 .AT FIRST : nguyên thủy, ban đầu, trước tiên - At first he seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good progress. Thoạt tiên anh ta thấy Anh ngữ rất khó, nhưng về sau anh ta đã có nhiều tiến bộ khả quan. - At first I thought it was John who was telephoning to me. Ban đầu tôi nghĩ chính John là người đã gọi dây nói cho tôi. A. Substitute, in place of the italicized word or words the corresponding idiomatic expression partially in dictated in parentheses : 1 He arises at the same time every morning. (get...) 2 She telephoned me very late last night. (call...) 3 Helen said that she was going to mail the letter immediately. (right...) 4 Be sure to extinguish the light before you leave the room. (turn...) 5 Remove your overcoat and sit-down a few minutes..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> (put...) 6 Remove your overcoat and sit-down a few minutes. (take...) 7 Originally, I though it was John who calling me. (at...) 8 We boarded the bus at Broadway and 79th Street. (get...) 9 The bus was so crowded that we had difficulty in leaving. (get...) 10 John took with his finger the pencil which was lying on the floor. (pick...) B. Answer these questions, making use in your answers of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson. 1. At what street do you get on the bus or streetcar every morning ? 2. At what street do you usually get off ? 3. It is easy or difficult to get on a bus which is crowded ? 4. It is easy or difficult to get off a bus which is crowded ? 5. Which of your friends called you up last night ? 6. Whom did you call up last night ? 7. Did Henry say that he would return right away or much later this evening ? 8. Do you generally put on your hat and coat when you leave or when you enter your home ? 9. When do you generally take off your hat and coat ? 10. When you arrive at school each day, do you immediately put on your hat and coat or take off your hat and coat ? 11. What do you do when you leave school each day ? 12. If you wish to hear some music do you turn on or turn off the radio ? 13. What do you do when you finish playing the radio : turn on or turn off ? 14. At what time do you get up every morning ? 15. And what time do you brothers and sisters get up ? BÊN EM MÙA XUÂN Nhịp bước nhịp bước trên hè phố rộn ràng Hoa thắm hoa thắm hương mùa Xuân dịu dàng Xa mây trời một màu xanh Em tươi cười và cùng anh, đón xuân về. Giọt sương mang long lanh thế Lòng ai bâng khuâng vai kề. Trong nắng Xuân mới áo hoa rực rỡ lụa mềm Là dáng em đó hay nàng tiên ngoài thềm Em nghe xuân lời tơ vương, Em nghe anh lời yêu thương, ngất ngây lòng Mình vui lên đi anh hỡi, Em yêu anh trọn đời! Mùa Xuân là tiếng hát em bên anh.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> Mùa Xuân đẹp những ước mơ ngày xanh Mùa Xuân hồng thắm má em hoa đào Mùa Xuân là ánh mắt ai vừa trao! Tình yêu vừa chớm với em tóc thề Lời yêu người nói với anh còn say mê Cầm tay cùng bước dáng em yêu kiều Bờ môi hàm tiếu hé mở chiếc hôn đầu tiên EM MUỐN SỐNG BÊN ANH TRỌN ĐỒI Em muốn sống bên anh trọn đời Như núi Chu Prong đứng bên mặt trời Để ngày ngày mặt trời say mê gọi núi Em muốn sống bên anh trọn đời Như áng mây khát khao khát khao bầu trời Bầu trời của em tình yêu của em, mùa xuân ơi (ơ ơ ơ ơ) Tình yêu tôi như màu xanh ngày lá rừng giọt sương ơi hé dê dê (ơ ơ ơ ơ ơ) Tình yêu tôi như giòng Krông na tuôn trào không bao giờ khô cạn, không khi nào tàn phai Xin mãi mãi như con sông dài đang sống theo anh tới nơi chân trời Khi có nhau ta sống trong tình yêu mãi mãi Dù mùa xuân có tàn phai Đâu Phải Bởi Mùa Thu Em ru gì ? Lời ru cho đá núi, đá núi tật nguyền, vết rạn thời gian. Em ru gì ? Lời ru cho biển khơi, biển khơi biết bao giờ ngừng lại. Em ru gì ? Lời ru cho ta, một đời đam mê, một đời giông tố. Em ru gì cho ta, qua bao ngày phôi pha..... Câu hát ngân lên bỗng tắt nữa chừng. Thôi đừng hát ru! Thôi đừng day dứt. Lá trút rơi nhiều, đâu phải bởi mùa thu. Em ru gì ? Lời ru bao tiếc nuối, tiếc nuối một đời, ước vọng tàn phai. Em ru gì ? Lời ru cho ngày mai, ngày mai biết bao giờ trở lại. Em ru gì ? Lời ru cho ta, một đời đam mê, một đời giông tố. Em ru gì cho ta, qua bao ngày phôi pha..... Câu hát ngân lên bỗng tắt nữa chừng. Thôi đừng hát ru! Thôi đừng day dứt. Lá trút rơi nhiều đâu phải bởi mùa thu. Em ru gì ? Lời ru cho ta, một đời đam mê, một đời giông tố. Em ru gì cho ta, qua bao ngày phôi pha..... Câu hát ngân lên bỗng tắt nữa chừng. Thôi đừng hát ru! Thôi đừng day dứt. Lá trút rơi nhiều đâu phải bởi mùa thu. ...... Thôi đừng hát ru! Thôi đừng day dứt. Lá trút rơi nhiều đâu phải bởi mùa thu..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span>

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