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english 7 tuan 17

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week : 18 Period: 52,53,54,55,56. Date of preparation: 08/12/2012 Date of teaching : 11/12/2012. REVIEW FOR 1st TERM TEST I/ OBJECTIVES :. - By the end of the lesson students can review what they have learnt in the first term II/ PREPARATIONS : textbook, handouts. III/ PROCEDURES :. I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: 1.a. car b. park c. warm d. farm 2.a . kind b. mind c. tired d. miss 3.a. village b. go c. game d. gift 4.a. home b. money c. old d. nose 5.a. small b. face c. grade d. late 6. a. breakfast b. teacher c. ready d. heavy 7. a. time b. fine c. five d. city 8. a. engineer b. greeting c. teeth d. street 9. a. chair b. school c. couch d. children 10. a. readers b. shelves c. newspapers d. racks II. Choose the correct answer: 1. ________ does Hoa have only a few friends here? – Because she is new. A How B What C Why D. How 2. A book cost 8,000 dong. You give the storekeeper a ten thousand-dong bill. You get back two-thousand- dong ______ . A change B money C cost D. costs 3. is the pen? – 4000 dong. A. How far B. How often C. How much D. How long 4. Lan lives ________ 25, Phan Chu Trinh Street. A at B on C in D. of 5. I’d like ______ there by train. How long does it take? A to travel B travel C travelling D. go 6. I can see the bookstore through the front door. It’s ______ my house. A opposite B next to C behind D. to the right 7. Nam likes ______ TV. It’s her favourite pastime. A watch B watches C watching D. to watch 8. My father works 30 hours a week while my mother works 45 hours a week. My mother works ______ hours than my father. A. fewer B. more C. less D. the most 9. If you don’t hurry you’ll be late ______ school. A. for B. at C. in D. of 10. Is she a ______ student? - No. She work very hard. A. lazy B. keen C. good D. well 11. Tom and his friends are now ______ vacation in Da Lat. A for B in C on D. of 12. He is very ______ . He often plays football or basket ball in his free time. A sport B sport C sporty D. of 13. The members of the stamp club ______ together twice a month and talk about their stamps. A meet B see C get D. find 14. Tom can play ______ very well. A guitar B the guitar C a guitar D. an guitar 15. How often do you ______ the shopping? A do B go C make D. of 16. He is good ______ English. He always gets high marks in his English tests. A for B of C at D. in 17. Lan is ______ some experiments now. A. doing B making C taking D. playing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 18. Most of my friends are interested ______ computer science. A in B on C at D. with 19. My friend Ba ______ . A likes best Math B likes Math best C best likes Math D. like Math best 20. You say 7.15 ______ . A fifteen past seven B a quarter past seven C seven point fifteen D. A and B are correct 21. What subject is Nam good ______? – Physics. A in B about C at D. on 22. They ______ part in different after-school activities. A make B take C have D. join 23. We need a ______ to skip. A a rope B an atlas C a calculator D. map 24. School in the USA are not quite the same as schools in Viet Nam. They are different ______ ours in may ways. A with B than C from D. of 25. We have a ______ break between classes. A 15 minutes B 15-minute C 15 minute D. 15-minutes 26. They go to the ______ to have a snack. A library B cafeteria C art club D. movie 27. Where are the reference books? – The shelves ______ the left have the books you want. A in B at C on D. at 28. If you are interested in English books, you can find them______ the back of the library A in B to C at D. on 29. There is a reading table ______ the middle of the room. A at B. in C on D. of 30 Lan is ______ a magazine in the library at the moment. A read B reading C reads D. reades 31. It is easy ______ this test. A do B to do C does D. for do 32. Nam is in the ______ . He is taking a shower. A bedroom B kitchen C bathroom D. living room 33. What ______ ! Thanks a lot. A a nice present B a present nice C nice a present D nice present 34. They work their farm in the countryside. A in B on C at D in 35. Linda enjoys ______ to music. A listens B listen C listening D to listen 36. A doctor ______ care of sick people in the hospital. A takes B looks C makes D do 37. I think this apartment is nice. It is the ______ suitable for us to live in. A less B more C best D. most 38 She studies the best ______ her classmates. A in B. of C on D all 39. If you forget her telephone number, look it up in the _______ . A directory B phone C dictionary D call box 40. _______ is your address? – 30 Le Loi Street. A Where B What C How D Which 41. I don’t have _______ stamps. Can you give me some? A some B any C few Da 42. Hoa is _______ because she is new at the school. A worry B worried C worries D worrying 43. _______ is your date of birth? – July 15th. A What B Where C When D Which 44. A: Nice to meet you. B: . A. Nice to see you B. Nice to meet you C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you, too. 45. I am a new student . – So ________ ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> A do I B I am C am I D me too 46. Can you tell me the ________ between Hue and Da Nang? – About 100 km. A. distance B way C road D street 47. She is quite different ________ her friend. She looks shy and reticent. A with B about C from D to 48. I don’t have ________ friends because I am new here. A any B some C lots D a lot 49. Jane’s house is a lot ________ than mine. A big B biger C bigger D biggest s 50. Hoa is ________ because she has no friends in her new school. A happy B unhappy C busy D fun 51. What your favourite pastime? A. I like collecting stamps. C. I’m very inteseted in math. B. I like math best. D. I have a long vacation in Dalat. 52. Let’s rehearse the play! A. Why don’t we rehearse the play? C.Why do we rehearse the play? B. Thanks anyway. D. Would you like to play?. 53.She is very interested in History. A. She likes History very much. C. She doesn’t like History very much. B. She is learning History now. D. She thinks History is difficult. 54. Would you like to come for our dinner? A. Why do you join us? C. What time will you come for dinner ? B. Will you come for our dinner? D. Thanks for joining us. III. Answer questions about you: 1. When do you have English classes? ................................................................................................................................................ 2. What is your favorite subject? ................................................................................................................................................ 3. What do you usually do in your free time? ................................................................................................................................................ 4. What do you usually do at recess? ................................................................................................................................................ 5. What do you usually do after school? ................................................................................................................................................ 6. How often do you go swimming?. ................................................................................................................................................ 7.What do you do? ................................................................................................................................................ 8.How do you go to school? ................................................................................................................................................ 9.How far is it from tour house to school? ................................................................................................................................................ 10.What’s your telephone number? ................................................................................................................................................ 11.How old will you be on your next birthday? ................................................................................................................................................ IV. Read the information about Lien, then ask questions and answer: 1. What’s her full name? -Her full name is Hoang Thi Lien 2. What’s her family name? -_______________________ 3. What’s her middle name? -_______________________ 4. What’s her first name? -_______________________ 5. How old is she? -_______________________ 6. What’s her address? -_______________________ 7. Which class is she in? -_______________________. Full name : Hoang Thi Lien Family name : Hoang Middle name : Thi First name : Lien Age : 12 Address : 32, Tran Phu St. Class : 7A School : Le Loi.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> V. Rearrange the jumbles words to make correct sentences: 1. 45 / Each / lasts / period / for / minutes. 2. get / It / me / 20 / to / to / minutes / takes school. 3. we / students / fewer / than / vacations / have / American. 4. my / five / father / hours / a works / day. 5. do / on / you / what / usually / Saturday / do? 6. is / computer / Mai / interested / books / in / on. 7. go / have / drink / let’s / to / a / canteen / the / and. 8. computer / like / I games / don’t / playing / really. VI. Read the text. We are in a junior high school. At school, we study various subjects. Many students , mostly boys love Math. They like working with numbers and shapes. Most girls like Literature. They love good poems. We must study all subjects because we know that all of them are important. Most of us think English is interesting to learn. To some students , English is easy. To others, English is quite hard. It doesn’t matter whether it is easy or hard. The problem is that we must try out hardest to study. We will know how to study when we receive the report cards. 1 Answer the question. a. Why must we study all subjects? …………………………………………………………………. b. What do the students think of English? …………………………………………………………………. c. What about you? Do you think English is easy or difficult? …………………………………………………………………. d. Where can we see the result of our study? …………………………………………………………………. 2 Choose the best answer. a. “ Many students, mostly boys love Math.” “mostly” means: A mainly B all C only b. “ At school, we study various subjects”. “ various” means: A much B interesting VII. Read this passage and fill in each gap with one word:. countryside. rises. does. D. one C many D good. do. Hoa’s family live in the (1) ______ . Her father is a farmer. He grows rice, vegetable, and (2) _____ cattle, such as cows, buffalo and pigs. Her mother is a homemaker. She (3) ______ the housework, takes care of the family and sometimes helps on the farm. Both her father and mother are busy from morning till night. In her free time, Hoa helps her parents (4) ______ the chores around the house. She loves farm work, too. Life ona farm is hard and busy, but in return, they enjoys fresh air and the quiet of the country. VIII.Read and answer the questions : School in the USA are a little different from schools in Viet Nam. Usually, there is no school uniform. Classes start at 8.30 each morning and the school day ends at 3.30 or 4 o’clock. There are no lessons on Saturday. Students have one hour for lunch and two 20-minute breaks each day. One break is in the morning, the other is in the afternoon. Students often go to the cafeteria and buy snacks and drinks at lunchtime. The most popular after-school activities are baseball, football and basketball. 1.Do children in the USA wear school uniform? …………………………………………………………………. 2. What time do classes start each morning? …………………………………………………………………. 3. Do children go to school on Saturday? …………………………………………………………………. 4. How long does each break last?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> …………………………………………………………………. 5. What sports do they often play after school? …………………………………………………………………. 6. Do they go to school in the morning or in the afternoon? …………………………………………………………………. IX. Read the passage and write T (True) or F (false) for each statement below it: There are two main kinds of sports : team sport and individual sports. Team sports are such sport as baseball, basketball, and volleyball. Team sports require two separate teams. The teams play against each other. They compete against each other in order to get the best score. For example, in a basketball game, if team A gets 7 points and team B get 3 points, team a wins the game. Team sports are sometimes called competitive sports. 1. ______ Team sport and individual sports are tow main kinds o sports. 2. ______ Base ball, basketball and volleyball are individual sports. 3. ______ To get the best score, the two teams have to compete against each other. 4. ______ Competitive sport are sometimes all called team sports..

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