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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.. * MULTIPLE CHOICE The music sound ____________.Do you like this kind of music? (interests/ interested/ interesting/ interest) They suggest ____________ a taxi instead of ____________ because it’s raining. (to take _ to walk/ to taking _ walking/ taking _ walking/ taking _ to walk) After ____________ a car, we a tour around the city. ( hire/ hired/ hiring/ have hired) I’d rather you ____________ in here. ( don’t smoke/ not to smoke/ didn’t smoke/ not smoke) He runs ____________ he can. ( as fastly as/ so fast as/ very fast as/ as fast as) These industrial factories should buy more ____________ (equipment fighting fire/ fire fighting equipment/ fire fight equipment/ equipment fire fight) Tam ____________ last night when the telephone ____________ (slept _ rang/ slept _ was ringing/ was sleeping _ rang/ was sleeping _ was ringing) I saw Nam ____________ in the park ten minutes ago. ( to walk/ was walking/ walk/ walking) ____________? _ Never mind. (- Would you mind if I smoked a cigarette? / - Would you mind if I smoking a cigarette? / Would you mind to smoke a cigarette?) The Ao dai is the ____________ dress of Vietnamese women. ( casual/ traditional/ international/ social) Miss Nga designs clothes for ladies. She is a _________.( clother/ clothing/ cloth maker/ fashion designer) The Ao dai ____________ of a long silk tunic that is slit on the sides and worn over loose pants. ( comprises/ made/ composed/ consists) For centuries, poets, writers and musicians have __________the Ao dai in poems, novels and songs. ( said/ told/ talked/ mentioned) I’ve been waiting for you for an hour. Where ___________?(were you/ are you/ have you been/ did you) Can I look ____________ the meaning of this word in this dictionary? ( after/ at/ up/ for) Don’t give ____________ your hope. ( after/ up/ at/ for) Shall I clean the floor for you mum? _ ___________.(Yes, I will/ Yes, thank you/ Yes, let’s/ Yes, please) A cousin of ____________ is a doctor. ( she/ her/ she’s/ hers) They’ve just painted the door ____________ ( to be green/ green/ greenly/ be green) I’ve never ____________ to Ho Chi Minh City before. (went/ go/ gone/ been) Don’t make such ____________ (noise/ noisy/ a noise/ noisily) Did they tell you how much ____________ ( does the book cost/ the book cost/ the book costs/) Jane and Mary needn’t go home yet but I ____________ (had/ want/ must/ would) To have a new friend ____________ interesting. (is/ be/ are/ being) It’s ____________ from here to the beach. ( walk/ a short/ short walk/ a short walk) The bank will keep your money ____________ (safe/ safely/ safety/ less safe) I’d like to spend my holiday ____________ farm. ( in/on/ at/ over) ____________ did Tim stay with his aunt? _ For two days. ( How/ How far/ How long/ How old) Lan thought Christmas was nice, ____________ she? (wasn’t/ was/ didn’t/ doesn’t) If you want to buy some medicine, go to the ____________. ( stationer’s/ chemist’s/ sweetshop/ greengrocer’s) She is ____________ she missed seeing the acrobats perform. (glad/ afraid/ interested/ sorry) My sister is good ____________ English and Math. (in/ at/ on/ of) Who is Daisy waiting ____________? ( after/in/ at/ for) Students enrich their mind ____________ knowledge they get from class. (without/ with/ for/ from) Farmers get rid ____________ weeds by spraying. ( off/ of/ out/ from) I regret _________you that we cannot approve your application. ( inform/ to inform/ informing/ informed) They had ever considered ____________ but they change their minds later. (not to go/ not going/ not go/ do not go).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 38. The top soil in this area had racks. There ____________ drought for a long time. (should be/ ought to be/ may be/ must have been) 39. I remember ____________ you about this three times. ( tell/ to tell/ told/ telling) 40. Can you manage ____________ ____________ the article in the morning? (finishing _ to write/ to finish _ writing/ finishing _ writing/ to finish _ to write) 41. Let’s go out for a drink. _ I suggest ____________ at home and TV. (to stay _ to watch/ stay _ watching/ staying _ to watch/ staying _ watching) 42. People want to reserve the environment, but they cannot help ____________ it. ( to pollute/ pollute/ polluted/ polluting) 43. We object ____________ forests for land and wood. (to destroying/ to destroy/ for destroying/ destroy) 44. Once use ____________ these minerals can never be replaced. (up/on/in/of) 45. Do you mind ____________ the window? ( to close/ closing/ that you close) 46. Would you mind if I ____________ the windows? (to close/ closed/ closing/ close) 47. These robbers were wearing masks to avoid ____________ (being recognized/ to be recognized/ be recognized) 48. By the time you (finish) cooking, they (do) their homework. (have finished _ will do/ are finishing _ will be doing/ finish _ will have done) 49. I wish I ____________ that words. She seems unhappy. ( didn’t say/ said/ hadn’t said/ would not said) 50. The city committee is considering ____________ cars from the city. ( banning/ to ban/ that they will ban) 51. Parents should provide their children __________ food and clothing. (by/ on/ of/ with) 52. Don’t you remember _________ this film at the local cinema last year? (to see/ seeing/ saw/ that you see) 53. ____________ their way to the station, they were caught ____________the rain and before long were wet ____________ (on _ in _ through/ by _ into _ of/ during _ up _ away/ through _ out _ down) 54. At first, I wasn’t accustomed ____________ night. ( on working/ on work/ to work/ to working) 55. Can you do me a(an) ____________ and post this letter? (favor/ service/ aid/ helps) 56. They went out ____________ the rain. ( although/ spite of/ in spite of/ though) 57. Wait a minute, I’ve got ____________ idea! (the/ an/ this/ some) 58. “I’ll pay him if I can,” she said.( a. She told that she would pay him if she could./ b. She said that I would pay him if she could./ c. She said that she would pay him if she could. 59. Who is the man ____________ at the bus stop ____________ the corner of the street.( stand _on/ standing _on/ stand _ in/ standing _ in) 60. Did she ____________ your neighbor? (used be/ used to be/ use to/ use to be) 61. She has lived in this city for a long time. She _____its noise. (used to/ used to be/ be used to/ gets used to) 62. There are some differences _________British English and American English. ( of/ among/ between/ from) 63. There ____________ a cinema on this street, but it was knocked down. ( used to/ used to be/ is used to/ gets used to) 64. Remember to go _______your test paper to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. ( on/ over/ off/ into) 65. The cat was ____________ to wait for the mouse. 66. Venice, ____________ was built on water. Is a city in Italy. ( where/ who/ that/ which) 67. Unemployment is a serious problem in the area; there are ____________ jobs for the people there. ( a little/ few/ a few/ little) 68. It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to ___________a story. (combine/ manage/ invent/ lie) 69. I’m not accustomed ____________ up so early. ( to getting/ to get/ by getting/ get) 70. It was really kind ____________ you to help the poor. (from / on/ of/ in) 71. The wind was so strong that it ____________ our tent to pieces. (broke/ smashed/ destroyed/ tore) 72. “ Which ____________ of learning English is the most difficult for you?” “ _ It’s pronunciation. ( detail/ aspect/ face/ choice).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 73. Solar ________are put on the roof of houses to collect energy from sunlight. ( panels/ bars/ boards/ sheets) 74. Someone wants you to __________ a good hotel. (introduce/ direct/ recommend/ tell) 75. We need to develop ____________ in order to attract foreign investment. (system/ infrastructure/ basic/ mechanism) 76. All the buildings in the university have instructions about what to do ____________ fire. (in place of/ in charge of/ in danger of/ in case of) 77. Many scientists are sure there is ____________ on other planets. ( life/ people/ existence/ creature) 78. You ____________ put the fish in the fridge before it spoils. (had better/ had to/ would rather/ may) 79. If I knew what ____________ , I would tell you. ( is the time/ was the time/ time is it/ the time was) 80. I’d rather you ____________ the goods this week. (deliver/ delivered/ will deliver/ are delivering) 81. He jumped into the river with ____________ clothes on. (his all/ his whole/ the whole/ all his) 82. It was in this house ____________ (where I was born/ that I was born/ I was born in/ in which I was born) 83. Excuse me! I’m doing my homework ____________ turning down your radio a bit ? (would you please/can you/ would you/ would you mind) 84. I wish this exam ____________ easier. (is/was/will be/ would be) 85. We ask her ____________ (when was she married/ when is she married/ when she is married/ when she was married) 86. Who was the first person _________ foot on the moon? ( setting/ who sets/ to set/ set) 87. It all depends on ____________ you want to consult with. (who/ whom/ for whom/ of whom) 88. The strangers are thought ____________ not to take anything ____________ from some seeds. (alone/ apart/ besides/ except) 89. I wouldn’t waste time ____________that book if I were you. ( to reading/ reading/ read/ to be read) 90. That little boy has no difficulty ____________on his own. (to get dressed/ getting dressing/ getting dressed/to get dressing) 91. He suggested everyone ____________recycled products to save natural resources. (uses/ use/ had used/ using) 92. Report it to ____________you see at the police station. (whomever/ whenever/ however/ whatever) 93. No one can ____________ the advantages of using computers. They help us do our work quickly. (refuse/ accept/ agree/ deny) 94. The sale of our products has increased since the economic ____________ is getting better. ( occurrence/ condition/ situation/ convenience) 95. We can protect our environment and save a lot of money by buying ____________products. ( used/ waste/ recycled/ recycling) 96. Energy from sunlight can be collected by solar ____________ put on the roof of houses. (panels/ bars/ boards/ sheets) 97. Hundreds of people were injured or died when the building ______(destroyed/ struck/ erupted/ collapsed) 98. It’s difficult to find _____________in tourist attractions at busy times. ( accommodation/ sight/ landscape/ requirement) 99. Some passengers spoke to reporters about their ____________ in the burning plane. (event/ happening/ occasion/ experience) 101. I’m sure they were ____________ lies. (making/ saying/ telling/ doing) 102. ____________of the students know the answer to that question. ( almost/ the most/ most/ mostly) 103. I’d rather you ____________on the radio after 10 o’clock. (not turn/ do not turn/ will not turn/ did not turn) 104. Tom works at a garage and so spends ____________ lying under motor car. (many time/ many times/ much time/ a lot of time) 105. We will never forget ________ a good friend like you when we return home. ( having/ to have/ have/ had).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 106. “_ I don’t plan to have a garden this year”. “_ You should at least plant some tomatoes; ____________ you’ll have to pay two dollars a basket for them.” (however/otherwise/ although/ unless) 107. When we arrived, there was a smell of cooking ____________ from the kitchen. (come/ came/ coming/ has come) 108. They have nothing to eat. If they had saved some food, they ____________so hungry now. (are not/ won’t be/ wouldn’t have been/ wouldn’t be) 109. We ask her ____________ (when was she married/ when she is married/ when is she married/ when she was married) 110. She can remember the time ___________ cars were rarely seen in the village. (which/ that/ where/ when) 111. I suggested he ____________ harder to pass this exam. ( works/ work/ had worked/ working) 112. Who was the first person ____________ the south Pole? ( reaching/who reaches/ to reach/ reached) 113. Would you be ____________ to hold the door open? ( too kind/ kind enough/ as kind/ so kind) 114. The lights ____________ out and we were left in the dark. (turned/ put/ went/ land) 115. “ When will your pen pal arrive?” “___________” ( Since a week/ in a week/ for a week/ during a week) 116. Mai’s English is excellent. He speaks ____________ (perfectly English/ English perfectly/ perfect English/ English perfect) 117. When I was on holiday, I enjoyed ____________ get up early. ( not having to/ not have to/ no have to/ have to no ) 118. Pollution will ____________ all of us unless we do something about it. ( spoil/ harm/ injure/ wound) 119. I ______ in heavy traffic every day. ( used to drive/ am used to driving/ get used to drive/ used to driving) 120. You ____________ more exercise if you ____________ to keep fit. (can make _ want/ ought to make _ wanted/ should take _ want/ might do _ want) 121. Please____________ your hand if you want to ask the teacher a question. ( rise/ raise/ lift/ pull) 122. He’s the man ____________ at the party last week. ( I spoke to/ I spoke to him/ who I spoke/ who I spoke to him) 123. Lan’s the ____________ the three girls. (most intelligent than/ most intelligent of/ more intelligent as/ more intelligent from) 124. I don’t go out much nowadays. _ ____________. (me, too/ I don’t too/ I don’t either/ neither don’t I) 125. Oh, no. I forgot my key! _ You ____________ ( always forget/ are always forget/ are always forgetting/ are forgotten) 126. Does the price of a single room ____________ breakfast? ( concern/ contain/ include/ enclose) 127. ____________ I carry that bag for you , Shannon? _ Oh, thank you. ( Do/ Shall/ Will/ Would) 128. You see someone you know across the street, so you ____________ them. (salute/ wave to/ welcome/ tell) 129. You probably think carefully before deciding how to ____________ a business letter. (respond to/ respond/ reply/ answer to) 130. It’s quite easy to get access ____________ the Internet. (on/in/to/into) 131. When the lesson was ____________ we went home immediately. (off/ up/ out/ over) 132. She looks ____________ a famous film star. (like/ similar/ same) 133. ____________ she plays the piano! ( How good/ How well/ What good/ What well) 134. There are ____________ girls in our class. (non/ not/ no/ a lot) 135. Our English lessons are ____________ long. (more/ much too/ too much/ very much) 136. She gave me two oranges, but ____________ was ripe. (either/ neither/ not/ no) 137. The hens have ____________ more eggs this week. (lied/ lain/ laid/ lay) 138. They often come home ____________ a big car. (by/ in/ on/ with) 139. What color ____________ his new car? (have/ has/ is/ does) 140. I don’t know ____________ it will be nice today. (whether/ weather/ without/ _/ 141. The artist, ____________ painting you bought was a classmate of mine. (who/ whose/ which/ whom).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179.. We will leave for Japan ____________ the end of May. (for/ on/ at/ in) A friend of ____________ came to the tea yesterday. ( Jane/ her/ Jane’s/ Janes’) Don’t forget to put the ____________ outside.(milk bottles/ bottles milk/ bottle milk/ bottle of milk) Do you know the girl ____________ the green dress? (in/ wear/ to wear/ wears) This drink is made ____________ fresh fruits and sugar. (of/ from/ with/ in) What ____________ weather! The rain hasn’t stopped. (a/ a terrible/ the/ _) ____________ you like coffee? (Do/ Would/Will/ Could) You should give up ____________ (to smoke/ smoke/ smoking/ smoked) ____________ do you think about my new car ? (How/ What/ Which/ when) She has bought a ____________ (reading lamp/ lamp reading/ read lamp/ lamp read) This orange tastes ____________ (sweety/ sweet/ sweetly/ sweeting) It’s time for you to leave ____________ this town. (from/ away/ off/ _) Jack wakes up ____________(early morning/ in early morning/ early in the morning/ in the early morning) Susan is the ____________ of the two girls. (prettiest/ more pretty/ prettier/ the most pretty) Hockey players wear lots of detective clothing ____________ they don’t get hurt. (although/ if/ in order that/ because) Have you applied for a job yet? _ Yes, I have. It’s for a secretarial ____________ in a large company. (post/ matter/ work/ employment) I’ve got to go out this afternoon. Can we ____________ our meeting till next week? (put out/ put off/ put away/ put down) Hello, Is John there? _ Just a minute. I ____________ get him. (am going to/ will/ would/ am to) You should reduce the ____________ of water your family use. (number/ amount/ much/many) I don’t remember ____________ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. (telling/ being told/ to tell/ to be told) He’d rather I ________a hot beverage during a meal. (do not have/ did not have/would not have/ had not) She has been working so hard. She feels quite ____________ (wasted/dull/ exhausted/ empty) It seems very difficult for me to have a trip _______ (foreign/ country/ other/ abroad) The child was told to eat all his vegetables or ____________ he would get no ice _ cream. (else/ in case/ instead/ in fact) I’m going to ____________ my dress dry _ cleaned. (make/ have/ send/ take) Do you think that the tax _______ petrol should be raised to protect the environment? (of/ with/ about/ on) When there are small children around, It’s better to put breakable ornaments out of ____________ (reach/ hand/ hold/ place) “ What advice did you give the students?” _” Well, I recommended that he ____________to the dean. ( is speaking/ will speak/ had spoken/ speak) Yesterday, we did nothing but ____________ (talking/ talked/ to talk/ talk) I can’t tell Peter and Paul apart. They’re ____________ twins. (similar/ alike/resemblance/ identical) You’re ____________ your time to persuade him, he’ll never help you. (wasting/ spending/ losing/ missing) My sister is an expert on wildlife and its ____________ (conserve/ preserve/ conservation/reservation) For me, Internet is a wonderful ___________of modern life. (discovery/ invention/benefits/ improvement) ____________ little we may like it, old age comes to most of us. (despite/ so/ however/ as) I’m phoning them again because I want to ____________ the arrangement for tomorrow. (ensure/ make sure/ make sure of/ take care) The weather is ____________ today than yesterday. (too better/ very better/ more better/ much better.) I wish I could go to Japan ____________ Lan did last year. ( as/ like/ same/ similar) He left his job ____________ the reasons he explained. (on/for/ from/ about).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 180. He wants to ask her if ____________ (supper ready yet/ yet supper is ready/ supper is ready yet/ is supper ready yet) 181. I ____________ in the café having a drink when the police arrived. (sat/ have sat/ was sitting/ sit) 182. These books cost more than those ____________ ( have/ are/ do/ were) 183. I should prefer ____________ if you don’t mind. (to be not going/ not to be going/ not to have gone/ not to go) 184. The smaller the room is, ____________ furniture it needs. (little/ the fewer/ the less/ the little) 185. Have you ever heard this song ____________ in here? ( sing/ singing/ be sang/ sung) 186. “ Where do you often ____________ guests?” _” In the living room.” (meet/ receive/ welcome/ greet) 187. Jane ____________ her friends would come to her party. (wishes/ hopes/ feels/ determines) 188. The flight had to be ____________ because of the bad weather. (failed/ landed/ cancelled/ completed) 189. The workers often play football after work. They are ____________ footballers. (athletic/ amateur/ professional/ temporary) 190. All ____________ take part in the Olympic Games in the spirit of sportsmanship. (sporty men/ competitors/ players/ physicians) 191. Like waste paper, broken glass should be ____________ (recycled/ reproduced/ preserved/ resaved) 192. When the children were found, they were ____________ (starved/ frightening/ being hungry/ terrifying) 193. Why don’t you and Nam help ____________ in study? ( yourselves/ each other/ together/ yours) 194. Tom is not ____________ good player as his younger brother. (such/ so/ very/ too) 195. “ How ________ does Ann type?” “ Eighty words a minute.” ( much/ fast/ long/ far) 196. Although his health is getting ____________ he never looks depressed.(better and better/ too worse/ more and more terribly/ worse and worse) 197. “ I’m terribly sorry Mom,” the boy said, “but the test was ____________ for me to do.(not easier than/ not as easy as/ too difficult/ as difficult as) 198. I don’t think the hall is ____________ for 100 guests. We need somewhere more spacious. ( too large/ larger than/ large enough/ not large enough) 199. Have they booked the restaurant _________ ? (already/ yet/ for two hours/ since ten) 200. They took pride ____________ being the best players of the school. (of/in/on/at) 201. We could not use the fire fighting equipment because the water pipes ____________ (would burst/ used to burst/ have burst/ had burst) 202. It’s no use ____________ him really. He had to do what he had been told to. (to blame/ for blaming/ you blamed/ blaming) 203. Have you got a car____________? ( of your own/ of yourself/ of you/ of your) 204. I’m not accustomed ____________ in public. (to speak/ to speaking/ speaking/ at speaking) 205. Either John or his brothers ____________ the keys to the car. (has been taken/ has taken/ have taken/ have been taken) 206. This house needs ____________ (to repaint/ repainted/ to be repainting/ repainting) 207. I think you are wrong .This bill is ____________(much too high/ high too much/ much high too/ too much high) 208. My letter ____________ have arrived yesterday, but it didn’t. (must/ may/ should/can) 209. We must do this exercise ________we have been taught. (by the way/ on the way/ in the way/ as the way) 210. Most young people in the Western world have ____________ to a good education. (entrance/reach/ access/ opportunity) 211. A ____________ of wind blew all my papers of my desk. (breeze/ draft/ puff/ gust) 212. Children under ten are fond ____________ picture books. (at/in/of/to) 213. The children kept ____________ about the bears.(to talk/ talk/ talking/ on talk) 214. The lion made the two _ year _old boy ____________( cries/ cry/ cried/ crying).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257.. These students always go to school ____________ ( hurry/ hurried/ hurryly/ hurriedly) The school yard was ____________ with students. (full/ crowded/ enough/ few) Everything is ready on the table , ____________? (aren’t they/ are they/ is it/ isn’t it) If you are tired, go and ____________ for a while. (to rest/ rest/ resting/ rested) Will you be at home _________ for dinner? (sometime/ some time/ in time/ at time) Please write your answers ____________. (by/ in/ with/ of) Come and sit ________ me, there is plenty of room. (beside/ next to/ all are correct) My grandmother is very old and isn’t ________ very good health. (with/ from/ in/ on) The teacher asked his students not to laugh ____________ the newcomers. (on / of/ at/ in) ____________ the students in my class enjoy reading picture books. (the most/ almost/ most of/ most) It is an ____________ painting. (old interesting French/ interesting old French/ French old interesting) Why don’t you come to class ____________? (early/ earlier/ more early) The accused man ____________ to give the police any more information. ( objected/ refused/ denied/ disliked) We heard the teacher ____________ (comes/ came/ comes/ coming) I hope there won’t be too much ____________ to find a job nowadays. (difficult/ difficulty/ difficultly) The heavy rain made it ____________ for us to have our picnic. (possible/ possibility/ impossible/ impossibility) Before I bought the pants, I asked if I could _______ them on. (try/ wear/ have/ take) A football match is divided into two ____________(times/ parts/ sections/ halves) You should throw these ball pens away. They are ____________ (use/ used/ useful/ useless) He is wearing an ___________ shirt. (old white cotton/white old cotton/ cotton old white/ old cotton white) Everybody recognizes the ____________ of libraries. (use/ useful/ usefulness/ uselessness) This is the most expensive watch ____________ I have. (who/ which/ that/ one) The party ________I was the guest of honor was very enjoyable.(at which/ by which/ for which/ to which) Apples are sold ____________ the pound.(with/ by/ on/ up) Don’t enter ____________ the room. ( into/ to/ by/ _) My application for a trading licence was ____________( held down/ let down/ put down/ turned down) ____________ that reason, I don’t agree with you. (because/ due to/ for/ with) He seldom goes fishing in winter, ____________ he? (doesn’t / isn’t/ does/ hasn’t) I, who____________ your friend, will stand by you. (am/is/has/does) He kept on ____________ about the soccer player he liked. (talk/ talking/ to talk/ talked) Waste paper can be used again after ____________ ( recycled/ be recycled/ is recycled/ being cycled) Do you know what time the train ____________ to Hanoi? (arrives/ gets/ reaches/ comes) The woman began to ____________ because her daughter was late. (trouble/worried/ take care/ worry) He asked me when I ____________school. (left/ has left/ had left/ leave) They’ll see us ____________two week ____________ now. (next _ by/ in _from/after _ by/ before _from) _________ a doctor, must I advice you to give up smoking. (like/ because/ as/ and) It’s often made of iron and can lead into a garden. It’s ___________(a door/ a gate/ a doorway/ a corridor) She gets flowers from her neighbor ________ from her husband. (as usual as/ also as/ as well as/ as often) Turn round. The road is ____________ repair.(in/ under/ on/ off) Have you got ____________ pen ____________ you? (a _ on/ one _ for/ any _with/ one _ with) ______________ borrowed my dictionary?(whose is/ who’s/ who is/whom) ______________we’ve been having! (What a dreadful weather/ What dreadful weather/How dreadful weather/ How a dreadful weather) Mary is the person who is easy to get along with. She is really likes talking to people. She is ____________ (sociable/ unsociable/ talkative/ direct).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 258. Don’t trust Bill. He is a kind of person who doesn’t do what he says he will. He is so ____________(reliable/ unreliable/ easy _ going/ sociable) 259. My friend, Lan is ____________ She loves giving things to others. (skilled/ direct/ generous/ friendly) 260. Jack often tells funny stories which make his friends laugh. Everybody like his sense of ____________ (humor/ working/ saying/ talking) 261. Tom can wait for somebody for a long time without complaining. He is very ______________ ( polite/ patient/ impatient/ impolite) 262. Linder is a person of few words. She rarely speaks in public. She’s really _________________ ( talkative/ out _ going/ reserved/ polite) 263. Look at that crowd. I ____________ what they ____________ for. (wonder _ wait/ am wonder _ are waiting/ wonder _ are waiting/ wondered _ waited) 264. A person who leaves his own country to live in another is a(n)_____( leaver/ wanderer/ emigrant/ worker) 265. People who can neither speak nor hear are the ____________ (deaf/ mute/ deaf _ mute/ mute _ deaf) 266. They finally came up ____________ a device which they first introduced in 1876. ( on/ of/ to/ with) 267. He’ll come _________ to pick you _________ (on _in/ over _ on/ in _ up/ over _up) 268. Don’t come in. Please wait ____________ for your turn. (inside/ downstairs/ outside/ upstairs) 269. Mrs. Lien said you could reach her ____________ 8 603 428. (on/ at/ in/ from) 270. Keep those medicines ____________ the children’s reach. (after/ outside/ out of/ out) 271. The flight to London ___________for half an hour. ( delayed/ is delayed/ has delayed/ has been delayed). * KEY. 1. interesting 2. taking _ walking 3. hiring 4. didn’t smoke 5. as fast as 6. fire _ fighting equipment 7. was sleeping _ rang 8. walking 9. Would you mind if I smoked a cigarette 10. traditional 11. fashion designer 12. consists 13. mentioned 14. have you been 15. up 16. up 17. yes, please 18. hers 19. green 20. been 21. noise 22. the book cost 23. must 24. is 25. a short walk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 26. safe 26.waited 27. on 28. how long 29. didn’t 30. chemist’s 31. sorry 32. at 33. for 34. with 35. of 36. to inform 37. not going 38. must have been 39. telling 40. to finish _ writing 41. staying _ watching 42. polluting 43. to destroying 44. up 45. closing 46. closed 47. being recognized 48. finish _ will have done 49. hadn’t said 50. banning 51. with 52. seeing 53. on _ in _ through 54. to work 55. favor 56. in spite of 57. an 58. She said that she would pay him if she could 59. standing _ on 60. use to be 61. gets used to 62. between 63. used to be 64. over 65. patient enough 66. which 67. few 68. lie 69. to get 70. of 71. tore 72. aspect.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 73. panels 74. recommend 75. infrastructure 76. in case of 77. life 78. had better 79. the time was 80. delivered 81. the whole 82. where I was born 83. Would you mind 84. Would be 85. when she was married 86. to set 87. whom 88. apart 89. reading 90. getting dressed 91. use 92. whomever 93. deny 94. situation 95. recycled 96. panels 97. collapsed 98. accommodation 99. experience 100. telling 101. waiting 102. most 103. didn’t turn 104. much time 105. having 106. otherwise 107. coming 108. wouldn’t be 109. when she was married 110. when 111. work 112. to reach 113. kind enough 114. went 115. in a week 116. English perfectly 117. not having to 118. harm 119. am used to driving.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166.. should take _ want raise I spoke to most intelligent I don’t either are always forgetting include shall wave to respond to to over like how well no much too neither laid in is whether whose at Jane’s milk bottles in from _ do smoking what reading lamp sweet _ early in the morning prettier in order that post put off will amount being told didn’t have exhausted abroad else have. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192.. on reach speak talk identical wasting conservation invention however ensure much better as for supper is ready yet was sitting do not to go the less sung receive wishes cancelled amateur competitors recycled starved.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253.. each other so fast worse and worse too difficult large enough yet in had burst blaming of your own to speak have taken repainting much too high must in the way access puff 211.has worked try halves useless old white cotton usefulness that at which by _ turned down for does am talking being recycled gets worry had left in _ from as a gate as well as under. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272.. of talking cry hurriedly crowded isn’t it rest in time in all are correct in at most of interesting old French earlier refused coming difficulty impossible any _ with who’s what dreadful weather sociable unreliable generous humor patient reserved are wonder _ are waiting emigrant deaf _ mute with over _ up outside at out of has been delayed.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span>

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