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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week 1 - 23rd August 2012 Period 1. REVIEW AND TEST. I.Objectives 1.Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the main grammar points and vocabulary of English 8. 2.Skills Listening, speaking, writing and reading skills 3.Actitude Educate Ss to learn hard and to be honest II. Language contents: 1.Structure: - The past simple, the present perfect and the past progressive tenses - Passive voice - Reported speech 2.Vocabulary: Vocabulary of 6 themes 3. Teaching aids: Text book III. Teaching procedures: Con tents Teacher and students’ activities 1. Warm up: T: Say hello to the students How are you? - Today we’re going to review the main grammar points and vocabulary of English 8, then we are going to have a 10-minute-test. 1. Past simple tense. 2 Review: - Ask Ss to retell some forms and (+) S + V(ed) .... uses of tenses that they have learnt (?) Did + S + V-inf ... ? (-) S + did + not + V-inf ... in English 8 program. 2. Past progressive tense (+) S + was/ were + V(ing)... (?) Was/ were + S + V(ing)... ? (-) S + was/ were + not + V(ing)... 3. Present perfect tense (+) S + have/ has + done... - Divide the class into 3 groups and (?) + Have/ Has + S + done... ? ask Ss discuss to make examples. (-) S + have/ has + not + done... Group 1 makes examples, use the past simple tense. Group 2 makes examples, use the past progressive tense. Group 3 makes examples, use the Present perfect tense. - Remark and correct. - Ask the class to retell forms of passive voice - Divide the class into 2 groups, and ask Ss discuss to change 2 sentences into the passive 4. Passive voice - Remark and correct S + be + done... - Ask the class to retell the way to report a sentence Divide the class into 2 groups, and ask Ss to report 2 sentences 5. Reported speech - Remark and correct S + said that + V ( ed)....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> IVòng tròn 1 từ có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại (2) 1.A- heritage B- shortage C- teenage D- luggage 2.A- neighbour B- receive C- weight D- great 3.A- stretched B- chemistry C- Christmas D- character 4- A. invited B. wanted C. ended D. liked II_ Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (3) 1- I’d like (sit )……………., please! 2. We (know).............................................. each other since we were student. 3. When I got to the station, Jack (wait)..............................for me. 4. I used to (play)..................................video games a lot when I was a little boy. 5. What …………………………you (do) …………………last weekend? 6. Peter’s driving licence ( take)...................................yesterday by the police. IV- Hãy viết lại câu sau bắt đầu bằng từ cho trước sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi(3) 1- Elisa Howe invented the sewing machine in 1845 → The sewing machine ……………………………………… 2- “What time do you want to leave for the airport ? “ Harry asked me → Harry asked me ……………………………………………… 3- The last time I went skiing was ten years ago. → I haven’t …………………………………………………………………………. 4- How is the weather ? → What’s ………………………………………………… IV- IV. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi ( 2) It was hot yesterday, so Liz didn’t stay in her house. She played in the garden. She walked along the path, picked some flowers and walked on again. There were some bufallos and cows out side the garden. Liz is always afraid of cows, so she did not go near them. She was back home at a quarter to five. She wanted a vase and some water for the flowers. She placed the vase of flowwers on the window. She wanted to make her room fresh and beautiful. 1. What was the weather like yesterday?……………. 2. What did Liz do in the garden?…………………… 3. What time did Liz come back home?……………… 4- Why did she place the vase of flowers on the window? After teaching notes:………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Week 1: Period 2: Friday, August 24th 2012 Unit one: A visit from a penpal Lesson 1 :Getting started + Listen and Read I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the topic of unit "A visit from a pen pal". - Introduce some famous places in their town / city to their foreign friends. - Understand the passage about Maryam's visit in Hanoi..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: correspond (v); impress (v); friendliness (n); mosque (n); pray (v) 2. Grammar / Structure: -The past simple tense - The past simple tense with "wish" III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: Getting started. Listen & Read. 1. Brainstorming: HCM National homeland Quyet mountain HCM Cualo beach Square Lam river Ben Thuy bridge Famous places in Nghe An Pumat National park Saova water fall 2. Pair work: ( Getting started P6) S1: What activities would you do during the visit? S2: I think I'll take my friends to Huong Pagoda. (The Temple of Literature, History Museum...) 1. Set the scene: ( Picture of two persons) Maryam a week Hoa ( Kuala Lumpur) visit ( Hanoi) 2. Prediction: Where did Maryam visit in Hanoi? ( Answer may be: Hoan Kiem lake, The Temple of Literature History Museum... 3. Pre-teach vocabulary:  To correspond ( Ex: We usually write to each other. That means we correspond to each other.)  To be impress by = admiring sb or st very much.  A mosque ( picture)  To pray (mime)  Friendliness ( Noun of Friendly) + Checking: Rub out and Remember 4. Listen & read ( P6) - Listen . - Read aloud. 5. Multiple choice (P7). T -sts. Students T -sts. Students T -student s. Students. Students - Work in groups to choose the best Answers. Answer: 1c 2b 3d 4b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 6. Model sentences: - Set the scene :  What did Lan say to Maryam at the end of the week? I" wish you had a longer vacation." - Elicits from students : The past simple after Wish S + wish + S + Ved (were) ..... Ex: I wish I were a doctor She wishes she had a lot of money now. Consolidation - Make some sentences . *1- The past simple. - Students remind the form and the use of the past simple. 2-The past simple with Wish - Students remind the form.. Homework. T -student s. Students. 3. Practice Task 3/P12. - learn by heart the new words.. After teaching notes:………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Week 2 – P 3 Tuesday,August 28th 2012 Unit 1 : A visit from a penpal Lesson 2 : Speak + LF 2,3. I. Objectives: - Help students practice speaking. - Revise the past simple and the past simple with "Wish" II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: Different (a) , Be different from. 2. Grammar / Structure: - The present simple tense, must be -Make introduction and respond to the introduction..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: Warm up. * Pelmanism: Tokyo Perth Japan Australia. Pre-speaking. Liverpool Bombay Ha noi England India Vietnam. 1. Brainstorming: Name. Students Introduce yourself. age. Class. hobbies country country. 2: Elicitation: ( Using ex-tra board). T -sts. Make introduction. Respond to the introduction. - Hello, my name is Hoa - Let me introduce my self I'm Hoa I'm 14 years old I'm in class 9A I'm from Vietnam I like....... - Nice to meet you, Hoa. - Pleased to meet you, Hoa. - Really? Me too.. 3. Matching and ordering the conversation (3a/P8). + Feed back: (1c 5b 4d 2e 3a 6 ) 4. Elicitation: Ex:. Must be You must be Maryam Be different from. Students. Ex: Kuala Lumpur isn't different from Hanoi. Whilespeaking. 1. Role adoption(3a/P8) 2. Prescribed role play(3b/P8) You. Yoko / Tokyo. Group 1. Paul/ Liverpool. Group 2. T -students Students. Jane/ Perth. Group 3. Ex: S1: Hello, you must be Yoko. S2: Yes, that's right. I'm. S1: Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am LAN. S2: Pleased to meet you, LAN..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> After teaching notes:………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. Week 2 - Period 4th Wednesday, August 29th 2012 Unit 1: a visit from a pen pal Lesson 3: Listen+ LF 1 I.Objectives: - By the end of the lesson students will be able to: 1.Knowledge - Make and respond to introductions. - Listen to specific information to select the correct picture. 2.Skills - Speaking and listening skills. II. Language contenst: 1.Structure: - The present simple tense - The past simple tense. 2. Teaching aids: Text book, picture , tape. III. Teaching procedures: * Pelmanism: Warm up see watch make buy have say go Know knew saw had made watched went said bought Pre-listening. * While listening:. *Post listening:. Students. 1- Introduce the situation of the dialogue: Dialogue Tim T -sts Carlo - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in each one, where the place is, what the people are doing. 2- Open prediction - Tell Ss that Tim is taking Carlos to visit some places. Ask them to think of three things that Tim and Carlos are doing. Possiple answers: They are going to the park. They are taking a bus. They are going to the restaurant. Students - Have Ss listen to the tape to check their guesses. - Have Ss listen to the tape again to check their answers. - Give feedback Answer: a. 1: You're walking on the grass b. 2: We want the number 130. c. 2: I'd rather eat hamburger T -sts - Ask Ss to answer some questions . + Where are Tim and Carlo going ? + What are they doing ? + What are they going to eat ? +Why does Carlo want to eat hamburgers ? Possible answer: (go through the park catch the bus go to the restaurant eat hamburger . He. Students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> loves American food.) 1-Personal questions  What did you do on the weekend? Language 1  When did you do? 2-Model:  What did Ba do on the weekend? He went to see a movie called " Ghosts and Monsters"  When did he see it? He saw it on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 3. Practice: Pair work (Yellow box P11) 4- Feed back. S1: What did Nga do on the weekend? S2: She went to the Concert - Hanoi singers. S1: When did she go? S2: She went on Saturday at 8pm. ( Others do the same) * -The past simple tense. -The past simple with "Wish" * Prepare U1 - Read. Consolidation * - Rewrite Tim and Carlos’ s visiting in USA.. T -student s. Students Homework. Week 3- Period 5th Tuesday, September 6th 2012 Unit 1: A visit from a penpal Lesson 3: Read I. Objectives:. + Help students practice reading a text about Malaysia. +By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the country of the ASEAN. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: divide, separate , comprise, tropical, climate, official. 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures, map of countries of the Asian. IV. Procedure: Students Malaysia Vietnam 1. Area: 329,758km2 5. Capital City: Kular Lumpur. * Guessing game: Warm up 2. Population: over 22 million. 6. Official religion: Islam Cues: ( Using a map of countries of the Asian) 3. Climate: climate. 7. National languages : -It's the country whose name hastropical 8 letters..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week 4- P6th Friday, September 7th 2012. Unit one: A visit from a penpal Lesson 4: Write. I. Objectives: + Help students practice writing a letter. +By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the frame of an informal letter and know how to write a personal letter. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: seafood (n), specialty (a). 2. Grammar / Structure: (Revise) - The past simple tense. -The present perfect tense. -The present simple tense. III. Teaching aids: Text book IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre-writing. * Chatting:  Have you ever visited any others places in Vietnam?  When did you go?  How did you get there?  Did you visit any places of interest?  Did you buy any things?  When you are away from home, do you keep in touch? How? ( Write letter) 1. Brainstorming:  How many kinds of letter? Invitation congratulation thank you Letter. T -Student s. T -sts. announcement 2. Elicitation: - The frame of an informal letter (personal letter) 3 sections: First paragraph Second paragraph Third paragraph - The format of a personal letter: ( The parts of a personal letter)  Heading: writer's address and the date.....  Opening: Dear......  Body of the letter:.......  Closing : Your friend / Regard / Love. 3. Oral preparation: - Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in other part of Vietnam or in a different country. - Talk to each other about your visit using the following:. TStudents. Students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> a. b. c. d. e.. Where are you now? When did you arrive? How did you get there? Who did you meet? What have you done? - What places have you visited? -Who have you met? -What have you bought? -What kinds of food have you tried? f. How do you feel now? g. What do you think interest you most? h. When are you returning home? While-writing * Guided writing: - Write a letter to your family telling about your visit using the outline given (P11). TSuggested ideas: Students First paragraph: I arrived at the airport / train station/ bus station at... .... in the ..... . .......met me at the ... the he / she took me home by... Second paragraph: I have visited many places like........... I have tried different of food such as....... I have bought a lot of things like.......... I will visit.......tomorrow. Third paragraph: I feel very happy and enjoy myself very much. The people here are very nice/ kind and friendly, the food is so delicious and the sights are so beautiful. I will leave.....on...and I will come home on.... Please pick up me at the ............. See you soon then. Yours 4. POST – WRITING : Post-writing WORD CUE DRILL Use the suggested word to complete the letter: Dear Lan 1. very happy / get your / mail. 2. I / back / from/ holiday / countryside. 3. it / one/ most/ interesting / trip / have 4. I / play / lots / traditional games / and ate / fresh / fruits. 5. what / you/ ? / nice / weekend / ?/ 6. please write back / me / soon / possible. * The answer: Dear Lan! Consolidation 1.I’m very happy to get your mail. 2.I’ve been back from a holiday to the countryside. 3.It was one of the most interesting trip I have ever had. 4.I played lots of traditional games and ate a lots of fresh.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> fruits. 5.What about you? Did you have a nice weekend? 6.Please write back to me as soon as possible Love Lien * Correction: Choose some letters to correct before the class. * The format of an informal letter. Homework. Week 5 – P 7th Saturday, Sep 22nd 2012. * Write a letter to your friend , telling him / her about your visit in Hanoi.. Unit 2: Clothing Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to know some more about Ao dai, the traditional dress of Vietnamese women. II. Language focus: 1. Grammar: the present perfect 2. vocabulary: poet; a long silk tunic ; slit ; losse ; pants ; inspiration ; unique ; pattern III. Teaching aids: Text book , pictures. IV. Procedure: warm up. * Quiz: ex: a) T: where does the women in picture “a “ come from ? S1: she comes from Japan T: why/ How do you know she comes from Japan? S2: Because she is wearing a kimono Group work b) She comes from Vietnam. c) He comes from Scotland. ( He is wearing a kilt ) d) She comes from Idia. ( She is wearing a sari ) e) he comes from USA. (She is wearing jean ) f)She comes from Arbia. (She is wearing a veil ) * Trang phục Ấn Độ ( Sari ) : dài từ 4,5 đến 8,5m; cao khoảng 1,2m. Được sử dụng vô cùng rộng rải trong giao tiếp và trong sinh hoạt hàng ngày của phụ nữ Ấn * Scoland : Người ta gọi Scotland là đất nước của những người đàn ông mặc váy.TRang phục váy còn được kết hợp thêm 1 cây giáo dài, Sau lưng là kèn tây * Trang phục Ả Rập Saudi có tính biểu tượng cao, thể hiện mối liên kết chặt chẽ của con người với đất đai, quá khứ và.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Đạo Hồi. Trang phục với đặc điểm nội trội ở tính chất rộng rãi và lỏng lẻo nhưng trùm kín phản ánh tính thiết thực của cuộc T- whole sống trong một đất nước sa mạc cũng như sự nhấn mạnh của class. Hồi giáo trên chất liệu len hay cô-tông(được gọi là thawb), với một shimagh (một mảnh vải cô-tông vuông kẻ carô lớn được giữ chặt bởi một sợi dây) p Prereading. Whilereading. Post reading. I. Pre - teach vocabulary: - poet / pouit/( n) : nhà thơ – Poem : bài thơ’ - silk /silk/(n) : lụa - tunic /tju:nik/( adj) : rộng - a long silk tunic: - to consist (of) - slit - slit – slit (V) : xẻ - loose pants /lu :z pants/ quần rộng - inspiration :/ inspə'rei∫n / cảm xúc, cảm hứng -unique /ju’nik /: duy nhất -pattern / 'pæt(ə)n /: hoa văn - cross ( es) : / krɔs/ : chữ thập, dấu chéo - stripe / straip/ : vạch kẻ * Checking vocabulary : Rub out and remember. II. Set the scene: You are going to read a text about the traditional dress of Vietnam. Group work - Ask sts to read the text to do the exercise a. - Give feedback. * Answers : 1. poems ,novel , songs . 2. a long silk tunic with slit up the sides worn over loose pants. 3. to wear modern clothing at work. 4. by printing lines of poetry on it. 5. to add symbols such as suns , stars , crosses , stripes. * - Ask students to read the text the second time to answer the questions. 1. Traditionally, men and women used to wear the Ao dai . 2. Because it is more convenient. 3. They have printed lines of poetry on it or have added symbols such as suns , stars , crosses and stripes to the Ao dai.. * Speaking: Homework - Ask sts to use their own words to tell the grouo what they known about the Ao dai..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> * Writing: -Ask sts to write down what they have spoken to their partner and adding their opinion whether they like wearing Ao dai or not. Week 6- P 8th Date: Sep 25th 2012. cross. Unit 2 : CLOTHING Lesson 2 : Speak I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to ask and respond to questions on personal references. II. Languaae focus : 1. Grammar : Present simple 2. Vocabulary : T-shirt ; plaid ; suit ; sleeve(less) ; sweater ; baggy ; faded III. Teaching aids: Text book , pictures IV. Procedure: A .warm up Week- P 9th Size th. Pattern. Date: Sep 29 2012. Clothes. T- whole class shirt. Style blue Color. striped. Material. Pre-speaking. whole class. - Ask sts to look at the pictures and match them with the phrases. group work 1. New words : - Suit (n) ( picture) : - Sleeveless (a) ( situation): - Pants (n) ( picture ):. bộ y phục . không có tay quần rộng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Unit 2 : CLOTHING Lesson 3: Listen I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to listen for specific information describe what people are wearing and how use the present perfect. II. Language focus : 1. Grammar: -Present perfect, -Present continuous 2. Vocabulary: announcement , missing , fair III. Teaching aids :Text book, pictures IV. Procedure * Revision : Group work - Warm up - Wrote the word CLOTHING on the board. - Divide the class into 2 teams . Sts from 2 teams go to the board and write the words relating to CLOTHING . The team which write more words in limited time is the winner. Pre- listening. While listening. Ask sts to look at the pictures on p.16 and answer the questions about each of them. + What are these ? + What is this ? + What color is this ? + What color are there ? I. Pre - teach vocabulary : - floral pants (n) ( quần hoa - polka - dots skirt (n) : váy chấm hoa - announcement : thông báo (translation ) - missing thất lạc (symnonym of lost ) - a fair : hội chợ - a doll : búp bê * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board. whole class. individual - Set the scene: You will hear an announcement about a lost little girl called Mary. A. Ask sts to listen and answer the questions. 1. How old is she ? ( She is three ) 2. Where was she last seen ? (near the main entrance to the car fair ) 3. What’s she like ? ( she has short dark hair ) B. Ask to listen and check ( V ) the letter of the correct picture to show what Mary is wearing. - Give feedback. * Answers :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Post - listening. Homework. a. B. She is wearing blue short. b. A. She is wearing a long - sleeved blouse. c/ C ( she’s wearing brown shoes) * Speaking : - Ask sts to describe a friend of theirs , answering the questions. + How old is she / he ? + What is she / he like ? + What type of clothing does he/ she like wearing ? + What is she/ he wearing today ?. -Ask sts to write in their notebook what they have describe to their friends .. Week 7 – P10th Tue, Oct 2nd 2012 Unit 2 : CLOTHING Lesson 3: Read I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to understand the text for details about jeans. II. Language focus : 1. Grammar : -past simple. - present perfect. 2. Vocabulary : economic - embroider - lable - sale - match - cotton - worldwide out of fashion - generation - be fond of. III. Teaching aids : Text book , pictures. IV. Procedure: warm up. * Braistorming: Twhole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Prereading. While reading. _ What is the most favorite material of young generation? I. Pre - teach vocabulary: - economic (adj) : thuộc về kinh tế - embroider ( v) : thêu - lable ( n) : nhãn mác - sale (n) : bán - match (v) : phù hợp - cotton (n) : sợi bông - worldwide (adj) : trên toàn thế giới - out of fashion (adj) : lỗi thời - generation (n): thế hệ - be fond of (v) : = like * Checking vocabulary : What and where. II. T/F prediction : 1. Jeans’ origin came from USA. 2. Jeans clothes were made from cotton in 1960. 3. In the 1960s , jeans had many different styles. 4. Most of young peole like wearing jeans . I. Prediction check : 1. F ; 2. F ; 3. T ; 4. T II. Gap fill : -Ask sts to read the text to fill in the missing dates and words exercise a on p.17. * Answers : 1. 18th century ....... jean cloth . 2. 1960s ........student ............... 3. 1970s ........ cheaper ............. 4. 1980s ......... fashion ............ 5. 1990s ..........sale ................. - Have sts work in pairs to anwer the questions b on p.18. - Give feedback. * Answers : 1. The world jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe . 2. The 1960s fashions were embroiderd jeans , painted jeans and so on . 3. Because jeans become cheaper . 4. Jeans at last became high fashion in the 1980s. 5. The sale of jeans stopped growing because the worldwide economic situation got worse in 1990s.. whole class. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Post reading. *Discussions : - Have sts work in groups to discuss the questions. 1. Do you like wearing jeans ? Why ? Why not? 2. What type of jeans do you love wearing ? 3. Do you think jeans are in fashion ?. Group work. - Ask sts to write down what they have talked in groups in their notebooks. Homework Period:11th Tuesday, Oct 2nd 2012 Unit 2 : CLOTHING Lesson 4: Write I. Obiectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to write an exposition , presenting one side of an argument . II. Language focus : 1. Grammar : Present simple tense . 2. Vocabulary : point of view - logical - sum up - encourage - be equal in - bear one’s name - practical - freedom of choice - self confident - lively. III. Teachinng aids : Text book , pictures. IV. Procedure : warm up. * Chatting : _ Ask sts some questions about their feeling when wearing different types of clothing . T - whole . How often do you wear uniform ? class . How do you feel when wearing uniform ? . If you have a choice , what type of clothing do you want to wear when going to school ?. Pre writing. I. Pre - teach vocabulary : - point of view ( n ): quan điểm - logical (adj ) : hợp lý - sum up (v ) : tóm tắt - encorage (n ) : khuyến khích - be equal in : bình đẳng - bear one’s name : mang tên - practical ( adj ) : thực tế - freedom of choice : tự do lựa chọn - self - confident (adj ): tự tin - lively (adv ): sống động. whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> while writing. post writing. II. Presentation: _ Ask sts to answer the questions to check their understanding . + What do you write in “ Introduction “ ? What language is used ? + How can we presnt series of arguments ? What language is used ? + What do you write in conclusion ? What language is used ? _ Ask sts to read the topic and outline A. _ Ask sts some comprehension questions. + What is the topic of the passage ? + Why does wearing uniforms encorage sts be fond of their school ? - Because the uniform bear their school’s name . + How do sts feel when wearing uniform ? group - They feel equal in many ways . work _ Ask sts to read the passage to answer the questions. How is the argument orgnized ? _Ask sts to read outline B and answers. + What is the topic of the argument ? + Why sould secondary sts casual clothes? ( makes sts feel comfortable , give them freedom of choice , makes sts feel confident , makes school more colorful and lively ) _ Ask sts write a paragraph of 100-150 words to support the argument that secondary school sts should wear casual clothes , using outline B . _ When sts have finished writing , let them compare . Individual. Homework _ Ask sts to write the passage into their notebook.. Period:12th Wed ,October 4 th 2012. Lesson 6 :. Unit 2 : clothing Language focus. I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to : -Further practice on the present perfect with FOR , SINCE , ALREADY and YET. - Distinguish the difference in using the past simple and the present perfect tense. - Review the passive form of the present perfect , simple present , simple past , simple future. - Practice passive modal auxiliaries. II. Teaching aids : Text book , picture on p.16 ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> III. Procedure: warm up. * Pelmanism: visit gone. eat visited. see done. go eaten. do saw. T - whole class. _ Present verb  past participle A. The present perfect : Presentation I. Review the present perfect with FOR , SINCE , ALREADY and YET. _ Ask sts to look at the dialogue on p.19. _ The present perfect is the used to talk about something which started in the past and continous up to the present. + FOR + a period of time + SINCE + a point of time _ Ask sts to work in pairs to practice the dialogues. * ALREADY and YET . _ Already is used in affirmative sentences. Position : mid sentence _ Yet is used in the negative sentences and questions. Position : end of the sentence - Ask sts practice the dialogue in pairs. A: Have you visited the Giac Lam pagoda yet ? B: Yes. I’ve already visited in. A: Have you eaten Vietnamese food ? B: No , I haven’t . A: Have you been to the Reunification palace yet ? B: No, I haven’t . A: Have you eaten in a vegetarian restaurant yet? B: NO, I haven’t , but I’ll try it sometime . A: Have you seen the zoo and Botanical garden yet? B: Yes , I’ve already seen them. A: Have you eaten Chinese food yet ? B: Yes , I think it’s very delicious. A: Have you been to the Dam Sen amusement ? B: Yes , I’ve already seen it. A: Have you eaten French food yet ? B: Yes , it’s very tasty. II. Review present perfect with EVER: _ Set the scene : Tom and Mary are talking to each other about places they have been to. _ Elicit from the student . + We use the past simple to talk about definite time. ex: I went to France last year / two months ago/ in 1992 + We use the present perfect to talk about indefinite past time. ex: Have you ever been to Italy? + EVER is used in questions. _ Sts work in pairs to practice asking and answering about each of the items in the box in exercise 3.. pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> B . The passive : I. Review the passive form of present perfect , simple present , simple past and simple future. _ Ask sts to look at the example in execise 4 p.21. _ Elicit from sts the passive form of the present simple , present perfect , simple future. S + be + past participle. Practice. Homework. * Answers: a. Jeans clothe was made completely from cotton in the 18th . b. Rice is grow in tropical countries. c. Five million bottles of champagne will be produced in France next year. d. A new style of jeans have just been introduced in the USA. e. Two department stores have been build this year. pair work II. The past form of modal verbs and the verb patterns. HAVE TO / BE GOING TO _ Elicit from sts the modal verbs , must , can , should , might and the patters have / be going to. + Forms : Modal verbs + be +past participle . Hve to / be going to + be + past participle . _ Ask sts do exercise 5 on p.21. * Answers : a. The problem can be solved. b. Experiment on animals should be stopped. c. Life might be found on another planet. d. All the schools in the cityhave to be improved. e. A new bridge is going to be build in the area. _ Ask sts to copy the sentences into their notebook.. whole class. individual. Period: 13 Eng lish written test I Teaching date:October 09 th 2012 A./ objectives: I. Knowledge: -helps Ss to examine and evaluate their learning and how well Ss get the aims. II. Skills: Writing, reading, vocab. and grammar practice. B./ procedures: I. Settlement: Greets and checks attendance II. Control: - gives out the testing paper. - controls the class. III. Collection: - asks Ss to hand in the tests and evaluates the lesson. - asks them to revise the knowledge at home for the test correction..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> english test (45 minutes) I. Chän mét tõ hoÆc mét côm tõ thÝch hîp ®iÒn vµo « trèng: 1. Playing football and going camping are .......................... a. outside activities c. out doors b. out house d. outer 2. Rice .................... in tropical countries. a. are grow c. are grown b. is grow d. is grown 3. I am not verry tall . I wish I .......... taller . a. were c. will be b. am d. would be 4. .......... you..........chinese food yet ? a. Have......eat c. Have...ate b. Have ....eaten d. Has.....eaten II. Chuyển các câu sau sang dạng bị động 1. He finished his exercises on time .......................................................................................... 2. We will meet him at the station ......................................................................................... III. Đặt các động từ theo đúng thì: Hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc quá khứ đơn. 1. Nam.................(buy) a new dictionary yesterday. 2. When................you (start).................school ? When I was six. 3. I..................(not/ eat) anything yesterday because I.....................not feel hungry. 4. The glasses look very clean . ...................you (wash).....................them ? 5. I don’t know Hung’s sister. I ..............................(never, meet) her. IV. ViÕt c¸c c©u sau b¾t ®Çu víi “I wish”. 1. You don’t have a brother. _ I wish.......................................................................... 2. She doesn’t have a computer. _ I wish.......................................................................... 3. I can’t speak English fluently. _ I wish.......................................................................... 4. Your bicyle is going to break down but you don’t have money to repair it. _ I wish.......................................................................... Period: 14 Test correction th Teaching date:October 12 2012.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> A./ objectives: I. Knowledge: - helps Ss to evaluate their results of the test. - helps Ss to pick out the mistakes and errors they have made and correct themselves. II. Skills: Analysis. B./ procedures: I. Settlement: Greets and checks attendance II. Checking: III. Content: Teacher/s activities Contents Ss/ activities I. ( 2 marks ) Mỗi câu đúng cho 1.Act.1: Teacher/s and Ss/ 0,5 ®iÓm . - listen to the correction. 1. a 3. a teacher. - evaluates the result generally. - raises the main and important mistakes Ss have made. - hands out the tests. - asks Ss to correct each part of the test. - invites Ss who had the mistakes and errors to go to the board. - invites others to correct. - asks the class to take notes. 2. Act.2: Ss/ correction.. 2. d 4. b II. ( 2 marks ) Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 ®iÓm . 1. His exercises were finished on time . 2. He will be met him at the station . III. (2 marks ) Mỗi câu đúng cho. - go to the board and write their work.. 0,4 ®iÓm . 1. bought. - instructs Ss to correct their tests.. 2. did - start. - goes round to monitor the class.. 4. have - washed. - asks Ss to hand in the tests.. - share their tests with their partners. 3. didn’t eat - did 5. have never met IV. ( 4 marks ) Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 ®iÓm . 1. I wish I had a brother . 2. I wish she had a computer . 3. I wish I could speak English fluently. 4. I wish I had some money to repair my bicycle .. - do it and explain to the class. - note down. - correct themselves. - collect the tests..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> IV.Consolidation: - asks Ss to revise the main knowledge they have consolidated. V.Homework: - asks Ss to revise the language items at home - asks them to prepare: Unit 3: Getting started & Listen and Read. Week 8 - Period 15 3th , October 2012. Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and Read I. Objectives: + Help students read the text for details to know more about country life and activities in the country. + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about life and activities in the countryside. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: plow, banyan tree, shrine, harvest. 2. Grammar / Structure: - The past simple tense - Modal "Could" with "Wish" III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: Getting started. 1. Chatting  Have you ever been to the countryside?  Do you like the countryside?  What activities do you usually see in the countryside? 2. Picture description ( Using pictures P22)  What can you see in these pictures?  What are they doing in these pictures? 1. water the vegetables 2. swim 6. plow the field. 4. harvest. 3. feed the chicken Activities in the countrysid e.. 8. play soccer.. T -students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Listen & Read. 5. feed the pigs 7. fly the kite 1. Set the scene:  Do you have any friends in the countryside?  Do you often come to your friend's village? * Lead in : ( Picture of Liz and Ba) (Have a visit) Liz ( in the City) Ba ( in the country) 2. Pre-teach vocabulary:  Home village (n) = Nghia Lac is our home village  Bamboo forest (n) ( Picture)  Shrine (n) ( Picture)  River bank (n) ( Picture)  Banyan tree (n) ( Picture) + Checking: Matching. Match the words with the right pictures. 3. True - False prediction ( a/P22). Hand out. T / F statements Guess Answer 1.Ba and his family had a two day trip F F to their home village. 2.Many people like going there for their weekend. 3.There is a small bamboo forest at the entrance to the village. 4.Liz had a snack at the house of Ba's uncle. 5.There is a shrine on the mountain near Ba's village. 6.Everyone had a picnic on the mountain. 7.Everyone left the village late in the evening. 8.Liz had a videotape to show the trip to her parents. 9.Liz want to go there again 4. Listen and Read (P22). 5. Prediction check and correct false statements. * Answers : 1. F. Ba and his family had a day trip to their home village. 2.T 3.F. There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village. 4.F. People had a snack under the banyan tree.. Tstudents. Students. Students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 5.T 6.F. Everyone had a picnic on the riverbank. 7.T 8.F. Liz had a lot of photos to show her parents. 9.T 6. Comprehension questions ( P23) * Answers: 1. It's 60 km to the North of Hanoi. 2. They got to the village by bus. 3. It is at the entrance to the village. 4. They saw the shrine of a Vietnamese hero on the mountain. 5. They had a picnic on the riverbank. 6. Liz took a lot of photos to show her parents. 7. Liz wish she could visit Ba's village again. 7. Model sentences : ( From sentence elicit students the model sentences )  What does Liz say after the trip? Ex: "I wish I could visit your village some day" Consolidation + Form: S + wish + S + could + V + Use: Expresses a wish that is not likely happened in the future. Home work Example : I can not come to see my grandmother next week because I am very busy. I wish I could come to see my grandmother next week - Name some activities in the countryside. - Discuss  Do you like living in the City or in the Countryside? Why? - Learn by heart all the new words - Do exercise in workbook ( P20,21 E1,2,3.. Students. T -students.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span>

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Week 10 – P16. Unit 3: A trip to the countryside 23rd,/ 24th Octo 2012 Lesson 2: Speak + LF 1, 4 I. Objectives: + Help students practice asking for and giving information. +By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Use the past simple with " Wish" . Use the adverb clauses of result. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: To the South / West / North / East of.... 2. Grammar / Structure: - The present simple tense and the past simple. III. Teaching aids: Text book , posters. IV. Procedure: Warm up. 1. Noughts and crosses: Questions and Answers about places. Where When What. Is. How long How far. How. Who. Are. - The teams will take turns to choose the word and make questions and answers. Example : Team A: Where do you live? Team B : I live in Thai hoa town..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> PreSpeaking. 2. Matching. 1-Where is your home village? 2-How far is it from the city?. A. By bus B. A river flowing. across .... While speaking. Post speaking. Language Focus. 3-How can you get there? vegetables 4-How long dose it take to get there? city. 5-What do people do for a living in your village? 6-Does your village have a river?. C. Plant rice and D. To the South of the E. 1 hour F. 30 km from the city.. 1. Role play (3a/P24)Example: A: Where is your home village? B: It is to the West of the City. 2. Pair work (3b/ P24) - Ask and Answer about your real home village. Ex: - Where is your home village? It is to the East of the city. - How far is it from the city? It is about 20 km from the city. - How can you get there? I get there by motorbike. - How long does it take to get there? It takes me 30 minutes to get there. - What do people do for a living in your village? They go to the sea and catch fishes and they raise cattle. - Does your home village have a river? Yes, there is a river flowing across the village. 1. Writing: - Write a passage about your home village. Ex: My home village is Nghi Tan. It is to the East of the city. It is about 20 km from the city..... 2. Retell the passage before the class . - Some students retell their passage. * Speaking: - Students draw a simple map of their village to show their partners the way to their home. - Students practice talking to their partner the way to their home village - Some students tell the way to their home village before the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Task 1: 1. Set the scene : ( Pictures ) Example: ( Picture 1)  What is the boy doing?  What does he have in his mind? → He wishes he could have a new bike. 2. Elicitation: + Form: S + wish + S +Ved ( were ) S + wish + S + could /would / should + V + Use: Expresses wishes about the present / future. 3. Pre- teach vocabulary :  Pass the exam >< Fall the exam 4. Practice ( P28,29) Feed back a. He wishes he could have a new bike. b. Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c. I wish I could pass the exam. d. We wish it did not rain. e. He wishes he could fly. f. They wish they stayed in Hue. Task 4: 1. Set the scene Example : Everyone felt tired, so they sat down under the tree and had a snack 2. Elicitation: "So" : Express the result of the statement before. 3. Practice (4/P31) Feed back: Consolidation 1.e 2.a 3.d 4. b 5.c + Remember : - The present simple and the past simple. - Introduce somebody about your village. + Review the lesson. Home work Prepare the next lesson. Comment................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... Week 10- P17(9C) Friday, October26th 2012 Unit three: A trip to the countryside Lesson 3: Listen - LF 2,3 I. Objectives: + Help students practice asking for and giving information. +By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Practice in preposition of time. II. Language focus: Grammar / Structure: -Preposition of time..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> III. Teaching aids: Text book , posters. IV. Procedure: Chatting: Warm up ? Do you often take a trip to the country? ? How far is it from here? ? What can you see on the way to your home village? ? Is there any pond, lake, bamboo forest…on the way? PreListening 1. Set the scene: ( Using a map) - Show the map and introduce: This is the way to Ba's village. You will hear a passage that is telling about their trip and match the right places with the number on the map. 2. Pre- teach vocabulary.  Route (n) = away from one place to another.  Pond (n) ( Picture )  Parking lot (n) = Car park  Pick sb up ( Translation ) + Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember. While 3. Prediction: Listening - Students look at the map and guess where the places on the map are and compare with their partners. 1. Listening: - Listen twice and check their prediction. 2. Matching the places on the bus route with the letter on the map. * Answers : A .Banyan tree E. Gas station B .Air port F. Store C .High way No.1 G. Pond D .Dragon bridge H. Bamboo forest I. Parking lot - Listen to the passage again. * Tape crip :. Post Listening. Futher. * Speaking: - Students draw a simple map of their village to show their partners the way to their home. - Students practice talking to their partner the way to their home village - Some students tell the way to their home village before the class Task 2+3: 1. Set the scene : Brainstorming:  What are Preposition of time? till By before On. Prepositio n of time. about.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> At. in Of. * Lead in: ( The itinerary for Le Huy Thanh P30) 2. Practice ( 2, 3 P30) Feed back: 2. a. at d. till b. on e. after c. between f. up to 3. a. on d. for b. at e. in c. in f. at Note : on time and in time + On time = Punctual, not late (đúng giờ, không chậm trễ). >< late Ta dùng on time để nói rằng một việc nào đó xảy ra đúng thời gian như đã được dự tính: Consolidation Eg: - I’ll meet you at 7.30.” “OK, but please be on time.” (= don't be late, be there at 7.30) - Be on time. Don’t be late Hãy đúng giờ. Chớ có trễ. + In time (for something/ to do something) = vừa đúng lúc ( làm gì đó)>< too late - Will you be home in time for dinner? (= soon enough for dinner) - I got home too late to see the football match * At the end và in the end *At the end (of something) = thời điểm kết thúc (một việc, sự kiện, thời gian...). >< at the beginning Lấy ví dụ: - At the end of the month/ January/ the match / the film I’m going away at the end of January/ at the end of the month At the end of the concert, there was great applause. * In the end = cuối cùng , sau cùng... > < at fist Ta dùng in the end khi nói tới kết quả sau cùng của một tình huống, một sự việc...: eg He got more and more angry. In the end he just walked out of the room. + Remember : - Introduce somebody about your village..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> - Use the preposition of time + Review the lesson. Home work. Prepare the next lesson.. Comment................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... Week 11 – P18 Wednesday 31st , Octo 2012 Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Lesson 4 : Read I.Objectives: + Help students practice reading a text for details and complete the summary +By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the text for details about the life in the countryside in the USA. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: maize , exchange, grocery store. 2. Grammar / Structure: Revise the present tense. III. Teaching aids: Text book, extra- board. IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre- reading. * Matching: ( Using poster) A Banyan River Paddy Bamboo Home. B Bank Fields Village Tree Forest. 1. Set the scene ( Using a Picture ) Picture of Van Who is he?  Where is he from ?  What does he do? Lead in : Van is an exchange student. He is now staying in USA. He is living with the Parkers on a farm outside Columbus, Ohio.  What do you know about the life in the countryside in the USA?  What do people do in the countryside in the USA? Plow. Harvest Life in the countryside in the USA.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Feed animals 2. Pre- teach vocabulary :  Maize (n) = Corn  Exchange (n) = ( Ex: Van is from Vietnam but she studies in USA. She is an exchange student)  Grocery store (n) = Where people buy food and small things. * Checking : Rub out and remember 3. Pre-questions : a. How long will Van stay there? b. What does Mr Paker do? c. What does Mrs Paker do? d. How many children do they have? While e. What does Van do after finishing his homework? reading f. How is the Pakers? 1. Reading: 2. Answer the pre- questions : a. He will stay there till the beginning of October b. Mr Paker grows maize in his farm. c. Mrs Paker works part- time at a grocery store. d. They have two children. e. He feeds the chicken and collect their eggs. f. The Pakers are nice. 3. Matching: ( 5a / P26) * Answers : Maize = Corn Feed = Give food to eat Grocery store = Where people buy food and small things. Part- time = Shorter or less than standard time. Collect = Bring things together. 4. Complete the summary: * Answers : 1. Ohio 6. after 2.farmer 7. farm Post- reading 3. work part- time at 8. they watch 4. Peter 9. base ball 5. Sam 10. member Consolidation + Speaking: Compare the life in the countryside in Vietnam and in the USA. Home work. -The present tense. - Life in the countryside in the USA..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> - Do exercise in work book.. Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Unit 3: A trip to the countryside Lesson 5 : Write. Week 11- Period 19 Frid ,3 rd October 2012. I.Objectives: + Help students practice writing a passage. +By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short passage describing a story happened in the past - a picnic in the countryside. II. Language focus: Grammar / Structure: (Revise) -The past simple tense. III. Teaching aids: Text book IV. Procedure * Chatting: Warm up  Have you ever gone on a picnic?  When did you go?  Where did you go ?  How did you go there?  What did you do?  When did you come back home?  Did you enjoy it? * Lead in : ( Picture ) Pre- writing 1. Pre- teach vocabulary .  Blanket (n) : chăn màn ( Picture)  Lay out (v): trải (mime)  Gather (v) : thu lượm ( Translation )  Site (n) : địa điểm ( Translation ) * Checking: Rub out and Remember. 2. Order Pictures: ( Using 5 Pictures in the text book) - Students order the Pictures that the teacher gives. - Feed back. 3. Oral preparation: Example: ( Using Picture 1 ) It was a beautiful day, I and my friend decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to the countryside and then walk about 20' to the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Whilewriting. Post- writing. picnic site next to the river. 1. Sentence completation (P.27) - Students practice writing with the cues given. - Compare their writing with their partners. 2. Suggested writing: It was a beautiful day, my friend and I decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to the countryside and then walk about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river. We put down the blanket and laid out the food after meals , we play the games " What song is it? And blind man's buff". Late in the afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed our picnic. When we look at the time, it was nearly 6.30pm. We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop. We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening - Students read their writing before class. - Correct some writings in front of the class.. Consolidation - The past simple tense. - The way to write a formal letter. Home work. - Write your picnic in the notebook.. Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................. Week 12- Period 19 Wed,7 th Nov 2012. Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language Lesson 1 : Getting started + Listen and read I. objectives : by the end of the lesson , sts will be able to produce the questions for an oral examination . II. language focus : 1. Grammar : 2. Vocabulary: III. Teaching aids : Text book , pictures. IV. Proceduce:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> Warm up. * Getting started : - Ask sts to think about the way they learn and improve their English , then write in the board do homework watch english TV programs. How you learn english. .. use dictionary learn by heart the new words. Pre – reading. * Possible answers: - Do more grammar exercises. - Read E newspapers / magazines - Write diary in English - Learn by heart all the words / texts - Speak English with friends … _ Ask sts some questions about the ways they learn English . + Do you usually watch English TV programs ? + Can you sing English songs ? + How often do you use dictionaries ? +Do you have a foreign penpal ? How often do you write to him / her ? I. Pre – teach vocabulary : - aspect ( n ) : lĩnh vực - examiner ( n ) : giám khảo - coming ( adj ) : - college ( n ) : trường - candidate ( n ) : thí sinh - written examination / oral examination cuộc thi viết, cuộc thi nói II . Pre – questions : - Set the scene : Lan is talking to Paola , a foreign sts about the oral examination that she has just taken - Give sts 2 questions . + Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy + How many questions did the examiner ask Lan ? - Have sts work in pairs to answer them - Give feedback.. I . Reading and checking : - Ask sts to read the dialogue between Lan and Paola on p.32- 33 and check. * Answers : 1. They are difficult ( according to Lan )..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> While – reading. Post – reading. 2. About over 7 questions . besides , she was asked to read a passage . II. True – false statement : - Get sts to read the list of questions for the oral examinayion of Royal English college . - Get them to read the dialogue again and decide what questions that the examiner ask Lan . * Answer keys : - Ask sts to compare the direct questions and the reported speech . 1. She asked me what my name was . 2. She asked me where I came from . 3. She asked me if I spoke any other languages . 4. She asked me why I was learning English . 5. She asked me how I learn English in my country 6.She ask me how I would use English in the future 7. She ask me what aspect of learning English I foud most difficult. 8. Read this passage . - She asked me to read that passage . * Speaking / Roleplay : - Ask sts to work in pairs to practice asking and answering one student play the role of examiner and another plays the role of Lan . - Give feedback . - Have sts play the roles of Paola and Lan . - Ask sts to work in pairs to practice the dialogue .. Homework Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Week 12- Period 19 Wed,9 th Nov 2012. Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language. Lesson 2: speak I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to persuade friends to attend the school they like . II. Language focus: 1. Grammar : The simple present tense 2. Vocabulary : schoolship – abroad – persuade – dormitory – campus – reputation – native speaker – western culture . III. Teaching aids :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Text book , cards. IV. Procedure:. warm – up. PreSpeaking. While speaking. * Personal questions : 1. Do you like attending an English summer course abroad ? 2. If you were awarded a schoolarship , which school do you want to go ? ( oxford ...) 3. What will you do in this school ? ( I think / I should / I can ....) 1 . Pre – teach vocabulary : - scholarship : häc bæng - abroad : ë níc ngoµi - persuade : thuyÕt phôc - domitory : ký tóc x¸ , khu tËp thÓ - campus : khu«n viªn trêng häc - reputation : danh tiÕng - native speaker : tiếng mẹ đẻ , ngời bản xứ - western culture : v¨n ho¸ ph¬ng t©y. 2 . Set the scence : Thu Tam Kim The Brighton Seattle school of Brisbane Institude Language center – UK English – USA of English – australia. - Divide the class into groups to play the roles of Thu , Tam and Kim . They are awarded a scholarship of US$ 2000 to attend an English language summer course abroad . Each person tries to persuade his / her friends to attend the school she / he likes to go to. - Have sts read the three advertisements to get information . * Thu - the Brighton Language center UK. • I think we should go to the Brighton language center in the UK . Because the school there has excellent reputation and we can live in the dormitory on campus . * Tam – Seattle school of English - USA? • Why don’t we go to the seattle school of E in the USA? You can stay with Vietnamese friends. They will help us a lot. * Kim – Brisbane Institude of E – Australia ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> Post speaking. • What do you think about the Brisbane Institude of E in the Australia ? It is quite close to VN and the course is the cheapest. - Sts to discuss about this topic : What will you do on Tet holiday ? Some of your friends want to go to the Spring Faur . Others want to spend their holiday with their grandparents in the countryside ...... - Get sts to work in group persuading others to do that he / she prefers. - Ask sts to write a short paragraph about the reasons why they learn English .. Consolidation. Home work Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Period: 22 12 th , Nov 2012 Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language. Lesson 3: listen I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to identify the correct information by listening. II. Language focus : 1. Grammar : 2. Vocabulary : III. Teaching aids: Text book , cassette. IV. Procedure : Net work : make friend Warm – up hobby job purposes of learning english travel. develop language skills improve knowledge.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 1. Set the scene : Pre – listening. While – listening. NGA. KATE. English studying “ Nga is talking to Kate about her studying English ” 2. Prediction : - Ask sts to read the statement on page 35 . - Have sts work in pairs to predict which statement is True and which is False . - Let sts listen to the tape twice and check their prediction . - Give feedback and correct false statements . a. T b. T c. F  She works for an International bank in HN . d. T e. F  Her listening is terrible . f. T - * Answer questions: Asks sts listen to again and answer 2 questions: 1- Where did Nga learn English ? 2- Why is English her biggest problem? * Answer: 1-She learnt English at school and University 2- Because people talk very quickly. _. Have sts work in groups to discuss “ Difficulties in learning English ”. Post – listening. Group 1. Group 2. speaking. listening. _ Feedback .. Group 3. Group 4. writing. reading.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Homework. _ Give some ideas about “ Difficulties in learning English ”.. Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Week 12 – P 23 Tue,13th November 2012. Unit 4 : learning a foreign language Lesson 4: Read I . Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to get information about the English classes from the advertisement . II. Language focus : 1. Grammar : Present simple 2. Vocabulary : intermediate – advanced – tuition – well qualified – academy – council III. Teaching aids : Text book , poster. IV. Procedure : Warm – up. * Brainstorming : _ Do you often read advertisement ? _ What kinds of advertisement ? film product advertisements music studying course. * Elicitation :. Pre – reading. _ What information do you want to know about studying course . time money studying course.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Period: 24 Mon, 19th November 2012. Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language Lesson 5 : Write I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to write a letter of inquiry to the instituition for more information about the course and fees . II. Language focus : 1. Grammar : _ Could you please send details of courses and fees . _ I took forward to hearing from you . 2. Vocabulary : edition – detail – look forward to – express – exactly III. Teaching aids : Text book . IV. Procedure : Warm – up. Pre – writing. While – writing. * Personal questions : - Do you like writing a letter ? ( Yes / No ) - Have you ever written an inquiry letter ? - How ’ll you write an inquiry if you want to attend an English course ? I . Pre – teach vocabulary : - inquiry ( n ) : yêu cầu - detail ( n ) : chi tiết - look forward to Ving ( v ) : mong chờ - express ( v ) : diễn tả - edition ( n ) : ấn bản * Checking vocabulary : Slap the board . * Reading comprehension: _ Have sts to read the letter written by John Robinson on p . 37 . _ Ask them to work in pairs to answer some questions about the letter .  Question and answers : aWhere did Robison see the school’s advertisement  He saw the school’s advertisement in today’s edition of Vietnamese news . b. What language does he want to learn ?  He wants to learn Vietnamese . c. What aspect of Vietnamese does he want to improve ?  He wants to learn to read and write Vietnamese . d. What does Robinson want to know ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Post – writing. Homework.  He wants to know some details of the course and fees II . Matching : _ Give sts 4 part of a letters of inquiry : a . Introduction . b . Request . c . Further information . d . Conclusion . _ Ask sts to divide the letter into 4 parts and match each paragraph with a suitable headline . _ Let sts work in pairs compare their answer . * Answer keys : a . Introduction : I saw your school’s advertisement in today’s edition of the Vietnamese News . b . Request : I’m interested in learning Vietnamese and I’d like some information about your school . c . Further information : I speak little Vietnamese but I want to learn to read and write it . Could you please send details of courses and fees . I can complete a spoken Vietnamese test if neceeary. d . Conclusion : I look forward to hearing from you . * Writing a letter . _ Have sts read again the three advertisement on p .36 and choose one of the schools they want to the instruction requesting for more information about the courses and fees . _ After finishing the letter , sts have to compare with their partern and make some correction . _ Give correct answer . _ Choose three letter which were wrtitten to schools . _ Ask sts read aloud the letters . _ Give feedback and correct . _ Ask sts to write the letters in their notebooks .. Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Period: 25 Mon 30th November 2012. Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language Lesson 6 : Language focus I . Objectives : By the end of the leson , sts will be able to practice : _ Modal verb with IF ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> _ Direct and reported speech : HERE and NOW words in reported speech , reported questions . II . Language focus : III . Teaching aids : Text book , cards . IV. Procedure : * Lucky number : Warm – up. Pre – writing. While – writing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _ Make sentences with IF using modal verbs . Task 1 : * Revision of modal verbs. _ Ask sts to make some modal verbs with their meaning . Must should may Have to ought to might * Form : Modal + infinitive ( without to ) * Revision of condtional sentences type 1. If clause : Simple present tense . Main clause : Will + infinitive . _ We can use a modal verbs in a main clause . Ex: If you want to improve your English , I can help you . _ Let sts work in pairs to complete the conditional sentence . * Answer keys : a . must study hard . b . have to go to university . c . you should do exercise regularly . d . he might miss the train . e . you ought to stay in bed . f . you must do your homework if you want to go out _ Call some pairs to practice the dialogues . Task 2 : * Revision of direct and reported speech 1. Changes in tense : Direct speech Reported speech _ Present simple tense _ Present progressive tense _ Future simple tense _ Can / may / must * Answer keys : _ present simple tense  past simple _ Preesent progressive tense  past progressive _ Future simple tense  present conditional ( past modal + V ) would + V _ Can / may  could / might.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Post – writing. Homework. _ Must  had to 2. Changes in adverb and articles : * Matching: - Stick a poster of adverbs and articles on the board - Ask sts to go to the board and write the pairs of adverbs or articles in direct speech and reported speech. ex: this - that * Arswer key: This – that ; now – then ; today – that day These – those ; here – there ; tomorrow – the following day 1. Reported questions : * In reported questions, we do not use the auxiliary verb (do, does, did) ex: What do you wants?  I ask what she wanted. * When there is no question word (what, where, why...) * In reported questions , the word order is the same as in statements and we do not use a questions mark . Ex: How is your brother ?  She asked how my brother was . Task 3 : _ Have sts work in pairs to do LF 3 . Set the scene : Lan’s father held a party to celebrate his mother’s birthday . Unfortunately Mrs.Thu , her grandmother has a hearing problem and she couldn’t hear what poeple were saying . After the party , Lan reported everything to her grandmother . Ex : I’m happy to see you . (Aunt Xuan )  Aunt Xuan said she was happy to see you . * Answer keys: a. Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious . b. Miss Nga said she loved those roses . c. Cousin Mai said she was having a wonderful time there . d. Mrs.Chi said she would go to Hue the following day . e. Mrs. Hoa said she might have a new job . f. Mr. Quang said he had to leave then . Task 4 : _ Have sts to do LF4 on page 39 . _ Have sts to work in pairs to change the direct speech questions into reported questions . * Set the scene : This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job . When she arrived home , she told her mother about the interview . _ Call some pairs to do practice before class . _ Give feedback . * Answer keys : a. She asked me how old I was . b. She asked me if / whethe my school was near here ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> c. She asked me if / whether the name of my school was . d. She asked me if / whether I went to school by bicycle . e. She askedme which grade I was in . f. She ask me if / whether I could use a computer . g. She ask me why I wanted that job. h. She ask me when my school vacation started . _ Ask sts to report what their partner said to them last night. They have to write in their notebooks .. Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Date:03/12/2012 Period 26. THE TEXT 45 MUNITES ENGLISH 9 A./ Objectives:. -helps Ss to examine and evaluate their learning and how well Ss get the aims. II. Skills: Writing, reading, vocab. and grammar practice. B./ procedures: I. Settlement: Greets and checks attendance II. Control: - gives out the testing paper. - controls the class. III. Collection: - asks Ss to hand in the tests and evaluates the lesson. - asks them to revise the knowledge at home for the test correction. Chủ đề. I. Phonetics. NhËn biÕt. Th«ng hiÓu. VËn dông. TN. TN. TN. TL. TL. Tæng. TL. 5. 5. 2,5. 2,5 5. 5. 2,5. 2,5. II. Reading 10. 10. 2,5. 2,5. III. Language focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> 5 IV. Writing. 5 2,5. 2,5 Tæng. 10 2,5. 10 5,0. 5 2,5. 25 10. I- Choose the word in each group that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: 1.A.buffalo B.reputation C.study D.lunch 2.A.station B.bamboo C.national D.exam 3.A.nearby B.here C.area D.wear 4.A.shrine B.institute C.until D.improve 5.A.beginner B.exchange C.entrance D.design II- Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: 1.I .....................English since 2001. A.have learnt B.has learnt C.learnt D.learn 2.I wish I ....................this exam. A.can pass B.pass C.will pass D.could pass 3.If he ....................hard, he can get good marks. A.studied B.studies C.study D.has studied 4.I’ll be in Ha Noi from Friday ................. Sunday. A.on B.up to C.between D.after 5.You can speak English fluently. It means your speaking is .......................... . A.bad B.terrible C.excellent D.well 6. Viet got up late, …………. he couldn't catch the first bus. A. then B. so C. as D. when 7. He can't earn money ……….. he has no job. A. unless B. until C. if D. without 8. I'm always go to school ………. time. A. on B. at C. from D. during 9. She said she would be there ……………… . A. the next day B. next day C. following day D. tomorrow 10. The teacher asked me ………….. in the class time. A. to not talk B. to talk C. not talk D. not to talk III- Read the passage and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F) It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their pronunciation. Unlike children, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. This is why adult students have more difficulties in pronunciation than the children. There are several things that international students of English can do to improve their pronunciation and to learn English well. They can join an English pronunciation class or practice speaking and listening to English native speakers as much as possible. Watching TV programs in English is also a good way of improving your pronunciation. The best way to improve your pronunciation is to learn English in an English speaking country where you can learn the language as well as its culture. 1. Adult students find it easy to change the way they speak. £ 2.Chidren have less difficulties in pronunciation than adult students. £ 3.Speaking and listening to English native speakers can help them improve their pronunciation. £ 4.Watching TV programs in English is the only way to improve your pronunciation. £ 5.Learning English in an English speaking country is the best way to improve your pronunciation. £.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> IV-Report the following sentences: 1.”I must do my homework” said Nam. - Nam said he........................................................................................... 2.”Mai is learning English now” said Nam. - Nam said Mai.................................................................................. 3.”How do you go to school?” said the teacher. -The teacher asked how............................................................... 4.”Do you like watching English news?” said Ba. ->Ba asked ................................................................................ 5.”What is your address?” said the teacher. The teacher asked ........................................................................................................................... Period:27. Test correction. Date: December 3rd 2012. A./ objectives: I. Knowledge: - helps Ss to evaluate their results of the test. - helps Ss to pick out the mistakes and errors they have made and correct themselves. II. Skills: Analysis. B./ procedures: I. Settlement: Greets and checks attendance II. Checking: III. Content: Teacher/s activities Contents Ss/ activities I-(2,0 ®) 1.Act.1: Teacher/s and Ss/ 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C correction. - listen to the II-(3.0 ®) - evaluates the result generally. 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C teacher. 6. B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.D - raises the main and important III-(2,5 ®) 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T mistakes Ss have made. IV-(2,5®) - hands out the tests. 1. Nam said he had to do his homework. - asks Ss to correct each part of 2. Nam said Mai was learning - share their English then. the test. tests with their 3. The teacher asked me how I - invites Ss who had the partners went to school. mistakes and errors to go to the 4. Ba asked if I liked watching - go to the English news. board. 5. The teacher asked what my board and write address was. - invites others to correct. their work. - asks the class to take notes. 2. Act.2: Ss/ correction. - instructs Ss to correct their tests.. - do it and explain to the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> - goes round to monitor the class.. - note down.. - asks Ss to hand in the tests.. - correct themselves. - collect the tests.. IV.Consolidation: - asks Ss to revise the main knowledge they have consolidated. V.Homework: - asks Ss to revise the language items at home. Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................. Unit 5: The Media Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen & Read. Date:06/12/2012 Period 28. I. Objectives: - Help students read the text for details about the media . - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Understand the new topic of unit " The Media ". + Read the passage about the media to understand general and detail. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: crier , commercial , shout , interactive , remote control 2. Grammar / Structure: - Gerunds after some verbs: Spend + Ving Love + Ving III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures , cassette. IV. Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Getting started. Crier Radio & Benefit TV P2 Contro P1 P P Interactive Remote Newspapers & magazines Channe Crier l 1. Crossword: l Interactive - Teacher shows Pictures in turn and students speak out names of types of media. M A G A Z I N E T E L E V I S I O N R A D I O I N T E R N E T N E W S P A P E R - Elicit students the word Media from the names above. 2. Matching: Activity Media Watching Magazine.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Unit 5: The Media Lesson 3: I. Objectives:. Period:29 07th December 2012. Speak - 2. - At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - understand the dialogue about Nga/s studying English and talk about the problems when they learn English. - understand and use Tag question for agreements and disagreements. II.Preparation: Material: Text book and work book Equipment: tape and cassetle player III. Teaching process: 3.New lesson A. Warm up: - asks Ss to list out the types of the media. ? What benefits can we get from the media ? When and where did the first newspapers appear. ? How about the telegraph - introduces the lesson B. Presentation: Stages. Teacher/s activities. Pre. Pre: Speaking *Introduces new words -folk music : -cartoon : -literature : -news -safe traffic news (n) : BTATGT -documentory : -health for every one :SK cho mäi ngêi -Review: Tag questions -kiểm tra thông tin hoặc đợc dùng ….đồng tình của ngời khác Ex: It is a nice day, isn’t it? She isn’t beautiful, is she?. While. While:speaking *now base on the sample dialogue and the information in the table, you make similar dialogues to you like or dislike -calls on some pairs work Correct the mistake -give suggestion Post : speaking *Requests st’s do the exercises 1.Hoa isn’t having dinner,………..? 2.you like coffee,…………………? 3.your mother enjoys watching the price of right,……………?. Post.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 4.Nam prefers film to news,………..?  Language focus 2 P.45 - Ex: a) A: Tuan like news, doesn’t he? B: Yes, he does. b) A: Mai and Anh don’t like news, do they? B: No, they don’t.  Mapped dialogue: You Your partner You like..., don’t Not really, I you? prefer..... I’m the opposite, I love......and.....see You don’t like...., m quite boring to don’t you? me. No, I don’t Consolidation Home work. - Make similar dialogues in pairs to talk about the programs they like and dislike using the table on P.42 -Learn by heart Tag – question, Gerunds. -Check all exercises in ex. book ( unit 5). Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Period:30 10th December 2012. Unit 5: The Media Lesson 3:. Listen - 1,3,4. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : Learn about development of television as well as some media such as printed newspapers, telegraph, radio. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS : -Printed newspaper - Telegraph - Wheel of Fortune - Newsreels III. Teaching aids: Text book , poster , a picture of a TV. IV. Procedure: * Jumbled words 1- Warm up 1) ewsn = News. 4) fmli = film 2) tooncar = cartoon 5) pssort = sports 3) paeprwen = newpaper 2. PRE* New words : LISTENING : - Printed newspaper (n) ( real object ): báo in - Telegraph (n) ( situation) : - Newsreels ( n) = documentary : phim tài liệu..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> - AD ( Latin anon domino ) ( translate) : sau công nguyên * Guessing ( Matching ) th 7 or 8 th The first printed newspaper century appeared in China (a) The telegraph was invented ……………… Early 20th Two new forms of news century. media appeared: (b) ……………….. ( c) Television became popular ………………. Mid- and late (d) ……………. became a 1990s major force in journalism. 3. WHILE – LISTENING : - T opens the tape twice. 3. WHILE – - Ss listen carefully and fill in the table. LISTENING : - Ss give the keys on the board. - T opens the tape again and Ss check the answer. - T corrects and Ss take note * Answer a) the late 19th century b) radio and Newsreels c) in the 1950s d) the Internet - Ss give the answer on the board. - T corrects and Ss take note. - T gives the homework on the board. - Ss take note.. 4. POST – LISTENING. -LF1. * Read the sentences and choose True or False 1) The first printed newspaper appeared in China. 2) Telegraph was invented in the 20th century. 3) Two new forms of news media appeared : radio and TV. 4) TV became popular in the 1950s. * Answer 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T * Activity1 :Complete the dialogue with the correct tag * Tag – question : ex:She doesn’t come to a party, does she ? ex: They have built a new school in your village, haven’t they ? * The answer b) didn’t he ? c) wasn’t it ? d) do you ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> LF3. LF4. Consolidation Home work. e) aren’t you ? *Activity3: Work in a partner. Ask and answer questions about each item in the box. Soccer fishing movies Detective s stories candy music EX: + Do you like reading detective stories? - Yes, I do / No, I hate it. + Do you enjoy listening to music? - Yes, I love it. - I don’t know. I have never tried it. * Activity 4 : Use the words in the three boxes to write true sentences about your partners, sibling , relatives, friends and yourself. EX : My father likes watching sports but my mother doesn’t . She loves listening to music. * Give the correct form of the verbs in the bracket. 1. I don’t enjoy ( go ) to the dentist. 2. Try to avoid ( make ) him angry. 3. He hates ( borrow ) money . 4. Do you love ( read ) novels? No, I don’t. I enjoy ( read ) picture books. The answer 1. going 2. making 3. borrowing 4. reading . .. . reading. -Learn by heart Tag – question, Gerunds. -Check all exercises in ex. book ( unit 5). Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Unit 5: The Media Lesson 3: Read. Period:31 12th December 2012. I.Objectives: + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: _ Read a forum on the Internet to get specific and general ideas. _ Talk about the benefits of the Internet. II. Language focus: 1. Grammar / Structure: Gerunds after some verbs : spend , enjoy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> 2. Vocabulary: Forum , net , benefit , access , commerce , surf , communicate , deny , wander , time - consuming , costly, available , leak , respond. III. Teaching aids: Text book , a Picture of a computer. * Chatting: Show a Picture of a computer and ask Warm up  What is this?  Can you use a computer?   What subject helps you to use computer?  Have you ever used Internet?  Do you find the Internet useful?  What do you use the Internet for? 1. Brainstorming :  What do you use the Internet for? Pre-reading  Can you say some benefits of the Internet? Sending postcards Tstudents Playing games Communicating Chatting. Benefits of the Internet. Getting information Listening to the music. 2. Guiding questions : 1. How many people take part in the forum on the Internet? 2. Who holds the forum on the Internet? 3. Who responds to the questions ? 3. Pre- teach vocabulary:  Forum (n) : ( Translation )  Surf (v) : ( Translation )  Deny (v) = Refuse  Get access to (v) : ( Translation ) T  Limitation (n): ( Translation ) -students  Spam (n): ( Translation )  Alert (n) = quick in movement of the body and mind.  Wander (v) = move or go around without any purpose or destination.  Net (n) : ( Translation )  Time- consuming (n) = waste of time.  Costly (a) = We spend much money on the Internet.  Available (a) = popular.  Leak (v): ( Translation )  Respond (v) = Answer * Checking : Matching.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Whilereading. Post- reading. - Match the items in which have Vietnamese meaning with the words. 1. Read and answer the pre- questions. - Have some students read the text and answers the questions. - Give feed back. a. There are four people take part in the forum on the Internet. b. Jim hello holds the forum. c. Sandra Morgan , HongHoa , Huansui respond to the questions. 2. Comprehension questions : (1,2,3 P44) Students - Have something work in pairs to question and answer. - Give feed back. 1. She uses the Internet to get information and to communicate with friends and relatives. 2. Because she live in the countryside where the Internet is not available. 3. People use the Internet for education , entertainment , communication , commerce... * Discussion ( 4,5 P44) - Students work in groups to find out the benefits and disadvantages of the Internet Benefits Disadvantages. - Getting information - Time - consuming - ... - Backache. - ... - Being addicted. -... - .. - Each group say out their answers before the class . - Other groups agree or disagree with the answers. Consolidation + Remember: - Gerunds after some verbs : spend , enjoy. Ex: - I spend 2 hours watching TV everyday. Home work - I enjoy watching TV. - Some words related to the Internet. + - Review the lesson. - Prepare the next lesson: Write. Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... Period 32 17th December 2012.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Unit 5: The Media Lesson 4: Write I. Objectives: + Help students:  Practice planning an essay about the benefits of the Internet.  Introduce students to how essay are organized.  Get students to think of reasons and examples to support their ideas. + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk and write a short passage about the benefits of the Internet. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: online - school , online lesson , updated. 2. Grammar / Structure: Simple present. III. Teaching aids: Text book IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre-writing. 1. Jumbled words: Tfas = Fast Seuufl = useful Evconiennt = convenient Paech = cheap Aeys = easy Uapdedt = updated Chir = rich. 2. Elicit students from those adjectives  Those are main benefits of the Internet. 1. Brainstorming: Chatting Games music Email. While-. chatting. News. articles. online- lesson on line- school. 2. Elicitation: Elicit students the form of a passage.  Introduction  Series of benefits  Conclusion 3. Oral preparation: - Practice preparing by speaking the benefits of the Internet . 1. Discussion and writing: - Work in group of 4 to discuss and write a passage about the benefits of the Internet on a poster , using the cues given. 2. Presentation : - Each group shows its poster on the board . The group leader will give a presentation on it ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> Interne t Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... Tuesday, December 18th 2012. Period 33 Revision for the first term I. Objectives: + Help students consolidate the knowledge that they have learned from U1 to U5. + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :  Review the clause after “ Wish”  Review the present perfect tense.  Review the direct and reported speech.  Review the passive voice.  Review the gerunds  Review the Tag Question  Review the modal with : “ If ”. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Grammar / Structure: - The clause after “ Wish”,the present perfect tense, the direct and reported speech, the passive voice, the gerunds, the Tag Question, the modal with : “ If ”. III. Teaching aids: Text book, posters. IV. Procedure: Past simple. 1. Set the scene . Ex 1: I went to HaNoi last week. Went  past tense of “ ”  Talk about past activity Ex 2: I wish I had a lot of money now. Had  past tense of “ have “  Talk about Wish. 2. Form: + Talk about past activity : S + Ved + Talk about Wish : S + wish + S + Ved...  Unreal wish in the present..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Present perfect. Direct and reported speech. S + wish + S + would/ could / should / might + V...  Probably wish in the future. Ex: - I wish I met her now ( In fact , she is not here now) - I wish I could visit her tomorrow ( In fact, I could not visit her tomorrow). 1. Set the scene. Ex: I have seen Giac Lam pagoda. “have seen”  The present perfect 2. Form: S + have/ has + PII.  Express an action that happened in the past but continues up to the present and maybe in the future. - We have learned English for 4 years - We have learned English since 2002  For + period of time Since + point of time 1. Set the scene. - (1) What is your name? - (2) She asked me what my name was? + Students compare (1) and (2). (1)  Direct Question (2)  Reported speech 2. Direct and Reported speech. ( Using poster) Changes in tenses. Direct. Reported speech.. 1 2. S + Vs/es S + am/ is/ are + Ving. S + Ved S + was/ were + Ving S + would / should + V S + could/ might + V S + had to + V. 3 S + will / shall + V 4 5. S + can/ may + V S + must + V. Time. Now Today Tonight Tomorrow. Then That day That night The following day. Place. Here. There. Demonstrative pronouns. This / these. That / those.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Production. Ex: - I’ll go to Hue tomorrow.  Mr Ba said he would go to Hue the following day. Some more exercises I. Rewrite the sentences with the cues given: 1. “This picture is very nice”, my uncle said. My uncle said............................................................ 2. “ What are you doing now?”, the teacher asked Tom. The teacher asked Tom.............................................. 3. I want to meet Lan now. I wish ........................................................................ 4. She must work harder. She will pass the exam. If she.......................................................................... II. Choose best Answer. 5. I ..... go to primary school but now I don’t. a. went to b. was to c. used to d. got used to 6. while I was watching TV in my room, my mother ...in a. was coming b. would come c. comes d. came 7. It is unusual .... us to have cold weather at this time of the year. a. for b. to c. with d. of 8. ..... you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to take it. a. what b. when c. how d. where. Consolidation - Do exercises in the workbook. Homework - Prepare the language focus Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... Monday, December 24th 2012 Period 34. Revision for the first term I. Objectives: + Help students consolidate the knowledge that they have learned from U1 to U5. + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :  Review the Tag Question  Review the modal with : “ If ”. II. Language focus: 3. Vocabulary: 4. Grammar / Structure: - The clause after “ Wish”,the present perfect tense, the direct and reported speech, the passive voice, the gerunds, the Tag Question, the modal with : “ If ”. III. Teaching aids: Text book, posters. IV. Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Gerunds. 1. Set the scene . Ex: - I like watching TV “Watching”  gerund + Gerunds after some verbs: Like, love , dislike, hate, ... + Ving. Tag Questions Statement Positive Negative. Production. Tag Negative Positive. 1. Set the scene. Ex: - You like watching TV, don’t you? “don’t you”  Tag Question.  Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. 2. 3. 4.. If they (be) late, I’ll punish them. If you (go) out. Would you buy me some cigarrettes? If she (need) a computer, she can borrow mine. If you (hear) from Hoa, could you please let me know?.  Exercise 2: Add question tags to the following sentences: 1. Ba wasn’t angry, .........? (was he) 2. Ben hasn’t had lunch, ............? (has he) 3. You won’t tell anything,........? (will you) 4. I didn’t wake him up,........? (did I) 5. Your leg doesn’t hurt, ..........? (does it) 6. There is a trip tomorrow, .....? (isn’t there) 7. Noone complained, ........? (did they) 8. Niether of them offered to help you, .........? (did they) 9. Nothing went wrong, .........? (did it) 10. That isn’t Nam driving, .......? (is it) C. Reported speech:  Exercise :Change the following sentences into indirect speech: 1. “I have something to show you,” I said to her. 2. “Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun,” she said. 3. “I’m going away tomorrow, mother,” he said. 4. “I’ve been in London for a month but so far I haven’t had time to visit the Tower,” sai Rupert. 5. “It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday,” I remarked. 6. “We have moved into our new flat. We don’t like it nearly so.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> much as our last one,” said my aunt. 7. “What happened to Mr.Budd?” said one of the men. 8. “Which team has won?” asked Ann. 9. “Does this train stop at York?” asked Bill. 10. “Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?” said my aunt. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Prepare the language focus. Consolidation Homework Comment:............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... Date:22/12/2012 THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION (Time allotted 45’) Kiểm tra theo lịch chung của trường A./ Objectives: -helps Ss to examine and evaluate their learning and how well Ss get the aims. II. Skills: Writing, reading, vocab. and grammar practice. B./ procedures: I. Settlement: Greets and checks attendance II. Control: - gives out the testing paper. - controls the class. III. Collection: - asks Ss to hand in the tests and evaluates the lesson. - asks them to revise the knowledge at home for the test correction. Fullname:…………………… THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION Class 9 .... (Time allotted 45’) I. Tìm từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với các từ còn lại ( 1 điểm) 1. A. wanted B. decided C. corrected D. worked 2. A. house B. home C. holiday D. hour 3. A. their B. thank C. that D. they 4. A. climate B. comprise C.primary D. ringgit II. Mỗi câu sau đây có một lỗi sai, em hãy tìm và sửa lại cho đúng (2 điểm).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> 1. He is afraid of go out at night 2. A new shop was opening on main street lastweek 3.You use the internet very often , aren’t you ? 4.They suggested play that game. III. Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2,5 điểm) 1. Lan (eat)…….............................…………………dinner when his friend called. 2. She rarely (get) …………..........……………..home before six o’clock. 3. This test is very easy, (be /not) ………It…? 4 . The teacher asked me what my name (be)………… 5. This car (buy)……..if it is cheap VI. Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi (2,5 điểm) The country is more beautiful than a town and more pleasant to live in. Many people think so, and go to the country for the summer holidays though they cannot live there all the year round. Some have a cottage built in a village so that they can go there whenever they can find the time. English villages are not all alike, but in some ways they are not very different from one another. Almost every village has a church, the round or square tower of which can be seen from many miles around. Surrounding the church is the churchyard, where people are buried. The village green is a wide stretch of grass, and houses or cottages are built round it. Country life is now fairly comfortable and many villages have water brought through pipes into each house. Most villages are so close to some small towns that people can go there to buy what they can’t find in the village shops. 1.When do city people often go to the country? ………………………………………....................... 2 . What is the advantage of city people when they have a cottage built in the village? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. Is English village the same as other village? ……………………………………………………... 4. Does English village also have a church? ………………………………………………………... 5. What can villagers do when their villages are close to small towns? …………………………………………………………………………………………… VI.Dùng các từ gợi ý sau để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh (2 điểm) 1. Nam /enjoy/ listen /music -> …………………………………………………………………… 2. I / used / wear /Ao dai /when /I /be /student ->…………………………………………………. 3. Mai /wish /she /be /good / History/ now ->…………………………………………………….. 4. They/ not /visit/their homeland /for many years ->…………………………………………….. Date: 25/12/2012 Period:36 Correct the test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> I. Aims: After this correction, students will be clearer about the test they have just done. And have to know how to try their best for the next test. II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: board, the test paper, key for the test IV. Procedures: I. Settlement: Greets and checks attendance II. Checking: III. Content: Teacher/s activities Contents Ss/ activities Câu I : Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 1.Act.1: Teacher/s and Ss/ điểm. (0,25 x 4 = 1 điểm - listen to the correction. 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. D teacher. - evaluates the result generally. Câu II: Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 - raises the main and important điểm. (0,5 x 4 = 2 điểm) mistakes Ss have made. - hands out the tests. - asks Ss to correct each part of the test. - invites Ss who had the mistakes and errors to go to the board. - invites others to correct. - asks the class to take notes.. 2. Act.2: Ss/ correction. - instructs Ss to correct their tests. - goes round to monitor the class. - asks Ss to hand in the tests.. 1.. go opening. 2. opened 3. aren’t you you 4. play playing. --> going --> --> don’t -->. Câu III: Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm. (0,5 x 5 = 2,5điểm) 1. was eating 2. Gets 3. isn’t it 4. was 5. will be bought Câu IV : Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm. (0,5 x 5 = 2,5điểm) 1. The often go to the countryside for the summer holidays. 2. They can go there whenever they can find the time. 3. Yes, it is 4. Yes, it does. 5. They can go there to buy what they can’t find in the village shops Câu V : Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm. (0,5 x 4 = 2điểm). - share their tests with their partners - go to the board and write their work. - do it and explain to the class. - note down. - correct themselves. - collect the tests..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> 1.Nam enjoys listening to music 2.I used to wear Aodai when I was a student 3. Minh wishes she were good at History 4. They haven’t visited theirhomeland for many years. MATRIX: Forms Phonetics. Recognizing 4/1.0. Understanding. Grammar. 9/4.5. Reading. 5/ 2,5. Writing Sum. 4/1.0. 14/7.0. Application. Sum 4/1.0 9/4,5. 4/2.0. 5/2,5 4/2.0. 4/2.0. 22/10. Mon, January 7th 2012 Period 37 Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 1 : Getting started + Listen & Read I. Objectives:  Help students read about the work of a group of conservationists.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the topic of unit "The Environment " and some serious Environmental problems. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: garbage dump, deforestation, pesticide, pollution, rock, disappointed, pollute. 2. Grammar / Structure: - Conditional sentences type 1. III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> Getting started. 1. Braistorming. - Can you tell me some Environmental problems in your city? Water pollution Air pollution Garbage dump Deforestation Spraying pestiscide. Environmental problems. Dynamite fishing. 2. Matching. - Ask students to match the pictures (in text book p47) students with Environmental problems. Picture Environmental problems. Listen & Read. a Air pollution b Spraying pestiscide c Garbage dump d Water pollution e Deforestation f Dynamite fishing 3. Checking: students look at the pictures and say. 1. Set the scene the scene ( Using a picture of Mr Brown and some volunteer conversationists) 2. Prediction. - What will the volunteer conversationists do to protect the Environment? A . planting trees C. caring for animals B. cleaning up the beaches D. cleaning up the school. 3. Prediction check. - Students listen to the tape and check their prediction. Answer: - The volunteer conversationists clean up the beaches to protect the Environment. 4. Vocabulary.  Dump (n) = a piece of land full of rubbish  Deforestation (n) = the destruction of the forests  Pollution (n) = uncleanness = the act of polluting  Disappointed (adj) = hopeless  Pollute (v)  pollution (n) - Checking: matching 5. Listen and read :Students listen to the tape twice . − Some practice reading the text 6. Comprehension questions (P48) a. Matching A-B 1. f ,2. e ,3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d b. Answer :1. The speaker is Mr Brown 2. The listeners are the volunteer conversationsts.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> 3. They are on the beach 4. They are going to clean the beach 5. If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon 6+7 = for good class 7. New structure + Elicitation:- T Sets the scene from sentence 5 Conditional sentence : Type 1 Ex: If they work hard, they will make the beach clean Form: If + S + Vs/es - S + Will/Shall/ can / may + V Use: Express a condition that may happen in the future + Practice:Combine these sentences by using “If” 1. We will have no fresh water to drink. We pollute the Environment. 2. You will not pass the exam. You don’t work hard. 3. You find a good job. You can get a lot of money. 4. I will come to meet you . I have time. 5. Our vegetables will be dangerous. We spray pesticides. 6. We dump garbage. Our town will be less beautiful. 7. It will be difficult to breath. We pollute the air. 8. We cut down all the trees. The land will be deforested. + Environmental problems. - Conditional sentences type 1. + Review the lesson. - Prepare the next lesson. Consolidation Homework Week 21- Period 38 January 8th, 2013 Unit 6 : Lesson 2 :. The environment Speak + Lf 2,4. I. Objectives:  Help students practice speaking to persuade people to protect the environment.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to persuade their friends to protect the environment. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: leaf, prevent, reduce, throw, wrap, trash, reuse, recycle 2. Grammar / Structure: Persuading expressions: − I think… − It would be better if… − Won’t you ….?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> − Why don’t you …? Why not….? − What / How about….? III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster. IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre speaking. * Jumbled words: − Uaperdse = persuade − Roderpvi = provide − Duproce = produce. 1. Brainstorming. Don’t throw garbage everywhere Ho w. Beaargg = garbage Lupotilon = pollution. Keep the Environment clean Protecting the Why? Environment. Go to school / work by bike. Save energy/ Keep the air clean. 2. Pre - teach vocabulary  Prevent (v) = ( translation)  Reduce (v) = Ex: this costs 50.000d last year but now it costs only 30.000d. What happens?  Throw (v) = ( mime) Wrap (v) = ( mime)  Trash (n) = ( realia) + Checking : Slap the board. Vøt, bá Gi¶m Ng¨n chÆn R¸c rëi Gãi 3. Language use. + Persuading expressions: − I think… − It would be better if… − Won’t you ….? − Why don’t you …? Why not….? − What / How about….?  Express persuasion. + Ideas: ( pink box P49) 4. Role adoption ( Ex /P49) S1: A S2: B 1. Pair work (a) - Students practice speaking in pairs activity following the example. 2. Questionnaire (b) - Students work in pair to Answer the Questions in the Questionnaire..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> While speaking. Post speaking Language focus. Ex: + How can we save paper?  Use banana leaves to wrap food.  Write on both side of the paper.  Recycle used paper, newspapers - Group work: - Students work in 3 groups, each group makes a poster about protecting the Environment and lays it on the board G1: Saving paper G2: Reducing water pollution G3: Using fewer plastic bags. …………………………........................................... Ex: G1: Saving paper  Use banana leaves to wrap food.  Write on both side of the paper.  Recycle used paper, newspapers  Plant trees…. ………. Discussion (c) - Students work in groups to discuss the best ways to protect the Environment following the example. Act.2: Adverb clause of reason- Because/as/since ( Part 2-P-54) *) Example: Ba is tired because/as/since he stayed up .. Or Because Ba stayed up ........., he is tired - asks Ss to read through the example and give the meaning, form. - asks Ss to compare it with Pre. “Since” - asks Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs. - gets feedback Act 4: Match the two columns, focusing on If - clause (Type 1)( Part 4-P.56) *)Example: If we pollute the water, we will have no fresh water to use. - gives the example and asks Ss to revise the use and form of Ifclause (Type 1) - asks Ss to do exercise 4. - gets feedback. - asks the whole to check. + Rewrite the persuading expressions and remind students about how.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> Consolidation to protect the Environment. +- Review the lesson. - Prepare the next lesson. Homework. Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ Period:39 Teaching:. UNIT6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 3: listen + lf 1,3,5. I. Objectives: - At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Understand the situations causing the pollution in the oceans and talk about the ways to protect the environment and use the expressions: I think you should/ Why don/t you/ …….. to persuade others to do something.. - Skills: Listening, speaking & Writing. II.Preparation: Material: text book ,workbook and picture Equipment: tape and cassetle III.Teaching Process: Stages. Teacher/s activities. Warm up. Lead-in :Chatting ? Have you ever been to the beach ?What do you think about our oceans today. ? Are they polluted? What causes the pollution in the oceans - comments on the answers and introduces the lesson. St’s: Answer the questions individuals. Others comment on the ideas. B.Presentation:. Pre. 1.pre-listening: a)Act.1: Vocabulary - raw sewage/......./(N) níc th¶I, cèng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> While. Post. - (to) pump (Trans.) Ex: Raw sewage is pumped into the sea. - (to) drop (Trans.) - oil spills (N) trµn dÇu - marine life (N)/động vật, đại dơng - Vessel (N) ThuyÒn lín (ship) - Oil lead : Lç thñng dÇu - elicits first and says out the words - writes and checks. - uses What and Where to check vocab. b)Act.2: prediction: -gives the instructions: predict to fill in the gaps. -collects their answers and show before the class. 2.while-listening Listen and fill the missing information in the notes.(Part 4-P.50) *) Answer key First: Raw sewage is pumped directly in to the sea . Secondly: Garbage is dropped in to the sea Thirdly: oil apills come from ships at sea. Next: Waste materials come from factories. Finally: Oil is washed from the land. - hangs on the Grids and focuses Ss on the information. - plays the tape again (four times) - gets feedback. - plays the tape once more and gets feedback. 3.post-listening: Act 1: Structures to persuade someone: I think you should ……… It would be better if you …… Why don/t you + V-inf…………..? …………………………………………….. - elicits the language from Ss and writes it on the board. - runs though them and check the understanding. - talks about the form and the use, help Ss be clearer with Because/For/….. Act.2: Questionnaire (P.49) *) Model: Lan:I think you should save paper. Hai: How can we save it? Lan: It would be better if you collect waste paper and recycle it. Hai: And…………. -hangs on the questions and makes the model..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> .LF.1: Complete the sentences with the adverbs of manner.(Part 1-P.53) *) Model: - Extreme - Extremely *)Answer key: b. slowly d. happily c. sadly e. well/slowly - gives the model and checks the way to change Adj. into Adv. of manner. - checks the meaning and its function - asks them to complete the excer. in pairs. - gets feedback & helps Ss to correct. Lf 3: Use That clause with adjectives (Part 4-P.46). *)Ex: That/s wonderful. I am pleased that you are working hard. *)Structure: S + be + Adj. + that + clause (N. clause) *)Answer key: b,I am excited that I will go to Da Lat. c,I am sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday. d,I am disappointed that you did not phone me. e, I am amazed that I could win the first prize. - gives the example & checks the meaning & the form. - asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise 3. - invites the answers . - asks the whole to check. Lf 5: Put the verbs in parentheses in the right form. (exer. 10-P.46workbook) Ex: If we (run) out of oil, we (need) other kind of energy - asks Ss to work in pairs and then write their answers on the board. - asks the whole to check. b. if we go on littering, the environment will become seriously polluted . c. if we plant more trees along the streets we will have more shade and fresh air. d. if we use much pesticide on vegetables , the vegetables become poisonous and inedible. e. if we keep our environment clean we’ll live a happier and healthier life. - asks Ss to work in groups & goes round to elicit the expressions from Ss. - asks Ss to show their ideas to the front. - corrects if necessary Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Period:40 January 16th, 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 3 : Read I. Objectives:  Help students read a poem about the Environment .  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : − Understand specific and general ideas of the poem about the Environment. − Talk about what they could do in their house / school to minimize pollution. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: junk yard, treasure, hedge, nonsense, foam, silly, 2. Grammar / Structure: Conditional type 1 III. Teaching aids: Text book. IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre – reading. While – reading. * Chatting.  Do you like poetry?  Which poet do you like best?  Name some poems that are your favorite?  Do you think it is easy to understand a poem?  Have you ever read an English poem? Do you like it? Do you understand it? 1. Set the scene. ( Using the poem in the text book to Set the scene) 2. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Junk yard (n) = a place where people store wastes = garbage dump.  Treasure (n) = kho báu  Hedge (n) = ( picture) : hàng rào  Nonsense (a) = ( translation) : vô lý  Foam (n) = ( picture): bột  Silly (a) = ( translation) : ngu xuẩn + Checking : Rub out and remember 3. Pre – Questions. 1. Who are the people in the poem? 2. Where are they? 1. Reading and checking. - Students read the poem and Answer the Pre - questions Answer: 1. The mother and her son. 2. They are in the park / woods 2. Matching (5a/P51) Answer: 1c 2g 3f 4e 5d 6a 3 . Comprehension quetions . Answer: 1. If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> hand junk yard. 2. The mother thinks othet folk pollute the Environment but not her or her son. 3. His mother will take him home right away. 4. No. Because he is right, If he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods. 5. The poet want us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the Environment from pollution. Post – + Discussion. reading What could you do in your school / house to minimize pollution? Suggested ideas.  Put garbage bins around the school yard.  Don’t throw waste paper everywhere.  Collect plastic bags and cans to recycle and reuse to reduce the garbage. Consolidation + Revise conditional type 1: Ex: - If the pollution goes on , the fields will be littered with plastics and tins. Home work + - Review the lesson. - Write 5 things that you have to do to keep the Environment unpolluted. Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Week 24 – P 41 30, January 2012. Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 4 : Write. I. Objectives:  Help students write a letter of complaint.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : − Understand the format of a complaint letter. − Write a letter to complaint about the way of catching fish by using ideas and suggestions given. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: complication, electric shock wave, resolution, prohibit, fine. 2. Grammar / Structure: − Simple present, Simple past. − Look forward to + Ving. III. Teaching aids: Text book., poster. IV. Procedure: Warm up. 1. Brainstorming: Networks. Job application. thank you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> request cogratulation. Pre – writing. While – writing. Letter s. invitation complaint. 2. Elicitation. - The format of a complaint letter ( the violete box in the text book)  SCRAP - letter 1. Pre - teach vocabulary .  Complication (n) = Phàn nàn  Electric shock wave (n) : sóng điện  Resolution (n) = giải pháp  Prohibit (v) = ngăn cấm  Fine (v) = xử phạt + Checking : Rubout and remember. 4. Ordering letter (6a/P52) - Provide students 5 sections of a complaint letter in random order and get them to put the sections in a correct order.. Answer: 1. R 2. S 3. A  SCRAP 4. C 5. P 1. Guided writing (6b/P53) + Oral preparation. - Students make an outline of the letter following the format of a complaint letter Outline of the letter S - Problems of fish catching in the lake C - Use electricity shock wave to catch fish Fish: died, floated Frogs, toads, birds: died from the shock waves. R - Local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone catching fish in this way. A - See good responses from the Local authorities - See the protection of Environment from the Local authorities. P Faithfully / Sincerely ( Signature and name) 2. Individual work: - Students write a complaint letter using the outline above. Suggested ideas Dear Mr President, I’m writing to you about the catching of fish of many people in the lake behind my house. I’m very worried because they use…………………......... I would suggest the Local authorities…………………..... I look forward to seeing……………………......................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> Post – writing. Yours faithfully, Le Minh Duy + Correction: - Students exchange their writings and check. - Teacher chose some writings and correct before the class. + Remember: − The format of a complaint letter: SCRAP. − Simple present, Simple past. − Look forward to + Ving. + - Review the lesson. - Do homework. Consolidation. Home work Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ th. 30. Unit 7 : Saving Energy Lesson 1 : Getting started + Listen & Read. Week 24- P43 February 2013. I. Objectives:  Help students read a dialogue for details about saving energy.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the topic of unit "Saving energy" . - Understand the dialogue and about the ways to save energy. II. Language focus: 3. Vocabulary: plumber, crack, faucet, drip, bill. 4. Grammar / Structure: Suggest + Ving III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: Getting started. 1. Pictures and Questions . − Is the TV on? − Who is watching TV? − Is the light still burning ? − Should we turn the TV off? − What happens to the faucets? − Should we save energy? 2. Brainstorming. Petrol Saving Gas energy. water electricity. TStudents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Listen & Read. Oil 1. Set the scene. Pictures and Questions: Look at the picture. Mrs Ha is talking to Mrs Mi. − How is Mrs Ha? − Why is she so sad? 2. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Water bill (n) = ( realia)  Plumber (n) = ( picture)  Crack (n) = ( visual)  Faucet (n) = ( picture)  Drip (n,v) = ( visual) + Checking : Rub out and remember 3. True – False prediction ( Using poster b/P58) 1. Mrs Ha is worried about her water bill. 2. Mrs Mi gives Mrs Ha advice on how to save water. 3. Mrs Ha has checked the pipes in her house and found no cracks. 4. Mrs Ha suggest getting some toolto check cracks in the pipes. 5. Mrs Mi suggest taking showers to save water. 4. Listen and read 2/P57 - Play the tape twice. - Students listen and check their prediction. 5. Prediction check.. Answer: 1- T 2- T 3- F. Mrs Ha hasn’t checked the pipes in her house. 4- F. Mrs Ha suggests getting a pluber to check cracks in the pipes. 5- T 6. Role adopption. - Students practice in pairs.. 8. Word cue drill.. Save water. TStudents. Students. 7. Model sentences. + Set the scene. − What does Mrs Mi suggest Mrs Ha to save water? − Mrs Mi suggests taking showers to save water . + Elicit from students: Suggest + Ving. Ex: I suggest turning off the light before going out.. Save electricit. Students. Save water Save energy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> Ex:. - I suggest turning off the faucet.. + Comprehension questions( using poster) Production 1. Why is Mrs Ha worried? 2. How much money does Mrs Ha pay for her water bill? 3. What does Mrs Mi advice Mrs Ha to do? Consolidation 4. How much water can be wasted a month by a dripping faucet? + Review the lesson. + Remember structure: Home work Suggest + Ving. + Prepare : Speak.. T Students. T– students Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Unit 7 : Saving Energy Week 24- P43 Lesson 2 : Speak + LF 2,3 30th January 2013 I. Objectives:  Help students practice making and responding to suggestions.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak on how to save energy by using suggestion structures. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Grammar / Structure: Suggestion and response. III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: 1. Brainstorming Turn off the faucet Pre Water Fix the faucet speaking Petrol Electricity Energy and Use bikes. the ways to save energy. 2. Set the scene (Using picture a). Turn off the light Use solar energy TStudents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> While speaking. Post speaking. − Look at this picture. What happens? ( The water is running) − How do you say to people to save water? ( I think we should turn off the faucet. − Why don’t we turn off the faucet? ( We should turn off the faucet to save water) 3. Elicitation ( Using poster) Suggestions Response − I think we should...... OK! − Why don’t That’s good ideas. we....? All right. − Won’t you ...? No, I don’t want to... − Shall we...? I prefer to... − How / What Let’s... about...? − Let’s... − I suggest + Ving... − It would be better if.... 1. Pair work (a/P 59) Ex:S1: I suggest turning off the faucet. S2: OK! 2. Group work of four students ( b/P59) Answer (a) B. I think we should turn down the gas fire. C. Let’s turn off the electric fan. D. Why don’t we turn off the air- conditioner. E. I suggest turning off the lights and the TV before going out. F. I suggest using shower istead of a bath. G. I think we should use bikes instead of motorbikes. H. Let’s go by bus. 1. Write it up. - Write all the sentences you have spoken into your notebooks. 2- Speaking activity ( LF 3) Help the poor people. Improve English. Ex: 1-I suggest collecting some money to help the poor people 2-I suggest that you should practice English with your. T -Students. Students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> friends. 2. Discussion: * What do you do to save energy at home and at school? Answer may be: − Taking shower instead of a bath. − Turning off the faucet after use. − Making sure there are no cracks in the water pipes. − Turning off the lights before leaving. -Turning off the TV, radio when no one watch or listen . 1. Set the scene. Ex: It’s dark here. Can you turn on the light? Further 2. Elicit. Turn on – Phrase verb (Task 2) And we have: Turn off, look for, look after, go on... Students 3. Mean:  Turn on = switch on / start  Turn off = switch off / stop  Look for = try to find Consolidation  Look after = take care of  Go on = continue Homework 4. Practice ( 2/P63) Answer:a-Look after b,Go on c.Turn on d, Look for e.Turn off + Remember - Review the lesson Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Week 24- P44 Unit 7 : Saving Energy 30th January 2013 Lesson 3 : Listen + LF 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen on how to use solar energy and using connective. II. Language focus: Connective III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: I- Warm up ----( this kind of solar which is from sun) - solar 1/Vocabulary : - Solar (a) : thuộc về mặt trời II- Pre - Solar energy (n) : năng lượng mặt trời listening - Nuclear power (n) : năng lượng hạt nhân - Solar panel (n) : các tấm thu năng lượng mặt trời - Advanced (a) : cấp cao - Roof (n) : mái nhà.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> III_ While litening. - Effective (a) :Có hiệu lực - > effectively (adv) Checking vocabulary : Rub out remember 1-Listen 2- T/F statement  Answer keys 1. True 2. False -> Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal , gas , oil or nuclear power ) 2. False -> It is enough to provide power for total population ) 4. True 5. False -> in 2015 3-Gap-fill Anwer keys: 1. effective 2. pollution 3. countries 4. store 5. roof 6. instead 1. Brainstorming :. IV_ Post Language 1. Homework. moreover. but. or Connectiv es. and because. however so 2. Function of connectives.  And : to add a similar or another idea.  But/ However : to give a cause ( reason)  So / therefore : to give an effect  Or: to give an alternative. Ex: I am a student and my sister is a student , too. 3. Practice ( 1/P62) Answer: a. And b-But c-Because d-Therefore e -Or f- So G And -1. Write a short passage ( 40-50 words ) about their knowledge, s solar energy . 2. Do the exercises ( 4,5 ) in the work books 2..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ 7th February 2012 P 45th. Unit 7 : Saving Energy Lesson 3 : Read. I. Objectives:  Help students practice reading a text about saving energy for details.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more how North American and Europe countries save money and natural resources. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: luxury, necessary, consumer, appliance, bulb, label, innovation, conserve. 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, extra - board IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre – reading. * Chatting ( using an electricity bill to chat to students)  What is this? ( It’s an electricity bill)  How much is your family’s electricity bill?  Do you think it’s enormous?  How much electricity does your TV use everyday?  How many bulbs are there in your house?  Are there any energy- saving bulbs in your house?  Do you want to reduce the amount of electricity your TStudents family use?  What should you do?  Do you want to know how the people in other countries save energy? * Lead in. 1. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Consumer (n) = a person who buys goods that he will use himself.  Bulb (n) = ( realia)  Label (n) = ( realia)  Scheme (n) = plan  Efficient (a) = ( translation)  Ultimately (adverb) = finally.  Innovation (n) = bringing in new ideas, making changes.  Conserve (v) = preserve + Checking : What and where.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> Conserv. While – reading. Post – reading. TStudents. Consume Ultimately Label 2. Pre - Questions Schem (Using poster) r 1. Do people e in Western countries think electricity , gas Innovatio Bulb and water are luxury. Efficient n 2. Do they want to save electricity? What do they do to spend less on lighting? 1. Reading and checking. - Have students read the text and check their Answers. - Some students read the text. Answer: 1. No, they do not. They think electricity , gas and water are not luxury but necessities. 2. Yes, they do. They use energy- saving bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs and there is a labeling scheme helping them use household appliances efficiently. 2. Comprehension questions. - Have students work in groups to answer the questions ( students works in 4 groups) - Correct and compare the answers of the 4 groups ( Stick 4 answers on the board) Answer: (a/P60) 3- North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources. ( b/P61) T1. Western consumers are interested in products that Students will not only work effectively but also save money. 2. They can use energy- saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100w bulbs to spend less on lighting . 3. She will pay US$2. Because these bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs. 4. The labeling scheme helps the consumers know how energy efficient the household appliances are. 5. Because when we save energy, we will save money and conserve the Earth’s resources. 1. Speaking.  How do we save electricity? Suggested ideas:  Use saving energy bulbs.  Use neon instead of ordinary bulbs.  Turn off appliances when we go out.  Keep refrigerator door closed. 2. Writing: write down ideas on how to save energy. + Remember : The ways to save energy. + Review the lesson.. - Do homework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> Consolidation TStudents. Home work. Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ 8th February 2012. Unit 7 : Saving Energy P46th Lesson 4 : Write. I. Objectives:  Help students practice writing a speech about saving energy.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : − Understand the frame of a speech. − Write a short, simple speech about energy saving and present it before the class. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: solid 2. Grammar / Structure: Simple present. III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster. IV. Procedure: Warm up. * Noughts and crosses ( using poster) - Students make sentences with the words given. Electricit y. Suggest. Water. Turn off. Reduce. Save. Energy. Conserv e Gas.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> Pre – writing. While – writing. saving bulb - Ex: I think we should use less electricity in our family. 1. Set the scene Personal Questions:  Have you ever written a speech?  How many parts are there in a speech? 2. Elicitation : A speech has 3 parts: 1. Introduction ( What do we do in the introduction?) 2. Body ( What is included in the body?) 3. Conclusion ( How about the conclusion?) 3. Matching Answer: 1. Introduction – B: Getting people’s attention and telling them what you are talking about 2. Body – C: Giving details in easy- to- understand language 3. Conclusion – A: Summing up what you have said. 4. Ordering - Put the sections in the correct place to complete a speech. - Deliver the speech in front of class. - Help students present the speech before class naturally Answer: 3-2-1 5. Guided writing - Choose one of the topics in the book then prepare a speech for the class. 1. Writing Group work ( 3 groups) - Each group writes a speech about one of these topics: 1. Reduce garbage. 2. Reuse paper. 3. Save energy in the kitchen. 2. Suggested writing: Reducing garbage Good ......., Ladies and Gentlements. My name is ... and today I am going to tell you how to reduce garbage. Most of us produce too much garbage everyday. You can reduce garbage by: If you follow these simple rules, you will not only reduce garbage but also keep the Environment clean..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> Post – writing 1. Presenting the speech. - Students deliver the speech they have written before the class. 2. Correction. - T correct and give feed back. Consolidation + Remember - The format of a speech. Home work. - Write one of these speeches in the notebook. - Prepare the next lesson: Language focus.. Comment:............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Lesson plan – English 9 Week 25 Februay 2011 Unit seven : Saving Energy Lesson 5 : Language focus Period 46 I. Objectives:  Help students consolidate what they have learned in unit 7  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : − Use the connectives. − Use phrase verbs − Make suggestions II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Grammar / Structure: − Connectives: and , but, or, because .... − Phrase verbs: turn on, turn off, look for, look after, go on − Make suggestions: - Suggest + Ving - Suggest + that + S + should + V III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster, pictures IV. Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> Warm up. * Crossword: ( Pictures and Question ). s. o. e u f g e. n r w a a l. b e c a u s e. u r e t c. l g. b y. e e. r t. c. t. r. TStudents. i. c. i. t. y. * Questions 1. ( Picture) – What is this? 2. Gas, petrol, water, electricity are ............ 3. Origin or starting point means ............... 4. What do we drink everyday? 5. ( Picture) 6. The thing we use for heating , not liquid or solid 7. Form of energy associated with stationary or moving electrons or other charges participles  Key word: Because.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> Practice Task 1. 1. Elicitation ( from the warmer) Because = connective 2. Brainstorming : but or moreover. Task 2. Task 3. Connective s. and because. however so 3. Function of connectives.  And : to add a similar or another idea.  But/ However : to give a cause ( reason)  So / therefore : to give an effect  Or: to give an alternative. Ex: I am a student and my sister is a student , too. 4. Practice ( 1/P62) Answer: b. And c. But d. Because e. Therefore f. Or g. So h. And i. However 1. Set the scene. Ex: It’s dark here. Can you turn on the light? 2. Elicit. Turn on – Phrase verb And we have: Turn off, look for, look after, go on... 3. Mean:  Turn on = switch on / start  Turn off = switch off / stop  Look for = try to find  Look after = take care of  Go on = continue 4. Practice ( 2/P63) Answer: a. Look after b. Go on c. Turn on d. Look for e. Turn off 1. Set the scene ( Picture 1).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> - Students give suggestions for this picture. Ex: - I suggest turning off the faucet. - I suggest that we should turn off the faucet. 2. Elicit: − Suggest + Ving − Suggest + that + S + should + V 3. Practice ( 3/P64) Speaking activity Improve English. Help the poor people. Ex: 1. I suggest collecting some money to help the poor people 2. I suggest that you should practice English with your friends. + Remember − Connectives: and , but, or, because .... Consolidation − Phrase verbs: turn on, turn off, look for, look after, go on − Make suggestions: - Suggest + Ving - Suggest + that + S + should + V + - Write it up ( task 3) - Prepare for the test 45’ Homework. Full name:...................................... Class :. written english test K2 Time: 45' Period 47. I. Match A with B: A. B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> 1. If she comes late again 2. If we go by train 3. If we go by plane 4. If you need more bags 5. If we throw these bottles over the hedge. a. I'll give you some b. It will be cheaper c. That will pollute the wood d. She will lose her job e. It will be quicker. Answers: 1--------2 -------- 3 -------4 --------- 5 --------II. Combine two sentences in each pair , using the words given in blanket: 1. Mr Phong didn't feel well. He didn't go to work yesterday. ( because) ............................................................................................................................................... ... 2. Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep. ( so) ............................................................................................................................................... ... 3. It rained very hard. He went out without a raincoat. ( however) ............................................................................................................................................... ... 4. Please try to speak more loudly. Please try to speak more clearly. ( and ) ............................................................................................................................................... ... 5. We will have no fresh air to breath. We continue polluting the environment. (If ) ............................................................................................................................................... ... III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If we (not protect).................. the environment. Our green planet (be)............. badly polluted. 2. I suggest (give)................................... her a surprise party. 3. Yesterday afternoon, Hoa (make).................... a cake while her mother (cook)....................... dinner. 4. Ba ( not feel) .......................well now because he (stay).................... up very late last night. IV. Chose the best answer: 1. They suggest that he.......................by bike or public transport . A. should travel C. might travel B . travels D. traveled 2. The light ................so we could not see anything in the dark. A. went out B.went on C. went off D. went by. 3. Hurry up .................. you will miss the train. A . so B. but C. and D. or 4. You should get a ................ to check if there is any crack in the pipe. A . electrician B. plumber C. carpenter D. goldsmith 5. If people stop ....................... , some natural disasters won’t happen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> A. deforest. B. to deforest. C. deforesting. D. deforestation. 6. We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned .......................... it was raining hard. A. however. B. but. C. because. D. so. Lesson plan – English 9 Period 48 I. 0,2 x 5 =1 mark 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. e 5. a 6. c II. 0,5 x 5 = 2,5 marks. 1. Mr Phong did not go to work yesterday because he did not feel well. 2. I want to able to get to sleep so please turn down the radio. 3. It rained very hard , however he went out without a raincoat. 4. Pleased speak more loudly and clearly. 5. We will have no fresh air to breath if we continue pollute the Environment . III. 0,5 x 7 = 3,5 marks. 1. don’t / will be 2. giving 3. was making / was cooking 4. does not feel / stayed IV. 0,5 x 6 = 3,0 marks. 1. should travel 2. went out 3. oplumber 5. deforesting 6. because Week 28 28th February 2012 Unit 8: Celebrations Lesson 1 : Getting started + Listen & Read Period 49 I. Objectives:  Help students read and listen to specific information about famous celebrations around the world.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the topic of unit "Celebrations ". - Get further information about the popular celebrations in the world - Understand relative clauses. II. Language focus:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> 1.Vocabulary: celebrate, celebration, Easter, freedom, slavery, Passover, sticky rice, Lunar, Jewish, occur, ancient, decorate, parade. 2.Grammar / Structure: Relative clauses. III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: Getting started. 1. Set the scene. ( Using picture P65)  What are these pictures talking about? * Net works  Can you name some celebrations you know in our country or in the world? Christmas Lunar New Year Easter May Day. Celebration s. Valentine Birthday. Mother’s day 2. Match ( 1/P65) Answer: 1. Easter 4. Christmas 2. Wedding 5. Mid Fall Festival 3. Birthday 6. Lunar New Year 3. Question and Answer ( using poster) a. In which country, do people celebrate Easter/ Christmas / Lunar New Year? b. When do people celebrate Easter/ Christmas / Lunar New Year? c. What do they do on these celebrations? 1. Set the scene ( Using word cards) Tet holiday. Listen & Read. Passover. Easter. 2. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Celebrate (v) ( Ex: I often celebrate my birthday in the evening)  Celebration (n) = noun of celebrate  Freedom (n) = release = being free  Slavery (n) = state or condition of slave  Sticky (a) ( Ex: sticky rice cake = traditional Chung cake)  Occur (v) = happen = take place  Ancient (a) = old  Decorate (v) = paint or wall paper the room  Parade (n) = matching with display + Checking : Rubout and remember 3. Pre – Questions. Students complete their answers in the table P66..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> a. When is the Tet holiday/ Passover/ Easter? b. What activities are there in these celebrations? c. What do people often eat in these occasions? d. In which country, do people celebrate these celebrations? 4. Listen and check the answers. - Listen to the tape and check the answers. - Read the text aloud Answer: ( Using poster) Celebratio n Tet. When. Activities. Food. Country. In late Jan or early Feb. Clean Sticky Viet nam and rice cakes decorate homes Passover Late Celebrate Seder Israel March or from early Apr slavery Easter Late Crowd Chocolat Many March or the street e and countries early Apr to watch sugar parades eggs 5. Elicit the model sentences − Tet is a festival which occurs in late Jan or early Feb. − Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet. Which / Who = relative pronouns “.... which occurs in late Jan or early Feb” relative clause “ ....who live apart try to be together at Tet” Ex: − This is a TV. This TV is made in Japan. This is a TV which is made in Japan ( which = this TV) − The man is standing there. The man is my teacher. The man who is my teacher is standing there. ( who = the man) + Tell some information of the festivals that you know. Celebrations in the USA Celebrations. Date of celebrations.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.. Production. New Year’s Day Mother’s Day Father’s Day Independence Day Passover Easter Valentine’s Day April fool’s Day Halloween. − − − − − −. − − −. January 1st Second Sunday in May Third Sunday in June July 4th March / April A Sunday in March or April February 14th April 1st October 31st. + Remember - Celebrations in Vietnam and in the world - Relative clause. Consolidation. Home work. + Revise the lesson - Learn by heart all the new words - prepare the next lesson. - Do homework in workbook.. Week 28- Period 50 1st March 2012. Unit 8: Celebrations Lesson 2 : Speak + LF1. I. Objectives:  Help students practice giving and responding to a compliment.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give and respond to a compliment for common situations .  Practice Relative clause II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: active, activist, nominate, nomination, charity, take part in 2. Grammar / Structure: − Give and respond to a compliment. III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster. IV. Procedure: * Question and Answer Warm – up − When do people give a compliment to others? − Do you usually give a compliment? − Do you know how to respond to it? 1. Pre - teach vocabulary. - Active (a) Pre - Activist (n) = person who actively takes part in social work speaking - Nominate (v) = appoint - Nomination (n) = noun of nominate - Charity (n) = kindness in giving help to the poor.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> + Checking : What and where Activist Nominate. While speaking. Post – speaking. Language Focus 1. Active. Charity. Nominatio. 2. Give and respond to a compliment ( P66) ( using a poster) Give a compliment Respond to a compliment Well done Thanks / Thank you That’s a great / excellent... It’s very nice of you to Let me congratulate you on ... say so. That’s very kind of you. 1. Pair work ( 3/P66)Answer b. Well done, Huyen. Thanks, Mom c. Congratulate you on your nomination, Tuan. It is very nice of you to say so. d. That is an excellent drawing, Hoa. That’s very kind of you 2. Word cue drill a. Well done / Thanks b. Congratulations/ Thanks a lot c. Let / congratulate /on passing the exam / kind d. Great report / nice of you Ex: A . Well done B . Thanks 1. Think of situations to give and respond to a compliment. Suggested situations: a. Tam has just passed the graduation exam b. Hoa made an excellent report on saving energy. c. Lan got high mark for Maths d. Ba has just won the school wsimming championship. 2. Practice speaking. * Picture and Question ( Using picture “ My family” P71)  Who is this girl? ( The girl is Linda)  What is Linda doing? ( She is giving a gift to her Mom)  The girl who is giving a gift to her Mom is Linda.  Lead in. 1. Elicitation ( From the warmer) Who : - is a relative pronoun, replace for N or P - is used for people Which : - is a relative pronoun, replace for N or P - is used for things. Ex1: - The girl is Linda. The girl is giving a gift to her Mom. −The girl who is giving a gift to her Mom is Linda..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> ( Relative clause) Ex2: - Tet is a festival. Tet occurs in late January or early February − Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February 2. Practice (1,/ P70,71) Answer: (1) – Combine the sentences a. Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on ..... b. This watch is a gift which was given to me ..... c. My friend Tom, who sings Western folk songs very well, can compose songs. d. We often go to the town cultural house which always opens.... e. I like reading books which tell about.... f. On my Mom’s birthday my Dad gave her roses which were very sweet and beautiful. g. Judy liked the full moon festival which is celebrated...... h. Tomorrow, I’ll go to the airport to meet my friends who come to stay with us.... + Remember. Consolidation - The ways to give and respond to a compliment + Review the lesson - Prepare the next lesson Homework - Do homework in Workboo Week 28- Period 51 5th March 2012 Unit 8: Celebrations Lesson 3 : Listen + LF 2,3,4  I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : − Use and practice the relative clauses − Use and practice the adverb clauses of concessions. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: active, activist, nominate, nomination, charity, take part in 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster. IV. Procedure: T: Ask Ss to work in group and make the list of thing people in Warm up western countries do on new years Eve - Gather ideas by calling on some Ss to say about that T: Set the scene “On new year’s Eve. * Things done on new year’s Eve Holding parties Dancing Drinking Exchanging best wishes Giving present.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> Pre – listening. 3. While– listening. 3. Post – listening. Sing  New words: Acquaintance (n): người quen Bring to mind (v): remember Kindness (n): Trusty (a): đáng tin cậy T: Ask Ss to read the song and guess the missing words T: Play the tape several times if necessary T: Tell Ss to compare the answers with a friend - Call on some Ss to read/sing the song aloud in front of class - Give feedback and give correct answers  Answers a. Day b. Take c. Mind b. Hand d. Kindness - To make if clear, Ts are suggested to give the translation of the original Scots version into standard English. (see supplements for English version 3. Post – listening T: Ask Ss to work in group and discuss: “What do you and your family usually does on New Year’s Eve (lunar New Year)?. 4- Futher practice Task 2 – Describe the pictures “ My family” a. I am the boy who is wearing a white T- shirt b. My Dad is the man who is holding Linda c. My Mom is the woman who is sitting on the armchair/ d. Linda is the girl who is giving a gift to my Mom. (“ My Aunt’s family” – students do the same at home) 1. Set the scene Ex: - She was tired. She went to school. Task 3 − She went to school though she was tired 2. Elicitation  Though  Even though + Clause of concession  Although 3. Practice ( 3,4/ P72,73) Answer (3) – Join the sentences a. Although we do not have a Mother’s Day in Vietnam, Dad and I have............. b. We went to Hanoi to watch the parade on the National Day last year even though we live in Namdinh. c. Many tourists enjoy festivals in Vietnam though they do not understand ..................... d. Even though in Australia Christmas season in Summer, the Australians ........................ e. Although Jam came to the show late due to the traffic jam,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> Task 4. Consolidation. he could see the main part of the show. (4) – Complete the sentences. a. Although Mrs Thoa was tired, she helped Tuan with his homework. b. Even though Liz has an exam tomorrow, she is still watching TV now. c. It rained yesterday although the weather bureau predicted it would be fine weather. d. Ba ate a lot of food though he wasn’t very hungry. e. Even though the keyboard doesn’t working well, she tried to finish the letter. + Remember : Form and use of Relative clauses and Adverb clause of concession. + Revise the lesson. Homework. Unit eight: Celebrations Lesson 3 : Read I. Objectives:  Help students practice reading for details about children ‘s emotion on Father’s Day  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the opinions, feelings and memories of children about their father on the Father’s Day in the USA and in Australia. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: hug, considerate, generous, priority, humor, distinguish. 3. Grammar / Structure: - Revise the relative clauses III. Teaching aids: Text book, extra - board IV. Procedure: Warm up. * Playing game: Pelmanism Women Teacher Vietna Childre ’s Day ’s Day mes n’s Day Indepen dence Day st 2/9 June 1 May 8/3. Pre – reading. 1. Set the scene. May Day. Christm as Day. 20/11. 25/12.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> It’s different from Vietnam in some countries , there is a day for Father such as in USA and Australia. It’s the time when children show their feelings , respect and great love to their fathers. 2. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Hug (v) = embrace  Considerate (v) = thoughtful for other’s feelings and behaviors  Generous (a) = open- handed, free to give  Priority (n) = being earlier in time or order  Sense of humor (n) = quality of being amusing  Distinguish (v) = identify + Checking : Rubout and remember. / While – reading. Post – reading. 3. True – False predict ( using poster) 1. Father is Rita’s eyes is a person who teaches him how to love , cry and laugh. 2. Jane’s father is alive. 3. Jane’s father is a friend in her opinion. 4. Bob’s father is the same others of humor. 1. Read and check the predictions - Teacher read the text – Students listen and check their predictions. - Some students read the text again and give their answers Answer 1. T 2. F. No, he is not alive. 3. F. She is always his little girl 4. F. His sense of humor distinguish him from others. 2. Comprehension questions (P69) - Students work in group to answer the questions. Answers: a. Rita sends this card to her Dad. b. He is possible dead. These ideas may tell about that: “ ... how much you are missed ......, I now have children “ c. That is his sense of humor. d. The imagine of a father from the three passages is a teacher, a care taker, a friend. 1. Writing . - Write your feelings, opinions and memories about your fathers. - Share with your partners. 2. Further reading: Father’s day. ( Third Sunday in June) The United States is a one of a few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents , treated to dinner or made to feel special. The origin of father’s day is not clear. Some say that it began with a church service in West Virginian 1908. others say the 1st father’s day ceremony was held in Vancouver, Washington. However, until 1924, fathers have been honored and recognized by the families throughout the country on the third Sunday in June. On this day, if children can’t visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that contains too many feelings. Most greeting cards are funny so fathers laugh then they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad. Consolidation + Remember: - Focus on the Vocabulary. - Review the lesson. Home work - Prepare the next lesson. - Do homework in Workbook.. Tuesday, March 6th 2012 Unit eight: Celebrations Lesson : Write I. Objectives:  Help students practice writing a letter to a friend.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter to a friend to share their ideas about a particular issue: There should be a day for Mother or Father in Vietnam? II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: enhance, day off, tradition, nationwide, support 2. Grammar / Structure: Simple present. III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster. IV. Procedure: Warm up. * Brainstorming.  What kinds of letter are there? thank Letters. invitation complaint. discussio n.  How many parts are there in a discussion letter?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> Pre – writing. Lead in: 1. Elicitation A discussion letter has 3 parts:  First paragraph : Tell the reasons  Second paragraph : Give details about ............  Third paragraph : State weather or not you think your idea will be supported.... 2. Pre - teach vocabulary :  Enhance (v) = improve  Day off (n) = a day from work or school  Tradition (n) = belief or custom handed down from one generation to another  Nationwide (n) = all over the country  Support (v) = help, give strength to. + Checking: What and where. Enhance Day off. While – writing. Traditio. Suppor t Nationwid. 3. Ordering - Give students the outline but the parts are not in order. - Students reorder the outline ( 6/P70) 4. Oral preparation − What reasons do you tell your friends for celebrating this day. − When to celebrate? − How to celebrate? − What special gifts to give? − What special food to offer? 1. Writing: - Write individually to tell him/her about why you want to celebrate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day in Vietnam and how to celebrate it. Follow the outline P70 2. Suggested ideas: In my opinion, It’s essential to have a day to celebrate for our parents. On these occasions, children will have a special day to express their feelings, memories and love for their parents. We have a chance to enhance family traditions. Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another. I think first Sunday of April is suitable. Sunday is a day off so.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> everybody is free from work or school . April is late Spring or early Summer and the weather is fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoors. It’s not necessary to have a party but it’s good ideas to have lunch or dinner with all members of the family. Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards or bring them special cakes. Moreover, children should server them the food that they like best. I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their parents and Post – writing want their parents to be happy. Consolidation + Share their writings and correct mistakes + Remember Home work Discussion letter. Wednesday, March 14th 2012 P 54 Unit 9: Nature disasters Lesson 1 : Getting started + Listen & Read I. Objectives:  Help students read and listen to a dialogue for detail information about a weather forecast.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the topic of unit "Natural disasters ". - Get to know and use the new words about weather. - Understand the information in a weather forecast. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: snowstorm, earthquake, volcano, typhoon, turn up, expect, thunderstorm, delta, trust, highlands. 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure: Getting started. * Chatting.  What’s the weather like today?  Do you like hot/ cold weather?  Have you ever listend to the weather forecast on the radio or on TV?  Do you think weather fore cast is useful for us? How is it useful? Lead in We are going to listen to a dialogue between Thuy and her grandma while they are watching a weather fore cast on TV. 1. Brainstorming : - Name some natural disaters you know.. TStudents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> Flood Earthquake. volcano. Natural disaters. drought Snowstorm. Listen & Read. 2. Matching ( Pictures – Words)  Snowstorm  Earthquake  Volcano  Typhoon 1. Set the scene ( Pictures on P75) 2. Pre - teach vocabulary - Turn up (v) = ( mime) - Expect (v) = look forward to = await - Thunderstorm (n) = storm with lighting and thunder - Delta (n) = ( Ex: Cuu Long delta) - Trust (v) = rely on = believe - Highlands (n) = area of relatively high ground * Checking : What and where. TStudents. Trust. Turn up Thunderstorm Expec t. Highland Delta. 3. Pre – Questions ( using poster) 1. What does Thuy’s grandma ask her to do? 2. What’s the weather like in Hanoi tomorrow? 3. Which city is the hottest today? 4. What is Thuy going to do? 5. Does Thuy’s grandma often watch the weather forecast on TV? 4. Listen and read ( 2/ P74) - Play the tape twice – students listen and find out the answers for the questions. - Students read the dialogue in group of three. 5. Gap filling (P75) ( using a poster) - Students work in group to fill the sentences. Answer : 1. Turn up / weather forecast 2. Rainy 3. Central highlands 4. Have temperatures 5. Weather forecast / watching them 6. Comprehension questions. T– students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> Answer:  She asks Thuy to turn up the volume.  The weather in Hanoi will be sunny tomorrow.  HCM city is the hottest. Consolidati  She is going on a picnic. on  Yes, she does. + Remember - New words about weather. Home work + Revise the lesson - Prepare the next lesson.. Students. Wednesday, march 14th 2012 Unit nine: Natural disasters P55 Lesson 2 : Speak I. Objectives:  Help students practice speaking about preparations for a typhoon.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: o Know what should be prepared for a typhoon. o Improve the discussion skills: agreeing and disagreeing II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: damage, bucket, tie, latch, available, ladder 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, posters. IV. Procedure: Warm – up. * Brainstorming  What preparations you think should be made for a typhoon?  What should you buy/ do? fix the leak in the roof buy food. Preparation for a typhoon. buy flashlight Pre speaking. 1. Pre - teach vocabulary - Bucket (n) = (picture) - Tie (v) = ( mime) - Damage (v) = destroy - Available (a) = at hand , ready to use Ladder (n) = (picture). store water.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> * Checking:. While speaking. Post speaking Consolidation. Slap the board. 2. Checking: What preparations you think should be made for a typhoon? ( using poster) Answer: a. Buying some canned food b. Buying candles c. Buying matches d. Filling all buckets with water e. Buying a ladder f. Fixing the leak in the roof g. Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes h. Checking all the widow and door latches. 3. Questioning and Answering. a. Why should we buy some canned food? b. Why should we buy a ladder? c. Why should we buy candles/ matches? d. ............... Answer may be:  The market will be closed and no food will be available.  In case we need to fix the roof because there must be strong wind blowing.  There may be a power cut.  ....................... 4. Elicitation S + may / will / must + Vinfinitive  Express possible action Ex: I think we should tie the house because there must be strong wind blowing. * Role playing ( 3b/P77) Ex: S1: I think we should buy some candles and matches. S2: I agree with you because there may be a power cut. S1: It would be better if we fix the leak in the roof. S2: That’s good idea. Because there may be raining hard. * Speaking Say what you prepare for a typhoon. * Remember : - Express the ideas:  I think......  It would be better if...........  Why don’t we.................? - Agreement  Yes, I agree with you / I think so too. - Disagreement:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> Homework.  No, I don’t agree with you / I don’t think so * - Review the lesson - Prepare the next lesson.. Monday, March 19th 2012 Unit 9: Natural disasters P 56 Lesson 3: Listen - LF 1 A / Aims and objectives : - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get to know some ideas on how to live with earthquakes through sentence completion exercise . - Listen to the talk better , identify and catch key words for the answers . B / Teaching aids : Textbook , cassette and some posters about earthquakes . C / Procedure : I/ Warm up : Question and answer 1. Do you know anything about earthquakes ? 2. Are they dangerous ? 3. Are there many earthquakes in VietNam ? 4. In which countries do earthquakes usually occur ? 5. What would you do if an earthquake occurred ? ( Before , while and after the earth quake ) II / Listening : 1. Pre- listening : Introduce the aims of the lesson to Ss and some new words : * Vocabulary pre- teach : - Fixture (n) – translation - Block (v) : prevent movement from happening . - Zone (n) = Area / region - Roller ( n) ( translation ) Doorway (n) : opening to the house  Checking technique : Jumbled words ( all the words above ) 2. While – listening: * Setting the scene : “ An expert is giving to talk on how to live with earthquakes . Actually he will give us advice on what should we do before and during an earthquake. Listen to the talk and complete the table .” Answers : + Heavy fixtures , furniture , and appliances : - Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf . - Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine . + Flying glass : - Check the mirrors ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> - Do not put your bed near a window . + Earthquakes drill : - Stay inside. - Sit under a strong table or doorway . - Stand in the corner of the room . 3. / Post - listening : Have Ss work in group - Call on some Ss to deliver the presentation in front of class. - Comment and make corrections if necessary .  Task 1: Use a suitable relative pronoun to answer the questions. Task 1: 1. Set the scene. ( Refer to the warm up, ask students to use relative pronouns to answer the questions) Ex: a. The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe. 2. Elicitation : Revise the use of relative pronouns “ which, who, that” “which” = relative pronoun – refers to things “who” = relative pronoun – refers to people “that” = relative pronoun – refers to things and people 3. Practice (1/P81) - The animals which has one or two horns on its snout is rhinocerous.con te giac - The country which won the 1988 Tiger Cup is Singapore. - The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus. - The planet which is closest to the earth is Venus. - The animal which was chosen to be the logo of Seagames 2003 is the buffalo. - The Asean country which is divided in to two regions by the sea is Malaysia. - The food which you can chew but you can not swallow is chewing gum and the thing you can swallow but you can not chew is water. - Ss give their answers. - Correct if any. III / Home work : 1. Summarize main point . 2. Learn by heart new words . 3. Do exercise 2,4 in workbook ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> Tuesday, March 27th 2012 P57th Unit 9: Natural disasters Lesson 3 : Read.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> I. Objectives:  Help students practice reading for details a text about natural disasters.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get more information about natural disasters in the world. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: Tidal wave, abrupt, shift, warn, funnel- shaped, suck up, tornado,errupt, majority, collapsed. 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, extra - board IV. Procedure: Warm up. 1. Net work  What are natural disasters? Snowstorm Tornado. Natural disasters. typhoon. storm tidal wave Earthquake. Volcano 2. Matching Match the names of the disasters to its correct definition. Natural disasters Definition  Earthquake. Pre – reading. Violent storm over small area.  Tidal wave o Mountain or hill with openings through which ashes and  Typhoon gases ejected. o Another word for  Volcano tsunami, waves caused by the tidal.  Tornado o Violent storm especially in East Asian area. o Sudden and violent movements of the earth’s surface. Answer: 1e, 2c, 3d, 4b, 5a 1. Set the scene. We are going to read a text about natural disasters to know more about them. 2. Pre - teach vocabulary - Tidal wave (n) = Ex: One of the natural disasters happened on Puket beach of Thailand last year. - Abrupt (a) = quick, suddend - Shift (n) = change of position - Warn (v) = make ware of possible danger or harm o.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> - Funnel- shaped (n) = ( Visual) - Suck up (v) = ( translation) - Tornado (n) = ( picture) - Errupt (v) = break out or through - Majority (n) = a lot of, many. - Collapse (v) = break down, falling to ruin + Checking : Rubout and remember While – 3. True – False predict ( 5a/ P79 – using poster) reading - Students work in pair to guess which statements are true/ false. - Correct false statements. 1. Read and check - Read the text P78 and check their predictions Answer: Gue Answ Correction ss er 1 T 2 T 3 F The tidal wave travelled from 4 T Alaska to California. Post – 5 F It was the world’s largest reading 6 T volcanic erruption in more than 50 years. 2. Complete the sentences (5b/P79) - Play game: Lucky number  - 3..... there is an abrubt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth  - 5.... the word “ Typhoon”  - Lucky number  - 1... occur around the Pacific Rim  - 2... people were killed  - Lucky nuber Consolidation  - 4... a cyclone  - 6.... that passes overland below a thunderstorm and sucks up Home work anything that is in its path. + Remember - Names of natural disasters + Review the lesson. Tuesday, April 3th 2012 Unit nine: Natural disasters Lesson 4 : Write Period 58 I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span>  Help students practice writing a short story about a typhoon  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short story about a typhoon by using guided information and pictures. II. Language focus:  Vocabulary: behave, shelter, circle, scared  Grammar / Structure: Past simple III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster, pictures. IV. Procedure: Warm up. * Pelmanism Keep Keft. Pre – writing. Run Ran. Hear Heard. Tell Told. Come Came. Gather Gathered.  Lead in: When do we use past simple? 1. Set the scene ( using pictures P80) 2. Pre - teach vocabulary. - Behave (v) = activity in a manner - Shelter (n) = place to hide or stay away from danger. - Circle (n) = perfectly round shape - Scared (a) = afraid + Checking: What and where Behave. Shelte. Circle. Scare. 3. Oral prepare ( using pictures) ( Stick 6 pictures on the board and ask students some Questions) P1:  Who is this?  Where was she?  What was she doing?  What was the weather like? P2: What happened with her dog? ( How was the dog?) P3: What was on TV? What did Lan’s mother tell Lan about? P4:  What did they do? P5:  What was the weather like at that time? P6:  What happenned at the end? ( How were Lan’s family?) 1. Practice writing (P79).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> While – writing. - Students write the story with the guided words. Suggested writing: It was a beautiful day, the sun was shiny, the sky was blue, and the weather was perfect. Lan was uotside playing with her dog, Skippy. All of a sudden, the dog behaved strangely. She keft running aroud in circles. Lan ran home with her dog and tell her mother about what Skippy was doing. Lan’s mother, Mrs Quyen told Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming. Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find a shelter in the house. Suddenly, the sky became very dark. The storm came with strong wind and heavy rain. Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad. What a clever dog, Skippy was! She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon. 2. Share and correct - Students share their writings and correct * Correct the writings - T corrects some writings before the class. Post – writing - Students rewrite the writings - Retell the story. Consolidation + Remember : The past simple Home work. + Review the lesson. - Prepare the next lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> Week 34 Monday, 9th April 2012 Unit 10 : Life on other planets Period 61 Lesson 1 : Getting started + Listen & Read I. Objectives:  Help students read and listen a text about UFOs  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Understand the use of Conditional sentences type 2. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: alien, capture, meteor, claim, evidence, spacecraft..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, pictures. IV. Procedure.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> Warm – up. Getting started. * Chatting Claim Spacecraft  What do you know about UFOs? Evidenc e  Have you ever heart of UFOs? Do you think they really exist? Capture Meteor  Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? What are they about? Alien  If you saw a UFO, what would you do? 1. Set the scene. Some people said that they have seen UFOs in the sky but many scientists do not believe so. However, there is still evidence for people to believe in the existence of UFOs. 2. Pre - teach vocabulary. - Spacecraft (n) = (picture) – con tàu vũ trụ - Meteor (n) = ( translation) – sao băng - Evidence (n) = anything that makes clear, shows or proves - Alien (n) = person on other planets. - Capture (v) = catch ( by force) = arrest - Claim (v) = ( translation)  Unidentified flying objects = UFOs + Checking: what and where. Listen & Read. 3. Pre – Questions a. When did people see round objects? b. When did people see “ egg- shaped objects”? c. When did people see a plate like device? 4. Listen and read (2/P83,84) - Teacher reads the text first. - Some students practice reading. 5. Answer the Pre - Questions a. They saw round objects in 1947 b. They saw an egg- shaped object in 1964 c. They saw a plate like device in 1981. 6. Find the words ( a/P84) - Students work in groups to find the words. 1-Evidence 2-Meteor 3-Aliens 4 Collecting 5- Captured 6-Disappeared 7. Complete the notes (b/P84) ( using poster) a. An aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor....... b. ...............nine large round objects traveling at about 2.800 meters an hour c. .................1,500 sightings.......... d. .................. a UFO above their house. e. ................ an egg shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> Lesson plan – English 9 Week 33 P 58 Tuesday, April 2010. Unit 9: Nature disasters Lesson 5 : Language focus. I. Objectives:  Help students consolidate what they have learned in unit 9  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : Practice the relative pronouns and relative clauses Identify defining and non- defining clauses. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: horn, logo, chew, extensive, tail. 2. Grammar / Structure: Relative pronouns and relative clauses III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster. IV. Procedure: Warm up. *Knowledge game – Short Answers - Work with another partner to answer the following questions (1/P81) about general understanding. Eg: Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995? Kobe Answer: Kobe Singapore Rhinocerous Christopher Columbus Venus Buffalo Malaysia Chewing gum/ Water Task 1: 1. Set the scene. ( Refer to the warm up, ask students to use relative pronouns to answer the questions) Ex: a. The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe. 2. Elicitation : Revise the use of relative pronouns “ which, who, that” “which” = relative pronoun – refers to things “who” = relative pronoun – refers to people “that” = relative pronoun – refers to things and people 3. Practice (1/P81) Answer - The animals which has one or two horns on its snout is.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> Practice. rhinocerous.con te giac - The country which won the 1988 Tiger Cup is Singapore. - The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus. - The planet which is closest to the earth is Venus. - The animal which was chosen to be the logo of Seagames 2003 is the buffalo. - The Asean country which is divided in to two regions by the sea is Malaysia. - The food which you can chew but you can not swallow is chewing gum and the thing you can swallow but you can not chew is water. Task 2: 1. Set the scene. ( Ex2 /P81) 2. Practice: Playing game: Finding the ideal partner. Answer 2. g. It snowed in Langson, which is on Kicung River, in the winter of 2002. 3. f. Pompeii , which is an ancient city of Italy, was completely destroy in AD 79 by an erruption of Mount Vesuvius. 4. a. Hurricane Andrew, which swept through Southern Florida in August 1992, killed 41 people and made more than 200,000 homeless. 5. c. The cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh, which is borered by the Bay of Bengal on the South, was one of the worst natural disasters of 20th century. 6. d. The most disastrous.... which occurred in 1923 damaged Tokyo..... 7. b. The October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, whicgh measured 7.1 ..........., caused extensive.... Task 3. 1. Set the scene. Ex: The novel has been lost. You gave me the novel on my birthday Vietnam exports rice. Vietnam is in the South East Asia - The novel which you gave me on my birthday has been lost. - Vietnam, which is in the South East Asia, exports rice. * Compare (1) and (2) (1) = Defining relative clause : Identify nouns, these clause tell us which person or thing the speaker means (2) = Non defining relative clauses , give more information about a person or thing already identified . When we write these clauses, we put commas at the beginning of the clause and often at the end of the clauses. * We can not use “that” in a Non defining relative clause * We can not leave out “ who, which” in a Non defining relative clause. 3. Practice (3/P82).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> Answer +Kangkuroos, which come from Australia, have long tail + Ba, who lives in Nhatrang street, likes..... + ( defining) Neil Astrong, who first walked on the moon, lived.... ( defining) Miss Lien, who sings very well, is my English teacher. - Rewrite exercises 3. Replace the underlined clauses with a clause you have written. You may use facts or your imagination. Ex: - Kangkuroos, which is called Chuot tui in Vietnam, come from Consolidation Australia. Homewor + Remember : Relative pronouns and relative clauses - Prepare for the test 45’. Week 35 Monday. April 15th 2012 Unit 10 : Life on other planets Period 63 Lesson 2 : Listen and LF 3,4 1) Objectives: - Helps students know some vocabulary about life on other planets. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a rather long talk about the moon and be more confident in True or False listening comprehension exercise. - They have a chance to listen. 2) Teaching points: Listen for the tape about the moon. B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, casstte, tape, poster. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. C) Procedures: 2) Checking up and warm up (0): 3) New lesson (39'): I- Warm up. Brainstorm : Life on the moon. Pre- listen. I) Vocabulary:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> - expert ['ekspə:t] (n): chuyên gia - crater ['kreitə](n): miệng núi lửa - one – sixth: một phần sáu - two – fifth: hai phần năm - science for Fun program: chương trình khoa học vui. - Olympic Champion: vô địch Olympic. + Checking voabulary: Rubout and remember. II) Listen: - Asks student to look at the poster and read the sentences and choose which one is True and which one is False. a. There is no air on the moon. b. There are rivers and lakes on the moon. c. There is no sound on the moon. d. It is very cold at night on the moon. e. During the day the temperature is even lower. f. There are great round holes on the moon. g. There are no mountains on the moon. h. You will weigh 8 kilo heavier on the moon. i. You will be able to jump very high on the moon. j. One day on the moon lasts for two weeks. While listen - Asks students to listen to the tape 3 times and check their prediction. - Asks students to listen again the tape and answer the questions: 1. What is the temperature on the moon at night? 2. What is the temperature on the moon during the day? 3. What is the height of the highest mountains on the moon? 4. Why won’t you sleep well on the moon? * Answers: 1. About 151C below zero. 2. About 100 C above zero. 3. About 26,000 feet or 8,000 meters high. 4. Because one day on the moon lasts two weeks. Language focus 3. b. If Mr. Loc had a car, he would drive it to work. c. If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she would visit Sai Gon Water Park. Post- LF d. If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time. 3,4 e. If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every day. f. If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well. g. If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades. h. If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer. Consolida tion. Language focus 4: What would you do if you met an alien from outer space? Write 3 things you would like to do..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> Homework 5) Homework: - Learn vocabulary. - Write the answer for the question: Is there life on the moon? Why or Why not?. Week 34- P64 Tuesday, 17 April 2012 Unit 10: Life on other planets Lesson 3 : Read I. Objectives:  Help students practice reading for details a text about a space trip.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the text about a space trip. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: push up, orbit, totally, marvelous, physical. 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, extra - board IV. Procedure: Warm up + Chatting ( using pictures of a spaceship)  Do you want to travel?  Have you ever traveled in our country or abroad?  Have you ever dreamed of a trip to space?  Do you want to be an astronaut?  Do you think traveling into space takes a lot of money? Pre – reading *. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Push-up (v) = (mime): hít đất  Orbit (n,v) = ( translation): quỹ đạo  Totally (adverbs) = completely: hoàn toàn  Marvelous (a) = wonderful: kỳ diệu  Physical (a) = ( translation): thể chất + Checking: Slap the board Push-up Totally Orbit. While –. Marvelou s Physical. 1. Reading - Teacher reads the text first and students check their predictions. - Have some students read the text again..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> reading. Post – reading. - Give feedback a. 4 b. 1 c. 5 d. 2 e. 3 2. Comprehension questions (b/P87) - Have students work in groups to answer the questions. - Some groups answer before the class. - Check and correct Answer 1. If you decide to take a trip, you will have to run a lot, swim everyday and do aerobics and push-up to have an excellent physical condition. 2. If you want to show you are in perfect health, you must get a letter from the doctor. 3. You can see pictures of the earth: your country, interesting places, the oceans, the big rivers, the tall mountains. 4. We can see those scenes 16 times a day. 5. We can walk on the wall or on the ceiling. * Discussion If you were able to take a space trip, what would you do to prepare for the trip? What would you like to bring along?. Consolidation. + Remember - Review the lesson. Home work. + Rewrite what they have discussed in the notebook..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> Monday, April 23rd 2012 P 65th. Unit 10 : Life on other planets Lesson 4 : Write. I. Objectives:  Help students practice writing an exposition about the existence of UFOs.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. II. Language focus: 3. Vocabulary: imagination, trick, man- like creature, mysterious, flying saucer 4. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book. IV. Procedure: Warm up + Chatting  How many parts are there in an exposition?  What are they?  What can we write in each part? 1. Intrduction: presents the writer’s point of view : I think...../ I believe.... 2. Body: gives reasons/ examples for persuasion : Firstly..., Secondly... 3. Conclusion: sums up the argument: Therefore,....... 1. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Imagination (n) = (translation)  Trick (n) = a cunning action Pre – writing  Man- like creature (n) = (translation)  Mysterious (a) = difficult or impossible to explain  Flying saucer (n) = UFO + Checking: What and where Imaginatio n Trick. Man- like creature. Mysteriou s Flying saucer. 2. Matching (a/P88) ( using poster) - Have students read the outline of an exposition in column A and put the paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in A. Answer: 1. Introduction: I don’t believe there exist UFOs even though many newspapers talk a lot about them. 2. Body: Firstly, flying saucers might be aircraft, balloons,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> While – writing. clouds or tricks of light. Secondly, there are not enough photos showing clearly the shapes of the UFOs. Moreover, if there re UFOs, there will certainly be trace of their landing in the ground. 3. Conclusion: Therefore, UFOs are just the imagination of some writers and they do exist only in films for entertainment. 3. Reading the dialogue (b/P88) - Have some pairs some students read the dialogue between An and Ba about the existence of UFOs. - Give students some questions about the dialogue: 1. Does An believe there are UFOs? ( No, he doesn’t) 2. Does Ba believe there are UFOs? ( Yes, he does) 3. What does An think about UFOs? ( He thinks that it might be people’s imagination) 4. Why does Ba think UFOs exist? ( Because newspapers talk a lot about UFOs and many people around the world say they have seen flying saucers) 5. What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs? ( There are plenty of photos of them and the mysterious circles on the fields) - Students work in pairs to answer the questions 1. Writing. - Get students to use Ba’s opinion to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. - Share their writings and correct 2. Suggested writing: I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in newspapers talked a lot about their appearance. First, many people from different countries reported that once saw flying saucers. Second, there are many photos of flying saucers and some of the photographers said they saw man- like creatures get out if the saucers. Moreover, people are discussing the mysterious circles on the fields in the countryside of Great Britain. So I think UFOs are not human’s imagination. They are real, and we should be ready to welcome their visits. * Correction Teacher corrects some writing before the class. Some students read aloud their writings before the class. * Get students to write an exposition, using An’s opinion. + Remember - Review the lesson - Do homework and prepare the next lesson.. Post – writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> Consolidation Home work Monday, April 23rd 2012 P 66,67,68 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KỲ TIẾNG ANH 9 I- Aims : Help Sts review the knowledge that they have learnt in the English 9 1. Adjectives and adverbs ( tính từ và trạng từ) + Tính từ thường đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó hoặc đứng sau các động từ như: be, seem, look, feel, taste, smell, ... Ex: - He is a good teacher - Lan looks tall + Trạng từ được dùng để bổ nghĩa cho động từ, để mô tả hành động xảy ra như thế nào.Ngoài ra ta dùng trạng từ trước tính từ, quá khứ phân từ, các trạng từ khác và các cụm giới từ. Ex: - It's terribly hot today - He drives carefully. - The boy was badly treated. * Notes: Ta nhận dạng trạng từ bằng hậu tố "ly" ở đằng sau một tính từ ( Adj + ly = Adv) Tuy nhiên có một số Adj tận cùng bằng "ly" như: lively, friendly, lovely,... Một số Adj và Adv có hình thức giống nhau: fast, far, late, early, daily, weekly,... * Exercise: 1.Tom is (slow)................ He works........................ 2.Sue is a (careful)........................girl. She climbed up the ladder ............................ 3.The dog is (angry)....................... It barks .............................. 4.He acted (excellent)............................... He's an .........................actor. 5.They learn English (easy) ............... They think English is an ....................language. 6.Max is a (good) .........................singer. He sings ............................ 7.It's (awful) ............................cold today. The cold wind is ............................. 8.I must work....................... (hard). 9.You should speak more...................... (soft) 10.The children behaved ........................ (bad) 2. Adverbs clauses of reason ( Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lí do/nguyên nhân) + Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân bắt đầu bằng as, because hoặc since As Because he has no money, he can’t buy that house. Since (Vì anh ta không có tiền , anh ta không thể mua ngôi nhà đó.) Adverbs clauses of reason Notes: Nếu as, because hoặc since ở đầu câu thì giữa 2 mệnh đề có dấu phẩy (,)và nếu as, because hoặc since đứng giữa 2 mệnh đề thì không có dấu phẩy ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span>  He can’t buy that house as/ because / since he has no money . Adverbs clauses of reason * Use the suggested words in brackets to combine the following sentences. 1. Nga didn’t go to school. She was ill. ( because ) 2. I was careless, so I broke the cup ( since) 3. It was raining heavily outside. We postponed the picnic. (As) 4. She is working late next Saturday. She can’t come to the party. ( because) 5 We don’t use the car very often; therefore, we’ve decided to sell it. ( As) . 3. Adjective + that clause ( Tính từ + mệnh đề That) Mệnh đề "That" thường được dùng sau các Adj diễn tả cảm xúc hoặc sự chắc chắn: pleased, sad, excited, disappointed, delighted, glad, afraid, sorry, worried, amazed, happy, sure, certain,... +I am afraid that I will not come tomorrow (Tôi e rằng ngày mai tôi không đến được) +We’re pleased that you passed ( Chúng tôi hài lòng bạn đã thi đậu) * Write sentences in the correct order: 1. she/ surprised/ am/ hasn’t/ I/ that/ phoned……………………\ 2. we/ that/ never/ disappointed/ replied/ our letter/ to………………………\ 3. we/ would/ the flight/ afraid/ were/ you/ miss/ that. ……………………\ 4. glad/ able/ I/ were/ am/ to/ come/ that/ you//…………………\ 5. amazed/ nobody/ hurt/ it/ was/ that/ in/ was/ the accident. ……………\ 4. Conditional sentences: type 1 Điều kiện có thể xảy ra hiện tại hoặc tương lai. If clause Main clause Present tense: - S+ is/ am/are - S+ V/s/es. Simple future: S + will + inf. +If you work hard, you will pass the exam = You will pass the exam if you work hard +If you can’t do it, I’ll help you. = I’ll help you if you can’t do it. *Write conditional sentences Type 1: 1. If people (stop) …………using dynamite for fishing, a lot of sea creatures (be) ……… well preserved. 2. We (live) …………a happier and healthier life if we (keep) ……..the environment clean and unpolluted. 3. If he ( not/pass)……… …..the driving test, we (be) …………………..disappointed 4. I(not/ write)…………………….to you if you (not/ send)….me your address. 5. Unless he (study) ……………….hard, he (not/fail) ……..the final exam. 6. If they (leave)……………………..now, they (not/ be)…………..late. 5Connectives / Conjuntions( Từ nối / Liên từ)  Được dùng để kết hợp các từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề hoặc câu với nhau (and,but,because, or, so, therefore, however) * Notes:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> B. Trường hợp có thể thay SO bằng THEREFORE Khi nối 2 mệnh đề độc lập, trước so ta dùng dấu phẩy ( hoặc không có cũng được)còn trước therefore ta dùng dấu chấm phẩy. Khi đó so và therefore sẽ có nghĩa là “vì vậy/cho nên”. Tuy nhiên cần lưu ý, Therefore mang tính trang trọng hơn So. Ex + I am a student and he is a student , too. + I am tall, but he isn’t. + Nam failed in his exam because he didn’t study. + Would you like tea or coffee ? + Ba was very tired, so he went to early. + I passed the test; therefore, my dad took me to the concert. + Lan is very tired; however, she must finish her works. 6) Making suggestions: ( Đưa ra lời đề nghị) - Suggest + V-ing / (that) clause Ex: - I suggest speaking English in class. - I suggest that we have dinner first, and then go to the movies. - Suggest ( that) + S + should + inf Ex: - I suggest (that) he should go to see the doctor. - Let's + inf Ex: Let's go out. - Shall we + inf.........? Ex: Shall we go for a picnic? - Why don't you/ we + inf .......? Ex: Why don't we go now? - How/ What about + V-ing....? Ex:What about listening to some music? - I think we should + inf ..... Ex: I think we should stay at home 7-Relative clauses / Adjective clauses( Mệnh đề quan hệ/ Mệnh đề tính ngữ) -Mệnh đề quan hệ thường bắt đầu với các đại từ quan hệ như: who, whom, which, that,... - Đại từ quan hệ là từ đứng liền sau một danh từ để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ làm chủ từ, làm bổ túc từ hoặc sở hữu cách cho mệnh đề sau. + Who : thay thế cho từ chỉ người đứng trước nó/ làm chủ từ cho mệnh đề sau. Ex : The woman is my sister. She wears a hat > The woman who wears a hat is my sister. + Whom: thay thế cho từ chỉ người đứng trước nó, làm tân ngữ cho mệnh đề sau Ex: The man is her teacher. You saw him yesterday. The man whom/ who you saw yesterday is her teacher. + Which : thay thế cho từ chỉ vật, con vật đứng trước nó làm chủ từ và tân ngữ cho mệnh đề sau. Ex: 1. The book is her. It is on the table. >The book which is on the table is hers. 2. The bag is our. You are holding it in your hand.>The bag which you are holding in your hand is our teacher. + That : thay thế cho cả người và vật, làm chủ ngữ cũng như tân ngữ. Như vậy That có thể thay thế cho who, whom, which ở những câu ví dụ trên. * Phải dùng “that” trong các trường hợp sau: a) Cụm danh từ hỗn hợp chỉ người và vật Ex: The girls and flowers that he painted were vivid. They saw the men and women and cattle that went to the field. b) Sau tính từ so sánh nhất và the first, the last, the only….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> Ex: She is the ugliest girl that I’ve ever seen. c) Sau các đại từ bất định: all, everyone, everything, nothing, nobody, anything, much, little… Ex: + I have never seen anyone that is as lovely as she. Note: * Không được dùng “that” trong các trường hợp sau: 1.a) Có giới từ đứng trước đại từ quan hệ. Ex:The house in which I live is my father’s. (Câu này có giới từ IN*Không được dùng “that” để thay thế cho "in which") b) Mệnh đề quan hệ không hạn điịnh ( non- defining ) Vietnam, which is on the south-east Asia, exports rice.  which is on the south-east Asia là mệnh đề không hạn định *Không được dùng “that” để thay thế cho which I. Underline the best answer to complete the following sentences: 1. It is the most interesting book (which/ that/ who) I’ve ever read. 2. Our fixtures, (that/ where/ which) my parents bought last week, are very expensive. 3. Ho Chi Minh City is the one, (who/ that/ which) we visited lat year, is the large city in Viet Nam. 4. She is the girl (who/ which/ why) I bought these roses for. 5. The girls and flowers (who/ that/ which) he painted were vivid. II. Put which/ who/ whom/ that. There may be more than one answer for each sentence: 1. I met a man ………………knows you. 2. Your mother, ..................answered the phone, told me you were away. 3. She has borrowed money from everyone, ……………dissapointed us a lot. 4. They are at Heathrow Airport, ……………..is one of the biggest airports in the world. 5. We walked down the steps …………….led to the basement. 6. Hide and seek is a game …………..I liked to play as a child. 7. The woman …………I spoke to is in the next room. 8. Please show me the book in …………..you found this material? III. Combine the sentences using appropriate relative pronouns: 1. This morning I missed the train. I usually catch this train.>…………............ 2. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.>……………................................. 3. I gave you the book. It had many interesting drawings. >……………………. 4. I’ve lived in Hanoi. It’s a very ancient and beautiful city.>…………………… 5. These cakes are very delicious. I bought them yesterday.>………………… 6. They are singing a song. Do you like it?>……………......................... 7. The man is famous actor. You met him at the party last night.  ……… 8. A building has now been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire.>……………… 9. A girl is now in hospital. She was injured in the accident.>……… 10. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning.>…………. UNIT 9 1) Adverb clauses of concession ( Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ) -Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ bắt đầu bằng : though, although, even though ( Dù/ Mặc dù) Eg: + Although she is very tired, she tries to finish her work. + I like him even though he can be ennoying..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> + He likes her very much though she doesn’t like him. Combine the sentences using Although/ even though/ Though: 1. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired. ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2. We enjoyed the holiday. It rained a lot…………………………………………………………………………. 3. He’s moving to London next month. He doesn’t like big cities. ……………………….................................... 4. She isn’t English. She speaks English perfectly. ………………………………………………………………… 5. They have very little money. They are happy…………………………………………………………………… 6. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other……………………………………………………… 7. The house looked old. It’s really quite modern. ………………………………………………………. 8.Many tourists enjoy festivals in Viet Nam. Tourists don't understand Vietnamese culture very much. .………………………………………………………............................... UNIT 10 1) Modals: may, might ( Động từ khiếm khuyết :may, might ) - Động từ khiếm khuyết: may, might chỉ khả năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Tuy nhiên might có khả năng xảy ra kém hơn. Ex: It may rain. (1) (Trời có thể mưa) It might rain. (2)  Khả năng câu 2 kém hơn câu 1 2 a) Conditional sentences: Type 1 - Điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai với Modal verbs If clause ( Mệnh đề If) Main clause ( Mệnh đề chính) Will Present simple Can + Verb - inf May… Ex: + If you work very hard, you will pass this test. ( Nếu cố gắng bạn sẽ đậu) + If you don’t hurry, you may miss the train. ( Nếu không vội bạn sẽ muộn tàu ) b) Conditional sentences: Type 2 - Điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại /Điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại . If clause ( Mệnh đề If) Main clause ( Mệnh đề chính) Would Simple past: S + V-ed/ V2 S+Could + Verb - inf (Be  WERE) cho các ngôi Might… Ex: +If you worked very hard, you would pass this test. ( Hiện tại bạn không đậu kì thi) +If you didn’t hurry, you could miss the train. ( Hiện tại bạn không muộn tàu) +If he were a good student, he could help you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> ( Hiện tại anh ấy không giúp bạn được) .* Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Conditional sentence Type 1): 1. If I find it, I (give)……………….you a call. 2. If you (like)……………, I can get you a job in this company. 3. If he pays me tonight, I (have)……………………………..enough money for the tickets. 4. If I (pass) …………the exam, I will go to the university next October. 5. If I tell the police the truth, I’m sure they (believe )……………………..you. 6. We (be)………………………able to walk across the river if the ice is thick enough. 7. If it (be)…………………fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk. 8. You can see my phone if yours (not work)……………………………………. 9. If you put these glasses into very hot water, they (crack) ………………………………………………. III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Conditional sentence Type 2): 1. If you ate less, you (not be)…………………..healthy enough 2.If you (have)…………………a typewriter, I would type it myself. 3. If he worked more slowly, he (not make)……………………….so many mistakes. 4. You could get a job easily if your degrees (be)………………………good. 5. He might get fat if he (stop)………………….smoking. 6. You (not have)………………………………….so much trouble if you had your car. 7. I would keep a horse if you (can)………………………afford it. 8. If he knew it was dangerous, he (not come)……………………………………….. 9. He (look)………………….better if he ironed his clothes more often. 10. If I (look)…………………………..her address, I would give it to you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> Full name :..................................... Class : 9....... written english test Time: 45’ I. Chọn đáp án thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống 1.We ........... to the cinema last night A. not went B. weren't go C. did not go 2. Mrs Mai, ...............is our teacher, will go to Australia next Summer. A. who B. what C. which 3. She does not type ............. as her friends B. more quickly C. most quickly A. quicklier quickly 4. Please .................all the lights before leaving the room A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up 5. Air ................is a serious proplem in many big cities A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting. D. have not gone D. she D. so. D. turn down D. pollution. II. Sắp xếp mẫu hội thoại theo đúng vị trí 1_________ A. Oh, how long have you been here? 2_________ B. Why haven't I seen you? 3_________ C. Are you a new student? 4_________ D. As long as you. 5_________ E. I have been ill 6__________ F. No, I am not. III. Nèi c©u ë cét A víi cét B A I like the picture... Although it was hot yesterday... She wants to travel to many places... He is the man... Ann studied very hard,,, If he were youger... Answer 1___ 2___. 3____. 4_____. 5______. B So she pass the final exam Which shows a beautiful sunrise in Dalat. Who has keft our Environment clean. He would get the job. Where she can meet new people. We enjoy the trip to our home village. 6______. IV. Viết lại các câu sau theo gợi ý mà câu không thay đổi nghĩa 1. The weather is not nice today, so we will not go to the park. If .................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> 2. I live in Nha Trang once but I do not any more I used ......................................................................................................................... 3. Why do not you bring your brother to a party I suggest..................................................................................................................... Lesson plan – English 9 for the test 24 / 03 / period 60 2009 I. Chọn đáp án thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống: 5 x 0,5 = 2,5 points 1. C. 2. A. 3. D. 4. D. 5. D. II. Sắp xếp mẫu hội thoại theo đúng vị trí: 6 x 0,5 = = 3,0 points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. C F A D B E. III. Nèi c©u ë cét A víi cét B: 6 x 0,5 = = 3,0 points 1. b. 2. f. 3. e. 4. c. 5. a. 6. d. IV. Viết lại các câu sau theo gợi ý mà câu không thay đổi nghĩa: 3 x 0,5 = 1,0 point 1. If the weather was nice today, we would go to the park 2. I used to live in Nha trang 3. I suggest bringing your brother to a party. The end.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> Lesson plan – English 9 Week 33 Wedsday 21 2010 Unit ten : Life on other planets Lesson 2 : Speak + Listen Period 62 I. Objectives: _ Help students practice speaking about Mars. _ By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk to one another about what they think they might be on Mars, on the moon and on other planets. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Grammar / Structure: microorganism, gemstone, sparkling, creature, trace, mineral III. Teaching aids: Text book, posters. Pictures. IV. Procedure: Warm – up + Chatting  Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? (M)  Which is the biggest?  Which is the hottest?  What do you khown about the Mars?  Do you think that there is life on Mars? Pre 1. Pre - teach vocabulary. speaking  Microorganism (n) = (translation)  Gemstone (n) = (realia)  Sparkling (a) = (realia)  Creature (n) = (translation)  Trace (n) = (visual)  Mineral (n) = ( Ex) + Checking: Rubout and remember 2. Elicitation : Ex: T: What is this? S: I do not know. It may be a pen or it might be pencil. Modal verbs: May – Might Form: May / Might + Vinfinitive Use: We use may, might to talk about present or future possibility. Might is normally a little less sure than may While 1. Matching ( a/P85) speaking ( Teacher number from 1 to 7 from left and right).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> Post speaking. Answer: 1) Minerals 2) Water 3) Mountains 4) Plants 5) Little creatures 6) Gas 7) Gemstone 2. Drill ( Using a poster drawing pictures in the text book) Ex: A. What is this? B. This may be water on Mars. A. What are they? B. They may be minerals on Mars. 3.Practice the dialogue (P85) - Students practice the dialogue between Hung and Nam on page 85 - Some pairs practice. 4. Making dialogue . - Have students make up similar dialogues about the drawings, using the cues in 3a. Ex: A. What do these drawings say? B. There may be mountains on Mars. A. And what about the red signs on the left corner? B. Well, they might be gas on the Mars. - Some pairs of students practice before the class. * Discussion: What may there be on Mercury/ on the moon? (Water, air, mountains, little creature, gas, minerals, ....). Consolidation + Remember - Some information about the moon. + - Review the lesson. Homework. - Do homework and prepare the next lesson..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> Lesson plan – English 9 Week 34 Monday, 26 April 2010 Unit ten : Life on other planets Lesson 3 : Read Period 63 I. Objectives:  Help students practice reading for details a text about a space trip.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the text about a space trip. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: push up, orbit, totally, marvelous, physical. 2. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book, extra - board IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre – reading. + Chatting ( using pictures of a spaceship)  Do you want to travel?  Have you ever traveled in our country or abroad?  Have you ever dreamed of a trip to space?  Do you want to be an astronaut?  Do you think traveling into space takes a lot of money? 1. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Push-up (v) = (mime): hít đất  Orbit (n,v) = ( translation): quỹ đạo  Totally (adverbs) = completely: hoàn toàn  Marvelous (a) = wonderful: kỳ diệu  Physical (a) = ( translation): thể chất + Checking: Slap the board Push-up Totally Orbit. Marvelou s Physical. 2. Ordering statements (a/P87) ( using poster) - Have students work in pairs to put the statements in order to show what they need and get in joining a trip into space. 1. Get a letter from a doctor to show you are in perfect health. 2. See pictures of the earth, its interesting places, and stars from very far..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> 3. Feel free and enjoy wonderful feeling. 4. Get ready and be in an excellent physical condition. 5. Get on the trip. While – 1. Reading reading - Teacher reads the text first and students check their predictions. - Have some students read the text again. - Give feedback f. 4 g. 1 h. 5 i. 2 j. 3 2. Comprehension questions (b/P87) - Have students work in groups to answer the questions. - Some groups answer before the class. - Check and correct Answer 6. If you decide to take a trip, you will have to run a lot, swim everyday and do aerobics and push-up to have an excellent physical condition. 7. If you want to show you are in perfect health, you must get a letter from the doctor. 8. You can see pictures of the earth: your country, interesting places, the oceans, the big rivers, the tall mountains. 9. We can see those scenes 16 times a day. 10.We can walk on the wall or on the ceiling. * Discussion If you were able to take a space trip, what would you do to Post – reading prepare for the trip? What would you like to bring along? Consolidation. + Remember - Review the lesson. Home work. + Rewrite what they have discussed in the notebook..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> Lesson plan – English 9 Unit ten : Life on other planets Lesson 4 : Write Period 64. 14 / 04 / 2009. I. Objectives:  Help students practice writing an exposition about the existence of UFOs.  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. II. Language focus: 5. Vocabulary: imagination, trick, man- like creature, mysterious, flying saucer 6. Grammar / Structure: III. Teaching aids: Text book. IV. Procedure: Warm up. Pre – writing. + Chatting  How many parts are there in an exposition?  What are they?  What can we write in each part? 1. Intrduction: presents the writer’s point of view : I think...../ I believe.... 2. Body: gives reasons/ examples for persuasion : Firstly..., Secondly... 3. Conclusion: sums up the argument: Therefore,....... 1. Pre - teach vocabulary.  Imagination (n) = (translation)  Trick (n) = a cunning action  Man- like creature (n) = (translation)  Mysterious (a) = difficult or impossible to explain  Flying saucer (n) = UFO + Checking: What and where Imaginatio n Trick. Man- like creature. Mysteriou s Flying saucer. 2. Matching (a/P88) ( using poster) - Have students read the outline of an exposition in column A and put the paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in A. Answer: 4. Introduction: I don’t believe there exist UFOs even though many newspapers talk a lot about them. 5. Body: Firstly, flying saucers might be aircraft, balloons, clouds or tricks of light. Secondly, there are not enough photos showing clearly the shapes of the UFOs. Moreover, if there re UFOs, there will certainly be trace of their landing in the ground..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> While – writing. 6. Conclusion: Therefore, UFOs are just the imagination of some writers and they do exist only in films for entertainment. 3. Reading the dialogue (b/P88) - Have some pairs some students read the dialogue between An and Ba about the existence of UFOs. - Give students some questions about the dialogue: 6. Does An believe there are UFOs? ( No, he doesn’t) 7. Does Ba believe there are UFOs? ( Yes, he does) 8. What does An think about UFOs? ( He thinks that it might be people’s imagination) 9. Why does Ba think UFOs exist? ( Because newspapers talk a lot about UFOs and many people around the world say they have seen flying saucers) 10.What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs? ( There are plenty of photos of them and the mysterious circles on the fields) - Students work in pairs to answer the questions 1. Writing. - Get students to use Ba’s opinion to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. - Share their writings and correct 2. Suggested writing: I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in newspapers talked a lot about their appearance. First, many people from different countries reported that once saw flying saucers. Second, there are many photos of flying saucers and some of the photographers said they saw man- like creatures get out if the saucers. Moreover, people are discussing the mysterious circles on the fields in the countryside of Great Britain. So I think UFOs are not human’s imagination. They are real, and we should be ready to welcome their visits. * Correction Teacher corrects some writing before the class. Some students read aloud their writings before the class. * Get students to write an exposition, using An’s opinion. + Remember - Review the lesson - Do homework and prepare the next lesson.. Post – writing. Consolidation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> Home work Lesson plan – English 9 Unit ten : Life on other planets Lesson 5 : Language focus Period 65. 18 / 04 / 2009. I. Objectives:  Help students consolidate what they have learned in unit 10  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : − Further practice in modal verbs : may / might − Further practice in conditional sentences type 1 and type 2. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Grammar / Structure: − Modal verbs : may / might − Conditional sentences type 1 and type 2. III. Teaching aids: Text book, poster. IV. Procedure: Warm up I. Set the scene Ex: T: What is this? S: I do not know. It may be a pen or it might be pencil. Modal verbs: May – Might Form: May / Might + Vinfinitive Use: We use may, might to talk about present or future possibility. Might is normally a little less sure than may. II. Practice (1/P89) ( Pair work) Practice Ex: S1: What may it be? S2: It may be a book or it might be a game. Answer: b. What may it be? It may be a box of crayons or it might be a box of paint. c. What may it be? It may be a football or it might be a basketball. d. What may it be? It may be a boat or it might be a train. e. What may it be? It may be a flying saucer or it might be a meteor. f. What may it be? It may be an evening star or it might be a spacecraft. 1. Conditional sentences: Form : Type 1 If clause Main clause.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> S + Vs/es If + S + will/shall + V Use: we use this structure when there is a possibility that the situation in the If clause will happen in the future or is true in the present. Form : Type 2 If clause Main clause S + Ved If + S + would/should + V Use: we use this structure to talk about unreal or unlikely present or future situation. 2. Practice (2,3/P90,91) - Have students work in pairs to do the exercises 2,3/P90,91. Answer: (2) a. If it rains this evening, I won’t go out. b. Lan will miss the bus if she does not hurry. c. If Ha does not careful, he will drop the cup. d. Mrs Nga will join us if she finishes her work early. e. If Mrs Binh writes a shopping list, she won’t forget what to buy. (3) b. If Mr Loc had a car, he would drive to work. c. If Lan lived in HCM city, she would visit Saigon Water park. d. If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time . e. If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents everyday. f. Is Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well. g. If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades. h. If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer. * Discussion What would you do if you met an alien from outer space? - Students work in group to discuss Ex: If I saw an alien from outer space, I would invite him/her to my Production home and talk to him/her. * Writing - Write what they have discussed in their notebook.. Homework Lesson plan – English 9 23 / 04 / 2009 Review Period 66 I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise some main knowledge they learned in Unit 8 “Celebrations” by doing exercises given. 1. Language focus: + Vocabulary : (Revise) + Structures : - Relative pronouns and relative clauses. 2. Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills. II. Teaching aids: Teaching plan, the book “Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao TiÕng Anh 9” III. Procedure: 1. Checking up: - Answer to question: What would you do if you met an alien from outer space? 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1. Warm up: - Whole class. - Ask Ss to say name of some * Example: celebrations in Viet Nam and in the + Tet holiday (Lunar New Year) world they know. + Do Son Bull fighting. +…………………………………. 1. Each line of the following passage 3.2. Activity 1: contains one error. Find and correct it. - Ask Ss to read the passage in exercise - Pair work, read the sentences and correct III in Unit 8:“Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao them. TiÐng Anh 9- NXB Gi¸o dôc- NguyÔn ThÞ - Compare the answer with partners. Chi (Chñ biªn+ NguyÔn H÷u C¬ng”(page * Answers: 77,78) - Go around the classroom and give 1. after before provided help. 2. buyed bought 3. who which - Call on some Ss to read the answers. 4. others other - Correct and give the correct answers. 5. members member 6. much many 7. is are 8. them their 9. wrapping wrapped 10. neighborhoods neighbors 2. Choose the best answer in brackets to 3.3. Activity 2: complete each of the following sentences. - Ask Ss to read the passage in exercise - Individual work. IV in Unit 8:“Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao - Compare the answers with partners..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> TiÐng Anh 9- NXB Gi¸o dôc- NguyÔn * Answers: ThÞ Chi (Chñ biªn+ NguyÔn H÷u C¬ng”(page78) - Retell the use and the form of relative 1. whose pronouns and relative clause. 2. who - Go around the classroom and give 3. despite provided help. 4. on 5. was washing- Call on some Ss to read the answers. was making - Correct and give the correct answers.. 4. Drill: - Vocabulary: (Revise) - Structures: + Relative pronouns and relative clauses. 5. Homework: - Summarize main points. - Prepare “Consolidation”. 6. which 7. Even though 8. the better 9. bring 10. of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> Lesson plan – English 9 26 / 04 / 2009 Review Period 67 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise some main knowledge they learned in Unit 10 “Life on other planets” by doing exercises given. 1. Language focus: - Vocabulary: (Revise) - Structures: + Modal verbs + Conditional sentences: 2. Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills. II. Teaching aids: Teaching plan, the book “Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao TiÐng Anh 9” III. Procedure: 1. Checking up: - Answer the questions: + Have you ever seen UFOs? + If yes, can you describe them? 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1. Warm up: - Call on some Ss to describe the - Whole class. appearances of the UFOs they have known in this Unit. 3.2. Activity 1: 1. Choose one option that has similar - Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise meaning to the word provided. III in Unit 10:“Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao *Example: (Work book) TiÐng Anh 9- NXB Gi¸o dôc- NguyÔn - Individual work. ThÞ Chi (Chñ biªn+ NguyÔn H÷u C- Compare the answers with a partner. ¬ng”(page 98) * Answers: - Explain how to do this exercise. - Go around the classroom and give 1. A. vanish 4. D. spaceship provided help. 2. B. flying saucer 5. C. space creature - Call on some Ss to read the answers. 3. A. valuable - Correct and give the correct answers. - Explain the new words if necessary..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> 3.3. Activity 2: - Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise IV in Unit 10:“Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao TiÐng Anh 9- NXB Gi¸o dôc- NguyÔn ThÞ Chi (Chñ biªn+ NguyÔn H÷u C¬ng”(page 98 - 99) - Retell the form and the usage of the conditional sentence type 2. If clause Main clause Past Would/ could/ should/ subjunctive might/…+ bare infinitive. - Go around the classroom and give provided help. - Call on some Ss to read the answers. - Correct and give the correct answers.. 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using the conditional sentence type 2. - Look at the example and work in pairs. - Compare the answers with partners. * Answers: 1. If Nam weren’t (too) young/ were old/ were older, he could/ would take part……. 2. If he took more / some exercise, he would be healthy/ healthier. 3. If we had (some) matches, he could light a fire. 4. If I asked him (for help), he would help me. 5. If I knew his address, I would/ could write to him. 6. If you didn’t work so fast/ work more slowly, you wouldn’t make so many mistakes. 7. If I had a map, I could direct you. 8. If English people didn’t speak quickly/ spoke more slowly, I could understand them. 9. If I didn’t live near my office/ lived far from my office, I would spend much time traveling to work. 10. If Tom weren’t so fat/ were thinner, he could get through the bathroom window.. 4. Drill: - Vocabulary: (Revise) - Structures: + Modal verbs + Conditional sentences: 5. Homework: - Summarize main points. - Prepare “The other exercise in this Unit: Exercise V, VI, VIII”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> Lesson plan – English 9 01 / 05 /2009 Review Period 68 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, stuudents will be able to continue revising some main knowledge they learned in Unit 10 by doing exercises given. 1. Language focus: - Vocabulary: (Revise) - Structures: + Modal verbs + Conditional sentences: 2. Language skills: Practice reading and writing skills. II. Teaching aids: Teaching plan, the book “Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao TiÐng Anh 9” III. Procedure: 1. Checking up: 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3.1. Warm up: - Whole class - Ask Ss to make up some conditional sentence type 2. 3.2. Activity 1: 1. Complete the following sentences, using - Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise “might + one of the verb” in the box. V in Unit 10:“Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao - Read the verbs in the box and the sentences TiÐng Anh 9- NXB Gi¸o dôc- NguyÔn given. ThÞ Chi (Chñ biªn+ NguyÔn H÷u C- - Complete the sentences. ¬ng”(page 99) - Compare the answers with partners. *Answers: - Explain the usage of“Might”. 6. might need - Go around the classroom and give 1. might rain 2. might wake 7. might slip provided help. 3. might bite 8. might go - Call on some Ss to read the answers. 4. might be 9. might invite - Correct and give the correct answers. 5. might hang 10. might break - Explain the new words if necessary. 3.3. Activity 2: - Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise 2. Choose the best answer for each of the VI in Unit 10:“Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao following sentences. TiÐng Anh 9- NXB Gi¸o dôc- NguyÔn ThÞ - Individual work. Chi (Chñ biªn+ NguyÔn H÷u C- - Compare the answers with partners..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> ¬ng”(page 99- 100) - Explain how to do this exercise. - Go around the classroom and give provided help. - Call on some Ss to read the answers. - Correct and give the correct answers. - Explain the new words if necessary. 3.4. Activity 3: - Ask Ss to read the sentences in exercise VIII in Unit 10:“Bµi tËp bæ trî- n©ng cao TiÐng Anh 9- NXB Gi¸o dôc- NguyÔn ThÞ Chi (Chñ biªn+ NguyÔn H÷u C¬ng”(page 100- 101) - Explain how to do this exercise. - Go around the classroom and give provided help. - Call on some Ss to read the answers. - Correct and give suggested answers if necessary.. * Answers: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D 3. Complete each of the conditional sentences below in a suitable way. - Individual work. - Compare the answers with partners.. * Answers: (Student’s answers). 4. Drill: - Vocabulary: (Revise) - Structures: + Modal verbs + Conditional sentences: 5. Homework: - Summarize main points. - Prepare “KiÓm tra häc k× II”. 05 / 05 / 2009.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> Full name: ................................ Test for the second term Class: ...... Period 69 I/Choose the best answer. 1. . . . . . . . . . . air is one of many problems we have to solve. a. polluted b. pure c. clear d. dust 2. We can save natural resources by using . . . . . . . . . .energy instead of coal, gas and oil. a. solar b. power c. lunar d. wind 3. People in Israel are going to celebrate their festival which is called. . . . . a. Mid-Fall Festival b. Lunar New Year c. Passover d. National Day 4. . . . . . . . . . . are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth. a. thunderstorms b. typhoons c. volcanoes d. tidal waves 5. Ninety percent of . . . . . . . . . occur around the Pacific Rim known as the “Ring of Fire”. a. volcanoes b. hurricanes c. snowstorms d. Earthquakes 6. Viet Nam, . . . . . . . . . is in South-East Asia, exports rice. a. who b. whom c. which d. where 7. Ba ate a lot of food . . . . . . . . . he wasn’t hungry. a. because b. though c. so d. and 8. The baby laughed . . . . . . . . .as she played with her toys. a. happy b. happily c. happiness d. happier 9. Nam is the boy . . . . . . . . . is wearing a white T-shirt. a. which b. whom c. who d. whose 10. If you . . . . . . . . . a UFO, what would you do? a. see b. saw c. to see d. seeing II/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1) a. consumer b. reduce c. use d. plumber 2) a. ground b. group c. house d. found 3) a. flood b. moon c. typhoon d. balloon 4) a. please b. pleasure c. easy d. teacher III/ Read the passage. Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival which happens in late January or early February. Before Tet, people usually clean and decorate their homes. They go to the market to buy candy, jams, or dried watermelon seeds. They also get new clothes which are worn at Tet. They often buy peach blossoms and marigolds which are traditional flowers on Tet holiday. Tet is a time for family members to gather and have special food such as sticky rice cakes. People often visit relatives and close family friends on the second of the holiday. *) Answer the questions: 1) When is the Lunar New Year holiday celebrated in Vietnam? .................................................................. 2) What do Vietnamese people often do to prepare for Tet? ................................................................. *) Fill in the blanks with one word or phrase from the above passage. 1) Tet is the most important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Viet Nam. 2) Vietnamese people wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at Tet. 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at Tet is sticky rice cakes..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> Lesson plan – English 9 07 / 05 / 2009 Test correction for the second term Period 70 I/ Choose the best answer. (3 ms). (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.3 điểm) 1. a. polluted 2. a. solar 3. c. Passover 6. c. which. 7. b. though. 4. d. tidal waves. 8. b. happily9. c. who. 5.d.Earthquakes 10.b. saw. II/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (4 m) (Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm) 1) d. plumber. 2) b. group. 3) a. flood 4) b. pleasure. III/ Read the passage. (3 ms) *) Answer the questions: (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,75 điểm) 1) The Lunar New Year holiday is celebrated in Vietnam in late January or early February. 2) Vietnamese people (They) often clean and decorate their homes . They buy candy, Jams or dried watermelon seeds and some traditional flowers such as peach blossoms and marigolds. They also get new clothes. *) Fill in the blanks with one word or phrase from the above passage. (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,5 điểm) 1) Tet is the most important celebration in Viet Nam. 2) Vietnamese people wear new clothes at Tet. 3) Special food at Tet is sticky rice cakes..

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