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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 1 Period: 1. Preparing date: Teaching date:. REVISION. Week: 1 Period: 2. Preparing date: 19/7 Teaching date:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> UNIT1 BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 1 (A1 , P. 10 -11) I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to greet to new friends. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS:  Nice to see /meet you  So am I / I am, too III. TEACHING AIDS: lesson plan, text book, poster, and picture. VI. PROCEDURES: T CONTENTS T & P’S ACTIVITIES. 1.Warm up : ( Slap the board). 5’. clas s. mee t. classmat e.. nam e,. student. - write the words on the board - ask ss to play this game  Do you know this game?  You are A / B  Who can? - Feed back.. 2.Presentation :. 20’. Presentation Dialogue: A1 P.10 Comprehension questions : a- c P.11. a / Her name is Hoa. b / She is in class 7A. c / Nam is also in class 7A.. Answer Key: -.  Remember: I’m, too. So am I. - introduce the topic  Who’s this?  Are they students? - ask ss to listen to the tape, then they answer the questions  now listen  read the text again and give short answers  work in pairs - Feedback.. -ask ss to find the setence that is the same idea  look at the text and find.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Ex: Hoa : I’m in class 6A Nam: I’m, too.. Note: Dùng để diễn đạt ý giống nhưng khoâng laäp laïi caâu baïn mình noùi.. - play roles. * Matching:. - listen & record. 19’ 3 . Practice :(Example exchange) P1: Good( morning). My name’s( Hoa). P2: Nice to meet you,( Hoa). My name’s( Nam). Are you a new student? P1: Yes. I’m in class (7A). P2: Oh, so am I. 1’. the sentence that is the same idea from Nam - poster, handouts - orally, in pair and in chorus. 4 . Home Work - Get ss to practise these dialogues at home and remind these grammar points.. - Who can Hoa?/ Who can Nam?. - writes homework on the board - copy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Week: 1 Period: 3. Preparing date: 20/7 Teaching date:. Unit:1. BACK TO SCHOOL. Lesson: 2 ( A2 , P 11 ). I . OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, ss will know something about Hoa II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar: comparatives. III. TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. VI . PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS T&P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ 1. Warm up - Question & answer drill - T sticks the poster What class are - Ss do the exercise in pair you in? - repetition Are you a new 15 student? - uses picture to introduce ’ Who is/ are in - guides class 7A? - explains - synonym, visual aids 2. Pre.reading - antonym, visual aids - Pre teach: still - individually and orally lots of = a lot of - cleans & ask ss to read many - ss guess unhappy - Rub out & remember - Ss listen to the tape, repeat, read from? silently & compare staying with? a lot of friends? happy(unhappy). - answer, compare with their friends Why? - writtenly on the board - Presentation text: A2 .P11. - corrects 3 . While reading - Comprehension Questions Answer Key a/ She is from Hue. b/ She is staying with her uncle and aunt. c/ No, she doesn’t have any friends in Ha Noi d/ Her new school is bigger than her old school. - Open Prediction: Hoa. 15 ’.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> e/ She is unhappy because she misses her parents 9’ and her friends. 4 . Post reading - Transformation writing Example I am a new student in class 7A. I am from Hue and my parents still live there. I live with my uncle and aunt in Hanoi, ………. -. asks ss to change Hoa to I models first Ss write. - listen & record 1’ 5 . Home Work - Ask ss to learn vocab.,read & answer again, remind ‘remember’ P. 14. Week: 2 Period: 4. Preparing date: 25/7 Teaching date:. Unit:1 BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 3 : A3 – 5 , P 12 -13 ) I . OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice with “ Nice to meet you , How is everything ? , Just fine , Not bad, Pretty good “ II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar III. TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. VI . PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS 5’ 1. Warm up - Question & answer drill you in? 24 student? ’ class 7A? 2. Practice - Matching. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T asks some questions What class are - Ss answer Are you a new Who is/ are in -T asks ss to match English words with Vietnamese meaning.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> - Ss match Pretty good How is everything? Nice to see you So am I / Me ,too Just fine Not bad. Không tốt lắm Tôi cũng vậy Khá tốt Mọi việc như thế nào Rất vui khi gặp bạn Bình tường thôi. -Gap fill A4 , a) - b) , P12- 13. 15 ’. work on their own first compare with their partners listen and check. -. listen and write the letters of the dialogue in the order they hear practice ( use the cues above). - Picture cue drill A5 , P13. -. 3. Production - Mapped dialogue. -. Ba. Nam. ….morning……. …. morning….. Nice…..again. ….too.How….?. …., thanks……about…..?. ….thank you Goodbye.See 1’. -. Bye. 4. Homework - Learn newwords by heart - Do exercises in workbook. -. reads, writing mapped dialogue on the board Ss repeat Ss practice in pairs. - write homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Week: 2 Period: 5. Preparing date: 26/7 Teaching date:. Unit:1 BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson : 4 (B1- 2 , P. 15 -16 ). -. I . OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask & answer about personal information. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: family name, middle name. - Grammar: Question words III. TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, picture, cards. IV . PROCEDURES: T 5’ 15 ’. 15 ’. CONTENTS 1. Warm Up - Guessing game: still, a lot of, unhappy, … 2 . Presentation - Pre Teach: family name middle name - Open prediction Who are they in the picture? Where are they? What are they doing? What are they talking about? - Presentation dialogue: B1 -P 15 3 . Practice - Comprehension question: P. 15 - Answer Key a/ She is talking to Miss Lien. b/ Her family name is Pham. c/ Her middle name is Thi. d/ She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street. - Model Sentences What’s your family name? How old are you? Where do you live? Who is Hoa talking to? ……………. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - one s writes the word on paper, stand in front of the board, the others predict, … - pictures - reviews 2 words - Ss predict. - guides how to read in chorus, in pair to check ss’ predictions - Ss read the dialogue again & answer - Ss compare & say the answer. -T elicits model sentences from students -Ss copy -T does concept check.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Word cue drill. 9’. 1’. - T models - Ss practice in pairs. 4 . Further Practice Write . Complete dialogue B2 ,P 16. - Ss complete - corrects - explains. 5 . Home Work - listen & record - Learn newwords by heart - Get ss to practice about name, age, address, class, …. Week: 2 Period: 6. Preparing date: 27/7 Teaching date:. Unit:1 BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 5 : (B4 - 6 , P. 16 -18 ) I . OBJECTIVES : - To ask about distance. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Grammar: How far is it from … to …? III. TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, picture. IV . PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS 5’ 1. Warm Up -Noughts & Crosses 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 1. Where do you live? 2. How old are you? 3. What’s your family name? 4. Are you a new student?. T& P’S ACTIVITIES. - draws, asks ss to choose & answer. - corrects & gives remarks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 5. What class are you in? 6. How are you? 7. What’s your name? 8. Lucky number 9. Are you in class 7A?. 15’ 2 . Presentation - Presentation dialogue: B4. P16 - Model Sentences: How far is it from… to …? It’s about … meters/ kilometers.. - visual aids, orally - in chorus, individually - eliciting - written on the board. 15’. 3 . Practice - B5. P17. - guides, model -practise in pair - poster, handouts - orally, in pair. 9’. 4 . Further Practice - Listen and write B6 , P18. -. 1’. 5 . Home Work - Get ss to write it up. * My friend’s name is … (He) lives at … on … (He) goes to school by … It’s … from … to …. guides Ss listen and write distances corrects. - listen & record.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Week: 3 Period: 7. Unit:2. Preparing date: 1/8 Teaching date:. PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 1: (A1- 2 , P. 19 - 20 ). I . OBJECTIVES : - To know how to read II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Telephone number IV . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture V . PROCEDURES :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Week: Period:. Unit:2. 3 8. Preparing date: 2/8 Teaching date:. PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 2 : (A3 , P. 20 ). I . OBJECTIVES : - To know how to read, ask for and give telephone number. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Telephone number - What’s your telephone number? IV . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, card. V . PROCEDURES : T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS 1. Warm Up - Bingo: number 0 – 9 Teacher reads: 2, 6, 7, 1, 3, 9, 5, 8, 4, 0 2 . Presentation - Presentation dialogue:( A3- P.20 ) call(v): gọi, gọi điện thoại. 15 ’. 9’. - Model Sentences What’s your telephone number? 8 262 019 3 . Practice - Drill: What’s your telephone number? … 4 . Further Practice - Grids: NAME ADDRESS T. NUMBER Lan 1 Le Loi Street 8 262 019 …. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - individually. - teaching vocab. - listening to the tape, in choral & individual repetition - eliciting - writtenly on the board. - practice in pairs. - poster, handouts - orally, in pair.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - Dialogue Build S1:What’s your name? S2: My name’s Lan. S1:Where do you live? - poster S2: 1 Le Loi Street S1: What’s your telephone - modelling - in pair, orally and writtenly on the board S2: 8 262 019. number?. 1’. 5 . Home Work - Get ss to remind how to read & ask about telephone number.. Week: 3 Period: 9. Unit:2. - listen & record. Preparing date: 3/8 Teaching date:. PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 3 : (A4-5 , P.21). I . OBJECTIVES : - To know how to talk on the phone and make arrangements II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: - Grammar: The Future Simple Tense III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV . PROCEDURES : T 5’. CONTENTS T& P’S ACTIVITIES 1. Warm Up Dictation: 8 262 019 ; 8 211 800 ; 7 345 610 ; 5 267 - orally 119 ; 8 235 235 ; 6 755 463 ; 8 531 701; … - Ss write on their papers. 15. 2 . Presentation. - introducing by picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> ’. 15 ’. 9’. - Open Prediction Who are they? What are they doing? Who will meet tomorrow? ……………………………. - Presentation dialogue: (A4. P.21). - Comprehension questions: (a- d) Answer Key:a/ Phong and Tam. b/ They will see a movie. c/ They’ll meet at 6:45. d/ They will meet in fron of the movie theater. 3 . Practice - Complete and practise in speaking the dialogue: An: Hello. This is ---- . Ba: Hello. Is this ------. An: Yes. Ba: Will you be free tomorrow? An: Yes, I will. Ba: Would you like to see ------? An: ------ will it start? Ba: It starts at 6.30. Let’s meet at ------. An: Where will we meet? Ba: We’ll meet in front of the ------. An: Great. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t be late! - Dictation: A5. P.21 Answer Key: a/ 8 545 545 c/ Lans’s house b/ A movie d/ Bus 4 . Further Practice - Model Sentences + Will you be free tomorrow? Vo Yes, I will/ No, I won’t. will not + Where will you meet? Vo I’ll meet …. - Ss guess. - eliciting by the situation listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - reading & answering inpair - writtenly on the board - correction. - poster, handouts - orally, in pair and writtenly. - Ss listen to the tape & write the answer - comparation with partner - correction. - eliciting - modelling - choral & individual repetition - practice to make the sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> I will. 1’. 5 . Home Work - Get student to answer the questions again and - listen & record remind the future simple tense.. Week: 4 Period: 10. Unit:2. Preparing date: 8/8 Teaching date:. PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 4 : (B1-2 , P 24). I . OBJECTIVES : - To speak, write and use ordinal numbers. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: ordinal number - Grammar: What’s your date of birth? III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, real thing. IV . PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS 5’ 1.Warm Up - Dictation: 10, 3, 1, 11, 12, 20, 9, 2, 31 Teacher reads and ss write 15’ 2 . Presentation - Pre Teach: B1- P.24 (Ordinal Number) Note: 1st 2nd 3rd 21st 22nd 23rd 31st - Dictation: B2- P.24. - Matching:. 15’ 3 . Practice. A May June July August March September. B thaùng 8 6 5 7 9 3. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - orally - writing - orally, individually - in chorus - writtenly on the board - Ss listen to the tape & write the answer - comparation with partner - correction - poster - matching - correction - choral & individual repetition.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> - Word Cue Drill. 9’. 1’. July 31th 31st Practice : 4 . Further. - modelling - orally, in pair May 5th September2nd - correction 22nd2nd nd October 11th March 25th. - Example Exchange : S1: When’s your birthday? - orally, in pair S2: It’s on July 10th 5 . Home Work - Get students to learn the ordinal numbers, months - listen & record and practise again.. Week: 4 Period: 11. Unit:2. Preparing date: 9/8 Teaching date:. PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson: 5 ( B3 - 4 , P.24-25 ). I . OBJECTIVES : - To practise asking and answering about date of birth, using the Future Simple tense, completing this form. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: nervous, worry - Grammar: Future Simple Tense III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV . PROCEDURES : T 5’. 24 ’. CONTENTS 1. Warm up - Dictation:13th 22nd 31st 18th 10th 15th 2nd 19th … Ss write the ordinal numbers 2 . Activity1: B4 – P25 - Pre Teach: nervous(a) worry(v) worried(a) - Open Prediction: What will Mr Tan ask Hoa? - Presentation dialogue. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - orally - writing - repeat - teaching vocab. - rub out & remember - prediction - eliciting - choral & individual repetition - checking. - Check ss’ prediction - Comprehension Questions - in pair, orally Answer Key: a/ Hoa is 13 years old. b/ She will be 14 on her next - writtenly on the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> birthday.. c/ Her birthday is on June eighth. d/ Hoa lives with her uncle and aunt. - Example Exchanges S1: What’s your date of birth? (When’s your birthday?) S2: June eighth. S1: How old will you be on your next birthday? S2: I’ll be 14 on my next birthday. 15 ’. - handouts - in group - individually and orally - poster - handouts - orally and writtenly on the board - corection -. 3 . Activity2 : B3 –P.24 -Write the months in order from first to twelfth. order correct. - listen & record 1’. 4 . Home Work - Answer the questions again & practise at home.. Week: Period:. Unit:2. 4 12. Preparing date: 10/8 Teaching date:. PERSONAL INFORMATION. Lesson 6 ( B6-7 , P 26-27 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To write the invitation cards to the party. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: invite, … - Grammar: Future Simple tense. III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV . PROCEDURES T 5’. CONTENTS 1. Warm Up - Jumbled words: Janaury - January Juen - June Mya - May Apirl- April. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T sticks the posters, - Ps do the exercise individually - repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 15 ’. 2 . Pre.Writting - Pre Teach: hoan. Ocberot - October Deemcber - December party (n) invite (v) finish (v) join (v) fun (n). bữa tiệc/ buổi liên - teaching vocab. - rub out & remember. mời keát thuùc tham gia ñieàu vui veõ/ cuoäc vui. - Open Prediction When is her birthday? Where does she live? What time will the birthday party start/ finish?… - Presentation the part: (B6 – P. 26) 15 ’. 9’. 1’. 3 . While Writting - Complete this invitation card to Lan’s party. Dear_______, I am having a birthday party on Sunday, May 25. The party will be at my house at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Steet. from 5:oo to 9:00. I hope you will come and join the fun. Love, Lan Tel. 8 674 758 4 . Post Writing - B7- P27:Think and write. … a/ flower/ shirt/ dress/ book/ … b/ taxi/ bus/ bicycle/ motocycle/ … c/ hide and seek/ dance/ sing on Karaoke/ … d/ birthday’s cake/ candy/ chicken/ beefteak/ … e/ beverage drink/ ice tea/ coffee/ milk/ fruit juice/ … - Role play 1/ When/ you/ birthday party? When will you have your birthday party? 2/ Where/ you/ live? Where do you live? 3/ What time/ the party/ start(finish)? 5 . Home Work. - prediction. - eliciting - choral & individual repetition - cheking - presentation the card - filling & comparing - writtenly on the board - correction - individually and orally. - guiding - answering in group of 4 - orally and writtenly on the board - correction. - play role - correction. - listen & record.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - Write it up: the invitation card by yourself.. Week: 5 Period: 13. Unit:3. Preparing date: 15/8 Teaching date:. AT HOME. Lesson 1 : (A1 , P.29 - 30 ) I . OBJECTIVES : - To give compliments to talk about the house. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: kitchen , sink , ……… - Grammar: “What a/ an + Adj + Noun !” III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV .TECHNIQUES: - Wordsquare, Rub Out and Remember, Word cue drill, Write it up V. PROCEDURES : T 5’. CONTENTS. 1. Warm Up : - Word Square: F L E H S K O O B A S H O W E R P T L I V I N G R O O A N R E Y K D B S M K I T C H E N T P O D E Y R S V O H C U O C H K S V D I S H W A S H E Shower, living room, kitchen, diswasher Lamp, sink, desk, stove, armchair, chair Bookshelf, dryer, couch bench 2 . Presentation 15’ - Pre Teach: kitchen (n) amazing (a) convenient comfortable a sink awfull a tub bright. T& P’S ACTIVITIES. A R M C H A I R. - finding out the words(the letter table) - ss write on their papers &say. - correction - repetition. - presentation the words - modelling - choral & individual repetition.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> delicious interesting - Rub Out and Remember - cleans & asks ss to read - Presentation dialogue: A1 P. 29.30 From” look at individual the kitchen…You love it” - introducing - guiding ss to read it , elicit and - Model sentences: What a bright room! pick out the model an awful day! - choral & individual repetition - explaination 3 . Practice 15’ - Example exchange - poster, chorus repetition S1: The kitchen is amazing. - selecting word cues and going S2: Yes, What an amazing kitchen! through vocabulary make sure all - Word cue drill ss know new words armchair/ comfortable - orally, in pair and writtenly living room/ bright dinner/ delicious - correction story/ interesting 4 . Further Practice 9’ - Write it up: A 2b P.31 - writing the compliments using the cues in it 5 . Home Work - Get students to practise the structure more as 1’ possible - listen & record. Week: 5 Period: 14. Preparing date: 16/8 Teaching date:. Unit:3 AT HOME Lesson 2 : (A2 -3 , P.30 -31) I . OBJECTIVES - To make complaints with exclamatory sentence. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: - Grammar: “What a/ an + Adj + Noun !” III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV .TECHNIQUES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - Jumbled words, What and Where, Word cue drill, Noughts and Crosses V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS 1. Warm Up - Jumbled words : tgbirh - bright ingiterest - interesting ousdelici - delicious gdoo - good beaufulti - beautiful lylove - lovely 2 . Presentation - Pre Teach: expensive(a) bad boring wet - What and Where - Presentation : picture P.30 - Model Sentence:. What an expensive dress!. 3 . Practice 15 - Word cue drill: restaurant/ awful ’ day/ wet party/boring movie/ bad - Example exchange S1: The dress is expensive. S2: Yes, What an expensive dress!. 9’. 4 . Further Practice - True/ False Repetition Drill:(picture A3 p 31) There’s a televition (repeat) There’s a washing machine (silent) There’s a sink (silent) There are some chairs (repeat) There’s a refrigerator (silent) There are two pictures (repeat) - Deliberate Mistakes: Picture P.30. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - T sticks the posters - Ss do the exercise in pair and writtenly - correction and repeat. - presentation the words - antonym,situation, picture - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - eliciting - modelling - choral & individual repetition - selecting word cues and going through vocabulary make sure all ss know new words - orally, in pair - comparation with partner and writtenly - correction - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - Ss stick - correction. - discussing in pairs to show the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> 1’. This is the picture of the kitchen. The television is position of things( picture) next to the refrigerator. There’s a washing machine between the dihswasher and the electric stove. There’s a dining table with 5 chairs. Beside the washing machine is the tub Answer Key: (diswasher, sink, dryer) - listen & record 5 . Home Work - Get ss to practise to make the sentences. Week: Period:. Unit: 3. 5 15. Preparing date: 17/8 Teaching date:. AT HOME. Lesson 3 : (B 1 , P. 33-34). I . OBJECTIVES - To read the dialogue fluently and understand the main ideas of the dialogue – know job vocabulary II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture,handouts. IV .TECHNIQUES: Bingo, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Survey V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS. T&P’S ACTIVITIES. 1. Warm up - Bingo: family, father, mother, sister, work, night, - T sticks the posters morning, housework, job - Ss do the exercise in pair and write 2 . Pre.reading - correction and repetition - Set the scene What are they talking about? What does she do? Where does she work? - Pre Teach - presentation the words to raise( cattle) - antonym,situation, picture to take care of - modelling a journalist - choral & individual repetition a newspaper - Rub Out and Remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> - cleans & asks ss to read individually - Ss make - correction and repetition. - T / F Prediction 1. Hoa’s father is a worker. 2. Her mother does the housework and helps on the - poster farm. - Ss guess 3. Her sister is 10. 4. Her mother is a doctor. 5. Her brother works on a farm. - eliciting 3 . While reading 15 - listening to the tape, choral & ’ individual repetition -Check pre reading task , B1 – P.33 - checking ss’prediction - Comprehension Questions - Ss answer and compare with Answer Key partner and writtenly a/ He is a farmer. - correction b/ He works on his farm. c/ She is a housewife. d/ She does the housework and she helps on the farm. e/ Yes, they are.(Because they love working on their farm.) f/ She is 8. 4 . Post reading : Survey - poster Member Age job Place of work 9’ - Ss interview their friends and s complete the table given Father - correction Mother Sister Brother 5 . Home Work - listen & record - Get ss to practise the dialogue again. 1’.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Week: Period:. 6 16. Preparing date: 22/8 Teaching date:. Unit: 3 AT HOME Lesson: 4 (B 2-3 , P.34 -35) I . OBJECTIVES - To read the dialogue fluently and understand the main ideas of the text – know job vocabulary II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture,handouts. IV .TECHNIQUES: Bingo, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Survey V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS. T&P’S ACTIVITIES. 1. Warm up - Bingo: family, father, mother, sister, work, night, - T sticks the posters - Ss do the exercise in pair and morning, housework, job write 2 . Pre.reading - correction and repetition - Pre Teach to take care of a journalist a newspaper - Rub Out and Remember - Matching: B3 – 35 - T / F Prediction 1. Lan’s father is a worker. 2. Her mother is a teacher 3. Her elder brother is a doctor 5. Her brother writes for a Hanoi newspaper 3 . While reading. - presentation the words - antonym,situation, picture - modelling - choral & individual repetition - cleans & asks ss to read individual - Ss make - correction and repetition - poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 15 ’. - Check pre reading task. - Ss guess. - Comprehension Questions 1. What does Lan’s father do ? 2. Does her mother teach in a school? 3. What is her brother’s job?. - checking ss’prediction. 4 . Post reading :- Survey 9’. 1’. Member s Father Mother Sister Brother. Age. job. Place of work. 5 . Home Work - Get ss to practise the dialogue again. - Learn newwords by heart. Week: Period:. 6 17. - Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly - correction. - poster - Ss interview their friends and complete the table given - correction. - listen & record. Preparing date: 23/8 Teaching date:. Unit: : 3 AT HOME Lesson 5 : (B4 - 5 , P. 35 - 36 ) I . OBJECTIVES - To practise some comparative and superlative sentences II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: Adjectives - Grammar: the comparative and superlative sentences III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, picture, handout: IV . TECHNIQUES - Rub Out and Remember, Picture Drill, Example statement, Comprehension Questions V. PROCEDURES T. CONTENTS. T& P’S ACTIVITIES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> 5’. 15 ’. -. 1. Revision - Example statements Ba is tall. Nam is taller than Ba. Lan is taller than Nam. Lan is the tallest. Ba Nam Lan 2 . Presentation : - Pre Teach an apartment suitable good – better – the best cheap - cheaper – the cheapest expensive – more expensive – the most expensive - Rub Out and Remember - Presentation dialogue: B5 P35.36. - Comprehension Questions - Answer Key: a/ The one at number 27. b/ The one at number 79 c/ The one at number 79 d/ The one at number 27 - Model Sentences The apartment at number 40 is better. It’s more expensive. The apartment at number 79 is the best. It’s the most expensive 3 . Practice 10 - Picture Drill: Language Focus ( 5 P.39.40) ’. 14 ’. 4 . Further Practice - Write it up: Language Focus ( 5 P.39.40). - Ss make sentences with comparatives and superlatives ( picture) - correction - presentation the words - situation, picture - modelling - in chorus & individual repetition. - cleans & asks ss read individual - modelling - choral & individual repetition - Ss read the dialogue again & answer the questions - comparation with partner - correction - eliciting - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - eliciting, modelling - orally, individual(picture) - comparation with partner - correction - writtenly on the board - correction. - Listen , B4 , P. 35 Name Tom Susan Bill. Age. 5 . Home Work. Job. Place of work. -. T guides Ss listen and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> - Get ss to practise these model sentences.. - Ss listen & record. 1’. Week: Period:. 6 18. Preparing date: 24/8 Teaching date:. Unit: : 3. AT HOME. Language Focus 1. (P.38-41). I . OBJECTIVES - To make sentences with some prepositions- understand how to use the Present Simple the Future simple tense. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: prepositions - Grammar: the Present Simple- the Future simple tense. III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, handout. IV . TECHNIQUES - Kim’s game, Noughts and Crosses, Lucky numbers V. PROCEDURES T 9’. 20 ’. CONTENTS 1. Preposition of place : (4 P.39) - Kim’s game: a/ The cat is under the table. b/ It’s in front of the chair. c/ It’s behind the TV. d/ It’s next to the bookcase. e/ It’s on the couch. 2 . Future Simple Tense : (2 P.38) - Noughts and Crosses: tell things Nam will do and will not do tomorrow go post office call Ba x read book tidy yard see movie watch TV x x. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - Ss skim the pictures and write the sentences using prepositions - correction. - revision the formation of the Future Simple tense - modelling - in chorus & individual repetition - practising through a game.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> write do homework grandmother x 3 . Occupations: ( 6 P.40) - Lucky numbers: a/ He fights fires. He is very brave what is his job? b/ Lucky number. c/ She works in a hospital. She makes sick people well. What is her job? d/ She works in a school. She teaches students. What is her job? e/ Lucky number. f/ He lives in the countryside. He grows vegetables. What is his job?. - correction. 4 . Home Work - Get ss to practise more as possible.. - Ss listen & record. meet minh. 15 ’. 1’. - giving the definition of the jobs - Ss listen and say jobs through the game - correction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Week: Period:. 7 21. Unit:4. Preparing date: 31/8 Teaching date:. AT SCHOOL. Lesson 1 : ( A1-2 , P.42 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To tell the time II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: . - Grammar: Simple Present III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV . TECHNIQUES - Noughts and Crosses,, Mapped dialogue, Survey. V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS 5’ 1. Warm up Shark attack Time - - - 10 ’. 2. Practice - Noughts and Crosses: A1 P.42 7:00 4:15 8:30 9:40 6:35 5:25 Example exchange: S1: What time is it? S2: It’s 7:00 3 . Further Practice - Mapped dialogue:. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - lets ss guess. 1:45 11:5 3:10. - Ss tell the time through - feedback. - presentation - modelling - choral & individual repetition.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 15 ’. 14 ’. You Your friend. - What time…? - 9:20 - What time/ math? - 9:30 - Geography today? … - No - When? - On Tuesday - Answer about you: A2 (P.42) Survey. - in pairs (based on it) - correction - Ss ask and answer in pairs - correction. 4 . Home Work - Get students to practise again.. - listen & record. 1’. Week: Period:. Unit: 4. 8 22. Preparing date: 5/9 Teaching date:. AT SCHOOL. Lesson 2 : ( A3-4, P.43 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To listen for details , school vocabulary, progressive present tense II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: school vocabulary III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES - Dictation, Open prediction, Write it up, Picture drill V. PROCEDURES T 5’. CONTENTS. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T reads clearly 1. Warm Up - Dictation: Physics, Music, Geography, Math, - Ss listen and write - record English, History, …. 10 ’. 2 . Pre. Listening - Pre Teach: schedule (n) important (a) fun (n) - Open prediction Friday 7:00 8:40 Geograph. - presentation the words - situation, picture, poster - modelling - choral & individual repetition. 10:30 Physics. - Ss guess the facts given based on the table.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> y Saturday 2:40 15 ’. 14 ’. 4:30. Physical Englis Educatio h n 3 . While Listening - A.3 P.43 Answer Key: English/ 7:50/ Music/ 9:40/ History 1:00/ Math/ 3:40/ Physics 4 . Post Listening - Picture Drill: A4 P.43 Example exchange S1: What is Lan studying? S2: Lan is studying Physics. S1: What time does Lan have her Physics class? S2: She has her Physics class at 8:00. - Ss listen, fill in the table with time and subjects, check their prediction - corrects - modelling - choral & individual repetition - Ss practise in pairs. - listen & record 1’. 5. Home Work - Write your schedule in your exercise book. Week: Period:. Unit: 4. 8 23. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 6/9. AT SCHOOL. Lesson 3 : ( A5 , P.44 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To listen for details , school vocabulary II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: school vocabulary III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES - Dictation, Open prediction, Comprehension Questions, Write it up V. PROCEDURES T. CONTENTS. T&P’S ACTIVITIES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 5’. - T reads clearly 1. Warm Up - Dictation: Physics, Music, Geography, Math, - Ss listen and write - record English, History, …. 15 ’. 2 . Pre. Listening - Pre Teach: schedule (n) important (a) fun (a) -. 14 ’. - Ss guess 5 classes Thu has on Wednesday and Thursday. Open prediction. - Ss listen and check their prediction - correction. 3 . While Listening - Check pre listening task. -. 10 ’. - presentation the words - situation, picture, poster - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - Comprehension Questions::- A5 P.44 When does Thu have English classes? What time do they start? What other classes does Thu have on Thursday? What’s Thu’s favorite subject? Why? What’s Hoa’s favorite subject? Why?. - reading and answering the questions - Ss compare with partner and write on the board - correction. 4 . Post Listening -Roleplay Ask and answer questions about their schedule with - Ss ask and answer their partner. 5. Home Work - Learn newwords by heart - Write your schedule in your exercise book 1’. Week: Period:. 8 24. Preparing date: 7/9 Teaching date:. - listen & record.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Unit: 4 AT SCHOOL Lesson 4 : ( B1 , P.47 - 48 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To understand the main ideas of the text and practise library vocabulary. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: library III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV .TECHNIQUES - Jumbled words, What and Where, Word cue drill, Noughts and Crosses. V. PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS 5’ 1. Warm up - Kim’s game: Language Focus 2: 4( P.70). 15 ’. 15 ’. 2 . Pre.reading - Introduction - Pre Teach: a library – librarian a novel a reference book a dictionary rack - Rub Out and Remember - Pre. Questions What time does the library open? What kinds of books are there in the library? 3 . While reading - Read the dialogue: B1 – P.47 - Comprehension Questions Answer Key a) on the racks (near the science books) b) on the racks (near the history books) c) The Math and science books. d) The history … Vnese are on the … on the right e) at the back of the library f) at 7 am g) at 4.30 pm 4 . Post reading. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T writes - Ss skim these words and write them again - feedback - presentation the words - situation, picture - modelling - choral & individual repetition - T cleans & asks ss to read individual - T asks ss to introduce the content of the lesson. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - checking ss’prediction - correction - Ss read the dialogue again & answer the questions - comparation with partner - correction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> - Ss write sentences about their school library, using pre.Q and the library vocabulary 9’. 1’. - Ss write based on it 5. Homework - Learn newwords - Answer questions a-g , P48. Week: Period:. 9 25. -. writes homework on the board copy. Preparing date: 12/9 Teaching date:. Unit: : 4 AT SCHOOL Lesson 5 : ( B2-3 - P.48 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To practise asking and answering the position of book in the library. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: Prepositions of position. - Grammar: Where can I find the Math books please? They’re on the shelves on the left III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, picture, poster. IV . TECHNIQUES - Revision, Noughts and Crosses, Write it up V. PROCEDURES T 5’. CONTENTS. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - Ss say the position of some 1 . Revision - Review the position of some kinds of books in B1 kinds of books ( picture) - correction (P.48) (part questions). 8’. 2 . Presentation - Introduce the dialogue (P.48) - Practise the dialogue. - introduce ( picture) - modelling - choral & individual repetition.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> 12 ’. 5’. - Model Sentences Where can I find the Math books please? are They’re on the shelves on the left racks 3 . Practice - Noughts and Crosses: science books reference books newspapers magazines readers biology books novels history books dictionaries - Example exchanges S1: Where are the science books? S2: They are on the shelves on the right. 4 . Pre.listening: (B3 – 48) - Open prediction:. 5. While listening 7’. 7’. 1’. No 1 2 3 4+5 6+7 8. Guess … … … … … …. Listen Study center Science and Math Geography, History Newspaper,Magazine s English Library’s desk. 6 . Post. Listening - Write-it-up: Ss write sentences about the position of books in the library, using the grid. 7. Homework - Learn structures by heart. Week: 9 Period: 26. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 13/9. - eliciting - modelling - choral & individual repetition - explaining the structure. - poster - modelling - practice the structure based on ex. exchange - correction. - Ss guess the position of some kinds of books based on the grid - Ss listen and fill in the grid - comparation with ss’prediction - writtenly on the board - correction. - Ss listen & record. -. models write. -. writes homework on the board copy. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Unit: : 4 AT SCHOOL Lesson 6 : B4 ( P.49 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To talk about the United States’ library of Congress. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Vocabulary: The library of Congress III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, handout. IV . TECHNIQUES - Chain game, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Comprehension Questions, Write it up. V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS 1. Warm up - Chain game: S1: There are history books in the library …. 2. Pre.reading - Pre Teach: - (to) receive - (to) contain - employee. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T writes the sentence with the structure “ there be …” and ask Ss to expand the sentence. - Ss describe books in the library. - feedback. - presentation the words - situation, sytonym, picture - modelling - choral & individual repetition - T cleans & asks ss to read - Rub Out and Remember individual ;dd\ - T / F Prediction: B4 – P.49 a/ The library of Congress is in New York. - poster - Ss read them carefully and guess F b/ It recieves copies of all English books. T/ F F c/ There are over 100 million books in this library. - T asks ss to introduce the content T d/ The shelves are about 300 km long. of the lesson F e/ 5.000 people work in the library. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition T - checking ss’prediction 3. While reading 15 - Read the dialogue: B4 – P.49 - correction ’ - Ss read the dialogue again & - Comprehension Questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Answer Key : a) It’s in Washington DC. The Capitalof the USA. b) It has over 100 milion books. c) It has about 1.000 km of shelves. d) Over 5.000 people work there. e) Because it receives copies of all American books.. 9’. 1’. 4. Post reading - Practise asking and answering the questions 5. Home Work - Ss make sentences from the table. Example My school library is smaller than the library of Congress.. Week: Period:. 9 27. Unit:5. Preparing date: Teaching date:. answer the questions - comparation with partner - correction. - Ss write based on it. - Ss listen & record. 14/9. WORK AND PLAY. Lesson 1 : (A1 , P. 51-52). I . OBJECTIVES - To talk about school subjects in the Simple Present Tense. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: review school subjects - Grammar: Simple Present Tense III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV . TECHNIQUES - Dictation, What and Where, Brainstorming, Word Cue Drill. V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T& P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ 1. Revision - Ss listen and write the subjects - correction - Dictation: History, Physcis, Biology, Chemistry, … 15 ’. 2 . Presentation - Introduction - Pre. teach: (to) learn about (to) use – how to use. - introducing by picture - presentation the words - modelling - choral & individual repetition.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> (be) interested in a map an experiment last lesson Computer Science - What and Where - Brainstorming What subjects do you learn at school? What do they learn in their Computer Science class? What do they learn in their Geography class? What does Mai do in her Physics class? - Presentation text: A1 P.51 15 3 . Practice ’ - Grids Classes What to do Computer Science To learn how to use a Geography computer To study map and learn how Physics about different countries To do some experiments - Word Cue Drill Example exchange S1: What does Mai do in her Computer Science class? S2: She learns how to use a computer. 4 . Further Practice 9’ - Question and Answer: (writing) a/ What time does your class begin? b/ What do you learn at school? c/ What do you do your Computer Science class? d/ What do you study in your Geography class? e/ What do you do in your last lesson? f/ What time do your classes end? 5 . Home Work 1’ - Write about their classes based on the questions.. - checking - Ss try to remember and read those words - Ss listen and answer - T elicits the answers from ss. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition. - Ss read the dialogue again, check and fill the details of the text.. - Ss use the grids to make questions and answer about their classes - in pairs - correction. - Ss answer the questions and write about their classes in pairs - correction. - listen & record.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Week: Period:. 10 28. Unit:5. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 19/9. WORK AND PLAY. Lesson 2 : ( A2 , P.52 - 53 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To master the details about Ba’s activities at school and at home. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - The main ideas of the text III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES - Dictation , Rub Out and Remember, T / F statements Prediction, Comprehension Questions, Matching, Survey: V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. 15 ’. CONTENTS 1. Warm up - Dictation: favorite, subject, refrigerator, washing machine, … 2 . Pre.reading - Pre Teach: (to) enjoy (to) repair (to) fix (to) be good at an art club electronics - Rub Out and Remember. - T / F Statements Prediction 1. Ba enjoys his school very much. 2. His favorite subject is Electronics. 3. In this class he does some experiments. 4. He is not good at fixing things. 5. He can help his parents at home. 6. He never goes to art club 3 . While reading - Read the text: A2 – P.52 Answer Key: 1,2,5=T& …=F - Guess the meaning: ( matching). T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T reads - Ss listen and write the words - correction and repetition - presentation the words - antonym, situation, picture - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - cleans & asks ss to read individual - Ss make - correction and repetition. - poster - Ss guess. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - checking ss’prediction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> The household appliance bức họa A drawing đàn ghi ta An artist thieát bò gia ñình The guitar hoïa só - Comprehension Questions: A2 P.53 Answer Key: a/ Ba likes Electronics best. b/ Yes, he does. He enjoys school very much. c/ c/ He learns to repair household appliances. d/ He will be able to fix his own appliances. e/ Yes, he is. His drawings are very good. 4 . Post reading - Survey: 9’ name favorite subject good at free time Hoa physics doing play guitar … Example: S1: What’s your favorite subject? S2: It’s Physics S1: What are you good at? S2: I’m good at doing experiments S1: What do you do in your free time? S2: I go to my Physics club. 5 . Home Work - Get ss to practise the dialogue again. 1’. Week: Period:. 10 29. Unit:5 I . OBJECTIVES. Preparing date: Teaching date:. - Ss read the text to match the English with the Vietnamese - correction. - Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly - correction. - poster - Ss interview their friends and complete the table given - correction. - listen & record. 20/9. WORK AND PLAY. Lesson 3 : ( A3 - 5 , P.53 - 55 ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> - To listen and pratise asking and answering about school subjects. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: school subject III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real things IV .TECHNIQUES - Matching, Open Prediction, Comprehension Questions, Practise the exchanges. V. PROCEDURES T 5’. CONTENTS. .Warm Up - Match the pictures (A4 - P.54) and the subjects : Computer Science, Physical Education, Geography, Electronics, Class Activity 5’ . Pre. Listening - Prediction What subjects does Ba/ Hoa have on Saturday morning? 10 . While Listening ’ - Listen to the passage (P. 59 T’s book) Answer Key Ba : d, a, e Hoa: c, b, e . Pre. reading 5’ - Pre. teach: an essay an event calculator past and present events How many subjects do you study at school? What do you study in literature? - Open Prediction The subjects that will appear in the text. 15 ’. . While Reading - Read the text: A5 – P.54 - Comprehension Questions a/ What do you study at school? b/ What do you learn in Literature? c/ Do you study past and present events in History? d/ What subjects do you learn about different countries and their people?. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - Ss match - correction and repetition - Ss predict - Ss write the name (Ba/ Hoa) next to the picture - Ss listen to the passage and check their prediction - answering - writtenly on the board - correction - presentation the words - situation, picture, real thing - modelling - choral & individual repetition - answering. - Ss predict the subjects that presents in the text - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly - correction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 4’. 1’. e/ Do you speak English in language class? . Post. Reading - Practise the exchanges Example Exchanges S1: What do you study in History? S2: We study past and present events . Homework Learn newwords by heart - Read and answer questions A3 , P.53. Week: 10 Period: 30. Unit:5. - Ss practise in pairs - correction. -Ss copy. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 21/9. WORK AND PLAY. Lesson 4 : ( B1 – 2 , P.56.57 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To speak recess activity and review the Present Progressive tense. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: recess activity - Grammar: the Present Progressive tense III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES - Revision, Rub Out and Remember, Picture Cue Drill, Write it up. V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS 1. Revision : Tell what we learn in the subjects Example: T: Music S: In this subject we learn to sing songs. 2 . Presentation - Introduction Where are the students? What are they doing then?. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - T says the subjects - Ss listen and tell what they study in the subjects - correction - Introduction (questions).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> -. 15 ’. 9’. 1’. - Pre Teach (to) play marbles/ catch/ blindman’s bluff (to) skip rope (to) chat excited recess - Rub Out and Remember - Presentation text: B1 - P56 Read the text to complete the list - Recess activities Answer Key recess activities the most popular activities meeting friends talking talking about eating drinking chatting playing marbles/ catch skipping rope 3 . Practice - Picture Cue Drill: picture B1 - P.56 Example Exchanges S1: What is the boy doing? S2: He’s reading -Listen .Match each name to an activity P57. - presentation the words - situation, picture - modelling - in chorus & individual repetition. - checking (cleans & asks ss to read individual) - Ss read the dialogue again & find the recess in the text - writtenly on the boad. - eliciting - modelling - choral & individual repetition - practice in pairs (picture) - correction - listen and match. 4 . Further Practice - Write it up Ex: The boys are playing catch. - modelling - Ss make sentence using the cues. 5 . Home Work - Get ss to practise recess activity and review the Present Progressive tense.. -Ss listen & record. Week: Period:. 11 31. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 26/9.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Unit:5. WORK AND PLAY. Lesson 5:. B3 , P.57- 58. I . OBJECTIVES - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about recess activitives in American school. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - The content of the text III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture IV . TECHNIQUES - Bingo, Prediction, Matching, Multiple choice, Discussion. V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. 15 ’. 9’. CONTENTS. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T reads activities at recess 1. Warm Up - Bingo: play catch, skip rope, drink, play marbles, - Ss write 4 activities at recess play tennis, play soccer, play baseball, talk to - record friends, read, eat, … - presentation the words 2 . Pre. reading - situation, picture - Pre Teach: - modelling junior high school - choral & individual repetition senior high school (to) score a goal (to) swap (to) relax (to) take part in - Prediction - Ss guess What do Ss in American schools do at recess? 3 . While reading - Ss read the passage and check - B.3 P.57 their prediction - Matching - correction energetic students khắp thế giới - Ss match portable CD players baïn qua thö - correction packets of candy maùy nghe CD xaùch tay - modelling pen pal chuû yeáu - choral & individual repetition mainly những gói kẹo worldwide những học sinh năng động - Multiple choice: ( a,b,c,d) P.58 - T go around class and guide ss to 4 . Post reading discuss - Discussion - Ss talk about what you often do Talk about what you often do at recess..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 1. What is the most popular recess activity in your at recess. school? - copy 5. Homework - Learn newwords by heart. Week: Period:. Unit: 6. 11 32. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 27/9. AFTER SCHOOL. Lesson 1 : ( A1 , P. 60 - 61 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To tell what they often do after school and make suggestions. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: after school activity vocab. - Grammar: Let’s + V III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, flashcards. IV . TECHNIQUES - Answer, Rub out and remember, Open prediction, Picture drill, Word cue drill V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T& P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ 1. Revision - Ss answer and rewrite - correction Answer: What do you do at recess?/ after school 15 2 . Presentation ’ - introducing by asking some - Introduction questions( picture) What are they doing? – play game - Ss answer When do they play these games? - Pre.teach - presentation the words to practice - modelling together - choral & individual repetition to come.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> - Rub out and remember - Open prediction What does Hoa do after school? + play the guitar + watch TV What does Minh do after school? - Presentation text:. A1 P 60. 15 ’. 9’. 1’. - Answer the questions: P.61 Answer Key a/ She’s doing her math homework. b/ They are going to get a cold drink. c/ He’s in the music room. d/ He’s learning to play the guitar. e/ He ussually meets his friends. f/ She likes playing volleyball. * Model sentence: Let’s go to the……………… …cefeteria 3 . Practice - Picture drill: P. 61 1. What sould we do ? Let’s read books 2,3,4,5,6(P.61) 4 . Further Practice - Word cue drill a. play volleyball b. go to the cafeteria. c. play some computer games. d. go to the circus. - Example exchange S1: Let’s play some computer games. S2: Good idea. 5 . Home Work - Get students to practise again. - checking. - Ss guess and say. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - check ss’ prediction - Ss read the text again and answer - writtenly - correction. - T elicits to show the model. - modelling - Ss look at the pictures and make suggestions - correction. - modelling - complete suggestions with the phrases given - correction. - listen & record.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Week: 11 Period: 33. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 28/9. Unit: 6 AFTER SCHOOL Lesson 2 : ( A 2 , P. 61 ) I . OBJECTIVES - To talk about activities after school, using adverbs of frequency. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: after school vocabulary - Grammar: adverbs of frequency III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, real thing. IV .TECHNIQUES - Kim’s game, Brainstorm, Grid, Open prediction, Answering the questions:. T 5’. 39 ’. V. PROCEDURES CONTENTS 1. Warm Up -Hangman After school - - - - - - - - - - 2. New lesson Activity 1 Look at the activities label the pictures ( A2 – P.61) 1) Reading in the library 2) Swimming in the pool ………………………………………………… Activitiy 2 - Brainstorm What do you ussually do after school? ( watch TV/ play soccer) - Grid How often do …? Study in the library Go to the movie Watch TV Play soccer. often ussually always …. T& P’S ACTIVITIES -Ss guess each letter. -. T elicits Ss answer. - T shows the grid to students and run on the words in the grid - modelling. - Ss interview their friends, using infromation in the grid - writtenly - correction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Play computer games Swim in the pool Do homework … Example exchange S1: How often do you watch TV after school? S2: I always watch TV after school.. 1’. 3. Homework - Do exercises in workbook. Week: Period:. - Ss write homework. 12 34. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 3/10. Unit: : 6 AFTER SCHOOL Lesson 3 : ( A3 – 4 , P.62 – 63 ) I . OBJECTIVES - To know the content of the passages. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: nouns, verbs III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES - Correct the words, Rub Out and Remember, True / False Prediction Comprehension Questions, Matching V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T&P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ 1. Warm up : ( correct the words) activite – faverite – groep – stanp – library - - T sticks the posters 14 couhc - Ss rewrite the words in correct ’ from 2 . Pre.reading - correction and repetition - Pre Teach to rehearse a play - presentation the words anniversary - modelling celebration - choral & individual repetition president.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 15 ’. 10 ’. 1’. (to) get together - Rub Out and Remember - True / False Prediction a. The students of class 7A don’t enjoy different activities after school. b. Nga’s theater group is rehearsing a play. c. Ba usually gets American stamp. d. Nam enjoys playing games. 3 . While reading : A3 – P.62 - Check pre reading task. - cleans & asks ss to read individual. - poster - Ss guess. - Ss read the text and check T/F. - Comprehension Questions Answer Key a/ Her group is rehearsing a play for the school anniversary celebration . b/ He gets American stamps from Liz. c/ The stamp collector’s club meets on Wednesday afternoon. d/ Nam never plays games. 4 . Post reading - Matching: A4 – P.63. - Ss answer questions - correction. - Pre. listening:( open prediction) Match each name to an activity: Mai go to the circus. Nam go to the school cafeteria. Ba watch a movie. Lan tidy the room. Kien rehearse a play. - While. listening Listen the dialogue Check ss’prediction - Post. Listening Answer the questions: Ex: Where does Mai do? 5 . Home Work - Read the text again - Learn vocabulary by heart. - poster - Ss match. - listen & check. - asks ss some questions -Ss answer questions. - Ss write homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Week: Period:. 12 35. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 4/10. Unit: : 6 AFTER SCHOOL Lesson 4 : ( B1 - P. 64 ) I . OBJECTIVES - To talk about the activities after school. - To make suggestions - To accept or refuse invitations II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - suggestions - invitations - polite refusal/ acceptance of invitations. III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture IV .TECHNIQUES - Pyramid, What and Where, Comprehension Questions, Grid, Write-it-up V. PROCEDURES T 5’. CONTENTS 1. Warm up : ( Pyramid) List the activities that you do after school. 15 ’. 2 . Presentation - Introduction: - Pre Teach:. (to) relax assignment at the moment. - What and Where - Presentation dialogue: B1 - P.64 - Comprehension Questions: (a- e) - Model Sentences Invitation:( suggestions) + What about going to the movies? + Why don’t you relax? + Let’s go to my house. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - T gives instructions - Ss list - correction - picture - Ss look at it and answer - presentation the words - modelling - choral & individual repetition - checking - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - Ss read the D. and answer the questions - eliciting - modelling - choral & individual repetition - explanation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> 15 ’. 9’ 1’. Accept or refuse invitation(responses) + Yes, let’s + Good idea + OK. I’ll come + Sorry, I can’t 3 . Practice : - Grid verbs activities accept/ refuse. Let’s go swimming OK. Should we play table tennis I’m sorry, Would watch basket ball I you like to come volleyball can’t lsiten to movies I’d love to soccer my house music - Example exchange S1: Let’s go swimming. S2: OK. S1: Should we play taple tennis? S2:I’m sorry, I can’t S1: Would you like to play basketball? S2: I’d love to 4 . Further Practice - Write-it-up: 5 . Home Work - Get ss to practise what they have studied. Week: Period:. 12 36. - T guides instrustion(poster) - Ss make suggestions and invitations based on example exchange - orally, in pair - correction. - write the dialogues based on it - listen & record. Preparing date: 5/10 Teaching date:. Unit: : 6 AFTER SCHOOL Lesson: 5 ( B 2 - P.65 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To practise reading skill. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> - Vocabulary: the activities of American teenagers after school. III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture IV .TECHNIQUES - Bingo, Brainstorm, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Survey V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T&P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ 1. Warm up - Bingo: magazine, eat, popular, food, plan, help, - T reads stamp, collect, go - Ss listen and write 15 2 . Pre.reading - correction and repetition ’ - presentation the words - Pre Teach - situation, picture teenagers(n) - modelling scouts(boy scouts) - choral & individual repetition guides(girl guides) a musical instrument - cleans & asks ss to read youth individual - Rub Out and Remember -Brainstorm What do American students do in their free - Ss listen and answer the questions time? - Ss predict the activities that + play soccer American students do after school + listen to music. 15 ’. 3 . While reading - Check pre reading task - Comprehension questions 1. Which of the activities in the list of American teenagers do you think are also popular among Vietnamese teenagers ? ( watch TV, listen to music ,go to the movies ,help old people ) 2. Are there many kinds of entertainment for teenagers in Vietnam ? What are they ? 3. What organisations are there for teenagers in Vietnam ? ( Young Pioneers or different kinds for children ) 4 . Post reading. - checking ss’prediction -. asks questions Ss answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 9’. 1’. - Discussion Ask their friends what they like doing in their free time . Make a list of their group’s favorite leisure activities 5 . Home Work - Learn newwords by heart. Week: Period:. 13 37. Unit: : 6. -. Ss discuss in groups. - write homework. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 10/10. AFTER SCHOOL. Lesson 6 : ( B3 - P. 66 ) I . OBJECTIVES - To practise suggestions , invitations fluently II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Suggestions : Let’s … Would you like to …? III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES - Pyramid, What and Where, Comprehension Questions, Grid, Write-it-up V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T& P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ 1. Warm up : (Kim’s game) - T writes the words - Ss skim the words and write birthday – come – house – lunch them again without looking back – movie – join – sure - invite 10 2 . Presentation - correction ’ - Pre Teach: pleasure.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> a wedding welcome - Rub out and remember 3 . Practice 15 - Presentation dialogue ’ - Practise the dialogue - Gap fill Nga: My birthday … Sunday … to come to my house for …? Lan: Yes, …What time? Nga: … one … Lan: I … there. Nga: I’ll … you on Sunday. After lunch ,We are going to see a movie.Will you join us? Lan: I’m not … I will call you … Nga: OK. Lan:Thanks for … me. Nga: It’s my … What about you, Hoa? … to come ,too? Hoa: I’d love …, but I’m going to a wedding on Sunday. Nga: That’s too bad. Hoa: sorry, I can’t … thanks Nga: You’re … 14 ’ 1’. - modelling - choral & individual repetition - checking - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - Ss read the D. in pair and complete the open dialogue with the suitable words - T goes around the class and corrects ss’ pronunciation - explanation. - Ss make suggestions. 4 . Further Practice : - Suppose tomorrow is your - listen & record birthday. Invite your friends to your birthday party 5 . Home Work :- Get Ss to practise What they have study Week: Period:. Language Focus 2. 13 38. Preparing date: 11/10 Teaching date:. (P.68 - 71). I . OBJECTIVES :- To master the formular of the present continuous tense the usage of “ this/ that – these/ those” – tell the time. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: Subjects, Adverbs Of Frequency . - This/ That – These/ Those,- Time,- Present Continuous Tense.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES: - Bingo, Brainstorm, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Survey V. PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS T& P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ I. Warm up :(Kim’s game) Look at the pictures 4 - Ss skim the words and write them again without looking back ( P.70 ), write the correct subject names - correction. 7’. 5’. 5’. 5’. 9’. 8’. II . Language focus 1 : present progressive tense , P68 … Lan is doing … she is writing … Mr. Thanh is reading … Mrs Quyen is cooking … Lan’s brothers are playing … Liem is kicking. Tien is running. III. Language focus 2 ,P68 Complete the dilogue with this,that,these,those IV. Language focus 3 (p:69) . - Asks ps to look at part 3 ( p 60 ) and complete the times in the blanks. b) Seven fifteen./ c) Halp past ten d) Fifteen to seven - T. corrects V. Language focus 4 : ( P: 70 ) vocab of subjects Kim’s game - Asks ps to look at pictures, try to remember the subject for each picture then write them in note books a. Physical education d. Geography b. chemistry e. English c. Math f. History VI. Language focus 5 , P.71 Write sentences about Ba Ba never goes to the cafeteria VII . Language 6 : Time ( P: 71) Making suggestions Matching: Ask ps to look some suggestions given Asks ps to match the phrase words from 3 columns to make suggestions individually ->. -. T guides and models Ss practice. -. T models Ss practice. -T models - Ss practice. -T models - Ss practice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 1’. compare in pairs. - Limit time for ps (3’) to do. - Call ps to go the board and write their suggestions. Ex: 1) Mai: Let’s go to the movie this evening? Lan: Ok 2) Xuan: Should we play volleyball after school? An: I’d love to. VIII . Home Work - Get ss to practise what they have studied. Week: Period:. 14 41. Unit:7. - Ss copy homework. Preparing date: 18/10 Teaching date:. THE WORLD OF WORK. Lesson 1 : ( A1 , P 72 - 73 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To practise the sentences in the Simple Future tense . II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: the content of the dialogue. - Grammar: the Simple Future tense. III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, handouts. IV . TECHNIQUES - Correct the words, Rub Out and Remember, Open Prediction, Comprehension Questions. V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T& P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ . Warm up : Correct the words: - T writes the wrong words breakstaf – lete – earli – stert – finirh – - Ss write the correct words 15 homework, … - feedback ’ . Pre.reading - presentation the words - Pre Teach: an hour (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> 15 ’. 7’. 2’. 1’. vacation (n) late – later early – earlier few – fewer many - more - Rub Out and Remember - Open Prediction a. What time do Hoa’s classes start? b. What time do they finish? c. For how many hours a day does Hoa do her homework? d. What does she do during her vacation? . While reading - Check pre reading task A1 – P.72 - Comprehension Questions: P.73 a. Hoa’s classes start at 7 o’clock. b. They finish at a quarter past eleven. c. Hoa does her homework 2 hours a day. d. She will visit her parents on their farm during her vacation. e. … . Post reading : - Read the answer again and compare your schedules and routines with Hoa’s ones. . Revision - Model sentences: Simple Future tense . You’ll be late for school. . I won’t be late. . What will you do during the vacation?. - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - cleans & asks ss to read individual - introduce the lesson by asking some questions - Ss guess. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - checking ss’prediction - correction - Ss read the passage again & answer the questions - comparation with partner - correction - Ss read and compare. - T elicits to show the model sentences, reviews the formular of the Simple Future Tense - Ss answer the questions. . Practice : Look at Nga’s diary and complete the - modelling - Ss look at Nga’s diary and dialogue: SUNDAY(today) MONDAY complete - clean room - clean room - correction - help Mom - help Mom - choral & individual repetition - study English - see a movie - in pairs (based on it) - watch TV - buy new shoes Nga: Everyday, I clean my room, … and … Minh: what will you do tomorrow? Nga: I …, … , …and … - Ss listen & record . Home Work - Get students to practise what they have studied again..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Week: Period:. 14 42. Unit: 7. Preparing date: 19/10 Teaching date:. Lesson 2 : ( A2-3 , P.73 -74 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To know the vacations in America and the structure of comparisions. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: public holiday - Grammer: comparision of nouns III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, handouts. IV .TECHNIQUES - Word Cues, T/ F Statements, Grids, Pre Teach V. PROCEDURES. T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS 1.Warm Up:Compete the sentences in the Simple Future: 1. He/ go/ movie. 2. I/ study/ English. 3. Lan/ buy/ new shoes. 4. I/ clean/ room. 2 . Pre. Reading - Set the scene - Pre Teach (to) celebrate Easter (translation) (n) Thanksgiving (translation) (n) New Year’s Eve(Day) (n) (situation) Independence Day(4th of July)/(2nd of September) Christmas(n) - T/F Statements: (with key)A2 – P.73 a. Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American students.(T) b. American students have the longest vacation in the. T&P’S ACTIVITIES - T gives the cues - Ss complete the sentences with the cues given - correction - introduce(picture) - presentation the words - situation, picture, translation, synonym, … - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - Ss guess.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> 15 ’. winter.(F) c. They don’t have a tet holiday.(T) d.Their most important vacation is New Year’s Day.(F) e. They usually spend their time with their families on Thanksgiving and Christmas day.(T) - read and check their 3 . While Reading prediction - Check pre reading task - A letter P. 73 - Grids Vacations Longest vacation. 9’. VietnameseSs American Ss In the Inthesummer summer Tet holiday / x Thanksging x / Christmas x / Independence Day September2n July 4th d Easter x / NewYear’sEve(Day) Lunar(30-12) (January1st) - Comprehension Questions: P.74 Answer Key a. Summer vacation is the longest in America. b. During his vacation, Tim spends time with his family. c.Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American students. 4 . Post Reading Listening A3 , P74 Answer key a. Thanksgiving b. Independence Day c. New Year’s Eve(Day) d. Christmas. - Ss complete the grid. - reading and answering the questions - correction. - T asks - Ss answer - T elicits to show the model sentences - Ss look at the pictures and guess the name of the public holiday in each picture - Ss listen and check their prediction. - write homework 1’. 5. Home Work -Learn newwords by heart.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Week: Period:. 15 43. Unit:7. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 24/10. Lesson: 3 ( A4 – P.75 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To talk about routines. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Vocabulary: Hoa’s routines. III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture,handouts IV .TECHNIQUES: - Dictation, Rub Out and Remember, Open Prediction, Write – it – up V. PROCEDURES. T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS. T&P’S ACTIVITIES. 1. Warm up - Dictation: student, people, day, work, week, - T reads words clearly - Ss listen and dictate worker, grade 7, hard, study, homework - feedback 2 . Pre.reading - presentation the words - Pre Teach: typical(a) tieâu bieåu - antonym,situation period (n) 45 minutes - modelling a hour (n) 60 minutes - choral & individual repetition keen (a) active (to) review(ex:what do you do before test?) definitely= certainly(adv) - cleans & asks ss to read take a look at: nhìn vaøo (gesture) individual - Rub Out and Remember - T asks some Qs. to brainstorm the - Open Prediction: (Comprehension Questions) main ideas of the lesson a/. What grade is Hoa in ? - Ss guess the main ideas of the b/. How many periods does she have a day? reading c/. How many days a week does she study? d/. How many hours does she do her homework? e/. Does she review lessons before tests? f/. Is Hoa lazy?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> 15 ’. 9’. 1’. 3 . While reading - Read the text: A4 – P75 - Check ss’ prediction - Answer Key: P.55 a./ People think students have an easy life because they only …. Long vacations. b./ Hoa works 20 hours a week. It is fewer than most workers work. c./ (Ss’ answer) d./ No, the writer doesn’t think students are lazy. 4 . Post reading - Practise asking and answering the questions - Write – it – up:Write about yourself begin with I am in class 7A. I have …. 5. Homework - Learn newwords by heart. Week: 15 Period: 44. Unit: 7. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - checking ss’prediction - correction. - interview - T asks ss to write. - write homework. Preparing date: 25/10 Teaching date:. Lesson 4 : ( B1 - P.76 - 77 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To read the letter fluently and understand the main ideas of the letter. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Talk about occupations III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture IV .TECHNIQUES - Bingo, Rub Out and Remember, Gap fill Prediction, Comprehension Questions, Write-it-up V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T&P’S ACTIVITIES 4’ 1. Warm up - Bingo: family, parents, work, take care of, repair, - T reads - Ss listen and write them again cook lunch, mechanic, vacation, holidays - feedback 15 2 . Pre.reading - picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> ’. - Introduction:( set the scene) - Pre Teach: (Tim’s father repairs machines in a factory.guess what he does ) a mechanic (n) thợ máy shift (n) ca laøm vieäc (give ex.) part- time # full time home – homeless (a) day off (n) ngaøy nghæ laøm vieäc wish (n) lời chúc - Rub Out and Remember - Gap fill Prediction: Mrs Jones works at -------. She takes care of ------. She and other women ------ for homeless people. Mr. Jones is a mechanic. He repairs ------ in a ------ summer ------. They always go to ------ on vacation 3 . While reading 15 - Read the letter: B1 – P.76 ’ - Check ss’ prediction: - Comprehension Questions Answer Key a) Mrs. Jones works at home. But three mornings a week she works part-time at a local supermarket. b) She cooks lunch for homeless people once a week. c ) Mr. Jones is a mechanic. He repairs machines in a factory. d) He works about 40 hours a week. e) The Jones family always goes to Florida on vacation. They have a great time there. 4 . Post reading Write-it-up 10 ’ - Write about the members in your family. Begin with: My father is a ------ . He works in ------ . he works ------ days a ------ . My mother ----- . 5. Home Work - Ss practice them again. - presentation the words - situation, picture, example - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - T cleans & asks ss to read individual - T guides how to do it - Ss guess and fill in the blanks with the suitable words - listening to the tape, individual repetition - checking ss’prediction - correction - Ss read the letter clearly & answer the questions - comparation with partner - correction. - Ss write based on it. - Ss listen & record. 1’. Week: 15 Period: 45. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 26/10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Unit: : 7. Lesson 5 : ( B2,4 - P.77-78 ). I . OBJECTIVES : To talk about occupation of a typical farmer. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : A typical farmer’s occupations III . TEACHING AIDS : Lesson plan, text book, picture, poster. IV . TECHNIQUES - Jumbled words, Rub Out and Remember , Ordering statements V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 15 ’. CONTENTS. T&P’S ACTIVITIES. 1. Warm up - Jumbled words: threaf-father, satrt-start, mrefra- - T writes the jumbled words farmer, gegs-eggs, wrok-work, veegtables- - Ss write the correct words. - feedback vegetables. 2. Pre.reading - Pre Teach: (to) rest (to) clean (to) feed the buffalo/ bigs/ chickens the buffalo shed the chicken coop the main crop - Rub Out and Remember - Ordering statements a/ He usually starts work at six. b. From 12 to 1 o’clock, Mr Tuan rests and eats lunch. c. Hoa’s father is a farmer. d. A farmer has no real vacation. e. He has breakfast, then he feeds the buffalo, …. f. He works in the fields. 15 g. When there is less work, Mr Tuan takes a day off ’ 3. While reading - Presentation text: B2 – P.77 - Check ss’ prediction - Correct the mistakes Hoa’s father is a farmer. Hoa’s father is a farmer. … 9’ 4. Post reading - Listen and take notes B4 , P.78. - presentation the words - situation, sytonym, picture - modelling - choral & individual repetition. - T cleans & asks ss to read individual - poster - Ss guess and order. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - checking ss’prediction - correction. -T guides -Ss listen and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Name. Job. Hours per week. Amount of vacation. Peter Susan Jane Phong - Ss listen & record 1’. 5. Home Work - Learn newwords by heart Week: Period:. 16 46. Preparing date: 31/10 Teaching date:. Unit:8 PLACES Lesson 1 : (A1 - 2 , P.79 -80 ). I . OBJECTIVES - To tell the name of the places, ask for and give directions. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - Ask for and give directions to the places - Structure: Could you tell / show me the way to …? III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture, handouts. IV . TECHNIQUES - Kim’s game, Predict Dialogue, Mapped dialogue, Rub Out and Remember, V. PROCEDURES T 5’. 10 ’. CONTENTS 1. Revision - Kim’s game a. National Bank b. Saint Paul Hospital c. Hotel d. Post office e. Ha Noi Railway station f. Dong Xuan Market 2 . Presentation - Set the scene What does the tourist want? - Pre. teach souvenir – souvenir shop go straight (ahead) (v) opposite (prep) đối diện. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - T shows the picture to ss & ask ss to write the name of the places - Ss skim the words and tell the name of the places -T elicits from ss asking the questions - Ss look at the picture, answer the questions - presentation the words - modelling.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> 20 ’. 9’. 1’. tourist (n) - Predict Dialogue a.Tourist: ____is there a ____shop near here? Nga: Yes, there ____one____ Hang Bai____ T: Could you____ me how to____ there? N: Go____ ahead____ the second street____ the left the____ is on the right, opposite the post office, I thank you N: ____ b.T: Excuse me____ the way to the supermarket, ____ ? Lan: The____ ? OK. Go____ ahead____ the first street____ right. ____ Is on front of you. T: ____. Lan: You’re welcome 3 . Practice - Read the dialogue - Check ss’prediction - Model Sentences Could you tell me how to get there? Could you tell/ show me the way to get there? - Practice the dialogue - Mapped dialogue A B _____ the supermarket? …? OK go … Thanks a lot ….. 4 .Production souvenir shop. bank. post office. hospital. school. bookstore. 5. Homework - Learn newwords and structures by heart. Week: 16 Period: 47. - choral & individual repetition. - T guides ss how to exercise - Ss guess by reading the open dialogue carefully and filling in the suitable words. - listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition - T elicits from ss to show the model sentence - Ss practise in pairs - correction. - Ss produce the dialogue based on mapped dialogue - correction - Ss look at the street map and ask for and give directions. - write homework. Preparing date: 1/11 Teaching date:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Unit:8. Lesson 2 : (A3 - P.81). I . OBJECTIVES : - To ask for and give directions. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster. IV .TECHNIQUES: - Word Square V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS 5’ 1. Warm Up - Word Square F A C T O R Y T H E B O N H K T B O L I C E S T A T I O R E S T E U R A N T N S M S A S H O E S T O R E K C U P P O S T O F F I C E H H S I Y O U T H E A T E R E O E T N E A R M A R K E T R O U A D R U G S T O R E G E L M L 20’ 2 . Practice - Look at the street map (P. 81). Practice the dialogue with a partner Nga: Where is the bank? Nam: The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant. It’s opposite the hospital. 19’. 1’. 3 . Further Practice - Look at the street map again. Listen and write the places 4 . Home Work - Get students to practise more as possible. Week: Period:. 16 48. Preparing date: 2/11 Teaching date:. Unit:8 Lesson 3 : ( A4-5 , P.82 ) I . OBJECTIVES : - To take about distance II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS. N N B A N K R Y. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - T presents the table (poster) - Ss look at the picture and find the words they have learned - Ss write on their papers &say - correction - repetition. - introducing - T guides ss how to do exercise, models and monitors - Ss look at the street map practise the dialogue with their partner and writtenly - correction - Ss look at the street map again, listen and write the places - listening to the tape - T gives the correct answers - listen & record.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> How far is it from Hue to HCM city? It’s about 1,030 km. - Taking about distances with the structure: “ How far is it from … to …? III . TEACHING AIDS - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV .TECHNIQUES - Predict dialogue, Asking and answering, Mapped Dialogue V. PROCEDURES. 1’. - Homework - Do exercises in workbook. - write homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Week: 17 Period: 49. Preparing date: 7/11 Teaching date:. Unit: 8 Lesson: 4 ( B 1 - P.83 ) I . OBJECTIVES - To enquire about prices and make purchases II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS - I’d like to … ( …would like to + v) - How much is/ are …? III . TEACHING AIDS : Lesson plan, text book, pictures, handouts. IV .TECHNIQUES - Comprehension Questions , Matching, Rub Out and Remember, Word Cue Drill, Interview V. PROCEDURES. T 19 ’. CONTENTS. T& P’S ACTIVITIES - T uses the picture to introduce the . Presentation - Set the scene: Where is Liz? Why does she go there? lesson - Ss look at the picture and answer - Presentation dialogue: B1 - P.83 the questions - Comprehension Questions: - correction - Answer Key: a/ The one at number 27. - T elicits from ss asking the b/ The one at number 79 questions c/ The one at number 79 - presentation the dialogue and the d/ The one at number 27 columns of the words - Matching - Ss read the dialogue and match altogether gởi đi - correction change coù giaù laø - modelling cost nhaän - in chorus & individual repetition send toång coäng (the dialogue and the words) receive tiền thừa - Rub Out and Remember - T cleans & asks ss to read - Practise the dialogue individual - Model sentence - T reads the dialogue - Ss practise the dialogue I’d like to send this letter to the U.S.A - eliciting, expaining How much is it? It’s 9.500dong. - modelling How much are those (envelopes)? - choral & individual repetition They are 2.000 dong..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> . 15 ’. 10 ’. 1’. Practice : ( Answer the questions P. 83) (Answer Key) a. Liz will mail the letter to the USA. b. She pays 11,500 dong altogether. c. She receives 3,500 dong in change. d.e.(student’s answer) - Word Cue Drill a/ Where/ Liz/ mail/ letter? – to the USA b/ How much/ Liz/ pay/ altogether? – 11,500 c/ How much/ change/ she/ receive? – 3.500 . Further Practice (1 P.95) Look at the pictures. Practise asking and answering about the prices . Home Work - Practise the dialogue, these model sentences again.. Week: 17 Period: 50. - Ss read the dialogue again and answer the questions - correction. - present word cues - modelling - Ss practise asking & answering the questions, using the word cue drill - correction - Ss talk about the prices of the items. - Ss listen & record. Preparing date: 8/11 Teaching date:. Unit: 8 Lesson: 5 ( B2-3 , P.84 ) I . OBJECTIVES :- To read the dialogue fluently and understand the content of the dialogue. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Talking about the post office III . TEACHING AIDS : Lesson plan, text book, pictures, poster. IV .TECHNIQUES: - Bingo, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Gap fill, Comprehension Questions V. PROCEDURES : T CONTENTS T&P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ 1. Warm up - T presents words & reads them - Bingo: want, local, stamp, penpal, write, need, buy, loudly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> life, once, week, parents 15’ 2 . Pre.reading - Set the scene - Pre Teach: overseas (adj) regularly a phone card mail (n) - Rub Out and Remember. hải ngoại thẻ điện thoại thư từ. - T / F Prediction a. Hoa wants some local stamps. b. She doesn’t need some stamps for overseas mail. c. She needs some stamps for overseas mail because she has a penpal in Ha Noi. d. She needs a phone card to call her parents. 15’ 3 . While reading : B2 – P.84 - Presentation dialogue - Read the dialogue - Check ss’ prediction - Comprehension Questions Answer Key a/ Hoa needs some local stamps and some stamps for overseas mail and a phone card. b/ She needs stamps for overseas mail because she has a penpel in America. c/ She needs a phone card to call (phone) her parents once a week). 9’ 4 . Post reading - Gap fill: B3 – P.84 (Answer key) Hoa: I would like five … Clerk: Here you are … Hoa: … Hoa much is that altogether? Clerk: That is … Hoa: Here is … Clerk: … Here’s your change. - Make up similar dialogues; use the words given: poster (s), stamp(s), envelope(s), phone card(s), writing pad(s) 1’. 5 . Home Work - Get ss to practise the dialogue again. - Learn newwords by heart. - Ss listen and write the words they hear - correction and repetition - T introduces (picture) – asking some questions - Ss look at the picture and answer - presentation the words (situation, picture) - modelling - choral & individual repetition - T cleans & asks ss to read individual. - Ss guess (read the sentences carefully and say True or False) - T presents the dialogue and read it clearly - Ss listen & repeat - Ss read the dialogue again and check their prediction - correction and repetition - T guides ss how to answer - Ss answer the questions ( P.84) ,compare with partner and writtenly. - T gives the correct words and let Ss practise the dialogue - Ss read the open dialogue clearly and fill in the blanks with suitable words - correction - T guides ss to make up similar dialogues, using the words given - Ss practise in groups, in pairs - correction - listen & record.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Week: 17 Period: 51. Unit: : 8. Preparing date: Teaching date:. 9/11. Lesson :6 ( B.4- 5 , P.85 ). I . OBJECTIVES - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for specific information about prices – Further practice with “ How much + be …?” to talk about prices. II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS :- The prices of the items III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. IV . TECHNIQUES :- Kim’s game, Comprehension questions. V. PROCEDURES T CONTENTS T&P’S ACTIVITIES 5’ T elicits from ss using pictures 1. Warm Up - Ss skim the words and tell the - Kim’s game: write the name of the items (P.85) name of the items 15’ 2 . Pre. Listening - record - Introduction - T introduces (picture) - Comeprehension questions - Ss look at the picture – answer the . How much are these envelopes? questions . How much is this pen? - T elicits from ss asking the … questions and let ss guess . What is the total cost? - Ss guess the prices of the items . How much change will Mrs Robinson have from 60,000 dong? Answer Key: The total cost is 59,000 dong. She will have 1,000 dong in change. 15’ 3 . While Listening - Ss listen to the passage and check their prediction - Listen to the passage 9’. - Check ss prediction 4 . Post Listening - Answer the Questions: B5 - P.85 a. How much is it to mail a local letter in VietNam? b. How much is a letter to America? c. What does the post office sell apart from stamps? d. Do you write to anyone overseas? Who?. - Ss answer the questions - T gives the correct answers - modelling - choral & individual repetition - Ss practise asking and answering the questions - T puts ss in groups (open pairclosed pairs – monitor.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> 1’. 5. Homework - Do exercises in workbook. - write homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span>

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