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ke hoach HSG 9

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>KÕ ho¹ch båi giái m«n TiÕng Anh líp 9 I, §Æc ®iÓm t×nh h×nh 1, ThËn lîi: - Giáo viên giảng dạy có trình độ chuyên môn tơng đối vững vàng, có kinh nghiệm bồi dỡng học sinh giỏi, đã từng nhiều năm bồi dỡng học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 - §îc nhµ trêng quan t©m, t¹o ®iÒu kiÖn tèt, bè trÝ thêi gian cho viÖc «n tËp 2, Khã kh¨n - Chơng trình Tiếng Anh 8 đợc đa ra với khối lợng kiến thức tơng đối lớn trong khi học sinh cha có điều kiện để ôn luyện thờng xuyên - Trang thiÕt bÞ, s¸ch n©ng cao cho viÖc båi dìng häc sinh giái cßn nhiÒu h¹n chÕ 3, Phân tích đặc điểm tình hình các học sinh trong đội tuyển a, Danh sách học sinh trong đội tuyển - Ph¹m ThÞ Thuý Quúnh - Ph¹m Thanh HuyÒn - Ph¹m ThÞ Duyªn b, KÕt qu¶ kh¶o s¸t Năm học 2011- 2012, đội tuyển HSG khối lớp 8 môn Tiếng Anh đạt 3 giải trong đó có 2 giải nh× , 1 gi¶i ba Chất lợng khảo sát đầu năm, các em tham gia đều đạt loại giỏi c, NhËn xÐt - Các học sinh trong đội tuyển có kiến thức và kỹ năng tơng đối tốt, có ý thức trong học tập - Kü n¨ng nãi, viÕt vµ lµm bµi cña häc sinh cßn h¹n chÕ d ChØ tiªu: Phấn đấu đạt 3 giải trong kì thi học sinh giỏi cấp huyện trong đó có 2 giải nhì,1 giải ba Đồng đội xếp thứ từ 1-> 5 toàn huyện e, BiÖn ph¸p: - Hình thành đội tuyển, và hớng dẫn cách học cho các em - Có kế hoạch bồi dỡng đến từng học sinh, nhất là các kỹ năng còn yếu -Nghiªn cøu c¸c d¹ng bµi tËp phï hîp víi tõng lo¹i häc sinh, cho bµi tËp vµ ch÷a thêng xuyªn -¤n t©p, cñng cè c¸c kiÕn thøc mét c¸ch cã hÖ thèng - Có kế hoạch kiểm tra, đánh giá thờng xuyên f, Kế hoạch kiểm tra đánh giá - Có 5 bài kiêm tra đánh giá chất lợng học sinh, đuợc thực hiện sau mỗi 3 buổi ôn tập. II, KÕ ho¹ch cô thÓ Tên đơn vị Th¸ng kiÕn thøc. Lesson 1 9/2012. - Tenses: Present simple, present progressive, past simple, future simple. Yªu cÇu chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng Students will be able to: - Revise the use of the language content - Give the correct form of the verbs - Apply the language content in doing exercises and tests. PhÇn kiÕn thøc n©ng cao The mixed types of the tenses. Thêi gian thùc hiÖn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Lesson 2 9/2012. Lesson 3 9/2012. Lesson 4 9/2012 Lesson 5 9/2012. Lesson 6 9/2012. Lesson 7 9/ 2012 Lesson 8 10/2012 Lesson 9 10/2012 Lesson 10 10/2012 Lesson 11 10/2012. - The gerunds and infinities. - The agreement between the subjects and the verbs. Students will be able to: - Know the use of the gerunds Some and infinities special - Apply the language content models using in doing exercises and tests the gerunds and infinities. Students will be able to: - Know the use of the language content The - Write a description of the subjects in room special cases - Apply the language content in doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Revise the use of the language Test 1 content in the 3 lessons - Have skills of doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Know the use of the passive The passive form form in some - Apply the language content special cases Passive form in doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: Prepositions - Know the use of some usual prepositions The use of - Fill in the blanks with some more prepositions prepositions -Write a short imaginary story - Apply the language content in doing exercises and tests reported Students will be able to: Reported speech - Know the use of the reported speech with speech some -Write a letter to a friend special - Apply the language content cases in doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Revise the use of the language Test 2 content in the 3 lessons - Have skills of doing exercises and tests Subjunctive Students will be able to: mood - Know the use of Subjunctive Subjunctive sentences sentences - Apply the language content type 3 in doing exercises and tests Conditional Students will be able to: sentences - Know the use of conditional Conditional sentences sentences - Apply the language content type 3 in doing exercises and tests - Connectives Students will be able to: The - Know the use of connectives conectives - Combine sentences, using with the connectives nouns.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Lesson 12 10/2012. Test 3. Common Lesson structures 13 10/2012 Word Lesson formations 14 10/2012 Relative Lesson clauses 15 10/2012 Lesson 16 11/2012. Test 4. Tests in Lesson pevious years 17- 20 11/2012. - Have skill of doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Revise the use of the language content in the 3 lessons - Apply the language content in doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Know the use of some Common common structures structures - Apply the language content in doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Know how to form a word Word - Apply the language content formations in doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: Relative - Know the use of relative clauses with clauses where when, - Apply the language content why in doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Revise the use of the language content - Have skills of doing exercises and tests Students will be able to: - Know the use of content - Apply the language content in doing exercises and tests. 2, Một số dạng đề thờng gặp a, NhËn biÕt 1. Choose the word that is pronounced differently from the rest 2. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence 3. Match the phrase in the column A and B 4. Fill in the blanks (with the given words) b, Th«ng hiÓu 5. Give the correct form of the verbs 6. Give the correct form of the words 7. Fill in the blanks with preposition 8. Put the words in to the right order 9. Put the sentences in to the right order 10. Read the passage and choose the best answer 11. Read the passage and answer the questions 12. Write sentences as directed 13. Write sentences with the suggested words 14. Write sentences, using the verbs in the blankets 15. Find out and correct the mistakes 16. Complete a dialogue c, VËn dông s¸ng t¹o 17. Write a letter, using the suggested words 18. Write a short passage, using the suggested words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> bµi 1: c¸c th× c¨n b¶n (THE USE OF TENSES) Thì biểu thị thời gian và trạng thái của hành động được diễn đạt bằng động từ. Có 12 thì ở dạng chủ động của động từ tiếng Anh. Để hiểu được hình thái của các thì, ta có thể nghiên cứu cách chia động từ TO WORK trong bảng dưới đây : Simple. Continuous. Perfect. Perfect continuous. - I (You / I am - I (You / We / - I (You / We / We / They) working They) have They) have been - He (She / It) worked working Pres work - He (She / is working - He (She / It) - He ( She / It) ent It) works - You (We / has worked has been working They) are working - I (You / - I (He / She / - I (You / He / - I (You / He / She Past He / She / It) was She / It / We / / It / We / They) It / We / working They) had had been working They) - You (We / worked worked They) were working - I (We) - I (We) shall - I (We) shall - I (We) shall Futu shall work be working have worked have been working re - You (He / - You (He / - You (He / - You (He / She / She / it / She / It / They) She / it / They) It / They) will They) will will be will have have been working work working worked 1, SO SAÙNH THÌ SIMPLE PRESENT VAØ THÌ PRESENT CONTINUOUS Tiếng Anh có hai thì hiện tại mà đa số các em học sinh hay lẫn lộn cách sử dụng. Đó laø thì hieän taïi ñôn (Simple Present) vaø thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn (Present Continuous). * Thì Simple Present được dùng để chỉ một hành động diễn ra trong thời gian nói chung, không nhất thiết phải là thời gian ở hiện tại. Thời gian nói chung là thời gian mà sự việc diễn ra mỗi ngày (every day), mỗi tuần (every week), mỗi tháng (every month), moãi naêm (every year), moãi muøa (every spring / summer / autumn / winter)… - He goes to school every day..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> * Thì Present Continuous được dùng để chỉ một hành động đang xảy ra (a current activity) hay một sự việc chúng ta đang làm bây giờ (now/ at present/ at this moment), hoâm nay (today), tuaàn naøy (this week), naêm nay (this year)… - We are learning English now. - Mary is playing the piano at the moment. Haõy so saùnh : - I work in a bakery every day. - I’m working in a bakery this week. * CHUÙ YÙ : (1) + Thì Simple Present thường được dùng với các động từ chỉ tri giác (verbs of perception) như : feel, see, hear… và các động từ chỉ trạng thái như : know, understand, mean, like, prefer, love, hate, need, want, remember, recognize, believe… + Ngoài ra chúng ta còn dùng thì Simple Present với động từ : be, appear, belong, have to… + Thì Simple Present còn được dùng với các trạng từ chỉ tần suất lập đi lập lại (adverbs of frequency) nhö : always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, generally, rarely, never… - That child needs care. - This book belongs to me. - He never comes late. + Chúng ta cũng dùng thì Simple Present để chỉ một chân lý hay một sự thật hiển nhiên (a general truth). - The sun rises in the east. - Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. (2) Thì Present Continuous còn được dùng để chỉ hành động ở một tương lai gần (a near future action) và thường đi với các trạng từ chỉ tương lai như : tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next summer… Exercise I : Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous tense. 1/ I (have) __________ coffee for breakfast every day. 2/ My brother (work) __________ in a shoe store this summer. 3/ The student (look) ___________ up that new word now. 4/ She (go) __________ to school every day. 5/ We (do) __________ this exercise at the moment. 6/ Miss Helen (read) ___________ a newspaper now. 7/ It (rain) __________ very much in the summer. It (rain) _________ now. 8/ Bad students never (work) __________ hard. 9/ He generally (sing) __________ in English, but today he (sing) __________ in Spanish..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 10/ We seldom (eat) __________ before 6.30. 2, SO SAÙNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VAØ THÌ SIMPLE PAST * Thì Present perfect (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành) được dùng để chỉ một quá khứ không rõ thời điểm còn liên lạc với hiện tại. * Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) được dùng để chỉ một quá khứ có thời điểm rõ rệt cắt đứt với hiện tại. + CHUÙ YÙ : (1) Thì Present Perfect thường đi với những từ như : up to now, up to the present, so far (cho tới nay), not … yet (vẫn chưa), for, since, ever (đã từng), never, several times (nhiều lần), just (vừa), recently (vừa mới), lately (mới đây) ... - Have you ever seen a tiger ? - The train has not arrived yet. - We have lived here for 6 years. - The bell has just rung. (2) * Thì Simple Past thường đi với những tiếng chỉ thời gian quá khứ xác định như : yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last summer, ago. - We came here a month ago. - He went to the cinema yesterday. * Thì Simple Past còn được dùng để chỉ một chuỗi các hành động kế tiếp xảy ra trong quá khứ. - He closed all the windows, locked the doors and then went out. Exercise II : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense. 1/ We (never watch) __________ that TV programme. 2/ We (wacth) __________ a good programme on TV last night. 3/ He (read) __________ that novel many times before. 4/ He (read) __________ that novel again during my last vacation. 5/ I (have) __________ a little trouble with my car last week. 6/ However, I (have) __________ no trouble with my car since then. 7/ I (not see) __________ John for a long time. I (see) __________ him 3 weeks ago. 8/ The school bell (ring) __________. We must go now. 9/ I (meet) __________ Mary last night. She (become) __________ a very big girl. 10/ He is very thirsty. He (not drink) __________ since this morning. 3, SO SAÙNH CONTINUOUS. THÌ. PRESENT. PERFECT. VAØ THÌ. PRESENT. PERFECT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> + Thì Present perfect (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành) được dùng để chỉ kết quả của một tình trạng ở hiện tại (the result of the present state), một việc xảy ra trong quá khứ không rõ thời điểm, lập đi lập lại nhiều lần và kéo dài đến hiện tại. + Thì Present Perfect Continuous (Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn) được dùng để chỉ sự tiếp diễn của một hành động (the continuity of an action) cho tới hiện tại. - I have been waiting for two hours, but she has not come yet. - He has been living here since 1975. - We have been working in the garden all morning. + Thì Present Perfect Continuous còn được dùng với các động từ như : lie, wait, sit, stand, study, learn, live, rest, stay… - They have been learning English since 1995. - The chair has been lying in the store window for ages. Exercise III : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous tense. 1/ I (try) _______ to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) __________ yet. 2/ She (read) ________ all the works of Dickens.How many (you read) ______ ? 3/ I (wait) __________ here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; do you think she (forget) __________ to come ? 4/ Mary (rest) __________ in the garden all day because she (be) __________ ill. 5/ Although John (study) __________ at the University for 5 years, he (not get) _________ his degree yet. 6/ Jack (go) __________ to Switzerland for a holiday. He (never, be) __________ there. 7/ We (live) __________ here for the last six months, and (just, decide) ________ to move. 8/ That book ( lie) __________ on the table for weeks. You (not read) _________ it yet ? 9/ He (not be) ___________ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live) __________ since then. 10/ He (lose) ___________ his books. He (look) ____________ for them all afternoon, but they (not turn up) ___________ yet. 4, SO SAÙNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VAØ THÌ PAST CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) được dùng để chỉ một hành động ngắn (thình lình) xảy ra trong quá khứ. - I met him in the street yesterday. + Thì Past Continuous (Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn) được dùng để chỉ một hành động kéo dài trong quá khứ tương ứng với một hành động khác cũng trong quá khứ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - I met him while he was crossing the street. - She was going home when she saw an accident. + Thì Past Continuous còn diễn tả một hành động kéo dài tại điểm thời gian xác định ở quá khứ hoặc hai hành động liên tiếp song song với nhau. - My father was watching TV at 8 o’clock last night. - I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV. Exercise V : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous tense. 1/ He (sit) __________ in a bar when I (see) __________ him. 2/ When I (go) __________ out, the sun (shine) __________. 3/ The light (go) __________ out while I (have) __________ tea. 4/ When it (rain) __________ , she(carry) __________ an umbrella. 5/ We (walk) __________ to the station when it (begin) __________ to rain. 6/ He (teach) __________ English for 2 months when he (live) in Germany and (work) __________ as a journalist. 7/ The house (burn) __________ fast, so we (break) __________ the window to get out. 8/ He (eat) __________ three sandwiches while you (talk) __________ to him. 9/ The servant (drop) __________ two cups while she (wash up) __________ last night; neither of them (break) __________. 10/ While I (write) __________ a letter, the telephone (ring) Bµi 2: §éng tõ ph©n tõ vµ nguyªn thÓ ( GERUNDS & INFINITIVES ) A. DANH ĐỘNG TỪ : (Gerund) Danh động từ có cấu trúc giống như hiện tại phân từ ( tức là động từ thêm ING) : talking, learning, cutting, lying… Danh động từ, như tên gọi, là động từ dùng như danh từ. Danh động từ chủ yếu đứng ở vị trí, và thực hiện chức năng, của một danh từ trong câu. Nó thường được : 1/ Dùng làm chủ từ : (subject) - Swimming is good for our health. - Being friendly will bring you friends. 2/ Dùng làm túc từ cho động từ : (object of a verb) - These boys like swimming. - My brother practises speaking English every day. 3/ Dùng làm bổ ngữ cho chủ từ : (subject complement) - My hobby is swimming. - Seeing is believing. 4/ Dùng làm túc từ cho giới từ : (object of a preposition) - He is fond of swimming..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - She is interested in learning English. 5/ Dùng trong câu ngăn cấm ngắn (short prohibition) hoặc để thành lập danh từ kép (compound noun) - No smoking. - No talking, please. 6/ Dùng sau tính từ sở hữu : - Please forgive my coming late. - His driving carelessly often causes accidents. 7/ Dùng sau một số động từ và một số cách diễn đạt nhất định như : admit, advise, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, like, mind, practise, postpone, quit, risk, suggest, can’t help, can’t bear, can’t stand, be worth, be busy, it’s no use, there’s no… - We enjoy listening to music. - I can’t help laughing when she makes jokes. B. ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU : (Infinitive) Động từ nguyên mẫu thường có giới từ to đứng trước (to do, to learn, to help, to advise…) và được dùng trong những trường hợp sau : 1/ Làm chủ từ (subject), túc từ (object) hoặc bổ ngữ (complement) trong câu : - To conceal the truth from her was foolish. - He wanted to become a spaceman. - What he asked for is to be left alone. 2/ Làm tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ : - He was the first man to leave the room. - English is an important language to master. 3/ Làm trạng từ diễn tả các nội dung sau : * Mục đích của hành động. - He went to the station to meet her. - He bought a dictionary to study English. * Keát quaû, haäu quaû. (sau TOO +Adj / Adv) - She is too tired to go for a walk. - The box was too heavy for her to carry. * Hieäu quaû. (sau Adj / Adv + ENOUGH) - I’m strong enough to carry that heavy box. - He isn’t rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi. 4/ Dùng sau một số động từ nhất định như : afford, agree, arrange, decide, demand, expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise,refuse, threaten, want, wish, would like… - They promised to come back soon. - He can’t afford to take a taxi..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> …và dùng sau một số động từ có túc từ (verb + obj + to inf) như : advise, allow, ask, beg, encourage, expect, forbid, force, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remind, teach, tell, want, warn… - They don’t allow us to smoke in the office. - I taught myself to play the guitar. + Chú ý : Một số động từ có thể theo sau bởi danh động từ hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu nhưng có sự khác biệt về nghĩa trong câu. (*) Remember + gerund : nhớ lại việc đã thực hiện. - I remember posting the letter. Remember + to infinitive : nhớ để thực hiện. - I remember to post the letter. (*) Stop + gerund : ngưng thực hiện việc đang làm. - She stopped mending the dress. Stop + to infinitive : ngưng làm một việc gì khác để làm việc này. - He stopped to have a drink. (*) Try + gerund : thử làm việc gì . - I try writing in blue ink to see if my handwriting is better. Try + to infinitive : coá gaéng laøm vieäc gì. - They tried to work as hard as they could. (*) Mean + gerund : mang yù nghóa. - Failure in the exam means having to learn one more year. Mean + to infinitive : dự định làm việc gì. - He means to take the coming exam. (*) Forget + gerund : quên điều gì đã xảy ra. - I forgot telling her this story. Forget + to infinitive : queân laøm ñieàu gì. - I forgot to tell her about this. (*) Regret + gerund : hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra. - She regrets going to a village school. Regret + to infinitive : hoái tieác seõ laøm vieäc gì. - The party was great. He regretted not to go there. C. ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU KHÔNG “TO”. (Bare Infinitive) Đây là động từ nguyên thể không đi kèm với to (infinitive without to) và được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sau : 1/ Dùng sau các động từ khiếm khuyết (Modal verbs) như : can, could, may, might, must, ought to… - You may go now. - They must finish the work by now. 2/ Dùng sau các động từ : HAVE, LET, MAKE, HELP….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - I helped the child tidy his desk. - He had a painter paint the gate. - They let him enter the room without a ticket. - My parents make me go to bed early. 3/ Dùng sau BUT, EXCEPT với nghĩa “ngoại trừ” - Why don’t you do anything but complain? - She agreed to do everything but help him with the homework. 4/ Dùng sau các động từ chỉ giác quan như : see, watch, hear, notice, observe, spot… - We heard them sing all morning. - He saw the thief enter the hall. Chú ý : như ta đã biết hiện tại phân từ (present participle) có thể được dùng cho các động từ trên để diễn tả hành động đang tiếp diễn. Còn động từ nguyên thể dùng trong trường hợp này chỉ hành động đã hoàn tất. - I watched them playing football for a while. (trận đấu vẫn đang tiếp diễn) - I watched them play football yesterday afternoon. (xem toàn bộ trận đấu) EXERCISE I : Supply the correct form of the verbs : 1/ Could I (see) _________ Mr. Brown, please ? 2/ He told me (try) _________ (come) _________ early. 3/ I wanted her (learn) _________ English. 4/ Will you (help) _________ me (move) _________ this desk ? 5/ Please (let) _________ me (know) _________ your opinion. 6/ Would you like (paint) _________ your bike or should I (have) _________ a painter (do) _________ it for you ? 7/ He warned me (not come) _________ late. 8/ There’s no (tell) _________ what might (happen) _________. 9/ Did you (see) _________ Tom (try) _________ (reach) ________ the top of the dresser ? - He’s too short (reach) _________ it. 10/ We had to (ask) _________ the students (stop) _________ (make) _____ so much noise.. EXERCISE II : Use the correct verb form : 1/ The children are busy (collect) _________ shells on the beach. 2/ The teacher promised (help) _________ us (prepare) _________ for the examination. 3/ We regret (say) ______ that the lecture was dull and wasn’t worth (listen) _______ to. 4/ There’s no (deny) _________ that he enjoys (listen) _________ to his own voice. 5/ Is (boil) _________ or (fry) _________ the best way of (cook) _________ this fish ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 6/ It’s no use your (ask) _________ him (lend) _________ you any money. 7/ Can you manage(finish) _________ (write) _________ these reports by yourself ? 8/ He advised me( consider) ____ all the facts before (decide) ____ (accept) _____ the job. 9/ They refused (allow) _______ us (go) _______ in without (sign) _______ the book. 10/ My uncle used to (show) ________ me where (go) ______ and what (buy) ________. 11/ There’s nothing like (walk) _________ as a means of (keep) _________ fit. 12/ Your doctor advised (go) ___ to bed early, so I really can’t understand your (want) ___ (stay) _____ up late. 13/ We considered (give) ___ her a dress for her birthday, but couldn’t help (buy) ______ her some flowers, too. 14/ There’s nothing (be) _____ done about it now except (tell) _____ the police the truth. 15/ I remember (hear) ________ him (say) ________ the grass needed (cut) _______. EXERCISE III : Rewrite the following sentences. 1/ Would you close the door, please ? - Would you mind _______________________________________ ? 2/ They didn’t allow us to smoke in here. - They didn’t let _____________________________________________. 3/ My teacher advised buying that book. - My teacher advised us _______________________________________. 4/ The thief forced the bank manager to lie on the ground. - The thief made _____________________________________________. 5/ He has studied English for six years. - He began __________________________________________________. 6/ It is necessary to master English. - Mastering __________________________________________________. 7/ He spent two hours writing the essay. - It took _____________________________________________________. 8/ He is too young to ride a motorbike. - He isn’t ____________________________________________________. 9/ The bag was so heavy that she couldn’t carry it upstairs. - The bag was too _____________________________________________. 10/ He expects to hear from her as soon as possible. - He is looking forward _________________________________________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> bài 3: Sự hoà hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ (THE AGREEMENT OF A VERB WITH ITS SUBJECT) Theo luật chung một động từ bao giờ cũng hòa hợp với chủ từ của no ù- tức là – nếu chủ từ số ít thì động từ theo sau cũng ở số ít và ngược lại nếu chủ từ số nhiều thì theo sau là động số nhiều. Tuy mhiên, ta hãy chú ý 10 luật đặc biệt sau: [1] : Hai hay nhiều chủ từ số ít được nối bởi liên từ AND thì đòi hỏi một động số nhiều. - The boy and the girl love their parents dearly. - Tom and Mary were late yesterday. Tuy nhiên, nếu hai chử từ này diễn tả một người, một vật hay một ý tưởng chung thì động từ vẫn ở số ít. Bread and butter is my daily breakfast. - To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life. [2] : Hai chủ từ được nối với nhau bằng AND mà trước chủ từ đầù có EACH, EVERY, MANY A, NO thì động từ phải ở số ít. - Each boy and girl has a textbook. - No teacher and student is present. [3] : Khi hai chủ từ được nối bởi OR, EITHER… OR, NEITHER…NOR… thì động từ hòa hợp cùng ngôi với chủ từ gần nó nhất. - He or you are the best student in this class. - Neither Jack nor I am willing to do that. [4] : Khi hai chủ từ đượ nối bởi AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH thì động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ thứ nhất. - John, as well as you, is responsible for this act. - Tom, with his friends, is in the car. [5] : Một danh từ tập hợp (collective noun) cần một động từ số nhiều khi ta ngụ ý nói tới từng cá nhân tạo nên tập hợp ấy; nhưng động từ vẫn số ít khi ta ngụ ý nói chung, coi cả tập hợp như một đơn vị. - The family of this dead soldier is noble. - The family go to the movies every Sunday morning. [6] : Khi chủ từ là danh từ có hình thức là số nhiều nhưng nghĩa lại là số ít thì động từ chia ở số ít. - No news is good news. - Physics is more difficult than chemistry. Các danh từ thường gặp như : news, physics, mathematics, politics, gymnastics, phonetics, measles, mumps, rickets, the United States, the Philippines….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> [7] : Khi chủ từ là danh từ chỉ trọng lượng, đo lường, giá cả hay giá tiền thì được coi là số ít, động từ theo sau cũng ở số ít. - Ten thousand dollars is a big sum of money. - Five hundred miles is a long distance. [8] : Khi chủ từ là đại từ bất định như : everyone, something, nobody…thì động từ theo sau phải ở số ít. - Nobody has opened the door. - Is everyone present ? [9] : Trong câu bắt đầu bằng THERE thì động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ theo sau nó. - There stands a pagoda facing the little lake. - There were a lot of people at the meeting. [10] : Động từ có chủ từ là đại từ quan hệ thì phải hòa hợp cùng ngôi và số với tiền vị từ của đại từ ấy. - He works for the factory which makes cars. - The man who is living near my house teaches us English. EXERCISE I : Choose the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences. 1. John along with twenty friends, (is / are) ________ planning a party. 2. The picture of the soldiers (bring / brings) ________ back many memories. 3. The quality of these recordings (is / are) ________ not very good. 4. If the duties of these officers (isn’t / aren’t) ________ reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project. 5. Neither Bill nor Mary (is / are) ________ going to the play tonight. 6. Anything (is / are) ________ better than going to another movie tonight. 7. A number of reporters (was / were) ________ at the conference yesterday. 8. There (was / were) ________ some people at the meeting last night. 9. Each student (has / have) ________ answered the first three questions. 10. Either John or his wife (make / makes) ________ breakfast each morning. 11. The army (has / have) ________ eliminated this section of the training test. 12. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is / are) appalling. 13. Every elementary school teacher (has / have) ________ to take this examination. 14. The police (come / comes) ________ to the site of the accident. 15. These pictures, as well as photograph (brighten / brightens) ________ the room. 16. What he told you (seem / seems) ________ to be of on importance. 17. Tow years (is / are) ________ a long time to wait. 18. Bread and butter (is / are) ________ what she asks for. 19. Measles (is / are) ________ cured without much difficulty nowadays..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 20. After a long day’s work (is / are) ________ not the right time to dancing. EXERCISE II : Either .... or .... Neither ... nor ... Insert “is, am, are, was, were, has, have, do or does” 1. That clown shows that either snow or rain ________ about to fall. 2. Neither the cock nor the hens ________ in the ward. 3. By what time ________ either you or your father decided to go ? 4. Either one or tow apples ________ been picked up ripe. 5. Neither the moon nor stars ________ visible in this dark night. EXERCISE III : As well as. Insert “is, am, are, was, were, has, have, do or does”. 1. This house as well as that ________ for sale, which will you have ? 2. The horse as well as the rider ________ hurt by the fall. 3. James as well as Mary ________ won a prize this term. 4. Beauty as well as health ________ fallen to her lot in life. 5. I myself as well as James ________ gone to the party. 6. The cock as well as the hens ________ calling for food. 7. A garden as well as stables ________ attached to the house. 8. A garden as well as a stable ________ attached to the house. 9. The hens as well as the cock ________ calling for food. 10. Stables as well as a garden ________ attached to the house.. bµi 4 Written Test No1 I, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, After ( 1- spend) a week in the countryside, he didn’t enjoy( 2- live) in the country and began ( 3 - think) of ( 4- sell) his house 2, Your hair needs ( 5- cut) . you had better ( 6- have) it ( 7 – do) tomorrow. 3, When she came, the house ( 8 - paint) 4, I can’t go out because I ( 9 - not / finished) my homework. 5, He (10 - consider) ( 11 - be) a teacher of English for a long time. 1, ………………………….. 2, ………………………. 3, ………………………. 4, ………………………….. 5, ……………………… 6, ………………………. 7, ……………………….…. 8, …..………………….. 9, ……………………… 10, ………………………… 11, ……………………… II, Fill in the blanks My brother , ………….. is seven years older …………. I am , decided to take me with him on a trip. We went to a farm far from the place …………we lived. My brother wanted to stay there for a …………..days. We were tired when we got to the farm. The weather was warm and I told my brother to go ………….a swim in the river. He said that ………….it was warm , the water in the river was still cold. But the idea of cold water did………….. frighten me. I took …………….my clothes and jumped into the water. But the water was ……………..cold that I couldn’t move. I had to get out as fast …………possible but I caught a cold and had to stay in bed. III, Fill in the blanks with correct preposition. 1, He has much difficulty ………………finding the hotel. 2, My sister left school …………….the age ……………..ten and she lived ……… a small sum ……….money..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 3, Japan is very famous ………..its cars. 4, That cake is not good ………..your health because it is made ………….a lot of sugar. 5, His pen pal was really impressed ………………the beauty ………..the village. 6, Jeans was named…………..sailors …………..Genoa………..Italy. 7, Mrs. Ha turned …………..the faucet before going ……………...work but she forgot to turn………….. IV, Choose the best answer 1, After …………..a difficult test, they felt tired. A. making B. having C. writing D. playing 2. She talked about the children……….bike was broken. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 3, My father got used to ………………in the city. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived 4, He forgot to bring out his raincoat …………….he got wet A. because B. so C. if D. but 5, …………………..the book is very short , we liked it very much. A. therefore B. through C. however D. though 6,His teacher wouldn’t go there if he invited , ………………….? A. would he B. wouldn’t he C. will he D. couldn’t he 7, If we don’t …………………….on electricity , there will be power cut. A. economic B. economy C. economical D. economize 8, Would you mind …………………the windows? A. to open B . opening C. open D. opened 9, The man…………….next to me was very nervous. A. sits B. is sitting C. sitting D. sit 10, This is the first time I …………..this film. A. am seeing B. saw C. see D. have seen V, Rewrite sentences as directed 1, I would rather learn English to listen to music.  I’d prefer………………………………………………………………………… 2, Collecting stamps is one of his interests  He is ……………………………………………………………………………. 3, They don’t meet their mother because they don’t go there  If they ………………………………………………………………………….. 4, “ Would you like to have some coffee, Lan?” . said Nga .  Nga invited ……………………………………………………………… 5, How many books did his father buy for him yesterday?  How many books were …………………………………………………………? 6, That cake was too hard for him to eat  It was ……………………………………………………………………………. 7, I last saw my father 3 years ago  I haven’t ……………………………………………………………………… 8, I always remember the day. I first met you on that day  I never ………………………………………………………………………… VI, Give the correct form of the words 1, A. Bell is a famous ………………………His …………………..are known all over the world.( invent) 2, Could you tell me about the sun’s …………….? ( hot) 3, His long ………………made us bored and sleepy.( speak) 4, That computer is ………………… It doesn’t work any more( use) 5, The air …………………..can cause a lot of diseases. ( pollute) 6, You are very ………………….from your brother ( differ) 7, The …………………vegetables can make people feel sick( poison) 8, The meeting finished without a single ……………….( agree). VII, Correct the mistakes in the sentences 1, Are you looking forward to meet her on the weekend? 2, Some flowers are planting in the garden when he came..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 3, He couldn’t find the ways if he was in Hanoi. 4, She asked me if I did play soccer in the yard. 5, I’m sorry at not writing to you. 6, The girls whom are buying flowers are my friends. 7, Don’t make too much noise , do you? 8, She suggests to use bikes instead of cars. 1, ………………………….. 2, ………………………. 3, ………………………. 4, ………………………….. 5, ……………………… 6, ………………………. 7, ……………………….…. 8, …..…………………... Written Test No2 I. Choose whose underlined part is pronounced differently 1. A. prayed B. divided C. arrived D. seemed 2. A. means B. rests C. drinks D. surfs 3. A. depend B. benefit C. invent D.enable 4. A. hobby B. hard C. hour D. hungry 5. A. reading B.speaking C. learning D. pleasing 6. A. movie B. possible C. college D. scholar 7. A. blanket B. relax C. travel D. admire 8. A. there B. healthy C. gather D. northern 9. A. special B. century C. city D. notice 10. A. humour B. student C. lunar D. useful II, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, Yesterday , Hoang ( 1- spend) 3 hours ( 2- repair) his computer. 2, The man (3- stand) there wants (4- meet) you. 3, They have tried ( 5- mend) the bike for an hour, but they (6- not/finish) yet. 4, I don’t think I ( 7- go) out tonight. I ( 8- be) too tired. 5, Trung’s father ( 9- teach) him how (10- ride) when he (11- be) small. 6, I ( 12 - be ) very poor now. but if I (13- have) a car, I (14- take) you there. 1, ………………… 2, ………………… 3, ………………… 4, ………………… 5, ………………… 6, ………………… 7, ………………… 8, …..…………… 9, ………………… 10, ………………… 11, ……………… 12, …………………… 13, ………………………… 14, ……………………… II, Choose the best answer 1, I knew him……………….. I was a child. A. until B. when C. as D. during 2. I wish I ………………a president now. A. am B. is C. was D. were 3, Viet got up late……………..he didn’t catch the last bus. A. but B. so C. as D. when 4, He won’t get any money ……………..he hasn’t have a job. A. unless B. however C. if D. therefore 5, They have never………………...any experience of living in the country. A. had B. wished C. done D. made 6, Do you …………………. my turning on the TV now? A. want B. ask C. object D. mind 7, It is a great…………….that you don’t know much about that. A. sadness B. happiness C. pity D. sorrow 8, His father didn’t have………………to do the work. A. time enough B . enough time C. too time D. so time that III, Fill in the blanks being, most, of, doing, also, polluted, should, without, reduce, cause Environmental pollution is one of the ……………… serious problems of our time. Air, water, and land are all ………………… These days, it is impossible for us to open a newspaper.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> ……………….reading about the damage we are ………….to the environment . The earth is ………………destroyed and pollution can…………….a lot of diseases for people and animals. Polluted water can kill fishes and even plants. So what should we do to …………..the pollution? We …………clean up our polluted river and plant more trees to give fresh air. Beside that we suggest using bikes instead …………..cars, motorbikes… By doing this, we not only save much money and natural resources, but…………..the environment will be cleaner. V, Fill in the blanks with correct preposition. 1, Who often helps your mother …………..the housework……………your family? 2, Vehicles accounts …………..air pollution…………….big city . 3, I’m very worried ……………..the test . Can you give me some advice ………. how to pass it ? 4, They went boating………….the river and had a picnic ………..the river bank . 5, Can you tell the differences …………..him and his brother? 6, He went ………….of the room in spite …………..the heavy rain . 7, Tim has got married ……………Mary …………….over a year. 8, The snow prevented the plane ……………… taking ………………. VI, Give the correct form of the words 1, Ba always studies his lessons very …………….before his exams.( care) 2, He is …………………..that he didn’t win the race. ( disappoint ) 3, Her children made her …………………all day .( business) 4, We will never forget that………………….day. (enjoy) 5, ……………….try to attract people to buy their ………………. ( produce) 6, These buildings are small in ………………with those in New York. ( compare) 7, She is not …………………with her work.( satisfy) 8, Tell me the reason for your …………………yesterday. ( absent) VII, Rewrite sentences as directed 1, “Why don’t we go out for a while?” he asked.  He suggests …………………………………………………………………… 2, Study harder or you will fail the exams.  If you …………………………………………………………………………… 3, I have never seen such a beautiful house before.  This is the first time …………………………………………………………… 4, It was cold but we went swimming .  In spite of ……………………………………………………………………….. 5, “I would help this man if I were you, Lan” Nga said  Nga advised …………………………………………………………………… 6, Hoa is too young, so she can’t do that work  If ………………………………………………………………………………. 7, It is necessary for students to do their homework  Students have ………………………………………………………………… 8, She is going to have a test . It is forty minutes long  She is going …………………………………………………………………… 9, Ba thinks speaking English is better than learning grammar  Ba prefers ……………………………………………………………………… 10, That girl’s mother used to work with me.  That is the ……………………………………………………………………. Bµi 5: THỂ THỤ ĐỘNG (THE PASSIVE VOICE) * Thể chủ động (active voice) là cách đặt câu mà chủ từ đóng vai trò chủ động. - Mr. Brown wrote the report yesterday. - He has already finished his homework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> * Thể thụ động (passive voice) là cách đặt câu mà chủ từ đóng vai trò bị động. - That house was built 100 years ago. - Those windows are painted blue.  Passive sentence :. S + be + past participle. 1/ Haõy quan saùt ví duï sau : * Active :Tombrokethe chair yesterday. S V O * Passive :The chairwas brokenby Tom yesterday. S be + P.P by doer 2/ Ghi nhớ: Cách đổi một câu từ active sang passive : * Lấy túc từ (O) trong câu chủ động xuống làm chủ từ (S) trong câu thụ động. * Nhận xét xem động từ chia trong câu chủ động ở thì nào, ta chia TO BE ở thì đó rồi viết động từ chính ở dạng quá khứ phân từ (p.p). * Lấy chủ từ (S) trong câu chủ động xuống làm doer trong câu thụ động, nhớ viết BY ngay đằng trước. * Trạng từ giữ nguyên không đổi và thường đặt cuối câu (nếu là trạng từ chỉ thời gian). 3/ Moät vaøi ví duï khaùc : + (a) simple present : [Subject+ am / is / are + P.P ] - Mr.Green teaches history.  History is taught by Mr.Green. + (b) present perfect : [ S + has / have + been + p.p ] - He has just done his homework.  His homework has just been done by him. + (c) present continuous : [ S + am / is / are / + being + p.p] - She is cleaning the windows.  The windows are being cleaned by her. + (d) simple past : [ S + was / were + p.p] - The boss sacked ten workers.  Ten workers were sacked by the boss. + (e) past perfect : [ S + had been + p.p] - Mary had written the letter.  The letter had been written by Mary. + (f) Past continuous : [ S + was / were + being + p.p] - The police were questioning Tom.  Tom was being questioned by the police..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> + (g) simple future: [ S + will / shall + be + p.p] - John will deliver the letter.  The letter will be delivered by John. + (h) Modal verbs : [ S + must / can / may … + be + p.p] - He must do it right now.  It must be done by him right now. + (i) special structures : [ S + is / are going to + be + p.p] - The engineers are going to build the bridge.  The bridge is going to be built by the engineers. (… còn áp dụng với các cấu trúc khác như : have to, had to, used to, ought to …) + (j) 2 objects : - They gave me a present yesterday.  I was given a present yesterday(by them).  A present was given to me yesterday(by them). (Neáu sau BY laø them / people / someone / somebody…ta coù theå boû ñi) + (k) perception verb with bare infinitive : [ S + be – p.p + to inf ] - I never hear him shout at his children.  He is never heard to shout at his children. + (l) perception verb with present partciple : [ S + be – p.p + V-ing ] - I saw the boy coming into the room.  The boy was seen coming into the room. + (m) With ‘make’ : [ S + be – made + to inf ] - They made me do it.  I was made to do it. + (n) With ‘let’ : [ S + be – let + bare inf ] - They let him do it.  He was let do it. + (o) With ‘begin or start’: [ S + begin / start + to be + p.p ] - They began to build the house in 1980.  The house began to be built in 1980. + (p) With “say, report, rumour…’: - People say that prevention is better than cure.  It is said that prevention is better than cure.  Prevention is said to be better than cure. (…cách đổi này được áp dụng cho các động từ nhö: SAY, REPORT, THINK, BELIEVE, RUMOUR…) + (q) caâu meänh leänh : [ Let + O + be – p.p ] - Open the door, please.  Let the door be opened, please. EXERCISE I : Supply the correct tense and voice..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> 1/ Everyone (shock) … was shocked … by the news yesterday. 2/ Almost everyone (enjoy)… enjoyed … the lecture last night. 3/ English (speak) _________ all over the world. 4/ A terrible accident (happen) _________ right here at 6 o’clock last night. 5/ Mr. Smith (teach) _________ at this university since 1985. 6/ Not much (say) _________ about the matter since last week. 7/ He (borrow) _________ the money from her two weeks ago. 8/ A new textbook (publish) _________ by that company next year. 9/ Everything (go) _________ well so far. There (be) _________ no trouble yet. 10/ Who the book (write) _________ by ? 11/ Think carefully. I’m sure you (remember) _________ his name. 12/ The report (examine) _________ now. EXERCISE II : Turn into the passive voice. 1/ He is running his own restaurant. - ______________________________________________________ 2/ The secretary opens the mails every morning. - ______________________________________________________ 3/ The teacher doesn’t allow me to take the seat by the window. - ______________________________________________________ 4/ Tom’s absence worried his mother. - ______________________________________________________ 5/ They are building a new school in this town. - ______________________________________________________ 6/ You should finish the report right now. - ______________________________________________________ 7/ We shall discuss the matter in the afternoon. - ______________________________________________________ 8/ Are you going to post this letter ? - ______________________________________________________ 9/ He has to pay the bills before the fifth of the month. - ______________________________________________________ 10/ No one has opened that box for the past hundred years. - ______________________________________________________ EXERCISE III : Change to the active voice. 1/ Progress in science is being made day after day. - ______________________________________________________ 2/ The palace was designed by a French architect. - ______________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 3/ The road in front of my house has been paved. - ______________________________________________________ 4/ You can see that the dishes haven’t been washed. - ______________________________________________________ 5/ Our salaries will not be increased this year. - ______________________________________________________ EXERCISE IV : Rewrite the following sentences. 1/ People don’t learn a foreign language in a short time. - ______________________________________________________ 2/ Did anyone ask any questions about me ? - ______________________________________________________ 3/ Henry wrote that book years ago, didn’t he ? - ______________________________________________________ 4/ I wasn’t introduced to any of the guests. - ______________________________________________________ 5/ What sort of research are they doing in the laborotary ? - ______________________________________________________ EXERCISE V : More exercises on Passive voice. 1. Yes - No questions : a. Do they teach English here ? - ___________________________________________________ b. Will you invite her to your wedding party ? - ___________________________________________________ c. Did the teacher give some exercises ? - ___________________________________________________ d. Is she going to write poem ? - ___________________________________________________ e. Have they changed the window of the laboratory ? - ___________________________________________________ f. Is she making big cakes for the party ? - ___________________________________________________ 2. Wh - questions : a. Why didn’t they help him ? - ___________________________________________________ b. How many games has the team played ? - ___________________________________________________ c. Where do people speak English ? - ___________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> d. Who are they keeping in the kitchen ? - ___________________________________________________ 3. Sentences with two Objects : a. The teacher gave each of us two exercise books. - ___________________________________________________ b. Someone will tell him that news. - ___________________________________________________ c. They had sent enough money to these poor boys. - ___________________________________________________ d. They have given the women in most countries in the world the right to vote. - ___________________________________________________ 4. Sentences with verb of reporting : a. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number. - ___________________________________________________ b. They rumoured that man was still living. - ___________________________________________________ c. They declared that she won the competition. - ___________________________________________________ d. They know that English is an international language. - ___________________________________________________ bµi 6 : Giíi Tõ Giới từ (preposition) là từ dùng để nối một danh từ (noun) hoặc đại từ (pronoun) với những thành phần khác trong câu. - He goes to school every day. - I usually get up at six o’clock. - He’s been waiting for her since early morning. [A] : Một số giới từ chỉ thời gian thông dụng. (Some common prepositions of time) * AT : Ta dùng at với điểm thời gian (times) at 5 o’clock at 11.45 at midnight at noon at lunchtime - Tom usually leaves work at 5 o’clock. Ta cũng dùng at trong những thành ngữ sau: At night - I don’t like going out at night. At the weekend / at weekends - Will you be here at the weekend? At Christmas / at Easter - We give each other presents at Christmas. At the moment / at present - Mr Benn is busy at the moment. At the same time - Ann and I arrived at the same time. At the age of… - Tom left school at the age of 16 / at 16. * ON : Ta dùng on với ngày trong tuần (days) và ngày trong tháng (dates) on March 12th on Friday on Christmas Day.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> - They got married on March 12th. on Friday morning(s) on Sunday afternoon(s). on Saturday night(s). on the morning of the fifth … - I usually go out on Sunday evenings. * IN : Ta dùng in với khoảng thời gian dài hơn như : tháng (months), năm (years), muøa (seasons): in April in 1968 in (the) winter th in the 18 century in the 1970s in the Middle Ages in the morning(s) in the afternoon(s) in the evening(s) - I’ll see you in the morning.(nhöng I’ll see you on Friday morning.) Ta không được dùng at / on / in trước last và next: - I’ll see you next Friday. - They got married last March. Nếu sau in là một khoảng thời gian thì thời gian đó ở tương lai: - The train will leave in a few minutes. (= a few minutes from now) - Jack’s gone away. He’ll be back in a week. (= a week from now.) - They are getting married in six months. (Some common prepositions of position) * AT : Ta dùng at khi ta muốn nói ai đó đang có mặt tại một sự kiện nào đó đang xaûy ra (someone is at an event) nhö : at a party at a meeting at a conference at a concert at a football match at a cinema - Were there many people at the party? - I saw Jack at the football match on Saturday. Chuùng ta noùi : at home at university at the seaside in bed on a farm at work at a station at sea (on a voyage) in hospital at school at an airport in prison - Julia is studying medicine at university. - Tom’s father is in hospital. - Have you ever worked on a farm? * IN : Ta dùng in với thành phố (cities) và làng mạc (villages). - His parents live in London. - He was born in a small village near Manchester. Ta thường nói : in a room in a garden in a town in a picture in your hand. in a building in a park in a country in a photogragh in a newspaper. in the water in the sea in a river in a mirror in your hand. in a row /in a line in a queue in an armchair in the sky in the mountain.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> - “Who is that woman in that photogragh ?” - It was a lovely day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. - Don’t sit in that armchair. It’s broken.(nhöng Don’t sit on that chair.) at the top at the end of the street at the back at the bus stop at the bottom at the corner of the street at the front at the door - Who is that man standing at the door ? - Write your name at the top of the page. - Jack’s house is a white one at the end of the street. - There’s a telephone box at / on the corner of the street. Nhöng : - The television is in the corner of the room. on the ceiling on the wall on the floor on a page on a board on a shelf on a chair on your nose on the left on the right on the ground on the beach on an island on the coast on a road on the way - In Britain we drive on the left.(…on the left-hand side.) - Our flat is on the second floor of the building. - Tom spent his holiday on a small island off the coast of Scotland. [C] : Giới từ theo sau tính từ : (Prepositions following Adjectives.) Có một số tính từ mà theo sau chúng buộc phải có những giới từ nhất định nào đó (theo cấu trúc Adjective + preposition). Hãy học thuộc lòng các nhóm tính từ dưới đây : * nice / kind / good / generous / mean / stupid / silly / intelligent / clever / (im)polite / rude / unreasonable OF someone (to do something) : - Thank you. It was very kind of you to help me. - It’s stupid of her to go out without a coat. She’ll catch cold. Nhöng : (to be) nice / kind / good / generous / mean/ (im)polite / rude/ (un)pleasant / (un)friendly / cruel TO someone : - She’s always been very nice to me. - Why were you so rude to Ann? * angry / annoyed / furious ABOUT something angry / annoyed / furious WITH someone FOR doing something - What are you so angry about ? - They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party. * delighted / pleased / satisfied / disappointed WITH something : - I was pleased with the present you gave me. - Were you disappointed with your examination results? * bored / fed up WITH something : - You get bored with doing the same thing every day. * surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something - Everybody was very surprised at the news. * excited / worried / upset ABOUT something :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> - Are you excited about going on holiday next week ? - Ann is upset about not being invited to the party. * afraid / frightened / terrified / scared OF someone / something : - “Are you afraid of dogs ?” – “Yes, I’m terrified of them.” EXERCISE I : Put in the correct prepositions: at, on or in. 1/ The course begins __________ 7 January and ends __________ 10 March. 2/ I went to bed __________ midnight and got up __________ 6.30 the next morning. 3/ Mozart was born __________ Salzburg __________ 1756. 4/ There are usually a lot of parties __________ New Year’s Eve. 5/ Mary and Henry always go out for a meal __________ their wedding anniversary. 6/ The price of electricity is going up __________ October. 7/ I might not be at home _______ the morning. Can you phone _______ the afternoon ? 8/ Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these days – usually only __________ Christmas and sometimes __________ the summer for a few days. 9/ Tom’s grandfather died __________ 1977 __________ the age of 79. 10/ I’m going out to do some shopping. I’ll be back __________ half an hour. EXERCISE III: Supply the correct prepositions. 1/ It’s very nice __________ you to let me use your car. Thank you very much. 2/ Why are you always so rude __________ your parents ? Can’t you be nice __________ them ? 3/ It wasn’t polite __________ him to leave without saying thank you. 4/ I don’t understand people who are cruel __________ animals. 5/ Why do you always get so annoyed __________ little things ? 6/ The people next door are annoyed __________ us __________ making so much noise last night. 7/ We enjoyed our holiday but we were rather disappointed __________ the hotel. 8/ I was surprised __________ the way he behaved. It was quite out of character. 9/ She doesn’t often go out at night. She’s afraid __________ the dark. 10/ I’ve been trying to learn Spanish but I’m not satisfied __________ my progress. EXERCISE IV : Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions : 1. Mr. Smith is very kind ________ us. 2. He is different ________ his wife. 3. We are pleased ________ the result of our work. 4. We are confident ________ the success. 5. Most people are afraid ________ snakes. 6. Our country is rich ________ natural resources. 7. Hue city is famous ________ its historical vestiges..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 8. My mother is always busy ________ her housework. 9. Dirty air is harmful ________ our health. 10. We are proud ________ our people’s heroic tradition.. bµi 7: c©u gi¸n tiÕp REPORTED SPEECH Có hai cách thuật lại lời một người khác noiù: cách trực tiếp và cách gián tiếp. Trong câu trực tiếp (direct speech), ta nhắc lại nguyên văn lời người đã nói. - He said : “I have lost my pen.” Trong câu gián tiếp (indrect speech) hay câu tường thuật (reported speech), ta diễn tả tư tưởng trong câu người khác nói mà không cần lập lại nguyên văn câu nói của họ. - He said that he had lost his pen. A. Caâu phaùt bieåu. (statements in reported speech) 1/ Ví duï : - He said : “ I have lost my pen this morning.”  He said that he had lost his pen that morning. - She said to him: “I will go with you tomorrow.”  She told him that she would go with him the next day. 2/ Ghi nhớ : muốn đổi một câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, ta phải : + Giữ nguyên động từ giới thiệu said hoặc đổi said to thành told nếu có túc từ. + Bỏ dấu hai chấm (:) và ngoặc kép (“…”) rồi thêm liên từ that. + Thay đổi đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu… theo qui tắc sau : Ngôi thứ 1 đổi thành ngôi thứ như chủ từ ở mệnh đề chính. Ngôi thứ 2 đổi thành ngôi thứ của túc từ. Ngôi thứ 3 giữ nguyên không đổi. + Thay đổi thì của động từ trong câu trực tiếp bằng cách cho lùi về quá khứ một bậc. Cụ theå nhö sau : Direct speech Reported speech - simple present  - simple past - present continuous  - past continuous - present perfect  - past perfect - simple past  - past perfect - past continuous  - past perfect continuous - present perfect cont  - past perfect continuous - simple future  - present conditional (should/would) - past perfect  - unchanged (không đổi) - perfect conditional  - unchanged.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> + Thay đổi một số từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn. - now  - then - today / tonight  - that day / that night - tomorrow  - the following day / the next day - yesterday  - the previous day / the day before - next week / month…  - the following week / month… - last week /month…  - the week before /the month before… - the day before yesterday  - two days before - the day after tomorrow  - in two days’ time - ago  - before - tomorrow morning  - the following morning - last Tuesday  - the Tuesday before - right now  - at once - here  - there - this / these  - that / those - He said : “ I’ll come here to take this book.”  He said that he would come there to take that book. - They said to us : “You must do this work right now.”  They told us that we had to do that work at once. Chuù yù : * Khi câu trực tiếp biểu thị một tập quán, một sự thật hay một chân lý thì khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp thì của động từ không thay đổi. - The lecturer said : “The earth moves round the sun.”  The lecturer said that the earth moves round the sun. - The teacher said to them : “The Second World War ended in 1945.”  The teacher told them that the Second World War ended in 1945. * Khi câu động từ giới thiệu ở hiện tại đơn, thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp không đổi và các từ chỉ thời gian hoặc nơi chốn vẫn giữ nguyên. - The doctor says to her : “You will have to stay here until tomorrow.”  The doctor tells her that she will have to stay here until tomorrow. B. CAÂU HOÛI. (Questions in reported speech) 1/ Ví duï : - She said to me : “Do you like swimming ?”  She asked me if I liked swimming. - Tom said : “Has she finished her home work ?”  Tom wanted to know if she had finished her homework. - He asked me : “Why did you come home so late last night?”  He asked me why I had come home so late the night before. - Mary said : “ What’s he doing now?”  Mary wondered what he was doing then..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 2/ Ghi nhớ : + Đổi said thành asked (có hoặc không túc từ theo sau), wondered hay wanted to know (không có túc từ). + Bỏ dấu hai chấm (:), dấu ngoặc kép (“…”) và dấu chấm hỏi (?) và giữ lại question-word (như what, where, how…) nếu là câu hỏi nội dung (Wh-questions) hoặc thêm if (hay whether) neáu caâu hoûi coù hay khoâng (Yes-no questions). C. CAÂU MEÄNH LEÄNH. (Commands in reported speech) 1/ Ví duï : - The teacher said : “Go to the blackboard, John.”  The teacher told John to go to the blackboard. - He said to them : “Don’t be late tomorrow.”  He told them not to be late the next day. 2/ Ghi nhớ : + Đổi said hay said to thành told hay asked và buộc phải có túc từ theo sau. + Dùng to để thay thế cho dấu hai chấm và ngoặc kép khi là câu mệnh lệnh xác định vaø duøng not to khi laø caâu meänh leänh phuû ñònh. Caâu giaùn tieáp (reported speech) Toùm taét Statements (Caâu phaùt bieåu) Commands (Caâu meänh leänh). Wh-questions (Caâu hoûi noäi dung) Yes-no questions (Caâu hoûi coù khoâng). * S + said + (that) + clause * S + told + O + (that) + clause * S + told + O + to infinitive * S + told + O + not + to infinitive * S + asked + (O) + wh-… + clause * S + wondered + wh-… + clause * S + wanted to know + wh-… + clause. * S + asked + (O) + if / whether + clause * S + wondered + if /whether + clause * S + wanted to know + if / whether + clause. EXERCISE I : Put into the reported speech : 1/ Tom said : “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.” - _________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> 2/ She said : “I once spent a summer in this village.” - _________________________________________________________ 3/ The nurse said : “The patient in this room didn’t obey your orders, Doctor.” - _________________________________________________________ 4/ They said to me : “You taught us English last year.” - _________________________________________________________ 5/ Mr.Brown said : “Our trip cost us two thousand dollars.” - _________________________________________________________ EXERCISE II : Change to the reported speech: 1/ Mr. Smith said : “Where are you going on your vacation this year ?” - _________________________________________________________ 2/ She said : “Did the mechanis finish repairing your car ?” - _________________________________________________________ 3/ She said : “Why has David been looking so miserable lately ?” - _________________________________________________________ 4/ I asked my friend : “Was anyone hurt in the car accident last month ?” - _________________________________________________________ 5/ She asked me : “How old are you now ?” EXERCISE III : Turn into the reported speech: 1/ The manager said : “ Come into my office, please.” - _________________________________________________________ 2/ The teacher said ro us : “Don’t make so much noise.” - _________________________________________________________ 3/ Mr.Green said : “Please come to our dinner tonight, Bill.” - _________________________________________________________ 4/ Susan said to Tom : “Don’t call me again at this late hour.” - _________________________________________________________ 5/ She said to the boy : “Show me what you have in your hand.” - _________________________________________________________ EXERCISE IV : Rewrite the following sentences: 1/ The flight attendant said : “Don’t forget to fasten your seat belts.”  The flight attendant reminded _________________________________ 2/ The policeman said to her : “Show me your driving licence.”  The policeman ordered ____________________________________ 3/ He said : “Did you see Mary yesterday ?”  He wanted to know ______________________________________ 4/ He said : “Would you mind telling me the time ?”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span>  He told _______________________________________________ 5/ I said to my friend : “When did you buy your new car ?  I asked ________________________________________________ bµi 8:. Written Test No1 I, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, If you ( 1- swim ) this afternoon, you shouldn’t ( 2- eat) too much now. 2, They let us (3- park) our bike here , but they won’t allow us (4- park) our cars. 3, Did you remember (5- buy) a newspaper on your way home ? I want to read it because I just 6- hear) about an accident. 4, While I ( 7- clean) the room, I (8- find ) a letter. 5, In the past, they ( 9- work) very hard before ( 10- have) a test. 6, The water (11 - boil). Do you mind ( 12- turn) it off? 1, ………………………….. 2, ………………………. 3, ………………………. 4, ………………………….. 5, ……………………… 6, ………………………. 7, ……………………….…. 8, …..………………….. 9, ……………………… 10, ………………………… 11, ……………………… 12, …………………… II, Fill in the blanks We are slowly destroying the earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty for us to ………... in . There is so much noise in the air that it is unhealthy to live in……….. of the world’s cities. In big cities , poisonous gas …………..cars, buses… pollute the air so that traffic police have to ……………oxygen masks. We have cut down ………….many trees that farmers in some parts of America can’t grow …………. to eat. Moreover, we don’t take enough…………..of the environment . Wild animals …………..quickly disappearing. For examples, tigers are rare in India ………….. people have killed too many. We must do something before it is too ……………to do anything. III, Read the passage again and answer the questions 1, Can we swim in the rivers nowadays?  …………………………………………………………………………………… 2, Where does poisonous gas come from?  …………………………………………………………………………………… 3, Do people in some parts of America grow enough to eat?  …………………………………………………………………………………… 4, Where they have killed too many tigers ?  …………………………………………………………………………………… IV, Choose the best answer 1, My sister is very …………..of doing the same thing everyday. A. tire B. tiring C. tired D. tires 2. Tam has a big………………………..of foreign stamps. A. collector B. collection C. collecting D. collective 3, He is a person ………………..friends always trusts him. A. who B. whom C. who’s D. whose 4, ……………………………. to have lunch at 12 o’clock everyday? A. did she use B. did she used C. is she used D. was she used 5, If they worked more slowly, they wouldn’t ………………so many mistakes. A. make B. do C. work D. tell 6, Whenever they met , they keep………………………about their holidays. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked 7, Give her a phone to ring ………………she get lost. A. whether B. unless C. until D. in case 8, It’s is …………….long time since he last saw his grandparents. A. such a B . so C. very D. too V, Give the correct form of the words 1, Taxi drivers must have a good ……………of the streets’ names (know).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 2, He is probably the most…………………tennis players of all time. ( success ) 3, He will ……………………die if you won’t call a doctor .( certain) 4, My book has …………………. I’m looking for its……………………. (appear) 5, It is very …………………….to learn English nowadays. ( necessity) 6, Let me ………………………….you on your success. ( congratulation) 7, He is one of the most ……………………..doctor I have known( experience) 8, Vietnam is very rich in ………………….resources. ( nature) VI, Rewrite sentences as directed 1, We can’t afford to buy that car.  That car is …………………………………………………………………… 2, The flat is very noisy, but she enjoyed living there.  Even …………………………………………………………………………… 3, It is impossible for his daughter to pass the exams.  His …………………………………………………………………………….. 4, He worked very hard and so did I .  Both………………………………………………………………………………. 5, That test was very difficult so they couldn’t do it well.  Because of …………………………………………………………………… 6, The girl whom I saw was wearing a white skirt.  I saw …………………………………………………………………………… 7, “You had better do this work carefully, Ba” Hoa said  Hoa advised………………………………………………………………… 8, Ba is a better singer than his sister.  Ba’s sister ………………………………………………………………………. 9, I have never seen a more beautiful girl than her  She is…….……………………………………………………………………… VII, Fill in the blanks with correct preposition. 1, The class was divided …………2 groups to take part …………..the game. 2, We don’t agree …………your project. It causes many bad things …………the environment . 3, The streets are full …………..garbage 4, We are all responsible…………………keeping our school clean . 5, In spite……………being tired, Hoa helped me…………..my homework 6, She took………….her warm coat after coming ……………the room . 7, Don’t be angry …………me . Please listen………………what I say. 8, My family is always aware ……………saving energy.. Written Test No2. I. Choose whose underlined part is pronounced differently 1. campus relax locate fashion 2. qualify baggy grocery scenery 3. gather there ethnic although 4. ploughed published ordered prayed 5. exchange reach chance champagne 6. respond remote control notice 7. hobby deny poetry primary 8. comic campus income access 9. government moment comment development II, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, What you ( 1- look) for? You ( 2- lose) anything? 2, A new school just ( 3- build) next to her house. It (4- heat) by solar energy in 2015. 3,If we (5- not/ save) energy, what ( 6- happen) to us? 4, Let’s ( 7- have) our class ( 8- clean ) before the teacher comes . 5, Yesterday, while my father ( water ) our garden , it ( 10- rain), so he stopped (11- water ) and (12- go ) into our house. 6, My children enjoyed ( 13- allow) ( 14- stay) up late when they ( 15- live) in the city 1, ………………………….. 2, ………………………. 3, ………………………. 4, ………………………….. 5, ……………………… 6, ………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> 7, ……………………….…. 8, …..………………….. 9, ……………………… 10, ………………………… 11, ……………………… 12, ……………………... 13, ………………………… 14, ……………………… 15, ……………………... III, Fill in the blanks with correct preposition. 1, Can you switch …………the TV? Yes, of course. But you should turn ……….. the volume. It is too loud. 2, When the plane took …………, we were coming …………..the airport. 3, ………..my family, lighting accounts ……………percent …………the electricity bill. 4, We must change our way …………..life. We can’t go …………living like this 5, Do you live apart ………….your parents or live…………them? 6, …………...Easter Day, his mother usually goes…………..the city and buy many kinds ………….food there 7, Let me congratulate you ……………your new job. It is very nice ……..to say that . You are very kind ……….me. 8, I’d love to travel ……………the country ………………retirement. 9, He is nothing ………….. his father. IV, Choose the best answer 1, We ……………….. the nearest village before the sunset. A. came B. arrived C. went D. reach 2. If only I ………….in the country now. A. were B. was C. can be D. would be 3, He used to ……………..his living by bringing rice to the hotel. A. find B. earn C. get D. make 4, They have to take that book away, ……………….they? A haven’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. don’t 5, I am a good teacher , ………………? A. am I B. am not I C. aren’t I D. are I 6, You will be ill ………………you stop working so hard. A. because B. if C. when D. unless 7, You will not succeed ……………………working harder. A. if B. unless C. without D. although 8, He tried to prevent the dog ………………running into the road. A. from B . for C. against D. to IV, Rewrite sentences with given words 1, Although the weather was bad, we went to school on time.( in spite)  …………... …………………………………………………………………… 2, “ Are you leaving for Hanoi tomorrow, Lan? ” he said .( whether)  ……... …………………………………………………………………………… 3, His parents made him study hard for the exams. ( was)  …… …………………………………………………………………………….. 4, It’s over six months since Long last had his hair cut .( for)  …..………………………………………………………………………………. 5, Nhung is talking to the girl with blond hair. ( who)  ………….. …………………………………………………………………… 6, “If I were you I wouldn’t do that”. Nhung told Ba (advised)  …….. …………………………………………………………………………… 7, She didn’t buy anything when she went to the market ( Nothing)  ……………….. ………………………………………………………………… 8, “ Please call me when you need, Lan” said Ba. ( told)  …………. ………………………………………………………………………. 9, He didn’t do his homework and his friends didn’t, either ( neither)  ……..…….……………………………………………………………………… VI, Give the correct form of the words 1, His friends ………………………….him a lot in his job last year. ( courage) 2, English is used ……………..in many countries. ( wide ) 3, He was very ……………when he did the test so he ended it in …………….. (care - fail) 4, Is ……………………… for us to walk on the moon now? ( possibly).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> 5, His father ……………….3 years ago. His ………….made him very sad (die) 6, I like this computer very much because it works…………………. (effect) 7, We had a terrible trip because the weather was……………….(please ) 8, If it doesn’t rain soon, there will be a …………………of water .( short) VII, Correct the mistakes in the sentences 1, We took part in a six- days trip to Hue 2, Many kinds of books are arranging on the shelves. 3, There are a little activities that we can do after the meeting. 4, Hung really wishes he can play for his school team. 5, They are going to get their house decorating for Christmas. 6, I used to live next to a man who wife is a doctor. 7, I wood rather buying a house than lending him the money. 8, He drives too fast that no one likes to go with him. 9, The novel writing by that writer attracts a lot of children. bài 9: câu giả định CLAUSES AFTER WISH Động từ WISH thường được dùng để diễn tả lời ao ước không thể nào xảy ra được ở quá khứ, hiện tại hoặc tương lai. A. Present wish : S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past simple * ý nghĩa : Diễn tả lời ao ước trái với hiện tại. - I wish that I had enough time to finish my homework. (= I don’t have enough time) - They wish they didn’t have to go to class today. (= They have to go to class) - He wishes he was rich. (= He is not rich.) B. Past wish : S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past perfect * ý nghĩa : Diễn tả lời ao ước trái với quá khứ. - I wish that I had gone to the cinema last night. (= I didn’t go to the cinema.) - She wishes she had been here yesterday. (= She wasn’t here yesterday.) C. Future wish : S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + could / would + verb * ý nghĩa : Diễn tả lời ao ước không thể nào xảy ra ở tương lai. - We wish you could come to the party tonight. (= You can’t come.) - Mary wishes that she would come with us. (= She won’t come with us.) EXERCISE I : Supply the correct tense of the verbs : 1/ I wish I (be) _______ here yesterday. You all seem to have had such a good time. 2/ Tom wasn’t able to come to the party.I wish he (come) _______ to my party. 3/ He wishes he (not tell) _______ her the whole story yesterday. 4/ I wish tomorrow (be) _______ a holiday. 5/ I wish I (learn) _______ to play a musical instrument when I was young..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> 6/ It’s cold and I hate the cold weather. I wish it (not be) _______ so cold. 7/ I wish he (be) _______ with us now. 8/ He didn’t know anything. He wishes I (let) _______ him know earlier. 9/ I didn’t understand. I wish he (speak) _______ more slowly. 10/ I’m sorry I can’t help you. I wish I (help) _______ you. EXERCISE II : Rewrite the following sentences : 1/ He wants to make a great fortune.- He wishes ___________ 2/ She won’t visit me again.- I wish _____ 3/ It was silly of me not to buy that dress. - I wish _____ 4/ I’m sorry I told him about it. - I wish _________ 5/ John didn’t take your advice.- He wishes ____ EXERCISE III : Rewrite the following sentences using WISH : 1/ He’s sorry that he isn’t strong enough. 2/ She was disappointed that the thief had stolen the picture. 3/ I’m sorry that I don’t live near my factory. 4/ They’re sorry they didn’t book their seats. 5/ It’s pity he didn’t work hard.. Bµi 10: CAÂU ÑIEÀU KIEÄN (Conditional Sentence) Một câu điều kiện có hai mệnh đề : mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện (tức mệnh đề phụ) còn được gọi là mệnh đề có if (If-clause) và mệnh đề chỉ kết quả còn được gọi là mệnh đề chính (main clause). - If he works harder, he will succeed in his examination. (if-clause) (main clause) Chúng ta cũng có thể đặt mệnh đề chính ở đầu câu : - He will succeed in his examination if he works harder. Trong tiếng Anh có 3 loại câu điều kiện chính : * Type I : ĐIỀU KIỆN CÓ THỂ XẢY RA ĐƯỢC (probable condition) 1/ Ý nghĩa : Loại điều kiện này dùng để diễn tả một sự việc có thể xảy ra hoặc không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai; nhưng chúng ta có nhiều hy vọng nó xảy ra. 2/ Thì của động từ : Main clause If- clause Simple present. Simple future (shall / will + verb) - If the rain stops, we shall go for a walk. - He will come if you call him..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> * Ngoài ra chúng ta còn có thể dùng các khiếm khuyết động từ như : CAN, MUST, MAY … để thay cho shall hoặc will ở mệnh đề chính. - If you ask me, I can help you. - You must study harder if you want to pass the coming exam. * Mệnh đề chính có thể là một mệnh lệnh hoặc thỉnh cầu : - Come to me if you need help. - If you have time, perfect your English. * Type II : ĐIỀU KIỆN KHÔNG CÓ THẬT Ở HIỆN TẠI. (Present- unreal Con) 1/ Ý nghĩa : Loại điều kiện này diễn tả một điều kiện khó có thể xảy ra hay một sự việc không thực hiện được ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai. 2/ Thì của động từ : Main clause If-clause Past Subjunctive (Quá khứ giả định). Present Conditional ( Should / would + verb). - If I had a lot of free time, I would go swimming. (= I haven’t got free time, so I won’t go swimming) - If Tom were here, he would know the answer. (= Tom isn’t here, so he doesn’t know the answer.) - I would call him if I knew his number. (= I don’t know his number, so I won’t call him) * Quá khứ giả định là hình thức quá khứ đơn của các động từ ngoại trừ động từ “to be” chỉ có một hình thức WERE cho tất cả các ngôi. * COULD, MIGHT… có thể được dùng để thay thế cho should hay would. - If John worked hard, he could pass his exam. * Type III : ĐIỀU KIỆN KHÔNG CÓ THẬT Ở QUÁ KHỨ. (Past-unreal Condition) 1/ Ý nghĩa : Loại điều kiện này dùng để diễn tả một điều kiện hoàn toàn không thực hiện được hoặc không xảy ra trong quá khứ. 2/ Thì của động từ : If-clause. Main clause. Perfect Conditional Past perfect (Should/ would have + past participle) - If he had had a lot of money, he would have bought a bigger house. - I would have taken you to the movie if you had come to see me yesterday. * “If” có thể được lược bỏ đi nếu có sự đảo ngữ (thường được dùng trong hình thức nhấn maïnh). - Were I rich, I would help you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> (= If I were rich, I would help you.) - Had he known the truth, he would have been very angry. (= If he had known the truth, he would have been very angry) * Ngoài liên từ “if” ra, câu điều kiện còn được bắt đầu bằng các liên từ khác như : suppose, supposing that (giả sử như), on the condition that (với điều kiện là), as long as, so long as, provided that (miễn là), in case (trong trường hợp) , even if ( ngay cho là)... - As long as you return the book by Saturday, I will lend it to you with pleasure * Hai tiếng có nghĩa phủ định : unless (trừ phi), but for (nếu không) - He won’t come unless you call him. (= He won’t come if you don’t call him.) - But for the storm, he would have arrived much earlier. EXERCISE I Put the verbs in brackets in correct tenses. 1/ If I (have) ________ a typewriter, I could type it myself. 2/ If I had known that you were in hospital , I (visit) ________ you. 3/ You could make much progress if you (attend) ________ class regularly. 4/ If I (know) ________ his telephone number, I would give it to you. 5/ If you (arrive) ________ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat. 6/ If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam. 7/ She may be late if she (not hurry) ________. 8/ Tell him to ring me if you (see) ________ him. 9/ If you (speak) ________ more slowly,he might have understood you. 10/ What (you do) ________ if you got fat ? EXERCISE II : Rewrite the following sentences using If clauses. 1/ She can’t be employed because she doesn’t have a college degree.  ______________________________________________ 2/ I don’t have enough money. I can’t go on a long holiday this year.  ______________________________________________ 3/ He is very slow, so we won’t give his such an important task.  ______________________________________________ 4/ I’ll have to work this Sunday, so I shan’t join your picnic.  ______________________________________________ 5/ He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay father’s debt.  ______________________________________________ 6/ City life isn’t enjoyable because everything is very expensive.  ______________________________________________ 7/ There are industrial factories inside the city, that’s why pollution can’t be reduced.  ______________________________________________ 8/ Everything on the earth grows well because the sun always shines.  ______________________________________________ 9/ There is a grammar error in this English composition, that’s why it can’t get a full mark..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span>  ______________________________________________ 10/ I don’t have a typewriter. I can’t type it myself.  ______________________________________________ bµi 11: c¸c Tõ Nèi( the connectivEs) 1, The uses of connectives They are used to join pairs of nouns, verbs , adjectives, adverbs, phrases, clauses… Ex: He plays soccer and badminton We came in first , but we didn’t win the race. 2, Some kinds of connectives a, ‘and’ is used to join 2 or more equal parts of speech Ex: Mai bought pens, rulers and books for the new schoolyear He opened the door and came in b, ‘but’ is used to join 2 parts of speech in contrast of meaning Ex: She is small but strong They don’t like beer, but they drank much c, ‘or’ is used to join 2 equal parts of speech. It expresses a choice Ex: Do you want a pen or a book? d, ‘because/ as/ since’ is used to join 2 clauses. It stands before the clause of reason Ex: Because he is poor, he can’t buy that house We won’t go out because it is cold e, ‘so/ therefore’ is used to join 2 clauses. It stands before the clause of result. Ex: Na is very tired, therefore she goes to bed You don’t learn hard , so you won’t pass the exams. f, ‘however’ is used to join 2 clauses in contrast of meaning Ex: Hoa is poor , however, she learns well g, ‘though/ although/ eventhough’ is used to join 2 clauses in contrast of meaning. It often stands at the beginning of the sentence Ex: Although Nam got up early, he came to school late Note: - We can use ‘because of + noun phrase’ instead of ‘because + clause’ Ex: I can’t go to school because I’m sick I can’t go to school because of sickness - We can use ‘despite/ in spite of + noun phrase’ instead of ‘although + clause’ Ex : Although the weather is bad, They will go to Hanoi They will go to Hanoi in spite of the bad weather Exercises I, Choose the best answer: 1, They opened the door ……….. came in.( and , so , but) 2, Do you like the bigger … the smaller? ( but, because, or ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 3, I want to go there…….I have much homework to do ( and , or , but) 4, It rains much …. our picnic may be cancelled ( so, however, because) 5, They buy a lot of things … they aren’t rich ( so, therefore, because) 6, We rang the doorbell, …., nobody answered, ( however, therefore, because) 7, … she is sick , she tries to finish the work ( Although, because, however) 8, they don’t pass the exams ……… they don’t learn hard ( Although, because, however) II, Rewrite the sentences, using with the given words 1, Because of her sickness, she can’t do anything ( because) 2, Lan speaks English fluently, because she learns English hard ( so) 3, He went to Hanoi in spite of the heavy rain ( Although) 4, She fell off her bike so she broke her leg ( as) 5, Because they work hard, they save much money( therefore) 6, Everyone played well, but we lost the game ( even though) 7, I like English. I like French ( and) 8, He gets bad marks because of his laziness ( since) EXERCISE B : Change “because” to “because of” and vice versa : 1/ He was not allowed to come in because he was late. - _____________________________________________________________________ 2/ I chose Mike for the job because you recommended him. - _____________________________________________________________________ 3/ Our train was late because of the thick fog. - _____________________________________________________________________ 4/ She couldn’t sleep because of the noise. - _____________________________________________________________________ 5/ Because of his deep love for her, he can’t live without her. - _____________________________________________________________________ 6/ Everyone loves her because of her good behaviour. - _____________________________________________________________________ 7/ He was given that position because his English was good. - _____________________________________________________________________ 8/ He answered those questions perfectly because he was intelligent. - _____________________________________________________________________ 9/ They stopped working because of the hot weather. - _____________________________________________________________________ 10/ We admired him because of his great ability. - _____________________________________________________________________ 11/ She didn’t go to class this morning because she had a bad cold. - _____________________________________________________________________ 12/ I couldn’t see anything because of the dark. - _____________________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> 13/ The mechanic managed to repair the engine because he had experience. - _____________________________________________________________________ 14/ His health gets better and better because he does gymnastics regularaly. - _____________________________________________________________________ 15/ He said nothing about it because of his wife’s being there. - _____________________________________________________________________ EXERCISE C : Use “In spite of” in place of “Although” and vice versa : 1/ In spite of all the noise outside, the students kept on studying. - _____________________________________________________________________ 2/ Though they are poor, they are always neatly dressed. - _____________________________________________________________________ 3/ We don’t feel tired although we have walked three miles. - _____________________________________________________________________ 4/ She ate very little in spite of the delicious food. - _____________________________________________________________________ 5/ Though I am fond of music, I can’t play any musical instruments. - _____________________________________________________________________ 6/ In spite of being warned, he still got an electric shock. - _____________________________________________________________________ 7/ My grandfather is till an active man despite his age. - _____________________________________________________________________ 8/ Despite the narrow streets in that city, they drive cars. - _____________________________________________________________________ 9/ Although she is wealthy, she is not happy. - _____________________________________________________________________ 10/ Nobody liked it though the price was low. - _____________________________________________________________________ 11/ He didn’t eat much in spite of being hungry. - _____________________________________________________________________ 12/ Although he was talented, nobody admired him. - _____________________________________________________________________ 13/ He didn’t get a promotion though his work was very good. - _____________________________________________________________________ 14/ He bought that car despite our advice. - _____________________________________________________________________ 15/ Our country will certainly become prosperous in spite of all the difficulties. bµi 12. Written Test No1 I, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, If you like (1- stay) with us, please ( 2- send) me a letter..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 2, London (3- change) a lot since we first (4- come) here. 3, How many lessons you (5- miss) this week? Only one. That (6- be) because I ( 7- have ) a flu on Monday. 4, My brother (8- bear) in Hanoi and he (9- go ) to school there but now he (10- stay ) in HCM city. 5,The first paper (11- make) in China, wasn’t it? 6, Mrs. Brown (12- be) a teacher of English in Hue . She first ( 13- start) teaching English at a small school . After (14- work) there for 2 years , she (15- move) to a big school. 1, ………………………….. 2, ………………………. 3, ………………………. 4, ………………………….. 5, ……………………… 6, ……………………… 7, ……………………….…. 8, …..………………….. 9, ……………………… 10, ………………………… 11, ……………………… 12, ……………………... 13, ………………………… 14, ……………………… 15, ……………………... II, Fill in the blanks Tet or Lunar New Year is the main holiday …………….Vietnamese people. It is the ………………..important celebration of the year, which usually falls …………January and February. Tet is the beginning of spring and it’s a time for family members ……………live apart try to be together. The preparations and celebrations used …………..be over months, but nowadays the holiday is ………... shorter . Streets are decorated ………….lights and red banners. Shops are full ………….. goods and people are busy in buying, cleaning and decorating ………. house. On the first day ………..Tet, children often receive some money in red envelopes. Many people go to pagodas to pray for a …………..new year for themselves and their family. IV, Choose the best answer 1, He seems ……………..what he is doing. A. knowing B. know C. to know D. known 2. The pencil ………….. I write with is made in China. A. where B. which C. who D. wich 3, We don’t want ……………….like that. A. talking B. being talked C. talked D. to be talked 4, She had to do the shopping, …………….she? A didn’t B. hadn’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t 5, The children ……………….to stay up late A. don’t allow B. aren’t let C. aren’t allowed D. would rather 6, The ………………party which was held at Nga’s house was very expensive. A. five- hour B. five-house C. five- hours D. five -houses 7, He ……………………………….like a chimney when he was a student. A. used to smoking B. used to smoke C. was used smoking D. used smoking 8, The light ………………..so we couldn’t see anything in the dark. A. went on B . went off C. went by D. went out 9, Hurry up …………..you will miss the train. A. so B. but C. and D. or V, Give the correct form of the words 1, Ao dai, one of our ( 1- fashion) dresses, has been (2- modern). 2, The Cotswold’s is a area of great ( 3- beautiful) in England. It has a number of ( 4-delight) villages and small towns with ( 5- love) buildings which has been ( 6- change) for a long time. Most of the them are built with an (7 – attract) type of stone. There is no ( 8- short) of ( 9please) hotels and ( 10 – tradition) restaurants and the Cotswold’s is an excellent place for an ( 11- enjoy) weekend. It is known ( 12- wide) all over the world. 1, ………………………….. 2, ………………………. 3, ………………………. 4, ………………………….. 5, ……………………… 6, ……………………… 7, ……………………….…. 8, …..………………….. 9, ……………………… 10, ………………………… 11, ……………………… 12, ……………………... VI, Rewrite a letter with given words Dear Mr. Brown 1, A friend/ mine/ recently/ return/ England/ advise/ me / write/you. 2, I / hope/ I / come / England/ next year/ spend/ months / London. 3, when /I / there/ take/ course/ improve / English..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> 4, I / would/ grateful/ if / send/ information/ me. 5, I / like/ know/ when/ the course/ begin/ and / much/ it is . 6, I/ look/ forward/ hear/ you soon. Your sincerely Minh …………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………... VII, Rewrite sentences as directed 1, My father used to take me to the zoo when he had free time  I used …………... …………………………………………………………… 2, That computer doesn’t need repairing  It is unnecessary……... ……………………………………………………… 3, They said we couldn’t look into the house  They didn’t allow…… …………………………………………………………. 4, It was an eight- hour flight to Hue  It took …..………………………………………………………………………. 5, Tuan came to the meeting late although he took a taxi  Despite………….. …………………………………………………………… 6, My brother works in a factory which has 20 workers  There are …….. ………………………………………………………………… 7, Jane eats very little in order to lose weight  Because Jane wants ……………….. …………………………………………… 8, This was such a boring book that nobody read it  This book was…………. ………………………………………………………. Written Test No2. I, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, A young man and his wife ( 1- drive) in the street when they ( 2- see) a girl ( 3-stand) on the road. At first , they went on ( 4- drive) but the wife said ‘ It ( 5- get) dark. She may (6- want) to have a lift’, so they stopped and ( 7- drive) back to the girl. “ you ( 8- like) a lift?” They asked her. “ Yes, please.” said the girl. “ where you ( 9- go) to? ”. the man asked . The girl answered “ Le Loi Street. I (10 have) a meeting there” 2, Jane (11- come) to London last week. She (12- stay) with her sister at present until she can find where (13- live) . 3, Tea or coffee? I (14- make) both so which you (15- prefer ) now? 1, ………………………….. 2, ………………………. 3, ………………………. 4, ………………………….. 5, ……………………… 6, ………………………. 7, ……………………….…. 8, …..………………….. 9, ……………………… 10, ………………………… 11, ……………………… 12, ……………………... 13, ………………………… 14, ……………………… 15, ……………………... II, Fill in the blanks Many years ago, a lot …………..people thought the moon was a god or a ball in the sky. Then, telescopes…………..made and people saw that the moon was really another world and they dreamed …………..going there. On July 20 , 1969 the dream came true. Two American men landed ……….the moon. Their ………… were Neil Armstrong and E. Aldin . The first thing the men found was that the moon is covered …………..dust. The dust was so thick……………the man left their footprints where they walked. The footprints could stay…………….for years and years. The men walked on ……………… moon for hours. Then they climbed back into their spaceship and returned to the earth. III, Choose the best answer 1, Wearing casual clothes makes students ………………comfortable.. A. to feel B. feel C. felt D. feeling.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 2. I think you ………………better eat more vegetables. A. will B. should C. could D. had 3, The ………………..of petrol goes up and up. It will never go down.. A. cost B. price C. value D. expense 4, The meeting will be …………….to discuss about the environment. A. run B. had C. held D. hold 5, Let’s go for a walk, ………………………? A. let not we B. do we C. shall we D. should we 6, Jane started ………………about her problem. A. talking B. talk C. talks D. talked 7, She asked me …………………….English fluently. A. to not speak B. if could I C. if I can D. if I could 8, Tet is the most important …………………..for Vietnamese people A. celebration B . invention C. decoration D. preparation 9, It takes a long time …………………a language. A. learn B. to learn C. to learning D. for us learn IV, Fill in the blanks with correct preposition. 1, We needn’t worry ……………. the little thing that she did. 2, They often go …………………a holiday ……………….Christmas. 3, The bus was late …………….the meeting this morning , but it’s usually ……….time 4, ………..the end, he agrees ……….his sister ………….the trip. 5, ………..many people , UFOs only exist ………..films………….entertainment. 6, The house is to be paid …………advance. 7, He died …………the age …………..eighty last year. 8, The girl walking there is ………..white ………….some flowers. V, Rewrite sentences as directed 1, I haven’t eaten this food for five years  The last time…………... ……………………………………………………… 2, She knows a lot more than I do  I don’t ……... …………………………………………………………………… 3, Could you please go to the cinema with me?  Do you mind …… …………………………………………………………….? 4, This is my first visit to Hanoi  I have…..………………………………………………………………………. 5, Ba doesn’t know Hoa’s address because she doesn’t tell her.  If Hoa………….. …………………………………………………………… 6, She had difficulty in walking on this streets  This street is …….. …………………………………………………………… 7, They have a great interest in computer science  They are ………………………….. …………………………………………… 8, My brother has never seen a more beautiful house than this.  This is …………. ……………………………………………………………. 9, Nam and his family went on a trip to their home village for 2 days  Nam and his family had …..…………………………………………………… 10, Nga will ask her father to repair her bike.  Nga will have her bike………….. …………………………………………… VI, Give the correct form of the words 1, I had my trousers …………………because they were too short. ( long) 2, She enjoyed ………………in the city. ( live) 3, It’s a nice shop and the assistants are all polite and ……………….( help) 4, It’s …………………. of you to make fun of him like that. (kind) 5, John’s fathers gives him an …………………of 50$ . ( allow) 6, In ………………to making some cakes , I make a coffee.( add) 7, The ………………..we made was for one year only. ( agree) 8, He had difficult in ………………..a train. (catch) 9, He has never had any accident. He is a …………………driver. ( care) VII. Choose whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 1. disappeared 2. dream 3. said 4. nation information 5. glasses 6. washed 7. weather 8. example. decided seat made pollution. played ready played question. clothes advised breathe exist. garages promised healthy excite. claimed team afraid boxes talked although exhaust. bµi 13: Mét vµi cÊu tróc th«ng dông (SOME COMMON ENGLISH STRUCTURES) [A] : USED TO + Infinitive.  (đã từng…) chỉ một thói quen ở quá khứ. - My father used to smoke a lot; but now he doesn’t any more. - When I was a little boy, I used to swim in the river. BE USED TO + V-ing / Noun  (quen với…) tương với Be accustomed to - My mother is used to getting up early. - I have been used to the hot weather here. [D] : SO + Adj / Adv + THAT + Clause  (quá…đến nỗi…) giới thiệu mệnh đề chỉ chæ keát quaû (adverb clause of result) - He is so famous that everyone knows his name. - They discussed so hotly that they forgot to come to the conclusion. SUCH + (A / An + Adj + Noun) + THAT + Clause  (quá… đến nỗi…) - He is such a famous man that everyone knows his name. - It was such a hot discussion that they forgot to come to the conclusion. TOO + Adj / Adv + (For someone) + TO + Infinitive  (quá…đến nỗi không..) - It is too late to go to the movies. - The lecture was too boring for us to listen to. - He spoke too fast for me to understand him. [E] : SO THAT + Clause  (để…) giới thiệu mệnh để trạng từ chỉ mục đích (adverb clause of purpose) - I’m studying hard so that I can keep pace with my classmates. - The man spoke loudly so that everyone would hear him clearly. TO } IN ORDER TO}. + Infinitive.  (để…) giới thiệu cụm động từ nguyên mẫu.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> SO AS TO}. chæ muïc ñích (Inf phrase of purpose). - I’m studying hard in order to keep pace with my classmates. - So as not to be late for class, John must get up early. - We learn English to have better communication with other people. [F] : Adj / Adv + ENOUGH + (for someone) + TO + Inf  (đủ… để…) - The questions were easy enough for her to answer. - The teacher spoke clearly enough for us to understand him. [G] : IT + Takes / Took + SOMEONE + TIME + TO + Inf  (ai đó mất bao lâu để làm việc gì…) - It took me five minutes to walk to the post office. - It takes us two hours to fly from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City.  (nhờ ai làm …) là hình thức sai khiến (causative form) - Mary is going to have her hair done. - He had his car washed yesterday. [I] : IT + BE + Adj + (for someone) + TO + Inf - It is difficult for us to master a foreign language. - It is dangerous to drive too fast. EXERCISE 1 : Conmbine these pairs of sentences using “so…that” : 1/ That woman was very tall. She could almost touch the ceiling. - That woman was so tall that she could almost touch the ceiling. 2/ This coat is very big. I can’t wear it. - _____________________________________________________________________ 3/ The coffee was so strong. She couldn’t go to sleep. - _____________________________________________________________________ 4/ That bag was very heavy. None of us could carry it. - _____________________________________________________________________ 5/ The stadium is very large. It can hold 60,000 people. - _____________________________________________________________________ 6/ Those lessons are very difficult. He can’t understand them. - _____________________________________________________________________ 7/ She was very busy. She couldn’t do the housework. - _____________________________________________________________________ 8/ The clmate was very bad. All the plants couldn’t grow well. - _____________________________________________________________________ [H] : HAVE + Object + Past Participle.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> 9/ I’m very tired. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. - _____________________________________________________________________ 10/ That boy is very lazy. He never does his homework. - _____________________________________________________________________ EXERCISE 2 : Combine these pairs of sentences using “too…to” : 1/ The bag was very heavy. She couldn’t carry it. - The bag was too heavy for her to carry . 2/ He is very old. He can’t run. - He is too old to run. 3/ She is very young. She can’t go to school. - _____________________________________________________________________ 4/ Tom is very short. He can’t play volleyball. - _____________________________________________________________________ 5/ It’s very late. We can’t go to the movies. - _____________________________________________________________________ 6/ The question was very hard. We couldn’t answer it. - _____________________________________________________________________ 7/ The TV programme is very exciting. The children won’t miss it. - _____________________________________________________________________ 8/ You’re very young. You can’t drive that car. - _____________________________________________________________________ 9/ She was tired. She didn’t go anywhere. - _____________________________________________________________________ 10/ These shoes are very small. I can’t wear them. - _____________________________________________________________________ EXERCISE 33 : Combine these pairs of sentences using “such….that” : 1/ Tom was a tall man. He could almost touch the ceiling. - Tom was such a tall man that he could almost touch the ceiling. 2/ Mary is a good swimmer. She has won two gold medals. - _____________________________________________________________________ 3/ He drank strong coffee. He couldn’t go to sleep. - _____________________________________________________________________ 4/ It was a long walk. The children got tired. - _____________________________________________________________________ 5/ He told interesting stories. They all like him. - _____________________________________________________________________ EXERCISE 4 : Rewrite the sentences using “It takes / took…” : 1/ I go to school by bicycle in ten minutes. - It takes me ten minutes to go to school by bicycle. 2/ He did that exercise in an hour..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> - _____________________________________________________________________ 3/ I need fifteen minutes to get to the post office. - _____________________________________________________________________ 4/ He spent the whole morning writing the composition. - _____________________________________________________________________ 5/ We needed two days to paint the house. bµi 14 : c¸ch thµnh lËp tõ [A] : CÁCH THAØNH LẬP TÍNH TỪ ĐƠN. Noun+ suffix -ful -less -ly -like -y -ish -al -ous -ic -able. (Formation of simple adjectives). Adjectives Harmful, useful, successful, hopeful, helpful, peaceful… Childless, odourless, careless, hopeless, harmless, useless… Manly, worldly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly,friendly… Childlike, godlike, lifelike, ladylike, manlike… Healthy, dirty, dusty, snowy, windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, sandy… Childish, boyish, girlish, mannish, selfish… Natural, national, industrial, agricultural, cultural, magical… Dangerous, courageous, poisonous, mountainous… Artistic, electric, electronic, alcoholic, economic… Respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable…. [B] : CÁCH THAØNH LẬP TÍNH TỪ KÉP. (formation of compound adjectives) Formula Công thức). Adjectives.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Adj + adj Adj + present part Adj + past part Adj + noun-ED Noun + adj Noun + present part Noun + past part Noun + noun-ED Adv + present part Adv + past part. Red hot, dark blue, light green… Sweet-smelling, ill-dressing, good-looking… Ready-made, soft-spoken, long-lived, white-painted… Left-handed, kind-hearted, blue-eyed, mild-mannered… Homesick, seasick, lovesick, worldwide,nationwide,snowwhite House-keeping, heart-breaking, hair-raising, breath-taking…. Home-made, man-made, hand-made, sun-burnt… Lion-hearted, coffee-coloured, heart-shaped…. Hard-working, ever-lasting, well-being… Well-prepared, well-known, newly-married, dearly-loved…. [C] : CÁCH THAØNH LẬP DANH TỪ. (Formation of simple nouns).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Formula Verb+ER/ OR / ANT Verb + ION / TION Verb + MENT / AL Verb + ING Adj + NESS Adj + TY Adj + TH Adj + DOM Noun + IST / IAN Noun + ISM Noun + SHIP Noun + HOOD. Nouns Teacher, manager, driver, actor, director, attendant, assistant… Action, invention, construction, direction, revolution, decision… Development, appointment, refusal, removal, approval…. Swimming, teaching, jogging, training, building… Kindness, goodness, happiness, sadness, darkness, ilness…. Safety, loyalty, cruelty, variety, ability, honesty…. Length, depth, width, truth, warmth, strength… Freedom, wisdom, boredom… Guitarist, novelist, violinist, musician, physician, historian… Patriotism, capitalism, socialism, heroism… Friendship, leadership, scholarship, comradeship… Childhood, brotherhood, neighbourhood, parenthood…. [D]: CÁCH THAØNH LẬP DANH TỪ KÉP. (formation of compound nouns).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Formula Noun + noun Adj + noun Adv / prep + noun Gerund + noun Noun + gerund Noun + verb-ER / OR. Compound nouns Alarm-clock, church bell, coffee cup, newspaper, post card… Grandfather, blackboard, high school, redhead, yellow fever… Overcoat, overtime, overman, undergrowth… Dining room, dressing table, swimming pool, driving licence… Weight-lifting, lorry driving, fruit picking... Bus-driver, holiday maker, dressmaker, film director…. [E]: CÁCH THAØNH LẬP ĐỘNG TỪ. Formula DIS + verb Mis + verb Out + verb Over + verb Re + verb Under + verb Adj + EN. Verbs Dislike, disagree,discharge, disinvest, dislocate… Misunderstand, misread, mislead… Outrun, outnumber, outweigh, outlive… Overact, overpay, overheat, overturn, overchange… Rewrite, reread, retell, recall… Undercharge, underdevelop, underdo, underline, undersign… Weaken, sharpen, tighten, loosen, shorten, foften… enrich, enable, enlarge, encourage, endanger…. EN + Adj / Noun Noun / Adj + ISE / IZE. Sympathise, economise, socialize, memorize, industrialize…. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the word provided. 1. Film makers always try to show viewers the different life styles and interesting ________ aspects of many countries in the world. (culture) 2. Women nowadays have more ________ to participate in social activities. (Free) 3. “Hoang Le Nhat Thong Chi” is a ________ novel. (history)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 4. He has a ________ for English novels. (prefer) 5. SAI GON GIAI PHONG is published seven days a week. It is a ________ newspaper. (day) 6. If you burn the garbage, it will give off ________ odour. (poison) 7. Some children have to suffer from life time ________ (abnormal) 8. He is ________ active in spite of his old age. (wonder) 9. The company is very efficient and gives a ________ service. (speed) 10. When did ________ come to the village ? (electric) 11. She has a very busy ________ life. (society) 12. The plane arrived ________ after a violent storm. (safe) 13. Their study is getting on ________ (satisfy) 14. This company offered a lot of ________ jobs. (attract) 15. These snakes will not cause you any serious harm even if they bite you. They are ________ (harm) 16. He was ________ right when he said that the man was guilty. (reason) 17. She looks ________ beautiful. (surpise) 18. They were ________ when they read the result. (disappoint) 19. He has no ________ of leaving the city. (intend) 20. I feel ________ in this book. (interest) 21. John’s ________ improved at his new school. (behave) 21. I’ll give you further ________ (explain) 22. This is a ________ of a previous talk. (repeat) 23. Much ________ work requires a good knowledge of mathematics. (science) 24. Movies have ________ dress fashions. (broad) 25. Our grandmother didn’t work outside the home when she was young. She only did her ______ task. (tradition) 26. His ________ to retire surprised us all. (decide) 27. You should be ________ to tell them exactly what you think. (decide) 28. Many people find it ________ to advertise. (waste) 29. The guests were ________ welcomed. (cordial) 30. He looks thin, but ________ he is very healthy, (actual) 31. This man led a ________ happy life. (complete) 32. He did some old jobs at home ________ (disappoint) 33. The new job ________ him. (disappoint) 34. Nitric oxide is ________ harmful. It acts as a poison, which may cause death or injury if taken into the body. (high) 35. He was ________ in his job. (succeed) 36. The house was ________ with people. (crowd) 37. He is unhappy because of his ________ (deaf) 38. The government wants to ________ this training centre. (military).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 39. We found out the ________ about him. (true) 40. I am ________ grateful to you for your help. (true) 41. I don’t think the food is very good, but it is ________ (tolerate) 42. They’ve got a ________ result. (satisfy) 43. Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in ________ form. (nature) 44. Children are ________ to overcome problems. (determine) 45. They got the ________ of being successful in life. (satisfy) 46. He is young man with great ________ (expect) 47. I like your new ________ machine. (calculate) 48. May I borrow your ________ ? (calculate) 49. The industrial ________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop) 50. We must make ________ for our old age saving money. (provide) Bài 15: Mệnh đề quan hệ (RELATIVE CLAUSES) Mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề được bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ (relative pronouns) nhö : who, whom, which, whose, that. - The man who met me at the airport gave me the money. Trong câu trên, mệnh đề “who met me at the airport” là mệnh đề quan hệ trong đó “who” là đại từ quan hệ được dùng để thay thế tiền vị từ (antecedent) “the man” và mệnh đề còn lại “The man gave me the money” là mệnh đề chính. 1/ Haõy xem caùc ví duï : - The man gave me the money. He met me at the airport.  The man who met me at the airport gave me the money. - This is the man. We saw him at the party yesreday.  This is the man whom we saw at the party yesterday. - The pencil belongs to me. It is in your pocket.  The pencil which is in your pocket belongs to me. - The car is very expensive. He bought it.  The car which he bought is very expensive. - There is the man. His wallet was stolen.  There is the man whose wallet was stolen. - The tree should be cut down. The branches of the tree are dead.  The tree whose branches are dead should be cut down. 2/ Cách dùng đại từ quan hệ: Chuû (subject). từ. Túc từ (object). Sở hữu (possessive).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> For people (Chỉ người). Who / that. whom / who / that. whose. For things, animals. Which / that. which / that. whose. (chæ vaät, thuù vaät) Thông thường ta có thể dùng that để thay thế cho who, whom hoặc which. - The man that met me at the airport gave me the money. - This is the man that we saw at the party yesterday. - The pencil that is in your pocket belongs to me. - The car that he bought is very expensive. 3/ Phân loại : Ta cần phân biệt mệnh đề quan hệ làm hai loại : mệnh đề xác định (defining relative clause) và mệnh đề không xác định (non-defining relative clause) : (*) Defining clause:(hoặc Restrictive clause) - The man who met me at the airport gave me the money. Ta gọi mệnh đề who met me at the airport là mệnh đề quan hệ xác định vì nó rất cần thiết để định nghĩa hoặc giải thích cho tiền vị từ the man. Nếu không có nó, từ the man sẽ rất mơ hồ và ta không biết người đàn ông đó là ai. - The book (which / that) you lent me is very interesting. - The man (whom / that) you met yesterday is coming to my house for dinner. (*) Non-defining clause : (hoặc Non-restrictive clause) - Shakespeare, who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”, died in 1616. Ta gọi mệnh đề who wrote “Romeo and Juliet” là mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định vì nó chỉ bổ túc thêm nghĩa cho tiền vị từ Shakespeare nên dù có bỏ đi mệnh đề này thì nghĩa của câu văn vẫn rõ ràng. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định thường được ngăn cách bởi dấu phẩy (trước và sau mệnh đề) và không được dùng that để thay thế cho who, whom hay which. - My brother Jack, who came here last night, is an engineer. - That house, which was built a few months ago, doesn’t look modern. - Vietnam, which lies in Southeast Asia, is rich in coal. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định được dùng khi tiền vị từ là tiếng được xác định : thường là danh từ riêng chỉ người hay địa danh (Mr. Brown, Vietnam…), hoặc danh từ đi với các tính từ chỉ định (this, that…) hay tính từ sở hữu (my, his, her, their…) hoặc do ta tự qui định laáy. - A man, who said he knew my father, asked me for money. 4/ where, when và why trong mệnh đề quan hệ : - That is the village in which I used to live..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span>  That is the village where I used to live. - Sunday is the day on which most people rest.  Sunday is the day when most people rest. - There must be a reason for which you said that.  There must be a reason why you said that. In (on / at) which --- (place)--  where On (in / at) which ---(time )--  when For which --(reason)--  why Where và when có thể được dùng để giới thiệu mệnh đề xác định và mệnh đề không xaùc ñònh. - We visited the town where I was born.(defining) - I bought them at the supermarket, where I met Mrs.Brown.(non-defining) - I saw the film last year, when I was in Paris.(non-defining) - I think that was the time when I lost all my money.(defining) Why thường được dùng trong mệnh đề xác định và thường theo sau a reason hay the reason. - That is the reason why I didn’t come to the party yesterday. Where, when và why được gọi là trạng từ quan hệ (relative adverbs) EXERCISE I : Write who, that, which, or nothing to complete these sentences : 1/ Have you got the money ___________ I lent you yesterday ? 2/ Peter, ___________ I had seen earlier, wasn’t at the party. 3/ This is the machine ___________ cost half a million pounds. 4/ Mary, ___________ had been listening to the conversation, looked angry. 5/ Have you read the book ___________ I gave you ? 6/ The house, ___________ they bought three months ago, looks lovely. 7/ Mrs.Jackson, ___________ had been very ill, died yesterday. 8/ Is this the person ___________ stole your handbag ? 9/ The dog, ___________ had been very quiet, suddenly started barking. 10/ I didn’t receive the letters ___________ she sent me. EXERCISE II : Combine these pairs of sentences using relative pronouns: 1/ There’s the lady. Her dog was killed. - ________________________________________________ 2/ That’s the man. He’s going to buy the company. - ________________________________________________ 3/ He’s the person. His car was stolen. - ________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 4/ She’s the new doctor.The doctor’s coming to the hospital next week. - ________________________________________________ 5/ She’s the journalist. Her article was on the front page of The Times. - ________________________________________________ 6/ They’re the people. Their shop burned down last week. - ________________________________________________ 7/ That’s the sales director. He’s leaving in March. - ________________________________________________ 8/ I’m the person. You stayed in my flat. - ________________________________________________ 9/ That’s the boy. He’s just got a place at university. - ________________________________________________ 10/ I’m the one. My flat was broken into. - ________________________________________________ EXERCISE II : Join each pair of sentences using relative pronouns : 1/ The man didn’t come back again. I shouted at him. - ________________________________________________ 2/ The television never worked again. I dropped it. - ________________________________________________ 3/ The machine was broken. I hired it. - ________________________________________________ 4/ The clothes were beautiful. She bought some clothes. - ________________________________________________ 5/ The wall fell down after three weeks. They built the wall. - ________________________________________________ 6/ The policeman wasn’t very helpful. I asked him. - ________________________________________________ 7/ I didn’t really like the car. We bought it. - ________________________________________________ 8/ I lost the money. I borrowed it from John. - ________________________________________________ 9/ I really liked the new teacher. They sent the new teacher. - ________________________________________________ 10/ I sacked a sales assistant. I had a terrible argument with him. - ________________________________________________ EXERCISE V : Write where, when, or why to complete these sentences. 1/ We visited the school ___________ my father taught. 2/ I met her last month, ___________ she came to our house..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> 3/ We all looked at the place ___________ the fire had started. 4/ Did they tell you the reason ___________ they were late? 5/ The cat sat on the wall ___________ it had a good view of the birds. 6/ They arrived in the evening, at a time ___________ we were all out. 7/ I couldn’t understand the reason ___________ they were so rude. 8/ I met him in the cafeù ___________ he was working as a waiter. 9/ I listen to music late at night, ___________ the children have gone to bed. 10/ I bought them in August, ___________ I was in France. EXERCISE VI : Join each pair of sentences using relative pronouns or adverbs. 1/ We need a room. We can study in that room. - ________________________________________________ 2/ Swimming makes people strong. It is a good sport. - ________________________________________________ 3/ This is Mrs.Jones. Her son won the championship last year. Bµi 16. Written Test No1 I, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, They ( 1- go) to school six days a week but they (2- not/ have) lessons yesterday because it (3- be) Sunday. 2, My father ( 4- stop) ( 5- smoke) 5 years ago. It means he ( 6- not/smoke) for five years . 3, Would you mind (7- turn) on the lights ? I hate ( 8- sit ) in the dark. 4, It often (9- think) that students (10- work) hard will get good mark. 5, He asked me (11- go ) to his house but I ( 12 – not/ want) to go out because I ( 13- wait) for a phone call. 6, My pen (14- not / be ) here for a few minutes. It (15 - take) to her . IV, Choose the best answer 1, ……………...it was raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat. A. In spite of B. but C. however D. although 2. I am very ………………in the information you gave me. A. interesting B. interested C. surprised D. excited 3, On the …………to the town, there is a beautiful village. A. way B. direction C. street D. entrance 4, Could you please ……………..me how to use this computer? A. explain B. say C. show D. remember 5, You ……………..to cook the meat for at least an hour. A. should B. must C. ought D. will 6, Nga is going to have her table ………………….in two days.. A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired 7, There ……………jobs for teenagers in the countryside. A. aren’t much B. aren’t many C. aren’t a lot D. isn’t much 8, How long does it …………….you to walk to school? A. need B . spend C. take D. save III, Give the correct form of the words 1, It is very …………….for him to have a headache. ( please) 2, Our students have …………………….their lessons carefully at home. (preparation) 3, The whole country was ……………..by the hurricane( destruction) 4, The flood came to the village without any………………. ( warn) 5, Saving natural resources is a great ………………for us.( important) 6, Don’t worry! I try to finish the work ………………..( succeed ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> 7, Many ………………….like wearing jeans at school.( study) 8, His new clothes look very …………………( fashion) 9, In spite of his …………………, he worked very hard last year.( ill) IV, Fill in the blanks I went to Australia to study English last year. And I’d like to …………..you about it. I was very ……………….when I knew I was going to Australia . I didn’t think about the problems of speaking English…………….. I met my host family. I have learn English for 5 years, but it isn’t very important ……………..we didn’t practice it much at school. My problem is ……………………… “ l” and “ n”. My host mum helped a lot by…………..my bad pronunciation. After four months, My English was ……………better. I had to ……..a bike to school. I went swimming and visited many places …………..was wonderful there. But the most valuable thing was that I learnt to be ……………myself and independent. V, Read the passage again and answer the questions 1, The writer went to Australia for …………………. A. buying some books B. visiting his penal C. working in a factory D. learning 2, He thought that his speaking English was…………………… A. very bad B. good C. easy D. expensive 3, He didn’t practice speaking English much at school because………………….. A. He didn’t learn at school B. his teacher told him so C. it isn’t very important D. it was difficult 4, He went to school by…………… A. bus B. bike C. car D. train 5, The places he visited were ……………….. A. very beautiful B. very tall C. valuable D. cheap 6, When did he find his problems of speaking English?  …………………………………………………………………………………… 7, What was the most valuable thing he learnt in Australia?  …………………………………………………………………………………… VI, Rewrite sentences as directed 1, I met Lan . I have known her for five years  I met……….…………... ……………………………………………………… 2, Nobody invited him so he didn’t go to the party  Because he ……... …………………………………………………………… 3, “ Will you be free tomorrow, Nga? ” Lan said  Lan asked …… ……………………………………………………………… 4, They haven’t phoned us for a month.  It is ..…..………………………………………………………………………. 5, Where were the students having a test at that time?  Where was ………….. ………………………………………………………? 6, That is the place . The festival took place there  That is …….. …………………………………………………………………… 7, Learn harder or you won’t pass the exams  if you ………………………….. ……………………………………………… 8, “ Why don’t we take part in the contest? ” Viet said  Viet suggested …………. ……………………………………………………… 9, Lan is a better English speaker than Hoa  Hoa doesn’t…..………………………………………………………………….. VII, Correct the mistakes in the sentences 1, Spend the holiday in the countryside is wonderful. 2, He was absent from class yesterday because of he was sick. 3, She is going to meet someone whom gave her this note. 4, After living in London , my brother is used to drive on the left 5, She asked me who we are talking about..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> 6, My sister looked beautifully in a red skirt. 7, A new shop was building in the town when he started living here. 8, It was very kind for you to help me.. Written Test No2 I, Give the correct form of the verbs 1, Although we ( 1- be) in this village for five years, but we (2- not/ know) many people yet but my neighbors (3- be) very helpful when we ( 4- move) in. 2, The woman (5- sit) in front of me (6- wear) a big hat at that time so I (7- not / see) anything . 3, Listen! A man (8- sing) the song beautifully at present. He ( 9 –want) to get the first frize. 4, Tom hopes he (10 - meet) many people when he (11- have) a vacation next week. II, Fill in the blanks Lan hardly goes to library. She has ………………in a library only twice in her life and yesterday was…………………..second time. She wouldn’t go there yesterday …………her friend, Nag, didn’t ask her to …………her find some books………. animals. The library was very crowded ………….they got there after school . While LAN was looking …………..some books for Nag, she came to some books on dressmaking . She ………..them so interesting that she decided to ………….them from the library and take them to read. Although she tried ……… best, she couldn’t find the books on animals for her friend but she found that library is a place ………….she can read many books. III, Give the correct form of the words 1, Conservation also includes the ……………….of waste . ( prevent) 2, Do the latest fashion ………….. all of you? ( attraction) 3, Do you know the ………………influences of air pollution? (harm) 4, Almost everybody is interested in …………………..( swim) 5, He’ll never forget the trip because it is ………………………( forget) 6, It is an old house but we should try to ……………………………it ( modern) 7, Thousands of people was made …………..by the storm ( home) 8, During his …………………, his family lived in Hanoi.( child) 9, I feel so……………….that I must go to bed 10, The exams are ……………………….easy( surprise) IV, Match the phrases in column A and B A B 1, If I were his sister a, he couldn’t get the apple on the tree 2, Something will be given b, if he had some money 3, They told me the news c, that they have ever visited 4, He asked his father d, I would give them some cakes 5, Although he was very tall e, she couldn’t phone him 6, Hanoi is the most interesting place f, which was interesting 7, Because she didn’t know his address g, for the students to do 8, That exercise isn’t easy enough g, to you on your birthday 1, …… 2, ………3, ……4, …… 5, …….. 6, …… 7, ……. IV, Choose the best answer 1, His opinion differs …………..mine. A. from B. to C. with 2. Her parents never ………………..her to go out after 8 o’clock. A. made B. let C. allowed 3, Tell me…………….of your parents will go to the meeting. A. who B. whom C. which 4, Whenever they see him , they stop………………. A. talking B. to talking C. to talk 5, Nam is a person who always …………………his promises.. D. on D. agreed D. that D. talk. 8, …....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> A. 6, A. 7, A. 8, A.. makes B. keeps C. follows Was it Bell who …………………………the telephone? invented B. made C. discovered Good morning. I …………………to see the manager please. hope B. will C. want His friends often make me ……………. to laugh B . laugh C. laughing. D. agrees D. produced D. wish D. to laughing. VI, Rewrite sentences as directed 1, It is cheaper to go by train than by car.  Going by car……….…………... ……………………………………………… 2, Although he made a great effort , he failed to win the contest.  In spite of ……......…………………………………………………………….. 3, Because of her carelessness, Mary lost her job.  Since …… ………………………………………………………………………. 4, LAN’s parents gave her a car for her birthday.  LAN ..…..………………………………………………………………………. 5, It was such a bad news that she cried loudly.  The news ………….. …………………………………………………………. 6, How long is it since you last saw Bad?  When …….. …………………………………………………………………? 7, Some boys and girls think walking in the park is interesting.  Some boys and girls are………………………….. …………………………… 8, My sister isn’t very intelligent . His sister isn’t very intelligent.  Neither……. …………. ………………………………………………………  Both…..………………………………………………………………………… VII. Choose whose underlined part is pronounced differently 1. same famous place walk 2. knew sew new few 3. cough laugh tough though 4. question nation attention protection 5. correspond stone pond respond 6. seem beer been teenager 7. early search smear learn 8. inform world word worm.

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