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slide bài giảng e11 UNIT 2 READING

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Welcome to our class

- Work in two groups.

- You are going to see some pictures about different types of relationships. You have to name the
relationship in each picture. The group which has the correct answer first will receive 10 marks for each





So you see that we have many kinds of relationships and therefore there are many problems
to deal with. Which relationship do you have the most troubles? How do you solve it?

Lesson 3: Reading
Please help me!

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

1. What is happening in the pictures? What problems do you think these people
Pic a: The teacher is returning students’ papers. The boy is depressed because of his poor
Pic b: Their relationship is breaking up.
Pic c: They’re having an argument.

Task 1. Discuss with a partner.

2. Whenever you have problems with schoolwork or relationships (at home or at school),
who do you talk to?


Schoolwork: I always talk to my parents because they always care about my study.
Relationships: I always talk to my mother because she always listens to my problems and gives me
valuable pieces of advice.

Activity 2. (In pairs) Read the column and match the readers’ names with their

a. My friend wants to quit school

1. Van Ha

b. My friend betrayed my trust

2. Quang Nam
c. I don’t have friends

Question: Hoa is my only friend at school. She’s also the only person I completely trust. Two weeks
ago, I told her I was very unhappy and lonely, and that I even wanted to drop out of school. She
promised not to tell anyone … but then she told our teacher about it. We had an argument and I
stopped talking to her. Was I right?
(Van Ha)

Activity 2. (In pairs) Read the column and match the readers’ names with their

a. My friend wants to quit school

1. Van Ha

b. My friend betrayed my trust

2. Quang Nam
c. I don’t have friends

Question: In my class, the girls are on good terms with all the boys, except me. The girls just don’t
even notice me, and the boys make jokes about it. I think that’s because I’m short and fat, and girls
don’t find me attractive. I feel very lonely. Please help me.
(Quang Nam)

Activity 2. (In pairs) Read the column and match the readers’ names with their

a. My friend wants to quit school

1. Van Ha

b. My friend betrayed my trust

2. Quang Nam
c. I don’t have friends

Activity 3: Find the words/ expressions in the text that have following meaning and write them in the
space below.
1. be friendly and able to interact well with someone

be on good terms with S.O

2. take an opportunity to act before other people do

take the initiative

3. have confidence in someone


4. take part in (a conversation)

engage in

5. stop going to classes before finishing one's

drop out of school


 Drop out of school = Bỏ học

 Betray /bɪˈtreɪ/ (v)= Phản bội

 Be on good terms with S.O = Hòa thuận với ai

 Reconcile /ˈrekənsaɪl/ : Làm hòa

Activity 4. Read the newspaper column again and answer the questions individually.

1. What is the relationship between Ha and Hoa?
 They are close friends.
2. What did Ha tell Hoa two weeks ago?
 Ha told Hoa about her depression and her intention to drop out of school.
3. Why did they have an argument?

 Because Hoa promised to keep Ha's story secret, but then she told the teacher about it.
4. Does the counsellor agree with Ha`s reactions?
 No. She tries to explain why Hoa told the teacher about Hoa's problem, and advises Ha to talk to Hoa again.
5. What does Quang Nam think about his our appearance?
 He thinks he is short and fat, and girls don't find him attractive.
6. Why do his male friends make jokes about him?
 Because Nam does not have a good relationship with the girls in his class
7. What does the counsellor advise Nam to do?
 The counsellor advises Nam to focus on his studies, become an excellent student and learn how to start a friendly conversation with his

Task 5. If you were the counsellor in charge of the advice column, what would you advice
Ha and Nam to do? Disscuss with a partner.

Thanks for listening
