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giao an anh 8

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>bé tµi liÖu tiÕng anh 8 chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng n¨m häc 2011-2012 liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. häc k× I + k× II. Review. Period 1: I. The aims: II. Vocabulary: III. Grammar:. - Teacher introduces the way to learn English in class 8. - Review some main structures in class 7.. - Tenses of verbs. - Adjectives and adverbs. IV. Teaching aids: book, notebook, …………………… V. Proceduce: Teacher's activities 1, Warm up: + Who's absent today? + What's the date? + How are you?. Students' activities. Contents I. Grammar: - The monitor answers 1. The present simple tense: a, The use: b, Form: (+) S + V/ V-s, -es + O. (-) S + don't/ doesn't + V + O. 2, Presentation: (?) Do/ Does + S + V + O? * Review some structures. - Listen and answer. 2. The past simple tense: + Who can repeat the present a, The use: simple tense? Repeat the use and b, Forms: - Ask them to repeat the past forms. (+) S + V - ed/ I + O. simple tense. - Some students (-) S + didn't + V + O. + Can you repeat the way of repeat. (?) Did + S + V + O? pronunciation of " - ed" ? c, Pronunciation of " -ed ". /t/ : sau c¸c phô ©m p, k, f, 3, Practice: - Ask them to make sentences - Some students make s, sh, ch . their sentences. /id/: sau c¸c phô ©m d,t. with tenses. S1: She speaks English /d/: sau c¸c phô ©m cßn l¹i + Who can make the well. vµ c¸c nguyªn ©m. sentences? S2: The time passed 4, Introduce the way to learn very quickly. English 8: - Listen and remember. Tiếng Anh 8 nhằm nâng cao trình độ của các em bằng cách rèn luyện các kỹ năng: nghe, nói, đọc, viết ở mức độ cao hơn thông qua các bài học có nội dung phong phú, sinh động. Tiếng Anh 8 gồm 16 bài (Unit). Mỗi đơn vị bài học có cấu trúc không giống với lớp 6,7, vì vậy để nắm đợc nhũng kỹ năng và cấu trúc, kiến thức cơ bản của chơng trình các em phải có động cơ học tập đúng đắn, hứng thú với môn học và tìm ra phơng pháp học tập thích hợp cho bản thân. Phải học từ mới, hiểu cấu trúc ngữ pháp, lµm c¸c bµi tËp cñng cè thùc hµnh nhiÒu. Ph¶i biÕt tù kiÓm tra.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> đánh giá mức độ học tập của mình để có kế hoạch ôn tập và củng cố lại kiến thức. V.Prepare: - You must have text books, exercise books, notebooks,……………. - Next period we'll learn unit 1.. ……………. Unit 1:. Period 2. My friends.. I. The aims: 1, Knowledges: Srudents will be describe about their friends and their activities. Use the structure: What do/ does + S + look like? 2, Skills: - Discuss in groups. - Presentation. 3, Attitude: Work hard. II. Content of language: 1, Vocabulary: to seem, enough 2, Grammar: + What do/ does + S + look like? + (not) adj + enough + to- inf III. Teaching aids: book, notebook, picture, tape ,…….. IV. Proceduce: Teacher's activities 1, Warm up:. Students' activities. Contents I. Getting started:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> + Who's absent today? + What's the date? + What did you do during the summer vacation? + What did you remember most? + Did you remember any new friends? - Ask them to work in pairs about summer vacation. 2, Presentation: ( Getting started) - Ask students to look at the pictures in page 10 and work in groups with some questions: + How many peopleare there in each picture? + Where are they? What are they doing? ………… + Do you play soccer after school? + Do you play cards at recess? 3, Comprehension check: (Listen and read) + What do you know about Hoa? + Who can ask/ answer about her? - Introduce the dialogue: Hoa is talking to Lan about one of her friends in Hue. - Ask them listen to the tape. (2 times) + Who can find out the new words? - Explain the meaning. + Who can read? - Introduce some structures: Appearance/ Enough. + Who can ask/ answer? + Who can make sentences with "enough"? 4, Practice: + Who can ask/ answer questions a -> d ? - Give answer key.. - The monitor answers - I visited Sapa/ Sam son/…….. - I remembered seafood most,……. - Yes/ No, ……. - Work in pairs. - Open the book. - Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher. - Work in groups - Work in pairs. - Answer about pictures a -> d. - Yes/ No, ……….. - Answer - Work in pairs. + Who's Hoa? - She's …………. + Where's she from? - She's from ……….. - Listen to the tape. - Some students find out the new words. - Write down - Some students read. - Write down - Work in pairs. - Make sentences.. - Practice in pairs. - Check and correct. 5, Remember: - Ask them read the dialogue again then make up the similar - Read again dialogue. + Who can repeat the main - Practice in pairs. contents? - Some students repeat. 6, Homework:. - Describe these groups of friends and their favorite activities. * Review: favorite activities: soccer, chess, volleyball, going out, picnic, camping, ………. II. Listen and read: 1, New words: - To seem (v): dêng nh - Smile (n/v): nô cêi/ cêi mØm - Enough (adv/ adj): đủ 2, Structures: a, Review (appearance): + What do/ does + S + look like? - S + be + adj b, Exclamation: + What + a/ an + adj + N! - What a lovely smile! c, Enough: * S + be (not) + adj + enough (for sb) + to - inf. - She isn't old enough to be in my class. * S + V + adv + enough (for sb) + to -inf. - He studied hard enough to pass the exam. III. Practice: Answer key. a, Nien lives in Hue. b, No, she doesn't know Nien. c, She wasn't old enough to be in my class. d, She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas. IV. Remember: + What do/ does + S + look like? + S + be (not) + adj + enough + to -inf. V. Homework: - Make 2 sentences with "enough". - Do exercise 1/ 5 in workbook..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Write on the board.. - Write down. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. …………………………. Unit 1:. My friends.. SPEAK - LISTEN. Period 3 I. The aims: 1, Knowledges: Srudents practice to describe about their friends' appearance. Practice listening skill. 2, Skills: Practice 4 skills 3, Attitude: Work hard II. Content of language: 1, Vocabulary: build, slim, straight, curly, blond, fair, bald,….. 2, Grammar: - To be, to have - Adjectives of appearance - Respond to introductions III. Teaching aids: IV. Proceduce:. book, notebook, picture, tape , cassette, ……... Teacher's activities 1, Warm up: + Who's absent today? + What's the date? * Check the old lesson: - Call one student go to the board.. Students' activities. 2, Presentation: A. Speak: - Let them play game "Networks" about adj of describing. - Introduce the way to play.. Play game. - Look at six pictures in page 11, 12 and read. - Explain the new words. - Introduce the game: guess a person, who is described by friend. * Review the structure: + What do/ does + S + look like?. - The monitor answers - S1: Do exercise 1/ 5. tall. - Look at and read some adj. - Repeat and write. - Work in pairs dialogue. Contents I. Speak: 1, New words: - Build (n): tÇm vãc -Slim (adj): m¶nh dÎ - Straight (adj): th¼ng - Curly (adj): xo¨n - Blond (adj): vµng hoe - Fair (adj): vµng nh¹t - Bald (adj): hãi thin white - Sharp eye : m¾t s¾c - Forehad (n): tr¸n fat 2. Dialogue: - She has long blond hair = short black Her hair is long and blond. * Review some adj of describing (appearance). 3, Practice: - Now take turns (thay phiªn) to make the similar dialogues. Use the adjectives in the table..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Make sentences 3, Practice: - Look at the six pictures and make the similar dialogues. - Practice in pairs - Ask them to look at their S1: What does Van look friends in the class and like? describe them. S2: He is tall and thin. He has short black hair. B. Listen: a, Pre- listening: + What do you say if you want to meet someone? - Listen and answer + What will you say when you are introduced to someone? - Explain some ways of answering. - Ask them to read dialogue - Listen and write some ways of answering. and find out the main ideas and guess words need fill in - Read and guess the gaps. b, While- listening: _ Listen to the tape and - Listen to the tape and complete the dialogues. complete the dialogues. + Who can complete? Then compare with the c,Post- listening: guessing before. - Give answer key. - Check and correct - Practice in pairs 4, Remember: + Who can repeat the main contents of the lesson? - Some students repeat 5, Homework: - Write on the board. - Write down. …………………………. Unit 1:. My friends.. Period 4:. Read. I. The aims:. II. Listen: 1, Listen and complete the conversation. Use the expressions in the box. a, Review: - Respond to introductions (three ways). - Nice/ pleased to meet (see) good/ glad you - How do you do? - It's pleasure to meet you. (I'd like you to meet ….) b, Answer key. 1. I'd like you to meet 2. Nice to meet you 3. I'd like you to meet …. 4. It's pleasure to meet you 5. Come and meet 6. How do you do III. Remember: - Adjectives of describing. - Respond to introduction. IV. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. - Write a dialogue to describe a person. - Do exercise 2, 3/ 6. - Prepare: Read.. 1, Knowledges: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the passage and answer the questions about Ba's friends' characters and hobbies. 2, Skills: Practice reading skill. 3, Attitude: Work hard II. Contents of language: 1, Vocabulary: character, sociable, generous, reserved, outgoing,……. 2, Grammar: Present simple tense. III. Teaching aids: book, notebook, picture, tape , cassette, …….. IV. Proceduce:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Teacher's activities 1, Warm up: + Who's absent today? + What's the date? * Check the old lesson: - Call two students go to the board. - Ask the others reads the dialogue again.. Students' activities. Contents I. Read: - The monitor answers 1, New words - Character (n): tÝnh c¸ch - Sociable (adj): chan hoµ - Reserved (adj): kín đáo S1: Write new words. - Outgoing (adj): cëi më S2: Do exercise 3 (a, b) - Humorous (adj): hµi híc - Work in pairs - Sense of humor (n): tÝnh hµi híc - Smart (adj): b¶nh bao 2, Presentation: - Honest (adj): thËt thµ + Do you have any friends? - Listen and answer - Sensitive (adj): nh¹y c¶m + What are their hobbies? Yes/ No, ……… .. - Confident (adj): tù tin + Can you describe your close - Their hobbies are ……. - Shy (adj): xÊu hæ friends? - Yes/ No, ….... - Reliable (adj): đáng tin cậy 3, Comprehension check: - Good- hearted (adj): tèt a, Pre - reading: bông - Introduce the topic of new - Annoy (v): lµm khã chÞu, lesson: The writer will - Listen to the teacher. lµm bùc m×nh introduce some his close - Orphanage (n): tr¹i må c«i friends. You scan the text and answer the questions. - Scan the text and 2. Model sentences: + How many close friends answer the questions: - He is a hard- working does Ba have? He has …………… . student who always gets good + What do they like? marks. + Do they have the same - They like ………….. II. Practice: favorite activities? - Yes/ No, …………. 1. Choose the best answer and b, White - reading: write: - Listen to the tape, please. a - A : three (2 times) Listen to the tape. b - C : does not affect his + Who can read the text? school work - Ask students to choose the - Some students read. - Students do in 2 c - B : don't talk much in best answer. (2 minutes) minutes. public + Who can read the correct - Some students read d - D : get tired of sentence? their sentences. 2. Answer key. - Give answer key. Chek and correct. a, Ba feels lucky having a lot - Aks students to answer the - Students do study cards of friends. questions. (5 minutes) in 5 minutes. b, Bao is the most sociable. + Who can ask/ answer? - Work in pairs. c, Khai likes reading. - Give the answer key. - Chek and correct. d, A bad thing about Ba's c, After - reading: jokes is that sometimes his - Ask them to describe their - Some students tell jokes annoy his friends. close frineds. about their close friends. e, Bao spends his free time - Give some some words to doing volunteet work at a them: sensitive, confident, local orphanage. shy,… f, We have the same/ different characters. 4, Remember: + Who can repeat the main - Students repeat. III. Remember: contents of the lesson? - New adjectives. - Characters of friends. 5, Homework: - Write on the board. - Write down. IV. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. - Describe a close friend. - Do exercise 4/ 7..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> …………………………. Unit 1:. Period 5:. My friends. Write. I. The aims: 1, Knowledges: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice writing skill about themselves or their friends. 2, Skills: Practice writing skill. 3, Attitude: Work hard II. Contents of language: 1, Vocabulary: 2, Grammar: Adjectives of description and characters. III. Teaching aids: book, picture, …….. IV. Proceduce: Teacher's activities 1, Warm up: + Who's absent today? + What's the date? * Check the old lesson: - Let them play game "Networks" about adj of characters.. Students' activities - The monitor answers Play game generous nice. 2, Presentation: friendly - Introduce the lesson by some guiding questions (c©u - Listen to the teacher. - Students answer. hái dÉn d¾t). + What's your close friend's - He's ………… characters? + What does he look like? 3, Comprehension check: a, Pre - writing: - Look at the part 1 - page 15 - Look at and read. and read about Tam. + What information is there - Answer. on the card? - Explain Tam's personal card. - Listen. - Let them to read a paragraph - Some students read describing Tam. then compare the brief - Use some questions about the content to check students. information with information in the paragraph. b, White - writing:. Contents I. Play "Networks": II. Write: 1. Read information about Tam: outgoing - Name: - Appearance: character kind - Characters: - Address: honest - Family: - Friends: 2. Fill in a similar form for the partner. Use the following the questions as prompts. a, His name is ……………. b, He is 15 years old. c, He is smart/ handsome ….. d, He is very kind/ generous .. e, He lives on Tran Phu Street. f, He lives with his parents. g, His best friend is ……….. 3. Write a paragraph about your partner. His name's Nguyen Van Long and he's fourteen years old. He lives at 15 Minh Khai.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Ask them to fill in a similar form for their partner. - Work in pairs. - Call some students give some adjectives of description - Give adjectives. and characters. - Let them write a paragraph about their partners. - Write a paragraph. 4, Practice: c, After - reading: - Call some students read their paragraph.. - Some students read.. 5, Remember: + Who can repeat the main contents of the lesson?. - some students repeat.. 6, Homework: - Write on the board.. Street in Ha Giang Town with his parents and his younger sister. He's tall and fat and has short black hair. He's sociable, humorous ans kind. His best friends are Hung and Kien. III. Remember: - Characters of friends. - Write about friends. IV. Homework: - Write about your father or mother. - Do exercise 5/ 8.. - Write down.. …………………………. Unit 1:. My friends.. Period 6:. Language focus. I. The aims: 1, Knowledges: In this lesson, students will be reviewed some grammar structures and do exercises. 2, Skills: Practice four skills. 3, Attitude: Work hard II. Contents of language: 1, Vocabulary: planets, Mars, Mercury, ……. 2, Grammar: - Simple tenses. - Present simple to talk about general truths - (not) adjective + enough + to- infinitive ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> III. Teaching aids: IV. Proceduce:. book, picture, ……... Teacher's activities 1, Warm up: + Who's absent today? + What's the date? * Check the old lesson: - Call one student goes to rhe board.. Contents I. Grammar: - The monitor answers 1. Present simple to talk about general truths. - Ngoµi c¸c ý nghÜa, c¸ch - Describe your close dùng đã học, thì hiện tại đơn friend. còn diễn tả sự việc luôn đúng, ch©n lý. 2, Presentation: Example: The Sun rises in the - Listen and repeat the a, Introduce present simple East and sets in the West. use and forms. Then tense to talk about general 2. The past simple tense. write and make sentences a, The use. truths. with them. - Ask them to repeat and b, Forms make sentences. 3. Structure: b, The past simple. S + be (not) + adj + enough - Listen, repeat and write. + to- inf. - Repeat the use and forms. c, Introduce structure " Example: - Listen and repeat. Enough + to - infinitive." - He isn't old enough to drive - Write structure on the board a car. - Make the sentences. and ask them to make - This box is small enough for sentences. me to carry. 3, Practice: a, Complete the paragraph: - Ask students to complete the paragraph. - Call some students read their answers. - Give answer key. b, Complete the dialogue: - Explain this exercise and ask them to do. - Who can practice it? - Check their answers. c, Look and describe: - Ask them to look at picture part 3 and answer the questions. - Call some students practice. + Who can describe them? - Give some suggestions. d, Complete the dialogues. Use (not) enough: - Ask them to work in pairs. - Give answer key. 4, Production (vËn dông): - Ask them to use these structures and make sentences. 5, Remember: + Who can repeat the main contents of the lesson?. Students' activities. II. Exercises: 1. Complete the paragraph. a, 0 - lived 1 - lives 3 - was 2 - sent 4 - is b, 0 - is 1 - are 3 - shower 2 - came 4 - introduced - Listen to teacher. 2. Complete the dialogue. - Complete the Ba is helping his young paragraph. cousin Tuan with some - Work in pairs. homework. 0 - rises 4 - is - Look at the picture and 1 - sets 5 - is work in pairs. 2 - goes 6 - is S1: The boy sitting on the 3 - moves ground and holding his 3. Look at the picture and head is wearing blue describe. shorts and a white shirt. a, There are four people in the S2: The man standing in picture. front of the bus stop is b, The man standing next to short. He is wearing blue the car is tall, heavy- set man. trousers and pink shit. He is wearing yellow shit and He's wearing a dark tie black trousers. and carrying a briefcase. - There is a tall, thin woman with short hair. She is wearing - Work in pairs. a green skirt and red blouse and is carrying a shoulder bag ….. 4. Complete the dialogues. - Students repeat. Answer key a, not big enough b, not old enough - Students read and complete the paragraph. - Some students read their answers. - Check and correct..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - Write down.. c, strong enough d, good enough III. Remember: - Simple tenses. - Enough.. 6, Homework: - Write on the board.. IV. Homework: - Do execises 5,6/ 10.. …………………………. Unit 2:. Making arrangements.. Getting started+ Listen and read. Period 7 I. The aims: 1, Knowledges: In this lesson, students can review some words about names of telecommunication devices and use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements and answer the questions . 2, Skills: Practice four skills. 3, Attitude: Work hard II. Contents of language: 1, Vocabulary: Mobile phone, Fax machine, telephone directory, hold on, ……. 2, Grammar: - Talk about intention with "going to". - Can I speak to ……..? - Let's ……………. - Would you like ………….? - Adverbs of place III. Teaching aids: book, picture, cassette, tape …….. IV. Proceduce: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1, Warm up: + Who's absent today?- The monitor answers + What's the date? * Check the old lesson:S1: Does exercise 5/ 8 (e,f) - Call two students S2: Make 2 sentences with "enough" go to rhe board. 2, Presentation: (Getting started) - Introduce the new lesson. - Let students look at the pictures in page 18 and answer the questions: + What is this? + When do you use it? + Who can answer. - Open the book and listen. - Look at the pictures and answer the questions. - Match each object with its name. - Some students answer. - Listen ans read. - Listen to the teacher. -. Contents I. Getting started: 1. New words. - Mobile phone (n): ĐT di động. - Fax machine (n): m¸y fax - Answering/ message machine (n): m¸y nh¾n tin - Telephone directory(n): danh b¹ 2. Match each object with its name. a, an answering machine b, a mobile phone.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> again? - Explain some words. 3, Comprehension check: (Listen and read) - Introduce the dialogue: Nga is calling to Hoa and inviting Hoa to see a movie at Sao Mai Theater. + What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it? - Listen to the tape, please. - Explain some words and structures - Ask them to find the sentences with : present progressive tense. 4, Practice: + Who can practice the dialogue? - Ask them to practice answering the questions. + Who can repeat steps when making arrangements? + Can you make the similar dialogue? 5, Remember: + Who can repeat the main contents of the lesson? 6, Homework: - Write on the board.. - Some students answer . - Listen to the tape. - Listen and repeat. - Write - Find out the sentences.. - Work in pairs - Practice from a to f. - Some students repeat - Work in pairs.. - Some students repeat.. - Write down.. c, a fax machine d, a telephone directory e, a public telephone f, an address book II. Listen ans read. 1. The dialogue. a, New words. - Make a call: gäi ®iÖn tho¹i - Hold on (v): gi÷ m¸y - Where is it on? chiÕu ë ®©u? * Notice: Th× hiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn chØ hành động tơng lai. Ex: - I'm using my cousin's bike tonight. III. Practice. Answer key a, Nga made the call. b, Nga introduced herself. c, Nga invited Hoa to go to the movies. d, Nga arranged a meeting place. e, Hoa arranged the time. f, Nga agreed to the time. IV. Production. - The steps when making arrangements on the phone: + Make the call/ introduce oneself/ invite the other arrange a meeting place/ arrange the time/ agree to the time. III. Remember: - New words. - Making.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> arrangements. IV. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. - do exercise 2/ 13 liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. häc k× II. Period 54. Unit 9 : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 1 : Getting started+ Listen and read. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know more about first-aids with requests, offers and promises. 1, Language focus: * Structures: Forms of requests, offers and promises. * Vocabulary: stretcher, crutches, wheelchair, scale, eye chart. 2, Language skills: speaking and listening skills. II. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, tape, stereo, cues. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1, Checking up: practice the last dialogue. (pairs) 2, New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) Network about First-aid - Ask Ss to network about - play the game. (whole situations. First-aid situations. class) . Presentations(35’) * Discussion: - Give instructions Look at the pictures and Look at the pictures and - Call on some groups to discuss in groups. discurs what they would give their answers and do in these situation correct. which require first aid. - Listen and repeat * Pre-reading: - Present new words on the - Copy down. □ Pre-teach vocab: board - guide Ss to read - ambulance: xe cứu them in chorus  individuals. thöông - Check Ss' memory by - emergency: sự cấp cứu technique "slap the board"..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> - unconcious ≠ concious - (to) bleed - wound (n): veát thöông - pressure: sức ép - tight ≠ loose - Read the passage in fill in - Present the open. Passage the blanks with suitable words. □ gap-fill predition on the board. - Ask Ss predict the words - Give feedback in the gaps. - Read the dialogue and - Listen and write on the check their predictions. board. - Give the correct answers.. There was an emergency at lan's school. A student ..... 1 .... off her bike and hit her head on the road. She was ... 2... but she cut her head and the. ... 3... was ... 4... badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the nurse to send an ... 5... to Quang Trung school. Lan was asked to keep the student ... 6... while waiting for the ambulance". * While-reading: Read the dialogue and check Ss' prediction * Post-reading: Read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue. (page 81).. 3.Consolidation (3’) - Ask the Ss to retell the main content of the lesson : “ How to do the first- aids”, and how to protect yourself by the first- aids. 4. Home work (2’): -Read the paragraph , write the new words. - Do the exercise 1 page 55- work book. - Prepare : unit 9- Speak+ listen. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. Period 55. Unit 9 : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 2 : Speak+ Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know more about first-aids with requests, offers and promises. 1, Language focus: * Structures: Forms of requests, offers and promises. * Vocabulary: stretcher, crutches, wheelchair, scale, eye chart. 2, Language skills: speaking and listening skills. II. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, tape, stereo, cues. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1, Checking up: practice the last dialogue. (pairs) 2, New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) - Give instruction. - Look at the pictures and - Tell Ss the group having write the verbs desoubing the most right vebs is the the people in it. winner.. Guess from context: What actions? Look at the pictures on page 82 and write out all the verbs describing the actions of the people in it.. Presentations(35’) - Ask Ss questions to elicit the - Answers the questions. models. - Listen and repeat. - Presents the models.. * Presentation: □ Set the scene. □ Model sentence: Will you (please) get me bandage? □ Concept checking: - Get Ss to work out the rules 1. To make a request: for themsehes by asking - Copy down. Will questions. Would + you (please) + ba infini:...? Could Can Responses: - Sure/ ok/ Taát ca right. - I'm sorry I can I'm... 2. To make an offer: Will/ won't you - Hang the chart with the - Look at the pictures on statements on the board. Shall I ba page 82 and match the infinitive...? situations with the Can I statements. Would you like + to infinitive. - Identify the situations in the pictures. (on page 81). - Model picture a. * Practice: (Matching). (p.82). - Repeat the model sentence 1. The girl has a burn on her han 2. The girl has a bad fever in chorus  individual. - Monitor and correct, - Practise all the exchanges 3. The boy has just broken th vase. encourage Ss to make in turns. 4. The boy has a headache..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 5. The boy has a snake bite. □ Picture Drill Picture a: request offer b. offer/ request promise. c. offer/ request.. sentences for themsehes.. a. Could you give me a bandag please? - Sure. Here you are. b. Shall I get you some medicine - Yes, please.. * Pre-listening: □ Pre-teach vocab: - eye chart (picture) - a parademic - Wheelchair (picture) - Stretcher - Crutches □ Checking technique: What an where. □ Matching: A  ambulance. D  eye chart B  wheelchair E  scale C  crutches F  stretcher. * While-listening: - Have Ss copy and guess the - Copy and guess the order □ Order Prediction. order of the words. of the words. You guess On tape - Play the tape and ask Ss to - Listen and give the Ambulance 3 listen. answers. Wheelchair 2 - Listen and correct. - Present new words on the - Listen and repeat board. - Have Ss repeat in chorus and - Copy down. copy down. - Ask Ss to do exercise. - Look at the picture in their books again and match the letter A, B, C,... to the corret words in the box.. - Present the statements on the board. - Ask Ss to read the statements carefully and check if they understand the meaning of the statements.. Crutches Eye chart Scale Stretcher. - Read the statements given carefully and work in pairs to decide which of the statements is true and which is false.. 6 4 5 1. * Post-listening: True False Statements: 1. A doctor is wheeling a patie into the emergency room. 2. The patient's head is banadged 3. A nurse is pushing a wheelcha with a patient sitting on it. 4. The eye chart consists of 2 letters ranging (from) in th different sire*. 5. The baby mother is trying to stop the nu from weighing her baby. - Play the tape and have Ss to - Listen the tage again and * Correction: listen (2 or 3 times) give the answers. 1. False (a parademic) 2. True 3. False (empty wheelchair). 4. True 5. False (stop herbab.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> fromcrying). 3.Consolidation (3’) - Aks the Ss to retell the main content of the listening and some main words used in the hospital. 4.Homework(2’) -Aks the Ss to do the exercise 4 ( page ;56 ) in workbook. -Prepare the reading.. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. Period 56. Unit 9 : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 3 : Read. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand more about Firstaids in fainting, shock, burns. 1, Language focus: * Vocabulary: lying flat, elevate, lower, victim, revive, minimize tissue damage, ease the pain. 2, Language skills: reading skill. II. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, tape, stereo. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1, Checking up: some Ss give situations; other make and respond to requests, offers. 2, New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) - Ask Ss to give nouns for Siggested words: emergencies which require - Give nouns and write Burn, cut, bee sting, smake first-aid. them on the board. bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed.. Presentations(35’). - Present new words on the * Pre-reading: board. - Listen and repeat. □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - Guide Ss to read them in - Copy down. - (to) lie flat. chorus. - Read new words in - (to) elevate ≠ (to) lower - a victim (person who needs firs chorus. aid) - Check ss' memory by - (to) over heat technique "Rub out and - tissue damage remember". - (to) ease = (to) stop - Collect and write the Ss' ideas - Think of what to do in □ Checking technique: Rub o on the board. these emergency cases. and remember..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> □ Network: cool the burn with ice. - Have Ss read the instructions on page 83 and add the missing - Read the onstructions and information. the statemnets - match three leading A, B, C to them. - Ask the questions to elicit the - Listen and answers the questions. answers.. - Monitor and correct.. - practise asking and answering the questions with "Why".. * While-reading: □ Read the instructions on pag 83 and add the missin information □ Matching:  Read the statements on page 8 and match three leading A, B, C them. □ Model sentence: - Why should we cool the bu inmediately?  we should do it in order minimize the tissue damage. □ Concept checking: Form: in order to + bare infinitiv Meaning: để Use: to indicate purposes. * Post reading: Do exercise 1 on page 86.. 3.Consolidation .(3’) - Aks the Ss to retell the main content of the readingand some main words used in the case of the emegency.. 4.Homework.(3’) -Aks the Ss to do the exercise 7 ( page ;58 ) in work book.. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. Period 57. Unit 9 : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 4 : Write. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a thank - you letter. 1, Language focus: * Structure: forms of nomal letter. 2, Language skills: writing skill. II. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, a letter..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III- Procedures: 1. Checking up: Talk about some first - aid for Fainting, Shock, and Burns. 2. New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) Play the game: - play the game. (groups) Arranging a letter. - prepares a letter. (4 ones) - cuts them into different parts. - asks Ss to arrange the right letter. - gives feedback. Presentations(35’) - Present new words and - Listen and repeat. guide Ss to read them. - Copy down. - Set the scene to introduce the situation.. - Give instructions.. - Read the statements and predict - Give their predictions and write on the board.. - Look at the letter on page - Ask Ss to do exercise 84 and complete it with the right verb forms. (page 84) - Monitor and help ss with - Give their answers. the tense firms. - Answers the questions. - Correct the mistakes. - Give feedback. - Guide Ss to answers the questions. - Corret the mistakes.. * Pre-writing: □ Pre-teach vocab: - (to) thank SO for sth. - (to) cheer SO up = to make SO feel happier. - (to) come over. □ Set the scene. "Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital. After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank-you note to Hoa. Why and what did she write? □ True-false prediction: 1. Nga write to thank Hoa for some candy. 2. Hoa's gift cheered Nga up. 3. Nga'd lke Hoa to see her at the hospital. 4. Nga is very bored now. 5. Nga write the letter at the hospital. □ Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. was 2. were 3. helped 4. come 5. am 6. I'm phone * While - writing: □ Answers the questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> - Write a thank-you note.. on (page 85) □ Write a thank-you note to a friend. Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you. Use the questions. * Post-writing: - Comparing - sharing - Correction. 3. Consolidation(3’). - Retell the content of the lesson. 4.Home work(2’) - Write aletter in the notebook. - Prepare the language focus.. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. Period 58. Unit 9 : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 5 : Language focus. I- Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss use in order to, so as to and revise will to make requests, offers and promises. * Structure: I always keep the window open in order to / so as to let fresh air in. Will you open the window, please ? 2, Language skills: writing and speaking skills. II- Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, cues, picture. 2, Students': text book , note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1, Checking up: While consolidate grammar. 2, New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) Completing sentences - divides class into 2 - Do as require. groups. One gives a half of a sentence. The other completes the sentence with to do or for doing ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Which team is fast and correct is the winer. Presentations(36’) * Activity 1: in order 1. in order to / so 1. in order to / so as to / so as to. as to.. - gives example, asks Ss to compare 2 halfs of the sentence and gives meaning of in order to / so as to. I always keep the window open ……… let fresh air in. - explains the exercise1 (page 86). - look at the example and compare. In order to / so In order to / so as to + infinitive. V - infinitive. - do the exercise, use in order to / so as to to match one part of a sentence in column A with another part in Answer key: column B (groups + 2 3 4 cues) +c + +e b. - gives feedback.. to.. as to + V -. 5 + a. 6 + d. 2. simple future Answer key: future 1. will 2. 3. - asks Ss to retell the Will won't form and the use of - retell the form and the 4. 5. 6. 'll simple future. use of simple future. Shall/Will will - asks Ss to do the - complete the dialogue exercise 2. using simple future tense. (pairs) 3. modal will to - gives feedback. make requests, * Activity 2:. simple. offers and promises.. * Activity 3:. modal will to make requests, offers and promises.. - introduces the pictures (page 87), and asks Ss to do the exercise 3. - gives feedback.. Answer key: b. Will you give it to me, please ? c. Will you answer the phone, please ? - do the exercise. (pairs) d. Will you turn on the TV, please ? e. Will you pour a glass of water for me? f. Will you get me the cushion, please ?. - do the exercise 4. - explains the exercise 4, (pairs) ask Ss to make requests,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> offers and promises. - gives feedback. 3. Consolidation(3’) Ask Ss to retell the main content of the lesson: future simple 4. Home work (1’) - .Prepare new lesson.. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. Period 59. Unit 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 1 : Getting started+ Listen and read. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know about the topic: Recycling with the organization: Friends of the Earth. 1, Language focus: * Structure: Passive voice. (quickly) Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged. * Vocabulary: cloth bag, banana leaves, lotus leaves, overpackaged, throwaway products. 2, Language skills: speaking, listening, and reading skills. II. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, real objects. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1. Checking up: while teaching new lesson. 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities Warm up(5’). Completing sentences - divides class into 2 - Do as require. groups. One gives a half of a sentence. The other completes the sentence with to do or for doing . Which team is fast and correct is the winer.. Contents (Brainstorm) Reuse plastic bags.. Ways to reduce the amount of garbage. Presentations(36’) - Present new words on the - Listen and repeat.. * Pre-reading:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> board. - Copy down. - Have ss copy - Guide ss to read them in - Read the words in chrus. chorus. - Rewrite the words in the - Present the Jumbled right order. words on the board. - Listen to the situation. - Ask ss to listen the situation. - Work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false. - Write the Ss' guesses on the board.. - Read the dialogue and check their predictions correct the false statements. - Practise the dialogue.. - Monitor. □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - representative: người đại diện - (to) protect: to keep so/ sth safe from danger. - natural resources (coal, mines, oil, gold,...) (to) contact: (to) communicate with. □ Checking techniques: Jumbled words. □ True/ False predictions: 1. Freinds of the Earth is an organiration to help peope make friends with each other. 2. Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle. 3. Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked. 4. We cannot reuse things like envelopes glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags. 5. Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and shouldn't use plastic bags at all. 6. recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them. * While-reading: □ Read the dialogue and check their prediction. □ Correct the false statements. * Post-reading: □ Answers the questions on page 90. □ Prectise the dialogue.. 3. Consolidation.(3’) Retell the main content of the lesson and give the way to redue the garbage. 4. Homework(1’) - Ask Ss to do the exercise 1 + 2 ( p: 59 ) in the work book.. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68. Period 60. Unit 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 2 : Speak+Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to differ the waste following groups then know more about how to make the compost. 1, Language focus: * Structures: review * Vocabulary: fabric, compost heap, egg shell, moisture, condensation. 2, Language skills: speaking and listening skills. II. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, tape, stereo, cues. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1. Checking up: practice the last dialogue. (pairs) 2. New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) - Give instruction. - Look at the picture and * Warm-up: (Kim's game) write the words showing □ Write the words things in it. showing things in the picture, Possible answers: used paper, books, bottles, glasses, jars,.... Presentations(36’). * Pre-speaking: - Show the meaming of - Listen and repeat. □ Pre-teach vocabulary: some new words. - Copy down. - fertilizer (farmers ofter use this thing - Guide Ss to read them in - Read new words in make their plants or trees grow w chorus. (what's it?) chorus. - compost (what do you call the fertil made from spoiled food, leaves, vegeta - Check ss' memory by matter,...) technique "Bingo" - fabric - leather: (our shves, sandals are o made of...?). - Read the words and guide - Listen to the words □ Dictation - list: Ss to do exercise. Items for items and put them Group Used paper (old newspaper, into the right groups. Paper books, cardboard boxes). Glass Bottles, glasses, jars. Plastic Plastic bags, plastic bottles. Metal Food cans, drinking tins. Fabric Clothes (cloth bags, material) Leather (shoes, sandals, schoolbags) Vegetables Fruit peels (vegetables,...).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> - Elicit the exchanges from students. - Model the exchanges. - Monitor and correct.. Practise the exchanges in pairs, replacing the information (in brackets) with the words in the dictation list.. * While-speaking: □ Mapped Dialogue:. - Which group Belong to?Put ...... in- What can we do With...? - We can ....- Are .......? What shall we do With (....)That's right - We make. - Have ss read the multiple choice questions on page 91 and check if Ss understand - Read the multiple the questions. choice questions on pae Correct. 91. * Post-listening: - Give their answers. □ Hear four questions during recording. Check the correct answers. □ answers Key: a. A b. B c. A d. B. 3. Consolidation(3’) Retell again the way to make the compost heap. 4. Home work (1’) Read again these participle and prepare the reading in the rext book.( p 92).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> Week: 22 Period: 65. Date of preparing: 10/01/2013 Date of teaching: 16/01/2013. Unit 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 3 : Read I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand more about some things to recycle such as: car tires, bottles, glass .... II. Language contents: 1. Structures: Passive voice 2. Vocabulary: pipe, refill, deposit. III. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, tape, stereo. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. IV. Procedures: 1. Checking up: while teaching new lesson. 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. Contents. Warm up - Give instruction - Write any 5 words and * Warm-up: (Bingo) - Call out the words until listen to their teacher. Environment, garbage, pure, used someone shouts "Bingo". paper, protect, envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic,... Presentation - Elicits words from students. - Copy the new words. - Guides Ss to read new - Read new words. words. - Checks Ss' memory by technique "Rub out and Remember". - Writes the questions the. * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - tire: voû loáp xe - pipe: ống nước - deposit: tieàn ñaët coïc - (to) refill: làm đầy - (to) melt ≠ (to) freeze □ Open - prediction: ? What do people do with used.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> board - Guess what they are things? ? What can they make from them? going to read. - Asks Ss to guess. - Car tires  - Writes the Ss' guesses on - milk bottle  the board. - Glass  - Asks Ss to open their books - Read the text and and read the text. make a list of recycling facts mentioned in the text. - Asks Ss to do exercise 1 - Answers the questions. and 2 on page 93.. - Correction. - Give feedback.. .. 3. Consolidation - Retell the main content of the reading. 4. Home work ( - Do exercise 4 +5 +6 in the work book ( p:61-62) - Prepare the next lesson.. * While-reading: □ Read the text. □ Make a list of recycled things (Ex.2 p.93). □ Check their prediction. * Post reading: □ Answers the questions on page 93 Ex1. a) People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles. b) The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware. c) The Oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for rycling. d) Compost is made from house hold and garden waste. e) If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5 265 456. Exe 2: + Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings. + Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled ( with milk) + Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware. + Drink cans are brought back for recycling. + House hold and garden waste is made into compost..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Week: 22 Period: 66. Date of preparing: 11/01/2013 Date of teaching: 18/01/2013. Unit 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 4 : Write I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the way to recycle paper and write the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves. II. Language contents: 1. Structure: review the sequence markers. 2. Vocabulary: soak, press, buket, mash, wire mesh, firmly, scatter. III. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. IV. Procedure: 1. Checking up: 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents Warm up - Writes 9 numbers on the - Ss choose a lucky Lucky numbers. board. number, they do not Say these sentences in the passive: - Tells Ss each number is have to answers any 1. People speak English everywhere. for a questions but 4 of questions but they get 2. Most children like cartoons. 1 point and they can them are lucky numbers. choose another 3. We do not use things carefully. 4. Children like candies. number. 5. Mr. Han teaches Maths. Presentation - Elicits words from * Pre-writing: students. □ Pre-teach vocab: - Guides Ss to read words. - Read new words. - (to) soak: làm ướt - Checks ss' memory "Slap.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - (to) mash: nghieàn - bucket: thuøng, xoâ - Corrects the exercise in - Do exercise 1 p. 93. - wire mesh: lưới sắt the text book. □ Complete the recycling instructions (Exercise 1 page: 93) 1.use. 2. Mix 3. Place 4. - Correcst the mistakes. - Order the pictures. Press 5. Wrap 6. Wait 7. Dry * While - writing: □ Ordering pictures. Write the □ Make the instructions on how to instructions. prepare the leaves. the board".. - Copy down.. * Post-writing: correction. a)First, take the used tea leaves from the teapot. b)Next, scatter the tea leaves on a tray. c)Then, dry the leaves in the sun. d)Finally , put the dry leaves in a pot for future use. 3. Consolidation - Retell again the content of the lesson. 4. Homework - Do the exercise 7 ( p: 63 ) * Self-evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> Week: 23 Period: 68. Date of preparing: 16/01/2013 Date of teaching: 23/01/2013 Unit 10 : RECYCLING Lesson 6 : Language focus 3,4. I- Objectives: Review grammar on: Passive forms, Adjectives follwed by an infinitive, a noun clause. 1, Structure: The glass is broken into small pieces. It's difficult to follow your directions. 2, Language skills: writing and speaking skills. II- Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, cues . 2, Students': text book , note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1. Checking up: While consolidate grammar. 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents Warm up - Presents the Jumpled Rewrite the * Warm-up: (Junbled words) words on the board. Jumbled words in - difficult - important the correct ones. - easy - understand - hard - believe, dangerous - wait.. - Sets the scene to - Listen introduce the structure. teacher.. - Explains the structure. - Listen.. - Has sts copy .. - Copy.. - Gives instruction. - Listen.. Presentation to their Model sentence: Passive voice □ Concept checking: + Form: Passive Form in the Present Simple Subject + is/ am/ are + p.p + Use: it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb. + How to change an active sentence to a passive one Active: S O Passive: S be + p.p by O Language focus 3 □ Pre-teach structures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> □ Set the scene: Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam finds it difficult to follow Ba's directions what does he say to Nam? Model sentences:. It 's difficul to follow Your t It b adj to infi direction e s Concept checking: Form: It + be + adj + to infinitive - Calls on some pairs to - Demonstrate the * Practice: demonstrate the dialogue and correct. □ Gap fill dialogue and correct. (Exercise 3 on page 96) Language focus 4 * Presentation: □ Pre-teach structure: - Sets the scene to elicit - Answer. + Set the scene: the model. Nam passed the English exam and his grandparents are delighted at it. What did they write to him? Model sentence:. - Explains the structure - Copy. of the model sentence. - Asks sts to do - Do the exercise. exercise. - Calls on some sts to - Go to the board to go to the board to draw draw the lines. the lines.. W ar delighted e e S be adj. that you passed the English exam that/ noun clause. Concept checking: Form: S + be + adj + that/ noun clause * Practice: □ Matching: 1. relieved a. Xin chúc mừng 2. congratulations b. Trông chờ 3. Look forward to c. Xaùc nhaän laïi 4. confirm d. nheï nhoõm. - Gets some Ss to give - Read and complete * Production: their answers. the letter. □ gap - fill - Corrects. - Give feedback. (Exercise 4 on page 97) 3. Consolidation Retell the main content of the lesson. 4. Home work - Do the exercises again in the work book. * Self- evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Period 64. Unit 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 1 : Getting started+ Listen and read. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know more about some beautifull places of interest in Vietnam. 1, Language focus: * Structures: Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi ? Would you mind if i took a photo ? I can see a boy riding awater buffalo. * Vocabulary: front seat, crop, corn, sugar cane. 2, Language skills: speaking, listening, and reading skills. II. Teaching aids: 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1. Checking up: while teaching new lesson. 2. New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) - Give instruction. - Match the places (Matching) - Call on some Ss to give of interest with Match the places of interest in their names. their answers. Viet Nam with their names.. Presentations(36’) T's activties - Elicit the words from Ss. - Guide Ss to read words.. Ss' activities - Copy down. - Read the words.. - Check if Ss understand the questions and have them a few minutes to think about the questions. - Work in pairs to answers the questions.. - Ask ss to do exercise.. - Read the dialogue and check the answers. - Read the dialogue again and answers. Content * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - crop - sugar can. - water buffalo. - (to) take a photo. * Pre-questions: 1. Where does Hoa meet the Jones? 2. Is it the first time the Jones have visited VietNam? 3. How do they travel to HaNoi? 4. What do they see along the read to HaNoi? * While-reading: □ Read the dialogue and check the answers. □ True/ False statements..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> which statements are true, which are false. - Give feedback. - Monitor and correct.. a. This is the first time Hoa has met Tim's family. b. Hoa helps Mrs. Jones with her luggage. c. The Jones family is trweling from the airport in a bus. d. Shannon has never seen rice paddies before. e. The car is traveling past farmland. f. Only rice and crn are grown around HaNoi. * Post-reading: □ Correct the false statements.. * Answers: a. T b. T c. F (Not in a bus in a taxi). d. T e. T f. F ( not only rice and corn but also sugar canes are grown aroud Hanoi. ) □ Practise the dialogue.. 3. Consolidation(3’) -Retell the content of the lesson. 4. Home work (1’) -Do exercise 1 in the work book ( page 65 ). Period 65. Unit 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 2 : Speak+Listen. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use "mind" in requests in different situations, and describe positions on the map. 1, Language focus: * Structures: revise "mind" in requests * Vocabulary: review. 2, Language skills: speaking and listening skills. II. Teaching aids:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> 1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, a map (in listening), tape, stereo, cues. 2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Procedures: 1. Checking up: while teaching new lesson. 2. New lesson: Teacher’s Student’s Contents activities activities Warm up(5’) Chatting Chatting using requests. Chatting (whole class) - gives feedback. Presentations(36’) * Practice: Pre-speaking: - revise grammar. While-speaking: - guides Ss to roleplay to practice the structures. - gives any help if necessary. - gives feedback. Post-speaking: - remarks and notice the structure again. * Further-practice: Pre-listening: - introduces the map (subboard - P.102) + What can you see in the map? + How many roads/streets/offices are there? While-listening: - plays the tape. (twice). - gives feedback. a, d, pagoda restaurant b, hotel e, temple c, bus station Post-listening:. - revise grammar. - listen and copy down.. - roleplay to practice the structures. (pairs). - look at the map, answer the questions.. Request - Do you mind closing the door? - Would you mind opening the window? - Do you mind if I take a photo? Would you mind if I took a photo?. Reply Yes No No, I I'm don't sorry, mind. can't.. No, of I'm course sorry, not. that is not possible. Not at I'd prefer all. you didn't. Please do. Please go ahead.. I'd rather you didn't.. - listen and match the Answers: places in the box to their correct positions a, restaurant d, pagoda on the map. (groups + b, hotel e, temple cues) c, bus station - listen to the tape again then roleplay. I.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> - plays the tape again then asks Ss to roleplay (following the tape) with thae map. 3. Consolidation (3’) - Note the way to ask for the direction. 4.Home work(1’) - Do the exercise 5+6 ( p: 67 )in the work book.. liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> liên hệ đt có đủ trọn bộ anh 8 chuẩn kiến thức mới 2011.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> liªn hÖ ®t 01693172328 hoÆc 0943926597.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> liªn hÖ ®t 01689218668.

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