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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Preparing date:5/9/2013 Teaching date:9/9:9B ; 13/9: 9A Period 1: The past simple I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language gramar: the past simple and use it to do some exercises. Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 1: The past simple. II- Contents: 1. Vocabulary: review 2. Grammar: the past simple III- Ways of working: T-Wc; T-Ss Teamwork Individual work Group work IV-Teaching aids: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extra board V-Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students's activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - WC. - Ask Ss to review the form, the use and the meaning of the past simple tense: The form: (+): S + V-ed. (-): S + did not + V. - Wc: give examples (?): Did + S + V? S1: I went to Nha Trang last week. The meaning: . S2: He started learning English 5 The use: talk about the action which months ago. … happen in the past. Adverb of time: last, ago, in... . - Ss look at the board and read - Ask ss to give some examples. through the exercise. b. Practice: - Ss work individually then compare * Matching: (extraboard) in pairs: - Hang the extraboard: 1. e A B 2. g 1. be a. played 3. f 2. buy b. learned 4. b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 5. c 3. go c. saw 6. d 4. learn d. made 7. a 5. see e. was/ were 6. make f. went 7. play g. bought - Ask ss to match the English word in A with its Vietnamese meaning in B. - Give feedback and correct. * Completing sentences: ( extraboard) - Ss work in 2 teams: Red and White. - Hang the extraboard: a. I went to Hanoi yesterday. Complete these sentences: b. Nam bought a car last month. a. I / go/ Hanoi/ yesterday. c. My mother made a cake on my b. Nam/ buy a car/ last month. birthday. c. My mother/ make a cake/ my d. We played soccer last Sunday. birthday. e. Ha saw her friend 3 days ago. d. We/ play soccer/ last Sunday. f. They finished their work last week. e. Ha/ see her friend/ 3 days ago. g. Last night, we watched TV f. They/ finish their work/ last week. together. g. Last night, we/ watch TV h. I got up late this morning. together. i. He was ill yesterday. h. I / get up early/ this morning. i. He/ be ill/ yesterday. - Ask ss to complete the sentences by playing game Noughts and Crosses. A B C D E F G H I - Then ask ss change the above sentences into negative and Yes/ No - Ss work in groups: qs. Ex: Yesterday, I listen to music.... . - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Groupwork Ask ss to work in groups of 3- 4 to make sentences to answer the qs: What did you/ your family do yesterday? - Ss answer. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? VI. Homework: Ask ss to: - Ss write down. - Review the lesson, write it up from Production. - Prepare for the next period: passive voice. Preparing date: 15/9/2013 Teaching date: 16/9: 9B ; 20/9: 9A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Period 2: WISH I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review structure with “ wish” and use it to do some exercises. Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 1: Wish. II- Contents: 1. Vocabulary: review 2. Grammar: Wish III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Teamwork Individual work IV-Teaching aids: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V-procedures: Teacher’ s activities Students's activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Complete these sentences: - 2 Ss do on the board: S1-a. We went to Hanoi last week. a. We/ go to Hanoi/ last week. S2- b. He listened to music last night. b. He/ listen to music/last night. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form, the use and - WC. the meaning of the structure: The form: S1 + Wish + S2 + V(past). The meaning: íc. The use: wish about the things that can not happen in the present. - Wc: give examples - Ask ss to give some examples. S1: Lan wishes she had more time to stay in Nha Trang. S2: I wish it stopped raining. … b. Practice: * Matching: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: A B 1. I am so shy. a. I wish I were 2. I do not know good- looking. what to say to b. I wish I found people. it easyto make. - Ss look at the board and read through the exercise. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. d 2. e 3. b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3. I find it so difficult to make friends. 4. I am not good- looking. 5. My car is so big.. friends. c. I wish my car were not so big. d. I wish I were not so shy. e. I wish I knew what to say to people. - Ask ss to match each situation in A with a corrected sentence in B. - Give feedback and correct. * Completing sentences: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Complete these sentences using “ wish”: a. She is so tired. I wish ..... . b. She gets headaches. I wish .... . c. Her work is not going well. I wish .... . d. She can not concentrate. I wish .... . e. Life is so complicated. I wish ..... . - Ask ss to complete the sentences using “ wish”. - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Lucky number. - Give numbers : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - Give extraboard of qs: 1. I am sorry I haven’t got a washing machine. 2. Lucky number. 3. I am sorry I don’t live near my company. 4. I am sorry. I can’t drive. 5. Lucky number. 6. It’s a pity we don’t know where we are. 7. It’s a pity I haven’t not a work permit. 8. Lucky number. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson:. 4. a 5. c. - Ss work individually: a. She is so tired. I wish she did not tired. b. She gets headaches. I wish she did not get headaches. c. Her work is not going well. I wish her work were going well. d. She can not concentrate. I wish she could concentrate . e. Life is so complicated. I wish life were not so complicated.. - Ss play in 2 teams: Red & White. 1. I wish I had a washing machine. 2, 5, 8: Lucky number. 3. I wish I lived near my company. 4. I wish I could drive. 6. I wish we knew where we were. 7. I wish I had a work permit..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> What have we learnt in this leson? VI. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: passive voice.. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Preparing date:22/9/2013 Teaching date: 23/9: 9B; 27/9: 9A Period 3 : Passive voice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate passive voice and use it to do some exercises. Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 2: Wish. II- Contents: 1. Vocabulary: review 2. Grammar: Wish III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV-Teaching aids: Textbook Color chalk Workbook V-Procedures: Teacher’ s activities Students's activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Write sentences using “ - 2 Ss do on the board: wish”: S1-a. I wish Lan had a car. a. It is a pity. Lan do not have a car. S2- b. I wish I passed the exam. b. It is a pity. I do not pass the exam. 3.New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form of the passive and the way to exchange the active into the passive: S + be + PII Eg: Lan sings a song. - WC: S V O Present simple: S + am/ is/ are + PII. Past simple: S + was/ were + PII. S + be + PII + by + O. Present perfect: A song is sung by Lan. S+have/has been +PII. - Ask ss to retell the passive form of Future simple: S + will be + PII. some tenses. Be going to: S + be going to be + PII. - Ask ss to give some examples. Modal verb: S + modal V + be + PII. Present progressive: S + am/is/are + being + PII. b. Practice: Ask ss to do some exercises. * Ex 1: Change these sentences into - Ss work individually then compare the passive: in pairs:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 1. Hoa speaks English fluently. 2. Workers make many cars in Japan. 3. I bought a new dress yesterday. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Brown painted their houses last week. 5. Fashion designers have printed lines of poetry on the Aodai. 6. People have sold jeans all over the world for ages. 7. Mr. Lam will need this computer for his job tomorrow. 8. The students are going to take the exam this week. 9. They should repair the machine. 10. Lan can not do this exercise. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex 2: Rewrite these sentences into the active: 1. The floor must be cleaned by Lan. 2. The garbage has to be collected by me. 3. This novel is going to be read by them. 4. Patterns as suns, stars ... have been added into the Aodai. 5. Rice has been exported to many countries in all over the world. 6. Film is being watched by us. 7. A new brigde was built in my village last year. 8. Many lights are turned off. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? VI. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: reported speech.. 1. English is spoken fluently by Hoa. 2. Many cars are made in Japan. 3. A new dress was bought by me yesterday. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Brown houses were painted by them last week. 5. Lines of poetry have been printed on the Aodai. 6. Jeans have been sold all over the world for ages. 7. This computer will be needed for Mr. Lam's job tomorrow. 8. The exam is going to be taken by the ss this week. 9. The machine should be repaired. 10. This exercise can not be done by Lan. - Ss work individually: 1. Lan must clean the floor. 2. I have to collect the garbage. 3. They are going to read this novel. 4. They have added patterns of suns, stars ... into the Aodai. 5. They have exported rice to many countries in all over the world. 6. We are watching film. 7. We built a new brigde in my village last year. 8. They turn off many lights. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Preparing date: 29/9/2013 Teaching date: 30/9: 9B; 4/10: 9A Period 4: Reported speech.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate reported speech and use it to do some exercises. Help Ss review some English grammar they have learnt in unit 4: Reported speech. II- Contents: 1. Vocabulary: review 2. Grammar: Reported speech III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Teaching aids: Textbook Color chalk Workbook V- Procedures: Teacher’ s activities Students's activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Change these sentences - 2 Ss do on the board: into the passive: S1-a. A new book is bought by Lan. a. Lan buys a new book. S2- b. A brigde was built in the b. They built a brigde in the village. village. 3. New lesson: a. Grammar: Reported speech - Give some examples then ask ss to - WC: change them into reported speech: S1: Lan said she was a student then. Eg1: Lan said: “ I am a student now”. S2: I asked Hoa if/ whether she was a Eg2: I asked Hoa: “ Are you a nurse?” nurse. Eg3: “ Where do you live?”, asked S3: Hung asked me where I lived. Hung. S4: The teacher asked me to read the Eg4: The teacher said to me: “ Read text. the text”. - WC: - Ask ss to retell the way to change the Rule: + Pick out “ :” and “”. direct sentence to the indirect one, rule + Go down verb one tense. of verb tense and adverb ... + Change S, adv... if possible. Tense: Present simple -> past simple. Past simple -> past perfect. Present perfect -> past perfect. Present pro...-> past pro... Will -> would. Must/ have to -> had to. Can -> could.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Ask ss to retell the form of some reported structures.. b. Exercise: Ask ss to do some exercises. * Ex 1: Change these sentences into reported speech: 1. My mother said: “ I have to go to work now”. 2. Mr. Lam said: “ There is a river in my village”. 3. “ They have worked since the early morning”, said Tom. 4. “ Are you going to have a party?”, asked Ha. 5. The teacher said: “ Open your books” 6. “ What did you do last night?”, my friend asked. 7. “ We will go out for a walk tomorrow afternoon”, said Mary. 8. I said to Ha: “ Please wait me outside the door”. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex 2: Change these sentences into direct speech: 1. My mother asked me if I had watched T.V the previous night. 2. Lan asked Hung where he was. Adv: This -> that These -> those Here -> there Now -> then Tomorrow -> the next day the following day Yesterday -> the day before the previous day Tonight -> that night Today -> that day.. - WC: Statement: S1+said that+S2+V-lïi th×. Y/N qs: S1+asked+O+if /whether+V-lïi th×. Wh-qs: S1+asked+O+Wh word+V-lïi th×. Request/offer: S+asked+O+(not)to+V. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. My mother said that she had to go to work then. 2. Mr. Lam said that there was a river in his village. 3. Tom said that they had worked since the early morning. 4. Ha asked me if I was going to have a party?. 5. The teacher asked the ss to open their books. 6. My friend asked me what I had done the previous night. 7. Mary said that they would go out for a walk the following afternoon . 8. I asked/ told Ha to wait me outside the door.. - Ss work individually: 1. My mother asked me: "Did you watch T.V last night?". 2. Lan asked Hung: "Where are you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> going then. 3. Ha asked her father if she could have a picnic with her classmates. 4. Nga asked me to help her. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? VI. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Review topic 1.. going now?". 3. Ha asked her father: "Could I have a picnic with my classmates?". 4. Nga asked me: "Can you help me?". - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 5: revision I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the form and the use of wish, passive voice and reported speech and do some exercises..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Help Ss review some English grammar they have learnt in topic 1: Wish, Passive voice and Reported speech. II- Contents: 1. Vocabulary: review 2. Grammar: Wish, Passive voice and Reported speech. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV-Teaching aids: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extra board V-Procedures: Teacher’ s activities Students's activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: (extra board) Rewrite these sentences using “ - 2 Ss do on the board: wish”: S1-a. I wish I had a computer. a. It's a pity I don't have a computer. b. I wish lan could go to the party. b. Lan is very busy now, so she can't S2-c. I wish the weather were warm. go to the party now. d. I wish my mother weren't tired. c. The weather is very cold and we can't go out now. d. My mother is very tired. 3. New lesson: - WC: a. Wish: Link to the revision Form: S1 + wish + S2 + Vpast. - Ask ss to retell the form and the use Use: wish about the things that can of “ wish”. not happen in the present. - Have ss copy. b. Passive voice: - WC: - Ask ss to retell the way to change the Form: S + be + PII. active into the passive. Ways to change: S - Give exercise and ask ss to do it: Change these sentences into the passive: a. Lan cleans the floor. b. Mr. Baker bought a new motorbike yesterday. c. They have worked with this computer since early morning. d. We will hold a party next week.. V. O. S + be + PII + by + O. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: a. The floor is cleaned by Lan. b. A new motorbibe was bought yesterday by Mr. Baker. c. This computer has been worked since early morning..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> e. They can solve this problem. f. I am going to repair my bike. c. Reported speech: - Ask ss to retell the way to change the direct speech into the indirect speech, way to change verbs and adverbs... - Ask ss to retell the form of the statements, Y/N qs, Wh-qs reported speech. - Give the exercise (extra board): ask ss to change these sentences into reported speech a. My teacher said: "You must study hard”. b. “ We have learned English for 7 years", said a student. c. I asked Lan: "Where did you go last summer?”. d. “ Is Lan your sister?", Mai asked. e. “ Do I have to clean the floor?", Hung asked his mother. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? VI. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson to prepare for a test.. d. A party will be hold next week. e. This problem can be sold. f. My bike is going to repaired by me. - WC: Statement: S1+said that+S2+V-lïi th×. Y/N qs: S1+asked+O+if /whether+V-lïi th×. Wh-qs: S1+asked+O+Wh word+V-lïi th×. Request/offer: S+asked+O+(not)to+V. - Ss work individually: a. My teacher said that we had to study hard. b. A student said that they had learned English for 7 years. c. I asked Lan where she had gone the previous summer. d. Mai asked me if Lan was my sister. e. Hung asked his mother if he had to clean the floor. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 6: Test I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the test using: wish, passive voice and reported speech. Test ss all knowledge they have learned in topic 1. II- Contents:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 1. Vocabunary: review 2. Grammar: review III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Individual work IV-Teaching aids:: Test papers. VI-Procedures: 1. Warm-up: - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Check ss about the date. 2. New lesson: * Give test papes to ss: I. Write wishes you want to make in these situations( mark 3): 1. You are not very beautiful. 2. It’s so cold. You want it to be warmer. 3. You don’t have a new bike. 4. You don’t have a brother. 5. There aren’t any rivers and lakes in your village. 6. Your mother is ill. II. Change these sentences into the passive (mark 3): 1. They sell rice all over the world. 2. Farmers grow rice in the countryside. 3. We can do this exercise. 4. Workers are going to build a new bridge in my village. 5. My mother will make a birthday cake. 6. The students must do their homework. III. Change these sentences into reported speech (mark 4): 1. Uncle Ha said: “ This shirt is nice”. 2. Mr. Tien said: “ I will go to Ho Chi Minh city tomorrow”. 3. Miss Hoa said: “ I have to go now”. 4. “ How old is your mother?”, asked Lan. 5. “ What is this?”, uncle Quang said. 6. “ Is there any river in your village?”, asked my friend. 7. “ Have you finished your work?”, the boss asked. 8. “ Did you go to school yesterday?”, her mother asked her. * Mark and keys: I. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. I wish I were beautiful. 2. I wish it were warmer. 3. I wish I had a new bike. 4. I wish I had a brother. 5. I wish there were rivers and lakes in my village. 6. I wish my mother were not ill. II. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer):.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 1. Rice is sold all over the world. 2. Rice is grown in the countryside by farmers. 3. This exercise can be done by us. 4. A new bridge is going to be built in my village. 5. A birthday cake will be made by my mother. 6. The homework must be done by the students. III. Mark 4 mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. Uncle Ha said that shirt was nice. 2. Mr. Tien said that he would go to Ho Chi Minh city the following day. 3. Miss Hoa said that she had to go then. 4. Lan asked me how old my mother was. 5. Uncle Quang asked me what that was. 6. My friend asked me if there was any river in my village. 7. The boss asked me if I had finished my work. 8. Her mother asked her if she had gone to school the day before. 4.Consolidation: - Collect the test and remark the lesson. VI. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson.. Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 1: The past simple. Topic 2: B¸m s¸t Period 9: Modal “ could” with “ wish” Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 3: Modal “ could” with “ wish”. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Modal “ could” with “ wish” and use it to do some exercises..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Have no problem. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: - A student does on the board: Ask ss to retell the form of “ wish” S1 + wish + S2 + Vpast. structure and give an example. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - WC. of the grammar: The form: S1 + wish + S2 + could + V - Wc: give examples The use: the wish in the present. S1: I wish I could swim. - Ask ss to give some examples. S2: He wishes he could go aboard. b. Practice: * Correcting the mistakes: (extraboard) - Ss look at the board and read - Hang the extraboard: through the exercise. 1. I wish Sarah could stay here now. - Ss work individually then compare 2. I wish you can listen to me. in pairs: 3. I wish he could had much money. 1. V. 4. I wish the weather could change. 2. can  could. 5. I wish my mother can find a new work. 3. had  have. 6. I wish he could flied. 4. V. - Ask ss to tick V if the sentence is true 5. can  could. and correct the mistake if the sentence 6. flied  fly. is false. - Give feedback and correct. * Writing sentences: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: - Ss work individually: 1. I am sorry I can not drive. 1. I wish I could drive. 2. I am sorry I can not speak 2. I wish I could speak English well. English well. 3. I wish it could stop raining. 3. I hope it can stop raining. 4. I wish I could give up smoking. 4. I am sorry I can not give up 5. I wish it could get warmer. smoking. 6. I wish my mother could get well. 5. I hope it can get warmer. 6. I hope my mother can get well. - Ask ss to write sentences with “ wish” using the situations above. - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Write it up Ask ss to write 4- 5 sentences to talk - Ss work individually: about their wish in the present. Ex: I wish I could have a stereo.... . 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: Prepositions of time.. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 1: The past simple. Topic 2: B¸m s¸t. Period 10: Prepositions of time Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 3: Prepositions of time. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Prepositions of time and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might not remember the use of all prepositions. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: - 2 ss do on the board: Complete these sentences using the words given: S1: a. I go to school at six o’clock. a. I /go to school/ 6.30. b. He plays soccer on Saturday. b. He/ play soccer/ Saturday. S2: c. We go to swim in the summer. c. We/ go to swim/ the summer. d. My sister has English on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> d. My sister/ have English/ Monday. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the prepositions of time and their uses: At: + giê. + weekend/ night/ midnight. In: + mïa. + buæi. + n¨m. + th¸ng. On: + ngµy. + thø ngµy th¸ng. + buæi ngµy. Others: untill, before, after, between, till.... . - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Gapfill: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. The boys are playing games .......the moment. 2. We have a long vacation ....... the summer. 3. Everyday, I get up ....... 6.00. 4. He was born ........ June. 5. We will have an exam ....... October the fifth. 6. We have English lessons ....... Monday and Friday. 7. They usually go to the countryside ...... weekend. 8. ........ Sunday mornings, Lan often listens to music. - Ask ss to fill in the gap with the prepositions: at, in, on. - Give feedback and correct. * Complete sentences: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. We usually finish work early ..... Friday. 2. ...... the time you get this letter, I'll be in the USA. 3. She wrote this article ........ her holiday. 4. The children are not here ....... the moment but they'll be back ..... a few minutes. 5. Can you come with us ......... next Sunday? 6. He'll be busy ...... 11. 30. Please wait for him. 7. She had been waiting for us ....... we arrived. 8. They will visit their family ........ next month.. Monday.. - WC. - Wc: give examples S1: We do not go to school on Sundays. S2: He goes home in the late afternoon.. - Ss look at the board and read through the exercise. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. at. 2. in. 3. at. 4. in. 5. on. 6. on. 7. at. 8. On.. - Ss work individually: 1. on. 2. Before. 3. during. 4. at - in. 5. No preposition. 6. till. 7. before. 8. No preposition..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - Ask ss to complete the above sentences with suitable prepositions if necessary. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: Adverb clause of result. Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 1: The past simple. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 2: B¸m s¸t. Period 11: Adverb clause of result. Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 3: Adverb clause of result. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Adverb clause of result and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work Teamwork IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Have no problem. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: - 2 ss do on the board: Complete these sentences using the S1: a. I stayed up late lastnight. words given: S2: b. I went to school late this a. I /stay up late/ lastnight. morning. b. I/ go to school late/ this morning. 3. New lesson: - WC. a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use of the grammar: - Wc: give examples Form: I stayed up late lastnight, so I went to Main clause, + so + result clause. school late this morning. Or: So/ such ..... that. Use: Adverb clause of result is a clause that is combined a reason clause with a result one. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> * Ex1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. She looked ill. Her parents took her to the doctor. 2. The bath was relaxing. He went to sleep. 3. They were surprised. They could hardly speak. 4. She worked hard. She made herself ill. 5. It was a beautiful day. We decided to go the beach. 6. I was tired. I could not keep my eyes open. 7. We had a good time on holiday. We did not want to come home. 8. She speaks English well. We would think it was her native English. - Ask ss to combine the two sentences using adverb clause of result. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. I was very excited about going away. I could not sleep. I was so ......................................... . 2. The water was very dirty. We decided not to go swimming. The water was so .......................... . 3. She speaks English very well. You would think it was her native language. She speaks English so ................. . 4. The weather was very warm. I did not need a coat. The weather was so ....................... . 5. His feeth are very big. He has difficulty finding shoes to fit him. His feeth are so ............................ . - Ask ss to rewrite the above sentences using the words given. Let ss play game: Lucky number to do the exercise. c. Production: Write it up - Ask ss to write five sentences about them using the adverb clause of result. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: Modal verbs with If.. - Ss look at the board and read through the exercise. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. She looked ill, so her parent took her to the doctor. 2. The bath was relaxing, so he went to sleep. 3. They were surprised, so they could hardly speak. 4. She worked hard, so she made herself ill. 5. It was a beautiful day, so we decided to go the beach. 6. I was tired, so I could not keep my eyes open. 7. We had a good time on holiday, so we did not want to come home. 8. She speaks English well, so we would think it was her native English. - Ss work in 2 teams: Red and White 1- 1. I was so excited about going away that I could not sleep. 2. Lucky number. 3- 2. The water was so dirty that we decided not to go swimming. 4- 3. She speaks English so well that you would think it was her native language. 5. Lucky number. 6- 4. The weather was so warm that I did not need a coat. 7- 5. His feeth are so big that he has difficulty finding shoes to fit him. 8. Lucky number.. - Ss work individually: Eg: I forgot the umbrella, so I got wet.. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 1: The past simple. Topic 2: B¸m s¸t. Period 12: Modal verb with If. Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 4: Modal verb with If. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Modal verb with If and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Weaker ss might not remember all modal verbs. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: - 2 ss do on the board: Complete these sentences using the S1: a. I can swim. words given: S2: b. He should get up early. a. I /can / swim. b. He / should / get up early. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - WC. of the grammar: Form: If clause, main clause. - Wc: give examples (the present simple) (S+modal V+V) If I study hard, I can get good mark. Use: The conditional sentence type 1. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Ex1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. If we (keep).......... out using more and more cars, we may run out of - Ss look at the board and read oil. through the exercise. 2. If you want to ........ your English, - Ss work individually then compare we can help you (improve). in pairs: 3. If you (want) ............ to join us, 1. keep. you have to get up at 6.00 everyday. 2. improve. 4. She must finish all the homework 3. want. if she (want) .......... to play out. 4. wants. 5. If you write the message in 5. can understand. French, I (understand).............. it. 6. will not go out. 6. If it rains, I (not go out )............

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> tonight. 7. If you (use) .......... an electronic dictionary, you'll be able to look things up quiker. - Ask ss to supply the correct form of the verb in the blanket. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. If you study at The Brighton Language Center- UK, you can live in ............. on campus. A. dormitory B. mobile room C. hotel D. private room 2. I can complete a ............. English test if you want. A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking 3. If you want to attend the course, you .............. pass the examination. A. have to B. has to C. had to D. could 4. If you ............. to pass the exam, you should try harder. A. wanted B. want C. will want D. would want 5. If the librarian .............to work today, I can’t borrow any book for my report. A. didn’t go B. won’t go C. doesn’t go D. hasn’t gone 6. I ............. to Lan’s birthday party if she invites me. A. go B. will go C. went D. would go - Ask ss to choose the best anser to complete the sentences. - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Write it up - Ask ss to write five sentences about their study using modal verb with “ If”. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: Tagquestions.. 7. use.. - Ss work individually: 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B. - Ss work individually: Eg: If I want to get good grades, I must study hard. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 1: The past simple. Topic 2: B¸m s¸t. Period 13: Tag questions. Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 5: Tag questions. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Tag questions and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Weaker ss might make mistakes in tag questions. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - WC. of the grammar: Form: Statements, tag question? - Wc: give examples + , ? Lan is a student, isn't she? -> Yes, , + ? she is.......... Use: Tag questions. Note: The answer of the tag- questions. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Ex1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. Your teacher writes poems or - Ss look at the board and read stories, .......... she ? through the exercise. A. don't B. won't - Ss work individually: C. didn't D. doesn't 1. D. 2. Going swimming in the summer is 2. B very exciting, .............. it? 3. A A. is B. isn't.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> C. are D. aren't 3. Let's dance together, ...............? The party is so wonderful. A. shall we B. shan't we C. will you D. won't you 4. Don't talk in class, .............. you ? The teacher is explaining the lesson. A. do B. don't C. will D. won't - Ask ss to choose the best anser to complete the sentences. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. You don't like tea, ....................? 2. Ann will be here soon, .............? 3. Peter plays soccer very well, .....? 4. He father goes to work at 6 a.m ,.................? 5. This picture is yours, ................? 6. They will go to HCMC next week, .................? 7. You don't use the Internet very often, .............? 8. He never goes to school late, .......................? 9. Let's go somewhere for a drink, ..............? 10. Open the door, ...................? - Ask ss to complete the sentences using tag- questions. - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Notes of the tag questions: - We can use the subject “ There” in the tag question. - After: I am... Aren't I ? - After: Everyone, someone... we use they in tag question. - In more formal English, not can come after promoun. Eg: Progress is being made, is it not? - We can use don't you think when asking someone's opinion. Eg: These pictures are good, don't you think? - Let's ., shall we? - Imperative: will/ would / can/ could you? a. We can use a positive tag after a positive imperative. Eg: Teacher: Get out your books, will/ would / can/ could you?= Will you get out your books? b. Negative express a greater feeling. Eg: Doctor: Keep still, won't you?. 4. C. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. do you? 2. won't she? 3. doesn't he? 4. doesn't he? 5. isn't it? 6. won't they? 7. do you? 8. does he? 9. shall we? 10. will you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> ( The doctor is especially anxious that the patient can not keep still ) - When the sentences have the words: never, rarely, seldom,hardly no, none ... tags are in positive Eg: Nobody is here, are they? 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: Gerunds. Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 1: The past simple. - Wc.. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 2: B¸m s¸t. Period 14: Gerunds. Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 5: Gerunds. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Gerunds and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Weaker ss might make mistakes in using verbs following by gerunds. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - WC. of the grammar: Form: S + Vtense + Ving. - Wc: give examples Use: Gerunds after some verbs: like, Lan likes listening to music. dislike, love, hate, enjoy..... I enjoy reading. Note: Gerund is used as a subject. Gerund is used after prepositions Learning English is interesting. I am interested in learning Gerund is used after some English.......... command verbs. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Ex1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. The cost of ........... is very high in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> big cities. A. live B. living C. lived D. life 2. I remember ..........her somewhere. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see 3. Don't forget .......... the letter for me! - I won't. A. post B. posted C. posting D. to post 4. You should remember .......... your warm clothes when it's cold. A. to wear B. wearing C. wear D. wore 5. I really hate .......... . A. cook B. to cook C. cooking D. cooked 6. Tom enjoys ......... books in his free time. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads 7. Ba spends a lot of time ........ English, so he can speak it very well. A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. learns 8. Some children don't like ............. at home alone. A. staying B. to stay C. stays D. stayed - Ask ss to choose the best anser to complete the sentences. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. It took me two hours ........... (do) this work. 2. When did you finish .........( paint) the kitchen? 3. I began .......... ( learn) English when I was seven. 4. Some people like ......... (have) breakfast in bed, but I don't. 5. Don't forget .......... (post) this letter for me! 6. What do you want ........... (do) tonight? 7. I love (listen) ......... to pop music. 8. She continued .......... (talk) during the whole meal. 9. They spent all morning ............ (learn) the lessons. 10. I am fond of ......... (go) to the movie on Saturday. - Ask ss to supply the correct verb forms in brackets. - Give feedback and correct.. - Ss look at the board and read through the exercise.. - Ss work individually: 1. B. 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. doing. 2. painting. 3. learning. 4. having. 5. to post. 6. to do. 7. listening. 8. talking. 9. learning. 10. going..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> c. Production: Write it up - Ask ss to write 5 sentences to talk - Ss work individually: about their favourite using gerunds. I like watching TV. ....... 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: - Ss answer. What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review the lesson. - Prepare for the next period: Revision. - Ss write down. Preparing date: Teaching date: Period 1: The past simple Period 15: Revision Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review some English grammar they have learnt in topic 2. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do review the language grammar in topic 2: Modal “ could” with “ wish”, Prepositions of time, Adverb clauses of result, Modal verbs with “ if”, tag questions, gerunds. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extra board V- Anticipated problems: Have no problem. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t . - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: (extra board) Rewrite these sentences using “ - A ss do on the board: wish”: a. I wish I could use a computer. a. I can't use a computer. b. I wish she could go to the party. b. She can't go to the party now. c. I wish we could go out now. c. We can't go out now. 3. New lesson: - WC: a. Wish: Link to the revision Form: S1 + wish + S2 + could + V. - Ask ss to retell the form and the use Use: wish about the things that can of modal “could” with “ wish”. not happen in the present. - Have ss copy. b. Prepositions of time: - WC: - Ask ss to retell the way to use the At: + giê. prepositions of time. + weekend/ night/ midnight. In: + mïa. + buæi. - Give some examples: + n¨m. I do not go to school on Sundays..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> + th¸ng. On: + ngµy. + thø ngµy th¸ng. + buæi ngµy. Others: untill, before, after, between, till.... . c. Modal verbs with “ If”: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of Modal verbs with “ If”. - Give some examples: If you want to go out, you must finish your work. d. Adverb clauses of result: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: The weather is warm, so we decide to go out. e. Tag- questions: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: You like English, do you?- Yes, I do. f. Gerunds after some verbs: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: He likes playing tennis. We hate swimming.. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson to prepare for a test.. - Wc: Form: If clause, main clause. (the present simple) (S+modal V+V) Use: The conditional sentence type 1. - Wc: Form: Main clause, + so + result clause. Or: So/ such ..... that. Use: Adverb clause of result is a clause that is combined a reason clause with a result one. - Wc: Form: Statements, tag question? + , ? , + ? Use: Tag questions. Note: The answer of the tagquestions. - Wc: Form: S + Vtense + Ving. Use: Gerunds after some verbs: like, dislike, love, hate, enjoy..... Note: Gerund is used as a subject. Gerund is used after prepositions Gerund is used after some command verbs. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Period 16: Test Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Test ss all knowledge they have learned in topic 2. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the test well by themselves. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> IV- Materials: Test papers. V- Anticipated problems: Ss might look at their friend’s test paper. VI-Teaching procedures: 1. Warm-up: - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Check ss about the date. 2. New lesson: * Give test papes to ss: I. Fill in the gaps with the possible prepositions ( mark 3): 1. We go swimming ..... Sundays. 2. It’s so cold, so they don’t want to go out ..... the winter. 3. I am writing a letter ... the moment. 4. She wrote this article ....... her holiday. 5. ...... watching Tv, she went to bed. 6. Nam gets up ..... five thirty. II. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the blankets (mark 3): 1. My mother loves (cook) ........ meal. 2. They want (drink) ....... coffee. 3. Do you like ( watch) ......... foreign film? 4. Would you like ( have) ......... some suger? 5. I dislike (wash) ........... . 6. (Stay) ......... up late makes him tired. III. Write these sentences beginning with the words given ( mark 4): 1. Because the weather was cold, we did not go out. The weather was cold, ................................................................................... 2. You want to go to the movie. You have to do your homework. If you want .................................................................................................... 3. I can not drive a car. I wish I ........................................................................................................... 4. Do Lan and Mai like soccer? Lan and Mai like soccer, ................................................................................ 5. Because they got up late, they went to work late. They got up late, so ....................................................................................... 6. My sister likes to listen to music. My sister likes ................................................................................................ 7. Ha wants to be a doctor. He has to study medicine. If Ha wants to ................................................................................................. 8. They can’t lift this heavy box. They wish they ............................................................................................... * Mark and keys: I. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. on. 2. in. 3. at. 4. during. 5. after. 6. at. II. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. cooking. 2. to drink. 3. watching. 4. to have. 5. washing. 6. staying. III. Mark 4 mark 0,5 for each correct answer):.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 1. The weather was cold, so we did not go out. 2. If you want to go to the movie, you have to do your homework. 3. I wish I could drive a car. 4. Lan and Mai like soccer, don’t they? 5. They got up late, so they went to work late. 6. My sister likes listening to music. 7. If Ha wants to be a doctor, he has to study medicine. 8. They wish they could lift this heavy box. 4.Consolidation: - Collect the test and remark the lesson. 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson.. Topic 3: B¸m s¸t. Period 17- 18: Adjectives and adverbs, adjectives + that clause. Date of teaching: I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 6: Adjectives and adverbs, adjectives + that clause. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Adjectives and adverbs, adjectives + that clause and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes between adjectives and adverbs. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - Wc: give examples of the grammar: Adj: is used after tobe or infront of N. S1: He is tall. S2: He is a tall boy. Adv: Adv= Adj- ly ( is used after V)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Adj+ that clause: S+ be+adj+that+ clause. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Ex1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: 1. This newspaper is ......... everyday. It's daily newspaper. A. publishing B. published C. to publish D. publish 2. He shouted and looked .............. at me when I broke the vase. A. angry B. angrier C. angrily D. angryly 3. We are talking about the preservation of ................ resources. A. natural B. naturally C. nature D. naturalize 4. Is he really ........... that you can't come there? A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. to disappoint 5. I think most children are creative enough to write ................. poems. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify 6. I felt ............ disappointed because of their bad behavior. A. real B. reality C. really D. realize 7. If people drive their cars ......, they won't get hurt themselves and others. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D.carelessly - Ask ss to choose the best answer. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Supply the correct word forms: 1. The air in the city is very ............ (pollute). 2. Please listen to the lecture .......... (care). 3. The accident happened because of driving .......... (care). 4. He is going to .......... all the bags. S3: She speaks slowly. S4: She is tall that she can reach the ceiling.. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B. - Ss work individually: 1. polluted. 2. carefully. 3. carelessness. 4. collect..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> (collection). 5. She has ......... provided a picnic lunch for us ( kind). 6. We'll make this beach clean and ....... again ( beauty). 7. He was ................... that they were not coming (disappoint). - Ask ss to supply the correct word forms. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex 3: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Make up sentences with the suggested words, using adjective + that clause: 1. I/ happy/ you/ phone me. 2. Her parents / shocked/ she / failed/ exam. 3. I / amazed/ I/ meet/ you here. 4. I / sorry/ I/ break/ the vase. 5. She/ disappointed/ he/ leave without saying goodbye. - Ask ss to make up sentences with the suggested words, using adjective + that clause. - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Write it up Ask ss to write 4- 5 sentences to talk about their feeling using adj + that clause. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period: Adverb clauses of reason ( as,because ,since )and conditional sentence Type 1.. 5. kindly. 6. beautiful. 7. disappointed.. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. I am happy that you phone me. 2. Her parents were shocked that she failed her exam. 3. I am amazed that I meet you here. 4. I am sorry that I broke the vase. 5. She was disappointed that he left without saying goodbye.. - Ss work individually. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 3: B¸m s¸t. Period 19- 20: Adverb clauses of reason, conditional sentence Type 1. Date of teaching: I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 6: Adverb clauses of reason ( as,because ,since ), conditional sentence Type 1. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Adverb clauses of reason ( as, because ,since ), conditional sentence Type 1and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes in doing exercises. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use of the grammar: Adverb clauses of reason ( as, - Wc: give examples because ,since): S1: He failed his exam because/ as/ Main clause+ because/ as/ ssince+ since he did not study. reason clause. S2: If you work hard, you will past Condotional sentence type 1(really the exam. condition in the present): If clause, main clauce. (present simple tense) ( future simple tense) - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Ex1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Multiple choice: 1. He is tired .............he stayed up late watching TV. A. so B. because C. but D. and 2. ......... means cutting or overharvesting trees for lumber or pulp, - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: or clear the land for other human 1. B activities. 2. D A. Forestry B. Forestation 3. B 4. C C. Deforester D. Deforestation 5. A 3. I will be ........ if she manages to 6. A sell that motorbike at high price. 7. D A. surprise B. surprised 8. D 9. B C. surprising D. to surprise 10. C 4. Unless you understand, I .......... explain it again to you. A. am B. was C. will D. would 5. If you know where she lives,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> please let me ..................... A. know B. knew C. known D. to know 6. If he ...............a student, he will get a discount. A. is B. was C. were D. will be 7. If you like that book, I will give it ............... you as my present. A. for B. from C. at D. to 8. I won’t go unless you ..........me back the money. A. to pay B. paid C. paying D. pay 9. If people drive their cars ..............., they won’t get hurt themselves and others. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D.carelessly 10. If she ............. enough money, she’ll buy her son a motorbike. A. earn B. will earn C. earns D. is earning - Ask ss to choose the best answer. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Write conditional sentences type 1: 1. We (go out ) ............ later if it (stop) ................... raining. 2. Do you want to watch TV? I (switch) ...........it on if you (do)............... 3. If we (leave) .................. now, we (not be) ............late. 4. If Tam (not apologise) ................to me, I (not speak) ........... to him anymore. 5. You (phone) ......... me tomorrow if you (have) .............. time ? 6. If I (not be) .............. too busy tomorrow, I (visit) .............. you. 7. If you (not water)...............the. - Ss work individually: 1. will go out/ stops 2. will switch/ do 3. leave/ will not be 4. does not apologise/ will not speak 5. will you phone/ have 6. am not be/ will visit 7. do not water/ will die.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> tree everyday, it (die)............... - Ask ss to supply the correct verb forms. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex 3: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Make up sentences with the suggested words, using adverb clause of reason: 1. I/ happy/ you/ phone me. ......................................................... 2. Her parents / shocked/ she / failed/ exam. ........................................................ 3. I / amazed/ I/ meet/ you here. ......................................................... 4. I / sorry/ I/ break/ the vase. ......................................................... 5. She/ disappointed/ he/ leave without saying goodbye. ......................................................... - Ask ss to make up sentences with the suggested words, using adjective + that clause. - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Write it up Ask ss to write 4- 5 sentences to talk about their feeling using conditional sentence type type 1 about your study. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period: connective and phrasal verb.. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. I am happy because you phoned me. 2. Her parents were shocked as she failed her exam. 3. I am amazed since I meet you here. 4. I am sorry because I broke the vase. 5. She was disappointed as he left without saying goodbye.. - Ss work individually. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 3: B¸m s¸t. Period 21: Suggestion. Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 7: Suggestion. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: suggestion and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes in doing exercises. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - Wc: give examples of the grammar: S1: I suggest using the dictionary. S + suggest+ Ving. S2: I suggest that you should use the that + S2+ should + V. dictionary. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: - Ss work individually then compare * Ex1: (extraboard) in pairs: - Hang the extraboard: 1. collecting. Give the correct form of the verbs: 2. repair. 1. I suggest ( collect)...... used 3. speaking. papers and garbage. 4. do. 2. I suggest that you should 5. stay. ( repair) ... this computer. 3. I suggest ( speak) .... English in class. 4. I suggest that you should ( do) more exercises in workbook. 5. I suggest thathe should (stay ) in bed. - Ask ss to give the correct form of the verbs. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Rewrite sentences using the verb “ - Ss work individually: 1. Peter suggests having dinner suggest”: somewhere. 1. Shall we have dinner 2. Lan suggests going for a walk. 3. Nam suggests taking it back to the somewhere?” said Peter. bank. 2. “ Shall we go for a walk?” said 4. Mary suggests meeting here. 5. Ba suggests buying some bread/ Lan. that they should buy some bread. 3. Why do not you take it back to the bank?” said Nam. 4. “ What about meeting here?” said Mary. 5. Let’s buy some bread for lunch.” said Ba..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. c. Production: Write it up Ask ss to write 4- 5 sentences suggest your friend about studying hard. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period: connective and phrasal verb.. - Ss work individually. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 3: B¸m s¸t. Period 22: Connective and phrasal verbs. Date of teaching: I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 7: connective and phrasal verbs. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: connective and phrasal verbs and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes in doing exercises. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - Wc: give examples of the grammar: Connective: and, but, becayse, or, so, S1: He should turn off the TV. S2: I like meat and beaf. therefore, so, however. Phrasal verbs: turn off, turn on, look for, look after.... - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Ex1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Circle the best option to complete each sentence: - Ss work individually then compare 1. Can you turn ..... the light ? It’s in pairs: too dark. 1. A. A. on B. off.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> C. in D. for 2. What are you looking .........? My picture book. I’ve lost it. A. on B. off C. in D. for 3. She won’t take all these suitcases........she likes to travel light. A. so B. but C. because D. therefore 4. What can we do to spend less ........lighting ? A. in B. on C. about D. of 5. Don’t forget to turn .......the lights when you leave the classroom. A. on B. out C. off D. up 6. She is very tired; ..........., she has to finish her homework. A. moreover B. so C. and D. however 7. Is he an actor .......a singer ?~ an actor. A. and B. or C. with D. so 8. He was tired, .......... he took a rest before continuing the work. A. so B. and C. but D. if - Ask ss to choose the best answer. - Give feedback and correct. * Ex2: ( extraboard) - Hang the extraboard: Supply the correct word form: 1. I’m very ...... because they use electricity to catch fish (worry). 2. The old man walked ........ to the park (slow). 3. Don’t forget to drive ................ (care). 4. That’s ............ ! I’m pleased that you work very hard (wonder). 5. I think I’ll take your ...... and get the green dress (advise). 6. He turned off the ...........when he went out of the house ( electric). 7. There is a ......... of food and shelter in the refugee ( nguoi ti nan) camps ( short). - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson?. 2. D. 3. C. 4. A. 5. C. 6. D. 7. B. 8. A.. - Ss work individually: 1. worried. 2. slowly. 3. carelessly. 4. wonderful. 5. advice. 6. electricity. 7. shortage.. - Ss answer..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period: connective and phrasal verb.. - Ss write down.. Period 23: Revision Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review some English grammar they have learnt in topic 3. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do review the language grammar in topic 3: adjectives and adverbs, adverb clauses of reason, adjective + that clause, conditional sentences type 1, connectives, phrasal verbs, making suggestions. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extra board V- Anticipated problems: The lesson might last longer than a period. Weaker ss may forget some of the grammar. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: (extra board) Fill in the blank with adjectives or - A ss do on the board: adverbs: a. good. a. He is a (good/ well).... student. b. well. b. He studies (good/ well).... . c. carefully. c. We drive to school ( carefull/ carefully) ... . 3. New lesson: a. Adjectives and adverbs: Link to the - WC: Form: Adv = adj + ly. revision Use: Adj: stands after Tobe. - Ask ss to retell the way to use Adv: stands after V. adjectives and adverbs. - Have ss copy. b. Adverb clauses of reason: - Ask ss to retell the way to use adverb - WC: Main clause + because/ as/ since + clause of reason. reason clause. - Give some examples: I do not go to school because/ as/ since I am tired. c. Adjective + that clause: - Wc: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use Form: S + be + adj + that + clause. of the grammar. Use: someone's feeling about something. - Give some examples: My parents are happy that I passed the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> exam. d. Conditional sentences type 1: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: If the weather is warm, we will go out. e. Connectives: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: I like English and Vietnamese. f. Phrasal verbs: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: We should turn off the faucet. g. Making suggestions: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: I suggest taking showers. I suggest that we should take showers. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson to prepare for a test.. - Wc: Form: If clause, main clause. (the present simple) (S+modal V+V) Use: The conditional sentence type 1.. - Wc: Eg: and, but, because, or, so, however, therefore... - Wc: Eg: turn on/ turn off, turn over... look at, look after.... - Wc: Form: S + suggest + V-ing. S+ suggest+ that+ S+ should + V. Use: making suggestions.. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down..

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Preparing date: 1/3/2014 Teaching date: 3/3: 9B. 7/3: 9A Period 24: Test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> I- Aims: Test ss all knowledge they have learned in topic 3. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the test well by themselves. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Individual work IV- Materials: Test papers. V- Anticipated problems: Ss might look at their friend’s test paper. VI-Teaching procedures: 1. Warm-up: - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Check ss about the date. 2. New lesson: * Give test papes to ss: I. Fill in the gaps with the possible connective ( mark 3): 1. We will go swimming on Saturday ... Sunday. 2. It’s so cold, ....they don’t want to go out in the winter. 3. Are you writing a letter ...an article? 4. She kept silent ... she did not listen to him. 5. .... it is cold, they still work hard. 6. Nam gets up late,.....he does not have time to have brakfast. II. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the blankets (mark 3): 1. My mother often (cook).... very well. 2. They are excited that they (go).... on holiday next week. 3. I suggest ( watch) ......... foreign film. 4. If the pollution ( go on)...., the world will end up like a second hand junk yard. 5. We should (travel) ... by bus. 6. (Turn off) .... the lights after the lessons is my job. III. Write these sentences beginning with the words given ( mark 4): 1. Because the weather was cold, we did not go out. The weather was cold; therefore................................................................ 2. You want to go to the movie. You have to do your homework. If you want .................................................................................................... 3. I drive car carefully. I am ............................................................................................................... 4. Do Lan and Mai like soccer? Do they like volleyball? Do Lan and Mai like ................................................................................ 5. Because they got up late, they went to work late. They got up late, so ....................................................................................... 6. My sister likes to listen to music. She loves watching TV. My sister likes .................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> 7. Ha wants to be a doctor. He has to study medicine. If Ha wants to ................................................................................................. 8. Shall we go to the park this weekend? I suggest ....................................................................................................... * Mark and keys: I. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. and. 2. therefore. 3. or. 4. but. 5. however. 6. so. II. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. cooks. 2. will go. 3. watching. 4. goes on. 5. travel. 6. turning off. III. Mark 4 mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. The weather was cold: therefore we did not go out. 2. If you want to go to the movie, you have to do your homework. 3. I am a careful driver. 4. Do Lan and Mai like soccer or volleyball? 5. They got up late, so they went to work late. 6. My sister likes listening to music and love watching TV. 7. If Ha wants to be a doctor, he has to study medicine. 8. I suggest going to the park this weekend. 4.Consolidation: - Collect the test and remark the lesson. 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson.. Topic 4: B¸m s¸t. Period 25- 26: Relative clause. Date of teaching:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 8,9: Relative clause. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: relative clause and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes in doing exercises. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - Wc: give examples of the grammar: Relative clauses can describe person , Eg 1: Tet is a festival. Tet occurs in late January or things or events using “who, which, early February. when”. So:Tet is a festival which occurs in... Relative clause has two kinds: Eg 2: What kind of book will be + Defining clause : clause without popular? commas, they provide essantial The book which contains information about the S or O. pictures will be popular. + Non- identify clause: clause with commas, they provide additional information , which can be omitted. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: Combine each pair of sentences into - Ss work individually then compare one by using a suitable Relative in pairs: pronouns. 1. Have you ever spoken to the 1. Have you ever spoken to the people who live next door? people ?They live next door. 2. It’s a book which will interest 2. It’s a book. It will interest children children of all ages. of all ages. 3. The people who live next door 3. The people keep having all night keep having all night parties. parties. They live next door. 4. These are the keys which open the 4.These are the keys. They open the front door and back door. front door and back door. 5. Here’s an article which might 5. Here’s an article. It might interest interest you. you. Where are the eggs which are in 6. Where are the eggs? They are in the 6. the fridge. fridge. 7. Have you got something that will 7. Have you got something ? It will get get ink out of the carpet? ink out of the carpet. 8. Where’s the girl who sells the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 8. Where’s the girl? She sells the tickets. 9. Half of the people didn’t appear. They were invited. 10. The festival is called Easter. It is in late March or early April. 11. The pupil get scholarship. He is very poor. 12. She is the nurse. She took care of me. 13. My teacher punished the pupil. That pupil was naughty. 14. Is this the book ?You want me to read it? 15. He is the only person. He can solve this difficult problem. 16. I bought some pencils.They are in different colors. 17.This is the dictionary. I bought it at that bookstore. 18. She ate a peach. The peach was still green. 19.The teacher can’t come to class today. He teaches us English. 20. The girl has just gone out. Do you know her ? - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period: adverb clause of concessive.. tickets? 9. Half of the people who were invited didn’t appear. 10. The festival which is called Easter is in late March or early April. 11. The pupil who get scholarship is very poor. 12. She is the nurse who took care of me. 13. My teacher punished the pupil who was naughty. 14. Is this the book that you want me to read it? 15. He is the only person who can solve this difficult problem. 16. I bought some pencils which are in different colors. 17. This is the dictionary which I bought at that bookstore. 18. She ate a peach which was still green. 19. The teacher who teaches us English can’t come to class today. 20. Do you know the girl who has just gone out?. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 4: B¸m s¸t. Period 27: Adverb clauses of concession. Date of teaching: I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 8: Adverb clauses of concession. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Adverb clauses of concession and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes in doing exercises. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> * Greeting: - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use of the grammar: Form: Although/ though/ even though clause, main clause. Use: to show the concession of an action or something. Note: even though = despite the fact that. Even if = whether or not.... - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Exercise 1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard of the ex: Combine these sentences using the expressions in brackets: 1. Tom will not pass the examination. He studied well (even though ). 2. We do not have enough money. We decided to hold a party.(though) 3. He took a lot of photographs. The sky was dark. (though ) 4. His life was hard, he studeied very well (though). 5. They lived in poverty. They were always admired (although). 6. He passed the final examination. He was frequently absent from class (even though ). 7. She is still fat. She has been on a diet for two years (even though ). 8. She doesn’t earn much money. She spends like a millionair (even though ). - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. * Exercise 2: - Hang the extraboard of the ex: Even though or even if: 1. This shirt is dirty even though/ even if I have washed it twice. 2. Even though/ Even if he loses the. - Greet t. - Talk about the date.. - Wc: give examples Eg: Although she has plenty of money, she is very mean. .. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. Tom will not pass the examination even though he studied well. 2. Though we do not have enough money , we decided to hold a party. 3. He took a lot of photographs though the sky was dark. 4. Though his life was hard, he studeied very well. 5. Though they lived in poverty, they were always admired . 6. He passed the final examination even though he was frequently absent from class. 7. She is still fat even though she has been on a diet for two years. 8. Even though she doesn’t earn much money, she spends like a millionair.. - Ss work individually: 1. even though 2. even if 3. even though.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> election, the president will still control foreign policy. 3. They drank from the stream even though/ even if they knew it was poluted. 4. I will continue to sing my songs even though/ even if I never sell another record. - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period: adverb clause of concessive.. 4. even if. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 4: B¸m s¸t Period 28: Modals “ may, might”. Date of teaching: I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 10: Modal “ may, might”. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Modal “ may, might” and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes in doing exercises. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - Wc: give examples of the grammar: Eg: It is dark, it mayrain. Form: S + may/ might + V. . Use: ability to happen. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Exercise 1: (extraboard).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> - Hang the extraboard of the ex: Rewrite sentences using May/ might: 1. Perhaps Nam is in the office. 2. Perhaps Jane is busy. 3. Perhaps she is working. 4. Perhaps she wants to be alone. 5. Perhaps he was ill yesterday. 6. Perhaps they went home early. - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. * Exercise 2: - Hang the extraboard of the ex: Write sentences using May/ might: 1. Where are you going for your holiday?( to Hanoi). I have not decided yet. ...... 2. What sor of car are you going to buy?( a Mercedes). I am not sure yet............. 3. What are you doing this weekend? ( go to London) I have not decided yet. 4. Where are you going to hang this picture? ( in th dining room) I have not made up my mind yet......... 5. When is Tom coming to see us? ( on Saturday) I do not know yet. ...... - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period: adverb clause of concessive.. - Ss work individually then compare in pairs: 1. Nam may be in the office. 2. Jane may be busy. 3. She may be working. 4. She may want to be alone. 5. He might be ill yesterday. 6. They might go home early.. - Ss work individually: 1. I may go to Hanoi. 2. I may buy a Mercedes. 3. I may go to London. 4. I may hang in the dining room. 5. He may come on Saturday.. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Topic 4: B¸m s¸t. Period 29- 30: Conditional sentences type 1, 2. Date of teaching: I- Aims: Help Ss review the grammar structure they have learnt in unit 10: Conditional sentences type 1, 2. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review language grammar: Conditional sentences type 1, 2 and use it to do some exercises. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extraboard V- Anticipated problems: Ss might make mistakes in doing exercises. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: Give mark during the lesson. 3. New lesson: a. Presentation: - Ask Ss to review the form and the use - Wc: give examples of the grammar: Eg: If it rains, we will not go out. Conditional sentences type 1 (real If he studied the lesson, he would condition in the present): If do, will pass the exam. do. . Conditional sentences type 2 (unreal condition in the present): If did, would do. - Ask ss to give some examples. b. Practice: * Exercise 1: (extraboard) - Hang the extraboard of the ex: Give the correct forms of these verbs: 1. If he ( have ) ........free time, he - Ss work individually then compare would go swimming. in pairs: 2. If I had much money, I 1. had ( buy) .......... a new car. 2. would buy 3. He ( write) ..........to her if she 3. would write wrote to him. 4. were 4. If the weather ( be ) ........ cool, the 5. would be bought bananas wouldn’t spoil. 5. This car ( buy ) ...........if it were cheap. 6. I ( not do) ............ that if I ( be) .............you. 7. We ( go) ........ swimming if today ( be) ............Sunday. 8. If they knew your address, they ( visit) ............you. 9. Where would you go if you ( have) ..................a car? 10. If he ( be)........ well today, he. 6. would not do/ were 7. would go/ were 8. would 9. had 10. were.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> would travel to Ho Chi Minh City. - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. * Exercise 2: - Hang the extraboard of the ex: Each sentence has a mistake you find out and correct it: 1. His parents will be sad if they knew the truth. 2. If the students are late for class, they would have to apologise their teacher for being so. 3. If I saw an alien, I will tell you about him. 4. If my parennts were millionaires, they will travel around the world. 5. Hoa will be able to play the piano well if she practice it everyday. - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. * Exercise 3: - Hang the extraboard of the ex: Rewrite the following sentences, using the conditional sentece type 2: 1. Nam is too young, so he can’t take part in the project to be trained to become an astronaut. 2. He doesn’t take any exercise ; that’s why he is so unhealthy. 3. We haven’t got any match, so we. - Ss work individually: 1. will be -> would be 2. are -> were 3. will tell -> would tell 4. will travel -> would travel 5. practice -> practices.. - Ss work individually: 1. If Nam were not too young, he would take part in the project to be trained to become an astronaut. 2. If he took exercise, he would be healthy. 3. If we had got some matches, we would light a fire. 4. If he helped me, I would ask him for help. 5. If I knew his address, I would write to him.. can’t light a fire. 4. He doesn’t help me, possibly I never ask him for help. 5. I don’t know his address, so I can’t write to him. - Ask ss to do the ex. - Give feedback and correct. 4.Consolidation: Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this lesson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to review the lesson and prepare for the next period.. - Ss answer. - Ss write down..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Period 31: Revision Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Help Ss review some English grammar they have learnt in topic 4. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do review the language grammar in topic 4: relative clauses, adverb clauses of concession, modal “ may, might” and conditional sentences type 1, 2. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Pairwork Individual work IV- Materials: Textbook Color chalk Workbook Extra board V- Anticipated problems: The lesson might last longer than a period. Weaker ss may forget some of the grammar. VI-Teaching procedures: Ss' activities T’ s activities 1. Warm-up: * Greeting: - Greet t. - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Talk about the date. - Check ss about the date. 2. Revision: (extra board) Join two sentences using the words - A ss do on the board: given: a. This is the book which I bought a. This is the book. I bought it yesterday. yesterday.(which) b. She is the girl who gave me a lift. b. She is the girl. She gave me a lift. (who) 3. New lesson: a. Relative clause: Link to the revision - WC: - Ask ss to retell the way to use relative Relative clauses can describe clause. person , things or events using “who, - Have ss copy. which, when”. Relative clause has two kinds: + Defining clause : clause without commas, they provide essantial information about the S or O. + Non- identify clause: clause with commas, they provide additional information , which can be omitted..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> b. Adverb clauses of concession: - Ask ss to retell the way to use adverb clause of concession. - Give some examples: Although he was tired, he tried to finish his job. Mr. Baker is still outside though it is raining hard . c. Model “ May, might”: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: He was given a present on his birthday. It may be a book or it might be a story book. d. Conditional sentences type 1, 2: - Ask ss to retell the form and the use of the grammar. - Give some examples: If the weather is warm, we will go out. If I were you, I would behave better. 4.Consolidation: - Summarize the lesson: What have we learnt in this leson? 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson to prepare for a test.. - WC: Form: Although/ though/ even though clause, main clause. Use: to show the concession of an action or something.. - Wc: Form: S + may/ might + V. Use: ability to happen.. - Wc: Conditional sentences type 1 (real condition in the present): If do, will do. Conditional sentences type 2 (unreal condition in the present): If did, would do. - Ss answer.. - Ss write down.. Period 32: Test Date of teaching:. I- Aims: Test ss all knowledge they have learned in topic 4. II- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the test well by themselves. III- Ways of working: T-Wc;T-Ss Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> IV- Materials: Test papers. V- Anticipated problems: Ss might look at their friend’s test paper. VI-Teaching procedures: 1. Warm-up: - Greet ss and check their attendance. - Check ss about the date. 2. New lesson: * Give test papes to ss: I. Choose the best answer ( mark 3): 1. If it rains, they ............... for a picnic. A. will go out B. will not go out C. would go out 2. Although she forgot my address, she ................ my house. A. find B. found C. will find 3. My mother cooks some meal ................... I like eating. A. who B. what C. which 4. Some people reported that they saw UFOs. Some scientists said that they ........an aircraft, a weather balloon. A. might be B. was C. were 5. Nam gets bad mark. If he .......................hard, he would not fail the exam. A. studies B. study C. studied 6. The man .................. fixed my bike is my friend’s uncle. A. which B. who C. whom II. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the blankets (mark 3): 1. The climate (change)..............if more trees die. 2. If he (have) ...................money, he would travel around the world. 3. Mary is busy, she may (come).............home late. 4. The park which I usually go running in (be)...........across the road. 5. The boy who is in the army (come) .......to see us last month. 6. We could not get tickets even though we (wait).........for an hour. III. Combine these sentences beginning with the words given ( mark 4): 1. The weather was cold. We still went out. (though) 2. You want to go to the movie. You must do your homework. (If) 3. I did not know the name of the man. The man helped me. (who) 4. I can not fin my diary. It is a real nuisance. (which) * Mark and keys: I. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B II. Mark 3 (mark 0,5 for each correct answer): 1. will change. 2. had. 3. come. 4. is. 5. came. 6. waited. III. Mark 4 mark 1 for each correct answer): 1. Though the weather was cold, we still went out. 2. If you want to go to the movie, you must do your homework. 3. I did not know the name of the man who helped me. 4. I can not fin my diary which is a real nuisance..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> 4.Consolidation: - Collect the test and remark the lesson. 5. Homework: Ask ss to: - Review all the lesson..

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