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bai tap ve comparison

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>COMPARISONS I. Choose the correct answer. 1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/best). 2. Pat’s car is (faster/fastest) than Dan’s. 3. John is (less/least) athletic of all the men. 4. Does Fred feel (weller/better) today than he did yesterday? 5. My cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two. 6. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/best). 7. David is the (happier/happiest) person that we know. 8. This summery is (the better/the best) of the pair. 9. Jim has as (few/fewer) opportunities to play tennis as I do. 10. The museum is (the further/the furthest) away of the three buildings. II. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets. 1. Learning to speak a language is often much (easy) _____________________ than learning to write it. 2. This hotel must be (expensive)____________________ than the small one next door. 3. He is certainly (unusual)___________________person I have ever met. 4. His latest film is (interesting)_____________________ than his previous ones. 5. What is (difficult)_______________________ thing you have ever done? 6. Losing your credit card is (bad)_______________________ than losing your money. 7. Bringing up children is one of (hard)_____________________ jobs in the world. 8. When I saw her, she looked much (thin)______________________ than I remembered her. III. Complete the sentences below, using the suitable comparison form of the adjectives from the box. One of these adjectives is used twice. warm. comfortable. lucky. simple. cheap boring. intelligent hot. difficult. 1. This exercise is too easy – can’t we try a ____________________ one? 2. England is too cold in spring – let’s go to Spain where is ____________________. 3. She comes top in all exams – she must be _________________________ girl in the class. 4. The temperature in July reaches forty – four degrees – it’s ______________________ month of the year. 5. Let’s buy this video – it doesn’t cost too much – it’s ______________________ the other one. 6. When I passed my driving test, it was the _________________________ day of my life. 7. Lying down in bed is ___________________________ sitting on a hard chair. 8. I could hardly keep awake – it was _______________________________ film I’ve ever seen. 9. She’s ______________________________ person I know – she is always winning prizes in lotteries. 10. I can’t do this test – can you give me a ______________________________ one? IV. Match the phrases in A with suitable ones in B and C to make meaningful sentences. A 1. Jonathan is 2. My great-great aunt is 3. London is 4. Alaska is 5. The guitar player is 6. The Nile is 7. My parents’ room is 8. The Mercedes is 9. Sarah is 10. June 21th is. B A. the biggest state B. the longest river C. the best musician D. the fastest runner E. the biggest city F. the oldest person G. the most expensive H. the longest day I. the youngest J. the biggest. C m. in the group. n. in my family. o. in the team. p. in the world. q. in Britain. r. in the USA. s. of the four bedrooms. t. of the five girls. u. of the three cars. v. of the year..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> V. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown. 1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees, but today it is only six degrees. It’s.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2. I expected my friends arrived at about 4p.m. In fact they arrived at 2:30.  My friends................................................................................................................................................................ 3. Jane cooks better than her sister.  Jane’s sister...................................................................................................... 4. Tom is the best football player in this team.  Nobody in this team....................................................................... 5. Nothing is faster than the speed of light.  The speed of light................................................................................ 6. Jack is younger than he looks.  Jack isn’t.............................................................................................................. 7. I didn’t spend as much money as you do. . ........................................................................................................... 8. I have never met anyone as interesting as he is.  He is ........................................................................................ VI. Complete the sentences below, using Comparative + and + comparative 1. The company expanded rapidly. It grew (big) _____________________________ all the time. 2. Cathy got (bored) __________________________________ in her job. In the end, she left. 3. My bag seemed to get (heavy) ___________________________ as I carried them. 4. As I waited for my interview, I became (nervous) _________________________________. 5. As the day went on, the weather got (bad) _______________________________. 6. Healthcare is becoming (expensive) _________________________. 7. As the conversation went on, Tom became (talkative) __________________________. 8. These days, (many) _____________________________ people are learning English. 9. The company’s share price went (high) ______________________. 10. Life got (good) _________________for boss Bob Watt as the company became (successful)____________ 11. Life in the modern world is becoming (complex) ____________________________. 12. When I get excited, my heart beats (fast) ___________________________. 13. The little boy seemed to get (upset)________________________. 14. It’s getting (difficult)__________________________ to find a job. 15. The noise got (loud)_________________________ as we approached the house. VII. Complete the sentences below, using the information in brackets. 1. The older you get, ______________________________________(You are understanding). 2. The younger you are, ____________________________________(you learn quickly). 3. The earlier we start, ________________________________ (it is good). 4. The bigger a supermarket is, __________________________________ (the choice is wide). 5. The more you learn, _____________________________________ (you know a lot about the world). 6. The more we practice a language, _________________________________ (we can speak fluently). 7. The more he plays sport, ______________________________________ (he looks healthy). 8. The higher the humidity is, ______________________________________ (people feel uncomfortable). VIII. Complete the sentences below, using The comparative…, the comparative… 1. The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay.  _____________________ the delay (was), ________________________ the crowd became. 2. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is.  ________________________ an artist (is), ______________________________ the picture is. 3. How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed.  ____________________________ I go to bed, __________________________I sleep. 4. I don’t spend much time with my family because I work so hard.  __________________________ I work, ____________________________ I spend with my family. 5. The traffic moves very slowly as more cars comes into the city.  __________________ cars come into the city, _______________________ the traffic moves. 6. How much you sweat depends on how hot you get.  ____________________ you get, _________________________ you sweat. 7. It’s hard to concentrate when you are tired.  _____________________ you are, _________________________ it is to concentrate. 8. How much petrol a car uses depends on how big the engine is.  _______________________ the engine (is), ______________________ the car uses..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 9. If a knife is sharp, it is easy to cut something with. ________________________ a knife (is), _______________________ it is to cut something. 10. I became increasingly nervous about her fast driving.  ______________________ she drove, _________________________ I became. IX. Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same. 1. His previous CD wasn’t as popular as this one. This CD 2. I haven’t taken as much interest in football as you have. You have..................................................................... 3. I was less interested in the film than I had expected.The film.............................................................................. 4. Britain isn’t as warm as Greece. Greece............................................................................................................... 5. I have been to fewer countries than you have. I haven’t ...................................................................................... 6. Couldn’t you find a better hotel? Is this................................................................................................................ 7. He lost his money simply because he wasn’t careful. If he .................................................................................. 8. He has never behaved so violently before.He is behaving.................................................................................... 9. As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse.  The more................................................................................................................................................................... 10. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.The less................................................................................ X. Which is correct or both of them? Underline the correct answer(s). 1. My older/elder sister is a TV producer. 2. I’m surprised Mary is only 25. I thought she was older/elder. 3. Jane’s younger sister is still at school. Her older/elder sister is a nurse. 4. Is she younger than you? – No, she is older/elder than me. 5. I must ring home today and find out if there’s any further/father news about my grandmother and her operation. 6. Paris is further/father north than Tokyo. 7. John ran further/father than his friend did. 8. I gave my old laptop to my sister because I had no further/father use for it. 9. This is the latest/last news. 10. This is the latest/last time I lend you my car. 11. I think this is his latest/last but not his latest/last literacy work. 12. This jacket is the latest/last fashion. XI. Choose the best answer. 1. Peter is ________ student in my class. A. taller than B. so tall as 2. Jane is not ________ as her brother. A. more intelligent B. so intelligent 3. Can Tho is ________ from Sai Gon than Bien Hoa is. A. farther B. further 4. Bao Yen sings ________ than this singer. A. well B. better 5. The ________ we start, the sooner we will be back. A. early B. earliest 6. The harder this student works, ________ he becomes. A. the most understanding C. more understanding 7. My father is ________ as yours. A. old B. as old 8. HCM city is ________ than Hanoi. A. large B. largest 9. She is the ________ daughter in her family. A. older B. more old. C. the tallest. D. tallest. C. intelligenter. D. intelligent. C. far. D. farer. C. gooder. D. weller. C. earlier. D. early. B. the more understanding D. understandinger C. older. D. so old. C. more large. D. larger. C. eldest. D. oldest.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 10. She speaks English as ________ as you. A. clear B. clearly C. clearness D. clearer 11. The ________ he is, the more miserable he gets. A. richer B. more rich C. rich D. the richer 12. He drives as ________ his father does. A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as 13. I’ll be there ________ I can. A. sooner as B. no sooner as C. as soon as D. soonest as 14. Of the two sisters, Linda is ________. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. so beautiful as 15. ________ I get to know her, the more I like her. A. For more B. More C. The more D. The most 16. In stead of slowing down, he drove ________. A. more fastly B. faster C. more faster D. faster more 17. Hotels have developed ________ restaurants. A. as rapidly as B. so rapidly that C. as rapid as D. as rapid than 18. Commercial centres are ________ they were many years ago. A. as popular than B. more popular than C. the most popular D. most popular than 19. What’s the ________ film you have ever seen? A. good B. better C. best D. the better 20. The ________ accident in the history of the city happened last night. A. badest B. most bad C. worse D. worst 21. He finished the test ________ of all. A. rapidly B. more rapidly C. the most rapidly D. rapid 22. This is ________ man of all I’ve known. A. best B. better C. good D. the best 23. The man bought ________ books that he needed assistance to carry them. A. such many B. too many C. so much D. so many 24. He ________ to be offered that job. A. was such inexperienced B. was not experienced enough C. was too inexperienced D. both B and C 25. He ________ I was scared. A. drove too fast that B. drove so fastly that C. drove so fast that D. drove such fast that 26. ________ the man gets, ________ he becomes. A. The more old/the more weak B. The older/the weaker C. The older/the weakest D. older/weaker 27. I did ________ than I expected on the test, but not really badly. A. worst B. the worst C. more bad D. worse 28. I can’t stand this weather. It’s getting ________. A. badder and badder B. worse and worse C. worst and worst D.more and more worse 29. Health care in the country is said to become ________. A. good and good B. best and best C. the better and the better D. better and better 30. ________ people use the internet every day. A. Many and many B. Most and most C. More and more D. The more.

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