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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period 1. Date of preparing : 17/08 Date of teaching : 19/08 REVISION AND TEST. I. OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson the students review the tenses that they studied in English 6 and English 7 B. Knowledge: - Grammar : The simple present, the present progressive, the future intention, past simple, past progressive and simple future. - Vocabulary: Review C. Skills: II.PREPARATION: A. Teacher : textbook,chalk,lesson plan B. Students : books III. PROCEDURE:(Language presentation) A. Warm-up : Greeting (2’) B. New lesson:. Teacher's activities Students' activities I. The simple present tense (8’) -T asks Ss to remind the form of the simple present tenses -Ss call out the form Form: S + V ( HT) -Ss copy down I/ We/ You/ They/ + V He/ She/ It + V-s/ es + Es for the ending verbs which have o, x, s, ch, z., sh. Ex: - I am a student - We go to school every day, - T asks Ss to change into negative and interrogative. -Ss change individually => The negative: ... We don't go to school every day. => The interrogative: ... Do we go to school every day? II. The present progressive tense (7’) -T gives some examples then asks Ss : What tenses - Ss answer the question are they in ? Form: S + is/am/are + V- ing Ex: -It is raining now. -The students are learning lesson 1 at the moment..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> => The negative: ... It isn't raining now. => The interrogative: ... Is it raining now? III. The future intention (7’): Form: S + be going to + inf. ( be is in the simple present) Ex: Nam is going to go to visit Hue. - Tomorrow, I am going to visit my grandparents. => Negative: ... Nam isn't going to visit Hue. => Interrogative: ... Is Nam going to visit Hue? IV. The simple future (8’): Form: S + will/ shall + infinitive I/ We + will/ shall You/ they/ he/ she/ it + will Ex: - I will go there tomorrow. - They‘ll be late for school. They will not… / Will they …? V. The past simple (5’): Form: S + V-ed/ II Ex: - She stayed in the hotel for a week last summer. - They came here yesterday. - They did not come… - Did they come …?. -Ss call out the form of the future intention -Ss copy down. - look at the board -Ss give some examples - Ss copy down then review the form of the verb in the past(regular & irregular). 10-MINUTE TEST Complete the following sentenses with the correct form of the verbs: 1. She (not be) here yesterday. 2. We (visit) Nha Trang next week. 3. What you (do) everyday? 4. He (leave) five minutes ago. 5. My father and I (be) at home now. 6. What you (see) on the street yesterday? 7. Last Sunday, I (go) to visit you, but you (not stay) at home. 8. She (not drink)…….coffee. She (drink)………Coca Cola. 9. Bees (make)………………honey. 10. It (be) ………….often hot in the summer..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Period 2. Date of preparing :20/08 Date of teaching : 22/08 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 1: Listen & Read. I. OBJECTIVES : A. Aim : - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to describe their friends' appearance. B. Knowledge : - What do/does + S + look like? - (not) adj /adv + enough + to-inf… C. Skills : Listening and Reading II.PREPARATION: A. Teacher : Pictures, cassette player, tape… B. Students : Books,notebooks.. III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up (5’) : Brainstorming. Pastime B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I. PRESENTATION (5’): - Show the four pictures to Ss and get - Look at the pictures and name the them to name the activities. activities - Have Ss practise asking and answering about the pictures Eg: picture a) -What do they do in their free time? -They play football. -And you? Do you play football, too? -Yes/No. a.. * Set the scene (6’): - work in pairs - Use the picture of Hoa to involve Ss in - Look at the picture and answer the the lesson. questions 1.Who's she? * Suggest ideas: 2.Where does she come from? 1. She's Hoa. 3.Where does she live now? 2.Hue 4.Who does she live with? 3.In Hanoi 5.Which grade is she in? 4.With her uncle and aunt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - You are going to listen to the dialogue between Hoa and Lan, a friend of hers in Hanoi Who are they talking about? II. PRACTICE: *Listen and read (7’) - Play the tape twice - Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs -Call on some pairs to practice before the class *Comprehension (6’): -Run through the questions -Get Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions.. 5.Grade 8 …. -Listen and answer the question about Nien, Hoa's friend in Hue. -Listen and repeat the dialogue. -Practice the dialogue in pairs. -Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Answers: a. She lives in Hue. b. No, she doesn't. c. " She wasn't old enough to be in my class". d. At Christmas. -Elicit the model, check use/form/meaning…. *Model sentences (4’): - Elicit the model sentences What does she look like? -Form: What + do/does + S + look like? She wasn't old enough to be in my class. -Form:S +be+ adj/adv + enough + to -inf III. FURTHER PRACTICE (7’): -Mapped dialogue -Practice the mapped dialogue. Hung Mai Hello/Mai Hi Hung/you…happy Yes/meet/old friend What/like? He/tall… IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS:(5’): - Grammar focus “What…look like?,S+ be+(not) adj/adv + enough + to-inf” V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 3 Date of preparing : 22/08 Date of teaching : 24/08 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 2: SPEAK - LISTEN I. OBJECTIVE: A. Aim : - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to introduce friends and describe their friends' appearance..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : curly, blond, bald, slim, straight C. Skills: Training St’s speaking and listening II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher : pictures, cassette player, tape… B. Students : Books, notebooks III.PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up(5’): - Brainstorm: ask Ss to elicit the adjectives that attribute hair and bodybuild. Eg: tall, short, long… B. New lesson: Teacher's activities I. PRE-SPEAKING: 1. Pre-teach vocab(6’): ( using pictures) + curly (adj) xoăn + straight (adj) thẳng + blond (adj) vàng hoe + bald (adj) hói + slim (adj) mảnh mai - Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  individually. -Check vocab using "slap the board" 2. Set the scene(3’): - Use the dialogue between Nga and Hoa to introduce the lesson and elicit the model sentences She is tall and thin. She has long black hair.. Students' activities - Look at the pictures and elicit the vocab. -Practise the vocab and slap the words.. -Elicit the models. II. WHILE-SPEAKING *Speaking(11’) -Saying the word-cues - Run through the word-cues - Ask Ss to identify the six people in the -Identify the people eg: Van: tall/thin/ short and black hair pictures. Mr Lai: short/fat/bald… -Ss make the similar dialogues - Have Ss practice the similar dialogues Eg: A: This person is tall and thin. He has in pairs short black hair. B: Is this Van? A: Yes. -Call on some pairs to practice before the -Complete the dialogue in groups of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> class *. Listening(8’): -Get Ss to complete the dialogue with the given expressions -T gives the feedback -Play the tape and check the answers. -Have Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. three. -Give the answers -Listen, check the answers and practise the dialogue. -Ss join in the game.. III. POST-SPEAKING(7’): +Activity 1: Guessing game: - S1 describes a person in the class and the others guess who she/he is. -Work in groups of 3. +Activity 2: -T ask Ss to work in groups of 3 introducing friends. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS:(5’): - Adjectives attributing appearance/ introducing expressions - Do exercise B6 in Workbook -Prepare the next lesson V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 4. Date of preparing : 24/08 Date of teaching : 26/08 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 3 : READ. I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand and describe people's characters. B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : character, generous, sense of humor, sociable, reserved, outgoing - Grammar : Simple present tense C. Skill: Training SS’ reading II.PREPARATION: A. Teacher : Textbook, lesson plan… B. Students : Books, notebooks……..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> III.PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up(5’): Ask Ss to work in groups of 3 introducing friends B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I. PRE-READING: 1. Pre-teach vocab(8’): + character (n) tính cách + generous (adj) rộng lượng + sense of humor (n) khiếu hài hước + sociable (adj) hoà đồng + reserved (adj) rụt rè - Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  -Practise the vocab and rewrite the words the words. individually. -Check vocab using "What and where" 2. T/ F statement prediction(4’): -show the statements on the board and get Ss to predict in pairs Statements 1.Bao is the most sociable 2.He spends his free time at school 3.Khai and Song are quite reserved in public 4.Khai is their school’s star soccer player 5.Song likes reading at the local library 6.Ba enjoys telling jokes. -Ss read the statements then predict T F individually -Ss tick on the poster their prediction. -Ss work in pairs II. WHILE-READING: 1.Checking prediction(5’) -T get Ss to read the text and check the * Checking: 1.T 2.F 3.T prediction 6.T -T gives feedback -Ss work in groups. 4.F. 5.F. 2. Multiple choice(P.14)(6’) -T gets Ss to read the text and choose the ask and answer the questions in pairs correct answer. -T asks some Ss to read the answers aloud..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 3. Comprehension(6’): -T runs through the questions in page 14 -T gets Ss to practise asking and answering in pairs. III. POST-READING(7’): -Ask Ss to tell the others about their -Ss work individually. friends IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS(4’): - Describing people's characters and appearance. - Work book ex 3-4 V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 5. Date of preparing : 27/08 Date of teaching : 29/08 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 4 : WRITE. I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write about people's characters and appearance . B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : humorous, appearance - How to write about oneself/ personal information C. Skills: Training Ss’ writing and reading II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher : textbook, lesson plan, visual aids.. B. Students : Notebooks, books…. III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up: Checking: (5’) - Check Ss the comprehension questions. B. New lesson:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Teacher's activities I. PRE-WRITING: (5’) 1. Brainstorming: -T asks Ss to write down the adjectives to describe the appearance and the character 2.Pre-questions: (10’) -TAppearance asks Ss to read the Character information about Tam then answer the questions 1. What’s his name? 2. How old is he ? 3. What does he look like? 4. What’s he like? 5. Where does he live ? 6. Who does he live with ? 7. Who are his friends? -T tells Ss how to develop an information card into a paragraph like the one about Tam. Eg: appearance: tall, thin, short black hair…  He's tall, thin and he has short black hair. -T asks Ss to write the same notes about one of Ss’ friends II. WHILE-WRITING: (10’) -T gets Ss to write a paragraph, bases on the note they wrote III. Post-writing: (10’) 1. Exhibition - T asks 2 Ss to write their paragraph on the board 2. Finding errors -T gives a paragraph then asks Ss to find as much errors as possible -Which teams finish first, they will be winners. Students' activities -Ss work into 2 teams.. . -Ss work individually. - Ss work individually Ex : Name: Ly Appearance: slim, long black hair… Character: helpful, sociable… ......................................................... -They write individually. -Ss check together -Ss work into 2 teams. IV. HOMEWORK -ASSIGNMENTS : (5’) - Describing people's characters and appearance. - Language focus. V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 6 Date of preparing : 28/08 Date of teaching : 31/08 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : To have Ss review the language they've learned in the unit B. Knowledge : - Grammar : + Simple present tense to talk about the truth + Structure : … (not) adj/adv + enough + to-inf C. Skills: reading ,speaking and writing II.PREPARATION: A. Teacher : Pictures, textbook.. B. Students : Books, notebooks… III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up : (7’) * Checking :- T gets Ss to describe their partner before class. * Buzz: - T gives some adverbs of time at the present and the past + today, yesterday, ago, now, last night..... -If T says the adverbs at present, Ss repeat If T says the adverbs at past, Ss says Buzz B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> I. PRESENTATION: (3’) -T asks Ss some questions: 1. Where do you live ? 2. Do you like watching film? 3. Did you see the film last night? 4. Was it interesting? -T asks Ss to remind the form and the usage of the present simple and the past simple II. PRACTICE: (27’’) 1. Complete the paragraph - T hangs a poster on the board - Then asks Ss to complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs in bracket -T gives feedback. -Ss answer the questions individually. -Ss call out. -Ss work in pairs.. Answer: a. 1, lives 2, sent 3, was 4, is b. 1,are 2, came 3, showed 4. introduced. 2. Complete the dialogue -T sets the scene - T asks Ss to complete the dialogue -Ss work in pairs completing the between Ba and Tuan dialogue. -T gives feedback Answers -ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs 1. sets 2. goes 3. moves 4. is 5. is 6. is -Ss play role of Ba and Tuan 3. Look and describe: -Work in pairs, look at the picture on page17,one student asks the other answers, using questions a), b), c) -Look at the picture, ask and answer eg: There are four people in the picture. about the people in that picture There is a tall heavyset man. There is a tall and thin woman with short hair… T gives Ss some new words: skirt, trousers, shirt, shorts, pink, 4. “Adj/adv + enough + to-inf” -T elicits the model by a situation -Ss call out the structure Ex: I’m short. I can’t reach the top of the board I’m not tall enough to reach the top of the -work in pairs, give the answers board a. not big enough b. not old.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> -Ask Ss to complete the dialogue in pairs. enough c. strong enough enough. d. good. -have some pairs practise the dialogues before class. - practice the dialogues in pairs. -Ask Ss to copy the dialogues in their notebooks. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (8’) - Focus: adj/adv + enough + to-inf/ simple tense to talk about the truth. - Workbook unit 1 - Preparation: unit 2 lesson 1 V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 7 Date of preparing : 06/09 Date of teaching : 07/09 UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Lesson 1: LISTEN & READ I. OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to make and confirm arrangements. B. Knowledge: -Vocabulary : Answering machine, mobile phone, fax machine, telephone directory - Grammar : “be going to + inf “ (for future intention, prediction) C. Skills: listening and reading II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher : Lesson plan, pictures, cassette player, tape… B. Students : III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up : Checking: (5’) - T asks Ss to make sentences with adj/adv + enough + to-inf Eg: I'm not old enough to drive a car… B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I. Presentation: (13’) 1. Pre-teach vocab: - T shows a serie pictures of -Ss look at the picture communicating devices then elicits vocab -Ss call out + answering machine + mobile phone + fax machine.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> + telephone directory + public telephone - What do we use them for ? -Practice saying the vocab and match - T models – choral - individual the words with the correct pictures - Check vocab using "matching" - T gives the feedback -T uses the picture of Nga and Hoa phoning to set the scene by questions. 2. Pre-questions: a. How many people are there in the dialogue ? -Ss guess b. What are they doing? c. What are they going to do this evening? Which film? Where ?What time? -Ss listen to the tape then check their II. PRACTICE: ( 12’) guessing * Act 1: Listen and read -Play the tape and get Ss to listen and answer the questions. -feedback the answers. -Ss practice in pairs - replay the tape -have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs *Act 2:Answer the questions --T asks Ss to read the dialogue again then answer questions -T asks -T elicits some grammar points -What do you say when you .....? + want to invite sb to do sth + want to arrange a meeting place + want to arrange the time -T takes note “be going to” to talk about the intention III. Further Practice:( 10’) -Mapped dialogue Nam Lan Speak/ Lan ?/Nam Hello/Nam Zoo/afternoon/co Yes,/love. What me? time? 4 pm ? Fine. Bye Bye. - Ss answer individually + Suggest ideas: - Would you like to ......... ? - Let’s meet ./ Where shall we meet ? - Is 2 o’clock all right ?. -Ss work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) *Remember : + Would you like to … (inviting) + Let's meet …/ Is 6.00 okay? + Where shall we meet? - Work book ex 1 V. COMMENTS : …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 8 Date of preparing : 07/09 Date of teaching : 09/09 UNIT 2 : MAKINGARRANGEMENTS Lesson 2: Speak-Listen I.OJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practise making telephone arrangements; leaving and taking messages. B. Knowledge: - Expressions to make an appointment - Structure : S + be going to + inf (to talk about future intention/prediction) C. Skills: Training Ss’ listening and speaking II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher :pictures, cassette player, tape… B. Students : Books, notebooks.. III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up : Review: (5’) - Revision: Reproduce the dial in the further practice B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I. PRE-SPEAKING: (10’) - Have you got a telephone number ? Ss answer - What’s your telephone number ? - Have you made an oppointment ? - Why ? 1. Pre-teach vocab: - available (adj) - to make an appointment - Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  -Practice saying the vocab individually. -check vocab -This is a dial whose sentences are not in good order. Read and answer: Where It’s on the phone does the dial take place ? What is it Making an appointment to go to the movie about?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> -put the sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful telephone conversation. -compare with your partner -Practice the dial in pairs II. WHILE-SPEAKING: (13’) - T introduces the dial: Ba is calling Bao to invite him to play chess. They are arranging a suitable time. Now you work in pairs to find Bao’s sentences to complete the dial -ask Ss to use the language from task 1 and complete the dialogue. -feedback the answers and get ss to drill the dialogue in pairs - Suggested answers: May/Can I speak to Ba, please? I'm fine, thanks. And you? Can you play chess tonight? Can we make it tomorrow afternoon? Shall we meet at…? - Ask some pairs to practice before class. III. POST-SPEAKING: (12) -ask Ss to focus on the phrases to make telephone arrangements and make up similar dialogues. *. Listening: - What do you say if you are the caller ? - What do you say if you are the receiver? - What do you say if the person you want to meet is out ? - This is the dial between a woman and the principal’s secretary. The woman wants to meet the principal. You listen to the tape and fill the missing information in the card -play the tape -feedback the answer.. -reorder the sentences Compare -Practice the dial in pairs -Ss work in pairs to find Bao’s sentences -think of the missing information to complete the dialogue.. - practice the conversation in chorus. - practice the conversation before class - make up dialogues.. and. practice. similar. Can I speak to ..... ? Say the telephone number Can I leave a message for ........?/ Can you take a message .......?. - listen to the tape and complete the form. *Answer: Mrs Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45. 64683720942. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) - Focus: be going to…/ May/Can I speak to…? Can you leave/take a message…?/ Let's meet at…?/ Is. …okay? - Work book ex 1-5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> V. COMMENTS : …………………………………………………………………………………………………... Period 9 Date of preparing : 10/09 Date of teaching : 12/09 UNIT 2: MAKINGARANGEMENTS Lesson 3: READ I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand the main and detailed ideas of the text. B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : emigrate , transmit, conduct, demonstrate, device ,deaf-mute C. Skills: training Ss’ reading II.PREPARATION: A. Teacher : textbook, lesson plan, picture of Alexander Graham Bell… B. Students : Books, notebooks… III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up : Review (5’) - T asks Ss to make up telephone dialogues (arranging different appointments) B. New lesson: Teacher's activities I. PRE-READING: (10’) T shows Bell’s picture and asks Ss : - Who is this ? - What do you know about him ? ( What did he invent ?, When ?, When was he born ? ......) T introduces the lesson 1. Pre-teach vocab: - emigrate (v) xuất cảnh, di cư - transmit (v) truyền, phát - conduct (v) thực hiện - demonstrate (v) biểu diễn - device (n) thiết bị - deaf-mute (adj) tật vừa câm vừa điếc - Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  individually. -check vocab using "what and where" 2. T/F statement prediction: (exercise page 20, textbook) -show the statements on the board and get Ss to predict in pairs II. WHILE-READING: (12’). Students' activities. -Practice saying the vocab and rewrite the words the words. -predict the statements in pairs. Ex: a. T b. F c. … - read the text and check the prediction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 1. T/F checking : - Now read the text in 5 minutes and check your prediction - T gives the feedback to the prediction 2. Put the events in the correct order : -go through the statements -Get Ss to order the statements in groups. -ask the four groups to write the answer on the board.. Answer key: a. F d. F. b. F e. T. -read the statements and reorder. Answer: 1.d 2.e 3.a 4.g 5.c 7.f. c.T f.F. 6.b. III. POST-READING(13’) * Interview : -ask Ss to play the roles of an interview - conduct the interview in pairs about A.G.Bell using the information on Ex: A: When was he born? the poster for help. B: He was born on March1847. A: Where was he born? B: He was born in Edinburg, Date of birth March 3, 1847 Scotland. A: Place of birth Edinburgh, Scotland Address America Assistant. Thomas Watson. Date of telephone 1876 invention. IV. HOMEWORK -ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) - Check Ss' vocab and understanding of the text. - write the interview in workbooks. - Work book ex 3-4 V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 10. Date of preparing : 12/09 Date of teaching : 14/09 UNIT 2: MAKING ARANGEMENTS Lesson 4: WRITE.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> I. OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a telephone message. B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : delivery service, stationery, pick s.o up C. Skills: Training S’s writing II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher : Lesson plan, chalk, poster, textbook, word cues B. Students : Books , notebooks… III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up : Review: (5’) - jumbled words to check new words. Ex: customer furniture service message B. New lesson: Teacher's activities I. PRE-WRITING: (12’) Have you ever taken a message for sb ? Do you write the date of the message ? The time -T introduces the purpose of the lesson 1. Pre-teach vocab: - delivery service (n)dịch vụ chuyển phát - stationery (n) văn phòng phẩm - pick s.o up (v) đón ai Midday - Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  individually. -check vocab using "R.O.R" 2. Gap-fill: -ask Ss to read the message carefully then fill in the gaps, then compare the answers with your friends -feedback the answers -check the answers as the whole class. Answer: 1.telephoned 2. May 12 3. speak 4. took 5. name 6. delivery 7. Mr Ha 8.at -call on some Ss to read the passage aloud. II. WHILE-WRITING: (13’) -run trough the uncompleted message and. Students' activities Ss answer. -Practice saying the vocab and rewrite the erased words.. -Read the message and complete the passage -write the answers on the board.. -read the passage..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> focus Ss on what they are going to write in the form. -ask Ss to read the passage (ex 2, page 23), and write the message. -get Ss to compare the answer in pairs and groups. -call on some ss to check the forms. -ask Ss to base on the sample and develop the form into a paragraph. -have Ss work in pairs sharing the work. -ask ss to read the paragraph aloud.. - use the information to write the message individually. -cross-check and group-check the answer. Possible answer: Thanh Cong Delivery Service Date: 16June Time: just before midday For: Mrs Van Message: Mr Nam called just before midday and said she wanted you to call him at 8634082.. III. POST-WRITING: (10’) Ask Ss to stick their posters on the board.  (ex 3 textbook, page 24): ask Ss to -show the posters and feedback. help Lisa write a message for -write the message for Nancy. Nancy Answer: Ss answer Date: Ss answer Time: Ss answer For: Nancy Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon. He will come over to pick you up at about 1.30 Taken by: Lisa IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) - Review the way how to write a message. - Workbook unit 2 V, COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 11 Date of preparation : 15/09 Date of teaching : 16/09. UNIT 2 : MAKING ARANGEMENTS Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : To have Ss review the language they 've learned in the unit 2..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : fishing rod, novel, action movie - Grammar : + be going to + inf (to talk about future intentions) + adverbs of place(outside, inside, downstairs...) C.Skills: speaking and writing II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher : Lesson plan, pictures, textbook, chalk.. B. Students : Books, notebooks… III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up : Review: (5’) - Get Ss to finish the exercises in workbook unit 2. B. New lesson: Teacher's activities I. PRESENTATION: (7’) * Vocabulary: - T elicits vocabs + fishing rod (n) cần câu + novel (n) tiểu thuyết + action movie (n) phim hành động * Check vocab: R.O.R -Run through the grammar focus Ss have learned in the unit. -T gives an example: Nga has a theater ticket. What is she going to do? - T asks Ss to call out the structure to talk about intentions -have Ss follow the example and say what the people are going to do.. Students' activities - Ss call out the vocab. - elicit the grammar. -She's going to see a movie -Suggest idea : S + BE GOING TO + V( bare inf) - They are going fishing. Trang is going to read the novel. Van is going to do her homework. ... -practice saying the sentences and copy the work.. -call on individuals to say the sentences. -feedback and get Ss to copy the work. II. PRACTICE: * Ex 2.a (13’) -work individually completing the column. -show the questionnaire and get Ss to complete the column"you" -get Ss to go round and ask the others fill -go around and practice the questions to complete the column using "be going to…" in the next column. Ex: Are you going to see a movie? Yes. I am. -ask Ss to dictate the information to the -dictate the answers. Ex: Nam is not going to see a movie, but he is others..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> going to play sports and meet his friends on the weekend…. III.FURTHER PRACTICE: (13’) *Adverbs of places - T runs through the adverbs -T shows the pictures to Ss and get them to identify the position. -T asks Ss to complete the bubbles and finish the story.. - Ss remind the adverbs of place. -identify the position. -choose the correct adverbs to finish the story. Answer: a. upstairs b. here c. downstairs d. outside e. there f. inside -check the answers in groups.. -T gets Ss to group-check the answers. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (7’) - Focus: be going to …/ adverbs of place. - Workbook: review the exercises in unit 2 - Preparation: unit 3 lesson 1 V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 12. Date of preparation : 17/09 Date of teaching : 19/09 UNIT 3: AT HOME Lesson 1: Listen & Read. I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the chores they have to do at home. B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : cup-board, steamer, sauce-pan - Grammar : modal verbs ( must, ought to, have to) C. Skills: Listening and reading II. PREPARATION:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> A. Teacher : Lesson plan, pictures, cassette player, tape… B. Students : III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up: (5’) Cook meals. Sweep the floor Things you often do at home. Tidy –up. wash clothes. wash dishes. B. New lesson:. Teacher's activities I. PRESENTATION: (14’) 1. Pre-teach vocab: (use the pictures to elicit the vocab) + cup board (n) tủ li + steamer (n) nồi hấp + saucepan (n) cái chảo + have to (modal v) phải -Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  individually. -Check vocab using "R.O.R" 2. Set the scene: - T uses the picture of Nam and his mother phoning to introduce the lesson. Will his mother come home early? What is she going to do? What does Nam have to do? *Getting started:. Students' activities -Ss call out the vocab. -elicit the words with the T -Practice saying the vocab (chorally individually) and rewrite the words. -Ss guess then answer No. She is going to visit her mother. …cook dinner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> - Show the pictures and ask Ss to write what she does and what they have to do at home. - elicit the chores at home and write them on - Elicit the answers: the board. What will Nam have to do? make the bed, feed the chicken… II. PRACTICE: (13’) - Play the tape and get Ss to listen and -listen to the tape and answer the question. answer the questions. - Replay the tape. - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. -listen and practice the dialogue. -practice the dialogue and demonstrate it - Have Ss practise the dialogue in pairs before class. 1.Comprehension : a.What does Nam's mother have to do after work? b. T asks Ss to complete the list of the things Nam has to do : - cook dinner - go to the market - buy some fish & vegetables - call aunt Chi & ask her to meet Mrs Vui at Grandma' s house. - Ss read the dialogue again then answer the questions a. She has to go and visit his grandmother. b. He has to cook dinner, go to the market… -take notes.. -elicit the models by an example She has to go and visit his grandmother.  have to + inf (obligation) -practice the target language in pairs. 2. Picture drill: (pictures a-f) - Work in pairs one student asks the other answers, using the pictures a) - f) on page 27 - Complete the task in language focus 1 eg: What do you have to do? I have to wash the dishes. III. FURTHER PRACTICE: (8’) - Language focus 1 page 34 - T runs through all the words then gives the request of the task Ex: I have to do my homework IV.HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) - Must/have to/ought to + inf …(for obligation and advice) - Vocab of the chores - Work book ex 1-2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Period 13 Date of preparation : 20/09 Date of teaching : 21/09 UNIT 3: AT HOME Lesson 2: SPEAK I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice talking about the furniture and other items in the home. B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: rug, calendar, counter, dish-rack, folder, wardrobe - Grammar : Prepositions of place (next to, above, beneath…) C. Skills: Training Ss’ speaking skill II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher : pictures of furniture, lesson plan… B. Students : Books, notebooks….. III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up: (5’) - Revision: check Ss' vocab using jumbled words. (cushion,telephone, couch ,stereo) B. New lesson: Teacher's activities. Students' activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> I. PRE-SPEAKING: (10’) 1. Pre-teach vocab: (use pictures) - Do you often help your mom at home ? - What can you do to help your mom ? - Can you cook ? - Now look at the picture and tell me Ss look at the picture and say things in the picture what there are in that picture - knife - rice-cooker - T writes these words on BB, and - dish-rack -.................. supplies some words they don’t know - Drill the vocab chorally individually. Ss listen and repeat then write vocab into their notebook On, in, under, above, between, ............. - Tell me some prepositios you know - Now look at the picture then fill in the -Ss work in groups gaps 1.The calendar is .............. the wall, …………...... the stove and the sink 2.The sink is .........................the stove 3.The cupboard is ………...the wall, ................................... the counter 4.The clock is ......................... the wall, ....................... the refrigerator 5.The flowers are ...................... the table…………………………..…. II. WHILE-SPEAKING: (15’) - T uses the picture to pre-teach vocab -Ss work in groups. + rug + cushion (task 2 page 29 textbook) - T asks Ss to work in groups rearranging the furniture to make the room logical. Eg: S1: Let's put the armchair opposite -listen and draw Hoa's bedroom. the couch S2: And I think we ought to put the rug between the couch and the armchair. -show the work on the board. III. POST-SPEAKING: (10’) * Listen and draw : - Listening text (the description of Hoa's bedroom page 32 textbook) - Feedback the answer. IV.HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) - Workbook ex 1-4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> - Write the description of own rooms. V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 14 Date of preparation : 22/09 Date of teaching : 23/09 UNIT 3: AT HOME Lesson 3 : LISTEN I. OBJECTIVES: A. Aim: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen an d understand the ingredients for the recipe of cooking " special Chinese fried rice" B. Knowledge: - Vocab: garlic, pepper , pea, ham, heat , salt - Grammar : C. Skill: Listening II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher’s: Pictures, tape, cassette player B . Students’: III.PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up : - 15-minute test. B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I. PRE-LISTENING: (10’) 1. Pre-teach vocab: (use pictures and realia) -Ss call out the vocab - Garlic (n) - Pepper (n) - Ham (n) - Salt (n) - Heat (v) -Practice saying the vocab rewrite the words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> -Elicit and drill the vocab chorally individually. -check vocab (R.O.R) 2. Prediction: -T shows the picture and get Ss to predict what Lan and Mrs Thu use to cook the meal. -feedback the answer and demonstrate it on the board II. WHILE-LISTENING: (10’) - Play the tape - Feedback the answer. * Ordering: (instructions on the poster) -display the recipe for "special Chinese fried rice" on the board and get Ss to order the instructions. - re-play the tape. III. POST-SPEAKING: *Listen and draw (5’) - ask Ss to write a recipe for their favorite dish.. - Ss predict individually. - listen and check the prediction. a. rice b. pan c. garlic-pepper d. ham-peas - copy the recipe and order the instructions.. - write a recipe.. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) - Recipe for "special Chinese fried rice" - Preposition of place. - Work book ex 5-6 V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 15 Date of preparation : 24/09 Date of teaching : 26/09 UNIT 3: AT HOME Lesson 4: READ I. OBJECTIVES: A. Aim: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand the text about precautions in the home. B. Knowledge: - Vocab: destroy, injure, socket, bead, object, precaution - Grammar: C. Skills: -Training Ss’ reading skill.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> II.PREPARATION: A. Teacher’s: - pictures, lesson plan, texbook, poster.. B. Students’: III.PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up/ Review: (5’) - Brainstom: "danger in the home for children" B. New lesson:. Teacher's activities I. PRE-READING: (12’) 1. Pre-teach vocab: - destroy (v) - injure (v) - socket (n) - bead (n) - object (n) - precaution(n) - Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  individually. -check vocab using "what and where" 2. T/F statement prediction: - Copy the statements on the board and get Ss to predict the T/F ones. - Ask Ss to compare the work in pairs - Feedback the prediction. II.WHILE-READING: (15’) (poster in the textbook.) 1. Checking prediction : - Get ss to read the text and check the prediction - Elicit the answers. - Get ss to correct the false ones.. Students' activities. - Practise saying the vocab and rewrite the words the words. - Predict the statements individually. - Cross-check the prediction. - Read the text and check the answers. Answer key: a. F b. T c. F d. F e. T f. F - work in pairs. - demonstrate the task before class. 2 .Question&Answer Drill : -Ask Ss to practise asking and answering the comprehension questions in pairs. -call on some pairs to demonstrate the task before class. III. POST-READING: -discuss in groups. * Discussion (8’) -ask Ss to work in groups talking about the precautions in the home. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) - Why - Because.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> - Precautions in the home. - Work book exercise 5-6 V. COMMENTS : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 16 Date of preparation : 26/09 Date of teaching : 28/09 UNIT 3: AT HOME Lesson 5: WRITE I.OBJECTIVES : A. Aim: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a description of a room. B. Knowledge: - Vocab: sink, towel-rack, lighting-fixture, beneath - Grammar: Prepositions of place. C. Skills: Training Ss’ writing II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher’s: - textbook, lesson plan, pictures, poster… B. Students’: III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up: (6’) * Wordsquare : ( prepositins of place ) B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I. PRE-WRITING: (11’) 1. Pre-teach vocab: - Sink (n) - towel-rack (n) - Practise saying the vocab and rewrite the - a lighting-fixture erased words. -beneath (prep) - Elicit and drill the vocab chorally  - Read the information and answer the individually. questions. - Check vocab using "R.O.R" - Ask Ss to read about Hoa's bedroom and answer the questions : - What's on the left of the room? - What are on the rack? - Is there a bookshelf near the desk? - What's near the desk? - Write the answers on the board. - What's beside the window? - Feedback the answers. - Check the answers as the whole class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> - Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud. II. WHILE-WRITING:(13’) - Elicit the furniture from the picture. - Run through the picture. - Ask Ss to write a description of the kitchen using the word-cues. - Write a description of the kitchen and - Have Ss share the work in pairs/groups. share the work in pairs/groups. - Feedback the answers (sentence by sentence) - Display the work on poster and share the III. POST-WRITING:(10’) description. - Ask Ss to write a description of their room. - Get Ss to demonstrate their description on posters.. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS:(5’) - Review preposions of place - Unit 3 Language focus.+ workbook V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 17. Date of preparation : 01/10 Date of teaching : 03/10 UNIT 3: AT HOME Lesson 6 : LANGUAGE FOCUS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: A. Aims: - To have Ss review the language they 've learned in the unit 3. B. Knowledge: - Grammar: Reflexive pronouns, modals: must, have to… C. Skills: speaking and writing II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher’s: - pictures, lesson plan, texbook, chalk.. B. Students’: III. PROCEDURE: A. Warm-up(5’): - Get Ss to describe their own room. B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities I. PRESENTATION: (5’) - Run through the grammar focus Ss have - elicit the grammar. learned in the unit. + Why-Because + Reflexive pronouns + Modals: must, have to… II. PRACTICE: (30’) * Ex 1: - match the verbs with the pictures. - show the pictures and get Ss to match the pictures with the verbs. a. make the bed b. dust the room c. sweep the floor d. clean the fish-tank e. empty the wastebasket f. feed the dog. -get Ss to complete the dialogue in pairs. - complete and drill the dialogues in pairs. Ex 2: Ought to + inf  giving advices - run through the pictures and the situations. - elicit the form /use/meaning - ask Ss to practise giving advice. - work individually, practice giving advice. - feedback. - compare the advice in pairs/groups - present the advice on the board. Eg: He should get up earlier. … Ex 3: Reflexive pronouns - Elicit the form/use/meaning - elicit the reflexive pronouns..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> - Ask Ss to complete the dialogues with the correct reflexive pronouns. - Drill the dialogue. Ex 4: Why-Because - Use the example to elicit the use of WhyBecause. - Get Ss to practice with the picture-cues.. - complete and practise the dialogues. - practise the exercise with Why-Because.  Example ; - Why did he fail the E-test ? - Because she played video-games.. IV. HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS:(2’) - Focus: Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourselves… Modals: must, have to… - Workbook: review the exercises in unit 3 - Preparation: Review (Unit1-3) V. COMMENTS : ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..… ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..… ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………...… ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..… ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..… ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Period 18. Date of preparation : 03/10 Date of teaching : 05/10. REVISION I. OBJECTIVES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> A. Aim: - To have Ss review the language they 've learned from unit 1 to 3 B. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : units 1-3 - Grammar : + Adj/adv + enough + to-inf /be going to + inf … + Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourselves… + Modals: must, have to… C.Skills: Training Ss’ writing and reading II. PREPARATION: A. Teacher’s: lesson plan and tasks B. Students’: III. PROCEDURES: A. Warm-up/ Review: B. New lesson : Teacher’s activites Students’activites I. WARM UP( 7’) - Ss work individually -T asks ss to go to the board to write some structures in unit 1,2,3 Ss listen to the teacher and take note some Example: S + Adj + enough + to infinitive importaint ideas and then work in pairs to II.UNIT 1(10’) make examples: *T explains the structure : - That box is big enough to carry Adj + enough + to infinitive them T asks ss to give some examples - Ba is old enough to drive a car  The simple present tense: *T asks ss to remember the simple present tense and asks ss to give the structure and use T notes: Verb using in the third person in this tense. S + Vs\es + O *Examples : - I go to school every day - She goes to school every day. III.UNIT 2(10’) *T asks ss to review the future tense “ Talk about intentions with BE GOING TO. * Adverbs of place: T asks ss to learn by heart the adverbs of place and know their meanings. Ss go to the board write some examples *Examples : - She’s going to see amovie - My mother’s going to buy a new shirt tomorrow. Ss learn by hear and give some examples:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> Outside, Insde, There, Here, Upstair, Downstair. He’s upstair She’s downstair IV.UNIT 3(10’) *T asks ss to review Reflexive pronouns and then helps ss to makes some examples. * T reviews the modals: Must, Have to, Ought to * Why – Because.. Ss take note: Myself, yourself, himself, herself, yourself,yourselves, ourselves,themselves. *Examples: - She looks herself in the mirror. - He did this box himself. Ss listen and take some examples: -I have to do mychorus -You must do this home work Ss gives examples: -Why did Hoa go to school late this morning -Because she watched TV late last night.. IV.HOMEWORK - ASSIGNMENTS: (5’) -Revise the basic knowledge of Unit1,2 and3 carefully V. COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 19 Date of preparation : 05/10 Date of teaching : 07/10 FORTY – FIVE MINUTE TEST I. OBJECTIVES: A. Aim : - By the end of this lesson will be able to value student’s knowledge B. Knowledge: - Vocab: From Unit 1 to Unit 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> - Grammar:. + Adj/adv + enough + to-inf /be going to + inf …. + Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourselves… + Modals: must, have to… C .Skills: Writing, reading II. PREPARATION : A. Teacher : B. Students : III. PROCEDURE: A. Matrix : Chủ đề kiến thức Phonetic Reading Writing. Nhận biết KQ TL câu. Thông hiểu KQ TL. Vận dụng KQ TL. 4. 4. Điểm: 1.0 câu 2 Điểm: 0.5 câu. 4. 4 1.0. 1.0. 3. Điểm: Language câu Focus Điểm: Tổng. Tổng số câu/Đ. 3 2.5. 1.0 10 2.5 3 3 10 2.5. 29 Câu. 10. B. Content: TEST PAPER A I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently (1m): 1. A. happy 2. A. teacher. B. character B. pleasure. C. fat. D. classmate C. please. D. meet. 3. A. character. B. Chrismast. C. children. D. school. 4. A. slim. B. thin. C. smile. D. visit. II. Choose the best answer. Circle on this letter (2,5ms) 1. The sun ................................................... in the East. A. rise. B. rises. C. rised. D. is raising. 2. She ............................................. a movie tonight. A. is going to see B. saw. C. see. D. seeing. 3. He .......................................................... fishing rods yesterday. A. buys. B. bought. C. buyed. D. buying.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> 4. I cut ................................................ A. herself. B. yourself. C. myself. D. ourself. 5. I’m late. You ................................................. get up early. A. shouldn’t. B. ought to. C. must. D. have. 6. ......................................................... does she look like ? She is beautiful A. How. B. What. C. Where. D. Who. 7. It ...................................................... hot in the summer. A. is. B. was. C. were. D. are. 8. ................. didn’t you play soccer with me yesterday ? Because I was busy. A. How. B. Why. C. What. D. Where. 9. It is dangerous to let children………..in the kitchen. A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing 10. My sister often looks at ………… in the mirror. A. myself B. yourself C. herself D. himself III. Choose the correct answer to complete the passage (2,5ps): Viet is a student and he (1)………..in a bed-sit in a suburb of Ha Noi. It’s a part of an old house. He has one room and a kitchen and (2)………a bathroom with three other people. (3) …… his room, there is a bed on the left hand side. There is (4)……..armchair beside the bed. The desk is (5)…….the bed and there is a closet on the right side of the room. Above the desk, there is a (6)……… and above the bed there is a clock. He has a television and a cassette player, (7)………… In the kitchen, there is a (8)…….on the right hand side. The sink is (9) …..the cooker. There’s a small table and two chairs in the center. The kitchen is rather (10) ……., but it’s OK. Viet likes his room very much. 1. A. live. B. lives. C. will live. D. is going to live. 2. A. shares. B. has. C. puts. D. Takes. 3. A. At. B. On. C. In. D. Inside. 4. A. a. B. an. C. the. D. some. 5. A. beneath. B. above. C. between. D. opposite. 6. A. bookshelf. B. chair. C. oven. D. refrigerator. 7. A. so. B. too. C. either. D. neither. 8.A. cook. B. cooking. C. cooker. D. cooks. 9. A. next. B. on. C. in. D. near. 10. A. large. B. suitable. C. dangerous. D. small. IV. Supply the correct word form (1p): 1. L.A. Hill is a …………………..writer. (humor) 2. Those cats look …………………………. (love).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> V. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first(3ps) : 1. Her hair is long and black. She has……………………………………………… 2. Remember to turn off the light before going out.  Don’t………………………………………………………………….…... 3. Alexander G. Bell invented the telephone.  Alexander G. Bell was………………………………………………………………. TEST PAPER B I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently (1m): 1. character 2. A. teacher. B. fat. C. classmate B. meet. D. A. happy. C. please. D. pleasure. 3. A. character. B. children. C. Chrismast. D. school. 4. visit. B. smile. C. thin. D. A. slim. II. Choose the best answer. Circle on this letter (2,5ms) 1. I’m late. You ................................................. get up early. A. shouldn’t. B. ought to. C. must. D. have. 2. She ............................................. a movie tonight. A. is going to see. B. saw. C. see. D. seeing. 3. ................ didn’t you play soccer with me yesterday ? Because I was busy. A. How. B. Why. C. What. D. Where. 4. It is dangerous to let children………..in the kitchen. A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing 5. ......................................................... does she look like ? She is beautiful A. How. B. What. C. Where. D. Who.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 6. I cut ................................................ A. herself. B. yourself. C. myself. D. ourself. 7. The sun ................................................... in the East. A. rise. B. rises. C. rised. D. is raising. 8. It ...................................................... hot in the summer. A. is. B. was. C. were. D. are. 9. My sister often looks at ………… in the mirror. A. myself B. yourself C. herself D. himself 10. He .......................................................... fishing rods yesterday. A. buys B. bought C. buyed III. Choose the correct answer to complete the passage (2,5ps):. D. buying. Viet is a student and he (1)………..in a bed-sit in a suburb of Ha Noi. It’s a part of an old house. He has one room and a kitchen and (2)………a bathroom with three other people. (3) …… his room, there is a bed on the left hand side. There is (4)……..armchair beside the bed. The desk is (5)…….the bed and there is a closet on the right side of the room. Above the desk, there is a (6)……… and above the bed there is a clock. He has a television and a cassette player, (7)………… In the kitchen, there is a (8)…….on the right hand side. The sink is (9) …..the cooker. There’s a small table and two chairs in the center. The kitchen is rather (10) ……., but it’s OK. Viet likes his room very much. 1. A. live. B. is going to live. C. will live. D. lives. 2. Takes. B. has. C. puts. D. A. shares. 3. On. B. A. At. C. In. D. Inside. 4. A. a. B.some. C. the. D. an. 5. A. beneath. B. above. C. between. D. opposite. 6. A. bookshelf. B. chair. C. oven. D. refrigerator. 7. A. so. B. too. C. either. D. neither. 8. cooking. B. A. cook. C. cooker. D. cooks. 9. A. next. B. on. C. in. D. near. 10. dangerous. B. suitable. C. A. large. D. small. IV. Supply the correct word form (1p): 1. Those cats look …………………………. (love) 2. L.A. Hill is a …………………..writer. (humor) V. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first(3ps) : 1. Alexander G. Bell invented the telephone.  Alexander G. Bell was……………………………………………………………. 2. Remember to turn off the light before going out.  Don’t………………………………………………………………………….…....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 3. Her hair is long and black. She has…………………………………………. Period 20. Date of preparation : 10/10 UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 1: Listen and read. I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: look after, great-grandma, equipment, light-lit, folktale, traditional - Grammar : - Used to + V-inf - S + V(ed, 2) + O 2. Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: Listening - speaking 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: - T / F Statement Predictions, What and Where, Guessing III. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher : extra-board 2. Students: student’s book. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (no checking) 2. New lesson Teacher’s and student’s activities a. Activity 1: Warm - up (4’) - T asks Ss to look at the picture on page 38 and write the names of the things that do not belong to the past - Ss work in groups (2’). Contents * Getting started: - the TV - the stereo - the mobile phone.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> - the lighting fixture - modern clothes / school uniforms b. Activity 2: Presentation (10’)  Pre - teach : - T reads once - Ss listen - T reads again - Ss read after and guess the meaning - T asks Ss to read one more time (in chorus, individually) - T corrects if necessary  Checking : - T writes each word on the board inside a circle. Rub out the words one by one - T gets Ss to repeat the words including the rubbed out words - Ss try to remember all the words - T asks Ss to read the statements on the posters and predict they are True or False - Ss write T if it’s True, F if it’s False - Ss work in pairs. c. Activity 3: Practice (15’) - T plays the tape “Listen and read” page 38 - Ss listen - T plays the tape again - Ss listen and check their predictions - T asks Ss to correct the False statements - Ss correct and write on the board - T gives feedback. * Listen and read: New words: - (to) look after : (synonym) - equipment (n) : (example) - a folktale (n) : (example) - traditional (a) : (translation) - a great-grandma : (explanation) - light - lit – lit (v) * used to: đã từng * Structure: Ex: I used to live on a farm … - S + used to + V (habits in the past)  T / F statement predictions : a. Nga used to live on a farm b. Nga’s grandma didn’t go to school. c. She has an easy and happy life when she was young. d. There wasn’t any modern equipment at her time. e. “The lost shoe” is a short story.. Guess Read Corrections a. F - Grandma used to live on a b. T farm c. F - She had a hard life d. T e. F - It is an old folktale  Ask and answer the questions : a. She used to live on a farm - T has Ss play roles b. Because she had to stay at home and help - Ss work in pairs (ask and answer the her mom to look after her young brothers and questions) sisters - Ss closed pairs c. She used to cook the meals, clean the house - T corrects the mistakes and wash the clothes - T asks Ss to write the answers in their note- d. Her great grandma used to lit the lamp and books her great grandfather used to tell stories e. She asked her grandma to tell her the tale “The lost shoe” - T asks Ss to read the statements part 3 on  Fact or opinion: (6’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> page 39 and decide which is a fact and which is an opinion - Ss work individually - T gives feedback. a. b. c. d. e. f.. F x x x x. O. x x. 3. Consolidation (5’) - T asks Ss some questions to check get up late ? Who used ride bicycle to …? ……… - Ss answer and write down Did you use to … … ? Name - get up late - ride bicycle too fast - go to school late - eat too much candy - forget to do your homework 4. Homework (2’) - Learn by heart new words - Read the dialogue page 38 at home - Do exercises: 1,2 page 27, 28 -Prepare: Unit 4: Speak and Listen (page 40, 41) V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 21 Date of preparation : 15/10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 2: Speak + Listen. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: + Words related to the country and the city + foolish, greedy, amazement. - Grammar : Used to + V-inf; simple past tense (review) 2.Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: speaking and listening skills. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : pictures, extra-board, cassette tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') * T asks a pair of students to role – play the dialogue then answer the questions: - Where did Nga’s grandmother use to live? (on a farm) - Why didn’t she go to school? (she had to stay at home and help her mom to look after her young brothers and sisters) * T asks two students to write new words on the board: look after, equipment, folktale, traditional 2. New lesson Teacher’s and student’s activities Contents a. Activity 1: Warm - up (4’) - T gives Ss to ask and answer the questions  Happy memory : about “Happy memory” - What is your favorite childhood memory? - Ss work in pairs, some pairs of Ss retell their - What sports or games did you use to play most favorite when you were younger? - Did you use to have a nickname? - Did you use to cry a lot when you were a small child? b. Activity 2: Pre-speaking (9’) - T asks: Where did Nga’s grandma always SPEAK: live? - Where did Nga’s grandma use to live? - Ss answer : She always lived on a farm She used to live on a farm - T asks “another word for always lived”  Form: Answer “used to live” S + used to + inf …… - T asks Ss to use “used to” to make question S + didn’t use to + inf …….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> and answer - T explains the form and draws out the rules - Ss notice - T gives Ss to do exercises - Ss do exercises. Did + S + use to + inf …… ?  Use: Used to express a past habit, or an action usually happened in the past a. live / Hue / Hanoi - Did you use to live in Hue? No. I used to live in Hanoi b. have / long hairs / short hairs c. get up / late / early - Did you use to get up late? No. I used to get up early d.walk to school / bicycle - Did you use to walk to school? No. I used to go to school by bicycle. c. Activity 3: While-speaking (12’) - T asks Ss compare 2 pictures on page 40, 1.Talk about the way things used to be and using “used to” to talk about the actions in the the way they are now: past Picture 1: - Ss work in groups - Small houses - People work on paddy field - Children play at home - Stack of straw Picture 2: - Big houses and buildings - Car - Shop - TV - Traffic lights In the past - T asks: “Now you work in pairs, looking at the picture and the words listed talk about differences between life in the past and now by using “used to” - Ss work in pairs - Ss speak (individually) then write in their notebooks. now. - People used to live in small houses Now they live in big houses and buildings - People used to walk to travel Now they can go by car or motorbike - There didn’t use to be electricity in the home Now there is electricity everywhere. - People used to work hard all day. Now they have a lot of time for entertainment - Children used to stay at home . Now they go to school. - Children used to play traditional games. Now they play computer games. - People used to raise cattle them - selves for.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> meat Now they buy it in the supermarket. d. Activity 4: Post-speaking (10') - T has Sts look at 4 choices (a, b, c, d) in the 2. Now tell your partner about the things you used to do book (p.41) last year : - T teaches some main words Ex: Last year, I used to get up late. Now, I - T asks Sts to give their but does not correct get up early and do morning exercises. the Sts’ answers immediately. LISTEN - T plays the cassette (1st time) - greedy(a): tham lam - T has the Sts’ listen the 2nd time - foolish (a): ngu xuẩn - T checks Sts’ understanding by answering - lay- laid (v): đẻ trứng some questions - discover (v): phát hiện 1. Did the chickens lay many eggs? - In amazement (exp)bằng sự ngạc nhiên 2. What did the farmer see one day? 3. What did they decide to do with all the chickens? 4. How many gold eggs did they get after killing the chickens? Answers - T asks Sts to give their answers and T gives the correct answers at once - T plays the tape the 3rd time - T gives some True- False statements 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds ss of the past simple tense by asking ss to remember and write the verbs they hear Go-went; Be-were/was; Discover-discovered; Lay-laid; Shout-shouted Finish-finished; Run-ran; Look-looked; Want-wanted; Decide-decided 4. Homework (1’) - Learn new words by heart - Prepare: Unit 4: Read (page 41, 42) V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> Period 22 Date of preparation : 17/10 UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 3: READ. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: cruel, upset, prince, fairy, magically, rag. - Grammar : The simple past tense, make + sb + inf 2.Skill: Improve Ss’ skills: reading skill. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Q and A, prediction, scanning, skimming, group work, guessing. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : pictures, extra-board 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : none 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and student’s activities Contents a. Activity 1: Brainstorming (4’) -T asks Ss to write some folk tales that they Cây tre trăm đốt Tấm Cám have read. (one hundred-section - Ss go to the board and write down. (Thefrog Prince) bamboo) The folk tales. - T leads to the lesson- introduce. Đôi hia 7 dặm lùn (seven-mile shoes) dwarfs). Bạch Tuyết và 7 chú (Snow White and 7. b. Activity 2: Pre-reading (10’) T: Set the scene-introduce the content of the * Vocabulary story. - cruel (adj.) (translation) Độc ác S: Listen - upset (adj.) (synonym) Buồn phiền T:Let S listen to the tape - fairy (n) (translation) Tiên,Bụt S:Listen - magical (adj.)  magically (adv.) T:Teach vocabulary - rag (n) (relia) Quần áo rách.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> S: Listen and write. - (To) fall in love with (translation) Phải lòng - immediately (adv.) Ngay lập tức T: check vocabulary by “ rub out and - prince ( n) Hoàng tử remember” - Checking: ROR T: Give T/F statements predictions on the poster. * T / F statement predictions Ask S to Read the statements and guess which a. Little Pea's father is a poor farmer. is true,which is false. b. Her father got married again after his wife S:Guess and share with their partners Died. (Pairworks) c. Her new mother was beautiful and nice to - Give feedback. her. d. She worked hard all day. e. She didn't have new clothes to take part in the festival. c. Activity 3: While-reading (12’) Have students read the story "The Lost Shoe" *Checking predictions : on page 41 and check their prediction and ask Answer Correction a. T them to correct the false statements. b. T T: Let S read individually c. F Her new mother was S:Read individually d. . cruel to her T:Ask S to check their predictions and correct e. T false statements F A fairy gave her beautiful S check and correct clothes T: give feedback * Comprehension questions T :Ask students to work in pairs answering a. Who was Little Pea? - She was a poor farmer 's daughter. the questions in exercise 2 on page 42. b. What did Stout Nut's mother make Little Ss : Work in pairs Pea do all day? T : Give feedback - She made her do the chores all day. c. How did Little Pea get her new clothes? - Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags into beautiful clothes. d. Whom did the Prince decide to marry? Why? - He decided to marry Little Pea because the shoe (which the Prince was keeping) fitted her. e. Is it a true story? How do you know? - (Students answer themselves) * Gap filling:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> T : ask Ss to read the story again then complete the sentences with words from the story. Ss : work in groups. a. Little Pea's father was a farmer. b. Little Pea 's mother died when she was young. c. Little Pea had/ used to do housework all day after her father got married again. d. The prince wanted to marry/choose a girl from Little Pea 's village, e. Stout Nut 's mother did not make new clothes for Little Pea. f. The Prince found Little Pea's lost shoe.. d. Activity 4: Post-reading (12’) - Ask students to work in pairs, filling the * Retell the story: blanks with suitable words from the story. Ex. "Little Pea's father was a poor farmer. T:Ask S to read in pairs telling the story Unfortunately, Little Pea's mother died in details when she was very young and her father got S: Retell the story married again. The new wife was very cruel ( Pairworks) to her and made her work all day. One day, the Prince wanted to choose a wife from her Look at the statements in the gap filling village. Her new mother didn't make new exercise and add more. clothes for her, but the fairy did. She came T: Move around the class and help Ss to the festival and lost a shoe. The Prince found her shoe and decided to marry her. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds ss of using the past simple tense to tell the story. 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Period 23 Date of preparation : 19/10 UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 4: WRITE I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Stripe, straw, master, servant, wisdom, tie, escape - Grammar : 2.Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: writing skills. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : pictures, extra-board, cassette tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher's and student’s activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Pre-writing (10’) T : Elicits the vocabs by techniques *Vocabulary : Ss : Call out the vocab wisdom (n) (Translation) Trí khôn T : Models a stripe (n) (realia) sọc, vằn Ss : repeat a straw (n) (realia) rơm, rạ a servant (n) (translation) đầy tớ to escape (v) (translation) trốn thoát to graze (v) (picture) gặm cỏ Checks R.O.R *Checking vocab : R.O.R T : Asks Ss to work in pairs using suitable *Gap fill: verbs to fill in the blanks 1. appear 5. went 2. as 6. Tied Ss : Work in pairs using suitable verbs to fill 3. said 7 . lit 4. left 8. burned in the blanks 9. escaped T : give feedback - evaluation T : Gives a poster and asks students to read *Questions given: the questions to answer -Where was the man? - What did the buffalo do when tiger appear? - What did the tiger want to know? - Why did the farmer bring some straw with him when he returned? T :Asks students to answer the questions individually Ss :Think about the questions and answer the questions T : Gives feed back b. Activity 2 : While-writing (13’) T says : Imagine that you’re the man using the words to write a story. Ss : Listen then write individually.. *Writing the story: One day as I was in the field and my buffalo grazed nearby, a tiger came. It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and why I was its master. I told the tiger that I had something called wisdom. The tiger wanted to see it, but I told I left my wisdom at home that day. Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> rope because I didn’t want it to eat my buffalo. I went to get some straw which I said was my wisdom and burned the tiger. The tiger escaped , but it still has black stripes from the burns today. c. Activity 3 : Post-writing(10’) T : Asks Ss to retell the story in details individually Ss : work individually T : corrects if necessary.. ( Ss’ writing). 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds ss of using the past simple tense to tell the story. 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ Period 24 Date of preparation : 22/10 UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge : - Vocabulary: - Grammar : 2. Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: writing skills. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1. Teacher : pictures, extra-board, cassette tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Teacher's and Ss’ activities. Contents. a. Activity 1 : Warm up T : gets Ss to retell the story " How the tiger got his stripes". Ss : Retell the story b. Activity 2 : The simple past. *Retelling story. T : Runs through the grammar focus Ss have learned in the unit. T : elicits the grammar T : reviews the form/meaning/use of the simple past. Ss : Copy down. T : Asks Ss to write the past form of each verb. Ss : Write them down.. + Form : S + V (ed)/V2 Notes : Be  Were, was + Use : to express the actions happened in the past. T : Asks Ss to complete the dialogue. Ss : Work in pairs. T : Gives feedback Ss : Copy down c. Activity 3 : Prepositions T : Reminds Ss of using prepositions. Ss : Listen to T’s sayings. T : gets Ss to use the prepositions in the table. Ss : Work in groups T : Gives feedback.. *Write the past form of verbs: Exercise 1: a. ran b. flew c. took d. went e. had f. did g. was/were h. rode i. ate j. sat k. came *Complete the dialogue : Exercise 2: a. Did you have bread for breakfast? b. I went to school by bike. c. Where were you last night? d. I had Math, English and History.. *Prepositions of time : a. on b. In c. between d. At/after e. before. d. Activity 4 : Structure “S + used to + V” T : Asks Ss to look at the pictures then complete the dialogue. Ss : Work in pairs. *Complete the dialogue : Nga : Where is this? It isn’t in Ha Noi. Hoa : No, it’s Hue. I used to stay there. Nga : Is that you, Hoa? Hoa : Yes. I used to have long hair..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> Nga : Who is in this photo? Hoa : That’s Loan. She used to be my next-door neighbor. Nga : Are they your parents ? Hoa : No. They’re my aunt and uncle. They used to live in Hue 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds ss of the contents of the lesson. 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Period 25 Date of preparation : 26/10. TEST CORRECTION I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Grammar : 2.Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: writing skills. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : pictures, extra-board, cassette tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : a. Presentation the test:(10’) - Teacher gives students their tests and ask them to read the test again carefully. - Teacher presents the aims of the test, how to do the exercises of the test. b. Comment the result of the test(28’): * Good points: - Most students know how to do the test. - Most students do the test well. - The test papers are clear and clean. * Bad points: - The hand writing of some students were rather bad..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> - Some students of each class didn’t know the past participle of the main verbs in exercise 2, so they couldn’t change the active sentences into the passive ones correctly. - Most stuents confused the past form of the verbs BE when it follows the singular subject with the plural subject (Exercise I - No8: was held # were held) 4. Giving the answer key to the test:Correction: (Teacher - the whole class)- Answer key : 3. Consolidation(5’) : - T reminds Ss of their mistakes 4. Homework (2’): - Prepare the next lesson V. COMMENTS : …………………………………………………………………………………………………... Period 26. Date of preparation : 29/10 UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 1: LISTEN AND READ. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: report card, pronunciation, improve, be proud of, try one's best - Grammar : 2.Skills: Listening & reading 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster paper 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up(7’) T : Ask students to write as many * Network: subjects as they can on the blackboard. Ss :Write down chemistry physics T: Corrects. math. Subjects At school. history geography. literature.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> b. Activity 2 : Presentation (8’) T : Elicits vocab by techniques Ss : Call out the vocab. T : Helps ss to understand the meaning T : Models Ss : Repeat in chorus then individually. Ss : copy down. *Vocabulary: - a report card (realia): phiếu liên lạc - pronunciation (mime) phát âm - (to) improve (situation) cải thiện - (to) be proud of (translation) tự hào về - (to) try one's best (translation) cố gắng hết sức * Checking: Rub and remember:. T:Set the scene and introduce the dialogue:” Tim and his Mom are talking about his studying. Listen and find out which Tim is good at and which he is bad at ” Ss: Listen T: Let Ss listen to the tape Ss: Do as directed 1. Was Tim out when his mother called him? No, he wasn’t 2. Did Tim’s mother meet his teacher at school? Yes she did 3. Is his report card poor? No. it isn’t c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) T : Asks Ss to practice the dialogue. Ss : Play the role of Tim and his mother T : Asks Ss to read the dialogue again then check the statements T/F Ss : work individually. T : Asks Ss to answer the questions in pairs Ss : work in pairs. *Practice the dialogue : *T/F checking : a. Tim was out when his mother called him. b. Tim's mother met his teacher at school. c. Tim's report is poor. d. Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar. e. Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish. * Answers: a. F- Tim was in the living room / at home. b. T c. F- His report is excellent. d.F-He needs to improve his Spanish pronunciation. e. T * Comprehension questions a. Who is Miss Jackson ? - She is Tim's teacher..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> b. What did Miss Jackson give Tim's mother? - She gave Tim's mother his report card. c. How did Tim study this semester? - He worked really hard. d. What did Miss Jackson say Tim should do? - She said Tim should word harder on his Spanish pronunciation. e. What did Tim's mother give him at the end of the conversation? - She gave him a dictionary. d. Activity 4 : Survey (8’) T: Asks students to work in groups. -Ask them to stand up and ask each other the question: "What subject do you need to improve?". They have to write the names and the subjects that their friends answer. - Give feedback - Ask students who need to improve the same subject work in groups and discuss how to improve.. * Survey: Name What subject ? Mai Literature Hoa 1. What subject do you need to improve? 2. How do you improve it? 3. What do you do to improve your English?. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds ss of using the contents of the lesson 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ Period 27 Date of preparation :. 31/10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 2: SPEAK AND LISTEN I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: report card, pronunciation, improve, be proud of, try one's best - Grammar : 2.Skills: Speaking and listening. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster paper 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up(7’) T: Asks students to write their ideas on * Brainstorming the blackboard. Speak English to friends in class Ss: Write as many phrases as possible. How to improve T: corrects S’s ideas –Lead to the new English lesson. Your English ? Ss: Pay attention to these ideas. Read E stories watch E programs. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (8’) T : Elicits vocab by techniques Ss : Call out the vocab. T : Helps ss to understand the meaning T : Models Ss : Repeat in chorus then individually. Ss : copy down. * Vocabulary: - behavior (n) (translation): Hành vi ,cách cư xử - a participant (n) (explanation): Người tham gia - satisfactory  unsatisfactory : thoả mản - cooperation (n) (translation): Sự hợp tác - attendance (n) (translation): tham dự - (to) appreciate (translation) : Biết ơn - Fair( a) Tương đối , khá tốt - Comment( n): lời nhận xét. T: Asks students to look at Nga's report * Prediction and predict the missing information a. Day present (1).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> and then compare with their partners. Ss: Look at Nga’s report and guess the information. Ss : Compare with partners ( pairwork). c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) T: Lets Ss to listen to the tape twice. Ss: listen and complete. Individual work. T:Get students to listen to the tape and check their prediction. S: check their prediction. S:give feedback. b. Day absent (2) c. Behavior - participant (3) d. Listening (4) e. Speaking (5) f. Reading (6) g. Writing (7). * Listen (1) 87 days present (2) 5 days absent (3) Participation: Spanish pronunciation (4) Listening: Comprehension (5) Speaking : A (6) Reading :A (7) Writing: B. T : Asks Ss to answer the questions in pairs Ss : work in pairs d. Activity 4 : Survey (8’) T: Asks students to work in groups. -Ask them to stand up and ask each other the question: "What subject do you need to improve?". They have to write the names and the subjects that their friends answer. - Give feedback - Ask students who need to improve the same subject work in groups and discuss how to improve. 3. Consolidation (4’). * Survey: Name What subject ? Mai Literature Hoa 1. What subject do you need to improve? 2. How do you improve it? 3.What do you do to improve your English?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> - T reminds ss of using the contents of the lesson 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ Period 28 Date of preparation :. 2/11. UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 3: READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: make a list, learn by heart, instead, in order to, mother tongue, underline, highlight, come across, stick, revise - Grammar : 2.Skills: Reading.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Mime, questions-answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster paper 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up(7’) T : Asks students some questions about * Chatting: their English learning.  Do you like learning English ? Ss: listen – answer  How many new words do you try to learn a day? T: leads to the new lesson.  What do you do when you read a new word?  How do you learn / remember new words?. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (8’) T : Elicits vocab by techniques Ss : Call out the vocab. T : Helps ss to understand the meaning T : Models Ss : Repeat in chorus then individually. Ss : copy down. T : Writes new words (add some words: different, important) all over the blackboard (not in a list). T : Calls on 2 students from 2 teams to the front the class and ask them to stand at an equal on the board. The one who first slaps the correct word will be the winner and get one good mark. - The game continues until all the words are slapped. distance from the blackboard. T : Calls out a new word in Vietnamese and 2 students must run forward and slap. * Vocabulary:. - make a list (v) : liệt kê - learn by heart (v) : học thuộc lòng - instead (v) : thay vì - in order to (v) : để - mother tongue (example)Tiếng mẹ đẻ - (to ) underline (example):Gạch chân - (to) highlight (example) :Làm nỗi bật - (to) come across (synonym) - (to) stick (mime): dán - revise (v) : ôn tập * Checking vocab : Slap the board..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> the word. Ss : Take part in the game. c. Activity 3 : While-reading T : lets ss read the text silently Ss : Read the text T: calls some ss to read the text before class Ss : do as directed T : corrects some mistakes. *The text in books (P.49). 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds ss of the vocabs 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Period 29 Date of preparation : 4/11 UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 4 : READ(cont) I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Grammar : 2.Skill: Reading 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster paper 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Teacher’s and students’ activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up-Chatting (7’) T : Asks students some questions about their English learning. Ss : Listen then answer. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (8’) T gives some T/F statement predictions. - Stick the poster of T/F statements on the board. - Ask students to guess which statements are true, which are false. - Get students to work in pairs.. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) T :Asks students to open their books and read the text T: Let students check their prediction. Ss : read the text in silent then check T/F. Ss : Correct the false sentences. T : Asks students to work in pairs to find out the answers to the questions on page 50. Ss : Work in pairs to ask and answer.. Contents * Questions: 1. Do you like learning English? 2. How many new words do you try to learn a day? 3. What do you do when you read a new word? 4. How do you learn / remember new words?. * T/F statements: a. All language learners write the meaning of the new words in their mother tongue. b. Some learners write examples of the new words they want to learn. c. Every learner tries to learn all the new words they come across. d. Many learners only learn the new words that are important.. *T/F checking : Correct a. b. c. d.. F T F T. *Answer the questions : a. No, they learn words in different ways. b. Because they help them to remember the use of new words. c. They write examples, put the words and their meanings on stickers, underline or highlight them. d. They may think they can’t do so. Instead, they learn only important words. e. Revision is necessary in learning words. f. Learners should try diffent ways of learning words to find out what is the best?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> d. Activity 4 : Survey (8’) T : Asks students to work in groups of 4 * Survey: or 5 to interview one another and tick the Ways of learning ways they have used to learn new words words Ss : work in group. Make a list of words, T : Asks students to report about their their meanings and group. learn them by heart. Ss : report Write sample sentences with new words. Stick new words somewhere in the house. Underline or highlight the words. Read stories in English. Learn words through songs.. Ng a x. Hoa. x. Ex: Nga said she made a list of words, their meanings and learn them by heart. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of ways of learning vocab. 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. - Do exercise in workbook. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ================================================================== Period 30 Date of preparation : 4/11 UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 5 : WRITE.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar : 2.Skill: Writing 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster paper 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up-Chatting (7’) T : Asks students some questions about Have you ever written to someone? writing a letter. - To whom do you usually write? Ss : Listen then answer - What do you often write about? b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (8’) T : Elicits vocab by techniques Ss : Call out the vocab. T : Helps ss to understand the meaning T : Models Ss : Repeat in chorus then individually. Ss : copy down T : Introduces four parts of a letter. Ss : Indentify the sections. T : Asks Ss to read the model letter at page 51 then asks them to answer the questions. Ss : Read the letter then answer. *Vocabulary: Lunar new year festival : tết NĐ(explanation) Enjoyable (adj) Thích thú(translation) To celebrate (v):Tổ chức (example) *Ordering : B- Heading D- Opening A- Body of the letter C- Closing *Answer the questions : a. Who wrote the letter? To whom? b. What are there in the heading? c. What is the main part of the letter? d. What did Hoa received a few days ago? e. Is Hoa good at math? f. What subject is Hoa good at?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> c. Activity 3 : While-writing (10’) T : Asks students to do exercise 2 on page 51 Ss : imagine that they are Lan and write a letter to her pen pal Donna in Sans Francisco, using the given information. Ss : Write individually.. d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (8’) T : asks Ss to show their writing Ss : Do as direction. T : Asks Ss to correct themselves.. *Suggested letter : 15 Thanh Cong Street, Hanoi, June 10th, 2004 Dear Donna, Thanks for your letter. I’m glad to hear you had an interesting/ enjoyable Mother’s Day. We received our second semester report last month. I got good marks for Geography, Physics and Math but my English and History results were poor. My teacher advises me to improve English and History. I think I have to study harder next school year. In a few weeks, we’re going to celebrate the mid-Autumn festival. That is an Autumn moon festival in Vietnam. This afternoon, I’m going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus and I’m going to stay there with them until the festival comes. I’ll send you a postcard from there. Write soon and tell me all your news. Best, Lan.. *Exhibition : (Ss’ writing). 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of ways of learning vocab. 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. V. COMMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………........................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Period 31 Date of preparation : 5/11. UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 6: Language focus I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: aloud, pronounce - Grammar : adverbs of manner, Command, requests and advice in reported speech 2.Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: speaking and writing skills. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work and group work, repetition , explanation. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : pictures, extra-board 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : - T checks some Ss’ writings 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and Ss’ Activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up T : Explains the meanings and uses of them + Hard (a) and hard ( adv ) have different meanings Ss : remember. Contents *Pelmanism : bad fast. good hard. fast hard nervously well. nervous badly. b. Activity 2 : Adverbs of manner : T : Reminds form and use of adverbs of manner. Ss : Listen then copy down. T : Asks Ss to do exercise 1 (P. 52) Ss : work in pairs. T : Give feedback.. * Form : S + V + a / an + adjective + noun or : S + be + Adjective S + V + adverb * Use : Adj modifies the noun after it / the subject Adv modifies the verb of the sentence ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Adverbs of manner bad -> badly soft -> softly fast -> fast good -> well Complete the dialogues 1. hard 2. fast 3. badly 4. softly c. Activity 3 : Commands , requests in reported speech T : Explains the form of the reported speech T : Explain the situation to Ss Ss : Listen to T’s sayings T : Have Ss work in pairs to do exercise 3 (P.53) Ss : Work in pairs. T : Gives feedback. Form : To ask / tell + someone + to do something + Example : a. “ Can you give Tim this dictionary ? “ => Mr Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary b. “ Please give Tim this dictionary . “ => Miss Jackson told me to give you this dictionary Exercise 3 / 53 a. Miss Jackson asked me to wait for her outside her office . b. Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester . c. Miss Jackson asked me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation . d. Miss Jackson told me to meet her next week .. d. Activity 4: Advice in reported speech T : Elicits advice in reported speech by examples. Ss : Listen to T’s sayings then copy the example down. T : Asks Ss to do exercise 4 (P.53) Ss : Work individually. Ss : Write down on the board. T : Corrects. * Form : S + said ( that ) + S + should + V ... Example : Miss Jackson said , “ Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation . “ => Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation . Exercise 4 / 53 a. Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation . b. Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish every day . c . Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversation on TV . d. Miss Jackson you should practice reading aloud passage in Spanish . e. Miss Jackson said you should use this.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words . 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds adverbs of manner, command, requests and advice in reported speech 4. Homework (1’) - Learn new words by heart - Prepare: Unit 6: Lesson 1 V. COMMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 32 Date of preparation : 6/11 UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEER CLUB Lesson 1 : LISTEN AND READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar : 2.Skills: Listening and reading 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster paper 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up-Chatting (7’) T : Asks students some questions about their English learning. Ss : Listen then answer. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (8’). * Questions: 1. Do you like learning English? 2. How many new words do you try to learn a day? 3. What do you do when you read a new word? 4. How do you learn / remember new words?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> T gives some T/F statement predictions. - Stick the poster of T/F statements on the board. - Ask students to guess which statements are true, which are false. - Get students to work in pairs.. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) T :Asks students to open their books and read the text T: Let students check their prediction. Ss : read the text in silent then check T/F. Ss : Correct the false sentences. T : Asks students to work in pairs to find out the answers to the questions on page 50. Ss : Work in pairs to ask and answer.. * T/F statements: a. All language learners write the meaning of the new words in their mother tongue. b. Some learners write examples of the new words they want to learn. c. Every learner tries to learn all the new words they come across. d. Many learners only learn the new words that are important.. *T/F checking :. Correct a. b. c. d.. F T F T. *Answer the questions : a. No, they learn words in different ways. b. Because they help them to remember the use of new words. c. They write examples, put the words and their meanings on stickers, underline or highlight them. d. They may think they can’t do so. Instead, they learn only important words. e. Revision is necessary in learning words. f. Learners should try diffent ways of learning words to find out what is the best?. d. Activity 4 : Survey (8’) T : Asks students to work in groups of 4 * Survey: or 5 to interview one another and tick the Ways of learning ways they have used to learn new words words Ss : work in group. Make a list of words, T : Asks students to report about their their meanings and group. learn them by heart. Ss : report Write sample sentences with new words.. Ng a x. Hoa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Stick new words somewhere in the house. Underline or highlight the words. Read stories in English. Learn words through songs.. x. Ex: Nga said she made a list of words, their meanings and learn them by heart. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of ways of learning vocab. 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. - Do exercise in workbook. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ Period 33 Date of preparation : 9/11 UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson 2 : SPEAK AND LISTEN I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : none - Grammar : Expressions to ask for favor and offer assistance. 2.Skills: Listening and speaking 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster paper 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities. Contents. a. Activity 1 : Warm up (7’) T : Introduction the game called *Shark’s attack: “Shark’s attack”. Ss : Listen to T’s saying. Ss : Take part in the game in two teams. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (8’) T : Asks students the meaning of the word FAVOR Ss : Answer. T : Asks some questions Ss : Listen then answer. T : Asks students to copy down the following phrases P55.. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) T : Asks students to work in pairs to do exercise 3a (page 61,62). They have to use expressions in the box (to ask for a favor) to fill in blanks in the dialogues. Ss : Work in pairs.. *Questions and suggested answers: 1. What do you say to ask for favor? - Can/Could you help me? - Could you do me a favor/ 2. When do you ask for favor? - Need some help. 3. How do you say to respond to favor? Certainly/ Of course / sure / No problem (phrases: on page 55). *Expressions : A: Could you help me please? Yes, certainly. Can you buy a ticket for me? B: Could you do me a favor? What can I do for you? Can you take me across the road? C: I need a favor. How can I help? Could you help me with this math problem? D: can you help me, please ?Yes, of course Can you water the flowers in the garden?. d. Activity 4 : Production : (8’) - Ask students to read the dialogue on *Suggested dialogue : page 55. Tourist: I need a favor. - Ask students to practice the dialogue in You: Of couse. What can I do for you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> pairs. - Ask students to make similar dialogues. - Ask students to practice the dialogues before class. Tourist: Could you help me find the police station? I’ve lost money. You: Certainly. I’ll help you. Tourist:Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of ways of learning vocab. 4. Homework (1’) - Prepare the next lesson. - Do exercise in workbook. V. COMMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ Period 34 Date of preparation : 12/11 UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson 3 : READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : build character, encourage, encouragement, citizenship, fitness= habit, get lost, coeducation, camp fire, aim. - Grammar : 2.Skills: Reading 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and Contents students’ activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) -Ss work in whole  Hang man: class. Ss guess the BOYSCOUTS word if wrong, the boy is hung. If right, they get mark. -T draws 9 gaps. -T elecits: This is an early organization in America. “What does this organization do?” -Let’s learn about that in the lesson. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (8’) -T elicits situation to 1. Vocabulary give new words. -(to) build character: xây dựng tính cách In grade 7, we -(to) encourage: khuyến khích, động viên learned about Boy - encouragement(n): sự khuyến khích Scouts of America - citizenship: and girl guides - fitness= habit: association. What do - (to) get lost = loose the way: lạc đường you remember about - coeducation = giáo dục chung cho cả nam và nữ these association? - camp fire (v): nhóm lửa trại - Checking vocab : - (to) aim = (to) purpose: mục đích R- O - R - T gives explanation of the words Ss call ont the meaning of the words - Have SS look at the poster and guess which statement is false or which statement is true. - Ss gues. (close the books)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) 2. Practice : *T/ F statements - Have Ss listen to the 1. The BSA is a youth organization tape and read the text 2. Scouting began in America 3. William Boyce is a business man in England 4. Boys and girls can join BSA 5. Scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world Check the *Check the prediction prediction - Call some Ss read g a C the text Guess Answer orrect T America---England F An American businessman F Mainly for boys F. - Let Ss fill in the missing words ( work in pairs) - Have Ss answer the questions - When did scouting begin in England ? - What is it for? - What led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910? - What are the Scouting groups that girls can join? - When did the Girl guide Association. T *Fill in the missing dates 1. 1907 3. 1910 2. 1909 4. 1994 *Answer the questions 1. in 1907 2. It build character, encourages good citizenship and personal fitness 3. The meeting between a boy scout and Mr William Boyce led to…. 4. Girls can join in the Girl guiles Association and camp fire boys and girls 5. They started in 1910 6. There were 5.400.000 It has more than 25 million members.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> and camp fire boys and girls start? - How many Scouts are there in America? How many members does the Scouting Association have? d. Activity 4 : Post-reading : (8’) - Have Ss interview a *Play roles: member of Boy S1: Interviewer Scouts of America S2: Member of BSA - Let Ss work in pairs S1: When did Scouting begin - Ss have 1min to S2: In 1907 in England prepare. S1: What are the aims of BSA? - T goes around to S2: They are building the characters, good citizenship and pers. help them. S1: Can a girl join the BSA? S2: No, it mainly for boys but girls can join similar organization such as Girl Guides Association or Camp Fire Boys and Girls. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of ways of learning vocab. 4. Homework (1’) - Learn and write vocab. Make sentences - Read the text and answer the questions again - Do exercise 5. V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Period 35 Date of preparation : 14/11 UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson 4 : WRITE.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : raise fund, register, enroll, natural resource, side walk, bank. - Grammar : write a letter about a future plan about the activities which Ss take part in using “ be going to….” 2.Skills: improve the writing skill to write the letter about the plan. 3. Attitude: can understand about activities of the scouts organization. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) T elecits some questions  Chatting: Are you going to learn the Yes new lesson? Near future: What tense do you use? S +be +going to +VB.I Tell form please. Let’s use near future in the writing. b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (8’) -T elicits vocabs. 1. Vocabulary -Ss call them out -(to) raise fund = (to) earn money for Y&Y *Checking vocab : What and -(to) register = (to) enroll (synonym) where -bank (n): -natural resource (n): -a side walk = pavement the place where people can walk on  Read the notice and complete Nga’s letter -T sets the scenes : This is the notice from Y & Y 1. community 6. save to its members. You read it 2. recycling 7. raise and complete Nga’s letter to 3. collect 8. participating Linh about Y &Y plan by 4. send 9. planting filling the missing 5. recycling 10.helping information in the blank..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> -Let Ss speak out the word which they fill in -Correct the mistakes -T asks Ss to answer the questions: 1.What do members of the Y & Y have to do in the recyling program? 2. What is the purpose of the recyling program? 3. What other programs can members of the Y & Y participate in?.  Answer the questions 1. They collect used glass, paper, cans to send them for recyling. 2. They can save natural resources and earn money for Y & Y. 3. They can participate in other programs such as raising fund for the poor, helping street children and planting trees and flower along. c. Activity 3 : While-writing - Imagine you are Hoa and write a letter to your parents in Hue to tell about the plan of your school Y &Y - Ask Ss to write a letter to Hoa’s parent -Ss write individually.. (10’) 2. Write a letter : *Suggested idea: Dear Mom and Dad , I’m very happy to tell you that I’m able to join the Y &Y Green Group of my school. The green group is holding an enviroment month plan. We are going to clean the lakes banks on weekends. We are going to plant trees and flowers in the parks and water them every afternoon after class. We are planting young trees and plants to sell the other schools. I hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for the school Y &Y The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it ?I’m still in a very good health. I’ll tell you more about the group activities later. My love, Hoa. d. Activity 4 : Post-writing : (8’) -T asks Ss to read the *Write a letter base on dialogue: dialogue between Lan and Lan: The Y&Y of my school is holding the voluntary Mai then write a letter base Summer Campaign. Do you like to join us? on situation. Mai: Can I? That’s would be great. What are you going to -Ss work in close pairs. (2 do? mins) Lan: We’re going to collect rubbish, plant and water trees in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> -T goes around to help Ss. the street, teach street children English and organize cultural -Ss show their writing on the sport activities. B. Mai: Really? -T –W C correction. Lan: If you like, you can help policemen in the intersection to maintain traffic order. Mai: When and where can I register? Lan: You can register tomorrow in the Y&Y office. Mai: Thank you. I’ll do that. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of writing a letter of planning. 4. Homework (1’) - Learn vocabs then make sentences with them. - Do exercise 7, 9 p.36-37. V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 36 Date of preparation : 19/11 UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> - Grammar : - Simple present with meaning: S + V/ Vs/es+…., Gerund: Ving 2.Skills: : improve the listening skill and to practice doing Ex about simple present and gerunds. 3. Attitude: can understand about simple present as future plan and use Ving after some verbs. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) -Divide the class into 2  Brainstorm: teams. Ss in two groups go to Clean up the streets the B to write the activities of Help elderly people the Y&Y (2 mins). The Y&Yprogram -T-W-C correct. -Ss read these words aloud.  Chatting: How are you? -T asks Ss some questions. Do you often listen to music? -T lets Ss listen to the song. Would you like to listen to music now?. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) -T introduces some vocab 1. Vocabulary * Checking vocab. - a rest home: nhà nghỉ T gives explanation in - an orphanage: trại trẻ mồ côi English, Ss call out the - gather (v): tụ tập meaning. - support (v): ủng hộ *Grammar: - T asks Ss to recall simple A) Simple present tense: present tense. + Form: S + V/ Vs/ es+ … - T explains about the usage. + Usage: -T asks Ss to look at Ex in We use Simple present tense to express an action that will language focus 2 and talk happen in the future about gerund: form, B) Gerund: position… + Form: V + ing = Ving  gerund + Position: S + V (enjoy, like, hate…) + Ving +….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> c. Activity 3 : Practice (13’) * Set the scene Lan and Mai are members of the Y &Y organization. They are talking about the summer activity program. -T asks Ss to practice in pairs using word cues following the dialogue above. -Ss work in pairs. Now, you look at the table and work in pairs talking about Ba and Lan’s hobbies by using love, like, don’t like and hate. - Remember that these verbs must be followed by Ving - Have Ss practice in pairs asking and answering about your partners hobbies. After practising T asks Ss understanding ? Which form of the 2nd verb after “love, like, hate…? ? Tell me the usage of Gerund? ? Repeat the structures of favor? - Have Ss complete the dialogue by filling the missing words - Practice in pairs. 3. Practice: Complete the folowing dialogue Lan: (1) ……..we collect and empty garbage Mai: At Dong Xuan market Lan: (2)…. we collect (3)….. Mai: On January 9 Lan: (4)…. We start and (5)……? Mai: (6)…..8a.m and (7)….. 5p.m  Key 1. where do 5. finish 2. when do 6. we start 3. an empty at garbage 7. finish at 4. what time do *Making dialogue about Spring activity programs. S1: When do they plant and water the tree along the street? S2: On February 2nd S1: Where do they plant and water the trees ? S2: In the city center streets S1: What time do they start and finish work? S2: They start at 7a.m and finish at 10a.m *.Look at the table. Talk about our friend’s 1. Hobbies S1: Does Ba like washing up? S2: No, She doesn’t like S1: What do Ba like doing? S2: She likes performing music, watching T.V but he doesn’t like gardening. 2. Ask and answer with your partner S1: Do you like playing soccer? S2: No, I hate it. What about you? S1: Yes, I love playing soccer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> ? Call some pairs read out. d. Activity 4 : Production : (5’) - T gives poster of Ex.  Multiple choice: 1. She likes …….with her friends. - Ss go through them b, chatting c, to chat - T checks: how many a, chats 2. We avoid ……..him in the school. sentences… b, to meet c, meeting - Ss do Ex ( individual) a, to meeting 3. Why don’t you enjoy………picture books. on the B. a, reading b, to read c, reads T- W- C correction. 4. You finish ……your homework. a, do b, doing c, did 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (2’) - Do language focus again - Revise Unit 4,5,6 carefully - Do exercise 8 p. 36-37 4 p.34. V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 37 Date of preparation : 21/11 REVISION. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : - Grammar : Gerund, used to, adverbs of manner, reported speech..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> 2. Skills: : Writing. 3. Attitude: Ss can remember the grammar notes. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T asks Ss some questions *Chatting: Ss answer them -How are you? ( individual) -What’s the weather like? -Are you ready for the new lesson?. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) -T asks Ss to review grammar I. Revision grammar and structures: which they have learnt from 1. Gerund: < Ving > unit 4 to 6. Like, hate, finish, enjoy, miss, mind, dislike, … -Ss go to the B to write them. 2. Used to + V: < individual > S + used to + V +… -T helps Ss to correct them. S + didn’t use to + V + … - T checks Ss’undrestanding. Did + S + use to + V + … -T asks Ss to use structures to 3. Adverbs of manner: do them. ADJ + LY = ADV -Ss write them on the B. 4. Reposted speech: <individual > +Request, command: -T-W-C correct. S + asked/ told + SB + to V/ not to V +… -T asks Ss to say structures or +Advice: grammar of each sentence. S + said + S + should + V + … S + advised + SB + to V/ not to V +… +Statements: S + said + S + V(past) +…. + Ving.. c. Activity 3 : Practice (13’) II. Exercise : - T gives poster of Ex on the 1.Correct form of the verbs: B. 1. They(award)him a medal for bravery last year. - T checks understanding: 2. Mr Brown used (play) football when he (be) young..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> How many sentences……….? What do you have to do? - T asks Ss to do Ex. - Ss do Ex individual and share with the partners. - Ss do Ex on the B. - T- W- C correct and give mark. - Ss tell grammar and structures in each sentences.. 3. (You/ go) out last night? 4. It’s difficult (climb) this mountain. 5. You should (take) a rain coat. It (rain) now. 6. Lan is in hospital. We (visit) her tonight. 7. Her teacher wants her (spend) more time on English. 8. My mother advised me (learn) harder. 9. She hates (do) her housework every day. 10. He told me (not eat) too much meat. *Answer keys: 1. awarded 2. to play/ was 3. to climb 4. did you go 5. take/ is raining 6. are going to visit 7. to spend 8.to learn 9. doing 10. not to eat. d. Activity 4 : Production : (5’) -T gives poster of Ex on the III. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar B. meaning to the first. -T checks understanding: 1. “Try your best to improve your pronunciation, Tim” Miss How many Jackson said. sentences……….? Miss Jackson asked……………… What do you have to do? 2. “Don’t make so much noise.” My father said. -T asks Ss to do Ex. My father told……………. -Ss do Ex individual and 3. They are good teachers at Math. share with the partners. They teach…………….. -Ss do Ex on the B. 4. He likes playing soccer in his free time. -T- W- C correct and give He enjoys………………… mark. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (2’) - Do language focus again - Revise Unit 4,5,6 carefully - Do exercise 8 p. 36-37 4 p.34. V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 38 Date of preparation : 23/11 45-MINUTE TEST. I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: From U4 to U6 - Grammar : + Past simple + Prepositions of time + Adverb of manner + Reported speech. + Gerund + Modal verbs…. 2. Skills: Reading and writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> 3. Attitude: Ss will do the test effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : Individual III. PREPARATION : 1. Teacher: Test paper 2. Students: Pens IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Matrix : Nhận biết Thông hiểu Chủ đề kiến thức KQ TL KQ TL Phonetic Reading Writing Language Focus Tổng. câu Điểm: câu Điểm: câu Điểm: câu Điểm: 30 Câu. Vận dụng KQ. TL. 5 5 2,5 8 2,0. 4 2.0. Tổng số câu/ Đ. 5 2,5 10 4,5 8 2.0 10. 2. Content of the test : I. Choose the best answer by making a cross (3ms) 1. He ...................pass the post office on the way to school. a. used b. use c. using d. used to 2. The students are going……………………the final exam next week. a. having b. has c. to have d. have 3. I have waited for her ..............….…………………………………...... three o’clock? a. for b. since c. from d. in 4. ............she .........................TV last night? a. Do/watch b. Did/ watched c. Did/ watch d. Did/ to watch 5. She has lived here …………………………………………15 years. a. for b. since c. in d. from 6. My brother is ………………………………………. to drive a car. a. old enough b. enough old c. enough d. enough older 7. Mr. Dung has to clean the house……………………………….………………. a. herself b. himself c. myself d. itself 8. Where ………………………………………………………... you last night ? a. were b. was c. are d. is 9. His pronunciation in English very………………………… a. good b. best c. well d. better.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> 10.. Do you like…………………………………………sports on TV ? a. watching b. watch c. to finish d. watched 11. We will have a party .........Sunday, September 14. a. at b. on c. in d. between 12. We should ..........early to learn English new words. a. getting up b. to get up c. get up d. gets up II. Write the complete sentence from the given words and phrase: (1m) 13. We / receive / report / for / two weeks. 14. Life / the provinces / definitely / changing / the better. 15. Hung/love/soccer/hate/chess. 16. The children/visit/the countryside/last week III. Underline the mistakes and correct them. (1,5ms) 17. Ba usually has some rice for breakfast, but yesterday morning he eats noodles. ............ 18. Tram rides her bike careful. …………….. 19. He enjoys to watch action films. ……….. 20. They arrive at 7 o’clock and 9 o’clock. ……….. 21. The dictionary is expensiver than the book. ........... IV. Re-write each sentence so that meaning stay the same. (2ms) 22. I hate cooking meals................................................................................................... 23. The car isn’t so big as the bus..................................................................................... 24. “Can you wait for me out side of the room?” Miss Tan said to Hung.(reported speech) 25. The chair is behind the table. ..................................................................................... V. Put the verb in the brackets into correct form (2,5ms) 26. Yesterday my father ........................(buy) me a book. 27. We.................................(make) a big cake for his birthday party. 28. He ...........................(work) for this company since 1998. 29. The boy asked his brother ...............(fix) the ball for him. 30. Mr.John should ...............(repair) the roof of the house..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Period 39 Date of preparation : 24/11 Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson 1 : Listen & Read I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : close by, serve, pancake, tasty = delicious, - Grammar : present perfect tense: have/ has + V3/P.P, structure: too + adj 2. Skills: : Listening, reading. 3. Attitude: can know more about Na’s new neighborhood. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - Have Ss match the name of *Matching game: places with the suitable pictures NAME PICTURES - Check the mistakes and a. grocery store explain for Ss to understand b. stadium the place where people can c. market.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> buy fresh is called a met d. drugstore market. e. hair dresser’s - T checks: How many f. swimming pictures….? pool How many names of places….? T: What is it? Ss: It is a stadium - Gives feedback < individual T: Is there a stadium near your house? > Ss: No, there isn’t/ Yes, there is. - Make sure Ss know their meaning - T makes questions - Ss answer then Ss do the same T < in open pairs >. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) - SynonymI. Vocabulary : - Checking vocab close by (adv) = near - Give synonym “close by” (to) serve: (to) give s.o food or drink - At the restaurant, the waiter a pancake: the cake is made from flour, eggs, butter and is gives you food or drink. fi…. on the pan What does he do? tasty = delicious - Explanation pancake Bánh Gần Phục - Give the synonym to ‘ xèo bên vụ delicious” - T checks Vocab. Pronunciation: individual, chorally II. Model sentences: Meaning in Vietnamese. 1. Present perfect : - Check vocab : Slap the B Ex : - We’ve been here since last week - We’ve lived here for 10 years - T introduces the new model Form: sentence S + have + VPIII +…… - Concept check has - Which tense of the verb is 2. Structure: in the sentences S + be + too + adj ( for SB) + to V +…. - What does the present perfect tense consist of? - What question is used for present perfect tense? Na is a newcomer here. Na.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> and Nam are talking about the place where they live. - Let Ss listen to the tape and read the dialogue ? Call some Ss read out the dialogue - Have Ss complete the sentences using the words from the dialogue. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) - Give some answers and ask *.Complete the sentences using the dialogue them to make question - Have Ss practice in pairs a. new d. restaurent ? Call some pairs speak out b. last week e. Hue - Check the mistakes c. tired f. pancake - Ss take turn to write the answers on the B. *.Answering given: - T- W –C correct - Ss ask and answer them. Answer Question < open pairs then close - Nam has lived - How long has pairs > here for 10 years Nam lived here? - Yes, My mother - Is Na’s mother is too tired to cook tired? - The restaurant - What kind of food serves Hue food does the restaurant serve? - Hue food is very - What’s the food good like? d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) -T ask Ss some questions *Chatting : about Ss themselves - How long have you learnt at Trieu Van school? - Ss answer individually. - How long have you lived at Trieu Van? - Give some answers and ask - How long have you been a student? them to make question - Have Ss practice in pairs - T- W –C correct - Ss ask and answer them. < open pairs then close pairs >.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) - Learn and write the vocab. Make sentences - Do exercise 1,2 p.44 - Learn by heart tense of verb V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 40 Date of preparation : 26/11 Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson 2 : Speak & Listen. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : parcel, airmail, surface mail, charge, performance, cultural house, versus, town ground - Grammar : simple present and future tense. 2. Skills: : Speaking, listening. 3. Attitude: can know the way to speak in the post office to send some thing and find information to complete Ex by listening II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T shows the letter and asks Ss some questions. - Ss answer them < individual >. *Chatting: -What is it? -Where can I post it? - Do you often go to the post office? - What can you send at the post office? - Do you send a parcel like this?. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) - Realia. What is it? I. Vocabulary : something send by plane - parcel (n): bưu kiện something send by ship, train - airmail : thư gửi bằng đường hàng không bus… - surface mail : thư gửi thông thường - Look at the picture and - charge (n): phí answer the questions : II. Mapped dialogue : + Where are they doing? clark You + Do you always send parcel Can I help you? I want to send this… or letter by airmail or surface to……. mail? + Do you know how much Do you want to the domestic mail charge? send it… - Have Ss read the dialogue or surface mail? Surface mail, please. - Call some pairs read out How much…. - Have Ss answer some I’ll weigh it. questions about the dialogue It’s… grams. Here you are + Does Mrs Kim Anh send That’s …..dong the parcel airmail or surface You are welcome mail? Why ? Thank you + What’s the weight of her parcel? + How much is airmail? + How much does Mrs Kim pay? - Give a poster and let Ss make a dialogue in pairs. - Call some pairs speak out. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) - Let Ss look at the brochure and the information in the box to make the similar dialogue, based on the. III. Make similar dialogue : Using the brochures and information in Ex2. A- letter/ Kon Tum/ surface mail/ 20g T: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> mapped dialogue. -Ss go through the information - T models first - Have Ss work in pairs - Call some pairs speak out -T divides class into 3 groups, each group prepare one dialogue. <2 mins> -T asks 2Ss from each team to practice their D. -T corrects their pronunciation. -Ss practice in pairs < close pairs and open pairs >. -T moves around to help them.. S: I want to send a letter to Kontum, please T: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail? S: I don’t know. How much is surface mail? T: I’ll weight it. It’s 20 grams. That’s 800 dong S: Here you are T: thank you S: Yor’re welcome. B-post card/ HCM city/ air mail/ 15g S1: Do you need any help? S2: I want to send a post card to HCM city. S1: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail? S2: I send it airmail. How much is it? S1: Let me see, 15 grams, it is 12,000 dong. S2: Here you are. S1: Thank you. C- parcel/ Ca Mau/ airmail/ 2 kg S1: Can I help you? S2: Yes, I want to send a parcel to Ca Mau. S1: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail ? S2: I send it airmail. How much is it? S1: Let me see, 2 kg it is only 13,000 dong. S2: Here you are. S1: Thank you.. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) - Have Ss listen to the tape IV. Listening : twice 1.Listen to the conversation again and check the correct - Check the prediction box… Have Ss read the statements a. True in exercise 2 and guess which b. False statement is true, which c. False statement is false and which d. True is no information. e. True - Let Ss compare their results f. No information with their partners 2.Answer the questions - Listen again and check the 1. Yes, she does prediction 2. Because she has seen it before - Have Ss answer some 3. Because it doesn’t open during the weekend questions to check their 4. She goes to the soccer match with Nam, Ba, Minh understanding of the 5. At 4p.m conversation + Does Na, like movie? + Why won’t she go to see the film?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> +Why won’t Na go to the photo exhibition? + Who will Na go to the soccer match with? + What time does the match start?. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) - Learn and write vocab. Make sentences - Do exercise 3 - Write about Na’s weekend. V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 41 Date of preparation : 26/11 Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson 3 : READ. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : shopping mall, convenient, humid, goods, business, product, resident, be concerned about/ with. - Grammar : simple present, future and present perfect tense. 2. Skills: : Reading 3. Attitude: Ss can know more about opinion of business people about the changes of their new mall. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (7’) -T gives definitions and get Ss to find out the words as quickly as possible. -Give Ss good marks if they have correct answer. -Ss answer individual. -T elicits: The things you say about where you find them.? in the Mall/ super market.. *Guessing game: 1.A place where you can buy everything. super market. 2. A place where you can buy vegetable and food g rocery store. 3. A place where you can buy books. book store 4. A place where you can come to eat. restaurant. 5. A place where you can come to see the movie.  movie theater 6. A person who comes to the store& buy ST  customer.. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) ? What do you know about I. Vocabulary : the text by reading the - a shopping mall = shopping area advertisement? - a roof(n): mái nhà - before reading the text, T - convernient (adj): thuận lợi introduces some vocab - humid = wet weather( adj) - synonym - goods(n) : everything you can buy at the market such as: - drawing clothes, T.V, fans…. - synonym - business(n): công việc kinh doanh - explanation - product(n): sản phẩm - synonym - resident(n) : people who live in the place * Checking vocab: W - (to) be concerned about/ with: quan tâm về &W II. T/ F statements prediction - before reading text you can 1. The mall is open six days aweek guess which statements are 2. There are more than 50 stores in the mall True or which statements are 3. Everyone in neighborhood is pleased about the new False mall 4. It will be more comfortable to shop in the mall in the present shopping area 5. Some of the stores on Tran Phu street may have to close.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) - Have Ss listen to the tape III. Checking predictions : and read it 1. F ( daily = everyday) Then check their predictions 2. F ( there are 50 stories) ? Call some students read the 3. F ( not everyone is pleased about the new mall) text 4. T -Let Ss answer the questions : 5. T IV. Answer the questions: + Where is new shopping 1. In Nam’s neighborhood mall opening? 2. Different from the present shopping area all shop…. + What is special about the 3. 50 a conditioned stores, 4 movie theaters and 10 new shopping mall? restaurants. There is also children’s play area + What facilities are available 4. They think the new shopping mall will take their in the shopping mall? business + What do the small store The stores in the mall will offer a wider selection of products owners think about the new some kinds of goods are at cheaper prices. shopping mall? +What kinks of goods will the stores in the mall offer?. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) - The Supermarket Metro, *Discusion: Big C which has been opened Making dialogue with the questions given recently in Hai Phong - Have you heard supermarket Big C? - Give some questions, Ss - Where is it? practice in pairs - Have you ever been to the Metro?( Big C) - Call some pairs speak out + When did you go? - T can go round to help + Who did you go with? them. + What did you buy there? - What do you think of it? + facilities (phương tiện) + prices + choice of goods ( wide selections, cheaper, fresh vegetables, many kinds of good) - Do you think it take the business of small owners. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) - Do exercise 4 p.46 V. COMMENT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 42 Date of preparation : 28/11 Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson 4 : WRITE. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : store owner, effect, meeting, hardware, contact, contest . - Grammar : 2. Skills: : Writing 3. Attitude: Ss can know the way to write the notice for their class and use comparison correctly. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (7’) - Prepare 10 cards with *.Pelmanism: numbers from 1 to 10 one cheap side and 10 adjectives with Different their opposites on the other. - Divide the class into 2 old same teams, Ss turn the cards over cheap – expensive if they are match that team different- same wins and get mark. short – long modern - old b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (10’) -T elicits words in I. Vocabulary : Vietnamese. store owner (n):. long modern. expensive short.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> -T checks vocabulary. Pronunciation, meaning, stress Checking vocab R-O-R ? What do you remember about the shoping mall we learnt last periods? ? Besides its positive effects, does it bring about any negative ones? ? What are they? - So the residents and store awners on Tran Phu streets are going to hold a meeting to discuss the effects of the new mall. Now, read the notice then answer some questions. ? Call some Ss read out the community notice. - Let Ss answer some questions ? What is the English speaking club going to hold? ? Where and when will it be held? ? What time? ? Who is the person to contact?. effect (n): meeting (n): hardware (n): contact (v): contest (n): II. Read the notice and answer the questions 1. Because they want to discuss the effects of the new mall 2. On May 20th 3. At 8p.m 4. At 12 Hang Dao street, Bing’s hardware store *The model notice Topic: Time: Place: Participants:. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (10’) - Have Ss answer the III. Write a notice questions The school English speaking Club ? Why are the residents and HOLDING A SPEAKING CONTEST TO CELEBRATE store owners on Tran Phu THE TEACHER’S DAY street going to hold a Date: November 15 meeting. Time 7.30 p.m to 10.00 p.m ? when will they hold a place: Hall 204, Building G meeting? Please contact: Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 84 at the above ? What time? address for more information ? Where will they hold a meeting? After reading the notice you know the way to write a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> notice. ? Do you write full sentences or not? - Have Ss read passage 2 on page 68 ? Call some Ss read ont the information? d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (8’) - Based on the above notice. IV.Write a notice about your English Speaking Club Ss write a similar notice for The school English Speaking Club is going to open. It will the English speaking club be at Trieu Van school ground from 3p.m to 5p.m on about the English contest. December 7. The person to contact is Mrs Hoang Thi Phuong - Divide class into 4 groups Hong In each group chooses a Notice reporter to write on the ENGLISH SPEAKING CLUB poster. Date: December 7th - Have each group show their Time: 3p.m to 5p.m writing on the board and Place: School ground check Please contact the teacher: Mrs Hoang Thi Phuong Hong ? Which information does a notice usually in cludes? - Give a situation and ask Ss to write notice - Divide class into 6 groups which group is quick and right - Call some Ss report notice - Check the mistakes a 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) - Do exercise : 5 p.46 and 6 p.47 V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 43 Date of preparation : 30/11 Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : - Grammar : The present perfect with for and since 2. Skills: : Writing 3. Attitude: Ss can know the way to write the notice for their class and use comparison correctly. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (7’) -Stick a poster of infinitive *Match the verbs with past participle and part participle on the B. -Divide the class into two be was/ were been teams. go went gone -Get Ss from 2 teams to go to eat ate eaten the B and match suitable live lived lived pairs of verbs. attend attended attended -T- W- C correct then read do did done them aloud. see saw seen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> -T asks: what tense do you use past- participle for? Present perfect tense -T explains about V regular and irregulari column 3.. write work collect. wrote worked collected. written worked collected. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) ? Repeat the form of the 1.The present perfect tense present perfect? *.Form: ? Tell me the usage of the V_ED present perfect tense? Have/ Has + V.Past participle ? Tell me the usage of “ irregular Since” and “ For” verbs - Have SS match the verbs wirh the past participle aux.verb main verb - Let Ss read all the verbs - Have Ss complete the *Usage: makes a period lasting until expressions, using for or - It expresses an action which happened in the past but the since result is in the present ? Call some Ss go to board 3. Since and For - Let’s check the mistakes. Since + a point of time For + a period of time. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) - Have Ss do the exercise 3 then compare with your partner ? Call some Ss read out the sentences - Check the mistake < Ss work in 2 teams >. II.Complete the expression. Use for or Since for since since since the summer. for 3 hours for 10 weeks since Friday for 20 years. III.Complete the sentences use the present perfect tense b. haven’t eaten c. haven’t seen - Have Ss read the d. have attended conversation and choose the e. has worked verbs in the box and correct f. has collected form of the verbs. IV. Complete the conversation ? Call some pairs read out the a. have been e. want conversation b. hope f. looks - Let’s check the c. have you lived g. have you been mistakes. d. is h. have seen < Ss work in pairs >.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) - T gives the cues written on V.Complete these sentences: the cards and ask Ss to make a, I/ live/ here/ last week full sentences. I have lived here since last week. - T corrects their b, We/ not/ have/ a cold/ a week. pronunciation. c, They/ buy/ the/ new house/ April? - Ss wosk individually. d, My family/ be/ here/ Christmas. e, We/ not see/ each other/ 10 years. -T asks Ss to write these f, Mr.Clark/ work/ in the bank/ along time? sentences on the B. *Answers: < 2 groups> b, We have not had a cold for a week. -T- W- C correct c,Have they bought the new house since April? d, My family has been here since Christmas. e, We have not seen each other for 10 years. f, Has Mr.Clark worked in the bank for a long time? 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) - Do exercise : 5 p.46 and 6 p.47 V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 44. Date of preparation : 03/12 TEST CORRECTION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Grammar : 2.Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: writing skills. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : pictures, extra-board, cassette tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : a. Presentation the test:(10’) - Teacher gives students their tests and ask them to read the test again carefully. - Teacher presents the aims of the test, how to do the exercises of the test. b. Comment the result of the test(28’): * Good points: - Most students know how to do the test. - Most students do the test well. - The test papers are clear and clean. * Bad points: - The hand writing of some students were rather bad. - Some students of each class didn’t know the past participle of the main verbs in exercise 2, so they couldn’t change the active sentences into the passive ones correctly. - Most stuents confused the past form of the verbs BE when it follows the singular subject with the plural subject (Exercise I - No8: was held # were held) 4. Giving the answer key to the test:Correction: (Teacher - the whole class)- Answer key : 3. Consolidation(5’) : - T reminds Ss of their mistakes 4. Homework (2’): - Prepare the next lesson V. COMMENTS : …………………………………………………………………………………………………... Period 45 Date of preparation : 05/12 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 1 : LISTEN AND READ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : relative, peaceful, permanently, accessible ,medical facilities - Grammar : use "be getting" "be changing" to show the changes 2. Skills: : Listening, reading 3. Attitude: Ss will love their country. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (7’) -T asks Ss to work in 2 groups: G1: writes the words about the City life and G2: writes the words about country life -Ss work in groups. -T gives feed back. *Brainstorming: City life Country life Tall building beautiful views Plenty kinds of goods fresh food Polluted air fresh air Traffic jam friendly Busy Noise. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading(10’) - T elicits and models vocabs I. Vocabulary : - Ss listen and repeat chorally relative: (n) người thân peaceful (a) Thanh bình and individually - T writes records and checks permanently (adv) mãi mãi accessible (a) có thể sử dụng được sts' understanding Medical facilities (n) cơ sở vật chất y tế -Ss copy vocabs * Present the dialogue: -T sets the scene and lets Ss Hoa and Lan are talking about the change of the countryside listen to the dialogue -Sts listen and work in pair to practice the dialogue -T calls sts to read out the dialogue -Sts work in pairs to ask and answer the questions from a to f.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> -T goes around to checks c. Activity 3 : While-reading (12’) II. Comprehension questions : *Answer keys : - T asks students to read the a. Na has been Kim Lien Village dialogue again to prepare the b. She was there for the weekend answers and play the game c. To her, the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is "lucky numbers " nothing to do -Ss work in two teams d. There is no libraries, no movies, no super markets, no - T gives feed back zoos... e. Country life is become better. Many remote areas are getting electricity. People can now have things like refrigerators and TV medical facilities are more accessible. III.Model sentences: -Many remote areas are getting electricity -The streets are becoming more beautiful -T elicits the structure to talk Form: S + be + getting/ becoming .......... about changes. Use: Present progressive is used to talk about changes. * Word cue drill: -T gives the cues written on a. air/ city/ get/ polluted the cards and asks students to b. many lakes/ rivers become/ dry make full sentences c. weather/ get/ worse -Ss work individually. d. grandfather/ get/ older. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) -T asks students to work in 4 *Discussion: groups to discuss the Do you prefer the city life to the country life? Why? questions. ? One student in each group to stand in front of the class to report the result of discussions. Gives feed back 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (5’) - Do exercise I,III ( P.53 – Workbook) V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 46 Date of preparation : 07/12 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 2 : SPEAK & LISTEN. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : - Grammar : use getting and becoming to talk about the changes. 2. Skills: : Listening, speaking 3. Attitude: Ss will love their country. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities In the country In the city a. Activity 1 : Warm up (7’) *Comparison: - T Houses hangs the pictures and Buildings Quiet Noisy asks Ss to compare life in the Friendly Active country and city - SsDirty/polluted look at the picture andFresh say the differences of the country and city - T has Ss make sentences about the changes with the information in the table - Ss use the words in the table *Ex: -The country is becoming noisier and make sentences - T calls Ss to read out the -The traffic is getting busier sentences b. Activity 2 : Presentation(10’) - T sets the scene and asks Ss I. Open prediction : to predict the words that will 12appear in the dialogue 56- Ss study the missing 910conversation and predict the 1314word to fill in the gaps to complete it - T calls Ss to give their predictions c. Activity 3 : Practice (12’) -T asks Ss to listen to the conversation and find out the words to fill in the gaps - Ss listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps with correct information - T gets feedback by asking Ss to give the answer - T listens and checks - T asks Ss to use the structure of changes to make. 3711-. 4812-. II. Checking prediction : *Answer keys: 1.that 2.this 3.It’s 4.where 5.form 6.coming 7.week 8.arriving 9.Thursday 10.late 11.afternoon 12.speak 13.my 14.get III. Speaking : *Word cue drill : a. Houses :small / tall, big b. Means of transport: bikes / motorbike c. Streets :quiet / busy, noisy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> sentences about the town 5 years ago and now following the model sentence - Ss make sentences with the changes in the town - T goes around to check - Ss write the sentence in the notebook. d. Shops :lots of shops/goods /prices e. Children: many not go to school f. Environment: streets, parks *Eg: Five years ago, the town was quiet but now it’s becoming noisy and busy. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T asks Ss to write a IV. Write it up : paragraph to describe the (Ss ‘writing) differences between the country life and city life 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (5’) - Do exercise IX,X ( P.56 – Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 8- READ V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 47 Date of preparation : 10/12 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 3 : READ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : rural area, urban, struggle, strain, drought, typhoon, migrant, increase - Grammar : 2. Skills: : Reading 3. Attitude: Ss can know about the difficult life of the poor people in the countryside and the social problems. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (3’) - T asks a student to say some changes in his/her country 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T writes the disorder letter *Jumbled words: on the B. FULENTIPL plentiful - Divide the class into 2 TANERU nature teams . LFODO flood - Ask Ss from each team to ROESTDY destroy go to the B and write the L A P U T I P O O N population order words VIROPED provide - T-W-C correct. Then read REUSTL result them aloud. CILIESTIAF facilities - Make sure Ss know their meaning. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) - T uses some techniques to I. Vocabulary: elicit the vocab . - rural area = area in the countryside - Ss listen then call the - urban = area in the city vocabs out . - struggle (v): đấu tranh - T helps Ss understand their - strain (n): sự căng thẳng meanings. - drought( Hot and dry weather) >< flood for a long time - T models -> Ss repeat. - typhoon: trận bão lớn - Ss copy down. - a migrant: a person who moves from one place to another * Checking vocab : R.O.R especially in order to find work - (to) increase: tăng lên *Brainstorming:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> hard work - T asks Ss to tell the difficulties of farmer’s life. - Ss work in two team. - Ss write their ideas on the board. - T gives feedback.. typhoon. drought. flood difficulties of farmer’s lack of drought. clean water. no vacations get little money. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (12’) II. Complete the summary : - T asks Ss to read the *Answer keys : passage then complete the 1. leaving 6. problems summary. 2. home 7. schools - Ss work individually. 3. city 8. hospitals - Ss go to the board then fill 4. rural 9. problem in the poster. 5. city 10. world - T gives feedback. III. Find the word in the passage that means : a. Of the country= rural -T asks Ss to read the text b. as many as needed = plentiful again then find the word that c. become greater or larger = in crease means… d. a great pressure = strain - Ss work individually. e. a terrible event = tragedy f. of the city or city life = urban. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) - T gives a situation, divide *Discussion class into 4 groups to discuss. If you were a minister. What would you do for farmers? - Let Ss give some possible - build streets, theaters, stadium in the country. answers - build school and hospital - Call volunteers from 6 - provide clean water, electricity and facilities..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> groups to give their ideas before class. - Ss can base on the some provided words to talk about some activities they may do. - Ss discuss in their groups < 4 groups >. - build factory. 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (4’) - Do exercise III,IV ( P.57,58 – Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 8- WRITE V. COMMENT Period 48 Date of preparation : 12/12 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 4 : WRITE I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : review and rewrite the words in the writing correctly. - Grammar : use the simple present to write the letter. 2. Skills: : Writing 3. Attitude: Ss can know about the way to write the letter to their friends and the new changes in the town to be proud of it. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (3’) - T asks a student to say some changes in his/her country 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T asks Ss to put outline for * Matching: an informal letter in the 1-Heading: + writer’s address correct order + date… - T prepares 6 cards with 6 2-Opening: + dear…,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> outlines - T calls 6 Ss to hold them and stand in a random order. - Ss rearrange them in order then write the answer on the B. - T corrects. 3-Body of the letter: + content 4-Closing: + love, regard, yours… + signature + first name. b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (9’) I. The outline for an informal letter: - Have Ss put th outline for ( put the matching in here) an informal letter in the *Grammar: correct order -Present simple tense: ? Call Ss speak out S + V/ Vs/ Ves +… - Check the mistake II. Answer the questions in Exercise 2 p.75 ? What does heading include? 1. I live in a small town /big city/ village - Have Ss answer these 2. My house looks very nice/ small with 3(4-5) rooms and a questions nice/ small garden ? Where do you live? 3. I can see a small park with many green trees and colorful ? What does your house look flowers, small pond…. like? 4. It’s far from my house so I have to ride my bike/ It’s very ? What can you see from near so I can walk your bedroom window? 5. There is a park/ swimming pool/ some restaurants/ a post ? How far do you get to office/ a library, cinema, supermarket. school? 6. I like the park best because I can walk with my sister after ? How do you get to school? dinner. I like the library best because I can read many ? What kinds of facilities are interesting book, how to use the computer there… there in your neighborhood? ? What things in your neighborhood do like best? ? Why?. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (12’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> - T divides the class into 4 groups. - Ss work in groups to write the letter to their friends about their neighbor. - Ss base on the suggested questions in EX2/ 76. - Ss work individual then. -Let Ss compare with their partners and correct the mistake if they can - T can go round to help Ss.. III. Writing : I live in a small town. My family has a large house with four rooms and a small garden. My sister and I share one bedroom. From the bedroom window, I can see a beautiful park with green trees, flowers and a pond ( lake, pool). We don’t live far from my school so I usually walk there. In my neighborhood, there is a swimming pool and a stadium. In the summer, we always play football in the stadium and… Early in the morning, I always job with my sister around the park. But I like the public library best, it is near my school. There i not only read books, but also watch video and learn how to use the computer. Is there anything interesting in your place. Where you live? Write to me. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Love,. d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (8’) -T choose some letter to *Correction the letter correct before the class. + about the steps to write a letter. < using projector if possible + about the steps of the content > < using the questions > - Ss read their letter aloud + about pronunciation. sentence by sentence. - Others listen to him/ her and give more ideas. - T corrects their mistakes. - T asks Ss to repeat what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions. ( Ss answer them individual) 3. Consolidation (5’): - T asks Ss some questions : + How many steps to write the informal letter? + What are they? + What do you write in heading, opening….so on? 4. Homework (3’) - Do exercise VII ( P.59 – Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 8- Language focus V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 49 Date of preparation : 14/12 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : review and rewrite the words in the language focus correctly. - Grammar : review present progressive tense with meaning future: be + Ving ( get, become), comparative, superlative of adjective 2. Skills: : improve the skill to do Ex using grammar which Ss have learnt. 3. Attitude: Ss can know about the way to practice the present progressive to talk the future and the changes with get and become. Revise comparative and superlative. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (3’) - How many parts in an informal letter ? What are they ? 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> Ss work in 2 groups to find out short adj and long adj which they have learnt in the last year. Ss write them on the B. < individual > T and Ss in 2 groups correct and read them aloud.. *Brain storm: Long adjective Beautiful Intelligent Delicious Different Expensive Interesting Peaceful Comfortable Convenient Difficult. Short adjective busy quiet bad happy good small fresh poor cheap easy. b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (9’) -T explains the words - Ss read them individual and chorally. -T checks meaning and make stress. - Have Ss read the dialogues in the books between the station clerk and the passangers ? Call some pairs read out the dialogue ? What tense do we use in this dialogue - Let Ss make similar dialogues using the shipping information( in pairs) ? Call some pairs speak out - Check the mistakes. When we are talking about the changes in somewhere ? What model sentence do we use? -T notices Ss about the using of verbs: become , get with adj.. I. Grammar: *The present progressive talk about the future Read the dialogue: Form: am *S+ is + V-ing are Note: We use the present progressive tense to talk about and arrangement that will happen *Comparison: am S + is + getting comparative/ adj Are becoming Adj Short adj Long adj Good/ well bad Much/ many far. comparative Adj +er More + adj better worse more Farther/ further. little. less. superlative The + adj + est The most + adj The best The worst The most The farthest/ furthest The least.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> -T gives the table about comparision on the B. Ss go to the B to complete it with form of comparison and irregular of adj. -T-W-C correct. -T asks Ss to repeat some irregular of adj Happyhappier/ happiest Big  bigger/ biggest. c. Activity 3 : Practice (12’) II. Exercises : -T asks Ss to do L-F 1/ p.77 1. Make similar dialogue : (P.77) -Ss read the model dialogues. Na: Is the boat to Quy Nhon leaving at 11.30 < in open pairs > Clerk: Are you talking about the Good Fortune? -Ss read information in the Na: That’s right box. < individual > Clerk: I’m very sorry. It has been delayed -Ss practice the d in open Na: What time is it leaving exactly? pairs. Clerk: It’s leaving at 11.55 - T can help them 2. Complete the dialogues(P.77) pronunciation. 1. are doing 2. am watching -T asks Ss to do L-F 2/ p.78 3. am going - T checks understanding 4. are cleaning ?How many dialogues are 5. am having there? 3. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs and adjectives in ?How many verbs can you the boxes. correct? a. The men are getting weaker ?What tense do you use in b. We should go home. It is getting darker the D? c. The weather is becoming colder -Ss do the Ex on the B. < d. The students are getting better individual > e. The school yard is becoming cleaner.5 -T –W-C correct them. 4. Make comparisions between the city and the country -Ss read the dialogues in about these things pairs. Ex : Food in the city is more expensive than in the country. - Have Ss use the form with Food in the country is not as expensive as in the city “ become and get” to @. Compare the house, the villa and the apartment. complete the sentences EX: The villa is the most expensive. The apartment is the ? Call some Ss speak out? cheapest. The house is bigger the apartment - Let Ss use the comparision.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> they’re learnt to compare the things in the city with the things in the country ? Call some Ss speak out < individual > -t can give more ideas to help them. - Have Ss look at the advertisements for vent. You read them and compare them by using adjectives in the book - Ss practice in pairs ? Call some Ss speak out? d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) - T asks Ss to repeat what *Revision: they have learnt in the lesson. + The present progressive talk about the future - Ss say (one by one) We use the present progressive tense to talk about and arrangement that will happen. + Comparison: 3. Consolidation (5’): - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in the lesson 4. Homework (3’) - Do TEST YOURSELF (P.60,61,62 – Workbook) - Revise the grammar notes from Unit 1 to Unit 8 V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 50 Date of preparation : 17/12 REVISION ( I ) STRUCTURES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : review and rewrite the words in the exercises correctly - Grammar : review all structures from unit 1 to unit 8: enough, used to, preposition of time, reported speech, gerund, 2. Skills: : improve the skill to do Ex using grammar which Ss have learnt. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the way to do Ex about enough, used to, preposition of time, reported speech, gerund, modal verb in asking for favor correctly. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (3’) - How many parts in an informal letter ? What are they ? 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) -T asks ss some questions *Chatting: about the heath, weather, or  How are you, today? the lesson.  Do you do all your homework? -Ss show their consolidation  Is it difficult ? in the notebooks -T checks. + T can gives more ideas. *Matching game: 1. she asked me to do the housework. - T gives poster of the 2. She goes to school on/ in Monday. sentences about the structures 3. He dislikes playing games. which Ss have leanrt and 4. They used to live in the countryside. name of the structures on the 5. Can you help me carry my bags? B. 6. He isn’t old enough to drive a car. - Ss match these structures *Answer key: with their suitable names. A. enough 6 ( individual ). B. used to 4 - T- W- C correct them. C. preposition of time 2 - T introduces about D. reported speech 1 grammars in the lesson, E. gerund 3 today. F. modal verb in asking for favor 5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> b. Activity 2 : Presentation (9’) - T asks Ss to repeat form of I. Structures: these grammars. (one by 1. Enough structure: one). S + be + adj + enough + (for SB) + to V + … - Ss write them on the board. *.Used to structure: - T goes round and helps S + used to + V/ didn’t use to + V+…: da tung them. 2. Prepositions of time: - Ss copy down. On+ date, week, month, year. In + month, year, season, At + clock, night. 3. Reported speech: +> S + asked/ told + SB + to V/ not to V + … +> S + said/ advised + S + should + V+ … SB + to V/ not to V +… 4. Ggerunds: S + V( like, dislike, enjoy, miss, deny, mind…) + V-ing 5. Modal verb in asking for favor: Can/ could you help me, please? Could you do me a favor? I need a favor. c. Activity 3 : Practice (12’) - T gives poster of Ex on the board. - T checks: How many sentences…? What do you have to do? - Ss work in close pairs - Ss write them on B. (individual) - T-W-C correct. - Ss repeat structures in each sentence.. - T gives more Ex about rewriting sentences using all structures which Ss have reviewed. - T guides the way to do Ex. II. Practice: 1. Correct form of the verbs in the blankets: 1. Our teacher asked us (do) homework. 2. He doesn’t mind (go) out with her. 3. They used (get) bad marks in English. 4. I advised him (not/play) game too much. 5. Could you (do) me a favor? Of course 6. Mai (not/ use) to go to school late. * Answer key. 1. to do 2. going 3. to get 4. not to play 5.do 4. didn’t use 2. Rewrite the following sentences: 1. He lived in the countryside. Now he lives in the city. He used…………….. 2.They are fond of learning English. They like………….. 3. “Don’t talk in the class.” Said the teacher. The teacher asked…………….. 4. My mother needs to buy some fish. Can you …………… 5. “ You should do English grammar exercise” She said..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> and do the model first. - Ss have 5 minutes to prepare. - Ss do Ex on the B (one by one) - T-W-C correct. - Ss repeat structures..  She advised ………….. 6. He is intelligent. He is a good student. He is………………………… *Answer key: 1. He used to live in the countryside. 2. They like learning English. 3. The teacher asked us not to talk in the class. 4. Can you to buy some fish for me? 5. She advised me to do English grammar exercise. 6. He is intelligent enough to be a good student.. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) 3. Choose the best answers from A, B, C or D: 1. They play well enough ….. in the football team. a. will be b. was c. has been d.to be 2. He hates……after the dog. a. being looked b. was looked c. looking d.to look 3. There is a meeting …..24Th December, 2010 a. on b.in c. between d.at 4. She used to ….Miss World. a.be b. has been c. was d.is 5. My father told me …. noise. a. don’t make b. not to make c. make d. made 6. Could you do me a…………….? a. favor b. favorite c. help d. assistance. - T reviews all structures by giving Ex about Multiple choice. - T checks: How many sentences… What do you have to do? - Ss have 2 minutes to prepare. - Ss do Ex on the B. (2 groups). (about 3 minutes) - T and Ss correct. T can congratulate the team which wins the game. (faster, more correct.) 3. Consolidation (5’): - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in the lesson 4. Homework (3’) - Revise the grammar notes from Unit 1 to Unit 8 V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 51 Date of preparation : 19/12 REVISION ( II ) TENSES OF VERB. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : Revision - Grammar : Active of the simple present, present progressive, simple past, past progressive, present perfect, simple future, near future. 2. Skills: : improve the skill to do Ex using grammar which Ss have learnt. 3. Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they’ve learnt II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T prepares some cards with  Pelmanism one side is name of tense and other is form of tense. Simple Present Simple Present - T sticks them on the B. present progress Past perfect - Ss take turn to turn on 2 S+have/ S S+am/is/are S + Ved cards if they are match Ss has + +V(s,es) +Ving VpII give one mark..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> - Ss do one by one to the end. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (9’) I. Grammar: - T asks Ss to remind the form use and adverbs of time Tense of Usage of some tenses of verbs then verbs go to board to write down Simple - Thói quen, - T-W-C correct present thời gian - T can gives more ideas. biểu,sự thật hiển nhiên… Present -Đang xảy ra progressive tại thời điểm ở hiện tại. Simple Past simple future Present perfect. c. Activity 3 : Practice (12’) - T gives poster of Ex on the B. - T checks: How many sentences…? What do you have to do? - Ss work in close pairs - Ss write them on B. (individual) - T-W-C correct. - Ss repeat tense of each verb in each sentence.. -Đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, bây giờ không còn nữa. -Sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai. -Xảy ra trong quá khứ, có thể tiếp tục đến hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Adverbs of time Every, always, sometimes, often, usually, rarely… Now, at the moment at present, look, listen, be careful! (be, understand don’t use in P P). Yesterday, this morning, ago, last… Tomorrow, tonight, next… Since, for + age/ along time.. II. Practice : 1. Use the correct tenses of the verbs: 1. I ( cook) meal when I (be) a little girl 2. This is my house. I (live) here for 30 years. 3. My mother often ( watch) TV in the evening 4. Mother, we’ve run out of sugar. - Ok, I (buy) some 5. Look! The boys ( play) soccer happily *Answer key: 1.cooked/ was 2.have lived 3.watches 4.will buy 5.are playing 2. Correct the mistakes in each sentence: 1. Mr. Brown works in a factory now. 2. He is having two children: a boy and a girl. 3. They are leave for Bangkok for a sightseeing trip next.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> - T gives more Ex about correcting the mistakes which contain grammar Ss have reviewed. - T guides the way to do Ex and do the model first. - Ss have 5 minutes to prepare. - Ss do Ex on the B (one by one) - T-W-C correct. - Ss repeat form of each sentence.. week. 4. Since we left the school, we worked in this factory. 5. The Sun will rise in the morning. *Answer key: 1.works  is working 2.is having  has 3.are leave are going to leave 4.worked has worked 5.will rise rises. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T provides more Ex and 3. Choose the best answer: leads Ss 1. She has worked as a teacher….she graduated from college Ss do individually, then go to a. since b. until c. before d. while board 2. Choose the best answer - T reviews all grammars by Why did you buy lots of paint? I ......... my house. giving Ex about Multiple a. repainted b. is going to repaint c. has repainted d. choice. will repaint - T checks: How many 3. Choose the best answer sentences… When I come to visit her , she…a bath What do you have a. is having b. was having c. has had d. had to do? 4 .Choose the best answer : - Ss have 2 minutes to I ….. do homework. prepare. a. me b. my c. mine d. myself - Ss do Ex on the B. (2 5.Correct mistake in this sentence groups). People repair all the main streets in the city last year. (about 3 minutes) A B C D -T and Ss correct. T can congratulate the team which wins the game. (faster, more correct.) 3. Consolidation (5’):.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in the lesson 4. Homework (3’) - Revise the grammar notes from Unit 1 to Unit 8 V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 52 Date of preparation : 21/12 REVISION ( III ). I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : Revision - Grammar : review all grammar from unit 1 to unit 8: comparison, pronouns, modal verbs. 2. Skills: : improve the skill to do Ex using grammar which Ss have learnt. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the way to do Ex about comparison, pronouns, modal verbs. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm - up (5’) - T asks ss some questions *Chatting: about the heath, weather, or  How are you, today? the lesson.  Do you do all your homework? - Ss show their consolidation  Is it difficult ? in the notebooks -T checks. - T can gives more ideas. *Matching game: - T gives poster of the 1. She is more beautiful than me. sentences about the reported 2. Children looked after by themselves. speech which Ss have leanrt 3. He is taller than you. and name of them on the B. 4. We must do exercises morning regularly. - Ss match these sentences 5. My room is the most comfortable. with their suitable names. 6.He is the fastest runner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> (individual). - T- W- C correct them. - T introduces about grammars in the lesson, today.. *.Answer key: A. short adj of comparative 3 B. long adj of superlative 5 C. modal verb 4 D. long adj of comparative 1 E. short adj of superlative 6 F. Reflexive pronouns 2. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (9’) -T asks Ss to repeat form of I. Grammar: comparison in two kinds and 1. Comparison: irregular of adj (one by one). Adj Comparative Superlative -Ss write them on the B. short adj S +be+adj+er+than+S S+be+the+adj+est.. -T goes round and helps long adj S+be+more+adj+than+S S+be+the+most+adj them. good better The best -T notices Ss about some bad worse The worst kinds of comparison. many more The most -T can give poster of these much more The most form on the B. little less The least -Ss look at this and repeat far Farther/ further the farthest/furthest them. +Note: - be different from - be like - be (not) as …as - be the same +N+ as 2. Pronouns: Personal Adj Possessiv Objective Reflexive -T gives poster of pronouns pronoun pronoun e pronoun pronoun on the B for Ss to look at pronoun them and repeat. I my mine me myself -T asks Ss to copy them. we our ours us ourselves you your yours you yourself they their theirs them themselves he his his him himself she her hers her herself it its its it itself 3. Modal verbs: -T asks Ss to talk about all modal verbs which they have Have to = must: Phải Should = ought to: nên learnt. Can = could + V : có thể -T can repeat the way to use May= might: có lẽ, có thể each of modal verb. -T gives more Ex about comparison which Ss have revwiewed..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> -T guides the way to do Ex and do the model fisrt. -Ss have 5 mins to prepare. -Ss do Ex on the B (one by one) -T-W-C correct. -Ss repeat form of comparison. c. Activity 3 : Practice (12’) - T gives more Ex about comparison which Ss have reviewed. - T guides the way to do Ex and do the model first - Ss have 5 minutes to prepare. - Ss do Ex on the B (one by one) - T-W-C correct. - Ss repeat form of comparison.. II. Practice: Write the comparative or superlative form of the adjective: 1. Sport is (interesting) politics. 2. Can’t you think of any think (intelligent) to say. 3. It’s (short) day of the year. 4. London is (big) Birmingham. 5. I prefer this chair to the other ones. It’s (comfortable). 6. The weather is getting (bad). 7. I like living in the countryside. It’s (peaceful) living in a town. 8. Who is (clever) in the class. 9. That’s (delicious) meal I’ve had for a long time. 10. It was (boring) speech I’ve ever heard. *Answer key: 1.more interesting than 2.more intelligent 3.the shortest 4.bigger than 5.the most comfortable 6.worse 7.more peaceful than 8.the cleverest 9. the most delicious 10.the most boring. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) - T gives poster of the EX . *Choose A,B,C, or D to complete the sentences: - Ask Ss to read the text 1. You’re always ay home. You……..go out more often. silently and to do it. a. should b. can c. must d. ought - T guides Ss the way to do it. 2. He ……to improve his Spanish pronunciation, but he had T can do the first. no luck. - Ss prepare in 10 minutes. a. tried hard b. hardly tried c. tried hard d. tried - T asks Ss to go to the B to harder write the answer.< individual 3. The exam was easily………….we expected. > a. more easy that b. more easy than c. easier than d. easier -T-W-C correct. as 4. The film was boring. It was …..film I’ve ever seen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> a. most boring b. more boring c. the most boring d. the most boring 5. Let’s paint the house…… It will be much cheaper. a. yourself b. herself c. ourselves d. themselves *Answer key: 1.should 2.tried hard 3.easier than 4.the most boring 5.ourselves 3. Consolidation (5’): - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in the lesson 4. Homework (3’) - Revise the grammar notes from Unit 1 to Unit 8 V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 53 Date of preparation : 24/12 REVISION ( IV ). I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : Revision - Grammar : 2. Skills: review some kinds of exercise in the test: Reading comprehension, correct form of words, correct the mistakes. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the way to do Ex about reading comprehension, correct form of words, correct the mistakes. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Presentation (5’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> - T asks ss some questions about the heath, weather, or the lesson. - Ss show their consolidation in the notebooks -T checks. - T can gives more ideas. b. Activity 2 : Practice (9’) -T gives Ex on the B. -T asks Ss to read the text silently (individual). -T guides Ss the way to do Ex. - T checks: How many questions…? How many answers….? Do you choose one or Two answers…? -Ss work individually then share their answers with their partners. -T asks Ss to give the answer (one by one). -T can correct them. *.Answer keys: 1. c 2. c 3. c 4. d. *Chatting:  How are you, today?  Have you done all your homework?  Is it difficult ?. 1.Read the text then choose the correct answer Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn't enough time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted books because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read. The position with computers in very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputers but also know how to use them. 1.What happened before printing presses were invented ? a>.Books were so big that people didn’t want to buy them. b.>Only intelligent and rich people could read books. c.Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books. d.>All rich people bought books. 2.Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented ? a.>to show that the people who owned the books were rich and intelligent. b.>to show that the people who owned the books could write. c.>Because books were dear and magical. d.>Because books showed that the person who owned them were magical people. 3.What is the common feature of a book and a computer? a.>They were only for intelligent people. b.>They were too expensive to buy. c.>They were large and expensive at first..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> d.>Only people who could use them buy them. 4.What situation has throughly changed nowadays? a.>A lot of people are eager to buy computers b.>A lot of computers are sold c.>Even children can use a computer d.>A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.. -T gives Ex on the B. -T guides Ss the way to do Ex. - T checks: How many sentences…? -Ss work individually then share their answers with their partners. -T asks Ss to give the answer (one by one). -T can correct them. *.Answer keys: 1.action 2.speech 3.successfully 4.arragement 5.assistant 6.electricity 7.equipment 8.traditional 9.unfortunately 10.excited. 2.Correct form of words in the gaps: 1.Trung and his brother like (act) movie very much 2.Bell experimented with ways of transmiting (speak) over a long distance. 3.Bell (success) demonstrated his invention 4.Mr Phong made an (arrange) to see us at two o'clock 5.Thomas Watson was Bell's ( assist), wasn’t he? 6.There wasn’t any (electric) in our village two years ago 7.Our life is much better with the help of modern (equip) 8."The Lost Shoes" is one of the (tradition) stories I like best. 9. ( fortunate)the step mother was very cruel to Little Pea. 10.Everyone was (excite) at the soccer match.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> c. Activity 3 : Production (8’) -T gives Ex on the B. -T guides Ss the way to do Ex. - T checks: How many sentences…? -Ss work individually then share their answers with their partners. -T asks Ss to give the answer (one by one).. *Correct grammar mistakes 1. Her mother explained to her how cookies to make 2. He didnt know what umbrella was his . 3. Mrs green is our teacher . He is very nice with us . 4. There are three thousands pupils in our school. 5. Everybody look happy on the first school day . 6. The pupils were busily with their work all day . 7. Mary is fond with reading novels 8. They will tell you about ourselves in two weeks 9. What a naughty boy! He always does things noisy. 3. Consolidation (5’): - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in the lesson 4. Homework (3’) - Revise the grammar notes from Unit 1 to Unit 8. - Prepare carefully for the next examination. V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 54 Date of preparation :. THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> Period 55 Date of preparation : 26/12 Unit 9: A FIRST AIDS COURSE Lesson 1 : Listen & Read I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : read and write the following words correctly: ambulance, emergency, conscious >< unconscious, fall asleep, keep some one awake - Grammar : use simple present, future and present perfect tense. 2. Skills: : Listening, reading. 3. Attitude: Ss can know the way to make first-aid for the accident. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster 2. Students: read the lesson at home..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - Look at the pictures carefully - T shows the room and explains the meaning -T asks Ss to number each picture. -T asks Ss to match each picture with their suitable names - Devide class into 2 groups - Have Ss close your books and go to the board to write the name of the things they have just seen from memory. The group which has the most right English in the winner. ( either in English or Vietnamese) -T asks Ss to give the first-aid for each situation ( each has more than one) -T can give more ideas. Contents *Matching game: Picture: name of picture A emergency B bandage C medicated oil D ice E water packet F alcohol *First-aid for the situations: A girl has a burn on her arm: a, b, e, d A boy has a bad cut on his leg: , b, c, f A girl has a nose bleed: a, b A boy has a bee sting: a, c, d,. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) -T uses some techniques to I. Vocabulary : elicit the vocab. - an ambulance: xe cứu thương - Ss listen then call out the - an emergency : cấp cứu vocabs. - conscious >< unconscious (adj): tỉnh táo>< bất tỉnh - T models-> Ss repeat in (to) fall asleep: ngủ thiếp đi chorus then individually. (to) keep sbd awake: giữ cho ai tỉnh táo - Ss copy down. (to) bleed: chảy máu * Check vocab: What & (to) put pressure on: đè Where.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) -T sets the scene. - Let Ss listen to the tape and read the dialogue ? Call some pairs read out the dialogue -T gives poster of the question on the B. -Ss go through them. -T asks Ss to work in close pairs then open pairs ( one ask, one answer). - Have Ss answer some questions about the dialogue -T can go round to help Ss.. II. Practice: 1. Answer the questions: a. Who are talking in the conversation? b. Where are they? c. What happened? Why? d. Where is the school? e. How long will the ambulance arrive there? * Answer key: a. A girl is talking to a nurse on the phone b. The nurse is at Bach Mai hospital and the girl is at Quang Trung school c. A student is hurt because she fell off her bike and hit her head on the road d. It’s on Ngo Sy Lien Lane. It’s between Quang Trung street and Tran Hung Dao street. e. The ambulance will arrive in about 10 minutes. 2. Select the topics covered in the dialogue a. describing the condition of the injured person b. asking for the address c. asking the condition of the injured person d. giving first aids instruction e. arranging for an ambulance. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) - T models with a good *Role play student -T asks Ss to play the role of Nurse Lan and a nurse. Bach Mai hospital - Ss work in pairs. what/ happen? conscious? stop the bleeding tower/ cover/ hold/ tight Ambulance/ in 10 minutes fall asleep 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson.. Lan emergency/ Ambulance/ Quang Trung/ student hart Fell off/ bike/ head/ the road bad cut/ head/ bleeding Hurry please? keep…. a wake.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> 4. Homework (3’) : - Do exercise I ( P.65 ) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 9-Speak & Listen V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Period 56 Date of preparation : 28/12 Unit 9: A FIRST AIDS COURSE Lesson 2 : Speak & Listen I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : read and write the following words correctly: stretcher, crutches, wheelchair, scale, eye chart, ambulance - Grammar : use expression for requests, offer, promise to practice situation 2. Skills: : improve the speaking and listening skill to practice situation about the firstaids. 3. Attitude: Ss can know to make and respond to requests, offers and promise with the fact situations. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster ; record tape. 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5').

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T asks Ss to write the *Network: situation to need the first aid . Have a burn - Ss work in 2 teams. Have a nose bleed - T-W-C correct and read Have a bee sting them aloud. - T instructions: these First aids situations need the first aids . situations What do you do in these situations? You can learn about that in this lesson Have a snake bit Have a dog bit today. Have a cut on leg, finger b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) -T uses the pictures at P.82 to I. Vocabulary : elicit the vocabs. stretcher (n): cái cáng - Ss call them out. crutches (n): cái nạng - T models -> Ss repeat in wheel chair (n): xe lăn chorus then individually. scale (n): cái cân - Ss copy down. eye chart (n): bảng đo thị lực * Check vocab : R.O.R  Model sentences : - T sets the scene : + I want you to get me a + Will you please get me a bandage Could bandage. + Would you like to come to my party? ? How can I say? + I’d like you to come to my Yes, please. I’d love to + I promise. I’ll finish my homework before bed time party I hope so/ Good/ I’m glad  Expressions: + I tell my mother that I’ll 1. Requests: surely finish my work before Can/ could you …….? bed time. Ok/ Alright/ I’m sorry I can’t ? How can I say? 2. Offers - have Ss look at the charts on Would you like …..? p.81 ? Call some Ss read out the Yes, please No, thank you structures? 3. Promises -T-W-C read structures I will ………I promise aloud. I hope so/ good……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) - Now you work in pairs, use the structures you have learnt to make and respond to the requests for the situations - Have Ss look at the pictures on p.82 - This is a boy, this is his sister. ? What happened to the boy? ? What can the boy say? ? What can you see in the pictures “e”? ? What is behind the boy in yellow shirt? ( a snake) ? What happened to the boy (a snake bite)? ? What can we say in this case? You can see the woman on the bed ? What happened to the woman? ? What can you see in the boy’s hand? (a ball) ? What can you see on the floor? (broken vase) ? What happen? The boy played soccer in the house and broke the vase. ? What can the boy say?. II. Practice: 1. Make and respond to requests, offers and promises b. He has headache may be He says: Could you give me some medicine or medicated oil. Sister: Sure Sister: Shall I get you some medicines ? Boy: Yes, please/ That would be nice d. A: Would you like me to get you some medicine? B: That would be nice c. A: Can you get me some bandage? B: Sure e. Boy: I promise I won’t play soccer in the house again Mother: I hope so Don’t forget 2. Make and respond to requests…. - The boy is very thirsty - The girl is very hungry - The boy cut his finger - The woman has headache A: I’m very thirsty A: Would you give me a glass of water? B: All right. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T asks Ss to look at the *Ordering the pictures: pictures at P.82. F_B_D_A_E_C - T lets Ss listen to the tape to match the letters to the * True / False statements correct words in the box then 1. A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergency room order pictures 2. The patient’s head is bandaged 3. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient sitting on it. 4. The eye chart consists of 28 letters ranging in the different.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> size. 5. The baby’s mother is trying to stop the nurse from weighing her baby. * Answer keys: 1.F : a doctor………a paramedic 2.T 3.F : with………… without 4.T 5.F : weighing ……crying 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do exercise VIII ( P.67 ) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 9-READ V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 57 Date of preparation : 11/01 Unit 9: A FIRST AIDS COURSE Lesson 3 : READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : read and write the following words correctly: fainting = get unconscious, shock, victim, over heat, elevate, lie flat, ease, get conscious - Grammar : understand the emergency cases and learn how to give the first aids in these cases, use “in order to” and “so as to” to show purpose. 2. Skills: : improve the reading skill understand the emergency cases and learn how to give the first aids. 3. Attitude: Ss can know to understand the emergency cases and learn how to give the first aids in these cases, use “in order to” and “so as to” to show purpose. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - Tasks Ss some questions *Chatting: Revision the old lesson about the first aid Which they - Do you remember the situation at Quang Trung school? have learnt in the “listen and - What happened? read”. A student fell off the bike and hit her head to the road. It was - Ss answer the questions bleeding a lot. <individual> - Can you remember, how the nurse gave Lan first aids course - T instructions the new to the wound? lesson. Today we learn how to give first aid to emergency cases First case: fainting Second case: shock Third case: burn. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) I. Vocabulary : - synonym - fainting = get unconscious: bất tỉnh - example : when you touch - shock: cú sốc, choáng the electricity you get shock. - a victim: nạn nhân - explanation: this is a person - (to) overheat : làm nóng who has an accident - (to) elevate: put s.th higher: nâng lên - synonym: make someone - (to) lie flat: nằm thẳng too hot - (to) ease: make someone feel better - synonym - (to) get conscious: tỉnh táo -Checking vocab : R-O-R *Model sentences: We should cool the burn so as to minimize the tissue.. - T asks Ss: Why should we in order to cool the burn immediately? + Meaning: để - Ss give sentence – other + Using: to indicate purpose. repeats and say its meaning. - T guides Ss to give the form, meaning, and using.. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> - Have Ss read the text - Let ss match the statements on page 84. II. Read the text and match the statements with ABC: A – a, c, e B–b C–d. - Compare with your partners ? Call some Ss read out - Draw a grid on the board - Ask Ss to read the instruction again and fill in the information ? Call some Ss to the board write their answer?. III. Grid table: Case Do Fainting - leave the patient lying flat - elevate the patients’ feet Shock - give him/ her a cup of tea when he/ she revises. Burn. Don’t Don’t let the patient sit on stand Don’t over heat the victims with blankets or coats. - cool the burn immediately to minimize the tissue damage - put the burn under a running cold tap. - Ease the pain with ice or cold water pack - Cover the wound with a thick sterile dressing.. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) -T has Ss practice giving first- *Role play aid to the patients. One student is a patient One student is a nurse - T asks Ss to use structures: One student reads the instruction for the nurse in order to, so as to and *Free talk: situations in the table to make Give the victim a cup of tea so as to revise. full sentences. …………………………………………………… - Ss speak aloud. ( individual) 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do exercise III, IV ( P.66 ) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 9-WRITE V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> Period 58 Date of preparation : 14/01 Unit 9: A FIRST AIDS COURSE Lesson 4 : WRITE I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : read and write the following words correctly: cheer….up thank SB for ST, come over. - Grammar : use the way to write a thank-you note. 2. Skills: : improve the writing skill to write s thank-you note to a friend. 3. Attitude: Ss can know how to write a thank you notes and revise the structure of close letter. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T asks Ss to tell the way to *Revision: write a formal letter. 1-Writer’ s address - Ss take turn to write them 2-Date on the B. 3-Dear…, - T-W-C correct. 4-Opening - T instructions: You should 5-Body of the letter use the steps of the letter in 6-Closing < close friend, yours…> the lesson.. b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (10’) -T elicits vocabs. I. Vocabulary : - Ss call them out. (to) cheer…….up: make some one happy - T models-> Ss repeat (to) thank s.b for ST: -T sets the scene : In daily (to) come over: life, we usually write thank- II. T / F prediction: you notes to relatives and 1. Nga writes to thank Hoa for some candy. (flowers) friends. In this lesson, we will 2. Hoa’s gift cheered Nga up..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> learn how to write a thankyou letter note. - Nga was sick and she had to go to the hospital. After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank-you note to Hoa. ? Why and what did she write? - Show the poster and - Have ss read the statements and predict - After predicting, Ss look at the letter on page 84 and complete it with the right verb forms. ? Call some Ss speak out the answers. - Check the mistakes -T gives the guiding questions. - Ss answer the questions to write a thank-you note.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. Nga’d like Hoa to see her at the hospital. ( at her house) Nga is very bored now Nga writes the letter at the hospital. ( at her house). III. Complete the letter: 1. was 2. were 3. helped 4. came 5. am 6. will telephone *Guiding questions : ? What did your friend give/ send you? ? On what occasion? ? What was/ were it/ they like? ? How did you feel when you received the present? ? How do you feel now? ? Do you want to invite your friend somewhere? ? If so, then when? ? How will you contact your friend?. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (10’) IV. Write :  Suggested ideas : - T asks Ss to write a thankyou note to a friend. Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you. Arrange to contact your friend. - Ss work individually.. Dear Lan, I’d like to say thank you for the interesting book/ lovely flowers you sent me/ on my birthday ( or while I was in my hospital) It’s a wonderful book about Vietnamese traditions. It helped to make my day much more meaningful. This week I have more free time, and my family has decided to go on a picnic to my home village next weekend and why don’t you join us? We will be very happy to have you along. I will telephone you tonight for details. I love to see you then. Your friend.. d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (8’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> - T asks Ss to change their writings to correct each other. - Ss work individually. - T takes some writings to correct. - Ss take note..  Correction: ( Ss’ writings). 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do exercise X ( P.68) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 9- Language focus V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 59 Date of preparation : 16/01 Unit 9: A FIRST AIDS COURSE Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : review and rewrite the words in the language focus correctly - Grammar : use in order to, so as to + V, so that+ S + V +…, simple future in requests, offers and promises. 2. Skills: : improve the skill doing Ex using grammar correctly. 3. Attitude: Ss can know how to do Ex using in order to, so as to + V, so that+ S + V + …, simple future in requests, offers and promises. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; hand out, cards . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T asks ss some questions * Chatting:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> - Ss answer them < individual > - T instructions: Your purpose is going to school for studying, so you will know other words about purpose.. What time did you get up this morning? Where did you go then? What did you go to school for? => I went to school for studying.. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) - T gives situation to make I. Grammar notes : model sentences. 1. Adverbs of purpose: - Ss read it aloud. * Model sentences: -T checks: meaning, form. I always keep the window open in order to/ so as to let fresh air in. *Form: In order to + V-bare inf So as to For + V-ing In order that+ S + V+… So that + S + V+… - T reminds Ss of some 2. The simple future tense : grammar notes in Unit 9. S + will/ shall +V bare inf -Ss call them out. 3. Structures to make requests : - T help Ss understand the Will you please uses. Would you please + bare inf - Ss copy down. Shall I. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) II. Exercises : - T asks Ss to match one part 1. Exercise 1 (P. 86) of a sentence from column A 1_ in order to/ so as to with another part in column 2_ B, using in order to/ so as to. 3_ - Ss work in pairs. 4_ - Ss say the whole sentences. 5_ - Ss check themselves. 6_ - T corrects if necessary. - T asks Ss to complete the 2. Exercise 2 (P. 86) dialogue using the correct a. will. _F _C _B _E _A _ D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> form will/shall. - Ss work individually.. -T asks Ss to complete the dialogue to make requests . -Ss work in pairs.. -T asks Ss to look at the pictures at P.88 then make requests, promises. -Ss work in groups.. b. she will c. will d. No, he won’t e. Shall I f. It will g. I’ll 3. Exercise 3 (P.87) a. Yes, will you open the window b. Will you give it to me, please? c. Will you answer the telephone? d. Will you turn on the T.V, please, Nga? e. Will you pour a glass of water for me? f. Will you get me the cushion, please? 4. Exercise 4 (P.88) a. Will you empty the garbage can, please? b. Will you paint the doors, please? c. I promise I will learn harder d. Shall I carry the bag for you? e. Will you hang the clothes, please? f. I promise I will cut the grass tomorrow. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) - T gives poster of ex on the 5. Combine these sentences using in order to/ so as to B. 1. He went to Ha Noi. He wanted to meet his grandmother. - T asks Ss to do Ex using in 2. My sister studies English. She wanted to work for a foreign order to/ so as to + V and company. then changing them into so 3. We are saving money. We plan to travel around Europe that + S + V+… next year - T makes model first. 4. She gets up early. She wants to go to class on time. - Ss work in close pairs then Example : do them on the B. He went to Ha Noi in order to/so as to meet his (individually). grandmother. - T-W-C correct them. He went to Ha Noi so that he wanted to meet his grandmother. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do TEST FOR UNIT 9 - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 10- Listen & Read V. COMMENT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 60 Date of preparation : 18/01 Unit 10: RECYCLING Lesson 1 : LISTEN & READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : reduce, wrap, over-package, representative, fertilizer, vegetable matter - Grammar : We should +V. You’re right/ Ok. We should + V… 2. Skills: : : improve the reading skill to learn what to do something to protect the environment and save natural resources. 3. Attitude: Ss can know how to do something to protect the environment and save natural resources. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) -T elecits situation by  Brainstorm : questions Use cloth bags instead of plastic ones ? What should we do to help the environment? We shouldn’t burn the forest. We shouldn’t cut the trees down We shouldn’t throw the garbage on the street in Use banana leaves to wrap food ……………… the river ? Show me the ways to reduce the amount of garbage - You’ve learnt about the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> ways of reducing the garbage. If you do these things that means you protect the environment. - You’ll learn more and more about protecting the environment b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) .-T elecits I. Vocabulary: Last year you threw 10kilos (to) reduce: giam xuong of garbage (to) wrap: goi This year you throw 6kilos (to) overpackage ( to cover, to wrap, to package something of garbage with much paper, plastic) I say you reduce amount of a representative: người đại diện garbage fertilizer(n): phan bon ? Can you guess the meaning vegetable matter: chất rau of this word -Checking vocab: meaning, stress R-O-R -T sets the scene : Miss Blake, a representation from the organization “ Friends of the Earth” is talking to the students of Quang Trung school. Listen and read the dialogue then tell me what are they talking about?. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) -Ss guess T or F statements II. True or false statements: <individual> a- Friends of the earth is an organization to help people make -Ss close the textbooks. friends with each other. - Have SS listen to the tape. b- Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things: reduce, -T-W-C correct, then Ss read reuse, recycle. the right sent. c-Reduce means buying the produts which are overpackaged. -Possible answers: d-We can not reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic a> F: make friends -protect bottles, old plastic bags. e- Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and the environment and save… shouldn’t use plastic bags at all. c> F: buying-not buying.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> d> F: can not-can ? Call some pairs read the dialogue out - Let Ss answer the questions ? What does Miss Blake mean by reduce? ? What things can we reuse? ? What does recycle mean? ? What can we look for information on recycling things? ? Why does Miss Blake tell Lan that we shouldn’t use plastic bags at all?. III. Answer the questions : a. Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged b. We can reuse things like envelopes, glass and plastic bottles and old plastic bags. c. Recycle means not just throwing things away. Try and find another use for them d. We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like friends of the Earth, going to the local library, asking……… e. Miss Blake tells Lan that we shouldn’t use plastic bags at all because they are harmful for our health they can stay very longtime and can’t be destroyed itself.. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) - divide class into groups - Have each group writes as many ideas as possible. -T asks Ss in each group to show their ideas before the class. -T can correct and gives more ideas..  Discussion :. 3. Consolidation (4’) How to protect the environment? - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises I,II ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 10- Speak & Listen V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 61 Date of preparation : 04/02 Unit 10: RECYCLING Lesson 2 : LISTEN & READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : compost, fabric, leather, fruit peels, metal, grain, heap, shade - Grammar : use some kinds of questions to make dialogue: Yes/ No questions, what, which group… 2. Skills: : improve the speaking and listening skill to learn what to do something to recycle used things. 3. Attitude: Ss can know how to recycle something in round houses to protect the environment and save natural resources. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - Show the picture and ask Ss  Kim’s game: to find out the things in the Answer picture Used paper, old newspaper, card board boxes, bothes, glass, - Let Ss look at it for one plastic, bags, cans, vegetables, clothes, shoes,… minute. Then put the picture away. - Devide class into 2 teams at a time to go to the board to write the things they remember as many as possible. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) I.Vocabulary: - explanation: a kind of - compost (n): ph©n xanh fertilizer which is made from - fabric (n): sợi (vải).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> waste food, leaves, vegetables - leather (n): da matter… - fruit peels (n); vỏ hoa quả - realia - realia *Dictation list: - definite the new works Ss call the names in English. Group items - Have Ss name the items in Paper Old newspaper, books, card board, the picture into different boxes,… groups Glass Blothes, glasses, jars,… - Ss work in pairs ? Which group do clothes Plastic Platic bag, plastic botles, plastic belong to? wares,… ? What can we do with those Metal Food cans, drinking cans, tins,… clothes? Fabric Clothes, cloth bags, pieces of ? Are fruit or leaves material, “vegetable matter”? Vegetable Fruit peels, waste vegetables,… ? What can we do it? matter Leather Shoes, sandals, school bags,…. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) II. Mapped dialogue: - Give a poster on the board - Have Ss make a dialogue using the guide in mapped dialogue - Model first. Then Ss work in pairs ? Call some pairs speak ont? - Let Ss practice speaking, depending on the mapped dialogue to make other dialogue. Which group do… belong to? What can we do with Is fruit “ vegetable mater” What will we do with. Put ….in We can make…. That’s right We make... into …...  Discussion:. - Continue the discussion. recyle….and. How to protect the environment.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> about protecting the environment - Divide class into 2 groups. -T can help Ss with some suggested ideas. -Ss in each group take turn to give their ideas. Ss in other can give more .. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T elicits words in Vietnamese. -T checks understanding words. (pronunciation, meaning…) -T gives poster of Ex on the B. -T asks Ss to guessing which answers are correct. ( 1 min) -T lets Ss listen to the tape twice. -Ss have 2 mins to exchange their ideas. -T asks Ss to give their answers. -T corrects. -Ss read full the sentences.. - Don’t throw garbage on the street - Don’t pollute the air, the mater in the river, sea. - Don’t waste too much oil, gas, water - Don’t buy things over-packaged - Don’t burn the forest - Don’t kill wild animals - Collect the empty bottles, glass bottles, waste paper, ….to reuse and recycle them.. III. Listen: 1. Guessing game: a) A B b) A B c) A B 2. Listening: *Answer keys: a) A- all vegetable matter. b) B – a place that gets sun and shade c) B – No d) B – six months.. d) A. B. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises III, ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 10- Read V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 62 Date of preparation : 06/02 Unit 10: RECYCLING Lesson 3 : LISTEN & READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : tire, pipe, floor covering, refill, deposit, melt, dung - Grammar : use passive voice in present simple: am, is are + Vp.p 2. Skills: : improve the reading skill to learn what to do something to recycle used things. 3. Attitude: Ss can know how to recycle something in round houses to protect the environment and save natural resources. ( by reading the article of the newspaper) II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) -T asks Ss some questions  Chatting: about old lesson ? Do you remember the conversation between Miss Blake and -Ss answer them individually the student at Quang Trung school? -T elicits: ? What are they talking about? If you read the text, you’ll The way of protecting the environment know more about this ? How many ways? program Three ways: reduce- reuse – recycle - Before, you read the text. Today, we’ll learn more about one of these ways. This is I’ll give you some vocab recycling. ? What can we recycle? b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) I. Vocabulary: - realia - a tire: lốp - explanation something you - a pipe: ống cao su put on the floor. - floor covering (n): tÊm tr¶i nÒ nhµ - translation (fill something (to) refill: lµm ®Çy l¹i.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> empty again) - heat the glasses at high temperature until it changes into lipuid. - a kind of fertilizer. What’s it in English? - The ways of heating something at high temperature until it changes into liquid - The same meaning of rug. (to) deposit: tiền đặt cọc (to) melt: nóng chảy - dung (n): ph©n xanh R-O-R. * Grammar note: - Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings. * Form: S + am/ is/ are +Vpast participle ? What kind of verbs are used Eg: in these sentences? They recycle car tires to make pipes - Form: passive form in the S V Q present simple - Usage: It is used when the Car tires are recycled to make pipes subject is affected by action of the verb * Open – prediction: - How to change an active What do people do with following things sentence to a passive one. - car tires - Milk bottles You will read some - glass information from a - Drink cans newspaper. This article will - House hold and garden waste give you some recycling facts to protect environment - You can predict what do people do with following things.. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) - Have Ss open the book and II. Grid: read the text - Ss work inpairs to make a Used things list of recycling facts - car_tires ? Call some Ss write the information in the grid on the - Milk bottles board - Have Ss answer the - Glass questions by playing game. Recycling facts Are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings. Are cleaned and refilled with milk. Is broken up, melted and made.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> “Lucky Number” - Drink cans into new glass ware ? What do people do with Are brought back for recycling house hold and garden waste? - House hold and Is made into compost ? What do people do with garden waste empty milk bottles? ? What happens to the glass III. Answer the questions: when it is sent to the factories? 1 2 3 4 ? Do you take part in the 5 6 7 8 recycling program of Y & Y 1.They collect them to make compost organization? What do you 1. LN do? 2. They clean and refill empty milk bottles ? If you have some empty 3. It is broken up, melted and made into new glass ware. cans, what do you do with 4. LN them? 5. Collect them and send them to the factory to recycle ? Lucky Number them ?What did the Oregon 6. LN government do to prevent The Oregon made a new law that there must be a deposit is people from throwing drink returned when people being cans back for recycling cans away? - Have Ss look at the Grid game and find ont the new structue in it - Look at the verbs in each sentence. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) -T asks Ss to ask and answer  Interview: about recycling. S1: Can you tell us what do we do with the old car tires? -T does first. S2: How do peope make glass? -Ss do the same (open pairs) S3: What does it mean “recycle”? 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises IV, ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 10- Write V. COMMENT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 63 Date of preparation : 08/02 Unit 10: RECYCLING Lesson 4 : WRITE I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : soak, mash, wire mesh, bucket, firmly, wire mesh, mixture - Grammar : use the sequence: first, then, next, finally to write instruction and Adj + to V/ that + S + V+ …to do Ex. 2. Skills: improve the writing skills to write about recycling some used things and to do Ex 3. Attitude: Ss can know how to write a set of instructions, using the sequencing and to do Ex with Adj. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) - T asks Ss some questions  Chatting: about their actions with used 1,What do you often do with waste food ? things in their houses or => get it for pigs, chickens or dogs… around them. 2,What do you do with plastic or glass bottles? - Ss take turn to answer => clean or wash them to contain water, wine… them. b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (10’) - explanation: put s.th into the I. Vocabulary: water to make it wet (to) soak: nhóng, lµm ít -mine (to) mash: vò nhàu -explanation to contain the - wire mesh: lưới sắt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span> water,liquid -T checks vocab T define the works, Ss call the names of these words. - There are many things that can be recycled. However, not many of us know how these materials are recycled. Now complete the recycling instructions. - Have Ss work in pairs - Compare with the partner ? Call some students speak out - Look at the verbs in the box and work in groups to guess the order of the actions - Have Ss look at the pictures (p,94) use. - bucket (n): thing, x« - firmly: mạnh, chặt -wire mesh (n):líi s¾t -mixture (n): hçn hîp *.Grammar: The sequence: first, then, next, finally II. Complete the recycling instructions 1. use 4. press 2. mix 5. wrap 3. place 6. wait 7. dry III. Ordering pictures: Numbers 1 2 3 4 5. Pictures b d a e c. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (10’) -The cue words and write the IV. Write the instructions :on how to prepare the tea leaves about how to prepare the dry a. First, take the used tea leaves from the teapot. tea leaves to keep mosquitoes b. Next, Scatter the tea leaves on a tray away. c. Then, dry the leaves in the sun ? Call some Ss read out d. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use. d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (8’) - Let’Ss remark the mistakes *Adjective clauses: -Ask Ss to write adjectives Network: about the facts and things dangerous tired -Divide the class into 2 teams good -Ss take turn to write them on glad ADJECTIVES the B. happy -T-W-C correct and read delighted. important difficult hard easy sad.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span> them aloud. -T gives situation for Ss to make sentences -Ss read them aloud and say meaning -T asks Ss to combine these sentences into one. -Ss read it aloud, say meaning and T checks form.. boring. interesting. pleasant. *Model sentences: It’s happy. I see you again. => It’ s happy to see you again. *Form: It + is + adj + to V + … S + be + adj + that + S + V +…. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises V, ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 10- Language focus V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Period 64 Date of preparation : 11/02 Unit 10: RECYCLING Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : read and write the following words correctly: make, see, eat, buy, sit, speak, write, fly, clean, build, sat, made, saw, eat, built spoke, wrote, flew, cleaned - Grammar : use the passive in simple future, present and past simple S + am / is / are + VIII S + was/ were + V III S + will + be + VIII 2. Skills: : improve the skills to do Ex using the passive in simple future, present and past simple. 3. Attitude: Ss can know how to do Ex using the passive in simple future, present and past simple..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span> II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan,cards 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) -Prepare 20 cards with *Pelmanism: numbers on one side and the Make see eat buy sit verbs on the other. write fly clean build sat -Stick them on the B. saw eat built spoke wrote -Ss can see the numbers, cleaned make sure the verbs are Example: mixed up. Make - made - made -Ss turn the cards over if they Fly - flew - flown match: run- ran. They get one Speak - spoke - spoken mark < in 2 teams > -T asks Ss to change these verbs in to VpIII < individual > -T-W-C read them aloud. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) ? Tell me the form of passive I. Passive voice: voice? *.Model sentences: ? Tell me the present simple The glass is collected and sent to the factories. passive ? S be V-III ? Give me a example? *.The passive form ? Give me the form of past Be + Past participle V_ed (cột 3) passive? 1. The simple present passive ? Tell me the form of future S + am / is / are + PII passive? Eg: English is spoken all over the world - Give an example. Ask 2. The simple past passive ss to change the S + Was/ were + P II passive form. Eg: The book was bought last week ? Tell me the way to change 3. The simple future passive the sentences S + Will be + PII *Changing: I will finish the work tomorrow. speak made flew.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span> S -T can explain the way to change from active sentences in to passive sentences. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) -Ss speak these sentences aloud. < individual > -T helps their pronunciation and grammar. -T casn make model sentence, Ss repeat and go through before speaking. -T asks Ss to wtite them on the B < in 2 groups > -T instructions: A famous inventor, Dr Kim, is going to build a time machine. One of his assistants, Hai, is asking him questions about the inventions .Complete the dialogue. -Ss write them on the B < individual >. V. The work will. O be. finished tomorrow.  Notes: Xác định thành phần câu: - Đổi tân ngữ ở câi chủ động sang chủ ngữ của câu bị động và ngược lại - Động từ chính đưa về dạng phân từ 2 còn động từ “be” chia theo thì của động từ ở câu chủ động.. II. Practice: *Change these sentences into passive voice: < Language focus 1> a, The glass is washed with a detergent liquid. b, The glass pieces is completely dried. c, They are mixed with certain specific chemicals. d, The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid. e, A long pipe is used and dipped into the liquid, then the liquid is blown into intended shapes. *Use correct form of the verbs in brackets: < language focus 2> 1- will be shown 2- Will it be built 3- Will be finished 4- Will it be made. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T gives more EX *.Correct form of the verbs in passive voice: -Ss go through them 1-This bike (buy) in that shop. -Ss go to the B to do EX 2-I (give) a present on my birthday. <individual> 3-This test (do) tomorrow. -T-W-C correct 4-Rice (grow) in the field. 5-I (punish) by my teacher. Answer key:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span> 1-is bought 3-will be done 5-am punished. 2- am given 4- is grown. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises VII ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 11- Listen & Read V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 65 Date of preparation : 13/02 Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 1 : LISTEN & READ. I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : crop, sugar cane, seat, sit, corn, take a photo - Grammar : use some expression to express their interests: Would you mind + V-ing , Would you mind if + S2 + V ( past ), Verbs of perception: S + see + SB + V-ing, Plural noun => singular noun 2. Skills: improve the reading skills to understand about the beauty of the country through the foreigner’s visit. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the text and use some expression to express their interests II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) Ask Ss to look at the places *Matching game: of interest in Vn in the box 1. The temple of Literature c.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span> ( in 1 min ) 2. Ngo Mon gate a  Ss take turn writing 3. Ha long bay d these expression on the 4. Nha Rong harbor b B  Ask Ss to match these ? Are these places of interest famous in Vietnam ? Which places of interest with places are identified by UNESCO ? Have you ever been to the right places one of them ?  Ss – T read them aloud  Teacher ( T ) ask Ss some questions to elicits the lesson b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) I. Vocabulary: - Grain, rice, fruit.. is - a crop ( n ): hoa màu, mùa màng grown - sugar cane (n): cây mía - What is used to - seat: ( n ) chỗ ngồi / ( to ) sit make sugar ? - corn: ( n ): ngô - “ seat “ in - ( to ) take a photo: chụp ảnh Vietnamese - What is it ? *.Model sentences: - What am I He’d like Hoa to meet his parents doing ? It is great to be in Vietnam Yes, it is nice to meet Hoa  Concept check: She’d like to sit with Tom and Shannon Pronunciation chorally,  Express a request individual meaning in Would you like / mind sitting the front seat Vietnamese. V-ing What and where Would you mind if I took a photo If S2 + V ( past )  Ask some question to  Verbs of perception give situation They see a boy riding a water buffalo  What would Tim lịke S + see + SB + V-ing hoa to meet ?  Plural noun => singular noun  Where is it great to be The drive takes 40 minutes in /  It’s 40 minute-drive  Is it nice to meet Hoa  Who would Hoa like to sit with T asks Ss some questions to give model sentences  What do they see along the road ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span> c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) II. True or false statements : Ss close the books and look at the poster to guess which No Guess Answer Correct statements are True ( T ) or a T False ( F ) b T  T concept check: How c F In a bus => in a taxi many ... d T  Ss listen to the tape e T and check f F Only rice & corn => not  Ss read the right only rice but also sugar statements III. Questions:  Ss play role Tim and Hoa, Mr Jones, Mrs 1. Where does Hoa meet the Jones ? Jones and Shannon 2. Is it the first time the Jones have visited Vietnam? 3. How do they travel to Ha Noi ?  T give question’s 4. How long does it take to Ha noi ? poster 5. What do they see along the road to Ha noi?  Ss go through the 6. What would Tim like to do ? questions *.Answers:  T concepts check: how 1. At the air port many .. 2. Yes, it is  Ss take turn to ask and 3. by taxi answer them ( open 4. about a 40 minute-drive pairs ) 5. a boy riding a water buffalo  T helps ss’ 6. He’d like to take a photo pronunciation  Ss work in close pairs  Ask some ss to retell the text. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) -T gives poster of Ex on the * Choose the best answers from a, b, c, or d: B. 1. I can see a boy…..a water buffalo. -Ss work in close pairs then a. ride b. riding c.to ride d. rode.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span> do Ex on the B ( individual) -T-W-C correct. -T asks Ss to repeat grammar.. 2. This is the first time Sharron …….rice paddies. a.is seeing b. saw c. see d. has seen 3.We are taking a…to Ha Long Bay next weekend. a. two-day trip b. two- days trip c. two day trip d. two- day trips 4. It’s ….. to travel around Vietnam. a. interesting b. interested c. interestingly d. interestedly. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises I ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 11- Speak&Listen V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 66 Date of preparation : 15/02 Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Lesson 2 : SPEAK & LISTEN I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : tourist, museum, botanical, revolutionary, suggest - Grammar : : use some expression to express their interests: Would you mind + V-ing , Would you mind if + S2 + V ( past), suggest + Ving… 2. Skills: improve the speaking and listening skills to give requests and suggestions. Ss listen to find the correct position on the map. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the way to make suggestions and requests. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span> Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’)  Choose a Ss and ask *Game: What does it say? him to go to the front Example: on the B of the class with his Everyday back to the B so that he Ss ask: How often do you have a shower ? can’t see the B Situation: on the B  Write the information Ha long bay on the B Ss ask: Which place of interest is it in Quang Ninh  Ask class the province information on the b  Ask class to try to help Ss guess what is written on the B by asking question until he says out right. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) People go every where to I. Vocabulary: visit where keeps oldtourist ( n ): khách du lịch valuable things in museum ( n ): viện bảo tàng Vietnamese botanical ( adj ): thuộc về thảo mộc revolutionary ( adj ) cách mạng  Checking vocabulary ( to ) suggest: gợi ý Pronunciation: chorally, R–O–R individual, meaning, make * Structure: stress Would you mind sitting in the front seat ?  Set the scene: - No problem Remind Ss of the Would you mind if I took a photo ? exchange between Hoa - Not at all and Mr jones and tim in  Form: the last dialogue and Would you mind + V-íng + ... elicits the sentences from + if + S + V ( past ) + ... Ss “ He wants to sit in the  Meaning: bạn vui lòng front seat and to take a Bạn có bận tâm nếu tôi ... photo. What does he say ?  Use: to make and respond to formal requests  Check form, meaning  Ask Ss to read the requests and respond in page 100  Ask Ss to copy them in the note book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span> c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’)  Ask Ss to look at L - F 3  T checks: How many people .. Are they men ?  T guides the way to do \/ or X  Ask Ss to read cues ( a ) in pairs  Ss go through the cues  Ss speak them aloud < open pairs – close pairs ) *. Post - speaking  Set the scene You are a tourist on vacation in Hcm city, You want to visit a market. This is the conversation between you and the tourist officer  T puts the dialogue on the B  Elicit the exchangea from Ss and have them repeat  Ask Ss to work in pairs/ in groups  Group 1,2: market 3: museum 4: restaurant  Ask Ss to use: useful expression  T monitors and corrects. II. Practice: 1. Card board drill < language focus 3/ 102 > a. Would you mind moving your car ? - No, of course not b. Would you mind putting out y our cigarettes ? - No, I don’t mind c. Would you mind getting me some coffee ? - I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m busy now d. Would you mind waiting a moment ? - I’m sorry, that’s not possible 2. Mapped dialogue You Excuse me. Tourist officer Yes. I’d like to visit a Not at all. How about market. Would you going to Thai Binh mind suggesting market? It opens from one ? about 5 am to 8pm That’s sound interesting. Thank You’re welcome you * Restaurant, stamp and coins market * Museum, zoo and botanical garden. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T gives poster of the map IV. Listening: and the places. * Guessing: -T checks: How many a. ………….b……………c………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span> places……? How many many names…? -T –W- C read the place and names in the map aloud. -T asks Ss to guess the positions on the map -T lets Ss to listen to the tape twice in order to check their guessing. -T gives answer keys for Ss to compare their listening.. d……………e…………… *Answer key: a. restaurant b. hotel d. pagoda e. temple. c. bus station. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises III, ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 11- Read V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 67 Date of preparation : 18/02 Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 3 : READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : magnificent , giant, jungle, accommodation, tribe, tribal, slope, lime stone - Grammar : get information about the place direction and some places of imterest in Vietnam 2. Skills: improve the reading skills to get information about the place direction and some places of interest in Vietnam 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the beautiful, interesting places of Vietnam and love their country..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span> II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’)  Aks question and call * Quiz: What's this place the studenrs who puts * Dalat: his/ her hand up first to 1. It is call the city of eternal spring answer 2. It has a lot of water falls and lakes  Tell Ss each place 3. You can find the most kinds of flowers here consist of 3 question * Nha Trang st 10 points forr 1 question 1. It's a seaside resort 9 points for 2nd question 2. It has a very big monument of Buddha 8 points for 3rd question 3. It has an oceanic institute * Sapa: * T introduce 1. It is a mountainous resort They are interesting 2. It has tribal villages places of Vietnam. They are 3. Sometimes it has snow advertised on the newspaper. * Ha long bay We'll learn how the 1. It is recognized as a World Heritage by UNESCO interesting places are 2. It has a lot of caves advertised 3. It consists of lots island b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (10’) in Vietnamese I. Vocabulary: - nearly very big - magnificent ( adj ): lộng lẫy - a very thick forest - giant ( adj ): khổng lồ - a place to live, workor stay - jungle ( adj ): rừng hoang in - accommodation: chỗ ở - Kinh, Tay, Nung.., what do - tribe ( n ) you call ? What is it ? - tribal ( adj ): bộ tộc - A kind of stone - slope ( n ): dốc thoai thoải - lime stone: ( n ) đá vôi * Checking vocabulary, pronunciation, meaning R _ O _R. * Photo film part 1 / 104 C. *.Grid * Nha Trang: Flight to Ha noi - railway - hotels - local transport - tourist attractions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span> - Ss work in 2 groups to predict the topics mentioned in the advertisements - Ss close the books to guess - Open the books - listen to the tape and checks again - Ss read advertisements - Give feedback and check again - Have Ss copy down. * Dalat: hotels, local transport, water fall, tourist attractions * Sapa: hotels, local transport, mountain, slopes, tourist attractions, Sapa .. villages * Ha long bay: World Heritage, tourist attraction, sand beaches, railway, hotels, caves, local transport, restaurant, type of food => no places. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (10’) - Get Ss to read the II. Given answers < Ex 2 / 105 > advertisements then checks a. Andrew: Sapa ( \/ ) the boxes b. Mary: Nha Trang, Da lat, Nha rong harbor - Monitor and check: c. John: Nha Rong harbor d. Joanne: Nha trang e. Donna: Da lat - Tell Ss to play role to answer and ask.The question, III. Role play using the information in the text A: Where should Andrew go ? - Write the model sentences B: He should go to Sapa on the B A: Why ? - Ss base on it to practice B: Because he studies tribes and he likes mountain climbing < open pairs, close pairs > - Ss change information to practice. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (8’) -T gives poster of Ex on the IV.Fill in each blank with a suitable word: B. -T checks: how many Tribes institute president sunbathing words…? importing How many 1. Andrew studies…around the world. gaps…? 2. She wants to visit an oceanic…in Vietnam. What do you have 3. He wants to visit the place where ……Ho Chi Minh left to do? Vietnam..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span> -Ss work in close pairs. 4. Joanne likes swimming and………. -T asks Ss to write their 5. She is thinking of …….flowers from Vietnam. answers on the B -T- W- C correct them.. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises III ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 11- WRITE V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 68 Date of preparation : 20/02 Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 4 : WRITE I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : canoe, paddle, hire, employ, over turn, rescue, move up and down, lean, stumble - Grammar : using a narration to write a guided competition and simple past tense to rewrite the story. 2. Skills: improve the writing skills to write about a narration. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the steps to write the story following chronological II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan, model writing 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span> 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) * Get Ss to study the Revision: " Which words ?" definition of a narration by a gap fill Written elixmax attention < điểm cao * Put the missing words in a nhất > Brief event < ngắn gọn, tóm tắt > box on the B, Ss study first A narrative is a frequency of ( 1 ). These events are usually * Ask Ss of each group to go ( 2 ) in chronological order and often lead to a ( 3 ). The first to the B and write the suitable sentence of a narrative should get the readers ( 4 ) and the words. Explain the definition ending should be ( 5 ) in Vietnamese < individual > * Answer keys 1. events 3.climax 5. brief 2. written 4. attention b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) - What is it? I. Vocabulary: - What am I doing? *.Vocabulary - " hire " in Vietnamese - canoe ( n ): xuồng - How is this canoe? - ( to ) paddle: chèo xuồng in vietnamese - ( to) hire: thuê, mướn, = employ - When the ship is in huge - ( to) over turn: lật úp wave - ( to) rescue: cứu - People in the canoe get big - ( to ) move up and down: chồm lên, chồm xuống wave - ( to ) lean: nghiêng, ngả người - How is she on the road ? - ( to ) stumble: vấp, trượt, ngã - T checks understanding: pronunciation: chorally, R-O-R individual, meaning in *.Grammar: Vietnamese, make stress Simple past tense: S + Ved/ V-II - T asks Ss to repeat form of siple past tense.  Ordering statements ( write 1/ 106 ) - T asks Ss to use this tense to write story - Who had adventure on vacation? - How did they go? * Set the scene - What happened to them? Last week, while on vacation in Dalat, the Brown No Guess Answer family had quite an unforgetable adventure on Ho A 2 xuan huong lake B 6 - What did they do and what C 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span> happened to them ? D - T concepts check: How E many .. ? F What do you have to do ?? G - Ss predict chronological then T - W - C correct b - Ss read the ordered story * Ordering pictures 1.d 5.a 2.b 6.f 3.e 7.c 4.h 8.g - Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and rearrange the events in the correct chronological order to make it a story - Call on some Ss to give their answer and correct. 4 7 5 3. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (10’) - Ask Ss to use the pictures  Suggested ideas : already rearranged and the given words to write the story Uyen had a day to remember last week. She had a Math exam about Uyen on Friday but she got up late. She realized her alarm clock - Monitor and help Ss with did not go off. As she was leaving home, it started to rain words as structures while heavily. Uyen tried to run as fast as she could. Suddenly she they are writing stumbled against a rock and fell on the road. Her school bag went into a pool of water and every thing got wet. Strangerly, the rain stopped as she got to her classroom. Luckily, Uyen had enough time to finish her exam. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T asks two Ss to write their  Correction: wrtings on the board. ( Ss’writings) -Ss check together. -T corrects 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span> 4. Homework (3’) : - Do TEST FOR U11( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 11- Language focus V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 69 Date of preparation : 22/02 Unit 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : box, flowers, lamp, elephant, truck, bear, doll, rabbit - Grammar : using present and past participle: Ving, Vp.p to describe things and people fluently. 2. Skills: improve the skill to do exercise using Ving, Vp.p 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the way to use present and past participle II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’) * Ask Ss to open the books *Memory game: and observe the picture / 109 Box flowers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span> ( 20'' ) then close * Ss work in 2 groups and ask them to write name of things on the B * Open the books, go through the words and correct. Lamp Truck Doll. elephant bear rabbit. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’) I. Grammar: * Ask Ss to open the books *Dialogue built ( language focus 1 ) and look at the pictures / 108 T : What’s Mr Quang doing ? * T sets the scene: Ss: He’s walking / going up the stairs It's time for recess and the T: Miss Lien is talking to Nam people at Quang Trung - Ba is sitting under the tree/ reading a book school are in the school yard. - Lan is standing by the table What are they doing ? - Nga and Hoa are playing a book ? * Ask question and calls to - Ss: The boy reading a book is ba answer then correct Present participle phrase * Elicits the target language *Form of present participle: by asking the question - Ss Verb + ing => present participle repeat *Use: * Concept check: Form and Ving can be used as an adj to qualify a noun with active using meaning *.Model sentences: The old lamp made in Chiana is five dollars  Ask Ss to look at the words in the box and the picture / 109 to match them  Ss work individual  T – W – C correct. Past participle pharase *.Formof past participle : Ved/ BQT3 = VpII => past participle *.Use: VpII can be used as an adj to qualify a noun with passive meaning. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’)  Show the poster on the II. Practice B and have Ss go 1. Word cues drill through the situation - Mr Quang/ walking up the stairs  Model the sentence ( 1 - Miss Lien/ caring a bag ) and Ss repeat - Nam/ talking to miss Lien  Ss say the next - Ba / sitting under the tree sentences ( individual ) - Lan/ standing by the table.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span> T helps their pronunciation. - Nga and Hoa/ playing chess 2. Matching 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . box a. wrap in Elicit the target language by truck b. dress in asking the questions: doll c. recycled from - Ss answer and lamp d. keep in repeat flowers - T checks form: “ toys how much is the Answer: old lamp made in 1-f 2-c 3-b 4-e 5-a 6-d China ? “ 3. Questions - Where is the onl lamp made in ? ( China ) - What colour in the box painted ? ( green ) - What is the truck recycled from ? ( cans ) - What colour is the doll dress in ? ( red ) -What are the flowers wrapped in ? ( blue paper ) -What are the toys kept? ( in a board box )  Have Ss look at their 4. Question – answer drill: books listen to the T: How much is the box painted green ? question and answer Ss: the box painted green is one dollar ( in pairs ) - Truck made from recycled cars / $2  T models and helps - Doll dressed in red / $2 their pronunciation - Flowers wrapped in blue paper / $1 - Toys kept in a card board box / $ 10. d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T gives the poster of the Ex *Present or past participle on the B. Sit – break - live – water – sing -T asks Ss to use Ving, VpII - The girl ..... at 50 THD is my friend to fill the suitable verbs in the - The garden ... every morning is full of flowers gaps. - The cat … on the table is hers -Ss prepare in 2 mins then write them on the B. -T- W- C correct and Ss repeat grammar. 3. Consolidation (4’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span> - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do TEST YOURSELF ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Revision & consolidation V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 70 Date of preparation : 25/02 REVISION & CONSOLIDATION. I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : rewrite the words in the Ex correctly. - Grammar : using present and past participle: Ving, VpII, Would / do you mind … to do Ex fluently. 2. Skills: improve the skill to do exercise using Ving, VpII, Would/ Do you mind + … 3. Attitude: Ss can understand the way to do Ex for English test. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (5’)  Ask Ss to retell and *Revision: rewrite the structure Would you mind and the form + V - ing  T – W – C correct Do you mind Would you mind if + S + V ( past ) Do you mind if + S + V ( present ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span> - present participle + V - ing reduce sentences - past participle: Vp.p b. Activity 2 : Presentation (10’)  Ask Ss to use struture 1. Would you mind/ Do you mind if + S + V to do Ex - Ba was taken to the hospital. He was injured in the accident  ( individual ) - The road is very narrow. It joins the 2 villages  Ss write them on teh B - Do you know the woman? The woman is talking to Tom.  T – W- C correct - The window has been repaired. It was broken last night - The taxi broke down. It was broken last night - The taxi broke down. It was talking us to the airport . T gives other exercises and - A bridge has been declared unsafe. It was built only 2 years directs Ss to do. ag. * Passive voice - Most of the goods are exported. They are made in this am/is/are + V pII factory will/ M - V + be + VpII - A new factory has just opened in the town. The factory It + be + adj + to V employs 500 people Be + adj + that + S + V * Answer Ask Ss + to V/ not to V - The boy injured in the accident was taken to ... - The road joining the 2 villages is very narrow - Do you know the woman talking to Tom ? - The window broken last night has been repaired - The taxi talking us to the airport broken down - A bridge built only 2 years ago has been declared unsafe - Most of goods made in this factory exported - A new factory employing 500 people has just opened in the town. c. Activity 3 : Practice (10’) * Answer key - . The bill must be paid - English is spoken - It's diffcult to answer - Your bicycle will be repeaired - Miss Linda asked the students not to throw - Many dangerous diseases can be cured - I was very delighted to pass the ... 2. Rewrite these sentences: - We must pay the bill at once ( The bill ) - Many people in the world speak English ( English ) - This questions is difcult to understand ( It’s ) - I will repair your bicycle tomorrow afternoon ( your bicycle ) -“ Don’t throw things away” Miss Linda said to the students ( miss Linda asked ) - Penicilin can cure many dangerous diseases ( many ) - Does your country export rice to Britian? ( It’s rice ) - I was very delighted that i passed the final exams ( I was very .. ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span> d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) -T gives poster of the Ex on Correct form or tense of verbs the B. - The man ( sit ) next to me was very nevous -T asks Ss to use grammar to - Tom doesn’t enjoy ( laugh ) at by other people do Ex. - I’d like you ( meet ) my mother -Ss prepare Ex and do them - Take this street and you ( arrive ) at the bus station in 15 on the B. minutes ( individual ) - He suggests ( travel ) around the town by bike -T-W-C correct. - The flights to London will ( delay ) because of heavy rain -T asks Ss to repeat grammar. - She has alot of novels ( write ) in English * Answer: - sitting will arrive - being laughed traveling - to meet be delayed Written 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Do Exercises VII ( Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson : Revision & Consolidation (cont) V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span> Period 71 Date of preparation : 28/02 REVISION & CONSOLIDATION (cont) I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary : - Grammar : Passive voice - so as to/ in order to - so as not to/ in order not to - Adjectives + that clause/ Adjectives+ to- inf. 2. Skills: : 3. Attitude: II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Pair work – group work, Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; record tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities. Contents. a. Activity 1 : Presentation (10’) - T asks Ss to recall how to 1.In order to/ So as to: use “in order to , so as to - Form:  so as to + V (bare- inf.)  in order to - Use: to indicate purposes. ? What do people do with car tires? ? What can we make from glass ? - T models , Ss repeat. - T does concept check : from ,use,. - ? how to change an active sentence to a passive one.. 2. Passive in the present simple: * Model sentences: Car tires are recycled to make pipes. Glass is recycled into new glassware. - Form : S + be + V (p.p.) - Use : it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb. - Active : S + V + O - Passive:S + Be+V+ by O.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span> - T models the target language from Ss. - T does concept check. b. Activity 2 : Practice (10’) - T asks Ss to do the exercise + Ss work individually. - Ss write their sentences on the board. - T gives feedback. - T asks Ss to read the instructions P. 95. - T asks Ss to look at the pictures and put them in correct order according to the instructions. + Ss work individually. - T gives feedback. - T asks Ss to rewrite these sentences in the passive form.. 3.Structures : *It + be + Adj + to- inf. * S + be + Adj + that clause.. 1. Exercise 1 ( P.86): Answer key : 1-f 2-c 3-b 4-e 5-a 6-d 2. 2. Exercise 1 (P.95) : Answer key : b. Then the glass is washed with... c. The glass pieces are dried... d. They are mix..... e. The mixiture is melted..... f. A long pipe is used,it is dipped then the liquid is blown.... d. Activity 4 : Production (8’) - T models, Ss repeat. *Word cure drill - Ss read and write their Miss Lien/ carrying a bag sentences on the board Nam/ talking Miss Lien - T gives feedback. Lan/ standing by the table Nga and Hoa/ playing chess. 3. Consolidation (4’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes in this lesson. 4. Homework (3’) : - Prepare carefully for the test V. COMMENT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 72 Date of preparation : 01/03 45-MINUTE TEST. I. OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: From U9 to U11 - Grammar : + so as to/in order to + Present participle, past participle + passive voice + Adjectives followed by an infinitive/a noun clause 2. Skills: Reading and writing 3. Attitude: Ss will do the test effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : Individual III. PREPARATION : 1. Teacher: Test paper 2. Students: Pens IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Matrix : Nhận biết Thông hiểu Chủ đề kiến thức KQ TL KQ TL Phonetic Reading Writing Language Focus. câu Điểm: câu Điểm: câu Điểm: câu Điểm:. Vận dụng KQ. TL. 5 5 2,5 8 2,0. 4 2.0. Tổng số câu/ Đ. 5 2,5 10 4,5 8 2.0.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span> Tổng. 30 Câu. 10. 2. Content of the test : I. Phonetics (2point) : 1. A. revive B. tight C. describe D. victim 2. A. could B. wound C. would D. should 3. A. seat B. great C. seaside D. beach 4. A. sights B. flights C. villages D. tribes II. Choose the suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks ( 2,0pts ) : 1. People use the first-aid …………. ease the victim’s pain and anxiety. A. so that B. in order to C. so as not to D. in order that 2. …………… is used to check one’s eyesight. A. Eye-shade B. Eyeglass C. Eyepiece D. Eye chart 3. This project ……………… next month. A. is carried out B. will carry out C. carries out D. will be carried out 4. It’s dangerous ……………. in this river. A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. that you swim 5. You will get back your…………. when you bring the cans back for recycling. A. payment B. deposit C. account D. envelope 6. I can see a boy……………… a water buffalo. A. ride B. riding C. to ride D. rode 7. Would you mind if I …………………… ? A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. will smoke 8. We are taking a ……………… to Ha Long Bay next weekend. A. two-day trip B. two-days trip C. two-day trips D. two day trip III. Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer ( 2,5pts ) : NHA TRANG When people talk about Nha Trang, the biggest city in Khanh Hoa Province, they often think of a tropical paradise. Nha Trang is a famous seaside resort. It has a long coastline with beautiful while sand beaches. In the morning and afternoon, tourists can take part in various fascinating outdoor activities such as muth bathing, swimming, snorkeling or scuba diving. Snorkeling and scuba diving are both interesting sports, as swimmers may swim underwater and admire the lives at the bottom of the sea. Besides, tourist can also take boat trips to the islands. One of the most enjoyable trips is the trip to the Mieu Island, where Tri Nguyen Aquarium was built in 1999. This aquarium is now home to different kinds of colorful fish and even a few sharks. In addition, tourists can spend an evening visiting a fishing village, where they could get a taste of the local seafood. There are crabs, shrimps, lobsters, clams, oysters, and several other kind of fish- all are fresh and delicious. - tropical paradise (n) thiên đường nhiệt đới - muth bathing (n) tắm bùn - snorkeling (n) môn bơi lặn có ống thở - oysters (n) con sò 1. Nha Trang is ……………………………………………………………………………. A. a famous for its fresh and delicious seafood B. a paradise C. located in Khanh Hoa Province D. not a resort.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span> 2. Tourists can take part in some outdoor activities such as………………… A. visiting Nha Trang Pasteur Institute B. visiting Tri Nguyen Aquarium C. eating the local seafood D. scuba diving 3. At Tri Nguyen Aquarium, visitors can enjoy………………………………… A. watching a few sharks only B. watching sharks and various kinds of colorful fish C. a taste of the local seafood D. feeding the fish 4. At fishing village, tourist can……………………………………………… A. get a taste of the local seafood B. choose crabs, shrimps C. catch the fish and cook them D. enjoy fishing 5. Which of the following sentence is not true ? A. Nha Trang is a nice seaside resort B. Most tourists are interested in snorkeling and scuba diving C. Tri Nguyen Aquarium is on an island D. The local seafood is fresh and delicious IV. Rewrite these sentences ( 2pts) : 1. May I turn off the television?  Would you………………………………………………….? 2. The girls are Nga and Hoa. They are playing chess. The girls ……………..…….………… 3. I was delighted that I passed the final exam.  I was delighted……………..……………….. 4. Many people speak English in the world. English………………………..………………… VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions (1,5pts) : 1. I’m looking forward ……………… seeing you in June. 2. Would you mind sitting……………….. the front seat of the taxi ? 3. Ha Long Bay is recognized………… UNESCO as a World Heritage site. Period 73 Date of preparation : 03/03 Unit 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 1 : LISTEN & READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : include, abroad < to be / go / travel / live >, business meeting, schedule - Grammar : Would you love to, You must come over for, Yes, we’d love to but, That’s very kind of you, S + be + always + Ving… 2. Skills: : improve the reading skills to know about some expressions, and people’s schedule in the tour. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand about expressions, and people’s schedule. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span> 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster,record player . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’)  Show the copy of *Guessing games pictures to Ss one by a. The USA d. Britain one and ask Ss to guess b.Britain e. Canada what country it is c.Thailand f. Japan  T chats with Ss Chatting ? Where do you want to Australian people are friendly visit among these Cities in USA are very crowded with tall building countries? Why ? Country has alot of old Buddas and pagodas b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (12’) -Translate in to Vnese I. Vocabulary: -Go to a foreign country ( to ) include: bao gồm -Translate in Vnese abroad ( adv ): ra nước ngoài -The same “ time table “ < to be / go / travel / live >  Concept check: business meeting ( n ): buổi họp mặt về kinh doanh -Pronunciation: chorally, schedule ( n ): thời gian biểu individual *Grammar note: -meaning in Vnese, make a. Making an invitation stress  Would you love to come and stay with us  You must come over for .... -What does Mrs Smith say b. Accepting an invitation when she wants to invite them  Yes, we’d love to but .. to their house ? c. Decliningan invitation  That’s very kind of you but .... -What does Mrs Quyen d. Making complaint: answer to concept her  Oh, dear He’s always working invitation ? -Which sentences talks about Mrs Smith’s kind ? -Which state means a complaint of Mrs Quyen about her husband ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span> c. Activity 3 : While-reading (15’) II. True or False statements: -Set the scene: a/Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from the airport in San – Who is she? => Mrs Francisco Quyen b/She and her husband are coming to San – Francisco on Is she Mrs Smith? => Monday Yes c/They will stay with Mrs Smith while they are in town Are they talking on the d/They must come over for dinner with Mrs Smith on phone? Wednesday 27 -Mrs Quyen is going to the e/She is going out on Tuesday USA for a vacation. She is f/They leave on the 27th ringing her friend, Mrs Smith to tell her about the trip No Guess Answer Correct -They are some information 1 F From Ha noi about her trip but some T or F 2 T -Ss predict ( in pairs ) 3 F Stay with Mrs -T checks: how many Smith at the hotel statements 4 T -Are they T? What do you 5 T have to do ? 6 F 27th - 28th -Give feed back ( close the III. Grid table ( Ex 2/ 113 ) book) -Ss open the books, look at it Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and listen to the tape to check Date 25 26 27 28 again Schedule Coming Going Having Leaving -Ss read the D again to San – out dinner with San – -T – W – C correct Francisco the Smiths Francisco -Ss read the right sentences ‘ -Hang the poster -Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule with theh information taken from the D -Call some Ss to go to the B to write. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (10’) -T – Ss go through the IV. Question ( Ex 2/ 113 ) questions  Answer key: -T concepts check a/No, they won’t. Because they are coming on a tour and their -Ss work in open pairs to ask accommodation is ncluded in the ticket price and aswer the questions b/No, he won’t . Because he is going to have a business.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(181)</span> -Ss work in close pairs meeting in that evening -T monitors and helps them c/Mrs Smith will pick her up at the hotel -Ask some Ss to retell the text 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss of vocab, the content of text 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercise I ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit 12: Speak & Listen V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 74 Date of preparation : 07/03 Unit 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 2: SPEAK & LISTEN I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : itinerary, brochure, gym, sight seeing, via, rate, art gallery, flight, fly - Grammar : using Wh questions: Where should, where shall, what time 2. Skills: : improve the listening, speaking skills to talk about their plan for a trip abroad and practice listening to the weather forcast in some cities.. 3. Attitude: Ss can understand about the ways to make dialogue. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster, record player. 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) Getting Ss – T to greating and * Chatting ask Ss some questions about -What’s the weather like today? the weather -How about the temperate?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(182)</span> b. Activity 2 : Presentation (12’) In Vietnamese - itinerary ( n ): lộ trinh translate Advertisement - brochure ( n ): tập quảng cao synonym Where people do exercise - gym ( n ): nhà tập thể dục situation morning beautiful: sport / - slight seeing ( n ): cảnh đẹp situation site / view - via ( pre ): bằng đường, qua đường situation Go through the street - rate ( n ): tỉ lệ In Vnese - Art gallery ( n ): phong trưng bày tranh situation Where people look at the - Flight ( n ): chyến bay /( to ) fly pictures In Vnese / mine *.Grammar:  Concept check: Where should….. Pronunciation: chorally, where shall……. individual meaning in Vnese, what time……. make stress -T notices Ss about questions they will use in the D. c. Activity 3 : Practice (15’)  Show the table and ask Ss to look at them/ 114  Go through the tables and ask Ss some questions for information about the flights, accommondation and tourist places  Ss anwers individual. *.Tell me about: Ex/114 Suggestions: -For the flight information table: -How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston? < 4 > -Which flight can you take every day of the week < 835/ 45 > -For the hotel advertisement table: ? Which of the hotel is cheaper ? How much is a double room in Revere Hotel ? How about the Anlantic Hotel ?  For the travel brochure:  Ask Ss to work in pairs ? Where can you visit to practice the dialogue *.Gap- fill < open pairs >  Ss work in group to fill Depart Los 10.000 inform in the box – Angeles 4.00 then write them < Arrive Boston The Reseve hotel individual > Accommodation Musem and art galleries Sight seeing Flight 7 – 10 at 10 on Thursday  Set the scene Depart Boston 22nd These people are making a plan for their trip from *.Mapped – dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(183)</span> Los Angeles to Boston. Let’s do it with them  Put the mapped D chart on the B * Concept check: -Have some Ss practice ( open pairs ) exchange before going to another -Ss practice – speaking. Where shall we stay?. The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym. Where should we visit ?. I think we should visit Havard Medical school. What time should we leave Los Angeles ?. There’s a daily flight at 10 am, would that be OK. - Ask Ss to exchange information for underlined. d. Activity 4 : Production (10’)  show the box/ 115 and * Table – fill check -How many table ... City Weather -What are they about ? ( weather – temperature ) 1. Sydney Dry, windy -Have Ss copy in their note – 2. Tokyo Dry, windy book 3. London Cold  concept check: 4.Bangkok Warm, dry how many cities 5. New Windy, cloundy what do you listen to about York ? 6. Paris Cool, dry  Let Ss go through the table ( chorally ) -Transformation;  Ss say their ideas and T Depart: ( Hue ) corrects after listening Arrive ( HCM city ) 2 times Accommodation ( hotel ) Sight seeing - Asking the steps in transformation 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss the content of the lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercise II, III ( workbook) -Prepare the new lesson : Unit 12 :READ V. COMMENT. Temparature Low High 20 26 15 22 3 7 2–7 32 8 15 10. 16.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(184)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 75 Date of preparation : 10/03 Unit 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 3 : READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : volcano, lava, valley, wharf, carve, situated - Grammar : using the method reading comprehension to know about the famous places in the USA. 2. Skills: : improve the reading skills to obtain some knowledge about some scenic sports in the USA 3. Attitude: Ss can understand about some scenic sports in the USA. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) Copy of the pictures in the book * Matching games: - Ask Ss close the books and Pictures: Names match pictures with their names - Open the books and correct Chicago - T – W – C read them aloud - Tasks Ss some question to Mount Rushmore elicit the new lesson ? Where are these interesting places? USA ? Do you want to visit them? Yes Let’s visit them by learning the reading b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (12’). Waikiki ( hawaiian ) Statue of Liberty ( New York ) Alcatraz of Sanfrancisco.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(185)</span> -What is it? -Which pour out from valey - It is between 2 mountains, the same harbor. The carpenter often does this work -Concept check: -Pronunciation: chorally, individual, meaning in Vietnamese, make stress. I. Vocabulary: - volcano ( n ): nui lửa - lava ( n ): nham thạch - valley ( n): thung lũng - whorf ( n ): bến cảng - ( to ) carve: khắc, chạm - ( to ) situated: tọa lạc,nằm ở R–O–R. picture situation situation synonym translate translate. II. Ordering statements prediction : a. “ The windy City “ in situated right on the shore of Lake -T hangs poster and elicits. Michigan. -These sentences are about b. They went swimming at Waikiki in Hawaii the text but they disorder. c. Four American presidents are cavered into the rock in You should order them Mount Rushmore following the postcards d. They visited the Statue of Liberty -How many statements ….? e. They went to island of Alcatraz in Sanfrancisco Bay -Are they in the order? No,.. * Answer -What do you have to do? Number Guess -Ss close the books. 1 2 3 4 5. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (15’) III. Checking prediction : Answer -Ss open the book, read the text and check again No Guess Answer -Ss read the order statements 1 B 2 E 3 C 4 A -Draw the table on the B 5 D -Ss copy the grid in the IV. Grid (1/ 117) notebooks -Ask Ss to read the postcards Place Activities from Mrs Quyen to her Hawaii Went swimming, visited Kilowe children and fill in the gaps Vocalcono with the information taken New York Visited the Statue of Liberty, the from them. < individual > Empire Statue building -Call some Ss to write them Chicago Went sight seeing in the lake on the B Michigan.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(186)</span> -Give feed back and correct. Mount Rushmore San Francisco. Saw the Reads of four American president carved into the park Visited Fishman’s Whof the Napa valley and the prison in Alcatraz. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (10’) -Ask Ss to go through the * Questions – Answers / upload.123doc.net questions a. She went there by plane -T checks: How many b. She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz questions…? c. It is the Mount where the heads of four American presidents -Ask Ss to ask and answer are carved into the rock them d. It is also called “ The windy city < in close pairs and open e. She went shopping pairs > * Retell the story: -T monitors and help them Mrs Quyen went the USA by plane….. -T numbers Ss 1, 2, 1, 2, … -Ask Ss to retell the text using the questions- Give mark if good 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss the contents of the text 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercise IV, V (workbook ) - Prepare the new lesson : Unit 12 : WRITE V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 76 Date of preparation : 13/03 Unit 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 4 : WRITE.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(187)</span> I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : (none) - Grammar : 2. Skills: : improve the writing skill to write a postcard to a friend. 3. Attitude: Ss can love their country. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) - T uses postcards to elicit the *Lead-in : new lesson : + What is this ? How to write it ? -Ss look at the postcard, listen to T’s saying then answer the questions .. b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (12’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(188)</span> - T asks Ss to read the postcard Mrs Quyen send from the USA in silence then complete it. - Ss work individually. - Ss write their answer on the board Ss check together. - T gives feedback. -T asks Ss to read the postcard again then answer the questions : + How many parts are there ? + What are they ? + What to write in body ? - Ss read it again then answer.. I. Completing the postcard : (P.upload.123doc.net) * Answer keys : 1. in 2. people 3. weather 4. met/saw 5. her 6. nice/ happy/ lovely 7. bought 8. for 9. Heaviness 10. soon II. Parts of a postcard : 1. Opening : Dear…., 2. Body : - Place : name of the place you visit - People : friendly, hospitable, helpful….. - Weather : warm, sunny, cool,…….. - Who you meet/see : old friends, teachers, relatives…. - What you see : museums, beaches, parks, zoos…. - What you buy : photos, souvenirs, books…. 3. Closing : - Love, - Your friend, ……. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (15’) III. Writing : - T asks Ss to image that they  Suggested ideas : are tourist on vacation in a Dear Lan, certain place/city in Viet I’m having a wonderful time in Ha Long Bay. The people Nam. Write a postcard to a here are hospitable and friendly. We’re lucky, the weather friend about their trip. has been fine and sunny during the trip. I saw a lot of caves - T shows series of pictures here. They are really magnificent. about destinations in Viet I bought lots of souvenirs and a book about Ha Long Bay. Nam. See you soon. - Ss look at the picture and Your friend, image their trip. Hoa - Ss follow the outline to write individually. - T goes around the class and help Ss if they need. d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (10’) - T shows more than one Ss’ IV. Correction: writing. ( Ss’ writings) - Ss read the postcard then.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(189)</span> check .  Error hunter : - T gives feedback. Dear Lan : - T hold a game called “error We’re have a good time on Cat Ba Island. The islanders is hunter “ to help Ss remember very friend and helpful. The weather has been sun and how to write a postcard. windy. - T gives a clue : 10 errors In Cat Ba town, I visit my aunt, Mrs. Lien and her children. I - Ss work in 4 groups. spend the whole morning playing with the kids. - Ss write their answer on the I buy lots of souvenirs and two bottle of fish sauce. board then check together. Shopping here is wonderful. There is many things to buy. - T gives feedback. See you soon. Love, Tuan.  Answer keys: 1. :  , 2. have  having 3. is  are 4. friendfriendly 5. Sun  sunny 6. visit  visited 7. spend spent 8.buy bought 9. bottlebottles 10. is are 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss of ways of writing, parts of a postcard. 4. Homework (2’) : - Write your own postcards in your notebooks. - Prepare Unit 12 “Language Focus”: review three grammar points: • past progressive • past progressive with “when” and “while” • progressive tenses with “always” V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 77 Date of preparation : 18/03 Unit 12: A VACATION ABROAD Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : - Grammar : past progressive, present progressive with ALWAYS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(190)</span> 2. Skills: : reading,writing,speaking 3. Attitude: II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’)  Ask Ss to look at the *Ordering pictures pictures / 119 ( language focus 1 ) carefully No Phrase word Pictures Correct  T guess the phrase words 1 Walk with a dog A 3 which talk about the 2 eat dinner B 2 pictures 3 Take a shower C 5  Ss match these words with 4 Takk to grandma D 6 suitable pictures 5 Study the lesson E 1 ( individual ) 6 Write a letter F 4  T – W – C correct and read aloud  let’s learn how to use these verbs in the lesson  T checks: which words are today Verbs ( T underlines the verbs ) b. Activity 2 : Presentation (12’)  T sets the scene: look at 1. Modal sentences picture ( a ) . Who is it ? Ba was talking a shower at 8 o'clock last night - What was Ba S + be + Ving time doing at 8 * Form of past ( participle ) progessive tense o’clock  Ss reaad it aloud and say We, you, they + were + Ving + ... time its meaning I, he, she, it + was + Ving + .. time  Check: form, meaning, * Use: to indicate an action that was in progressive at a point use, adv of time of time in the past * Adverb of time: time + day / at that time ( - ) S + was / were + not + Ving .+ ... ( ? ) Was/ were + S + Ving + ... ? - Yes, S + was/ were - No, S + wasn’ / weren’t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(191)</span> c. Activity 3 : Practice (15’) -Ask Ss to use the phrase words ( in the ordering pictures ) and use the suitable pictures to make the full sentences - Ss work in individual to speak them and change into 3 aspect * Ask Ss to look at the pictures ( page 119 ) and do the matching on 120 * Call on some Ss to give their answer * Ask Ss to speak these matched sentences aloud * Ask Ss to work individual to do exercise * Ss write them on the B * T – W – C correct and give mark. 2. Language focus 1: b. How was eating dinner at that time e. Bao was studying the lesson at 8 o’clock d. Nga was writing a letter at that time e. Na was walking with a dog f. Lan and her grandma were talking 3. Matching (P.120 ) A–c D–b B–f E-d C- e F–a b-While Hao was eating, the phone rang c-When Nam won the race, the crowd was cheering d-Msr Thoa was cooking when Tom arrived home e-When Lan arrived at school, the school drum was sounding. f-It was raining when the plane got to Ha Noi.. d. Activity 4 : Production (10’) -T asks Ss to choose the best *Choose the best answer from A, B: answer A,B. 1- What ……you ……….yesterday? -Ss work individually a-were/ doing b-did/ do 2-I………out with my friend all day. a-went b-was doing 3-He……..laws when the war……. a-was studying……..occured b-was studying……….was occuring 4-They …soundly when the factory……. a-were sleeping ……was burning b-were sleeping…….burned 5-……..you………..dishes at 7 p.m last Tuesday? a-was/ washing b-did/ washing 6-I often…….trees when I………young. a-Climbed/ was b-was climbing/ was 7-She……in the factory when she…….an exploision. a-worked/ heard b-was working/ heard 8-My mother….. married when she .......quite young..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(192)</span> a-was getting/ was. b- got/ was. 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss of grammar points 4. Homework (2’) : - Do test for Unit 12 ( Workbook) V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 78 Date of preparation : 20/03 TEST CORRECTION. I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Grammar : 2.Skills: Improve Ss’ skills: writing skills. 3. Attitude: Educate Ss know to use language accurately. II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Question- answer III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : pictures, extra-board, cassette tape 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (5') 2. New lesson : a. Presentation the test:(10’) - Teacher gives students their tests and ask them to read the test again carefully..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(193)</span> - Teacher presents the aims of the test, how to do the exercises of the test. b. Comment the result of the test(28’): * Good points: - Most students know how to do the test. - Most students do the test well. - The test papers are clear and clean. * Bad points: - The hand writing of some students were rather bad. - Some students of each class didn’t know the past participle of the main verbs in exercise 2, so they couldn’t change the active sentences into the passive ones correctly. - Most stuents confused the past form of the verbs BE when it follows the singular subject with the plural subject 4. Giving the answer key to the test:Correction: (Teacher - the whole class)- Answer key : 3. Consolidation(5’) : - T reminds Ss of their mistakes 4. Homework (2’): - Prepare the next lesson V. COMMENTS : …………………………………………………………………………………………………... Period 79 Date of preparation : 13/03 Unit 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 1 : LISTEN & READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : keen on, yell, urge, rub, separate, judge - Grammar : compound words 2. Skills: : Listening, reading 3. Attitude: II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’). Contents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(194)</span> T elicits by questions ? How many people are there? ? Who are they ? ? How many places are there ? ? What are they ? -T - W - C read their name aloud - Ask Ss to match these people with their suitable places - T makes some questions - Ss look at these people and their hobbies to answer. *Matching 1. Tom 2. David 3. Huckle berry 4. Oliver 5. Robinson. a. Hội an b. Ha Long Bay c. Hung Temple d. Nha Trang city e. Bat Trang village.  Answers: 1: b 3:d 5: c 2: a 4: e ? Where should Robinson go to ?  He should go to the festivals ? Why does he go there ?  Because he is fond of crowed places  Let’s go to visit the festival ? What’s festival?  Rice cooking festival. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (12’) Translate into Vietnam I. Vocabulary synonym: " should aloud " - ( to ) keen on: say mê ( to ) make somebody move - ( to ) yell: hét, la to more quickly - ( to ) urge: thúc giục ( mine ) : T does - ( to ) rub: chà, xát Who remarks and give mark - ( to ) separate: tách rời, phân chia - in a contest - ( to ) judge: phán xet - in Vietnamese ( n ) : giám khảo  Checking vocabulary, - husk ( n ): vỏ trấu pronunciation, - water – fetching ( n ) : lấy nước chorally, individual, meaning, stress R–O–R  T gives pictures II. Open – prediction Ba invited Liz to a Rice cooking festival traditional festival in the North of VN water fetching fire making rice cooking Do you know what festival  Ss close the books  How many competitions  What are they.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(195)</span> c. Activity 3 : While-reading (15’)  Ss close the books III.True or False statement :( 2/ P.122)  T gives the statements and checks: how many No Guess Answer Correct statements. A F 2 teams => only 1 ? What do you have to B F Four => 1 water bottle do ? C T - Give feed back D F Wood=> bamboo - Open the books, listen to E Team members => judge the tape and read silently F T - Ss play the role Ba and Liz to read the D - T – W – C: correct the false IV. Answer the questions : - Ss read the true a. How many contests are there ? What are they ? statements b. What do people do in the water fetching contest ? c. What is special about the fire – cooking contest - Ask Ss to go through the d. What do 6 people from each team have to do in the rice – questions: T checks cooking contest? How many questions … e. Who tries to finished products ? Ss work in the close pairs to f. Which team is awarded the prize ? ask and answer them ( numbers Ss: 1,2 …1,2 ) *Game: Lucky number - Ss ask and answer the questions by playing 1 2 L–N 3 4 game 5 6 L- N 7 8 d. the judges tries … e. Thon Trieu team .. * Note: compound noun: A/an + N + Ving + noun.  Answers: a. 1 person from each team has to run to the river and take a bottle and return to the starting position b. 2 team members try to make a fire by rubbing pieces of bamboo together c. Six people from each tem have to separate the rice from the husk then cook the rice . d. The judges tried the finished products and the most delicious rice is the winner. The council leader was pleased to award the first prize to the thon Trieu team.. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (10’) - T asks to retell the rice- *Retell : cooking festivals. - Ss work individually 3. Consolidation (3’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(196)</span> - T reminds Ss the contents of the text 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercise I ( workbook) -Prepare the new lesson : Unit 13 : SPEAK & LISTEN V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 80 Date of preparation : 25/03 Unit 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 2 : SPEAK & LISTEN I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : - Grammar : 2. Skills: : 3. Attitude: II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ Contents activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) - Ask Ss to work in 2 Find things in common : * Suggestion: groups and think of 5 things they often prepare -decorate/ clean/ paint the house/ room../ -buy cakes/ candies/ drinks/ food, fruits, for Tet and write them -cook/ make cakes/meals/ down on the paper - Choose one Ss to call out -get/ buy new dress/ clothes/ the words while Ss in the -write/ send New Year cards to friends/ relatives other side check ( \/ ) the words the same as that Ss - Ss have the most same.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(197)</span> answer will get mark b. Activity 2 : Presentation (12’) - translate into I. Vocabulary: - pomegranate ( n) : quả lựư Vietnamese : - peach blossom ( n ) : hoa đào kind of flowers is used for - marigold ( n): cúc vạn thọ Tet - dried water melon seed: hạt dưa kind of seed - spring roll ( n): chả gio` - concept chek: pronunciation, chorally, II. Ordering: individual, meaning in Vietnamese, make stress No Gues Correct - T elicits: Is it Mrs Quyen ? A A – F: 1 Who is it ? – Lan B C – H: 2 Who is Lan ? Mrs Quyen’s C D – J: 3 daughter D B – G: 4 Are they talking about their E E – I: 5 preparation for Tet ? Are their dialogue orderd ? - Ss read the dialogue in open pairs c. Activity 3 : Practice (15’) - Ask ss to close the books - Put the chart with the cues on the B. Elicit the exchange from Ss – have some pairs practice each exchange going on to another - After finishing the D, ask a good pairs to demonstrate the who dD - Ss work in pairs ( open – close ) - T monitors and correct. III. Mapped dialogue Mrs Quyen - You/ tired/ bedroom? - Market/ have to/ arranges/ pomegranate - Sure - Not really/ but/ want/ house/ nice/ festival - That’s good/ bye. Lan - Yes/ where/ going ? - Could/ collect/ new Aoclai tailor/ corner - Thanks/ anything/ want/ do/ now ? - Mom/ I/ what/ do/ now ? - Will/ clean / glass window - Bye. *Free talk  Suggestion: Spring festival.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(198)</span> -. redecorate the house buy cakes .. flowers/ fresh flowers buy new clothes help parents cook meals visit relatives and friends. d. Activity 4 : Production (10’) – Set the scene: IV. Gap filling: ( page 124 ) – The Robinson family is * Answer key: making preparation for a. Mr Robinson/ flower market b. traditional Tet. They want to buy c. Dried water melon seeds things to make it a d. make spring rolls traditional festival as Vietnamese people – Ss open the books, read V. Grid: the statement ( page 124 ) Name Thing to do – Ss fill the words in the Mr Robinson Go to the flowers market to buy gaps peach blossom and a bunch of – T writes them on the B marigold – Ss listen to the tape and Mrs Robinson Go to Mrs Nga’s house to learn how check to make a spring roll – Ask Ss to copy the grid ( page 124 ) in their note books and fill in the box with the information taken from the statement above 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss the content of lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercise VI, VII ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit 13: READ V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(199)</span> Period 81 Date of preparation : 29/03 Unit 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 3 : READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : - Grammar : 2. Skills: : 3. Attitude: II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) - Ask Ss some questions: *Chatting : ? Are you happy today ? - Give some picturesabout ? What big holidays are there in Vietnam? some countries and ask Ss ? Do you know something about Christmas ? : “ Which country is it ? “ Russia.., England.., France.., America ? Do they enjoy Christmas in these countries ? Let ‘s learn the lesson to get some knowledge about Christmas b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (12’) What are they doing ? Does he design? ( is it man ) I. Vocabulary: Go to the pagoda is a “ ( to ) decorate: trang hoàng, trang tri custom “ ( to ) design: thiết kế They often sing it in the Custom ( n ): phong tục church Carol ( n ): bài thanh ca Other name of Santa Claus Patron saint ( n ) thanh bảo trợ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(200)</span>  Concept check - Ask SS to close the books and check How many pictures, statements - Ask Ss to work individual and share in group to read through the statements and match each state with a suitable picture - Give feed bacj - Ss open the books, read the passage and check again - T – W – C correct - SS listen to the tape. R _ 0_ R II. Matching 1,.He wrote a red suit and gave children on Christmas Eve 2.The custom of decorating it and putting it in a common place 3.They were stories put to music and enjoy by most people 4. An English man had send Christmas gretting to his friends a. Santa Claus b. Christmas tree c. Christmas carols d. Christmas cards  Answer key 1–c 2–d 3 –a 4–b. c. Activity 3 : While-reading (15’) - Ss take turn reading the III.Complete the table ( P.126 ) passage - Ask Ss to read it then get information to fill in the Christmas Place of origine Date boxes ( individual ) then special share in the groups Christmas Riga 1500s - T ask Ss to read the tree passage 1 and give Christmas England Mid – 19th information ( T does card century model first ) Christmas No information 800 years ago - T checks: how many Carol column Santa USA 1823 What is column 1 about Claus 2,3 ? What thing in column 1,2,3 IV. Answer the questions (P.126) is it ? a. How long ago did the Christmas tree come to the USA b. Why did the English man have someone design a card ? c. When were Christmas songs first performed ? d. Who wrote a poem “ A visit from Saint Nicholas “ ? Check understanding: e. What is Santa claus based on ? - How many questions ? Answer key: - Ss go through them a. in the 1800s ( about 400 years ) - Ss work in close pairs b. He wanted to send Christmas greeting cards to his ( ask and answer ) T friends.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(201)</span> -. number 1,2 Let Ss play game Ask Ss to guess numbers Ss work in 2 groups When Ss say the answer, T gives the keys. c. 800 years ago d. An American professor Clement Clah Moore On the description of Saint Nicholas. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (10’) - T gives the short film *Free talking - They go shopping – decorate the Christmas tree – have a about Christmas Day in the foreign and asks> “ short holiday – have a party What do these people do I send gretting card to my friends – have a party with my on Christmas Day in family – go to the church these countries ? - Ss tell about Christmas Day of Vietnamese people 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss of vocabs, contents of lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercise VIII, IX ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit 13 : WRITE V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 82 Date of preparation : 01/04 Unit 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 4 : WRITE I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : (none) - Grammar : passive voice 2. Skills : writing a report.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(202)</span> 3. Attitude: Ss work effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) – Show the photocopied *Memory game:  Questions: pictures to the Ss and 1. How many people are there in the picture ? ask them to observe it 2. What are they doing ? carefully ( 20 second ) 3. Name of all the things in the picture ? – Ask Ss in 2 teams to go  Answer to the B to write their 1. 5 people are participating answers ? 2. take part in the rice cooking competition – T – W – C correct 3. rice, basket, bamboo stick, paper fans, chop stick, flag b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (12’) Ask Ss to use the I. Gap – fill : information in the 1. rice cooking dialogue ( 121 ) to fill in 2. one/a the gaps of the report 3. water – fetching ( 127 ) 4. run – Have Ss write their 5. water answer on the piece of 6. traditional paper 7. bamboo – T – W – C correct 8. six - Ask Ss to practice reding 9. separate 10.added the report II. Questions :. - Tell Ss each number is for a question but 3 of them are lucky number - T explains the rules of the game. 1. What do you call festival where people have to cook rice ?  the rice cooking festival 2. how many competitions are there in the rice cooking festival ? What are they ? => 3: water fetching, fire making, rice cooking 3. What do people used to fetch water ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(203)</span> - Ss work in 2 teams - Ss ask and asnwer the questions. - Ask Ss to answer the questions. => bottles 4. Do they use pieces of wood to make a fire ? => No, they use pieces of bamboo 6. What do people have to do before they cook the rice ? => separate the rice from the husk 7. Ho many people are there all together in a team to take part in the rice cooking ? => 1 for water fetching, 2 for fire making and 6 for rice cooking. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (15’) - Ask Ss to write a similar  Suggested ideas : The buffalo fighting festival report on a festival they This report shows the buffalo fighting festival is held in are joined recently Doson town. It is often held every year about 9th August . The - Have Ss look at the festival usually lasts one day. There are many competitions questions ( 127 with their buffalo . People from other provinces and in the - Ss work individually. city come into the festival which is held in the stadium of the town. It lasts from early morning to late afternoon. Each pairs of buffalo fight against to each other. If the buffalo runs away, other will win the game. d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (10’) - T asks two Ss to write  Correction : ( Ss’ writings ) their writings on the board. - Ss check together. - T corrects. 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss of passive voice. 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercises X, XI ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit13 : Language focus V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(204)</span> Period 83 Date of preparation : 03/04 Unit 13: FESTIVALS Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : (none) - Grammar : passive voice, compound words, 2. Skills : reading,writing 3. Attitude: Ss work effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) - Ask Ss to rewrite the form *Revision: - S + asked/told + SB + to V/ not to V of reported speech in command, request and - S + advised + Sb + to V/ not to V advice ( Unit 5 ) - S + should + V + .. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (17’) T sets the scene: yesterday, I. Grammar notes : Lan's grand mother Mrs Thu, 1. Reported speech : needed a plumber a man came a. Example: to her door and said: " What He said: " I'm a plumber " didi he say " ?  He said he was a plumber - Concept check: meaning, b. Form form, pronuns, adv of time * Tense of verbs - Guided ss to change tense of verbs, pronouns Direct present: V/ Vs/es am/is/are future: will. Indirect. past: Ved/2 was/were would.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(205)</span> modal verb: must can said said to + Sb  Pronouns: I, we You yesterday => the day before - Ss go through the Ex - Ss use the reported speech to do Ex ( individual ) - T - W - C correct - Ask Ss to write the form of passive voice - Ask Ss to write form of present, future, past - T guides the way to change present perfect form - T elicits from L - F 3 - Ss read it aloud - T explains the way to change. had to could said told Sb. Ngoi thứ 3: he - him - his she - her - her They - them - their  Adverbs of place and times This/ here That/ there Now/ today Then/ that day Tomorow The next / following day 2. Passive voice: TOBE + VpII - present: S + am/ is/ are + V pII - future: S + will/ shall + be + VpII +( by O S+ can/ M- V - past: S + was/were + VpII + ( by O ) - Present perfect: S + have/ has + VpII + O S + have /has + been + VpII + by O 3. Compound word ( language focus 3) Ex: It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice  It is a rice - cooking festival. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (13’) - Ss go through the Ex II. Practice : - Ss use the reported speech 1. Language focus 4: to do Ex ( individual ) b - He said he could fix the .. - T - W - C correct c. He said the piper were broken d. He said new piper were very expensive e. He said she had to pay him then - Ask Ss to complete these 2. Language focus 1 (P.128 ) a. were performed sentences. Use the passive b. was decorated/ put form of the verbs in the c. is made box d. will be held e. wasn awarded f. was written.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(206)</span> d. Activity 4 : Post-writing (8’) - Ask Ss to complete the 3. Language focus 2(P. 128) 1. broken conversation. Use the 2. jumbled verb in the box 3. broken - Ss read the completed 4. scattered dialogue 5. pulled 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss of grammar notes. 4. Homework (2’) : - Do TEST FOR UNIT 13 - Prepare Unit 14 : Listen & Read V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 84 Date of preparation : 03/04 Unit 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 1 : LISTEN & READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : bored, guess, clue, Golden Gate Bridge, rule - Grammar : 2. Skills : Listening, reading 3. Attitude: Ss work effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities. Contents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(207)</span> a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) Prepare some postcards on pictures of the famous words land marks or scenic spot in VN - Show the class into 2 teams, the team are able to answer the question will get mark - Inform the topic. Wonder of the world - Ask Ss to look at the picture ( 131 ) and do the matching - Check if they know where country these wonders are. *Quiz Example : Mount Bach Mai Suggestion: - It is a place in the Central Vietnam with cold weather everyday of the year * Getting started: Matching a. The Pyramid b. Sydney Opera House c. Stone Henge d. Great wall of China e. Eiffel tower. b. Activity 2 : Pre-reading (12’) Opposite “ exciting “ “ 1. Pre – teaching :vocabulary excited “, in VNese translate ( to ) be bored: buồn chan - translate into Vnese ( to ) guess: đoan The famous places of the Clue ( n ): manh mối world Wonder ( n ) ky quan What is it ? Golden Gate Bridge: Kim mon kiều Translate into Vnese Rule ( n ): quy luật, quy tắc - Checking vocabulary: pronunciation, chorally, R–O–R individual, meaning in Vnese, make stress 2. Ordering statements - Set the scene: “ Nga, Nhi, A: Aks question to find out who or what is ? Hoa are playing a language B: think of a famous person or place game called guessing game. C: win if she can guess the corect answer How does this game work ? D: Give other a clue - Rearrange these statement E: lose if she cannot guess the correct answer in the right order of the F: can only answer “ yes “ or “ no” games - Put the statements on the B No Guess - Ss read them silent and A order ( close the books ) B C D E F c. Activity 3 : While-reading (15’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(208)</span> 3. Checking : - T asks Ss to practice the Correct dialogue in groups of four No then check their guessing. A 3 - Ss work in groups then B 1 individually C 6 D 2 E 5 F 4. - Have Ss read the D again and complete the summary ( individual ) then share their answer with their partners - Have Ss give the answers and write the questions for the summary. 4. Gap – fill (P.132 ) Complete the summary – Use words from the dialogue 1. game 2. place 3. clue 4. viet Nam 5. America 6. Golden 7. Right 8. War 5.Grammar note: I don’t know how to play it. - Elicit the target language by asking Ss a question ( in Vnese ) - Check form. * Form: S+V+ ...Wh question + to V + S + V +... * Use: ...Reduced form of an indirect question. d. Activity 4 : Post-reading (10’) Ask Ss to read thwe summary *Matching _ Write the words on the A column B and A 1. Suggest ( v ) - Ask Ss to match the words in column A with their 2. Golden explaination in column B ( adj ). B a. a piece of information What you often feel when you have anything to do. 3.Clue ( n ). Make from gold. 4. bored ( adj ). Make a suggestion. 1. d. 2.c 3.a 4.b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(209)</span> 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss contents of lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercises I, II ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit 14 : Speak & Listen V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 85 Date of preparation : 05/04 Unit 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 2 : SPEAK & LISTEN I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : (none) - Grammar : Indirected speech with Yes/ No questions 2. Skills : speaking, listening 3. Attitude: Ss work effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) Inform the topic and time *Who is the fastest ? limit a. Great Wall of China - Write 10/15 famous world b. Empire State Building USA places within 3 minutes c. PETRONAS Twin Towers - Ss work 2 groups. Ss write d. Great Barrier Reff : vật cản, đá ngầm lớn them on the B e. Hue Citedal : hoàng cung Huế - Give feed back and correct f. Ha Long Bay g. Phong Nha cave h. Eiffer Tower.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(210)</span> i. Mount Everest/ Big Ben. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (12’) - Put the chart with the 1. Pre – teach : matching statements on the B - Ask Ss to read the 1. It was designed and built by the French and engineer statements and the names of with 300 meters in heigh the famous place inthe box / 2. It is in South Central Asia, 8 – 848 meters high above 133 and do the matching sea level - Check if Ss understand the 3. It was built from 206 – 209 BC and some people say it State can be seen from the moon - Call on some pairs to give 4. It is a bell striking the hours in the clock tower of the their answer House of Parliament in London - Give feed back and correct 5. It is a sky craper in Mahattan, New York City - Name of 10 famous places 6. It is a famous place in Quang Ninh province recognized as a world herittage site by Unessco A B C D E * Answer key: F G H I J 1–H 2–I 3–A 4–I 5–B 6–G. c. Activity 3 : Practice (15’) Ask Ss to write Yes/ No questions about 10 places in the box, using the information in the matching ( each Ss ask and answer the questions check: yes/ no ) * Set the scene: - Ask Ss ( Lan ... ) T: Is Hue Citadal in the central of Vietnam Ss: Yes, it is -. 2. Questions and answers 1. Have they just built the Eiffel Tower in Paris ? 2. Is the Empire State building located in New York city 3. Are the PETRONAS Twin Towers located in Malaysia 4. Is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia 5. Have you ever seen mount Rushmore ? 6. Is Mount Everest in Nepal ? 3.Grammar drill: Model sentences: * I said to Lan: “ Is Hue citadel “ in the central of Vietnam ? ( Yes, no question ) => directed speech => I asked Lan if Hue citadel was in the central of Vietnam ? V ( past ) whether V ( past ) * Main clause - Form of reported “ yes / no question “ S + V ( past ) + O + if + S + V ( past ) + ... ( asked ) whether * Use Said => asked.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(211)</span> Said to + Sb => asked + Sb / wanted to know. d. Activity 4 : Production (10’) - Choose a group ‘s answers 4. Free – speaking to demonstrate the model S1: She asked me if they had just built the ... ( asking and reporting ) S2: whether the Empire State building was ... - Call on a pair in a group to S3 if the PETRONAS Twin Tower were located demonstrate the exchange S4 if the Great barrier reef was and tell one of them to report S5 whether I had seen - Ask 2 couples of Ss ask S6 if Mount Everest was each other and other Ss reported what they said Example: - Using yes – no question S1: Are you a student Yes S2: Reports: he asked me if I was a student 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss contents of lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercises III, IV ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit 14 : READ V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(212)</span> Period 86 Date of preparation : Unit 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 3 : READ I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : (none) - Grammar : Indirected speech with Yes/ No questions 2. Skills : speaking, listening 3. Attitude: Ss work effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’). Contents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(213)</span> b. Activity 2 : Presentation (12’). c. Activity 3 : Practice (15’) d. Activity 4 : Production (10’) 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss contents of lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercises III, IV ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit 14 : READ V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(214)</span> Period 87 Date of preparation : 10/04 Unit 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 4 : WRITE I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : (none) - Grammar : 2. Skills : Writing 3. Attitude: Ss work effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster . 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) -Ask Ss to think of one of the *Guessing game: wonders of the world and Wonders of the world write it on a piece of paper. Isit Pyramid? No, … -Call on a Ss to the front of Is it Hanging Garden of Babylon? the class with paper. Have the rest of the class ask him/ her: yes – no questions to guess the wonder.. b. Activity 2 : Pre-writing (12’) Person who takes care of a I.Vocabulary park a park ranger: người giữ công viên Drawing edge (n): dia, mep Walk very long hike (n): cuộc đi bộ đường dài In Vietnamese canyon (n): khe, hẻm.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(215)</span> In English Drawing Very interesting. stone Age (n): thời đại đồ đá distance (n): khoảng cách breath taking (adj): đẹp nín thở II. Insertion 1/ P135 C- I hope you are studying hard your exams next week. -Ask Ss to read the letter Tim B- The Canyon is part of Grand Canyon national park and it sent to Hoa about his trip to was formed by the Colorado River. the grand Canyon/ 135 D- He also talked about the orginal inhabitants who lived -Tell Ss to complete the letter there during the Stone Age. by iserting the letter of the III. Guided questions and answers : missing sentences. S1: Where have you just visited? -Call on some Ss to read their Ss: Ss have just visited Cuc Phuong national Park. completed letters. S2: How did you get there? Ss: I got there by bus S3: What is it like? Is it beautiful? S3: It is breathtalking. S4:How about the weather?/ What was the weather like? Ss: It is cool. S5: How did you feel? Ss: I felt relaxed. c. Activity 3 : While-writing (15’) IV. Write it up: Set the scene: Dear T…, Image you have visited a I have just visted Cuc Phuong National Park with my friends place recently. Write a letter of my class. to a friend of yours and tell Cuc Phuong National Park is in Ninh Binh province. It is him/ her about this place. famous for the rainforest with wild animals in it. -Draw the outline on the B We can get there by bus in the early morning. The weather and elicit some details. was very fine with cool climate. We enjoyed wild beauty of -Ask one Ss to answer the the rainforest and saw many monkeys, sometimes rabits. The questionfrom all class. birds flew up from the bushes or the tall trees. We saw many -Other write the short answer big, tall trees with hundreds of years old. on the B. Spending a day in Cuc Phuong National Park is very useful. We feel relaxed and ask our selves to protect it from destroying of people. What do you plan to do during the summer vacation. Write to me soon.. d. Activity 4 :Post-writing (10’) - Ss write their writings on  Exhibition : the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(216)</span> - Ss check together. - T corrects 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss contents of lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercises V,VI ( Workbook) - Prepare Unit 14 : LANGUAGE FOCUS V. COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Period 88 Date of preparation : 10/04 Unit 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES : 1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary : (none) - Grammar : 2. Skills : Writing 3. Attitude: Ss work effectively II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES : - Individual, group- work - Eliciting, lead-in.. III. PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan; pictures, poster ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(217)</span> 2. Students: read the lesson at home. IV. PROCEDURE : 1. Checking : (none) 2. New lesson : Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents a. Activity 1 : Warm up (3’) -Aks Ss to give some words Play game: BINGO about the interesting places *Possible words: and write them on the B. Temperate breath taking royal -Have Ss choose any 4 words Canyon religious god and write them down on the Pyramid jungle compile papers. …………………….. -Call out the words until some one has ticked 4 words and shout BINGO.. b. Activity 2 : Presentation (12’) -Ask some Ss to write the I. Revision- Passive voice: form of passive voice on the *Form: B. < individual > +Present simple tense: -T-W-C correct Ss’writing. S + am/ is/ are + Vp.p + (by 0) +Past simple tense: S + was/ were + Vp.p + (by 0) +Future simple tense: S + will/ shall + be + VP.p + (by 0) +Present perfect tense: S + have/ has + been + Vp.p + (by 0) +Modal Verbs: S + M.V + be + Vp.p + ( by 0) + Changing: A-V: S + V+ O P-V: S + Be + Vp.p + (by O ) II. Revision- Reported speech: -T asks Ss to write the form +Unit 5: Request, command, and advice of reported speech in 3 kinds. DR: Can/ will + S + V +… -Ss write the way changing: Don’t + V …./ V- BI +… verbs, pronouns, and adverbs IDR: S + asked + SB + to V +….. of time/ place. told not to V+ … < individual > advised -T –W- C correct. +Unit 13: Statements -T can help them. DR: S1 + V1 + “ S 2+ V2 + ….” IDR: S1 + said said + S2 + V2 <-- ( lui thi ) said to  told.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(218)</span> +Unit 14: Yes/ No questions DR: BE/ Do/Don’t/ Does/ Doesn’t + S + V+… IDR: S + asked + (SB) + if + S + V<-- +… whether. c. Activity 3 : Practice (15’) -T asks Ss to write the form III.Practice of reported speech in 3 kinds. 1. Complete the sentences using passive voice: -Ss write the way changing: < language focus 1> verbs, pronouns, and adverbs a. was completed of time/ place. b. was constructed < individual > c. was designed -T –W- C correct. d. was presented -T can help them. e. was reached 2. Changing these sentences into reported speech: T elecits situation: < language focus 2 > Yesterday, Nga and Nhi b.Nhi asked Nga if it was far from Ha Noi. talked about My Son , one of c………..whether My Son was in Quang Binh Province. the World Cutural Heritages d………...if many people lived at My Son of Viet Nam. e…………whether many tourists visited M S. -Report the questions. f…………if she wanted to visit My Son. -Ss write them on the B. < individual > -T –W – C correct. d. Activity 4 : Production (10’) -Ask Ss to use the words to 3. Language focus 3: write about the information b. Nga showed Nhi where to gte tickets. that Nga gave Nhi . c. Nga pointed out Nhi where to buy souvenirs. -Ss write them on the B. < d. Nga advised Nhi how to go from MS to HN. individual > e. Nga told Nhi what to do there during the visit. -T- W- C correct. 3. Consolidation (3’) - T reminds Ss contents of lesson 4. Homework (2’) : - Do exercises VIII,IX ( Workbook) - Prepare for the test V. COMMENT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(219)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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